The refuge_The Plaza_COMPOSTELAs_2019

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The Refuge

oref uxio apraza The Public Space

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019


Limiar |


Introduciรณn | Introduction Proxectos | Projects


Ar Kar Hein


Dylan McClintock


Alex Sheehan and Michelle Ortiz


Jessica Patrick


Ekaterina Postoyuk


Irina Sarukhanyan


Docentes | Faculty


O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Galicia é un país hospitalario que debe procurar sempre ir mellorando as condicións para o desenvolvemento desta característica que nos é propia. No marco do programa “O teu Xacobeo”, presentamos a publicación O refuxio, a praza. Unha obra que testemuña o traballo desenvolto o pasado verán pola Fundación Compostela Arquitectura con estudantes e arquitectos de todo o mundo. Profesionais que se reuniron na nosa terra para reflexionar sobre como mellorar a experiencia persoal dos peregrinos no ámbito do Camiño de Santiago. Feita daquelas unha diagnose inicial, que sinalaba uns picos de ocupación no período estival, principalmente no Camiño Francés, os participantes propuxeron solucións aqueladas e a aloxamentos temporais para estas datas de máxima afluencia peregrina. Propostas que, en todos os casos, procuraban –como se pode comprobar no libro– ser respectuosas co patrimonio, sustentables e contar cunha dimensión social. Desde os tempos de Vitrubio, a arquitectura supón un compendio de coñecementos técnicos e humanísticos orientados a cumprir coas necesidades de vivenda e usos sociais en espazos construídos para o desenvolvemento da vida das persoas. A arquitectura

actual pretende ademais acompasar a estética, a función e o método científico, esforzándose en lograr a unión entre o útil e o belo. Os proxectos propostos neste caso por Ar Kar Hein, Dylan McClintock, Michelle Ortiz e Alex Sheehan, Jessica Patrick, Ekaterina Postoyuk e Irina Sarukhanyan acadan esa desexada síntese e unha alta coherencia estilística rica en matices. Román Rodríguez González Conselleiro de Cultura e Turismo


Introdución | Introduction O REFUXIO, A PRAZA COMPOSTELAs é un laboratorio de arquitectura promovida pola Fundación Compostela Arquitectura, onde arquitectos e estudantes de distintas culturas xúntanse cada ano para facer propostas de deseño cunha dimensión social. Este ano COMPOSTELAs 2019 desenrolouse no mes de xullo coa participación de estudantes e arquitectos de diversos países -Rusia, Perú, México, Nova York, Arxentina, California, Croacia e República Dominicanaos temas de traballo do programa foron en torno ao Camiño, e como mellorar a súa vivencia do Camiño entendendo esta como unha experiencia cultural e social.

forte nos meses de verán, máis como non resulta posible dimensionar as infraestruturas hoteleiras para os meses de maior demanda, entendemos que deberíanse facer propostas flexibles de refuxio para acollida dos peregrinos dun modo minimamente confortable que den resposta a unha necesidade temporal pero urxente.

Despois dunha análise e entrevistas cos peregrinos, unha primeira conclusión e que non están suficientemente cubertos os lugares de descanso nos tempos de máxima afluencia de peregrinos.

Aínda que as propostas desenroladas foron todas feitas coa idea de ser versátiles e de xeito que podan ser instaladas en diferentes lugares do Camiño, coa idea de que as propostas finais foran viables o seu deseño foi concretado para unha carballeira no lugar de San Paio, como a derradeira parada de descanso para os peregrinos e tamén porque os espazos das carballeiras son espazos presentes en moitas vilas do Camiño e por tanto estas propostas poderían ser tamén facilmente reproducibles noutras carballeiras veciñas do Camiño .

