Business & Luxury No. 22

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ISSN 2406-2057

Edition Q4


Nº 22





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VLADIMIR BANOVIĆ urednik / editor


Poštovani čitaoci,

Dear readers,

Počeo bih sa našim sloganom “magazin koji budi inspiracije”.

Let us open this issue with our slogan "a magazine that awakens inspiration".

Svedoci smo neobičnog vremena, burnog naleta raznih informacija koje često dovode do nesigurnosti u formiranju mišljenja i stava kako da se ponašamo u datim okolnostima. U potrazi za efikasnom odbranom, često dolazimo do informacija koje nas uznemiravaju i sputavaju inspiracije.

We are bearing witness to unusual times, overwhelmed by all sorts of information that often leads to our insecurity when it comes to forming our opinions and attitudes on how to behave in the given circumstances. In search of effective defense, we often come across information that are upsetting us or hindering our inspiration.

Kao i do sada, želelimo da inspiracija ima veliku snagu u borbi protiv neizvesnosti. Želimo da oživimo snagu stvaralaštva, luksuza i umetnosti, da kao celina budu glavni pokretači kako u ličnom razvoju, tako i u kolektivnom odnosu prema lepim stvarima.

As before, we want inspiration to be a powerful tool in the fight against uncertainty. We want to rekindle the power of creativity, luxury and art, so that all of them become the main driving force both in our personal development and in the collective attitude towards beautiful things.

Kreirajući ovaj broj, jedan intervju ostavio je poseban utisak. U njemu smo uspeli da oživimo sve tri snage i probudimo inspiraciju za dalje stvaralaštvo.

While preparing this issue, we were especially captivated by an interview that managed to revive all three of these forces and awaken inspiration for further creativity.

Želja nam je da teme iz ovog broja probude inspiraciju kod vas, a ako u tome uspemo, to će značiti da je magazin B&L opravdao svoju svrhu.

The topics in this issue are meant to inspire you, and if we succeed in doing that, it would mean that B&L magazine has justified its purpose.

Uživajte u 22. broju! B&L tim

Enjoy our 22nd issue! B&L team



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Sadržaj - Content





















novih prilika pomoću veštačke inteligencije opportunities with artificial intelligence

Postaje sve jasnije da će 2020. godina trajno obeležiti svet i našu budućnost zato što pandemija virusa COVID-19 i dalje ostavlja neke od najozbiljnijih ekonomskih posledica za našu generaciju. Činjenica je da se nalazimo u nesigurnim vremenima, a u njima su inovativnost i pristup zasnovan na podacima ('data-driven') važniji nego ikada ranije. Međutim, uspeh u budućnosti zavisi od onoga što radimo danas. Mnogo uspešnih kompanija, kao što su Uber, Airbnb, WhatsApp i Slack, nastalo je baš tokom poslednje privredne krize. Kako pronaći klijente koji će nam pomagati u rastu kompanije? Koji od njih imaju najveći potencijal? Kako uvesti veštačku inteligenciju i 'datadriven' pristup u svakodnevno poslovanje? Kakve strategije prodaje uskladiti u periodu nove normalnosti? Kako možete veštačku inteligenciju i 'data-driven' marketing da iskoristite za drugačiji i pozitivan pristup i u nesigurnim vremenima? To su samo neki od najčešćih izazova sa kojima se suočavamo svakodnevno. Verujemo da pomoću kreativnosti, su-kreativnosti i tehnologije nalazimo nove poslovne prilike i da vam pomažemo da ostvarite prednost na tržištu.


It is becoming increasingly clear that 2020 will leave a permanent mark in the world and our future with the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to produce some of the most serious economic consequences for our generation. It is a fact that we are going through times of uncertainty. Even in times like these, innovation and data-driven approach are more important than ever.


However, the future success depends on what we do today. It was during the previous economic crisis that many successful companies, such as Uber, Airbnb, WhatsApp and Slack, emerged. How to find clients who would help our company grow? Who among them have the greatest potential? How to introduce artificial intelligence and data-driven approach in everyday business activities? What sale strategies to customize in the new normality period? How can you use artificial intelligence and data-driven marketing for a different and positive approach even in uncertain times? These are only some of the most common challenges we are facing every day. We believe that with creativity, cocreativity and technology we can find new business opportunities and help you gain competitive advantage.


Stvaranje vrednosti od podataka Pre deset godina, kada je američka banka Lehman Brothers bankrotirala, niko nije znao zašto je došlo do sloma berze zato što još nismo imali na raspolaganju sve podatke. Za dva dana se pokazalo da je to posledica aktivnosti drugorazrednih hipotekarnih kredita s velikim rizikom. Znali su, dakle, razlog za slom ovog tržišta, a nisu imali na raspolaganju sve podatke da bi to mogli da spreče. Danas na raspolaganju imamo 41 zetabajt podataka, 90% njih je stvoreno u poslednje tri godine, što ukazuje na to da važnost podataka i njihova obrada u poslovnom svetu rastu.

Creating value from data About ten years ago, when the American bank Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, no one knew what had caused the stock market crash because we did not have all the data. In two days’ time, it became known it was the consequence of highrisk subprime mortgage activities. So, they knew the cause of the market crash, but they did not have all the necessary data to prevent it. Today we have 41 zettabytes of data available, 90% of which was created over the past three years, suggesting that the importance of data and their processing in the business world is growing.

Kompanija Bisnode, s više od 30 godina iskustva u oblasti poslovnih informacija i analitike podataka, pomaže privredi, kompanijama i donosiocima odluka da te podatke koriste na naučni način. Naši klijenti na taj način imaju neprestani pristup aktuelnim i tačnim visokokvalitetnim podacima koji im pomažu u donošenju pametnih poslovnih odluka. „Pametni podaci su oni podaci kojima zaista sebi možeš da pomogneš, da učiniš nešto sa njima. Sve što želimo, jeste da od podataka stvorimo vrednost za kompanije“, objašnjava Žan-Filip Šepens, stručnjak za inovativne podatke u Grupi Bisnode.

With more than 30 years of experience in the field of business information and data analytics, Bisnode helps the economy, companies and decision makers use these data scientifically. That way our clients have a constant access to current and accurate highquality data which help them make smarter business decisions. “Smart data are data you can use to really help yourself, data you can do something with. All we want is to use data to create value for companies,” explains JeanPhilippe Schepens, the innovative data expert in Bisnode Group.


LIFESTYLE Podaci MAGAZINE Pop - Data art






Pogled od 360 stepeni za uspeh U kompaniji Bisnode svakodnevno obrađujemo velike količine podataka iz javno dostupnih svetskih resursa i istovremeno dobijamo lokalne podatke iz pojedinih država i kompanija. I Bisnode rešenje CLP (Corporate Loan Prediction) predstavlja izuzetnu mogućnost da zajedno sa klijentima i partnerima stvaramo i tako dobijemo celokupnu sliku, odnosno pogled od 360 stepeni. Radi se o konceptu zajedničkog stvaranja, pri čemu na našoj strani pokušavamo da dobijemo različite tipove podataka (finansijske, poslovne, društvene mreže, veb-sajtovi) koje preko prethodno podešenih pokretača spajamo sa internim podacima klijenta sa kojim radimo na projektu (interne informacije iz CRM, disciplina plaćanja, itd.). Tako pokušavamo da stvorimo pogled od 360° i predvidimo koji su njihovi potencijalni kupci (lidovi). Priča zajedničkog stvaranja zatim počinje tako što strane u projektu te informacije (koje im prosleđujemo) proveravaju i testiraju – i iz njihovih povratnih informacija se analitički model konstantno uči i na taj način poboljšava svoju segmentaciju. Cilj je pogled od 360° na tržište i upravljanje sopstvenim ekosistemom. „Privreda se munjevito menja i zato moramo sarađivati kako bismo mogli da postignemo najbolje rezultate. Kompanije najbolje poznaju svoja tržišta,

360 degrees perspective for success In Bisnode, we process huge amounts of data on daily basis, from publicly available global resources, and we simultaneously get local data from certain states and companies. And the Bisnode solution CLP (Corporate Loan Prediction) is an excellent opportunity for us to create together with clients and partners, which gives us the whole picture, that is the 360 degrees perspective. This is a concept of joint creation, and we are doing our part by trying to get different types of data (financial, business, social networks, websites) which we then link with the internal data of clients we are working on projects with (internal data from CRM, payment discipline, etc.), using the previously set triggers. This is how we are trying to achieve the 360° perspective and predict who the prospects (leads) might be. That is where the story of joint creation begins – the data (that we send them) are reviewed and tested by the parties in the project – and with their feedback, the analytical model is constantly learned, improving its segmentation. The aim is the 360° perspective on the market and managing one's own ecosystem. “The economy is rapidly changing and that is why we have to cooperate to be able to achieve the best results. Companies know their markets best, and we


a mi znamo kako da koristimo podatke i imamo tehnologiju, koja stvara vrednost od podataka. Ne razmišljajte u kolonama i redovima – život je više od crnog-belog i zato pristupite prodaji od 360 stepeni“, savetuje Žan-Filip Šepens.

know how to use data and we have the technology which creates value from data. Do not think in terms of columns and rows – life is more than a black-andwhite pattern, so embrace the 360 degrees sale,“ advises Jean-Philippe Schepens.

