California Asphalt Magazine Environmental Issue 2017

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CORE VALUES INSIDE EPDs gain additional attention in California -----------------------------Sunsetting the AQMD's 'RECLAIM' program -------------------------------Health Risk Assessment: What to Expect and How to Prepare

-------------------------------Q&A with APA National Director Amy Miller

Publisher’s Letter Dear Readers, Often a threat to your business comes without warning. In the case of the asphalt pavement industry, the threat came last fall in the form of a notice from the State of California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). The state agency created by Proposition 65, the landmark 1986 toxic reporting law, is keeper of the official list of cancer-causing substances that have spawned those ubiquitous “Proposition 65 Warning” signs across the state. In this instance, a panel of scientists known as the “Carcinogen Identification Committee” issued a public notice that it was going to review paving asphalt and several other substances for prioritization for further study by OEHHA, which is the first step in what could result in paving asphalt being listed as a Proposition 65 substance. The toxic substance law requires the state to develop a list of substances known to cause cancer and birth defects in humans and that the public be warned about such hazards. The official Proposition 65 list includes hundreds of substances. An unfavorable result during the review process could possibly lead to a Proposition 65 listing of asphalt, which was deemed a serious threat to our industry. CalAPA, as the voice of the asphalt pavement industry in California, quickly sprang into action, assembling a task force of members and enlisting the assistance of the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) and the Asphalt Institute. CalAPA retained the services to two consultants with extensive experience interacting with the Carcinogen Identification Committee (CIC), and mapped out a strategy to respond to the evaluation. This was an issue of national significance because the CIC is closely watched by other states. A 12-page response letter was developed, filled with citations to various scientific studies to support the industry recommendation that paving asphalt should be given the lowest possible priority. We arranged to have Dr. Howard Marks, NAPA’s Vice President of Environmental Health & Safety, flown out to California to deliver testimony at a hearing on behalf of CalAPA, NAPA and the Asphalt Institute. I’m pleased to report that during a Nov. 15 meeting of CIC, the panel agreed with industry’s recommendation and designated paving asphalt as a “low” priority – the best-possible outcome for our industry. We owe a special debt of gratitude to our Environmental Committee and partners, NAPA and the Asphalt Institute, for their assistance. This episode was a stark reminder of difficult regulatory environment our industry faces in California. For that reason, the CalAPA Board of Directors recently established an “Environmental Survival Fund” to help the association accumulate resources and expertise to prepare for the next regulatory threat to our industry. I would like to thank all member companies who contribute to this voluntary fund as we prepare for the next threat to our business. Sincerely,

Scott Fraser Operations Manager, R.J. Noble Company 4

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue

Contents Volume 21, Issue 4


Publisher’s Letter


EPDs Gain Additional Attention in California


Sunset for RECLAIM


Health Risk Assessment

Page 8

What to Expect and How to Prepare


Q & A with Amy Miller APA National Director


Page 14

California Asphalt Magazine

Industry News On the Cover:

Front cover created by Yesenia Ramirez, Graphic Designer for Construction Marketing Services, LLC

Amy Miller Page 20


HEADQUARTERS: P.O. Box 981300 • West Sacramento • CA 95798 (Mailing Address) 1550 Harbor Blvd., Suite 211 • West Sacramento • CA 95691 • (916) 791-5044 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Russell W. Snyder, CAE, TECHNICAL DIRECTOR: Brandon Milar, P.E., MEMBER SERVICES MANAGER: Sophie You, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Ritha Nhorn, GUEST PUBLISHER: Scott Fraser, Operations Manager - R.J. Noble Company PUBLISHED BY: Construction Marketing Services, LLC • P.O. Box 892977 • Temecula • CA 92589 (909) 772-3121 • Fax (951) 225-9659 GRAPHIC DESIGN: Yesenia Ramirez CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Russell W. Snyder, CalAPA; Scott Taylor, Taylor Environmental Services, Inc. Scott Cohen, SESPE Consulting, Inc. ; Brian Hoover, CMS ADVERTISING SALES: Kerry Hoover, CMS, (909) 772-3121 • Fax (951) 225-9659 Copyright © 2017 – All Rights Reserved. No portion of this publication may be reused in any form without prior permission of the California Asphalt Pavement Association. California Asphalt is the official publication of the California Asphalt Pavement Association. This bimonthly magazine distributes to members of the California Asphalt Pavem­­ent Association; contractors; construction material producers; Federal, State and Local Government Officials; and others interested in ensuring that asphalt remains the high quality, high performance pavement choice in the state of California.


California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue

EPDs GAINING ADDITIONAL ATTENTION IN CALIFORNIA By Russell W. Snyder Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), which seek to provide detailed information about a product’s impact to the environment over its lifecycle, continue to grow in prominence in California and nationally. Project owners are increasingly looking to EPDs to better understand how their projects, and the materials used to build them, may affect the environment and incorporate more sustainable choices into product decision-making. The topic has also attracted the attention of legislators and regulators. EPDs, which got their start in pavements in the Netherlands, received a boost in the United States when they were included in the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED v4 rating system, which included a materials and resources credit that rewards project teams for using products that are accompanied by ISO 14044-compliant LCAs or ISO 14025-compliant EPDs. On the federal level, the Energy Independence and Security Act requires the U.S. General Services Administration to evaluate and recommend green building


certification systems to assess progress made towards agencies’ missions and goals. In California, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has created a sustainability program and communicated its desire to incorporate environmental Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) and possibly EPDs in its decision-making processes. “Caltrans is exploring use of Type III EPDs to support better decisionmaking and encourage industry involvement,” Ellen Greenberg, Caltrans Sustainability Deputy Director, said in a statement to California Asphalt magazine. “We are looking forward to working with our partners to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from materials and processes used in the Department’s projects and core business practices.” Type III EPDs conform to standards promulgated by ISO (an independent, international organization for standardization, known as ISO) and are third-party verified and publishable. EPDs gained additional urgency earlier this year when a bill was introduced in the California Legislature, AB 262, authored by Assemblyman Rob Bonta, D-Oakland, and Assemblywoman Susan Talamantes Eggman, D-Stockton, that would require the use of EPDs in the state procurement process. The California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA) initially opposed the bill as introduced and it

was sidetracked during the legislative review process to allow the author time to address concerns expressed by CalAPA and others. “The process of developing EPDs is in its infancy, incredibly complex, and with no consensus yet developed on what EPDs should look like or how they should be used,” CalAPA said it its official AB262 opposition letter dated April 4, 2017. “Furthermore, there is scant evidence from actual projects that would suggest the use of EPDs in this way is useful, robust and can be successfully incorporated into the already Byzantine public works procurement process. EPDs, while a promising concept, are far from ready for ‘prime time’ as it relates to asphalt.” In the amended version of the bill, published on May 10, 2017, all references to asphalt were deleted. CalAPA subsequently withdrew its official opposition to the bill, although the association continued to express concerns about the appropriateness of implementing EPDs through the legislative process. A later version of the bill also removed references to concrete. By late June, AB262 had passed the state Assembly and was being considered by the state Senate. The CalAPA Environmental Committee has been monitoring the issue of EPDs with the expectation that they will continue to be something pushed by agencies and other project owners. In addition, for the past few years the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA), in collaboration with multiple stakeholders, has been researching the state of practice for EPDs and developing reasonable parameters and inputs (known as

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue

Above: NAPA's Emerald Eco-label program is used to verify data used in companies EPD's.

