Esa Health Bariatric Surgery

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Esa Health

your life. easier.

Connie Poss After her Sleeve


Esa Health

your life. easier. Melanie Before

So Much More than the Scale My mission was to help others with the same struggles I faced as a weight loss surgery patient. We are changing lives each day with the education, the support , and the tools needed for long-term success.

Melanie Wildman, Founder & CEO


up, no support groups, no dietary guidelines – no

We believe in Patients First. In fact, our entire

Like you, I struggled with my weight. I spent most of

blueprint for life after weight loss surgery.

program is designed from the patient’s perspective.

my adult years on a diet and felt like a failure and ashamed each time I gained the weight back.

Because of my experience, I started a support g r o u p w h i c h e– v e n t u a l l y l e d t o Esa Health Canada’s #1 bariatric program.

I went alone and found out after that despite my careful research, the clinic I went to did not have the credentials they advertised.

Melanie After 4

Our program was the very first developed by a bariatric patient and I believe once you get to know us – you will see why we are so passionate about

I came home with infections and complications

changing lives and why our support helps people

and my family was scared. There was no follow-

lose so much more weight.

We have grown from humble beginnings, but our dedication, our commitment and our determination to transform lives and inspire people the way I have been inspired, are what truly makes us great. Our goal is to help you live a healthy and amazing life - the life you deserve. It’s incredible what you can achieve when you have the tools you need to succeed.










You will have the best chances of long-term success with our program. Here’s Why:

1. Patients First. Always At Esa Health, you are our priority. Because we have all struggled with our weight just like you, we truly understand what it’s like to live with obesity and the shame that surrounds it. And because we are former patients ourselves, we are passionate about providing you with the tools and support you need to change your life.

2. Unparalled Support Support is Everything. In fact, research shows that patients who have ongoing support and guideance lose more than double the weight and report a much higher quality of lifethan those who aren’t part of an ongoing program. An it’s shows! Every single Esa Health patient has successfully lost weight and many have lost much more than average.

3. Safety & Success Not every patient who wants weight loss surgery qualifies for our program. We use mandatory medical and psychological assessments to ensure patient safety and compliance. Our dedicated team of support staff work together to make sure this is the best experience possible for every patient. We believe it is our dedication to support, safety and success that has made us the largest bariatric program in Canada.


the number Patient Care Managers’ who are successful former patients

g e ongoin in an n to achiev d e ll o r w n o e h s s een tient ave b ric pa Bariat t program h r suppo

2X rage all ave r e v o the urgery. after s Diet 6.6lbs

t weigh


No Support 57lbs

Esa Health 113lbs

Many people who have never struggled with their weight do not know the physical and emotional stress it causes. They are on the outside looking in and they often incorrectly believe that heavier individuals have no self-control and they have simply done this to themselves. In fact, scientists now know that obesity is a complex, clinical disorder with many contributing cases and factors, and is highly treatable with bariatric surgery.


Think About It! How many people in your circle of friends and family have lost more than 60lbs and sucessfully kept it for more than five years?

Several studies of twins have found that over 80% of your body weight is determined before you are born. In fact, identical twins adopted by different . families closely resember each other in overall body mass and shape throughout their lifetimes, independent of lifestyle choices.

The Facts

The Food and Drug Aministration in the United States stated in 2009 that not one single company in the entire $65 Billion dollar diet industry can show a record of long-term success.


Long-term failure rate for diet and exercise programs for obese individuals

Genetics & Family History

Long-term failure rate for diet and exercise programs for normal individuals


“If dieting really worked—we would ALL be thin”

Studies have concluded that obesity is not the faulyt of the individual but is the inevitable result of a society in which energy-dense, cheap foods, labour-saving devices, motorized transport and sedentary work are the norm. Unless humans give up the comforts of modern life, obesity will remain a significant health care issue for the foreseeable future.

Maternal Size

Studies show if your mother was obese when she was pregnant with you, you are almost 5x more likely to become obese. It is believed by researchers that before a child is born, the metabolism is set for life by their mother’s excess weight.

