Wel c omet oa Ver ySpec i al Edi t i onoft he Capi t al Ke y! T hi sCapi t al Keyi sf i l l edwi t hf avor i t ememor i esand s t or i esofwhyKeyCl ubber shavef al l eni nl ovewi t h t hi sor gani z at i on.F eel f r eet os har et hi swi t hyour f r i ends ,f ami l y,ands how t hem whyKeyCl ubmeans s omucht oyou!
S omet i meswhenyougof orahi keyoupl anoutagr eat ,s ceni cr out ebutmos tt i mes youf i ndt hemos ts ceni candenj oyabl er out esacci dent al l y.S uchwast hecas ewi t h meandKeyCl ub.Atf i r s tIonl yt aggedal ongwi t hmyol ders i s t ermyf r es hmanyear , butIcamet oenj oyhel pi ngot her sandt hehel pf ul ands t r es sf r eeenvi r onmentmy advi s or scr eat ed.T henmys ophomor eyearIat t endedmyf i r s tDCON,f el l i nl ovewi t h s er vi ce,andf oundIenj oyeds pendi ngt i mewi t hot hers er vantl eader s .DCONhas cont i nuous l ybeenoneofmyf avor i t eweekendsoutofal l t hr eeyear s .I t ' sal wayss o ex ci t i ngt ocomeands os adt ol eave.Youcans pendt i mewi t hf r i ends ,meetki ndand compas s i onat epeopl e,andbei ns pi r edbyot herpas s i onat eanddet er mi nedhi ghs chool er s .Ir eal l yl i kel ooki ngup t oMr .S t ankus ,t headvi s or s ,andadul tboar dmember sand s eei ngpeopl es ucces s f ul l ymanagedt odevot e t hei rl i vest ot hes er vi ceofot her s .Al t oget her ,Keycl ub hast aughtmehow t obeas er vantl eader ,ar eal f r i end t oot her s ,how t ocar ef ormycommuni t y,makea di f f er encei nt hewor l d,andaboveal l di s coveral i f e wher ei ti spos s i bl ef ormet odevot emys el ft os er vi ng ot her s ! Mi chael Bel l ,L i eut enantGover nor WhenIwasel ect edasL t .Gover nor ,Ihadnocl uewhatIwasdoi ng.Rachel ,t hei mmedi at epas tL T G ofdi vi s i on2Fhadnotgi venmucht os t ar tmeof f ,s oIhadt odomyown r es ear cht ounder s t andhow KeyCl ubwor ked.Whi l er es ear chi ng,t hewor d“Ki wani s � keptpoppi ngupoverandoveragai n.Al t houghmybr ai nwasal r eadys pi nni ngwi t hal l t hei nf or mat i onIhadcol l ect ed,Ideci dedt ochecki tout .T hr oughr es ear ch,Idi s cover edt hatt heF r eder i cks bur gKi wani smetonceamont hatt heBavar i anChef ,oneof t heni ces tr es t aur ant si nmyt own.T hatdi dnot hi ngt or el i evemyf ear saboutbecomi ng L T G andpos s i bl ygoi ngt omeett hes emen,butaf t eramont h,It ookt hel eapoff ai t h. WhenIwal kedi nt omyf i r s tKi wani smeet i ng,Iwast heonl yf emal ei nt her oom andt her ewasanunus ual l yl ar gegr oupofpeopl ebecaus eBr i anBel l wasvi s i t i ng. Gener al l y,Iam pr et t ys oci al ,s oIwal kedar oundt her oom andat t empt edt omeet ever yone.WhenIl ef tt hatf i r s tmeet i ng,mypocket swer ef i l l edwi t hbus i nes scar ds , emai l addr es s es ,andques t i onsaboutever yt hi ngi magi nabl e.Al t houghi twass car yat f i r s t ,Ienj oyedmys el f .Af t ert hat ,Icont i nuedgoi ngt ot hemont hl yKi wani smeet i ngs andbondedwi t hmanyoft hei ndi vi dual s .Iam i nvi t edt oal l t hei r event s ,s uchasgol ft our nament s ,r i vercl eanups ,andcookout s , andt heycomet oal l ofmyDCMs .Iam s ohappyIt ookt hatl eap off ai t handmett hes ei ncr edi bl ei ndi vi dual s .T heyar eal l ver y di f f er entpeopl ewi t hj obsr angi ngf r om banki ngt ocardeal i ng t os hi r tmaki ng,butt heyhaveonegoal i ncommon:bet t er i ng t hecommuni t y.WhenIgr ow up,Is t r i vet obel i ket hes ei ndi vi dual sandcont i nuet ohel pt hecommuni t yi nanyway pos s i bl e. Emi l yMus s ey,L i eut enantGover nor
Oneofmyear l i es tKeyCl ubex per i enceswasvol unt eer i ngata l ocal women' ss hel t er .Iwasayoungnai vef r es hman,t aggi ng al ongwi t hmyol derbr ot hert os eewhatt hi swhol e“s er vi ce” t hi ngwasaboutandt ol ear nwhyIs houl dcar e.Byt het i meI l ef tt hatbui l di ng,Icar r i edwi t hmes omeofmyf ondes tmem or i est odat e.I twasi ncr edi bl et os eef i f t eenhi ghs chool er st r y t ocr am i nt ot hats mal l ki t chen,r eadyt oj umponanychance t opr epar eacour s eorwas ht hedi s hes .Iwat chedmynex t doornei ghborconnectwi t hpeopl ef r om anot hers i deof t ownwhom he’ dnevermetbef or e,andt heymethi m wi t h openar ms ,s har edper s onal s t or i es ,anddepar t edwi t ha ” T hankyou” .Whenpeopl eas kwhats er vi cemeanst ome, deepdownIknow t heyhavet os eei t ,f orwor dsdon’ t al waysdof eel i ngsj us t i ce.Ican’ ti ns t i l l ont ot hem t hef onds i ght sofpr epar i ngmeal sf or s t r anger s ,bondi ngwi t hgoodwi l l edpeopl eandwas hi ngt hedi r t ydi s heswi t hmyol der br ot her .KeyCl ubex per i encesl i ket hes ehel pedmegr ow asayoungt een.T hi sgr owt h andpas s i onhast akenmet onew pl aces .Ihavehadgr eatt i mesvol unt eer i ngatt he Ronal dMcDonal dHous eofBal t i mor e,f ar mi ngf orl ocal f oodbanks ,donat i ngbl oodand ofcour s ef undr ai s i ngf orT heEl i mi nat ePr oj ect .Compas s i oni si nt angi bl eandunquant i f i abl e,howeveri t si mpor t ances houl dnotbeunder s t at ed.AsIt hi nkbackonmyt i mei n KeyCl ub,Ir ememberal l oft hecr az yConvent i ons ,t hes mi l i ngf acesandt hes t r ong f r i ends hi psf or med.Ever yt i me,however ,mymi ndgoesbackt ot hi sonememor yt hat har nes s edmycompas s i onf ors er vi ceandf orhel pi ngot her s . ReedL undegar d,L i eut enantGover nor Myhandscover edi nwhi t es occer f i el dpai nt ,mybodycover edi ni nnumer abl el ayer s ofs weatands uns cr een,Is atdownf ort hef i r s tt i mei ns ever al hour s ,andf el tr el i ef over comeme.Mychar i t ys occert our nament ,t hes um ofmont hsandmont hsof ef f or t s ,hadj us tf i ni s hed,andIwasex haus t ed.Ont hats wel t er i ngJ uneday,ar agt ag bandofKeyCl ubber sr ai s edover$2000f orGr as s r oot sS occer ,ani nt er nat i onal or gani z at i ont hatus est heuni ver s al l anguageofs occert oeducat eandi ns pi r eyoung peopl et os t opt hes pr eadofHI V. Evenaf t erar ai ndat eandanunr es pons i vevenuebl ockedourevent ,wehadpus hed on.And,ul t i mat el y,wewer eal l gl adwedi d.T hef at herofaGr as s r oot sS occer cof ounders pokeatt heevent ,par t i ci pant senj oyedI t al i anI cedur i ngt hathots ummer day,andt our namentwi nner sr ecei vedpr i z esdonat edand pur chas edf r om l ocal bus i nes s es .Ofcour s e,t hi seventdi dn’ t comewi t houti t shi ccups .T heal ar m announci ngt heendoft our namentgameswas n’ tnear l yl oudenought obehear dby t our namentpar t i ci pant ss ever al s occerf i el dsaway,andl as t mi nut epl anni nghadl ef tuswi t houtcat er er sf orl unch.But ,t hi sevent ’ sobs t acl es , al mos tasmuchasi t ss ucces s es ,makei t ,byf ar ,myf avor i t e KeyCl ubevent . Chr i s t i neCodon,DCONChai r
AsL i eut enantGover nor ,Iam honor edt ohaveat t endeds omanynew event s ,meet i ngs , andact i vi t i es .Ial s ohadt heoppor t uni t yt omeetot herKeyCl ubber sf r om al l ar oundt he Di s t r i ct .T houghIs t r uggl edt ochos eones i ngl eeventt hathadt hebi gges ti mpactonmy KeyCl ubex per i ence,at t endi ng2015I nt er nat i onal KeyCl ubConvent i oni nI ndi anapol i s , I ndi anawi t ht her es toft heCapi t al Di s t r i cthadal as t i ngi mpactonmyj our neyasaKey Cl ubber . I CON2015wasl i kenoot herconvent i on;t hi swast hef i r s tt i met hatal l t heKi wani sf ami l y gr oupsmeti nonel ocat i ont onotonl ypr ovi des er vi cebutt os har ei deasandcel ebr at et he 100yearbi r t hdayofKi wani s . T her ear emanyr eas onswhyI CON2015wasmyf avor i t ememor yofmyKeyCl ubex per i ence;i tal l owedmet opr ovi decommuni t ys er vi ce,meetal ar gercommuni t yoft heKi wani sf ami l y,s har emys er vi ces ucces s eswi t hot her s ,andhearf r om aver yi mpor t antr ol emodel ofmi ne.I nt er msofcommuni t ys er vi ce,wehel peds har epancakeswi t ht hecommuni t yof I ndi anapol i s ;t hi sex per i enceal l owedmet oconnectwi t hmanydi f f er entKi wani sf ami l y member s ,i ncl udi ngCr az yMar yf r om t heMi nnes ot aDakot asdi s t r i ct .Bei ngadel egat eat I CONwasaver ynew ex per i ence;af t ert hef i nal t al l yofvot es ,i twass oenj oyabl et omeet t henew i nt er nat i onal boar dt hatcons i s t edoft woCapi t al Di s t r i ctMember s . Iwasal s ohumbl edt opr es entmydi vi s i onpr oj ect ,t heBenj ami nHai rJ us tS wi mf orL i f eMemor i al F oundat i onPr oj ectr egar di ngdr owni ngpr event i on,att heI CONWor l dS howcas e. T hi sal l owedmet os har emydi vi s i on' ss ucces scr eat i ngapr oj ectf r om t hebegi nni ngand s eehow muchofani mpacti tcanmake.I ' m ex ci t edt os har et hatt heKi wani sCl ubof Char l ot t es vi l l er ecent l ychos eJ us tS wi mf orL i f east hei rbenef act orf ort heannual Dogwood F es t i val PancakeBr eakf as t ! F i nal l y,l i s t eni ngt ot hes peechgi venbyt her eci pi entoft heKeyofHonor ,Mr .J oeS t ankus , wasi ndes cr i babl e.Hi ss peechgavemepaus eandal l owedmet of ur t herr ef l ectonmyl i f e pr i or i t i est hatwi l l al waysi ncl udes er vi cet ot hecommuni t y.I CONgavemewaysi nwhi chI wi l l cont i nuet obei nvol vedi nKeyCl ubandKi wani si nt hef ut ur e. HannahPaj ews ki ,L i eut enantGover nor
