By participating in The Northwest Glass Quest as a “quester” you release from any liability: The sponsors, the participating businesses, the communities of Stanwood/Camano, and the committees and individuals involved with this event You also agree that your name and photo may be used for marketing as may be determined by
We’re excited to introduce four talented glass artists contributing to the 2025 event, adding an exciting new dimension to the “Thrill of the Hunt.” Now, part of the fun is discovering, “Whose ball did you win?”Click the images below to learn more about them
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Glass Quest Studio for 15 remarkable years of creating stunning glass treasures and for crafting a special (and possibly final) collection of glass balls for this year’s event. To visit their studio, please call ahead to schedule an appointment.
2025 Poster Lori Bales
Congratulations to Lori Bales, whose artwork was chosen for the 2025 poster through a collaborative Call for Art with the StanwoodCamano Arts Advocacy Commission (SCAAC). Have an idea for the 2026 poster? We’d love to hear from you!
Email us at
Mark Ellinger Glass Quest Studio
Aaron Sertich Thorn Meadow Glass Works
Colin Satterfield PNW Glass
Johnathon Tardif Pneuma Glass
The Camano Island Chamber of Commerce is excited to invite you to join the 16th Annual Northwest Glass Quest! This unique treasure hunt transforms participants into “Questers” on a mission to find stunning hand-blown glass treasures. This guidebook provides all the essentials for a successful quest, including maps of participating locations, important rules, tips, and local business advertisements. Be sure to review the Rules & Guidelines before starting your adventure This year, we’re proud to feature four incredible artists behind the beautiful glass balls you’ll be searching for learn more about their work on page 6.
As you embark on your treasure hunt, take time to explore the beauty and charm of the Stanwood-Camano community. Marvel at the breathtaking views of the Olympic and Cascade Mountains, stroll along peaceful winter beaches, and soak in the serene views of the Puget Sound and Saratoga Passage. Discover locally-owned shops and restaurants, hike scenic trails, and enjoy a community rich in heritage, vibrant in its arts, and surrounded by natural beauty.
Don’t forget to participate in the Kind Quester Program (pages 43 & 44). Complete acts of kindness and submit your checklist for a chance to win a glass “button” featuring this year’s event stamp Standout Kind Questers may also receive special recognition and be entered into a prize drawing!
Immerse yourself in the excitement of the quest, embrace the natural beauty around you, and spread kindness throughout the event The Northwest Glass Quest isn’t just about finding treasures it’s about celebrating the art, kindness, and community that make this event special. As this year’s theme reminds us: SEEK ART. BE KIND.
Happy Questing!
Your quest is to locate a “Clue Ball” either in a participating business or community site. Participating businesses choose to either hide clue balls at their business or in community sites. A Clue Ball is a hollow, clear, 3-inch plastic ball. However not all clue balls look the same - they can be camouflaged with paint, texture, or decorations so keep your eyes peeled. All 2025 clue balls hidden in Community Sites will have a specific piece of paper inside directing you where to go to claim your treasure.
Your treasure is a CERTIFICATED Edition Glass Quest Ball–a handblown glass float by one of the four participating artists. Each certificated Northwest Glass Quest Ball is stamped with the 16th anniversary logo, signed by the artists, marked with a unique number and includes a certificate of authenticity. This year there are over 400 CERTIFICATED Glass Quest Balls! Find joy in the thrill of the huntfinding a clue ball is not guaranteed - or it wouldn’t be much of a hunt!
Clue balls can be hidden well but are visible using your EYES ONLY - do not disturb vegetation or store merchandise in any way. No walking sticks are allowed in any of the community sites Please leave NO TRACE! You must reach out to the business within 24 hours after finding a clue ball - even if you need to leave a voicemail!