Your Hormones

Our hormones greatly affect our weight. Ghrelin is the primary hormone that stimulates hunger. Its also the one to blame for slowing down our ects of Ghrelin metbolism and decreasing our body’s ability to burn fat. Ghrelin increases both food intake and fat mass. Repeated dieting increases Ghrelin production, which is one reason why dieters typically gain back more weight than they initially lost. Weight loss surgery reduces Ghrelin production by as much as 80% and allows patients to feel full and satisfied on smaller amount of food.

Biggest Myths Weight Loss Surgery’s

There are many myths surrounding obesity and weight loss surgery, and as you’re about to read, a lot of them are just plain wrong.

Weight loss surgery has high risks Reality: 30-40 years ago, weight loss surgery was a high-risk operation. Today, experienced surgeons can safely perform the bariatric procedures, with similar risks to any other routine surgery.

Surgery is the “easy way out” Reality: Taking the easy way out is to do nothing. For many severely overweight patients, weight loss surgery is the only viable option that can improve their health. Gaining permanent control over your weight requires a huge commitment to attending educational seminars, support groups and making lifestyle changes, and is a very brave and personal decision.

To qualify for weight loss surgery, you have to weigh over 300 pounds Reality: Weight loss surgery candidates are often considered by healthcare organizations according to individual health conditions and a calculation of Body Mass Index (BMI). People who are only 50 pounds overweight can qualify for the procedure, and studies show even moderately obese patients who undergo surgery have obvious health improvements.

You need serious health conditions to qualify for weight loss surgery Reality: Candidates are considered based on individual health conditions and BMI calculations. Because so many health problems are caused by obesity, weight loss surgery can be an excellent preventative measure.

If you have diabetes, you can’t undergo surgery Reality: Because of the number of patients who are cured of Type II Diabetes following weight loss surgery, the procedure is quickly becoming a primary treatment for the disease.


To qualify for weight loss surgery, you have to be in perfect health Reality: While some cases are more advanced than others, many patients undergoing weight loss surgery have obesity-related health conditions. To find out if you qualify for weight loss surgery, Esa Health has an in-depth medical psychological assessment that is required.

To qualify for weight loss surgery, you have to be a certain age Reality: The age range at most surgical centers can be as wide as 16 to 65, and studies show defininite benefits for patients above and below that age range who undergo surgery.

After surgery, you’ll have a great, big scar Reality: Over 95 per cent of weight loss surgeries are performed laparoscopically, which means instead of making one great, bigincision, surgeons will make several very small ones (less than one inch) along the abdomen.

After weight loss surgery, it takes a long time to recover Reality: Most patients recover in a week or two and some even return to work and regular activities in a just a couple of days.

After weight loss surgery, you can’t eat anything “good” Reality: Most patients can eat a wide variety of food in small quantities after weight loss surgery. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your Coach—that’s what they’re here for!

Except for looking better, weight loss surgery has no major benefits Reality: Aside from loving the way you look and feel about yourself, weight loss surgery can significantly help, or in some cases completely eliminate various health problems. And to us, that’s pretty major!

10 Obstacles for People Who Need Weight Loss Surgery 1. Financial. around bariatric surgery with long wait lists and family doctors discriminate against obese patients, out-of-pocket costs. On top of that, there’s the cost demonstrating how pervasive the negativity is. of missing work during recovery. Contrary to the bigoted stereotypes out there, people with obesity 6. Families and Friends. Surprisingly, being shamed by family and friends for seeking surgery is all too tend to be a hard working group. common. The impact can be devastating. 2. Fear. Despite a good safety record, the prospect of surgery evokes an outsized fear of complications, 7. Internal Shame. “I was too ashamed to ask for help. I thought I should do it on my own - even including death. Equally daunting is the fear of though diets have a failure rate of over 97%.” failure and weight regain, both of which would be humiliating. Other fears, not to be dismissed, are 8. Lacking Knowledge about Surgery. Let’s be the fear of change and the loss of food as a source frank. The process can be overwhelming to prepare of comfort and coping. for surgery. “I had no idea where to start so I never did. Way too many hoops to jump through.” 3. Independence & Self Reliance. People have it drummed into them that worthy people can lose weight on their own. They shouldn’t need surgery. It’s a powerful lie.