O Camiño aínda que é unha actividade atemporal, está sometida a uns picos de utilización especialmente

Carlos Seoane Fundación Compostela Arquitectura

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019 THE REFUGE, THE PLAZA COMPOSTELAs is an architecture laboratory promoted by the Compostela Arquitectura Foundation, where architects and students from different cultures come together every year to make design proposals with a social dimension. This year COMPOSTELAs 2019 took place in July with the participation of students and architects from different countries - Russia, Peru, Mexico, New York, Argentina, California, Croatia and the Dominican Republic - the work topics of the program were around the “Camino”, and how to improve your experience on its cultural and social dimension. After an analysis and interviews with the pilgrims, a first conclusion is that it is not sufficiently covered the demand for resting places during the times of maximum influx of pilgrims.

for the peak months, we understand that flexible shelter could be made to accommodate those pilgrims in a minimally comfortable way that respond to a temporary need. Although the proposals developed were all made with the idea of​​being versatile and so that they could be installed in different places along the “Camino”, with the idea that the final proposals were viable, their design was concretized for an oak forest space near San Paio village, as the last rest stop for pilgrims and also because oak forests are still present in many villages of the Way and therefore these proposals could also be easily reproduced in other oak forests near the “Camino”. Carlos Seoane Compostela Arquitectura Foundation

Although the “Camino” is a timeless activity, it is subject to particularly strong peaks in the summertime, but because it is not possible to size the hotel infrastructure


Ar Kar Hein | The New Leaf

AR KAR HEIN San Diego, USA NewSchool of Architecture and Design Project name: The New Leaf Brief description of the idea: When the forest is being asked, what would it want to be, I believe it will answer to be untouched and unscathed. So, this ideology was drawn into the focus when thinking of design as the catalyst to contribute to the beauty of nature has become the virtue. In the proposal, materials from the nature, like Sand-bags are used to elevate the ground to the roof structure. When the dwelling units are removed, the elevated ground will become part of the forest, allowing the mosses to grow on it and when the time comes to place the units again, it will become the anchor points, maintaining the intended design of the master plan.

In the ancient beliefs, Pilgrims would follow the milky-way to reach to their destination and it is believed that the sky and the milky-way is the main source of the discovery of Caminos. The New Leaf also receives its inspiration from the discovery of Caminos, which being interpreted as the strip of light formed between two parallel facades of the building. In the New Leaf, providing the sense of community is one of the most important factors in consideration of the design. Pilgrims are the people who are not only sharing the same journey but also sharing their success of reaching to the destination. Moreover, presenting the

sense of community is the only thing that can bring architecture to life, so the new leaf is not only designed to reflect the nature and the culture but also carefully executed to bring the unforgettable experience to the pilgrims in their journey.

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019 Breve descrición da idea: Cando se pregunta ao bosque, que querería ser, creo que responderá a que non se toque nin se desbote. Así, esta proposta puso o punto de mira no deseño como o catalizador para contribuír á beleza da natureza e convertela na virtude. Na proposta úsanse materiais da natureza, como os sacos de area para elevar o chan ata a estrutura do Tellado e así este de algún xeito diluírse no bosque. Cando se retiren as unidades dos refuxios, o chan elevado pasará a formar parte do bosque, permitindo que os musgos crezan sobre el e cando chegue o momento de colocar de novo as unidades, converteranse nos puntos de fixación, mantendo o deseño previsto do plan director.

Nas antigas crenzas, os peregrinos seguirían a vía láctea para chegar ao seu destino e crese que o ceo e a vía láctea son a principal fonte do descubrimento de Camiños. Esta proposta tamén recibe a súa inspiración no descubrimento de Caminos, que se interpreta como a franxa de luz formada entre dúas fachadas paralelas do edificio. Na “Nova Folla”, proporcionar o sentido da comunidade é un dos factores máis importantes ao considerar o deseño.

a nova folla non só está deseñada para reflectir a natureza e a cultura, senón tamén executada con coidado para achegar a experiencia inesquecible aos peregrinos na súa viaxe.

Os peregrinos son as persoas que non só comparten a mesma xornada senón que tamén comparten o seu éxito de chegar ao destino. É máis, presentar o sentido da comunidade é o único que pode dar vida á arquitectura, polo que

Sketch | Impression of the Forest

Bosquexo | Impresión do bosque


Ar Kar Hein | The New Leaf

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

3D Persrective | The View Between The Dwelling Units

Vista tridimensional | Vista entre cĂŠlulas


Ar Kar Hein | The New Leaf

Sketch | Cummunal Area

Bosquexo | Area común

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Debuxo | Urbanizaciรณn

Drawing | Masterplan


Ar Kar Hein | The New Leaf

Drawing | Crossed Section of a Single Unit

Debuxo | Corte por unha unidade

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Drawing | Typical Floor Plan of a Single Dwelling Unit Debuxo | Planta tipo de unha unidade de estancia