Determine where to go - start with the maps & listings in this booklet or download the App and decide where to start your quest. Pay attention to days and hours of operation for participating businesses and whether they are hiding in COMMUNITY SITES or AT THEIR BUSINESS. In the event of inclement weather some locations may close - check the website and social for updates
Embrace the Thrill of the Hunt - all host businesses have sworn a solemn oath to secrecy - do not ask “is a clue ball hidden today?” or “has it been found yet?” Some businesses may provide a cluebut this is not required. **See The GQ App for new clue alerts**
Photo ID will be required to claim a Glass Ball. Parents may provide ID for minors. Limit yourself to ONE BALL per year.
Use your manners - respect the business owners who are conducting normal business during the Quest - say thank you and shop while you quest!
Pay attention to “No Questing Beyond This Point” signs and restricted areas.
In the parks and community sites please stay on the trails and do not hit or rake the vegetation. NO STICKS are allowed in any community sites (with the exception of ADA support). There are some new sites for 2025 - make sure to check them out.
Speak up if you notice anything amiss! This event thrives when we all uphold high standards and encourage others to do the same. 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11
Be a Kind Quester - check out the different ways you can be a KIND QUESTER and engage with our community. This is fun for kids and adults alike - and we have prizes to give away. See the website or pages in the booklet for details.
Clue Balls are elusive! They may be camouflaged, but they can ALWAYS be found using your eyes only Look high and low, but you should never have to move merchandise or displays to find a clue ball. If you spot one that you can’t reach - just ask your host for help.
One per person - please limit yourself to claiming ONE Glass Quest Treasure for the year so others can find them as well.
Check-In Daily Online - check in online and you will be entered into our daily raffle for a glass ball. In addition, show your GQ app to a businesses selling Non-Certificated Balls to receive a discount
Have Fun! Remember this is a “treasure hunt” so enjoy the thrill of the hunt While finding a clue ball is challenging and reserved for the lucky - with the right mindset you can find many other “treasures” on your hunt. The Camano Island Chamber of Commerce is proud to plan this event every year. Visit us at the Glass Quest Headquarters at The Camano Center (606 Arrowhead Road) from 10AM-4PM daily during the event.
The Camano Island Chamber of Commerce would like to thank our wonderful 2025 Sponsors
Visit the Website is now an easy use platform with a ton of helpful information. Start with the START YOUR QUEST button and make sure to read the FAQ section. If you are having trouble with the GQ APP the mobile version of the website works just as well!
Follow us on Social @northwestglassquest on Facebook and Instagram
Download the App
We encourage you to download the Glass Quest App which has a user friendly dashboard, interactive maps and more! Show your app on your phone to a participating business selling Non-Certificated Balls and you receive a $10 discount on the purchase of ONE Non-Certificated ball.
*NEW* The App lists who is offering “clues” for their clue balls. Cell Service can be unreliable - be prepared!
Want a Printed Booklet?
If you would prefer a printed booklet you can purchase a print on demand copy at UPS in Stanwood ($10 full color, $5 black/white with color cover.)
Download the Northwest Glass Quest App in the App Store and Google Play today!
Scan this code to download the app!
LocalMapsofParticipating Businesses&Parks
The maps in this guide are designed to help you navigate your Quest by identifying participating businesses, community sites, and parks where clue balls may be hidden. These maps are intended as high-level guides, not detailed navigation tools.
Daily Updates:
Clue ball updates for the following parks will be available on our website and app each day of the Quest by 5:30 PM:
Church Creek Park
Cama Beach State Park
Camano Island State Park
Freedom Park
Heritage Park
Lake Goodwin
Wenberg County Park
Note: Updates do not include clue balls hidden by businesses in the parks. Please be mindful of park hours, entry fees, and regulations.
Community Sites 2025:
There have been changes to Community Sites this year, so please review all information carefully.
Streamline Your Quest:
Download the Quest app for easy access to Google Maps and other helpful tools to enhance your experience (like who is offering “clues”).
Park Etiquette:
Respect park boundaries, wildlife, and vegetation.
