ACTION Newsletter January 2025

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Letter from the President

Happy New Year! As we step into 2025, we are excited to unveil the next chapter for the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce with the rollout of our new 5-year strategic plan. This ambitious plan is built around a refreshed mission, vision, and values that reflect our commitment to cultivating a thriving business community.

Looking back, I believe 2024 was a year of accomplishment and progress. We successfully hosted hundreds of events and programs to help unite and energize our community, such as the Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival, the Women in Business Summit, Stark Forum and so many others. We strengthened connections among businesses, educators, and workforce talent to help address regional workforce challenges. Our advocacy efforts amplified our voice in championing policies that create a more business-friendly environment, while we continued to prioritize networking and leadership development. These achievements have laid a strong foundation for the journey ahead.

Our new strategic plan will guide us through the next five years, ensuring that our Chamber continues to lead with purpose and impact. This plan, thoughtfully crafted with your input, focuses on driving initiatives that empower businesses, attract new investments, and foster a thriving regional economy. Serving our diverse members is at the forefront of our mission.

Your role as a member of the Chamber is more important than ever. Together, we will navigate this exciting new era, leveraging our collective strengths to build on our legacy and open doors to future opportunities. Thank you for being a vital part of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce. Here’s to a year—and a future—of shared successes and enduring impact!



Christopher Go , Esq. Chairman

Je Da er President & CEO

Darla Brown Vice President – Marketing & Membership Strategy

Melinda McNutt Vice President – Development & Partnership Relations

Mark Prosise Vice President – Events & Strategic Initiatives


Molly Romig Vice President – Membership Development and Services Ad Sales / Action: 330-415-2158

Mattison Davis Marketing Coordinator

Sarah Lutz Editor & Creative Director

ACTION NEWSLETTER is published monthly for the members of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce. The subscription cost is $25 per year and is included in the price of membership.

Reader questions and comments are welcome and encouraged. Contents may be reprinted with credit. Address all inquiries to:

Editor, Action

Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce 222 Market Ave. N Canton, Ohio 44702 or call (330) 456.7253, or e-mail

Advertising rates are available for Chamber members. Advertisement does not constitute endorsement by the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Networking Series


Join the Canton Regional Chamber on Wednesday, January 15, for our first networking luncheon of 2025, sponsored by AultCare. Jeff Dafler, CEO & President of the Chamber, will reveal more about the Chamber’s vision for serving our diverse members and driving regional growth.

Hear firsthand about the Chamber’s 2025 priorities and key initiatives designed to enhance the economic and community landscape.

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with fellow members and regional partners, engage with Chamber leadership, and discover how you can be part of our shared success.

QuickConnect Luncheon


About the series:

AultCare QuickConnect offers great networking opportunities for business leads. Join Stark County’s premier luncheon – enjoy activities, hear speakers, make connections, and savor lunch. Members can promote their business with a 30-second commercial by contributing a $15+ door prize. Contact Darla with any questions at

Wednesday, January 15

11:30 am – 1:00 pm

(Registration at 11:00 am)

La Pizzaria 3656 Dressler Rd Canton, OH 44718

$27/members, $37/non-members Register by January 8 at

JOIN A TIP CLUB and Grow Your

Business Leads in the New Year!

Attend a “tip club” for weekly networking meetings, and exchange sales leads with over a dozen fellow chamber members in a wide variety of industries!

Participating in a tip club is free for members - and is open to all Canton Regional Chamber members. Choose a time below that works with your schedule for a casual breakfast or lunch. Just show up and pay for your meal!


12 noon at Danny Boys // 6081 Dressler Rd. NW, North Canton, OH 44720

Lead by Molly Romig


8 am at Samantha’s North Market // 6326 Market Ave., N., North Canton, OH 44720 // Lead by Stacy Hoffman

12 noon Winking Lizard Tavern // 5710 Fulton Dr., NW

Lead by Molly Romig


8 am at Buehler’s // 7138 Fulton Dr. NW, Massillon, OH 44646

Lead by David Angione

12 noon at La Pizzaria, 3656 Dressler Road, Canton, OH 44718

Lead by Molly Romig

Follow us on social media or visit our website to view all of our upcoming events:

Better banking for Canton business owners

Founded on the idea that thriving communities start with healthy businesses, Westfield Bank takes pride in being a full-service banking partner invested in the Canton business community.

