BusinessDay Weekender 22nd Edition.pdf

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Nigeria strives to bridge security loopholes, catch up to advanced global digitalization

Christmas breakfast recipe












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Based on enquiry & availability


Based on enquiry & availability

For Enquiries please contact Lehlé Balde Ijeoma Ude +234 803 322 5506 or www.busin essday.n g








Nigeria strives to bridge security loopholes, catch up to advanced global digitalization

HEALTH TODAY Nigerian Ambulance Services: For the dead or the living?





INTERVIEW Women are gradually taking the renewal energy space head on - Ali


HEALTH TIPS COVID 19 AND YOUR HEART… what you need to know

RECIPE Christmas Breakfast Creamy Brioche and Egg Bake

8 LEAD STORY 2021: The uncertainties surrounding the coming year

13 HOSPITALITY An interview with Hiba Abboud






SPORTS Poch set to become new PSG manager






Editor’s Note SATURDAY 26, DECEMBER 2020 Happy holidays to all our weekender readers. As some of us celebrated Christmas yesterday, I have to admit that it’s been a very different Christmas for many. So many people were not able to travel this year to be with their families and my heart goes out to all of those that had to spend Christmas without their loved ones. Travel has become more complicated and many flights have been cancelled. It’s been a tumultuous year to say the least and if you are reading this alive and healthy you have a lot to be grateful for. Our edition this week takes a look back at what was a very strange year and gives you practical tips on how to prepare for the uncertainty of 2021. In this edition you will find reviews of various restaurants and lounges that you can visit during the yuletide period, and while there is a partial lockdown in Lagos, there are still fun things you can do safely. We continue our women in energy series with an interview with Habiba Ali who had a decade and half long experience in the renewable energy industry, she founded Sosai Renewable Energies Companies sixteen years ago and offers broad range of solar powered energy solutions and clean water delivery to rural communities. She was the first vice president of Renewable Energies Association of Nigeria. In this interview, she tells the story of her entrepreneurial journey in the renewable energy space, the ups, downs, challenges and opportunities. On Tuesday, December 15, news broke out that the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) ordered telecommunication networks to block SIM cards without National Identity Numbers (NIN) within the space of two weeks. The major telephone network players in the Nigerian industry are: MTN, Globacom, Airtel and Etisalat. However, the House of Representatives asked FGN to extend this period for 10 weeks. In response, a three-week extension has been granted for subscribers with NIN from 30th December 2020 to 19th January 2021; and a six-week extension for subscribers without NIN from 30th December 2020 to 9th February 2021. You will of course find a comprehensive news roundup that will keep you up to date on news in Nigeria and the rest of the world. We also have a piece on how to network effectively in the new year, a Christmas breakfast recipe as well as an interesting crossword. I pray you find peace and joy during this period. May the spirit of Christmas be with you and may 2021 bring us all renewed strength, sense of purpose and blessings. -Kind regards,

Lehlé Balde is the Editor of BusinessDay Weekender email: | social: @lehlelalumiere


EDITOR BUSINESSDAY SATURDAY Lehlé Balde EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, OPERATIONS Fabian Akagha MANAGER, CONFERENCES & EVENTS Obiora Onyeaso MANAGER, ADVERTS Ijeoma Ude COPY SALES MANAGER Florence Kadiri DIGITAL SALES MANAGER Linda Ochugbua HEAD OF DIGITAL SERVICES Onyinyechi Eze HEAD, HUMAN RESOURCES Adeola Obisesan DESIGN AND ART DIRECTION Tolulope Ayo-Olubiyo CONTRIBUTORS Mercy Ayodele Favour Olanrewaju Oluwafadekemi Areo Titilade Oyemade Monisola Adanijo FMCP Toju Akpa Asuquo Anthony Nlebem Ifebusola Shotunde PHOTO CREDIT Freepik, Google Images ENQUIRIES ADVERTS Ijeoma Ude +2348033225506 PUBLISHED BY BusinessDay Media Limited The Brook, 6 Point Road, GRA, Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria. 01-2799100 LEGAL ADVISERS The Law Union

News Roundup


ASUU calls off 9-month strike FAVOUR OLAREWAJU


he Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) called off its 9-month old strike on Wednesday effective from Thursday, December 23 2020 after realizing that the poor economic situation of the country would weigh down on government's ability to meet its demands. Some of the union's demands included upgrading of university facilities, Earned Academic Allowances and other financial necessities. Meanwhile the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) faulted the strike as yielding no positive outcomes in the end.

Nigerian elected public officer, Will Jawando rocks agbada to inauguration


Army, police tussle over rescue of Katsina students, reunited parents jubilate


he military and police gave contradictory account of the number of students from Government Science Secondary School (GSSS) in Kantakara, Katsina who were rescued from the Boko Haram abduction and how the operations were undertaken. Although the police authorities pegged the number at 84, the Defence Headquarters (DHQ) said 39. However, both agreed that the incident took place in Mahuta village, Dandume Local Government Area. This onslaught came barely two days after kidnappers released 343 students of Government Secondary School in Kankara who they

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ill Jawando of Nigerian descent who was recently elected into the Montgomery County Council in the United States, has proudly portrayed his culture to the world in his agbada attire during his swearing-in ceremony. The young politician is a Nigerian attorney born to a Nigerian father and an American mother from Kansas. In a video shared on Twitter by the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM), Will explained that "by wearing this agbada, this traditional West African clothing in a public setting to take the public oath of office, it's part of a bigger and public dialogue that I think is needed if we are to understand and respect our differences and move forward".

held for six days. Meanwhile, hundreds of parents wept openly on 18 December 2020 when they reunited with their children who had been freed from the kidnap of the terrorist gunmen.

COVID Christmas looms as states worldwide take precautions over fear of more deadly second wave


taly, Belgium, Austria, Netherlands, many others bar flights from the UK. Within the 72 hours of Thursday and Saturday (December 17-19 2020), 2,875 people reportedly tested positive and 18 deaths were recorded in Nigeria. Ebonyi state has restricted worship hours to 2 hours while in Kaduna it is 1 hour. Lagos, Kaduna and Imo states requested civil servants to

henceforth work from home. Even the Christmas carol at the Aso Rock Villa was held virtually over the weekend. As such, the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 has advised Nigerian states to close all bars, restaurants, night clubs and event centres as well as restrict all weddings, conferences, seminars, sports, office parties and concerts to at most 50 persons over the next 5 weeks.


News Roundup



Ultimatum to link NINs to SIM-cards leaves Nigerians crowded at NIMC centres, shunning COVID-19 rules


ecall, the initial 2-weeks deadline that the Nigerian government gave for everyone to link their NIN to their SIM-cards or risk their numbers getting blocked. Well, that has now been extended by three (3) weeks for subscribers with NIN from 30th December, 2020 to 19th January, 2021; and six (6) weeks extension for subscribers without NIN from 30th December, 2020 to 9th February,

2021. Also, the USSD option which previously cost N20 is now free. The codes to retrieve NIN status is *346# while to submit NIN for verification and linking on Airtel is *121#, MTN is *785#, Etisalat is *785#. Meanwhile this decision has leftThis was done for a healthier Telecommunications sector and to bridge loopholes in the nation's security system given the rising criminal and terrorist activities

9-year old Ryan Kaji tops Forbes highest paid YouTube star list with $30 million in 2020


yan Kaji from Texas, United States is a 9-year old you reviewer who earned $30 million from YouTube this year alone, making him the highest paid YouTuber. This is asides $200 million earned from branded products. The estimates are based on pre-tax earnings from June 1 2019 to June 1 2020 and do not account for agent, manager and lawyer fees. Ryan started making YouTube videos in March 2015 and now has around 41.7 million subscribers. A huge volume of his fortune is from licensing deals on over 5,000 Ryan's World products from action figures and home decor to walkie talkies and masks. According to Forbes, Ryan is 'famous for so-called unboxing videos , in which he takes toys out of their packages and reviews them".


