anexa foto LIFEURSUS

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LIFE NATURE LIFE08/NAT/RO/000500 LIFE+ LIFE URSUS Best practices and demonstrative actions for conservation of Ursus arctos species in the Eastern Carpathinas, Romania

FOTO ANNEX Covering the project activities from 15.01.2010 to 31.08.2011

Septembre, 2011

Strada Dinicu Golescu, nr. 2 Focsani, judet Vrancea E-mail:

Tel: + 40 237 206788 Fax: + 40 237 206788 Mobil: 0727 77 41 44

ACTION A.1: Creating the project’s implementing team and the Steering Committee

First Meeting of the Partners (Targul Secuiesc)

The second meeting of partners (Baraolt/Cormos)

ACTION A.4: Analyze the bear damages at the entire project’s area level in order to establish the protection system’s implementing sites

Types of damages produced by bears analized in the project

Types of damages produced by bears analyzed in the project

ACTION C.1:Demonstrative application of a method set for quantitative and qualitative assessment of the bear population

“Camera traps” method – Mounting cameras

Surveying road transects, respecting the methodology

Tetracycline method– direct injection of tetracycline / food with tetracycline

ACTION C.2: Creation and demonstrative working at the entire project’s area level of an entity which will establish the risks and necessary measures in situations created by problem bears

Habituated bears in Tusnad area that were the subject of analyse by the RAT team

Damages analyzed by the RAT team in Covasna county

ACTION C.3: Extending of the Animal Rescue Mobile Unit (ARMU)’s action range at the entire level of the project area and insuring of rapid interventions for capturing, relocating and monitoring of problem bears

Training session for the new members of ARMU team

Enclosures for wild animals from the Centre for Rehabilitation and Monitoring of Large Carnivores in Lepsa Funicular

Pik-up destinated to emergency interventions for wild animals rescue (ARMU)

Transport cage built from lightweight materials, conceived for transport posibility in areas that are inaccesible for autos.

Solar panel for converting solar enercy in electrical energy

Medical intervention room is realized according to sanitarian/veterinary standards and it is endowment with all necessary equipment and furniture

Intervention for the releasing of a poached bear in Ghelinta

ARMU intervention for the the releasing of a poached bear in Ghelinta

The field team transported in Vintileasca locality a cage for capturing the bear having habituation trends

Capturing site for bear specimen having habituation trends in Vintileasca locality

Bear cub took from Lepsa on 23.06.2010

Transfer of bear cub from the Centre in Lepsa to Rehabilitation Centre for Orphan Bears in Balan, Harghita

Bear cub took from Nereju on 2011

Transfer of bear cub to Rehabilitation Centre from Lepsa

Bear cub taken from Bolotesti on 2011. The bear cub was kept in the plastic barrel from the picture

Transfer of bear cub to Rehabilitation Centre from Lepsa

Bear specimen with habituate trends, captured in Bodoc locality, Covasna County

Releasing the bear captured in Bodoc, Covasna in relocation area placed at considerable distance from human areas, in favourable habitats.

Bear specimen with habituate trends, captured in Malnas locality, Covasna County

Releasing the bear captured in Malnas, Covasna in relocation area placed at considerable distance from human areas, in favorable habitats.

Monitorizing one problem bear in Lepsa/Vrancea county

Female bear captured toghether with her two cubs in Tusnad, Harghita county. The three bears were relocated according to RAT documentation .

Medical evaluation of a deer at the center of Lepsa

In the first part of the rehabilitation , the deer needed hand feeding with milk

In the first part of the rehabilitation , the deers needed hand feeding with milk

Deer in the rehabilitation center Lepsa/Vrancea County

ACTION C.4: Reducing of juvenile mortality caused by human disturbance with the protection of hibernation dens in the cub nourishing period

Bear cub near a den. Arva area/Vrancea County

Dens dug located in the ground . Turia area

Dens in the trunk of an old tree. Sagau/Vrancea County

Natural cavities used by bears for winter sleep. Varghis/Covasna County

Measuring a cavity formed between large blocks of rock.

