March 2021 California Cattleman

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March 2021

inside this Month... Bidding farewell to Sale day at Shasta Livestock Auction Angus, Brangus & Simmental genetics How Implementing A,I. Can Pay March 2021 California Cattleman 1


CLM REPRESENTATIVES Jake Parnell .................916-662-1298 George Gookin .........209-482-1648 Rex Whittle.................209-996-6994 Mark Fischer ..............209-768-6522


Kris Gudel ................... 916-208-7258 Steve Bianchi ............707-484-3903 Jason Dailey ...............916-439-7761 Brett Friend ..................510-685-4870 WEDNESDAY WEEKLY SCHEDULE Butcher Cows ................................... 8:30 a.m. Cow-Calf Pairs/Bred Cows ..... 11:30 a.m. Feeder Cattle ........................................ 12 p.m.

Regular Sales: Wednesdays at 12 p.m. Web Broadcast: Given the current drought conditions, if you are considering contracting calves early, call us today.

AUCTION MARKET Address 12495 Stockton Blvd., Galt, CA Office........................................209-745-1515 Fax ............................................ 209-745-1582 Website/Market Report Web Broadcast


Also, contact your CLM representative to discuss appropriate vaccination and marketing programs that fit your operation and the needs of potential buyers.


2 California Cattleman March 2021





March 2021 California Cattleman 3

CALIFORNIA CATTLEMEN’S ASSOCIATION Getting To Know You by CCA Treasurer Beverly Bigger

I feel honored to be elected to serve as treasurer of the California Cattlemen’s Association. As a long-time member of CCA, I have benefited from relationships formed and hope to continue learning from my fellow ranchers and CCA staff. I am looking forward to getting to work as a productive member of the CCA officer team. I got a late start in the cattle business, I was in my early 30s, with no family background in beef except for my siblings and my daughter’s 4-H steers. I grew up outside the city limits of Santa Paula surrounded by three acres of avocados. My 4-H experience was sewing and cooking because those were the choices for females back in the day. My career has involved various agricultural sectors, my first job at an agricultural service company for 12 years which led to 34 years in agricultural lending with Farm Credit West. Upon retirement almost five years ago, I am happy to say I became a fulltime rancher. I started in the cattle business along with my partner in 1982. We purchased six longhorn cows which we boarded on a friend’s ranch. At that time owning our cattle was a pleasant sideline to do on the weekends so we could ride our horses and check our cows. We quickly transitioned from longhorns to Angus cross cattle after discovering that the longhorns travel wherever they like, often to the next ranch. In 1990 we found a ranch to lease outside the city of Ventura and our real cattle ranching endeavor began. We slowly grew our herd, though by today’s standards many would still consider it a small operation. In order to learn from and connect with fellow ranchers I joined Ventura County Cattlemen’s Association over 25 years ago. I served as treasurer there for 13 years, four years as vice president and I am now starting my fifth year as president. When I assumed the president’s position I thought the job seemed fairly simple, conducting local meetings and attending CCA meetings. I was under the mistaken belief that ranchers could just go about our business being ranchers without outside interference.

I quickly learned that defending our way of life and how we do business was probably the most important aspect of the job. Within my first month as president I was compelled to speak at the board of supervisors meeting representing our membership. Since that time I have become slightly more comfortable with public speaking but not much. Just to name a few instances: I have spoken in opposition to restrictions to Ventura County land use regulations in “Save Open-Space and Agricultural Resources” (SOAR); proposed restrictions to fencing and property rights contained in the county wildlife corridor ordinance; and mountain lions as endangered in the Santa Monica mountain region. I have learned that speaking up is required to keep our ranches and way of life. Another annual event that contributed to my wish to participate at a state level is the CCA Legislative Day typically held in Sacramento each March. The first year I was very nervous but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to personally discuss legislation and issues that affect ranching with our local representatives. I’ve had some interesting meetings but also have made connections that have helped during fires and drought. I encourage every member to attend when CCA can safely schedule the next legislative day. I am presently an alternate on the California Cattle Council. This experience has been eye-opening for me. It has given me greater insight on how the Council can help the beef industry by supporting studies that have informed the consumer on the many benefits provided by beef, how cattle are responsibly raised, food safety and the effect of cattle on greenhouse gases. I am looking forward to the future so we as ranchers can get the COVID-19 pandemic behind us and safely gather at local meetings and hopefully the CCA convention in December. In the months ahead I hope that I am able to attend local association meetings, see your operations and forge new friendships.

SERVING CALIFORNIA BEEF PRODUCERS SINCE 1917 Bolded names and businesses in editorial represent only current members of the California Cattlmen’s Association or California CattleWomen, Inc. For questions about your membership status, contact the CCA office at (916) 444-0845. The California Cattleman (Publication #8-3600) is published monthly except July/August is combined by the California Cattlemen’s Association, 1221 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, for $20/year, or as part of the annual membership dues. All material and photos within may not be reproduced without permission from publisher. Periodical postage paid at Jefferson, Mo. and additional mailing offices. Publication # 8-3600


National Advertising Group: The Cattle Connection/The Powell Group, 4162-B Carmichael Ct, Montgomery, AL 36106, (334) 271-6100. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: California Cattleman March 2021 California Cattleman, 1221 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95814


MARCH 2021 Volume 104, Issue 3



BUNKHOUSE A year later


YOUR DUES DOLLARS AT WORK Wildfire legislation introduced


This month’s cover photo was taken by Crystal Amen, Cottonwood, following the final sale at Shasta Livestock Auction on Feb. 12. To see more coverage of that historic event, see page 12.

PROGRESSIVE PRODUCER Emergency preparedness


RANGELAND TRUST TALK Deer Valley Ranch to see perpetuity



HERD HEALTH CHECK Choosing the right minerals for your herd


ATTENTION LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS: To schedule your CCA tour meetings, in-person or virtually, contact Morgan Lyman in the CCA office.

The gavel drops at Shasta Livestock Grid marketing Angus cattle Simmental: Get what you pay for Brangus brings longevity, fertility 80th Anniversary in Red Bluff Beef A.I. can pay CCA remembers respected leader

12 20 24 28 30 38 46

If your local cattlemen’s association, cattlewomen’s unit or agriculture group has an upcoming event that may interest members of the California Cattlemen’s Association, contact us at (916) 444-0845 or by e-mail at

Obituaries New Arrivals Buyers’ Guide Cattlemen’s Report Advertisers Index

49 51 52 45 58



March 2021 California Cattleman 5


still we endure

reflecting on a year for the record books by CCA Office Administrator Morgan Lyman As we reach a new milestone, we are left to reflect on the changes that followed us into the new year. Last March was the first time many of us had heard terms such as ‘15 days to slow the spread,’ ‘shelter in place’ and even the word ‘pandemic.’ In a matter of days our entire society on every level changed. In the last few months, our country as a whole has experienced great change. Welcoming a new administration into Washington, D.C., has received lots of attention as well as the continuous roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine. California has issued and changed several mandates with tiers and graphs over the past several months in hopes of controlling the terrible disease that has swept over our world. As we continue this battle with the invisible enemy, our state endures. Recently, our association welcomed new additions to our leadership team. Despite not being able to formally welcome them each in person, I am still excited for what the future of CCA holds as they have already hit the ground running. In the past year, our communities have walked through an unimaginable amount of change. Change that has affected each and every one of us in different way, some more than others. We have rallied together for support to look towards the future. I have spent time thinking of all the things that have changed for me personally in the past year. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would not be able to spend Thanksgiving with my family or that Disneyland would still be closed. To top it all off, I never thought I would be getting to know all of you virtually. It seems crazy that masks and stay at home orders have now become such a normal part of our lives. Watching daily briefings to learn new information as things change often and have become so important to our daily lives. We are living in new times, a new era. With that comes change. However, there is one thing I know has not changed. 6 California Cattleman March 2021

The passion to preserve our way of life. You all have not given up and I can assure you that CCA staff and leadership has not either. As we continue to learn how to navigate this new lifestyle, we have learned that a vital component to make this all work is communication. As we strive to stay connected in these unprecedented times, it is important that your CCA membership account includes a current email address. Email is the fastest way for CCA staff and leadership to reach you with breaking news and updates on topics important to ranching in California. Please visit and send in your email address by March 31. By doing this, you will also be entered into a drawing to win a bottle of CCA Private Reserve Maker’s Mark Whiskey. Change is the one thing we can count on. I hope as we continue to adapt, we can support and encourage each other as we face the unknown.

Announcing the new vaccine from Hygieia Labs:

Your Foothold Against Foothill Abortion. Costing the industry more than $10 million annually, Foothill Abortion — formally known as Epizootic Bovine Abortion, or EBA — has robbed profits from ranchers for almost 100 years as the leading cause of calf loss in affected areas of the Western United States. Until now.

Contact Jenna Chandler at Hygieia Labs for additional information. Jenna Chandler, EBA Product Manager 916-769-2442 |

After years in development and testing, the new Foothill Abortion Vaccine is available from Hygieia Biological Laboratories. The Foothill Abortion Vaccine has been shown to protect more than 95% of animals from the disease when administered as directed. Administration is safe, simple and proven to give your heifers a strong start for greater productivity. Protect your investment and promote your profitability. Ask your local veterinarian if the Foothill Abortion Vaccine is right for your herd, or contact Hygieia Labs to learn more.

HYGIEIA BIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES P.O. Box 8300, Woodland, California 95776 USA T: 530-661-1442 | F: 530-661-1661 |

March 2021 California Cattleman 7


TWO CCA-SPONSORED WILDFIRE BILLS INTRODUCED IN STATE LEGISLATURE by CCA Vice President of Government Affairs Kirk Wilbur In October of 2020, Tony Toso, Hornitos, then CCA’s First Vice President, convened a meeting of the Association’s Fire Subcommittee. In the wake of California’s worst fire season on record—with 4.2 million acres of the state scorched and five of the six worst wildfire incidents in state history—the purpose of the meeting was to identify policies CCA could advance in the 2021 Legislative Session to improve California’s wildfire resilience. Two major themes emerged from that conversation. First, California must drastically increase its application of prescribed fire to mitigate the threat of catastrophic wildfire. Second, the state should utilize livestock grazing for fire-fuels management on otherwise unmanaged rangelands. While a variety of other priorities were identified by the Subcommittee—related to ranch access during wildfire, removal of deadfall accumulation, etc.— these were the most urgent, impactful priorities identified by the Fire Subcommittee. In early February, CCA took the first steps toward achieving those two policy goals, with the introduction of two CCA-sponsored bills in the California State Legislature. On February 4, Assemblymember Robert Rivas (D-Hollister) introduced Assembly Bill 434, which would remove arbitrary barriers to livestock grazing on stateowned lands, enabling land managers to permit livestock grazing where ecologically-beneficial, including for firefuel-reduction purposes. Four days later, Sen. Bill Dodd (D-Napa) introduced CCA-sponsored Senate Bill 332, which would improve prescribed fire practitioners’ ability to apply ‘good fire’ to the landscape by reforming liability laws for certified burn bosses. CCA could not ask for better authors to carry these vital legislative priorities: Assemblymember Rivas sits as the Chair of the Assembly Agriculture Committee; Senator Dodd sits on the Joint Legislative Committee on Emergency Management and authored sweeping wildfire legislation in 2018, SB 901. AB 434 — Public lands: grazing leases. Assemblymember Rivas’ AB 434 seeks to eliminate barriers to livestock grazing on the nearly 7 million acres of

8 California Cattleman March 2021

land owned by the state of California. As research continues to show, well-managed livestock grazing can be an effective tool for minimizing the threat of catastrophic wildfire. A 2020 study by University of California Cooperative Extension Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor Devii Rao estimated that cattle removed 11.6 billion pounds of fuel from California rangelands in 2017, averaging 596 pounds of fuels removed per acre. This fuel reduction reduces the likelihood of wildfires occurring and reduces the severity and spread of wildfires when they do emerge. State land management agencies—the Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), the Department of Parks and Recreation (State Parks) and the State Lands Commission— are authorized under existing law to issue grazing leases on the lands they manage. But current data suggests that livestock grazing is not widely utilized as a management tool on state-owned lands. Of the land that CDFW manages, less than 10 percent of the acreage is currently leased for livestock grazing. Of the 4 million acres the State Lands Commission manages, only 18,215 acres (approximately 0.4 percent) are leased for livestock grazing across 17 grazing leases. In 2012, State Parks authorized grazing on only about 8,400 acres of the roughly 1.6 million acres of land managed by that agency—and there’s reason to believe grazed acres on State Parks have declined in the past decade. While AB 434 would not require state agencies to authorize additional grazing on the lands they manage, it would make it substantially easier for the agencies to authorize livestock grazing where they find it would be ecologically beneficial for fire fuel suppression or other purposes. For instance, under existing law, State Parks may not issue grazing leases for any lands which were not grazed within the two years prior to State Parks acquiring the property. AB 434 would remove that arbitrary restriction, allowing State Parks personnel to consider grazing on any park parcels which were historically grazed or where grazing otherwise provides ecological benefits. AB 434 would also explicitly authorize state land management agencies to issue grazing leases for the ...CONTINUED ON PAGE 10



Annual Bull Sale

Saturday, March 20, 2021

1 p.m. at the ranch near Gardnerville, Nevada 1155 Foothill Road Gardnerville Nevada

Selling 8 0 registered Angus bulls 40 18-month bulls • 40 yearling bulls • All DNA tested! This calving-ease Casino Bomber son sells...

Ward Bomber S910

This high-growth and maternal bull by Broken Bow sells...

Ward Broken Bow T219 S954

CED 12 | BW -1.5 | WW 78 | YW 136 | MB .51 $M 70 | $W 77 | $F 111|$B 158 | $C 275

CED 6 | BW 2.3 | WW 78 | YW 127 | MB .26 $M 54 | $W 87 | $F 74|$B 110 | $C 197

This Yeti son is an all-around carcass bull...

Sired by Casino Bomber, calving-ease and efficient!.


Guest Consignors:

Ward Yeti S961

CED 6 | BW 1.8 | WW 75 | YW 134 | MB .66 $M 51 | $W 65 | $F 100|$B 144 | $C 268

Ward Bomber S907

14 | BW 0 | WW 69 | YW 111 | MB .39 $M 59 | $W 80 | $F 95|$B 135 | $C 234

Selling sons of: Casino Bomber, WAR Broken Bow B344 T219, PAHR Yeti, Black Granite, LD Capitalist 316, Connealy Rock 277P, Sitz Powerball 696C , Connealy Emerald and more. PERFORMANCE DATA SCROTAL MEASUREMENTS SEMEN TESTED ULTRASOUND MEASUREMENTS


Gary Ward & Family (775)790-6148 David Medeiros (209) 765-0508 David Dal Porto (925) 250-5304 P.O. Box 1404, Gardnerville, NV 89410


March 2021 California Cattleman 9

...CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 purpose of fire fuel reduction in an effort to improve the fire resilience of state lands. The bill also seeks to provide lessees greater operational certainty, providing for lease terms of five to 20 years and providing that an existing lessee shall have a ‘right of first refusal’ upon lease expiration so long as they have substantially complied with the conditions of their lease. Such long-term certainty will incentivize and facilitate infrastructure development on previously ungrazed lands, giving producers ample time to realize a return on their investment with little to no cost to the state. This operational certainty will also enable lessees to effectively steward the land and its natural resources.

