The Tailchaser Times - Issue 6

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r e s a h c l i Ta


Times The official

magazine Issue 6

7 facts about the lovable Labradoodle Meet social media star Cooper the Spaniel Are you a crazy pet parent? Introducing the Burns Puppy Club! Not all heroes wear capes Scamp’s story

Make a splash with our

OCEAN BITES White fish treats

Nutritional Advice Freephone: 0800 083 6696 (UK) 1800 83 66 96 (ROI)

Welcome to Issue 6 of The Tailchaser Times. As we move into our 26th year we look back on our year, which has been filled with lots of exciting changes for our company, charity and customers. Our new Burns website launched back in the summer and has been a huge success. Everything you need to know about Burns is now available at your fingertips. You can access nutrition advice and information through a variety of blogs written by our very own nutrition experts and

Inside this issue: Page 6 The Labradoodle

Page 8 A Day In The Life

Page 10 How Dogs See The World

Page 24 John Burns Chews The Fat

Page 28 Overcoming Feeding Issues

chat with them direct on our new live chat feature. Whilst you shop our full product range in our new look web shop you will also notice our new style packaging. This change in packaging means that, as well as a fantastic new look, our bags are now 100% recyclable. As part of our pledge as an ethical company it is a huge step forward for us to be able to say that you can now recycle our packaging. In this issue, find out how best to look after an older dog (page 20-21), meet Scamp the awardwinning detection dog

(page 26 -27) and hear how the Butterfly Effect has changed Iwan’s life (page 30-31). 2019 has been a very exciting year for Burns Pet Nutrition and we have no doubt 2020 will have even more to offer.


Distribution Find our publication at independent pet shops and dog events up and down the country. Alternatively, all of our issues are available digitally and if you ask nicely, we are happy to pop a copy in the post.

Main Contributor Lynsey Armstrong

Submissions If you have a story worth sharing, email pitches to:

Contributors SpinDogs, Working Word, Burns Nutrition Team, Natalia Ashton, John Burns, Iwan Rhys Jones, Rosella Pollard.

Follow Us @BurnsPet @BurnsPet @BurnsPetFood

Graphic Design Alistair Corbett Tom Pinfield Illustrator Lucy Littler


The very best thing about running a pet food company is being introduced to your superstar pets and learning about their unique qualities. That’s why in each issue, we hand the floor over to your beloved pets, without whom, we wouldn’t have a paw to stand on.

Courage • NewFoundland • Age 7

Hugo • King Charles Cavalier Spaniel • Age 1 Sali • Border Collie • Age 10 Hollie • Border Collie • Age 1

Luna • Golden Retriever Age 4 ½ months

Skye • Border Collie • Age 13 ½

Colin • Miniature Schnauzer • Age 5 months

4 •

William • Corgi • Age 1

Marley • Alaskan Malamute • Age 10

Laika • Northern Inuit • Age 6

Tara • Labrador Cross • Age 12

Joey • Collie • Age 7

Use #PoweredByBurns on Instagram and Twitter to be featured on our social media channels. Sherlock • Dalmatian • Age 12 weeks • 5

The Labradoodle first made its appearance in Australia thanks to a gentleman called Wally Conran, who worked with the Royal Guide Dog Association of Australia and had been approached by a couple from Hawaii requiring a guide dog that was allergy friendly. He crossed a Labrador with a Standard Poodle. The first 6 •

Labradoodle was born and his name was Sultan. This breed is commonly trained as a guide dog, therapy and assistance dog. They are often considered hypoallergenic as they are generally low shedding. However, it can’t be guaranteed that someone with a dog allergy will not react to these dogs.

The Labradoodle is gaining in popularity around the world and becoming one of the favourite choices to bring home to join the family as the pet dog. They are generated by crossing a Labrador Retriever and Poodle, but it is worth bearing in mind there are different types of Poodles, standard, miniature or toy.

If you live in a small flat you ideally wouldn’t want the bigger of the crosses. Moving to live in the car while they take over the house is not ideal! A responsible breeder can help by introducing the parents to you on a visit. It can also help to know the characteristics of the parents. Generally known for being affectionate, energetic, friendly and rather intelligent animals this can make them an excellent family pet. Although these dogs do love a snuggle on the couch, they will require a fair amount of exercise daily as they have surplus energy. Not being exercised on a regular basis or being paid much attention

can lead to unwanted behaviour in the house. Having mental stimulation is important for these intelligent animals, and no we don’t mean they are likely to give you the last clue to complete the Sunday crossword. Teaching them tricks, hiding rewards around the house and purchasing interactive toys can keep them entertained for hours. If you yourself are very active you might consider joining an agility club, flyball with them, this breed is also normally a lover of water. A trip down the beach for a walk and quick dunk will not be turned down.

Labradoodles are generally known for being affectionate, energetic, friendly and intelligent.

7 Labradoodle facts... 1. Known for their love of people, they are probably not an ideal guard dog as licking an intruder all over is not likely to deter them from nicking the kids’ x-box! 2. Training and socialization of your new dog at an early age can really be beneficial.

3. The lifespan of a Labradoodle is around 12-14 years. 4. Standard weight is from 50 – 65 lbs (this can vary a lot depending on breeding). 5. Standard height will be around 22-24 inches. Again this all depends on breeding.

6. They will need their coats tended to. Being brushed several times a week can stop them getting all tangled and matted and they will need to attend a groomer throughout the year. 7. A good choice for an all-rounder. • 7

A day in the life of a ...

Community Project Officer

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What does our Burns Community Project Officer do? Every day is different for Community Project Officer Chris. From working with the groups within the Better Tomorrow programme to supporting projects within the community, there is never a dull moment.

The role The role of Community Project Officer can be varied at times, but it is a very rewarding role. I head up the Better Tomorrow programme giving members of local projects and groups an opportunity to develop life skills and spend time with like-minded people.