Dinamična baza „vrućih“ klijenata Kompanije uglavnom još uvek pristupaju prodaji i marketingu na isti način, što znači da traže klijente u istom „bazenu“ u kom je ograničeni broj i u kom postoji velika konkurencija. U kompaniji Bisnode nudimo drugačiji pristup koji se zasniva na prepoznavanju signala i pokretača, zajedničkom kreiranju podataka i analizi na osnovu povratnih informacija, što nam omogućava da kompanijama pružimo kvalitetne „vruće“ potencijalne kupce (lidove). Korišćenjem podataka planirate najbolji trenutak za kampanje, optimizujete komunikaciju i prodajne aktivnosti i tako dolazite do klijenata upravo u trenutku kada je najverovatnije da će obaviti kupovinu. „Ne pružamo vam samo spisak, već dinamičnu bazu. Kada nova kompanija ispunjava određene uslove, ulazi u ovu bazu i obratno, kada kompanija više ne ispunjava uslove, uklanjamo je iz baze. Baza se menja na osnovu povratnih informacija koje dobijamo. Tako imate pred sobom 'najvrelije' potencijalne klijente“, rekao je Žan-Filip Šepens.

A dynamic base of hot clients Most companies still approach sale and marketing in the same way, meaning they search for clients in the same limited pool with a huge competition. In Bisnode, we offer a different approach based on signal recognition and triggers, a joint data creation, and the feedback-based analysis, which allow us to provide companies with high-quality hot prospects (leads). Through the use of data, you can plan the best timing for companies, you can optimise communication and sale activities, which allows you to reach the clients precisely in the moment they are most likely to make a purchase. “We do not provide you only with the list, but with a dynamic base as well. When a new company satisfies certain conditions, it is added to this base and, vice versa, when a company no longer satisfies the conditions, it is removed from the base. The base changes based on the feedback we receive. That way you are presented with the “hottest” prospects“, said JeanPhilippe Schepens.


LIFESTYLE Podaci MAGAZINE Pop - Data art






Pravi klijent u pravom trenutku Praćenjem podataka i prepoznavanjem signala, između ostalog, možemo predvideti kojim kompanijama će biti potreban kredit, koja vrsta kredita i kada. „Koktelom signala možemo predvideti da je određenoj kompaniji novac bio potreban još juče i zato je za nju najvažniji faktoring, određenoj kompaniji će novac biti potreban sutra i zato joj je neophodan kredit odmah, a određenoj kompaniji će novac biti potreban prekosutra i zato je za nju najpogodnije investiciono finansiranje“, objašnjava Žan-Filip Šepens. Rešenja kompanije Bisnode primenjuje već puno banaka prilikom traženja potencijalnih korisnika kredita. Za određenu banku u Srbiji tako smo identifikovali potencijalne klijente – mala i srednja preduzeća kojima će biti potrebni krediti odmah. Bazu smo ograničili na oko 10.000 kompanija i preko okidača (novi proizvod, aktivnost veb-sajta, izvoz, oglasi za slobodna radna mesta...) odredili kojima od njih najverovatnije treba kredit. Hladni pozivi su se tako pretvorili u pozive „vrućih“ potencijalnih klijenata i uspeh je bio iznad očekivanja zato što u zajedničkom stvaranju između kompanija u stečenoj bazi ima više od 3/4 kompanija kojima je potreban kredit.

The right clients at the right moment Through data tracking and signal recognition, among other things, we can predict which companies will need a loan, what kind of loan and when. “With a cocktail of signals, we can predict that a certain company will need money even a day in advance, which is why factoring is of utmost importance for that company, a certain other company will need money tomorrow, which is why they need the loan right away, and yet another company will need money the day after tomorrow, so the most convenient solution for that company is investment financing,” explains Jean-Philippe Schepens. The Bisnode solutions are used in many banks when searching for the potential loan beneficiaries. For a certain bank in Serbia, we have identified potential clients – small and medium sized enterprises which will need loans right away. We have limited the base to 10,000 companies, and with the use of triggers (new product, website activity, export, job vacancy advertisements...) we have determined which of these will most likely need a loan. This is how cold calling has transformed into hot prospects calling, and the success has surpassed the expectations, since, thanks to a joint creation among companies, 3/4 of companies in the cocreated base need a loan.

Ključno je, dakle, uhvatiti pravi trenutak, kada je nekome potrebna ponuda. Ukoliko upravo tada našeg potencijalnog klijenta pozove konkurencija, možemo ga izgubiti i na taj način gubimo i mogućnost za rast i uspeh.

Therefore, it is crucial to seize the right moment when someone needs an offer. If our (potential) client gets a call from our competition at that very moment, we can lose them, and that way we lose the opportunity for growth and success.


Intervju -MAGAZINE Interview LIFESTYLE Mercedes-Benz


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The future of business is in the human-centric approach


Ubrzo će iza nas biti najizazovnija godina koju poznajemo. Kada nam se učinilo da je tržište ovladalo idejom „customer experience“-a, promenili su nam se i sam potrošač i iskustva koja on može da stekne. Kako aktuelna vremena iziskuju stvaranje novih vrednosti, rešili smo da svoje poslovanje organizujemo oko HUMAN-CENTRIC pristupa, koji konačno uspostavlja pozitivnu socijalnu, emotivnu i ekonomsku međuzavisnost između brenda i potrošača.


The most challenging year we have faced yet will be soon be behind us. When it seemed to us that the market had mastered the idea of "customer experience", the consumers changed as well as the experience they can gain. As the present times require the development of new values, we have decided to organize our business around the HUMAN-CENTRIC approach, which finally establishes a positive social, emotional and economic interdependence between the brand and consumers.


Inovacije LIFESTYLE - Innovations MAGAZINE

We have always been passionately focused on the brand and the event industry which has suffered a severe blow, and in line with the new trends in digital marketing, we created a wide range of products within our new, sister company, DIGITAL X. Using a full potential of science, technology and creativity, we made digital experiences based on the needs of the consumers and the brands alike. People’s primary need is to meet, have direct content and interact. The creative team of the umbrella agency M2C and the development team of DIGITAL X have worked tirelessly on a solution for online events offering new, exciting experiences and created the HYBRID-X service. Owing to the great possibilities of creating content and storytelling, we are now making virtual environments that can be influenced in real time. We are developing solutions in which a large number of participants can meet digitally. Due to these solutions anyone can become a protagonist of an interesting story, the brands can present themselves in a more creative way, and products and services can become even more attractive.

Watches Business Moving forward & Jewellery

Oduvek smo pasionirano usmereni ka brendu i ka event industriji, koja je pretpela nesvakidašnji udar, te smo, u skladu sa novim tendencijama digitalnog marketinga, stvorili raznobojnu paletu proizvoda u okviru naše nove, sestrinske kompanije, DIGITAL X. Iskoristili smo pun potencijal nauke, tehnologije i kreativnosti kroz kreiranje digitalnih iskustava baziranih podjednako na potrebama potrošača i brendova. Prva od njih je potreba ljudi za susretima, neposrednim sadržajem i interakcijom. Kreativni tim krovne agencije M2C i razvojni tim DIGITAL X-a neumorno je radio na kreiranju rešenja za online događaje, koja će ponuditi nova, uzbudljiva iskustva i stvorio HYBRID-X uslugu. Zahvaljujući velikim mogućnostima kreiranja sadržaja i storytelling-a, sada stvaramo virtuelne ambijente na koje je moguće uticati u real time-u. Rešenja u kojima svako može da bude protagonista zanimljive priče, brendovi predstave maštovitije, a proizvodi i usluge učine dodatno atraktivnim.






Kompanije imaju sve veću potrebu da velike skupove podataka iskoriste na najbolji mogući način, te smo deo stvaralačke energije usmerili ka razvoju PREDIKTIVNIH MODELA, sa ciljem mikrosegmentacije tržišta i predviđanja ponašanja potrošača. Kontinuirano unapređujemo Data Dynamic softversko rešenje koje predstavlja srce prediktivnih modela baziranih na human-centric pristupu. Mapiranje i analiza biznis procesa otkriva nam do 50% više značajnih podataka koji obrađeni prediktivnim modelima uz čak 92% preciznosti, čine proizvod, kampanju ili inicijativu, svrsishodnom, opravdavajući tako svako ulaganje.

Companies have a growing need to use large sets of data to their maximum potential, so we have directed some of our creative energy towards developing the PREDICTIVE MODELS, with the aim of microsegmenting the market and predicting consumer behavior. We are continuously upgrading the Data Dynamic software solution, which is the heart of the predictive models based on the humancentric approach. Business process mapping and analysis reveals up to 50% more significant data which, processed by predictive models with as much as 92% accuracy, make a product, campaign or initiative meaningful, and thus justify any investment.

Okolnosti nam često šire perspektive, a posvećenost sveža saznanja pretvara u inovacije, koje čine poslovanje održivim, koje nas razvijaju i stvaraju sasvim neočekivane mogućnosti.

The circumstances often broaden our views, and our commitment turns newly acquired knowledge into innovations, making our business sustainable, causing us to evolve and open up completely unexpected possibilities.

Miro Antić, CXO, M2Communications i ko-osnivač NEO – New Entertanimen Office i Digital X

Miro Antić, CXO, M2Communications and co-founder of NEO - New Entertainment Office and Digital X




i vozna dinamika automobila s dvoja vrata

Moving forward

Two-door car’s history, design and driving dynamics



Moving forward

Viskoka udobnost - High comfort The LIFESTYLE Art of Savoir-Vivre MAGAZINE




Moving forward

Dizajnerski studio BMW Grupe u Minhenu, čuvena hala odeljenja za klasične automobile BMW Group Classic i ispitni centar BMW Grupe u Ašhajmu zajedno su organizovali svetsku premijeru novog kupea BMW serije 4.