“SB 332 simply says that individuals who have been trained and met the certification standards established by the State Fire Marshall pursuant to state law, and who possess authority to engage in prescribed burn operations, shall not be liable for any damage or injury to property or persons that is caused by an authorized prescribed burn unless the prescribed burn was conducted in a grossly negligent manner,” Senator Dodd’s factsheet for the bill explains. “The bill would also apply this standard to property owners who contract with a trained and certified burn boss who supervises or oversees a prescribed burn on their property.” A Note on Other Fire Legislation As of press time—with one week before the February 19 bill introduction deadline—more than two dozen bills have been introduced in the California Legislature regarding wildfire resilience, and more will certainly be introduced prior to the deadline. In addition to CCAsponsored wildfire legislation, CCA staff and officers are closely tracking all wildfire bills introduced in the 202122 Legislative Session to ensure that new laws passed by the Legislature further CCA’s wildfire resilience priorities. Additionally, as previously reported in CCA publications, the Association has been heavily engaged in discussions surrounding Governor Newsom’s $1 billion Wildfire and Forest Resilience plan in the 2021-22 proposed budget. CCA will continue to keep members apprised of our efforts on the full range of wildfire legislation as the 202122 Legislative Session progresses.

SB 332 — Civil liability: prescribed burning operations: gross negligence. On February 8, Dodd introduced SB 332, intending to make prescribed burns a more feasible tool for managing fuel loads and mitigating wildfire risk. SB 332 would do this by reducing the liability risk for burn bosses trained and certified in the application of prescribed fire. While current law holds prescribed burners to a ‘simple negligence’ standard, SB 332 seeks to apply a narrower ‘gross negligence’ liability standard to prescribed fire practitioners who have been certified as ‘burn bosses’ under a curriculum designed by the state. What’s the difference? Think of ‘simple negligence’ as applying to a careless mistake or inattentiveness that results in harm. ‘Gross negligence’ is much more than a simple mistake—it is harm resulting from a conscious or willful disregard of the need to act with reasonable care. Simple negligence may be failing to see a stop sign because one is distracted by a child in the back seat; gross negligence, on the other hand, might be found where one sees a stop sign but breezes past it anyway Early in February, CCA hosted a webinar seeking to clarify because they are in a low-traffic neighborhood and in a how Proposition 19, a Constitutional amendment that hurry. changes certain property tax rules and was approved by According to experts on CCA’s Fire Subcommittee, voters in the 2020 General Election, may impact members the state’s current ‘simple negligence’ liability standard and ranching families in California. Of greatest interest for controlled burns causes trepidation in burn bosses. While escaped prescribed fires are incredibly rare and to CCA members are the provisions of Proposition 19 significant property damage or personal harm from that went into effect February 16, which change how an escaped fire is even rarer, liability concerns are parent-child or grandparent-grandchild property transfers nevertheless a major disincentive to applying good fire operate. Intended to limit tax benefits for transferees who to the landscape. use inherited property as a vacation or rental home rather To remedy this concern, SB 332 seeks to establish than as a primary residence, Proposition 19 also impacts a gross negligence liability standard—a higher bar for ranchers transferring the “family home” or “family farm” demonstrating that a prescribed fire practitioner acted to their children or grandchildren. unreasonably in conducting a prescribed fire. Moreover, the gross negligence standard would only apply to burn During the webinar, CCA Vice President of Government bosses certified under a curriculum developed by the Affairs Kirk Wilbur went over what tax provisions PropState Fire Marshall pursuant to SB 901 (Dodd 2018), osition 19 does and does not alter, resolved some of the ensuring that the best-trained, responsible prescribed confusion surrounding the Proposition and outlined legisfire practitioners are not needlessly prohibited from lation and regulation needed to implement and clarify the applying good fire. Neighboring Nevada and four other states in the Proposition. A recording of the webinar can be viewed country already have gross negligence standards in on CCA’s YouTube channel at for prescribed fire practitioners. The result of zBbk. For more information about Proposition 19 contact those laws, predictably, is wider use of good fire on the Kirk in the CCA office at (916) 444-0845. landscape.

Prop. 19 Changes Parent-Child Property Transfer Provisions

10 California Cattleman March 2021

STEP UP Your Spring Breeding Program

SEMEN $50 PER UNIT CONTACT EZ ANGUS RANCH Chad Davis: (559) 333-036,


Owned with Edisto Pines Farm • AAA +*19430597 • 1-29-2019 Sire: G A R Big Step K715 • Dam: Basin Lucy 4261 (EXAR Denver 2002B x Basin Lucy 1022)

CED +9

BW +2.4

WW +75

YW RADG HP +134 +30 +10.6

MILK +26

CW +66

MA +1.30

RE +.90

$M +75

$B $C +195 +331

• The $132,500 sale-topper at the 2020 EZ Angus Bull Sale, this bull was one of the most talked about bulls of the 2020 fall sale season. • He has dominant individual performance weaning off with an adjusted 205-day weight of 786 lbs. and then scanned with a 109 IMF Ratio and a 110 Ribeye Ratio. When matched with his DNA, his GE-EPD profile offers great spread from CED to YW with balanced carcass to push his indexes into the top 10% for $M, top 1% for $B, and top 1% for $C. • He sits well for convenience traits with a top 10% Docility EPD, and a top 3% Claw EPD with a top 1% Angle EPD. • The dam of this bull is the full sister to the $60,000 Basin Yuma 4286. She was the $120,000 half-interest high-selling female from the 2018 Inaugural EZ Angus Female Sale, where a maternal sister to this bull was the $100,000 half-interest high-selling heifer calf.






21984 Avenue 160

Porterville, CA 93257

Tim & Marilyn Callison .....................Owners Chad Davis ........................... 559 333-0362 Travis Coy ............................ 559 392-8772 Justin Schmidt ..................... 209 585-6533 John Dickinson, Marketing ....916 806-1919 Website .................. March 2021 California Cattleman 11

BIDDING FAREWELL SUPPORTERS GATHER IN SUPPORT & CELEBRATION AS RESPECTED INDUSTRY ICON HOLDS FINAL EVENT by Managing Editor Stevie Ipsen s the final gavel fell on Feb. 12 at Shasta Livestock Auction Yard in Cottonwood, there was plenty of what cattlemen and women across the west have come to know Shasta Livestock for good cattle, good prices and good people. Only at this culminating event, there were also plenty of tears shed as Peek Family friends packed into the iconic sale barn to pay respect to Ellington and Betty Peek for being an integral part of their own family businesses for decades. The Peek Family business – literally built from the ground up – is six decades in the making and though the final live sale has been held and the yards are now empty, with a plethora of photos, brands and California cattle industry history now being taken down to preserve, Brad Peek emphasizes that this is just the beginning of a new era for Shasta Livestock. Founded in 1961 by Ellington Peek, Shasta Livestock Auction Yard, in the heart of the California/Oregon/ Nevada cattle triangle has been one of the largest auction markets in the west, selling more than 80,000 head of cattle each year and a similar number in country deals. Shasta also represents close to a quarter-million head of cattle annually on Western Video Market satellite and Internet video auctions. “Of course it is sad. It was a somber announcement for us to make as the familiy business evolves,” said Brad Peek, who is now the co-owner of Shasta Livestock alongside his sister Callie Wood. Both Brad Peek and Wood have been


12 California Cattleman March 2021

with the family sale yard business in one capacity or another for most of their lives and together will lead the family business in a new direction. “Due to my dad’s vision in 1961 and his experience even before that, our parents have built a true legacy that their family and all four of us children are so honored by. We are truly honored to be the children of such great people, “said Brad Peek on the day prior to the final sale. “This familyran operation – for 60 years – has been a big part of this great local community. We have a lot of feelings going into the final event but it has been a happy time as well, as my dad has had conversations with friends and customers who have been part of that 60-year story.” “As we speak there are gooseneck trailers rolling in, delivering cattle for tomorrow’s sale and it is really hard, not just for us as a family but for the cattlemen and women who rely on this auction barn to sell their livestock,” Peek said. The final sale started off at 8 a.m. and to anyone familiar with the weekly sale event, the day started off like any normal Friday morning. The crowd was light but the feeling in the air was somber as friends and family trickled in. Within an hour of the sale starting the mood was jovial and the seats were full. By the sale’s end their was standing room only as prices were high, laughs were plentiful and Ellington Peek occasionally chimed in to tell a short story or thank his longtime staff of secretaries, yard crew and of course auctioneers.

© All photos by Crystal Amen Photography

Andy Peek’s name. Ellington shared his appreciation for those work crews both up front and behind the scenes who worked Speaking on behalf of the Peek Family, Brad Peek to make each Friday sale a success. He made sure to give expresses sincere appreciation for the work crews and a special thank you to Col. Eddie Bailey who had worked customers who have made their day-to-day operations such as Shasta Livestock’s longest-serving auctioneer. The sale a pleasure “Everyone involved from consignors to buyers was attended not just by locals, buyers and sellers but also to our staff has been a big part of our family and I hope by friends from across the country, auctioneers who have we have been a part of their’s, I like to look at it this way, worked the microphone at Shasta Livestock and auction Shasta Livestock is still in business, we just aren’t having a yard owners from throughout California who respect the weekly sale anymore.” , Peek Family as friends first, competitors second. Jim Keegan, Williams, has done business in one way or another much of his life and said the news of the sale barn’s closure took him by surprise and while he has his concerns about what the loss of the auction barn means for the cattle industry in Northern California, he isn’t letting his concerns overshadow his admiration of what Ellington Peek has done for the livestock industry. “There aren’t many people in my life I respect more than Ellington Peek. The reputation he has built through the way he runs his businesses and the way he treats others is something to truly be admired,” Keegan said. “His word is his bond and trusted others to live that way as well.” Keegan also pointed out that Shasta was always setting standards for other auction yards to live up to. “Even up until recently they were making the facility Ellington Peek took the microphone several times during the better and finding ways to make the industry as a whole final sale event to thank buyers, staff, sale yard crew and to tell better.” Keegan said. “Maybe that is the way Ellington stories of his experience as the founder and owner of the Shasta wants to do it – finish while he is still on top. We are County facility. fortunate to still have him in our corner even if it’s not on Fridays at Shasta Livestock.” For other cattlemen and women based in the northern California region, the concern of the closure of the auction barn seem to be similar to the sentiments expressed by Keegan. The inconvenience of hauling stock to a different facility and finding a new crew to market cattle with is of little concern compared to the sentimental loss of the facility and weekly sale event. Shasta Livestock has long been a landmark for the region and a fixture in the Cottonwood community, so the camaraderie found by walking through its doors or sitting down for a morning cup of coffee at the Branding Iron Cafe will be sorely missed. While cattle marketing has been what the Peek Ellington Peek looks on as Col. Jim Settle takes bids from the Family is known for, the family began championing enormous crowd on Feb. 12. a new cause in 2007 after the loss of Ellington and Betty’s son Andy to pancreatic cancer. A major face of Shasta Livestock and Western Video Market, Andy’s death hit the ranching and cattle marketing community hard. Rather than wallow in the sadness of such a profound loss the Peek Family did what they are known for and perservered by started a scholarship in Andy’s memory. Since 2009, 156 scholarships have been awarded totaling $210,000. Because Andy Peek was such a fixture in both family businesses and in the livestock community, it is only fitting that he too be honored at the final event in the Shasta Livestock Auction ring. To raise money for Andy’s scholarship fund, Darrell and Callie Wood donated a Charolais cross heifer to the sale, with all proceeds going to the scholarship fund. That heifer sold not once, but was given back and resold for a total For locals and auction yard buyers and sellers the Branding Iron Cafe will be greatly missed. of five times with $78,000 raised for scholarship in March 2021 California Cattleman 13


Betty Peek with daughter and son-in-law Laurie and Jerry Norene of Wheatland at Shasta Livestock on Feb. 12.

Betty Peek with daughter Callie Wood and grandson Ramsey Wood, wife Trisha and their children.

Betty Peek with grandaughter Dallice Wood Nuttall, her husband Logan and their children.

Mason and Rhonda Peek at the sale on Feb. 12 in Cottonwood.

© All photos by Crystal Amen Photography

Part of the crew in the yards on sale day, Feb. 12. 14 California Cattleman March 2021

Office crew on the final sale day (L to R): Melissa Wetzel, Farris Smith, Jennifer Crane, Brandi Lower, Tori Wallis and Callie Wood.

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2021!

Performance Plus Bull Sale AT THE RANCH, EAST OF MADERA

Featuring Sons Out of These Leading AI Sires... Sires...::

SynGen Enhance



BW +2.2

WW YW MILK RE MARB $B $C +69 +124 +19 +0.94 +0.66 +153 +241

Deer Valley Testament 5202


WW YW MILK RE MARB $B $C +65 +131 +27 +0.65 +1.11 +191 +326


BW +0.7

WW YW MILK RE MARB $B $C +66 +128 +38 +0.67 +1.12 +144 +251

Also selling top:performing sons of:::


Our bulls are bred with traits that matter to you the commercial cattleman... high weaning & yearling weights with maternal traits for replacement heifers.



Since 18 7 8

Gary & Betsy Cardoza PO Box 40 • O’Neals, CA 93645 (559) 999-9510


March 2021 California Cattleman 15



WILDFIRE PREPARATION STRATEGIES FOR RANCHERS by Dan Macon and Tracy Schohr, livestock and natural resources advisors, University of California Cooperative Extension The year 2020 marked another record setting wildlife season, when the August Complex Fire in Northern California became the largest fire in the state since recordkeeping began. This past year, we watched headlines showcase the devastating impact of fires on ranching operations; destroying homes and infrastructure, and killing cattle. We also watched the ranching community come together to help neighbors move cattle, identify emergency feed and start rebuilding operations. Wildfire preparations are complex for commercial livestock operations. Many operations are in rural areas with delayed accessibility of firefighting resources, include older infrastructure built of wood and are within wildland fuels (e.g grass, shrubs, woodlands and forests). Wildfire preparedness at the ranch scale includes three primary themes: home hardening, evacuation planning and defensible space. Through the experiences of fellow cattlemen, we have outlined below key wildfire preparation and planning strategies for commercial livestock producers. You can find additional resources on the list below by contacting your local Cooperative Extension livestock and natural resources advisor or visiting sites/fire/Prepare/. Developing and Implementing a Wildfire Plan

for preg-checking, etc.” states Daley. 2. Defensible Space: Create defensible space around home(s), barns and other infrastructure to protect and prevent ignition. Remove flammable vegetation from within 100 feet of houses and other buildings. This should also include other critical infrastructure like propane tanks, wells, equipment sheds, barns, solar water systems and corrals. “It is evident when a landowner has taken steps to protect their property, using a mix of options to reduce fire potential, including grazing, mastication, disked fire breaks, timber harvest, etc.” says Paul Roen, Calpine, rancher and contractor with CALfire and the federal government who spent over 100 days in 2020 fighting fire. “We have these traditional options to help protect our main complexes, but there are also new technologies such as Thermo-Gel® that is a retardant/suppressant that can provide an extra level of fire protection and be sprayed on homes or other assets.” 3. Home Hardening: Take steps to create a more fireresistant home and buildings. One example is covering all vent openings with 1/16-inch to 1/8-inch noncombustible corrosion resistant metal mesh screens. Home hardening is very important, when making repairs, to choose fire resistant options such as dual pane windows and fire resistant roofs.