Who benefits from the Better Tomorrow programme? The people that take part in these groups come from a host of different backgrounds, with varying abilities. Our volunteers come from Mencap (a charity that supports people with a learning disability), Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust (BIRT), The Butterfly Effect (an NHS partnership, supporting individuals who have suffered a brain injury) and several groups from the Carmarthenshire Youth Service. The Better Tomorrow programme works in a variety of ways and benefits many people. The volunteers benefit from the opportunity to socialise and to be creative, but this also has a knockon effect for the community. Recently we were able to give back to the local community by putting the skills the volunteers developed into practice and creating some outdoor equipment for a local primary school. We were able to create pencil themed flower planters, staging areas and mud kitchens for the children.

Chris and The Mencap Group showing off their creative work in the form of a picnic set.

Each year we hold a Market Garden Open Day at Parc Y Bocs where group members can showcase their hard work and sell the fruits of their labour. Their products range from woodwork creations like rustic coat hooks and garden furniture, to homegrown vegetables from the polytunnel at Parc Y Bocs. This year’s event was a great success and we raised £2k for the Burns Pet Nutrition Foundation.

What does it mean to you to be able to support the group members? It really is a joy to see them interact and gain new skills and confidence. Some of the group members were too scared to come through the door and speak to anyone when they first came here and now, they are interacting and working with other people. We have even had a member of one of the groups develop so well and build such confidence that he now volunteers with Burns in the Community as a handyman.

About Chris... When I’m not working, I love spending time with my wife Anwen and our two children Caio and Gwenno. As a family we enjoy taking our Collie Fan out on walks, the children love spending time with her. Fan was adopted by Burns after spending her life on a farm but now she lives with us and has adapted well to family life. I am also a keen baker and love getting in the kitchen.

It’s a joy to see the group members interact and gain new skills and confidence. What does the future hold for the Better Tomorrow programme? There are lots of exciting things ahead for the Better Tomorrow scheme. We are lucky that John Burns allows us to be as creative as we like, in terms of how to interact with the groups. Hopefully we will be able to continue to work with more local schools and groups to create even more equipment to enhance their outdoor learning. The programme is going from strength to strength and the future is all about growing and developing further.

I often make cakes for our community cake stall which raises money for the Burns Pet Nutrition Foundation at all of our community events. Word around HQ is that I’m not a bad baker and staff regularly request I bring in some cake for them. My favourite dog breed is... Border Collie If I was on death row my last meal would be... Sunday dinner with all the trimmings

If I could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, I’d invite... Ritchie McCann - Legendary New Zealand rugby player If I wasn’t a Community Project Officer, I’d love to be... A professional triathlete If I had to listen to one song on repeat for the rest of my life, I’d choose... Westlife – I do. It was the first dance at our wedding. • 9

By Burns Nutritionist, Victoria Jones

Although people and dogs have evolved alongside each other and have learned how to communicate well, how we perceive the world around us couldn’t be more different. Dogs rely heavily on their senses to gauge their environment as do we, but how they use their senses differs to us humans. Understanding how a dog explores its surroundings helps us as owners make their daily lives enriched and enjoyable and helps them develop and grow into well-adjusted, confident individuals.

Smell Our pets rely heavily on their sense of smell to explore and understand the world around them and is the equivalent to how we humans use our sight. Dogs have approximately 300 million olfactory receptors in their nose compared to our meagre 6 million. Using their impressive sense of smell dogs are able to not only understand their environment but also use their sense of smell for recognition purposes. This includes recognising their favourite humans. Have you ever wondered how your dog is able to read a situation? From knowing if we are down or feeling sad and in need of some extra TLC to being stressed or anxious? They know what to avoid being around, or approach with caution to gauge a situation. This is because dogs are very switched on 10 •

to using their highly developed senses such as smell, touch and hearing to make observations regarding their environment and the people in it.

Hearing A dog’s sense of hearing is near on par with their sense of smell and they again rely heavily on this to explore their environment and register peoples’ emotions. This is also where an environment can quickly change from calm and relaxed to very stressful in a short space of time. Loud, unpredictable noises such as thunder storms, fireworks and sudden loud noises can sometimes be a sensory overload for some dogs and change what is perceived as a safe and familiar environment to a very scary and unpredictable one. Some dogs struggle

with this as their sense of hearing again, is far superior to ours. In these situations, it is important for us as their guardians to remain calm, offer reassurance and if needs be, a safe and familiar space where they are able to choose to retreat to if the situation becomes too much to bear.

Taste A dog’s sense of taste is the least developed of all their senses and they have fewer taste buds than us, therefore they rely more on their sense of smell. If they find something super smelly, we would avoid this at all costs. Dogs find these irresistible and will gulp them down before they even have chance to taste it.

Dogs rely heavily on their senses to gauge their environment.

Touch This sense is one that is developed very early on as puppies. Their mum will expose them to lots of interaction through touch by nuzzling and cleaning and this helps to create that all important socialising aspect they use with other dogs and us alike.

Influences on the senses Deterioration of these senses, as with our own, can be affected by lots of factors from genetics and health issues to age. So remember that this in its own right can make the way a dog views the world, and us, difficult to adjust to. By understanding how your dog views the world you will be more equipped to help them deal with the daily struggles that life may throw their way and help them to embrace new experiences and conquer fears.

Sight A dog’s sight is their least developed sense and one that they are not very reliant on. A dog’s sight is poor in comparison to how developed a human’s sense of sight is and although they can see a spectrum of colours the clarity at which they see things is not as sharp as ours. This on occasions can make them vulnerable to being easily startled and make them less aware of their surroundings. Sudden movements close to them may create an opportunity for a fear response, in some dogs.

Human senses

Deterioration of senses, as with our own, can be affected by lots of factors, from genetics and health issues to age.


