October 2012 Crossroads

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October 2012

Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. 1 Timothy 4:13

Pastor Roser preaching a sermon.

Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. Psalm 33:3

Celebration Ringers ring along with a hymn.

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

Sunday School large group opening.


Sundays: 9:00 am

Christian Ed.: 10:30 am

OUR MISSION & VISION: To boldly proclaim the life-changing love of Jesus Christ through joyful worship, faithful service, and continuous learning.



October Calendar Highlights Check the church calendar for complete listings.

Congregation News


Mission and Outreach


NALC News August Financials Pictures Youth & Family Ministry







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Ministry Opportunities




Birthdays, Anniversaries, Serving at Worship


Calvary Youth Bakery Order Form


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Evening Bible Study, Publicity Meeting Worship at 5 pm; Name Tag Weekend Worship at 9 am; Christian Ed. at 10:30 am; Name Tag Weekend; FIRM Fun Night Serenity Inn Meal Program Deacon Meeting Council Reports Due; Evening Bible Study Worship; Confirmation Rehearsal & lunch Connect Crossroads Deadline; Congregation Council Meeting Evening Bible Study Men’s Support Group Pet Blessing; Youth Corn Maze Food Sunday; Youth Bakery Sale begins; Trunk or Treat; Revolve SVdP Meal Program Usher meeting & training Evening Bible Study Crossroads Assembly; Men’s Ministry Gathering Reformation; Confirmation Evening Bible Study


From the Pastor’s Study Pr. Dennis M. Roser pastorroser@calvarylc.com teachingfaithinchrist.wordpress.com

Dear Friends, I want to begin this article by taking a moment to tell you how much I cherish your commitment to studying Holy Scripture. The many small groups, circles, Bible studies, and fellowships who regularly gather within the ministry of Calvary Church to study the Bible is truly wonderful! I am humbled by the commitment to discipleship that is consistently demonstrated within our parish’s common life. God bless you for your eagerness to read, study, and hear God’s Word. Worship Matters, part 2 In my article last month, I discussed the prayers and preparations which the Christian undertakes before and during worship. This month, I will take up the introductory portions of our Divine Service. Invocation As we enter into worship, the presiding minister calls upon the Lord to place His name upon our gathered assembly. This Divine name, which was placed upon us in Holy Baptism, is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As we invoke His name, God the Holy Spirit joins us to Jesus in his worship of his Father. Confession and Declaration of God’s Grace As you read the above title, what may have caught your attention is that the word “absolution” is not present. This is because during our corporate worship services, I do not have the opportunity to exercise my responsibility for absolving (forgiving) sins. It is certainly the case that our Lord Jesus has given his Church the gift of forgiving and retaining sins, and the Church exercises this responsibility through those whom she calls ministers – but what is occurring in the Divine Service is not absolution. I am only in a position to absolve those sins which I have heard, and on behalf of the one who has sought absolution. This is done within the context of individual confession in my study. I frequently make individual

confession before my fellow pastors, and I encourage every Christian who would like to have the burden of their sins removed, to come and see me. Christ has died for your sins, and you are forgiven – but there are times when we need some additional convincing. So what is happening during the confession and declaration of grace? As we gather together in worship to make confession, God indeed hears our pleas for forgiveness. In the mercy of God, Christ Jesus was given to die in your place and answer for your sins. Thus, as you believe in Christ Jesus and trust in his death only for forgiveness – you have it, the complete forgiveness of your sins. The role of the minister, following this time of confession, is to declare this word of forgiveness for Jesus’ sake to those who have made their confession. The good news of Christ Jesus is announced to all, and those who have been terrorized by their sins hear it with gladness. Therefore, I am not absolving your sins, but declaring that God has indeed forgiven those sins which you have confessed and that they have been washed away by the blood of the Lamb. Entrance Hymn Lutherans in America have not always used an entrance hymn, but in fact an introit has been the norm for most of our history. The introit is a psalm that is sung, as acolytes and ministers enter the chancel for worship. When used as an introit, the psalm is concluded with the Gloria Patri: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. The Lutheran Book of Worship introduced the practice of singing a hymn during this place in the service. Kyrie The Kyrie is the prayer dialogue in which together our assembly of sinners, whom God by His Word put upon us in baptism has made a holy Christian people, asks God to be merciful to us. We deserve God’s just wrath, but our faith in Christ gives us confidence to implore Him to deal graciously with us. In the Kyrie, we seek the Lord’s aid. In Christ Jesus,


October 2012 - Page 3


It’s About Our Family Sympathy We extend Christian sympathies to Greg Fleckenstein and family on the death of his wife, Lorene, on August 30th.

