Simcrane 3d

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SimCrane 3D+ 3D體感吊車訓練系統

SimCrane 3D+ 3D體感吊車訓練系統

Related references

1. Juang, J. R., Hung, W. H. and Kang, S. C. "SimCrane 3D+: A Crane Simulator with Kinesthetic and Stereoscopic Vision," Advanced Engineering Informatics, reviewing.

SimCrane 3D+ 3D體感吊車訓練系統 吊車在工地中扮演著非常關鍵的角色,若要確保吊車在工地有一定的執行效率與安全性,吊車手的訓 練是非常重要的。目前已有許多虛擬的吊車模擬系統被用來幫助訓練吊車手,因為虛擬的模擬系統可 以省去吊車的租金,並且可以自由地在虛擬環境下進行各種適合的訓練。然而,大部分的吊車模擬系 統缺乏視覺深度的呈現,即沒有辦法模擬出人類的動態視覺與立體透視效果,特別是在模擬複雜的吊 裝工作中,若缺乏真實的視覺感受會在無形中降低了訓練的成果與效率。在我們的研究中,我們實作 了「體感偵測」及「立體視覺」這兩項技術來解決視覺深度的問題,我們利用Microsoft Kinect做為體 感偵測器,用來捕捉訓練者的位置以產生出正確的視覺透視圖,以即時修正在不同視角所看到的畫面 。立體視覺則是利用NVIDIA 3D Vision來實現,包含了一套立體繪圖流程、一副立體眼鏡和一個立體顯 示裝置。結合上述這兩項技術,我們以Microsoft XNA為架構開發了一款名為SimCrane 3D+的吊車模 擬系統,目的是要模擬出在複雜的工地環境下如何有效地進行吊裝任務。我們也進行了使用者測試來 評估我們的模擬系統,結果顯示在進行吊裝模擬時,我們的系統確實能呈現視覺深度的效果,並且能 提供更真實的視覺體驗,同時也增進了吊裝工作的準確性與效率。

The system architecture of SimCrane 3D+ Crane simulator Crane model

Site model

Building model

Physics engine

Software Hardware

Crane simulator

Kinesthetic vision



3D display Active 3D glasses

Kinect sensor


SimCrane 3D+

As cranes play a critical and versatile role at construction sites, it is extremely important that crane operators receive adequate training to erect structures safely and eďŹƒciently. Several researchers have developed crane simulators to facilitate operator training. Using simulators reduces costs associated with renting actual cranes and enables operator training for a range of tasks in virtual environments. However, a critical drawback common to most existing simulators is lack of depth perception. Training eectiveness may be reduced if the 3D perspective, based on human visual and kinesthetic information, is not simulated. This is especially true for complex erection tasks, which are the main focus of virtual training programs. In this research, two major features are added to simulation systems: kinesthetic vision and stereoscopic vision. Kinesthetic vision generates corrected perspective images on the screen that compensate for distortion induced by the inclined view angle through the Kinect sensor. Stereoscopic vision integrates the NVIDIA 3D VisionTM package that includes a 3D rendering pipeline, a pair of 3D glasses, and a 3D display to generate stereoscopic images on the screen. A crane simulator known as SimCrane 3D+ was developed by integrating kinesthetic vision and stereoscopic vision into a game framework based on the Microsoft XNA toolset, simulating a mock erection task scenario in a complex simulated environment. We performed user tests to evaluate the proposed system. Results show that the system provides better depth perception and excellent visibility to users during the simulated task.

Kinesthetic vision in the actual world and virtual world

SimCrane 3D+ View changes based on eye positions

The hardware environment for SimCrane 3D+ Xbox 360 KINECT sensor Active 3D glasses (TY-EW3D10W)

Xbox 360 controller 50� 3D TV(TH-P50VT20W)

The rendering results of stereoscopic and kinesthetic vision

Deformation of the viewing frustum

The virtual environment in SimCrane 3D+

Shih-Chung Jessy Kang

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