St. Lucy's Priory High School - The Regent Magazine (Summer 2018)

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A P U B L I C AT I O N F O R T H E C O M M U N I T Y O F S T. L U C Y ’ S P R I O RY H I G H S C H O O L


S U M M E R 2 018

Theresa Nafis ’07 flies an F/A-18 for the Marine Corps

st. lucy’s 24th annual regent golf classic benefiting the regent athletic progr am

monday, october 8, 2018 glendor a country club tickets $250/person Includes: 18

holes, cart, course refreshments, lunch, dinner, player pack age and other great prizes! Early Bird Registration is $200/person by September 4, 2018 Special Rates: Alumnae / Alumnae Parents $200

e fun? us for th thletes in jo ’t n Ca nt A ur Rege hip! o y t r o p Sup p o n so r s with a s

Presenting Sponsor $5000 Scorecard Sponsor $2500 Golf Cart Sponsor $1500

sponsorship opportunities Score Board Sponsor $1500 Registration Sponsor $1250 Lunch & Reception Sponsor $750

Refreshment Sponsor $750 Special Event Sponsor $300 Tee Sponsor $200

 Business Players Package $1200 

For further details, please visit our website, or contact Victoria Sinclair, Assistant Athletic Director, at (626) 335-3322 or St. Lucy’s Priory High School Tax I.D. Number is 95-2230254 and is listed under IRS 501(c) (3) for filing purposes. For appropriate tax related deductions, please consult your financial advisor.

regent athletics

In This Issue The Regent is a publication of the Office of Advancement. For all inquiries, please contact (626) 963-0017 or


A Message from Board Member, Toni Dunbar


St. Lucy’s Welcomes New Principal, Robyn Carroll


Q & A: Theresa Nafis ’07


Kayla Garcia ’18 and the Performing Arts


Technology: End-of-Year Report


Commencement Ceremony: Class of 2018


Being a Regent Continues Beyond Graduation by Renee Boulware ’18


Class Notes & Passings

administr ation Sr. Elizabeth Brown Prioress Sr. Helen Dziuk Principal Emeritus Robyn Carroll Principal Judy Hartranft Assistant Principal

office of advancement Yulanda N. Davis-Quarrie, CFRE Executive Director of Advancement and External Relations content editor Pam Armus Director of Communications and Annual Giving

Photographs in The Regent are courtesy of St. Lucy’s Priory High School, Theresa Nafis, and Megan-Anne Photography Front Cover Photo: Theresa Nafis Back Cover Photo: Class of 2018

St. Lucy’s is on Facebook and Instagram. Follow us @St. Lucy’s Priory High School


a message from board member, toni dunbar


enry Ford said, “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” This definitely holds true for St. Lucy’s Board of Directors. Beginnings are beautiful!

When the Board began our work in August 2017, we dedicated ourselves to listen to the pulse and rhythm of the work that had preceded our team and to be impassioned supporters of the school’s legacy of excellence. We realized we were champions of each young woman’s educational experience, and we must honor the dedicated work of teachers and school leaders. Through many discussions, we have learned that there is much to give and learn as we continue to shape and maintain an effective and efficient organizational structure that allows administrators to manage the school, teachers to teach and students to learn. We understood that as a group, we have an important influence on the direction of each young woman enrolled at St. Lucy’s. We are privileged to play this important role in guiding each student’s development of resilience and positive self identity, changing the context for girls and creating a nurturing environment in which they can thrive. Early on, we realized the value of education and that we must make strategic choices for the well-being of the young women