DJ Switch is relentless in her fight for a better Nigeria as she holds interview with TIME


t is no longer news that the singer and Disc Jockey DJ Switch left the country due to threats on her life after her Instagram live video which showed the Lekki Toll Gate shooting on 20th October 2020. Since then, she has lent her voice through interviews (including one with CNN), videos and tweets despite claims from the government of spreading false stories to chase clout and mislead others. According to TIME, DJ Switch will be speaking at a virtual event hosted by Amnesty to follow up the International Criminal Court's 19th Assembly of States Parties. "Very soon, we will be presenting our cases in courts that matter, in courts that have the power to bring justice to powerful people. That is where my focus is", she said.



Yuletide Promo To celebrate this season we are giving 50% off all adverts in the Businessday Weekender

For enquiries please contact Lehle.balde@businessday or Ijeoma Ude (+234) 803 322 5506




Lead Story


2021: The uncertainties surrounding the coming year: How do I overcome? OLUWAFADEKEMI AREO


e all did not see 2020 turning out the way it did, and worse of all, we do not know what to expect from the coming year 2021. As Ak Bhardwaj will say, “life is full of uncertainties and there is only one thing which is certain in life, uncertainty itself. So face all odds of life wisely.” If many are asked why they could not achieve the goals and aspirations they set for the year 2020, they would all blame it on the pandemic and the sad turn out of the year. However, now that you know that life will not always go as planned and uncertainties are always lurking around waiting to seize the moment, should you just live randomly or leave your life to chance? The broad answer to that question is no, but how and where do we go from here? A person according to the Total Man Concept (TMC) is defined as a spirit living in a body that has a soul. Thus, your life is made up of the spiritual, the physical, and the mental. Psychologist and philosophers have nonetheless extended the aspects of a person’s life to include financial, emotional, and career/financial, amongst others.


In this write up, the focus is on how to overcome the uncertainties surrounding your spiritual, physical, mental, and career goals in the coming year. Spiritual aspect Whether you are a Christian or a Muslim, if 2020 taught you anything, it is that going to your physical place of worship is not the ultimate spiritual life booster. There was a lockdown and churches and mosques were affected so we had to worship at home and virtually. It was hard for many of us to keep up because we had either forgotten or never knew what it was like to build a relationship with God for ourselves. Yes, going to the church or mosque is great, but what happens to your spiritual life when these places are closed? Start today to read your Holy book on your own, start to sing worship and praise songs in your private space even when there are no drums or other musical instruments. Start to connect with other persons that share your faith so you all can help elevate one another no matter how bad it gets. In summary, lockdown or not, your spiritual life can still


continue to blossom if you replicate the church activities in your home, if you read edifying contents, if you listen to spirit elevating messages, if you talk more to people that are highly interested in keeping their spiritual lives afloat, and if you never cease to pray to God for more help. Physical aspect Your body should never be neglected by you no matter what. Oh yea, maybe because you were indoor for so long in 2020 you gained so much weight, you didn’t take care of your skin or maybe you even came out of 2020 looking more glorious than ever. Since you do not know what 2021 holds, how do you ensure that no matter what, your physical being will continue to shine? How your body turns out is determined by what you eat and drink, what you rub on your skin, and how well you exercise your bones and muscles. Make a conscious decision now to live a disciplined physical life no matter the situation. Start now to only eat the right things in the right quantities. Start now to only drink the right things in the adequate amount. Look out for good soaps, creams, ointment and just nourish your skin to keep it healthy and glowing. Exercising should not be a subject of losing or adding weight. Your exercise routine should be tied to your desire to stay healthy and look great no matter what. Make exercising a life style, try yoga and other stretches, get indoor workout equipments in case the gyms are closed again, and most importantly, be ready treat your body nice no matter what. Mental aspect Many times we forget that asides physical health, our mental health is also very important. There are many people walking and living around you who might not be physically sick but are mentally not alright. Calm down a bit, I am not referring to psychiatric patients; I am referring to your state of mind, the thoughts that feel your mind, the way you act, and the choices you make based on all that surrounds you. Your mental health is divided into your emotional, psychological and social self and it is important at every stage of your life. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), your mental health is the state of well-being in which you realise your own abilities, how you can cope with normal stresses of life, and how you can work productively wherever you find yourself. Begin to make it a habit to avoid people, places, stories, sites and conversations that negatively affect you emotionally, psychologically or socially. The suicide rate around the world increased in 2020 because a whole lot was happening all at once and so many persons became mentally ill. Choose today to create an environment that supports your mental health, keep around you friends that bring only positive energy, do not soak it all in because you want to look strong, find a support group online. The truth is, I cannot give you an exhaustible list of how to consciously protect your mental health in the coming year, but I can say for sure that if you make protecting your mental health a priority all the time, it will go a long way in helping you weather the storms living with uncertainty. In summary, emotionally, learn to choose your own happiness; psychologically, cut ties with persons or anything that drains you of positive energy, and socially, give your time and attention to only positive news, sites, people, and activities.



Career/financial aspect 2020 is one year that made so many jobless, slashed salaries, left many unpaid, put children out of school, set back the academic progress of so many and so much more. We definitely do not know what 2021 is bringing so how do we overcome career/academic/financial wise? Your career development involves you doing things, building skills and competence that makes you so relevant that no one wants to let you go and those that get you would be so lucky to have you. Remember that as long as you have something tangible to give in return, someone would be willing to buy. Start taking online courses from now on within your field and even outside. Build your skills, read more, and continue to seek more relevant information. As a student, learning and staying in touch with knowledge has become so easy given the digital age, so start today to choose flexibility towards learning. Yes, your school is closed due to strikes or the lockdown or sadly that admission you wanted to get is being delayed due to the pandemic; go digital today. Tell yourself that lockdown or not, pandemic or not, you would always create time to grow yourself outside the walls of a classroom. Do not just tell yourself, start doing it from now. The year 2020 has taught us that having one income stream is not in any way sustainable, so start to branch out today. Move out of your comfort zone and start exploring new opportunities. Flexibility in your thinking is an important key to staying financially buoyant no matter what. For example; do you think it was only tailors that made money from nose masks or hand sanitizers earlier this year? Financially wise persons sought investments with tailors and hand sanitizer makers, resulting in huge returns at the end of the day. Some other persons who had built flexibility and were not afraid to branch out started to learn how to make these items online and in no time were selling their products. In conclusion, whether you are male or female, it does not matter. What matters is your ability to take charge of all the aspects of your life beginning from now towards the coming year. Yes, the uncertainties remain, but stay armed with all that you need to stay afloat and continue to learn. The uncertainties might bring so much negativity, but always seek the opportunities because whether you want to face it or not, some persons will tell you that 2020 in all its craziness is still their best year yet. Make wise choices today so that you can overcome the uncertainties in the coming year. BD Oluwafadekemi Areo is an Economics and Markets Analyst at BusinessDay Media Nigeria. Asides speaking to and writing about economic and financial issues, she has a knack for exploring and explaining matters surrounding the human mind and psychology. She strongly believes that in a world where everyone puts themselves in other people’s shoes, win-win solutions will always be created to every problem.