That’s why we’re pleased to welcome to our team Jeff Snyder, SVP, market leader, as he brings extensive experience supporting Canton area small businesses.

Jeff is excited to get to know you and your business.

Stop in to meet Jeff at our Canton branch or reach out directly at 330.493.5133 or

Marketing Matters


This commitment to thriving means implementing key strategies that will empower businesses like yours to not only survive but thrive in the coming year. By prioritizing adaptability, leveraging data, cultivating customer loyalty, nurturing team dynamics, embracing technology, and strengthening community connections, we can build a foundation for success in 2025, in which Chamber members and our local community ourish.

Here are some key initiatives to consider that will position your business for success in 2025:


The key to thriving is developing a exible business model. Consider subscription services or modular o erings that can scale with demand without compromising quality. This approach ensures your business can pivot quickly when market conditions shift, a crucial skill in any economy.


Data has transformed from a luxury to a necessity. Investing in analytics tools to track customer behavior, marketing performance, and operational e ciency is essential. This information will guide decision-making processes, allowing your business to stay ahead of market trends and customer needs.


Our local business community thrives on relationships. Focus on strategies that enhance customer loyalty, such as personalized services and proactive support. A satis ed customer becomes an advocate for your brand, which is invaluable in our business community.


Employees are a business’s greatest asset. Fostering a company culture that encourages innovation and collaboration is crucial. Providing growth opportunities and creating an environment where team members feel valued boosts productivity and helps retain top talent in our competitive job market.


Staying competitive means embracing technological advancements that align with business goals. Exploring how arti cial intelligence and automation can streamline operations and enhance customer experiences can be very bene cial. Early adoption of relevant technologies can position businesses as leaders in their industries.


Local partnerships are powerful. Actively seek collaborations with complementary businesses to expand reach and resources. Participating in Chamber networking events can provide valuable insights and foster relationships that drive mutual growth.


Modern consumers value businesses that prioritize sustainability. Adopting eco-friendly practices not only bene ts the environment but also resonates with consumers. This alignment can enhance brand loyalty and attract a broader clientele.


This year, Marketing Matters will explore marketing strategies and trends speci c to a di erent industry each month. These insights will help businesses re ne their approaches and engage more e ectively with their target audiences. By aligning marketing e orts with industry trends and consumer expectations, companies will be better equipped to boost sales and drive growth throughout the year.

To ensure our local business community thrives in 2025, we must focus on adaptability, data-driven decisions, customer loyalty, team development, and community engagement while leveraging the Chamber’s resources and upcoming industryspeci c marketing insights to create a supportive environment for growth. The team at UB Advertising is always here to help your business succeed.

Let’s strive together to make 2025 a year of exceptional growth and success for all Chamber members!

2025 Executive Board


Christopher Go , Esq. Chairman, President & CEO Employers Health


Mark Wright President AultCare


Kenny Peterson Owner Nothing bundt Cakes


Sue Grabowski CEO Desidara


Teresa (Teri) L. Wilson Vice President – Tax The Timken Company

2025 Board of Directors

Dr. Tim Collins

President Walsh University

Dr. Timothy Crone

President Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital

Joseph Daleiden Senior VP – Commercial Banking KeyBank

Dan DeHo CEO DeHo Development Company

Teresa Golden President Environmental Flooring Group

Matthew Halter President & COO Solmet Technologies, Inc.

Justin Hardesty Financial Advisor Hardesty Partners & Jackson Twp. Trustee

Mary Ellen Icaza

CEO/Executive Director Stark Library

Joseph Luckring Regional President The PNC Financial Services Group

Gregory L. King President University of Mount Union

Jim Porter President Pro Football Hall of Fame

Elaine Russell Reol President/CEO CommQuest Services Inc.