Ar Kar Hein | The New Leaf

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

3DModel | Axonometry

Maqueta | Vista axonométrica


Dylan McClintock | Plaza del Bosque

Dylan McClintock San Diego, USA NewSchool of Architecture and Design | Architecture | 4th Year Undergraduate Project name: Plaza del Bosque Brief description of the idea: The symbol of the star is one that is commonly found in history and is a motif shared by countless peoples around the world. The star, most often 5-pointed, is a form that is utilized by many state flags, including the Estreleira flag adopted by many Galician political parties. Perhaps more importantly for Santiago de Compostela is the presence of the star in Christian canon. The number of points on a star give the shape different meaning to Christian interpretation. The 5-pointed star specifically is often associated with the birth of Christ, and vaguely represents the human form.

Interestingly, a starkly different interpretation of the 5-pointed star also exists. In pagan faiths, the pentagram exists as a symbol of faith, much like the crucifix does to Christian faiths or the Star of David for Jews. This is particularly important for the region of Galicia, as it was in ancient times settled by Celtic tribes. Celtic culture and traditions still have a uniquely strong presence in this region. Celtic peoples were known to have been tied with forms of pagan belief systems. This means that the 5-pointed star carries special meaning for multiple influential groups of people in Santiago de Compostela. Even the city’s name itself is believed by many to translate from Latin to mean “campus of stars.”

Another pertinent usage of stars in Spanish culture is in the practice of astral navigation. Spain was one of the foremost civilizations of explorers from the sixteenth century. In this time, nautical navigation over long distances relied heavily on guiding stars like the famous North Star. The concept of a guiding star is perhaps the most relevant to the Plaza del Bosque. Acting as a final destination before reaching the city of Santiago de Compostela, traveling pilgrims will be able to flock to this location to reflect on their journey and find peace in nature.

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Breve descrición da idea: Como resultado da peregrinación a Santiago de Compostela, os camiños énchense de peregrinos moito máis alá da súa capacidade para os visitantes. Isto leva a un exceso de demanda de hoteis e albergues na chegada á cidade, obrigando a peregrinos adurmir ao aire libre ou nas rúas. Así, considerouse necesaria o deseño de alternativas de hospedaxe para estes peregrinos. Isto fai que para lograr un proxecto eficaz para este programa, que fomenta a interacción con veciños e os peregrinos de todo o mundo co fin

de avaliar a mellor forma de abordar o deseño. As entrevistas que fixemos no programa con peregrinos e veciños foron moi esclarecedoras das distintas necesidades. Esta proposta está actualmente destinada a acoller a 92 ocupantes nun entorno socialmente atractivo e seguro dentro dunha vella carballeira cerca do Camino. Investigación e ideoloxía. Entendo que para deseñar calquera actuación nun lugar tan arraigado históricamente como Santiago de Compostela, é fundamental

Picture | Inspiration

Foto | Inspiración

desenvolver unha forte ideoloxía detrás do proxecto de deseño. Para iso, a investigación sobre os antecedentes históricos locais, as tradicións e incluso as lendas resultou fundamental. O concepto de estrela guía é quizais o máis relevante para a praza do Bosque. Actuando como destino final antes de chegar á cidade de Santiago de Compostela, os peregrinos viaxeiros poderán recorrer a este lugar para reflexionar sobre a súa viaxe e atopar a paz na natureza.


Dylan McClintock | Plaza del Bosque

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Axonometric Diagram | Plaza del Bosque

Diagrama axonomĂŠtrico | Praza do bosque


Dylan McClintock | Plaza del Bosque

Site plan | Plaza del Bosque

Plano do lugar |Praza do bosque

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Exploded Axonometric Diagram | Plaza del Bosque

Diagrama explotado | Praza do bosque


Dylan McClintock | Plaza del Bosque

Rendering | Proposed Entry Point

Vista | Propuesta de entrada

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Debuxo | Planta esquina tipo

Drawing | Typical Coner plan


Dylan McClintock | Plaza del Bosque

Drawings | Typical Unit Plans

Debuxos | Planta de unidad tipo

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Perspective 3D Section | Living space