n Tuesday, December 15, news broke out that the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) ordered telecommunication networks to block SIM cards without National Identity Numbers (NIN) within the space of two weeks. The major telephone network players in the Nigerian industry are: MTN, Globacom, Airtel and Etisalat. However, the House of Representatives asked FGN to extend this interlude period for 10 weeks. In response, three (3) weeks extension has been granted for subscribers with NIN from 30th December, 2020 to 19th January, 2021; and six (6) weeks extension for subscribers without NIN from 30th December, 2020 to 9th February, 2021.


This follows the earlier suspension of new SIM card registration by all operators on Wednesday, December 9 by the FGN through the Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy. So, in a bid to complete the new ongoing audit, which has left many players in the sector unsettled, the Nigerian Government appears to be trying to make up for lost time in catching up to advanced digitalization as seen in many countries across the globe today. Recall that the Minister gave this order in February 2020, but little was done by telcos and the NCC to remind people to register for the NIN and update with their service providers. According to a statement released by

the Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy on Tuesday evening, the decision was arrived at after an emergency Monday meeting of key stakeholders in the communications industry. Participants at the meeting included the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and management of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC), as well as the CEOs and management staff of all service providers in the industry. This move by FGN was done in an attempt to supplement the progress made from the 2019 SIM registration audit,


enhance healthy performance of the Telecommunications sector and bridge loopholes in the nation's security system given the rising criminal and terrorist activities. In line with this, all subscribers are to provide valid NIN details to update SIM registration records latest the stipulated deadline, or risk being blocked from the networks. This is asides pressure from Nigeria's Telecom networks to upgrade to 4G from 3G by offering incentives such as free data bonus and extra data. For instance, Globacom is offering a one-off 10GB free data valid for 7-days alongside 25% extra on subsequent data purchases for the next 6-month. Nigeria's SIM-card security status versus other countries At the beginning of the year 2020, Nigeria was listed among the top 15 countries with the worst SIM-card registration policies, according to Comparitech, a UKbased pro-consumer website that provides information, tools, and compares technological services globally. Other countries in this list included Tanzania, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Uganda, Lebanon, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bahrain, China, Cuba, Cameroon, among others. Interestingly, global technological advancement has made a SIM card more than a phone number as it allows authorities to easily track people’s locations and movements including online activities websites visited, search queries, purchases, and more. Authorities could selectively scrutinize or block internet connections of specific people or persons that are considered security threats. On the other hand, although building in-depth database profile of citizens could be an advantage, it could also be problematic if such private data falls into the wrong hands. This angle of possibly posing a threat to privacy and freedom of expression is often the angle of those who criticize mandatory SIM-card registration without proper safeguards. While most advanced countries seem to have been able to effectively harness its comprehensive database of citizens in ensuring improved security, identification and eradication of numerous criminal activities, the same cannot be said with certainty for Nigeria. Nonetheless, it appears that the Nigerian government is now trying to take digital Identity projects more seriously after the country recently woke up to the news that suspected terrorists have kidnapped

ECONOMY students of a boarding school in Katsina, whose exact number remains unknown and are still with their abductors according to many state reports. This is asides almost two decades of increased terrorism especially by the Boko Haram group which started in 2002 but their insurgency began in 2009 in Northeastern Nigeria. How do Nigerians proceed to link their NINs to SIM-cards? As the world is yet to fully recover from the clutches of COVID-19 alongside hastening the process among Nigeria's overwhelmingly large populace, it seems efforts have been made to link people's NIN to SIMs remotely. A media aide for President Muhammadu Buhari, Bashir Ahmed tweeted on Tuesday that "if already enrolled, dial *346# to retrieve your NIN.” This suggests innovative ways to facilitate the registration and linking of NIN to SIM cards either through the use of Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) and online website platforms. “For those using Airtel as a network provider, dial *121# to submit you NIN for verification and subsequently link it to your number. For MTN, dial *785#,” Ahmed said. It appears that the USSD code to check for the NIN status on 9mobile and Airtel is *346#. However, BusinessDay investigation shows that the USSD option which previously cost N20 is now free alongside free verification fees during the period of the extension. Meanwhile, foreigners are expected to use their passports when registering their SIM cards. Regardless of efforts to execute this process remotely, it appears that many Nigerians are already queuing up at NIMC centres, shunning health protocols and risking the possible spread of the Corona virus. How feasible is the extended deadline and what does it mean for Nigerians? This decision to register and link


people's NIN to SIMS in the space of a few weeks sparks the curiosity of how much compliance can truly be achieved. NCC figures indicate there were over 152 million Internet subscribers as of October 2020, and data from Statista of over 206 million Nigerian populace with about 100 million adults suggest that several mobile phone users have more than one SIM cards with no age limit for SIM registration in the nation. BusinessDay estimates that about 24.3 million persons will be affected by this rather quick-paced decision. To start with, it took the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) over 10 years (since it's establishment in 2007) to allocate 42 million NINs, which indicates the lengthy and sluggish process involved. As such, it is rather puzzling as to how 19 million subscribers that are without NIN as projected by BusinessDay will be able to register and link their NIN to SIMs in just 10 weeks. Notwithstanding, the FGN notes that the NIN will soon become a compulsory requirement in obtaining licences and filing for applications nationwide. In line with this, the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has made it known that NIN would soon become a requirement for obtaining driver’s licence within the country, effective from 21 December, 2020. If many are unable to link their NINs to SIMs within the stipulated timeframe and the deadline is not extended further, blocking millions of subscribers could have severe ripple effects by further contracting the Nigerian economy. According to figures from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the Telecommunications sector has been contributing significantly to Nigeria's growth. In Q3 2020, it contributed 17.36% to Nigeria’s GDP, making it one of the best performing sectors in a quarter when the country fell into recession. So, if millions of subscribers are blocked, it is possible that the Telecom sector might contract in the turn of the year. BD

Favour Olarewaju is an Economics and Markets Analyst at BusinessDay Media Nigeria. In addition to writing content surrounding economic and financial issues, she is a researcher and pre-doctoral research fellow. She is also a masters’ degree holder from Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria. She is an active member of a charity organization known as Clothe A Person and strongly believes in making the world a better place by proffering solutions to societal problems through research analysis.