4. Negative Press. Popular media is full of stories like the People magazine annual edition of “100-pound Losers Without Surgery or Gimmicks!” The suggestion is that rare outliers are the norm. 5. General Negativity. Surgery is consistently portrayed as cheating or the “easy way out” for


9. Lacking Knowledge of One’s Own Obesity. People don’t seek solutions for a problem they don’t fully recognize. Obesity increases the risk of death by over 4x, but we rarely think of the very real health risks. 10. Resistance from Family Doctors. “I asked my doctor and he refused to refer me.” Most doctors in Canada get little to no training for Obesity Management and some are unaware of the safe

Is bariatric surgery right for you? Making an informed decision about bariatric surgery.

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

90% Improved Steatosis 37% 20% Resolution of Fibrosos Pseudotumor Cerebri 96% resolved

To be diagnosed as obese, a person must register a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher. Morbid obesity is indicated by a BMI greater than 40. As your BMI increases, over time, so does your risk for obesity-related health problems and premature death.

To ensure patient safety, all patients must complete a comprehensive medical assessment to determine if you are a candidate for surgery with Esa Health.

Bariatric surgery is ideal for obese individuals who have made multiple unsuccessful attempts to lose weight by traditional (non-surgical) methods.


Surgery leads to weight loss by restricting your food intake and reducing the hunger hormones like ghrelin produced by your stomach.

Each medical assessment will be reviewed by our surgical team prior to surgery. are


potential candidate within several days.


62% resolved or improved

Metabolic Syndrome 80% resolved

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

83-100% resolved Polysystic Ovarian Syndrome 79% resolved of Hirsutism 100% resolution of Menstrual dysfunctionism Venous Stasis Disease 95% resolved Quality of life Improved in 95% of patients



55% Resolved Obstructive Sleep Apnea 74-98% resolved Cardiovascular Disease

82% Risk Reduction

Dyslipidemia Hypercholesterolemia 63% resolved Hypertension

52-92% reduction 72-98% resolved Stress Urinary Incontinence 44-88% resolved Risk of Cancer

47-82% Reduction Degenerative Joint Disease 41-76% resolved Mortality

89% Reduction in 5-Year Mortality Gout

77% resolved


Life is too short To wait According to the Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ, in 2009 there was over 600 people waiting for each available spot for bariatric surgery. That’s 600 times more demand than there is capacity, and the lists are growing longer each year. The CMAJ has stated that the only permanent treatment of severe or morbid obesity is bariatric surgery. In fact, the CMAJ has stated that unfortunately, diet and exercize have not led to long-term weight loss. Obesity is the leading preventable cause of death in Canada and it continues to grow at an alarming rate. With the chronic shortage of qualiďŹ ed bariatric surgeron, wait times for the few who qualify very from 36 months to as much as 13 years oďŹƒcially. As you can see, the reported numbers of people waiting in each province far outweighs the number of surgeries performed each year. At Esa Health, there are no wait times.


Obesity & Bariatric Wait Times in Canada


SURGERY is right for





Procedure Description

The gastric band wraps around the upper part of the stomach, dividing the stomach into a smaller upper pouch that holds about 1/2 cup of food and a larger lower stomach. The degree of band tightness affects how much food you can eat and length of time it takes for food to leave the stomach pouch.

In this procedure, the surgeon creates a small stomach pouch and attaches a section of the small intestine directly to the pouch. This allows food to bypass a portion of the small intestine.

During the sleeve gastrectomy, a thin vertical sleeve of stomach is created using a stapling device. The sleeve is about the size of a banana. The rest of the stomach is removed laparoscopically (keyhole).

How it works to help you lose weight

By creating a smaller stomach pouch, the band limits the amount of food that can be eaten at one time, so you feel full sooner and stay full longer. As you eat less food, your body will stop storing exxcess calories and start using its fat energy supply.

By creating a smaller stomach pouch, a gastric bypass limits the amount of food that can be eaten at one time, so you feel full sooner and stay full longer. By bypassing a portion of the small intestine, your body absorbs fewer calories. As you eat less, your body will stop storing excess calories and start using its fat supply for energy.

By creating a smaller stomach, a gastric sleeve limits the amount of food that can be eaten at one time, so you feel full sooner and stay full longer. It also reduces the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin, which reduces cravings and hunger. As you eat less, your body will stop storing excess calories and start using its fat supply for energy.

How it affects digestion

Does not significantly affect digestion and absorption. Food passes through the disgestive tract in the usual order, allowing it to be fully absorbed in the body.