Razvoj estetike automobila s dvoja vrata u skladu s jezikom novog BMW-ovog stila se naročito dobro vidi pod lupom ovog dizajnerskog studija. Domagoj Dukec, šef odeljenja za dizajn u BMW-u, objasnio je postupak konstruisanja kojim je dobijen sportski, elegantan i ekskluzivan izgled novog kupea BMW serije 4. Ovde su u prvi plan istaknuti pojedinačni elementi dizajna, naročito velika, uspravna i napred nagnuta BMW bubrežasta maska na prednjem kraju vozila, sportski oblikovane bočne linije iznad lukova zadnjih točkova, dinamično izdužene proporcije automobila i širok razmak točkova. Novi automobil se po ovim elementima izdvaja od poslednje limuzine BMW serije 3, i oni mu daju znatno oštriji karakter u odnosu na njegovog prethodnika. „Novi BMW serije 4 ima prepoznatljive BMW-ove proporcije i to u najmodernijem obliku do sada“, navodi Dukec. „Prednji kraj je vrlo uočljiv na putu. Upečatljivi, vertikalni „bubrezi“ i čuveni dvostruki farovi daju mu smeli i samouvereni izgled.“ Osvrtanje na prošlost Pitera Note, člana Upravnog odbora kompanije BMW AG, zaduženog za kupce, brendove i prodaju, u sedištu odeljenja za klasike BMW Grupe pokazao je koliko je novi kupe BMW serije 4 duboko povezan s tradicijom legendarnih sportskih automobila ovog brenda.

Viskoka udobnost - High comfort Vrhunska mašina The-Art Ultimate of Savoir-Vivre machine

The evolution of the two-door car’s aesthetic in keeping with BMW’s new styling language is particularly evident under the design studio spotlights. Here, Domagoj Dukec, the Head of BMW Design, explained the design process that went into creating the sporty, graceful and exclusive aura of the new BMW 4 Series Coupé. The focus here was on standalone design features, notably the large, upright BMW kidney grille angling forward at the front end of the coupé, the athletically sculpted shoulders above the rear wheel arches, the car’s dynamically stretched proportions and its wide tracks. These elements put clear water between the new car and the latest BMW 3 Series Sedan, while also giving it a significantly sharper character than its predecessor. “The new BMW 4 Series displays the signature BMW proportions in their most modern form yet,” said Dukec. “The front end makes a very clear statement on the road. The striking, vertical kidney grille and iconic twin headlights create a bold and confident identity.” The look back into the past by Pieter Nota, a member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, responsible for Customer, Brands and Sales, at the home of BMW Group Classic illustrated how deeply entwined the new BMW 4 Series Coupé is with the brand’s tradition of legendary sports cars.

Moving forward

The BMW Group’s design studio in Munich, the historic halls of BMW Group Classic and the BMW Group test centre in Aschheim co-hosted the world premiere of the new BMW 4 Series Coupé.



Pleasure Moving forward & Leisure



Klasici kao što je BMW 328 kupe iz 1930-ih i BMW-a 3.0 CS iz 1970-ih glavne su okosnice uzbudljive istorije BMW kupea. A sada je ova priča o prestižu, uživanju u vožnji i trkačkim uspesima proširena novim poglavljem. „Novi kupe BMW serije 4 oličava samu suštinu BMW-a“, ističe Nota. „To je tumačenje istrajnog DNK koda ovog brenda usmereno ka budućnosti.“

Classics such as the BMW 328 Coupé from the 1930s and BMW 3.0 CS from the 1970s are headline acts in the enthralling history of BMW coupés. And now a new chapter can be added to this story of prestige, driving pleasure and racing success. “The new BMW 4 Series Coupé captures the very essence of BMW,” said Nota. “It is a future-focused interpretation of the brand’s enduring DNA.”

Novi kupe BMW serije 4 se pojavio na drumovima u oktobru 2020. - u početku u pet varijanti modela, na čelu sa posebno moćnim kupeom BMW M440i xDrive. Ovaj vodeći model je „zaista vrhunska mašina“, kako ga je okarakterisao Klaus Frulih, član Upravnog odbora kompanije BMW AG, zadužen za razvoj, tokom probne vožnje na ispitnom poligonu BMW Grupe u Ašhajmu. Takođe je rekao da su razvojni inženjeri uspeli da novom kupeu BMW serije 4 podare još veću preciznost i dinamiku od limuzine BMW serije 3 koja je i sama dobar primer sportske smelosti. „Mislim da je ovaj tim dobro obavio posao – zapravo i više nego dobro.“

The new BMW 4 Series Coupé hit the road in October 2020 – initially in a choice of five model variants, with the particularly potent BMW M440i xDrive Coupé heading the line-up. The flagship model is “truly an ultimate driving machine”, in the words of Klaus Fröhlich, a member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, responsible for Development, during a test drive at the BMW Group’s test facility in Aschheim. He goes on to say that the development engineers have managed to instil the new BMW 4 Series Coupé with even greater precision and dynamism than the BMW 3 Series Sedan, itself a fine example of sporting prowess. “I think the team has done a good job – a very good job, in fact.”

Zadovoljstvo u voĹžnji





Moving forward

Uniworld boutique river cruises



Kompanija Uniworld nudi niz ekskluzivnih rečnih krstarenja do fascinantnih i luksuznih destinacija širom Evrope, Rusije, Egipta, Indije, Azije i Južne Amerike. Ona promoviše autentična, iskustvena i održiva putovanja i to brodovima od kojih je svaki jedinstven – sagrađen da primi u proseku 120 gostiju i sa jednim od najvećih odnosa broja osoblja naspram broja gostiju u industriji rečnih krstarenja. Prva je ponudila gostima doživljaj plutajućeg luksuznog hotela, koji na rečnom krstarenju kompanije Uniworld mogu da uživaju u kuhinji svetske klase, besprekornom gostoprimstvu i dožive specijalne destinacije, uranjajući duboko u lokalnu kulturu i istoriju svakog odredišta.

Uniworld is a boutique river cruise collection offering fascinating, high-end itineraries throughout Europe, Russia, Egypt, India, Asia and South America. Pioneering authentic, experiential and sustainable travel, each ship is unique – built from the ground up to accommodate an average capacity of 120 guests and offers one of the highest staff-to-guest ratio in the river cruise industry. The first to offer a floating boutique hotel experience, guests onboard a Uniworld river cruise will savour world-class cuisine, impeccable hospitality and specialist destination experiences, which dig deep into the local culture and history of each destination.

Moving forward

LIFESTYLE PoslovanjeMAGAZINE - Business Pop art



Moving forward



NOVO ZA 2021.

NEW FOR 2021

U 2021. godini Uniworld će predstaviti putovanja na potpuno nove destinacije u peruanskoj Amazoniji, brodom Aria Amazon sa kompletno apartmanskim smeštajem, dovodeći goste po prvi put u Južnu Ameriku, na atraktivna odredišta kao što su Maču Pikču i Nacionalni rezervat Pakaja-Samirija. Uvešće u ponudu i dva uzbudljiva putovanja „kruzerom i železnicom“ u partnerstvu s kompanijom Golden Eagle Luxury Rail, koja će goste voditi kroz Milano, Veneciju i švajcarske Alpe, ili pak Veneciju i švajcarske Alpe, kombinujući putovanja kopnom, vodom i železnicom.

2021 will see the introduction of a brand new itinerary in the Peruvian Amazon on the allsuite Aria Amazon ship, bringing guests to South America for the first time, with highlights including Machu Picchu and Pacaya-Samiri National Park. Uniworld will also be launching two exciting ‘Cruise & Rail’ itineraries in partnership with Golden Eagle Luxury Rail, taking guests through Milan, Venice and the Swiss Alps, or alternatively Venice and the Swiss Alps, combining land, cruise and train journeys.

Takođe, četiri potpuno nova super broda će se priključiti floti kompanije Uniworld, zahvaljujući kojima će ona nastaviti da donosi novi nivo luksuza na reku. Super brodovi imaju unapređene restoranske sale, dodatne apartmane, vrhunske sadržaje i doživljaj neverovatnih i jedinstvenih destinacija.

Four brand new Super Ships will also be added to the Uniworld fleet. The introduction of Super Ships ensures that Uniworld continues to bring a new level of luxury to the river. The Super Ships include enhanced dining venues, additional suites, state-ofthe-art amenities and incredible once in a lifetime destination experiences.


Mekong Jewel - najnoviji i najluksuzniji brod na reci Mekong, ploviće od Ho Ši Mina pa sve do Mi Toa, Ben Čea, ostrva Gieng, Pnom Pena, Angkor Bana i Sijem Reapa. Na novom brodu São Gabriel, u Portugalu gosti će doživeti dolinu reke Duero koju je UNESKO uvrstio na svoju listu i ono najbolje što španska i portugalska kulture mogu da ponude. Novi brod Sphinx, u Egiptu, imaće tri restoranske sale, kao i privatnu prostoriju za ručavanje, s planom putovanja koji uključuje privatne obilaske Memnonovih kolosa, hrama kraljice Hatšepsut i Doline kraljeva gde će goste pratiti njihov lični obučeni egiptolog. Brod River Countess će, nakon izmena u konstrukciji, zaploviti kao La Venezia u Italiji. Polazeći iz Venecije, ovo je jedini brod kojem je dozvoljeno pristajanje na Burano preko noći, što gostima pruža još više vremena za istraživanje živih boja ovog slikovitog ostrva.