Perspectiva tridimensional | Espazo socia


Alex Sheehan and Michelle Ortiz | The Refuge for Pilgrims

Michelle Ortiz

Alex Sheehan

NewSchool of Architecture & Design

NewSchool of Architecture & Design

San Diego, CA, USA

Brief description of the idea: A system of rentable hammocks with a network of preestablished camping sites designed for hammock accommodations. Hammocks are lightweight, packable and portable. Rentable via vending machines along the route. Returnable at end destination for a refund excluding a nominal laundering fee. Network of preestablished sites can be erected easily in wooded areas or established via a man made ‘forest’ in less arboraceous areas. The provided network of campsites acts more as a suggested guide but is not an exhaustive list of potential sleeping spaces given the innate flexibility and ease of hammocks . To assure success we rooted our design to a specific forest location just outside of Santiago de Compostela proper.

San Diego, CA, USA

We designed a series of decks around hammocks to provide necessary amenities. We executed many site visits and researched extensively the plight of the pilgrim to provide a solution that was impactful. We utilized the trees as inspiration and elected to erect linear structures to draw the eye continually upward. To create a sense of lightness of physical and emotional support. A series of site visits produced the shape of the elevated wooden platform. A gradual change in elevation allowed the hammocks to be placed at different heights. Features a communal firepit, kitchen, restrooms and a secluded meditation area completely open to the elements.

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019 Breve descrición da idea: Un sistema de hamacas alugables cunha rede de campamentos preestablecidos reservados para aloxamentos en hamaca. As hamacas son lixeiras, embalables e portátiles. Arrendable a través de máquinas expendedoras ao longo da ruta. Devolvible ao destino final para unha devolución con exclusión dunha taxa de branqueo nominal. A rede de sitios preestablecidos pódese erguer con facilidade en zonas boscosas ou establecerse a través dun bosque artificial feito en zonas menos arbóreas. A rede de cámpings proporcionada actúa máis como guía suxerida pero non é unha lista exhaustiva de espazos de durmir potenciais dada a innata flexibilidade e facilidade das hamacas.

Para garantir o éxito, arraigamos o noso deseño a un lugar específico, procuramos unha carballeira xusto na proximidades de Santiago de Compostela. E deseñamos unha serie de cubertas ao redor de hamacas para proporcionar as comodidades necesarias. Para o desenrolo dun proxecto específico fixemos moitas visitas ao sitio e investigamos extensamente a situación do peregrino para ofrecer unha solución potente pero útil ao mesmo tempo. Utilizamos as árbores como inspiración e eliximos para erguer estructuras lineais para atraer a mirada continuamente cara arriba. Para crear unha sensación de lixeireza - de apoio físico e emocional.

Map | Camino de Santiago with possible stops along the way

Photo | Pilgrims

Mapa | Camino de Santiago, paradas de descanso

Foto | Peregrinos


Alex Sheehan and Michelle Ortiz | The Refuge for Pilgrims

Map | The site

Mapa | O lugar

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Sketches | First ideas of the refuge


Alex Sheehan and Michelle Ortiz | The Refuge for Pilgrims

Photo | The site

Mapa | O lugar

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019


Alex Sheehan and Michelle Ortiz | The Refuge for Pilgrims

Drawing | The hammock

Debuxo | A hamaca

Drawing | SIte specific solution

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Debuxo | Soluciรณn do luga


Alex Sheehan and Michelle Ortiz | The Refuge for Pilgrims

Drawings | Elevations

Debuxo | Alzados

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019


Alex Sheehan and Michelle Ortiz | The Refuge for Pilgrims

Renderings | The views of The Refuge

Vistas | Vistas del refugio

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019


Alex Sheehan and Michelle Ortiz | The Refuge for Pilgrims

Model | The Refuge with hammocks

Maqueta | El refugio con hamacas

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019


Alex Sheehan and Michelle Ortiz | The Refuge for Pilgrims

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Photos | Final review

Fotos | Jurado final


Jessica Patrick | The Passage

Jessica Patrick San Diego, USA

Master of Architecture program specialized in Neuroscience for Architecture at the NewSchool of Architecture + Design in San Diego, California. Project name: The Passage Brief description of the idea: The request was to design temporary lodging for the thousands of pilgrims who travel the Camino to Santiago de Compostela in the summer. The site is an oak forest which is vulnerable to being cut down if an identity and use is not given to it. To provide a solution, this project focuses on gaining an understanding of the local environment, its people, history and culture. The results are simple modular like units that can be constructed by hand with the use of joinery for the structural elements. The oak wood sleeping units open up on all sides and have perforated openings