entrusted to the school. With a keen eye toward serving the needs of all students, we have worked to further develop a learning environment that sparks curiosity, imagination and a love of lifetime learning. As this Board has supported the selection of a new principal for next year, we step forward with a commitment to sustaining the school’s legacy while also moving into new directions. We will always be grateful to Sister Helen for her genuine commitment to work tirelessly while being on deck each minute and for helping to maintain the charted pathway, both in low tide and in challenging seas. We also salute Judy Hartranft for her unending work in being the navigational system for the floating vessel, and the dedicated staff for maintaining each cabin in top notch order regardless of what the seas are around them. With an end to this year, we see the next year on the horizon. The cycle of work blurs the lines between where we end and how we begin again. This must be a safe place where young women are valued and where learning will be engaging, challenging and fun. It is the time when we set the foundation for fruitful learning all year. I am privileged to be a part of this Board as a new member. I look forward with hope, anticipation and belief that working together with this community, we will provide the results that we all seek for our students. Indeed, Mr. Henry Ford, working together is a success. It is a success that we value and strive to achieve. We will continue to explore the power of endings and beginnings as a means to achieve the successes that we all seek. Sincerely, Ms. Toni Dunbar Board Member


st. lucy’s welcomes new principal, robyn carroll


t. Lucy’s is pleased to announce the search for a new principal has concluded, and it is with great enthusiasm that we introduce Robyn Carroll as the next Principal of St. Lucy’s Priory High School. Ms. Carroll is an exceptionally strong, collaborative and effective leader with classroom and administrative experience combined with a strong and active Catholic faith.

Ms. Carroll has devoted her career to Catholic education and faith development, with over 15 years’ experience as an educational leader in the Catholic schools’ system of Australia. During her time at Mary MacKillop College, a Catholic girls high school in Kensington, South Australia, she created and built the music department while serving as Director of Student Support and Daily Administration. She later moved into the Director of Development, Community and Culture role and served as a member of the College Leadership Team, working closely with the Principal on the effective running of the school. Ms. Carroll received her Bachelor of Arts and Post-Graduate Diploma in Education from the University of Adelaide. Ms. Carroll also was the Manager of Archdiocesan Special Projects and Events in the Archdiocese of Adelaide, South Australia. She served on the Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission, the Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission and Diocesan Work, Health and Safety Commission. She also was a member of the Adelaide Cathedral Liturgy Committee. As part of this leadership transition, Sister Helen Dziuk will move into a Principal Emeritus role, providing mentorship and guidance to Ms. Carroll as she acclimates to St. Lucy’s. St. Lucy’s is deeply grateful for all Sister Helen has given to the school over the years, and is indebted to her for her strong vision and unwavering commitment to the school community. St. Lucy’s is delighted to have Ms. Carroll with her energy and passion for Catholic secondary education join our leadership team, and we are confident she will build upon the strengths of our school as we evolve into this new phase of leadership.

I eagerly anticipate the future at St. Lucy’s, steeped in the legacy of the Benedictines and a place where we teach young women to be creative and collaborative learners. —Robyn Carroll




heresa Nafis ’07 is currently on an infantry tour at Camp Pendleton as one of three women who were selected to be the first female Forward Air Controllers for the First Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion. As a Forward Air Controller, Theresa’s job is to support the infantry unit and coordinate with air assets the bombing of targets that may be in close proximity to friendly troops. The job recently became available to women and she will be in this position for one year. Before Camp Pendleton, Theresa served at the Marine Corps Air Station in Iwakuni, Japan as an F/A-18 Weapon Systems Officer in the Marine All-Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 242. After her time at Camp Pendleton, Theresa will be making decisions on what she would like to do next, whether it be to continue her military career or move on to something different. No matter what Theresa decides, St. Lucy’s is extremely proud of how alumnae like her are continuing to make important contributions to our country. Why did you decide to go to a military college? I knew I wanted to join the military when I was a freshman, maybe even earlier. Both of my grandfathers served in WWII. I have no other family members serving, so I am not quite sure why it attracted me, but it did. I wanted a challenge, and I wanted to serve. I went to the Air Force Academy Summer Seminar and the Naval Academy Summer Seminar and returned from the Naval Academy completely sold. I also spoke with UCLA ROTC, and received a full ride there as well. I eventually decided on the Naval Academy because it sounded harder and I wanted to be a part of the “elite”. 4

Theresa with family and friends at her graduation.