The Mekong Jewel - the newest and most luxurious ship on the Mekong river, which will sail from Ho Chi Minh through to My Tho, Ben Tre, Gieng Island, Phnom Penh, Angjor Ban and Siem Reap. Onboard the new S.S. São Gabriel, Portugal, guests will experience the UNESCO designated Douro River Valley and the best of Spanish and Portuguese culture. The new S.S. Sphinx, Egypt will feature three dining venues, including a private dining room, with an itinerary including private tours of the Colossi of Memnon, Hatshepsut Temple and Valley of the Kings with guests’ very own trained Egyptologist. The River Countess has undergone a design transformation and will emerge as the S.S. La Venezia in Italy. Sailing from Venice, this is the only ship allowed to dock in Burano overnight, allowing guests to enjoy even more time to explore the vibrant colours of this picturesque island.

Moving forward




Moving forward





Vozeći se plovnim putevima sa kompanijom Uniworld, gosti mogu izbliza videti neka od najpoznatijih mesta na svetu i otkriti neke manje poznate lokalitete. Brodovi pristaju u središte velikih prestonica i rustičnih sela, koja inače nisu pristupačna okeanskim brodovima. Na kopnu, Uniworld takođe nudi razne ekskluzivne destinacije, sežući duboko u lokalnu kulturu, istoriju i kulinarsku ponudu svakog odredišta kroz pažljivo organizovane privatne ture. Seoski dani pružaju detaljan uvid u ruralna mesta i živopisno lokalno stanovništvo. Idemo nudi aktivne izlete poput pešačenja, planinarenja, biciklizma, kajakarenja i golfa. Tura Radi isto što i meštani pruža gostima priliku da osete život tog mesta iz prve ruke nudeći iskustva poput vožnje podzemnom železnicom, degustiranje najbolje kafe i pronalaženje skrivenih dragulja.

By navigating the waterways with Uniworld, guests can get up close with some of the world’s greatest sites and unlock lesser-known locales. Ships dock in the heart of great capitals and rustic villages, that are otherwise unreachable by ocean ships. Onshore, Uniworld also offers a diverse range of insider access itineraries, which dig deep into the local culture, history and culinary offerings of each destination through carefully curated private tours. Village Days provides an in-depth look into rural destinations and the local people who bring them to life. Let’s Go offers active excursions such as walking, hiking, cycling, kayaking and golfing. Do As The Locals Do gives guests the chance to get under the skin of local life offering experiences such as riding the subway, sampling the best coffee and seeking out hidden gems.

OdrĹživost - Sustainability


















Art & Living




Art & Living






ompanija OKU Hotels angažovala je marketinšku agenciju Perowne International da predstavlja ovaj novi brend butik hotela prilikom lansiranja prva dva odmarališta u 2021. godini. Otvaranje OKU-a na Ibici planirano je za maj, a OKU na Kosu će u aprilu biti u potpunost spreman za rad, nakon faze pripremnog otvaranja ovog leta. Perowne International lansiraće brend na međunarodnom tržištu i obezbediti strateško predstavljanje za ovu grupu hotela.

Art Pleasure & Living & Leisure

Reč OKU je izvedena iz japanskog duhovnog i arhitektonskog pojma koji znači „ unutrašnji prostor“ i težnja brenda je da pruži opuštajuća utočišta na atraktivnim lokacijama, sa blagotvornim aktivnostima koje vraćaju u život, i hranom i muzikom koja budi čula. Kompanija OKU Hotels planira da, u narednim godinama, proširi svoju ponudu širom sveta.


OKU hoteli su osmišljeni do najsitnijih detalja i nude savršenu ravnotežu izuzetne udobnosti i prvoklasne usluge. Gosti će doživeti potpuno opuštenu i gostoljubivu atmosferu, pozivajući da bosonogi uživate u životu. U restoranima će se služiti sveže, lokalne namirnice, a svako odmaralište će imati spa centar sa tretmanima inspirisanim drevnom tradicijom na bazi prirodnih proizvoda.



OKU Kos je intimno utočište na plaži u seoskom stilu, smešteno na obali Egejskog mora. Hotel koji je nadahnut grčkim načinom života, gostima nudi 100 prostranih soba, uključujući apartmane sa privatnim i poluprivatnim bazenima i nizom 2-sobnih privatnih vila za vrhunski luksuz u osami. Kombinujući okrepljujući velnes s onim najboljim iz lokane kulture, ovaj butik hotel obećava da će biti mirno utočište za odmaranje i opuštanje uz povezivanje sa svojim okruženjem.

Art Pleasure & Living & Leisure

OKU Ibica je odmaralište na Balearima smešteno na jugozapadu ostrva, sa jednim od najvećih bazena na ostrvu i na samo par minuta hoda od prekrasnog zaliva Kala Gracio i njegovih plaža. Inspirisan prirodom i bosonogim životom, ležeran hotel dizajniran je tako da promoviše polagani tempo života, iskustva koja obogaćuju i održivost. Hotel će ponuditi 189 soba i apartmana, kao i luksuznu 4-sobnu privatnu vilu, koja je savršena za one koji traže najveću privatnost.





erowne International has been appointed by OKU Hotels to represent the new boutique hotel brand as it launches with its first two properties in 2021. OKU Ibiza is set to launch in May, with OKU Kos opening as fully operational in April, following a soft opening period this summer. Perowne International will launch the brand to the international market and provide strategic communications for the collection.

Art Pleasure & Living & Leisure

OKU is derived from the Japanese spiritual and architectural concept meaning “inner space� and the ethos of the brand is to provide relaxing sanctuaries in destinations that captivate, with wellbeing practices that revive, and dining and music experiences that awaken the senses. OKU Hotels plans to expand its collection globally over the coming years.


OKU Hotels are meticulously designed, offering the perfect balance of exceptional comfort with first class service. Guests will experience a completely relaxed and convivial atmosphere, inviting barefoot living. Restaurants will serve fresh, local produce and each property will feature a spa offering treatments inspired by ancient traditions and using natural products.



OKU Kos is an intimate village-style beach hideaway located on the shores of Aegean. Inspired by the Greek way of life, it offers 100 spacious guest rooms, including suites with private and semi-private pools and a handful of private 2-bedroom villas for the ultimate in secluded luxury. Combining restorative wellness with the best of local culture, the boutique hotel promises to be a peaceful sanctuary to relax and unwind whilst connecting with the destination in which it resides.

Art Pleasure & Living & Leisure

OKU Ibiza is an Balearic retreat on the south west of the island home to one of the largest pools on the island, and just a moment’s walk from the beautiful Cala Gracio bay and beaches. Inspired by nature and barefoot living, the laid-back hotel is designed with slow living, enriching experiences and sustainability at its heart. The hotel will offer 189 guest rooms and suites as well as a luxury 4-bedroom private villa, which is perfect for those looking for the utmost privacy.




Welcome to Boka


Pleasure & Leisure

Porto Montenegro


Mediteransko nautičko naselje Porto Montenegro je pravo destinacijsko otkriće za zajednicu koja dolazi iz svih krajeva sveta. Redefinišući život na rivi, mesto je diskretnog luksuza u kome ćete pronaći prostor za avanturu i kreativno ispunjenje. Izvrstan Jahting klub, atraktivni barovi i bistroi, elegantni butici, muzički performansi i intimne porodične zabave, duž cele promenade i trgova na obali, izvanredan su spoj na lokaciji u čijem zaleđu je smeštena ekskluzivna marina za superjahte. “Nova kapija” ove urbane i eklektične enklave temelji se na internacionalnoj zajednici čiji je dom novo naselje u okviru kompleksa Porto Montenegro - Boka Place.

A glittering village infused with unexpected discovery and saltkissed air, Porto Montenegro seduces people from all corners of the globe. Redefining waterfront living, it is a place of understated luxury where adventure and creative fulfilment are found. An exquisite yacht club, bustling bars and bistros, elegant boutiques, live music and family entertainment adorn the shimmering streets and squares that surround a superyacht marina and beckon you to the water’s edge. The new gateway to this splendour is a vibrant and eclectic urban enclave of opportunity, friendship and verve –Welcome to Boka Place.



Najnoviji kvart u sklopu Porto Montenegra, Boka Place objedinjuje atraktivne aktivnosti, uzbudljivu atmosferu i mesto odmora za um i telo. Odabrana ponuda gastro, umetničkih i šoping sadržaja, lokacija za druženje i uživanje, predstavlja osnov za stvaranje jedinstvene, raznovrsne zajednice. Naselje Boka Place smešteno je na prirodnom platou odakle se pruža panoramski pogled na prestižno nautičko naselje Porto Montenegro, koje se nalazi na samoj obali. Iako u zaleđu Bokokotorskog zaliva, lokacija je dovoljno blizu da pruži pogled na prepoznatljiv akvatorijum i osvežavajući, primorski vazduh. Na ovom mestu se aktivan, urbani životni stil prepliće sa nadaleko čuvenom restorativnom prirodom Jadrana.

Art Pleasure & Living & Leisure

Svakodnevni život zajednice u Boka Place sjedinjuje se na mestu centralnog gradskog trga – mesta na kome se svi sadržaji naselja povezuju i prepliću, dele trenuci provedeni sa prijateljima i stvara nova sinergija. U prostoru koji je osmišljen tako da ne poželite da odete, garantovano ćete pronaći dobro raspoloženje, savremenu udobnost i povod za dodatno vreme u društvu prijatelja. Od wellness hotela SIRO, do centra za razonodu ispunjenog buticima, pop-up galerijama i atmosferom koju možete istražiti dodatno posle radnog vremena, u Boka Place pronaći ćete sve što je potrebno da se u potpunosti prepustite ispunjenju svih svojih želja.


