The Tailchaser Times - Issue 3

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r e s a h c l i a T Times


The official





Issue 3


Protein - Cricket sarnie, anyone?


Year of the


Introducing 2018’s chosen ones




Find out what

John s rn u B eats in a week!

Meet pro BMXer

Matti Hemmings

...and his dog Buddy

Developed by Veterinary Surgeon


Solve the problem with a healthy diet! Why can’t I stop itching? Human is not impressed

Veterinary Surgeon, John Burns believes that itchy skin can be caused by a lack of nutrition. Speak to one of our in-house nutritionists for the best advice in the business: Call (freephone):

0800 083 6696

Award-winning food, established since 1993 A natural solution to common pet health problems Unrivalled support and free advice. Call 0800 083 6696 for your free copy


side Inthis issue: 06. Vegetarianism and the Rise

of Alternative Protein 08. Discover 5 Welsh Dog Breeds 10. Interview with Matti Hemmings 14. What John Burns Eats in a Week 24. Meet Cluanie the Munro Bagger 30. Charity of the Year 2018

seers TailchaTim


The official



John Burns (and Gregory!)



Issue 3


Protein - Cricket sarnie, anyone?


Find out what


John Burns eats in a week!

of the


We’re thrilled to share the third issue of The Tailchaser Times.

Introducing 2018’s chosen ones




Meet pro BMXer

Matti Hemmings

...and his dog Buddy

This issue, we’re celebrating some of the UK’s most intrepid dog owners. We caught up with extreme BMXer, Matti Hemmings to find out what it’s like to be a 3 x World Record Holder. We also chatted with Cluanie and Micky who are on a mission to climb Scotland’s most challenging mountains. So far, this dog and human super team have climbed a whopping 111 Munros!

The humans behind The Tailchaser Times:

The turn of a new year means our Charity of the Year programme hits refresh and we’re proud to announce that Forever Hounds Trust, Dogs for the Disabled (Ireland) and UK-GSR are our chosen charities for 2018. We’ll be providing these animal welfare organisations with financial assistance, free food and fundraising opportunities for the entire year.

Words & images: Barry Wilkinson, Dogs for the Disabled, Emma Butler, Forever Hounds Trust, John Burns, Jo Carnegie, Lenny Howells, Matti Hemmings, Mickey Jones, Rachel Kennan, TOLFA and UK-GSR

We’ll also continue to sponsor an ever-growing list of rescue centres, agility teams, search teams and dog trainers. This number currently stands at 58.

Follow us:

2018 marks the beginning of a very exciting year for Burns as we prepare to celebrate our 25th anniversary this summer. It’s hard to believe it all started in 1993 with me and a car full of pet food! We now employ over 100 people and I’m often asked about retirement, but the truth is I’m not interested. I still love coming to work every day and I’m proud that Burns has remained an independent, family run business. We’re about to launch our very first grain-free diets for adults and puppies. These Duck & Potato diets contain all the usual Burns health benefits but also are designed to meet popular demand for grain-free food. All in all, it’s set to be a fantastic 12 months. BVMS MRCVS

Editor: Rosella Pollard Art Director: Alistair Corbett Use #PoweredByBurns on Twitter or Instagram for the chance to be featured

Say hello: Burns Pet Nutrition Ltd, Ferry Road, Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales, SA17 5EJ Est. since 1993 •



The very best thing about running a pet food company is being introduced to your superstar pets and learning about their unique qualities. Whether you have a busy Border Collie or a lazy British Shorthair, it warms the cockles of our heart to receive your pet pictures and notes of appreciation. That’s why each issue, we hand the floor over to your beloved pets, without whom, we simply wouldn’t have a paw to stand on...

Megan Jack Russell Terrier, Megan has been on 14 journeys around the sun but is still as active as when she was a whippersnapper. For the first 9 years of her life, Megan excelled at agility. These days she can be found filling a room with laughter using the power of terrier or catching a bus to her favourite walking spot with owner, Stephen. Here she is sat atop a sand dune in Rhosneigr, Anglesey, which is her favourite place to visit for a mutt getaway.

Alvin Guinness

This is Guinness, emperor of the log. Guinness has a talent for clearing plates of food and a stare powerful enough to make you part with your own. He is super active, loyal and loving.

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This is King Alvin the French Bulldog. At just 7 months old, Alvin is a whippersnapper who enjoys chewing everything in sight, gazing wistfully into the distance and getting into mischief. Alvin’s favourite pastime is lazing in his humans fishing kit. 17/10 would steal your heart.

Sam, Sali, Cassie, Maisie and Millie This beautiful gang have dined on a Burns dinner for the past 8 years and have individual hobbies ranging from herding squirrels to bolting around the agility circuit. Although they are brother and sisters from different misters, this doesn’t stop them living harmoniously as one big happy family.


Bellatrix the Jack Russell Terrier is 2 years young, obsessed with playing ball and hopes that pulling this face will get her out of healthy eating.

Put your pet in the spotlight

Use the #PoweredByBurns on Instagram and Twitter to be featured on our social media channels.

Last issue’s competition winner is Jemma Booth. Jemma says her pooch is “The sweetest and most kind-hearted dog I have ever met. We have wanted a dog our whole lives and now he has finally arrived we couldn’t be happier.” The pair have won a pet tracker, a bunch of K9 connectable toys and Burns training treats. •


Vegetarianism, Veganism and the Rise of Alternative Protein Mooo!

t the time of writing, it is mid-January and Veganuary is in full swing. The challenge to give up meat and dairy products for a month could not be better timed after the Christmas excess. Reasons to take part vary from saving the planet to personal health and the most obvious one, animal welfare.

2% of the UK population now identify as vegetarian* This figure is on the rise. As the planet continues to take the toll of our carnivorous ways, we are all being encouraged to cut down on the steak. In 2016, Public Health England issued a report urging people to halve

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their dairy and meat intake. Since then, Meat Free Monday has achieved huge momentum in the UK and big chain restaurants such as Wagamamas and Wetherspoons have introduced new vegan and veggie menus. Gone are the days when being vegetarian or vegan was a label reserved for hippies. Meaty burgers are being replaced by seitan, cookbooks which promote plant-based eating are on the rise and those that do eat dairy and meat are demanding more transparency and welfare from the agriculture industry.

15% of all global greenhouse gas emissions are caused by the livestock industry** Globally, we are consuming more meat than ever before. Rising incomes in large countries such as China coupled with changing consumer preferences have seen the demand for meats such as beef grow tenfold. In 2016, the world consumed 129 billion pounds of beef. This, coupled with the fact that a milking dairy cow drinks 30-50 gallons of water each day raises concern for the future.