to allow natural light in, just as the light shines through the trees, while providing ventilation without compromising protection from the weather and humidity. Assembling these units becomes a tradition for the local community to come together to piece together the units by hand and offer hospitality. The units are raised on granite stones keeping with the traditions of the local architecture and garden landscapes. When the units are not in place in the off season for pilgrims, these granite stones offer spaces for sitting and picnicking, a common way the community enjoys the outdoors and socializing with each

other. What remains is a sacred space for communities to gather, offer hospitality and connect with each other and nature.

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019 Breve descrición da idea: A proposta pretende dar resposta á necesidade de deseñar aloxamentos temporais para os miles de peregrinos que percorren o Camiño a Santiago de Compostela no verán. O lugar-tipo escollido é unha carballeira que resulta vulnerable de ser cortada e destruída se non hai unha identidade ou un uso pensada para ela. Para ofrecer unha solución, este proxecto céntrase en comprender o ambiente local, as súas xentes, a historia e a cultura. Os resultados son unidades modulares simples que se poden construír a man co uso de carpintería de madeira para os elementos estruturais. As unidades de

durmir de madeira de carballo ábrense por todos os lados e teñen aberturas perforadas para permitir entrar a luz natural, do mesmo xeito que a luz brilla a través das árbores, ao tempo que proporcionan ventilación sen comprometer a protección contra o clima e a humidade. A montaxe destas unidades antes da chegada do verán e por tanto da maioría dos peregrinos, convértese nunha tradición para a comunidade local para montar as unidades modulares a man dando emprego local e ofrecendo hospitalidade aos peregrinos.

de granito seguindo as tradicións da arquitectura local. Cando as unidades están fóra de temporada para os peregrinos e desmantélanse, estas bases de pedras de granito ofrecen espazos para sentarse, descansar e xuntarse en torno a elas, un xeito común que a comunidade goce ao aire libre e se socialice entre si. O que queda é un espazo sagrado para as comunidades reunirse, ofrecer hospitalidade e conectarse entre si e coa natureza.

As unidades álzanse sobre pedras

Drawing | Forest

Debuxo | Bosque


Jessica Patrick | The Passage

Drawing | The site

Debuxo | O lugar

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019


Jessica Patrick | The Passage

Drawings | Plans, elevations, trace

Debuxos | Planos, fachadas, marcas

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Photo collage | Forest

Foto collage |Bosque


Jessica Patrick | The Passage

Drawings, Model | Building for pilgrims Bosque Debuxos, maqueta | Construcciรณn para peregrinos

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019


Ekaterina Postoyuk | Pilgrims movement and stops

Ekaterina Postoyuk Moscow, Russia MARCH Architecture School | BA1 Moscow Aviation University | Faculty of Economics | economic engineer Project name: Pilgrims movement and stops Brief description of the idea: The rhythm of the pilgrim. Movement and stops. I started the project with a research of the daily routine and rhythm of the pilgrim who follows the Camino road. All pilgrims follow the same rhythm: movement and stops. Moreover, it is difficult to separate the stop from the road. It is always one. The main idea of ​​the project is to unite the space of the forest and the road. Unite 3 patrs of the forest. Create filling as we are following Camino, the same movement, rhythm and sensation. The key in the project is the moment of entrance into the space of the forest,

which is created through the articulation of movement and creating the same sensation when we are entrance to the church. This is created by two architectural forms: a stone fence, which determines the movement and unite the space of the road and the forest; and the buildings for stop of the pilgrims, which strengthen this feeling.