Myf avor i t eKeyCl ubmemor ybyf ari sKeyCl ubI nt er nat i onal Convent i on2014,wheni twas hel di nAnahei m,Cal i f or ni a.T hi swast hef i r s tt i memyeyeswer eopent ohow l ar geofan or gani z at i onwear e.Dur i ngourt i met her ewewentt oHunt i ngt onBeach,Di s neyl and,had aHawai i ant hemeddance,andcel ebr at edt he4t hofJ ul yatDownt ownDi s ney.What madet hi sex per i ences omemor abl ei st hebondIcr eat edwi t ht hepeopl ef r om ourDi s t r i ct andt heamaz i ngpeopl eImetf r om al l overt hecount r ywhos har edt hes amepas s i on.Is t i l l keepi ncont actwi t ht hef r i endsImadef r om I CON' 14andal ways f eel nos t al gi ct hi nki ngbackont hes ememor i es .Ienj oyedever y s econdoft heconvent i on-t hemeetandgr eet ,t al entact s , bonf i r eont hebeach,l at eni ghtconver s at i onsi nourhot el r oom, andevenbei ngcompl et el yawkwar ddur i ngmyi nt er vi ew on KeyT V.I twi l l al waysbeoneoft hebes tex per i encesofmyl i f eand unf or get t abl e. Vi ckyNguyen,L i eut enantGover nor
Mys t or yofhow Ij oi nedKeyCl ubi sabi tdi f f er entt hanot her s .WhenIent er edhi ghs chool as abr i ght eyedf r es hman,Iknew onl yonet hi ng:Iabs ol ut el yhadt oj oi nacl ubi fIeverwant ed t ogeti nt ocol l ege.F r om whatIknew f r om myol ders i s t er ,acommuni t ys er vi cecl ubwoul d gi vemeanevenbet t erchancet oex per i encet hegl or yofhavi ngs omet hi ngt oputonmy appl i cat i on.T hi sr eal i z at i onl ef tmewi t ht wochoi cesatmys chool :KeyCl uborDECA.Not havi nganypr i orknowl edgeorbi asaboutei t her ,Ideci dedt oj oi nDECAf ort hes i mpl ef act t hati tr hymedwi t hmyname.Yes ,Ichos et hi scl ubpur el ybecaus eIt houghtt hats ayi ng ‘ Beccai nDECA’woul dhaveani cer i ngt oi t .I nanactofs heerl uck–orpos s i bl yf at e–Iwas t ool at et ot ur ni nmyduesanddeci dedt hatImi ghtaswel l j oi nKeyCl ub. Ihadnoi deat hent hatt hi swoul d–wi t houtex agger at i on–bet hebes tdeci s i ont hatImade i nhi ghs chool .Overt hepas tf ouryear s ,KeyCl ubhasex pandedf arbeyondas i mpl eaf t er s chool act i vi t yandhasbecomeani ncr edi bl yi nf l uent i al par tofmyl i f e.If oundapl acei nKey Cl ubt hatwaschar act er i z edbyki ndnes s ,accept ance,andmos ti mpor t ant l yadeeppas s i on f ors er vi ce.Iam cons i s t ent l yas t oundedbyhow i ns pi r i ngandhel pf ul t hepeopl et hatImeet t hr oughKeyCl ubar e.And,asIcompl et emyj our neyf r om s ecr et ar y,t opr es i dent ,andf i nal l y t oL i eut enantGover nor ,Iknow t hatIam unbel i evabl yl uckyt ohaveex per i encedal l oft hi s . T her ei snoot hercl ubt hatal l owshi ghs chool er sachancet ogr ow wi t hs uchcons i s t entt r us t andencour agement .Beyondt hi s ,Iam s ohappyt oknow t hatt hei nf l uencet hatKeyCl ub hasonmewi l l nots t opathi ghs chool s i ncei ti sr es pons i bl ef or mer eal i z i ngwhatIwantt odoi nl i f e.Mydr eamshavemor phed i nt os omet hi ngt hatIf i nal l yf eel Iwi l l bet r ul yhappywi t hby mi x i ngt hepas s i onf ors er vi cet hatIdi s cover edwi t ht hel oveof ani mal st hatIhaveal wayshad.Goi ngi nt ocol l ege–oneof t hes car i es tandmos tex ci t i ngt i meofanybody’ sl i f e–KeyCl ub hasgi venmet hegi f tofs ecur i t yi nmyf ut ur e,f r i ends hi pst hat wi l l l as tt heages ,andmemor i est ocar r ywi t hmet hr ought he r es tofmyl i f e.Iwi l l f or everbegr at ef ul f ormyt i mes pentasa memberofKeyCl ubI nt er nat i onal . BeccaDevor e,L i eut enantGover nor
AsL i eut enantGover norofDi vi s i on2C,Ihavebeenabl et ol ookbackont hi syearand s eemygr owt hasaKeyCl ubberandal eader .I nmyl i f e,Ihavemoved14t i mes ,t he bypr oductofmybei ngbor ni nt oami l i t ar yf ami l y.Unt i l hi ghs chool ,Imovedt ovas t l y di f f er ents chool di s t r i ct sands omet i mesacr os st hecount r yi namat t erof18mont hs .When Icamet ohi ghs chool ,Ihadl ef tal l ofmyf r i endsi nS anDi ego,andagai nhadt os t ar tover i nt er msofcl ubs ,s chool ,ands oci al l y.Oneoft hef i r s tact i onsIt ookasaf r es hmanwast o j oi ncl ubs ;notonl yt omeetpeopl ebutt ol ear naboutmyi nt er es t sandpur s uet hos ei nt er es t sevenf ur t her .Oneoft hef i r s tt hi ngst hatIwant edt odowass er vemycommuni t y,but how?Is aw acoupl eopt i ons ,I nt er actCl ub,KeyCl ub,andmor e… KeyCl ubcaughtmy eye,andt ot hi sdayIknow i ti soneoft hebes tdeci s i onst hatIevermade.Igai neda f ami l yi ns er vi ceandf oundal ar gegr oupofpeopl ewhower easdedi cat edt ot hei rcommuni t yasIwas .T heys er vedi nt hewayt hatIhadal l myl i f e,andi nt hatIf oundt heki ns hi p t hatIwasl ooki ngf or .Ibui l tmys el faf ami l yandas uppor ts ys t em f r om t hos ewhos har ed mypas s i onf ors er vi ngot her s .KeyCl ubhasal l owedmet ogr ow asaper s onandal eader . Wi t ht hegui danceofouradul tment or s ,If oundar east hatIneededt oi mpr oveaswel l as wayst obui l dt hes t r engt hst hatIal r eadypos s es s ed.KeyCl ubal l owed met ol eadandmakemi s t akeswi t hi nas uppor t i veenvi r onment . T hr oughKeyCl ub,Ihavebecomeabet t ercommuni t ymember ,a bet t erl eader ,andabet t erper s on.Al t houghIhaveal waysknown t hatr ender i ngs er vi cet oot her si st hewayt oi mpr ovet hewor l d ar oundyou,i twasher ei nmyKeyCl ubhome,wher emymot t oof L i f ei sPeopl e:BeofS er vi cehasr angt r ue. Kyl eEnr i quez ,L i eut enantGover nor