Product Category Rules) that can be used by asphalt producers across the industry to develop their own EPDs. “In 2013, NAPA started developing an EPD program for asphalt pavement mixtures because the construction sector was seeing an increasing demand for greater environmental transparency,” J. Richard Willis, Ph.D, Director of Pavement Engineering and Innovation at NAPA, told California Asphalt. “The initial demand was coming from the private sector and commercial work, but NAPA could see sustainability efforts at the local, state and federal levels leading to a demand for EPDs in public-sector road work. NAPA wanted to make it easy for contractors to create on-demand EPDs as they were requested.” EPDs build upon an environmental life cycle assessment and seek to capture and quantify information on the impacts to the environment from materials that are used in construction, and present them in a manner that is standardized and easy to understand by project owners and the public. EPDs are meant to represent the impact of raw material acquisition, energy use and efficiency, content of materials and chemical substances, emissions to air, soil and water, and waste-generation. Developing an EPD can be a daunting, complex and expensive proposition. For companies seeking to develop and EPD, NAPA suggests assigning a subject-matter expert within your company, and then have

them study the various educational materials and quizzes available on the NAPA website devoted to the topic. NAPA webinars to introduce the concept, which are free to CalAPA members, are advertised periodically on the NAPA website. After some familiarity with EPDs is established, NAPA then suggests the company move on to understanding the process of utilizing the NAPA “Emerald Eco-Label” tool – which is a fee-based, web-based product. The company subject-matter expert will need to work with others to oversee the gathering of data that will be input into the tool, such as plant energy, mix-design component sources, warm-mix asphalt technologies, haul distances from suppliers, use of recycled materials, etc. EPDs are specific to each plant, so data much be gathered for each plant. NAPA has developed a spreadsheet to aid in the datagathering process. More information on this topic is available at the NAPA on-line store. Companies participating in the Emerald Eco-label program may be asked by NAPA to verify the data used in the company’s EPD, and random audits may be conducted to ensure that users are correctly inputting the data. Since EPDs are relatively new, and the “rules of the road” have only recently been developed, it is in the best interests of the industry to ensure that published EPDs are accurate and comparable. Most agree, however, that EPDs are here to stay, and companies and agencies would be well-served to understand and be prepared to field inquiries about them. “I think that the public will continue to ask for more improvements in sustainability of everything that we do in the pavement enterprise and the rest of the economy,” says Dr. John Harvey, professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Chair of the Transportation Technology and Policy graduate studies program at the University of California,

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue

Davis. “EPDs are the means by which business can report to their supply chain partners, customers and the public how they are doing in a quantitative manner, which is important not only with regard to greenhouse gases, but also with regard to impacts that are affecting people right now, like air pollution. EPDs also can be used internally for process improvement, since it is often, but not always, the case that lower environmental impact comes from changes that also save money.” Harvey, who is also Director of the UC Pavement Research Center, also offered the following observation to California Asphalt magazine: “The key challenges that I see are that we set up the system so that EPDs are transparent, that there is a level playing field in terms of reporting, and that we build in incentives for businesses to produce high quality data. This will take a bit of time to work together to pilot, test the system, and get it right, but I am confident that it can be done.” CA References: Willis, R.J. (2017) NAPA Launches Emerald Eco-Label Tool. Asphalt Pavement, Published by the National Asphalt Pavement Association, Vol. 22, Issue 3, May-June 2017, pp. 22 Dylla, H. (2016) An Update of the NAPA EPD Program. Asphalt Pavement, Published by the National Asphalt Pavement Association. Vol. 21, Issue 1, Jan-Feb. 2016, pp. 24-27. Santero, N., Gadonniex, H., Wong, S. (2014) Defining Environmental Impact: The What, How and Why of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). California Asphalt, Journal of the California Asphalt Pavement Association, Vol. 18, Issue 4, July 2014, pp. 12-14 __________________________________ Russell W. Snyder, CAE, is Executive Director of the California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA).


Sunset for


By Scott Taylor

Over the past 23 years, the Regional Clean Air Market or more commonly referred to as RECLAIM, has brought many changes to asphalt facilities throughout Southern California. Some of the changes helped justify plant upgrades which improved operational efficiency and reduced emissions. At the same time, RECLAIM has allowed facilities the flexibility to utilize emission credits and keep their plants operating rather than invest in costly upgrades. RECLAIM also brought a level of detailed recordkeeping and monitoring that had never been seen before in this industry. Through these changes, many new equipment standards and innovations in technology have been developed which may have never happened otherwise. Despite all the innovation, flexibility, and improvements that


were developed under RECLAIM, the South Coast AQMD governing board voted March 3, 2017 to sunset the RECLAIM program. The adopted 2016 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) included CMB-05 which directed staff to develop a transition plan. As the industry once again begins to transition to a new permitting structure, we look at where we have been and where we are going. RECLAIM Firsts RECLAIM forced asphalt plants to look at the pros and cons of plant upgrades. Facilities had the choice of purchasing a new dryer burner and achieving emissions that were in most cases 1/3 of what they were producing previously or buy RECLAIM Trading Credits (RTCs) to offset emissions. Burner

manufacturers responded with the first round of “low NOx” burners which achieved 36 to 40 PPM NOx at three percent O2. This was a huge improvement over the existing burners which were between 60 and 101 PPM NOx at three percent O2. Burner manufacturers developed new burner designs along with flue-gas-recirculation to meet the emission standards. These new “low NOx” burners began to set the new BACT standard in SCAQMD and eventually the standard migrated to other air districts. As manufacturers continued to develop improvements to burners, asphalt plants could regularly achieve 33 PPM NOx at three percent O2 further improving the emissions profile of the plant. RECLAIM facilities continue to set the standard by which many plants throughout the state must meet. [ Continued on page 12 ]

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue

• How facilities will exit from RECLAIM • Opt-Out options for early exit from RECLAIM • How the issues of New Source Review will be addressed once facilities transition

[ Continued from page 10 ] Meeting the strictest air quality regulations anywhere in the country also means developing ways to monitor emissions that are generated by the dryer burner. Asphalt plants that emitted more than four tons of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) and consumed more than 90 billion BTUs of natural gas per year are considered a major source of emissions under RECLAIM. Being a major source means reporting NOx on a daily, monthly, and quarterly basis. A major source is required to report this information to the SCAQMD via computer. The Alternative Continuous Emission Monitoring System (ACEMS) was developed for asphalt plants to meet the reporting requirements of RECLAIM. The monitoring system uses a computer to calculate emissions based on data typically available through the plant’s existing computerized process control system (such as fuel flow, flue gas recirculation, and O2 monitoring). The ACEMS is unique because it solves the many problems that occur with traditional monitoring methods. The asphalt plant’s ACEMS are


more easily maintained by the plant operator in an environment which has high moisture and particulate matter in the stack and that can be unforgiving to sensitive equipment. Both of these innovations were firsts for Asphalt plants anywhere in California or in some cases the world. PAR 2001 and Asphalt Plants Work has just begun on developing the transition for RECLAIM facilities. Staff has been directed to develop options and timing for the transition to a command and control regulatory structure. At the same time, SCAQMD is looking for an additional five ton per day NOx reduction to be achieved from the RECLAIM facilities. This may be tough for many facilities in RECLAIM since they have achieved significant reductions already through the innovation of technology like the Low NOx burners. SCAQMD has developed a working group to include stakeholders in the process. The NOx RECLAIM working group is focused on three general tasks:

It still remains uncertain if SCAQMD can achieve their mandate to reduce NOx by 5 tons/day. For those Asphalt Plants in RECLAIM, It looks fairly certain that plants that have delayed replacing burners by purchasing credits will have to upgrade. What is less certain is what time frame they will be required to meet and what standard they will have to achieve. Just as concerning is what will happen to a facility’s RECLAIM Trading Credits. Several companies have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in RTCs to ensure they have adequate credits to cover future emissions. The end of RECLAIM means these credits will have to be transitioned. RECLAIM facilities will be carefully watching to ensure the values of their credits are preserved. SCAQMD is proposing several criteria for early opt-out options. Many of these may work for asphalt plants. They include sites with two pieces of equipment or less, facilities with no permits, facilities that have less than four tons of NOx per year, and facilities equipped with BACT or BARCT. The future of RECLAIM facilities’ transition to command and control remains unclear. Operators of asphalt plants in RECLAIM will need to use the experience they gained in innovating solutions which helped them comply with the RECLAIM program, to get through the transition. CA __________________________________ Scott Taylor is the owner of Taylor Environmental Services, Inc. and also co-chairman of CalAPA's Environmental Committee.

