Canadian Health Magazine - Edit.

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The surprising new science explaining



YOU ASKED WE ANSWERED! Our experts answer your most popular questions.



The dangers of Medical Tourism

Melanie Wildman

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A Guide for Patients

Suffering Obesity from

On Representing Canada at Mrs. World As A Formerly Obese Patient

Melan ie bef ore

EDITORIAL Publisher & Editor-in-chief Melanie Wildman Chief Financial Officer Blair Enright ART & PHOTOGRAPHY Design/Art Direction Robyn Murphy Design/Photography Jeff Matheson Production Jason Matheson CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Luke Arbuckle, Mike Turner ADVERTISING Inquiries

We started Canadian Health Magazine to tell Canadians about the reality of obesity, the scientific understanding of its causes, and the surgical solutions that are available to everyone. Weight and body image is deeply personal for each of us. We feel that learning the science behind weight gain, loss and dieting can start the healing process after years of guilt and shame. Canadian Health Magazine believes in the simple message: “Obesity is not your fault.” A philosophy that sets this magazine and our publisher, WLF Medical, apart from the diet industry.

SUBSCRIPTIONS Inquiries or issues

ISSN 2368-7991 (Print) ISSN 2369-3711 (Online) Canadian Health Magazine is published quarterly by WLF Medical, #210 - 820 51 St E Saskatoon, SK S7K 0X8. Copyright 2014 by WLF Medical. The contents of this magazine are protected by copyright and may be used only for your personal non-commercial purposes. All other rights are reserved and commercial uses including publication, broadcast or redistribution in any medium are prohibited. Permission to copy must be sought from the copyright owner, being either WLF Medical or its suppliers. All letters, photos, manuscripts, etc. sent to Canadian Health Magazine will be considered as intended for publication, and Canadian Health Magazine reserves the right to edit and/or comment. WLF Medical reserves the right to reject any advertising at its discretion. Printed in China. Contact Us! We’d love to hear from you! Toll Free : 1-877-306-8891 Telephone: 1-306-665-8891 Fax: 1-877-306-6172 E-mail: The information provided in Canadian Health Magazine is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information in Canadian Health Magazine for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise, or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

2 | Canadian Health Magazine

Editor’s Letter

Hello Everyone!

I am so excited to welcome you to the first issue of Canadian Health Magazine! I started this journal to inspire you to become healthier and discover the joy and beauty in your life. I struggled with my weight. I spent most of my adult years on diets and felt like a failure, ashamed each time I regained a pound I’d fought to lose. After watching the scales tip back and forth and feeling crushing disappointment after each defeat, I finally decided I needed to look into surgical options to relieve my issues with obesity. Unlike a lot people, I was lucky to have family members that could help me. Both my brother, Dr. Andrew Peppin (a U.S. Board Certified Radiologist) and my sister-in-law, Dr. Marla Lujan (a Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University) were there for me with encouragement, knowledge, and enthusiasm about my decision to have weight loss surgery. But even with their help and support I still felt alone and isolated. I didn’t know anyone else who had chosen to have weight loss surgery. As a Canadian who chose to travel to another country for my medical care, I soon found out that there was no follow-up, no support groups, no dietary guidelines -

3 | Canadian Health Magazine

no blueprint for life after weight loss surgery. After going through it by myself, I decided to help others who needed to take the same journey and started a support group. From that small start I eventually created WLF Medical - Canada’s leading private bariatric program - the first program started by an actual patient. Inside Canadian Health Magazine, WLF Medical’s premier publication, you’ll find stories on obesity, the benefits and risks of surgery and the science that explains why bariatric surgery is so successful. Plus recipes, interviews, and advice. At WLF Medical and Canadian Health Magazine we want you to discover a healthier lifestyle and rediscover the true you. It’s incredible what you can achieve when you have the tools you need to succeed. Your journey starts here - and we will be with you each step of the way! Sincerely,

Melanie Wildman

Check o


Page 34

for Mela nie’s Personal Story

Editor-in-Chief Founder & CEO of WLF Medical

Canadian Health Magazine | 3


58 Bariatric Success Stories 6

Causes of Obesity


Weight Loss Surgery’s Biggest Myths


Why Diets Don’t Work


A Guide To Patients Suffering From Obesity


Benefits of Bariatric Surgery


The Dangers of Medical Tourism


Is it Safe?

4 | Canadian Health Magazine



26 Our Hospital 22

Taking The Medical Guesswork Out of Mexico


Patient & Physician


Meet Dr. Pompa


You Asked


Proof Positive


Ask The Family


Raspberry Protein Cheesecake




Chocolate Mint Donuts


Zucchini Lasagna


Red Lobster Biscuits

32 Cinnamon Donuts + MORE RECIPES Canadian Health Magazine | 5

Causes of Obesity ™

Many people who have never struggled with their weight do not know the physical and emotional stress it causes. They are on the outside looking in and they often incorrectly believe that obese individuals have no self-control and they have simply done this to themselves. In fact, scientists now know that obesity is a complex, clinical disorder with many contributing causes and factors.

Think About It! How many people in your circle of friends and family have lost more than 60lbs and sucessfully kept it off for more than five years?

The Facts The Food and Drug Administration in the United States stated in 2009 that not one single company in the entire $65 Billion dollar diet industry can show a record of longterm success.

Modern Life Studies have concluded that obesity is not the fault of the individual but the inevitable result of a society in which energydense, cheap foods, laboursaving devices, motorized transport and sedentary work are the norm. Unless humans give up the comforts of modern life, obesity will remain a significant health care issue for the foreseeable future.

97% Long-term failure rate for diet and exercise programs for obese individuals

Genetics & Family History Finding trends among family members is usually pretty easy. Several studies of twins have found that over 80% of your bodyweight is determined before you are born and identical twins overall body mass and shape closely resemble each other throughout their lifetimes, independent of lifestyle choices.


Maternal Size Studies show if your mother was obese when she was pregnant with you, you are almost five times more likely to become obese. It is believed by researchers that before a child is born, the metabolism is set for life by their mother’s excess weight.

Long-term failure rate for diet and exercise programs for normal individuals

Effects of Ghrelin

100% Your Hormones

“The only permanent treatment of severe or morbid obesity is bariatric surgery.” The Canadian Medical Association, 2009

Our hormones also greatly affect our weight. Ghrelin is the primary hormone that stimulates hunger. It’s also the one to blame for slowing our metabolism and decreasing our bodies’ ability to burn fat. At the same time, the hormone increases both food intake and fat mass. Repeated dieting increases ghrelin production, which is one reason why dieters typically gain more weight back than they initially lost. Bariatric surgery reduces ghrelin production by as much as 80%.

“If dieting really worked—we would ALL be thin” Melanie Wildman, President and CEO

6 | Canadian Health Magazine

Busted! Weight Loss Surgery’s Biggest Myths

There are many myths surrounding obesity and weight loss surgery, and as you’re about the read, a lot of them are just plain wrong.


Weight loss surgery has high risks

Reality: 30-40 years ago, weight loss surgery was a high-risk operation. Today, experienced surgeons can safely perform the bariatric procedures, with similar risks to any other routine surgery.


To qualify for weight loss surgery, you have to weigh over 300 pounds

Reality: Weight loss surgery candidates are often considered by healthcare organizations according to individual health conditions and a calculation of Body Mass Index (BMI). People who are only 50 pounds overweight can qualify for the procedure, and studies show even moderately obese patients who undergo surgery have obvious health improvements.


Surgery is the ‘easy way out’

Reality: Taking the easy way out is to do nothing. For many severely overweight patients, weight loss surgery is the only viable option that can improve their health. Gaining permanent control over your weight requires a huge commitment to attending educational seminars, support groups and making lifestyle changes, and is a very brave and personal decision.


You need serious health conditions to qualify for weight loss surgery

Reality: Candidates are considered based on individual health conditions and BMI calculations. Because so many health problems are caused by obesity, weight loss surgery can be an excellent preventative measure.


After surgery, it takes a long time to recover

Reality: Most patients recover in a week or two and some even return to work and regular activities in a just a couple of days.


If you have diabetes, you can’t undergo surgery

Reality: Because of the number of patients who are cured of Type II Diabetes following weight loss surgery, the procedure is quickly becoming a primary treatment for the disease.


To qualify for weight loss surgery, you have to be in perfect health

Reality: While some cases are more advanced than others, many patients undergoing weight loss surgery have obesity related health conditions. To find out if you qualify for weight loss surgery, Weight Loss Forever has an in-depth medical and psychological assessment that is required.


To qualify for weight loss surgery, you have to be a certain age

Reality: The age range at most surgical centres can be as wide as 18 to 65, and studies show definite benefits for patients above and below that age range who undergo surgery.


After surgery, you’ll have a great, big scar

Reality: Over 95 per cent of weight loss surgeries are performed laparoscopically, which means instead of making one great, big incision, surgeons will make several very small ones (less than one inch) along the abdomen.


After weight loss surgery, you can’t eat anything “good”

Reality: Most patients can eat a wide variety of food in small quantities after weight loss surgery. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your Success Coach—that’s what they’re here for!


Except for looking better, weight loss surgery has no major benefits

Reality: Aside from loving the way you look and feel about yourself, weight loss surgery can significantly help with, or in some cases completely eliminate various health problems. And to us, that’s pretty major! Canadian Health Magazine | 7



- The Canadian Medical Association, 2009

97% Long-term failure rate for diet and exercise programs for normal individuals. 8 | Canadian Health Magazine

Average Weight of a Bowling Ball = 6.6 lbs

Major Commercial Diets after 2 years

100% Long-term failure rate for diet and exercise programs for obese individuals.

6.6 lbs Lost

Would you rather lose 1 bowling ball or 17 bowling balls after 2 years?

111.2 lbs Lost WLF Medical after 2 years

Eating Less is Actually the Problem Dieting isn’t the best way to lose weight. Research shows that dieting itself raises the levels of hormones that increase appetite. Even worse - dieting lowers the hormones that reduce appetite. Remarkably, brain scans show that weight loss itself reduces our willpower and weakens our resolve to resist food. Even worse news is the fact that the more often you diet the stronger these effects become over time. Some researchers have said it would simply be better not to diet at all.

Produced by adipose (fat) tissue, leptin suppresses appetite as its level increases. When body fat decreases, leptin levels fall, and appetite increases.

Secreted by the stomach wall, ghrelin is one of the signals that triggers feelings of hunger as mealtimes approach. In dieters who lose weight, ghrelin levels increase, which may be one reason it’s so hard to stay on a diet.

The hormone PYY, secreted by the small intestine after meals, acts as an appetite suppressant that counters the appetite stimulant ghrelin.




A rise in blood sugar level after a meal stimulates the pancreas to secrete insulin in addition to its other functions, insulin suppresses appetite by acting on the brain.


Ms. Mann found that dieters typically lose 5% to 10% of their starting weight in the first six months. However, at least one-third to two-thirds of people on diets regain more weight than they lost within four or five years, and the true number may well be significantly higher, she said. “We found that the majority of people regained all the weight, plus more. Sustained weight loss was found only in a small minority of participants, while complete weight regain was found in the majority.”




What About Diets With Ongoing Support? Joseph Proietto, a professor of medicine at the University of Melbourne, hand his team recruited 50 obese men and women, and put them through two months of an extreme 500-to-550-calories-a-day diet (25% of the normal intake for women). The volunteers lost an average of 30lb. Prof. Proietto’s team then spent a year providing comprehensive support to maintain the weight loss. But even with this intensive program, the dieters regained the weight. They also reported feeling far hungrier and more preoccupied with food than before losing weight. Canadian Health Magazine | 9

Self Protection Mode Prof. Proietto said this effect is essentially the body was protecting itself against dieting. His study reinforces a belief among biologists that the human body has been shaped hundreds of thousands of years to survive long periods of starvation - or intermittent famine.

Fat Cell Production The Polar Bear Connection The human body contains around ten times more fat-storing cells in relation to its body weight than most animals. In fact, our ratio of fat cells is closest to polar bears – who also endure feast or famine. Our bodies are designed to stop weight loss, but not for preventing weight gain. That evolutionary holdover is a problem because we are living is the first era of human history where most of us have access to unlimited food. If you are able to lose 10% of your weight, your body thinks there’s a problem, so it compensates by burning fewer calories and increasing hunger - but once you stop dieting and start eating more again, those extra calories are stored as fat. It only takes 8 weeks of dieting for the mechanism to kick in - and it can last for years.