Eric Schreiber CPA 415 Group

Jerry Schroer President The Schroer Group

Williams C. Shivers

Senior VP, Regional President Farmers National Bank

Michael Sirpilla CEO Society Brands

Je Snyder

Senior VP and Market Leader West eld Bank

Leonard Stevens CEO Stark County Minority Business Assoc.


Bradley H. Belden

President The Belden Brick Company


Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce

Je Talbert Superintendent Canton City School District

Lucien Tolbert Human Resources Manager Marathon Petroleum Center

Sandy Upperman Community President –Greater Stark County Huntington National Bank

Mark Vandegrift

Principal and COO Innis Maggiore

Dustin J. Vrabel Partner

Buckingham, Doolittle, and Burroughs, LLP

Thomas West

President and CEO

Greater Stark County Urban League

Scott M. Zurakowski

Attorney at Law

Krugliak, Wilkins, Gri ths & Dougherty Co., LPA

MAGNETisproudlycelebrating 40years ofrollingupoursleevestohelp drivemanufacturinginNortheastOhio.

MAGNET is proudly celebrating 40 ye y ars of rolling up our sleeves to help drive manufacturing in Northeast Ohio. Client Engagement Director, Janelle Lee to learn

Contact ClientEngagement Director,JanelleLee tolearnmore aboutourvarious consulting services andhowwehelp NortheastOhiomanufacturers grow.

Once You Get ‘Em, How Do You Keep ‘Em?

You own a small business or run a non-pro t and you need an employee. You launch a search - using word of mouth and advertising in newspapers or online or both. You read resumes and conduct interviews. The search consumes time and money.

Your e orts pay o when you land a person who looks like he or she will ll the bill nicely. And then, too soon afterward, you lose that person who was contributing to your business success. Reasons could vary. Miscommunication as to job responsibilities. Failure to create and sustain a welcoming work environment. A better job elsewhere. A geographic move. A desire to work only part-time. Etc. Some reasons are unavoidable. Others aren’t.

At SCORE we are continuously working to add strength to our corps of mentors. Once we land one, we practice what we preach. To wit, we implement a process to keep him or her. To SCORE, retention is regarded as integral to recruiting.


Onboarding steps:

•A formal orientation to SCORE that includes what we do, when we do it, how we do it.

•Training that includes serving as a co-counselor six times before being asked to serve as a lead counselor.

•A veteran SCORE member who serves as a guide or coach for a recruit.

•Completion of an online introduction to SCORE’s code of ethics.

We ask new members to serve on a committee.

We invite new members to participate in our workshop program,

•as a member of the planning team, or

•creating content for a new workshop that leverages the new mentor’s strengths and skills, or •conducting workshops.

Monthly we share our chapter’s progress toward measurable goals for the current year.

We communicate frequently.

•Via monthly meetings.

•In person.

•Via email.

•Via This & That, a newsletter that keeps members apprised of chapter doings - past and future.

We show appreciation regularly.

In the aggregate, that retention process emphasizes the importance of creating a strong sense of belonging. And word of a business’s or organization’s welcoming work environment or culture gets around and strengthens your brand.

Perhaps in running your business or non-pro t you can build on or borrow from our SCORE “template.”

To learn more about SCORE go to or email

Join us for the rst Safety Council luncheon of 2025 with Mike Gallina, Vice President of Organizational Development and Community Engagement with AultCare. His topic is The Safety Culture CHAMPionship Journey!

All are welcome. You do not need to be a Safety Council member to attend.

Spotlight your company at a monthly Safety Council Luncheon!