4. Protecting forage: Many ranchers stock their operations 1. Documents, Records and Memorabilia: Be sure conservatively to ensure a supply of fall forage for you have protected critical legal documents, grazing and livestock. Consider creating fuel breaks to protect animal records and insurance information. This can be accomplished by scanning documents, ...CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 taking pictures and saving on the cloud and/ or providing a copy with a family member or friend. “There are different levels of preparation,” states Dave Daley, Butte County Rancher and CCA Past President who has lost both a home and cattle to fires. “It is important to digitize records or have a copy at a second location. My mom keeps the important things in a suitcase ready to go: family bible from Ireland, early pictures from the 1800s and important papers.” This past year in the Bear Fire, Daley lost cattle, and like many ranchers has spent lots of time navigating the Farm Service Agency (FSA) reporting system that is designed to prevent fraud, but is not conducive to commercial operators who do not keep individual cattle records. “You will always wish you had more records. Some of the important records to think about having available include inventory, written leases, trucking records, veterinary bills A fire break can be created to protect your property from severe fire loss. 16 California Cattleman March 2021


Rancho Casino

Dal Porto Livestock

A West Coast Source for Superior Angus Herdsires

Join us for our 30th Annual Bull Sale • Thursday, Sept. 16 • Denair, CA 2021 Offering includes standouts like you have come to expect for decades! Featuring sons of these breed leaders!

Casino Bomber N33

DPL Chico U18

Reg No: 18658677 • Sire: KM Broken Bow 002 • MGS: DPL Upward L70

Reg No: 19039338 • Sire: Sitz Powerball 696C • MGS: Baldridge Yahoo Y58





















































Connealy Rock 277P

Connealy Emerald

Reg No: 19257149 • Sire: Connealy Confidence Plus • MGS: Connealy Armory

Reg No: 18533879 • Sire: K C F Bennett TheRock A473 • MGS: Connealy Consensus





















































Also selling elite bulls from Deer Valley Growth Fund, GAR Ashland, Sitz Achievement 743F, Sitz Powerball 696C, and LD Capitalist 316

Watch for an outstanding consignment of Rancho Casino and Dal Porto Livestock Bulls selling at Ward Ranch’s Angus Bull Sale March 20 in Gardnerville, NV!

David & Jeanene Dal Porto

5031 Jersey Island Rd • Oakley, CA 94561 (925) 634-0933 • mobile: 925-250-5304

David & Carol Medeiros

2800 Hall Rd • Denair, CA 95316 • (209) 632-6015 David mobile: 209 765 0508 • Matt Angell (559) 217-9064 March 2021 California Cattleman 17

...CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 this forage from wildfire. Disking or grading around the perimeter of pastures, or at least adjacent to potential ignition sources, can reduce the threat. Another alternative is to use targeted grazing adjacent to roads or pasture boundaries - this can reduce the fuel load and slow a fire down. The width of any fuel break depends on the fuel type, topography/slope, and potential flame lengths that a fire might generate. “We take a proactive approach to creating defensible space around buildings, and by putting in fire breaks along all our road frontage,” stated Holly Foster, Oroville. “Over the years, our family has improved dozer trails across the ranch that facilitate cattle movement during the winter months, create additional fire breaks and provide accessibility for fire equipment during an emergency.” 5. Protecting livestock: Try to plan ahead for how you might move livestock out of harm’s way in the event of a wildfire. However, many operations have too many animals to evacuate on short notice; leaving animals in pasture or “sheltering in place” might be the best or only option. If you need to leave animals in place, be sure they have enough feed and water for several days. Also, consider if the livestock have water if the power goes out. Be sure to take down temporary fences or other hazards that may injure livestock as the fire moves through the property. Prepare for any post-fire health problems including respiratory infections or burn injuries. 6. Water supply: Water is critical for protecting your properties and for keeping livestock healthy. Do you have adequate water supplies for wetting down your buildings and facilities or for directly fighting fire? If you have to pump water, do you have a backup system in case you lose power? Can you provide stock water if the power goes out? Consider investing in a backup generator and/or additional water storage. An option to explore may be the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Environmental Quality Incentives Program that can work with you to create solar water options that could promote livestock distribution and provide an alternative to electrical power that can go down for days during both high wind events and fires.

9. Communication plans: Do you have phone numbers for the other ranchers in your area? Do you know who runs the livestock next door? During fire season, many ranchers text or call neighbors when they see smoke. Consider formalizing these calling trees. 10. Situational awareness: Be aware of your surroundings during fire season. Watch for smoke, especially when you hear fire equipment or aircraft. Carry a shovel or other fire tools and five gallons of water in your pickup. Pay attention to where ranch visitors park – a catalytic converter on dry grass can be disastrous, also remain vigilant with trespassing and suspicious activity. According to CALfire, most fires are human caused! Check local news websites and social media for updates. Also, be certain to sign up for emergency alert system in all counties where you have cattle. Write Down Your Plan Even for ranching operations with few or no employees, writing down your emergency plan can help others (spouses, children, neighbors, etc.) know what to do and who to contact in case of fire. A written plan should include the locations where livestock are grazing, which suggests this plan needs to be updated as livestock are moved. Location information should include a physical address, map, and APN location, that can be required for emergency access. Also, be sure to have a copy or record of any identifying markings (e.g. brand, ear tags) along with the number and class of animals on site. A written plan should also include a description of potential evacuation routes, including locations of loading facilities. Also, be sure to identify safe zones like dry lots or irrigated pastures on the property or nearby where animals could be moved if evacuation isn’t possible. Have contact information for an onsite caretaker, rancher or neighbor you can call in case of emergency. Include a list of livestock haulers who might be available. A template for this plan is at Be sure to have multiple copies or have it accessible digitally. Also, share a copy of this plan with other people in your operation – your spouse, your partners and/or your employees, at a minimum.

7. Escape routes: Ideally, you should have at least two routes in and out of your ranch properties. In addition, try to think about at least two alternatives for moving livestock to safety in the event of a fire. This means loading and unloading facilities, a plan for gathering livestock and a clear understanding of the road systems near all your pastures. Narrow roads can be problematic for navigating with stock trailers, especially when fire equipment is also inbound. 8. Backup: Obviously, many ranchers can’t be on hand 24 hours a day, seven days a week to respond to a fastmoving fire, especially when livestock are grazing on multiple properties. Consider working with friends, neighbors or colleagues to have a backup plan to evacuate or otherwise protect your livestock. Consider meeting with your neighbors to go over key livestock facilities, evacuation plans and access routes. Be sure to check in with these backup resources in the event of fire. 18 California Cattleman March 2021

Ranchers during a 2020 fire evacuation in Plumas County.

Cows that Make a Difference!

Breeding efficient seedstock with the latest technology – but still making sure that the cows work in tough, real world conditions.

Bar T Bar Ranches

Annual Bull Sale

April 10th, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. (PDT)

Southern Balancers, Balancers, Gelbvieh & Angus Crater Ranch Headquarters · Winslow, AZ

2 0 Bulls 0


"I hadn’t been to Bar T Bar for years. I was shocked to see so many cows in such good conditions despite the year. These cows walk the walk and talk the talk. They have great udders, are the right size, and produce really good calves. We are excited to be working with Bar T Bar to build the best cattle possible for the southern US and Mexico. You should come see for yourself…" Lee Leachman, Leachman Cattle of Colorado, Fort Collins, CO

A Bar T Bar, three-year-old, Southern Balancer with her 652 lb. bull calf in the 2020 drought!

Bob and Judy Prosser 928-289-2619 • Cell: 928-380-5149 Email:

Lee Leachman Herd Consultant (970) 568-3983

March 2021 California Cattleman 19


GRID MARKETING OPENS DOOR TO PREMIUMS by Morgan Boecker for Certified Angus Beef

Learning to play chess in later life isn’t easy, but it’s not impossible. Grid marketing finished cattle is similar. It’s not intuitive, but it’s a learnable risk management tool. “Maintaining ownership through the cattle feeding period and selling on the rail is an opportunity to recapture the input costs and hopefully improve our bottom line,” said Paul Dykstra, Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) assistant director of supply management and analysis. “The key is to align genetics, management and performance with the seasonal trends.” At a January webinar, he said producers can target cow herd genetics toward the factors driving value in the supply chain. Backfat and marbling have differing value implications at the packing plant and can be selected in different directions in the herd. Prime beef production FIGURE 1. is at record high, while Select beef share is declining (Figure 1)– consumers are paying to keep high-quality beef on the table.

works against us,” Dyskstra said. Packers pay the most for the rare combination of Prime quality and YG 1, and they greatly discount carcasses falling at the opposite end of the grading table (Figure 2). Cattle sold on the grid compete with the average percent Choice at the packing plant. Cattle are graded individually, but packers look at entire load average to determine if any cattle earn a premium. The current U.S. average of near 70 percent Choice, with regional differences, means packers only pay the Choice premium for the share of cattle in the whole lot that exceed the plant average, Dykstra explained. “Whether it’s 40 head or 150 head, the percentage of those cattle grading Choice matters,” he said. The Choice/Select spread points to supply and


Profit on the grid depends on beating industry averages for quality and yield grades. Fed cattle sell by formula, contract or spot-market bids. Live or carcass weight-based pricing formats are often dependent on region. Grid marketing sets a starting price according to a carcass-value base, then figures premiums and discounts to each carcass. Overall yield, or dressing percentage, converts live to carcass price. “The average dressing percentage of 63.5 percent is pretty standard for the industry,” Dykstra said, but grids may vary and the number is affected by mud, gut fill, external fat, muscling, gender and age. A below average dressing percentage may be overcome by having better-than-average carcass premiums. Cattle with the most fat usually have the least muscle and red-meat yield. “That combination 20 California Cattleman March 2021


demand for high-quality carcasses and determines the premium. An average of 70 percent Choice leaves potential premiums on 30 percent of the load. If the Choice/Select spread is $10 per hundredweight (cwt.), multiply 10 by 30 percent to get $3/cwt premium for every Choice carcass in the load. Typically spring and fall are ideal for capturing the most quality premiums, Dykstra said, but CAB carcass trends are impacted by seasonality to a lesser degree. Even though 36 percent of all eligible black-hided cattle reached CAB last year, packers have paid higher premiums for the brand lately compared to when supplies were historically low. “When we can sell more product and still keep a premium up there for cattle, that’s a great thing,” he said.

carcasses qualifying for CAB. Backfat, hot carcass weight and ribeye area are other measures used to determine YG and CAB eligibility, Dykstra said. The many moving pieces in grid marketing make it a bit of a chess game, but learning to play opens more opportunity for big wins.


Yield grade is the other part of the equation. Cattle reach their endpoint faster today than 20 years ago, increasing the average YG 4s to 12 percent last year with cases of 20 to 40 percent. The pandemic added to that as cattle feeders and packers worked through the backlog and cattle spent more time on feed. While grids may incentivize YG 1 (recent average $5.43/cwt. premium), YG 2 is a reasonable target to maintain high grading carcasses, Dykstra said. YG 3 is par. Yield Grade 4s and 5s now incur smaller discounts than in the early 2000s, he said, “evidence that packers have become more accustomed to a little extra fat thickness to achieve a desired quality grade.” “The premium for YG 2s averaged $2.42/ cwt. last year,” Dykstra added. “We should have as many YG 2s as we can possibly get, keeping in mind that YG 1s with acceptable finish are difficult to achieve.”


Dykstra posed the questions: How do commercial cattlemen pursue their share? What numbers need to be achieved to perform well and earn more money in grid marketing? Start by evaluating traits in your cow herd and bull battery. Backfat thickness indicates days on feed and total body fatness, while marbling affects quality grade–also the primary driver for

March 2021 California Cattleman 21

Dal Porto Elected to Leaded as President of American Angus Board In late 2020, Delegates selected to represent their respective states at the American Angus Association’s 137th Annual Convention of Delegates in Kansas City, Mo., voted in-person and online to elect five new directors, a chairman and a vice chairman to lead the organization. The annual meeting took a virtual twist in 2020 to allow members to conduct business in a format streamlined by necessity due to COVID-19 regulations. Officers elected David Dal Porto, Oakley, Calif., was elected president and chairman of the Board. Dal Porto succeeds Don Schiefelbein, Kimball, Minn. Dal Porto and his wife, Jeanene, manage their registered and commercial Angus operation in Oakley, Brentwood and northern California. They have three children — Lindsey, AJ and Dawson. Dal Porto has firsthand experience at every level in the evolution of performance information and how to apply it. He complements that knowledge with a management background developed from experience. Dal Porto and his bull sale partner, David Medeiros, were awarded the 2011 Certified Angus Beef® (CAB) Seedstock Commitment to Excellence Award. Jerry Connealy, Whitman, Neb., was elected to serve as vice president and vice chairman of the Board. He has served on the Association Board of Directors for six years, this last year as Association treasurer. The fifth-generation cattleman has operated the family ranch since 1981 with his wife, Sharon. The Connealys have four children— Jed, Gabriel, Ben and Hannah. Jerry focuses his cow herd base on productivity traits and manages two bull sales per year, selling 300 bulls at each sale. Chuck Grove, Forest, Va., who is currently serving his second term on the Board, will serve as the 2020-2021 Association treasurer. Grove became a regional manager for the American Angus Association in 1975, first serving the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. During his 39-year tenure he also covered Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware and Ohio. Grove and his wife, Ruth, reside on the family farm and manage their 100-head Angus herd.

crop farm in East Georgia where he discovered his passion for Angus cattle at an early age. He followed that drive to the University of Georgia–Athens (UGA) where he earned a bachelor’s degree in animal science and a master’s degree in meat and muscle biology. His career eventually led him to an opportunity in the cotton industry, but he always came home to Angus cattle. His family has owned and operated Ogeechee Angus Farm since 1997, and it has since become one of the most reliable sources for Angus genetics in the Southeast. Charles Mogck is a third-generation Angus breeder from South Dakota. Mogck has built upon his family’s heritage in the breed and increased their herd to 400 registered females while marketing 120 bulls annually. They farm 2,000 acres of corn, beans and wheat with an additional 2,500 acres of pasture and hay ground. Darrell Stevenson has strong ties to the Angus breed and a history of activity in the Montana Angus Association. Stevenson’s grandparents were charter members of the Montana Angus Association in 1951, and his father participated in the first National Junior Angus Showmanship contest in 1967. His father was on the Montana Angus Association and American Angus Association boards as well, serving as president from 19921993. Jerry Theis is a devoted second-generation Angus breeder and lifetime member of the American Angus Association. His parents established April Valley Farms in 1952 in the Salt Creek Valley area of Leavenworth County, Kan. Theis continues his family’s diversified operation, now consisting of Angus cattle, crop and swine production. Cattle are marketed through their annual spring production sale as well as private treaty. April Valley Farms was recognized as a Historic Angus Herd by the American Angus Association in 2019.

Directors elected Mark Ahearn and his family established Turner Meadow Ranch in East Texas in the mid-1980s. Apart from his 35-year career in law enforcement, Ahearn’s passion has always been raising high-quality Angus cattle. He has studied pedigrees and learned the business from the ground up. His family has grown their herd to about 200 females while being active in the Texas Angus Association, which he has served in a leadership role for 16 years. The Dal Porto Family, Dawson, Jeanene, David, Lindsey and AJ are longtime Smitty Lamb grew up on a small row- advocates of the Angus breed. They raise Angus seedstock and run commerical cattle 22 California Cattleman March 2021

across different regions of Northern California.

Red River Farms

Your SimAngus & Simmental Source ELITE SIMMENTAL & ANGUS SEEDSTOCK

Offering 40 bulls private treaty via these fall sales: Visalia Bull Sale, Visalia • Sept 26 Famoso Bull Sale, McFarland • Oct. 16 World of Bulls, Galt • Nov. 6

Sire groups include: CCR Anchor 9071B OBCC CMFM Deplorabull WLE Copacetic


- Offering sons of donor TEX Rita 5553C - Offering full brothers to RRF Rita 215G 3/4 SimAngus Deplorabull x 5553C 2019-2020 ASA PTP Ring of Champions Percentage Heifer of the Year.