A meat tax may be on the cards Germany, Denmark and Sweden parliaments have discussed the option of a meat tax as a way to reduce our meat and dairy consumption. Although nothing is set in stone, research conducted in 2016 found that taxes of 40% on beef, 20% on dairy products and 8.5% on chicken would save 500,000 lives a year and drastically reduce carbon emissions***. Rob Bailey, Research Director at thinktank Chatham House said, “It’s hard to imagine concerted action to

Globally, we are consuming more meat than ever before. tax meat today, but over the next 10 – 20 years, I would expect to see meat taxes accumulate.”

All of this poses a question mark over the future of pet food protein As a pet food manufacturer that uses meat in our products, we’d be hypocrites to sit here waving a vegetarian flag. However, it is our philosophy that protein intake should be low to moderate and this is reflected in our product range. Looking to the future, could the alternative to meat lie in insect protein? Although insect protein is still a marmite concept in the west, over 80% of global countries consume bugs as part of their daily diet. Crickets for instance contain more iron than spinach, more B12 than salmon and double the protein of beef. Most importantly, they’re overwhelmingly more sustainable than their animal neighbours.


In fact, Christoph Vitzhum of Finnish food company, Fazer recently brought the world’s first insect-based bread to market. The bread contains around 70 crickets and is designed to “provide an alternative answer to where the world is going to get its nutrition and protein from, as meat production faces challenges.”

Plant-based protein Dog-friendly plant-based protein such as quinoa, buckwheat and natural peanut butter are not to be sniffed at, either. Buckwheat in particular contains all 9 amino acids and a 100g serving contains 13g protein****. Interestingly, the world’s oldest dog lived to the ripe old age of 27 and was vegan. Brambles, a blue Collie who lived in the UK consumed a diet of rice, lentils and organic vegetables. That’s not to say that all dogs should be vegetarian or vegan, just that consuming this diet is possible.

If your dog is a veggie, or you are considering introducing more plant-based meals, it’s important to remember that some human based foods such as onions, some nuts and raisins can be toxic to dogs and should be avoided. All diets offered should be well balanced and offer all the essential vitamins and mineral requirements of a dog. Speaking to your vet or a doggy nutritional advisor is essential to ensure you are achieving a balanced diet. Nobody can predict what the future will hold, but it’s certainly an interesting talking point with plenty of food for thought, excuse the pun.

References: * ** *** **** •




To celebrate St David’s Day, we’ve put together a list of 5 Welsh dog breeds which are officially recognised by The Kennel Club. Cymru am byth!

Welsh Terrier

Spot the Difference: The Cardigan has a fox brush tail and the Pembroke has a docked tail

Cardigan Welsh Corgi • Fox-like appearance • Originally bred to herd cattle by nipping the heels of hooves • Enjoys chasing and playing fetch • Devoted, intelligent, active • Life expectancy: 12-15 years

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

• Has a rugged, wiry coat • Originated in North Wales in the 1760s • Enjoys digging holes • Cheerful, stubborn, excitable • Life expectancy: 12-14 years

• Often looks as though it is smiling • Breed of choice for Queen Elizabeth II - she’s owned more than 30 in her lifetime! • Corgi means “dwarf dog” in Welsh • Highly intelligent, outgoing and playful • Life expectancy: 12-14 years

Sealyham Terrier • Has a rugged, wiry coat • Originated in Pembrokeshire • Enjoys digging holes • Cheerful, stubborn, excitable • Life expectancy: 12-14 years

Welsh Springer Spaniel • Usually has a thick, silky, glossy coat • Loves swimming • Responds well to obedience training • Energetic, affectionate, loyal • Life expectancy: 12-15 years

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From extreme sports to leisurely dog walks...


s g n i m m e H Matti Matti Hemmings is a professional BMXer with 3 Guinness World Records under his belt. When he’s not training for international competitions or hosting extreme sports events, Matti likes to hang out with his best friend, Buddy the Springador.


We caught up with Matti to find out what it’s like to make a career out of doing what you love and to learn more about his canine sidekick...



Meet Matti Hemmings Career & Lifestyle

What advice would you give to somebody starting out?

For those unfamiliar with extreme sports, what is Flatland BMXing in a nutshell?

My advice would be to focus on pushing your own boundaries, stand out from the rest and if you don’t get it first time get back up and try it again.

In a nutshell, Flatland BMX is a riding style performing tricks on smooth, flat surfaces. This style doesn’t include ramps, jumps, or grind rails. It is sometimes described as a form of artistic cycling with a blend of breakdancing.

How long have you been a Flatland BMXer for and what inspired you to choose this unique career path? I’ve been riding Flatland BMX for over 18 years now and have had a lot of crashes mastering this style of BMXing. It was the sense of adventure that inspired me to choose BMXing as a career. There are so many interesting projects and travel opportunities. I got to visit Macedonia and New York last year and am visiting Stockholm this month. It’s definitely not your average job.

It’s important to inspire all generations to make their dreams a reality. There are so many interesting jobs out there and with a positive outlook and determination, it is possible to make a career out of what you love.

Have you had any near misses on the bike? You make it look easy but it’s pretty high risk. I always have near misses on the bike including the death truck spins (this is where you spin around in a circle stood up, putting both feet on the back wheel.) In this career path you are always learning new things, and as with most sports, it takes hours of practice and perseverance to become consistent in your trade.

s i y d d “ Bu d l o r a a 3 ye o h w r o d a g n i r p S up to

lives me! his na

10 •

If you were on death row, what would your last meal be? Christmas dinner with all the trimmings.

If you could have dinner with anyone alive or dead, who would it be? Robin Williams.

Buddy Tell us about your dog Buddy. He’s super cute. Buddy is a 3 year old Springador, who lives up to his name! He’s the best friend anyone could have! I got him as an

“ The joy you

ng get from spemen, diwalking time with th them and getting to know their characters is brilliant

8-week-old pup who was all ears and paws with these big eyes. He’s now grown into those features, but still loves a cuddle. I call Buddy a human bean dog as he really does act like a human. I find him sleeping on the bed with his head on our pillows. Or, he sits on the sofa and seems to know exactly what you’re talking about. Buddy comes along on my work trips when he’s allowed and he’s amazing company. We always look out for dog friendly hotels and he’s so well-behaved, it’s a pleasure having him around. Clients love having him in the office too.