Our deepest condolences to the family of Donna Mueller, who passed away on September 23rd.

Thank you Calvary... From Mickey Rash: Thank you so much to Jay Citraro’s team of Calvary members who helped me pack and move; Jay, Grace & Gordy Gunnlaugsson, Mary Smith, Ruth Brostowitz, Bea & Ron Foster. In addition, I want to thank Barb Snyder for driving me to doctor appointments, Ruth Yankus for bringing me the weekly bulletin and special treats, and Pastor Roser for his visits. God bless and may the good Lord keep you, Mickey Rash From the Pine Lake VBS Leaders: Dear Junior Counselors, “And the award for the greatest JC’s of all time goes to… the

amazing girls at Calvary!” Thanks you all for your enthusiasm and patience with the kids. You were all so helpful and played a gigantic role in making this week fantastic! Dear Adult helpers, Thank you for all of your hard work this week [of VBS]! Your love for all the kids shone throughout the week as you all worked to serve snack and help with making crafts. We also appreciated all your generosity as you provided us lunch. This week wouldn’t have run nearly as smoothly or have been as fun if it weren’t for you guys!

Prayers Please check the weekly announcement bulletin for those people needing our urgent prayers. If you have any prayer requests, please call or email the church office. Please also continue to pray for the following Calvary family and friends: Shut-Ins: Donna Polizzi, Betty Schraith, Paul & Marj Skarie, Greg Fleckenstein, Lorraine Zembinski, Mickey Rash, Bill Rash Jr. (son of Mickey Rash). Ongoing prayer concerns: Jim Schultz; Lowell Sonderman; John Rupnick; Donna Trethewey; Betty Meyer (mother of Brad Meyer); Bette Forbes (sister-in-law of Donna Schroeder); Dyana Solheim (former member of Calvary); Chris Clemens (father of Jessie Brovold); Chuck Herbst (great-nephew of Judy DeBruine), Ruth Zarse (friend of Jeanette Ketelsen); Carol Kaebisch (friend of Donna Schroeder & Bette Forbes), Don Heinz.

Prayer Corner This new feature in the Crossroads will focus on some aspect of prayer each month. We know you’ll find it thoughtprovoking and helpful in your own prayer life. This month’s focus is on the fact that God listens to us. We have all encountered situations in our lives where we aren’t sure that God is speaking or listening to us. The following excerpt from Praying with the Psalms by Eugene H. Peterson acknowledges those moments and reassures us that God does listen.

We read in Psalm 116:1-2 (New Living Translation): I love the LORD because He hears and answers my prayers. Because He bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I have breath! “It is marvelous that God speaks to us –-- life-giving, worldcreating words. This marvel is matched by another --- that He listens to us. His listening gives all our words significance and makes all our prayers personal.”

Prayer: “I have times of desperation, O God, when I suppose that you neither speak nor listen. When that happens, bring me back to this psalm and to Jesus Christ, who also felt despair and now lives to make intercession for me. Amen.” Page 4 - Calvary Crossroads

Mission &O Outreach M ISSION & UTREACH

October Mission of the Month Lutheran World Relief Every day in 35 countries, Lutheran World Relief (LWR) works to combat the causes of poverty and the dignity it robs from people’s lives. They advocate for Fair Trade that helps farming families and artisans earn a better income. LWR teaches people to better care for themselves, their communities and the environment and also teaches people how to be less vulnerable to natural disasters. LWR advocates with and for them for policy change that more fairly represents them. They counsel them after manmade and natural disasters, and help them recover with material aid. All of this is done exclusively with partners from the communities served. The partners help LWR remain incredibly efficient and effective. LWR partners let them help people help themselves…for “a day when they won’t need us at all”.

Lutheran World Relief’s service with our neighbors in need from the United States to the far corners of the world is built upon the prayers and the faithful participation of several Lutheran denominations. Over 2,800 parish groups and individuals across the nation support this important international effort. Your financial contributions to Calvary’s Mission of the Month during October go to support this worthwhile program. Use your weekly offering envelopes or a white pew envelope to contribute and note “Mission of the Month” on your check and/or envelope.

