Kambronn Connected - Issue 2 - January 2022

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KAMMBRONN CONNECTED The Latest News From the Camborne Parish

The Big Three



Windows above: Miller Countrywide, Rowe's Bakery, JoJangles.

Last year, the Trevithick Day Committee and Camborne Town Council delivered the first Window Wanderland! With the themes of Trevithick, Camborne and Remembrance. Local schools and community members got involved, and the displays really helped to brighten up the streets of Camborne! We would like to say a huge thank you to everybody who got involved and created a beautiful window display, and thank you to all the businesses who housed the displays in the highstreet!

Camborne Town Council P: 01209 612406 E: enquiries@camborne-tc.gov.uk A: Passmore Edwards Building W: www.camborne-tc.gov.uk


For the latest news, find us on social media KAMMBRONN CONNECTED | ISSUE 2


Happy New Year and welcome to our second e-newsletter! Thank you for signing up to our newsletter mailing list, we hope to provide you with a new newsletter packed full of useful information and updates at least four times a year. In between these updates, we advise ensuring you keep an eye on our website and social media pages for the latest news. In recent months we have temporarily moved (Council Offices and Library) from the Passmore Edwards Building (PEB) to the Basset Centre to allow for the next stage of works to address water ingress issues at the PEB. These works are currently going to plan, so we hope to return to our home before Summer 2022. We rounded off the end of 2021 with a fantastic programme of seasonal events. Despite the weather forcing us to cancel the Lantern Parade, we still supported BID Camborne to deliver festive activities on the square and made sure the schools had the chance to work with an artist to create lanterns for future years. 2021 also saw us successfully extend the number of toilets on offer at Camborne Recreation Ground, ensured the presentation of the town continues to improve and put plans into place for an eventful and successful 2022. Work continues on the reopening of Rosewarne Public Toilets despite the unexpected challenge of asbestos which has unfortunately caused delays. We hope to reopen these much needed facilities before Spring 2022. The business case development for the £1 million Town Deal investment at Park Gerry is nearly complete, meaning changes on the ground will be felt as we move towards Summer 2022. 2022 is set to be a really busy year for Camborne. We look forward to continuing to deliver positive outcomes for this special Parish.

Camborne Town Council are committed to supporting the community. Grants are available to assist and support local groups and organisations.

Who have we funded so far this year?

GRANTS It's Possible Camborne CIC £10,000

Camborne Day Centre £3,000

Camborne Women and Girls RFC £5,000 The Wave Project £1,000

Gleaning Network £200

THE GLEANING NETWORK Gleaning is back in Cornwall after hundreds of years. It is the ancient practice of harvesting food that would otherwise be ploughed back in. This used to be done by the poor and was an early form of social welfare. Now the Gleaners distribute to those in need via suitable organisations. This is either surplus to need or it is too big or too small. Thanks to the help of Camborne Town Council and over 100 individuals, councils and councillors the Cornwall Gleaning Network have raised over £10K to buy a number of trailers and two 4 x 4 vehicles to help streamline their work. Previously they have had to abandon gleans as they couldn't get into muddy, wet fields and these vehicles will help the volunteers stop having to carry heavy loads so far, often in slippery conditions. The trailers too will help them move more gleaned veg and fruit across the county from fields to those in need, including over 50 different food providers. Locally these include Camborne's meals on Wheels from the Wesley Methodist Church and the Food Bank. Holly, Gleaning Network Cornwall



HALLOWEEN HITS CAMBORNE Halloween 2021 was a huge success. Here in Camborne, we pulled out all the stops to make sure that there were plenty of spooky activities for people to get involved with! The fun began when the Trevithick statue outside the Library went missing! People had great fun solving the mystery, and it was lovely to see the members of the Parish and wider areas get involved. We also took to the streets, hiding just over 100 Halloween painted rocks, for adults and children to find, take home or re-hide. We have seen lots of photos on the social media pages, so don't forget to tag us if you find any of our spiders, zombies or pumpkins! The Library ran some fantastic craft activities through the half-term week, with some spooky stories thrown in for good measure. All in all it was a brilliant week, and we're already looking forward to this years Halloween!