Myf avor i t eKeyCl ubmemor ywoul dhavet obeI CONi nI ndi anapol i s .Il ovedI CONf or manyr eas ons ;Imets omanypeopl ef r om ar oundt hewor l d,Idevel opedgr eatf r i ends hi ps wi t hmyf el l ow Capi t al Cr abs ,Iex per i encedKeyCl ubonani nt er nat i onal s cal e,and aboveal l el s e,Ihadf un!I naddi t i ont oI CON,wevi s i t edT heRockn’Rol l Hal l andF ame, andCedarPoi ntwher eIhadt het i meofmyl i f e! Ahugepar tofI CONt hatr eal l yhel pedmakei tex t r aor di nar ywas t heabi l i t yt omeetnew peopl e.Wi t hi nourdi s t r i ct ,Imadef r i ends wi t hpeopl eal l overVi r gi ni a,Mar yl and,Del awar eandDC.Byt he endofourt r i p,Ihadbecomef r i endswi t hever yonef r om Capi t al Di s t r i ctwhoat t endedI CON.AtI CON,Ibecamegoodf r i ends wi t hpeopl ef r om t heF l or i daDi s t r i ctandIs t i l l t al kt os omeof t hem.F ort hi sr eas on,myf avor i t ememor ywhi l ei nKeyCl ub woul dhavet obeI CON. DannyI ngl i s ,L i eut enantGover nor
Iwass ol donj oi ni ngKeyCl ubbef or eIevens t ar t edmyf r es hmanyearofhi ghs chool . WhenIwasi n8t hgr ade,t womember sf r om t hemyhi ghs chool camet ot al kaboutt hei r ex per i enceatNor t hCount yands hamel es s l ybr aggedabouthow gr eatKeyCl ubi s .T hey des cr i bedi tast hebes tpl acet omeetnew peopl e( A bonusf ors omeonewhoi si nt r over t edl i keme! )whi l eal s o vol unt eer i ngatt hel ocal el ement ar ys chool sandnonpr of i t or gani z at i ons .F as tF or war dt of ouryear sl at er ,wher eIhave t heoppor t uni t yt ocont i nuous l ymeetcr abt as t i cpeopl e, goonnew advent ur es ,ands er vemycommuni t y. Kai l aBl evi ns ,L i eut enantGover nor
Overt hes panoft hat10year smycommuni t yhasbeens ogi vi ngt ot hepeopl et hatl i ve i ni t .F orex ampl ef i veyear sagoat or nadohi tourcount yandt hepeopl ewhower en' thi t gat her edwi t ht hef i r edepar t mentt ohel pr ebui l dandr ej uvenat et hepeopl ewhower e af f ect ed.Oneoft hos ef ami l i est hatwashi twasmyf ami l y.S eei ngt hecommuni t ybes o hel pf ul andout goi ngwass omet hi ngt hatIwant edt ogi veback,s owhenIhear dofKey Cl ubIi ns t ant l ywant edt oj oi ncaus eofi t sl ocal communi t ys er vi ceandmypayback f r om al l t hehel pmyf ami l ygotaf t ert het or nado. L uci anoDol f i ,L i eut enantGover nor
KeyCl ubwasacl ubmys i s t erj oi nedmanyyear sagoandwhens het ol dmes hewasa par toft hi scl ub,It houghts hemadekeys .WhenIent er edHi ghS chool Ij oi nedbecaus eI hadf r i endsj oi ni ngandwhent heywer es t r uggl i ngt of i l l boar dpos i t i onsmyj uni oryearI t houghtIwoul dr unf orevent scoor di nat or .S eei ngt hei mpactt hatImadeonmycl ub andt hecompl i ment sIgotf r om manypeopl eabouthow muchhel pourcl ubwasat event s ,Iknew t her ewasmor eIcoul ddo.Ideci dedt or unf orL T G ofdi vi s i on12A. WhenIr ecei vedt hi spos i t i onIhadnocl uewhatIwasget t i ng mys el fi nt o.However ,goi ngt oDCONr eal l yhel pedmeandi tal s o gavemeoneoft hebes tex per i encesofmyKeyCl ubl i f e.F r om dancest ot heawar dscer emony,Il oveds eei ngt hej oyever yone s har edt obepar tofs uchanamaz i ngcl ub.Imadenew r el at i ons hi pswi t hpeopl et hatIs t i l l t al kt ot odaybecaus eof DCON.T hi swasbyf armybes tKeyCl ubmemor y. J akeCl ar k,L i eut enantGovenor
KeyCl ubi saf ami l y.KeyCl ubi sapl aceIcancal l home.Bei ngi nmyf our t handf i nal yeari nKeyCl ub,Ican’ tevenbegi nt oex pl ai nhow muchal l oft hepeopl eI ’ vemet havei mpact edmyl i f e.T r ul yt hebes tmemor i esIhavehadi nhi ghs chool havebeen wi t hal l oft hes ewonder f ul peopl e.T hes epeopl ear enotj us tmyf r i ends ,t heyar emy ment or s ,t heyar emyf ami l y.T hes epeopl ehavehel ped s hapemei nt owhoIam t oday.T heonet hi ngIhol d dear es taboveal l t hatIl ear nedf r om KeyCl ub,i st hat s er vi cei sawayofl i f e.I fyouhaveawi l l andpas s i ont o s er ve,j us ts eei ngt hats mi l eons omeone’ sf acewi l l maket hei rday,andyour s .KeyCl ubi ss omet hi ngI ’ l l neverf or get ,andIwi l l mos tdef i ni t el ybecont i nui ng i nt heKF ami l ydur i ngmyt i mei ncol l ege.I ’ l l mi s sKey Cl ubmor et hananyt hi ng,butIcan’ twai tt ocont i nue t ogr ow ands hapet hes ki l l sIl ear nedi nKeyCl ub, andputt hem i nt opr act i ce.Now Iknow t hatIal ways haveas econdf ami l yt ocomehomet o. Emi l yGr een,S er vi cePar t ner sL i ai s on
