The 17th Annual Twenty under 40! awards is sponsored by Krugliak, Wilkins, Gri ths & Dougherty, Aultman, and Employers Health and is produced by ystark!, a dept. of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce, and The Canton Repository
Twenty under 40! awards recognize Stark County’s leaders under 40 who have demonstrated dynamic leadership and social responsibility. These individuals are committed to making a di erence in our community and creating a lasting, meaningful impact. They are the doers, dreamers, and di erence makers. The longevity of the TU40! program, now in its 17th year, is a testament to the passion, strength, and grit of the young professionals who choose to live, work, and play in Stark.
It is the mission of ystark! to attract, retain and engage young professionals in Stark County. The 2024 class marks over 300 young professionals recognized through the program. The recipients of this honor are the shining stars in our community and they represent what is possible in our
region. Their sense of optimism and what’s possible here is sure to inspire others to choose Stark.
We hope you will join us in honoring our 2024 Twenty under 40! class of recipients!
THE 2024 TWENTY UNDER 40! CLASS: Dr. Laura Albrecht, Albrecht Dental
Garrett J. Brown, Employers Health
Lacey Davis, Aultman Healthcare Delivery System
Tori Fontes, Department of Youth Services, and Future Promise
Mary C. Grueber, Stark County Park District
Christopher J. Hardesty, City of Canton
Deanna Kidwell, Schauer Group, Inc.
Stephanie Koontz, Walsh University
Scott Lawrence II, Consumers National Bank
David Lee, National First Ladies Library & Museum
Rose Mogus, Center for Renewed Minds and Renewed Lives Foundation
Rachael Olinger, Modern Hearing Solutions
Rebecca Paliswat, Mainstream Boutique North Canton
Jake Patton, JUXTA
Jacques Pelser, R&R Counseling Center; CommQuest Services; Malone University
Tonya J Rogers, Baker, Dublikar
Caitie Scott, The University of Mount Union
Gretchen Wendell, Gervasi Vineyard Resort & Spa
Heidi Wilson, YMCA of Central Stark County
Eric R. Young, Malone University
(Event information on page three)
At AultCare, teamwork is a steadfast theme.
Teamwork allows us to offer convenient, local care to our members. Additionally, our commitment to teamwork helps us provide excellent customer service, quality, and cost-effective healthcare planning – the core of our philosophy.
AultCare is proud to support its members and serve as a trusted resource in the community.
We are here for you.
MAY 2024
Bradley H. Belden Chairman
Je Da er President & CEO
Melissa Coultas Vice President – Development & Partnership Relations
Mark Prosise Vice President – Events & Strategic Initiatives
Kelly Piero Vice President – Marketing & Membership Strategy
Molly Romig Vice President – Membership Development and Services Ad Sales / Action: 330.833.4400
Ashley Winter Member Experience Coordinator
Mattison Davis Marketing Coordinator
Sarah Lutz Editor & Creative Director
ACTION NEWSLETTER is published monthly for the members of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce. The subscription cost is $25 per year and is included in the price of membership.
Reader questions and comments are welcome and encouraged. Contents may be reprinted with credit. Address all inquiries to:
Editor, Action
Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce 222 Market Ave. N Canton, Ohio 44702 or call (330) 456.7253, or e-mail news@cantonchamber.org
Advertising rates are available for Chamber members. Advertisement does not constitute endorsement by the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce.
The Akron-Canton Advocacy Alliance, in partnership with the Alliance Area Chamber of Commerce, cordially invites you to the upcoming Candidates Conference for Ohio’s 6th Congressional District, which includes all of Mahoning, Columbiana, Je erson, Harrison, Belmont, Monroe, Noble, and Washington Counties, as well as portions of Stark and Tuscarawas Counties. We’re holding this event ahead of the June 11th Special Election, during which Michael Kripchak (D) and Michael Ruilli (R) will face o to see who will ll this currently vacant congressional seat.
This unique event will provide members with an opportunity to connect directly with two congressional candidates, learn about each ones’ priorities, and share their perspectives.
With two back-to-back “ reside chats,” each candidate will have their own timeslot to provide opening and closing remarks, respond to predetermined questions related to the business community’s top policy priorities, and answer questions from audience members.
Thursday, May 16
4:30 PM
University of Mount Union
1972 Clark Ave., Alliance, OH
Cost: $35 for Chamber members
$40 for non-members
Register: www.CantonChamber.org
We are thrilled to announce that the 2024 Twenty under 40! event will take place at The Quarry Golf Club on June 25! Tickets are $70. If you have any questions about the awards process, please call Alex Dowell, ystark! program manager at 330-458-2050.
Twenty under 40! Awards Celebration Tuesday, June 25 6:00 p.m.
The Quarry Golf Club 5650 Quarry Lake Dr., East Canton, OH 44730
Sponsorships and congratulatory messages are available. For more information and to purchase tickets: www.CantonChamber.org
Join us for the AultCare QuickConnect luncheon featuring Allyson (Ally) Bussey, President/CEO of Visit Canton, the Stark County Convention & Visitors’ Bureau. Gain valuable insights as Ally discusses the profound impact of tourism on our community, economy, and beyond. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and be inspired!
