Professional Practice - Reflective Report

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Bethanie Ryder Professional Practice

evitcelfeR Reflective lanruoJ Journal



reflective learning




influential accounts




ultimate ambitions






job application





“Reflective learning has become a central feature of management and professional education, supported and influenced by many professional bodies,� (Griggs, 2016, p2). Alongside providing individuals with the opportunity to work on their self-management skills for professional development (Moon, 2004), the reflective learning method aids in teaching the practice of monitoring progression and clarifies the significance of constructive criticism. In regard to this, I have chosen to use the reflective learning process throughout my work in order to increase my awareness of areas which require improvement, and how I can do so through learnt transferable skills and practices. This report will aim to discuss my chosen career path, whilst assessing the possibilities and opportunities to achieve my preferable position of employment.


Alongside this, I will evaluate my previous work in order to improve and make considerable alterations to my desired pathway. Due to one of my predominant faults being time-management, I will keep track of my progression through an annual diary and a reflective journal, which I will regularly refer to throughout my career development. As discussed by Dymoke and Harrison (2008), reflective learning provides a “useful framing device to help conceptualise some important processes in professional learning,” resulting in an “emergence of mature professionals with a changed perspective to that which they held prior to their professional programme,” (Griggs, 2016, p9).



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Due to the majority of my time spent searching for inspiration on social media platforms, the predominant sources of incentives for my work are individuals specialising in blogging, digital Content Creation and online Social Movements. The main platform I turn to for creative visions and motivation is Instagram. The digital application has helped to shape my personal style and explore possible career prospects; following accounts which are currently succeeding within my chosen field of work keeps me focused and goal-driven.



Oenone Forbat Instagram - @uhnonee Website - Oenone Forbat is a fitness and lifestyle digital influencer using her platform as an educational and informative tool, whilst celebrating body positivity and diversity. A self-proclaimed intersectional feminist, Oenone uses digital platforms such as blogging and podcasts to discuss topical issues including Eating Disorders, Domestic Abuse, Sexuality and what it means to be an ‘Adult.’ Her work inspires me due to her autonomous yet eager-to-learn-more approach to controversial subjects and matters which some may find difficult to discuss. In result of this, her platforms are an inclusive and positive safe space for many - connoting values of friendship, girl-power, confidence and unity. 8


Dolly Alderton Instagram - @dollyalderton Website - Best known for her book ‘Everything I Know About Love,’ Dolly Alderton is an journalist, author and columnist for the Sunday-Times publication. Her themes throughout her work include sex, feminism, dating and friendship, all communicated through her no-nonsense, laid-back approach to dealing with life as a modern woman in her 20’s. Her work is influential to myself due to her self-confidence and ability to empower others through her words and sense of humour, making her relatable and empathetic towards many females worldwide.



INTERVIEW After attending the Industry Event based at Leeds Beckett University, I took the opportunity to engage with Digital Content Creator Harry Bartlett; founder of ‘The Norm Can Conform’ blog. During the conversation my plans for future careers became the primary topic, in which I took the chance to ask Harry about any helpful advice he could offer myself, in order to help me advance in my chosen pathway. “You have to put yourself in front of the camera in order to have a good chance of succession online. You are the brand and people want to see you, so you have to gather the confidence to put your face in the photos you post for your work and build on your brand image.” “Make yourself memorable. You want these people that you’re networking with to remember you and build relationships with you, so make sure you’re taking advantage of your unique qualities. I’m from the North with a strong Northern accent so I’m regularly recognised at the ‘Northerner.’”

- Harry J Bartlett, 2018



Ultimate Ambitions Although I am currently studying a Fashion Marketing course, my main interests and motivations lie in discussing societal, political and global issues. As a result of this, my preferred career pathway would be in cultural journalism for a magazine publication. As my writing skills progress, and a personal-writing style is established through further experience, I would eventually like to incorporate the topic of fashion into my work; whether this be the culture of fashion, the global implications of the fashion industry, or the relationship between fashion and contemporary topical matters. Primarily, I believe I would benefit in working for a company first as opposed to freelancing. Working for a larger business will aid in helping me improve on my existing writing skills, alongside offering the opportunity to explore and experience the working environment for this line of vocation. Working for an existing publication offers a considerable amount of perks for myself, including the possibility of building networks and contacts for my portfolios and for future ventures.


Eventually I would enjoy becoming a freelance writer, offering my services to both smaller publications and larger conglomerates. Freelancing will provide me with more creative freedom and the option to explore more personal projects. Freelance employment will also provide me with a more lenient time-scale, and the ability to alter my work to fit my lifestyle - “To work as a freelancer offers the interviewees a lifestyle with personal freedom and flexibility. This lifestyle seems to be in line with recent trends in society as a whole and the labour market in particular, which have resulted in increasing individualisation and flexibilisation.� (Edstrom and Ladendorf, 2012, p719). The skills learnt through my previous positions of employments will also prove advantageous when adapting to the various house styles of magazines, with the privilege to expand on my writing skills.