Sign up for this exclusive sponsorship which includes:

• Display table across from registration in the entryway of event center

January Luncheon


• Lunch for 2 ($48 value)

• 3-5 Minutes at the Mic to promote your company in front of 200 members

• Your logo included in all marketing promotions and on the website

Contact Angie Glancy to reserve your spot at

Thursday, Jan. 9

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Alex D. Krassas Event Center Cost: $24

Employee engagement in safety

Employee engagement in workplace safety is critical for maintaining a safe and productive environment. When employees actively engage in safety efforts, they're more likely to follow protocols, identify hazards and contribute to a culture prioritizing well-being. Employee engagement will differ from company to company depending upon factors such as culture, leadership, employees and the current safety program. Regardless of the type of safety program you have, involving employees in it will show the company’s dedication to safety in the workplace. An effective way to protect employees is to involve them in your company’s safety program. There are a number of ways to do this, so it is important you find out what works best for yours.

Here are some strategies to encourage engagement:

Involve Employees in Safety Planning

Active participation in the company’s safety planning meetings and risk assessments will allow workers to voice their concerns, concerns of others and suggest improvements. Many employees have firsthand knowledge of tasks and job functions and can highlight potential risks, hazards and offer better solutions others may overlook.

Empower Employees to Speak Up

There are many ways to encourage employees to report hazards, near-misses and unsafe behaviors. The key is to encourage reporting without fear of reprimand. Suggestion boxes, computer reporting software, safety meetings and toolbox talks can all be used to address safety concerns and make employees feel comfortable contributing to safety.

Provide Ongoing Safety Training and Development

Develop a training program that offers guidance and knowledge to employees. Training is required in many situations for compliance but it should be more than that. The main focus of training is to encourage employees to work safely to eliminate injuries. Remind them that nobody wants to get hurt at work and safety training is key to preventing injuries. Regular, interactive training keeps safety topof-mind and helps employees retain knowledge. Customize the topics for different departments or areas.

Set Clear, Achievable Safety Goals

Goals can be a great way to encourage employees to get involved in safety. Recognize individual and team efforts to meet these goals, which can help keep everyone motivated. However, avoid setting goals that focus on injury reduction as this might discourage employees from reporting. Acknowledge employees who consistently follow safety practices and contribute to safety initiatives. Rewards can range from public recognition to tangible incentives.

Encourage Positive Peer Influence

Create a culture where employees remind each other about safety practices and help correct unsafe behaviors. Focus on the point that safety is everyone’s responsibility and not one department or person. No single employee should be policing safe work practice, but it should be a responsibility of everyone. Reinforce to staff that reporting unsafe conditions and behaviors is key to prevention and keeping an overall safe workplace. When safety is part of the team’s shared responsibility, compliance improves naturally.

Leadership by Example

Probably one of the most important parts to a safe workplace is leading by example. When leaders consistently demonstrate commitment to safety, it sends a strong message. Regardless of who enters the work area, ensure employees wear required PPE and follow safety guidelines such as staying within marked walking areas. Engaged leadership shows that safety is a priority and not just an obligation. Employees who regularly do not enter the work area and are seen not following safety rules shows to employees that safety is not a priority.

Regularly Communicate Safety Information

Keep safety visible with bulletin boards, digital displays, posters or company newsletters. Regular reminders reinforce the importance of safety in the workplace. The safety message should be changed periodically (weekly or monthly). Use these communication channels to reinforce safety guidelines, such as PPE usage, Safety Data Sheet information or review of safe work practices.

Evaluate and Act on Feedback

Regularly request feedback on safety processes and be proactive in implementing suggested changes. When employees see their feedback leads to improvements, they’re more likely to stay engaged. Regardless of how small a safety suggestion may seem, always get back to the employee with a response. Ignoring requests can demonstrate a non-caring attitude toward safety.

Encouraging employee engagement into your company’s safety program is a great way to demonstrate how important safety is in the workplace. When developing a strategy that is specific to your culture, be creative, think outside the box and include employee suggestions. Once you’ve come up with a strategy that fits your organization, communicate it with employees. Share the philosophy that safety is the number one priority. Remember, in a workplace where employees feel valued, supported and empowered to contribute to safety, they’ll be more likely to stay actively engaged in creating a safe environment.