(in order of importance)

1. Sight

Dog senses (in order of importance)


1. Smell

2. Hearing

2. Hearing

3. Touch

3. Taste

4. Taste

4. Touch

5. Smell

5. Sight • 11

Social Media star, muse and all-round good boy With over 30 thousand followers on Instagram Cooper is already a social media star and now he is the main feature in his mum’s new book ‘Perfect Cocker Spaniel’. We chatted with Cooper’s mum Natalia about what it’s like to live with Cooper, how he changed her life and how he took to becoming a big brother to Fred. Follow Cooper and Fred on @Cooper.spaniel and @fred.the.spaniel

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How did you meet Cooper? Coop simply appeared online when it was most needed. I was leaving in a fog after suddenly losing Oscar, our first cocker, because life without him simply made no sense. It was the morning that marked yet another month without him, so I sat by his favourite flower in the garden and asked for a sign. That day I stumbled upon an advert for a golden cocker puppy. As soon as I saw the photos I knew he was mine. But the advert was old - and the feeling of guilt as if I betrayed the memory of my boy - too overwhelming. All day I tried to get my mind occupied. But I could not stop thinking of the little golden pup with a brown nose. That night I showed the photos to my husband. He looked up and said “Call the breeder…” So I did… I called Joanna way past any reasonable time limits and asked if the puppy was still available. Told her my story. We both cried on the phone. She said that Coop was still there because people kept rejecting him. “He must have been waiting for you,” she added. The next few weeks that followed were like a rainbow. I felt I could breathe again. We had to travel across the country to pick him up, so the day we met was the day Cooper came to live with us. And we haven’t been apart since.

Does Cooper have any quirky personality traits or habits? Coop can be very regal especially when he is posing for the camera, which he adores! In fact, the boy responds to “Lets take some photos, supermodel!”

Photos by Natalia Ashton

He is also very punctual. Works better than a Swiss clock, especially when it comes to his meal times and walks. And he loves to be pampered - any form of grooming gets 10 out of 10 for him. For example, the boys will not go to bed unless they have their teeth cleaned. They sit next to the spot where we brush their teeth and if, God forbid, I am not there on time (8PM on the dot!) Coop will go to fetch me and Fred will bark and tell me off!

We hear that Cooper has a new brother, Fred. How do they get on? Is Cooper a good big brother? Coop is the best brother any puppy could wish for. It took them a few days to get used to each other to begin with, but now they are best mates and love to cuddle, especially when they think nobody’s watching.

What does Cooper eat? Both boys have been eating Burns since they turned 1 (Coop is now 3 and Fred is 1 1/2). They love it. In addition, I bake them biscuits, and the boys also enjoy dried sweet potatoes, yoghurt, eggs, strawberries, carrots, blueberries and cucumbers - whatever is in season or around. I do my best to feed them organic whenever possible.

Where is Cooper’s favourite place? By my side! He really likes any location as long as I am around and he can have a good run and sniff.

Cooper and Fred

The day we met was the day Cooper came to live with us. And we haven’t been apart since. Cooper has a beautiful coat, does he have a beauty routine to keep him looking good? Thank you! I’ll tell him. He loves compliments. I think the looks are a combination of proper diet (because beautiful coat requires correct nutrition), the right genes and grooming routine. I take care of his coat myself with daily brushing and cleaning. I also trim paws, ears and other areas once a month, plus handstrip the boy once every 3-4 months.

What advice would you give to someone looking to get their very own Cocker Spaniel? I actually just published a book called “Perfect Cocker Spaniel” to help any prospective puppy parents to find and raise a happy and healthy cocker spaniel. In short, the rules are simple: learn as much as you possibly can about cocker spaniels, so you are never caught off guard when it comes to their health or grooming. Find a reputable breeder; make sure the parents are health-tested and see both of them. Puppies must be registered with the Kennel Club and have a 5-generation pedigree. If you can tick all of these boxes, go and see the litter and choose your puppy. They should look healthy, happy, have a shiny velvety coat and big adorable bums. The eyes and ears must have no stains or residue. It is also incredibly important to be realistic. Bringing home a puppy changes your life and you need to be prepared for it emotionally, physically and financially. But in return you’ll get the joy, memories and somebody who loves you no matter what.


Charity of the Year 2019

Looking back at our Charity Of The Year 2019

Each year we support some of our favourite animal charities with food and financial support. In 2019 we were lucky enough to be able to help two very worthy causes. Yorkshire Cat Rescue and Galway SPCA. Both work tirelessly to rescue and care for abandoned and unwanted animals.

Yorkshire Cat Rescue They’re not kitten around... Yorkshire Cat Rescue has been caring for abandoned and unwanted cats since 1992. The number of cats in their care can vary, but on average, there are around 60 adult cats brought in every month. When Yorkshire Cat Rescue are made aware of a cats and their young kittens, that unfortunately are not getting the care they need, they will quickly stepped in to help. When these 5 kittens arrived at the rescue centre they were very dirty with mucky eyes and it was clear that they were in need of a little TLC. Luckily this cat and her young kittens were able to head out to a foster home where they were able to socialise and grow ready to move on to their forever homes. Before they were ready to foster, there was one thing missing... they needed names. 14 •

Mummy cat was named Burnie by the rescue to celebrate the work Burns and Yorkshire Cat Rescue were doing together, but the kittens were still nameless. Burns took to Social Media and soon had hundreds of names to choose from. After a lot of deliberation, the kittens were given Yorkshire themed names and our nameless kittens became Rose, Pudding, Betty, Wilber and Kiki.

As well as giving kittens new names, our Social Media campaign promoted the great work of Yorkshire Cat Rescue. If you are interested in adopting from Yorkshire Cat Rescue visit or follow them on social media. @YorkshireCatRescue @YorkshireCatRescue @YorksCatRescue

Galway SPCA These rescue animals have the luck of the Irish... When Galway SPCA was founded in 1988 the animals were cared for in the homes of volunteers. 31 years later the situation is quite different with the animals rescued being cared for on a 13-acre site in Killimor, Co Galway. With only two full time members of staff, GSPCA rely heavily on the hardworking group of volunteers and people involved in community employment schemes. Back in July Burns employees Leon and Orlagh joined GSPCA at their annual dog show in Glenmaddy where they were tasked with the job of judging the dog show. Events like this support the work GSPCA do by raising funds and helping to find ‘forever homes’ for the animals in their care.