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue

Health Risk Assessment WHAT TO EXPECT AND HOW TO PREPARE By Scott Cohen Imagine if you will, being in a doctor’s office for a routine checkup. Last year, you weighed in at a slim 150 pounds which is well below the 200-pound maximum that would be a concern. This year, the doctor weighs you and says, “I’ve got bad news, we’ve changed scales. You weigh 450 pounds. In fact, you’re so fat, we need to warn the neighbors about you.” You say, “How can this be? I’m the same size and shape I was last year. Certainly, there’s no cause for alarm. Right?” “Wrong,” says the doctor, “it’s science and therefore an incontrovertible truth.” No, you’re not in The Twilight Zone™. This story is analogous to experiences that operators of equipment permitted by an air district have had on many occasions since mid-2015 when California’s AB 2588 Health Risk Assessment (HRA) Guidelines were revised by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). In response to this event, air districts went into a flurry of activity trying to understand what effect the updates would have on their programs to control toxic air contaminants (TAC) that were based on the former HRA Guidelines published in 2003. This year, each gas station, diesel engine, asphalt plant, milling machine, and any other air pollutant source poses drastically greater risk to its neighbors than it did in the past. Try as the air districts might to make sense of the new reality within the context of their existing programs and rules, some air districts bit the bullet and did the politically difficult thing: they increased their significance


threshold. The change in cancer risk estimates under the new HRA Guidelines is so drastic that the health risk posed by nearly every facility in California will be reassessed within the next four years using screening methods which cast a much larger net. The AB 2588 program is but one of several venues where the effects of this change are playing out. The HRA Guidelines are the only methodology accepted for any HRA prepared in California for any purpose. They’re used by air districts when operators apply to obtain a permit for a new or modified source; by local agencies with land-use authority that are required to prepare environmental impact reports and other environmental documents under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and also would be used to evaluate claims from the public that they were not warned under Proposition 65 had notice not been given.

Perhaps the good news is that California has been on a strict diet for many years and has reduced cancer risk significantly. A large portion of that reduction effort has been at great expense to those who own diesel engines. The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District is one of the districts that increased a cancer risk threshhold (for CEQA purposes only) from 10 excess cancer cases per million individuals exposed to 20 per million. However, cancer risk thresholds used for AB 2588 and NSR programs in that district remain unchanged to this day. The staff report for that rulemaking states: “Figure 1 below illustrates the significant health benefit that the Valley residents have experienced, as represented by both the current methodology and the draft new methodology. The blue line represents the historical context, using the HRA methodologies in place since the mid-1990s and still used today.

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue

The cancer risk as calculated using these methodologies has dropped from about 1,200 in a million in 1990, to under 200 in a million today. The red line indicates the impact currently expected by using the newly proposed OEHHA methodologies. Note the new methodologies result in much higher calculated risk (at least 2.3 times higher), but regardless of the methodology used, the San Joaquin Valley has seen a reduction of about 85 percent in cancer risk due to air toxics during the last two decades. As we move forward, it is important to recognize that although the risk calculation methodology is changing, and will result in higher calculated risk, the apparent increase in risk is not caused by increases in actual emissions or exposures to toxic air contaminants.”

human exposure to each TAC and OEHHA evaluates the health effects of each TAC. CARB manages risk from TAC emitted by mobile and area sources through adoption of regulations called Air Toxic Control Measures (ATCM). Local air districts manage risk from TAC emitted by stationary and portable emissions sources through implementation of an AB 2588 “Air Toxics” Hot Spot Program. Up until passage of SB 1731 in 1992,

Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) reduced its risk reduction threshold from 100 per million to 25 per million in the fallout of the new Guidelines, making their AB 2588 program even more restrictive than it would have been otherwise. Figure 2 is provided for context. It shows that one out of every four people will contract cancer and approximately half that amount will die from cancer. On that basis, the “significance” threshold should

AB 2588 programs required only risk quantification and notification of impacted receptors. Thereafter, AB 2588 programs began to require facilities that pose a significant health risk to the community to reduce their risk through a risk-management plan. Currently, each air district has a notification threshold and a risk-reduction threshold. The AB 2588 notification threshold of 10 per million remains unchanged by any air district in response to the 2015 HRA Guidelines update. Adding insult to injury, South Coast

probably be called a “de minimis” threshold because clearly most cancer comes from something other than toxic air emissions. Of course, the misconception this language promotes benefits those who would oppose projects and/or industry. Moreover, it spurs additional research and law-making, which brings us to why the HRA Guidelines were updated -- to save the children. In 2009, OEHHA completed evaluation of TAC effects on children as directed by the Legislature by promulgating the Children’s

So, just how did we get here? First, the responsibility to assess and manage health risk is split, which means that those who assess the risk need not be concerned with how that risk will be managed. Potential TACs are identified and evaluated by OEHHA pursuant to AB 1807 (Tanner, 1983). OEHHA assigns cancer and/or non-cancer healthrisk factors that are used to quantify health risk in a HRA. Management of health risk is the responsibility of everyone else, including other state agencies such as the California Air Resources Board (CARB), each of the 35 local air districts, and other local government agencies that have land-use decision-making authority and must comply with CEQA. CARB administers an air-toxics program that incorporates OEHHA work product, which is considered to be the scientific basis for HRA. Risk management policies established by CARB reduce the health risk from TAC emissions sources. Specifically, CARB assesses the potential for

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue


Environmental Health Protection Act (SB 25. Escuitia) and found that children are disproportionately affected as compared to adults. As a result, OEHHA updated the Technical Support Document for Exposure Assessment and Stochastic Analysis (8/2012), which serves as the basis for cancer-risk assessment methods with new science including: • • • •

Age sensitivity factors. Breathing rates and body weights. Frequency of time at home. Exposure duration.