Haveyoueverbeeni nar oom wher eyouj us tf eel l i keyoubel ong?Ihopet he ans weri syes ,i fnott henIwoul dj oi nKeyCl ub.KeyCl ubhasbeens uchani nt r i cat e par tofmyhi ghs chool ex per i ence.T heoppor t uni t i est obui l dr el at i ons hi pst hatwi l l l as tyoual i f et i me,becomi ngal eaderamongs tyourpeer s ,andgr owi ngasas er vant l eaderi nyourcommuni t yi swhatt hi sor gani z at i oni sal l about .Ij oi nedasaf r es hman andl i t t l edi dIknow t hei mpacti twoul dhaveonmyl i f e.T hi spas ts ummerIwasabl e t oat t endI nt er nat i onal Convent i on( I CON)i nI ndi ana.Iwasabl et ocel ebr at e100 year sofKi wani sand90year sofKeyCl ubwi t hal l t hebr anchesoft heKF ami l y.I r eal i z edatt hatmomentt hatt hi swor l di sf i l l edwi t h i ndi vi dual swhoar epas s i onat eabouts er vi ngt hei r communi t i esandt hecommuni t i esoft hewor l d.T hi s or gani z at i ons howcas edal l oft hos ekeypl ayer sdur i ng t heconvent i on.KeyCl ubhasal l owedmet ogr ow as ani ndi vi dual ,l eader ,andf r i end.T her el at i ons hi psI havef or medovert hel as t4year shavepr epar edme f ormyf ut ur e.Onet hi ngIcans ayi st hatt heus eof t hewor d“f ami l y”i nt heKF ami l ypor t r ayst hi s or gani z at i on.Wear eaf ami l ybecaus ewecel ebr at e eachot her ’ ss ucces s esandwehel pandmot i vat e whenwer eachobs t acl est hats t andi nourway.I am ex t r emel ygr at ef ul f ort het i meIhadi nKeyCl ub andIhopemor ehi ghs chool s t udent sj oi nand becomes er vantl eader si nt hei rcommuni t i es . Ol i vi aKi t t ,L i eut enantGover nor
If i r s tj oi nedKeyCl ubmyf r es hmanyearbecaus eIknew t headvi s or ,andIwant edt oj oi n cl ubst ogeti nvol vedats chool .L i t t l edi dIknow t hel ovet hatIwoul dhavef ort hi sor gani z at i on.Keycl ubbr i ngspeopl et oget hert hatal l s har ea pas s i onf ors er vi ceandwantt ohel pt hecommuni t y.T hi s gr oupofal t r ui s t i candgi vi ngs t udent si mpactt hel i vesofs o many.Keycl ubt ome,meanscomi ngt oget herasaf ami l y t omakeadi f f er ence. Bei ngi nKeyCl ubt aughtmet obeal eaderandt omake connect i onswi t honeanot her .I t ’ shavi ngapl acei nhi gh s chool wher eyouknow youbel ong.Get t i ngt o par t i ci pat ei npr oj ect sandevent st hathaves uchpos i t i ve i mpact sont hecommuni t yt r ul ys howsyout hatal i t t l e cangoal ongway.Wi t houtadoubt ,j oi ni ngKeyCl ub wast hebes tdeci s i onI ’ veevermade. J es s i eBowman,L i eut enantGovenor
Outofal l t hes er vi cepr oj ect sIhave par t i ci pat edi nt hr oughoutt heyear ,byf armyf avor i t eonei sBr i ghtBegi nni ngs .I ti sas er vi cepr oj ectwher eKeyCl ubmember sar epai r edup wi t hunder pr i vi l egedki dst ogobackt os chool s hoppi ng.T ar getgener ous l ydonat esone hundr eddol l ar sf oreachki dt opi ckoutaf ew new out f i t st ogobackt os chool i ns t yl e. T heKeyCl ubber sas s i s tt hechi l dr enont hei rs hoppi ngs pr eewhi l et heygett oknow t he ki ds .Wear eabl et oi nt er actwi t ht heki dsandbui l dal as t i ngr el at i ons hi pi nt het i me t oget her . T hi si smyf avor i t es er vi cepr oj ectbecaus et heki dswegett ohel par es ogr eat l yappr eci at i veoft heex per i ence.Al s o,i ti sver yhumbl i ng,asyous eet het hei rf acesl i ghtup r ecei vi ngt henew s chool cl ot hes .Iwi l l neverf or gett he happi nes st hatKeyCl ub,T ar getandt heYMCAbr ought t hes echi l dr eni nneed.T hemos tmemor abl epar tofmy ex per i encewasatt heendwhent heki dswer el oadi ng ont ot hebus es .Wi t hnew cl ot hesandas mi l e,weal l s ai d ourgoodbyeswhi l et heki dswer ehangi ngoutoft he wi ndowsoft hebust os ayt hei rl as tf ar ewel l . Car ol i neJ ones ,L i eut enantGover nor