Royal Veterinary College Life saving pets... Did you know your pet could save the lives of many other beloved pets? Over 200 cats and dogs are saving lives every day by taking part in the RVC’s blood donation scheme. The Royal Veterinary College contacted Burns about becoming a part of their animal blood donation scheme. Many of us were surprised and delighted to hear that such a thing existed, and we jumped at the opportunity to support this great cause.

John presenting Galway SPCA with a commemorative Charity of the Year plaque

In 2019, GSPCA were able to find forever families for over 200 dogs and 100 cats and kittens. This is down to the hard work and dedication of the team who are available to help animals in need 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and at all hours of the day. This dedication led to the charity winning the award for Best Charity in the Best of Galway Awards. Find out more about the work GSPCA do and the animals they currently have for adoption by visiting or follow them on social media.

John Burns said “There have been many fantastic advancements in veterinary medicine since my time as a veterinary surgeon. It gives me a great deal of satisfaction to be able to support a cause as worthy as the blood donation scheme. We are very proud to support the Royal Veterinary College’s blood donor scheme.” These blood donations offer a crucial lifeline to unwell pets. Presenting the blood donors of the year with a reward for their donations is rewarding for us at Burns Pet Nutrition. We would strongly encourage pet owners to consider making their pet a blood donor.

In 2019 GSPCA were able to find forever families for over 200 dogs and 100 cats and kittens. @galwayspca @GalwaySPCA @ GalwaySPCA

Community Project Officer, Leon Burns, visits Queen Mother Hospital, Hatfield

Turn the page to meet our new charities for 2020... 15

Charity of the Year 2020

Introducing our new Charities Of The Year 2020 Bedlington Terrier Rescue Foundation and West Cork Animal Welfare

It never gets easier to choose for Charity Of The Year, but after careful consideration these charities really stood out to our selection team. We are proud to introduce to you Bedlington Terrier Rescue Foundation and West Cork Animal Welfare as our charities of the year 2020. Let us give you an insight into the work these charities do for animals in need.

Benji and Taffy

Bedlington Terrier Rescue Foundation In 1976, Bedlington Terrier Rescue Foundation was founded by Barbara Butcher MBE and Phyllis Cooper. The foundation was established to rescue and rehome Bedlington Terriers and their cross breeds throughout the UK. The foundation relies fully on its loyal team of volunteers consisting of thirteen coordinators, four fully qualified trainers and behaviourists and a consultant vet. The team ensures rescue dogs receive the best care possible while they wait for their forever family. But they don’t stop there. Once a home has been found, Bedlington Terrier Rescue Foundation appoint and pay for 16 •

qualified, modern science rewardbased behaviourists and trainers to help a dog settle well into its new home. In 2020, the Foundation will be launching its very own Foster Carers’ Training Scheme to support the volunteers who give up their own time to welcome a foster dog into their home. If you think you could offer a rescue dog a home or to find out more about Bedlington Terrier Rescue Foundation visit: or follow them on Social Media.


West Cork Animal Welfare Founded in May 1999, West Cork Animal Welfare was established to help unwanted, abandoned, neglected and abused animals in West Cork. By 2001 West Cork Animal Welfare was registered as a Limited Company and obtained charitable status. Many of the individuals that set up the charity are still involved to this day, showing their dedication to protecting the animals of West Cork. Each year the charity rehomes an average of 360 dogs and puppies from their kennels as well as many animals who they are unable to house in their kennels due to lack of space. Their kennels can accommodate up to 50 dogs and puppies and was recently extended to create space to house cats and kittens.

To discuss pet adoption with West Cork Animal Welfare or for more information on the work that they do, visit or find them on Social Media.

Established to help unwanted, abandoned, neglected and abused animals in West Cork.






West Cork Animal Welfare Group 17

You know you’re a crazy pet parent when...

your pup is basically your child 12 signs

The very fact that you are reading this article, in a magazine about dogs, is evidence enough that you are dog mad. But if there’s any uncertainty in your mind, we’ve put together a (non-exhaustive) list of definitive signs that you are a crazy dog parent.

1. Your gallery is overwhelmingly full of dog photos (and so are all your social media accounts).

...your dog also has an Instagram account (and has more followers than your own). ...the captions on your dog’s Instagram account are written from their perspective.


You regularly have profound discussions with your pup.

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Every canine you encounter on the street is your friend, and you greet them as such. fact, if petting ensues during your encounter, your day is instantly complete.


Don’t mention the grooming. You are more dedicated to your canine’s beauty routine than your own.


Most of the artwork in your house is actually pictures of your dog.


8. Staying at home

with your pet is preferable to most social outings.’ve actually had a professional photoshoot of your dog. Or with them. Both, anyone? own at least two items with your pet’s visage printed on them.

Puppy kisses from both your own dog and other good boys are strongly encouraged. feel like you’re …but you always pup when cheating on your och. you pet another po


Your furry friend gets more gifts than your partner and/or friends. ...including fashionable outfits, novelty toys and luxury treats.



They get a birthday present, cake and potentially a party (if the pups in the ‘hood are free).


Both your bed and your sofa are dominated by the protector of the house. (No, we don’t mean your husband!)

12. Last but not least... You self-identify as a dog ‘parent’ instead of just an owner.

You don’t book holidays without making sure the pup can tag along. (There’s an app for this too!)

If we are being honest, just five of these definitely make you a crazy pet parent, but if you’ve ticked off more, we’re not judging! Dogs are majestic creatures and an absolute gift to humanity, so we firmly believe that they deserve to be spoiled rotten with love, attention and delicious treats. • 19

As we all know old age doesn’t come alone. In this article Nutritionist Karen discusses her own experience of caring for her ageing dog, the late KT.