You see a lot of dogs such as Otto the skateboarding bulldog performing tricks and stunts. Is there any scope for the same with Buddy? I’ve never tested Buddy on the actual bike, but he runs alongside me and participates in my training sessions. If there’s music on, he’ll dance alongside me by standing

on his back legs. I’d love to train him up properly. Could you imagine it, he’d take the Internet and live audiences by storm. In fact, he’d steal the show!

There’s plenty of space for Bud to run after his ball, and even places for him to swim. It’s safe with no traffic and a beautiful view across to my home country, Wales.

What does Buddy eat?

What piece of advice would you give to potential dog owners who are considering getting a Springador?

Buddy is #PoweredByBurns and eats the Lamb and Brown rice variety. He’s been eating Burns since day one and has always loved it. It keeps him healthy, happy and shiny.

Do you eat as healthily as him? I try to. it’s important for me to keep healthy when training, riding and even when I’m recovering. Buddy even tries to eat what I’m eating sometimes, but I guess that’s the Labrador in him.

Where is your favourite place to go walking together? I’m lucky enough to live on the Severn Estuary and have a nature reserve right outside my front door. Buddy and I love it.

Do it! They are genuinely the best company. The joy you get from spending time with them, walking them and getting to know their characters is brilliant. I wouldn’t be without him, he’s my sidekick.

To find out more about Matti and to watch some of those impressive death truck spins, visit www.matti

All images courtesy of Barry Wilkinson • •



Traditional Welsh Family Favourites The staff at Burns are as well-fed as the pooches. So much so that we have an in-house chef named Lynsey who serves up delicious 3-course lunches every day at our Kidwelly head office for £1. Yes, really! With St David’s Day around the corner, we asked Lynsey to share her favourite Welsh family recipes...

MINI PROFILE: If I was on death row, my last meal would be... An Italian feast with lots of red wine! If I could have dinner with anyone alive or dead, I’d invite... Friends and family If I wasn’t a chef I’d love to be an… Air hostess to see the world!

Lynsey’s Grandmothers Welsh Cakes These are literally the best Welsh cakes you will ever taste. Welsh cakes are traditionally made using a griddle, but if you don’t have one then a frying pan will be fine. For a modern twist, swap the currants for chocolate chips and cranberries.



4. Sprinkle flour on a clean work surface and use a 2-inch cookie cutter to assemble your individual Welsh cakes.

• 2 eggs • 500g self-raising flour • 250g butter • 170g caster sugar • Handful of currants

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7. Serve alone, or with jam and cream.

2. Crack the eggs in one at a time and mix well. 3. Add the currants and ensure they are well distributed throughout the mix.

5. Turn your frying pan or griddle onto a low heat, and pop your Welsh cakes in. Don’t add oil as the butter from the mix will ensure they cook on their own.

“These are

literally the best Welsh Cakes you will ever taste

Preparation time: 20 minutes Serves: 22

1. In a bowl, mix together the flour, butter and caster sugar until you are left with fine breadcrumbs.

6. Cook until golden brown and turn over.

Did you know?

Bara Brith is believed to have been invented by a Welsh chef who added spices and fruit to a bread dough, creating the very first Welsh tea loaf.

Bara Brith or ‘speckled bread’ is a rich, moist fruit cake that goes down a treat with a cuppa. This recipe comes from Lynsey’s husband’s side of the family and has been passed down a whopping five generations. To keep a little mystery, one ingredient has been kept under wraps. Don’t worry, this will still taste magic.



Preparation time: 30 minutes and mixture will need to soak overnight Serves: 10

1. Combine the fruit, sugar and tea in a large bowl. Mix and leave overnight for 8 hours minimum.

• 1 egg • 375g mixed dried fruit • 300g self-raising flour • 250g light muscovado sugar • 300ml strong tea of your choice • Butter for greasing • Baking paper • 1kg loaf tin

This recipe has been passed down a whopping



5 Generation Bara Brith

6. Leave to cool for 20 minutes. 7. Serve with a cup of tea and butter.

2. Lightly butter the loaf tin and line the bottom with greaseproof paper. 3. Preheat the oven to 150C. 4. Stir the mix and add the beaten egg and flour until everything is combined. Distribute the batter into the prepared tin and smooth it over to ensure it is all on the same surface. 5. Bake for 1 hour and 45 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean and the cake is raised and firm. •



John Burns Eats in a Week He’s spent his career advising cat and dog owners on the best possible diets for their prized pets. But does Veterinary Surgeon, John Burns practise what he preaches? We challenged John to keep an honest food diary for a week… “Could you accept advice on losing weight from an overweight nurse or GP? Is the worth of the advice lost because it is obvious that the person giving the advice clearly doesn’t follow it themselves? Is it hypocritical if you don’t practise what you preach? This is a problem for me in that I know a lot about healthy eating but struggle to put it into practice on a daily basis. This diary of my week’s eating practice will show me up to be a fraud or perhaps may help me to mend my ways. No more secret snacking on cake from Parc Y Bocs Farm Shop. An end to late-night chocolate guzzling? Even if I eat carefully for a week when I am compelled to write it down, will I keep it up longterm? Perhaps we will have a follow-up in the next issue. I suspect that my diet will not make for interesting reading. I try to eat fairly simply, no fine dining and as you will see, fairly repetitive. Pet owners often complain that the pet’s diet is boring and repetitive and they like to give variety. We do that with our own diet but really that is a way of keeping us eating when we are not really hungry. The cakes on offer at Parc y Bocs are a major temptation and I go there on most days.

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Every day is a challenge but I’m becoming more restrained. At home in the evening is the biggest problem. If I’m eating out I rarely have a dessert, except perhaps a taste of someone else’s! In the round I know I eat too much. Most people find that heard to believe as I’m slim and just over 10 stone in weight. But I know different. And it’s the same with pets. A common fallacy is that if the pet is lean it is not being overfed. My Veterinary Guide contains a list of 14 health problems caused by overeating, even good-quality food. Eating healthy food consistently is a real problem for humans. Feeding our pets well ought to be much more straightforward; we choose the type and amount of food and can control it rigorously. Unfortunately there are many factors which get in the way of that. That must be worth an article all to itself. Perhaps I’ll do that for the next issue of the magazine too. In the interest of not boring you to death, I have omitted breakfast beyond Day 1 as this is the same every morning.”