Calvary Quilters The last weekend of September was quilt Sunday when we gave thanks for and celebrated our Calvary Quilting ladies and the work that they have done throughout the year making quilts for Lutheran World Relief. This year the Quilters made 63 quilts which will Quilts line the Sanctuary be sent overseas through Lutheran World Relief. pews and Communion rail.

For families who have lost everything due to a natural disaster or violence, this small item of comfort — a warm quilt— lets them know someone across the sea cares. The quilts produced by Calvary Quilters and other quilters in congregations throughout the U.S. convey a priceless message of love and commitment to people in desperate need.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to Calvary’s Cupboard last month. Items collected are taken to the Waukesha Food Pantry. The next Food Sunday is Pasta Sunday, with collection October 20th and 21st, 2012. Recommended items include all types of pasta and pasta sauces—canned, bottled, or bagged/ packaged. Other items of need are rice, canned meats, fruits or vegetables, soups, and cereals. If you prefer to make a monetary contribution, please mark your envelope or check with the notation “Food Pantry”.

Calvary Endowment On the weekend of Sept. 22-23, we remembered that in Dec. 1955 the church property was purchased. The first services were held on Feb.. 3,1957 & on Sept. 22, 1957 Calvary celebrated the dedication of the original sanctuary. The education wing was used for Sunday School and what is now the music room was used for Sunday worship. Anniversaries such as this remind us of our faith journey as individuals and as a congregation. Many things have happened to us since then. The new sanctuary was constructed, the merger of the ALC and the LCA created the ELCA, the new Fellowship Hall was constructed, the Sanctuary was updated and modified to accommodate the installation of a beautiful pipe organ, our affiliation with the NALC and a new Pastor. Many families have made Calvary their church

home. We raised our kids here, educated them in our faith and buried many friends. Through this all we have depended on our Pastors to guide us and keep our focus on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Our Calvary Endowment Fund makes educating our seminarians and providing support for seminaries as one of our primary goals. Through the years Calvary has supported Tom Kent, Kelli Timmer and Nathan Liedtke as they studied and went on to serve our Lord and our Churches. We need to make sure that faithful Pastors will be available to serve Calvary and other NALC churches in the future. Your gift to the Endowment Fund will help that happen. More information about the Endowment Fund is found in brochures located on the kiosks in the narthex. October 2012 - Page 5


We have it all a message from Bishop Bradosky Following is an excerpt from the sermon delivered by Bishop John Bradosky at the Communion service at the NALC Convocation. After this many of His disciples turned back and no longer walked with Him. So Jesus said to the Twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.”— John 6:66-69 The disciples remain because they know when Jesus called them to follow Him He did not offer them sensational experiences, material abundance, or a new set of laws. He did not offer them a superior theology, an innovative organization, a more integrated institution, a less complex worldview or a more pleasing pathway. Jesus offered them only one thing. He offered Himself. The invitation is simple: come and follow me! He is the Gospel. He is the singular object of our faith. He is eternal life, and there is no life apart from Him. He is all there is. In Him the whole world holds together. This is the content of faith and the only source of salvation. He is who He claims to be— the way, the truth, and the life. It is by following Jesus as His disciples that we grow in our faith, are involved in ministry that offers care and consolation to our neighbor. It is following Jesus that transforms our lives. It is following Jesus that becomes our witness. It is in following Jesus that we lead others to hear both Law and Gospel and believe in Him, and through that faith to respond obediently as His disciples. This is the heart of what it means to be Mission-Driven as the NALC — to fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples of all nations. The Gospel we proclaim is Christ-Centered — for there is no faith apart from Him. He alone is the bread of life. The faithful transmission of this message through Word and Sacrament ministry is the legacy and heritage that has been passed on to us, not to simply embrace, but to share broadly. This is the focus for each congregation, and for all who lead, participate and share in this ministry that is the North American Lutheran Church. Those who have been with us from the beginning have experienced the sensational, being a part of something new and exciting. After two years, we are not seeking new sensations. We are not in this to point to ourselves. We must remember Page 6 - Calvary Crossroads