Nigerian Ambulance Services: For the dead or the living?



ho do you call when you have a medical emergency in Nigeria? Do you have a state or national emergency number that is readily available and accessible immediately? When you witness a road traffic accident, or someone faints on the street, would you know a number that you could call? If a pregnant woman required an emergency delivery, or your child has an asthma attack or an epileptic seizure, would you wait for an ambulance service to show up? And if you happen to witness someone elderly having a myocardial infarction (or heart attack), would you be able to get them to the closest, functioning, emergency room in less than 30 minutes? In an ideal world, if the ambulance service does arrive on time, would you trust them to be well equipped with appropriate equipment to resuscitate, triage or manage your emergency? Unfortunately, Lagos State is the only one of the 36 states which has a relatively organized, state-run emergency medical service, as well as a functioning public emergency communication center. Despite being a planned model city, almost all emergency services in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja are owned and run by private enterprises. Abuja ranks 5th with recorded cases of fatal Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) after Ogun, Kaduna, Kano and Lagos state. The Lagos State Emergency Medical Services (LASEM) and Lagos State Ambulance Service (LASAMBUS) were established in 2001 to address the increasing incidences of medical emergencies in this densely populated area. There are 20 ambulance stations in the state; one in each local government area. This is clearly disproportionately inadequate to cater to approximately 17.5 million people. At maximum efficiency, each station is assigned one ambulance. A performance evaluation of the Lagos State Ambulance Service (LASAMBUS) in 2019 concluded that response rates to RTAs between December 2019 and May 2018 were significantly lower when compared to global standards. Unfortunately, LASAMBUS responded to only 37.1% of calls related to RTA during that time frame. The evaluators had to sift through many


illegible forms to make several conclusions. The most jarring of these was that the most common outcomes for RTA calls to LASAMBUS were ‘Crash Already Addressed’ and ‘Did Not Respond’. Some of the reasons cited for ‘Crash Already Addressed’ were ‘Unknown’ (81.9%), ‘Responded to by Police’ (3.1%), ‘SelfEvacuated’ (2.7%) and ‘Attended to by LASEMA or LRU’ (Lagos State Emergency Management Agency or LASEMA Response Unit). Other reasons for not responding included ‘no fuel’, ‘no ambulance available’ and ‘found RTA victim already died’. The causes of delays which led to the aforementioned outcomes echo the very familiar rumblings of Lagosians, i.e. uncertainty of who to call on the part of the callers; poor access (bad roads), proximity, traffic congestion, and faulty ambulances were reported by LASAMBUS staff. It is no wonder that the mortality rate from RTAs in Nigeria is significantly high. Every year, there are approximately 20.6 deaths per 100,000 people in Nigeria due to RTAs; this is in comparison to 10.8 deaths per 100,000 people in the UK, and 2.9 deaths per 100,000 people in the US. Sadly, most people in the country only rely on ambulance services to transport corpses to morgues; or during epidemics, to transport patients to isolation or care centres. The wide gap in pre-hospital emergency resources in the country is being filled by privately owned ambulance services, such as Critical Rescue International in Ikeja, 0700 Ambulance Services in Lekki, Ambulance Nigeria in Victoria Island and Braingrace Medical Services in Surulere, etc. The Nigerian Communications Commission recently announced that they would be undertaking the task of facilitating the development of Emergency Communications Centres in all 36 states. The plan is to ensure that all telecom operators are mandated to route emergency calls through the dedicated three-digit toll free number, 112, from each state to the emergency centre within that state. The state operators, will then process the distress call and contact the relevant Emergency Response Agency (e.g. Fire Service, Police, FRSC, Ambulance, etc.) whose primary duty is to handle the case. Till then, please save the numbers of reliable ambulance services on your phone, and get your neighbours and friends to do the same. Otherwise, please ensure to have another means of transporting yourself to the nearest, functioning hospital. (If you live in Lagos, please call the toll free emergency hotline at 112 for all police vehicles, ambulances, fire trucks, etc services. Or LASAMBUS/LASEMS at 08022887777,080228836 78,08022887788, 01–7413744,01–7930490,01–7639939) BD

Dr. Helen Zidon is the Deputy Head of Medical Information at Aspen Pharma Group, where she oversees the medical information functions of Aspen territories globally for multiple widely used pharmaceutical products. She is a public speaker and advocate for Global and Public Health, accessible and streamlined medical care, and the incorporation of Medical Technology in medical academia and medical practice. .







Hiba Abboud, graduated with a BA in Hospitality Management and Tourism from Notre Dame University in Lebanon. Currently the F&B Manager of Blowfish Hotel, and restaurant manager of Woks their Asian Cuisine outlet. The vision is simple, bringing you “the world in one place”. Woks is a journey through Asia located in Victoria Island at the Blowfish hotel. A fusion concept, which brings together the wonders of Thai spices with the Indian tandoor and Chinese wok cooking techniques. A wok is a round-bottomed cooking pot introduced during the Han Dynasty in China and is common in South East Asia. This cooking technique has been used for over 2,000 years. The Dining experience at woks doesn’t end with the food, it is also complimented by a fullservice bar offering an extensive selection of wines, specialty cocktails and sophisticated service. Hiba aspires to own a chain of high-end restaurants in Africa. She has been part of the opening teams in Lebanon, Turkey and Nigeria, more recently opening Jake’s membership club in Abuja in 2018. Fascinated by the kitchen itself and the art of turning simple ingredients into marvelous creations, she has participated in a cooking competition HORECA Lebanon, to mention a few. Her summer goal is to climb the peak of Kilimanjaro. Yoga is also an integral part of her life as she believes that life is all about balance. Do follow her on Instagram for a laugh every now and then @abboudhiba



Below are the excerpts from interview with the BusinessDay Weekender 1. Given your experience with hospitality and the art of cooking has artistry always been a passion of yours from childhood or it was developed over the years? The passion was developed during childhood, watching my mom in the kitchen as I stood beside her on a stool, often helping out in licking the remaining cake batter in the bowl. To date, my mother is the best chef I know. Over the years with traveling and experiencing different cuisines, definitely my palate became more complex and sophisticated. Lebanon, a small country in the Mediterranean, having such an extensive cuisine with hundreds of mezze both hot and cold, helped me grow my passion. Studying domestic tourism we used to go on tours to villages all over Lebanon to learn our heritage and terroir to understand the ingredients grown by local farmers. This taught me sustainability and the importance of farming to the economy. 2. What does COVID-19 mean for the hospitality industry in Nigeria? The hospitality industry all over the world has been seriously hit by covid. Restaurants depend on having maximum seating capacity and a high turnover. With COVID restrictions seating capacity has been cut in half to 50 percent to be able to have a 2m distance between tables as to social distancing guidelines. Therefore, relying solely on the high turnover.