The Real Cost of Diets Studies by Columbia University show this metabolic slowdown means that in order to maintain a stable weight some people must eat 400 fewer calories a day post-diet than before dieting. Neuroscientist and science writer Sandra Aamodt said that if you lose a lot of weight, your brain reacts as if you were starving. It doesn’t matter if you started out fat or thin, your brain’s response is exactly the same. “Diets don’t have very much reliability,” she said. “Five years after a diet, most people have regained the weight. Forty percent of them have gained even more. If you think about this, the typical outcome of dieting is that you’re more likely to gain weight in the long run than to lose it.” 10 | Canadian Health Magazine

Prevention Really is Key The most effective way to fight obesity is not to gain weight in the first place, rather than relying on diets and lifestyle changes to lose the weight. As Tam Fry, chairman of the National Obesity Forum, said, “The way that the body protects itself against weight-loss diets is quite incredible. Putting on weight is for most people, sadly, a one-way street.”




Weight loss surgery is a tough sell for the general public. Belief in the old myths that diet, exercise, and willpower are the keys to success is still strong. And surgery is still seen as an unnecessary and dangerous risk. According to the Canadian Medical Association, the only effective treatment of severe or morbid obesity is bariatric surgery. And because weight loss surgery also changes the hormone production in the body, maintaining the weight loss is possible. On average, patients lose 60% of their extra weight. For example, a 350lb patient who is 200lbs over weight would lose 120lbs and keep it off over 5 years. Many obesity-related health problems improve or even disappear after weight loss surgery and the overall risk of death drops by as much as 89%.

So What Is The Best Way to Lose Weight?

- Marilee Fehr, RN and WLF Medical patient

Canadian Health Magazine | 11

A Guide To Patients Suffering From Obesity Obesity & Bariatric Wait Times in Canada According to the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), in 2009 there was over 600 times more demand for weight loss surgery than there was capacity. The CMAJ also states that the only permanent treatment of severe or morbid obesity is bariatric surgery. Obesity is the leading preventable cause of death in Canada and continues to increase at an alarming rate. Additionally, with the chronic shortage of bariatric surgeons, wait times for bariatric treatment vary from 18 months to as much as 13 years across the country. At WLF Medical, 4 to 8 weeks from completion of our medical and psychological assessment is typical.

Interior of WLF’s LIMARP International Center of Excellence for Obesity

What We Are Doing to Help? Since 2009, WLF Medical has successfully treated hundreds of patients across Canada, filling an urgent need for safe and effective bariatric treatment. We are dedicated to providing overweight and obese individuals with the treatment, knowledge and tools that will help you effectively lose and maintain your weight. Our specially trained team is committed to reducing your health risks and improving your quality of life.

Why is an International Center of Excellence so Important? WLF is proud to announce that after a rigorous twoyear review by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery’s (ASMBS) Surgical Review Corporation (SRC) that examined safety, surgical outcomes, quality of care and overall performance, we earned the prestigious “Center of Excellence” designation. In fact, we earned three designations: 1.) our hospital 2.) our program and 3.) our Chief Bariatric Surgeon, Dr. Pompa, MD, PhD, AFACS, who is the first female in the World to do so. Currently, we are the only Canadian company to have this designation.

A Center of Excellence designation means:

• Industry-leading results in patient safety and clinical outcomes with random inspections • Board- certified, US-trained surgeons who have performed more than 3,000 weight loss surgeries • Registered nurses, certified nutritionists, counselors and certified support group leaders • Specialized medical equipment and comfortable furnishings designed for obese patients • Individualized nutrition planning for healthy weight loss and weight maintenance • Lifestyle counseling and modification, ongoing support groups and education

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12 | Canadian Health Magazine

For more information about wait times in Canada check out our infographic on page 17

The risks of bariatric surgery are lower when performed in specialized high-volume centres of excellence

Dr. Mehran Anvari, President of the Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons, Post Media News, November 11, 2012

What are the Risks of Surgery in a Foreign Country? Patients choosing surgery out of country face additional risks, which can cause serious complications, as any emergency room doctor in Canada can attest to. Having surgery in an International Center of Excellence is the only way you can know that your surgery is as safe as possible. Sterile protocols, qualifications of all OR Staff and even basic safety equipment can only be assured when there are random inspections by an independent governing body, such as the ASMBS’s SRC. Not only are complications much higher at non-accredited facilities, but patients can risk contracting blood-borne diseases such as hepatitis when foreign facilities cut corners to save money, and there is little to no legal recourse when this happens. WLF Medical has published a guide called, “How to Research Your Surgeon” so patients can be informed, know what questions to ask, check licenses, and stay safe when considering surgery in a foreign country. Just knowing someone who had surgery is no guarantee of safety.

Our Entire Team is Committed to Excellence Overall Patient Satisfaction with Weight Loss Surgery After 2 Years 120,0 % 100,0 %


WLF Medical’s patients have a satisfaction rate of 98.5% after two years – much higher than any other program. Our multidisciplinary team consists of board certified US trained surgeons, registered nurses, nutritionists, counselors and certified support group leaders who care specifically for obese patients. Most of our team are successful bariatric patients too, so we understand first-hand the unique challenges faced by individuals who have battled with their weight. And unlike medical tourism companies, our staff are not on commission, so their job is your long-term success – not selling surgeries. Because both independent research and our own data clearly show that patients who have ongoing support lose significantly more weight, our staff is trained to assist you through your weight loss surgery process and beyond with an award winning program that provides comprehensive, holistic lifelong support. As we all know, surgery alone is not the answer. The combination of emotional support, follow-up and lifestyle modification are necessary for permanent, life-long results. Your surgery is one day, but the changes are for life.

80,0 % 60,0 % 40,0 % 20,0 % 0,0 % Series 1

Average on Real Self 98,5%


Average ASMITS 77,0%

Excess Weight Loss after Sleeve Gastrectomy (EWL)

Canadian Health Magazine | 13

The Proof is in the Numbers How Much Weight Do Our Patients Actually Lose?

WLF Medical’s average patient had an initial BMI of 41.7 and at 2 years, their average BMI was just 25.7 with a total of 111.2 lbs lost on average. WLF Medical patients lose on average 97.2% (EWL) over two years, compared to an average of 77%. Our patient’s success is due to our long-term support and follow-up program that is proven to work.

As an International Bariatric Center of Excellence, WLF maintains extensive patient data. We collect information of our patient outcomes, including overall weight loss, complication rates, resolution of comorbidities, psychological well-being and quality of life. This data is submitted monthly to the SRC’s BOLD program as a part of our ongoing responsibilities as an International Bariatric Center of Excellence. The BOLD database is the world’s largest of clinical Bariatric surgery patient information, with data from more than 500,000 patients.

WLF Patient Compliance with Program and Overall Weight Loss (lbs)

Making Healthy Nutritional Choices

WLF Medical EWL Results Average ASMBS EWL

Average Increase in Physical Activity

90.0 80.0

Deep vein Thrombophlebitis

Non-Fatal Pulmonary Embolus


Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome


Gastric Leak and Fistula

Postoperative Bleeding

Small Bowel Obstruction


% of Complication

Comparison of Surgical Complications

14 | Canadian Health Magazine

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WLF Medical has significantly safer surgeries than the rates of dedicated Bariatric centers in the U.S. In fact, our program is designed to increase patient safety with in-depth pre-operative screening, strict nutritional protocols and comprehensive postoperative follow up. From our data, we have learned that a longer and more regimented preoperative and post-operative diet is one of the most effective ways to minimize complications and increase long-term weight loss success.


support suc ces s

weight loss


Lifetime Support: Why Our Program Works

Improvements in Overall Health It’s one thing to read general statistics on how patient health improves after bariatric surgery – but it’s quite another to see how our own WLF Medical patients do. Without tracking it’s impossible to tell how effective a program is.

As you know from your own experience, changing lifestyle habits such as activity levels, nutritional choices, emotional eating, self-image challenges and other issues are very difficult to maintain and require long-term, one-on-one support, which WLF Medical provides. Our research shows that between 12 and 18 months many patients get ‘off-track’ and old habits begin to creep back. Our data has proven that most patients require additional support and when they have the tools they need to be successful they are able to achieve additional weight loss and improve.

Because of our specialized follow up program, we are able to track our patients’ health improvements. Not only do we see significant reductions in diabetes, chronic pain, insomnia and even headaches, but our patients are able to stop taking over half their medications and their quality of life improves by over 200% on average!

1 year a

Is Bariatric Surgery Right for You?

To be diagnosed as obese, a person must register a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher Morbid obesity is indicated by a BMI greater than 40. As your BMI increases, over time, so does your risk for obesity-related health problems and premature death. To calculate your BMI, you can visit

To ensure patient safety, all patients must complete a comprehensive medical assessment to determine if you are a candidate for surgery. This assessment includes an ECG, blood work, verifi cation of BMI, pharmacy report and an in-depth medical history, as well as any additional tests required based on individual medical conditions.

Bariatric surgery is for severely obese individuals who have made multiple unsuccessful attempts to lose weight by traditional (nonsurgical) methods. Surgery leads to weight loss by restricting food intake and reducing the hunger hormones produced by your stomach.

Each medical assessment will be reviewed by our surgical team, including but not limited to, our chief internist, chief bariatric surgeon and cardiologist prior to surgery scheduling. Patients are generally notified if they are a potential candidate within two weeks. Patients may start the process by completing the “Am I A Candidate” form on our website.

Canadian Health Magazine | 15

Benefits of Bariatric Surgery Migraines

57% Resolved Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 90% Improved Steatosis 37% Resolution of Inflamation 20% Resolution of Fibrosos Pseudotumor Cerebri 96% Resolved

Asthma 62% Resolved or improved


55% Resolved

Obstructive Sleep Apnea 74-98% Resolved Cardiovascular Disease

82% Risk Reduction Dyslipidemia Hypercholesterolemia 63% Resolved Hypertension 52-92% Reduction

Metabolic Syndrome 80% Resolved


72-98% Resolved

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

83-100% Resolved

Polysystic Ovarian Syndrome 79% Resolved of Hirsutism 100% Resolution of Menstrual dysfunctionism

Venous Stasis Disease 95% Resolved Quality of life Improved in 95% of patients 16 | Canadian Health Magazine

Stress Urinary Incontinence 44-88% Resolved Risk of Cancer

47-82% Reduction Degenerative Joint Disease 41-76% Resolved Mortality

89% Reduction in 5-Year Mortality Gout

77% Resolved

Bariatric Wait Times In Canada

5989 4834






That’s of all surgeries!!!

So, what does that mean?

For all the adults currently suffering from obesity to receive surgery it would take

1139 YEARS

To put 1139 years in perspective that is from the time we started using the number ‘0’ until present day.

0 876

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WWW 1283

Invention of the Mechanical Clock


Invention of the printing press


Invention of lightbulb


Landed on the moon


World Wide Web was released


Present Day

So, what’s the reality? If you live in British Columbia they did 178 surgeries last year:


3-13 YEARS Canadian Medical Association Journal reported that there is


Reported ‘Official’ Wait Times

5000+ 5 YEARS Reported wait time Actual wait time 28 YEARS # On the wait list

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more demand than capacity in Canada for Bariatric Surgery.

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So, if you are 40 years old in BC you will be


before you will eligible to have surgery

Life is too short for waiting lists. Visit Canadian Health Magazine | 17

EXPOSED the dangers of medical tourism

Some of the risks directly involved with medical tourism Medical tourism, or ‘health tourism’ is the travel of include lower safety standards, lacking oversight, less people to another countr y for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment. Though increasingly common in accountability, fraud, increased chance of life-threatening complications or poor results, and the lack of follow-up recent years, medical tourism can be a dangerous practice, and support. full of unknown risks. It’s imperative all the options Let’s face it, you don’t and details of foreign medical want any of those things treatment be researched and happening to you in a foreign well understood. Don’t get me wrong, there country and it’s almost IT’S ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE FOR PEOPLE impossible for people to know can be significant benefits to TO KNOW WHETHER A FOREIGN whether a foreign hospital foreign medical treatment. Often, medical treatment can meets even minimal standards HOSPITAL MEETS EVEN MINIMAL be more affordable, faster, of safety and care. This is STANDARDS OF SAFETY AND CARE. provide care not available at particularly important for home, or access to more highly bariatric patients, who require trained specialists. There may pre-and-post follow up and be a number of reasons to support. look elsewhere for medical services and it’s absolutely Often in medical tourism, patients will discover they possible to find a safe option, but the key to avoiding the receive little-to-no pre-surgical assessments and decisions by unnecessary risks is knowing what they are. medical ‘professionals’ are made based on their ability to pay.

18 | Canadian Health Magazine


Remember, any medical service provider can claim to be safe. Look for recognition. A Centre of Excellence Designation is the only way to be sure the hospital or surgical facility is in compliance with the standards expected from an U.S. or Canadian surgical facility. Many surgeries, bariatric in particular (where weight loss in concerned), are not a matter of a just quick surgery. Any experienced and trained bariatric surgeon will tell you that is it only worth about 10 per cent of the success equation and stress the importance of pre-and-post-op support.