Do not use sticks or any objects to disturb vegetation Clue balls are visible and within reach along trails.
Help us keep our parks clean by bringing a bag to collect any litter you encounter.
Be a KIND Quester:
This year, there are plenty of opportunities to engage positively with the community. Pick up trash, explore local history, and support local artists by purchasing handmade items. For more details on how to be a KIND Quester, refer to pages 43 and 44.
Enjoy the adventure, and thank you for helping us make the Quest a fun, respectful, and community-focused event!
Community Sites are parks or public locations in which participating businesses can hide clue balls during the event. Clue balls are not hidden in any parks outside of this list. Please make sure to respect the environment around you and LEAVE NO TRACE - please be a KIND QUESTER and pick up litter while you quest!
Both the event website (www NorthwestGlassQuest com) as well as the Glass Quest App link to Google Map directions to all locations.
There are NEW COMMUNITY SITES for 2025 so please read carefully!
Barnum Point (Tuesday 2/18 and Wednesday 2/19 only)
Cama Beach State Park (Cranberry Lake Trail only)
Camano Island State Park
Four Springs Preserve
Elger Bay Preserve (2/14, 2/15, 2/16, 2/17, 2/22, 2/23 only)
Freedom Park
Ivy Lane (off Ivy Way)
Iverson Spit Preserve
Church Creek Park
City Hall Park
Hamilton Landing
Heritage Park
Kayak Point
Lake Goodwin
Lions Park
Port Susan Trail
Stanwood Area Historical Society
Wenberg County Park
The following are the Community Sites and Parks that are approved for businesses to hide clue balls. Clue balls are not hidden in any other community sites other than the ones listed below. Be a KIND QUESTER and help take care of our beautiful parks! Pick up litter while you quest and encourage others to respect our natural environment. There are SO MANY “treasures” to behold in nature!
Site / Parks Information Map
BARNUM POINT, CAMANO 79 278 S Sunrise Blvd
Open during daylight hours. Open to Questers on Tue. 2/18 & Wed. 2/19
ONLY Please respect all vegetation and wildlife and leave no trace
CAMANO ISLAND STATE PARK 80 2269 Lowell Point Road
Open during daylight hours. Discover Pass required. Quest only on designated trails and beach areas (highlighted on map). Clue balls will be within arm’s reach of the trail and will be visible. DO NOT disturb vegetation or tree stumps.
Open to the public during daylight hours.
2269 Lowell Point Road
10220 270th St NW
Located next to Stanwood City Hall - open dawn to dusk
Elger Bay Road
Open to Questers only on 2/14, 2/15, 2/16, 2/17, 2/22, 2/23. Parking is available at Elger Bay Elementary School on those days ONLY
585 Lewis Ln
Open dawn to dusk. Clue balls are hidden within reach of the trails. Please do not walk off trail or rake the vegetation. No clue balls will be hidden within the private rental space (signs read "No Public Access"). Call 360-387-1418 to arrange for ball pick up or questions.
718 WA-532
Open during daylight hours. All park areas open to Questers.
Between 276th St NW and 272nd St NW (west of 92nd Ave NW)
Open during daylight hours. All park areas open to Questers. Please do not go off the trail in the wetland area. Any clue balls will be accessible from the trail.Please no digging or vegetation removal of any kind. Any clue balls will be accessible without needing to dig or move any material.No clue balls will ever be located in ditches or water, so please avoid those areas
Site / Parks Information Map
87 3 Iverson Beach Road
Dawn - Dusk. Clueballs are on the trails ONLY not on the beach. From I-5, take Exit 212 and head west for 10 miles on Highway 532. Pass through Stanwood, and cross the bridge onto Camano Island. Stay left on East North Camano Drive. Then at the light turn left on Sunrise Boulevard and go 2.5 miles. Turn left on Iverson Beach Road, turn left at a T intersection and head downhill. Make another left at the next intersection and drive to the preserve at the end of the road.