Monday • Breakfast

• Dinner

Butternut squash and sweet potato soup with brown rice

Porridge (organic flakes soaked overnight in water and seasoned with sea salt) with

• Evening snack

A few squares of chocolate

rice ‘milk’ and sliced banana

• Lunch Spaghetti bolognaise and a handful of chips at Parc Y Bocs Farm Shop • Dinner

A concoction of two soups - Cawl (A Welsh broth of vegetables, potatoes and lamb) plus leek and butternut squash with added boiled brown rice and a piece of buttered rye bread

• Evening snack

Slice of banana bread


• Lunch

Baked potato with tuna mayo and salad. A handful of chips

• Afternoon Snack

Piece of shortbread with tea

• Dinner

Same as Monday


• Lunch Leek and potato soup with rice at Burns HQ

• Braised beef with mashed potato, root vegetables and red wine sauce • Dessert trio – vanilla cheesecake, dark chocolate mousse and chocolate coated popcorn

Saturday • Lunch

Leek and potato soup and a few chips at Parc Y Bocs Farm Shop

• Dinner

• Afternoon Snack

• Evening snack

• Dinner


Toast and jam


• Lunch

Baked potato with tuna (no mayonnaise) and mixed salad.

• Dinner

Dinner at the West Wales Business Awards at Stradey Park Hotel • Rissole trio – corned beef, cheese and spiced fruit chutney and mixed vegetable – I didn’t eat the corned beef

Slice of Victoria sponge cake Cod, salad and white rice at The Red Lion, Llandyfaelog


• Lunch Chicken, potatoes and coleslaw at Parc Y Bocs Farm Shop. • Dinner

Butternut squash and mixed vegetable soup with boiled ham and brown rice


• Lunch Butternut squash and sweet potato soup followed by chicken pie, green beans, boiled potatoes, cucumber and watercress. Eaten at Burns HQ

“Eating healthy food consistently is a real problem for humans.” •


What it’s like to rescue animals in India... Rescuing animals in the UK is no easy feat, so how do circumstances fare in South Asia?

Guest writer, Jo Carnegie of charity TOLFA (Tree of Life for Animals charity) describes the ‘average’ working day in Rajasthan, India... “It’s impossible to say when a working day starts, because the dedicated team at TOLFA work around the clock. As well as in-house medical staff, there are tworescue ambulances on-call 24/7, which go out day and night answering calls from concerned members of the public.

Rescuing animals in India is not easy Considering the poorly maintained roads and the extremes of climate, ranging from the strong sun in fiftydegree heat to the torrential rain and flooding of the monsoon. Whether it’s a dog stuck down a sixty-foot well, or an injured cow who needs to be transported back for treatment, rescues are often complex and challenging situations which require both mental agility and physical strength from TOLFA’s rescue team. Not to mention great team spirit and a big dollop of bravery.

TOLFA rescues dogs, cats, cows and even the odd tortoise! Originally started to help the plight of Rajasthan’s street dogs, TOLFA now rescues and treats many of India’s vulnerable animals: dogs, cats, cows, pigs, donkeys, goats and even the odd tortoise. TOLFA also provide a free vet clinic for local farmers. Rajasthan is a poor rural area and for these farming families, their livestock is often the one thing between them and poverty. For those who can’t get to the hospital, TOLFA provide a mobile rural animal health service. A big part

of their work is the rabies vaccination and sterilisation programme, as well as running education classes in schools to teach children about rabies prevention and animal welfare. At the end of last year a successful crowd-funder was run to build a much-needed new rescue kennel block.

TOLFA was started in 2005 by Rachel Wright, a British veterinary nurse from Peterborough. Since then it has helped over 100,000 animals and the charity is busier than ever. In 2017 over 6,000 animals were admitted across their Rescue Project alone, with staff administering over 100,000 individual treatments. TOLFA is a nurturing and tranquil place for animals in need.

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TOLFA staff with some of the shelter dogs. Founder Rachel Wright is middle row, 5th from right.

Every day brings something new Due to India’s busy roads, animal road traffic accidents are unfortunately common. But with time and rehabilitation, even the worst cases can make a good recovery. Mange, a horrible skin disease that can be life-threatening if left untreated, is also common. Maggot wounds are a big problem in the wet monsoon months, while TOLFA has seen a huge increase in cows ingesting plastic and rubbish left on the streets. Again, education is paramount in teaching people about making the environment more animalfriendly.

TOLFA now rescues and treats many of India’s vulnerable animals: dogs, cats, cows, pigs, donkeys, goats and even the odd tortoise.

The focus is on the animals When it comes to charities like TOLFA, the focus is understandably on the animals but the human element plays a fundamental part. TOLFA currently has fifty staff including founder Rachel, four vets, a supervisory team, grounds and

TOLFA’s rescue trucks in a rare moment back at HQ.

Continues on next page •


Every animal that comes through the gates is shown kindness, respect and attention, often for the first time ever.

Meet the people behind the animals...

Name: Dr Aftab • Role: Head Vet Dr Aftab’s experience and unflappable attitude is crucial in a frontline charity like TOLFA. Dr Aftab gave up the chance to follow a lucrative career in human medicine to become a vet for animals in need instead.

Continues from previous page

hygiene staff, the rescue project team, the office and admin staff and last but not least, the nurturing team.

A holistic approach to treatment Although TOLFA is a working hospital, it has a very holistic approach to treatment and believes love and a lot of TLC plays an essential part in an animal’s recovery. Many of the animals who come into TOLFA are very sick or injured and despite the best efforts of the team, sadly some don’t make it. But life is sacrosanct at TOLFA. Every animal that comes through the gates is shown kindness, respect and attention, often for the first time ever. Knowing that you are worth something and that others believe in you is something that also resonates with the people who work at TOLFA. TOLFA’s UK Director Clara Nowak said “Most of our staff members belong to the Dalit caste or ‘untouchables’ as they have historically and horrifically been known. Unfortunately although improved, these prejudices and division still prevail in society today. TOLFA gives our staff a sense of purpose and pride in the work that they are doing. Many of them are the sole earners supporting several other family members. We have been so fortunate to be able to make a difference to both the people and animals that live in our community.”

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Name: Nandu • Role: Dog Rescuer Nandu made global news recently, with a video of him rescuing a dog who was stuck in cold water at the bottom of an 80ft deep well. Using a winch on the vehicle Nandu was lowered down in a makeshift sling to rescue the exhausted and desperate dog.

Name: Bunty • Role: Nurturing Supervisor Bunty’s love and compassion knows no bounds. If he’s not found coaxing tiny puppies to eat, he’s washing dogs, doing rehabilitation work or making kennels nice and comfy. He has also become unofficial patron saint for orphaned piglets!