that our focus is Christ — pointing to Christ, preaching Christ, following Christ. In Christ, we have it all. Let me ask, then, why do we live as though we are starving, impoverished, and jealous of what the secular culture has? Instead of living as though we have the greatest abundance the world has ever known, we live as though we are victims of scarcity. We don’t have enough and have been short changed. God owes us more, the culture owes us more, the world owes us more. It is easy to get stuck at the place where we keep saying this has been a tough journey, and we are still a persecuted remnant. Instead of lives overflowing with thanksgiving, we live in fear. Instead of trusting we live in doubt. I tell you we cannot proclaim what we have not claimed as ours in Christ. We must lay claim to the fact that we have it all in Christ. We are not those who are starving, we are feasting at the banquet. It is those who do not know Christ and have not believed in Him that are starving spiritually no matter how many staples line their shelves and fill their lives. Instead of wishing we were like them or had what they had, we should pity and pray for them. We are those who have resolved that we cannot be a part of a church body that compromises the Gospel for the sake of accommodating the world. That would only make us as spiritually famished as they are. Instead we live as those whose only mission is to lead these spiritually starving ones to the only bread of life, Jesus Christ. One other word of caution, as we abandon the values of the world, be careful not to embrace the values of the religious culture around us. Some think that we won’t be a legitimate church body until we have what other denominations around us have. It is easy, in this culture, to spend all our time and energy concerned about appearances, worried about what others will think of us. What is the advantage of imitating other denominations who fail to boldly proclaim Christ? We were discussing this in our last Executive Council meeting, and one of our leaders shared the story of a congregation who watched a larger congregation with many basketball courts and a successful sports ministry decide that, if they were going to be as successful as their neighboring congregation, they must build basketball courts and so they did. The point is that preoccupation with what others are doing and attempting to duplicate their success makes them the focus of ministry instead of Christ. (Continued on page 7)


NALC News submitted by Rich Bloomberg •

Additional information concerning the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is being forwarded to all NALC churches this month. This will help congregations discern whether to join or not to join the federation. We will be holding information sessions over the coming months before voting at our annual meeting next year.

Our Mission District will be holding its annual convocation October 13th in Navarino, Wi. Bishop Bradosky will be speaking. Guests are welcome to attend in addition to our delegate. For more information visit thenalc.org or www.wiumnalc.org

We have it all a message from Bishop Bradosky (continued) (Continued from page 6)

Church, hear me in this: when you have faith in Christ, when you are following Christ, you have everything you need to accomplish the work God has called you to do — to proclaim Christ in word and deed until the entire world knows. If God is going to use us for His redemptive purposes, we may have some of those other assets that other church bodies have but it will not be so we can be just like them. It will be because we need such assets to be equipped to boldly proclaim the Gospel and grow disciples until they are mature spiritual leaders in the church capable of discipling others. It is not your size, scope of ministry, your building or your budget that matters, it is only one thing — your faith in Christ. At the death of our son, as I mourned what he never experienced, the things he would never know or do, the lost potential of the difference his life could have made, I heard the

Gospel from a dear friend who said, when a person is in Christ their life is fulfilled in every moment of their existence. He reminded me that if we are in Christ, is there any other experience that surpasses it, is there any other knowledge that could make us wiser, is there any other relationship more meaningful, any other work more purposeful than faith in Him? He had it all and so do we! To those faithful disciples, Jesus asked, “Do you want to leave me too?” They responded, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know you are the Holy One of God.” There is no other place to go except to Christ, no one else to believe in except Christ. We have it all, so may we proclaim Him with all we have and are. Every day in every ministry we seek to do nothing more than give away all we have — the bread of life. This is the only identity we seek — the substance of who we are as the North American Lutheran Church. Thanks be to God! Amen.


Year to Date










Other Income





Total Income
















Operating Fund Net Income / (Loss) BUILDING FUND (DEBT REDUCTION) Deposits Received-Building Fund Building Fund Balance

$31,138.33 October 2012 - Page 7


Rally Day 2012 September 9

Bible Sunday & SS Teacher Installation September 16

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Hey YOUth!

All of our youth events are open to ALL youth of that age! Feel free to invite friends, relatives, neighbors, grandkids, etc. More Kids = More Fun!!!