CHRISTMAS IN CAMBORNE Despite the chilly weather and the cancellation of the lantern parade, Christmas in Camborne was a huge success. Delivered by BID Camborne and Camborne Town Council, the festivities started in the afternoon, with performances from local groups before the countdown to the switch on. We had some fantastic events in the library, including the return of Father Christmas in his grotto, and the popular Wreath Making workshop. Both events were well attended, and really got people into the festive spirit! Last year also saw the return of the elf trail, with some cheeky elves, pasties and other festive friends hidden around the town - if you spotted any whilst you were out and about please send us in any photos! All in all, Christmas in Camborne was a huge success, every year gets bigger and better so we're already on the countdown to Christmas 2022!




Zoe Fox

Mike Champion


Deputy Mayor

John Cosgrove

Lee McDonald

Roskear Ward

Roskear Ward

Ryan Congdon

Colin Godolphin

David Atherfold

Rhisiart Tal-e-Bot

Roskear Ward

Trelowarren Ward

Trelowarren Ward

Troon Ward

Nigel Miles

Sally Weedon CC

Val Dalley

David Wilkins

Trelowarren Ward

Troon Ward

Trelowarren Ward

Treswithian Ward

John Morgan CC

Jeff Collins

Morwenna Williams

Phili Mills

Treswithian Ward

Treswithian Ward

Roskear Ward

Treswithian Ward

Contact Your Councillor

If you have any issues or queries to raise to one of your councillors, you can head to the website below for their contact information: Chris Lawrence

Nick Heather

Roskear Ward

Troon Ward



The Red River runs from Camborne to Gwithian, and gets it's name from the mining waste that runs into the river. The Red River trail is a beautiful walk, through the countryside where some great wildlife can be found, such as badgers, foxes and otters. This trail also walks you through Kehelland and towards Coombe, where sweeping valleys catch a beautiful view of the sunset. This walk is family friendly, and is suitable for cycling with a few rougher sections. For disability access, large mobility scooters are needed. Distance - 5.75 Miles Time - 2hrs 18mins Difficulty - Moderate

BOOK CORNER Set in a dystopian future in which humans have become wholly reliant upon Machines. Society lives underground in individual rooms 'like the cell of a bee..lighted neither by windows nor lamp yet filled with a soft radiance'. The silent machine 'feeds us, clothes us...in it we have our being'. Society is held not by force, but by the acceptance of 'something good-enough'. The protagonist Kuno, and his mother Vashti are opposite kinds of citizens. Kuno doesn't accept the world in which he is presented, he seeks nature and 'freedom' from the Machine. His journey shows the oppressions, while his mother is introduced as a 'swaddled lump of flesh' and accused by Kuno of 'talking as if God made this machine..men made it, do not forget.' Written in 1928 before technology had become as ‘essential’ to human life as present day, Forster may have used the Machines as metaphors for the political climate in Europe, or/and the speed of the Industrial Revolution. The story reflects modern society in many ways, I feel Forster's work will hold a mirror to society and citizens for many generations, especially if it continues to choose man-made environments over nature. It was gripping and surprising, I'd highly recommend it to any reader. Elisha Ralls




Here at Camborne Town Council, we recognise the severity of the Climate Crisis we face. To respond to this, we have developed a Climate Action Plan, to ensure that we as a Council are doing everything we can to make change within the Council as an organisation, and to empower the rest of the Parish to get involved too. STORY ABOUT WINDOW WANDERLAND What is the Climate Action Plan? The Climate Action Plan is a strategic document that details recommendations and pathways to be taken to respond to the global climate crisis. The plan demonstrates a commitment from the Town Council to protect the environment, become more sustainable and assist Cornwall Council to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2030. Even though Cornwall Council produced it’s own climate action plan in July 2019, it is important there is a more specific plan for Camborne. The action plan includes preliminary goals, the evaluation of specific actions, and the feasibility of each project and outcome. This plan is not be Camborne’s final word on the climate crisis. The action plan acts as a guide and new and innovative sustainability ideas will be added and adapted as time goes on. Why have we written a Climate Action Plan? ‘Camborne has a proud history of innovation and problem solving. Now we are taking the bold steps necessary to safeguard our future. The Town Council joined with others to declare a ‘Climate Emergency’ and to commit to a Climate Action Plan. By acting now and working together, we can meet the challenge to ‘do things better.’ We can halt and reverse some of the damage done to our shared planet. I welcome everyone to get involved with this opportunity to make Camborne a greener, healthier, better connected and a truly vibrant place to live.’ Cllr Zoe Fox, Mayor of Camborne You can find our Climate Action Plan on our website - under the menu tab 'Climate Action Plan'