What happens when an animal is better? Many street dogs in India have ‘care givers’, local families and businesses who look out and care for them. Once a dog is fully recovered, they are released back to their territories. The ones who are too vulnerable or elderly to go back on their streets end up being permanent shelter dogs at TOLFA, safe and happy in their forever home. Pet ownership is also on the rise in India and some dogs end up being adopted.

TOLFA relies on grants and donations to carry on its lifesaving work. To find out more about TOLFA and the ways you can support them, visit ‘Like’ their Facebook page (TOLFA India & UK) to see more inspirational stories.




Imagining deadly killer cats, the mind typically turns towards Tigers and Cheetahs. What you don’t expect, is a handbag-sized feline that wouldn’t look out of place napping in your living room.

It’s surprising then to learn that the African black-footed cat is the most efficient predator in the feline kingdom. Measuring ruler-size in length and weighing less than a bag of flour, this adorable cat brings new meaning to the phrase, “don’t judge a book by its cover.”

African black-footed cat

Far from docile, the black-footed cat can kill up to 14 animals and travel as far as 20 miles per night. Considering that he or she sleeps for around 18 hours a day, that’s some accomplishment. The blackfooted cat kills reptiles, rodents and birds, but can also take out desert hares. With a 60% murder success rate, this tenacious feline is a force to be reckoned with. Incredibly, the black-footed cat can even live without drinking

water. Instead, it drinks the body fluids of prey and because of this is sometimes referred to as a ‘vampire’ cat. Due to its nocturnal, shy lifestyle, the black-footed cat is rarely spotted and lives out its days snoozing in unoccupied burrows. Come night-time, it hunts by stalking and pouncing. Who knew something so innocent looking could be so deadly?


A day in the life of a

Community Handyman

Lenny is the latest Burns recruit. He’s always got a smile on his face and can turn his hand to anything. We caught up with Lenny to find out what his working day looks like…

Morning 6.45

am Roll out of bed and try to sneak downstairs without waking my 3-year-old son to enjoy a coffee in peace. My success rate is roughly 20%. The rest of the time, the pesky upstairs squeaky floorboard lets me down and he leaps out of bed faster than a Cheetah. I usually wolf down some cereal and catch-up on the news in-between getting Thomas ready for nursery and figuring out what equipment I need for the day. As a handyman, I never know if I’ll be chopping wood, building a birdbox or pressure washing a patio. That, coupled with the wet Welsh weather means I bring everything but the kitchen sink to work. My wife Emma works in the marketing department at Burns which is great as we all pile in the car together and take turns to drive. We live a hop, skip and jump from head office, in the coastal village of Ferryside and on a clear day the views are beautiful.

8.50am Arrive at work. Although Burns

is known for selling pet food, we have our very own in-house charity, The Burns Pet Nutrition Foundation, staffed by a team of 6. I work in the Community department. The phrase “no two days are the same” couldn’t be more appropriate for my role as a community handyman. Today I’m working with a group from Mencap.


am Arrive at the Burns Farm Shop and Café, Parc Y Bocs. Together with groups from Mencap and the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust (BIRT), we’re currently developing the market gardens. We fire up the cement mixer ready to lay some patio slabs for our polytunnel which has 5 raised beds for each group to grow their own fruit, vegetables and flowers.

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Afternoon 13.00

Lunch. The team at Parc Y Bocs provide us with a delicious selection of sandwiches and soup. This is my favourite part of the day, not just because of the food but it’s a great chance to socialise and get to know everyone. In the short time I have been working for Burns in the Community I have met so many amazing people from all walks of life.


Time to work off that extra slice of chocolate fudge cake! This afternoon we’re building planting boxes, bird boxes and wooden garden furniture. During this time we continue our lunchtime discussions. The background stories from group members can be heartbreaking and uplifting at the same time. They’re a bunch of very inspirational people, some of whom may have had their lives turned upside down and still manage to be positive.

15.00 Stand back and admire our handywork.

The phrase ‘no two days are the same’ couldn’t be more appropriate for Lenny’s role as a community handyman.

Tired, but feeling accomplished my colleague Chris and I clear up ready for the next group day. It’s awesome to see the positive effects carrying out these projects can have.


Head back to the office to work on an exciting community project I’m working on with Chris Cray, our Better Tomorrow Project Co-ordinator. From April onwards I’ll be mentoring young individuals and offering a garden maintenance service to the Kidwelly / surrounding area. The idea is that the young person will hopefully gain the on-the-job skills they need to start their own business while servicing the local community. Be it grass cutting, hedge trimming or pressure washing- you name it, we’ll be doing it. I’m delighted.


Head home with Emma and Thomas and recharge the batteries with a daily dose of Homer Simpson. I’ve seen every Simpsons episode a dozen times but still enjoy it - it’s my guilty pleasure.

It’s awesome to see the positive effects our community work provides.”

About Lenny… outdoors. All-round maker and doer with a love of the great campervan, y famil the in My perfect weekend is an adventure was lucky and coast preferably by the sea. I love walking the village in tiful enough to spend my childhood in Angle - a beau catching enjoy South Pembrokeshire. I return as often as I can and area. up with friends and family from the surrounding my my of rity majo the spent I . grandfather used to breed them loyal nature. childhood with springers, I love their energ y and

My favourite dog breed is a Springer Spaniel because

If I was on death row, my last meal would be a full English complete with fried bread and a large mug

of builder’s tea.

If I could have dinner with anyone alive or dead,

I’d invite

y Mercury and my dad. Johnny Cash, David Jason, Barbara Windsor, Fredd a pirate like If I wasn’t a Community Handyman I’d love to be series. film bean Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Carib

If I had to listen to one song on repeat for the rest of my life, I’d choose Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen. •


chews the fat! This issue sees Veterinary Surgeon, John Burns, dissect common ingredients in pet food and what they really mean.