Restaurants with no outdoor seating have been at a big disadvantage since guests are opting for outdoor spaces and terraces, where they feel safer. For instance, the Blowfish Hotel Pool Side has become the number one go-to for guests because of it’s huge outdoor seating space. During the lockdown, takeaway and delivery sales peaked as it was a no contact rule. We are still adapting to Covid and expect the vaccine to ease the challenges we’ve all been facing 3. You mention that you recently opened Jake's membership club in Abuja which is about 3 years old now, what was the inspiration and how has the experience been so far - the good and the bad? The inspiration was the people of Abuja themselves, where we felt a need for a luxurious location fitting to their quality of lives. A fantastic experience to be able to host the elite of Nigeria and share with them food coming out of a world-class kitchen. Best homemade sorbet and ravioli I’ve ever had. 4. What's your favorite cooking recipe and how did you first create it? I really enjoy the food I eat as long as it is good and with the people I love. There is nothing more enjoyable than being at a table with family or loved ones and sharing a meal. It matter not if the food was sliced bread with olives and zaatar ( as long as the olive oil is extra virgin olive oil sourced from the North of Lebanon and Zaatar made by my mom) or a 19-course Omakase dinner with Uni from Canada, Blue Fin from Spain and using a 20 year aged Rice Vinegar from Japan. The trick to perfecting every recipe no matter how simple is to source the best ingredients even if that recipe is mashed potatoes. It won’t hurt to get that hand made butter. This is the challenge we face in Nigeria, the challenge of importing. My favorite local ingredients in Nigeria are avocado, mint, basil, and red onions. It is only fitting that my favorite cooking recipe here is Eggs Benedict. An eggcellent breakfast will put you in a good mood and power you through the day, especially through rush hour.

5. You say you've been part of opening teams in Lebanon, Turkey, and Nigeria. Why these 3 countries? Is there something common to them that sparked an interest? I worked in Lebanon for P.F Chang’s, a chain of American Chinese restaurants with over 300 outlets all over the world. And being a certified trainer of their brand, part of my job was to open outlets if we were lucky enough to get picked. I was fortunate to experience it a couple of times and the company took us to Istanbul, Turkey where we opened P.F Chang’s Bulvar 216. As well as with them again in Zaitunay Bay Lebanon. I grew up in Nigeria and always felt nostalgic, I missed Lagos and its authentic people. So it was only fitting to come back after I graduated, like many of my close friends. Something about the water here. 6. You talked about how you're such a people's person. Like how many people on average do you come in contact/interact with both physically and virtually? Being active on social media platforms and with the nature of my job, the numbers are in hundreds daily. 7. You mentioned that the pandemic disrupted your adventure plans especially the goal of reaching the top

of Kilimanjaro. How would you say the pandemic has affected other aspects of your life - particularly the hospitality, cooking, and other art aspects I remember at the beginning of the pandemic when we rushed to the closest supermarket to stock up on our needs, in my case 9 to 7 supermarket that has everything I would need, fresh produce and a die for selection of cheeses and charcuterie air freighted weekly from Europe. I stocked up ingredients such as basmati rice, yellow lentils, peanuts, shiitake mushrooms, and chickpeas to name a few, for all my favorite dishes. Already thinking of going back to my kitchen to perfect my recipes. I tried out pink hummus which is beetroot hummus and many more twists. We as a country rely on the importation of many products, the pandemic taught me how to substitute items and shift towards local ingredients. I enjoy sunset yoga sessions and with social distancing, gatherings weren’t allowed, therefore our yogi took the classes online on zoom. This didn’t particularly work for me doing the sessions alone in my room without the full experience I longed for. The advantage of going on zoom was the classes grew in numbers since people from all over the world in different time zones participated and flowed with us. BD



"Women are gradually taking the renewable energy space head on" - Ali





With a decade and half long experience in the renewable energy industry, Habiba Ali founded Sosai Renewable Energies Companies sixteen years ago and offers broad range of solar powered energy solutions and clean water delivery to rural communities. She was the first vice president of Renewable Energies Association of Nigeria. In this interview, she tells the story of her entrepreneurial journey in the renewable energy space, the ups, downs, challenges and opportunities. Habiba spoke to Stephen Onyekwelu, energy analyst at BusinessDay. Excerpts: SOSAI Renewable Energies Company was set up in the year 2004 with the idea of using market based strategies to address the issues of poverty and rural community development with regards to energy access among other objectives. What has been the journey so far, after 16 years? The journey after the beginning of Sosai so far has been one filled with ups and downs and many challenges, but in all I am fulfilled. We have in essence grown. From a company that started with as little as $6, 000, we now have a turnover of about N247 million yearly ($671,000). We have been listed and have won several awards and recognition. We have deployed solution so far that have impacted on the lives of over 750,000 persons in Nigeria. It has been a journey and the destination is still in the journey for us as there are many more people in Nigeria that require energy access and we are not relenting in our activity of taking this forward and making global energy access a reality.


The Matan Arewan Sosai Initiative is projected to create successful women energy entrepreneurs in every community in the North, how are you going about this and where are some of success stories in terms of location? For t he Mat an Are w an S o s ai wome n e ne rg y entrepreneurs, we have tried to work with women in communities not just to resell solar powered solutions but to work with them and find pa solar Powered technology that can help them also generate income. For example, women can resell solar powered lanterns and home kits for a commission and we can put them under the “Powered by Sosai� business angle where we could supply them with a refrigerator or a Solar Powered Kiosk or any other income generating solution that they can use to ensure income and economic activity that would improve their lives and that of their families. We enter into an agreement that ensures that they own this as a lease to own model and they pay to offset the cost monthly. So far we have about 150 women we work with across all solutions. What are some of the challenges and opportunities? One of the main challenges is finding women who can keep the business alive and we have had to resort to thorough recruitment methods so that we get serious minded and ready for growth women. Another challenge is finding the financing to support the businesses these women run and this is where the opportunity lies because any serious impact investor will be able to grow their resource if they support the women to own their RE based businesses. What are some of the milestones you have attained in the dissemination, training and installation of improved cook stoves?

You provide innovative solutions across the entire value chain of renewable energy and distribution, why have you chosen to build an integrated renewable energy company and not outsource some of these activities along the value chain?

A registered United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Project that enabled us deploy over 40,000 improved cook stove was our first big delve into the cook stove market in partnership with C-Quest Capital llc.

In providing renewable energy solutions to people in rural communities of Nigeria, one finds that the people see the company as a solutions provider already and the next thing is to seek the next product in the value chain that would meet a need they have. The need most times comes from the people and we seek the product to meet this from our networks.

We met this target and even exceeded by selling a total of so far 65,000 improved cook stoves across several technologies.

For us at Sosai, solving the universal energy access issue wont be by providing one lighting solution or one cooking solution but an integrated approach that ensures that not just electricity but energy access as a whole is answered to and this would be for lighting (electricity) cooking and to find some sort of income and that is what we do at Sosai currently.

The Total Landcare type of cook stove which we finally resorted to due to challenges in the Clean Development Mechanism Market, ensured we trained about 150 youth to build these stoves and we are very happy to have heard good impactful stories of how this increased the incomes of these young ones greatly.




Your clean water initiative shows you striving to improve more than energ y access for rural communities, why did you decide to get involved in the provision of clean water? This was more of the Clean Water initiative seeking us out than we were working towards getting this. At the time we were working at the registration process for the Clean Cook stoves with the UNFCCC, the relief foundation reached out to us to share that they had funding from Arthur Guinness fund to implement a water filter project in Nigeria and this was at a time we had finished some of the baseline studies and were simply waiting for the registration process. So this came at a good time to seek what other activity to implement. We decided to implement a pilot in some select communities to test reception for the product and it was a hit with the people as such due to demand we signed the project documents with Relief international and started the project. How much do your energy access solutions, clean water supply and cooking stove cost?