All YOUth Corn Maze Saturday, October 20 – 9:00 to Noon We will be meeting at church at 9:00 to carpool out to Basses for the maze, returning at Noon. The cost of the maze is $5 per person. Friends are welcome and encouraged to come along! If you plan to buy a pumpkin or snacks, remember to bring extra money. Please sign up on the youth board, across from the media room. Youth Bakery is OPEN AGAIN! Want to impress your guests with delicious home-made treats; that take little to no time to make? Looking for a scrumptious delight to add to your Holiday Meal? Look no further, than our very own youth chefs! We will be cooking up some delectable made to order desserts for you to take and bake. So, place your order now, sit back and enjoy! Order forms are available online, in the Narthex and in the church office. • Lefse • Raspberry Cream Cheese Braided Bread • Baked Apple Braided Bread • Rise & Shine Crescent Bars • Cinnamon Rolls • Caramel Corn Mark your Calendars for these Up Coming Events: November 10th November 21st December 15th

Youth Bakery Fundraiser Pie Social Caroling for Cans

9:30 – Noon 6:30 – 8:30 pm 3:00 – 5:00 pm

BRIDGE (3rd – 5th grade) For BRIDGE this month, come and have a Spook-tacular time at Trunk or Treat, Sunday, October 21, 11:30 – 12:30. CONNECT (6th - 8th grade) Monday, October 15th from 5:30-7:00 pm. Yup, that is right before Confirmation class. As this time is over the dinner hour, you are encouraged to bring $2.00 for a pizza supper, or feel free to “brown bag it.” Connect will be meeting on a monthly basis on the third Monday of each month. Also remember there is a Christian Education Class for all middle school students each Sunday morning from 10:30 to 11:15 am. REVOLVE (9th – 12th Grade) Sunday, October 21 from 5:30 – 7:00 pm Join in the fun! We will hang out, catch up, play and pray together! Revolve will be meeting on a monthly basis on the third Sunday of each month. Remember: There is a program for the high school students on Sunday mornings during the education hour from 10:30 – 11:15. We too start in the sanctuary and then head off to the youth room!

Above: Sunday School students drop in their “noisy offering” before beginning the large group opening.

October 2012 - Page 9


Calvary Youth Bakery Sale Want to impress your guests with delicious home-made treats; that take little to no time to make? Looking for a scrumptious delight to add to your Holiday Meal? Look no further, than our very own youth chefs! We will be cooking up some delectable made to order desserts. So, place your order now, sit back and enjoy! Lefse

Baked Apple Bread Braid Deliciously sweet and oh, so easy! This hand-crafted treat is packed full of cinnamon baked apples, and wrapped up in warm fluffy bread. Take and Bake. (comes frozen) Serves: 8-10. Rise and Shine Crescent Bars This is a recipe that is for all of you cheesecake lovers. Serve it warm from the oven, or munch all day long. Soft, chewy, and sweet, this pastry filled with cream cheese, cinnamon, and sugar. Take and Bake. (comes frozen) Serves 8-10. Cinnamon rolls

Enjoy this traditional soft, Norwegian flatbread. Lefse is made out of potato, cream and flour. Lefse will be prepared, and cooked. (can be frozen) Serves 8.

This warm, gooey, delicious treat is meant to be enjoyed. Hand rolled, filled with cinnamon and sugar, a great way to start (or end) any day. Take and Bake. (comes frozen) Serves 4-8.

Raspberry and Cream Cheese Braided Bread

Caramel Corn

Serve up a scrumptious fruit filled treat. It is a great complement to brunch, or stand alone item. Take and Bake (comes frozen) Serves 8-10.

Yummy puffed corn pops covered with homemade caramel sauce. Great for snacking, serving, and sneaking! Fully prepared and ready to eat. Size: 1 gallon bag. Order form on inside of back cover (pg 15).

Confirmation Confirmation Sunday is Reformation Sunday, October 28, 2012 at the 9:00 am service. All 9th Grade Confirmands are required to attend the Confirmation Rehearsal on Sunday, October 14 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. At rehearsal, we will be taking group and individ-

ual photos, as well as discussing what will be happening on this special day. Lunch will be provided. Please bring a baby picture with you.

Ministry of Mothers (aka. MOM) Do you have young kids? Are your kids in college? Do your kids have kids? Mothers of all ages and seasons are invited and welcome!!! Once again the MOM, will be meeting on Thursday evenings during the school year. The topics range from marriage to parenting to personal growth. MOM will be meeting monthly, on the first Thursday of the

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month, beginning on October 4. The group meets in the media room at church from 6:30 to 8:00pm. So, leave the kids at home and take some time to relax, refuel, and reenergize yourself! For more information or questions, contact Megan Sayas or Angie Schatz.