U Boka Place, stanovnicima se pruža mogućnost da uživaju u uzbudljivom životnom stilu po svojoj meri uz pregršt novih, odabranih sadržaja. Sa savremenim dizajnom i pogodnostima modernog življenja, na raspolaganju je fantastična kolekcija rezidencija pod upravom hotela SIRO, te privatnih rezidencija. Svi enterijeri odišu svežinom i nenametljivom elegancijom, koja omogućava da u njima kreirate sopstvenu interpretaciju izuzetnog življenja. Eksterijeri i zajednički spoljni prostori središte su intenzivne društvene aktivnosti i pružaju priliku da uspostavite sinergiju i vezu sa svojim susedima i kreirate prostor za zdrav društveni život vaše porodice.

Porto Montenegro’s newest neighbourhood, Boka Place, is alive with activity, a friendly spirit and transformative wellness at its core. A collection of spaces to eat, shop, stay and recharge, this is home to a diverse community founded on a desire to connect and to share. Boka Place sits on an elevated bank that overlooks the glamour and bustle of Porto Montenegro’s waterfront village below. Set back from the Bay of Kotor but close enough to be infused with marine views and salted air, this is the point where the vitality of urban-inspired living meets the restorative nature of the Adriatic Sea.


Nemački kvalitet LIFESTYLE - German MAGAZINE quality

At Boka Place, residents are offered bespoke lifestyle services and a wealth of amenities in which to indulge. Free from the complexities of the modern world but contemporary in design, you can choose from a range of SIRO-managed or private residences. All interiors are fresh, clean canvases, empowering you to create your own interpretation of extraordinary living. While outside, communal spaces pulse with activity, providing the opportunity to forge enriching connections with neighbours and the room for your family to grow.

Art Pleasure & Living & Leisure

Here, life flows organically around a central square the point at which all elements connect and intertwine, where people meet and new synergies form. Spaces beckon you to stay, laugh and play in contemporary comfort and in the company of friends. From SIRO, a fitness-infused hotel and wellness hub, to a leisure hub filled with boutiques, pop-up galleries and after-hours alchemy, there is everything you need to indulge all expected whims and any impulsive desires.



Pleasure & Leisure Moving forward



Životni prostori su puni prirodne svetlosti - što podjednako umiruje, ali i dodatno obogaćuje prostor. Balkoni su okrenuti ka putanji sunčeve svetlosti, pružajući impresivan pogled na dinamičan život nautičkog naselja Porto Montenegro i horizont ka ulazu u Bokokotorski zaliv. Funkcije fitnesa diskretno su ugrađene u arhitektonski koncept, a dodatnu pogodnost predstavlja ekskluzivan pristup privatnim vrtovima i infinity bazenu. Boka Place je mesto za srdačnu dobrodošlicu, pozitivnu energiju, relaksaciju i inspiraciju - otvoreno svima koji znaju da uživaju u životu na sebi svojstven način. Zamišljeno da ponudi najbolje aspekte urbanog življenja, dinamično je središte u kojem ćete pronaći moderan životni stil - koncept kojim se dodatno obogaćuje impresivan celokupan doživljaj nautičkog naselja Porto Montenegro. Na mestu susreta svih generacija gradi se jedinstvena zajednica – savršen prostor za dečju razonodu, prijateljske susrete, odličan provod i porodičnu idilu, povezana u potrazi za još ispunjenijim, inspirativnim životnim stilom. Svaki dan donosi drugačiji kolorit – od uživanja u umetnosti, relaksiranja u barovima i kafićima, restorativnog odmora za um i telo - bilo to u wellness centru ili kod kuće. Boka Place pruža mnogo više – nepresušnu inspiraciju za kreativno ostvarenje i dobro raspoloženje, prostor za preko potreban trenutak odmora i predaha, ali i neprekidnu zabavu i razonodu.

Open-plan living spaces are flooded with natural light - calming and uplifting in equal measure. Sun soaked balconies present awe-inspiring views of Porto Montenegro’s lively marina and soothing horizon beyond. Whilst SIRO-managed residences have been crafted to champion your wellbeing every day with fitness elements discreetly embedded into the architecture, Boka Place’s private residences offer a fresh perspective on luxury living with elegant finishes and exclusive access to hidden gardens and an infinity pool.

Za više informacija posetite, pošaljite e-mail na ili pozovite +382 32 661 059.

For more info, please visit, email or call +382 32 661 059.

Boka Place welcomes, energises, comforts and inspires - it is open for all to enjoy. Designed to offer the best in urban-living, this is a dynamic hub where modern lifestyles thrive – a concept that enriches the whole waterfront experience at Porto Montenegro. All generations come together to create a nurturing community where children play, friends meet, revellers laugh, and families grow. They are bound in their pursuit for a life lived well. Colourful days are spent immersed in art, relaxing in buzzing cafes, refreshing mind and body in the wellness hub or simply at home. At Boka Place there is something for each instinct and every mood, a bed to rest and a place to dance.


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Moving forward





Novi veliki uspeh Plantaža na Dekanteru

Zlato za Vranac Pro Corde Na najprestižnijem globalnom vinskom šampionatu – Decanter World Wine Awards u Londonu, jedinstveni i plemeniti Vranac, ponovo je osvojio čula vinskih znalaca. Autohtona crnogorska sorta Vranac kontinuirano nastavlja tradiciju trijumfa sa novim medaljama, potvrđujući svoju snagu i karakter.

Art & Living

Kao i do sada na Dekanteru, ovogodišnji žiri činili su najiskusniji vinski stručnjaci i sudije. U konkurenciji od 16,518 vina iz 56 vinarija, brendovi kompanije 13. Jul Plantaže osvojili su čak osam medalja: Vranac Pro Corde 2016 okitio se zlatom sa osvojenih 95 poena. Srebrom su nagrađena crvena vina: Vranac Barrique 2015, Epoha 2015, Premijer 2013, Vranac Reserve 2015, Vrhunski Vranac 2016, a bronzom okićeni Malvazija 2019 i Stari Podrum Vranac 2013.


Podsećamo da je na istom takmičenju prošle godine Vranac Reserve 2013, osvojio zlatnu medalju, a Stari Podrum Cabernet Sauvignon takođe zlato 2017. godine. Nove medalje



Vranac Pro Corde 2016

Vino od srca i za srce Vino Vranac Pro Corde – proizvedeno je od samog srca grožđa i zbog toga je prepoznatljivo kao “vino od srca”. Nastalo je kao rezultat sedmogodišnjeg istraživanja i desetine mikro i makro ogleda. Na tržištima širom sveta nalazi se od 1993. godine. Plantaže su tada bile jedina vinska kuća na svetu koja je naučna istraživanja, sprovedena tokom 20. veka, zaokružila jednim konkretnim vinom, koje ima blagotvorno dejstvo na ljudsko srce. U proizvodnji vina Vranac Pro Corde sprovodi se tradicionalna maceracija i vinifikacija, ali uz poseban tehnološki postupak, kojim je u vinu povećan sadržaj proanticijanidola, prirodnih sastojaka grožđa, koji imaju moć da vezuju slobodne radikale i blagotvorno deluju na ljudski organizam.

Slaganje sa hranom Doživljaj savršenstva uparivanja vina i hrane biće ukoliko se Vranac Pro Corde 2016 dekantira na temperaturi 17 – 190C. Servira se uz savršen biftek, ramstek sa grila ili ćumura. Ljubiteljima jela ispod sača preporučuje se uz jagnjetinu ili teletinu sa pekarskim krompirom.

Art & Living

potvrđuju kontinuirani uspeh kroz spoj tradicije, znanja, posvećenosti i orijentacije kompanije ka beskompromisnom kvalitetu. Strast koju Plantaže osećaju prema vinu i vreme koje mu poklanjaju, definitivno je učvrstilo poziciju i vidljivost kompanije na zlatnom vinskom nebu.

Vino purpurno crvene boje visokog intenziteta koja nagoveštava sortni atribut. Ona je na prvi pogled sofisticirano predvidiva, kao rezultat vrhunske berbe i originalne tehnološke filozofije stare tri pune decenije. U čaši srednje – sporo pokretljivo, jednostavno, primamljivo i zavodljivo. Tanke, guste, spore i obojene suze koje se lepe po ivicama čaše, preslikavaju ambijent i kvalitet berbe. Vranac koji je izabran za ovo vino nalazi se na najboljem mikrolokalitetu na Ćemovskom polju. Vino je bogato voćnim, eteričnim i aromama hrastovine velike bačve gde je deo vina odležavao i sazrevao. Raskošne arome crne ribizle, kupine, brusnice i nara, nepristrasno se utapaju u simfoniju nota likera od višnje i tercijalne arome tostirane vanile i blanširanog badema. Sortno i izražajno sa 14% alkohola, Vranac Pro Corde je moćno vino punog tela sa sočnim i blago pikantnim taninima koji prate srazmerno dugu i hrskavu završnicu.




Another great success of Plantaža at Decanter

Gold for Vranac Pro Corde At the most prestigious global wine competition – the Decanter World Wine Awards in London, the unique and sophisticated Vranac, once again captivated the palate of wine connoisseurs. The autochthonous Montenegrin grapevine variety Vranac continues to carry on the triumphant tradition with new medals, thus reaffirming its strength and character. As before at the Decanter, this year's jury consisted of the most experienced wine experts and judges. Among 16,518 competing wines from 56 wineries, the brands of the company 13. Jul – Plantaže won as many as eight medals: Vranac Pro Corde 2016 was awarded the gold medal by scoring 95 points. The silver medal went to the red wines: Vranac Barrique 2015, Epoch 2015, Premier 2013, Vranac Reserve 2015, Vrhunski Vranac 2016, and the bronze was given away to Malvasia 2019 and Stari Podrum Vranac 2013.