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019 Breve descrición da idea: O ritmo do peregrino. Movemento e paradas. Comecei o proxecto cunha investigación da rutina e o ritmo diario do peregrino. Todos os peregrinos seguen un ritmo parello de movemento e paradas. Ademais, é difícil separar a parada do Camino, sempre é un. A idea principal do proxecto é unir o espazo do bosque e a estrada. Xuntar

tres partes do bosque e crear unha sensación de que seguimos no Camino, o mesmo movemento, o mesmo ritmo e a mesma sensación. A clave do proxecto é o momento de entrada ao espazo do bosque, que se crea a través da articulación do movemento e creando a mesma sensación cando estamos no adro

dunha igrexa. Isto é creado por dúas formas arquitectónicas: un peche de pedra, que determina o movemento e une o espazo da estrada e o bosque; e os pavillóns para a parada e descanso dos peregrinos, que fortalecen este sentimento.

Sketch| Quinata de Mortos Sanatiago de Compostela | Movement and stop of the pilgrims Bosquexo | Quinata de Mortos Santiago de Compostela | Movemento e parada dos peregrinos


Ekaterina Postoyuk | Pilgrims movement and stops

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Sketch | Inspiration | Inside the Cathedral Santiago de Compostela Bosquexo | Inspiraciรณn | Interior da catedral de Santiago


Ekaterina Postoyuk | Pilgrims movement and stops

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Photo | Landscape | Oak forest

Foto | Paisaxe | Carballeira


Ekaterina Postoyuk | Pilgrims movement and stops

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Sketch | First impression of the landscape Bosquexo | Primeira Impresiรณn da paisaxe


Ekaterina Postoyuk | Pilgrims movement and stops

Drawing | Plan of the landscape

DeseĂąo | Planta da paisaxe

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Model | Landscape and project

Maqueta | Paisaxe e proxecto


Ekaterina Postoyuk | Pilgrims movement and stops

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Sketch | Looking for movement of pilgrims and entrance to the forest Bosquexo | Mirando a o movemento dos peregrinos e entrada a o bosque


Ekaterina Postoyuk | Pilgrims movement and stops

Model | Stone fence and the building for pilgrims

Maqueta | Peche de pedra e os pavillรณns para peregrinos

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Drawings | Facade and plan of the building for pilgrims

Debuxos | Fachada e plan dos pavillรณns dos peregrinos


O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Final review

Presentaciรณn final


Irina Sarukhanyan | Pathway and hammocks

Irina Sarukhanyan Moscow, Russia The State University of Land Use Planning | architecture | BA2 Project name: Pathway and hammocks Brief description of the idea: The Territory I worked with is an ancient oak forest. There are just a few forest like this in this region, so I want to preserve this forest. Based on my researches I got the ideology of this path as a stream, wave. And I decided to use camino as a part of my forest. This part of the way become to be a pier for a stream and for people or souls, who made this Camino way. I’d like to find a way that wouldn’t injure the forest I took a great attention to each tree, so my main pathway is going around trees (it’s about 160). That’s why I have such silhouette. Ideology. The motive of the sea and the ship is traced in early Christian motives: the cathedral symbolizes the ship which saves people from vain, guilty and from

all that is beyond its limits, from ocean. E.g: In the Genesis flood narrative there is the vessel through which God spares Noah, his family, and examples of all the world`s animals from a world-engulfing flood. A hammock in its form is similar to a boat, which symbolizes the soul that seeks to be saved. Just as each soul is responsible for itself, each hammock is designed only for one person. However, they are all connected with this pier by branches, they all have one desire for the redemption of the soul. I imagine the way of pilgrims from all over the

world as a river valley and a stream, and this forest, as a kind of bay, where the stream stops before reaching its goal. (Аs the metaphysical river flows into the ocean, pilgrims reach the cathedral.) The pier is multifunctional. It includes baths, restrooms in 2 places, cases for up to 110 visitors, fountains with drinkable water, charge places, sitting places with tables as kind of kitchen and the place for bikes, etc.

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019 Breve descrición da idea: O territorio co que traballei é unha antiga carballeira. Hai poucos bosques coma este nesta area, polo que paréceme importante preservar este bosque. Con base nas miñas investigacións, a proposta final e a idea do camiño como un fluxo, coma unha onda. E decidín usar o camiño como parte do bosque. E de algún xeito esta parte do camiño pasou a ser un peirao para un regato e para persoas ou almas, que fixeron o Camiño. Gustaríame atopar un xeito de non danar o bosque e prestar atención a cada árbore, polo que o camiño principal vai arredor de árbores (son 160) e de ahí o resultado da sua forma.