Families In Real Ministry (FIRM) is a group open to the entire congregation, friends, neighbors, and the community. This group has events and activities centered around growing the faith of your family through service projects, games, education, and more! Mark your calendar and STAND FIRM with these great upcoming events!!!

FIRM Family Night – Play and Pray Together Sunday, October 7 from 6:00 – 7:00pm This is a great new opportunity for the families at Calvary. FIRM night is just that; a night to learn how (as a family) to FIRMup your faith and your faith journey in your home. We will be having FIRM Family Night on the first Sunday of each month from 6-7pm. During this hour, families will have time to both pray and play together! Pastor Roser will spend time sharing some awesome resources and fun ways to worship in your home on a daily basis. Angie will be leading the group in some spiritual and silly games and activities. No need to get a sitter, all ages are welcome. As we know this is a school night, we will be keeping strict to the one hour time slot. We hope to see you there! Trunk or Treat Sunday, October 21 from 11:30 to 12:30 Mark your calendar for this great activity! Bring your kids! Bring your grandkids! Bring your friends! Bring your neighbors! Bring everyone to this fun-filled afternoon! Sign up sheets will be posted in the Narthex for both trunkers and treaters! Here is the plan for our Trick or Treat’ers: 11:15 Get ready in fellowship hall! Put on your costume and munch a snack. 11:30 Decorate treat bags, provided by Family Ministry 11:45 – 12:30 Trick or Treating in the East parking lot of church. 12:15 – 12:30 Decorate Pumpkins (provided by our Spook-tacular Deacons), and enjoy a Halloween treat in fellowship hall. Don’t have trick or treaters? Join in the fun by opening your trunk and passing out treats! 11:15 Relocate and park cars for event 11:30 Set-up your trunk! Feel free to bring your carved pumpkins, friendly Halloween decorations, etc. to set the mood! Don’t forget a lawn chair so you have somewhere to sit! 11:45 – 12:30 Pass out treats to our great kiddos! That’s My Pan! Looking for unique, personalized gift ideas? Want to get all your Holiday gift shopping done fast, easy, and from home? Do you ever bring a “dish to pass” and lose your baking dish in the process? That’s My Pan!© is the amazing answer to all of these questions! That’s My Pan offers personalized, engraved gifts that make a great addition to any kitchen! Baking pans of all sizes, personalized Pyrex, utensils, cutting boards, Klean Kanteen products, recipe boxes and mugs are among the wide variety of products available to purchase. F.I.R.M. is running this fundraiser, to help with program costs, as well as donating a portion of the proceeds to a charitable organization. The sale will run from October 7 to November 4. Catalogs and order forms are available on our website, in the Narthex and in the church office. DO NOT place orders on the company’s website, as we will not get credit for them. Please be sure to print clearly on the order form, as the products will be engraved as written. Also, orders need to be paid when placed, please make checks out to Calvary Lutheran Church. Check out the display of sample products in the church Narthex. See Angie Schatz with any additional questions!

October 2012 - Page 11


CAST Members Wanted Is Calvary putting on a show (a la Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland)? No! But we are refreshing the Good Samaritan ministry, beginning with a new name: Caring and Support Team (C.A.S.T.) And you are invited and encouraged to become a “member” of this CAST. No auditions, no lines to memorize, no costumes to fuss over, no opening night jitters . . .You are a shoe in for this part! There is an opportunity for every age, gender, and ability here. The new structure will involve 4 separate ministry opportunities under one umbrella. You may feel drawn to one or more of these: Servant Ministry Teams There will be 6 servant ministry teams with a minimum of 12 people (and no maximum!) on each. Each team will have 2 months during the year when they will respond to short-term needs for meals and/or transportation for Calvary members. The other 10 months of the year, that team will be “off duty”. Responsibilities include preparing and/ or delivering meals to members or driving them to the grocery store or medical appointment while they get back on their feet after an illness or surgery. Each team will have an organizer who will recruit volunteers among that team as Holly notifies them of a need. Team members may choose to prepare part of a meal and drop it off at church for pick-up by another team member for delivery. Card Ministry Teams Groups of individuals will serve for 3 months a year (not necessarily consecutively) and mail cards to Calvary members in the military, recovering from medical problems,