Save the date for...

• Ladies of the Lonestar •

100 Superior Simmental and SimAngus lots October 9, 2021 • Grand Saline, Texas Guest breeders Rocking P Livestock, KY and Buck Creek Ranch, OK


Offi ficce: 760.922.2617 Bob Mullion: 760.861.8366 Michael Mullion: 760.464.3906 A.K.Phillips, General Manager, Texas (606) 584-1046 March 2021 California Cattleman 23

An Insurance Policy Worth the


Sim genetics paying producers back by Chip Kemp, Director of Commercial and Industry Operations, American Simmental Association Soon you’ll be on calving watch and you’ll pass some time searching the Amazon app on your phone for the best throw lever out there for the new high-powered scope you got for Christmas. When doing so, will you concern yourself with the tensile strength of the carbon filaments within the various levers? Likely not, you’ll seek out a product that is guaranteed to work, appears to have solid customer service and engineering behind it, and has a price point you can live with. Or Spring will one day arrive and you’ll recall (only when the grass is six inches tall) that, back in the infamous year of 2020, you ran the old weed eater over with the sideby-side in a fit of rage because it teased the weeds rather than cut them. When you run to town to buy its successor, are you going to be comparing engine outputs, shaft length and shoulder strap comfort of ten different brands? Some will, but many will simply go to the retailer they’ve always trusted to solve problems and select from their assortment. The process will likely be quick, and you’ll be back dressing up the yard in no time. When a beef consumer (OUR CUSTOMER) selects their next grilling target from the beef counter they already assume the grocer purchased a product that has 1) documented wholesomeness and safety (USDA-inspected), 2) a quantifiable and predictable eating experience (quality grades) and 3) an identifiable selling point. Mind you, that if you asked most consumers about the metrics associated

24 California Cattleman March 2021

with Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) or about the balance of marbling, bone ossification, and lean color and their impact on palatability, or even the awareness of current beef cutouts and market trends they would admit they haven’t any idea about these things. What they know is this. Every other Sunday afternoon for the last six months they’ve come to this meat counter. They bought various products including beef on each of those trips. Each time, with appropriate guidance from reading materials or store employees, they went home with a product that met or exceeded their expectations. And because history told them that the experience would be rewarding, they came back. The grocer will know when the experience was not rewarding. Because they simply buy something else or somewhere else. In other words – they don’t come back. The point? The science and informatics behind each of these products and experiences is crucial. The manufacturers and retailers of these products rely on this knowledge to build something that has customer appeal and will meet or exceed the expectation of the buyer given the price point they are willing to pay. AND, the product will not be returned or experience a failure that requires returning the money to the buyer. The firms involved know some customers will thoroughly study their options and ...CONTINUED ON PAGE 26







It’s no wonder the percentage of SimAngus calves marketed through the industry’s largest video auction has grown eightfold since 2010.

$156.77e Average Sale Price ($/cwt)

SimAngus -sired steer calves sold through Superior Livestock Auction in summer 2020 earned more at sale time than all other calves.


Want low-risk, high-potential calves with earning potential?

$154.48d $154.15d


English, Englishcross

EnglishContinental cross

Angus sired

Red Angus sired

SimAngus sired

Brahman influenced


SIMMENTAL 406-587-4531 •

a For lots of 50 head or more. b Kansas State University, December 2020, Superior Livestock Auction data analysis of 3,280 lots, 394,900 head of beef calves marketed during summer 2020. (P<.0001) c Lots that qualified for breed-related programs were excluded from the model due to potential confounding effects with sire breed analysis and, for many, few lots in the data. d, e, f Means without a common superscript differ (P<0.05) Lots of calves in breed-identified groups were sired by bulls from the respective breeds and out of dams with no Brahman influence.

March 2021 California Cattleman 25

...CONTINUED FROM PAGE 24 thus the facts and specifics need to be industry-leading and readily available. These firms also know that a great many customers do not want to bother with digging into the details. They came to buy a product with the valid expectation that it would live up to the claims of the seller. The data and facts are just as real in this case, just more so to the manufacturer and seller to ensure they live up to customer demands. You already know these things. So why take up precious real estate in this publication stating what is already intuitive? Because way too frequently I hear the following statement… “My bull customers don’t care about numbers.” Really? Your customers are seeking uncertainty? I doubt that. No question that in a very small percentage of cases, there are commercial buyers who are so price-conscious that there isn’t a single metric that matters to them beyond cost. The three unknown bulls that got dropped off at the sale barn with their ultimate destination unknown – either ground beef or another pasture – are a testament to this. They run through directly prior to the “special” cow sale. And sure enough, someone plans to take them home. Might even put them on heifers just to roll the dice since it is difficult to spend time in Vegas at present. Let’s exclude this clientele. My assertion is this. There are a larger and larger number of commercial buyers who are seeking EPD and Index knowledge to help them eke out a profit for their

family. Those folks demand numbers today. They will demand much more tomorrow. If your kids plan to stay in the business this is simply a fact. However, there are still a very large number of serious buyers who would rather defer the investigation of facts and the details of the manufacturer’s process to you, their seedstock provider. In this case the responsible use of credible EPDs and Indexes are just as crucial. But more of the burden falls on you. The genetic predictors become your “insurance policy” as you look to provide the bulls that best complement their cow herd and best match their management and marketing practices. Let’s face it, if they keep a lot of heifers, the more confident you are of their calving ease the easier you’ll sleep when they load those bulls. At the same time, if the customer feeds out a large portion of their terminal calves and you just pawned off some bulls on them with poor marbling genetics how many times are they coming back? Every industry has its own jargon. Its own language. And understanding the phrases and semantics is crucial. Ag is no different. When that potential buyer suggests that he doesn’t put too much pressure on the numbers, what he is likely saying is that you as a seedstock provider better put even more reliance on great science and solid genetic predictors. The buyer is essentially saying he isn’t taking the blame for any bad decisions. He will rest those purely and squarely in the lap of his bull provider. And then he is likely to ask, “Didn’t you even look at the numbers before you sold him to me?”

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Wildland fire damage? Freitas Rangeland Improvements LLC. provides the following services to those affected by wildland fires: Evaluations of damage to fencing, livestock watering systems (solar pump systems, pipelines, tanks, troughs), corrals & barns,


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26 California Cattleman March 2021


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GENEPLUS March 2021 California Cattleman 27

Fertility and Longevity:

THE ONE-TWO PROFIT PUNCH by International Brangus Breeders Executive Vice President Darrell Wilkes, Ph.D.

No matter how you do the math, fertility and longevity of cows add up to the difference between profit and loss in most cow-calf operations. Thousands of opinion articles and scientific research papers have been written on this subject. I have not read a single one that makes a compelling case elevating any other trait over these. It’s fun to brag about percent Choice or percent Prime on the grading rail at a packing plant, or the average daily gain in a feedlot, but I have not seen a solid economic argument convincing me that anything trumps fertility and longevity when it comes to rancher profitability. There is no debate that these are critical measures of profit performance for every producer. We often hear that fertility is not highly heritable, which can easily be misunderstood to mean that genetics don’t matter. When it comes to fertility, nothing could be further from the truth. Having genetics that aren’t well-suited to the environment in which they are producing is one of the surest ways to lose money in the cattle business. Conversely, having cowherd genetics that truly fit their environment is the pathway to profitability. In the opinion of many observers, including this author, many cowherds across the country have been moving away from the genetic profiles that are suited to their environment. This is particularly true in the southern tier of states and extending as far north into the fescue belt as southern Ohio and Virginia. It has happened in the southwestern desert as well. The data makes it clear that many (far too many) producers have trended toward straight bred British breeds even in these harsh environments. It’s the “bandwagon” effect. It may seem like the thing to do, but it is most assuredly reducing the bottom line for many producers. Reducing the level of heterosis in a commercial cowherd is almost guaranteed to reduce fertility and longevity. Brangus genetics, which offer both heat tolerance and an elevated level of heterosis compared to British and Continental cross cattle, can and do deliver improved fertility and longevity in these harsh environments. The old joke, spoken by many commercial cattlemen with Brangus cows, is that “I have cows that are old enough to vote.” It isn’t always a joke. There are a lot of teenage Brangus cows in production in these tough environments. If you will do the math and 28 California Cattleman March 2021

figure the true depreciation cost of a cow that has 6-7 calves versus a cow that produces 9-10 calves, it is easy to see that longevity has a major economic impact on the bottom line. If a bred heifer has a cost of around $1,700 (raised or purchased), and a cull cow has a salvage value of about $700, the $1,000 spread is the true depreciation. Dividing this cost over six calves produces a cow depreciation cost of about $167 per calf. Dividing it by nine calves lowers the per-calf depreciation cost to $111. The $56 difference represents the difference in profit and loss for many commercial producers. I have found myself in numerous debates with my university professor friends who say that a 10-12-year-old cow has “old” genetics which are dragging down the average genetic value of the herd and, thus, the resulting calf crop. In theory, a producer should turn the herd over faster to capitalize on the freshest genetics and improve the rate of genetic improvement. I discount that argument for a commercial producer, and fully support that argument for a seedstock producer. My advice to commercial producers is to save the money you’d throw away by culling a fertile and productive old cow and invest it to upgrade your bull purchases. That old cow is not as much of a drag on your genetic average as you think and, besides, if she is more than a decade old and still weaning a healthy calf every year, I want as many of her daughters in my herd as I can get. Don’t you? In pursuit of a perceived advantage in carcass value, I submit that a lot of cattle producers have sacrificed fertility

and longevity – they are giving up many more dollars than they believe they are gaining in feeder calf price. The last sentence contains two words that are italicized – perceived and believe. There is a perception that the kind of cattle that thrive in harsh/hot environments sacrifice carcass quality traits. This may have been true two decades ago, but it is not true today if one uses Brangus genetics – and we have the data to prove it. However, it is acknowledged that this perception is deeply rooted and will require continued diligence and widespread education to change this engrained mindset. The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) is committed to proving to the feeding and packing sectors and the buyers who work for them, that a well-bred Brangus feeder calf will match the feedlot performance and carcass value of anything else they can buy. Too many people believe that price and profit are synonymous. They absolutely are not the same thing. In exchange for a $0.05 “premium” that might be paid for a straight bred British feeder steer over a steer with a little “ear,” I fear there are a lot of producers giving up many times that amount of money trying to run cows that simply do not fit their environment. You’ve seen them. Rather than grazing and producing milk to raise a heavy calf, they hang out in the pond or under the tree. In the southwestern desert, they hang out by the water tank where no grass exists. The cow isn’t grazing and her calf isn’t either. The bulls that are supposed to be breeding them are in the same miserable condition, likely suffering from elevated scrotal temperature which suppresses spermatogenesis. No sperm, no pregnancies.

Weaning weight suffers. Fertility suffers. So, do genetics affect fertility? Absolutely yes, and in a big way. High levels of fertility and longevity are a result (an outcome) of having genetics that fit the environment in which they are expected to produce. In the southern tier of states, in the fescue belt, and in the desert west, there is no substitute for a vigorous Brangus cow that will get pregnant year after year while producing calves that grow and grade in the feeding and packing sectors. In the by-gone days, Brangus and other indicus-influenced females were criticized for not reaching puberty early enough to breed as yearlings and to calve as two-year-olds. That is no longer the case and, again, we have the data to prove it. Clearly, age at puberty is no longer an issue of concern with Brangus. Data also suggests that some breeders elect to put a little more age on their Brangus heifers before breeding them. That is a choice they make, but the bulk of the data shows that modern Brangus genetics simply do not require producers to extend the pre-productive period on a heifer before breeding her. Genetics matter when it comes to fertility, and thus, longevity. Matching cowherd genetics to their environment is the first logical step to achieving high levels of fertility and longevity. In the southern tier of states, the fescue belt, and the western desert, it is very difficult to find a cow that will beat a Brangus cow. Producers who have jumped on the British breed bandwagon, and are seeing their cowherd productivity in decline: Take another look at modern Brangus genetics.

March 2021 California Cattleman 29

Champion Stockdog honors went to Brian Jacobs and Ruby. Jacobs also had the all-time high selling gelding.

Brian Owens, Dan Parks, Ross Kudlac at the annual bull sale grading.

Ricky Nicolazzi, Scottsdale, Ariz., and Frank and Will Ward, Orland, watch the bull grading.

Bull sale graders Matk Bidwell, John Flynn and Lane Russ.

Bull & Gelding Sale Board Member Ron Anderson with event manager Amanda Bradshaw.

Longitme bulll sale consignors Louie Molt, Burns, Ore., and Cheryl LaFranchi, Calistoga.

American Angus’ Jared Patterson and Jake Pickering announced the bull grading.

Jack Owens Ideal Range Bull Winners Romans Ranch Charolais, Westfall, Ore.

@Crystal Amen Photography

The 2021 sale crew for the horses, dogs and bulls during the weeklong event.

30 California Cattleman March 2021

Craig Owens Ideal Ranch Horse was consigned by Lucava Farms Inc, Lompoc.

still making it happen for 80 years! RED BLUFF STAFF

Amanda Bradshaw, Sale Manager Marianne Brownfield, Bull & Dog Secretary Trish Suther, Gelding Secretary


Col. Rick Machado Col. Trent Stewart Col. Max Olvera Pedigrees read by Col. Eric Duarte

Supreme Champion & Champion Red Angus – Kool Breeze Cattle Co.

Reserve Supreme & Champion Hereford Barry Ranches


Supreme Champion & Champion Red Angus – Kool Breeze Cattle Co., Adin Reserve Supreme Champion & Champion Hereford – Barry Ranches, Madras, Ore. Champion Angus – Zanolini Cattle Co.., Healdsburg Champion Balancer – Louie’s Cattle Service, Burns, OR Champion Polled Hereford – Weimer Cattle Co., Champion Charolais – Rafter DN., Powell Butte, Ore. Champion Maine Anjou – Brocco Show Cattle, Sonoma Champion Shorthorn – Cardey Ranches, Turlock Champion SimAngus – Little Shasta Ranch, Montague Champion Simmental – Hinton Ranch, Montague Champion Calving Ease – Chico State Beef Unit

Champion Angus Zanolini Cattle Co.

Champion Polled Hereford Weimer Cattle Co.

Champion Charolais Rafter DN

Champion SimAngus Little Shasta Ranch

Champion Simmental Hinton Ranch Simmentals

Champion Shorthorn Cardey Ranches


Champion Angus – HAVE Angus, Wilton Champion Charolais – Romans Ranch Charolais, Westfall, Ore. Champion Hereford – Morrell Ranches, Willows Champion Red Angus – Bianchi Ranches, Gilroy Champion SimAngus – Little Shasta Ranch, Montague


Ideal Jack Owens Range Bull – Romans Ranch Charolais, Westfall, Ore. 2020 Outstanding Consignor Award – The Bull Mart, Burns, Ore.


Champion Cow Horse – Eric Freitas, Santa Maria Champion Cutting Horse – Justin Wright, Orcutt Champion Snaffle Bit – Justin Wright, Orcutt Champion Conformation – Eric Freitas, Santa Maria Champion Head Horse – Peggy Davis, Klamath Falls, Ore. Champion Heel Horse – Eric Freitas, Santa Maria Champion Stock Horse – Eric Freitas, Santa Maria 42 geldings........................................................................................................$18,113 6 2-year-old geldings.......................................................................................$12,750


Brian Jacobs, Hollister, exhibited the champion stock dog, Ruby, in a very tight competition. She edged the second-place dog by a single point and went on to sell for $14,000. The reserve champion stock dog, Kansas, exhibited by Tim Woods topped the sale at $17,000. 17 dogs �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������$8,735

Champion Balancer Louie’s Cattle Service

Champion Calving Ease Chico State Beef Unit

Join us again in 2022!