Where are the opportunities in Nigeria’s renewable energy solutions market? Opportunities in this sector are in almost all aspects of any career. One can be an engineer installing solutions, trouble shooting, designing, auditing et cetera. Research is also necessary for feasibility, baseline studies and monitoring and evaluation. Accountants that can specialise in project accounts specific to the sector are also in high demand. Agents are needed. With the influx of some serious financing opportunities into the sector I will say, the sector may even just as was evident during oil and gas energy rise, be a need for all people, health professionals, sociologists, environmentalist and more. How has your business been funded in the last 16 years of its existence? In the beginning we were stringing it along, boot strapping and the Relief project was the first big project we managed, then the cook stove project paid our bills for upwards of 3 years while also giving us the leverage to grow our turnover.

There are varying prices to these solutions. For the Pico Solutions we have systems ranging from N, 3000 to N30, 000 and Solar Powered Home kits depending on what it powers can range between N70, 000 to N240, 000.

This made us look good by our books and we were able to seek additional grants, debts, and support to keep the growth.

How affordable are they? Affordability is relative. We have tried our best though to ensure we enable people purchase these solutions by proffering several payment options like the lease to own and the Pay as You Go Models

Where do you see your business in the next 10 years?

Te l l u s a b o u t y o u r j o u r n e y i n t o e n e r g y entrepreneurship and how important was gender in the process? As a child who grew up with a mother who sold food cooked on the open fire by the light of a kerosene lantern, I knew first-hand what it meant to have Indoor Air Pollution be your reality and once I learned of the ills of this, I made up my mind to change it especially for the women who I saw sell food by the road side on my way home every night by the light of kerosene lanterns that billowed unclean air to them. What could be done to increase the participation of women in this space? It’s mostly by showcasing that women are doing it and easing the entry point for women. It is currently happening though as you would find that women are gradually taking the renewable energy space head on and actively being in the not just office part but also as the technical hands in the sector.


The dream is to see that Sosai is that solutions provider who has duplicated itself across all rural communities in Nigeria and be that company that is seen as one that ensures energy access and livelihood improvement. We should by 10 years have been the reason for the positive impact in the lives of over 40 Million Nigerians









t is not unheard of for people who are supposedly less competent or less skillful to rise faster within an organization or in other subtle ways, get more benefits than others. We have also seen how the connections men make can quickly get them to leadership positions, but some women are also beginning to tow this line even though some gender difference may exist. Female leaders who rise quickly, beyond their skills are doing something different from the men and even other women. When we think networking, it usually feels transactional. There is a lot of undue pressure to say the right things because we do not want to miss the chance of figuring out what we can get from talking to these people. It is however more important now to build relationships that benefit our careers and businesses. So many decisions that happen behind closed doors will only benefit you if people are aware that you have diverse interests. Because women are very relational in their interactions, if we let relationships grow organically, we tend to interact a lot more with people who are like us. It therefore becomes extremely important to build boundary-spanning relationships where you are intentionally connecting with people in diverse pockets of the organization or the industry. Relating only with people in your field is a pitfall that should be avoided, you should


be connected across departments, functions, and areas of expertise. Especially as entrepreneurs, sometimes just one short conversation with someone who is in marketing or handles branding can make a lot difference to your business needs at the time. As women, we must begin to become more thoughtful and strategic about building networks and encouraging interactions that can help take us to the next level. When your network is broader, you will get slightly different opinions on the work that you do and the problem areas that you face periodically. These different diverse perspectives give you a better bird’s eye view of the issue, and hence may help you make higher-quality decisions. This also keeps you in touch with new information because you are frequently getting new perspectives. Research shows that people who have more boundary spanning in their networks get more promotions, make more money, and usually get more opportunities. As we wind down this very unprecedented year 2020, it is time to begin to re-strategize and envision new opportunities. Take a critical look at your network, and begin to observe the similarities, and notice where the gaps are. What part is underrepresented? What is missing in your network? Age, skill sets, gender, hierarchy?



One of the things that has come out of the pandemic is that people have become more open to asking for recommendations for roles and other opportunities within their networks. It is therefore the time to begin to manage your networks and nurture relationships that you may have lost contact with, begin to seed these relationships in ways that when people need help or see opportunities, you may be suggested as the right person to talk to. Your next steps should then become how to position yourself to interact with people who can help close the gaps you have noticed. Growing your network is beyond attending networking events and preparing elevator pitches that help you make that killer first impression or collect the complimentary cards of almost everyone who attended the event. Sometimes it’s really not a great use of time especially for introverts where these events can seem like a nightmare. You will be better off taking up an activity that may fit your areas of interests, an activity that involves you working or interacting with people, or maybe even volunteering in roles outside your expertise. You get to meet new people, and learn new skills, it is a win-win for you. Networking should be less about being transactional, with the intention of needing something from the person eventually, but more about trying to find people you may like who are in worlds other than you. When the focus is on being curious about the people you meet, and networking with people you like, then it is much more interesting. It is more about being opened to meeting new people and avoiding the tendency to always do things with the people you are familiar with. It is about being that person who pulls people towards themselves and constantly energizes other people, the easiest way to do this is to exude positivity. A study by Kellogg School of Management reports that 77% of the highest achieving women in the study had strong ties with other women who can share career advise as against

women who did not have that kind of support system. Networking should not be regarded as a future opportunity to manipulate other people but to encourage us to consider building real, authentic relationships. BD

Weyinmi Eribo is a trained geologist with Quality health safety and environment (QHSE) expertise, an enterprise development consultant, and a gender advisor with several years of experience across the oil and gas industry, extractive sector, health and safety, not-for-profit management, and the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Weyinmie is an entrepreneur and founder of Wevvo Nigeria, a resource and communitybased platform that supports single female breadwinners by providing access to finance, enterprise development, mentoring and a community to thrive. Weyinmie is a StartingBloc social innovation fellow and Regional Chair, West Africa Alumni, a World Bank Scholar and a Cherie Blair Foundation Mentee Alumni. She is also an Alumni of the Enterprise Development Centre, with a certificate in Non-profit leadership and management from Lagos Business School. Her goal is to leverage her experience in providing value on projects and ensuring sustainability for interventions, particularly those that create jobs and stimulate business opportunities that can alleviate poverty in disadvantaged communities with special focus on women.




Culinary Delights




agos is a well-known coastal city and is blessed with some of the most beautiful and exotic beaches in Nigeria; and I dare say; Africa as well. Beaches in Lagos are certainly one for the books, the amazing views, the sand that is just beautiful to look at and even more beautiful to feel under your feet, the entertainment and the food are not left out. Moist beach Club is so nicely tucked away in Lagos that you’d think it’s hidden. As of right now, it is known to be the hottest tourist attraction in Lagos; and that conclusion is not farfetched. It is definitely worth exploring. It is privately owned but accessible to everyone, it is located at Victoria Island, five minutes away from Eko Hotel, Oriental Hotel, Twin Waters and the Radission Blu Hotel. It is also a walking distance from Hardrock Café. Now you get what we mean when we say it’s safely tucked away? Apart from entertainment; it’s perfect for winding down, pausing and just taking time to recharge. In fact, it is a safe


haven for a personal escape retreat. The Beach Club houses a Beach house that practically morphs into a Nightclub when night falls; it certainly has room for “night long beach parties”; known for its awesome beach house aesthetics are so pleasing to the mind. It is mostly designed with wooden and bamboo furniture pieces contributing heavily to its rustic theme which is beautiful and suites the beach environment. Also, it also houses one of the cleanest seawaters in Lagos, looking for a “Seychelles” experience in Lagos, this is definitely for you. If you happen not to be an ocean enthusiast, it has a nice swimming pool that would suffice. Food and drinks are not allowed, beach club rules demand you purchase whatever you need from there; they have an indepth menu list so you are safe in that regard. However, it requires a gate fee of a thousand Naira (about $2) and an extra 200 ($0.60) for parking space.