‘At what age is my dog classed as a senior dog?’ This is a question we are frequently asked. Thanks to huge improvements in nutrition and pet healthcare over recent years, our dogs are now living longer than ever, with the average doggy lifespan sitting at around 13 years. However, the ageing process varies from one dog to another and between different breeds. Giant breeds tend to age earlier, while mixed breeds tend to live a little longer. It is reported that the oldest dog, an Australian Cattle Dog, reached the grand old age of 29. According to the majority of vets, small dogs (under 10kg) are deemed to be seniors at 11 years of age, medium dogs (11-25kg) at 10 years, large dogs (26-40kg) 9 years and giant dogs at around 7.5 years of age. Of course, old age is not a disease, but the effects of ageing do have an impact on the organ systems and this varies with each dog. Kidney problems, cancer and heart disease are the most common issues affecting older ageing dogs. So how can you keep your golden oldies happy and healthy? Nutrition and lifestyle play a very important role in keeping them youthful. A specific ‘senior’ food is not necessary if they’re on a good quality diet. As older dogs generally have a lower metabolic rate, they may need to be fed 20 •

smaller portions, up to 20-30% less, particularly given that elderly dogs often become much more food motivated and therefore more prone to putting on weight. Regular exercise will help to maintain dogs’ muscle tone and vitality, while also keeping their weight in check and improving their circulation. An interesting study on Border Collies suggested that working Collies showed little or no decline in energy needs as they got older compared to Collies kept as pets, who experience a decline in the same way as other breeds. (Harper 1998a). Dogs that are kept active may not need a restriction in calories. If your dogs do start to lose muscle mass, it may be beneficial to increase the protein in their diet, unless of course they have kidney issues as the kidneys play a role in removing the waste. However, it’s important not to reduce protein intake too much or your dog won’t get enough protein for cell regeneration or body regulation. It’s also worth noting that restricting protein will not prevent kidney disease in a healthy dog.

By Burns Nutritionist, Karen Armitage

As dogs get older, owners might notice a decline in some of their senses including hearing, eyesight and sense of smell - all of which can have an impact on their eating habits. Dogs don’t have the same amount of taste buds as we do, but their sense of smell is far superior to ours, so if this declines, they may find food less appealing, which can lead to a lack of appetite. Keeping an eye on their teeth and gums is also important as tooth tartar and gum disease can lead to a sore mouth and a reluctance to eat.

When KT reached 14 years of age I had to face many different challenges.

“For a few months, I thought KT just had selective hearing until it dawned on me that she could only hear me sometimes, when my voice was at a certain pitch confirming she was becoming quite deaf. I often wondered how this change would affect her as I chatted to her all the time – did she think I’d stopped talking to her? To tackle this, we learnt new hand signals which KT really enjoyed. She always kept an eye on me when we were out and about, so it was quite easy to let her know when I needed her to come back to me, when I was changing direction or when I wanted her to ‘stay’. Who said ‘you can’t teach old dogs new tricks’? “The biggest challenge was her greed; she had always been a real foodie but she took this to a new level as she got older. I had to take all the bins out of the kitchen and leave no food out. She even worked out how to open the cupboard I kept her food in!

Out on our walks she was only interested in sniffing out food, especially on our evening walk which finished in a car park where there were a number of bins usually filled with takeaway packaging. She very quickly learnt that if she ran ahead without looking at me to stop her, she could get away with a bit of bin diving. I often caught her with her head and front legs in the bin pulling out chip paper. Dogs can often know their own limitations as they get older. “KT had always been an avid swimmer she loved a dip in our local estuary, and I worried that she may not cope with the tides as she got older. I needn’t have as she knew her own limitations and gradually stopped going into the sea at around 14 but she was still happy to have a swim in a pond.” - Karen Armitage • 21

Pet Apps for Pooch Parents The dog owner’s mobile best friends Everyone and their dog has a mobile phone these days – sometimes quite literally. With an estimated 8.9 million pet dogs in the country, it’s no surprise that both the Android and iOS app stores are on the ball with catering to the needs of pet parents. The variety of applications is almost as impressive as the quantity. From walking logs and training to dog healthcare and even the pooch equivalent of TripAdvisor, there’s an app for every type of dog parent. So, Tailchaser had a dig through the top-ranking pet apps and put together a ruff list of favourites which we think will go down a treat with your furry friend.

BringFido This app is a travel essential for pooch parents who take their canines along on trips. Essentially a pocket database of all things dogfriendly in your travel destination, BringFido includes reviews and pictures from fellow dog owners, and allows you to filter search results based on the budget, dog size and the number of furry friends tagging along with you. In addition to finding the best pup-friendly off-furs, restaurants and accommodation on holiday, you can use BringFrido to scout out paw-some dog-friendly hotspots before you move into a new city or neighbourhood.

Puppr Taking the world of pup parents by storm, Puppr is hailed as one of the best dog training apps on the market. Featuring step-by-step photo instructions and a built-in clicker, the app provides a series of lessons ranging from basic cues to advanced stunts. What’s more, the main stars of the guide are The Super Collies and their trainer Sara Carson, who made America’s Got Talent’s top five! Whether you are trying to teach an old dog new tricks, or you’re initiating your new family member into the ancient canine art of trick-and-treating, Puppr has a bunch of cool features to offer. In addition to over 50 individual tricks, the app pops up with daily reminders and allows you to track the progress of your pooch, earning badges along the way (and who doesn’t love a badge!).

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Puppr is hailed as one of the best dog training apps on the market. It provides a series of lessons ranging from basic commands, to advanced stunts.

