TABLE OF CONTENTS Foundation Board of Directors John Blickenstaff • Aletra Chaney-Profit Mike Clifton • Suzanne Coin • Carolyn Connell Pam Cross • Tom Estep • Evan Funk Alan Jaax • Janice Jones • Teri Monteferrante Nelson Mosley • Ryan Murry • Betsy Redler Jay Stehley • Rod Young
Table of Contents
Message from Tom Borrego & Dr. Kim Krull
Ex Officio
Create a Simple Plan for the Future
Ford Donation
Honor Roll of Donors
Dr. Kim Krull, President Forrest Rhodes, Trustee Liaison
Foundation Staff Tom Borrego Executive Director 316.323.6729 | tborrego@butlercc.edu Mary Moon Executive Director of Community Advancement 316.218.6338 | mmoon@butlercc.edu Averie Nelson Assistant Director of Development & Scholarships 316.323.6737 | anelson5@butlercc.edu Hayley Hobbs Assistant Director of Donor Relations 316.323.6734 | hhobbs@butlercc.edu Angie Friesen Accounting Officer 316.323.6733 | afriesen4@butlercc.edu
Feature Writers Rodney Dimick • Hayley Hobbs Trish Walls
1970 Cross Country Team Celebrates 50 Years
Annual Sponsors
Reaching New Heights—Scholarships
COVID Meal Delivery
Saving with Handmade Wipes
5000 Building Remodel
Alumni Update Form
Butler Community College Foundation Magazine is published twice a year and maintains the copyright of the materials contained within these pages. All rights reserved. Please send comments and updates to Butler Community College Foundation, 901 S. Haverhill Road, El Dorado, KS 67042, by email to foundation@butlercc.edu, by phone at 316.323.6734, or by fax to 316.323.6750.
Notice of Nondiscrimination (Equal Opportunity Employment) It is the policy of this organization to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual preference, age, or disability.
f we have learned anything from the year 2020, it is that we are all in this together. Through all of the many obstacles the world has experienced during the past 12 months, it is gratifying to see the kind of ingenuity, flexibility, and camaraderie that evolves during difficulties. In the world around us, and the world at Butler, we have been fortunate to witness innovations in regard to learning. Through community and commitment our students, faculty, and staff have shown great resilience and a willingness to persevere even when faced with insurmountable odds. Though the times have been increasingly difficult, there is a lot of pride in what has transpired throughout the year. Truly we also have our donors and alumni to thank for this success. Many of you stepped up to provide extra financial support to our students and our institution during a time of great need.
We are eternally grateful to those who found it in their hearts to support our mission and help students finish what they start. Our gratitude cannot be measured, only expressed in safe and humble ways. Thank you! As you read the pages of this issue of our Foundation magazine, take time to appreciate the effort and support that has gone into this academic semester. It takes a community to educate a Grizzly, and we are surrounded by the best of the best. With warm wishes,
Thomas E. Borrego, J.D. Kim Krull, Ph.D. Executive Director President Butler Foundation Butler Community College
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Similar to finding your perfect coffee blend, there is a way to blend your personal philanthropy that is right for you.
Blended Giving
FORD DONATION Six-year old partnership continues to grow, support student learning Students in the Automotive Technology program received a strong re-affirmation of their career choice in October when a group of Rusty Eck Ford and Ford Motor Company employees arrived in the auto shop during class. The entourage did not arrive empty-handed either. They delivered a used Ford Focus branded with Rusty Eck Ford and Butler Grizzlies logos. After several comments, the keys were handed over to Mark Jaye, Butler’s auto technology instructor. Jaye pointed out this is the second vehicle donated within the last five years to Butler’s Auto Technology program by Rusty Eck Ford and the Ford Motor Company. This is one result of a valuable partnership that started six years ago. The cars are donated as educational lab tools to aid in the training of students. Other benefits include internships for students in the Rusty Eck Ford company. Marcus Hicks, regional technical talent placement specialist for Rusty Eck Ford and a Butler alumnus, complimented the work of Brandon Clark, Rusty Eck Ford fixed operations director, and Mark Jaye, for developing the partnership and building a stronger pathway from classroom to industry for the students. “Understand something,” Hicks said as he addressed the class of students. “You’re no longer a mechanic or a grease monkey,” he said amid chuckles. “You’re a technician because everything you do deals with diagnosis."
“You have training that’s invaluable and this is a partnership, I think, that will be going on for years to come.” Brad Wilson, Ford Motor Company parts and service operations manager, spoke on behalf of Ford Motor Company emphasizing to the students their need to enter the industry. He encouraged them to keep working hard.
a great need for automotive technicians and for great sales people in our industry. It’s a robust industry and there’s a great opportunity for all of us to grow in that. You have a great future ahead of you and a great opportunity in front of you.” Mark Jaye and Mel Whiteside, dean of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) division, both offered their appreciation for industry support of the partnership. “These types of donations are critical to our programs for ensuring we have the latest technology for our students to work on,” Whiteside said. “They deserve that and it makes them more valuable and employable when they leave here.” Before passing the keys over to Jaye, Kyle Eck, CEO of the Eck Auto Group and Butler alumnus, brought the value of the work service technicians do back to the economy.
“One thing I will say about technicians, mechanics, and service professionals, he said. “They are the lifeblood to the industry and actually, the life blood to the economy because they keep everyone running; they keep them going.” Butler’s Automotive Technology program is taught in El Dorado and provides a pathway to either a one-year certificate or a two-year Associate of Applied Science degree.
“Right now, over the next five years, 20% of our technicians will be eligible for retirement. And, we’re not alone in that,” he said. “Most of the industry is in that same situation so there’s
Honor Roll of Donors Every year we come together at the President’s Donor Dinner to recognize the wonderful people who give to Butler. Understandably we did not want to take any chance this year that would put anyone at risk given the global pandemic. However, we would be remiss to not say thank you to the individuals, alumni, families, and businesses who contribute to Butler’s excellence in and out of the classroom. Within these pages are hundreds of names of the kind and generous people who give of their time, talent, and treasure. Butler simply would not be the institution it is today without you. Though we are in a time where much is unknown, our friends who support the college have continued to be steadfast and for that we–and most importantly our students–are forever humbled and grateful. Please know how much you are appreciated and that we carry you with us as inspiration every day!