O motivo do mar e do barco está trazado en motivos cristiáns primitivos: a catedral simboliza a nave que salva á xente de vanes, culpables e de todo o que está fóra dos seus límites, desde o océano. Por exemplo: Na narrativa de Xénese hai un buque polo que Deus salva a Noé, a súa familia e exemplos de todos os animais do mundo dunha inundación mundial. Unha hamaca na súa forma é semellante a unha barca, que simboliza a alma que busca salvarse. Do mesmo

Sketch | Hammocks

xeito que cada alma é responsable de si mesma, cada hamaca está deseñada só para unha persoa. Non obstante, todos eles están conectados con este peirao por ramas, todos teñen un desexo de redención da alma. Imaxinamos o camiño dos peregrinos de todo o mundo como un val e un regato, e este bosque, como unha especie de baía, onde o regato se detén antes de alcanzar o seu obxectivo. (Como o río metafísico desemboca no océano, os peregrinos chegan á catedral.)

Bosquexo | Hamacas


Irina Sarukhanyan | Pathway and hammocks

Map | Site

Mapa | Lugar

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019


Irina Sarukhanyan | Pathway and hammocks

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Drawing | Hammocks

DeseĂąos | Hamacas


Irina Sarukhanyan | Pathway and hammocks

Photo and drawing | Analogy between pier and board Foto e dibuxos | AnaloxĂ­a entre peirao e panel

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

3D model | Hammock

Modelo tridimensional | Hamaca


Irina Sarukhanyan | Pathway and hammocks

Drawings | Plan and side

Debuxos | Planta

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Drawings | Axonometry

Planos | AxonometrĂ­a


Irina Sarukhanyan | Pathway and hammocks

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019

Model | Pathway

Maqueta | Senda


Irina Sarukhanyan | Pathway and hammocks

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019


Guest critics



Doctor Architect at University of Coimbra (2009). Graduated at FAUP (1991). Started professional practice as associate architect in CINCLUS (1991) as a coordinator of design project team. Professor of Construction in DarqFCTUC (1991-2009).

Pablo Gallego Picard Dr Architect, photographer and filmmaker, he graduated at ETSAM in 1994. Doctor in 2014, he is currently professor at ETSAC–UDC, and at the CA Compostela summer workshop. Master of Science at the Columbia

Professor of Theory and Design Studio in Darq-FCTUC (since 2009). Founded erja-arquitectos office (1998) with professional practice in urban design, private houses and public equipment and wined several prizes in architecture competition for public builidings.

University in the year 2000. Recipient of the William Kinne Fellows Award, 1st prize Europan 8 at Coimbra and for the Museum of Neandertal in Asturias, he has recently been finalist at the Spanish Biennial, Enor Prize and Fad Prize.

Member of Docomomo International with participations as Lecturer conference in Docomomo International Conference.

Co-director of the art&architecture magazine O-monographs, he has exhibited his work at different museums, art and architecture biennales.

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019




Doctor Architect at UPC (2006). Graduated at FAUP (1991). Started professional practice in Álvaro Siza office (1991) as a coordinator of design project team (Marco de Canavezes Church and Aveiro University Library, among others). Professor of Design Studio at University of Lusíada (19942012). Professor of Theory and Design Studio in University of Lusófona of Oporto (since 2012) and University of Beira Interior (since 2018).

Maria Sieira was born in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, where she still teaches architecture in the summer program Compostela Architecture. She moved to the United States at age 14 and currently lives in New York City.

2011–2019 Founded “domohomo architects” with Elena López Fernández. An office specialized in rehabilitation and in construction with wood. www.

Founded erja-arquitectos office (1998) with professional practice in urban design, private houses and public equipments and wined several prizes in architecture competition for public equipments. Maintains collaboration with Álvaro Siza as associate office. Member of iForm-DPA-ETSAB and Docomomo International with participations as Lecturer conference in Docomomo International Conference. CA2RE scientific board since 2016 and founder of CA2RE+ consortium (2018), research by design.