4620 Lakewood Rd
7 am to dusk (20 minutes after sunset)
8328 Park Drive
A small city park off Cedarhome Drive and Park Drive (east of Pioneer Hwy) Open dawn to dusk
90 27108 102nd Ave NW
Clue Balls will be hidden within the yard of the D. O. Pearson House Museum or south of the Tolin House next door Clue balls will not be hidden near the Veterans Memorial but feel free to wander through and reflect Open hours for museum exhibits are Wed and Saturday afternoons from 1 - 4 pm.
91 15430 E Lake Goodwin Rd
7 am to dusk (20 minutes after sunset) Parking permit required Quest within the day use area only.
Please note only ONE trail (Cranberry Lake which connects to Ivy Lane) at Cama Beach is open for questing (see the attached map). Do NOT park on the side of the street.
IVY LANE 93 Off Ivy Way
This small trail ( 8 mile) connects to Cranberry Lake Trail (part of Cama Beach State Park). Parking is limited in the cul de sac.
94 26810 98th Ave NW
Please do not go off the main trail or lawn areas Do not quest in landscaping areas - do not trample vegetation. Please no digging or vegetation removal of any kind Any clue balls will be accessible without needing to dig or move any material. No clue balls will ever be located in or near water, so please avoid those areas (including banks of the river and slough). Please stay out of any fenced area as no clue balls will be located inside a fence
PORT SUSAN TRAIL, STANWOOD 95 Park at Hamilton Landing
This trail starts at Hamilton Landing Please do not go off the main trail areas. Any clue balls will be accessible from the main trail areas Please no trampling, digging or vegetation removal of any kind. Any clue balls will be accessible without needing to disrupt any planted areas. No clue balls will ever be located in streams, ditches or water, so please avoid those areas (including banks of ponds, ditches, etc.). Please stay out of any fenced area as no clue balls will be located inside a fence.
15711 Marine Dr KAYAK POINT, STANWOOD 96
Open 7 am to dusk (20 minutes after sunset). Day or Annual pass required for entry (available for no contact purchase at fee machine). Quest within the Day-Use area only.
Hamilton Landing
Barnum Point
Barnum Point is open as a Community Site for TWO DAYs ONLY (Tuesday 2/18 and Wednesday 2/19) - please respect and enjoy this special park on Camano. Check out the Kind Quester form where you can join FOCIP for a guided walk at Barnum Point on Sunday 2/16 at 9:45 AM.
Clue balls are hidden on highlighted trails and are within arm’s reach of the trail. At Camano Island State Park, they can also be hidden in beach areas (above high tide). They are NOT near any buildings. Please do NOT disturb any tree stumps or vegetation and do NOT go off trail. You need only your eyes to look, do NOT use sticks or trekking poles. Happy Questing
CAMA BEACH IS BACK - But JUST Cranberry Lake Trail!
Please be mindful of parking - you may enter the park and walk to Cranberry Lake Trail but please do NOT park along the main (busy) road You will find IVY LANE at the end of Cranberry Lake trail so you can enter from either side!
The City of Stanwood has opened up two locations as Community Sitesboth are small but mighty! Please be mindful of parking availability.
Clue balls are on the trails ONLY at Iverson Spit Preserve - not on the beach.
Wenberg County Park
Lake Goodwin
Clue Balls will be hidden within the yard of the D. O. Pearson House Museum or south of the Tolin House next door. Clue balls will not be hidden near the Veterans Memorial but feel free to wander through and reflect. Open hours for museum exhibits are Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 1 - 4 pm.
In the 2025 event, we invite you to embrace the spirit of a KIND Quester. Now in its third year, this initiative has truly transformed the Quest experience. More than just finding a coveted glass ball, this event is about immersing yourself in nature, building connections within the community, supporting small businesses, and making a positive impact—one thoughtful action at a time.
Intentionally traveling to stretch, learn and grow into new ways of being and engaging with the world.