If it all sounds a little dry, that’s ok. It’s supposed to and this is a learning process. Give it time and safely conduct your research. This is your health we’re talking about. Know what to look for. An appropriate pre-surgical program can take anywhere from four weeks to six months depending on the procedure. A quality hospital will have support and services allotted for you during this time. Ask what happens if there are complications. Do they provide you with proven success rates and statistics? Are there reports on previous procedures? Can their claims be verified? The importance of asking these questions cannot be understated and if you’re not 100 per cent comfortable with the answers you receive, don’t do it. In the case of bariatric patients, is the operating room used exclusively for that purpose, or is it used for other surgeries as well. Has the operating room been rented (believe it or not, many private doctors will rent their operating rooms from larger hospitals for the duration of the procedure). If the surgeon is just renting, you need to ask yourself why. As important as a qualified surgeon is, don’t forget to ask about the anesthesiologist. They’re the ones who keep you alive during the surgery. Make sure to throughly research them


But what is medical research and how do you learn more about a foreign hospital? There are ways, but asking around isn’t one of them. Chat rooms or patient forums might help, but aren’t enough either. Online searches and watching videos or testimonials are fine, but still not enough to guarantee the right decision. Quality research includes verifying a surgeon’s credentials using the appropriate authorities, verifying licenses, certifications, inspections and memberships. Your research should also include a list of specific questions about safety, processes, protocols, equipment and checking the answers for accuracy and transparency. It’s important not to cut corners when conducting this research. Don’t take anyone else’s word for it, if a clinic is not regulated or inspected independently, profits will likely come before patient safety. Demand evidence, the only guarantee you have to safe medical care is independent proof of safety standards, processes, regulations, and oversight. Unfortunately, these basic standards are missing in most foreign countries.

and their credentials as well. Avoid foreign hospitals where you might encounter a language barrier, poor communication almost ensures a poor experience and can lead to a more difficult recovery process. At the end of the day, medical tourism is possible, but needs to be researched. The best defines against a complicated medical procedure is a thorough look into the services and medical providers you’re considering. If you’ve made it to the bottom of this page and are still considering medical tourism, just remember, trust your intuition, not their claims, and never settle for less than you deserve. Saving a few bucks isn’t worth jeopardizing your safety.


Canadian Health Magazine | 19

Would you know what to look for? What you can’t see can risk your life  Reused Surgery Supplies  Veterinary Supplies  Unlicensed Doctors, Staff  Lack of Sterile Protocol Actual Operating Room in Mexico currently being advertised to Canadians

 Missing O.R. Equipment Outdated lighting. OR’s require LED lighting for proper visibility

Missing capnographer monitor (CO2 measurement), the main gas during laparoscopy, which prevents brain damage during surgery and has been required in OR’s since 1971.

Narcomed anesthesia machine without PEEP that can easily cause atelecthasy (collapsed lungs) or other lung complications

Drip IV, which is no longer used

HD screen is required to see adequate detail during surgery

Laparoscopic equipment is outdated and no longer used in modern hospitals. Missing Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) which measures the pressure in the lungs (alveolar pressure) above atmospheric pressure (the pressure outside of the body) that exists at the end of expiration.

Prohibited 2 speakers on the top of the anesthesia equipment Insufflator is only 20 Litres, 40 litre minimum is required

Equipment is connected directly to the electrical current, not grounded, which can cause a fire or burn of the patient during electrocautery

Laparoscopic equipment has some sort of textile covering that appears it was repaired innappropriately.

 Expired Medication  Credential Fraud  Early or unsafe discharge  Hepatitis, HIV Risk

unsterilized flannel pillow

OR is an older manual table, not electric so any movement can cause a fall during surgery. OR table is missing required foot holders and security belts

Liquids such as iodine appear to be in a regular hair spray container, specialized surgical containers are required to prevent bacteria and wound infection

OR table max weight is 200lbs which is not safe for bariatric patients.

 Improper follow-up  Language Barrierss  No oversight, inspections

Receiving medical care abroad can be risky. It’s important to learn about those risks and how to minimize them. 20 | Canadian Health Magazine

The Global Standard for Quality Surgical Care TheAmerican Surgical Review (SRC) develops and administers best-in-class excellence programs for surgeons and hospitals throughout the world. These programs are focused on improving the safety and quality of patient care. Data from program participants determines which treatments have the best outcomes. This information enables clinicians, patients, payors and policymakers to make informed decisions that will improve healthcare at an individual level and for each specialty’s patient population as a whole.

Monitored Inspections Regulated US Standards Reporting SAFE

An International Center of Excellence regulated by the American Surgical Review is the only way you can be sure whether required safety and sterile standards are met.

Canadian Health Magazine | 21

22 | Canadian Health Magazine

Taking The


Guesswork Out of Mexico From bariatric surgery to cosmetic surgery, the Canadian health industry knows little about what is —and isn’t —safe. BY LUKE ARBUCKLE There’s no question, at first it sounds crazy. Packing your bags and heading to Mexico for bariatric surgery may not have been on your bucket list and telling friends and family you’re considering a medical procedure in a foreign country might raise some eyebrows, but the facts are in and Canada is losing it’s reputation for quality health care, particularly in the area of obesity management. Fortunately, a Canadian company, WLF Medical, has recognized this problem and is offering Canadians the best option for bariatric surgery available today. So while we’re conditioned to ask ‘why Mexico?’ and crack a joke about losing our kidneys let’s first ask ‘why not Canada? and reveal some of the misconceptions Canadians have about their own health care. Canada has long prided itself on free heath care for

it’s residents. So much so, in fact, we’ve come to expect certain levels of services from our healthcare providers. But while some aspects of our healthcare system are well studied and understood, others, like obesity management continue falling to the wayside. An often misunderstood, yet rapidly growing medical field, obesity management in Canada is severely underfunded. According to the Canadian Medical Association, there is 600 times more demand for bariatric surgery than there is the capacity to perform them. Currently, wait times for the procedure vary across Canada from a minimum of there years to a maximum of over 13 years. Coupled with a chronic shortage of qualified bariatric surgeons in Canada, the wait times and lack of long-term support services makes looking elsewhere for surgery a far more plausible option than you would first expect. To make matters worse, many Canadians who suffer from obesity would not qualify for the surgery under the Canadian Health Care system, and even if WLF Medical were to build a private surgical centre located in Canada,

they wouldn’t have access to the required medical specialists to staff it, putting the costs of private care out of reach for most patients. But there is a solution that despite being outside Canada, provides a quality of care exceeding what’s available from the Canadian Health Care system. Created specifically to ensure their clients receive the safest, most convenient and affordable option for bariatric surgery, WLF Medical partners with their own hospital, the LIMARP Center of Excellence in Baja, Mexico. Their services are certified, independently inspected and exceed both Canadian and US standards. In fact, the program offered by WLF is the first Canadian program to be awarded the International Bariatric Centre of Excellence designation by the Surgical Review Corporation in the United States, making it one of only 18 designated centres in the world. Their Chief Bariatric Surgeon is Board Certified in the United States and trained at the Mayo Clinic, providing their patients with access to world-class surgical care that is simply not available in Canada. (cont.) Canadian Health Magazine | 23

Taking The

Medical Guesswork Out of Mexico Unlike a ‘medical-tourism’ approach, WLF’s follow-up program exceeds the standard of care in Canada. They employ a fleet of on-staff registered nurses, nutritionists, counsellors and medical professionals who work closely with local physicians to ensure care is continuous and designed specifically for the patient.

Melanie Wildman, WLF Medical’s Founder, CEO and former bariatric surgery patient, says it’s the company’s mandate to provide high quality bariatric services to Canadians. “We are proud to offer a comprehensive bariatric program that exceeds Canadian standards for the management and treatment of obesity.”

“The hospital was more than I could dream of. It wasn’t hard to see why they have a Center of Excellence designation,” Dr. Carl Le ROUX So those are the facts, but maybe you’re still not convinced and hesitant about the idea of surgery in Mexico. Your concerns are legitimate, is it safe? The truth is, choosing a hospital and surgical team outside of Canada can be very risky and not all hospitals meet Canadian standards. In fact, some Canadians have had serious complications as a direct result of having their surgeries done internationally. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible for patients to know whether a foreign hospital (with the exception of an International Bariatric Centre of Excellence) meets even minimal standards of safety and care. Furthermore, for patients travelling outside of Canada, there is often a lack of preoperative testing and minimal follow-up care, if any. WLF Medical believes a ‘medical tourism’ model for the treatment of obesity is unethical. The risks can include improperly trained or certified medical staff, inadequately sterilized operating theatres, equipment and instruments, early discharge and inadequate postoperative care as well as significant 24 | Canadian Health Magazine

language barriers. This puts patient safety at risk and leaves any complications on the doorstep of the Canadian public health system, often without the local medical experts required for effective treatment of bariatric complications. It’s important to remember effective treatment of obesity must be ongoing and multi-disciplinary. It’s much more than surgery. That’s why so many health professionals like Dr. Carl le Roux, in Saskatoon selected WLF Medical. “The hospital was more than I could dream of. It wasn’t hard to see why they have a Center of Excellence designation,” says le Roux. They have a world-class facility, a renowned surgeon and one of the most comprehensive bariatric programs in the world. So if you’re considering bariatric surgery as an option, know the facts and trust that WLF Medical has your best interests at heart and bariatric services well beyond what’s available basic Canadian health care.

Dr. Pompa, MD, PhD, FACS chatting with a patient

LIMARP International Bariatric Center of Excellence Canadian Health Magazine | 25

ONE OF THE TOP 10 BARIATRIC HOSPITALS IN THE WORLD A Canadian First, WLF Medical Achieves Center of Excellence designation.

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After a grueling two-year review by the American Surgical Review Corporation, WLF’s hospital was recently designated as an International Bariatric Center of Excellence, one of only 18 in the world. WLF met and exceeded stringent requirements in three areas: the hospital, the surgeon, and the bariatric program. Melanie Wildman, President & CEO of WLF, says, “We’re a world-renowned bariatric hospital with exceedingly high standards, excellent patient care and compassionate support. What is at stake is our patients’ health and well being, and our license. It’s our dedication to our patients that make us one of the top 10 bariatric hospitals in the world,” she adds. WLF’s Chief Bariatric Surgeon is Mayo Clinic-trained Dr. Liza Pompa, MD, Ph.D, AFACS. She is board-certified in the United States and is the first female in the world to be awarded Surgeon of Excellence and was

recently recognized by Newsweek Magazine as a leader in bariatric surgery. WLF encourages people to do careful research and has developed the guide How to Research Your Surgeon. Patient safety is the primary consideration. Their hospital and medical staff are held to rigorous standards and unannounced, independent inspections. WLF’s patients include doctors, specialists, government officials, lawyers, teachers, mechanics, farmers. Obesity is the #1 preventable cause of death in Canada. WLF’s award winning support program gives patients the tools they need to achieve long-term success – surgery is just one part of the solution. Over the last four years, over 800 patients received surgery and support through WLF’s program. There are offices in Saskatoon, Regina, Calgary, Lethbridge and Fredericton, NB, with specialists throughout the country.

“Being a surgeon myself, I understood the surgery I was about to have... and I was very pleased!� - Dr. Jackie Taylor, Nipawin, Saskatchewan

Relax & Enjoy our beautiful hospital and hotel

All medical care is provided onsite: Ultrasound, x-rays, bloodwork, surgery and recovery. Our hospital features a full intensive care unit, gorgeous state-ofthe-art custom-designed and patented operating rooms specially designed for bariatric and cosmetic patients, as well as a radiology department to ensure the highest standards in patient safety. Patients are attended by doctors through-out their stay and our speciallytrained faciltators are with each patient, each step of the journey. In addition to the prestigious designation as an International Center of Excellence, WLF is also rated the #1 private bariatric center in the state and one of the top 10 centers in the world

Canadian Health Magazine | 27

Patient Physician I

am a family physician and, like many of my patients, I have struggled with obesity for many years. As a physician I know the complications of obesity and I deal with it on a daily basis. Sadly, those complications often lead to morbidity and premature (and preventable) death. I have tried every diet known to mankind, exercise, fasting and yet nothing worked to keep the weight off. Then I finally met Melanie Wildman, founder and CEO of WLF Medical, about three years ago.