Reduces the amount of calories (in the form of nutrients) that are absorbed.

Does not significantly affect normal food digestion or nutrient absorption. Food passes through the digestive tract in the usual order, allowing it to be fully absorbed in the body.

Common issues

Erosion, slippage and food becoming stuck are common issues. One study showed that close to 50% of lap-bands had to be removed within 10 years. Without support and lifestyle changes, weight regain can be an issue.

Nutritional deficiencies are the most common long-term complication with bypass. It also has greater readmissions post-surgery. Without support and lifestyle changes, weight regain can be an issue.

Long-term studies indicate that weight regain is a factor as in all bariatric surgeries. Ongoing support and coaching are the only proven methods to increase long-term outcomes and avoid relapse.

Average excess weight loss




WEIGHT LOSS AFTER VSG The “Sleeve” is a new procedure that induces weight loss by restricting food intake and reducing hunger.

With this procedure, the

surgeon removes approximately 80 per cent of the stomach laparoscopically so that the stomach takes the shake of the a tube or

The Sleeve (VSG) is much more effective than the Lap-Band and equally or more effective than the Gastric Bypass (RBY) with fewer complications. The average Esa Health sleeve patient loses 111.2 lbs or 97.2% of their excess weight over 24 months. The Sleeve eliminates the portion of the stomach that produces the hormones that stimulate hunger and store fat (Ghrelin)

‘sleeve’. The procedure usually takes 30-40 minutes and the recovery time is quite short. This






weight-loss surgery available. It is permanent, so it reduces the risk of regaining the weight.

Stomach volume is reduced, but it continues to function normally, so patients can consume foods in moderation.


No dumping syndrome because the pylorus is preserved

The Proof is in the Numbers As an Accredited Hospital and a Bariatric Program, Esa Health maintains extensive patient data. We collect information of our patient outcomes, including overall weight loss, complication rates, resolution of comorbidities, psychological well-being and quality of life.

“The only permanent treatment of severe or morbid obesity is bariatric surgery.” SOURCE: 2009 Canadian Medical Association 10

By avoiding an intestinal bypass, the chances of obstruction, anemia, osteoporosis, protein deficiency and vitamin deficiency are almost eliminated

Minimizes the chance of an ulcer occurring

The Sleeve is the fastest growing Bariatric Surgery in the world due to it’s succes and

Beacuse ghrelin is responsible for making you feel hungry, you will feel significantly less hunger after the surgery. No other procedure can do this.

It is safer than dieting. Research shows the sleeve has the same number of hospitalizations during the first 24 months as non-surgical treatment (doctor supervised medication with diet and excerise regimes) but with significantly better weight loss and health outcomes.

How Much Weight Do Our Patients Actually Lose? Esa Health’s average patient had an initial BMI of 41.7 and at 2 years, their average BMI was just 25.7 with a total of 111.2 lbs lost on average. Esa Health patients lose on average 97.2% (EWL) over two years, compared to an average of 77%. Our patient’s success is due to our long-term support and follow-up program that is proven to work.


57 lbs only

Bariatric Surgery with Support & Coaching from ESA Health

Bariatric Surgery without support after 2 years

Average weight loss after two years. only

6.6 lbs

Our Entire Team is Committed to Excellence ESA Health’s patients have a satisfaction rate of 98.5% after two years – much higher than any other program. Our multidisciplinary team consists of board certified surgeons, registered nurses, nutritionists, counselors and certified support group leaders who care

Major Commerical Diets after 2 years

clearly show that patients who have

unique challenges faced by individuals who have battled with their weight. And unlike medical tourism companies,

assist you through your weight loss surgery process and beyond with an award winning program that provides comprehensive, holistic life-long support. As we all know, surgery alone is not the answer. The combination of emotional support, follow-up and

their job is your long-term success – not selling surgeries. Because both independent research and our own data

for permanent, life-long results. Your surgery is one day, but the changes are for life.

our team are successful bariatric patients

Lifetime Support: Why Our Program Works

research shows that between 12 and

and old habits begin to creep back. Our As you know from your own experience, data has proven that most patients changing lifestyle habits such as activity require additional support and when levels, nutritional choices, emotional they have the tools they need to be eating, self-image challenges and other successful they are able to achieve additional weight loss and improve. require long-term, one-on-one support, which ESA Health provides. Our


How do we compare? Complication Rates of Bariatric surgery. ????