-Transformational Travel Council
You’re on your way to becoming a KIND Quester! Complete 6 of the 16 suggestions on the back to qualify for a chance to win a handmade glass button with the 2025 stamp. Some items are date-specific, so be sure to plan ahead for activities that interest you.
As you check off items, either mark them yourself or have a staff member at the location initial them. Once your form is complete, submit it to the Glass Quest Headquarters at The Camano Center (606 Arrowhead Rd, Camano) between 10 AM and 4 PM during the event. Each day, 15 randomly selected completed forms will win a glass "button" featuring this year’s event stamp. Good luck, and thank you for spreading kindness!
All participating businesses have special cards they may give out at any time, and Secret Kindness Agents (SKA) will be on-site at Community Locations, keeping an eye out for acts of kindness! Each card includes a QR code on the back, allowing you to enter your information. On February 28th, we’ll randomly select one lucky winner from these entries to receive a hand-blown glass prize. We’ll also be recognizing and celebrating Kind Questers on social media throughout the event. Join us and BE KIND!
A printable version of the KIND QUESTER form can be found here to print yourself OR you can pick up a copy at the following locations: Camano: GQ Headquarters (606 Arrowhead Rd. Camano), or Windermere (848 N Sunrise Blvd).
Stanwood: The City of Stanwood (weekdays only) OR RE/MAX Elevate
Anyone who completes 6 of the 16 suggestions below will have the opportunity to win a handmade glass event stamp.
Visit the Snow Goose Festival Saturday 2/22 9AM-5PM at the Floyd Norgaard Cultural Center (27130 102nd Ave NW, Stanwood) OR See Snow Geese or Swans in local fields.
Go on a special Guided Walk led by Friends of Camano Island Parks (FOCIP) Sunday 2/16meet at 9:45 am at Barnum Point.
Support this community by purchasing locally made items and investing in the creativity and talent of local artisans We have a rich and vibrant artist community
Attend the Volunteer Fair on Saturday 2/15 10-12 at Utsalady Elementary (608 Arrowhead Rd. Camano) and sign up to be a volunteer!
Donate pet items to the Boogie Bin We will have a bin at the GQ Headquarters
Take a guided history tour at the Stanwood Area Historical Society (2/15, 2/19, 2/22 from 1-4 PM) OR research local history online or at the library! Stanwood Area
Donate to the West Camano Little Free Pantry. Shelf stable items and supplies We will have a donation bin at the GQ Headquarters
Help keep our parks clean by picking up trash BYOB (bring your own bag) Trash disposal will be available at the GQ Headquarters.
Delight in the exclusive Glass Quest Documentary at Stanwood Cinemas a captivating 10-minute short film by Emmy Award-winning Georgia Krause. (Showtimes listed on website)
Explore the trails and discover how many different types of mushrooms you can find Photograph them and do some research but don’t eat them!
Attend a Make It Now Session at the Schack 2/15 and 2/22 OR watch a demonstration by Colin Satterfield at Schack Hot Shop 2/15 10am-5pm
Dine at a local restaurant or shop at a small business, then share your experience by leaving a review on social media or Google
Write a heartfelt postcard or note for our local elderly community, delivered through the Meals on Wheels program Drop off your notes at GQ Headquarters
Support Freedom Park, a community space powered entirely by donations and volunteers. Consider contributing by purchasing a picket for the new fence!
Seasoned Quester? Share your tips and help a newcomer!
First-time Quester? Don’t be shy ask for guidance Meet someone new and make a connection along the way!
Share your favorite event moment through art poem, painting, or any medium! Email a photo to chamber@camanoisland org or drop it at headquarters!