The Butler Foundation makes every effort to keep its financial records up to date. Our fiscal year runs July 1 to June 30. If an error has been made, please accept our sincere apologies and contact us at 316.323.6734. New funds and memorials are those that occurred within that fiscal year timeframe. * New to giving level (D) Deceased
2019–2020 New Funds
2019–2020 Memorials
Powers Family Nursing Scholarship
True Knowles
Shirley A. Jackson Music Scholarship
David Walton
Brett and Leann Nickel Scholarship
Dorothy Orloske
Jake and Jan Shaffer Family Scholarship
George Hurlburt
Bayleigh L. Stovall Memorial Scholarship
Judy Abraham
2019–2020 Honor Roll of Donors President’s Club ($500+) *Jim and Patti Allen *Allen, Gibbs & Houlik, L.C. American Family Insurance – Rebecca Shum *Chris and Whitney Belford Bonefish Grill *John W. Buaas Carrabba’s Italian Grill Will and Sherri Conard *Coonrod & Associates Construction Co., Inc. *Bryan and Sarah Coons James and Norma Doornbos *Brett Durick Robert and Karen Erwin Kris Estes Susan L. Forrest *Barry and Christi George Michael and April Gerber Bruce and Sue Givens *Kyle and Mary Martha Good Johnie and Donna Gragg Laura Graham and Jeremy Kohn Sydney A. Gunderson and Alan C. Johns *H & Co. Salon *Craig and Dalinda Hamilton Dennis Higgins Emmalynn Hoyt *HydroChem Michelle Iseman, John and Alec Stamey Matt, Hayden, and Collin Jansen *Beverly A. Jones Christie L. Jordan Kent and Audrey Kallenberger Kenneth and Debbie Keehn *Tom and Patty Leffler Sharon Mangels
*Jan Mead Mittlestadt Props & Design/Tom Mittlestadt National Baseball Congress David and Patricia Nixon Tad and Pamela Patton Nicholas and Katherine Posge Regier Carr & Monroe, L.L.P. Doug Riat *Heather Rinkenbaugh Roberts Hutch-Line, Inc. D.J. and Lisa Schmidt Todd and Mellisa Schwartz *Shaken or Stirred Bartending *Anne H. Shirley *Dale and Jeanna Short Sara S. Sluss *Ryan and Kerri Smith Shaun and Tammy Standard Craig and Markie Stephens Structural Preservations Russ and Shelley Stultz Trey and Noreen Templin *Jeffery S. Tomlinson Dan Topping *James and Fe Vorderlandwehr Josh and Heather Ward Randy and Jeanette Weerts Wichita Chapter of SHRM Wichita Thunder Hockey Workforce Alliance of South Central Kansas *Jim and Verna Zang Suzanne Zerblis Partner’s Club ($1,000+) American AgCredit Assured Occupational Solutions *Tom and Chris Borrego Guy and Beth Bower *Brandon and Kelsie Brigham *Cargill Protein *CDW-G
*City of Miami Eddie and Willow Dean Digital Office Systems *Jason and Courtney Doll Tom and Alix Estep FlightSafety T.J. and Ann Foley Evan and Angie Funk *Global Industrial, Inc. *Courtney J. Griffith Gerald and Elsie Haines Lindsey E. Hall Hargrove Law Office Hartmoor Restaurant Group, LLC *Joseph and Megan Hobbs Veracity Consulting/Angie Hurt Hutton *Mark and Sandra Isom J.R. Custom Metal Products, Inc./ Ed and Patty Koehler *Mike Kibler and Linda Baker Kibler Koch Industries, Inc. *Bret and Stacey Marcotte *Meddys Dan and Anita Mills MKEC Engineering, Inc. Colin and Candace Parry *Michael and Lora Patton Bill and Traci Pickert *Ryan and Christy Powell Bob and Peggy Prigmore *Shelley Electric, Inc. *Simpson Construction Shannon and Kelly Snedden Streeter Family *Dan and Alissa Unruh *Suzie Van Tries *Dennis and Carolyn Wetta *Wichita Regional Chamber of Commerce *Willie’s *Ronald and Ronda Wilson Leader’s Club ($2,500+) *Bryce and Allison Barkus BKD *Budde Enterprises, Inc. *Melody L. Cantrell *Envision *Ford RAV Headquarters IMA, Inc. *Mike’s Rent to Own *SS Ranch Co. *Brian and Natalie Turpin John and Tracy Wilson/Rock Creek Lodge and Venue Director’s Club ($5,000+) *Blackburn Construction, Inc. *Jeremy and Annie Machain *Warren and Kathy McCoskey *Brett and Leann Nickel Diamond Society ($10,000+) 3-2-1 Kawasaki A.O. Smith Foundation, Inc. David and Sandy Adams Gene and Teddy Adams (D) Janice and Felix (D) Adams Steve and Lisa Adams
Christ and Susan Addington AIWF – Wichita Chapter Ted and JoAnn (D) Albright American State Bank & Trust Andover Kiwanis Club *Anonymous Kevin and Roxanne Arnel Everett and Esther Atkisson (D) Augusta Child Care Center Augusta Family Dentistry Pat and James (D) Bailey Bank of the West John and Michele Banks Barry L. and Paula M. Downing Foundation Joseph and Patricia (D) Bayles Barbara and Frank (D) Becker Beech Aircraft Foundation Mike and Debbie Bellesine/El Dorado TrueCare Pharmacy Marlene K. Belt Benton Airpark, Inc. Gladys Beuchat (D) Don and Linda Billingsley (D) Eric and Francia Bird Dr. Barry and Alice Bloom BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas Foundation Sol and Mildred Blum (D) Dr. Doug and Jamie Bohannon Ken and Kerry Bohon Border States Electric Burt and Margaret Bowlus (D) Jerry and Joan Branson (D) Pat and Harriet Brazil Dr. Alan and Nancy Brown Martha Brown Dave Bump and Diane Traylor Bob and Pat Burch (D) Bob and Jackie Burdorff Butler County Shrine Club Butler Rural Electric Cooperative Association William and Lucille (D) Callaway Robert Carlson and Roberta Sheahan Todd and Denise Carter Wayne and Susan Chambers Faralane and Richard (D) Chase Robert Chism (D) City of El Dorado Jim and Lou Clennan Brian Clites Stacy Cofer Doug and Suzanne Coin Ralph and Lianne Compton David and Donna Conner David and Betty Corbin Dale and Nellie Corson (D) Warren Coutts, Jr. (D) Brandon and Melissa Cross Barry and Judy Cross Crossland Construction Company, Inc. Keith and Dona Darlington Delta Dental Plan of Kansas, Inc. Demo Sales, Inc. Jim and Rachelle Depew Joe Derr (D) Jill and Tom (D) Docking
Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. DRISCO of Kansas, LLC Charles and Mary Lou (D) Duncan Dustrol, Inc. Ethel Dyer (D) Jeff and Teressa Eastman Jim and Susie Edwards *El Dorado Municipal Band El Dorado YMCA Emprise Bank Ron and Barb Engelbrecht Equity Bank Sue and Darrel (D) Erikson Kathie and Tom (D) Erwin Evergy Felix A. Cantrell Jr. Charitable Trust Fenton Ford Lincoln Mercury Pete and Kay Ferrell Fidelity Bank Fire & Iron Motorcycle Club, Station 54 Karla Fisher & Frederick Webster Flint Hills Industries, Inc. Flint Hills National Golf Club Foulston Siefkin LLP Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers Frank and Sally Freeman Keith and Rina Frye David and Pam Fullinwider Steve and Margo Funk Helen and Jay (D) Galloway/The First Place Ed and Maggie Gard Rosemary R. Gfeller Estate Gladys Squier Trust John and Nancy Grange Graphic Concepts, Inc. Fred Green (D) Vince and Melody Haines Karen and Jack (D) Hamilton Rolland and Mary Hamilton (D) Edgar and Agnes Harder Jim and Sally Hargrove Jeff and Paige Harris Lance and Pat (D) Hayes Mark and Debra Heidebrecht Joe and Lisa Hemmelgarn Fayne and Angie Henson Jo and Larry (D) Hess *Greg and Teresa Hiebert John Hilton Carolyn and David (D) Hinderliter Bud Rigney and Debbie Hinnen Ame Holde and Steven Cox Marvin and Cleo Houcin (D) Warren Hunt David E. Jabara Jabara Family Foundation, Inc. *Ashlie R. Jack *Joe and Laura Jack Shirley A. Jackson Kevin and Karen Jacobs John K. and Mary P. Fisher Family Trust Phil and Sheila Johnson Diversity Leadership in Action/Juan Johnson Norma and Bill (D) Johnson Rudi A. Johnson
Terry and Janice Jones Luci and Dr. Roger (D) Joyce Kansas Gas Service, A Division of ONE Gas Kansas Governor’s One Shot Turkey Hunt Kansas Secured Title Raymon and Karen Kaufman Dick and Dorothy Kaufmann KFDI Radio William and Betty Kirkpatrick (D) Bill Kloeblen Ev and Gail (D) Kohls Gayle and Kaye Krause (D) Candace L. Kunkel KWCH Channel 12 Wichita Greg and Barbara Lacy George and Jocelyne Laham Shawn and Shawna Lancelot Kristen N. Larneng Rune Larneng Ericka Lassiter Dr. Steve and Nancy Latimer Jay and Iris Lawrence (D) John and Rosemary Lay (D) Ronda A. Limon Will and Vicki Long Shirley and David (D) Longfellow Debbie and Luke (D) Lucas Jerry and Linda Manderino Joan and Troy (D) McAfee Don McClure Ron and Jo McGraw Drs. Paul and Camille McKesey Rocky and Beverly McWilliams Medova Healthcare Financial Group Meritrust Credit Union Joe and Kay Metzinger Mid-America Orthopedics, LLC Godfrey and Emma Miller (D) Maxine and Jack Miller (D) Gerry and Mindy Mills Michael and Teri Monteferrante Charlie and Mary Moon Troy and Jessica Morrell Morrow Exteriors & Glass Randall and Tammy Moss Carol and Brad (D) Murray Keri Myers Marc and Nancy (D) Myers Jeremy and Averie Nelson Rex and Naomi Newcom Newman University Lester and Maudine Nixon (D) Wendell and Shirley Nixon Jason and Dr. Jessica Ohman P T Plus Physical Therapy *B.D. and Joyce Parker Partners in Education Patmos Lodge #97 AF & AM Dalton and Sonja Patterson Norma and Dick (D) Pearce Dennis and Pat Perry Jerry and Darlene (D) Peterson Jim and Renee Phillips Pioneer Balloon *Bill and Carol Powers Prairie Trails Golf and Dining Preferred Health Systems
Tom and Sheila Prichard Professional Engineering Consultants, P.A. Professional Sales Services Ray and Helen Rutherford Estate Guy and Pat Resch Helen Reynolds (D) Forrest and Tiffany Rhodes Rick Cross Estate/Trust Teresa L. Riffel Bill and Teri Rinkenbaugh Robert F. White Trust Michel and Nancy Russell Rusty Eck Ford *Joe and Teresa Samia Ted and Joan Sanders Savage Services Corporation Trent and Mollie Schell Scholfield Auto Ryan C. Schraeder Dick and Janice Schremmer Gladys Seiver (D) Tony and Christine Sementelli *Jake and Jan Shaffer Janice and Mal (D) Shaffer Bob and Dianne Shelton Mary P. Shepherd Nathan and Kim Sherwood
Curt and Judy Shipley Ernest and Dorothy Skiles (D) Gene Smith Dean and Rebecca Smith Ray and Edna Smith (D) Rod and Linda Sobieski Richard Spann (D) Spencer, Wernli Financial Consultants, Inc. Splurge Magazine Bernie Spradling *Arlan and Mary (D) Stackley Bob and Pat (D) Stanley State Farm Co. Foundation State Farm Insurance – Bonnie Buckman Stone Creek Nursery Stone Family Farms LLC Jim Stump Fenton and Louise Sullivan (D) David and Sindi Sundgren *SunGroup Realty Sutherlands Manley and Lois Tague (D) Robert and Florence Taliaferro (D) Louis and Janet Taliaferro (D) Chris and Jessica Tarbell *TECT Aerospace, Inc.