Tehama District Fairgrounds Red Bluff, California March 2021 California Cattleman 31

RANGELAND TRUST TALK THE RUNNING DEER RANCH: Overcoming Obstacles to Fulfill a Family Dream by Madison Goss for the California Rangeland Trust An engineer decides to pick up his family and move from Los Angeles to Napa County to buy some open land. Some may call that crazy, but for John Ahmann, it was his way of fulfilling a dream passed down to him by his father. John’s father grew up on a family farm in the Midwest. But like many in the agricultural industry, his family incurred outstanding debt and lost the property and any chance they had at creating their idealistic lifestyle. Instead, they picked up their belongings and headed west toward Los Angeles in a travel trailer in search of a fresh start and stability. They moved from construction site to construction site for almost eight years, while John’s father was grading hillsides to be developed and working on major projects for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. They finally settled in Westchester, near LAX, and bought their first home. Hearing stories about the beloved family farm his father grew up on, John jumped at the opportunity to fulfill his father’s and his dream in the 1970s by purchasing 300 acres of his own in Napa County to start a small cattle herd. The cattle operation, along with starting a company that supplies voting election materials, financed the purchase of over 3,000 acres along Lake Berryessa in 1986, known today as the Running Deer Ranch. With no prior experience in the ranching industry, John and his wife, Judy, took to organizations like the

Napa County Farm Bureau and their local divisions of the cattlewomen’s and cattlemen’s associations to learn the trade. They exposed their three daughters, Christina (Ahmann) Roberts, Anna (Ahmann) Reed and Erica (Ahmann) Smithies, to a whole new world filled with early mornings and long days caring for livestock. Today, the Running Deer Ranch stands at over 3,075 acres of grassy canyons teaming with oak and pine trees and seasonal waterways that provide a picturesque view of Lake Berryessa. In 2010, John and Judy made the decision to conserve 1,275 acres of the property through a conservation agreement with the California Rangeland Trust. The easement was funded by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) who had a vested interest in the land because of the potential wildlife migration corridor for multiple threatened species and its location along the Lake. John and Judy’s daughters were involved in the process from start to finish and knew it was the right decision for their family to forever protect the property as a working landscape. Erica, the Ahmann’s youngest daughter, noted “the fear of forcing open land and space to be sold for government use and/or someone forcing it into a subdivision” as the main reason behind the family’s decision to conserve the property. With the money the Ahmanns received from the sale of the development rights as part of the conservation agreement, they paid off debt incurred by the ranching operation and put the remaining funds towards the type of regular maintenance that goes along with any agricultural business. While the Ahmanns have certainly fulfilled their dream of starting a family ranching ...CONTINUED ON PAGE 34

32 California Cattleman March 2021

Winners at





AAA 19796325• DOB 09/01/2019

Sire: EXAR Classen 1422B MGS: Gambles Safe Bet


LSThe Champion TOTAL PACKAGE SimAngus and High-Seller over all breeds at $16,500!

A big thank you top Rick and Linda Anderson, Eagle Point, OR for adding another LSR bull to your program. Chase Ranch Montague, CA

Also thank you to these Bell A Land & Cattle, LaPine, OR new and repeat buyers John Owens, Red Bluff, CA for believing in our bulls! Dittmer Ranch, Fairfield, CA

Sam & Jan Zanolini

(707) 217-0346 14470 YOUNG RD HEALDSBURG, CA 95448

Kool Br eeze Red Angus Thanks Gary Silva for purchasing our Supreme Champion Bull at the Red Bluff Bull Sale!

2021 Supreme Champion Red Bluff Bull Sale

Also, a huge thank you to S Arrow E LLC for purchasing lot 356. We would like to also thank Dick Otley for the purchase of our bull at the Klamath Bull Sale!

Eric Prouty, Corning, CA

Consistency to count on, year after year! (530) 842-3950

Kevin, Kathie & Megan Banwarth PO Box 221, Adin, CA 96006 (530) 260-0356 • (530) 260-2991 March 2021 California Cattleman 33


ago. Involvement in the ranching business comes with a lot of ups and downs, but they know that working together as a family unit will get them through whatever challenges may lie ahead. Christina said, “It’s a family-run job; it’s not just one of us...We all come together when we need to because one person cannot do it all.” A few times a year, the whole family gets together, including the Ahmann sisters and their husbands, their children and John and Judy, to process cattle and work on ranch maintenance. It is a time to do the necessary work that needs to be done, but most importantly, it is a time for the older generations to pass on their knowledge to the younger ones. The years will go on, and as they do, they are sure to bring new joys and challenges. Despite whatever the future may hold, the Ahmanns find comfort in knowing that the Running Deer Ranch and their ranching legacy will forever be passed down from one generation to the next because of their partnership with the Rangeland Trust.

operation and preserving the land for future generations, their journey has not always been easy. John and Judy’s daughters acquired the ranch from their parents in 2012, and over the last few years, they have faced a number hardships. In 2018, the County Fire came through the back portion of the property and burned the land completely down to the soil. “There was so much grass that year in the springtime and we had great feed — when that fire came in, it burned hot and fast,” said Anna, the Ahmann’s middle daughter. Without much time to recover from the devastation, disaster struck again in 2020 when the LNU Lightning Complex Fire engulfed a portion of the property destroying the new growth from the previous fire. “When those fires first came through, it was complete devastation,” exclaimed Anna, “but you take a step back and look at the neighbor’s house that is still standing, our house that is still standing and realize we still have a lot, and we are going to make it through.” Fortunately, all the structures on the ranch survived the wildfires, which the Ahmann sisters largely credit to the management of the land. As a former firefighter, Christina, the Ahmann’s eldest daughter, understands the benefits of livestock grazing better than most. She knows that proper land management can be the difference between returning to the site of a family home or a pile of ash and debris after a fire rage through. “Our ranch, because it is maintained and grazed and it’s the last stop for electricity, ends up being the place where [fire crews] try to stop [the fires] because there’s places they can make a safe haven, if need be,” explained Christina. In addition to wildfires, the family has also faced drought, excessive heat and small calf crops The next generation getting involved in the day-to-day ranch operations. due to Foothill Abortion Disease. Through each of these trials and tribulations, the daughters have continued to learn and grow. Their aspirations for the ranch moving forward are to continue to find responsible ways to manage their cattle operation while maintaining the integrity of the land. By working with Rangeland Trust staff and environmental agencies, like the NRCS, they have found creative ways to make improvements that promote the viability of the ranch and sustainability of the landscape. Erica said, “We are working with NRCS to put in a solar water system up there, so we can be resilient and sustainable during something like a three-week power outage, like we were in during the fire.” The Ahmann sisters are continuing to build upon what their parents started for them 35 years The Ahmann sisters branding calves together.

34 California Cattleman March 2021

March 2021 California Cattleman 35



WB Pendleton Sire of high sellers & champions!

Seldom Rest Sandman Classen son working great!

Silveiras Forbes ‘21 Cattlemen’s Congress Champion!

Silveiras Haras Primal Primo’s exciting, fancy full sib!

Hill Valley Reckoning Outcross to Style & First Class with extra mass, look & structure!

Musgrave Sky High CED 8 $B 141

Brooking Bank Note CED 5 $B 131

JACS Rare Find CED 9 $B 169

EWA Ascend Over 225 $B and 335 $C!

VAR Revelation CED 14 $B 212


KR Synergy CE +15 $B 131

SSF On Point $200,000 Primo son!

SAC Peak Value CED 8 $B 186

SAC CashIn BN46 CED -3 $B 202

Conley South Point 8362 2020 NWSS Champion Bull!

9 Mile One of a Kind CED 17 HB 212

TWG Tango CED 13 HB 185

NJW Hoss CE 11

KJ BJ Landmark 210 CE 2.5 CHB $121

H Montgomery Making champions!

W/C Bankroll CE 14 API 134

SFG The Judge CE 12 API 144

CLRS Guardian CE 20 API 208

W/C Relentless CE 9 API 117

CDI Innovator CE 11 API 155

Longs Pay to Play A stout blaze Pays to Believe son!

OBCC CMFM Deplorabull CE 15 API 125

WLE Copacetic CE 11 API 107

W/C Night Watch CE 18 API 151

W/C Fort Knox Newly Available!



May We All

36 California Cattleman March 2021 1OAK THF

Knock Knock THF


Sweet Willie

Business Done Right

State of Mind THF

Trust In Me THC

In God We Trust

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Sparks will Fly with the HOTTEST Sires now available! (573) 641-5270 for a free directory or view online at

March 2021 California Cattleman 37


CAPTURING THE VALUE OF ARTIFICIAL BREEDING FROM RANCH TO RAIL by Natalie Jones for Certified Angus Beef Most dairymen use a breeding technology also proven profitable for beef cattle enterprises, but no more than 10 percent of commercial cattlemen bother with it. Why? Lack of facilities, labor, confidence and convenience lead the list of reasons artificial insemination (A.I.) hasn’t become commonplace on the ranch. Idaho Extension Beef Cattle Specialist John Hall led producers to reexamine barriers and capitalize on the value of A.I.last year at the Range Beef Cow Symposium in Mitchell, Neb. Developed more than 80 years ago, with frozen technology since 1945, A.I. has included sex-sorting options for a dozen years. Rather than just turning bulls out for natural service and moving on to other ranch projects, Hall urged producers to consider the value they could capture with A.I. That’s because consumers are calling for more high-quality beef, and the call must be answered. “A.I. certainly gives us the opportunity to do that, because we can use those highly proven sires that have carcass information that we know are going to give us the kind of cattle the consumer wants,” Hall said. But before going all-in with investments in synchronization and semen costs, technician fees and the labor associated with roundup and processing, he suggested making sure basic management is on track. A successful A.I. season begins with heifers at a body condition score (BCS) of 6 and cows at BCS 5, after a closed and short calving season so that they can cycle back before insemination.


The average cost of a commercial bull is about $5,000, Hall said, and the cost of natural breeding continues to rise. That’s why few commercial producers buy above-average bulls for growth and carcass merit; they simply can’t afford their natural service, which Hall put at $90 to produce a live calf. On a 300-cow herd and a 50 percent pregnancy rate, he said each A.I. calf would cost about $95. With a more typical preg rate at 55 percent, that A.I. calf is cheaper than the one from natural service. It also carries superior genetics from bulls in the top breed percentiles that most cannot afford for natural service. The use of fixed-time A.I. helps keep labor costs down and can shift calving seasons earlier, with more born in the first 21 to 30 days. Calves in the first 21 days compared to three weeks later result in 35 to 50 pounds, but that’s mainly an advantage for feeder calf value, Hall said. 38 California Cattleman March 2021

“What we normally see when using fixed-time A.I.,” he said, “we’ll pick up a 3 to 5 percentage-point increase in the number of cows pregnant at the end of the year, compared to natural service.” Another opportunity is replacement heifers. “You can capture a big advantage in the females created, because of their enormous value to a commercial operation,” Hall said. “You can breed a certain percentage of them to more maternal bulls to fit the environment that you work in.”


Beyond the cow-calf herd is the potential value capture at the feedyard and packinghouse. “Taking calves all the way to harvest is arguably the best way to realize return on the A.I. investment,” Hall said. That’s because carcass traits are the most heritable and high-quality carcasses continue to command premiums that go straight back to producer pockets when they retain ownership. Data from a 600-head Virginia operation retaining ownership on calves shows having both A.I. sire and A.I.sired dam increased returns to each cow by 22 percent. It also increased the share of carcasses grading Choice by 38 percentage points compared to calves with no A.I. genetics. “What we see is not only an increase in hot carcass weight, but we see an increase in marbling and therefore an increase in quality grade,” Hall said. Calves sired by high carcass-merit sires have proven greater feed efficiency and growth rate, which adds up to smaller feed bills, he said, “or you’ll receive greater returns for the cost of feed you put in them.” Greater feed efficiency, higher marbling and higher quality grade score wins for cattlemen and consumers.

The New Standard for PERFORMANCE! Ellingson


His first sons ratioed 108 YW 105 IMF 102 REA 011AN02263 Homestead x Chaps Birthdate: 2018-02-20 Reg #: 19203618 PRODUCTION CED BW WW YW


















EPD -3 +3.9 +103 +191 +.36 +2.39 +1.6 +.76 +12.0 +3

+16 +147 +1.6 -54 +22 +.18 +.24 +.69 +101 +.53 +1.09 -.007 +64 +77 +160 +54 +214 +342

Acc .41 .77 .72



















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Kansas Cattleman Jerry Bohn Becomes New NCBA President The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) concluded its virtual Winter Business Meeting on Feb. 4, with the election of Jerry Bohn, a cattle producer from Wichita, Kan., as NCBA president. Bohn, a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves, has been a part of the cattle industry his entire life. Bohn has had an expansive career in the cattle industry since his early days of custom grazing cattle with his family in Flint Hills, to his time on Kansas State University’s award-winning livestock judging team, and eventually serving 34 years as the manager of Pratt Feeders, a commercial cattle feeding operation in his home state of Kansas. He has also dedicated his time as a leader for several state-level associations, using his expertise and experiences to mentor the next generation of industry advocates. “As I look forward to this year as NCBA president, I have immense pride for the cattle industry and our duespaying members that help to make this the leading cattle organization representing U.S. producers,” said Bohn. “Becoming president is my greatest honor and opportunity to give back to the industry that made me who I am today and for that I am forever grateful.” Bohn’s term as president along with a new officer team

was approved by NCBA’s board of directors. Don Schiefelbein of Minnesota was named president-elect, Todd Wilkinson of South Dakota was elected vice president. Wyoming rancher Mark Eisele was elected chair of the NCBA Policy Division and Nebraska cattle producer Buck Wehrbein was elected policy vice chair. Clay Burtrum of Oklahoma and Brad Hastings of Texas were elected as chair and vice chair of the NCBA Federation Division, respectively. “I have heard quite a few producers in the past year say if you want to get something done in Washington, D.C. in agriculture, you better do it with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, or it is not going to get done. This is the greatest testament to the grassroots power of our members and state affiliates. It is why I am so proud to represent NCBA as President and it is the reason I get up every day, ready to fight for the American producer.”