OEHHA’s changes were adopted without knowing the true effect on the regulated community, primarily because managing the risk is not OEHHA’s responsibility. OEHHA’s position is that science leads to irrefutable truths and any changes to risk levels that result are the new truth. This caused air districts that had long-standing regulatory programs based on the previous methodology to estimate the effect of the changes so that they could understand its meaning in terms of how the changes would affect their policies. However, CARB had yet to produce an updated version of the health risk assessment software (HARP), further clouding the true effect of the changes, which could only be estimated. Nearly every local air district board was briefed on the issue and some adopted amendments to their cancer-risk threshold. During the May 2014 Governing Board meeting the South Coast AQMD staff estimated that inhalation cancer risk at public receptors would increase between 1.8 and 3.0 times above historical levels depending upon whether 30 years (95th percentile length of residency at a location) or 70 years (a lifetime) were chosen as the exposure duration. Worker inhalation cancer risk was reported to be slightly reduced from the previous methodology. However, inhalation is only one route of exposure and the HRA methodology assesses multiple


routes of exposure in addition to inhalation depending upon the pollutant being assessed. For example, ingestion of certain metals, several of which are components of fugitive dust (such as arsenic, hexavalent chromium and lead), can cause cancer. Other pollutants are absorbed through the skin (such as benzene). South Coast AQMD staff estimated the risk for multi-pathway pollutants would increase by about six times under the new methodology (http:// At the time, San Joaquin Valley APCD speculated about what cancer risk levels would result from common sources like gas stations and diesel generators providing electricity to hospitals during an emergency shown in Figure 4. South Coast AQMD NSR Rule 1401(e)(3) carves out dry cleaners and gas stations from those affected by the updated HRA Guidelines until the Executive Officer “as quickly as practicable” can provide an analysis of emissions data from these sources and the Governing Board approves other regulations or procedures specific to these industries. South Coast AQMD staff reported to that Governing Board that they expected the following: •

Number of sources subject to notification would increase by two to three times and the number of households receiving

notices would increase by five to 10 times. • New and modified sources may be unable to obtain a permit or the throughput limit on the permit would be too low to operate. • Control equipment may be unavailable (such as gas stations, which are already highly controlled) or too costly. • 80 percent of facilities that had already prepared a HRA would need to update the HRA. • The number of facilities subject to risk-reduction measures would increase. • There would be a significant increase in permit workload at air districts. South Coast AQMD staff stated that, under CEQA, six months of construction for a typical oneacre office project could cause a significant cancer risk. In their estimation, one pound per day of diesel particulate matter for a period of six months would yield cancer risk exceeding the 10 per million significance threshold. At first, this statement may seem confusing because cancer is a chronic disease normally taking many years to develop, which is why cancer risk is normally assessed over 30 or 70 years. However, each HRA assumes that a pregnant mother to be is located at each receptor and multiplies the baby’s exposure by the Age Sensitivity Factors (ASF) shown in Figure 5. Thus, a six-month project [ Continued on page 18 ]

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[ Continued from page 16 ]

using the 2015 HRA Guidelines is equivalent to a five-year project under the old methodology. The effect of ASF is further compounded by OEHHA revision of the breathing rate to body weigh ratios for children as shown in Figure 3. What can be done to prepare for the day when this issue affects my company? Quite a bit actually. The following is a short list and in no way is exhaustive: • • •

Know what the air district engineering files say about emissions from your sources by submitting a public record request to obtain those files. Consider having the files reviewed by an expert who can advise you on which sources could have lower emissions if other assumptions were made and/or would have greates effect on HRA results. T hen focus efforts on reducing emissions from those sources. Be certain that emissions inventories your company submits are correct and as favorable as possible because they represent a precedent for future inventories that could be used in a HRA. If your permit has been updated recently and requires more stringent control measures than are accounted for in the engineering file and/or your last emissions inventory, then


• •

determine the appropriate control efficiency for what you are required to do and use it in the next emissions inventory to reduce the emissions. Develop site-specific parameters by taking measurements rather than use default parameters, which are conservative by design. For instance, road dust dominates most particulate inventories for asphalt plant facilities, so test unpaved roads for silt and moisture content and paved roads for silt loading. Test the silt and other materials handled (such as aggregates and baghouse dust) for metals -- specifically, arsenic, nickel, and hexavalent chromium. To be safe, consider having a third party perform the sampling under direction of a lawyer so that the results can be kept as confidential as possible until and unless they are submitted to an agency. Perform HRA on last year’s emissions inventory and, if necessary, voluntarily apply to the air district to add control measures. South Coast AQMD Rule 1402 contains provisions for voluntary reductions. For AB 2588, the HRA is performed based on actual conditions that existed in the past. If you wait for the air district to request the HRA, then you’ve already missed the opportunity to test those conditions during the

inventory year. Some air districts may let you use results from samples taken after-the-fact if they agree conditions have not changed, but don’t count on it. • Perform HRA on the potential emissions from your facility. If you can show that the facility operating at maximum capacity allowed by its permits would not exceed the AB 2588 notification threshold, then you need not worry about this issue again unless the permits are modified to allow additional equipment and/or production to occur that would increase emissions. In summary, operators of stationary sources permitted by an air district should consider preparing now for the day when a HRA is required under AB 2588 or be willing to notify neighbors that they have been exposed to “significant” risk from the facility. CA __________________________________ Scott D. Cohen, P.E., C.I.H., is a Project Manager II with CalAPA member SESPE Consulting Inc., and also cochair of the CalAPA Environmental Committee. SESPE Consulting, Inc. has assisted dozens of companies throughout California and elsewhere with air emissions quantification, dispersion modeling and health risk assessment for a variety of purposes, including AB 2588 compliance, permitting/NSR, and CEQA. He can be reached at (619) 894-8670.

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue

Q&A with

Amy Miller National Director, Asphalt Pavement Alliance (APA) By Russell W. Snyder

Editor’s Note: Amy Miller, P.E., has been the national director of the Asphalt Pavement Alliance (APA) since 2015. Miller, a professional engineer licensed in Florida, has an extensive background in pavement design and pavement type selection issues. As national director of the APA, she is responsible for coordinating and leading education and field deployment efforts for the asphalt pavement industry, working in close cooperation with the Asphalt Institute (AI) in Lexington, Ky., the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) in Lanham, Md., and the 40 state asphalt associations, including the California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA). Miller earned her bachelor’s in environmental engineering and a master of business administration from the University of Florida. She is a past-president of the Florida Structural Engineers Association, and has experience working as a consulting engineer, for a building materials supplier, and with a construction trade association. She sat down with California Asphalt magazine during a recent trip to California to speak to the CalAPA Spring Asphalt Pavement Conference & Equipment Expo in Ontario, Calif. California Asphalt Magazine: Please give our readers a brief overview of the Asphalt Pavement Alliance and how it complements the activities of other organizations such as NAPA, the Asphalt Institute and various state asphalt pavement associations known as SAPAs. AM: The Asphalt Pavement Alliance is a coalition of NAPA, the SAPA and the Asphalt Institute, and the driving force behind the alliance is to put together a concerted effort from the asphalt industry at large to develop assets and products that can help protect our market share or gain market share. That’s the end result. CAM: That’s similar in concept to promotional efforts that are well established by industries that represent other products that could be used for paving. 20

AM: Right. A lot of the protection of our market share comes from continuing to make sure we are bettering our industry and developing information that’s going to give engineers and designers the confidence they need to continue to specify our product. We realize there is a price issue that comes into play. And while price can Amy Miller account for a lot, in the National Director end the owner and endAPA user are still looking for a certain level of results. We want to make sure that we are continually meeting that expectation. CAM: How, specifically, are you helping project owners to understand how we are striving to meet their expectations? AM: The areas we are working on manifest results in a variety of ways. We start with research, or messaging that needs to be done. Sometimes we just need to put together information from our industry, our experiences, and take that information and put it into some sort of synopsis. From there, we develop marketing information related to the message. In other words, we don’t want to send out a white paper. We don’t want to send out a study. We want to send out something that reaches and engages the right audience in a user-friendly way, so they can continue to use our product with confidence. We are showing that A), we’re delivering the results they are looking for, and, B) we want them to know our quest is to continually make our product better. We do that working closely with the Go To Market committee.