Ally has spent her entire career marketing and advocating for the travel and tourism industry. She has been at Visit Canton, the Stark County Convention & Visitors’ Bureau, for over 15 years. During this time, she has worn many hats beginning as the Tourism Marketing Manager and, in 2016, was appointed as the President/ CEO. Before her time at Visit Canton, she spent eight years at the Amish Door Village as Marketing Director. Ally’s passion for tourism has driven her to serve in many industry leadership roles, including serving as an Adventures in NE
Ohio Board Past President, Ohio Travel Association Executive Board, a co-founder of a statewide tourism association named Ohio Has IT, and is currently the President of the Ohio Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus. She also serves on several local Boards, including Arts in Stark, National First Ladies Library, Downtown Canton Partnership, Strengthening Stark Trustee Board, Historic Ridgewood Preservation Society, and the Capital Campaigns Committee for Stark Community Foundation.
She has been awarded ystark! Twenty under 40, Adventure in NE Ohio Leadership Excellence Award, and the 2014 Ohio Travel Industry Emerging Leader Award. Ally is a graduate of Kent State University, Leadership Stark County, and the Ohio Tourism Leadership Academy. She resides in Canton with her husband, Jason, and daughter, Avery, who attends Baldwin Wallace University.
About the series: AultCare QuickConnect offers great networking opportunities for business leads. Join Stark County’s premier breakfast – enjoy activities, hear speakers, make connections, and savor a delicious meal. Members can promote their business with a 30-second commercial by contributing a $15+ door prize. Contact Ashley to secure your spot.
Featured entree: Sausage & Peppers with penne pasta and a side salad
Wednesday, May 15 11:30 am – 1:00 pm (Registration at 11:00 am) La Pizzaria Restaurant, Inc. 3656 Dressler Rd, Canton, OH 44718 $25/members, $35/non-members Register by May 8 at www.CantonChamber.org
You are likely aware that volunteering is a rewarding way to give back to the community and make a di erence in the lives of others. It provides an opportunity to contribute to a cause or event that aligns with one’s interests and passions. The Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival in Canton presents an excellent opportunity for individuals to volunteer and be actively involved in producing 18 major events from July 21 through August 4, 2024.
This festival, organized by the Pro Football Hall of Fame and the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce, relies on 2,500 community volunteers to support and make these events a success - and YOU can be one of them! Volunteering for the Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival o ers a variety of bene ts, including personal growth, networking opportunities, and the satisfaction of being part of a cherished tradition.
Participating in the Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival as a volunteer provides an avenue for personal growth and development. It allows individuals to acquire new skills and gain valuable event planning and execution experience. In addition, volunteers can choose events or committees that align with their skills or interests.
Volunteering for the festival opens doors for networking and building connections. It allows individuals to interact with fellow volunteers, event organizers, Enshrinees, Hall of Famers, and community members, creating opportunities for new friendships, mentorships, and potential career advancements.
Being part of an event celebrating football legends’ achievements brings a sense of satisfaction and ful llment. Volunteers play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth running of the events, leaving them with a sense of pride knowing they have contributed to the enjoyment of football fans and the community as a whole.
Volunteers have the opportunity to attend events and concerts featuring renowned artists and celebrities. It o ers exclusive access to behind-the-scenes experiences and allows volunteers to be part of a tradition that brings joy to millions of football enthusiasts.
It’s essential to note that volunteering for the Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival requires a commitment of time and dedication, as the festival lasts for two weeks. Speci c committees may also have age and background check requirements. However, the time and e ort invested in volunteering for this esteemed event are well worth it, considering the numerous bene ts and experiences gained.
To nd out more about volunteer and committee opportunities, please visit https://www.profootballho estival.com/volunteercommittees/
For any questions or to get further information about volunteering or committee involvement, contact Mark Prosise, Vice President of Events & Marketing Strategy, at markp@cantonchamber.org.
Intellectual Property: Why & How to Protect It Infringement is a nasty word. You see it often when someone or some entity has been accused of violating intellectual property rights as they apply to copyrights and trademarks. Consider what follows as a primer on protecting your intellectual property.
Copyrights. How di cult is it to acquire them? It’s not. That’s because the mere act of publishing establishes copyright. Or as it’s sometimes explained, copyright “ ows from the pen.” You needn’t register with the US Copyright O ce. And even if you don’t register, it’s wise to use the circle C as a deterrent to infringement.
You can’t copyright mere facts. You can copyright the expression of an idea. In other words, copyrightable are compilations of facts that express your thinking. Works of authorship copyrightable include literary works, musical works including lyrics, dramatic works, pictorial works, audiovisual works, architectural works. You might be pleasantly surprised to learn that product packaging can be copyrighted. “Brand owners should routinely consider whether their logos, packaging and product designs contain copyrightable elements.” Included are “the art and text on labels, hangtags and packaging, warnings and instructions.” Important point: To be regarded as copyrightable, text must be considered original and “serious” which generally means a minimum of 25 words.