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W W W. T R A N S O VA . C O M 8 6 6 . 5 3 6 . 3 3 7 3 March 2021

California Cattleman 41

HERD HEALTH CHECK MINERALS AND MINERAL LABELS comparing mineral supplements for beef cattle by Josh Davy and Larry Forero, Ph.D., and Gaby Maier, DVM, University of California Cooperative Extension There can be a tremendous amount of confusion regarding mineral supplementation required levels by beef cattle. The area where the cattle are pastured or where cattle are coming from dictates the necessity to supplement certain nutrients. Generally, the minerals of greatest supplemental concern in Northern California are selenium, copper, zinc, magnesium and of course salt. Iodine and manganese are important, but topics for a later discussion. Calcium, phosphorus and potassium are almost only deficient when an adequate amount of forage consisting of both grasses and broadleaves is lacking. Take the time to review your mineral label. Consider the mineral information from the following three labels (note: crude protein, crude fat, acid detergent fiber and vitamins are not included). These three products all have differing amounts of macro and micro minerals. All these products have been fed to meet the mineral requirements for beef cattle in varying areas. When comparing the selenium content of Product 1 with Products 2 and 3 it has over twice the selenium level. This is where it is critical to read the label and note what the manufacturer guidelines are for consumption. In this example, according to our product labels, product 3 must be limited to 2 ounces/head/day to avoid selenium intake beyond legal limits. Product 1, was labeled to be consumed at 1 ounce/head/day. Most supplements are designed to have a standard consumption that can vary from 1 ounce to over a pound of consumption daily. There are 800 ounces in a 50-pound bag of mineral (16 ounces/lb*50 lbs). Divide from 800 the number of days to consume the mineral and then by the number of cattle in the pasture to get a rough estimate of daily consumption in ounces. For example, if the labelrequired consumption is 2 ounces/head/day and there were 50 cows in the field, a 50-pound sack of supplement should

last about eight days (800 ounces/2 ounces/day/50 head). Farm Advisor research in Northern California has led to some general recommendations on what mineral levels should be in a supplement when these minerals are deficient. These recommendations are based on a 1 oz/ head/day consumption. If a mineral is designed for a 2 oz/ head/day consumption divide the recommendations by two to evaluate the feed tag. Some mixes are purposely designed for a higher consumption so that other products such as an ionophore can also be supplemented. Products designed ...CONTINUED ON PAGE 44 TABLE 1. Comparison of three different mineral tags MINERAL




8% (min)

9.5% (min)

14.8 (min)


2% (min)

0.4 % (min)

1.9% (min)


15% (min)


14% (min)


1% (min)


1.5% (min)




141 ppm (min)


20% (min)






4697 ppm (min)


2600 ppm (min)

2206 ppm (min)

2275 ppm (min)


5580 ppm (min)

4410 ppm (min)



37%% (min)

19.4% (min)

38% (min)


140 ppm (min)


133 ppm (min)


130 ppm (min)

53 ppm (min)

52.4 ppm (min)

TABLE 3. Optimal serum levels of cattle trace element panel

TABLE 2. Suggested supplemental

levels in 1 ounce/head/day mineral mixes in deficient areas

42 California Cattleman March 2021





80-110 ppm






18-35 ppm


3.9-6 mEq/L


0.8-1.5 ppm


0.8-1.4 ppm




>100 ppm


>2,500 ppm


>5,000 ppm


50 – 120 ng/ml




0.808-0.50 ppm

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March 2021 California Cattleman 43


for a pound or greater of consumption are usually protein and sometimes energy supplements as well. Table 2 depicts these general recommendations. It is important to provide mineral that is appropriate for a given situation. If grass tetany is of concern, a high-magnesium mineral mix containing 10 to 14 percent magnesium should be provided (these mixes usually require more than 1 oz/head/day consumption). Products 1 and 3 include magnesium and Product 2 does not. If product 2 is being fed, there is no magnesium and all the magnesium needed by the animal must come from the forage they consume. Cattle with blood magnesium levels between 18 and 35 parts per million are typically considered adequate. For most loose salt mineral supplements it is best to avoid putting out a greater supply of supplement than is recommended for a one- to two- week period. This will keep the mineral fresh and also prevent overconsumption, which could be toxic, but is generally more often a waste of money. Most mineral mixes use salt to limit consumption, which is why salt content of mixes can exceed 40 percent, but this doesn’t always work perfectly because cattles’ cravings for salt are not always the same. Only putting out the necessary mineral needed for a one- to two-week period every one to two weeks, will negate overconsumption when compared to filling the feeder every time it is emptied. The bioavailability of minerals supplemented varies by the form of supplement used. Generally, organic forms (e.g. proteinates, carbonates) are most available, followed by sulfate (still acceptable), and then with oxide forms having little availability except for magnesium. The selenite form of selenium is less available than organic or yeast selenium, but will work if supplement is constantly provided. It will not be as fast at raising deficient levels. Likewise, sulfate versions of zinc and copper have been successful if provided consistently. If you are concerned about mineral levels, you and your veterinarian should collect blood (serum and whole) samples. This is also a good opportunity to find out how well your supplementation program is working. Most sampling of cattle in Shasta, Tehama, Glenn and Colusa counties have found that routinely supplemented cattle fit within the required reference range, but this is not always true. For instance, some cattle in the foothills have high levels of sulfur in their drinking water, which would require higher copper supplement levels to achieve adequacy since sulfur interferes with copper uptake. Additionally, although the herd average may be adequate, many individual animals may still be deficient. Testing cost for selenium is approximately $18/sample (UC Davis), iodine is $33/sample (Michigan State) and the rest are contained in a trace element screen also costing $18 for the whole panel (UC Davis).

44 California Cattleman March 2021

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Cattlemen’s Report Only 2020-2021 California Cattleman advertisers are represented in this sale report.

61ST ANNUAL KLAMATH FALLS BULL & HORSE SALE Feb. 6, Klamath Falls, Ore. Col. Eric Duarte 110 bulls........................................................................... $3,705 20 open heifers................................................................ $2,275 61ST ANNUAL KLAMATH FALLS BULL & HORSE SALE Feb. 6, Klamath Falls, Ore. Col. Dustin Carter & Col. Jered Shipman 9 Simmental & Sim-influenced bulls......................... $64,835 137 Simmental & Sim-influenced yearling bulls........ $7,638 44 Simmental & Sim-influenced strong-aged bulls... $6,597 3 Angus bulls................................................................... $5,833 134 Simmental & Sim-influenced females ................. $6,937 LAMBERT RANCH MODOC BULL SALE with consignor Bar KD Ranch Feb. 12, Alturas Col. Eric Duarte 24 Hereford bulls............................................................ $3,713 29 Angus bulls................................................................. $4,688 EZ ANGUS RANCH Feb. 13, Myrtle Creek. Ore. Col. Jake Parnell 28 Angus bulls................................................................. $4,250

KESSLER ANGUS BULL SALE Feb. 16, Milton-Freewater, Ore.

Col. C.D. ‘Butch’ Booker 126 Angus bulls.............................................................. $4,909 1 donor cow pick.......................................................... $10,000 1 pick of the heifers...................................................... $12,750 V-A-L CHAROLAIS BULL SALE Feb. 16, Nyssa, Ore. Col. John Coote 97 Charolais bulls........................................................... $3,730 SHAW CATTLE CO. BULL SALE Feb. 17, Caldwell, Idaho Col. C.D. ‘Butch’ Booker and Col. Trent Stewart 209 Angus bulls.............................................................. $6,036 164 Hereford bulls.......................................................... $5,566 37 Red Angus bulls......................................................... $4,568 75 commercial pairs....................................................... $1,960 50 commercial open heifers ......................................... $1,168 HOFFMAN RANCHES Feb. 19, Thedford, Neb. Col. Rick Machado

40 fall yearling Angus bulls........................................ $11,663 TEIXEIRA CATTLE CO. “PERFORMANCE PLUS” BULL SALE 59 spring yearling Angus bulls.................................. $10,418 76 spring yearling Hereford bulls................................. $8,602 Feb. 15, Terrebonne, Ore. 61 fall yearling Hereford bulls....................................... $7,131 30 two-year-old Hereford bulls.................................... $5,575 Col. Trent Stewart 22 SimAngus yearling bulls........................................... $5,145 135 Angus bulls..........................................................$5,551 23 SimAngus fall yearling bulls.................................... $4,870 6 SimAngus bulls........................................................$3,416 19 Hereford heifers......................................................... $4,526

Col. Trent Stewart and Ron Anderson at Genex’s Cody Sankey with Alta Genetics’ Roger Logan Ipsen and Rod Wesselman with Randy Teixeira Cattle Co in Terrebonne, Ore. Sosa at Hoffman Ranches Sale on Feb. 19. Kessler at the Kessler Angus Bull Sale on Feb. 16. March 2021 California Cattleman 45

SEMPER FIDELIS Past CCA Leadership Remembers CCA’s “Always Faithful” 43rd President, Bruce Hafenfeld by CCA Communications Director Katie Roberti “Latin for ‘Always Faithful,’ Semper Fidelis is the motto of every Marine—an eternal and collective commitment to the success of our battles, the progress of our Nation, and the steadfast loyalty to the fellow Marines we fight alongside,” the website of the U.S. Marine Corps says. As past presidents and leaders of the California Cattlemen’s Association shared stories and strengths of Kern County rancher Bruce Hafenfeld, just weeks after his passing on January 19, 2021, it didn’t take long to recognize Bruce was “always faithful.” As a retired Captain of the U.S. Marine Corps and leader for California’s cattle industry and ranching community, Bruce lived this motto out. Every other year, a new member assumes the role of CCA president for a two-year term, and from 2007 to 2008, Bruce took his turn after being elected among his peer in the Association. “Sometimes you are sorry that a guy only gets two years, and he’s [Bruce] one of the ones I am sorry he only had two years,” said Past CCA President Mark Nelson, Wilton. As Bruce served as CCA’s first vice president before taking the reins as president, Nelson served as CCA president from 2005-2006. To Nelson, Bruce was more than just an acquaintance he served with for a few years in a volunteer organization. He was a great friend. Someone Nelson grew to love and now growingly misses. “I want to start off by expressing my sorrow and how much I am going to miss Bruce,” Nelson said. “Bruce was a great man who cared about his family, his community, his friends and the industry he worked in, and it shows in the amount of time he gave to further all of those different things...” Through their friendship and time serving on the CCA officer team together, Nelson came to find out how much Bruce truly cared for his peers in the ranching community. He was compassionate about the issues impacting membership and the industry. When needed, he put in the time to study and understand the issues well. Additionally, Bruce was not afraid to ask questions to make sure he understood a problem or situation. “He’s the kind of guy you love to work with because you always know that he’s there, and he’s not going to go out on a limb without talking to people,” Nelson said. In an organization like CCA, filled with people of all personalities and ranching styles, disagreements among members are occasionally anticipated. While 46 California Cattleman March 2021

traveling across, up and down the state together visiting local cattlemen’s meetings and events on behalf of the Association, Bruce’s ability to read a crowd and manage situations impressed Nelson. “Bruce listened,” Nelson said. “He took in what your thoughts were, and he digested them. Maybe he agreed. Maybe he didn’t, but at least he heard it all before he made an opinion.” During their time serving CCA together one of the tasks Nelson and Bruce, along with the other officers, took on was helping lead the staff and office in 2006 during a transition period of executive directors for the Association. The two assisted in hiring Matt Byrne, Woodland, as the executive director of CCA during that time, and he continued in the role for the next half-decade. “You never had to wonder if Bruce was in your corner,” Byrne said of the first president he worked a full term with as the executive director for CCA. With Bruce leading through the everyday issues and the unexpected ones, Byrne learned from his leadership both on a personal and professional level. The time Bruce put into cultivating relationships, maintaining partnerships between organizations and building connections with sectors of the cattle industry are among the key strengths of his that stood out to Byrne. Bruce worked at maintaining CCA’s relationship with the California Rangeland Trust and working with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to build the California Rangeland Conservation Coalition. He sought opportunities to represent and engage different sectors of the state’s beef supply chain that weren’t fully involved in CCA, such as calf ranches and feedyards. However, perhaps the most meaningful is the value Bruce placed on making personal connections. ““When he would come to the office, he would sit down with each member of the staff and have a business conversation but also a personal conversation,” Byrne said. “It was really appreciated by the entire staff that we had a president who clearly cared about us as an employee and as a person.” Additionally, Byrne respected the effort Bruce made to stay connected to his family even when he was on the road, as CCA leadership often is to attend local cattlemen’s associations and events throughout the year. Specifically, Bruce always made time to step away from the crowd to call Sylvia, his wife of 46 years. “No matter how long our days were, or how late the

meetings were, he always made time to have a check-in with what was at home, and that is something I certainly learned from him, to make sure while you’re out trying to conquer the world you don’t forget about the world that you left behind when you got in the truck,” Byrne said. Bruce had tremendous pride in his family and ranch, and in his son Eric and daughter-in-law Jamie taking it over, Tom Talbot, DVM, Bishop, a longtime friend of his said. The Hafenfeld’s daughter Jessica and her family, who relocated from the Central Coast to Texas are also deeply immersed in the western world, which Bruce was very happy for. As Nelson’s term as president ended, Bruce stepped up into the top spot and Talbot was honored to serve as CCA’s first vice president. After having been-introduced by a mutual friend, prior to their time together at CCA, Talbot and his wife Laura, became fast friends with Bruce and Sylvia. In addition to having a valued friendship with Bruce and the Hafenfeld family, Talbot had the opportunity to work with him professionally as the two served on CCA’s officer team at the same time for over four years. Being from similar parts of the state, the friends were also able to travel together often for the Association. When stepping into the role of CCA president, there is no crystal ball for knowing what issues will arise or events will transpire during the time. Talbot notes that as president, Bruce faced some challenging situations in his two years. One of those unexpected issues was the infamous incident that sparked widespread animal welfare discussions after video footage of the unethical treatment of downer cows at the Hallmark/Westland Meat Packing Company in California was released throughout the world. The disturbing footage of the inhumane handling created a crisis that California’s cattle industry leaders had to tackle. Though a terrible event, Bruce’s character and leadership were exemplified in the steps he took to respond—maybe more so the actions he didn’t take. With Holsteins being recognizable in the video, one reaction Bruce could have taken would have been to blame the actions from the incident solely on the dairy industry. To some, that may have seemed like the easy out for CCA and the beef sector. But Bruce would have no part in placing that blame, Talbot said. “We aren’t going to throw the dairy industry under the bus,” Talbot remembers Bruce saying. Rather than potentially damaging CCA’s relationship with the dairy industry over the crisis, Bruce was able to do the opposite. Out of a disastrous situation, he led difficult discussions on how to manage the problem and be proactive in eliminating future harm while strengthening relationships with the dairy and the sale yard sectors. “What I thought was impressive about Bruce was that he took a leadership role in response to critics of the industry by saying that this is a really unfortunate event and something that no one in the livestock industry with credibility would condone, but at the same time don’t paint all of us with the same brush,” Byrne said. “He bridged that gap of saying this isn’t right, but it also isn’t normal and taking it a step further as a leader to challenge the industry to self-identify and address anyone who wasn’t meeting a high standard of animal welfare.”

Another issue Bruce was passionate about and one he worked hard with others to improve—through pushing to get meetings with the California Natural Resources Secretary at the time and working with non-traditional partners like the Nature Conservancy—was opening up grazing on undermanaged state lands. Bringing in allies, ...CONTINUED ON PAGE 48

Former CCA staff and officers (L to R): Matt Byrne, Bruce Hafenfeld, Bill Thomas, Dave Wood, Kevin Kester, Tom Talbot, DVM, and Dr. Jack Cowley.

Always a gentleman, Bruce Hafenfeld was a well-respected speaker who could command a room from the podium.