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I heard Melanie’s story and saw her remarkable transfor- I lost 43 lbs before surgery by eating healthy, exercising, mation. That is when my journey to the Vertical Sleeve being a mindful eater, being kind to myself, and loving the goal I had in my focus. Gastrectomy surgery began. The hospital was more than I could dream of. It wasn’t I read voraciously about WLF, obesity, the pre- and post-op program, the surgery, about Dr. Pompa (and her hard to see why they have the “Center of Excellence” impressive credentials and experience) and the hosp tal designation. Dr. Pompa was so kind and so was her staff. They were all attentive, gentle and so caring. It is hard itself. In my practice, I started seeing and counseling patients going for this surgery through WLF and I have to explain the level of care I received there compared to since seen several hundred patients who have had this care we receive in Canada. Dr. Vasquez (Internal Medicine) and Dr. Torres (Anaesthetist) were both thorough in surgery. I met Dr. Pompa and her sister, Lili, in person in Saska- their assessments and answering my questions honestly. Connie, my facilitator, was there toon about eight months after my through the whole process and initial visit with Melanie. I talked to explained every step in detail. I just Dr. Pompa about the program and knew I was in the best hands. was impressed by her honesty and I even got to meet Lili again - so integrity. They corroborated what I kind and loving. She decorated the have researched before. I could see hospital with paintings by Alejandro that WLF has done a tremendous Martinez-Pena, one of which amount of work to help patients make hung in my hospital room. It is informed decisions about surgery, why incredibly beautiful. It gave me so it is done, and who does the surgery. I much peace to stare at that painting was impressed with the facility, with and sometimes even made me forget thorough pre-op guidelines (including about being in a hospital! causes of obesity, healthy eating, emoI knew I was in the hands of the tional eating, hunger versus craving, best bariatric surgeon in North etc.), surgery guidelines, and excellent America. Needless to say my surgery post-op guidelines and support. “I knew I was in the went well and Dr. Pompa even I have seen many times how hands of the best repaired a hiatus hernia - which I patients lives were transformed with bariatric surgeon in did not even know I had! this surgery: how their type II diabetes I am happy to report my blood went away, their hypertension went North America.” pressure and lipids are normal now away or improved significantly, arthri(without medication) I am at much tis improved, to name just a few. Not to mention the joy it brought to their lives. As a lower risk for developing diabetes and heart disease, I physician, it was difficult or me to imagine myself as a have no heartburn, no headaches, and my uric acid is patient. It wasn’t until I attended an evening with Oprah normal (no gout). I am happier than I have ever been, I sleep well, I am with Melanie and Dr. Pompa, that I was finally convinced the power to change is within me. Dr. Pom- motivated and I am excited to see friends and meet new pagave me a quote of Oprah’s, which I put on my office people. Most of all, I feel I am in a much better position wall. It reads: “There is no greater gift you can give or now to counsel patients about obesity, the journey to a receive than to honour your calling. It’s why you were healthy weight and the tool VSG surgery plays in this. I have been there! born. And how you become most truly alive.” I am forever grateful to Melanie and Dr. Pompa, That is also when I realized that Melanie and Dr. Pompa are my “Oprah.” Their dedication, their com- whose love touched me in such a profound way and for mitment, their love for what they do and their deep helping me to transform into the person I thought I caring for us as patients, convinced me they are follow- would never be. I thank the universe every day for allowing their path and it was time for me to do the same. ing our paths to cross. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Canadian Health Magazine | 29

Meet Dr. Pompa



urgery is never something a person should take lightly, particularly when leaving the country to have it. But patients of WLF Medical can be confident they are in the best possible hands as they make the decision to embrace their permanent weight loss solution. “Thousands of patients have travelled to have their surgery here, we are well known for the care and safety we provide, putting patients first at all times,” explains Dr. Liza María Pompa, lead surgeon at WLF Medical’s LIMARP facility in Mexico. “Our patients also attend support groups before surgery and meet with patients who already had surgery with us, so they are well-educated and get to hear others’ experience having surgery. It is not surprising how they always say it was the best care they have received in their life—for us Dr. Pompa in her OR it is standard care.” Dr. Pompa is a pioneer surgeon in metabolic surgery for diabetes and author of the book How Much Does Your Life Weigh? She has performed more than 3,000 procedures and, - DR. POMPA together with WLF MEdical, elevated LIMARP to a Bariatric Center of Excellence and one of the Top 10 hospitals of its kind in the world. WLF Medical is proud to be the first Canadian co-recipient of the designation. “We are very excited and happy,” says Dr. Pompa. “When we finished a rigourous site inspection by Surgical Review Corporation and they were impressed by how well we run our bariatric program, the qualifications of all our staff, the follow-up patients receive and last—but not least, that our hospital was specially designed for obese patients.”

“I cannot describe the feeling when a patient says we have changed their life”

But while this stunning achievement allows patients from Canada to rest easy about the safety, efficacy and efficiency of the stateof-the-art facility and follow-up program, perhaps even more important is the compassion of the doctor and her professional staff. “I cannot describe the feeling when a patient says we have changed their life,” explains Dr. Pompa. “Just doing simple things they couldn’t do before or big things like changing their health

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drastically. It’s awesome! They transform into the person they always wanted to be in their life, just being a part of that is a blessing. “Obesity is a disease that can be treated as any other illness, our mission is to help as many patients as possible and change their lives in the most positive way. There is always an option for any person who suffers from obesity and we can provide treatment for each and every one of them.”

YOU ASKED... WLF experts answer your most burning questions.

Ask Melanie We have one child but we would like to have another. Can I have a baby after my sleeve? Rachel Holk via Facebook I’m asked about this a lot, and most people are surprised to learn it is a lot easier to get pregnant after weight loss surgery and it’s much safer for both Mother and baby. Research shows that the benefits of bariatric surgery include fewer miscarriages, fewer complications during delivery, a healthier weight baby and even a significantly reduced risk of developing obesity and a smaller risk of developing heart disease as an adult. However, it is important to wait at least 12 months after you have finished losing weight as pregnancy can slow or even stop your weight loss. It is also important to work with your doctor and carefully monitor your dietary needs during pregnancy to ensure you and the baby get the nutrition you both need during this exciting time. - Melanie

Ask Dr. Pompa

My doctor says I should try to lose weight through eating less and walking daily before choosing weight loss surgery. I already eat pretty healthy and my knees hurt so walking long distances is hard. What should I tell her?

Marni C, MB

Many people mistakenly believe that surgery is the easy way out. But obesity is a chronic condition for which diet and exercise have not proven to be effective strategies for long-term weight loss. The only proven treatment for obesity is bariatric surgery, which also improves health conditions like diabetes, sleep apnea, migraines and many more. With a good support program, bariatric surgery helps patients lose over 70% of their excess weight and are able to keep it off long-term on average. Surgery is not the easy way out - but science has proven it is an effective way to regain your health. - Dr. Pompa

Ask a Spouse

I’m thinking about surgery, but my husband is completely against it. He is worried about the risks of surgery and loves me just the way I am. I’m miserable though and I’ve tried everything. What can I say to help him feel better about this?

Anonymous in AB

It’s important to acknowledge that his fears are real, so do not discount them. Talking about his fears will help him let some of them go. Have him meet your Success Coach, so he can ask questions about the surgery himself. Make him feel like he is part of the decision making process. Share the materials that outline the realities of obesity, why dieting does not work, and how bariatric surgery works. Ask him to come with you when you go for surgery. This was my biggest mistake. I had the opportunity to go with my wife, which I did not take. Being there while she had her surgery would have alleviated a lot of my fears and concerns. Lastly, let him know that you are doing this for yourself, for your own health and for your family’s future. He still may not want you to go, but he will be able to respect and understand your reasons. - Blair Enright

Ask a Success Coach

I have a friend who gained back a lot of the weight she lost. I worry that will happen to me, how can I make sure it doesn’t?

Robyn M, via Facebook

In the beginning ther e is a ‘honeymoon’ phase where the weight will drop off almost without effort. This is why working closely with your Coach and using your Success Program and Tools to create new habits that will give you the foundation for long-term success is so critical. Knowing what to eat and when, and how to retrain your thought processes during the first year when it is easiest is the single biggest gift you can give yourself. I’m sorry to hear that your friend has gained weight, but it’s important to realize that it is entirely preventable with the right support and a positive attitude? - Connie Poss

Have a for the question ? WLF Teamat

us Write to canadia


24 | Canadian Health Magazine Canadian Health Magazine | 31

What is the “Sleeve” and Why Does it Work so Well? The “Sleeve” is a new procedure that induces weight loss by res food intake and reducing hunger. With this procedure, the surgeon removes approximately 80 percent of the stomach laparoscopically so that the stomach takes the shape of a tube or “sleeve.” The procedure usually takes 30-40 minutes and the recovery is quite short. This is the simplest, least invasive weight-loss surgery available. It is permanent, so it reduces the risk of regaining the weight. The Sleeve is the fastest growing Bariatric Surgery in the world due to its success and safety.

“The only permanent treatment of severe or morbid obesity is bariatric surgery.” SOURCE: 2009 Canadian Medical Association

Eliminates the portion of the stomach that produces the hormones that stimulate hunger and store fat (Ghrelin). Beacuse ghrelin is responsible for making you feel hungry, you will feel significantly less hunger after the surgery. No other procedure can do this. Stomach volume is reduced, but it continues to function normally, so patients can consume foods in moderation. The Sleeve (VSG) is much more effective than the Lap-Band and equally or more effective than the Gastric Bypass (RNY) with fewer complications. The average WLF Medical sleeve patient loses 111.2lbs or 97.2% of their excess weight over 24 months

32 | Canadian Health Magazine

No dumping syndrome because the pylorus is preserved. Minimizes the chance of an ulcer occurring. By avoiding an intestinal bypass, the chances of obstruction, anemia, osteoporosis, protein deficiency and vitamin deficiency are almost eliminated.

Dr. Liza Pompa, MD, PhD, AFACS

Fellow, American College of Surgeons, Board Certified Bariatric Surgeon, World’s First Female Bariatric Surgeon of Excellence

Appealing option for older patients, people with existing anemia, Chrohn’s disease and numerous other conditions that make them too high risk for intestinal bypass procedures. A new study shows the sleeve has the same number of hospitalizations during the first 24 months as non-surgical treatment (doctor super-vised medication with diet and exercise regim) but with significantly better health outcomes.

Canadian Health Magazine | 33

Melanie Before 34 | Canadian Health Magazine

proof positive M

elanie Wildman has always viewed herself a of story is, ‘Don’t listen to your husband,’”Melanie positive person who sees each obstacle as a chal- said, laughing. After getting the sleeve, Melanie’s BMI lenge to overcome, she didn’t take her weight went from 35.5 to about 19.5. She was at work in a gain lying down. She changed from one diet to anoth- week and hasn’t looked back since. Years after her own bariatric surgery, Melanie was er. She practiced jujitsu and kickboxcrowned Mrs. Canada and achieved ing. She stayed active and moving, first runner up for Mrs. Universe. confident she could beat this if she “As someone who struggled with my just found the right diet and exercise weight, it was someting I didn’t combination. think I could ever do. It’s about But after years of working and overcoming obstacles you never working, the lack of results left her though you could. frustrated. She would initially lose “I think we’re changing the weight, only to gain it back within a perception of what obesity is and few months. These shortlived victowhat solutions are possible.” ries took their emotion toll devastatAbsolutely insistent on the highing the mother of three. est quality patient care, Melanie “I felt like a failure,” Melanie said. intiated a two-year review by the “With everything else I could set a Surgical Review Corporation, goal and work toward it, but with my which awarded WLF and their weight, I never succeeded. hospital LIMARP Surgical Center “I spent years dieting and knew it the honour of being named one of wasn’t working; I’d have to accept only 18 International Bariatric Cenbeing heavy or find another way.” So tres of Excellence in the world. Melanie got busy and researched “I spent years In 2014 Melanie was awarded weight loss procedures. She’d heard the Stevie Women in Business about the Lap-Band and decided to dieting and Bronze Award for Executive of the talk to her family - many of whom knew it wasn’t Year and is a Finalist for the prestiare doctors - about the surgery. gous Entrepreneur of the Year It was her sister-in-law, Dr. Marla working” Award for Western Canada in 2015. Lujan, who told her about the LapaThe reason behind the incredible roscopic Vertical Sleeve Gastrectogrowth and success of WLF is pretty my program at Cornell University. simple, Melanie and her team are passionate about Dr. Lujan studies obesity in women and knew a lot of patients that had success with the procedure. Just like their patients and deeply committed to their mission. “We’re really talking about saving lives,” she insists. that, Melanie was ready for her sleeve. “My family, especially my brother, was very enthusi- “It’s not about vanity. The numbers on the scale are astic and supportive. He knew how hard I struggled just an indicator of what’s going on inside. Our entire and how difficult it was for me. “My husband was team is focused on providing the education, support, concerned and worried at first, but he loves it now. It’s and dedication each patient needs to be successful long-term.. the best thing I’ve ever done and he’s really proud of “ It’s truly about changing people’s lives.” me and what I’m doing for other people. “The moral

Canadian Health Magazine | 35


Healthy Baking CHIA SEED

Replacements stevia

Sweeter than sugar and perfect for baking. Stevia is beneficial for gut flora and stabilizing blood sugar .

chia Seed

High in omega 3 fatty acids, protein, fiber, low in carbs and sugar-free.

veggies Purreed zucchini and cauliflower can create moist and delicious baked goodies!

t u n coco ur flo iber, f in High , low in in prote and carbs ree. -f sugar


almond flour High in protein, fiber, low in carbs and full of healthy fats.

x mfloureal flaReplace with flax meal or ground flax for a healthy, fiber-filled baked treat.