If you are anticipating litigation, registration is recommended. And registration is required if an author/business owner wants to sue for infringement. Check the US Copyright O ce website – www.copyright.gov – for the latest fees which recently showed $35-$65 if registered online and $85 if done on paper.
How long does a copyright last? For the life the author plus 70 years – and even longer for corporations.
What about trademarks? Even if you don’t register them, you can use the TM as a deterrent. But for stronger protection it is recommended and, if litigation is anticipated, it is required to register with the US Patent & Trademark O ce and use the circle R.
Further if infringement is anticipated, you must be able to show that you have “zealously protected” your trademark. What constitutes zealous protection? Examples: A Fortune 100 global company learned that a Manhattan towing business was using the same trademark, probably unwittingly. Still, the corporate biggie sent a cease-and-desist letter to the towing company. Clemson University learned that a high school was using the university’s distinctive orange pawprint. Clemson sent a cease-and-desist letter.
To register a trademark, to learn the latest on fees, check US Patent & Trademark O ce website. It recently showed registration feels ranging from $275 to $400.
To learn more about SCORE and what it can do for your business or non-pro t, go to www.score.org/canton or email cantonscore@ gmail.com.
For upcoming workshops go to: https://www.score.org/canton/local-workshops/score-canton-upcoming-workshops
Spring is finally here, and this weekend you may find yourself at a chamber member’s store picking up the perfect pansy flat or loading a few dozen bags of mulch. There is something triggered by daffodil sprouts in the yard and bunnies running across the lawn that creates an urge within many people to mow loans, weed flower beds, and plant gardens. As people we have been created to take care of things around us, to contribute in a positive way, and to cultivate what we can for a better tomorrow.
This season is the perfect time for community leaders and chamber members to think about the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce’s Cultivating Growth initiative and how our gifts can work to create a better tomorrow. Economic development is a vague term. It’s easy to view it as narrow
or transactional, but every successful project is embedded in a beautiful garden of infrastructure, organizations, and relationships. Successful economic development exists in an ecosystem of thriving parts. If any one of these parts is weak or unsustainable, the region’s economy will wither or worse.
The Canton Regional Chamber aligns programs and resources with the integrated objective to cultivate growth. Efforts are consistently targeting all key elements of our economic development ecosystem to ensure that our regional economy buds, blossoms, and flourishes. The Cultivating Growth initiative is about working in collaborative and innovative ways across chamber functions, departments, and programs to help ensure the regional economic ecosystem is strong. By investing in workforce,
diversity, community vitality, public policy, and related work the Cultivating Growth initiative allows our region to attract new investment, help existing businesses thrive, and assure prosperity for the greater community.
Your support of the Cultivating Growth initiative will help achieve even greater community outcomes through the nurturing and strengthening of new and long-standing partnerships with chamber members, other private sector entities, and nonprofit organizations working to grow a vibrant and healthy economic ecosystem.
To learn more about the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce’s Cultivating Growth initiative contact Vice President, Workforce and Economic Development Craig Brown at (330) 458-2059 or via email craigb@cantonchamber.org.
Join us for the Safety Council luncheon on May 9th. We’ll be focusing on fall protection, featuring Curt Speck and the Safety Resource team. You will have the opportunity to engage with industry experts, learn about the latest safety protocols, and discover practical solutions to mitigate fall hazards.
Learn valuable safety tips, enjoy a bu et lunch, and network with professionals in a relaxed atmosphere.
You do NOT need to be a Safety Council member to attend - all are welcome. Season passholders do not need to register.
Thursday, May 9
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Alex D. Krassas Event Center
251 - 25th St., NW Canton, OH 44709
Cost: $23
Join us along with Deb Bailey, Safety Consultant Specialist with the Ohio BWC. Protect yourself, your family, and enhance your workplace safety by attending our upcoming seminar. Rising temperatures have been linked to a signi cant increase in injuries and illnesses. Heat stress and hyperthermia can range from minor ailments to life-threatening conditions if not addressed promptly.
By participating in this seminar, you will gain vital knowledge to safeguard your well-being both at work and in your personal life. You’ll learn how to identify early warning signs, seek relief, and prevent heat-related risks e ectively. Our interac-
tive sessions, including engaging activities and real-life case studies, ensure that you not only understand the information but also know how to apply it.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to protect yourself, improve productivity, and earn BWC meeting attendance credit. Reserve your spot today and join us in creating a safer and healthier work environment for everyone!
Wednesday, May 29
9:00-11:00 a.m.
(Registration at 8:30 a.m.)
Canton Regional Chamber Cost: $10 (includes seminar and refreshments). Call our team of professionals for all your real estate needs!
4,600 Sq. Ft. two story brick & stone modern medical o ce building on 1.09 acres in Belden Village. Asphalt parking lot with 24 spaces. Turn key medical clinic w/furniture, xtures & equipment also available for sale. Room for expansion to double the size.
1st oor includes vestibule entry, large waiting area, reception area /nurse's station, 5 exam rooms w/sinks, procedure room w/sink, 2 lab rooms w/ sinks, 2 private o ces, 1 larger o ce with arestroom/shower, 3 additional restrooms, kitchenette, storage closet & janitorial closet. FOR SALE: $1,500,000 FOR LEASE: $18.00/S.F. NNN
If you are an employer who has an injured worker with an active workers’ compensation claim, then there is a good chance that you will be scheduled for an Industrial Commission (IC) hearing at some point in time.