Ted and Edna Losh Scholarship The Buckeye Corporation The Insurance Guys TriMed, Inc. V.H. Adams Scholarship Verus Bank Village Tours LLC Ted and Betty Vlamis W.H. Coutts III Memorial Scholarship Ernest Waite (D) Wallace Charitable Foundation Walmart – El Dorado Walter’s Flowers and Interiors Edith Waugh and Steven (D) Pershall Dan and Mary Whitney Wichita Business Journal Wichita Community Foundation Wichita Independent Business Association Steve and Sandee Wilbur Gary and Debra Willhite Aaron L. Wilson (D) Wilson Chiropractic/Dr. Rose Wilson Lori and Jim Winningham Charles and Clady Woods (D) Steve and Susan Worrell William and Martha Wyss (D) Mike and Vicki Young Carter and Lolita Zerbe (D) Trustee Society ($50,000+) Anonymous Mike and Gayle Arnett AT&T, Inc. Foundation Bank of America – Wichita Bank of America Foundation
George and Frances Banks (D) Beran Concrete, Inc./Ken and Pat Beran Brian R. Miller Estate Dr. Brad and Lexi (D) Bruner David and Jennifer Callaway Gene and Yolanda Camarena Betty M. Carlson (D) Clifton CPA/Michael and Lucy Clifton Conco Construction Connell & Connell ConocoPhillips Pam and Matt (D) Cross Charles Dombaugh (D) Dondlinger & Sons Construction Company, Inc. Vernon Donnelly (D) El Dorado, Inc. Sheila and Lee (D) Frye Fugate Enterprises Golda Fowler Trust Wink and Libba Hartman Clyde and Betty Hiebert (D) Matt Jacobs John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Dr. Greg and Helen Joyce Brandon and Chandra Knowles Chuck and Deann Korte Dr. Kim Krull LaForge’s, Inc. *Lance and Lisa Lechtenberg Tom and Valerie Mack Justin McClure Creative/Justin and Shelly McClure Mack H. McCormick (D) Bob and Becky Minard Morris and Shirley Moon (D)
Parks Chevrolet Shane and Kianne Prill Michael and Suzanne Rausch *Scott and Betsy Redler Keith Scholfield Security 1st Title Interim HealthCare/Jay and Emie Stehley Jeremy and Kelsey Sundgren Larry W. Thompson Kevin and Janet Unrein Dr. Douglas and Barbara Voth Stewart and Denise Weaver White & Ellis Drilling, Inc. Mark and Vera White (D) *Rod and Terry Young Cornerstone Society ($100,000+) *Bud Bailey Estate Barton Solvents, Inc. Winnie Broers (D) James E. Perry and Donelda Brown Scholarship Walter Byers (D) Lloyd and Aldine Chapman (D) Tim and Emily Connell Cox Communications Drs. Pat and Sylvia Do Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Lucille D. Ferguson (D) Florence and Vernon Kehr Estate Jim and Beckie Graham Gravity::Works Architecture CD&H, Inc./Darwin and Colleen Harris Albert Hogoboom Oil Field Trucking, Inc. Kenneth and Wilma (D) Howell
*Alan and Bobbie Jaax Kansas Joint & Spine Specialist Patricia Kunkle Lola Lee Jackson Animal Welfare Foundation Ron and Barbara Mann Tom McKibban and Dr. Cathy Cooper Mid-America Anesthesia Professionals, LLC Dorothy and Dick (D) Miller Alan and Nicki Mulally Martin and Natasha Park John and Louise Prigmore Bill and Evie Shriver Harold Smith (D) Lonnie and LaDonna Snook Spirit Aerosystems, Inc. Rita Sullivan Joe Sundgren Family Harold and Peggy VanBuren Via Christi Health System, Inc. Jackie and Ray (D) Vietti Wesley Medical Center L.U. West (D) Heritage Society ($250,000+) J.L. and Velma Auer (D) Boyer Educational Trust Commerce Bank Irving Cook (D) Ramon and Betty Criss (D) C-Tech Industrial Group, Inc. Franklin D. Gaines (D) *Great Western Dining Dennis and Ardis Hanson (D) K.T. Wiedemann Foundation Elizabeth and True (D) Knowles Bob and Jennifer Lane Premier Food Service, Inc. Jim and Sally (D) Reeves Sophia and Isador Molk Foundation Susan B. Allen Memorial Hospital John and Beverly Tipton Legacy Society ($500,000+) O.J. and Mary K Connell (D) Ray and Carolyn Connell Ted and Barb Dankert ICI/The Murry Family INTRUST Bank James and Catherine Buck Charitable Trust Lattner Family Foundation, Inc. Mac Corbin Trust Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. Hubbard Society ($1,000,000+) Dr. Larry and Judy (D) Abraham BG Products, Inc. HollyFrontier Joan Dale and R.D. (D) Hubbard Clifford W. Stone (D)
Celebrates 50 Years Fifty years ago a team of mostly freshmen runners did the unthinkable for Butler’s cross country team—brought home the national championship. In 1970, the Grizzlies cross county team was made up of 10 freshmen and two sophomores–a group curated by legendary Butler coach Ollie Isom.
“Total credit goes to Ollie,” Jim Hays (’72), 1970 team member said. “He was able to knit us all together to get us to become what we became. Got us in shape and gave us the confidence to get out there and do what we did.” The 1970 NJCAA Cross Country Championships took place at Vincennes, Indiana. Butler placed first, Allegheny Community College of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, was second, while the defending champion and meet host, Vincennes University, took third place. Athletes ran 4.179 miles over the Vincennes Elks Club golf course. More than 250 runners started the race, which marked the largest field to ever compete in the NJCAA Championship at the time. Of that pool, 247 athletes completed the run. “It was upper 30s and rainy,” Hays said. “It had rained all night. You had to run the course twice, so the second time around was really sloppy. Two of us [from Butler] fell down going around the curve because it was like a pigsty!”