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue

CAM: So that is the marketing arm of the national “Pavement Economics Committee,” or PEC, a pooled fund of various activities to support this effort. NAPA and the state associations, including CalAPA, contribute to this fund and use the products that are generated. AM: Right. We work with the Go To Market committee, also known as GTM, and they work with participants to do research, get statistics, get information from the people who are making the pavement decisions – the buyers, the owners, the various departments of transportation – and the design community. These are the people who are dictating our competitiveness based on the designs they develop. We ask ourselves: Are they developing the right design from a cost standpoint? Is there parity in the design? Are the specifications setting up expectations for success in the end? When our contractors construct pavements, the owners should get what they want. The asphalt producers may not be the cause of failure if the design was not appropriate. Regardless, an inappropriate design still leaves a black eye for our industry, so it’s important for us to make sure the engineering community is educated and has the best information for designing. CAM: That’s quite an undertaking! AM: Definitely. GTM is taking all that information and putting it in a format that can be presented in a professional, positive manner to whomever our audience might be, and from there we are making sure it gets in the hands of the right people. And we are doing that through our industry partners, namely the state asphalt association executives.

AM: That’s correct. We represent our industry at functions across the United States where we feel there should be a presence, and we continue to do that through trade shows, and ads and articles through trade publications. We focus on a crosssection of the marketplace so we are representing our industry with multiple influencers and owner groups. CAM: For this type of messaging via multiple outlets to be effective, it needs to be consistent and coordinated. And since we don’t have unlimited resources, we need to be smart with how we deploy these messages, and make sure we are not duplicating efforts. AM: That is a key part of what we do. We feel there is a bit of a paradigm shift going on because in the past industry has said, “We have a state executive doing that.” Or, “We have NAPA or the Asphalt Institute doing that.” And all those entities certainly are doing some of that, but we could be more effective as an industry if we have the people who are closest to the product also advocating. These segments of our industry partners get face time in front of key people and they have strong relationships that we will never be able to have. It is important for our industry to take interest and keep influencers and decision makers abreast of new and innovative information. Those unplanned, day-today talks are opportunities to be ambassadors for our industry in a very effective way. We are working hard to get more involvement, particularly from our contractor community. Long term, we would like to see, collectively, more industry participation – sharing the APA assets and industry messaging with those people who are influencing or making pavement decisions.

CAM: And also responding to their needs. AM: We are always listening to them in terms of what is important to their states and their areas. We have developed a plan from a regional perspective to put together groups of states so we can make sure, from a regional level, to identify areas of needed focus. We develop goals and action items for those areas of concern. That information can be routed through the PEC committees to develop solutions through projects, or sometimes within a regional group we can develop our own information and develop a plan as to how we want to get it to the intended audience. CAM: Part of that outreach is to make sure our industry is prominent and well-represented at events where the intended audience might be, such as conferences, right?

CAM: Many of those elements are woven into the CalAPA Strategic Plan, particularly as it relates to the contracting community. That’s a really important constituency for our industry. AM: I totally agree and it’s great to hear CalAPA is on the same page. CAM: We have also embraced the industry’s strategy of positioning ourselves as a trusted source for credible and useful information about asphalt pavements. We believe that engineers and designers who have easy access to quality information will produce quality projects, and everyone wins. The key is a positive outcome for the end-user and project owner. No pavement type or strategy has a monopoly on that in every instance, which is why credible information is so important.

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue


AM: The APA takes the approach of focusing on the positive attributes of asphalt as opposed to denigrating the competition. We’ve learned from owners and decision makers this approach is best received. Our marketing campaigns are centered around the term, “drivability” because that is what people are really looking for in their driving experience. Because asphalt pavement has so many positive attributes related to drivability, the message is easy to relay and readily understood.

California to prepare for potential broader changes. We don’t view this negatively, but to your point, we want to be prepared and when appropriate work to ensure regulations are reasonable, implementable and not proprietary.

CAM: When you say “end-user,” you mean the person driving on the road, right? A firm commissioned by the asphalt industry conducted a national survey of motorists, including commercial truck drivers, and asked what was important to them. Smooth, safe and well-maintained pavements were at the top of the list. Those attributes, along with a quiet ride, became known as “drivability.” Armed with that information, additional more in-depth interviews were conducted with key stakeholders, such as Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty, to see what is important to them. That information also was folded into the “drivability” messaging. AM: Yes, the “end-users” are just people like you and me. The driving public doesn’t necessarily recognize what pavement type they are driving on but they can tell you what they want out of their driving experience. Our concerns about the competitive market become less because asphalt offers distinct characteristics unique to our product that meet the desires of both the owner and end-user’s driving expectations. CAM: Another important attribute is sustainability, particularly in California. Our state has some of the strictest environmental regulations anywhere, and Californians consistently say protecting the environment is important to them and our quality of life. Having a product that is produced and used in a manner that is consistent with those values is an important part of doing business here, and what happens in California often influences what happens nationally. For example, California currently has a waiver from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to set its own pollution regulations for vehicles, which are stricter than federal standards, and more than a dozen other states follow the California standards. Our association, particularly our Environmental Committee, is actively engaged with environmental agencies to ensure that regulations are reasonable and implementable. AM: Our relationship with CalAPA is important, particularly as it relates to environmental issues. We count on CalAPA to share the advancements in 22

CAM: One of those items that has received a fair amount of attention recently are Environmental Product Declarations, or EPDs. That is a way for makers of a product to quantify the impacts to the environment, particularly Greenhouse Gas emissions, of the manufacture and use of a product. There is currently a bill in the California Legislature on this as it relates to bidding of public works projects. AM: Environmental Product Declarations are a key issue. Our competition was ahead of us in developing their EPDs requirements, but this has worked in our favor. The EPD program that NAPA has developed is a very robust one and offers the entire asphalt industry a means to meet this requirement. CAM: You are visiting California at an exciting time. The Legislature just passed a comprehensive transportation funding bill that will dramatically increase investments devoted to fixing our roads. The bill, estimated to generate $52 billion in additional revenues over 10 years, is the largest bill of its kind in state history. Caltrans has said its pavement maintenance budget may double, and cities and counties will similarly experience a sizable infusion of money. Now the challenge is for us, working with our agency partners, to ensure those additional funds are used wisely and quickly, so that motorists can realize the benefits as quickly as possible. Having a positive working relationship between public works agencies and industry would seem to be more important than ever going forward. This may be part of the national debate over infrastructure investment at the federal level. AM: Absolutely. Our deployment approach, including materials and assets, should benefit not just the DOTs, but also the local public works agencies, designers, and engineers. California is fortunate to have such a huge influx of funds becoming available for transportation needs. Often our agencies have limited funds, and the need is greater than the funds available, so agencies are challenged to create efficiencies. We totally understand that and work to create solutions enabling them to best respond. CAM: Included in the comprehensive transportation funding legislation in California, known as SB1, is language related to efficiencies and accountability. This was not an easy vote for our elected

[ Continued on page 24 ]

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[ Continued from page 22 ]

representatives, and we need to show them that putting their faith in us was the right thing to do. In a sense, industry and our agency partners are connected at the hip on this issue because we need to work together to ensure that we deliver on our promises.

good, in this case helping an agency stretch scarce transportation dollars. AM: Exactly. CAM: So, you obviously travel all over the country. I have to ask you – what is the view of California from other states?

AM: Part of what is needed is education, to ensure that everyone has the knowledge to deliver the right projects in a timely and efficient manner. Through one of the PEC committees, we are partnering with NAPA to launch newly developed education modules. We are incorporating the help of the Asphalt Institute and the state asphalt association executives to assist in deploying these modules. Also, through NAPA’s partnership with FHWA and their cooperative agreement, industry is working on creating long-term research goals to ensure the needs of the marketplace are being addressed. In the end, we want to continue to do the best we can, that we have and share the best information available and that we are efficient delivering this material. No one wants that more than we do.