You get what you pay for ...or do you? uring the NAWT Webinar early in November I was asked the question, “With pet food, is it true that you get what you pay for? My answer was, “Yes, but only up to a point.” The prime consideration for a pet food must be the effect that it has on the health of the pet which eats it. That of course is the main aim of Burns – to provide optimum health benefits. At the beginning of 2017 I looked at the daily feeding cost of around 1000 dog foods. Burns came in the bottom 25%! That is, 75% of dog food cost more than Burns. The majority of foods which were cheaper to feed than Burns were “supermarket” type foods supermarket being another way of saying “low quality.” Looking on a different website which claims expertise on pet nutrition I came across a dog food which has a rating of 94% for nutrition value whereas Burns (not sold by this site) rates 48%. I looked at this particular dog food which costs £90 (yes £90!) for a 10 kg bag. A 15kg bag, if available, would cost £135. Using the company’s own figures, the feeding cost for a 20kg dog would be about £2.50 per day (compared to 73p per day for Burns). The headline-grabbing main ingredient of this food was whole free range chicken which has to be desirable. This almost certainly would be spent egg layers carrying very little muscle rather than plump table birds as shown on the website. Looking down the ingredient list, I found among the

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main ingredients sweet potato, tapioca, vegetable fibres, pea protein. Among the minor ingredients we have 0.01% each green lipped mussel, dried carrot, cranberries. I looked at the possibility of using free range chicken for Burns dry foods some years ago but decided it wasn’t feasible. The amount needed wouldn’t be available. Now, of course we do use free-range chicken in the Penlan Range and it’s organic too. Bearing in mind that whole chicken has about 65% water whereas the finished dry food has only 8% water and doing some maths (stay with me) I concluded that the whole chicken in this particular pet food (50% listed) was insufficient to meet the listed 22% protein in the finished product. *See right page: pea protein.

Sweet potato Sweet potato sounds good but the sweet potato in pet foods is not usually the flesh of the pulp which humans consume. It’s much more likely to be the fibrous husk which is a bi-product of the human food chain, produced in China, in a dried pellet form. Not quite what one might be looking for in a high-end pet food.

Tapioca “Tapioca predominantly consists of carbohydrates...It is low in saturated fat, protein and sodium.[5] It has no significant essential vitamins or dietary minerals.[5] One serving of tapioca pudding contains no dietary fiber, a small amount of oleic acid, and no omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids”. Source: Wikipedia.

The prime consideration for a pet food must be the effect it has on the health of the pet that eats it. That of course is the main aim of Burns - to provide optimum health benefits. So, tapioca contains starch but not much else, whereas other carbohydrate sources such as whole grains contain vitamins, minerals, fibre and essential fats.

Vegetable fibres Vegetable fibres? What can that be? Why add fibres when there is fibre in other vegetable ingredients including sweet potato or peas?

Pea protein Nothing particularly wrong with using pea protein; I’ve done it myself to get the required protein level while controlling the mineral content in puppy food. As I mentioned earlier, the amount of chicken doesn’t meet the need for protein so pea protein has been included to make up for that.

Green-lipped mussel, dried carrot, cranberries. Again this looks impressive in an expensive pet food. But the listing for each of these ingredients is 0.01% of the total! That means one hundredth of a gramme in 100 grammes of finished food, in other words a trace! Enough to put it on the bag but not enough to be meaningful. The self-proclaimed experts have given this food a top billing for nutritional value. Will it deliver similar health benefits to Burns? In my view the ingredient selection doesn’t

come close to Burns and it certainly has a hefty price tag with a feeding cost of three and a half times Burns food. Why have I highlighted this? As I said at the beginning, the best pet food is not necessarily the most expensive. Secondly, the pet food industry is plagued by so-called experts (not me of course). Thirdly, the unwary consumer who lacks specialist knowledge can be easily misled by unrealistic claims which can be hidden by hype. Fourthly, some manufacturers make misleading allegations about my food and what I stand for. For example, I quote from another pet food website, “The vast majority of dry pet foods contain grains such as wheat, corn or barley. Grains in dog foods have been linked to allergies including skin conditions and stomach upsets but, due to the fact that grains are cheap and ‘bulky’, dog food manufacturers continue to use them. At “xxxx” we believe that it is important to feed dogs foods which best suit their digestive make up and which are most likely to keep them strong, supple and active. We put our emphasis on canine health above cost and ease of production. For this reason “xxxx” recipes never have and never will contain grain of any kind.” As Daniel Patrick Moynihan said, “Everyone is entitled to his opinion but not his own facts.”

“The best pet food is not necessarily the most expensive.” •




Small but mighty, Cluanie the Jack Russell Terrier has climbed over 111 Scottish mountains in his wee lifetime, and he’s not stopping there. We chatted to Cluanie’s dad, Micky to gain expert insights on how dog owners can prepare for epic pooch adventures.

How did you meet Cluanie? We met Cluanie the Jack Russell as a pup. Cluanie was one of 4 puppies, and the only boy. He crawled up my arm and perched on my shoulder and we knew from there on in that he was the dog for us. 6 years on, we still keep in touch with Cluanie’s breeders and Cluanie’s parents Howie and Daisy sometimes come to stay with us on weekend trips. In good old-fashioned JR style this is chaos, but we love it and wouldn’t have it any other way.

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Does Cluanie have any quirky personality traits or habits? Cluanie is a wee character and seems to have a fan club wherever he goes. He always manages to put a spell on everyone he meets. One of his biggest characteristics is his smile. He uses this to great advantage on the unsuspecting as a way to gain treats and affection. Some would say he’s a loveable rogue who has the art of posing in photos down to a tee.

Where is your favourite place to explore together?

What has been your best adventure to date with Cluanie?

We’re lucky enough to be Highlanders so it’s tough to answer that question as we’re spoilt for choice. Being brought up in North West Sutherland, I have a special place in my heart for Sandwood Bay and love taking walks out there when we can, but admittedly the beaches around the North-West coast are all awesome and a perfect playground for dogs! If it’s a hill walk then Glen Shiel, Torridon, the Isle of Skye and Assynt all tick the boxes. We also love our visits to the Cairngorms, Glen Nevis and Glencoe. Due to the beauty of Scotland, even after years of exploring there’s still plenty of undiscovered terrain and adventures to be had.

Wow, that’s a tough question. It’s impossible to pinpoint just one but over the years we have done so many. Highlights include puppy training for BBC Alba, climbing Ben Nevis and walking the 26.2-mile Great Glencoe Challenge for charity multiple times. In 2017 Cluanie became Tiso’s ambassadog, and to date we have climbed over 111 mountains together, not counting repeat walks. Last summer, we took the massive adventure from Glasgow to Inverness, spanning 180 miles in aid of charity. We spent 13 days walking together and Continues on next page

Cluanie is a wee

character and seems to have a fan club wherever he goes. •


Continues from previous page

sleeping in a tiny tent to raise money for our local Highland Hospice. That trip turned our already close bond into a very special bond that will never change.