Culinary Delights


in such a short time has bagged quite a reputation for itself. It is basically a combination of a lounge, beach club, restaurant, nightclub and swimming pool. It is the best of both worlds or should we say the best of “all” worlds. It boasts of a couple of awesome facilities such as a bar/ lounge, restaurant, open air deck, open air bar, a nightclub, a beach and a swimming pool. A couple of activities you can look forward to are: Riding a horse • Enjoy the view of Eko Atlantic • Sun bathing by the beach side • Beach yoga • A dive in the pool • Enjoy a meal from the awesome in-house chef • And many other activities that are better experienced. You can be rest assured that the Beach Club observes Covid 19 safety guidelines. It is definitely a worthy experience. BD Karla Abua, for

The Beach Club is known to be serene, exclusive and known to be private; it is basically hidden (back to our “safely tucked away” point). The Beach club was established in February of 2019 and

Lead Brand Curator, is your source for local lifestyle news. We curate the things that matter to you the most and highlight great things to do, attend, view, and eat When in Lagos.







n December 16, 2020, the world’s most loved champagne house, Moët & Chandon hosted media partners, friends of the brand, and members of Moët Society to an exclusive champagne tasting event in Lagos, Nigeria. Brand Manager, Elizabeth Oputa took guests on a journey to Champagne, to discover the extraordinary assets of the Moët & Chandon house - its story, personality, know-how, and of course its fabulous range of champagnes. This one of a kind experience also included guests being taken on a journey to discover what goes into creating a bottle of their favorite Champagne. Guests were further tasked with using their sense of smell and taste as they sampled variations of Moët & Chandon trying to guess the notes used in creating the flavors. Starting off with the iconic Moët Imperial with a blend of over 100 different wines curated to enhance its maturity, to the Grand Vintage created from grapes from that particular year only, the seductive, spontaneous Rosé Imperial, with its bright pink color and freshness, the Ice Impérial which is the only range to finish maturing after ice cubes have been put in and of course, everyone’s favorite, the Nectar Impérial. The guests which comprised of Kate Henshaw, Ireti Doyle, Timini Egbuson, Kelechi Amadi-Obi, Beverly Naya, Chef Fregz, Mimi Onalaja amongst others were more than happy


to be a part of this experience. At the end of the tasting, guests were also surprised with personalized bottles of Moët & Chandon to take home as gifts from the brand. You can also be a part of the fun and get your bottle of Moët & Chandon personalized from now to the 15th of January exclusively at Shoprite, Ikeja City Mall.









COVID 19 AND YOUR HEART… what you need to know DR MONISOLA ADANIJO FMCP For the past year, we have been in the battle against COVID 19. AS there is currently no cure, our best bet at winning this battle is prevention. As we enter the “second wave” of this disease, with daily rising cases of infection, it is important to note the effects COVID 19 can have on our hearts if infected, and even after the infection has cleared. Basic facts about COVID 19 infection: • It is caused by the COVID 19 virus. • It can be contracted from close contact with people who have it, from droplets that become airborne when someone, who is infected, sneezes or coughs nearby, from touching our mouths, noses or eyes after touching a surface that has the virus on it. • It is not malaria (even though some malaria medicines have been postulated to help in its treatment). • It is not a hoax. • It can be prevented.


Studies have shown that adults of any age with certain underlying medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19. (Severe illness from COVID-19 is defined as hospitalization, admission to the intensive care unit, intubation or mechanical ventilation, or death). Individuals with these medical conditions should take extra precautions to avoid getting infected with COVID 19, especially as the disease pathway, prognosis and after effects are yet to be fully understood These medical conditions include: • Hypertension (high blood pressure) • Liver disease • Diabetes mellitus • Chronic kidney disease • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease • Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies • Weakened immune system from any cause


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Obesity Pregnancy Sickle cell disease Smoking Asthma Cerebrovascular disease (affects blood vessels and blood supply to the brain) Cystic fibrosis Cancer

Clinical stages of COVID-19 COVID-19 can be classified primarily into the following stages: Some individuals (those with good immunity as well as younger people) may actually have no symptoms at all or at the very worst just have mild to moderate disease (Stage I) and recover fully. Stage I (Early infection) The early infection stage comprises viral response with mild symptoms: Fever, loss of taste and smell, dry cough, diarrhoea, headache. Stage II (Pulmonary phase) It indicates host inflammatory response primarily affecting lungs with symptoms such as shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and “air hunger”. Stage III (Hyperinflammation) The patient may show features of respiratory distress, shock, and heart failure. COVID 19 and the heart. Usually when the heart is affected in COVID 19 infection, it can lead to severe illness and devastating complications. People with underlying medical conditions are more at risk of developing heart related COVID complications. The ways COVID can affect the heart are as follows: • Inflammation of the heart muscle and covering (acute myocarditis, acute pericarditis) • Reduced oxygen supply to the heart (myocardial infarction/heart attack) • Direct injury to heart muscle. (Stress-induced cardiomyopathy) • Heart failure. • Abnormal heart beat (Arrhythmias) • Blood clots and its complications: arterial thromboembolism, deep vein thrombosis, intracardiac thrombus, pulmonary embolism, stroke. A growing number of studies suggest many COVID-19 survivors experience some type of heart damage, even if they didn't have underlying heart disease and weren't sick enough to be hospitalized. This latest twist has health care experts worried about a potential increase in heart failure in post covid survivors in the coming months.


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chin. When you take off a mask, store it in a clean plastic bag, and every day either wash it if it’s a fabric mask, or dispose of a medical mask in a trash bin. Do not share masks. Avoid spaces that are closed, crowded or involve close contact. Meet people outside. Outdoor gatherings are safer than indoor ones Avoid crowded or indoor settings Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently especially those which are regularly touched. What to do if you don’t feel well: Stay home and self-isolate even if you have minor symptoms such as cough, headache, mild fever, until you recover. Call your health care provider or hotline for advice. If you need to leave your house or have someone near you, wear a medical mask to avoid infecting others. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately. Keep up to date on the latest information from trusted sources and avoid fake news.BD

Dr Monisola Adanijo FMCP a Cardiologist and the Medical Director at Naveen Healthcare. With experience spanning over 20 years, she built her pathway in medicine and cardiology working in reputable medical centres such as Mecure Healthcare Limited, Barnes Hospital, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Chevron Hospital, Lagos to mention but a few. Her passion for preventive cardiology led her to convene the Naveen Healthcare 10,000 Hearts Project, in order to help individuals detect, protect and correct cardiovascular diseases. Skilled in cardiovascular diagnostic procedures and treatment, a fellow of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria, a member of Nigerian Cardiac Society, American College of Physicians, Hypertension society of Nigeria and an international associate of the American College of Cardiology. She also has a Diploma in Leadership and Management from the University of Washington, USA. She launched the first TeleElectrocardiogram project in Nigeria and West Africa and does her part in contributing to good health and wellbeing, a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG3) of the United Nations. Instagram:

