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INTRODUCTION The WIDER CURRICULUM is the nurturing / discipleship series of the Christian & Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines (CAMACOP) to help promote and achieve CAMACOP’s vision and mission. Specifically, the WIDER Curriculum supports the local church’s mission and ministry, as stated in Article 2, Section 2 of the Amended Local Church Administrative and Ministry Guidelines. It aims to establish new believers in the Christian faith, to nurture them towards spiritual maturity, to integrate them into a local church, and to prepare them for service to God, the Church, and the community. W.I.D.E.R is an acronym for the local church’s mission statement, as stated below: The local church exists to aggressively Win people to Christ, Integrate them into the church life, Disciple them to become responsible citizens, Engage in planting missionary churches and in holistic and developmental ministries and Rejoicing in worship in the community and beyond for the glory of God. With CAMACOP’S main task for the church in mind, the Department of Christian Education in Local Church (DCELC), under the supervision of DCELC National Director Dr. Helen Ponce and National Executive Minister - Division of General and Theological Education (DGTE) Dr. Averell Aragon, has come up with a follow up and basic discipleship curriculum which distinctly follows the four-stage process in discipleship making – Winning, Integrating, Discipling, Engaging, and Rejoicing. These series of lessons, which are mostly adapted from the Warren series, are written and restructured to meet the following emphases: 1. WINNING

- A process of becoming a BELIEVER in Christ. Book 1 “First Steps” (4 lessons)

2. INTEGRATING - A process of becoming a MEMBER of the Body of Christ. Book 2 “Journey Into Life” (7 lessons) Book 3 “The Way Ahead” (7 lessons) Book 4 “Directions” (14 lessons) Book 5 “Hallmarks” (10 lessons) 3. DISCIPLING

- A process of becoming a MINISTER in the Body of Christ. *Book 6 “Christian Values” (14 lessons)


- A process of becoming a CHURCH planting church. *Book 7 “All-TEE” materials (14 lessons)


- A process of becoming a WORSHIPER rejoicing in Christ. *Book 8 “The Ministry of Worship” (10 lessons)

(Note: Books 6 to 8 are yet to be written; these will be made available later). From the winning or the evangelizing stage, new believers are enrolled in the follow up or establishing stage through a one-on-one Bible Study, using the first four books. It is envisioned that by the time they complete these series, the believers are ready to commit to become members of a local CAMACOP church. Book 5 (Hallmarks), on the other hand, is designed to be used as a small group study guide for those who have committed themselves to join the local CAMACOP church.

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