I t ’ sbeent hr eei nt er es t i ngyear snow t hatIhavebeenamemberofKeyCl ubI nt er nat i onal andIhavet os ayt hatmyex per i encet hr oughoutmydur at i onasaKeyCl ubberhas s ur el ybeenar emar kabl eone.WhenIbeganKeyCl ubmys ophomor eyear ,Iwoul d havenevergues s edwhatIwoul dbeget t i ngmys el fi nt o.WhenIbegant obecome i nvol vedi nmycl ubdoi ngs er vi cepr oj ect sf oral l ki nd ofl ocal gr oupsandbei ngt ol dt hegr eatf eedback f r om mys er vi ce,i twoul dbr i ngaf eel i ngofj oyand accompl i s hmentt hatIwoul dn’ tf i ndanywher eel s e. AsIgr ew i nmyl eader s hi pabi l i t i es ,event ual l y,Iwas abl et oex t endmyambi t i onf ors er vi cebys er vi ngas L t .Gover norf ort he2015–2016s chool year .S er vi ng asL t .Gover norwast hemos tr ewar di ngofal l ofmy ex per i encesasaKeyCl ubber .New oppor t uni t i es camef or t ht ocont i nuet os har emyambi t i ont hr ought hecl ubsi nmyDi vi s i onandr eachi ngout t omyl ocal Ki wani st ohel pengaget heKF am i nt he communi t yt oget her .Becaus eofKeyCl ub,Inow val ues er vi cet oot her snow mor et hanIdi dwhenIf i r s ts t ar t edmyj our ney wi t hKCIandwi l l bes omet hi ngIcont i nuet ot r eas ur ewhenI ’ m nol ongeramember . Davi dCl ar k,L i eut enantGover nor Myf avor i t eKeyCl ubmemor yi sas er vi cepr oj ectt hatIr ecent l ypar t i ci pat edi n— my s chool cl ub’ sannual “Mr .Meade”Pageantf orEl i mi nat e.T heeventi sver ypopul arand r ai s esal otofmoneyever yyeart hr oughweeksofpl anni ng,pr omot i ng,andr ehear s i ng. Asacont es t ant ,Ihadal otoff unpr act i ci ngf orourdancer out i ne,t al ent ,andques t i on s es s i on.I twasaver yenj oyabl eex per i encef orever ycont es t ant ,t hes t agecr ew,and t hehos t s . Ont hedayoft hepageant ,ever yt hi ngf el l i nt opl aceandt heaudi encewast hr i l l edt o s eef l awl es sdanci ngandphenomenal s i ngi ng.I twases peci al l ymemor abl ef orme s i ncei twast hef i r s tt i meIhadeverper f or medont wos ax ophonesatonceandact ual l y cr eat edmus i c. T heent i r eaudi t or i um waspackedandevenMi s s Mar yl andUS AandMi s sMar yl andT eenUS Awer e t her e!Iwashonor edt ober ecogni z edast her un r unner upandever yonewasex ci t edathow wel l i twent .Al otoft eamwor k,det er mi nat i on, ands er vi cewer epour edi nt ot hi spageantand t her es ul t swer equi t ef i t t i ngaswes avedmany l i vest hatni ght .I ti sdef i ni t el yaKeyCl ub memor yt hatIwi l l keepwi t hmef oraver yl ong t i me! Er i cZ hao,L i eut enantGover nor
T heaf t er noonpl ayedr epeat edl yi nmyheadasIwal kedoutoft heGenes i sS eni or Cent er .Ir emembert heonceent hus i as t i cgr i nsoft hevol unt eer st ur ni ngi nt os ul l en f r owns .Ir emembergoi ngupt oEi t anands ayi ng,“How ar eyouman?Wantt obet he car tmover ?”Ir ememberhi m dr aggi nghi sf eetovert ot hecar tandr epl yi ng,“Rui ,no onewant st oevenbeher e. ”WhatIcoul dn’ tr ememberwaswher eandhow t hi ngswent wr ong.T hi swasnotwhatIhadex pect ed.Al l Iwant edwasf ort hevol unt eer st hatIl edt o haveanenj oyabl et i mehel pi ngs eni or st opl aybi ngo.Af t erponder i ngt hr oughoutt he ni ght ,Ir es ol vedt ohol danot hereventandbel i evedIknew ex act l ywhatcoul dmake t hevol unt eer shavef un.L i vemus i c! However ,dur i ngt heevent ,t hevol unt eer ss t i l l coul dnot“s hakei tof f ”evenwhenmy gui t ar i s twaspl ayi ngT ayl orS wi f t .Icoul dn’ tunder s t andwhy,evenwi t hmus i c,t hevol unt eer skeptt hes amedepr es s i ngf acesasbef or e.Ides per at el ycol l aps edi nt ot hechai r cl os es tt ome,onl yt obebr oughtbackt or eal i t ybyar as pyandl oud,“Heyyou! ”Hi s voi ces t ar t edt r embl i ng,“Coul dyouhel pme?Ican’ tkeept r ackoft henumber s . ”Happy f oranoppor t uni t yt ocl earmymi nd,Imovedovert ohi m. Whi l ef ormos t ,bi ngowasas i mpl epl eas ur ef ort heday,Kevi n’ sbodys eemedt of i ght agai ns thi m wi t hever ychi phepl aced,yetneveroncedi dhi ss mi l edi s appear .AsI s cannedt her oom overt ot heot hers eni or s ,Inot i cedPat t ypr oudl ydecl ar i ngt hebi ngo numberaf t erJ os h,t hebi ngocal l er ,announcedi t .Inot i cedt hechor ust hatt hes eni or s woul dex cl ai m af t erades i r ednumberwascal l ed.“I 22, ”cal l edJ os h.“S he’ l l becomi ng ar oundt hemount ai nwhens hecomes ,t wot wo! ”cr i edt hes eni or s . AsIwat chedt hes es eni or s ,Ibegant of eel as mi l ecr eepi nguponmyf ace.S oon enough,Iwasl aughi ngwi t hKevi nandeagert ohel phi m wi n.Overt i me,Ibegant o not i cet hatmor evol unt eer ss t ar t edt ohel poutmor eent hus i as t i cal l y.Is aw Ei t anener get i cal l ydr i vi ngt hepr i z ecar tar ound,as ki ngi fanyonewant edt her es toft hecooki es .Is aw Avi ands omeot hervol unt eer ss i tdownnex taf ew s eni or s .Whent heeventended,Is aw s mi l esacr os st hef acesofyoungandol dal i ke. T hatdayIr eal i z edj us thow power f ul i ns pi r at i oncanbe.T hats eei ngme,happi l yi nt er act i ngwi t hKevi ncaus edmyvol unt eer st or eactt hes ameway.Il ear nedt hatal eaderdoes nots i mpl yt el l ot her swhatt odo,hes howsi t .Wi t ht hi snew out l ook,Ibegant ol ead t hr oughi ns pi r at i on,hopi ngt oi ns pi r emor epeopl et hes amewayt hatKevi nandt he s eni or shadi ns pi r edme.