Ditch the sugar and flour!

36 | Canadian Health Magazine

Discover bariatric recipes made for you! Bitsy is a free smartphone app and website that provides recipe recommendations personalized to the individual’s type of surgery, pre-op, post-op, clears, fulls and a variety of back-on-track recipes. Canadian Health Magazine | 37

38 | Canadian Health Magazine

Canadian Health Magazine | 39


Her Story

Julie Creelman struggled constantly with her weight, losing some and gaining back twice as much. While she had no major health issues, like high cholesterol, high blood pressure or sleep apnea, she couldn’t climb a flight of stairs without losing her breath and avoided travelling because she could barely fit into the seats. Then in February 2010, Julie reluctantly travelled to the Dominican Republic with her husband and friends. While everyone else was off enjoying the sun and sand Julie spent most of her vacation in tears, dreading her bathing suit and ashamed to be seen on the beach. But no one knew how much the battle affected her because she’d become such an expert at hiding her feelings. “I was devastated. I came home and thought, ‘You’ve probably got 10 years left of being healthy and mobile before your husband is going to bury you.’” Then one day Julie saw an article on WLF Medical in a magazine. She actually thought that the surgery sounded “too good to be true.” “I thought that it might work for someone who had to lose 50 pounds, not someone who had to lose 250 pounds.”

Julie before and after 40 | Canadian Health Magazine

When she talked with her husband about the idea, she realized how much her weight and its impact on her was affecting him. “He said, ‘What price do I put on your health? Do you think I want to be alone in 10 years?’ It was the first time he vocalized he was scared. And I thought, ‘Who am I kidding?’ With the support of her husband Julie decided to go for it. “I had seen other peoples’ results and I knew I wanted that for myself.” Julie spoke with other patients, researched Dr. Pompa, contacted the Mayo Clinic, and even enlisted a friend in the United States to investigate the clinic in person. Julie had the procedure September 21, 2010, at the age of 46. She lost 218 pounds in her first 18 months. “I still find things I can do now that I couldn’t do then! “Today, four years post op, and down 301 lbs from my highest (recorded) weight I know this was the best, smartest, safest decision I had made in my life. I did NOT fail, I chose to put me first and save my life. And I continue to lose, one pound at a time, and maintain my loss!” Julie loved the people and her experience at WLF Medical so much that she joined the team. “I wanted to make a difference - to help change lives. That’s why I work for WLF now. I want others to know there’s hope and not to give up.”


At A Glance Total Weight Lost: 302lbs Height: 5’8” Highest Weight: 504lbs Current Weight: 203lbs Age at Surgery: 46

Surgery Date: Sept 21, 2010

“I want others to know there’s hope and not to give up.”

~ Julie Creelman

Julie before losing weight with her sleeve

Canadian Health Magazine | 41


Her Story

It was spring, the start of a new biking season and she and her husband were anxious to hit the road on their Harleys. But something was wrong. “My bike doesn’t fit,” was all she could think. The previous summer, Sharon had been quite a bit lighter. “I had lost weight on a diet, so the summer I lost all that weight I found it easier to handle my bike,” she remembers. “But the next summer, I had gained it all back. I got on my bike and started crying.” Sharon, 59, began the struggle with her weight after her children were born. Even so, the Beaver Creek, Sask., resident had some success losing weight by dieting. Then she would gain it back.

raised it with her husband, “he would think I was off my rocker,” so she never mentioned it. Some time later, she was leafing through a magazine and found another article about WLF and bariatric surgery, this time featuring a photo of someone she knew. She pointed it out to her husband, and broke the ice by saying she had thought about having the procedure. Not only was he interested, he told her a co-worker’s wife had undergone gastric sleeve surgery - and that woman was Jan Nelson, a Success Coach with WLF Medical. That made a big difference. “It wasn’t a big deal for him then, there wasn’t that fear factor. He knew someone who had gone through it.”

“It was definitely a struggle,” she says, “very much a roller coaster of weight loss and weight gain.”

“Jan was incredible. She gave you everything. It just really felt like the right thing for me to do.”

“I just found I was becoming depressed over it. It was very much all consuming, I was constantly thinking about it.” Her energy level plummeted and there were health issues. She suffered pain in her knee and hip joints and had to contend with debilitating migraines.

Sharon is the manager of administration for a private investigation firm. She did her research. The guidance and support, offered by WLF Medical, were big factors in her decision. “I never looked back once I connected with WLF, and specifically, Jan. “It was kind of like everything just fell into place, like it was meant to be.”

Sharon first learned of WLF Medical in a magazine article, and she had seen advertisements on city buses. It sparked an interest, but she knew that if she

I realized this was a tool but I knew it was going to be a long lasting solution.” Sharon’s surgery was September 16, 2013 and since then she has lost over 100 lbs.

Sharon and her husband on their bike and Sharon after 42 | Canadian Health Magazine


At A Glance Total Weight Lost: 103lbs Height: 5’3” Highest Weight: 231lbs Current Weight: 128lbs Age at Surgery: 57 Surgery Date: Sept 16, 2013

“For the first time in my life, food doesn’t control me!”

~ Sharon Weir

Sharon before losing weight with her sleeve

Canadian Health Magazine | 43


Her Story

She knows how frustrating it can be to have excess weight diminish your life. When she was just eight years old, her family doctor put her on a limited calorie diet. At age twelve, she was introduced to the world of Weight Watchers. For years, she would feel the success of losing weight and then the dread that she’d gained it all back, and then some, just a short time later. When she was in her 30s, she lost 100 pounds only to gain 120 back. “My biggest struggle was keeping it off and it wasn’t possible for me,” she says. “I was at a point where I was 254 pounds and only 5’3”, I had high blood pressure, and was on anti-depressants. I had known about weight loss surgery as a nurse and when I started investigating it, I thought WLF Medical was the answer. I decided to do it and have never regretted it, not for a moment.” Marilee lost 118 pounds from her highest weight and 92 pounds from the day of her surgery in December 2009. She has kept all of it off for over five years. The 53-year-old never told anyone about her except for her daughter for almost the entire first year. She feared what others would think or how they would react.

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“I didn’t want anyone talking me out of it and didn’t want anyone to tell me I was doing the wrong thing,” she says. “I worried people were going to judge me and I struggled with feeling ashamed that I needed to have weight loss surgery.” Marilee says her feelings of shame have disappeared and she no longer wakes up wondering if today is the day that she gains it all back. She knows this is a permanent solution and since telling people, she’s had an incredible response. “It’s been a gift to me. Not one single person has said a negative thing to me about my choice.” Now having gone through the journey herself helps her understand what others are going through and makes her better able to empathize with them. “I have lot more self-confidence. I know I’m comfortable in my body now so I’m more outgoing than before. I also think it’s changed my understanding of obesity and how it affects people. As a nurse and now as a facilitator with WLF Medical, the more people I talk to and stories I hear, the more I understand how much obesity hurts people.” She said anyone struggling with obesity should at least consider surgery. “Don’t be afraid to look at weight loss surgery as a viable option for your situation,” she says. “It’s so much fun to just look good! All my life I’ve hated shopping and I finally enjoy myself. I was never able to do that before because it was too hard.”


At A Glance Total Weight Lost: 118lbs Height: 5’3” Highest Weight: 254lbs Current Weight: 136lbs Age at Surgery: 51

Surgery Date: Dec 10, 2009

“It’s been a gift to me. Not one single person has said a negative thing.” ~ Marilee Lowe

Marilee before losing weight with her sleeve

Canadian Health Magazine | 45


Her Story

It was Christmas 2013 and Michelle Wolfe was sharing a bit of quality time with her son, reading him a story. “It’s a story about a lamb and there’s a cow in it, too,” Michelle recalls. “After reading the story he wanted to act it out. He said, ‘Mommy you can be the cow.’ I said, oh, why’s that?” His response? “Because you’re big and round just like one.” It’s to be expected. After all, he was just being a kid. Children don’t always come with filters and Michelle understood that. Still, it stayed with her, at a time when she had other things on her mind, including a lifechanging decision. The 33-year-old Waldheim, Sask., resident had struggled with her weight since she was a teenager and started her first diet when she was in Grade 12. She lost 25 pounds and kept it off for several years. Then, a few years after having her first child, her weight went up again. This time, the dieting didn’t work; she’d lose weight but couldn’t keep it off. The challenges began to mount. “I was tired, didn’t have energy to keep up with my kids,” she says. “I didn’t feel very good about myself. I stayed home a lot just to avoid going out and seeing people.”Shopping was never fun because you couldn’t just go into any store and pick something off the shelf. When she first came across WLF Medical, “I thought, okay maybe there is something that can help and is more permanent than anything I’ve ever tried before.” Shortly after starting her research into sleeve surgery, Michelle had a friend over. She noted her friend’s significant weight loss. “I had no idea she had gonefor surgery… She said she’d just gotten back from Mexico a couple of weeks ago and she had gone through WLF.”

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A few weeks later, she encountered another friend who had undergone a weight loss transformation through WLF Medical. Based on their success, Michelle decided it was something she wanted to pursue. It was time for a change. “It was the right route to take. It’s permanent, and I had seen friends go through it and realized they’ve done very well.” Michelle’s husband was supportive from the start. “He said, ‘Whatever it takes, let’s do this, let’s get you happier.’” Today, Michelle’s heightened energy level has resulted in positive changes for the entire family, particularly her nine-year-old son and three-year-old daughter. “When my daughter goes for a bike ride, I have no problem walking or running behind her, keeping up with her. “Even my son, just going and playing at the park… Last year I would never have even thought about doing that because I didn’t enjoy it at all.” The entire family’s eating habits have also been affected positively. The food is healthier, and they are eating less. Meals her husband once sat down to and devoured, he now has trouble finishing because he’s so full. “Even this weekend, we went swimming and that was the first time in several years that I didn’t feel awful putting on a bathing suit and playing with my kids in the pool,” Michelle says. “My husband said, when we drove back, that was the highlight for him… I wanted to play in the pool with my kids and I hadn’t wanted to do that in a long time.” Her advice for anyone embarking on their own weight loss journey is to have the surgery - it’s worth every penny. “If I could have done it sooner, I would have.”


At A Glance Total Weight Lost: 68lbs Height: 5’3” Highest Weight: 230lbs Current Weight: 162lbs Age at Surgery: 33

Surgery Date: Feb 16, 2015

“If I could have done it sooner, I would have”

~ Michelle Wolfe

Michelle before losing weight with her sleeve

Canadian Health Magazine | 47

Ask A


Meet Brenda and Gord. We feel like proud parents, we see Brenda’s new “GLOW” and it’s the only way it can be described. She radiates this amazing confidence and health. We have loved watching her transform. We thought it would be important for others to have a small peek into her journey but to also have her husband perspective as support to us is a huge part of WLF.

How did you feel when Brenda approached you about surgery? I was not surprised actually that Brenda decided to do the surgery. As long as I’ve known her she’s fought with weight gain and the diet(s). Obviously I was concerned a bit for her as it is a serious operation.

What was the experience like for you? The experience was very good with regards to all arrangements from the pre-op requirements to the preparation of air fares, accommodations and especially the professional care taken in the clinic by both doctors and staff. Post-op care was also first rate assuring Brenda was ok to travel back to Canada. Having all this taken care of was a big relief as you have more than enough stress thinking of and worrying about a loved one undergoing major elective surgery.

How is your relationship now compared to before surgery?

We have always had a close relationship. We continue to have a close relationship and hopefully it has been extended as both of us as well as the kids lead a healthier lifestyle.

What was the hardest part and how did you overcome it? I really have not had any difficulty with the results of the surgery. I have a new wife or half a wife! Brenda can be a bit of a pain with her new found energy and always wants to go for walks and bike rides etc. This was something I had wished for as early in our relationship I was usually the one wanting to get out more and go to the gym and stuff.

Do you feel it has improved your family life? After the surgery, once Brenda was able to exercise, we returned to the gym not just a a couple but as a family. The kids are both taking exercise and proper nutrition seriously. The four of us now make exercise and nutrition a daily part of our life.

What was the biggest obstacle for you? I can’t think of an obstacle for me. 48 | Canadian Health Magazine

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Raspberry Cheesecake with Omg Oreo Crust


Pproteing er serv ing

Oreo crust Mix all ingredients. Press firmly into the • 1/2 cup chia seed meal base of a spring form pan. Bake at 325 for • 1/2 cup chocolate protein powder 20 minutes. Let cool. • 1/2 cup dark cocoa powder • 1/3 cup butter melted • 1 tsp vanilla • 1/2 cup granulated sugar substitute

Raspberry Filling • 3 pkg cream cheese • 3 eggs • 1 cup vanilla casein protein • 1/2 cup Ready-to-drink protein drink or heavy cream • 2 tsp lemon zest or extract • 3/4 cup granulated sugar substitute • 1 tbsp vanilla • 1/2 cup fresh raspberries

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Mix room temperature cream cheese, eggs, protein drink, lemon extract, vanilla and stevia together in a mixer stand until smooth. Gently fold in fresh raspberries. Pour over crust. Bake at 350 20 minutes. Reduce temp. Bake 25-28 minutes at 300. Let cool, and serve the next day.