The Industrial Commission adjudicates all contested matters and will schedule a hearing at one of the 12 IC offices located throughout the state. Typically, the hearing is scheduled at the IC office closest to the Injured Worker’s home address.
Occasionally, when the hearing is set there is a need to request a continuance (postponement) of the hearing. In order to have a hearing successfully continued there are a few best practices that can help move the request in a positive direction.
The first step is identifying and communicating to the Industrial Commission that there is “good cause” or an “extraordinary circumstance” that warrants the request.
Let’s first review a “good cause” continuance request. For a continuance request to be considered “good cause” it must be filed with the Commission at least five calendar days prior to the date of the hearing. This scenario most often accompanies a known schedule conflict that cannot be adjusted so that you are able to attend the hearing. Providing as much proof as you can to support your schedule conflict is the best option for securing a successful continuance. This can be in the form of a statement on your company letterhead detailing the specifics of the conflict or perhaps copies of travel documents that show you will be out of town on the date of the hearing.
The next category is “extraordinary circumstance”. This scenario most often involves unexpected illness, hospitalization, or family emergency. These are circumstances that could not have been foreseen or pre-planned and can be requested up to the day of the hearing.
When either type of continuance request is needed a continuance request form can be completed on the Industrial Commission’s website or you can print off the continuance request form and fax it directly to the IC office where the hearing is scheduled.
All hearing continuance requests are processed and addressed by the local Hearing Administrator. It is their sole discretion as to whether the request meets one of the above two standards.
As with all hearing related items, your claims team at Sedgwick can help you file your request for continuance and make sure that the IC’s best practices are followed.
If you have any questions, contact our Sedgwick program manager, Dominic Potina at 614-579-4723or dominic.potina@sedgwick.com
720 Market
Advantage Energy Co.
AIM Coaching and Mentoring
Albert T. Domingo MSMD, Inc
Allay Senior Care of Meyers Lake
Alliance For Children & Families Inc
Altimate Construction, LLC
America’s Best Bowstrings, Inc
Amy Lyn’s Sweet Shoppe
Aultman College
AVI Foodsystems Inc.
AWP Safety
A-Z Home Healthcare Services
Baasten, McKinley & Co., LPA
Bair’s Powersports/Bair’s Indian Motorcycle
Beacon Title Agency
Belden Village Mall
Belden Village Towing Company
Berlin Township
Bethlehem Township Trustees
BIBIBOP Asian Grill
BSE Lighting Solutions Inc.
Buell & Olivieri Insurance
Canton Baptist Temple
Canton Eagles Aerie 141
Central Painting & Sandblasting
Centre Party Rental
Certi ed Entrepreneurial Operating Systems
Christman Fabricators, Inc.
CMIT Solutions
Coleman Behavioral Health
Coleridge Law O ce
CommQuest Services, Inc.
Complete Hydraulic Component Service/ Ohio CAT
Custom Auto Body, Inc.
Dave & Busters
Doc’s Lawn & Garden
Doing Better Business, Inc.
Domenico Concrete
East Canton Used Cars
East Coast Martial Arts
Edward A. Lohnes DMD, Inc.
Esther Whiteleather Esther’s Beauty Barn
Evanich Accounting & Tax LLC
Excalibur Fence Company
Fair Play Family Center, LLC
Fairbanks Building Co. Inc.
Faith Community Church
Ferrall Pools & Spas
First Commonwealth
Forquer Heating and Air Conditioning
Frank’s Electric, Inc.
Franklin D. Leopold II, CPA
Galicks, Inc
Gemini Industrial Machine Group
GiGi’s Playhouse Canton
Gill, Weitzel & Company LLC, CPA’s Going Yard Lawn & Landscape
Great Ranger Services, LLC
Haidets Glass Company LLC
Hartville Thrift Shoppe
Henderson Roo ng & Construction, Inc
Holmesville Electric, Inc.
HV Coil, LLC
ImageOne Uniforms, Inc.
Integrityjobs.com/Integrity Technical Services, Inc.
Ironworkers Local 550
J Babe Stearn Community Center
Jaymac Body & Frame, Inc.
Jerzee’s All American Bar & Grille – Belden
Jerzee’s All American Bar & Grille - Fulton
John A. Lombardi
John’s Bar & Grill Inc.
Junior Achievement of
North Central Ohio, Inc.
Keister Plumbing and Heating, Inc.
Kendall House Inc
dba Kentucky Fried Chicken
Kevin D. Hu , DDS, LLC
LA O ce Solutions
Legacy of Honor
Legends Care Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
Lemmon Development, LLC
Mason’s Auto Parts
McDonald’s – Tomtreyco
McKinley Health Care Center, L.L.C
Medicine Center Pharmacy
Michael D’s/Demario’s Pizza
North Canton Medical Foundation
O’s Power Tong Inc.
Oakdale Farms, LLC
Ohio Catholic Federal Credit Union
Ohio Head and Neck Surgeons, Inc.