WhenIwasel ect edt os er veont heDi s t r i ctBoar dt hi syear ,Iknew t hatIwoul dmake f r i ends ,butIneverr eal i z edhow s t r ongandt r uet hes ef r i ends hi pswoul dbe.I ts ounds al mos tcr az yt os ayt hatIhave30new bes tf r i endst hatI ’ veonl yhungoutwi t ht hr eeor f ourt i mes ,buti t ’ st r ue!Bei ngi nKeyCl ubhel pedmemakef r i endsi nmys chool myf r es hmanyear ,buts er vi ngont heDi s t r i ctBoar dI ’ vemadef r i endsf r om al l overVi r gi ni a,Mar yl and,Was hi ngt onDC,andDel awar ewhoal l s har emypas s i onf ors er vi ce! Oneofmyf avor i t ememor i est hi spas tyearwaswhen Idr ovet oNor t her nVi r gi ni a,whi chi saboutat wo hourdr i ve,t ogot of el l ow L i eut enantGover nor Mi chael Bel l ’ sDi vi s i onCounci l Meet i ng.Mypar ent s di dn’ tqui t eunder s t andwhyIwant edt os pendf our hour si nt hecari nonedayt o“got oameet i ng” , buti twasmor et hanj us tt hat !Bei ngabl et os pend t i mewi t hacl os ef r i endt hatyouonl ygett os ee ever yf ew mont hswasanobr ai nert ome.T hatday wewer eabl et oex pr es sourpas s i onf ors er vi ce andKeyCl ubaswepr omot edt heEl i mi nat e Pr oj ect ,di s cus s edT heCapi t al Cons er vat i on Chal l enge,andbr ai ns t or medi deasf orupcomi ng f undr ai s er s ,butal s ohangoutandex pl or ear ound MountVer non.I t ’ sadayIwi l l neverf or getandIhaveKeyCl ub t ot hankf orbr i ngi ngmei nt os omanyamaz i ngf r i ends hi ps ! S ar aMor i n,L i eut enantGover nor Il ovebei ngas kedt heques t i on“WhatdoesKeyCl ubmeant oyou?”becaus eInever r unoutoft hi ngst os ay.I t ’ sl i kebei ngas kedwhatyourf avor i t ei cecr eam f l avori sand why;t al ki ngabouts omet hi ngt hatbr i ngsyoupur ej oyandhappi nes si seas y.F orme KeyCl ubi shome.T hef r i endst hatIhavemadei nt hi sor gani z at i onhavebeenmor e l i kef ami l yt hanf el l ow member sandof f i cer s .Ihavemadememor i est hatIwi l l r ememberunt i l Iam ol dandgr ey.Ihaves etmys el fupf oraf ut ur ef i l l edwi t hs er vi ceandl ove andIcannott hankKeyCl ubenoughf ori t . KeyCl ubmeansl eader s hi pands t r engt h;wi t ht hes t r ongs uppor tofever yonear ound youi tf eel sl i keanyt hi ngi spos s i bl e.KeyCl ubmeanss er vi ce;gi vi ngbackt oyour home,s chool ,andcommuni t yt or epayf oral l t hey’ vedonef oryou.KeyCl ubmeans f r i ends hi pandl ove;t her ei snotas i ngl eKeyCl ubberIhaveyett omeetwhohas n’ t gr eet edmewi t hawar ms mi l eandaf r i endl yhel l o.Iam convi ncedt hatt r ueKey Cl ubber sdonothaveanunki ndbonei nt hei rbody.F i nal l y,KeyCl ubmeanst oget her nes s ;br i ngi ngpeopl ecl os ert oget hert hr oughas har edpas s i onf orgi vi ngbackand doi nggood.KeyCl ubi soneoft hemos ti mpor t antpar t sofmyl i f eandIcan’ ts um up whati tmeanst omei nacoupl ewor dsbecaus et her ear en’ tenoughwor dst oex pl ai n how mucht hi scl ubhasi mpact edt hes er vantl eaderIam t oday. EmmaS t one,L i eut enantGover nor
F avor i t es er vi cepr oj ect Myf avor i t es er vi cepr oj ectwoul dhavet obet heYudabands .Yudabandsi sanor gani z at i ont hats pons or ski dsf r om t hi r dwor l dcount r i est opayf ort hei reducat i on.Mycl ub deci dedt os pons ort woki ds .Knowi nghow i mpor t anteducat i oni st ome.Ihel pedout i never ywayIcoul dt omakes ur et hos eki dshadt hei reducat i onpai df ort hem.When wedi dgett hataccompl i s hedIwasover j oyedt oknow t hatt heygett ohaveaf r ee educat i on. Reas onIj oi ned T her eas onwhyIj oi nedKeyCl ubwasbecaus eIwant edt ocont i nuet hes er vi ce.When If i r s tj oi nedBui l der sCl ubIneverr eal i z edhow muchIcanhel ppeopl ebydoi ngs mal l s i mpl et as ks .Il ovedwhatIdi di nBui l der sCl ubandonceIf oundoutt her ewasahi gh s chool ver s i onofi t ,Ij oi nedwi t houthes i t at i onandneverr egr et t edi t .Iam gl adt hatI becameaKeyCl ubmember . Myex per i enceatDCON Iwentt oDCONwi t hmynow bes tf r i endsandmetmanypeopl ef r om ar oundt hear ea. Ihadaver yf unex per i encewi t ht hem andmadet hebes tmemor i est her e.Il ear neds o mucht her eandt ooki tbackt omys chool t oi mpr ovemyKeyCl ub. Boar dMeet i ngs Ever yboar dmeet i ngIhaveevergonet o,hasbeens omuchf un!T houghIkeptt o mys el fmos toft het i me,Iwasgl adt obet her ef orever ys econd.Iam gl adt ohavemet s uchwonder f ul peopl e.Iwi s hIcoul dhavet al kedmor ebecaus et her ei ss omanygr eat peopl eont heboar d. WhatIl ear ned Il ear nedmanyt hi ngsi nKeyCl ubbutt hemos ti mpor t antt hi ngIl ear nedi scar i ng,l eader s hi p,andcommi t ment .T hr oughcount l es ss er vi cepr oj ect sIl ear nedt ocar eabout whoam Idoi ngt hi sf or .Asf orl eader s hi pIl ear nedt hatIhavet heabi l i t i est ol ead, whi chIneverknew Ihad.Commi t menti st hemos ti mpor t antt omebecaus eIl ear ned t os t i ckwi t ht hedi f f er entki ndofs i t uat i onsunt i l t heendnomat t ert heout come. J ul i aMar t i nez ,L i eut enantGover nor