Develop a Neighbourhood Development Plan in collaboration with Camborne’s communities.

Reduce food waste, increase the number of allotments and establish a community orchard.

Engage and work with local and national environmental organisations.

Provide opportunities for young people to be involved in Climate Action projects.

COUNCILLOR IN THE SPOTLIGHT How long have you been a Town Councillor? I was first elected as a Green Party Councillor (the first in Cornwall) in 1987; then again in 2017 and 2021.

What made you want to run for Town Councillor? To work with my Council Colleagues and all in our community to engage fundamentally with our new existential crisis affecting us all. We have all come to a stage in our lives when the word Emergency has a real meaning,. We cannot put off tomorrow what has to be done today. Our Climate and Ecology Emergency Programme has to encompass all aspects of our 23,000 lives, there is no going back. We have to be absolutely dynamic and proactive. One reason I was elected under mandate was due to my Green Vision for Camborne and Cornwall. What is your proudest achievement since being a Councillor? Watching 196 local citizens in Cornwall’s first meeting of a Citizen’s Assembly eliminate a destructive development wishing to eradicate a developing natural woodland for pure greed; the planning meeting was held in the wood itself and I have never seen the Chairperson of that Committee smile in such a warmly manner, understanding the meaning of, Collective Power. How do you like to spend your free time? Do you have any fun interests or hobbies? I am certainly not a dull person but at my age most of my work is my hobbies. I am attempting to maintain my humour and mindfulness with playing chess (I have four sets but seriously need to make a mould of a Queen which my dog chewed to pieces), playing my guitar, harmonica and now penny whistle. 07 06



Looking back on 2021, the Amenities Team have been really busy! They've planted over 400 trees this year, in and around our green spaces. The team took on a temporary staff member in the summer, to help with clearing back footpath and grass cutting post-lockdown, so the Parish is looking much tidier! The annual town centre floral display looked beautiful in the summer sunshine, and with continued developments and improvements in our green spaces, nature was and still is very much on the Amenities Team's agenda.

ENGAGEMENT AND EVENTS TEAM The biggest change to the Engagement Team came from the recruitment of an Engagement Assistant. Alicia joined the team to assist Rose in all things events and engagement. We welcomed back events this year - with the first annual Green Week to restart our events programme. This included a green fair, and community-led street weeding and the opening of an Earth Café! The Engagement team also began consultation work for the development down at Park Gerry. They carried out both online and face to face survey's, to find out what our Parishioner's would like to see from the site.

THE LIBRARY During 2021, Camborne Library extended their opening hours to be open on Tuesdays, giving people an extra day to stop in and collect their books! They started a monthly book group, and restarted Rhymetime and Knit and Natter following the lockdowns. Staff completed a Makaton course, so that this can be introduced into Rhymetime and Storytimes. The team also took on a Cornwall College student, for a 12 month work placement, and pushed to abolish library fines from January 2022! With all of this, and being one of only 10 libraries in the country to pilot the Booktrust Storytimes, the library has been very busy!



There is lots on the agenda for the Amenities Team during 2022. The biggest change may be the start of the weed control programme, which we as a Council have recently taken on board. The team are also looking forward to the improvements down at Park Gerry, and the excitement surrounding the project. We will be continuing our public consultation and making progress in the parks development. Works on the public footpaths will continue, and the team will continue their tree planting and propagation at Duchy College in their polytunnels. 2022 is looking to be a big year for them!