celebrating milestone birthdays and anniversaries, etc. All cards and stamps are provided by CAST. This is a nice opportunity to serve if you are unable to be part of a servant team, and it’s a great way to involve kids in making cards for volunteers to send. “Quick Fix” Team This group of individuals will be available for minor home repairs, e.g. changing light bulbs in hard to reach places, fixing squeaky hinges, etc. This will not include long-term projects or lawn, garden, or snow removal services. This group functions year-round. Funeral/Reception Team Members of this team are trained in making coffee, lemonade, etc. and are familiar with the church kitchen. They will oversee funeral luncheons, receptions, etc. throughout the year. They will not be asked to serve at other church functions, e.g. Church Life events, mid-week Lenten suppers, etc. They will also not be charged with cleaning the kitchen except after a function at which they’ve served. On the weekends of October 13/14 and 20/21, you’ll see volunteers recruiting CAST members in the narthex before worship on Saturday and between worship and the education hour on Sunday. Please stop at one of the tables and ask for a more detailed explanation of how this ministry intends to serve at Calvary. Then add your name to one of these ministries if you are willing and able to help. No meetings, nothing to read or study, just a short-term commitment, but a certain realization that James was right – faith without works . . .

CALVARY CONTACT INFORMATION CHURCH COUNCIL Jay Citraro Rich Bloomberg Larry Bonier Ron Foster Chuck Giuliani Gordon Gunnlaugsson Nick Huettl Audrey McGarvie Brad Meyer Tom Schramek Mary Ellen Thiede Sue Vollmar

262-783-5427 262-784-0911 262-784-1827 262-782-3222 262-786-4367 262-369-3910 608-712-0207 262-439-8898 262-352-6780 262-790-0162 262-797-8429 262-780-5015

MINISTRY EMAILS Council: council@calvarylc.com

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BOARD OF DEACONS RoJean Holler Bill Jordan Judy Kestly Peggy Langelin Scott Langelin Leah Morris Kim Nyka Jonni Roush Barb Snyder Lee Tyne Erik Zipp

Deacons: deacons@calvarylc.com

262-780-6250 262-786-2829 262-782-5286 262-792-9335 262-792-9335 262-337-2141 262-349-2442 262-783-5361 262-782-6929 262-293-3128 414-530-9461

STAFF Rev. Dennis Roser (Senior Pastor) pastorroser@calvarylc.com Holly Novotny (Office Manager) holly@calvarylc.com Kris Molitor (Financial Secretary) kris@calvarylc.com Kim Steiner (Dir. of Communications) kim@calvarylc.com Angie Schatz (Youth & Family Ministry Dir.) youthdirector@calvarylc.com

Personnel: personnel@calvarylc.com


The Calvary Crossroads is published monthly. All news articles should be submitted to the church office by the deadline listed on the church calendar. Electronic submissions are preferred (email: kim@calvarylc.com). If you received this issue via email only and would like to receive a printed copy in the mail, please contact the Calvary church office. Printed copies are available at church also.

October 2012 - Page 13


Birthdays & Anniversaries OCT. BIRTHDAYS: (DATE) McGarvie, Audrey 1 Larsen, Kristine 2 Stadler, Rebecca 2 Langelin, Philip 3 Schatz, Angela 3 Deibert, Samuel 4 Harrison III, James 4 Kroepfl, Jonathon 4 Randar, Dorothy 4 Steiner, Kimberly 4 Brutus, John 6

Hanke, Justin Foster, Mitchell Roldan, Cathy Brodell, Shirley Kestly, Judith Schuelke, Carolyn Anderson, Brian Blockland, Margaret Swalheim, Michelle Trethewey, Donna Kern, Lindsey

OCT. ANNIVERSARIES: Piper, Christine and (Bradley) Wegner, Wayne and Carole McGarvie, Norman and Audrey Rooks, Richard and Cynthia Duch, Kurt and Jeanne Grospitz, Herbert and [Judith]

(Date 4 5 7 8 10 11

(DATE) 6 7 8 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13

# of Years) 9 49 51 25 31 37

Bzdusek, George Baumgartner, Elise Wizner, Randall Dindorf, Joseph Hubbard, Mitchell Kershek, Adam Sanchez, Sandra Wolff, Debra Brutus, Dawn Grospitz, Herbert Kretschmann, David