If you need help identifying potential hazards in your workplace, please contact Andy Sawan, risk services specialist at Sedgwick at or 330 819 4728.


WELCOME to our newest members, who joined Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce in November. We encourage you to patronize their businesses. If you know of other businesses that would bene t from Chamber membership, please contact Molly Romig, Vice President – Membership Development and Services at 330-415-2158.

Arthritis Clinic of Stark County, Inc. (PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS)

Debbie Mallernee

4565 Dressler Rd. NW – Suite 101 Canton, OH 44718

Office Hours

Monday AM 8:00 PM 4:30

Tuesday AM 8:00 PM 4:30

Wednesday AM 8:00 PM 4:30

Thursday AM 8:00 PM 4:30

Friday AM 8:00 PM 12:00

We are contracted with the following insurance companies:

Medicare (participating) , Aultcare, Primetime, Anthem (we are not on all anthem products please check prior to scheduling an appointment), Humana, SUMMA,( we are not on all Summa products please check prior to scheduling an appointment) Medical Mutual of Ohio, Aetna ,United Health Care, and the Health Plan.

Burrato Italian Kitchen (RESTAURANTS)

Frank Hill 3102 Tuscarawas St. W Canton, OH 44708 (330) 704-8228

Authentic Italian Fare.

Fresh pasta, pizza, hoagies and more by Executive Chef Frank Hill!

Check out our menu online. Gift certificates and e-cards also available. Lunch / Dinner / Catering for all occasions. Tue-Fri: 11am-8pm, Sat: 2pm-8pm

Canton Country Day School (SCHOOLS)

Katie Guist, Admissions Director 3000 Demington Ave. NW Canton, OH 44718 (330) 453-8279

Canton Country Day School celebrates 60 years of academic excellence, igniting students with confidence, developing academic responsibility in an innovative environment since 1964. Canton Country Day School is a unique learning community for preschool-8th grade students and is the only independent, private and nonsectarian school in Stark County. CCDS is a nonprofit and is part of the Country Day School movement, which is a development in progressive education that originated in the 19th century.


Bonnie Blum, Retail Manager 1608 W. Market St. Akron, OH 44313 (330) 864-9722

Superior service to our customers and our community has enabled us to weather the many economic storms that have come through our area. It has something to do with family values and pride, City Cleaners is owned and operated by Richard and Jeff Sitz fourth generation ownership. Together they carry on the family tradition of providing their customers with the best dry cleaning service the Northeast Ohio area has to offer.

Friendly and professional services. With locations in West Akron, Fairlawn, Green,

and Canton as well as their renowned pickup and delivery service City Cleaners is able to serve the entire Greater Akron area. City Cleaners strongly believes in giving back to the communities in which they do business.

They are involved in numerous area chambers of commerce, helping the unemployed with free suit cleaning, their heralded Glass Slipper mission, and supporting numerous school fundraisers and philanthropic efforts.

Complete Weddings + Events (EVENT PRODUCTION)

Lisa Aurand, Owner

5679 Ridgecourt St. NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 433-7147

If you’re looking to tie the knot or throw an epic event, you have come to the right place. Complete Weddings + Events will help you find the right event or wedding photographer, videographer, and DJ in Akron and Canton, Ohio to throw a phenomenal party. Plus we offer fun lighting and photo booth rental options to elevate your event and give you the type of unforgettable experience you’re looking for. When you party with Complete Weddings + Events in Akron, it’s completely about you! We are proud to offer the best wedding services in the area.

If you’re planning a wedding in Akron or Canton, Ohio, then you’ve landed at the right place! Now that you’ve said YES! to spending your life together, you have some exciting decisions ahead. At Complete Weddings + Events, planning weddings and events is what we do best. We’re here to guide you through the planning process so you can enjoy the big decisions and leave the details to us. We’ve got all the tools you need to make planning your wedding less of a challenge and help you pull off the wedding of your dreams, starting now.


money while improving performance and compliance with glovebags and other flexible containment solutions.