Hays explained for regionals and nationals, only seven team members could participate and the top five runners are what total a team’s time. All seven athletes for Butler were freshmen. “The camaraderie on this team was very unique,” Hays said. “The competition was crazy! We were all pretty good runners. [Ollie] had followed the guys’ careers so he knew what he was doing.” As the 50th anniversary of the championship came around this year the team wanted to have a reunion to celebrate their decades of success, however coronavirus changed plans yet again. Eight members of the team gathered for a small, socially distant celebration this summer instead. “Cross country helped me go to school,” Hays said. “Because I had the opportunity to do that [at Butler] I was able to find out what I wanted to do.” INDIVIDUAL RESULTS FROM THE COMPETITION Name Amon Thornton Bob Moreno Keith Wilson Doug Lee Jim Hays Abe Serrano Dennis Patterson
Front row L–R Jim Hays, Dennis Patterson, Abe Serrano
Back row L–R Doug Lee, Rod DeGarmo, Duane Keim, Dean Parker, Keith Wilson
Time 21:06 21:09 21:26 21:59 22:20 22:27 22.38
Place 6th 10th 22nd 51st 73rd 92nd 112th
We are fortunate to have committed businesses that sponsor our annual events. Thank you to the following sponsors who continue to provide vital funds to the Foundation that help us continue our mission this year!
Presenting Sponsor
Elite Sponsors
Purple & Gold Sponsors
Supporting Sponsors
Scholarship DINNER
Each fall, scholarship donors and the recipients of their gifts come together at the Reaching New Heights Scholarship Dinner. A favorite event of staff, students, and donors, it was in the best interest of all that this event was canceled for 2020. Scholarship donors will receive a special piece with their students’ thank you notes in the mail instead. The next few pages list all of our scholarships, endowed and annual, and have some student photos and “thank yous” sprinkled in. We hope you enjoy perusing this list of some of Butler’s most generous benefactors! Editor’s Note: The list of scholarships is based on contributed principal amounts from the end of the 2019–2020 fiscal year. Current amounts may be higher than what is listed.
Presidential Gold Scholarships ($100,000 or more contributed principal) Shriver Family Presidential Gold Scholarship Del Gaines Presidential Gold Scholarship SBA Excellence in Nursing Presidential Gold Scholarship Lattner Family Foundation Presidential Gold Scholarship Mac Corbin Presidential Gold Scholarship for Agriculture J.L. & Velma Auer Presidential Gold Scholarship Bud Bailey Presidential Gold Memorial Nursing Scholarship Clifford W. Stone Performing Arts Presidential Gold Irving Cook Presidential Gold Scholarship Mary K Connell Presidential Gold Nursing Scholarship McCormick/Bothwell Presidential Gold Scholarship Gladys L. Squier Presidential Gold Scholarship Parsons/Kunkle Presidential Gold Scholarship Grizzly Success Presidential Gold Scholarship Dennis W. & Ardis I. Hanson Presidential Gold Scholarship Clyde & Betty Hiebert Presidential Gold Scholarship for Science R.D. Hubbard Award of Excellence & Distinction Flo Kehr Excellence in Agriculture Presidential Gold Scholarship Mac Corbin Presidential Gold Scholarship
Presidential Scholarships ($30,000 – $99,999 or more contributed principal) Lola Jackson Animal Welfare Presidential Scholarship Clifford W. Stone Presidential Agriculture Scholarship Anonymous Presidential Nursing Scholarship Colonel James F. Patton Scholarship Dr. Larry & Judy Abraham Presidential Athletic Scholarship Eugene & Teddy Adams Presidential Scholarship Graham Family Presidential Scholarship Ray & Carolyn Connell Presidential Scholarship Patmos Lodge #97 AF&AM Scholarship Schulzes, Currie, & Hinnen Presidential Nursing Scholarship Chad & Doris Patton Scholarship Professional Engineering Consultants Scholarship Flo Kehr Presidential Nursing Scholarship Lance D. Hayes Award for Excellence in Communications Arts Herbert H. & Lois A. Hart Presidential Scholarship Chuck & Deann Korte Presidential Scholarship American Institute of Wine & Food Presidential Scholarship Dennis & Pat Perry Presidential Scholarship Mary Milbourn Stackley Presidential Nursing Scholarship William E. Stone Presidential Agriculture Scholarship Nick & Judy Badwey Presidential Memorial Scholarship O.J. Connell Jr. Presidential Memorial Scholarship George & Frances Banks Presidential Scholarship Jim & Sally Reeves Presidential Nursing Scholarship Patricia Bayles Presidential Nursing Scholarship Butler County General Academic Presidential Scholarship Sol & Mildred Blum Presidential Nursing Scholarship Clara R. Connell Presidential Nursing Scholarship Crossland Family Presidential Scholarship Anna Louise Borger Presidential Memorial Scholarship Margaret & Burton Bowlus Presidential Scholarship Science Winnie Broers Estate Presidential Scholarship Jaax Family Presidential Scholarship Fenton Loy & Louise M. Sullivan Presidential Scholarship Wilber E. Stone Presidential Agriculture Scholarship Scott & Betsy Redler Presidential Hospitality Scholarship Eugene E. & Betty M. Carlson Presidential Music Scholarship "Without the help of this scholarship, it isn’t certain that I would be able to finish my associate degree. College money in my family has always been a concern, now more than ever with the COVID-19 pandemic, so this helps a great deal." –Heidi S., Secondary Education major
"I am the first person in my family, including a couple generations back, to go to college. Your kind donation is directly impacting my future, which I am very passionate about. Thank you for this great opportunity." –Jayce D., Engineering major
