hooptam 2

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cultureû To improve the culture, if there is no abandonment of some of the original assets while making some change, the culture itself will be worn out, declined, and finally replaced with another culture, causing the community to lose their characteristic...é Itûs obvious that dimension of development must not be without cultural value but be able to continue, improve, invent, and create new things based on the original culture. Thus, the Mural Paining (Hoop-Tam) Conservation Project at Wat Pho Tharam and Wat Pa-Rerai, Dong-Bang sub-district, Na Dun district, Maha Sarakham province has been on the same direction.

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Implementations Conservation Method Thai community has been the community of Buddhism for a long time, so the communityûs ways of life, from giving birth to dying, rely on Buddhism, even in constructing buildings, especially ones for religious purposes which are believed giving the greatest merit. The buildings might have simple or more complicated structure that can be very artistic and beautiful, and requires durable and strong materials. All of them are to fulfill spiritual value of the people in the community. In the past two hundred years, since the revolution of industry, industrialization has become worldûs development. Thailandûs development plans have to be adjusted in order to catch up with that, causing agricultural communities to focus on industry based development, and the peopleûs ways of living to change. Old buildings are interfered and changed to hide their original structures causing value of art works, represented uniqueness of historical periods, to fade away and disappear. Important historical sites of the communities, once were so remarkable, now have no value. Demolishing, destroying, and deserting old buildings and historical sites can be seen quite a lot even though they attract many

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