10 9

Your Safety Esa Health dedicated bariatric centers in the U.S. In fact, our program is designed to increase patient safety with in-depth pre-operative screening, strict nutritional protocols and comprehensive post-operative follow up. From our data, we have learned that a longer and more regimented pre-operative complications and increase long-term weight loss success.

Why Mexico?


Mexico is unregulated, which means complication rates are not reported, and fraud is very real risk. Based on the high rate of serious


clinics, it is evident non-accredited centers are unsafe. So why not Canada? Unfortunately, in Canada there is a chronic shortage



severly underfunded and wait times vary across Canada from a low of 3 years to over 13 years.


Even if funding were increased to sustainable levels, there simply aren’t

4 3

under the Canadian system. Even if Esa Health were to build a private surgical centre located in Canada, there is a shortage of the


care completely out of reach for most patients.

2 1 0

0.4% Overall US

Centre Of Excellence

Best of Both Worlds

0.013% ESA Health

Overall Canada

Overall Mexico

With our regulated and accredited hospital, you have the best of both worlds - the safest surgery possible, with the best



Mortality Rate


Accredited Hospital Non-accredited


2X 200%

Patients who have bariatric surgery at an accredited Hospital, like Esa Health, have a mortality rate nearly THREE TIMES LOWER (298%) than those at a non-accredited center.

150% 100%

120 lbs

105 lbs

90 lbs

5X 57 lbs

ative Patients who follow a longer postoperative graduated ted diet lose much more weight (over 37% more) than those who don’t and have over 5 times lower risk of developing a late complication.

Research shows that strict dietary requirements before surgery reduces complications by almost 262% ( 2.1% vs .08%) and increases overall weight loss outcomes.

75 lbs


60 lbs

113 lbs

Weight Loss


45 lbs

30 lbs

15 lbs

Pounds Lost

Research shows patients with a certified follow-up program lose almost DOUBLE the weight long-term (113 lbs vs. only 57 lbs)

3.0% 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0%

Lower Risk Complications

2.1% 0.8%


0.5% 0.0%



Yes ! You Can ! 1

Maximize Your Loss




You want to lose as much weight as possible and keep it off. The best way to do this is to have a strong pre-op plan.

A safe surgery means a full accredited hospital with a Cardiology Unit, E.R., CT & MRI Imaging and a Board Certified Surgeon.

PERSONAL 1:1 COACHING Research shows overall weight loss after surgery DOUBLES with coaching. That’s why you will have personal coaching for 12 months.


EmotionEater NightEaters Bingers Grazers VolumeEater FoodAholics



our Success Coach will meet with you every month for one on one Personalized Coaching Sessions during your ďŹ rst year to help you lose the most weight possible, avoid common problems and maintain your weight for life!

Although plenty of programs provide good nutritional information, if they don't address how and why people actually eat - they're bound to fail. Your 1:1 Personal Coaching helps identify your problem eating type, and then gives you a step-by-step plan to leverage your own habits to stay on track. It's easy to be successful long-term when you know exactly what to do and you have the tools and support to get there.

Your 1:1 Personal Plan is customized to each person's eating type. Whether problem eating sneaks up you in the evenings, or you have a sweet tooth or a chip addiction, that's ok! We've got a plan that works WITH you to keep you on track 6 months, 12 months, 2 years and 10 years after your surgery.


Your Success Coach Your Success Coach is a successful sleever and has certification from Yale Medical in Obesity Management Counseling and our own ESA Your Coach is with you through your entire process to take care of everything so you can focus on preparing for surgery. They are a calm, reassuring voice when you are concerned about what’s normal, or if you are on track.


Your Success Coach will work with you on your post-operative and pre-operative diet so you

know exactly what to eat, how much and when. payment option based on your needs and the newest research, tips and other helpful information so that you can make the best decisions for you. Like a friend, your coach is always just a call or email away. They have been through everything you are going through and understand the incredible transformation you will experience.

Research has shown that patients that have support after surgery have DOUBLE the weight loss of patients without support.