KeyCl ub.How di dwegether e?If el l i nt okeycl ubmys ophomor eyearandIam s o beyondt hankf ul f orever ys i ngl edayIpos s esamember s hi pi nt hi scl ub.I ti si ndeeda l eader s hi pands er vi cecl ub,butt omei t ' ss omuchmor e. KeyCl ubhashandedmeoppor t uni t i est hatonl ycomear oundaf ew t i mes .Igott o s pendanent i r eweeki nI ndi ana.Notonl yt hat ,butmycl ubs pons or edmef ort he maj or i t yoft het r i p.Iwoul dhaveneverchos enOhi oorI ndi anaasmyf i r s tpl acet o vi s i t ,butI ' ms ot hankf ul Igott o.Igott os eenew pl acesandl ear naboutdi f f er ent cul t ur al as pect s .I CONgavemet heoppor t uni t yt omeets omef r i endst hatwoul dl as t al i f et i mecomi ngf r om al l di f f er entbackgr ounds .Keycl ubi sf r i ends hi p,KeyCl ubi s di ver s i t y. Notonl yhasKeyCl ubt aughtmet hebas i csofs er vi ce,butIl ear nedt ot r ul yl ove s er vi ce.S er vi cehasbecomeapar tofmyl i f e.Iwantt odowhat everIcant ohel p peopl e.Notj us tt hat ,butIwantt oi ns pi r eot her st ol oves er vi ceaswel l .Keycl ub al l owsonet obes ur r oundedbyi ndi vi dual st hats har eapas s i onofs er vi ce.Notonl y t hat ,butt hecl ubex t endsoppor t uni t i est omakeanyf undr ai s erors er vi cepr oj ect comet r ue,s ot hatyoucanmakeadi f f er ence.Ideci dedear l i ert hi syearIwant edt o r ai s emoneyf orchi l dhoodcancer ,andt hat ' sj us twhatIdi d.Ihads mi l i nghandsand f aces ,donat i onsf r om ourcl ubandevenhel pf r om ourl ocal Ki wani sCl ub.Wer ai s ed over$500dol l ar sf ort hechar i t yandIwat chedmypeer sr eal i z es er vi cei sl i f echangi ng.Iwasvot ed“mos thel pf ul �ofcl as sof2020,If eel s obl es s edt hatmypeer ss eeal l oft hewor kt hatIam doi ngandhopef ul l yf eel i ns pi r ed.KeyCl ubi smypas s i on. Ial s ol ear nedt het r uedef i ni t i onofl eader s hi pf r om KeyCl ub.Il ear nedl eader s hi pi s n' t aboutbei ngt eam capt ai n,orcl ubpr es i dent ,buts howi ngup.S howi ngupwi l l i ns pi r e ot her st odos oaswel l .Iwat chedonef oot bal l pl ayercomet oameet i ng,andt he nex tmeet i ng10mor ecame.Hedi dn' tgoont heannouncement sandas khi m buddi est ocome,buthel eadbyex ampl e.KeyCl ubhascompl et el ys hi f t edmyvi ew of i deast hats houl dbeass i mpl easl eader s hi pandIam s ot hankf ul .Keycl ubi si ns pi r at i onal andKeyCl ubmakesl eader s . Mos ti mpor t ant l yKeyCl ubhashel pedf or mt heper s onIam t oday.Iknow Iwon' ts t op s er vi ngbecaus eI ' vebeenaccept edt omydr eam s chool ,orbecaus eIcompl et ed myNat i onal HonorS oci et yhour s .Iwi l l cont i nuet os er vi cef ort her es tofmyl i f e becaus eKeyCl ubhashel pedf or medabeaut i f ul f oundat i onf ormet owor kof fof .
201 5201 6Di s t r i c tCont ac t s Gover norAr s had-arshad.fakhar.14@gmail.com Sec r et ar y Tr eas ur erJohns onj ons on526@gmai l . com Edi t orBi anc a-biancxx@gmail.com Webmas t erMa he w-mrgendreau@gmail.com Di s t r i c tAdmi ni s t r at orJoeSt ankuskeycl ub@ver i z on. net
Edi t or ’ sNot e T hankyouf orr eadi ngmyl as tedi t i onoft heCapi t al Key!I thasbeenanabs ol ut ehonors er vi ngasyour 20152016Di s t r i ctEdi t or . Overt hef ouryear sI ’ ves penti nKeyCl ub,I ’ ve l ear neds omuchaboutwhati tmeanst ol i veyourl i f e bys er vi ngot her s .KeyCl ubhast aughtmet obemor e awar eofwhat ’ sgoi ngonar oundmeandt hei mpor t anceofgi vi ngback.T her e’ sneverbeenat i meI ’ ve l ef taKeyCl ubeventorpr oj ectwi t houtf eel i ngl i kei t wasoneoft hebes tex per i encesI ’ vehad.I ’ ms o t hankf ul f oral l t heoppor t uni t i es ,l es s ons ,andf r i ends hi psKeyCl ubhasgi venme;Iwi l l neverf or gett hem. Ihopeyouenj oyedt hi ss peci al edi t i onoft heCapi t al Key!T hankyouf oral l yours ubmi s s i onsandent r i es ; I ’ vel ovedgoi ngt hr oughal l yourar t i cl est hi spas t year . Your si ns er vi ce, Bi ancaF r anco,20152016Di s t r i ctEdi t or