What was your time like as a St. Lucy’s student? My time at St. Lucy’s was hectic, different, and in the end a very good decision that my parents made for me. An all-girls Catholic school is not what an aspiring public high school student desires, but St. Lucy’s was my first exposure to how important female friends are, and I believe attending there helped me get into the Naval Academy. At school, I was in honors classes and took most of the AP courses. I played varsity soccer and varsity tennis, and also worked pretty much full time at Red Robin in Chino. I had a carpool of girls I took to school each day and was also the president of a few clubs and an active participant in Civil Air Patrol.

Theresa with brothers Joseph (left) and Christopher (right).

Theresa stands next to F/A-18 with fellow pilot Elliott Snelgrove.

As a high school student, I had seemingly endless energy. I was waking up early to drive to school, attend class while doing my homework during breaks and at lunch, would change in my car for practice, then change in my car for work, get home late and do it all over again the next day. I wouldn’t work on days that I had a game or match or when I had Civil Air Patrol. My parents and my teachers new I had a busy schedule, but it was truly my friends that kept tabs on me and would call me out when I simply was doing too much.

of honor and politeness and no matter what job they are doing, they always will be humble and accommodating.

How did St. Lucy’s prepare you for college? The Naval Academy is a fast paced, intense, stressful environment and demands a lot from its students, especially the freshmen, known as Plebes. As you can see from my schedule in high school, I was well prepared for that environment. And, thanks to St. Lucy’s, I had a sense of purpose, a higher power looking over me, and was given all of the social tools I needed to make friends and exercise teamwork. I was the first St. Lucy’s student to be accepted into the Naval Academy. What is it like to fly military planes? Flying for the military is exhilarating, especially flying the F/A-18. We fly fast, we fly low, we fly high, we drop bombs and we shoot missiles. It is fast paced and can be stressful but it is truly a good time. It is also way harder than I thought it would be. After college, I had to attend a six-month course to learn to be a Marine Corps officer. After that, I reported straight to flight school for two more years and then another year and a half learning to fly the F/A-18. It wasn’t until I had flown for two years in the fleet out in Japan that I finally felt comfortable and confident in the F/A-18. What is it like to live and work in Japan? The country itself is beautiful with so much to see, and the people are even more beautiful. The Japanese culture is one

Working in Japan for the military is a different story. We are considered “forward deployed” out there, so we are constantly preparing and training for war. I regularly worked through weekends and holidays, and averaged 12–13 hour work days. Even though the language barrier was frustrating at times, I am thankful for my tour and the friendships I was able to make. My second group of tight-knit girlfriends was built in Japan. I was the only female officer on base when I checked in. I was soon joined by two other female officers a few weeks later. Everyone knew who we were, and the pressure to perform was stressful and tiring. Without my fellow female officers in the service, I would not have survived that time and definitely would not have done as well as I did. When you find a group that is collaborative and supportive it makes all the difference. St. Lucy’s showed me that I truly needed to know how to bond with women in this way. I spent the majority of my adult life trying to be like one of the guys. It was a monumental moment in my life when I realized I am not one of the guys. I am different, I am beautiful and I have something to offer this community. Different perspectives, solutions and ways of viewing a problem can make a company or a team better and this is what women have to offer the military. What would you say to a St. Lucy’s student who is thinking of joining the military? Get ready for a wild ride. You will never be prepared enough or know fully what you are getting into until you are in it, and it may not be for everyone. Approach every challenge with confidence, and remember you are the only one who can control your attitude. A positive attitude with a lot of grit will get you farther than you could ever imagine. Remember your sisterhood from school, take those values with you and lean on them when the going gets tough. Always put your best foot forward and hang on! 5

Kayla Garcia ’18 and the Performing Arts A

t St. Lucy’s, it is our mission to empower our students to become spiritual, educated, integrated and collaborative young women. The mission drives everything we do for our students—from our strong academic and athletic programs to visual and performing arts and extracurricular activities.