Pleasure & Leisure

At the same competition last year, Vranac Reserve 2013 won a gold medal, and Stari Podrum Cabernet Sauvignon also snagged gold in 2017. The newly won medals attest to the continuous success derived from the combination of tradition, knowledge, dedication and the company's orientation towards uncompromising quality. The passion shown by Plantaže towards wine and the time it invest in it, has definitely strengthened the position and visibility of the company in the golden wine sky.




Vranac Pro Corde 2016

Vranac Pro Corde wine - is produced from the very heart of the grapes and is therefore known as "the wine from the heart". It was created as a result of seven years of research and dozens of micro and macro experiments. It was released to the world market in 1993. At that time, Plantaže were the only winery in the world that rounded off its scientific research, conducted during the 20th century, with an actual wine, which is beneficial to the human heart. When making the Vranac Pro Corde wine, the traditional maceration and vinification is carried out, but with a special technology which increases the content of proanthocyanidin, naturally found in grapes, which has the power to bind free radicals and has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Matching with food The perfect pairing of wine and food will be experienced if Vranac Pro Corde 2016 is decanted at a temperature of 17 - 190C. It is to be served with a perfect steak, grilled or charcooked rump steak. It is recommended to fans of dishes under the Sač (traditional method of cooking food in covered clay or metal pots covered in hot coals and ashes) with lamb or veal with baked potatoes.

Pleasure & Leisure

Wine from the heart and for the heart

A wine with highly intensive purplish red colour that suggests a varietal attribute. At first glance, it is sophisticatedly predictable, as a result of the top harvest and the original three-decade-old technological philosophy. It’s moderate to slow moving in the glass, simple, tempting and seductive. The thin, dense, colored tears slowly creeping down the edges of the glass, reflect the ambience and quality of the harvest. Vranac, which was chosen for this wine, is found at the best micro-locality of Ćemovsko field. The wine is rich in fruity, essential flavours and aromas of the large oak barrel where part of the wine is maturing and aging. The sumptuous aromas of black currant, blackberry, cranberry and pomegranate are inconspicuously fused in the symphony of notes of cherry liqueur and tertiary aromas of toasted vanilla and blanched almonds. Varietal and expressive with 14% alcohol content, Vranac Pro Corde is a powerful full-bodied wine with juicy and slightly spicy tannins, followed by a relatively long and crispy finish.





legenda Living legend

Pleasure & Leisure

Kada nešto traje toliko dugo da se o njegovom postojanju ispredaju i žive legende, samo može da znači da to nešto vredi. Vredi onoliko koliko su vredeli ljudi koji su formirali tu legendu, podjednako i gosti i kuvari. Priča o restoranu "Klub književnika" priča je o jednoj takvoj živoj legendi. Vremenom se menjaju gosti, konobari, kuvari, ali vrednost ostaje, traje i nadograđuje se. Viziju o nadogradnji ovakve vrednosti donosi novi šef kuhinje i rukovodilac restorana, Branko Kisić, a nju, i još po koju tajnu, otkriva nam kroz ovaj razgovor.


Kada nešto traje toliko dugo da se o njegovom postojanju ispredaju i žive legende, samo može da znači da to nešto vredi. Vredi onoliko koliko su vredeli ljudi koji su formirali tu legendu, podjednako i gosti i kuvari. Priča o restoranu "Klub književnika" priča je o jednoj takvoj živoj legendi. Vremenom se menjaju gosti, konobari, kuvari, ali vrednost ostaje, traje i nadograđuje se. Viziju o nadogradnji ovakve vrednosti donosi novi šef kuhinje i rukovodilac restorana, Branko Kisić, a nju, i još po koju tajnu, otkriva nam kroz ovaj razgovor.


LIFESTYLE Intervju -MAGAZINE Interview Pop art


›› The good, old place, and new times. The good, old food, and new chef. What approach did you use to combine all the good things this place inherited from the previous times with the novelties and challenges of the present time?

Zbog jake tradicije, velikih imena koja su bila, neka su i dalje, gosti, lepote i balansiranosti kvaliteta i standarda života u Beogradu tokom prošlog veka, neračunajući 90-te, restoran ima reputaciju sa kojom nikom ne pada napamet da se poigrava. S druge strane, brze promene i trendovi današnjice doveli su do toga da se mesto u jednom trenutku dezintegrisalo.

Owing to a long-standing tradition, its famous patrons then and now, its beauty and the balance of quality and standard of living in Belgrade in the last century, not counting the 1990s, this restaurant built a truly formidable reputation. On the other hand, the rapid changes and modern tendencies brought this places into disarray at one point.

Trebalo je razumeti potrebe i želje novih, mladih gostiju Kluba, a opet zadržati stare, koji su dobrim delom zaslužni za reputaciju restorana. Usluga je morala da ostane kvalitetna, ali ne uštogljena, a hrana je morala da evoluira. Trabalo je kreirati jela koja su zdrava i sezonska, a opet i „gurme“. Napravili smo jelovnik koji priča priču o jednoj državi, koja stoji rame uz rame sa ostalim svetskim zemljama, koji ukazuje na poreklo namirnica i glasno kaže da je hrana identitet jednog naroda, ali istovremeno ima svetski DNK.

Understanding the needs and wishes of the new, younger guests of the Club was important, while still keeping the old patrons who are largely responsible for the restaurant’s reputation. The service had to maintain its quality, yet not to be uptight, and the food had to evolve. It was necessary to create dishes that are healthy and seasonal, but "gourmet" at the same time. We have put together a menu that tells a story of a country, on par with other countries in the world, that indicates the origin of the ingredients and clearly states that food is a part of a national identity, while having the world’s DNA at the same time.

Pleasure & Leisure

Bilo je potrebno osetiti mesto i osmisliti koncept koji spaja staro i novo, koji vodi računa o Klubu i o Beogradu, o njegovim stanovnicima, koncept koji potencira da je Klub kulturno nasleđe i da nove generacije treba sa ponosom tako da ga doživljavaju - trebalo je integrisati polaritete.

It was necessary to get the feel of the place and devise a concept connecting the old and the new, and treasuring the Club and the city of Belgrade with its inhabitants, a concept that emphasizes that the Club is a cultural heritage and that the new generations should be proud of it – such polar differences had to be integrated.


›› What would you single out as the main star of the current menu, and the wine list? Sogan dolma, or stuffed onion. Traditionally, infused with the influence of the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary, it was made by the French cooking techniques, using local and seasonal ingredients. This neglected and "crude" dish was revamped to become refined, delicate and feminine. Hmmmm, wines, wines, wines… 70/30 by DeLena winery, 33 by Rajković winery, Rose Rose by Matijašević winery - depending on what you eat.


Pleasure & Leisure

Sogan dolma, odnosno punjeni crni luk. Tradicionalno je, protkano uticajem otomanskog carstva i Austrougarske, izvedeno francuskim tehnikama kuvanja i sve to od lokalnih i sezonskih namirnica. Jedno zaposatvljeno i „grubo“ jelo je dobilo novo ruho - sada je prefinjeno, delikatno i ženstveno.


Hmmmm, vina, vina, vina… Podrum DeLena 70/30, Podrum Rajković 33, Podrum Matijašević Rose Rose - zavisi šta jedete.



U prva tri meseca izgubili smo veliki broj gostiju, što zbog loše prihvaćenih promena, što zbog teškoća da se usklade efikasnost i efektivnost. Znali smo šta hoćemo, ali nismo u potpunosti znali kako da to sprovedemo u delo, što bezbolnije. Tokom perioda kada je restoran bio zatvoren, imao sam punu podršku Ane, menadžera restorana, koja je zaista jasno razumela šta nam je misija i saživela se sa njom. Pored podrške iz kuće, ovo je ozbiljno uticalo na to da ostanem hladne glave. Vreme smo iskoristili da iznova sagledamo stvari, malo izmenimo strategiju i taktiku i budemo u niskom startu čim opet otvorimo vrata, počnemo ispočetka. Ljudi iz tima nisu izgubili veru da radimo pravu stvar i imali su snage i volje da opet krenemo u akciju, ovog puta uz pomoć Barbare, našegšefa za odnose sa javnošću.

›› It is impossible not to touch on the topic of the current pandemic and how it affected your work. How did you turn a bad situation into an opportunity? In the first three months, the number of guests dropped significantly, both due to the poorly accepted changes and the difficulties of reconciling efficiency and effectiveness. We knew what we wanted, but we didn't completely know how to put it into effect, as painlessly as possible. During the period when the restaurant was closed, I had the full support of Ana, the restaurant manager, who very clearly understood what our mission was and committed herself to it completely. In addition, I had support from my family, and this really made me stay level-headed. We used the time to reassess things, change our strategy and tactics a little bit and eagerly awaited to open our doors again to start afresh. The people from our team did not lose faith that we were doing the right thing and they had the strength and will to take action again, this time with the help of Barbara, our public relations manager.

Pleasure & Leisure



›› Intellectuals and artists of the previous time knew the mystery of this place. Some know it still, and some are yet to discover it. What would you recommend them, what would arouse their interest in unraveling its mystery? Oh, there are many things… Emotions, history, patina, glamor, defiance, memories, fairy tales, peace, wonderful food, immortality, civic spirit, art, the joy of catering to someone else, debates, history – everyone seeks something different. Those who have never been here, should visit us and find out for themselves what kind of experience the Club will offer them, they should not hear it from me.