Connolly, Hillyer and Ong Inc. (ATTORNEYS)

Katherine Hillyer 201 North Main Street

Uhrichsville, OH 44683-1832 (740) 922-4161

We provide business legal services as well as contracts and real estate purchases. We have been representing business clients in the region for over 40 years, and currently represent many local businesses, and corporations.

We also specialize in oil and gas searches; oil, gas and coal leases, and coal lease preparation and review. We work with many Ohio-based oil and gas companies to negotiate and prepare oil and gas leases for land owners.

We serve clients in Tuscarawas, Carroll, Harrison, Stark, Guernsey, and Coshocton Counties.


Carly Hopwood

521 E. 7th St.

Uhrichsville, OH 44683 (740) 922-4233

FabOhio, Inc. has been in the film fabrication business since 1963. Our development of the first flexible glove bag containment system in 1993 has since created new standards in the Pharmaceutical dispensing and containment field.

We consider ourselves ‘the first and still the best’ in the industry. Partner with us on your next flexible containment endeavor! As your partner in custom and compliant containment, our goal is to save you time and

We can help you overcome nearly any containment challenge across any phase of your operations. Request a design or contact us to discuss your project in detail.


Federal Community Bank (BANKS)

Chrissy Blackwell, Marketing & Communications Specialist 141 West Ohio Avenue Dover, OH 44622 (330) 364-7777

We truly believe banking is as much about people as it is about money. And although our dedication to old-fashioned customer service will never change, our commitment to innovation is equally strong. From day one, our motto has been “Investing in Our Community”. This means far more than providing superior financial services. It means volunteerism, philanthropy, and leadership throughout our community.


Jeff Robson 1821 Fulton Rd. NW Canton, OH 44709 (330) 412-5146

HireQuest Inc. helps build communities. As a staffing franchisor, we started small and have grown to become a leading provider of temporary workforce hiring and professional recruiting solutions across the United States. Today, you can find our family of companies at more than 440 locations in 47 states, including Washington, D.C.

Our 100% franchisee-owned staffing offices serve a variety of industries, including construction, light industrial, healthcare,

hospitality, CDL/non-CDL, and disaster restoration. We also recruit professionals for a number of different roles, such as admin/ clerical, management, and executive.

Our flourishing franchise owners are as diverse as the communities they serve, and include veterans, women, minorities, first-time business owners, and families. They are all just as dedicated as we are to helping individuals rejoin the workforce and supporting businesses as they scale.

This is HireQuest Inc. and our family of companies—HireQuest Direct, Snelling, TradeCorp, MRINetwork, HireQuest Health, DriverQuest, HireQuest, SearchPath Global, and VETSQuest.

Impact Construction and Restoration Co. (CONSTRUCTION)

Tim Kelleher, President 1375 College St. SE North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 880-4782

Impact Construction and Restoration Co. excels in large-scale commercial projects, offering decades of expertise in construction, renovation, and restoration across Northeast Ohio. Trusted for complex challenges like office remodels and insurance repairs, our team delivers precision and professionalism in transforming commercial spaces and residential properties.

Impact Construction & Restoration Co. is not just building structures; we’re crafting the backdrop of life’s most memorable moments. Founded in the heart of Ohio, we began with a simple mission: transform the construction and restoration industry in Canton, Akron, and Cleveland with unparalleled craftsmanship and a relentless commitment to our clients’ visions.

We’re committed to a promise of quality, trust, communication, and leadership in construction and restoration services, ensuring high customer satisfaction and a job done right—the first time, every time. Call us for a free estimate. (continued ...)


LaPlace Events


Natalie Parks, Owner 1860 Buchholzer Blvd. Akron, OH 44310 (330) 338-7485

Akron’s Premier Industrial style wedding and party center. We are a full service banquet facility. We look forward to working with you for all of your events, from weddings to anniversary parties, bridal showers, corporate meetings, birthday parties and more. We set the stage for lasting memories! Our staff is very accommodating and we look forward to serving you.

Catering offsite is also available.