Nutritional Facts Crust (24 slices) Serving Size....................12 g Calories...........................29 Total Fat...........................1.7g Total Carbohydrates......2.1g Dietary Fiber...................1.4g Protein.............................2.9g Cheesecake (24 slices) Serving Size....................30 g Calories...........................75 Total Fat...........................4.8g Total Carbohydrates......1.2g Sugars..............................0.5g Protein.............................6.7g Canadian Health Magazine | 51

Cinnamon Donuts Donut Batter

• 1 cups unflavoured protein • 1/2 cup chia seeds meal • 1/2 cup coconut meal • 1 cup granulated sugar substitute • 1/2 cup brown sugar substitute • 2 tsp baking powder • 1 tsp ground cinnamon • 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg • 1/2 tsp saltwater • 1 extra-large egg, lightly beaten • 1 cup Ready-to-drink vanilla protein • 1/4 cups whole water • 2 tbsp unsalted butter, melted • 2 tbsp vanilla extract

g Pprotein er serv ing

For the topping

• 8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter • 1/4 cup brown sugar substitute • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Bake at 350°F for 12-14 mins. Brush with butter and then dip in cinnamon sugar mix. 52 | Canadian Health Magazine


Nutritional Facts (24 donuts) Serving Size....................32 g Calories...........................65 Total Fat...........................2.8g Total Carbohydrates......3.2g Dietary Fiber...................1.6g Sugars..............................0.7g Protein.............................7.8g

Cinnamon Swirl Protein Bread


• 1 cup vanilla casein protein powder • 1/2 cup coconut flour • 1/2 cup flax flour • 1/4 cup psyllium fiber • 6 eggs • 1 cup granulated sugar substitute • 1/4 cup cinnamon

g Pprotein er serv ing

Mix everything but cinnamon. Reserve 1/3 batter and add in cinnamon. Pour batter in loaf pan, pour cinnamon batter in and swirl. Bake 45-50 mins at 350°F Nutrition Facts (18 slices) Serving Size....................48 g Calories...........................109 Total Fat...........................4.0g Total Carbohydrates......10.3g Dietary Fiber...................9.0g Sugars..............................0.8g Protein.............................10.9g

Egg Muffins • 6 large eggs • 1/2 cup unflavoured protein powder • 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt • 1 tsp baking powder • 1/8 cup green onion • 1/2 cup sharp shredded cheese • 1 tsp garlic powder • 1/2 tsp onion powder Pour into muffin tin. Bake at 350°F for 15-20 minutes.


g Pprotein er serv ing

Nutrition Facts (makes 12) Serving Size....................45g Calories...........................73 Total Fat...........................3.3g Total Carbohydrates......1.6g Sugars..............................0.8g Protein.............................9.3g Canadian Health Magazine | 53

Everything Bagels • 1 cup unflavored whey protein • 1/2 cup flax seed meal • 1/2 cup sesame seed meal • 1/2 cup psyllium husk powder • 1 tbsp baking soda • 1/2 tsp salt • 1 tbsp parsley • 1 tsp garlic powder

• 1 tsp onion powder • 1 tsp mustard powder • 1/3 cup sharp cheese • 2 eggs • 1 tbsp olive oil • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt


Pproteing er serv ing

Mix together. Pour mixture into Nutrition Facts (Makes 12) a piping bag or large freezer bag and cut the corner. Pipe into Serving Size................... 51 g a large donut baking tray. Calories.......................... 160 Total Fat......................... 7.5g Mix 2 tbsp each of: Total Carbohydrates...... 9.9g diced onion, sesame seeds, Dietary Fiber.................. 6.9g poppy seeds, minced garlic. Sprinkle generously over bagels Sugars............................ 0.9g Protein........................... 13.7g in pan before baking. Bake at 350 for 20 mins.

Jalepeno Bread • 1 tsp mustard powder • 1 cup unflavored • 1/8 cup jalepenos (jar) whey protein finely diced • 1/2 cup flax seeds • 1/3 cup sharp cheese (blended) • 1/2 cup sesame seeds • 2 eggs • 1 tbsp olive oil (blended) • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt • 1/2 cup psyllium husk powder • 1 tbsp baking soda • 1/2 tsp salt • 1 tbsp parsley • 1 tsp garlic powder g • 1 tsp onion powder Pr


Mix all ingredients until moist and line a loaf pan with parchment paper. Bake for 350 for 45-55 mins.

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per ser ving

Nutrition Facts (18 Slices) Serving Size....................40 g Calories...........................115 Total Fat...........................4.7g Total Carbohydrates......9.6g Dietary Fiber...................8.9g Sugars..............................0.6g Protein.............................9.6g


Pproteing er serv ing

Protein Pizza • 1 tsp onion powder • 1/2 cup flax meal • 1 tsp dried mustard • 1/4 cup coconut flour • 1 cup unflavored protein • 1/2 tsp salt • 1/2 cup cauliflower • 1 cup shredded (steamed and blended) sharp cheeses • 1/3 cup egg whites • 1 tsp baking powder • 2 large eggs • 2 tsp dried parsley • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt •1/2 tsp garlic powder Mix dry ingredients together. Steam cauliflower and then place in cheesecloth or a dishcloth and squeeze out all the moisture. Add wet ingredients and mix well, then add in dry ingredients.

Nutritional Facts

(8 slices) Serving Size....................79 g Calories...........................166 Total Fat...........................5.1g Total Carbohydrates......12.0g Dietary Fiber...................5.3g Sugars..............................2.6g Protein.............................20.2g

Pour batter and cook in a frying pan like a giant pancake (made 4 total) Flip halfway through cooking. Add sugar-free tomato sauce, some thinly sliced Spanish chorizo sausage, onions, diced cherry tomatoes, fresh spinach and some grated mixed cheeses. Bake for 12-15 minutes at 350°F until cheese is bubbly and ready to serve. Canadian Health Magazine | 55

Slimbits Sour Cream Glazed

• 1/2 cup unflavoured protein • 1/3 cup flax • 1/3 cup coconut flour • 1 tsp baking powder • 1/2 tsp nutmeg • 1/2 tsp cinnamon • 1/2 cup granulated sugar substitute • 1/2 cup greek yogurt plain • 1/4 cup butter melted • 1 egg • 1 tsp vanilla


• 1/4 cup plain protein • 1/8 cup coconut flour • 1/4 cup flax • 1/8 cup coconut oil • 1/2 cup granulated sugar substitute • 1 package sugar-free Jello • 1/4 cup Greek yogurt

g • 1/4 cup chocolate protein P ro • 1/8 cup coconut flour per setrein ving • 1/4 cup flax • 1/8 cup coconut oil • 1/2 cup granulated sugar substitute • 1/4 cup cocoa powder • 1/4 cup Greek yogurt

• 1/4 cup vanilla protein powder • 1/4 cup granulated sugar substitute • 1/4 cup water




Bake at 350 in pop cake tin for 8-12 minutes or in cake pop maker for 3-5 minutes.

Nutritional Facts

(makes 24)

Serving Size....................21 g Calories...........................35 Total Fat...........................1.5g Total Carbohydrates......2.1g Dietary Fiber...................1.2g Protein.............................3.1g 56 | Canadian Health Magazine

Lazy Lazagna Noodles: • 2 large eggplants • Peeled sliced long and thin like lasagna noodles Cheese Mix: • 2 cups low-fat ricotta cheese • 3 eggs • 3 green onions, chopped • 1/2 cup unflavoured protein • 3 cups shredded mozzarella cheese • 1⁄2 cup parmesan cheese

Meat Sauce: • 1 lbs ground bison, beef or turkey • 1/2 cup onion • 1 cup diced spinach or kale • 1/2 cup grated carrots • 1 cup red or green peppers • 1 cup mushrooms • Other veggies to taste • 1 can sugar free tomato sauce • 1/2 cup unflavoured protein • Simmer until tender

Preheat oven to 425°F. Spray cookie sheet, arrange eggplant slices and season with salt and pepper. Cook slices 5 minutes on each side.


Layer your lasagna and bake at 350°F for 45 -55 mins.

Pproteing er serv ing

Nutrition Facts (24 Servings) Serving Size....................128 g Total Fat...........................7.5g Total Carbohydrates......6.2g Dietary Fiber...................1.9g Sugars..............................2.3g Protein.............................18.1g

Macaroons • 1/2 cup egg whites • 1/4 cup granulated sugar substitute • 1/2 cup casein vanilla protein powder (you can also use whey) • 1.5 cup unsweetened shredded coconut Form into balls and bake on parchment paper for 20 minutes at 300°F Nutrition Facts (makes 12)


g Pprotein er serv ing

Serving Size....................16 g Calories...........................59 Total Fat...........................4.3g Total Carbohydrates......1.9g Dietary Fiber...................1.1g Sugars..............................0.7g Protein.............................3.2g Canadian Health Magazine | 57

Red Lobster Biscuits • 1 cup quick oats (blend in a blender) • 1 cup unflavored protein • 1 tsp baking powder • 2 tsp dried parsley • 1 tsp garlic powder • 1 tsp dried mustard • 1/2 tsp salt • 1 cup grated sharp cheese • 2 large eggs • 1 tbsp olive oil • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt


Pproteing er serv ing

Nutrition Facts (makes 24) Serving Size....................22 g Calories...........................59 Total Fat...........................2.2g Saturated Fat..................0.8g Total Carbohydrates......3.2g Protein.............................10.5g

Drop onto parchment paper. Bake at 350°F for 12-15 minutes. Butter Topping: Melt 2 tbsp butter in a bowl. Stir in 1/2 tsp garlic powder and parsley flakes. Use a pastry brush to spread garlic butter over tops of biscuits while they are still hot. 58 | Canadian Health Magazine

No Bake Cherry Coconut Balls • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt • 1/4 cup coconut oil softened • 1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut • 1 cup casein vanilla protein powder • 1 package sugar free cherry Jello mix Mix together all ingredients except cherry jello mix. Scoop dough and squeeze until more compact, then roll between hands into evenly sized balls. Then roll balls into in jello mix until evenly coated. Chill for 1 hour minimum. Freezes well. Nutrition Facts (24 servings) Serving Size....................19 g Calories...........................59 Total Fat...........................3.6g Carbohydrates................1.6g Dietary Fiber...................0.8g Sugars..............................0.6g Protein.............................4.6g

Chocolate Mint Donuts Donut Batter • 1 cup whey chocolate protein powder • 2 tbsp dark chocolate cocoa • 1 tsp baking powder • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt • 2 Egg Whites • 2 Whole eggs • 1/2 cup baking Stevia • 1/3 cup Mint Chocolate Chips


g Pprotein er serv ing

Icing • 1 cup whey chocolate protein powder • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt • 1/4 tsp of mint flavouring extract • 2 Tablespoons Liquid Stevia


g Pprotein er serv ing

Mix donut ingredients together, and place into a zip lock bag with one corner cut out, or use an icing bag and pipe into a donut baking pan. Bake for 12-15 minutes at 350°F. Then let cool and ice with the icing recipe.

Nutrition Facts (makes 24) Serving Size....................24 g Total Carbohydrates......2.9g Calories...........................45 Dietary Fiber...................0.9g Total Fat...........................1.5g Protein.............................6.2g Canadian Health Magazine | 59

My Friends Call Me the

“Energizer Bunny”

Cynthia before & after losing 185lbs


t didn’t always apply, but Cynthia Lanovaz has earned herself a new nickname. “I have lot more energy,” says the 45-year-old Fort St. John resident. “My friends call me the Energizer bunny because I’m going, going, going all the time.” Cynthia has struggled with her weight all her life. Before her weight loss journey began, Cynthia said she would get looks and people would stare when she went out. “I would get kids who would come up to me and say, how come you’re so fat? “It got to the point where I didn’t want to be around anybody. It was very hard on me but because I’m an extrovert, I like to be out with people.” Doing things with her husband was difficult and though she loved walking with their two dogs, she couldn’t last more than a few 60 | Canadian Health Magazine

blocks. She had tried many weight loss programs without success. “When you’re a teenager and you are told that you have to go to Weight Watchers, that hurts too.” Cynthia was on the wait list for bariatric surgery in Victoria. But there was a problem: despite being 400 lbs., she was too healthy. “I had gone down four times and they just kept pushing me down the line and pushing me down the line,” she says. “And I found out it was because I didn’t have diabetes, I didn’t have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, so they kept pushing me down because they considered me ‘healthy obese.’ So when she set her sights on WLF Medical, she had an advantage. “I had already looked at the gastric sleeve with a doctor in Victoria; I had already done my research.” And she felt the gastric sleeve procedure was for her.