What tips would you give to fellow dog owners who want to take their pets on substantial adventures such as mountain walking? From our experience, wait until your dog is fully grown as long walks with young dogs that are still developing can cause damage, nobody wants that. Start with small short walks and build the adventures up over time. Don’t rush, after all the mountains will still be there in years to come, your dog’s health is paramount. We love our adventures, but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea and is often hard work which is important to keep in mind. Know your dog’s limits and bring a first aid kit in case disaster strikes. Planning your route, distance and ascent time are all crucial factors. Weather wise, I always try to keep Cluanie warm and dry, in fact he has a better wardrobe than me! He has a variety of good-quality jackets and harnesses which are investments that have stood the test of time.

If we’re staying overnight, we’ll take extra food and water provisions. Cluanie eats a mixture of Burns Penlan Farm and toy and small breed kibble which he’s stuck to for over 6 years. I find the food has everything Cluanie needs to keep him fuelled for adventure. Be mindful and careful around livestock areas, particularly lambing and deer stalking season. Ground nesting birds and hares can be a tempting chase for a dog, so I tend to keep my eyes peeled and ready to step in if needed. Thankfully, Cluanie never ventures far from my heel but the lead is handy, just in case. Above all, enjoy it. Enjoy every minute. There’s nothing like the freedom of space, the incredible views and the special bond that develops between dog and human. All this and I haven’t even mentioned the amazing photographs to be had!

What’s in store for 2018? Already, 2018 has got off to a great start. We’ve had fantastic snowy days in the hills, and are currently training for the 26.2 mile Great Glencoe Challenge. This will be the 4th time we’ve completed the challenge and always for charity. This year we’re raising funds for SARDA Scotland.

We intend to increase our munro (Scottish mountain) tally from 111 to 150 this year, as well as getting out and about in the campervan exploring and discovering new adventures. A new challenge awaits this summer as we are paddling the 60-mile Great Glen Canoe trail from Fort William to Inverness. This is something completely new to us and we’re very excited. We’ll be raising money for our local Highland Hospice so it’s all for a good cause too. Here’s hoping 2018 is full of fun, adventure, and happy times.

Follow Cluanie Make a donation to SARDA Scotland: fundraising/micky-jones7

Photo by Rachel Kennan Photography

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A bright - eyed and bushy - tailed start to 2018 for

Burns in the Community

We like to do things a little differently here at Burns. That’s why we have our very own charity, The Burns Pet Nutrition Foundation, and an in-house team of superheroes who run it. The aim of the charity is to give back to the local community and beyond whether that be through grassroots projects such as the Burns By Your Side scheme or company- wide fundraising activities. Discover our latest news...

We’re Applying for Shamrock Status The community team is currently spreading its Welsh wings and making its debut in Ireland with the help of our very own Jason Waters and his photogenic pooch, Harvey. Jason started life at Burns as a Sales Rep and is now leading our community activity in his Irish homeland. Jason will also be working with our Irish Charity of the Year, Dogs For The Disabled Harvey (awww!) throughout 2018. We’d like to thank Cathy Matthews and her team at Wonderpaws Training School for helping us to set up our Burns By Your Side reading-to-dogs scheme in Ireland. Watch this space.

Winner Winner, PIF Awards Dinner We were delighted to receive recognition for our hard work at The Pet Industry Federation Awards in November. The event is very prestigious in the pet world and features all the industry’s leading movers and shakers, so it was an honour to be shortlisted and scoop the Charity of the Year award. A massive congrats to all the other winners and to International Cat Care, who were also in the running for the award. Continues on next page

The Pet Industry Federation Awards are very prestigious in the pet world so it was an honour to scoop the Charity of the Year award.


Continues from previous page

Raise the Ruff!

We Smashed our Fundraising Target

Those of you who keep up to date with our humble magazine on a regular basis will know that we completed a series of epic sporty challenges last year in the name of charity. A handful of us took on the gruelling Ironman Challenge and many more entered the Cardiff Half Marathon to raise money for Noah’s Ark, a charity close to our hearts. We’re delighted to announce that following an epic 6 months of fundraising, the final amount raised for Noah’s Ark was £6857, almost £2000 over our initial target of £5000! Well done to Project Co-ordinator Chris Cray for leading the fundraising team and helping us smash our target.

Wherever possible, we like to offer young people opportunities to grow and flourish.

Josh Price

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From left to right: Leon, Chris, Harvey, Stu and John Burns pictured at Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital in Cardiff.

Creating Oppawtunities for Tomorrow’s Generation Wherever possible, we like to offer young people opportunities to grow and flourish. So, when 17-year-old local pupil Josh Price expressed an interest in working with our community team, we keenly obliged. Josh worked conscientiously with our gardeners, community workers and farm staff over a 3 month period and completed a range of practical tasks including planting raised beds in the market gardens and herding sheep on the farm. Josh totally excelled in his role and developed a fantastic rapport with the staff. We wish him plenty of success in his future career.

Burns By Your Side Spotlight Our award-winning reading to dogs scheme has expanded in the last few months and we are now present in 40 schools across West Wales, Ceredigion and Swansea. Every week, waggy-tailed pooches and their volunteers head into schools, libraries and colleges to listen to schoolchildren read. The idea is that reading to a dog creates a relaxed environment in which the child feels empowered and confident. We have been actively delivering reading sessions for 18 months and have been thrilled by the results. We’re proud to be able to help children who are reluctant readers, have communication difficulties or lack confidence. We are also present in two special education units developing canine interventions to help develop and delight the children. It’s set to be a very exciting year indeed.

New volunteers Natalie and Brambles pictured with John Burns at a recent graduation ceremony

Making a Pawsitive Difference to Dogs and Children Even the most mature adult can turn into an excitable junior at the sight of a waggy-tail bounding towards them. It’s only natural that we want to show dogs affection but greeting them in a safe manner is essential. Sadly, a lack of awareness on how to approach and care for a dog safely can lead to incidents where children are nipped, or worse. In some instances, dogs have been exiled to rescue centres or in worst case scenarios, put down. Deciding to nip this problem in the bud, our Burns By Your Side reading-to-dogs scheme and Clybiau Plant Cymru Kid’s Clubs recently ran an awareness poster competition in Out of School Childcare Clubs across Wales. Schoolchildren were asked to design posters on the subject of greeting dogs safely and caring for their welfare in five easy to remember steps. Following a remarkably high standard of entries, Stepping Stone for Schools, Thornhill Cardiff and Clwb Berch in Gwynedd (Welsh Medium Winner) were selected as winners for their artistic flair and attention to detail. The posters have since been distributed to 940 after school clubs in Wales.