Pleasure & Leisure



Uh, ima mnogo toga… Emocije, istorija, patina, glamur, prkos, uspomene, bajkovite priče, mir, divna hrana, besmrtnost, građanski duh, umetnost, zadovoljstvo u tome da drugom učiniš plezir, debate, istorija - svako vidi nešto svoje. Ko nije bio, trebalo bi da nas poseti i sam otkrije šta Klub budi u njemu, ja nemam pravo da sufliram.

Photo by Danka Hasanović Prokić



ZLATNA OAZA GOLDEN OASIS Inspirisana tajanstvenim obrisima pustinjskog krajolika od kojeg zastaje dah, Piaget-ova kolekcija Zlatna oaza oslikava živopisnu svetlost i intenzivne nijanse od sumraka do svitanja. Priziva sliku očaravajućeg putovanja pustinjskim prostranstvom.

Slaveći prirodu, Zlatna oaza svrstava život u tri prepoznatljiva aspekta ovog primamljivog okruženja: „Igra svetlosti“, „Pustinjski minerali“ i „Domaće cveće“. Oslanjajući se na zanatsko umeće i vizionarsku maštovitost kompanije Piaget, ova kolekcija odiše energijom i sjajem sa živopisnim detaljima od zlata i dragog kamenja. Poznat po svojoj odvažnoj viziji i čuvenom umeću, Piaget ostaje jedan od najprestižnijih svetskih proizvođača satova i nakita već više od 140 godina. Luksuzni nakit kompanije Piaget je vrhunski odraz njenog hrabrog stila, gde majstori zanata vešto uklapaju plemenite metale, čiste dragulje i inovativni dizajn u istinska umetnička dela.

Watches & Jewellery

Inspired by the mysterious curves of a breath-taking desert landscape, Golden Oasis captures the vivid light and intense hues from dusk till dawn. It invites a captivating journey across vast desert.


In celebration of nature, Golden Oasis channels life into three distinctive facets of this beckoning environment: Play of Lights, Desert Minerals and Native Bloom. Harnessing Piaget’s artisanal craftsmanship and visionary imagination, this collection bursts with energy and splendour in gold and vivid gemstone details. Recognised by its daring vision and celebrated savoir-faire, Piaget remains one of the world’s most prestigious watchmaker-jewellers for over 140 years. Piaget’s high jewellery is the pinnacle of the Maison’s bold style, where master artisans expertly blend precious metals, pure gems and innovative designs into true masterworks of art.

Zanatsko umeće - Craftsmanship



Igra svetlosti inspirisana je beskrajnim nebeskim svodom iznad pustinjskih brežuljaka. Od jarke sunčeve svetlosti preko dana do zvezdanog neba noću, igra nebeske svetlosti dočarana je kroz svetlucanje dragog kamenja i zlata.

Watches & Jewellery

Play of Lights finds inspiration from the infinite skies above the rolling desert. From the sun flares of the day to the star-studded night sky, a dance of celestial radiance is recreated through shimmering gemstones and gold.


Kada se sunce nađe u zenitu, zemlju na tren obasja toplina jarke svetlosti. Zlatni čas oslikava taj prolazni trenutak u vremenu, kada se peščani predeli zacakle od mnoštva odsjaja zraka svetlosti. Draguljaru kompanije Piaget bilo je potrebno godinu dana da sakupi sve dijamante iz kompleta Zlatni čas, kao i 450 sati draguljarskog rada, što ovaj komplet čini fantastičnim zanatskim podvigom. When the sun is at its zenith, the earth momentarily basks in the warmth of an intense light. Golden Hour captures this fleeting point in time, when the sandy landscape glitters with a thousand rays of luminosity. It took one year to Piaget’s gemologist to gather all the diamonds of the Golden hour set as well as 450 hours of jewellery work, which makes this set a spectacular feat in craftsmanship.


Zanatsko umeće LIFESTYLE - Craftsmanship MAGAZINE

Pustinjski minerali slave čistoću sirovog života, predstavljenu kroz paletu intenzivnih boja, spektakularnih šara i složenih oblika. Ovo je priča o poreklu, gde skupoceni dijamanti, rubini i safiri prerastaju u umetnička dela. Pustinjski minerali govore o glatkom, suncem obasjanom kamenju ovih predela, kao i o zatalasanim površinama kristalno čiste jezerske vode sa kojom zemlja utoljuje svoju žeđ.

Crpeći inspiraciju iz pogleda na veličanstveni vodopad skriven unutar vijugavih krivina pustinjskih kanjona, Plavi vodopad je tajno mesto skrivenih čuda. Plavi safir, nasuprot čisto belim dijamantima, podseća na sunčevu svetlost koja se reflektuje o milion kapljica vode. Drawing inspiration from the sight of a magnificent waterfall hidden within the winding curves of the desert canyons, Blue Waterfall is a secret place of hidden wonders. Blue sapphire contrasted against pure white diamonds echoes the sunlight’s reflection on millions of water droplets.

Watches & Jewellery

Desert Minerals celebrates the purity of raw life, portrayed through a palette of intense colours, spectacular designs and intricate shapes. This is a story of origins, where precious diamonds, rubies and sapphires become works of art. Desert Minerals speaks of the scenery’s smooth, sun-soaked rocks as well as the rippling crystal pools that quench the earth.




Domaće cveće odaje počast finesama i savršenstvu tvorevina prirode, crpeći energiju iz pustinjske flore koja uspeva uprkos poteškoćama. Živopisno drago kamenje i cvetne kreacije kolekcije Domaće cveće izrađeni su po uzoru na neobične oblike i spojeve boja samoniklog cveća i biljaka. To su dragulji pustinje, u svom svojem zapanjujućem, rascvetanom sjaju.

Watches & Jewellery

Native bloom honours the nuances of nature’s perfect design, drawing energy from the desert flora that thrive in the face of adversity. Wild flowers and plants lend their unusual shapes and fusions of colour to the vivid gemstones and flowering creations of Native Bloom. These are the jewels of the desert, in all their stunning, blooming glory.


Luksuzna oaza otkriva pravu prirodu kolekcije - sunčano utočište mira i tišine. Služi kao dašak svežeg vazduha, i savršen prikaz mirnog raja nasuprot suvoj pustinji. Za sastavljanje nežnih listova kolekcije Luksuzna oaza bilo je potrebno godinu dana da se pronađe savršeni komplet raskošnih smaragda. Zbog svoje intenzivne boje i prekrasnih čistih kristala, ovi smaragdi su izuzetno retki i najfinijeg su kvaliteta. Luxuriant Oasis reveals the collection’s true nature – a sun-soaked sanctuary of tranquility and stillness. It serves as a breath of fresh air, portraying a peaceful paradise beautifully contrasted against the arid desert. Assembling the delicate leaves of Luxuriant Oasis required over one year of searching for the perfect set of luscious emeralds. The intense colour and beautiful pure crystals of these emeralds makes them extremely rare and of the finest quality.


Watches & Jewellery

Zanatsko umeće LIFESTYLE - Craftsmanship MAGAZINE




Classic Fusion za

40. godišnjicu

Classic Fusion 40 years anniversary

Watches & Jewellery

Hublot je oduvek bio neustrašiv i inovativan brend, a te iste odlike je zadržao i u 2020. godini. Izradivši zlatni sat sa gumenom narukvicom 1980. godine, ovaj brend je raskinuo s uobičajenim pravilima i ustanovio vlastitu viziju vrhunskog časovničarstva.


Hublot has always been a fearless and pioneering brand, and this is no less true in 2020. The Brand's creation of a gold watch on a rubber strap in 1980 broke with conventional codes and laid the foundations for its own vision of Haute Horlogerie.

Moving forward Watches & Jewellery

ZnaÄ?ajna saradnja - Landmark Collaboration



Watches & Jewellery



Povodom svoje godišnjice, redizajnirao je sat Classic Original iz 1980. godine, čuveni primer svog nekonvencionalnog pristupa. Povezujući prošlost i budućnost, horološku tradiciju i tehničke inovacije, model iz 2020. godine dostupan je i u mehaničkoj varijanti. Ovaj kultni sat objedinjuje različite materijale, završne obrade i savremenu i klasičnu tehnologiju u tri kolekcionarska modela u čast 40 godina postojanja kompanije Hublot.

To mark its anniversary, it has reinvented its 1980 Classic Original, an iconic example of its disruptive approach. Straddling past and future, horological tradition and technical innovation, this 2020 edition is available in a mechanical version. An icon that works a variety of materials, finishes and modern and classic technologies into three collectors' models to celebrate Hublot's 40th anniversary.

Ovi modeli sata Classic Fusion oličavaju 40 godina sa obiljem tehnoloških iskoraka i raskida s konvencijama. Nismo želeli samo da izradimo isti onaj model Classic Original iz 1980. godine, već smo ga osavremenili tako da odražava sadašnji Hublot. Potpuno nova savremena verzija koja slavi inovativni pristup kompanije Hublot u poslednjih četrdeset godina.

These Classic Fusion models embody 40 years packed with technological advances and breaking with convention. Not content with simply reissuing the 1980 Classic Original, we have reinterpreted it to reflect the Hublot of today. A brand-new contemporary version that celebrates Hublot's innovative approach of the last forty years.

