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During World War I, German U-boats sank over 5,000 Allied ships in spite of a variety of efforts to camouflage them. Eventually, a British officer and artist named Norman Wilkinson devised a way to protect the ships through “dazzle painting.” Using complex patterns of geometric shapes and contrasting colors, dazzle painting did not attempt to make the ships less visible. Rather, it made their exact position, speed, and direction much more difficult to determine. In effect, the technique protected the ships by hiding them in plain sight.



As I write this letter, we are preparing to celebrate Catholic Schools Week (January 30 through February 5, 2022), and the thought occurred to me that Catholic schools, like the dazzle ships, are often hidden in plain sight. The obvious difference is that dazzle painting was intentional. The “hiding” of Catholic schools is unintentional, but real none-the-less. The fact is that the benefits of Catholic schools, though in plain view, are too often under-appreciated.

Catholic schools, whether elementary or high school, characteristically emphasize the education of the whole person, welcome diversity, create caring communities, strive for excellence, promote respect for all, and serve those in need. While clearly focused on cultivating faith in Jesus Christ, they produce phenomenal positive results.

Catholic High School, of course, does these things, and it goes beyond. Whether you are a student considering high school, a parent, grandparent, alumnus, or simply someone concerned about bettering our community, there are great reasons to choose CHS, or to choose to support CHS. Briefly, here are ten good reasons:

Dazzle painting on ships in WWI was effective. It enhanced the likelihood that the ships would be able to fulfill their missions. In that situation, hiding in plain sight was a good thing. On the contrary, “hiding” the benefits of Catholic schools is counterproductive. We celebrate Catholic Schools Week to proclaim the good news that is Catholic schools, and CHS.

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

–Matthew 5:14-1

Gerald E. Tullier