As my chosen career is a combination of two subjects (journalism and fashion), I face the challenges of competing with individuals from two different sectors, resulting in opportunities being twice as hard to achieve. In order to succeed, I need to work on developing and trivialising my unique selling points. This can be achieved through developing a personal writing style unique to myself, offering employers something different and new. In addition to this, as my goal occupation blurs two industries, there will be difficulties in finding an employment position which offers both to myself and my work. This may result in me having to go freelance, or The decision to eventually go freelancing may prove challenging in my career. The possibility of isolation from fellow employees, plus a lack of mental stimulation from like-minded individuals might result in a creative ‘rut,’ alongside an inability to explore new ideas, inspirations and ventures. Opportunities which may be readilyavailable to employees in larger companies could be difficult to establish for those in freelance, resulting in an increased necessity for freelancers to effectively market themselves and their work in order to maintain their reputations and income. (Storey, Salaman and Platman, 2005)


With an increasing rise in popularity of social media platforms, Reuters Institute reported that over 44% of publishers are worried about the influential impact that these digital platforms hold on audiences as compared to last year, suggesting that is it now imperative that publications ensure a full sector of their workplace is dedicated to monitoring and regulating their digital presence. Alongside this, the concept of a more ‘active’ audience is a growing technique that publications are introducing into their digital platforms. “In social media, we’ll see a further move to messaging platforms and conversational interfaces.” (Newman, 2018, p6). This is a huge step forward for journalism - offering their following the chance to directly debate and discuss with fellow readers through a manageable platform. Diversity within journalism and the media is still in need of improvement. As discussed in the 2018 ‘Journalism, Media, and Technology Trends and Predictions report’, major news stories which should be addressed, are still being overshadowed by those targeted at the more-priviledged viewer/reader, suggesting there is “little awareness, contact or connection with those not of the elite”. (Newman, 2018, p9).

The future of journalism 17



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JOB APPLICATION 1. The job role includes a hybrid of my preferred career interests - fashion and current affairs. My degree in Fashion Marketing will prove useful in applying for this application, presenting a knowledge and understanding of the fashion industry, whilst my Fashion Writing module will be beneficial in showing my various writing skills. 2. “Agenda-setting stories.� In my writing, I try to discuss topics which I feel need highlighting to a wider audience. The predominant tone of voice throughout my work aims to express my personal opinion, whilst remaining open to comments and debates. I feel I will find this particular aspect of the job thought-provoking and motivating. This is something to consider whilst career searching. 3. As previously touched upon, time-management is a skill which I need to improve and work on in order to progress in my journey of employment. To do so, I have chosen to use a diary and a personal working schedule in order to track my progress. 4. Building relationships with both internal and external clients is a vital part of my career span. The importance of networking and building a contact portfolio is crucial to providing contextual and diverse work to publications. This is something I must take into consideration when applying for specific job roles - will this position of employment provide me with the opportunity to meet new people and expand my social network? 5. Being knowledgeable and up-to-date with technological advances is essential within this vocation. If a new application or social platform becomes popular, it is significant that I remain educated on these movements and incorporate them into my projects. 6. Using my time to undergo personal projects that will benefit my work, e.g. learning a new language. Any extra, unique skills that I acquire may prove favourable when applying for jobs and distinguish myself from competing individuals.


References •

Dymoke, S. and Harrison, J. (2008). Reflective Learning and Teaching. SAGE Publications Ltd, p.20.

Griggs, V, Holden, RJ, Lawless, A et al. (1 more author) (2018) From reflective learning to reflective practice; assessing transfer. Studies in Higher Education, 43 (7). pp. 1172-1183.

Maria Edstrom. and Martina Ladendorf. (2012). FREELANCE JOURNALISTS AS A FLEXIBLE WORKFORCE IN MEDIA INDUSTRIES, Journalism Practice, 6:5-6, 7pp.11-721.

Moon, J. (2004). A Handbook of Reflective and Experiential Learning. 1st ed. New York: RoutledgeFalmer.

Newman, N. (2018). Journalism, Media and Technology Trends and Predictions 2018. [online] Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, pp.6-9. Available at:

• Storey, J., Salaman, G. and Platman, K. (2005). Living with enterprise in an enterprise economy: Freelance and contract workers in the media. Human Relations, 58(8), pp.1033-1054. PHOTO CREDITS (CHRONOLOGICAL) •







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