Ohio Roll Grinding
Old Carolina Barbecue Co.
Outfront Media
Partsmart Hydraulics, LLC
Pat Joyce Insurance Agency, Inc.
Pearce Insurance, LLC
Pearle Vision
Per-Tech, Inc.
Pioneer – 360
Portage Electric Products Inc
Presteligence, Ltd.
ProTech Security, Inc
Q.B.S., Inc.
Raymond James Financial –
Je Stoll, Branch Manager
Reed Funeral Home
Reliable Runners
Reliable Supply Chains
RT Hampton Plumbing & Heating
Sandpit Café & Lounge aka Freeisles
Shanafelt Manufacturing Co.
Shingleton Custom Homes
Si rin, Inc.
Sing Stark, Inc.
Slagle Strategic Group
Solmet Technologies, Inc.
Sparta Steel & Equipment Corp.
Speedie Auto Salvage
SRT Sales and Service, LLC
Stark Area Regional Transit Authority
Stark Federal Credit Union
Sugarcreek Concrete Finishers, Inc.
Sun State Plastics Inc.
Sunset Hills Burial Park
The Cedar RoomThe Boyd Wholesale Group
The Hearing Center
Division of Ohio Head & Neck
The K Company, Inc
The Pregnancy and Parenting Center
The Salvation Army
Thompson Animal Hospital
Timkensteel Corporation
Top Value Car & Truck Service
United Dental Laboratories
United Grinding & Machine Co.
Uptown Cheapskate
Valley Hydraulic Service, Inc.
Valley View Animal Hospital
Valley View Transport, LLC
Veritable Screening
VictoryGate Custom Homes, LLC
Vietnam Vets Motorcycle Club Chapter E
Vita Boutique Women’s Unique Apparel & Accessories
W Construction Supply LLC
We Are Trouble On Every Side Out Reach Programs - WATOES
White Mechanical
Yard In atables, Inc.
Your Garage
Your Home Court Advantage
WELCOME to our newest members, who joined Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce in March. We encourage you to patronize their businesses. If you know of other businesses that would bene t from Chamber membership, please contact Molly Romig, Vice President – Membership Development and Services at (330) 833-4400.
John Weston
7257 Fulton Dr. NW Ste. 59, PMB 259 Canton, OH 44718 (330) 412-0541
john@5aleadership.com www.5Aleadership.com
We Help Create Healthy Leaders, Teams & Organizations.
Feeling like your most important objectives come undone one or two levels down?
Do you know you have the right people, but they just aren’t getting it done the way you thought they would?
Are you getting the report that “I’ve talked to them so many times about it, but it feels like I’m talking to a wall!”? Call us today.
All That Art! Paint Parties! (ENTERTAINMENT)
Beth Gross, Owner 1672 Broadway Ave. NE East Canton, OH 44730 (330) 934-2916
Artist Instructed Paint Parties from 10-200 people! Ages 4 yrs and up. Create a unique event that will provide lasting memories. Everyone goes home with an art piece to cherish. Different themes to choose from. Canvas and paint provided. Host a party in your home or select a venue and add food and beverage options.
Brady’s Landscaping LLC (LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARE)
Brady Smith, Owner 2916 Praire College St. SW Canton, OH 44706
bradysmith@bradyslandscapingllc.com www.bradyslandscaping.infor
At Brady’s Landscaping, our core values of quality, consistency, and client relationships drive us to deliver exceptional landscaping services. Our mission is to create and maintain beautiful outdoor spaces that enhance the lives of our clients, while fostering long-term partnerships based on trust and satisfaction.
Cody Carter, Owner 7257 Fulton Rd. NW – Unit 59-117 Canton, OH 44718
Support@carterconstructionltd.com www.carterconstructionltd.com
Carter Construction & Contracting offers you an honest complementary assessment on your home, or commercial property. Offering same-day or next-day estimates / inspections with no obligation.
CertaPro of North Canton (PAINTING)
Cullen Waugh, Owner 3515 Massillon Rd., Suite 240 Uniontown, OH 44685 (234) 492-0198
cwaugh@certapro.com www.certapro.com/north-canton
At CertaPro Painters® of North Canton, we know that finding the right team for your painting project can be overwhelming. With our professionals by your side, the process will be easy and convenient — leaving you time for what matters most. We Do Painting. You Do Life.™
We will stay in touch every step of the way — from the first consultation until the finished product. We always confirm. We paint lives, not houses. Our work goes beyond color chips and paintbrushes. We create a space that you’ll love to call home.
CLEO–Connect. Learn. Engage. Organize. (NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION)
Heather Taylor, Executive Director 123 S. Miller Rd., Suite 110-F Fairlawn, OH 44333 (330) 347-9453
heather@growwithcleo.com www.growwithcleo.com
Women supporting women is one of the most powerful forces on Earth! At CLEO, we provide networking opportunities across Northeast Ohio, educational opportunities, and help our members set and achieve goals. We support non-profits each quarter through our philanthropy efforts to help improve our region.