848 N Sunrise Blvd Unit A201 Camano Island, WA www cactusandcocamano com/
1880 SW Camano Dr, Camano Island, WA 98282
326 NE Camano Dr Camano Island, WA www camalochgolf com
11AM-5PM, Sun 11AM-4PM
*Discover Pass Needed* Fri 2/14 4:30pm to 7:00pm (Valentine's Dinner -reservations only), Fri Sat & Sun 8AM-2PM
Sun, Wed, Thur 11AM-3PM Sat 11-4PM
198 Can Ku Road, Camano Island, WA www camanoanimalshelter com/
606 Arrowhead Rd Camano WA www eliteinteriorsandesign com/
8AM-4PM Balls hidden on trails of the Camano Center only
7AM-5PM, Fri-Sat 7AM6PM, Sun 8AM-5PM
7AM-7PM, Sun 7AM-6PM
370 NE Camano Dr. Camano WA
370 NE Camano Dr. Camano WA
9001SR 532 Stanwood, WA www instagram com/coastal vie/
Tue-Sat 7AM-7PM, Sun 8AM-6PM, Mon 8AM-5PM
BusinessesHidingaClueBallat CommunitySite
8808 271st St NW Stanwood WA www americancremation com
AMERICAN FENCE & STAIN LLC www facebook com/Americanfenceandstain/
615 Arrowhead Rd Camano Island arrowheadranchcamano com
10404 269th Pl NW, Stanwood, WA 98292
818 N Sunrise Blvd Camano Island WA
718 WA-532, Camano Island WA
606 Arrowhead Rd, Camano Island
240 Mountain Crest Court, Camano Island WA
50 N East Camano Dr Camano Island, WA
Mon-Fri 9AM-4PM Sat & Sun can be reached by phone
Tue-Fri 9AM-5PM
Closed for Questing but the LANE outdoor classroom is open daily 10AM-3PM
Mon-Sun 9AM-5PM
Tue-Fri 4AM-6PM, Mon 6AM-6PM, Sat 5:30AM-6PM, Sun 6AM-5PM
Mon-Fri 8AM-4PM CARLSON LANDSCAPE www carlson-landscape com
Fri-Sat on call, Sun 9AM-1PM, Closed Mon, Tue-Thur 9AM-11AM
Mon-Fri 7:30AM-6PM, Sat & Sun 8AM-5PM
Mon-Fri 8AM-5:30PM, Sat 8AM4PM
Sponsor of the “Teaser Balls” - one ball hidden each Friday PRIOR to the event. 1/24, 1/31, 2/7 CEDARHOME COFFEE CO.
6809 284th St NW Stanwood, WA Stanwood, WA
Sat 6AM-6PM, Sun 6:30AM-6PM, Mon 5AM-5PM, Tue-Fri 5AM-6PM
BusinessesHidingaClueBallat CommunitySite
10220 270th Street NW Stanwood, WA
NE Camano Dr #6 Camano, WA 98282 (inside the REMAX Elevate office)
9520 271st ST NW Stanwood WA www Milieusalon com
8620 271st St Stanwood, WA
Follow on Facebook
10003 270th St NW Suite A, Stanwood, WA
370 NE Camano Dr #6 Camano Island, WA
www elevatenw com
26902 92nd Ave NW, Suite C Stanwood WA www elevatenw com
Open 7 am to dusk (20 min before sunset) No pass required
15711 Marine Dr., Stanwood WA 98292
Open 7 am to dusk (20 min before sunset) Day or Annual pass required for entry
BusinessesHidingaClueBallat CommunitySite
stillyrivermechanical com/
848 N Sunrise Blvd Camano Island, WA
www tappedpublichouse com
26910 92nd Ave NW Ste C5, Stanwood, WA
818 N Sunrise Blvd Camano Island, WA www windermerestanwoodcamano com
7359 267th St NW, Ste D Stanwood, WA
www windermerestanwoodcamano com
Mon-Thur 11:30 am - 8:00pm, Fri and Sat 11:30am - 8:30pm, Sun 11:30am - 7pm
Mon-Sat 9AM-5PM Sun 10AM-5PM
Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM
The following Realtors will be hiding clue balls at Open Houses, local offices, and/or Community Sites. They may also have raffles for NonCertificated balls at locations. Please visit their websites or contact them for additional information.
