- Antigua & Barbuda

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increasingly expensive and rapidly depleting fossil fuels will lead eventually to economic disaster. 6. – There is no cost-effective way of storing electrical energy. Current battery technologies are becoming more affordable. More importantly, new technologies such as MIT Dr. Donald Sadoway’s liquid metal battery (14 acres of these 1 by 3 meter units are predicted to store 13 gigawatts of electricity or enough to run New York city for 24 hours!), ceramic batteries by EEStor and CoorsTek among others are in the pipeline and when they arrive everything will change. Every house will have its own electrical storage units.

So why is it so difficult or even illegal in some Caribbean countries for people to generate and sell back sustainable energy? ...The truth is that this is a worldwide problem..., but in the next 5 to 10 years, we can become completely self-sustaining in terms of our energy needs... ”

To summarize, here in the Caribbean we can reduce our importation of oil by as much as 50% using currently available renewable energy technology. As new energy storage technology comes to market in the next 5 to 10 years, we can become completely self-sustaining in terms of our energy needs, and stop our addiction to oil.

In the future, the economics of self-generated electricity in the Caribbean, combined with greater acceptance of electric cars, will be so favourable that consumers will be able to borrow the funds necessary to install their own system and pay off the loan in 2 to 5 years. After that the billions that flowed into the pockets of the richest 1% will start to flow into the pockets of millions of citizens. As any economist knows, money flowing to the middle class and the poor benefits the economy 3 to 5 times more than giving the same amount to the ultra rich. It’s going to be a bright future for the people of the Caribbean.


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