CLEO is a networking and professional development organization in Stark, Summit, Medina, Cuyahoga, Portage, Lake, and Wayne Counties for women with an eye on success.
David Fergusson, CFO/Director of HR 1 East Dr. – PO Box 370 Hartville, OH 44632 (330) 587-2430 dfergusson@congresslakeclub.com www.congresslakeclub.com
Our core values are to protect and preserve our golf course and lake. We have a firm commitment to a family-centric culture emphasizing friendship, fun, and camaraderie in an unpretentious setting while maintaining a casual atmosphere with appropriate rules.
We have a healthy respect for the history of the Club and are committed to providing excellent staff and service to members with responsible and responsive club leadership and management.
Creative Kidz Learning Academy (CHILD CARE CENTER)
Samantha Snell, Owner 2605 Broad Ave. NW Canton, OH 44708 (234) 214-8883
samantha@creativekidzlearningacademy.com www.creativekidzlearningacademy.com
Creative Kidz Learning Academy is a statelicensed childcare facility hosting children ages 6 weeks to 12 years old for both parttime and full-time care accepting private pay and Title 20 conveniently located just 3 minutes away from the Pro Football Hall of Fame right by Interstate 77 exit Fulton Drive. Creative Kidz is staffed by degreed childcare professionals that are both First Aid and CPR certified. Creative Kidz implements a research-based curriculum that aligns with Ohio’s Early Learning Development Standards providing a fun, safe, and educational environment for children to learn and grow.
Danner Dental (DENTISTS)
Dr. Jeff Danner, President 4385 Everhard Rd. NW Canton, OH 44718 (330) 494-6016 info@dannerdental.com www.dannerdental.com
Trying to find the best family dentist near you? Maybe you’re looking for an experienced dentist to get dental implants near you? Regardless of what you may be looking for, Danner Dental aims to provide you with a wide range of quality dental services and an excellent patient experience. From children and teenagers to adults and seniors, Danner Dental has been providing quality dental care for entire families in Canton for more than 30 years. We want to make sure we provide the best comprehensive dental care to your family for generations to come.
Faye Roller, Owner 39 Vincent Street Alliance, OH 44601 (330) 680-5376 faisydaisyllc@gmail.com www.faisydaisy.com
Faisy Daisy provides exceptional cleaning services that go above and beyond. We understand that every client has different expectations & priorities. Our company wants to have a positive community impact and we strive to improve the quality of life for local homes & businesses.
We promise quality, reliable cleaning service every time. Our loyal customers feel special. We work hard to be the best and focus on the details, so you have a clean orderly office or home every time. Contact us to schedule a walk through so we can cater to your specific needs.
Savanna McElwain, Owner 4867 Fulton Dr. NW – Unit A Canton, OH 44718 (330) 977-5925
canton@fastestlabs.com www.fastestlabs.com/canton
We offer a wide range of testing services, including drug, alcohol, and DNA testing. We use advanced equipment and testing methods, ensuring that our results are accurate, precise, and confidential. We also emphasize speed and convenience, ensuring you receive results as quickly as possible.
Flaming Marshmallow (FOOD & BEVERAGE)
Tonya Anthony & Katie Anthony, Owners Canton, OH (330) 413-3666
The Flaming Marshmallow is a gourmet food truck built from a 1976 Argosy Airstream. The Flaming Marshmallow elevates American cuisine by locally sourcing fresh beef and chicken, then making all of our sauces, toppings and spices from scratch using the finest ingredients! This creates a unique experience and an explosion of flavors in each dish. A few of our elevated toppings include a homemade bacon jam and garlic aioli that go on our popular Jammin Burger, and a marshmallow fluff which is part of our S’mores Nachos topped with Heggy’s famous fudge. We specialize in making private events effortless and memorable for company picnics, guest appreciation events, parties, graduations, and more!
Heather Taylor, Boss Lady/Social Media Chick 123 S. Miller Rd., Suite 110-F Fairlawn, OH 44333 (330) 347-9453
heather@glittergirlmedia.com www.glittergirlmedia.com
I’m here to help – if you’ve got questions, together, we’ll have answers! Social Media is my forte and my experience in marketing and sales covers a wide-range of media.
We will catch the eye of your customers where they are…so then they will come to you! An established digital marketing firm that will add the social media sparkle to help your business SHINE!
(continued on next page)
Great Lakes Radiant & Industrials (RADIANT HEAT)
Noah Gaskins, Sales Associate – Ohio 1191 George Washington Blvd. Akron, OH 44312 (330) 942-0396 noah@glradiant.com www.glradiant.com
We are radiant heating specialists. From the biggest buildings in the world to pole barns, sports stadiums, restaurants & bars to home patios, we know how to effectively and efficiently heat most spaces. And if we can’t - we will let you know that! We have a local office with a fully stocked warehouse. We carry various options for your spaces needs. Stop by our office to experience some of our displays or give us a call to learn more.
Lucas Tindell North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 705-9164 lucas@lucaslivemedia.com www.lucaslivemedia.com
Watch Anywhere Anytime!
Welcome to Lucas Live Media where we feature amazing hosts that we see as artists bringing you education, motivation and liberation through love, light and laughter.