Samuel R. Clifford Presidential Agriculture Scholarship Ray & Carolyn Connell Presidential Leadership Scholarship O.J. & Mary K. Connell Presidential Scholarship for Ag Earl & Nita Loss Presidential Nursing Scholarship Chris & Susan Addington Presidential Scholarship Taylor Biggart-Hartness EduCare Presidential Scholarship Wilma & Kenneth Howell Family Presidential Scholarship Ray Sparks & Helen Reynolds Art & Creative Writing Presidential Scholarship El Dorado USD #490 Presidential Scholarship Brian R. Miller Family Presidential Memorial Scholarship Gamble-Morgan Presidential Scholarship Dorothy A. Miller Presidential Scholarship Earl Eugene "Gene" Lacy Presidential Memorial Scholarship Sophia & Isador Molk Presidential Vo-Tech Scholarship Clara M. Myers Presidential Nursing Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. L.W. Nixon Presidential Scholarship Shirley & Morris Moon Presidential Scholarship Martin Park Presidential Scholarship Jack A. Miller Men’s Basketball Presidential Scholarship Bill & Lucy Callaway Golden Bear Presidential Athletic Scholarship L.U. & Crystal West Presidential Scholarship Mark D. & Vera Frances White Presidential Memorial Scholarship Sophia & Isador Molk Presidential Nursing Scholarship Elaine Mann Presidential Scholarship Richard B. Miller Presidential Scholarship Aldine & Lloyd Chapman Presidential Gold Scholarship Frank & Beverly Gaines Presidential Nursing Scholarship Rita Sullivan Presidential Scholarship Ervin A. & Ann H. Voth Presidential Science Scholarship Ray & Jackie Vietti Presidential Student Success Fund Leadership Studies Presidential Scholarship Warren Hall Coutts III Presidential Memorial Scholarship William & Betty Kirkpatrick Presidential Scholarship
Endowed Scholarships ($10,000 – $29,999 contributed principal) Patrick L. Parry Scholarship for Biology Robert Parriott Memorial Scholarship Loritta Orndorff Memorial Scholarship for Nursing Shipley Family Scholarship Edwin Walbourn Scholarship Waite Family Scholarship K.T. Wiedemann Memorial Scholarship Robert F. White Trust Agriculture Scholarship Robert (Bob) N. Shelton Scholarship Ernest C. Skiles Memorial Scholarship Mary Lou & Howard Russell Memorial Scholarship L.U. West Basketball Scholarship Glenna Rodman-Monfort Memorial Scholarship Mildred Riggs Scholarship Jerry Richards & Judith McClure Scholarship Dorothy I. Shoemake Memorial Scholarship Ruth Wilson-Brooks Nursing Scholarship Butler Operational Staff Book Scholarship USW Local 5241 Scholarship Esther & Robert G. Morrison, Jr. Scholarship Nursing Alumni Scholarship Taliaferro Family Basketball Scholarship Manley & Lois Tague Agriculture Scholarship Tom Erwin Technology Fund Gary E. Wilkerson, R.N. Scholarship for Nursing George E. Swift Jr. Memorial Scholarship Rex & Naomi Newcom Scholarship Thomas L. Prichard CPA Scholarship Brock Poe Memorial Scholarship George & Esther Neumeyer Scholarship Rojane & Elmo Nash Memorial Scholarship George M. Myers Family Scholarship I. Richard Spann Scholarship El Dorado Soroptimist Scholarship Snook Family Scholarship
"Thank you so much for this opportunity so that I can follow my dreams and help as many people as I can. This scholarship proves that there are people who care about my education, which drives me to do better. " –Tommy N., Nursing major
Robert Y. & Florence M. Taliaferro Scholarship Bill & Steve Pershall Scholarship Lillian G. Morgan Memorial Scholarship Godfrey & Emma Miller Scholarship Cory Thomas "Bud" Leffler Memorial Scholarship J.B. & Mary McKay Scholarship Richard Porter Memorial Scholarship Helen Teter Zebold Math/Science Award John K. & Rosemary Lay Scholarship Justin McClure Scholarship American Association of University Women—McCarty Scholarship Bill & Martha Wyss Scholarship Marc Adam Reeves Scholarship For Agriculture Ray L. & Edna Smith Scholarship Ena Rae Harstine Nursing Scholarship Betty Prohodsky Scholarship Gravity::Works Architecture Scholarship Ted Powe Memorial Scholarship Carl Owen McAfee Scholarship Greg & Helen Joyce Scholarship Sophia & Isador Molk General Academic Scholarship Ollie & Gay Isom for Track/Cross Country Scholarship RoJean E. & Ralph W. Holem Scholarship Walter & Cuma Woods Scholarship Corina Krieser Talent Scholarship Phil & Sheila Johnson Music Scholarship El Dorado Municipal Band in honor of Ralph Holem/Roland Dace Ronald D. Pickrell Scholarship Dana Royce Hilmer Book Scholarship Wilson—Hartwig Scholarship Frank & Beverly Gaines Academic Scholarship Larry & Jo Hess Scholarship Jim Herren Football Scholarship Perry W. & Dorothy R. Henman Scholarship Ted & Edna Losh Scholarship Link Memorial Scholarship Pat Hearrell Scholarship
Haines Family Scholarship Fred L. Green Scholarship Lee Roy & Teresa Grange Nursing Scholarship Janice Graham Nursing Scholarship Frank & Sally Freeman Scholarship John Francis Memorial Scholarship Helen Galloway Scholarship for the Visual Arts Ronald James (R.J.) Gaines Memorial Scholarship John K. & Mary P. Fisher Scholarship Fire & Iron Motorcycle Club, Station 54 Memorial Scholarship Garland P "Jack" Ferrell Jr. Scholarship Jim & Susie Edwards "Make a Difference" Scholarship Pat & Sylvia Do Nursing Scholarship Don & Jean Domann Scholarship Distinguished Alumni Scholarship Joseph L. Derr Scholarship Delora Evelyn Demo & Dale E. Covert Nursing Scholarship Charles E. DeLano & Family Memorial Scholarship Bob Peterson Theatre Scholarship Belden Family Scholarship Kathryn & Harry Day Scholarship for Nursing Bayleigh Stovall Memorial Scholarship Powers Family Nursing Scholarship Shirley A. Jackson Music Scholarship Cofer Family Scholarship Keith Riffel Scholarship Keith Darlington STEM Scholarship Will & Sherri Conard Scholarship Anita Mills Nursing Scholarship R.D. & Edith Criss Scholarship Butler Community College Trustee Scholarship Gfeller Family Scholarship Susan Galbraith Memorial Nursing Scholarship Kohls Family Scholarship for Education Jeffrey S. & Teressa K. Eastman Education Scholarship Dave, Esther, & Jerry Abels Scholarship for Geology Richard & Faralane Chase Music Scholarship Kling Family Scholarship
"This scholarship helps relieve stress and allows me to focus more on my schoolwork instead of working all the time. My goal is to obtain the best grades and put school first."