Active dens dug at the base of a tree of considerable size

Monitorizing of a den with video cameras during winter

Natural cavities used by bears for winter sleep. Harghita County

Mounting of video cameras and thermal senzors in bear dens.

Bear in den in Harghita county

Bear monitorized with a n external camera, mounted near the den

ACTION C5: Lobby for adopting by the Environmental Ministry (MM) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development (MADR) of a methodological guide on the optimal methods of assessing the brown bear population

Workshop 23-24 februarie Lepsa

ACTION C.6: Implementing at the entire project level of several demonstrative crop, livestock and farm protection systems by using repelent equippment and substances

System for defending corn crops with complex consisting of electric fence and acoustic/visual system, within the locality BârseĹ&#x;ti

Plum orchard protected with electric fence Orjoaga point, instead. Soveja

Acoustic and visual system installed around a grove of plum trees within the locality Spulber/Vrancea County

Acoustic and visual components of the system used for crop protection and sheepfolds

Installing of an electric fence at a sheep farm in the vecinity of SCI Madaras, Harghita County

Electric fence installed in a sheepfold of the locality Carta, Harghita County

Installin of an electric fence at a sheep farm in the vecinity of Danesti/Covasna County

Covasna bees farms protected by electric fence

Electrified fence mounted within the locality Gura Vaii/Vrancea County

Electrified fence mounted within the locality Sandominic/Harghita County

Electrified fence mounted within the locality Vintileasca/Vrancea County

Installing of an electric fence to a culture in Soveja area

Electric fence installed in a sheepfold of the locality Carta, Harghita County

ACTION C.7 Analyze of the degradation and fragmentation level of the brown bear habitats.

Analyze of fragmentation impact of the transport infrastructure. Bear killed by train at Bixad

Bear decapitated by train at Bixad

Bear injured by car in Bodoc

Forest habitats favorable for bears being fragmented by biulding of acces roads

ACTION D.1: Promotion of the project, it’s objectives and results

Meeting with students of a school in St. George to promote the project and the need to conserve target species

Meeting with representatives of institutions involved in the management of bears in Harghita County

Competition on brown bear conservation in schools organized by EPA Covasna (Earth Day)

Meeting with representatives of institutions involved in the management of bears in Covasna County

ACTION D.2: Install notice boards

Panel mounted at the ANCV –Orfhan Cubs Rehabilitation Center

Panel mounted at the EPA Harghita office

Panel mounted at the EPA Covasna office

Panel mounted at the EPA Vrancea office

Panou montat in SCI Herculian

Panou montat la Lepsa

Panou montat la SCI Balvanyos

Panou montat in SCI Putna-Vrancea

ACTION D.3: Awareness campaign for promoting the brown bear’s conservation and conflict reduction methods.

Press conference help on the field with the media in Vrancea county

Field trips with mass-media - Harghita

Field trips with mass-media - Covasna

ACTION D.5: Awareness campaign for promoting the communitarian interest sites, designated for large carnivore conservation, and for promoting the socio-economical benefits generated by the Natura 2000 site status

Field trip with students from Vintileasca at the LIFE project Rehabilitation Center

Journalist John Eldrige(Bruxelles) visits one of the the sheepfolds protected with electric fences

Informing activities for targeted groups

ACTION D.6 Awareness campaign for promoting local traditional products of farmers and handcrafters as tool to improve coexistence with brown bears in Natura 2000 sites

Natural berries syrups

Pollen, comb honey and wax products in Natura 2000 sites

Masks made out of certified wood products popular in the village Nereju / Vrancea

Smoked curd product with footprint and bear profile marks, produced in the campaign for promoting traditional products of farmers and handcrafters as tool to improve coexistence with brown bears

Pollen, comb honey and wax products in Natura 2000 sites

Dairy products in a sheepfold protected by electric fences

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