The arts at St. Lucy’s offer students a well-rounded curriculum in studio and theater arts, music theory, choir and chamber singing, dance, advanced drawing, painting and sculpting and so much more. Our school’s mission runs through the entire arts program, building upon a student’s everyday learning and life experiences. “The arts play an integral part in what is important in the development of the whole person,” says art teacher Lucinda Hanshaw. “Critical and creative thinking skills, seeing the world from a different point of view and applying what is learned in the classroom to something physical and tangible are all benefits of the arts.” Whether it is through a dance routine, a mixed-media art project or reading music, for example, the skills that are learned through a student’s core classes in science, math, English and history can be applied to the arts. “The arts bring everything together, allowing students to express what they have learned in new ways,” says Ms. Hanshaw. For Kayla Garcia ’18, the arts at St. Lucy’s helped her grow and nurture her innate love of being creative. “Being artsy is in me. If I’m not being creative at some point during the day, I get antsy,” she says. In the sixth grade, Kayla began taking art classes and entered a local chalk art festival. Since then, she has won several festival awards, which helped her gain confidence in her artistic abilities. She also realized that maybe one day she could make a living from something she loves doing. At St. Lucy’s, Kayla took her love of the arts to a whole new level. While she likes using all types of mediums, she especially enjoys using pastels and chalks and more recently discovered her love of digital art through Mr. Naughtin’s class. “It’s amazing 6

Kayla creating art at a local Chalk Art Festival.

what you can create digitally,” she says. “The class helped me realize that I might like to pursue a graphic design career someday.” Kayla also enjoys being creative outside of school. For the past year, she has been illustrating a book for a local author and started painting unique designs on canvas shoes for family and friends.

Top left photo: Good friends, Renee Boulware and Kayla show off their Junior rings. Bottom left photo: Kayla playing waterpolo for St. Lucy’s. Right photo: Kayla on a visit to University of La Verne.

During her four years at St. Lucy’s, Kayla’s biggest challenge in high school was managing her time with her studies and extracurricular activities. She played water polo, was a member of the swim team, served as a Regent Ambassador, and was a member of the Captain’s Council and Publicity Team. Her fondest St. Lucy’s memories are of the sisterhood and the many friends she has made and will miss after graduation. “I loved going to an all-girls school,” says Kayla. “Everyone is very supportive. Both friends and teachers try to lift you up and support you in whatever you choose to do.” This fall, Kayla will attend the University of La Verne, where she received a four-year performing arts scholarship and plans to major in Studio Arts and Business Administration. She is excited for this next step in her life and thankful to be able to pursue her life’s dream. As St. Lucy’s makes plans to develop its STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) program, the arts remain an integral part of each student’s education. It’s a critical component to innovation and collaboration across many

Everyone is very supportive. Both friends and teachers try to lift you up and support you in whatever you choose to do. —Kayla Garcia

disciplines and helps students think “outside the box” and to be more curious about the world. In addition, many studies have shown that the arts promote more proficiency in reading, writing and math, a connection to the larger world that promotes community cohesion and improves graduation rates and test scores. For Kayla, the arts have given her a purpose and direction that she is passionate about. If St. Lucy’s can help our students find what they love to do, then we have truly served them well.

To find out more about St. Lucy’s arts programs, please visit and click the “Academics” and “Student Life” tabs.


Technology: End-of-Year Report


n 2015, St. Lucy’s embarked on a plan to introduce and integrate iPad technology into everyday learning with our students, and so far, the program has been a great success. Paper usage has been reduced, digital textbooks have brought the overall cost of books down and lightened backpacks, and students and teachers have embraced the technology faster than we ever imagined. The five-year technology plan is now being revised to reflect our accelerated timeline. We are planning to build a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) program at St. Lucy’s that will further introduce students to a variety of technologies that will ready them for careers in the 21st century. The iPad program has been the first step and further details on what is next will be introduced in the coming months.


We have smashed our goal of 50% reduction in paper usage and are at approximately a 66% reduction. We thought it would take longer for the teachers to adopt digital distribution, but they have embraced sharing materials and assignments through Google Classroom.