Experience our videos across all platforms. Our videos are accessible on over 1000 devices including iOS devices, Android devices, MACs, PCs, & streaming media boxes such as Roku.
Visit our website for additional information or to sign up.
Mary Moore Cruiseplanners (TRAVEL AGENCIES)
Mary Moore, Travel Advisor 10045 White Pine Avenue Hartville, OH 44632 (330) 310-6697
Mary.moore@cruiseplanners.com www.marymoore.cruisegenius.com
Your Professional Travel Advisors - Explore the world with confidence!
Cruise Planners has been committed to providing world-class travel services since 1994, and we’re proud to be the country’s largest home-based travel franchise company. Let us introduce you to new and exciting destinations where you’ll discover ancient ruins, relax among sun-soaked beaches and experience the very best in travel. Whether by land or sea, your journey is carefully tailored to exceed your every desire and our Travel Advisors are committed to making the most of your special getaway.
Brendan Brown, Owner 6824 Wise Avenue NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330-705-0776
brendan@myhvacguyohio.com www.myhvacguyohio.com
Licensed and insured residential and commercial heating and cooling contractor offering installation, service, and repairs.
We offer competitive pricing, financing, integrity in our work, and honesty to our customers. Because the owner is young, customers can also count on years of continued service.
We are a small business and we are proud of it. Customers can know that by choosing us they are taking care of us as much as we are taking care of them. The money isn’t going to
lake houses, CEOs, or franchise owners. Their money puts clothes on our children’s backs, food on our family’s tables, and when we can the money goes back into the community.
Charles Boone, Owner/Licensed Insurance Broker (330) 414-7386
Charles.boone@ohics.com www.ohics.com
Ohio Health Insurance Consultants is an independent insurance agency specializing in Medicare & ACA Health Insurance Solutions. We work with the major insurance companies so we can offer our clients appropriate coverage for them. Our clients are located all across North East Ohio, giving us a great feel for the insurance landscape. We design plans with a focus on your long and short-term needs, which we combine with personalized insurance advice aimed at helping our clients make better-informed decisions.
Stacia Waffen, Owner 4996 Fulton Dr. NW – Ste. C Canton, OH 44718 (330) 238-7714
belden@purebarre.com www.purebarre.com/location/belden-oh
Taught by our highly-trained teachers, Pure Barre features four group class formats that deliver an effective total-body workout focused on low impact, high-intensity movements that lift and tone muscles and improve strength, agility and flexibility for every body.
Pure Barre’s innovative technique improves strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance. Our certified teachers will guide you through our four unique class formats inspired by yoga, Pilates and ballet.
Visit our website for additional information!
Aaron Speakman
4450 Belden Village Ave Suite 801 Canton, OH 44718 (330) 614-8749
Aaron.speakman@thrivent.com www.connect.thrivent.com/aaron-speakman
Let’s put your plans in motion! Want to pursue lifelong dreams — while supporting people and causes you care about? The right guidance can help you get there. Tell me where you’re at today. Driven by your goals and values, I’ll draw on my industry expertise to help you map out a path to a more secure financial future.
Sammie Thompson, Administrative Assistant 5520 Whipple Ave. NW North Canton, OH 44720 (330) 818-2124
Sammie.thompson@charter.com www.spectrum.com
Our team of skilled agents at Spectrum understands the critical role that reliable internet and voice services play in the success of our customers in today’s digital age. Whether it’s troubleshooting connectivity issues, resolving voice service disruptions, or optimizing network performance, our experts are committed to delivering prompt and effective solutions. With cutting-edge technology and a customer-centric approach, Spectrum’s Internet and Voice Repair department in North Canton stands ready to support our residential customers. Trust us to keep your services running smoothly, so you can focus on what matters most.
WE BELIEVE IN WOMEN’S HEALTH AND WELLNESS. From routine regular gynecological checkups through prenatal care and postpartum care, our goal is to fulfill your gynecology needs in Canton, Ohio and surrounding communities with the finest care that modern medicine and skilled, compassionate professionals can deliver.
Our nutritional specialists can help you melt away your unwanted pounds and live a healthier lifestyle.
We are a private group practice comprising physicians, nurse practitioners and other professionals, all with specialized education, certification and experience in obstetrics and gynecology. We are the oldest and largest private medical practice of our type in Stark County, and one of the most experienced, highly qualified OB/GYN groups in Ohio.
The 19th Hole Canton (INDOOR GOLF)
Jared Clark & Timothy GIllems, Owners 101 Central Plaza South Canton, OH 44702 (330) 754-6174
jared@the19thholecanton.com www.the19thholecanton.com
Family friendly golf simulator, bar and lounge in Canton, OH. Equipped with some of the best and latest virtual golf technology, The 19th Hole is the perfect location for a leisurely golf experience, or for your next company, holiday, or birthday party. Book online today!
materials purchased at that location, you’ll be reimbursed for the cost of packing and shipping plus the value of your items, if lost or damaged.