ENGAGEMENT TEAM The Engagement Team will be busy in 2022, getting everything ready for the launch of the Youth Council, and holding the first meeting in February. They will also be running the annual resident's survey, to ensure that we know exactly what our Parishioner's want for where they live, to improve service delivery across the Parish. We've been exploring new ways to consult the members of our Parish, with the relaunch of our interactive map where people can leave a 'pin' on areas they would like to leave a comment on.


As part of the Town Council's commitment to grow and thrive, we have written our five year strategic plan. This plan outlines everything we're committed to provide for Camborne, as well as the things we as a Council can do to ensure we tackle the climate crisis in all our operate. We are planning to provide more youth centred facilities and services, and looking to establishing voluntary and paid opportunities for young people within our team. As an organisations we have a lot going on in 2022, but we're looking to the future to build bigger and better!

EVENTS PROGRAMME The Events programme has lots to keep us busy in 2022. From our first Fairtrade Fortnight to the Queen's Jubilee, there's going to be lots of activities to get involved with. The team are looking forward to the return of Trevithick Day, and our second annual Great Big Green Week. Following on from last year's success, we're hoping the next Green Week will be much bigger (and that the weather will be better!).

MEET THE AMENITIES TEAM Dave is our Amenities and Projects Officer. He is responsible for looking after our green spaces, providing health and safety support and advice, and managing maintenance and work carried out on Town Council assets. Dave has a background in horticulture, and completed his apprenticeship in Regent's Park in London. Before working with us, he was the Head of Campus Presentation at Falmouth and Exeter University, Penryn. With extensive experience and knowledge, he is an excellent team member and plays a vital role in the Town Council's day to day management.

We currently have five members of the Amenities Team. This number is soon to increase to 7, with two new 'Amenities Operatives' roles being filled in the coming months. Steve, Rob, Jonny, Ash and Dave make up our Amenities Team, and work in our Parish to ensure our amenities are well looked after. This includes playground equipment inspection and maintenance, planting trees, watering our flower displays and clearing footpaths. The team are often out and about within the Parish, and when they aren't they can be found in our unit, giving benches a fresh coat of varnish or cleaning our vehicle fleet. With many years of experience between them, our staff are absolutely fantastic, and we're so lucky to have such knowledgeable and passionate team members. If you see any of the team out and about, be sure to say hello!





Health: NHS 111/999 Emergency Macmillan 01872 672090 Dementia Connect 0333 150 3456 Addiction Support 01872 263001 NHS Mental Health 24/7 0800 0385 300 Loneliness Support 01209 708995 Samaritans 116 123 Adult Carers 01872 266383 Age UK 01872 266383 Emergency Dental Care 0333 4050 290 Healthy Cornwall 01209 615600 Cornwall Hospice Care 01726 829874

February: Fairtrade Fortnight 21st- 6th March

Foodbank: CPR 01209 714592

June: Queen's Jubilee Thursday 2nd - Sunday 5th

Housing: Council Tax 0300 1234 171 Coastline 01209 200200 Coastline Homelessness 0300 1234 161 Rough Sleepers - Streetlink 0300 500 0914 General: Volunteer Cornwall 01872 265305 Citizens Advice 03444 111 444 Debt Help 0800 328 0006 Safety: Domestic Abuse 0300 7774 777 Cornwall Refuge 01872 225629 Children's Safety Concerns 0300 1231 116 Adult Safety Concerns 0300 1234 131 Scam Reporting 0300 123 2040

Cornwall Council deal with issues such as planning, benefits, education, environmental health and highways. Their general enquires line is 0300 1234 100.


March: St Piran's Day Saturday 5th April: Trevithick Day Saturday 30th May: Camborne Community and Commerce Awards 19th

September: Great Big Green Week 24th - 2nd October October: Halloween Monday 31st November: Remembrance Sunday 13th Christmas in Camborne Saturday 25th December: Christmas Sunday 25th Boxing Day Monday 26th

Council meeting dates can be found on our website and social media pages. These meetings are open for the public to attend, with social distancing measure in place. Our Full Council meeting is streamed live via our Facebook page. For more information on how to attend, please call us on 01209 612406 or email us at enquires@camborne-tc.gov.uk


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