Speaking on the awareness campaign, John said, “It’s been our pleasure to work with Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs on an initiative which not only educates children and keeps them safe but enables dogs to hold onto their reputation as lovable, loyal companions.” Well done to winners Deian of Clwb Berch in Gwynedd and Jessica, Amber, Kyle, Louie , Chloe and Maider of Stepping Stones 4 Schools and Thornhill After School Club in Cardiff.

To stay up to date with our charity work, follow Burns in the Community: burnspetnutritionfoundation •



Burns Pet

Charity Year of the

In 2015, we decided to permanently offer a year’s supply of financial support, pet food and promotion t. to the UK animal welfare organisations that need it mos We called it The Charity of the Year Programme. Learn about this year’s chosen ones, Forever Hounds Trust, Dogs for the Disabled and UK-GSR…


Forever Hounds’ Tips forner... Being a Responsible Dog Ow

Since 1996, Forever Hounds Trust has found loving new homes for over 9,000 dogs. These rescue and rehoming superstars specialise in the care of Greyhounds, Lurchers and all other Sighthounds and know a thing or two about responsible dog ownership. We asked Forever Hounds’ content queen, Emma Butler to talk us through the process. This time of year is often a busy one for dog rescue charities. Pets are often given as Christmas presents, but sadly when the festivities are over and the reality of pet ownership kicks in, it’s often too much to cope with. In these instances, rescue centres become inundated with demand and the need to find homes for rescued animals becomes even more pressing.

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Adopt, Don’t Shop Due to the increasing number of pooches ending up in rescue centres, we’d urge anybody considering getting a pet to consider rescuing, rather than going through a breeder.

Find the Right Dog for You Although you may have set your sights on a fluffy Old English Sheepdog, a Lurcher or a Pomeranian, it’s important to remember that every dog comes with its own unique exercise requirements and characteristics. Checking whether these are in sync with your lifestyle, budget and even your living space is crucially important to ensure you don’t end up biting off more than you can chew, excuse the pun.

Go to a Responsible Dog Rescue Charity A good rescue organisation will know as much as can be known about the dog, and will also find out all about you and your family to make sure you and the dog are suited to each other. As a rescue and rehoming charity, we work extremely hard to match dogs to their potential new owners. Dr Fiona Cooke, Head of Homing, Kennelling and Welfare for the charity explains: “Everyone adopting a greyhound or lurcher from Forever Hounds Trust knows as much as possible about their new dog. The dog will have had a veterinary assessment and any medical care needed as well as vaccinations, flea and worm treatment, microchips and have been neutered. The dog will also have been behaviourally assessed and Forever Hounds Trust’s experience in matching homes and hounds means that we can help you find the right dog for your lifestyle.”

We also have a complimentary posthoming support service with an expert team available to support new owners with advice on any aspect of looking after their dog. This support is ongoing for the life of the dog, meaning that owners always have someone they can ask if there are any questions in the future.

For more information on homing a rescued dog, and to see the dogs currently in need of a home with Forever Hounds Trust, visit or call 03000 111 100 •


Dogs for the Disabled Pooches Can Unload Washing Machines! All dogs are superstars, but the expertly trained canines that work for Dogs for the Disabled are extra special. These gentle pooches can perform a multitude of impressive tasks including fetching the post and helping a person to dress and undress. Dogs for the Disabled have been helping to improve the lives of children and adults living with disabilities since 2007. Working specifically in Ireland, the charity relies on volunteers and donations and receives no government funding.

Independence with the help of waggy-tailed companions Dogs are trained to assist adults and children with everyday practical tasks so they can achieve greater independence. Disability can lead to feelings of isolation, low self-esteem and a loss of confidence. A canine best friend helps these individuals to live life to the full, breaking down barriers and offering a sense of renewed independence. Below is a range of the tasks that an assistance dog can help out with. Opening and closing doors Barking to raise the alarm in an emergency Retrieving items such as mobiles or dropped keys and bags Emptying the washing machine Fetching the post Switching the lights on and off Pressing a pedestrian crossing button Helping people to walk by providing a stable base and forward motion 32 •

“Dogs are trained to assist adults and children with everyday practical tasks.”

Pawsome results in prisons In 2013, Dogs for the Disabled were approached by prison governors who were interested in working with the charity. Following initial talks, a buddy dog programme was introduced at Shelton Abbey men’s prison in which young adult dogs were placed with inmates who attended weekly classes with on-site trainers to learn about dog behaviour, care and learning principles. This initially started as a pilot programme but proved so successful it has since been rolled out as a permanent occurrence. The inmates benefit from socialisation and structure and Dogs for Disabled benefit from being able to train more assistance dogs at a reduced cost. There is also an active scheme in place at women’s prison, The Dóchas Centre in which breeding females are placed with individual inmates. The dog lives with the inmate in their room and is whelped under 24-hour supervision with a vet on call.

The new born puppies and recovering mother are then cared for by the inmate for the first 7 weeks of their lives. The initial weeks after a puppy is born are crucial to their health and development and the results have been exceptional. Puppies are well-handled, happy, healthy and ready for their next adventure.

Want to discover more about the pawsome work that Dogs for the Disabled do? Visit:

GIVING THE UK’S MOST POPULAR DOG BREED A SECOND CHANCE IN LIFE It breaks our heart to know that there are unwanted, unloved or otherwise neglected pooches out there. It breaks UK German Shepherd Rescue’s heart too, and that’s why they run a national re-homing charity dedicated to giving German Shepherd’s a second chance in life. On average, UK-GSR has 60 German Shepherd’s looking for a new home at one time and operates a no kill policy, so dogs will stay in the charity’s care until a suitable loving home is found.

This is possible due to their large network of volunteer dog foster carers covering all regions of the UK. From emergency foster carers to retirement foster carers, all bases are covered and if all else fails, dogs will always be welcome at the charity’s base in New Quay. UK-GSR take a common-sense approach to re-homing and believe in a hassle-free, friendly experience. That’s not to say that the team aren’t meticulous in ensuring that dogs are

safe and happy, they just believe in a straightforward process, free from jumping through unnecessary hoops.

To find out how to rescue a German Shepherd, or to make a donation visit

Could you be our 2019 Charity of the Year? We will soon be accepting submissions for our 2019 Charity of the Year Programme. To be eligible to apply, you need to be a registered charity actively working to improve the lives of people and pets in the UK submissions will be open in mid-spring. Visit to learn how we could help you.


The Adventures of

Walter the Sheepdog Impress my human by learning to swim!

Episode 1




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Snaffle all the hidden treats!

4 34 •


from Upgrade d to e the dog b lace! a the sofa p

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Wave goodbye to tooth tartar! My teeth almost match my coat!

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