What to do to keep yourself and others safe from COVID-19 • Maintain at least a 1.5-metre distance between yourself and others; Maintain an even greater distance when indoors. The further away, the better. • Wear a mask when you are around other people. Clean your hands before you put your mask on, as well as before and after you take it off, and after you touch it at any time. Make sure it covers both your nose, mouth and




Christmas Breakfast Creamy Brioche and Egg Bake Ingredients

• 3 cups cubed brioche (about 3 1/2 oz.) • ¼ cup unsalted butter, melted • 8 ounces cooked ground pork sausage with sage, crumbled and drained (about 1 cup) • 3 cups heavy cream • ¼ cup thinly sliced fresh chives • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley • 1 teaspoon kosher salt • ½ teaspoon black pepper • 8 eggs Directions • Step 1 Preheat oven to 425°F. Toss together brioche cubes and melted butter in a large bowl. Spread in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake in preheated oven until golden brown and crisp, about 5 minutes. Transfer toasted brioche cubes to an 11- x 7-inch baking dish, and stir in cooked sausage. Spread mixture in an even layer, and set aside. • Step 2 Stir together heavy cream, chives, parsley, salt, and pepper in a medium saucepan. Bring to a simmer over medium-low, and cook 5 minutes. • Step 3 Pour cream mixture evenly over brioche-and-sausage mixture. Break eggs, and slip, 1 at a time, into cream mixture. Do not stir. • Step 4 Bake in preheated oven until whites are set and yolks are cooked to desired degree of doneness, 8 to 10 minutes. Serve immediately. BD






Poch set to become new PSG manager


ormer Tottenham manager Mauricio Pochettino is the main contender to take over at Paris St-Germain (PSG) after Thomas Tuchel was sacked. It is understood PSG's players have been told that the Argentine, 48, will be joining the club. Talks between PSG and Pochettino started at least two weeks ago. Tuchel, 47, was sacked hours after he took charge of Wednesday's 4-0 win against Strasbourg. The French club are yet to confirm the German's dismissal. Tuchel became the Ligue 1 side's boss in June 2018, winning two league titles, the French Cup and French League Cup. They also reached the Champions League final for the first time last season, losing 1-0 to Bayern Munich. Former Borussia Dortmund coach Tuchel's contract was set to expire at the end of this season. He joined the Parisian club in May 2018 on an initial twoyear contract after replacing Spaniard Unai Emery, agreeing a one-year extension in May 2019. PSG are currently third in Ligue 1, a point behind leaders Lyon, while they are also through to the last 16 of the Champions League, where they will face Barcelona. Wednesday's victory over Strasbourg moved the reigning champions to within a point of both Lyon and second-placed Lille as the Ligue 1 season heads into a two-week winter break. Pochettino, who led Spurs to the Champions League final in 2019 where they lost to Liverpool, has been linked regularly with the PSG job in recent months. He played for PSG between 2001 and 2003, and has been

without a job since leaving Spurs in November 2019. The former Southampton boss joined Spurs in 2014 and guided them to the League Cup final in his first full season while two third-placed finishes sandwiched a runners-up spot in the Premier League in 2017. PSG have been linked with a January loan move for Tottenham's Dele Alli, who made his Premier League debut under Pochettino. The 48-year-old Argentine, who played for PSG between 2001 and 2003, has been without a job since leaving Spurs in November 2019. In 2016 Pochettino said: "I have always said that one day it would be a pleasure to manage a big club like Paris, a dream. "I try to watch all of their games, especially in the Champions League and sometimes I speak with [Paris Saint-Germain assistant coach] Jean-Louis Gasset." Tuchel has found himself in hot water with the PSG hierarchy in recent weeks after claiming he felt more like "a sports politician or sports minister than a coach". The German attempted to defuse the situation last night, saying: "I didn't say it's more about politics than sport, nor that I lost the fun of training. This is not true.. It is possible they translated incorrectly. "Watch the video interview. I just said that PSG are unique and that it's a big challenge for me. It's always been like that. "I like this challenge and nothing has changed." Reports in France suggest Pochettino could be in place at PSG before they return to action against St. Etienne on January 6. BD





Five players who could be on the move in January


hristmas is here and the January transfer window is just around the corner. A host of Premier League clubs are looking to strengthen their squads, with plenty of players eyeing up moves after finding minutes hard to come by in the first half of the campaign. Here are five potential players who could make a switch in next month’s transfer window. Dele Alli The future of Tottenham midfielder Alli already looks set to be the main story of the January transfer window. The 24-year-old has not started a Premier League game since the opening day of the season and has played just 29 minutes of league football since then. Alli is not part of Jose Mourinho’s plans and looks in desperate need of a move away from Spurs to kickstart his career. Paris Saint-Germain were linked in the summer and reports suggest their interest remains — with a move abroad looking most likely. Christian Eriksen After a disappointing season in Italy, Inter Milan look ready to cut their losses on Eriksen. Things have not gone as planned for him under Antonio Conte, only starting four of Inter’s first 13 Serie A games this term. And there will be no shortage of suitors for the Dane, 28, who scored


69 goals and set up a further 89 in 305 appearances for Tottenham. That could well tempt any top Premier League clubs into making a move, with Spurs’ struggling North London rivals Arsenal already linked with a bid. Olivier Giroud Throughout the first four months of the season, it seemed certain that Giroud would angle for a move away from Stamford Bridge. The Chelsea striker wants to be playing week-in, week-out but found himself behind Timo Werner and Tammy Abraham in the pecking order early in the campaign. Yet the Frenchman's fine form from the bench saw him start three Premier League games in a row in early December, finding the back of the net against both Leeds and Wolves. Adama Traore Traore has endured a frustrating campaign at Wolves, failing to notch a single goal or assist thus far. The Spaniard cracked the Premier League last season after making 27 starts at Molineux, scoring four goals and setting up nine as teams struggled to deal with his blistering pace. But he has not been a regular for Nuno Espirito Santo this season, starting just seven of the club's first14 games this term, and is reportedly stalling on signing a new deal. While his current contract runs for another three years, murmurs of discontent seem to have alerted clubs to his potential availability. Callum Hudson-Odoi The Chelsea winger is only 20, yet with just one Premier League start this season, Hudson-Odoi’s career is stagnating. While he has had injury problems this campaign, he was far from a regular for Frank Lampard even when fit. Hudson-Odoi is an England international and Bayern Munich’s interest in the winger is well-documented — so it wouldn’t be a surprise if he was pushing for a move behind the scenes. And even if Bayern do not come in with a bid, there will be plenty of

clubs tempted to test the waters and see if a short-term loan is an option. While that run may be enough to keep him content for now, there are no guarantees things will stay that way throughout January. Abraham has since netted twice against West Ham and should Giroud find opportunities lacking again, it will be no surprise if noises about a potential departure quickly resurface. BD







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