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LIVE WEBCAST: 3 October 2020 www.e-ESO.net Chair: O. Pagani, CH
The patient workshop is supported by Anna dai Capelli Corti
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FOREWORD Young women with breast cancer face a complex and somewhat poorly understood disease, occurring when they also handle family duties and planning, and professional careers. In addition, young women have many years ahead of them to suffer the potential long-term effects of treatment and specific survivorship issues (fertility and job among others). The challenging international health situation forced us to turn the in-person BREAST CANCER IN YOUNG WOMEN FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONSENSUS SYMPOSIUM into a virtual event. We decided to include in the virtual symposium also the 2nd patient-oriented workshop to provide patients and advocates appropriate, updated and comprehensive information to help them make informed decisions and promote appropriate care in their countries of origin. We have done our best to design and build a virtual workshop able to keep an interactive, international, and collaborative approach. We hope that many patients and advocates will decide to join us online and profit of this opportunity to better understand and discuss the challenges of this disease.
Olivia Pagani
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FACULTY G. Bianchi Micheli, Southern Switzerland Breast Center (CSSI), Viganello, Lugano, CH F. Cardoso, Champalimaud Clinical Center, Lisbon, PT R. Graffeo, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Lugano, CH F. Meani, Lugano Regional Hospital, Lugano, CH J. Merschdorf, Young Survival Coalition, New York, US O. Pagani, European School of Oncology, Bellizona, CH A.H. Partridge, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US G. Pruneri, National Cancer Institute - Foundation IRCCS, Milan, IT A. Richetti, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH L. Rossi, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH E. Senkus, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, PL T. Spanic, Europa Donna Slovenia, Ljubljana, SI V.A. Vitale, Southern Switzerland Breast Center (CSSI), Viganello, Lugano, CH
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PROGRAMME Saturday, 3 October PATIENT ADVOCATES WORKSHOP 12:00 - 14:15 PART I: WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION [LIVE] Diagnostic challenges [PRE-RECORDED] Principles of genetic predisposition and counselling [PRE-RECORDED] Strategies for patients’ and family support [PRE-RECORDED] The importance of multidisciplinary care [PRE-RECORDED] How to interpret the pathology report [PRE-RECORDED] 13:45 Discussion with all the session's speakers [LIVE] 14:30 - 16:50 PART II: INTRODUCTION TO THE SPEAKERS [LIVE]
Chairs: O. Pagani, CH A. Partridge, US V.A. Vitale, CH R. Graffeo, CH G. Bianchi, CH A. Partridge, US G. Pruneri, IT
Chairs: O. Pagani, CH F. Cardoso, PT
Principles of radiation therapy [PRE-RECORDED] A. Richetti, CH Principles of systemic therapies in early breast cancer and management of early and late treatment side effects [PRE-RECORDED] E. Senkus, PL Principles of systemic therapies in advanced breast cancer [PRE-RECORDED] F. Cardoso, PT Principles of surgery [PRE-RECORDED] F. Meani, CH Principles of clinical research [PRE-RECORDED] L. Rossi, CH 16:20 Discussion with all the session's speakers [LIVE] 17:15 - 18:15 PART III: PROJECT 528 - A GLOBAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT (OPEN DISCUSSION AND Q&A) [LIVE]
Chairs: J. Merschdorf, US T. Spanic, SI
All the contents will be recorded and accessible via the e-ESO website after the event (registration to access the contents will remain open)
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REGISTRATION AND GENERAL INFORMATION Registration for the event is free but mandatory. Online registration is available at www.e-ESO.net. CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION Registration will be confirmed by e-mail. ORGANISING SECRETARIAT Organisation and Programme Francesca Marangoni (1) - fmarangoni@eso.net - +39 02 85464525 Faculty Dolores Knupfer (2) - dknupfer@eso.net - +41 91 8200952 Registrations Corinne Hall (1) - chall@eso.net - +39 02 85464522 (1) ESO - Via Turati, 29 - 20123 Milan, Italy (2) ESO - Piazza Indipendenza 2 - 6500 Bellinzona, Switzerland OFFICIAL LANGUAGE The official language will be English. No translation will be provided. CERTIFICATE Participants will be issued a certificate of attendance.
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Milan Via Turati, 29 20121 Milano - Italy Phone: +39 02 8546451 Fax: +39 02 85464545 eso@eso.net
Bellinzona Piazza Indipendenza, 2 6500 Bellinzona - Switzerland Phone: +41 91 8200950 Fax: +41 91 8200953 eso@eso.net
www.eso.net www.e-eso.net