Windermere Office Stanwood www homes4salebymolly com 67
North48 Real Estate Office Stanwood | 68
The 16th Annual Northwest Glass Quest is made possible through the efforts of many key community volunteers, sponsors, businesses, and organizations. Working in collaboration to produce a 10-day event to showcase our businesses, arts community, and the beautiful natural surroundings of the Stanwood-Camano area is our gift to you - the Questers!
The 2025 Northwest Glass Quest was planned by the Camano Island Chamber of Commerce:
McCREADY Executive Director
ThornMeadow Glass Works
Thank You to the Artists
Glass Quest Studio
Pneuma Glass
DEKLE Board Event Chair
PNW Glass
A huge thank you to all of you who chose to be KIND QUESTERS during this event - you make a difference!
We would like to sincerely thank our many participating businesses and sponsors for their contributions and dedication to this event. We hope you find many treasures on your 2025 quest!
The 2025 Northwest Glass Quest Committee
There would not be the “Thrill of the Hunt” if the clue balls were easy to find! Fear not - you do not have to go home empty handed. There are a few different options for going home with “treasure”. Please note NonCertificated Balls for sale at local businesses AS LONG AS SUPPLIES LAST.
Show the Glass Quest App and save $10 on the purchase of ONE NonCertificated Balls at various businesses. Many participating businesses have a wide variety of Non-Certificated Balls for sale during the eventjust ask the host business for details. You may purchase an NonCertificated 2025 Glass Ball for $60 by showing the app or $70 without. (Discount to be limited for use on one ball.)
You may check-in Online every day you are questing ( to be entered into a chance to win a glass ball from the organizers of the event – The Camano Chamber of Commerce. One entry per questing group per day. There will be a new winner every day for the 10 days of the event. Winners will be contacted by email or phone.
Raffle for the #1 & #2 2025 Balls
Participating in this event is FREE but we certainly appreciate donations. Consider it your ticket to Quest! Each donation of $10 will also enter you into a raffle to win the #1 & #2 Certificated Edition 2025 Glass Balls (created by Glass Quest Studio). Winners will be drawn on 2/23/25. Donations accepted online -
You may purchase AS MANY Non-Certificated Balls are you wishbut please remember the RULE is ONE CERTIFICATED BALL per PERSON per year. The individual who found the clueball must claim the Limited Ball. You MUST reach out to the business within 24 hours of finding the clueball - even if you need to leave a voicemail!
We will be showing the documentary at the Stanwood Cinema during the event! Stay tuned for dates & times.
In so many ways, this event would not be possible without YOU! As you enjoy this 16th year of Questing, we invite you consider the impact that a donation can have on the future of this annual event. The Camano Island Chamber of Commerce organizes this event to support local businesses in a traditionally slow traffic time of year. It is free to Quest, and our area sees an increase in tourism during the Quest. Your contribution will be used to purchase materials for the event, market the event, and to ensure that this great event can continue for years to come
Use the link or scan the QR code below to donate to the Northwest Glass Quest event. Every $10 donated will enter you into a raffle for the #1 & #2 2025 Certificated Glass Ball. Winners contacted on 2/23/25. The #1 & #2 2025 glass balls have been created by Glass Quest Studio (these could be the final NWGQ “Ellinger” balls!
606 Arrowhead Road, Camano Island
The Camano Center has graciously offered to function as our 2025 headquarters between Feb. 14th-23rd. Volunteers will be staffing the headquarters between 10AM-4PM every day of the event to answer your questions, accept donations, and hand out glass balls to lucky winners!
Please plan accordingly - there is no public restroom at the Camano Center. If you have questions please call 360-629-7136 or email chamber@camanoisland org
Funded in part with assistance from the Island County and Snohomish County Hotel-Motel Tax Fund.