Usually all business, Hafenfeld had a jovial side which he often shared with friends and CCA staff. March 2021 California Cattleman 47

...CONTINUED FROM PAGE 47 developing novel partnerships to bring groups together to solve a problem was characteristic of the way that Bruce led, in Byrne’s opinion. The efforts he put into working with the California Rangeland Conservation Coalition are particularly remembered by Darrel Sweet, Livermore, who served with Bruce on the officer team and as CCA President from 2003-2004. But finding common ground with allies was a strength Bruce also used on his ranch. Bruce’s work on the South Fork of the Kern River, where the Southwestern willow flycatcher continues to be listed as endangered both federally and with the State of California, also stands out to Sweet when thinking back on his peer’s labors. Bruce saw value in the restoration work he did to protect the Southwestern willow flycatcher and, through this, was able to show how ranching and grazing can benefit and help create needed habitat for one specific species. The endangered bird stopped appearing on lands adjacent to his after the California Fish and Game Commission no longer irrigated and Audubon California stopped grazing the land. Without water and grazing, the willows that are needed to provide habitat for the bird vanished, and the species stopped showing up to the dismay of Bruce’s environmentally friendly neighbors. As the birds continued to show up in Bruce’s pastures, which are held in a conservation easement with the California Rangeland Trust, both groups came to their neighbor for help on how the land needed to be managed for the birds to come back. The persistence and perseverance Bruce had for this project impressed Sweet. His work on the Southwestern willow flycatcher, and knowledge of other areas in the industry, also found the appreciation of CCA’s Immediate Past President, Mark Lacey, Independence. “I first met Bruce when I was just out of college and faced working with the Forest Service on our grazing

48 California Cattleman March 2021

allotment in the Golden Trout Wilderness,” Lacey said. “Frankly, I didn’t know my way around NEPA, so someone suggested that I contact Bruce Hafenfeld, which I did. Bruce helped me tremendously on that issue, and later on we conferred quite a bit on the listing of the willow flycatcher and its habitat which affected both of us.” Leaving behind a legacy of hard work and dedication to serving California’s ranching community is undoubtedly something Bruce accomplished. But beyond his leadership endeavors, his friendship won’t soon be forgotten. “The first thing you could conclude about Bruce is that he was a military man—he had the high and tight haircut, and you could tell from the vibe he gave off,” Lacey said. “The second thing you sensed was that he was a man of strong conviction and determination who lived his life by a code, which in Bruce’s case I would say was family, God, and country. Bruce was a great person and friend. His passing is a loss for the livestock community, and he will be missed.” “Bruce was passionate, firm in his beliefs,” past CCA President (2011-2012) Kevin Kester, Parkfield, said, echoing Lacey’s comments. “Bruce did what was needed to advance policies for the benefit of ranchers, not only here in California, but across the nation,” Kester said. “Bruce was a good friend and will be missed.”



Bruce Allen Hafenfeld was born June 12, 1947, in Orange to Bernard Norman Hafenfeld and Barbara Jane Crosier. He went to be in the arms of the Lord January 19, 2021 with his family by his side after losing a valiant fight against Leukemia. He attended St. Joachim Catholic School, Costa Mesa High School, Orange Coast Junior College and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in animal science in 1968. Immediately after graduation from Cal Poly Bruce enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant, attended Navy Flight School in Pensacola Fla., graduating and earning his wings as a Naval Flight Officer-Bombardier-Navigator in Attack Aircraft (A4 and A6 Intruder) and later transferred to the El Toro Marine Corp Air Station where he was part of the Marine Attack Squadron 242. He remained in inactive reserves until he retired as a Captain in July 1982. Bruce met Sylvia Joughin through a college friend and they were married in 1974 at the Joughin Ranch. Bruce’s career included working for N3 Cattle Company, Beechinor Cattle Feeding and Joughin Ranch. Bruce had put together a handful of cows while still serving in the USMC and he and Sylvia were gifted 25 bred heifers as a wedding gift. They purchased the old Alexander Ranch in 1979 and Hafenfeld Ranch was born. Later Bruce and Sylvia purchased most of the Joughin herd of cows, calves and bulls as well as the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) permits, adding to their allotments already in place and the multi-generational ranching tradition continues to this day. Bruce remained active in running the ranch with his family until his illness. He kept busy serving his community and trade organizations through South Fork Union School District, South Fork Mosquito

District, Kern Valley Resource Conservation District, Kern County Cattlemen’s Association, California Cattlemen’s Association, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, California Rangeland Conservation Coalition, BLM Grazing Advisory Board, Kern County Water Agency, 4-H beef and swine leader and served our troops New York Steaks out of country with Cooks from the Valley. Bruce believed that no one makes it through this life without a hand up and help from others and was always very willing to give back. His hobbies included flying, team roping, fly fishing, playing with grandkids and his dog Sadie. Bruce enjoyed flying his Cessna 182 into the Idaho backcountry, checking and spotting cattle from the air for the cowboys on the ground, being a volunteer with The Young Eagles organization that introduced young people to general aviation, attending and volunteering at Junior Rodeos and meeting up for Rancheros Vistadores and Los Flojos rides. Bruce was preceded in death by his father Bernard Hafenfeld and mother Barbara Cardwell. He is survived by his wife of 46 years, Sylvia Joughin Hafenfeld of Weldon, daughter Jessica Hafenfeld Stewart and husband Murt Stewart of Weatherford Texas, son Eric Hafenfeld and wife Jamie Cornwell Hafenfeld, Weldon, five grandchildren, (Cora and Murt Stewart, and Gus, Charlotte and Ward Hafenfeld), his brother Rick Hafenfeld and wife Patty Bates, Sheridan, Mont.; Cousin Stan Hafenfeld and wife Jan, Albuquerque N.M.; Mel Hafenfeld, Glendale; as well as numerous nieces and nephews. A celebration of life will be announced at a later time. In lieu of flowers please make your tax-deductible donations to: California Rangeland Conservation Coalition, 12233 N. Flynn Rd, Livermore, CA 94550; or: Kern River Rodeo Association, P.O. Box 1296, Weldon, CA 93283.

March 2021 California Cattleman 49



Joseph Ernest Gates, a lifelong Solano County resident, passed away on Feb. 5, at the age of 63. Joe was a cattle rancher, auctioneer and owner of Gates Ranch Meat & Cattle Company, but most importantly to him, he was an incredibly dedicated family man. The son of a school teacher/ nurse, Patricia Jo Zerr and meat cutter Tom Gates, Joe was raised in Rio Vista where he resided for most of his life. And while Rio Vista held a special place in Joe’s heart, his favorite place was the family owned ranch outside of Vacaville where he spent much of his life and where he and his wife, Vanean, moved permanently in 2017. After graduating from Rio Vista High School, Joe attended Sonoma State University and earned a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. Joe worked briefly for a CPA firm in the Bay Area before realizing his heart belonged on the ranch. He and his dad owned and operated Gates Ranch Meat and Cattle Company, a custom butcher shop, where he spent the next 40 years. Joe learned the art of meat cutting from his dad and they worked across the table from one another until Tom’s passing in 2010. At that time Joe’s nephew, Richard, joined the operation and has learned the skill from his uncle. Joe’s sister, Tomi Jo, works in the shop as their meat wrapper, making this a true family business. They will continue the tradition of Gates Ranch Meat Company. Joe was a true cattleman. He raised beef for the butcher shop, bought and sold cattle as a representative of Cattleman’s Livestock Market in Galt and was a member and officer of the Napa-Solano Cattleman’s Association. He especially enjoyed helping young FFA and 4-H members purchase and raise their beef projects for the local fairs where he would then auction them to the highest bidders. As a young boy, Joe developed a passion for auctioneering while attending the sheep sale at the Dixon

Livestock Auction with his grandfather. This led him to Auction School in Billings, Mont. where he began to develop that iconic rhythmic chant that so many know him for. The very night he returned from auction school, he proposed to Vanean, whom he had known since kindergarten and had recently reconnected with at their 10 year class reunion. Since then, Joe and Vanean have conducted thousands of auctions together, mostly for local schools, churches, nonprofit organizations and many Junior Livestock Auctions up and down California, including the Dixon May Fair and the Solano County Fair Jr. Livestock Auctions which were close to his heart. Joe was well known for his quick wit and genuine connection with the crowd. He was passionate about the many causes he helped raise money for. Joe relentlessly joked to his auctioneer friends that he is the only “two-time state champion auctioneer,” winning his first California State Championship in 1998 and then again in 2000. He also was a finalist in the 1999 International Auctioneer Championship contest. Joe felt it was important to be involved in community and church. He served for 12 years on the River Delta Unified School District Board of Trustees, was an elder at Union Baptist Church in Rio Vista and most recently served on the board of the Rural North Vacaville Water District. Joe was a true believer of Jesus Christ and shared his faith with everyone by the way he lived. He was a youth group leader and Sunday School teacher. Joe was committed to attending a weekly men’s bible study for over 20 years and he recently began leading a young men’s bible study focusing on building a Godly marriage. Joe’s hope would be for everyone to know Jesus Christ as their Savior. Joe and Vanean were married for almost 34 years. His favorite thing to tell men was to “put your wife on a pedestal.” Joe did just that. They raised two wonderful children, Scott Brown (Elyse) and Jody Wemple (Ryan). He was Pop Pop to his two grandchildren, Levi Wemple and Lexie Wemple and Uncle Joe to 11 nieces/nephews and 15 great nieces/nephews.



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50 California Cattleman March 2021

TO O R D E R O R L E A R N M O R E CA L L T H E CCA O F F I C E AT ( 9 1 6 ) 4 4 4 - 0 8 4 5 O R VI S I T CA LCAT T L E M E N .O R G .

Farewell to a friend by Morgan Doran, Ph.D., UC Cooperative Extension, Napa and Solano counties

Feb. 5, 2021 was a very sad day for our livestock the ground, Joe was desperately defending his property and community and many other communities throughout the buildings, but felt he was losing the battle. Suddenly friends region. Col. Joe Gates sadly passed away on a Friday morning and family, including some from the local fire district, arrived after a tough fight with severe COVID-19 symptoms. Joe was without being asked to set a safe perimeter around the ranch admitted to the hospital during the last days of January and saving the ranch, all the buildings and animals. When Joe was soon diagnosed with COVID-pneumonia. The following described the experience a few days afterwards, he was brought days were a roller-coaster ride with Joe’s condition and his to tears at how the community came to help. That exemplifies family’s emotional well-being. Unfortunately Joe’s blood the support Joe has garnered from the community, which oxygen levels never stabilized despite heroic efforts by his only comes from the incredible support Joe has given to the medical team. community. An ariticle in the Vacaville Reporter does a good job Most of us in the livestock community and youth describing the many ways Joe supported his local community livestock programs best know Joe for the candor and humor beyond all he did for the livestock industry. he continuously injected into his work as an auctioneer; as a Joe Gates, may you rest in peace and may your soul forever representative for Cattlemen’s Livestock Market; as a meat live among us. While your passing creates a deficit in our cutter in the business he operated, Gates Ranch Meats, with hearts, we find solace in the many ways you’ve enrichened our his family; and as a member and treasurer for the Napa-Solano lives. We pray for the strength that your wonderful family will Cattlemen’s Association. Joe knew how to work a crowd, he need to endure your sudden and unbelievable loss. knew how bring out the best in people and knew how to get people to open their wallets to support the causes of so many community auctions he led. He won the hearts of many, including my own. Joe was a dear friend of mine and made sure to Anaplasmosis is an infectious parasitic disease in cattle, spread check in with me throughout my own ordeal with primarily by ticks and blood sucking insects like mosquitoes. The cancer and chemotherapy treatments. Joe took my killed anaplasmosis vaccine protects cows and bulls of any age cause to his men’s group and assured me that his from infection and requires a booster given 4 to 6 weeks after the initial vaccination. Find out below if you should order the vaccine! group was praying for me and my recovery. One of many indelible memories I have of Joe was at the Dixon May Fair livestock auction I attended Do you NO YES shortly after I started my job as Livestock Advisor own cattle? with UC Cooperative Extension nearly 20 year ago. When I arrived I saw Jeff Dittmer in the crowd, a familiar face I recognized early in my career. Jeff nodded his head toward me and I made the mistake of waving to Jeff, during the auction. My gesture Do they You don’t need it, to Jeff didn’t go un-noticed by Joe and he took graze in but should still areas where the opportunity to introduce me to the crowd as NO YES Anaplasmosis support the Solano County’s newest UC Cooperative Extension is a Livestock Advisor, waving his hand at an auction and California problem? not making a bid. While Joe served me a big piece Cattlemen’s (Consult your local of humble pie, my lesson was learned and I quickly Association veterinarian to find out) understood how Joe runs his auctions with no mercy and unrelenting humor. Do you want to prevent The other indelible memory I have of Joe is his pervasive and infectious positive spirit he exuded, the effects of the disease even during difficult times. Joe had faith and inspired including severe anemia, faith in others. I remember after the recent LNU weakness, fever lack of fires, Joe described the situation while the entire area NO appetite, depression, YES around his ranch on English Hills Road burned to constipation, decreased milk production, You jaundice, abortion and don’t possibly death? need to



CADE KOOPMANN Cade Colter Koopmann joined big brother Chance, age 2, on Feb. 1. He arrived weighing 7 pounds, 10 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. Cade is the son of Clayton and Natalie Koopmann, Sunol. Grandparents are Tim and Melinda Koopmann, Sunol; and Karen Jensen, Sloughhouse, and Lynn Jensen of Burbank.

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March 2021 California Cattleman 51

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DAN & BARBARA O’CONNELL 3590 Brown Rd, Colusa CA (530) 458-4491



— Since 1878—


Thank you to all of our 2020 bull buyers and female sale customers. We hope to see you again next fall! Contact us for information on cattle available private treaty.

Gary & Betsy Cardoza

(775) 691-1838 • HONERANCH.COM

PO Box 40 • O’Neals, CA 93645 (559) 999-9510

Celebrating Angus Tradition Since 1974 March 2021 California Cattleman 53

MCPHEE RED ANGUIS Call us today for information on private treaty bulls or females. 14298 N. Atkins Rd • Lodi, CA 95248 Nellie, Mike, Mary, Rita & Families Nellie (209) 727-3335 • Rita (209) 607-9719 website:

Thank you for attending the annual TAR bull sale! Join us again in 2021!

Chris Beck • 618-367-5397

Registered Hereford Cattle & Quarter Horses

Join us March 6 for our annual Cattlemen's Classic Production Sale

(530) 385-1570

Annual Sale First Monday in March 42500 Salmon Creek Rd Baker City, OR 97814

Ranch: (541) 523-4401 Bob Harrell, Jr.: (541) 523-4322

CHAROLAIS Feedlot • Rice • Charolais 2015 AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year

Jerry & Sherry Maltby

A FAMILY TRADITION Angus and SimAngus Cattle John Teixeira: (805) 448-3859 Allan Teixeira: (805) 310-3353 Tom Hill: (541) 990-5479 |

PO Box 760 Williams, CA

Mobile: (530) 681-5046 Office (530) 473-2830


“Breeding with the Commercial Cattleman in Mind”

79337 Soto Lane Fort Rock, OR 97735 Ken 541.403.1044 | Jesse 541.810.2460 |


Contact Clinton Brightwell for assistance marketing or buying your Hereford Cattle! (417) 359-6893 OFFICE@VINTAGEANGUSRANCH.COM WWW.VINTAGEANGUSRANCH.COM

54 California Cattleman March 2021

11500 N Ambassador Drive, Suite 410 | Kansas City, MO 64153 | (816) 842-3757 |


Oroville, CA



Call us about our upcoming consignments or private treaty cattle available off the ranch.

BARRY, CARRIE & BAILEY MORRELL Barry: (530) 6825808 • Carrie: (530) 218-5507 Bailey (530) 519-5189 560 County Road 65, Willows CA 95988


Horned and Polled Hereford Genetics

Private treaty bulls available or watch for our consignments at Cal Poly! Dwight Joos Ranch Manager P.O. Box 1019 • Simi Valley, CA 93062 805-520-8731 x1115 • Mobile 805-428-9781 Simi Valley, CA

SPANISH RANCH Your Source for Brangus and Ultrablack Genetics in the West!

THE DOIRON FAMILY Daniel & Pamela Doiron 805-245-0434 Cell



Genetics That Get Results! OMF EPIC E27

Reliable products you are looking for with the dependable service you need. Owned with Owned with Oak Meadows Farms & Schooley Cattle.


Call anytime to see what we can offer you!