Tractive Furbo Ever wondered what your scamp gets up to while you’re away? The creators of Furbo have essentially set up Skype for dogs with an innovative twist. Not only can you see and communicate with your dog via the Furbo app, you can also reward them via the built-in treat dispenser. An amazing way to let your pet know you care, no matter where in the world you are.

Turn walkies into an achievement with Tractive. Designed to help your track (see what we did there?) your furry friend’s daily walking routine, the app records the route, distance and duration of each walk, along with ‘bookmarks’ of the spots where the pup goes potty. Tractive is great for setting walking goals, so you stay motivated to keep both you and your dog fit. The app also allows you to take in-app pictures to share with fellow dog lovers, and, if you purchase the hardware that goes with it, you can clip it onto the collar of your pooch, so you can track them in case they go walkabout.

iSqueek This app takes your mobile phone or tablet and tranforms it into a squeaky toy. The virtual app reponds to the touch of hand (or paw!)* The app features 18 colourful toys, and recalls which toy your dog played with the longest.

* Keep dogs’ nails trimmed to keep your tablet or phone scratch-free!

BarkCam Getting your prized pooch to look at the camera long enough to get an Instagram-friendly shot can be super challenging. This new app helps dog lovers in their quest for a perfect doggy portrait!

Whether you’ve just adopted a fetching pup or you’ve been a pooch parent for a while, there’s an app out there for you and your dog. From training and healthcare to the pup equivalent of FaceTime or every traveller’s best friend, the dog-friendly establishment finder. Let us know your favourites on Twitter: @burnspetfood • 23

Chews the Fat

Dog breeding – the good, the bad and the just plain ugly ? According to Battersea Breeding Report 2015, a minimum of 560,000 puppies are born in the UK each year and less than 12% of UK born puppies yearly are bred by licensed breeders. For me, the burning question is, how many of these 600,000 or so puppies are born into a caring, nurturing environment in which the breeding parents are treated humanely, and the resultant puppies are healthy, happy and well socialised? The likelihood is, many puppies are sadly bred illegally, with no oversight as to their care and welfare. One recent BBC Wales undercover TV documentary found that even on licensed breeding premises, conditions were often poor, and animals were suffering. It is clear much better regulation is needed.

Dog breeding rarely leads to a positive news story The term puppy farming itself is highly emotive. It often conjures up visions of rural hellholes of large-scale dog

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breeding, with scant regard for the welfare of unfortunate creatures. Here in rural Carmarthenshire where our Headquarters are based, we seem to be at the epicentre of the puppy farming industry. 85 licensed dog breeders exist in the county, around 10 of which have more than 100 dogs (yes,100!). In the last two years Council prosecutions of illegal breeders yielded £275,000 in fines, unsurprising then that West Wales houses around 40% of all UK licensed breeders! There are luckily groups and individuals fighting these problems like C.A.R.I.A.D. - campaigning for the abolition of puppy farming. Burns regularly supports these campaigns.

Responsible dog breeding – pedigree issues Pedigree Dogs Exposed is a 2008 documentary by Jemima Harrison that looks into health and welfare issues facing pedigree dogs in the United Kingdom. The Kennel Club was

criticised for allowing breed practices, breed standards and judging standards to compromise the health of pedigree dogs. As a result, the BBC withdrew its coverage of Crufts. See Jemima Harrison’s film and look up her blog. A major criticism was that the Kennel Club condoned close in-breeding. (They call it line breeding.) The Kennel Club claims they have introduced major reforms, but is this so? They still seem to favour and promote dogs with serious health problems and abnormalities, one example being flat-faced breeds. I have been long voicing my concerns around French Bulldogs, Pugs and other brachycephalic breeds. These dogs come with a range of respiratory, skin and eye problems. Often, due to vet bills, the poor dog ends up in a rescue centre. In 2017, charities, rescue centres and the vet profession urged advertisers to stop the use of flat-faced dog breeds. As a result, registration numbers of Pugs and French Bulldog have fallen. What about the opposite of in-breeding, i.e. cross breeding? It has been said that cross breeding leads to a litany of health and behavioural problems. I must admit I don’t get that. Cross breeding should mean there is less likelihood of undesirable traits appearing.

Adopt don’t shop While I don’t object to dog breeding why not consider adopting? I do have recommendations for finding responsible breeders if you have exhausted other avenues. Here at Burns, we donate a substantial amount of pet food to over 40 UK rescue centres. Dogs Trust estimate around 130,000 dogs end up in the care of rescue charities each year. See the rescue centres we support on our website, under Burns Pet Rescue.

While I don’t object to dog breeding why not consider adopting ? Finding a responsible dog breeder needle in a haystack? Responsible breeders will… • Allow you to visit their homes and the environment in which the puppies are kept. The area should be well cared for and roomy. • Invite you to see the puppy with its mother and the litter. • Care for puppies that are happy, healthy and confident with humans. • Have good records of any treatments and have customer references. • Inform you of vaccinations already done and those still required. • Won’t have an endless number of puppies available. • 25

Not all

heroes wear capes Who’s a good boy? Scamp’s a good boy! In fact, Scamp is the best boy and he has an award to prove it.

Photo by: Gareth Davies Photography, Tenby

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On June 25, in recognition of a fantastic career, Scamp and his handler Stu at B.W.Y Canine received the CTSI Hero Award from the Chartered Trading Standards Institute. We sponsor Scamp with donations of Burns Alert food to ensure he is provided with the correct nutrition to support him in his busy work day. Scamp is an 8-year-old Springer Spaniel who found himself in the care of Stu after a family member was struggling to cope with his busy nature. Clearly that busy nature was meant for greater things and Stu put Scamp to work with his company B.W.Y Canine Specialist Search Dogs. Scamp has been a tobacco and cash detection dog with B.W.Y Canine since 2012. In that time, he has been responsible for locating over £6 million worth of illegal tobacco and over £1.5 million in cash. During his career Scamp has worked with over 100 local authority trading standards services around the UK as well as the police and HMRC. It was these organisations who, in appreciation of Scamp’s work, put forward the nominations for the award, resulting in Scamp receiving a total of nine nominations. The number of nominations really is a credit to his ability and the fantastic work that he has undertaken.