Our goal was to have at least 30% of our textbooks available on the iPad in year one of the program. We far surpassed this goal, with over 70% of the books used in our classrooms now available in digital format. There are many great textbooks available digitally, and this has enabled us to smoothly transition onto the iPad.


Because of our location in the foothills, internet access has always been a challenge. The cable service has to travel over 600 yards to get to our campus. After consulting with different internet services and investigating what other schools are doing that have similar service challenges, St. Lucy’s adopted a technology that uses radio waves to transmit its service to our campus. We also have a second ISP (Internet Service Provider) line that was installed last February that is now giving us a solid foundation for our internet services.


We knew from speaking with other schools that we needed a plan to avoid everyone using different applications. We wanted to develop a stable core of apps in order for every teacher and student to be able to help each other. We chose the best apps in each class based on what we needed to learn in every discipline. Once the “core apps” were solidified, they were pushed out to every iPad in the program. 8

GOAL: STUDENT AND TEACHER ASSISTANCE WITH THE IPAD PROGRAM THROUGHOUT THE SCHOOL DAY We needed full-time assistance from more than one source, so this year we developed the Tech Team. This team consists of 18 students and six teachers who are available to help with questions relating to the iPad in the Tech Room on campus during lunch and after school. The team has been a great resource to students, faculty and staff whenever they have challenges or questions while using the technology.


The 54th Commencement Ceremony.

Sr. Elizabeth addresses the graduates.

(L-R) Jeffrey Dye, Donna Dye ’68, Christine Gohn ’68 and Robert Gohn.


St. Lucy’s 2018 graduating class received more than $18 million in aid, grants and scholarships.

2018 grads with alumnae moms (L-R) : Christina ’89 and Emma Kelly; Jennifer ’89 and Natalie Perez; Jerlyn ’88 & Skylar Bryant

“I think St. Lucy’s has prepared me greatly for my life after high school. It has taught me the responsibility and maturity needed to excel in the world.” —Lia DeAnda ’18

Photography by Megan Peralez


Being a Regent Continues Beyond Graduation L

ast summer was the first time it really hit me. I was standing in the studio of Portraits by Kathy as Kathy, with her usual flashing smile, hurriedly hooked a white cap and gown on the door. Placing that cap on my head, it was the first time that I realized this was not just an event in which every St. Lucy’s student partakes as summer approaches.

Graduation is the culmination of high school, where we often feel we cannot wait to cross the finish line. Personally, I had been one of those students who counted the seconds until the bell rang and wished the end of the year would stop taking its sweet time and come already. This year that feeling seemed to increase uncontrollably into what has been termed ”senioritis,” but I also have noticed that something else has changed. It finally hit me that my time at St. Lucy’s was not a wait that I should be tolerating, but an experience that I should take advantage of and remember for the rest of my life. With the end of the school year fast approaching, there has been a plethora of advice circulating about campus regarding how we should keep in touch with our close friends, because it inevitably becomes harder as personal encounters become less frequent. I never thought it was in question that my close friends and I would stay in touch. However, I suddenly began to consider all of the girls I have met through the unique bond we call the Regent sisterhood who I may not sit with at lunch, but who never failed to wave in the hallway or catch up with me in class. I think it is rare for people to say that they smile every day, but at Lucy’s it is not an uncommon experience. There were so many occasions in which I was walking down the halls and people would point out a grin I had not noticed I was wearing. It took time for me to realize that all those instances should be attributed to the community that calls St. Lucy’s home. The community that, unfortunately, would not follow me to college. Graduation also calls to mind all of the incredible teachers I have had throughout my time in high school who have taught me not only about their subject, but also about what it really means to love your job. They have shown beyond all expectations how much they care about each student, and