“I decided I had to do this for myself. I wanted to be skinny. I wanted to be able to run with my niece and nephew and go for walks with my dogs.” Her family had been behind her plans for surgery when it was to be in Victoria. But this was Mexico. “I had people try to talk me out of it. I didn’t tell my family… I knew they would try to talk me out of it.“ Her husband wasn’t even in her corner early on because of her lack of success with diets in the past. “When he saw I was serious, he got on board because before I had gone down I had already lost 40 pounds.” Cynthia wasn’t concerned about having surgery outside the country. She had done her homework and had confidence in WLF Medical. She had heard stories about people who had gone to Mexico for bariatric surgery and suffered infections. “It’s what can happen if you aren’t careful. Research not only tells you where to go, it can tell you where not to go, she says. “You go to a company based on research, not which one’s the cheapest. WLF looks after you.” Arranging the flight and provid-

ing transportation to and from International Center of Excellence from San Diego are among the many services that set WLF apart, Cynthia says. “That really made the point with me that they really take care of you. “Knowing that I could have the support of a Success Coach, really helped too.” “I felt very well taken care of,” she says of her experience. When she came back, some adjustments were required. For one, her husband had to get used to eating in front of her, even though he felt a bit guilty. “He’s very happy now that I’ve lost so much weight because we do so much together.” Cynthia says she no longer lives her life to eat. “I eat what I have to. I just make sure I have lots of protein in my house.” “You have to change your attitude, you have to eat healthy.” There’s no question, though, the gastric sleeve surgery has changed her life. Recently, she had family come to visit and the agenda included a special event with a very special threeand- a-half-year-old. “I was able to run down the hall with my niece,” Cynthia says. “That was a major milestone for me, being able to run up and down the hallway with her. And she loved it. “It makes me proud to know that I can be with my niece and have fun with her.” She did a five-kilometre Mother’s Day walk last year and has another one planned for this year. “I go to the gym three days a week. I do kickboxing. I like to be active.” Cynthia is happy to share her experience with others, so they can draw on her knowledge as they begin their own weight loss journey. “People see me and think I’m an inspiration. I have a friend who had it done in December, and he said if it weren’t for me he wouldn’t have done it, which made me feel good, knowing that I helped somebody.”

Cynthia kickboxing at the gym

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BETTER I’ve always struggled with my weight from childhood. I continuously tried to diet on my own with some success, but I always gained it back plus more. Finally last year I hit my highest weight of 283 pounds. I’m 5’11” and I knew I was only going to go much higher if I didn’t do something. I have a lot more energy throughout the day. My history of depression is now completely in control. Food no longer has power over me. I don’t feel the hunger or the cravings like I used to, especially for junk food. I now eat a healthy amount and I am very satisfied for a long time. I know I’ve added many years to my life and that every one of them will be so much better. The sleeve was the best decision I’ve ever made. I feel so good about myself - my only regret is not doing it sooner. I had a very easy recovery and quick results. WLF has been terrific; they would call me every day and the support has been amazing. They were extremely thorough and very honest. I recommend the entire team at WLF to anyone. The experience has made me into a new healthy person, one that I will be the rest of my life.

“My only regret is not doing it sooner.” Chris Hergott

Chris, before losing 100lbs with WLF

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HOW JASON GAINED HIS HEALTH AND HAPPINESS BACK By Karin Melberg Schwier T.J. “Jason” Everett struggled with obesity most of his life. Always a big guy, Jason assumed his European background was the reason for being of good, solid stock. But “there were never limits on eating in my family,” he explains. “I was always physical, so it wasn't until I was in mid 20's when things really got out of hand.” Suddenly it was far more serious than just being a “big guy.” High blood pressure, diabetes and, Jason says, “all the ‘large person’ health problems.” Jason is one of the 1% of WLF patients who experienced a post-surgery complication. “My facilitator Julie was right there with me. Melanie (WLF‘s CEO) drove down from Saskatoon and my doctor was on a teleconference with Dr. Pompa to share the information about my surgery. When I had a hospital stay, the Regina support group met at the hospital so I could attend. I was also so pleased with all the support from everyone on the WLF website and Facebook group, patients and facilitators alike. I couldn’t go to the Christmas party in Saskatoon so they even made me a video greeting and I was so happy. It felt like I was there with everybody.” Jason says he still feels “completely taken care of” throughout the journey. “I just moved to Saskatoon and got a job right away at a tire shop,” Jason says. “Life is physically so much easier since I’ve lost over 145 pounds. I am embracing a whole new life and outlook, enjoying meeting new people in Saskatoon, telling my story.”

“Life is so much easier.” Jason Everett

Another exciting chapter in Jason’s story is completing his first fun run, the Bridge City Boogie 5 km, in June.

Jason, before losing 145lbs

Canadian Health Magazine | 63

HUSBAND AND WIFE LOSE WEIGHT TO BE TOGETHER LONGER Shannon - I’ve been going to different weight loss programs since high school. I tried Slim Fast, Weight Watchers, Atkins or any fad diet you can think of. I’d lose the weight then gain it back plus some. I felt like a failure. There was a lack of confidence in the way I looked because people judge you; they think you’re lazy or that you eat too much. I had back and knee problems that I knew would dissipate if I lost the weight, but I just couldn’t keep it off. There is also history of heart disease in my family, so this was always in the back of my mind. As we get older, looking after your health becomes more important. Mike - For me, I didn’t do the dieting. I got heavy because of my diet and my lifestyle. I worked retail so I was always eating on the run. I watched myself getting heavier and heavier, my blood pressure going up and up. I ended up developing sleep apnea and was put on a CPAP machine because I wasn’t sleeping at night. I was very tired all the time, I had no energy, I was having headaches and I developed stomach issues. I needed to lose weight for my health. I didn’t think I was valuable to anybody because of my size, it affected me emotionally and physically. One day we were sitting in a traffic jam, and we were dreaming of things we would do if we had a little extra money. With very little hesitation, Shannon said she would get weight loss surgery. I wanted to lose weight too and I thought the best way I could support her would be to go through it with her. We turned our dream into a reality.


DREAM INTO A REALITY. 64 | Canadian Health Magazine

Shannon - You can have a spouse who says they’ve supported you, but Mike actually shared the experience with me. He knew exactly what I was going through every step of the way. Mike - It was perfect, we went through the prep together, the diets, the flights, the surgery, the tests, all of it. We did it hand-in-hand, together. I got the surgery for my health and to support Shannon in the best way I could. I did it for her and for me. Now, I feel fantastic. I haven’t felt this good in decades. I look in a mirror and can’t believe it. I can see abs. There’s that amazement about getting up in the morning and feeling fantastic. I’ve achieves all my goals, the weight peeled off and I feel absolutely amazing. I took off more weight than I ever thought I could. I used to be resigned to the fact that I was overweight, now I feel so happy to realize that’s not my life anymore. Shannon - He doesn’t have headaches anymore, he’s sleeping better and he doesn’t have high blood pressure. This surgery has completely changed his health and mine. I feel amazing, and have so much more energy and confidence to do the things we enjoy and dream of doing together! My overall attitude about eating has changed. I know I’ve found a permanent solution. No we can focus on what’s important. We want to be together for many, many more years, and extra weight puts undue pressure on your heart. To me, a lifetime together is more important than how good I look. I did it so we would have more years together.



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t my heaviest, I was 321 pounds. I was sluggish, it was hard to move, and getting motivation was really difficult. My back hurt, my knees hurt, my ankles hurt—I was very uncomfortable all the time. My self-esteem was really low. I always felt like people were staring at me, talking about me, making fun of me. I was afraid to eat in front of people, and many wouldn’t give me the time of day. Now, not only do I feel completely different, but people treat me differently. I’m down to 205 pounds; I look great and I feel great. I have tons of energy, and every day is like a new experience. Weight Loss Forever has been amazing. Even going for surgery was a terrific experience. The facilities are phenomenal; the clinic is clean and the staff is kind. When I got there, they were waiting on the stairs to welcome me. I’ve been through many surgeries, and this was by far the best encounter. I have so much faith in the staff, I’m going to go back there for follow-up plastic surgery because I trust them and the facilities more than I do my health care here at home. Now, I don’t miss any support group—I look forward to them. I can call my facilitator any time, text any time. Whenever I have a question, she has the answers for me. If she doesn’t have the answers, she finds them for me.

“I feel great!” Brian, After losing 116lbs

Having seen me go through this process, watching me get happier and healthier, my brother is following in my footsteps. He’s in line to get the surgery too. That’s the best endorsement I can give.

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Cindy’s life before surgery was a constant struggle. Food was the enemy, exercise was hard, and every day tasks became a challenge. I’d done every diet, tried every “as seen on TV” exercise tool, but even if I lost the weight, it would come back plus a few pounds. This cycle made me constantly discouraged and depressed, always self-conscious. While I was a naturally cheerful and social person on the outside, inside I was hurting and very sad.

Cindy, before losing 87 lbs with WLF

As a nurse, I knew a Center of Excellence was important for my safety and I was opposed to adding something to my body or rerouting anything. I met some of the Weight Loss Forever staff at a tradeshow and expressed my concerns. They told me about the “sleeve”, which just removes the stretched out part of your stomach, which seemed like common sense to me. After a lot of thought and research, I decided to do it. I didn’t care what other people thought about me—it came down to how I felt about myself. It is the best decision I’ve ever made. Weight Loss Forever was fantastic. My facilitator was supporting me the whole time, answering questions and providing guidance. The support from WLF makes the experience so much easier.

Cindy, After losing Over 87lbs!

“My only regret is not doing it sooner.” Cindy Haskins, L.P.N. Health & Wellness Educator

After the surgery, the weight started falling off. I started having more energy, and I decided to start toning up. Exercising was actually fun because it wasn’t such a struggle. I spent time learning about nutrition, and I even adapted my role at work to focus more on preventative medicine. It has really changed my whole world. I’ve never been in this great of shape in my life! When I look at the before and after photos, I realize how overweight I was. I never saw myself as that big, and I can identify with myself better now. I have better self-image, and I live a far healthier lifestyle. Life is supposed to be fun!Take Though I had reservations a video tour and emotional highs and lows, I would not change it for anything. I recommend it to everybody—you don’t need to struggle with your weight. It really is life changing.

Canadian Health Magazine | 67

THE SUPPORT YOU NEED WITH ONE TOUCH ✓ one-touch tracking of your food & snacks ✓ simple reminders for your water, protein & vitamins ✓ easily log your weight loss, sleep & more ✓ share your success and inspire others

support app by app Release Date: Fall 2015. Exclusively for patients of WLF Medical to support long-term success. 68 | Canadian Health Magazine


hen my husband and I were first dating we went to our local fair for a romantic ride on the ferris wheel. I fit in the seat, barely. The operator tried several times, but finally apologized. I was too heavy for the ride. You can’t imagine the embarrassment. I thought I would never consider weight loss surgery. I was skeptical, but when I heard of other people’s success with WLF and the vertical sleeve, I decided it was time to change my life. I had been able to lose 100 pounds but was never able to maintain it on my own. I just turned 40. I didn’t want to be stared at anymore. I wanted to feel better and be a better wife and mom.

“Life is just simply more fun!” The support from WLF was fantastic. The facilitator on-site at the hospital in Mexico was amazing and put me at ease and answered all my questions. All arrangements were made so the whole experience before, during and after has been phenomenal! Now I have more energy and greater self-confidence. I am active and can keep up with my family and friends. I am not self-conscious walking into a crowded room. And I can cross my legs! It sounds silly to be so happy about that, but there was no way I could ever do that before. I feel more feminine. Life is just simply more fun. I laugh more. I feel great about myself and what I have accomplished. My husband lost 70 pounds on his own since my surgery because he’s changed his eating habits too. He’s been by my side throughout this journey. Both of us are so much happier and healthier.

Canadian Health Magazine | 69




hen I went on a plane for the first time with friends, I worried whether the seatbelt was going to fi t. On the trip down, it was snug but not uncomfortable. On the way back, it was so tight that my friend asked me if I needed help doing it up. I took a deep breath, heard a click and never moved the rest of the painful trip, with a smile on my face I said, “Nope, I’m fine.” I wasn’t fine. When I first heard about WLF, I thought it sounded drastic but then I heard the stories from people doing it through this company. I wanted to do the surgery but put the thought aside. I kept looking at the WLF website and there I found a statistic that changed my mind. On average, people who are morbidly obese for many years (that was me) live 20 years less. I turned 40 this year and my two boys are 17 and 15. I was not going to have them bury me in their 30s.