(DATE) 14 16 16 17 19 19 20 20 21 21 21

Anderson, Natalie Lentz, Jacqueline Hirth, Carl Ramthun, Edward Kressin, Marge Morris, Connor Zipp, Erik Kalupa, Nicole Foster, Bea

Pape, Kyle and Laura Roe, Dean and Carol Zipp, Erik and Erica Sayas, Jonathan and Megan Fuller, Louis and Marjorie Deibert, Troy and Dena

(Date 18 20 20 22 27 30

(DATE) 22 22 25 26 27 29 29 30 31

# of Years) 4 56 5 7 61 13

October 6/7

October 13/14

Sat. 5p; Sun.-9:00a

October 20/21

Sat. 5p; Sun.-9:00a Food Sunday

October 27/28


Michael Anderson, Regan Andrus

Adam Kershek, Daniel Berger

Elise Baumgartner, Sara Kalupa

Mary Baumgartner, Mandi Rian


Chuck & Norene Giuliani

Shirley Brodell, Marge Tyne

RoJean Holler, Jonni Roush

Jan Chesner, Marty Altmin


Dawn Roser

Larry Bonier

Pat Corcoran

Lee Tyne


RoJean Holler, Lee Tyne

Scott & Peggy Langelin

Lee Tyne

Jonni Roush, RoJean Holler


Erik Zipp, Barb Snyder, Bill Jordan

Jonni Roush, Barb Snyder, Erik Zipp

Barb Snyder, Kim Nyka, Peggy Langelin

Judy Kestly, Bill Jordan, Kim Nyka

Serving at Worship

Sat. 5p; Sun.-9:00a Name Tag Weekend

Sat. 5p; Sun.-9:00a Reformation; Confirmation

Jon & Megan Sayas


Ray & Jan Chesner, Ron & Bea Foster

Bill Anderson, Ginnie Cox, Jeannette Ketelsen

Karla Meyst, Jonni Roush

Bill & Sue Romo, Dottie Riemer


Duane & Darlene Louison, Larry & Barb Runnoe

Bill & Shirley Jordan, Jon & Megan Sayas

Wayne & Ardath Olson, Haakon & Dorothy Randar

Ruth Young, Lee & Marilyn Hermann


Ruth Brostowitz

Tina Baumgartner

Pat Corcoran

Jim Marsho


Ed Ramthun

Lee Tyne

Ernie Kretschmann

Larry Runnoe


Tina Baumgartner

Erica Zipp

Kim Nyka

Sue Meyer


Gordy & Grace Gunnlaugsson, Larry Bonier, Chet Elliott

Grace & Gordy Gunnlaugsson, Jan Lukasik, Brad Meyer, Bill Jordan

Cathy & Kevin Wahlgren, Rich Baumgartner, Andy Schatz

Rich & Jean Bloomberg, John Brutus

Page 14 - Calvary Crossroads

Calvary Youth Bakery Order Form

Name: _____________________________________

Phone: ___________________________ Quantity


__________ X $10.00


Raspberry & Cream Cheese Braided Bread 1 loaf

__________ X $8.00


Baked Apple Bread Braid

1 loaf

__________ X $8.00


Rise and Shine Crescent Bars

1 pan


X $8.00


Cinnamon Rolls

8 rolls

__________ X $8.00


1 Gallon Bag

__________ X $8.00



Caramel Corn

$10 for 4 sheets



Payment due with order placement. Checks payable to Calvary Luther Church, note: Bake-In. All orders due no later than Sunday, November 4.

Calvary Youth Bake – In Order pick-up: Sunday, November 11 Monday – Friday, November 12-16 Sunday, November 18

10:00 am – Noon during church office hours. 10:00 am – 11:30 am

Thank you for supporting the Youth Ministry Program!

October 2012 - Page 15

CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH 1750 North Calhoun Road Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005

October 2012 Calvary Crossroads

Bring your pets, large and small. Give thanks to God who made them all! Saturday, October 20th at 1 pm in the back parking lot Calvary Lutheran Church 1750 N. Calhoun Rd. Brookfield, WI

Pet owners, animal lovers, and furry, feathered or other friends are invited to join Pastor Dennis Roser for a blessing ceremony to give thanks for, acknowledge and affirm our pets and the role they play in our lives. For safety reasons we ask that all animals be on a leash or in a carrier.

1750 N. Calhoun Rd., Brookfield, WI 53005

Phone: 262-786-4010

E-mail: calvary@calvarylc.com


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