AM: California has a unique set of circumstances, right? I mean, it’s a massive state. There’s a tremendous amount of people. It’s a beautiful state. We understand why people want to live here. But your transportation issues are much bigger than a lot of other states. CAM: Nine different climate zones, a wide variety of rock sources, binder sources, it goes on and on. AM: So many variabilities. CAM: We try to take advantage of work happening elsewhere, but sometimes the knowledge is not easily transferable.

CAM: That certainly sounds wonderful, but can you give us an example of how this type of partnership has benefitted state and local agencies in a tangible way? AM: A prime example would be our NCAT study (National Center for Asphalt Technology, based at Auburn University). NCAT examined structural member coefficient values, and found that in many areas states were over-evaluating those coefficients based on the 1958 to 1960 AASHO study that was done (the entity later known as the American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials, or AASHTO). We have since tried to work with states to adapt a better coefficient that matches modern-day technology, current products, geographic influences, etc. Some states have recognized the antiquated structural number and in the case of at least one state, they gained 20 percent to 30 percent efficiency so changing their structural number to a more accurate representation. Some might argue that sharing this information with states decreases the opportunity to sell more asphalt with a thicker cross section, but we believe sharing information for accuracy and helping states and local road owners create better efficiencies for spending is more important and a big part of being trusted partners.

AM: I would certainly say California is the bellwether state in terms of environmental issues and how they deal with them. But overall, I think it’s hard for other states to relate to California because your issues are so much bigger, and there’s so many more variabilities within your issues. CAM: We appreciate that you took time out from your busy schedule to come to California to speak at the CalAPA Spring Conference, and to sit down for this interview. We have already received numerous positive comments from conference attendees about your speech. AM: I would like to thank the terrific staff of CalAPA and all the members of CalAPA for supporting the APA. We couldn’t do what we do without you. We value our relationship with CalAPA and look forward to working together for many years to come in the Golden State. CA Russell W. Snyder, CAE, is executive director of the California Asphalt Pavement Association.

CAM: That’s important for our credibility, to show that we are willing to do something for the greater 24

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue

Associates Environmental is a client-focused environmental consulting firm and CalAPA member. Our goal is to become your “go to” company for professional environmental consulting services. Through a process we call “Industry, Charity and Prosperity” we help our clients focus on their businesses and the things they do best by relieving them of the burden of obtaining environmental permits and writing environmental plans. • Air Quality Permits (Stationary & Portable Equipment) • Air Pollution Dispersion Modeling • Greenhouse Gas Audits & Verifications • Health Risk Assessments • New Storm Water Industrial General Permit Compliance

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LASTRADA Partners Brings German-Based Construction Materials Platform to North America By Brian Hoover

LASTRADA Partners Founding Fathers from left to right : Robert Albrecht, Dan Ridolfi, PE MSCE, Konrad Jung, Dr. Hermann Jung, PhD.

Sacramento area engineer Dan Ridolfi and German-based Dr. Jung & Partner Software & Consulting have come together to form LASTRADA Partners. This partnership has brought progressive technology and engineering expertise together in order to advance the science of information management and quality control in the construction materials and geotechnical engineering industries here in the United States. Dr. Hermann Jung, Ph.D. began his career as an educator at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany from 1983 to 1993 after earning a Ph.D. in Mathematics in 1977 and Ph.D. in Computer Sciences in 1983 (Dr. sc. Nat.). Jung then founded Dr. Jung & Partner Software & Consulting AG in 1995. At the time, Jung was a professor of computer science in Saarbrücken and Berlin, Germany. Jung’s brother, Detlef Jung, who co-owned a private engineering lab for 26

materials testing, convinced him to develop an information management system because no such product existed. Together with another private lab, Asphalta, the initial LASTRADA project began. Dr. Jung & Partner Software & Consulting (JPSC) first learned of Dan Ridolfi, PE MSCE when their paths crossed in 2016 while both Ridolfi and JPSC were making a pitch to Wisconsin-based Mathy Construction Co., who was looking to purchase a construction materials quality management software program. Ridolfi was pitching his wares as an executive for another computer software company, and although the contractor they were competing for eventually chose JPSC, Ridolfi was able to make a very good impression on the head of the technical group for Mathy Construction Co., Mike Byrnes. During the planning stages of the Mathy project, JPSC

made the decision that their company would establish a U.S.-based business, so that customers could work directly with representatives in the United States instead of having to contact Germany. Byrnes immediately thought of Ridolfi and he let Dr. Jung & Partner know that he was very impressed with Ridolfi, and he thought it would be worth a phone call. The timing was right and after several meetings, Dr. Jung and Partner and Ridolfi felt a partnership was the right working relationship for both parties. They formed LASTRADA Partners in an approximately 50/50 partnership between Ridolfi and Dr. Jung & Partner Software and Consulting. Ridolfi earned his Master of Science in Civil Engineering with an emphasis on paving and material from the University of Nevada in 1997. He is a licensed professional engineer in California and Nevada, and he worked as a consultant

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue

Above: LASTRADA Partners offers software solutions for all aspects of the heavy civil construction industry. From quarries and asphalt plants to the construction site.

engineer from 1995 to 2004 for companies like Kleinfelder, and as a quality manager in construction materials from 2004 to 2014. In 2014, Ridolfi left engineering and became Vice President at SpectraQEST, focusing on building a U.S. base of operations, before becoming a partner in LASTRADA Partners in January 2017. “Before I became involved in LASTRADA Partners, I had long decided that I wanted to get outside of materials production and engineering and into an industry that was parallel or a vendor to the road materials industry,” says Ridolfi. He had previously risen through the ranks of a large materials production company where quality control was a big part of the organization but it wasn’t the core or the business. “I felt like I had maxed out on what I could do in my career in that particular industry,” says Ridolfi. “Personally, what gets me up in the morning is working with high-performance teams and finding win/win scenarios. That is what made me successful at Granite Construction Company, where I was able to navigate the politics of a large organization and find solutions that worked for everybody.” Ridolfi also points out that he may be wired a bit differently than the typical engineer. “When I made the decision to form LASTRADA Partners, I knew that I did not

want to be beholden to other cultures, but instead establish my own company culture,” says Ridolfi. “I am very comfortable with people being better than me at certain disciplines and I like to treat others as individuals. To me, it is all about the outcome.” “LASTRADA Partners was built on a vision of partnership extending between our engineers and yours. This partnership allows us to leverage the strengths of our combined engineering expertise to achieve the advanced technology integrations that allow you to focus your time and energy on doing what you do best.” Dan Ridolfi, LASTRADA Partners Ridolfi says that running a business is now his primary skill set and being an engineer is really secondary. “I think what sets us apart from other similar software companies is that our people here in the U.S. are the true practitioners. We are not about taking our customers through the ABC’s of training and then handing them over to a help desk somewhere,” says Ridolfi. “Our goal is to create a partnership with our clients and our people. Together they find and define uses of LASTRADA, and help develop and maintain the software, while collectively finding new functions and uses. There is that true technical I.T. part of the equation, but that is

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue

not what will be at the forefront for LASTRADA Partners. We are about being a champion for the customer and what they need the software to accomplish. The software and IT part is available in spades from Dr. Jung and Partners.” LASTRADA Partners was formed Jan. 17, 2017, in order to provide a more comprehensive bundle of quality control software, to provide better service and support for construction materials testing, and the best quality assurance. The software LASTRADA, however, has been in use in the construction materials and geotechnical industry since 1996. It was originally developed and has continued to evolve over these past 20- plus years, through close cooperation with LASTRADA users and clients. LASTRADA integrates construction material testing, mix design, quality management, field testing, and all laboratory processes into one system. LASTRADA Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is being used by producers of hot-mix asphalt, aggregates, concrete and other bituminous materials, and according to Ridolfi is the leading LIMS system in the construction materials industry worldwide. LASTRADA software systems are currently being utilized by hundreds of companies across 20 countries, worldwide. 27

Dr. Hermann Jung, PhD, owner and founder, Dr. Jung & Partner, LASTRADA and Co-Founder of LASTRADA Partners.