Naturally Snackish LLC (CATERING)

Naomi J. Covert, Owner 2806 Daleford Ave., NE Canton, OH 44705 (234) 360-5249

Luxurious curated Charcuterie Experiences for all events. Extravagant desserts, to elevate all special occasions. Grazing Tables of all types. Customized for your personalized touch.

Protective Security Associates, LLC dba Signal of Canton-Youngstown (SECURITY SERVICES)

Barb Alekna 2223 Fulton Road NW, Suite 106 Canton, OH 44709 (330) 563-4055

At Signal we work to customize a security solution to your unique needs. Our highly

trained and dedicated officers provide you peace of mind to ensure you can pursue your passions.

Your needs and challenges are unique, you need a trusted partner who understands that. At Signal, we start by listening to you and tailoring a custom security plan for your needs, timeline and budget.

Signal’s Mobile Patrol solution is a locally owned, effective, security service at a costeffective price. Instant verification of activity. Digital reports, complete with photos and video, anytime. We are your active partner, working to ensure you have peace of mind to pursue your passion in life.

Oberster Media (PHOTOGRAPHERS)

Joe Oberster, Owner/Operator 216 Pearl Pl. SW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 418-7893

Oberster Media offers expert video production and photography services in commercial photography and video production, lifestyle and portrait photography, event photography and videography and aerial image capture.

Quillin Dairy Farm, LTD (AGRICULTURE)

Steve Quillin, Owner 5455 Angel Valley Road SW Stone Creek, OH 43840 (330) 795-0420

A family operated dairy farm in Angel Valley in Stone Creek, Ohio.


Kole Chaney, Owner Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 704-3240

Rise Solutions Marketing Agency is a resultsdriven firm specializing in SEO, content marketing, branding, and e-commerce web design. We are dedicated to optimizing your digital presence, ensuring your brand ranks higher and reaches the right audience. With expertise in content marketing, we craft compelling, value-driven stories that engage and convert. We excel in branding, helping businesses build strong, recognizable identities that resonate with their target market. Additionally, our e-commerce and web design solutions offer seamless user experiences, driving traffic and boosting sales. At Rise Solutions, we combine creativity with data-driven strategies to help your business rise above the competition.

Scriptshop Pharmacy (PHARMACIES)

Carrie Evans, Chief Financial Officer 4254 Erie Ave. SW Navarre, OH 44662 (330) 879-5626

We understand you are busy and when you do not feel well, the last thing you want to do is stand in line at the pharmacy. To best serve our patients, we have a drive-up window for prescription pickup. If you have other items you need from the pharmacy, just let us know and we can include the items with your prescription order. Delivery service is also available.

We carry medical equipment such as walkers, nebulizers, compression socks, crutches, canes, transfer benches, etc.

Multi-Dose Compliance Packaging available: Managing multiple medications can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. Our pharmacy offers a packaging system that will organize your medications by date and


time, securely sealed in individual easy-open packages. When it is time to take your next dose you just tear the package off the roll and the appropriate medications are there. No boxes, no bottles, no bother.

At Scriptshop Pharmacy, we provide a full line of immunizations and vaccinations. Our pharmacists are professionally trained to give vaccines. Let us help keep you and your family healthy! We accept walk-ins for routine immunizations. If you would like a COVID-19 vaccination, please schedule to ensure we have a dose available for you.

State Construction, LLC (ROOFING, GUTTERS, SIDING)

Mario Evans, Owner 7384 Braucher Street NW North Canton, OH 44720 (800) 817-4039

State Construction LLC, owned and operated by Mario Evans, has been a trusted name in roofing and exterior repairs for over 30 years. We specialize in providing highquality roofing, siding, and exterior repair and replacement services. Our team excels in assisting with insurance claims, ensuring you get the coverage you deserve for your roofing, siding, and exterior repair needs.

We are committed to using top-tier products and delivering expert installation to guarantee lasting results. Our price match guarantee ensures you receive the best value for your investment—we’ll match any competitor’s pricing, item for item. Additionally, all our services come with a lifetime warranty, giving you peace of mind that your property is in excellent hands.