As proud as you can imagine most people are of Scamp and the work that he has done, not everyone appreciates how good Scamp is at his job. Recently Scamp found himself in a situation, that sounds like a storyline from Line of Duty. Scamp had a £25,000 bounty placed on his head and handler Stu received death threats after playing a significant role in disrupting organised crime. Stu was presented with the award, on Scamp’s behalf, at a special award ceremony in London. The award was presented by Pembrokeshire MP Stephen Crabb. Mr Crabb commented: ‘I was thrilled to present this award to Scamp for the important and diligent detection work he has carried out. Stuart and the whole team at B.W.Y Canine should be immensely proud of Scamp and what he has done. This goes to show the outstanding work being done by B.W.Y Canine and I look forward to catching up with them in Clunderwen soon.’ ‘We have been sponsoring Scamp for many years with our Burns Alert food. We were thrilled to hear that he has been recognised for all of his hard work’ said Bex, Sponsorship Officer for Burns Pet Nutrition. Owner Stu said ‘We are very proud of Scamp and everything that he has achieved in his career so far. He works

We are very proud of Scamp and everything that he has achieved in his career so far. very hard and is highly skilled, so this award is truly deserved. Feeding Scamp Burns Alert food helps to maintain a healthy working condition meaning that Scamp is always ready to work.’ Congratulations Scamp and Stu on such a fantastic and well-deserved achievement. It just goes to show you can achieve great things when you are #PoweredByBurns. Read similar stories on our Sponsorships Stories page and visit our Working Dog products to view the Working Dog range.

Photo by: Ella Richardson

From left to right: Paul Davies AM (Conservative Leader for Wales) • Phil Lewis, Director General of the Anti Counterfeiting Group (ACG), • Stuart Phillips • The Dean of St Davids Cathedral, The Very Revd Dr Sarah Rowland Jones • John Burns. • 27

Overcoming feeding issues with your rescue dog... Settling a dog into a new environment can be a stressful experience at the best of times. Now imagine having to get used to a new home after the trauma of kennels, perhaps recovering from a parasite infection following abandonment or ill treatment. It’s no wonder a lot of rescue dogs struggle with their diets when coming to a new home. It is not uncommon for a rescue dog to be timid, anxious, fearful malnourished or underweight when he/she is adopted, and this can contribute to stress - for them, and their new owners.

Whatever your rescue dog’s background, there are a few things you can do to make the first few weeks less stressful on their digestive system...

1. Find out what the rescue centre has been feeding him/her Regardless of what you are planning on feeding your rescue dog, find out what food he/she has been being fed on during their time at the centre. Whether he or she is coming out of kennels or been in foster care, a slow transition onto new food is recommended to allow the digestive system time to adjust.

2. Deal with any digestive upsets Whatever diet your rescue dog has been on previously, the stress of being introduced to a new home could trigger digestive upset. If this should occur, then feed a home cooked diet until the upset passes and stools are firm and pliable. Then introduce the new food slowly. Gwen

3. Feed a good quality food Feed a high quality, highly digestible food that will help keep a healthy balance within the body.

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By Burns Nutritionist, Emma Lee

The higher the digestibility of the food, the lower the feeding amounts, reducing the amount of stress on the digestive system. It may be appropriate to get an initial health check arranged with your vet when you bring your dog home. You can discuss a plan for your dog going forward and check their weight and overall health.

4. Feed the right amount When taking on a rescue dog it is often tempting to overfeed to make up for a troubled past. But overfeeding can be detrimental to health, particularly when dealing with a malnourished or previously starved dog. Make sure you are feeding appropriate amounts of food and introduce treats slowly, one at a time, to keep track of any issues. Ditch the bowl! Gulping or eating food too fast is an issue for some dogs, especially dogs not used to getting regular meals. Gulping food and taking in excess air at the same time can cause problems, so ditch the bowl! You can get anti-gulping bowls or slow feeders. Or you can put your

It can take time for your new dog to settle into your home and get used to a new routine. dog’s food into an interactive dog toy, such as a Kong or a Lickimat. You could even go a step further and scatter feed, giving your dog’s nose a workout at the same time!

5. Establish a routine

wanting to give up their bowl, and growling or snarling when you walk past their bowl or food may be an issue. This is a situation that can very quickly become a major problem if not dealt with correctly. Seeking professional advice from a reputable positive reinforcement dog behaviourist or dog trainer is always advisable. Rescuing a dog can be a very rewarding experience. It can take time for your new dog to settle into their home and get used to new routines. Give them time and consult professionals when needed and you will soon see the difference in your new friend.


Establishing a good routine with your rescue dog will help with feeling more secure. Giving them a safe space to rest and eat will enable him or her to settle into a new home and cope with goings on. It may be that if you have a multi-dog household your new family member will be reluctant to eat around other dogs, or may try to and steal their food.

6. Clean up time! Pick up that poo! Cleaning up after your dog regularly is always important, but for a rescue dog who will possibly already have a stressed digestive system and may have been starved or malnourished, keeping toilet areas clean will help discourage any potential poo eating habits. It is also important you monitor your dogs’ poo. Clean up time is the perfect opportunity.

7. Resource guarding Often with rescue dogs you have very little background information. This could mean your new dog has not been trained to accept people near their food. Issues such as not

Ifor • 29



Iwan and Seren, photographed at Burns Head Office.

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The Butterfly Effect is a project run by Burns Pet Nutrition Foundation to support people in the community who have suffered brain injury. The after effects of such an injury can make it difficult to get out and about and stay social. The Butterfly Effect helps bring likeminded people together to socialise and conquer loneliness. Iwan has been a member of the Butterfly Effect for a year. Here is Iwan’s Butterfly Effect story. John Burns presenting a certificate to Iwan at a Butterfly Effect presentation in 2018.