Renee Boulware ’18

they made school a place I never wanted to leave, so much so that often times my car would be the last one sitting in the senior parking lot. In addition to the amazing support that I will carry with me from St. Lucy’s to wherever life takes me, I know that I have been given the tools to undertake the challenges that the future will bring. The major consensus among students at Lucy’s is that life here is incredibly stressful. Throughout my time in high school, there were very few days when “stressed” was not one of my emotions, including the months of summer “vacation”. However, I think it is necessary to learn to tolerate a certain amount of stress, because without it life can become mildly boring, and my time at school has certainly taught me how to do so. Many people have told me that when I walk down the aisle in the Amphitheater it will mark the end of my St. Lucy’s experience. I have come to the conclusion that every single one of those people was wrong. St. Lucy’s may just be a place in the simplest sense, but I will be a Regent for the rest of my life. I have learned so much in the last four years, and I can guarantee that sometime during college I will come home and ransack my house looking for my AP Biology notebook because the professor did not explain it as well as Ms. Moeller did during junior year. In addition, Ms. Pitre’s videos will probably become my most frequented YouTube channel, and I know that I will have a stack of copies of The Laureate sitting in my bottom desk drawer to read when I get homesick. My experiences have shaped me into the person that the world will see after graduation and will undoubtedly continue to alter my life as the educated, integrated, spiritual and collaborative young woman that St. Lucy’s taught me to be. 11

congr atulations to the class of 2018 100% OF OUR GRADUATES WERE ACCEPTED TO THE FOLLOWING COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES: Adelphi University

College of the Holy Cross

Monmouth University

Tulane University

AMDA College and Conservatory

Colorado Mesa University

Mount Saint Mary’s University (Chalon)

University of California, Berkeley

Colorado State University

Mt. San Antonio College

University of California, Davis

American University

Concordia University - Irvine

New York University

University of California, Irvine

Arizona State University

Concordia University - Montreal

North Carolina State University

University of California, Los Angeles

Azusa Pacific University

Creighton University

North Dakota State University

University of California, Merced

Bates College

Dixie State University

Northern Arizona University

University of California, Riverside

Baylor University

Dominican University of California

Nova Southeastern University

University of California, San Diego

Bethel University-MN

Drake University

Occidental College

University of California, Santa Barbara

Biola University

East Tennessee State University

Otis College of Art and Design

University of California, Santa Cruz

Boise State University

Eastern Oregon University

Pasadena City College

University of Colorado at Boulder

Boston College

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical

Pennsylvania State University

University of Dallas

Pepperdine University

University of Denver

of the Performing Arts

Boston University

University - Prescott

Brandeis University

Emmanuel College

Point Loma Nazarene University

University of Hawaii at Manoa

California Baptist University

Fordham University

Portland State University

University of La Verne

California Institute of the Arts

Franciscan University of Steubenville

Providence College

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor

California Lutheran University

Fresno Pacific University

Regis University

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

California Polytechnic State University,

Gonzaga University

Saint Louis University

University of Massachusetts, Boston

Grand Canyon University

Saint Mary’s College of California

University of Mississippi

Grand View University

San Diego State University

University of Oregon

Hawaii Pacific University

San Francisco State University

University of Portland

Hofstra University

San Jose State University

University of Puget Sound

Holy Names University

Santa Clara University

University of Redlands

California State University, Chico

Hood College

Santa Monica College

University of Rhode Island

California State University,

Hope International University

Sarah Lawrence College

University of San Diego

Humboldt State University

Seattle Pacific University

University of San Francisco

California State University, East Bay

Idaho State University

Seattle University

University of Southern California

California State University, Fresno

Iona College

Seton Hall University

University of the Pacific

California State University, Fullerton

Iowa State University

Simpson University

University of Utah

California State University, Long Beach

Johnson & Wales University (Denver)

Sonoma State University

University of Vermont

California State University,

Kennesaw State University

St. Francis College

University of Washington

King’s College

St. John’s University -

University of Wisconsin, Madison

San Luis Obispo California State Polytechnic University, Pomona California State University, Channel Islands

Dominguez Hills

Los Angeles California State University,

Lake Forest College

Queens Campus

Utica College Vanguard University

Lewis & Clark College

Syracuse University

Life Pacific College

Texas Christian University

Long Island University, Brooklyn

The American University of Paris

Ventura College

California State University, San Marcos

Loras College

The Catholic University of America

Washington State University

California State University, Stanislaus

Loyola Marymount University

The George Washington University

Western Oregon University

Carroll College (Montana)