I am so proud knowing that I took a chance on myself. I was never worried about the surgery or the hospital at all. You feel like a little family with a larger family waiting for you back home. The support is amazing through meetings, texts and Facebook. The facilitators are there to answer any questions and give you that boost you need. It’s an amazing sense of support and community. Laughter comes so easily now. My youngest son is only 12 pounds heavier than the total weight I’ve lost. We were talking the other day, and all of a sudden my 15-year-old son scoops me up and carries me around the kitchen. I couldn’t get over the fact that my baby could carry me. I feel not just physically light but “emotionally light” because all the troubles with being overweight are gone. I am so proud knowing that I took a chance on myself. I love my new life and the new and improved me.

70 | Canadian Health Magazine

Making it

Not knowing what that was, Mike started doing research and, while trying to learn more about the available options, was in touch with his friend Connie, a real estate agent in Saskatoon. “I’ve known her forever and had been talking with her about doing something one night and she told me she was going to do it, to get the procedure with Melanie through Weight Loss Forever. She went a month before I went and that’s what really got it all rolling,” he says.


“I’ve been in touch with her on and off through all of it and she’s doing fairly well and things are going great now. For me, it all just kind of happened in six weeks.”

the story of Mike Stutt

Mike went for his procedure on December 20, 2010. The day he had his surgery, he was at 372 pounds and has since lost 130 pounds. Since the Sleeve worked so well for Mike, his uncle, who has also struggled with weight issues—a trait that seems to run on Mike’s mother’s side of the family—decided to go for the vertical sleeve gastrectomy procedure through Weight Loss Forever this June.

As an avid athlete in his high school years, Mike Stutt had always been in fairly good shape, keeping fit with many sports, his favourite of which was wrestling. Mike had eight years on the provincial team, four years on the national team and two world championships under his belt; it seemed like nothing could get in his way. But, like many other athletes, life after high school can change routines—switching gym shorts for coveralls and running shoes for steel-toed boots, Mike, now an equipment operator for an oilfield in Algonguin, AB, works 20 days on and 10 days off and learned shortly after he left high school that it’s hard to keep active when you’re working a full-time job and life gets in the way. “It’s something I dealt with since I was in my teens. I was a fairly accomplished athlete in high school, but once I got into the workforce, things went from great to not so great,” says Mike, now 40. “Then in 1997, I was in a motorcycle accident and was off of work for almost two years. My weight went way up and I never really got it back down. At first it wasn’t that bad but it got to the point where I had trouble at work—because I work a 20 and 10 schedule at work—it got to the point where I knew I needed to do something that actually worked.”

affected everything—my work, my home life—things go smoother and it’s been quite dramatic. It was 26 degrees here today and I’ve never liked heat in my life but I thoroughly enjoyed it, today. I have a new outlook on vacations and life.”

“It was practically the most positive medical experience I have ever had. The care was amazing down there. Speaking from being a guy and liking to do sports, I’ve been in the hospital a bit, whether it was for stitches or so on, but I’ve had surgery a few times; I had shoulder and elbow surgeries from the motorcycle accident I had, and this one was just amazing,” Mike says. “Everyone in that clinic was a doctor. And Dr. Pompa came and talked to me for half an hour before she did the surgery; I’ve never met a surgeon beforehand at home and it was just a different twist. I was impressed by it. It was an all around good group of people. I wish I would have done this 10 years sooner. It’s given me back things I’ve lost and it just opens up so many doors and changes so many things, it’s truly amazing. I have a lot of new words in my vocabulary that I’ve never had before, like “medium. I get to shop in stores that don’t start with “Tall and Fat” and it’s been a great adventure that has


“I get to shop in stores that don’t start with “Tall and Fat” and it’s been a great adventure that has affected everything—my work, my home life.”

Canadian Health Magazine | 71




fter I went to a school function for my oldest son, the boys in his grade started saying mean things about how fat I was. My son got into a fight got suspended from school. I had been waiting for approval to have the surgery in Regina. I had lost a little weight before I heard, and then was told at 265 pounds, I was “not fat enough” to qualify. I was on the waiting list in Winnipeg, and called once a month to check. I was always told no and to call back. I did, for two and a half years. Finally one day they told me that they couldn’t understand why I kept calling since they never take out-of-province clients. I was so discouraged.

Now I can go for walks with my kids. I can play volleyball with my daughter, and paintball with my boys. One night, I was sitting with my daughter on her bed and I caught sight of myself in the mirror. The absolute embarras ment and shame I felt was devastating. I never realized how big I was until that moment. When I started to cry, my 12-year-old daughter Maddy told me I was beautiful even though I was overweight. That is when I decided I needed to do something. When I heard about WLF, I hoped it wasn’t too good to be true. All I can say about WLF is “Wow!” The support from everyone has been phenomenal. Not once did I get the feeling they were too busy to help or listen. Not only is my Success Coach now my friend, I am thankful for her every single day. My surgery was awesome. I was expecting it to be painful afterwards, but other than a little soreness, I had no pain. People don’t look at me with disgust. I love walking into a store and finding clothes that fit. I have more confidence, and am so happy to see the reaction that people have when they see me now. I love my life!

72 | Canadian Health Magazine

圀攀 栀愀瘀攀 礀漀甀 挀漀瘀攀爀攀搀℀

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眀眀眀⸀瀀爀漀琀攀椀渀琀爀攀愀琀猀⸀挀漀洀 Canadian Health Magazine | 73

The Rising Costs of OBESITY AT WORK THE SHOCKING COST OF OBESITY ON THE WORKPLACE Educating Employers on Saving With Weight Loss Surgery


BY ALYSSA RUDYCK PHOTOS HEATHER FRITZ Obesity is a medical condition that, based on a recent study conducted by Statistics Canada, affects over a third of the national population. Individuals living with obesity struggle everyday to find normalcy in their lives, often suffering from additional medical health problems, as well as psychological issues that stem from negative body image. While these factors can be extremely detrimental to the overall wellness of the individual, research shows obesity is a massive drain on corporate resources, producivity and moral. While dieting and exercise are two important aspects of healthy living, for many people who struggle with obesity these tools alone are often not enough - which is where WLF Medical steps in. 74 | Canadian Health Magazine

WLF Medical is a bariatric program that provides patients with comprehensive educational and follow-up programs. “We change people’s lives,” says Melanie Wildman, president and CEO of WLF Medical.“People who suffer from [obesity] face discrimination every day, as well as health problems such as type two diabetes, hypertension, and fertility problems. Even cancer rates are higher. Weight loss surgery transforms people’s health. It gives them a healthy future to look forward to, and on top of all of that there is also the emotional and psychological wellbeing that comes from feeling normal. You get your life back.” As a business owner who struggled with obesity herself for many years

before undergoing bariatric surgery, Wildman not only has an intimate understanding of the physical and emotional repercussions of being overweight, but of the economic impact that obesity can have in the workplace as well. “For any business that has three or more employees, the odds are that one of those employees will have a weight problem,” Wildman states. “What a lot of small or medium business owners and HR professionals don’t always understand is the cost that companies bear when their employees suffer from obesity. For example, companies could see significant savings in plans and packages, because employees who have weight loss surgery access those plans less often for things like sleep apnea,

depression and migraines [which] cause the overall cost of the plan to become more affordable not only for the employer, but for other employees as well.” “A regular-weight woman, for example, will on average miss three days of work a year, [while] someone who suffers from obesity will miss more than eight,” Research shows. “We also know that productivity goes up by over 30 per cent for

ical offers a corporate plan, and why she chooses to offer it to employers free of charge. “There is no cost to employers to participate in the program,” Wildman emphasizes. “It is an educational tool, as well as a benefit that they can offer, at no charge, to their employees that can significantly increase workplace wellness and productivity.

employees who are no longer obese, simply because they feel better and have a more positive outlook on life, they are healthier and more engaged at work. If you put all that together, then there is a significant cost saving for employers.” Wildman strongly believes that implementing a program to educate employees on the benefits of weight loss surgery is mutually beneficial for employers, which is why WLF Med-

The rising cost of

Obesity Obesity-related job absenteeism costs $4.3 billion annually.

$4.3 billion

The cost of obesity, including medical expenditures and absenteeism, for a company with 1,000 employees is estimated to be $277,000 per year

As a person's BMI increases, so do the number of sick days, medical claims and healthcare costs associated with that person.

+ BMI + costs



Normal weight employees cost an average of $3,830 per year in covered medical claims, sick days, short-term disability and workers compensation while an obese person costs employers $8,067







Van Nuys K, Globe D, Ng-Mak D, et al. The association between employee obesity and employer costs: evidence from a panel of U.S. employers. Am J Health Promotion. 2014 10 Heithoff KA, Cuffel BJ, Kennedy S, Peters J. The Association Between Body Mass and Health Care Expenditures. Clinical Therapy, 19(4):811-820, 1997. Finkelstein EA, Brown DS. Why does the private sector underinvest in obesity prevention and treatment? NC Med J. 2006;67(4): 310-312. Cawley J, Rizzo JA, and Haas K. occupation-specific Absenteeism costs Associated with obesity and Morbid obesity. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 49(12):1317-24, 2007.

60.9% of Albertan adults are either overweight or obese, and that excess weight contributes $1.27 billion ($2005) per year in direct and indirect health care costs within the province. The Cost of Obesity in Alberta Summary Report, January 2010 Canadian Health Magazine | 75


Carol Before

76 | Canadian Health Magazine

Carol and her husband of “35 memorable years” Lloyd work together in their own construction and roofing business. The 53-year-old mom of three grown children started thinking about a facelift. Says Carol of her experience, “They gave me a great information package and all my questions were answered. Of course, I could access WLF on Facebook and online. It didn’t take me long to decide to have the facelift surgery.” Carol calls WLF her family for a reason. Their support before, during and after the surgery, and throughout recovery was “heartwarming, and above and beyond anything I ever expected.” “Meeting WLF’s surgeon in person to discuss my concerns and hopes helped me relax and completely trust them,” says Carol. “My husband was with me and was so impressed with everyone and how they all responded immediately to any questions or concerns he had, too. The surgeon included him and asked his thoughts when options were outlined.” Any regrets? Not one. Lloyd says he “can’t believe that he is lucky enough to hang out with such a young sexy chick,” Carol laughs. More importantly, she says, “I think I look and feel so much younger, a smaller version of myself at 40.”

EVERYBODY WAS SO KIND AND INFORMATIVE Never in a million years did Nurse Practitioner and national level physique competitor Andrea ever think she would be interested in breast augmentation. “But after I turned 40, I noticed things were starting to look different,” she says. “Over the course of losing weight, getting older and competing in body and figure competitions, my breasts changed. I just wasn’t satisfied with that part of myself any more.” WLF Medical sponsored a figure competition Andrea took part in, which is how she became aware that they did plastic as well as bariatric surgery. “I began doing some research and talking to surgeons. The more I considered my options, the more I leaned toward WLF. I liked everybody at the office; they just gave me a good feeling.” Her experience as a nurse practitioner and through her work in health care eased her mind about travelling for surgery. “Having a fair bit of experience in plastic surgery as a nurse, I felt very comfortable with the standards at WLF Medical’s clinic in Mexico. Not only was the decision to go with WLF easy, but it was financially the best option as well.” Andrea couldn’t be happier with her decision, and she is inspired by the results. “I look fantastic and I am so thrilled with the way things turned out. I let the surgeon guide me with size and he nailed it on the head. Dr. Rodas was so knowledgeable and experienced, I was able to put my trust in him completely, and he did an amazing job.” She said what sets WLF Medical apart is that they go the extra mile. “They make sure you’re happy and their work is top notch. They’re absolutely fantastic.”


WAS SO KIND AND INFORMATIVE. Canadian Health Magazine | 77

Saggy Skin to a Six Pack After having my three children I was a bit overweight. I lost all the weight, but I had a lot of loose skin — no

than once a day, and while I could feel muscle, you couldn’t see it from behind the loose skin. I knew a friend who went through WLF for her surgery. She came back and she looked and felt incredible. She told me about Dr. Rodas and how incredible he was. That’s when I knew I was going to go through WLF.

excited. When I got to the hospital, the staff made me nothing comparable. I used to dread wearing bathing suits. Taking my kids swimming, the last thing I should have been worried a suit that would make my breasts look full and hide my loose skin. Now I have a bunch of bikinis and I love going to the pool. My family doctor, who has been practicing for over 30 years, says it’s the best work he’s ever seen.

core that I’ve worked so hard on. Getting the surgery through WLF was one of the best and most rewarding experiences of my life. Now as a facilitator, I can’t stress enough how much time you are wasting worrying. You’re scared to get there and do it, but when you’re done, you’ll be sad to leave.

78 | Canadian Health Magazine

Latara Block,

YouTube’s only weight loss surgery cooking show.

Canadian Health Magazine | 79

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