Tell us about yourself... My name is Iwan. I am 18 years old. I’m obsessed with football, especially Swansea City and I try to watch The Swans as often as possible. I’m a massive fan of the band Queen and listen to them all the time. When I was 14 years old, I became ill suddenly with Encephalitis, which is an infection to the brain. Before I became ill, I was a keen walker especially up the mountains with my dad and my dog. I loved playing football even though I wasn’t the best at it to say the least. Since my illness I have been unable to do those things as I am unable to walk unaided (among other after effects). But I’ve found new hobbies since I starting the Butterfly Effect Project.

How did you become involved in the Butterfly Effect? My involvement started after my occupational therapist Janine invited me to join the group around 18 months ago and I haven’t looked back since.

What do you do at the Butterfly Effect? What are your favourite activities or tasks? The first thing I did when I arrived at the group was have a chat with the

other members of the group over a cup of tea. We then all knuckled down and did our jobs. There is a whole range of stuff to do. Sometimes I do craft making stuff like mosaics, blackboards and decorating jars. On other days I do a bit of woodwork. I’ve helped make wooden chairs, benches and a table from scratch as well as bird boxes, butterfly houses and coat hangers. It is mad to think about really because until the Butterfly Effect Project I never did any woodwork or craft. At the end of each session Burns supply us with lunch as well as cake which always goes down well (thank you). I love all the activities, but my favourite is probably crafts because as well as making different things there’s a lot of talking between the members of the group.

How has the Butterfly Effect changed your life?

What does the Butterfly Effect mean to you?

What is next for you?

It means the world to me. I can’t quite put it into words how much I’ve gained from the Butterfly Effect Project. I’ve gained new friends who mean a lot to me. My confidence and happiness have improved considerably since I started coming. It’s taught me skills that will be important in the future. I’ve enjoyed every minute I’ve spent in this group.

It’s had a massive positive effect on my life. I’ve grown so much as a person because of the Butterfly Effect Project. I wasn’t really doing much before the group, and then when this group started it gave me something to look forward to every week. The group has given me the confidence to attend other groups now and I’ve even started a volunteering role with the Swansea Community Trust. I’m doing much more now than I was 18 months ago as a result of this group. Since my illness it’s been like I’ve been living another life and the group has helped me enjoy this new life I now have. I’m very grateful to have been part of the Butterfly Effect Project.

Like I said previously, quite recently I started a role with the Swansea City Community Trust as a volunteer coach. I’ve been helping to coach the walking football team which is something I’ll continue doing. I’ve also helped with the Soccer Camps which is something I’ll do more of. I’ll be doing the FAW Leaders Award course soon so hopefully that will give me more opportunities in the coaching world. I’ll also still be attending other groups.


Why not treat your Tibbles to some fancy gifts? Whether you have a pretty kitty or a mischievous moggy, here are some of our favourites...

Mikki Cat Snoozer This faux sheepskin cat bed is perfect for the snuggly cat. We are sure this will be a big hit with your moggy.

RRP £20.99

Digital Two Meal Pet Feeder

Shedding Kit

If you need to leave your pet for a long period of time but can’t trust them not to scoff it all in one go, this is the ideal gadget.

This shedding kit comes with a selection of brushes and combs to tame even the knottiest of cat mane.

Set timer to release food at regular intervals to ensure your cat doesn’t devour two meals in one go.

RRP £17.49

RRP £50.99

32 •

Catnip Mouse Toy Tikkler RRP £2.99

These PetLove toys are the perfect gifts if you have a mouser at home. There is endless enjoyment to be had with these catnip treats.

Catnip Crinkle Mouse RRP £3.49

Cat & Kitten Shampoo 250ml

RRP £3.99 Get your kitty cat smelling delicious with this pear scented Cat & Kitten Shampoo by Mikki.

Drinkwell® Pagoda Pet Fountain Do you have a fussy pet that will only drink their water when it’s fresh? Stay hydrated with this stylish water filtering pet fountain.

RRP £75.99

FroliCat® Fox Den Toy Automatic Cat Teaser With a furry tail for your feline friend to chase this cat teaser will certainly keep them on their paws.

RRP £25.99 • 33

Introducing Burns

From their first bark through to their senior years, we want to help dogs lead a long and healthy life. With this in mind, we are over the moon to introduce Burns Puppy Club. Read on to find out what the Burns Puppy Club is, and how you can join...

What is the Burns Puppy Club? The Burns Puppy Club is dedicated to helping pet parents navigate the first 12 months of their dog’s life. Members will receive pawfessional advice, tail-waggingly tasty food and gifts at regular intervals throughout the year.

Who is the Puppy Club for? The Puppy Club is suitable for new pet parents, existing pet parents with a new puppy or those considering a puppy.

What do Burns Puppy Club members receive? 6kg of delicious and nutritious Burns food (2kg as a pup and 4kg to celebrate adulthood). A selection of practical gifts designed to help them thrive. Exclusive discounts and offers on tailwaggingly-tasty food.

How much will it cost? £9.99 for the entire year, plus a one-off delivery charge of £3.50 to cover the cost of your 3 deliveries. This would usually cost an RRP of £53.

How does it work? Step 1. Paw in a few key details about your prized pooch. We’ll need to know their name, age, weight and breed. Step 2. Pay the membership fee, sit back and wait for the postie. Step 3. Receive your first Puppy Club package and watch your pups tail wag.

Ready to join the Puppy Club? Raise your pup the Burns way and sign up by visiting 34 •




w e n l l A

Join t od For o ay! nl y

£9.99 RR P £53

Everything you need for a happy and healthy pup Food • Gifts • Advice Visit to find out more

New to our Free From range

TURKEY & POTATO Treats and Adult food now available

Nutritional Advice Freephone: 0800 083 6696 (UK) 1800 83 66 96 (ROI)

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