When it comes to restoring and protecting your home or business, State Construction LLC is here to guide you every step of the way, from insurance claims to project completion. Let us help you safeguard your property with unmatched expertise and reliability.

Tower Countertops (GRANITE & STONE PRODUCTS)

Grace Kiko, Marketing Coordinator 2101 Ninth St. SW Massillon, OH 44647 (330) 837-2216

As the residential division of Tower Industries, Tower Countertops provides area homeowners the same courteous service and world-class manufacturing the pros enjoy from our commercial division. We deliver the highest quality products on your timetable, so you can keep your project moving — and enjoy the finished result sooner.

Our manufacturing takes place right here in Massillon, Ohio — we’re Ohio proud and American-made, with a commitment to our local community. And because we’re a local business, you never have to worry about overseas shipping delays or additional charges. In fact, we welcome you to drop by our showroom to see the many available surface materials up close and in person.


Tina Graver, Master Arborist 10188 Forty Corners Rd. NW Massillon, OH 44647 (330) 523-6585

At Tree Docs, we are dedicated to preserving and enhancing the health of your trees. Our team of experts specializes in diagnosing, prescribing, and treating a wide range of tree-related issues. Whether your trees are showing signs of distress or you want to ensure they thrive for years to come, we are here to help.

Trees are important to the environment and the economy. They improve air quality,

conserve energy, and reduce noise pollution. We provide a wide range of tree care services to ensure that your trees are healthy and look their best.

Willoughby & Company Inc. (ACCOUNTING & TAX PREPARATION)

Keith Willoughby 2419 East High Avenue New Philadelphia, OH 44663 (330) 602-1322

An accounting firm is known for the quality of its service. Our firm’s reputation reflects the high ethical and professional standards we demand of ourselves.

Our primary goal as a trusted advisor is to be available to provide insightful advice to enable our clients to make informed financial decisions. We do not accept anything less from ourselves and this is what we deliver to you.

We feel it is extremely important to continually professionally educate ourselves to improve our technical expertise, financial knowledge and service to our clients.

Our high service quality and satisfied clients are the result of our commitment to excellence.

We will answer all of your questions, as they impact both your tax and financial situations. We welcome you to contact us anytime.

(continued on next page)


Natalie Parks, Owner 1870 Buchholzer Blvd. Akron, OH 44310 (330) 338-7485 facebook/LaPlaceEvents facebook/thewowcrowd

The WOW Crowd (Wide Open World) is a social service for individuals with disabilities. Shared Living - Drop In Community Integration. We create real opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Our shared living network provides family bonding, long term relationships, community connections, consistency of care, a safe environment, meal planning, laundry, financial assistance, medical appointments and access to community activities.

If you are looking for a mentor for your child with behavioral health needs, please contact us today. We provide trained mentors with personal interest in your child’s need and dreams. We work with parents to see how we can assist to ensure the parent and child are benefiting. We provide mentors with a monetary reimbursement to provide a meal or perform activities with your child. We

offer: Inclusive sports events, art workshops, accessible nature walks, community service projects, music therapy and calligraphy practice. Our mentors provide one-onone support, positive reinforcement, and guidance to help the child build social skills, self-confidence, and independence. They will engage the child in therapeutic and creational activities, while also providing emotional support and encouragement.

We have a dedicated staff that is in this to make huge differences within your life. We want you to succeed in life skills and employment. We do this by providing multiple avenues of training, entrepreneurship, work experience, and ultimately listening and assisting you with your goals for employment and life skills. Basic employment skills training; Community integrated employment assistance program. Call us today!

The Canton Regional Chamber ofCommerce andAultCare have partnered together to o er a healthcare plan for the small business community through a Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement (MEWA). The MEWA was developed to provide additional options and to help control the costs of healthcare bene ts. Medically underwritten MEWA rates may provide a less expensive option than a smaller community rated plan obtained under the A ordable Care Act (ACA). This plan is available for small group employers with less than 50 employees.

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