Average Weight Loss After 2 Years BEFORE




Meet Karrie. She was sleeved in March 2015 and has since lost 152


pounds! The middle photo shows her and her Success Coach Jennifer.

“B eing able to support people through out their entire journey is such an incredible experience! “ Jennifer Read, ESA Success Coach 8

(Jennifer has also lost over 191 lbs)






40 20

6.6 lbs




YOUr onsite SUCCESS coach A friendly face when you are in an unfamiliar place. We meet you when you arrive. There is nothing better than a familiar, smiling face when you are starting your journey. management counseling and onsite coaching and we are there to be with you to answer your questions, reassure you, and be by your side, supporting you through this important time. Each step of the way, we inform you of the procedures you are about to go through and answer any questions. Because we were patients too, we understand what you are going through.

While you are recovering in the hospital, we are visiting with you, making sure you are getting up to do your walking, doing your spirometer exercises, answering questions about your postop plan, and explaining the next steps in your recovery. While in the hotel, you have us to connect with. We are always available if you need us. You will have our room number to call and our onsite cell if needed. As a Coach, and as patients ourselves, we know what you will be going through. This is one of our personal touches that makes

sure you have the start you need to successful long-term! Our goal is to make sure you are for the next steps ahead! Says Success Coach, Connie Poss, “Being an onsite Success Coach is the best part of my job! It is important to me to make sure our patients have the best experience possible.� We look forward to meeting you and being a part of your journey!!


YOUR SUCCESS TOOLS Easy. Simple. & 24/7 Support is everything. in fact, research shows that patients who have ongoing support and guideance lose more than double the weight and report a much higher quality of life than those who aren’t part of an ongoing program. Every single ESA patient has successfully lost weight, and over 98% of our patients have lost more weight than average. Why? With Esa Health we have you covered. You Support Group Videos, track your progress, watch episodes of our cooking show - Protein full of recipes designed just for bariatric patients. We even have protein shakes designed just for you!

YOUR PREOP PLAN & Menu Always know exactly what to do each step of the way!


Melanie Before

YOUR Success e-GUIDE & COURSES Your Complete Resource for Maximum Weight Loss Knowledge is power. As an ESA patient, you will have your digital e-Guides and Video Course. which covers everything you will need to know after your surgery. From what to eat and why, what foods to avoid, menu plans, core food guides, holiday eating tips, emotional eating tools, shopping lists, and much, much more. Packed with over 100 pages of answers to every question you might have, your Success Handbook is your go-to resource after your surgery. And don’t forget - you can always reach out to your Success Coach too!


GUIDES FOR YOUR DOCTOR Making a decision together ESA offers a number of guides and information booklets for you and your doctor because we believe shared decision making helps patients get continuity of care. We provide your family doctor with the information they need to be able to support you on your weight loss journey. With these guides, they will better understand: ss Weight Lo Expected • ® LAP-Band • what symptoms to look for in case of a -Y and the y, Roux-en strectom Ga eve Sle Switch complication Duodenal • what a typical recovery will be like • how much weight loss to expect • which labs to order and when nt to efer a Patie • typical bariatric outcomes How to R Most wei

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WLF Med You may

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call us at

obesity who


you feel



When your doctor is involved and supportive, you will be better informed, more likely to comply with your treatment plan and more likely to be satisfied with your outcomes. But don’t worry, if your family doctor isn’t onside right at the beginning, you will still have the support you need with Esa Health’s suppport plan and coaching. please use


our Phy

erral sician Ref

Form or


Our Hospital All medical care is provided onsite: Ultrasound, x-rays, bloodwork, surgery and recovery. Our hospital features a full intensive care unit, gorgeous state-of-the-art customdesigned and patented operating rooms specially designed for bariatric and cosmetic patients, as well as a radiology department to ensure the highest standards in patient safety. Our patients are attended by doctors through-out their stay and our specially-trained Onsite Success Coaches

Patients at Accredited Hospitals have 298% (3X) fewer mortalities than non accredited U.S. Hospitals - American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery 12

are with each patient, each step of the journey. In addition we are also rated #1 private bariatric hospital in Mexico.

surgery and support through WLF’s program. For more information on our hospital please reach out to your Success Coach or check out our website for more information.

HEALTHY REALLY CAN BE EASY. Post Op Protein to Keep You On Track & Losing!!


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