Loyola University Chicago

The King’s College

Western Washington University

Carthage College

Marist College

The University of Alabama

Westminster College

Chaffey College

Marymount California University

The University of Arizona

Westmont College

Chapman University

Marymount Manhattan College

The University of Montana, Missoula

Whittier College

Chestnut Hill College

McGill University (Faculty of Arts )

The University of Oklahoma

Whitworth University

Citrus College

MCPHS - Massachusetts College

Trinity Christian College

Willamette University

Trinity University

William Jessup University

Northridge California State University, San Bernardino

Coe College


of Pharmacy & Health Sciences

of Southern California

class notes 1980’s

Bianca Smith Mota ’08 married Joey Mota (Damien ’07) on October 8, 2017. Patricia Saucedo ’07 and Alina Mota ’14 were bridesmaids and Andrew Hacker (Damien ’07) and Christian Hartnett (Damien ’07) were groomsmen.

Renee Etienne Sullivan ’86 is owner, with her husband Wyatt, of the luxury home staging and design firm Bella Casa in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Renee is a USC graduate and lives in Sierra Madre.

Katie Johnson Sandberg ’09, married John Sandberg on August 5, 2017 at the University of San Diego where they met in 2011. Katie’s sisters Ellie Johnson ’11 and Annie Johnson ’13, were maids of honor. The couple resides in Denver, CO.


Jeanine Valles LaFratta ’99 is a Trial Attorney for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of General Counsel. She received her law degree from Notre Dame Law School in 2007 and resides in Alexandria, Virginia.


Sisters Megan Pattison ’03 (left) and Erin Pattison Jensen ’01 (right), have recently opened The Treatment Skin Care Boutique in Claremont. Their business offers medical-grade aesthetic treatments, injectables and their very-own skincare line.


Beth Hartnett Jager ’05 and her husband, Matt, recently celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary. The couple met at the wedding of Beth’s sister, Monica Hartnett Hennon ’02. Beth works as a sponsored research administrator at Claremont McKenna College and begins her master’s degree program at Johns Hopkins University this summer.

Matt Cornelius, a member of St. Lucy’s Safety Department, and his wife, Cindy Verduzco Cornelius ’01, welcomed Nathaniel Francis into their family on February 8, 2018. Matt and Cindy are also the proud parents of sons, Rafael, 12 and Matthew Jr., 8.

Krystal Lobeto Dreisbach ’06 is a marriage and family therapist and recently published her first book titled, “Trials of the Working Parent”. Victoria Corrado Janis ’08 sent this recent update: “I got married to Daniel Janis in 2017, and we’re expecting our first son in July 2018! We live in Longview, Texas, near Dallas, and started our own real estate investment business last year. We own rental properties and split our time between renovating homes and lots of domestic and international travel.”

Emily Tancredi Contreras ’04 and husband, Travis, welcomed a second son, Ryder Dylan, born on February 9, 2018. Emily, a secretary in St. Lucy’s Administration Office and Travis, a science teacher at the school, also have a two-year old son named Zachary.

passings Juliet Marie Cornelius September 15, 1921 – January 11, 2018 Juliet is the grandmother of Matt Cornelius, a member of St. Lucy’s Safety Department. Juliet was born in Alhambra, CA and went to Alhambra High School. She was a hairdresser and a loving housewife. Juliet had two sons who passed away in 1997 and 2006 and is survived by her four grandchildren and five great grandchildren.


Office of Advancement (626) 963-0017 • 655 w. sierr a madre ave. glendor a, ca 91741


attention alumnae and alumnae parents! Have you moved? Has your daughter moved out of your house? We want to keep in touch with alumnae and alumnae parents! Please submit an update on St. Lucy’s website at by clicking on the “Alumnae” drop down menu and “Update Your Info” on the left side of the page. Thank you for keeping in touch with St. Lucy’s!

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