"Without education I will not be able to reach my goals in life. My future plans are to become a CPA."
–Shelby C., Agribusiness major
–Brian R., Accounting major
"I am extremely grateful, this helps relieve some of the financial burden of school. Working on two programs at the same time has greatly increased the amount my schooling has cost. Thank you so much for this gift." –Summer S., Nursing major BCCEA Endowed Scholarship Stanley Family Scholarship V.H. Adams Scholarship Carter Zerbe Memorial Scholarship Determination Scholarship Butler County Shrine Club Scholarship Alumni Fund For Scholarships Andover Kiwanis Scholarship Fund for USD 385 Gayle A. Krause Math & Engineering Scholarship Everett & Esther Atkisson Nursing Scholarship Jim Teter Memorial Scholarship Augusta Child Care Center Scholarship Harvey & Mildred Holden Memorial Scholarship Docking Family Scholarship Viola M. Jackson Nursing Scholarship David & Pam Fullinwider Scholarship Shaffer Family Scholarship Roy & Hazel Bankey Drama Scholarship Rhodes Family Scholarship Jerry & Joan Branson Scholarship for Agriculture David & Shirley Longfellow BEST Scholarship Lancelot Family Scholarship Albert Ray, Jr. Scholarship for International Students Margaret M. Brazil Music Scholarship Banks Family Scholarship Bohon Family Scholarship in Memory of Mary F. Winzer Spradling Student Success Scholarship Gladys Faye Beuchat Scholarship Lechtenberg Family Scholarship William G. (Bill) Bidwell Memorial Scholarship Terry & Rod Young Nursing Scholarship Arnel Family Scholarship Doug & Suzanne Coin Scholarship Victor & Nelle Boellner Scholarship Cross Family Scholarship Barbara Ann Warren Voth/Douglas W Voth MD Single Parent Scholarship Sundgren Family Scholarship Moon Family Scholarship Winnie Broers Memorial Scholarship
Caryne Caye & Carolyn Buckner Scholarship Fritz Buell Scholarship Devin Burress Memorial Scholarship Paul & Pamela Bush Scholarship Butler County Retired Teachers Association Scholarship Mid-America Anesthesia Professionals, LLC Scholarship Butler County Conservation District Scholarship Wayne E. Butler Memorial Scholarship Satterfield & Krull Family Scholarship Beulah (Helton) Diller Memorial Scholarship Felix E. Adams Jr. Memorial Scholarship Don & Linda Billingsley Memorial Scholarship Robert H. Chism Art Scholarship R.A. Clymer Scholarship Michael & Lucy Clifton Scholarship Commerce Bank Agriculture Scholarship Tim & Emily Connell Scholarship Bill Johnson Track Scholarship Michael Prohodsky Scholarship for Track & Field Russell & Eva Cour Scholarship Bob Peterson Theatre Scholarship Annual Scholarships American AgCredit Scholarship Kansas Governor’s One Shot Turkey Hunt Scholarship Bluestem Vintage Auto Club Scholarship David Kohls Memorial Scholarship Boyer Educational Trust Scholarship Latino Outreach Program Scholarship Jeremy Brown Memorial Scholarship for Welding Dallas Lore Memorial Scholarship James & Catherine Buck Charitable Trust Scholarship Minard Family Scholarship for Nursing Burdorff Family Scholarship Molk Admissions Ambassador Scholarship Butler Fire Camp Scholarship Madeline M. (Carroll) Galbraith Memorial Welding Scholarship Molk Adult Education Scholarship James E. Perry & Donelda M. Brown Vocational Scholarship Golda Fowler Trust Scholarship TOP Scholarship Graham Family Scholarship VanBuren Family Scholarship Grizzly First Scholarship Dr. Myrna Sue Unger Memorial Scholarship Adelante Scholarship BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas Foundation Scholarship Brett & Leann Nickel Scholarship
COVID MEAL DELIVERY “Every breakfast, lunch, and dinner myself or student volunteers go to the dining hall and call students in isolation and give them the menu choices for the day,” said Newell. “The isolated students decide what they would like to eat and food service packages it up so the volunteer can deliver it. Dining services can even do made-to-order items such as omelets.” Colter, who is a music education major from Coldwater, Kansas, was quick to volunteer to help with meal delivery. “He (Newell) asked if RAs could help out. We weren’t forced to help, it was on a volunteer basis. That’s why I end up doing a lot because I don’t ever leave campus since my home is so far away. I like volunteering.”
Addison Colter
A personal diagnosis of COVID-19 over the summer made sophomore Addison Colter sympathetic to what others with the virus are going through. This in turn led to helping fellow Grizzlies as they navigate their own COVID-enforced isolation. Residence hall students who are required to isolate due to a COVID-19 diagnosis are housed in one of two campus apartments–one for males and one for females. Each apartment can house up to eight students. Since these students usually live in the residence halls and are on the dining plan, their meals are provided by the dining hall, but getting those meals to the students is problematic. Dining services does not have the staff to deliver meals, that is where volunteers like Colter step in.
David Newell, director of residence life, reaches out to his resident assistants (RAs) to fill the need. Meals are delivered three times a day. The volunteers pick up the meals at the dining center and leave them on the doorstep of the apartments.
“Without Addie’s help it would have been really, really difficult to provide the service to the students due to the sheer magnitude of meals we needed delivery,” said Newell. “She was pleasant about it and so friendly to the students. She volunteered and did it with great compassion and sympathy to the students and their plight.”