Novi modeli Classic Fusion odražavaju eleganciju i bezvremenu prefinjenost sata Classic Original iz 1980. godine, kao i četiri decenije neprekidnog istraživanja i inovacija. Crni, lakirani i polirani brojčanik je izrazito jednostavan i sadrži samo fasetirane kazaljke, natpis Hublot i logotip H. Kućište od 45 mm, izrađeno od žutog zlata, titanijuma ili crne keramike, ima čuvene vijke na koroni sata i safirno staklo na poleđini kućišta kao i vanvremensku, lako podesivu gumenu narukvicu s trostrukom kopčom za dodatnu udobnost. Ovi prepoznatljivi detalji doprinose modernom izgledu prvog sata kompanije Hublot, dajući ovim modelima prelep, neprolazni karakter.

The new Classic Fusion models capture the elegance and timeless refinement of the 1980 Classic Original, as well as four decades of ceaseless exploration and innovation. The black lacquered and polished dial is ultra-understated, featuring only faceted hands, an applique Hublot and H logo. The 45 mm case, made from yellow gold, titanium or black ceramic, includes the famous screws on the bezel and a sapphire crystal case back, and sit on a timeless, easily adjustable rubber strap with a triple deployant clasp for added comfort. These signature details add a contemporary touch to the first Hublot watch, lending these models a beautifully timeless character.

Kombinujući originalni dizajn s udobnošću, Classic Original iz 1980. godine brzo je očarao ljubitelje istančanog ukusa, zainteresovane za unikatne satove.

Marrying original design with comfort, the 1980 Classic Original quickly captivated a discerning public seeking a unique horological product.

Moving forward Watches & Jewellery

Umetnosti fuzije - Art of Fusion




Art Watches & Living & Jewellery

Osnivač kompanije Hublot, Karlo Kroko, zamislio je praktičan, robustan model koji se može nositi u svim prilikama. U to je vreme Hublot je bio prva marka satova koja se usudila da kombinuje dragoceno zlato s modernom gumom koju je razvila u sopstvenim radionicama. Uspešan spoj dva tako različita materijala bilo je nešto što nikom drugom nije palo na pamet. To su bili počeci „umetnosti fuzije", istraživačkog pristupa materijalima potpomognutog tehnološkim istraživanjima i neustrašivošću koja karakteriše Hublot već 40 godina.


Hublot's founder, Carlo Crocco, had in mind a practical, robust and wearable model for all occasions. At the time, Hublot was the first watch brand to boldly combine precious gold with a modern rubber developed in its own workshops. A happy marriage between two such disparate materials was something no-one else had imagined. These were the origins of the ‘Art of Fusion’, an exploratory approach to materials underpinned by technological research and a fearlessness that has characterised Hublot for 40 years.

Moving forward Watches & Jewellery

James Bond 007




LAND ROVER I HENRY POOLE kreirali jedinstvenu tkaninu za


godišnjicu RANGE ROVERA

Land Rover and Henry Poole create unique fabric to celebrate 50 years of range rover

Profesor Džeri Mekgavern, nosilac Ordena britanske imperije i glavni kreativni direktor kompanije Land Rover, dizajnirao je posebnu tkaninu u čast 50 godina postojanja Range Rovera, uz pomoć Henry Poole & Co, jedne od prvih krojačkih radnji u čuvenoj londonskoj ulici Sevil Rou.

Napravljeno je svega 120 metara tkanine od jagnjeće vune, dovoljno za izradu 50 sakoa po meri za značajni jubilej Range Rovera, koja se može naći samo u radnji Henry Poole & Co.

Moving forward

Originalni luksuzni terenac utire svoj trag na tržištu još od 1970. godine, da bi pet decenija kasnije, Range Rover izrastao u familiju traženih i sposobnih luksuznih vozila s neodoljivim dizajnom, elegancijom i tehničkim inovacijama.


Tkanina je istkana u Samersetu kod proizvođača tekstila Fox Brothers & Co Ltd, a inspirisana je bojom eksterijera originalnog Range Rovera iz 1970. godine. Kombinacijom toskansko plave, Bahama zlatne i Davos bele boje dobijena je tkanina sa malo drugačijim izgledom klasičnog kariranog pepito dezena.



Prof Gerry McGovern OBE, Land Rover’s Chief Creative Officer, has designed a special fabric to celebrate 50 years of Range Rover with one of Savile Row’s founding tailors, Henry Poole & Co. They have produced only 120 metres of the lambswool fabric, enough to make 50 bespoke jackets for Range Rover’s landmark anniversary, available exclusively from Henry Poole & Co.

The fabric, woven in Somerset by cloth manufacturer Fox Brothers & Co Ltd, is inspired by the exterior paint colours of the original 1970 Range Rover. Tuscan Blue, Bahama Gold and Davos White have been combined to create a new twist on the classic dog-tooth check fabric.

Moving forward

The original luxury SUV has defined the market since 1970 and, five decades on, Range Rover has evolved into a family of desirable and capable luxury vehicles with a compelling blend of design, refinement and engineering innovation.




Ove iste boje će po prvi put u 35 godina biti dostupne u ograničenoj seriji modela Range Rover Fifty sa svega 1.970 primeraka na celom svetu, koja je izrađena u čast pola veka pionirskih inovacija, nenadmašne uglađenosti i neuporedivih terenskih mogućnosti.

Moving forward

Nalik luksuzno opremljenom modelu Autobiography, Range Rover Fifty spolja krase specijalno izrađeni detalji u boji Auric Atlas, kao i dva jedinstvena dizajna točkova od 22 inča. Ručno ispisan natpis „Pedeset“ koji je sačinio sam Džeri Mekgavern, pojaviće se na spoljnom delu vozila, kao i u njegovoj celoj unutrašnjosti i to na jedinstvenoj pločici „1 od 1970“ na centralnoj konzoli, naslonima za glavu, instrument tabli i osvetljenim gazištima.


Sa svojim preklopnim poklopcem motora, prepoznatljivim plutajućim krovom, podeljenim vratima prtljažnika i karakterističnim otvorima prednjeg branika, današnji Range Rover još uvek vuče svoje korene u izvornom modelu iz 1970. godine. U godini svog zlatnog jubileja on je sada najefikasniji, najbolje povezan, najluksuzniji i najsposobniji do sada.



Building on the luxuriously appointed Autobiography, the Range Rover Fifty features bespoke exterior accents in Auric Atlas as well as two unique 22-inch wheel designs. The badging has a handwritten ‘Fifty’ script created by Gerry McGovern, which will appear on the exterior of the vehicle and throughout the interior on the unique ’1 of 1970’ centre console commissioning plaque, headrests, dashboard and illuminated tread plates. With its clamshell bonnet, distinctive floating roof, split tailgate and trademark front fender vents, the Range Rover of today can still trace its roots back to the 1970 original. In its golden anniversary year it is now the most efficient, connected, luxurious and capable yet.

Pleasure & Leisure

The same colours are available for the first time in 35 years on the limited-edition Range Rover Fifty. Limited to 1,970 units globally, it celebrates half a century of pioneering innovation, peerless refinement and unparalleled all-terrain capability.



Pleasure & Leisure Moving forward



Za one koji žele originalni model iz 1970-ih, program Range Rover Reborn nudi potencijalnim kupcima jedinstvenu priliku da kupe odličan kolekcionarski primerak originalnog Range Rovera u autentičnim bojama, uključujući Bahama zlatnu i toskansko plavu. Dostupan direktno iz odeljenja Land Rover Classic u Velikoj Britaniji, svaki Range Rover Reborn se kompletno restaurira prema izvornim fabričkim specifikacijama ove kompanije, pri čemu se koriste klasični delovi Land Rovera zarad očuvanja i zaštite autentičnosti vozila.

For those wanting to own an original 1970s model, the Range Rover Reborn programme offers prospective customers the unique opportunity to purchase a highly collectible original Range Rover in authentic colours, including Bahama Gold and Tuscan Blue. Available direct from Land Rover Classic in the UK, every Range Rover Reborn undergoes a complete restoration according to the company’s original factory specification, and uses Land Rover Classic Parts to preserve and protect the vehicle’s authenticity.

Iskusni restauratorski tim Land Rovera posavetovaće kupce o najboljim opcijama za osnovna vozila - uključujući njegovu kolekcionarsku vrednost, poželjne brojeve šasija i jedinstvene karakteristike. Cene restauriranih primeraka počinju od 145.000 funti.

Land Rover’s experienced restoration team will advise customers of the best options for base vehicles – including its collectability, preferred chassis numbers and unique characteristics. Prices for completed restorations start from £145,000.

Range Rover Reborn prikazuje predanu tehničku stručnost odeljenja Land Rover Classic i naglašava posvećenost Land Rovera negovanju bogatog nasleđa ove čuvene marke.

Range Rover Reborn showcases Land Rover Classic’s dedicated in-house engineering expertise and underlines Land Rover’s commitment to nurturing the rich heritage of this iconic brand.


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DINAMIKA IZLAŽENJA / FREQUENCY OF PUBLICATION 4 puta godišnje (mart, jun, septembar, decembar) 4 times a year (March, June, September, December) Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača i ne mogu se reprudukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa izdavačem. Izdavač se odriče odgovornosti za sadržaj teksta. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of thePublisher. Opinions expressed are of the authors and can not be related publisher. Publisher does not accept responsibility for advertising content. CIP – Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd 747 BUSINESS & Luxury / glavni i odgovorni urednik Vladimir Banović. - 2015, no. 1- . - Beograd : Victoria & Wolf, 2015- (Subotica : Rotografika). - 30 cm Tromesečno. - Tekst na srp. i engl. jeziku ISSN 2406-2057 = Business & Luxury COBISS.SR-ID 213138956 Naslovna strana / Cover page OKU KOS by Georg-Roske

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