Certified Packing Experts. When it comes to cushioning and protecting your shipments, there’s nothing The UPS Store Certified Packing Experts® can’t handle. We are trained in advanced packing techniques and specialize in properly packing fragile, highvalue, large and odd-shaped items. If you’re looking to ship electronics, artwork, antiques or luggage,
LeTony Baker, Executive Director 200 – 6th St. NW – Suite L Canton, OH 44703 (330) 280-6578
wwap2023@gmail.com www.wwapvillage.com
Saving Our Youth One Child At A Time!!
Walking with a Purpose (WWAP) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering and supporting youth.
Our mission is to establish and build strong relationships and partnerships with the community.
We strive to provide children with the tools, resources, and opportunity to thrive, grow, and make a positive impact in their communities.
Wayne Center for the Arts (ART CENTERS – COMMUNITY)
Lynn Davis
Stark Women’s Center (HEALTH CARE)
Marc Hogenbirk 5000 Higbee Ave. NW Canton, OH 44718 (330) 493-0313
mhogenbirk@scwc.net www.starkwomenscenter.com
Ryan Miller 3524 Tuscarawas St. W. Canton, OH 44708 (234) 360-3555
Store7729@theupsstore.com https://locations.theupsstore.com/oh/ canton/3524-tuscarawas-st-w
Get the benefit of The UPS Store® Pack & Ship Guarantee.* If a participating The UPS Store location packs your item using only new
237 South Walnut Street Wooster, OH 44691 (330) 264-2787 frontdesk@wayneartscenter.org www.wayneartscenter.com
Wayne Center for the Arts’ mission is “Enriching Lives and Strengthening Communities Through Art.” Wayne Center for the Arts (WCA) furthers this mission by meeting 4 Strategic Pillars: (continued on next page)
1. Increase Arts Access by Removing Real and Perceived Barriers to Art;
2. Provide High Quality Arts Education;
3. Improve the Quality of Life for Members of the Community Through Art;
4. Contribute to Economic Development in the Community through Special Events and Leadership in the Downtown Arts District.
Wholesale Fireworks III (FIREWORKS)
James Orsine, Operations Manager 2870 Mount Pleasant Rd. NE North Canton, OH 44721 (330) 534-5145 info@wfboom.com www.wfboom.com
Wholesale Fireworks is a direct importer and distributor of 1.4g consumer fireworks. With over 400 items to choose from, we have been serving the Canton area with superior products, pricing, and customer service for over 29 years.
Jen Walencik (330) 988-2836 whycreativemarketing@outlook.com www.whycreativemarketing.com
Why Creative Marketing? Why not?
Welcome to Why? – where marketing gets a fresh vibe with a simple “Why not?”
We’re not about breaking the bank for big
Mark Prosise has joined the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce as the Vice President of Events and Strategic Initiatives and Director – Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival.
Mark has spent the past eight years as the Director of Team Development at the Pro Football Hall of Fame where he oversaw nearly 1000 volunteers who assisted with the Enshrinement Festival, BCFHOF Classic and the museum. Previously, he owned several local businesses including E.S.P. Properties, a real estate development company that developed The Estates of Deer Trace and The Preserve Condominiums, both in Jackson Township. Mark also served ten years on the Jackson Township Community Improvement Corporation board, serving as President in 2001.
Mark was born and raised in Stark County, attending Jackson High School, Bowling Green State University and Case Western Reserve School of Law. He currently lives in Jackson Township with his wife Sandy. They have two sons Eric (Deanna) and Ryan (Geneva) and one granddaughter Eliza.
ideas; we’re all about affordable creative solutions— especially for small businesses. Quality marketing with no budget strain. From causes to startups, we tailor our services just for you. So, when the world asks “Why?”, we say “Why not?”
We believe that quality marketing shouldn’t strain your budget. Our budget-friendly services are tailored to suit the needs of non-profits, local businesses, startups, artists, and community events. Whether you’re a non-profit championing a cause, a local business making waves, or a startup on the rise, our services are uniquely customized to meet your specific needs. Tap into a wealth of expertise encompassing content creation, copywriting, public relations, social media marketing, print and digital collateral, and more. We believe in tailored approaches, understanding your goals, and delivering solutions that drive results.
Let’s make marketing fun, affordable, and uniquely yours.
What our partners have in common is a desire to make a di erence in their community and play a role in long-standing, local traditions. Have you always wanted your company to get involved with the Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement?
Do you want to be a part of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting, Business After Hours or Vintage Canton, but you were not sure how?
By working collaboratively, we can create a partnership of shared value that tailors to your organization, your social investment strategy and successfully impacts you’re your bottom line. Let’s do it!
We can help you reach businesses, the community at large, and highlight your company’s dedication to Stark County. Learn how you can be a part of Stark County’s biggest traditions and largest network.
CONTACT Melissa Coultas at (330) 458-2055 or melissac@cantonchamber.org.
The Canton Regional Chamber ofCommerce andAultCare have partnered together to o er a healthcare plan for the small business community through a Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement (MEWA). The MEWA was developed to provide additional options and to help control the costs of healthcare bene ts. Medically underwritten MEWA rates may provide a less expensive option than a smaller community rated plan obtained under the A ordable Care Act (ACA). This plan is available for small group employers with less than 50 employees.