Dan Ridolfi, PE MSCE, President and Co-Founder of LASTRADA Partners.

LASTRADA software is a foresighted modular program that supports the latest standards, meeting all information management demands in the lab and out in the field. The modular availability provides the construction materials and geotechnical industry with individualized software solutions backed by advanced engineering expertise and support. LASTRADA integrates construction materials testing, statistical process control, mix design, quality management, all laboratory processes, sample reporting, PLC’s, ERP’s and ticketing, all in one system. Being modular means a user can select and implement only those modules they want or need. This convenient and efficient approach is not only cost-effective, but also reduces project complexity. LASTRADA supports hundreds of tests standards including ASTM, AASHTO, and individual DOT test methods. “We work closely in a collaborative effort with our customers to develop and upgrade our products,” says Ridolfi. “We are continuously looking to uncover unique enhancements in order to provide our customers with a decisive advantage in their local market. If some sort of test standard is missing, we will add it within our 28

Konrad Jung, Managing Director, Dr. Jung & Partner Software & Consulting and Co-Founder of LASTRADA Partners.

eight-week release cycle. There is no one else in the industry offering that sort of turnaround.” According to Ridolfi and in layman’s terms, what the software does is manage technical data for the heavy civil construction industry. As an example, a material producer can enter their data into the system and it can be combined with all sorts of other data from other external systems in order to create a complete picture of material production. This data helps producers create higher quality materials, reduce cost, and enhance their processes. “Our core customers in California are people that produce materials, and what they really look for us to do, in the short term, is to get the information out to their customers,” says Ridolfi. “The next step is to use our software to determine how efficient they are at producing quality materials. Next, they may use our technology to determine and predict any issues even before they arrive. The most basic use of our software would be to process and deliver mandatory information to Caltrans.” LASTRADA Partners customers own quarries, asphalt plants binder terminals and materials laboratories as an example.

Robert Albrecht, Managing Director, Dr. Jung & Partner Software & Consulting and Co-Founder of LASTRADA Partners.

“These customers use our software to completely automate their reporting to Caltrans, cities, counties and other agencies,” says Ridolfi. “This single application alone probably pays for the software for many of our clients. That’s what gets us in the door, but we have so very much more to offer. We allow people to put data to work and that is where we shine.” Ridolfi makes it clear that one of their main goals is to assure that their customers experience a real and obvious return on their software investment. “We want to work with customers that want more; those that want to take their quality control to the next level,” says Ridolfi. “Our business plan is not to have sales people that are looking to close a deal, but engineering consultants that serve each customer according to their individual needs,” says Ridolfi. According to Ridolfi, this includes vertically integrated construction companies, where they can help them gather data on everything from their quarry and asphalt plant, all the way down to their construction equipment usage out in the field. “For instance, California contractors are required to measure smoothness on some road applications and this is determined by a number

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[ Continued from page 28 ]

known as an IRI (International Roughness Index). They also have technology on their rollers that record stiffness and coverage information within a three-dimensional plane. They are also required to obtain mix core samples, and record their locations. Our software can bring all of this information together, a service that was never possible before. We can help the contractor use this information to help their paving crews be more efficient and avoid waste. Our technology can take a smoothness report, intelligent compaction, density and material reports and bring it all together into a threedimensional coordinate plane and relate it all back to them in one concise report. Our vision is to bring the concept of big data to heavy civil construction in an all-encompassing format. At the end of the day, we want to make this industry a fan of our software and the rest will fall into place. ” Ridolfi points out that Dr. Jung and Partner are 18 programmers in Berlin Germany who have done a really good job of developing software programs by working very closely with their customers in Europe. They are experts in developing unique software development strategies. “We are combining their talent with our expertise here at LASTRADA Partners. We are putting their efforts together with agencies like Caltrans and some of the industries largest material producers. It is a true partnership and we are so proud to be a part of this exciting new venture and frontier.” LASTRADA Partners is headquartered in El Dorado Hills. For more information, please visit their website at, call (855) 747-8254 or email: info@ CA


The following LASTRADA modules are currently available for use in the U.S. General Modules • Equipment Management

Advanced Project Modules

• Document Vault

• Cementitious

• Digital Signature

• Geotextile Project QC

• Report Builder

• Petroleum

Production Modules

• Water Quality Project Testing

• Aggregate Production QC

Project Modules

• Bituminous Materials Production QC

• Aggregate, Soil, Geotechnical Project Testing (Included with

• Concrete Production QC • HMA Production QC

Design Modules • Concrete Mix Design

Aggregate Production QC) •

Bituminous Materials Project Testing (Included with Bituminous Materials Production QC)

• Hot Mix Asphalt Mix Design

• Concrete Project Testing (Included with Concrete Production QC)

Management Modules

• Environmental Project QC

• Automatic Reporting

• HMA Project Testing (Included with HMA

• Non-Compliance Tracking • Translation/Language • Financial Management

Production QC) • Advanced Geotechnical Project Testing

• Laboratory Workflow Management

LASTRADA Has Been Successfully Integrated With: • Laboratory Scales • Laboratory Equipment • ERP Systems • Plant Production Control Systems • Ticketing Systems

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue


INDUSTRY NEWS Colleagues salute Valero's Don Goss on the occasion of his retirement Don Goss, the unflappable voice of reason who shared freely of his encyclopedic technical knowledge of binders over his long career in the asphalt business, was saluted on March 9th on the occasion of his retirement from Valero Marketing & Supply Co. Well-wishers from Valero, customers, competitors and public agencies gathered at the Petroleum Club in Long Beach to pay tribute to Goss, who is capping a 34-year career with Valero, and the company it acquired, Huntway. He plans to retire to Redding, Calif., with his wife, Mary. Although his official work title may have been "Senior Manager of Product Technical Services," he was saluted for his technical expertise, genuine desire to advance the industry and, above all, integrity. The company's official announcement noted that Goss "provided a broad range of product technical support to Valero's internal operations, Valero's Asphalt Marketing Group, and to customers and agency representatives who use asphalt binder products." Goss most recently served as co-chair of the CalAPA Technical Advisory Committee, and also served as a member of the Asphalt Institute's Technical Advisory Committee as well as AI's Health, Safety & Environment Committee. He served as a member of the Caltrans-indsutry Technical Committee for the design of Long-life Asphalt Pavement Specifications. He also was a well-known contributor to the Pacific Coast Conference on 32

Asphalt Specifications, and the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists. Whenever there were sharp differences of opinion in a technical meeting, it always seemed like Goss was the calming influence that kept the focus on verifiable facts and other evidence to keep the discussions moving forward. That demeanor was evidenced recently when Goss was named co-chair of the Caltrans-industry Rock Products Committee subtask group for the verification of crumb rubber in asphalt products. On Jan. 19 of this year, Goss's many years of service to the asphalt pavement industry was recognized by his induction into the CalAPA "Hall of Fame." Many noted that his spirituality informed his approach to honest and fair dealings with all. He was a fixture at the CalAPA Annual Dinners for many years delivering the invocation that kicked off the evening programs. In 2015, he called upon a higher power to give strength and resolve to the industry to "affirm our common ties and our common endeavors." CA

Don Goss speaks at his March 9th retirement luncheon as master of ceremonies Len Nawrocki looks on.