Stan Sears 5322 Freeman Rd. Montague, CA 96064 (530) 842-3950

Vaccines Mineral Medicines Supplements ...and more! Antonia Old • (209) 769-7663


(707) 481-3440 • Bobby Mickelson, Herdman, (707) 396-7364

March 2021 California Cattleman 55

Watkins Fence Company

Premium Livestock Feeds “PERFORMANCE THROUGH WWW.BARALEINC.COM ADVANCED (888) 258-3333NUTRITION” • Williams, CA MattMixes Zappetini 526-0106 • Mineral with(530) Ranch Delivery • • Hi Mag - Fly Control - Rumensin - Custom Mixes • Performance Through • Complete Feeds and Finish Mixes • Advanced Nutrition

ALE MANAGEMENT • (888) 258-3333

specializing in oil pipe • chain link • barb wire

Proudly Featuring Conventional

  


Certified Organic

Sales Representatives: Matt Zappetini (530) 526-0106

Williams, CA Matt Zappetini (530) 526-0106

Tracy Lewis (530) 304-7246

Ranch Deliveries Available with our Truck and Forklift! We

Over 25 years serving California, Utah and Southern Idaho

1011 Fifth Street Williams, CA. 95987 888-473-3333 WWW.BARALEINC.COM

(805) 649-1568 Lic # 773420


also offer custom formulations to meet your specific nutritional needs!

We offer blends that contain: Molasses - Zinpro® Performance Minerals - Availa® 4 - Added Selenium Yeast - Rumensin® Available




Payette River Ranch - ID 1,103± acres with 900± irrigated. Ranch, farm, develop or use for tax credits via a conservation easement. $13,500,000

Winchester Ranch - ID 600± acres with 8 bedroom log home, log shop, cabin & 2 big barns. Pasture, farm land and timber with excellent big game hunting. $2,999,000

Your business could be listed here!

(208) 345-3163


3300 Longmire Drive• College Station, TX 77845 (800) 768-4066 • (979) 693-0388 fax: (979) 693-7994 e-mail:

Full Service JMM GENETICS A.I. Technician & Semen Distributor

• A.I, CIDR & heat synchronization • Extensive experience • Willing to Travel • Well-versed in dairy & beef pedigrees

JORGE MENDOZA • (530) 519-2678 15880 Sexton Road, Escalon, CA

56 California Cattleman March 2021

PUT YOUR BUSINESS IN FRONT OF THE Direct AUDIENCE YOU NEED MONTH AFTER MONTH! Advertising in this buyer’s guide is $450/year and $400 for each year after. Contact Matt Macfarlane for more information: (916) 803-3113.

MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 1221 H Street Sacramento, CA 95814 916-444-0845 (Office) · 916-444-2194 (Fax)








________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ DO YOU WANT TO RECEIVE OUR WEEKLY LEGISLATIVE E-MAIL BULLETIN?



Recruited By_________________________

Step 1: CCA Membership Pඋඈൽඎർൾඋ Mൾආൻൾඋඌඁංඉ

Fਏ਒ ਃਁਔਔ਌ਅ ਏਗ਎ਅ਒ਓ ਁ਎਄ ਔਈਏਓਅ ਓਅਅ਋ਉ਎ਇ ਁ ਖਏਔਉ਎ਇ ਍ਅ਍ਂਅ਒ਓਈਉਐ ਌ਅਖਅ਌

Cattle Numbers 2500 & Over 1600-2499 1000-1599 800-999 500-799 300-499 100-299 0-99  

Dues $1,765 $1,275 $970 $725 $615 $460 $325 $240

Calves under 6 months of age are not counted. Stockers pay at ½ the total number of stockers owned each year or minimum dues, whichever is greater.

Aඌඌඈർංൺඍൾ Mൾආൻൾඋඌඁංඉ

Fਏ਒ ਔਈਏਓਅ ਗਈਏ ਓਕਐਐਏ਒ਔ Cਁ਌ਉਆਏ਒਎ਉਁ ਃਁਔਔ਌ਅ ਐ਒ਏ਄ਕਃਔਉਏ਎ ਂਕਔ ਄ਏ ਎ਏਔ ਏਗ਎ ਃਁਔਔ਌ਅ Nਏ਎-Vਏਔਉ਎ਇ Mਅ਍ਂਅ਒ਓਈਉਐ ਌ਅਖਅ਌

Statewide Allied/Feeder Associate $220


Cattle Numbers


2001 + 1751-2000 1501-1750 1251-1500 1001-1250 750-1000 501-750 251-500 101-250 0-100

$1,900 + .38/per head $1,900 $1,650 $1,400 $1,150 $900 $650 $450 $300 $150


$20.00 $10.00 $10.00 $25.00 $15.00 $20.00 $20.00 $25.00

Humboldt-Del Norte Inyo-Mono-Alpine Kern County Lassen County Madera County Mendocino County Merced-Mariposa Modoc County

Young Cattlemen’s Committee

$ 25


Statewide Stewards of the Land


Applicant’s Birth Date:_______________


if over 25 years of age Applicant’s expected date of Graduation:

(Available to non-producers that own land on which cattle could or are run.)

CCA Supporting Member

(Available to non-producers who support the industry.)

Cൺඅංൿඈඋඇංൺ Bൾൾൿ Cൺඍඍඅൾ Iආඉඋඈඏൾආൾඇඍ Aඌඌඈർංൺඍංඈඇ


CBCIA is an affiliate of CCA and is a producer driven organization that fosters beef cattle improvement and economical production based on information and education.

Regular Members: $35 Associate Members: $35 Young Cattlemen: $ 5

$15.00 $25.00 NA $20.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $25.00


Must own fewer than 100 head of cattle. Must be 25 years of age or younger or a full-time student

- OR -

Step 3: Total Payment

LOCAL ASSOCIATON MEMBERSHIP: (Circle up to four below) Amador-El Dorado-Sac Butte Calaveras Contra Costa -Alameda Fall River-Big Valley Fresno-Kings Glenn-Colusa High Desert

Nਏ਎-Vਏਔਉ਎ਇ Mਅ਍ਂਅ਒ਓਈਉਐ

(includes Feeder Council Associate, Allied Industry membership and second membership. Second membership does not include Allied Industry voting rights.)

Step 2: Other Optional Dues Nൺඍංඈඇൺඅ Cൺඍඍඅൾආൾඇ’ඌ Bൾൾൿ Aඌඌඈർංൺඍංඈඇ

Yඈඎඇ඀ Cൺඍඍඅൾආൾඇ Mൾආൻൾඋඌඁංඉ

Monterey County $25.00 Napa-Solano $20.00 Plumas-Sierra $10.00 San Benito $20.00 San Diego-Imperial $10.00 San Joaquin-Stanislaus $5.00 San Luis Obispo $30.00 Santa Barbara $25.00







Payment Options:

□ Check payable to CCA

Local (All) $ TOTAL


Card #___________________________________ Exp______/________ Name on Card ____________________________ Signature ________________________________ Santa Clara Shasta County Siskiyou County Sonoma-Marin Tahoe Tehama County Tulare County Tuolumne County

$25.00 $20.00 $10.00 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $5.00 $10.00

Ventura County Yolo County Yuba –Sutter

$35.00 $25.00 $25.00

Alta Genetics................................................................. 15

GenePlus 15

Red River Farms.....................................................15, 53

Amador Angus............................................................. 52

Genoa Livestock........................................................... 54

Sammis Ranch.............................................................. 53

American Hereford Association................................. 54

Harrell Herefored Ranch............................................. 54

American Simmental Association.............................. 15

Scales Northwest........................................................... 44

HAVE Angus................................................................. 53

Animal Health International...................................... 55

Heron Fencing.............................................................. 15

Schafer Ranch............................................................... 53

Bar Ale 56

Hogan Ranch................................................................ 53

Bar KD Ranch............................................................... 52

Hufford Herefords........................................................ 54

Bar R Angus.................................................................. 52

Hygieia Laboratories...................................................... 7

Bar T Bar Ranches........................................................ 15

JMM Genetics............................................................... 56

Bovine Elite LLC........................................................... 56

Kessler Angus................................................................ 53

Stepaside Ranch............................................................ 54

Broken Box Ranch........................................................ 54

Knipe Land Company.................................................. 56

Tehama Angus Ranch.................................................. 54

Buchanan Angus........................................................... 52

Kool Breeze Livestock.................................................. 15

Teixeira Cattle Co......................................................... 54

Byrd Cattle Company.................................................. 52

Lambert Ranch............................................................. 54

TransOva ....................................................................... 15

Cattle Visions................................................................ 15

Little Shasta Ranch.................................................15, 55

VF Red Angus............................................................... 54

Cattlemen’s Livestock Market....................................... 2

M3 Marketing............................................................... 56

Charoon Ranch............................................................. 52

McPhee Red Angus...................................................... 54

Vintage Angus Ranch............................................54, 60

Chico State College of Ag............................................ 55

Morrell Ranches............................................................ 55

Conlin Supply Co., Inc.....................................................

Noahs Angus Ranch..................................................... 53

Dal Porto Livestock...................................................... 15

O’Connell Ranch.......................................................... 53

Dixie Valley Angus................................................52, 59,

O’Neal Ranch..........................................................15, 53

Donati Ranch................................................................ 52

Pacific Trace Minerals............................................50, 55

Schohr Herefords.......................................................... 55 Sierra Ranches............................................................... 55 Sonoma Mountain Herefords..................................... 55 Spanish Ranch............................................................... 55

Vitaferm ....................................................................... 15 Ward Ranches................................................................. 9 Watkins Fence Company............................................. 56 Western Poly Pipe......................................................... 15 Western Video Market................................................... 3

EZ Angus 11, 53

Peterson & Company/AgLands.................................. 44

WildHeron Drilling...................................................... 15

Freitas Rangeland Improvements............................... 15

PW Gillibrand Cattle Co............................................. 55

Wraith Scarlett Randolph............................................ 43

Fresno State Ag Foundations...................................... 55

Rancho Casino.............................................................. 15

Zanolini Cattle Co........................................................ 15

58 California Cattleman March 2021


Offering Our Best atThe Ultimate Test MIDLAND BULL TEST • COLUMBUS, MT • APRIL 2 Including sons of these and other well--known breed-leaders---

Connealy Confidence Plus

Baldridge Alternative E125

Sire: Connealy Confidence 0100 MGS: Connealy Consensus

Watch for these 12 high-performers-

Sire: Poss Easy Impact 0119 MGS: Hoover Dam

• Bid live or online-

ID 0270 Sterling Enhance 003 AAA 19886229 DOB 1/7/20 Heifer Bull Sire:SydGen Enhance CED +11

BW -0.4

WW +78

YW +144

MILK +24

CW +63

MGS: Mill Bar Hickok 7242

MARB +.97

RE +0.63

$B +172

$C Test ADG $294 3.95 lbs

ID 0271 Sterling Plus 007 AAA 19823211 DOB 1/14/20 CED +5

BW +1.9

Sire: Connealy Confidence Plus WW +80

YW +150

MILK +27

CW +70

MARB +0.99

MGS: SydGen CC & 7 RE +1.19

$B +197

$C Test ADG $334 4.79 lbs

ID 0272 Sterling Sampson 009 AAA 19823316 DOB 1/16/20 CED -3

BW +3.4

Sire: SS Samson C4701 WW +69

YW +123

MILK +15

CW +52

MGS: Hoover No Doubt

MARB +0.78

RE +0.67

$B +159

$C Test ADG $234 3.87 lbs

ID 0273 Sterling Enhance 015 AAA 19823286 DOB 1/19/20 CED +10

BW +1.4

Sire: SydGen Enhance WW +82

YW +156

MILK +19

CW +68

MGS: Plattemere Weigh Up K360

MARB +0.76

RE +0.69

$B +179

$C Test ADG $294 3.91 lbs

ID 0274 Sterling Advantage 019 AAA 19821643 DOB 1/24/20 CED +8

BW +1.2

Sire: Sterling Advantage 809 WW +88

YW +156

MILK +30

CW +73

MARB +0.68

MGS: PA Valor 201 RE +1.07

$B +176

$C Test ADG $296 4.62 lbs

ID 0275 Sterling Alternative 025 AAA 19823377 DOB 2/5/20 CED +11

BW +0.7

Sire: Baldridge Alternative E125 MGS: Baldridge Colonel C251 WW +64

YW +115

MILK +26

CW +52

MARB +0.88

RE +0.75

$B +163

$C Test ADG $261 3.24 lbs

ID 0276 Sterling Alternative 029 AAA 19823379 DOB 2/9/20

Heifer Bull Sire: Baldridge Alternative E125 MGS: Rito 3S10 of 9Q15 Progress CED +13

BW -0.3

WW +69

YW +120

MILK +22

CW +55

MARB +1.09

RE +0.80

$B +174

$C Test ADG $299 3.32 lbs

ID 0277 Sterling Enhance 038 AAA 19823266 DOB 2/16/20 Heifer Bull Sire: SydGen Enhance CED +11

BW -0.4

WW +77

YW +134

MILK +26

CW +52

MGS: Connealy Confidence Plus

MARB +0.97

RE +0.62

$B +156

$C Test ADG $302 3.61 lbs

ID 0278 Sterling Payweight 043 AAA 19823199 DOB 2/21/20 CED +7

BW +3.2

Sire: Basin Payweight 1682 WW +96

YW +173

MILK +29

CW +86

MARB +0.54

MGS: G A R Prophet RE +0.67

$B +173

$C Test ADG $293 4.62 lbs

ID 0279 Sterling Payweight 044 AAA 19823200 DOB 2/21/20 Heifer Bull Sire: Basin Payweight 1682 CED +10

BW -1.1

WW +66

YW +109

MILK +24

CW +34

MARB +0.59

MGS: G A R Prophet RE +0.20

$B +115

$C Test ADG $240 3.15 lbs

ID 0280 Sterling Payweight 050 AAA 19823202 DOB 2/25/20 Heifer Bull Sire: Basin Payweight 1682 CED +10

BW +0.6

WW +97

YW +162

MILK +32

CW +65

MARB +0.64

MGS: G A R Prophet RE +0.44

$B +139

$C Test ADG $255 3.66 lbs

ID 0281 Sterling Alternative 056 AAA 19821641 DOB 2/29/20 Heifer Bull Sire: Baldridge Alternative E125 CED +8

BW 0.0

WW +71

YW +128

MILK +24

CW +53

MARB +0.89

MGS: Styles Upgrade J59 RE +0.65

$B +158

$C Test ADG $273 5.16 lbs

Lee Nobmann, owner • Morgon Patrick, managing partner

(530) 526-5920 • • follow us on facebook!


March 2021 California Cattleman 59

Montague, CA



LOCKED AND LOADED WITH MULTI-TRAIT EXCELLENCE • Fire Power was the Lot 1 son of VAR Power Play in the 2020 VAR Bull Sale. • Fire Power combines great type, soundness and easy fleshing ability with top of the breed ranking for an outstanding number of traits. • Fire Power is from a proven maternal line that is generations deep in multimillion dollar producing females.


VINTAGE RITA 5063 The $200,000 half interest dam of Fire Power working in the Herbster Angus and Vintage Angus program.

VINTAGE RITA 9405 The $125,000 half interest full sister to Fire Power working in the Dixie Valley and Vintage Angus program.



+6 +2.4 +93 +167 +0.35 +1.52


+12.5 +14

+39 +36 +89 +1.27 +0.68


+103 +131 +80 +211 +344

BREED RANKINGS 1% 1% 1% 10% 5% 1% 1% 1% 3% 20% 1% 1% 2% 1% 1%



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