Ms. Sieira, teaches in the graduate architecture program at Pratt Institute, where she coordinated the housing studio for the past ten years. She also taught at the University of Missouri, Columbia, and worked in the office of Peter Eisenman Architects (on the Cidade da Cultura project). Ms. Sieira studied both architecture and theater as an undergraduate at Yale University, a pursuit that led to an interest in “architecture narratives.” She developed and taught a seminar on film and architecture (architects making space with moving images), with which she further explored this theme of architecture narratives. She has a Master of Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania and is a registered architect in New York State.

Mr. Turnes has a master’s degree in urban Regeneration and Rehabilitation by the University of Santiago de Compostela, and a Master of Advanced Studies. Genesis, language and composition in architecture by the University of A Coruña. He has an Engineer’s Degree in Architecture at the University of A Coruña in 2005 (Spain) Xulio Turnes has been teaching at CA Institute since 2013, and in University of Coruña on the summer program in architecture. Housing and spaces in traditional villages in Galicia, 3rd edition.


Docentes | Faculty




Gonzalo Benavides founded his Lima based architectural studio in 1998 and has since developed and built architectural, urban and interior design projects in Lima and throughout Peru. As Faculty member of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru, he teaches design studio, participates as guest professor and is director of the international workshop Limapolis 2017. Furthermore, he currently participates in urban innovations in a collaborative and multidisciplinary way seeking a better relation between the city and its natural and built environment.

Tatiana Berger has a B.A. in Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley and a master’s degree from Princeton University. Ms.Berger worked with Portuguese architect Alvaro Siza in Porto, Richard Meier in New York and with Baumschlager Eberle in Austria.

Anna has master’s in architecture and Urbanism by the MARCH School of Architecture, Moscow, and her BA – Architecture by the March I (Moscow Architectural Institute), Russia.

Ms.Berger is a full time faculty member at NewSchool of Architecture and Design in San Diego, where she teaches courses in Architectural awnd Urban Theory, Graduate Design Studio, Graduate Thesis Research, and Neuroscience and Architecture. She has also taught at the Boston Architectural College (2007-2013), at Wentworth Institute of Technology and at Roger Williams University. She has been a visiting critic at several institutions, including the ETH in Zurich, the Porto School of Architecture, the Moscow Architectural Institute, City College of New York, Princeton University, and the GSD at Harvard University.

Since 2015 Anna has been teaching at MARCH (PS), Moscow where she is BA first year Tutor.

O refuxio, a praza | The refuge, the public space | COMPOSTELAs 2019




Maria has the master’s degree Programs in Architecture & Urbanism (MAU) the master’s degree programs in Arts & Philosophy.

During his studies at university he worked for the architects Soneira, Luciani, Zanoni, and for his father, achitect Antonio Rampulla on different projects, works and several National Architecture competitions .

Mr. Seoane has a bachelor’s degree in Architecture from the University of Santiago (1987), and a master’s degree from Columbia University (1991). Mr. Seoane is now the Associate Professor at the School of Architecture in Coruña University and in 2010, Carlos Seoane became the director of the Compostela Architecture Foundation and the CA institute, focused on developing international architectural programs in Galicia, such as the COMPOSTELAs summer program.

2015 – 2018, Lecturer and curator, author of annual programs and summer intensives of the Moscow Architectural School MARCH (Undergraduate and bachelor’s degrees Programs). Founder and Producer of International Online Arts Education Platform Artclever.

From the year 1994 to the year 2006 he worked with Portuguese architect Alvaro Siza as the coordinator of different projects and works such as The Faculty of Communication Sciences of Santiago de Compostela; The Caixa Galicia-Pontevedra Foundation; The Southern Municipal building of Rosario in Argentina; and The Sportscenter of Ornella De Llobregat in Barcelona, among others. Currently living in Córdoba, he now works as an Assistant professor of the Architectural Design chair at Universidad Católica de Córdoba and on different works and projects in his own firm.

His professional work has also been recognized with the Iberian Lledó Award in 2018, the FAD award in 2016, he has also received the Juana de Vega Award 2010 and in 2005, 2015 and 2017 Mr. Seoane was awarded also with the COAG Award. In addition, Mr. Seoane has published several books, including: “Siza by Siza”, “Souto de Moura - Metro de Oporto” and articles in magazines such as: “Casabella”, “Pasajes” and “Obradoiro”. 85

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