October 2012 Crossroads

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CAST Members Wanted Is Calvary putting on a show (a la Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland)? No! But we are refreshing the Good Samaritan ministry, beginning with a new name: Caring and Support Team (C.A.S.T.) And you are invited and encouraged to become a “member” of this CAST. No auditions, no lines to memorize, no costumes to fuss over, no opening night jitters . . .You are a shoe in for this part! There is an opportunity for every age, gender, and ability here. The new structure will involve 4 separate ministry opportunities under one umbrella. You may feel drawn to one or more of these: Servant Ministry Teams There will be 6 servant ministry teams with a minimum of 12 people (and no maximum!) on each. Each team will have 2 months during the year when they will respond to short-term needs for meals and/or transportation for Calvary members. The other 10 months of the year, that team will be “off duty”. Responsibilities include preparing and/ or delivering meals to members or driving them to the grocery store or medical appointment while they get back on their feet after an illness or surgery. Each team will have an organizer who will recruit volunteers among that team as Holly notifies them of a need. Team members may choose to prepare part of a meal and drop it off at church for pick-up by another team member for delivery. Card Ministry Teams Groups of individuals will serve for 3 months a year (not necessarily consecutively) and mail cards to Calvary members in the military, recovering from medical problems,

celebrating milestone birthdays and anniversaries, etc. All cards and stamps are provided by CAST. This is a nice opportunity to serve if you are unable to be part of a servant team, and it’s a great way to involve kids in making cards for volunteers to send. “Quick Fix” Team This group of individuals will be available for minor home repairs, e.g. changing light bulbs in hard to reach places, fixing squeaky hinges, etc. This will not include long-term projects or lawn, garden, or snow removal services. This group functions year-round. Funeral/Reception Team Members of this team are trained in making coffee, lemonade, etc. and are familiar with the church kitchen. They will oversee funeral luncheons, receptions, etc. throughout the year. They will not be asked to serve at other church functions, e.g. Church Life events, mid-week Lenten suppers, etc. They will also not be charged with cleaning the kitchen except after a function at which they’ve served. On the weekends of October 13/14 and 20/21, you’ll see volunteers recruiting CAST members in the narthex before worship on Saturday and between worship and the education hour on Sunday. Please stop at one of the tables and ask for a more detailed explanation of how this ministry intends to serve at Calvary. Then add your name to one of these ministries if you are willing and able to help. No meetings, nothing to read or study, just a short-term commitment, but a certain realization that James was right – faith without works . . .

CALVARY CONTACT INFORMATION CHURCH COUNCIL Jay Citraro Rich Bloomberg Larry Bonier Ron Foster Chuck Giuliani Gordon Gunnlaugsson Nick Huettl Audrey McGarvie Brad Meyer Tom Schramek Mary Ellen Thiede Sue Vollmar

262-783-5427 262-784-0911 262-784-1827 262-782-3222 262-786-4367 262-369-3910 608-712-0207 262-439-8898 262-352-6780 262-790-0162 262-797-8429 262-780-5015

MINISTRY EMAILS Council: council@calvarylc.com

Page 12 - Calvary Crossroads

BOARD OF DEACONS RoJean Holler Bill Jordan Judy Kestly Peggy Langelin Scott Langelin Leah Morris Kim Nyka Jonni Roush Barb Snyder Lee Tyne Erik Zipp

Deacons: deacons@calvarylc.com

262-780-6250 262-786-2829 262-782-5286 262-792-9335 262-792-9335 262-337-2141 262-349-2442 262-783-5361 262-782-6929 262-293-3128 414-530-9461

STAFF Rev. Dennis Roser (Senior Pastor) pastorroser@calvarylc.com Holly Novotny (Office Manager) holly@calvarylc.com Kris Molitor (Financial Secretary) kris@calvarylc.com Kim Steiner (Dir. of Communications) kim@calvarylc.com Angie Schatz (Youth & Family Ministry Dir.) youthdirector@calvarylc.com

Personnel: personnel@calvarylc.com

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