SAVING WITH HANDMADE WIPES When COVID-19 hit, organizations around the country snapped up any available PPE (personal protective equipment) until it was difficult to find. Butler Community College Facilities Management staff needed to find a way to provide the needed PPE for classes.
According to Jaime Sharp, director of college health services, “If the student in isolation is in athletics then their coaches are responsible for getting meals to them. David and his RAs take care of the non-athletes. Thankfully, we’ve been able to keep the numbers low.” Colter says she understands what the isolated students are going through. Her own case of COVID was asymptomatic, but she still had to be isolated. Her mom would bring meals to the bottom of the stairs and text her to tell her they were there. “While I was asymptomatic, plenty of people in our small community helped out by bringing meals to us,” says Colter. “I was glad to have the opportunity to return the favor. The people in isolation don’t see anyone, I know that after my own experience.”
Jan Stitt, director of dining services, says “It’s working very well, we’ve got some great kids here at Butler.” While Colter had to make some adjustments to her schedule, she didn’t mind. “I felt great about doing it. I am a person who likes to help others. I had to talk to some of my instructors to leave class a little early to do pick-up but I didn’t mind and the instructors understood.” As for her thoughts on COVID, Colter says, “It is hard to realize how serious it is if you don’t have the symptoms. I was fine, but an uncle of mine died from it. It is crazy how it effects people so differently.”
“We started making our own disinfectant wipes because I was struggling to find wipes under 10 cents per wipe,” says Ireland Turner, assistant director of facilities management. A vendor told them they could make their own for much cheaper using disinfectant they had in stock. “We found out we could make our own wipes for about 2 cents per wipe,” says Turner. “We have large zip bags that we place a roll of paper towels and then fill the bag with the disinfectant chemical and it absorbs in the towels. And the paper towels were available.” Turner also said if for some reason a bag was left open and the towels dried up, facilities staff could re-hydrate them by adding more disinfectant. “We’ve been able to keep up with the demand,” says Turner. The cost savings to the college is significant. “We will save between $7,000 and $10,000 per semester by making our own wipes,” says Turner. “We just couldn’t find any wipes in stock when we started purchasing PPE. This was the only way we could supply the classes with them. We didn’t have an option at the time, but it’s going to save us money.”
5000 Building Remodel College’s 5000 Building, Engineering & Construction Technology Building completed Transferring Butler Community College’s operations from Andover High School to the college’s property on 13th Street has been a major undertaking and the fruits of those efforts are now being realized for students, faculty, staff, and the community. The remodel project cost the college more than $13 million dollars and had been foreseen for several years as the Andover School District prepared for their own building project. The Andover Chamber hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony Thursday, November 12, outside the facility which featured Becky Wolfe, director of the Andover Chamber, Andover Mayor Ronnie Price, Butler President Dr. Kim Krull, and Student Government Association President Keirsten Kamholz of Cottonwood Falls. “I just want to thank Butler Community College for investing in our community,” said Price. “And more importantly, for investing in our children to give them a head start. Before they get out of high school, they can have their wings spread to go on to other ventures and other colleges, but you (Butler) are the first step to them being productive young adults. I cannot tell you much I appreciate it.”
Price spoke to the partnership between the city and the college as being a strong one, adding,
“We hope, too, that this is a starting point for many great things to come and I just want to thank you all very much.” Words were also offered by the architectural and construction companies on the project. Vince Haines of Gravity::Works Architecture took a moment to remind people how long Butler had really been working on establishing its Andover campus.
“This project started in 2000,” he said. “It started with a master plan and a vision from the college at that time. . .” He then noted the first project started in the winter of 2003 on the north end. Work then began to move south over the summers of 2005, 2006, 2008, and 2010 which at that time completed the central Student Union portion of the building. Work then moved even further south over the summers of 2012 and 2015. Then, in the spring of 2018 the final phase began. “And, here we are today in 2020 for a total of 165,000 sq ft of educational and support space,” Haines said. He also noted it was work carried on by multiple boards and two presidents.
“I think it’s a tribute to strategic planning and to sticking to a plan, and I think the college deserves a hand.” Bob Simpson of Simpson Construction drove home the importance of the project’s economic impact to the area. "I want to thank Dr. Krull on behalf of the literally hundreds of craftsmen and trades people who have toiled here for nearly two years,” he said. “In a time when courage to continue was tough, a lot of projects in the Midwest were shut down with the pandemic and economic concerns. I am very grateful to owners who were courageous enough to keep us all employed, moving forward in a direction.” The project remodeled 65,000 sq ft of the 143,000 sq ft facility and now provides contemporary study spaces, new science and computer lab space, as well as classrooms. To accommodate the addition of Butler’s services previously offered at Andover High School, the college’s Facilities Management department and the Engineering program were removed from the building all together. They are now housed in the new Facilities Management, Engineering and Construction Technology Building, a more than 18,000 sq ft building that sits just south of the 5000 Building. Earlier this fall, Butler Trustees approved the new Construction Technology program to begin August 2021. “We are absolutely thrilled to be at this stage with our Andover complex,” said Krull. “The remodel allowed us to move all of our student services into one location to benefit our students. For the first time, since signing our lease to purchase agreement in 2003, we are fully utilizing the entire space. Thank you to the Andover community, school district, and city administration for their support of our institution and our students. This is an exciting day for all of us.” Krull thanked Gravity::Works Architecture of El Dorado, Simpson Construction of Wichita, and Connell and Connell for their guidance, vision, and quality work in bringing this longtime vision to reality.
“This building will serve as a gateway to education, skills, training, and ultimately the realization of dreams for countless individuals over the years to come,” Krull said. “And, for those of us dedicated to that mission, we will be forever grateful.” Wolfe thanked everyone for coming and for honoring the college and its students, as “we are very fortunate to have them (Butler) here in Andover and we appreciate it very much.” New amenities for use by the community (in a post-COVID world) include the Kanza Conference Room, a 150-person space equipped with state-of-the-art audio/visual equipment, a holding kitchen, and wi-fi. In addition, Great Western Dining, the college’s cafeteria service, has partnered with Starbucks to offer specialty drinks at the new Butler Bistro, and the library and bookstore can be accessed for various books and apparel.
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