Don Goss (left) takes some good natured ribbing of an old mouse story from co-worker Mike Miller.

Len Nawrocki (left), Don Goss and Juan Forster.

Don Goss and his wife, Mary, at Don's retirement luncheon.

A special cake at the Don Goss Valero retirement luncheon March 9 in Long Beach.

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue


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California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue


INDUSTRY NEWS Well-wishers gather at historic mission in San Juan Capistrano to mark retirement of Valero's Len Nawrocki Family, friends and well-wishers gathered on June 16 at the historic San Juan Capistrano mission to salute another historic figure in the asphalt pavement industry in California on the occasion of his retirement: Valero's Len Nawrocki. Several members of the CalAPA Hall of Fame were in attendance to salute Nawrocki and note his many contributions to the success of the industry, his company and his co-workers. Don Goss, who recently retired from Valero, served as the master of ceremonies for the evening program, and CalAPA Life Member Juan Forster regaled the gathering with tales about his own family connection to the rancho that played an integral part in California's history. Nawrocki thanked those in attendance and took time to remember those who supported him during his long and storied career. His wife, Myra, represented his extended family, which included fond recollections of Nawrocki's first wife, Patty, who passed away unexpectedly July 24, 2013, and the couple's three daughters and numerous grandchildren. Pete Grass, executive director of the Asphalt Institute, flew in from

Lexington, KY, to honor Nawrocki for his many contributions to the industry in leadership positions and also for his good humor and unmatched storytelling abilities. Nawrocki was also recognized for his leadership of CalAPA and longtime advocacy on behalf of the industry in Sacramento and Washington, D.C., which was credited with playing a pivotal role in building support for SB1, the comprehensive, $52 billion transportation funding bill that was passed by the Legislature earlier this year. Nawrocki was a longtime member of the Board of Directors of CalAPA, and most recently served on the Executive Committee and chairman of the CalAPA Political Action Committee. Nawrocki's military service to his country during the Vietnam War was noted, as was his heartfelt reading at a CalAPA Annual Dinner of a passage from a novel by John Steinbeck extolling the virtues of asphalt pavements. Most of all, however, his many well-wishers remarked about Nawrocki's integrity, work-ethic, genuine concern for his co-workers and customers, and for his good humor over the years that made him a joy to be around. CA

Mike Miller of Valero honors Len Nawrocki at his retirement party by presenting him with Oreo cookies which they both love.

Eulema Miller (left), Eric Gauss, Betty Gauss, Juan Forster, Mike Miller and Don Goss.

Berlene Hernandez (left) Len Nawrocki, Myra Nawrocki and Carlos Hernandez.

Len’s entire family was there to honor him on this special occasion.


California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue

INDUSTRY NEWS Warren Reed Sprinkel - June 30, 1922 - June 12, 2017 Warren Reed Sprinkel passed away June 12 at the age of 94 at his home in Newport Beach. where he shared a loving home with his “bride” Rita for more than 40 years. He was born in Oakland to Walter Reed Sprinkel and Florence Werdin Sprinkel June 30, 1922 and raised in Hollywood. where he attended John Burroughs Junior High School and graduated from Fairfax High School. In 1943 he interrupted his studies at USC in his sophomore year to serve in the United States Army Air Corps. In 1944 he was assigned to combat duty in Italy and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for achieving 38

missions over Axis territory in the 15 US Air Force. In 1946, he returned to USC and graduated with a B.A. in Business AdministrationIndustrial. In 1950 he returned to combat during the Korean War and was elevated to Flight Safety Officer for the Fifth Air Force in Japan. He retired with the rank of Major. Upon his return to California, he worked with his father and brother, Richard, at Vernon Paving in Los Angeles. In 1954, he became President of Fontana Paving in San Bernardino County and upon his father’s death in 1976, he became the sole owner of the company which he sold to Boral Industries in June 1988.

Reed Sprinkel was featured in the Contractors’ State License Board newsletter in the 1980s.

Reed was a key community and political organizer and industry leader, serving California as a Republican Party officer, a delegate to the Republican National Convention, Chairman of the California Contractors Licensing Board a member of the CalAPA Hall of Fame. He is survived by his “bride” Rita, and children Steven, Annette and Susan, four grandchildren and eight greatgrand children. CA

CalAPA holds Southern California paving contractor mixer CalAPA paving contractor events are a great way to reconnect with friends and colleagues, make new relationships, and have a great time in the process. The CalAPA March Mixer, organized by the Southern California Paving Contractor Committee, took place at the Karl Strauss Brewing Company in Anaheim on March 15. Admission tickets to the March Mixer included fabulous appetizers and two drink tickets. For information on the next paving contractor mixer or any other upcoming CalAPA events please contact the CalAPA office at 916-791-5044. CA

Steve Kekich, Nixon-Egli Equipment Co. (left), Jeff Liebl, Dennis Madden and Derek Miller, Quinn Company.

Mike Meehan (left), Vulcan, Carlos Hernandez, Chris Barry, Beach Paving, Pascal Mascarenhas, Vulcan and Aaron Terry, Terra Pave, Inc.

Tom Hughes (left), Octavio Navarro, Champion Paving, Steve Cota, Patriot Risk & Insurance Services, Jay Rosa and Steve Kekich, Nixon-Egli Equipment.

Brett Marvin, LaBelle Marvin, Tom Hughes, Champion, John Warrick, LaBelle Marvin, Ralph Donaldson, Mike Meehan, Vulcan, Chris Barry and Andy Valdez, Beach Paving.

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue


Scott Taylor

P: (714) 587-2595 Ex 101 C: (562) 762-5142

Susana Perez

P: (714) 587-2595 Ex 102 C: (562) 447-4210


California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue

CALENDAR UPDATE ANNUAL DAY AT THE RACES Date: July 22 Del Mar Thoroughbred Club 2260 Jimmy Durante Boulevard, Del Mar ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Date: Thursday, September 21, 2017 Pacific Palms Resort 1 Industry Hills Pkwy, City of Industry FALL CONFERENCE Date: October 25 & 26, 2017 Doubletree Hotel 2001 Point West Way, Sacramento Meeting dates are subject to change. Watch the weekly Asphalt Insider newsletter for meeting updates or call CalAPA at (866) 498-0761 to confirm meeting date and location.

California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue


Associates Environmental................... 25

Nixon-Egli Equipment Co........ Back Cover

Butler-Justice, Inc................................ 31

Pavement Recycling Systems............. 31

Bomag America...................................... 7

Peterson CAT.......................................... 2

CEI Enterprises, Inc. ............................. 23

Quinn Co.................................................. 2

Coastline Equipment.............................. 7

RDO Equipment Co................................ 5

D & H Equipment, LTD......................... 39

Roadtec.................................................. 11

E.D. Etnyre & Co................................... 37

Sakai America....................................... 19

Hawthorne CAT...................................... 2

Scott Equipment................................... 33

Herrmann Equipment, Inc.................... 13

SESPE Consulting, Inc......................... 37

Holt of California..................................... 2

SITECH NorCal...................................... 38

LASTRADA............................................ 29

Taylor Environmental Services, Inc........ 36

Matich Corporation.............................. 29

Valero Marketing & Supply................... 3

Maxam Equipment, Inc. ...................... 33

Volvo Construction Equip. & Svcs...... 17


California Asphalt Magazine • 2017 Environmental Issue

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