Burgmann Anglican School Prospectus

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We lc ome

T h a n k you for c on s ider i ng B u rg m a n n A ngl ic a n S c ho ol for you r fa m i ly.

We understand you want to provide an educational experience for your children to help them to reach beyond what they believe is possible.

We know you also want them to experience an environment that is caring and nur turing ; one that will suppor t your values and work with you as your child grows and develops.

Our four sub -schools across t wo large campuses provide a struc ture in which each student is encouraged to do his or her best The innovative learning and teaching programs at the school are designed to meet the changing needs of student s as they progress from Preschool to Year

range of cocurricular ac tivities.

Learning happens best in a communit y Ultimately, it is positive relationships which are imperative to our school; relationships

and friends. We believe that a strong par tnership provides the best possible environment and qualit y of care for all student s

We are privileged to play a pivotal role in shaping who your child becomes and how they live their life The school’s mot to of Grace, Commitment and Wisdom embodies the foundation of our school’s vision:

• Grace in God’s compassion to His people,

• Commitment to Christian living and a bet ter world, and

• Wisdom to discern our place in God’s creation and ac t accordingly

A s an Anglican School in the Canberra and Goulburn Diocese, the school has a covenant with Gungahlin Anglican Church. The Grace Chapel is a shared facilit y bet ween the school and the parish and you and your ex tended family are welcome join us in worship

I warmly invite you to visit Burgmann and hope to meet you on one of our regular tours so you can experience the school in ac tion

Leonie Har wood Principal

A P r o g r e s s ive S c ho ol

P rov id i ng a s t rong ac ade m ic pro g ra m

s upp or te d by e xc e l le nt le a r n i ng a nd te ac h i ng w it h a fo c u s on s t ude nt

we l lb e i ng, mo der n i n f ra s t r uc t u re a nd ple nt i f u l g re e n s p ac e.

Burgmann Anglican School is an independent Anglican, co - educational

Preschool to Year 12 school, located in the nor thern suburbs of Canberra The foundation stone for Burgmann Anglican School was laid at the Valley Campus in November 1998 and the school opened in 1999 with 28 student s Today we are a vibrant communit y of more than 150 0 student s over t wo campuses including an Early Learning Centre for children from six months to three years of age

Over the past t wo decades our vision has remained f ixed on providing a strong academic program suppor ted by excellent learning and teaching programs with a focus on student wellbeing , modern infrastruc ture and plentiful greenspace

Together, we continue to grow and shape a school that ref lec t s Grace, Commitment and Wisdom and allows our communit y to f lourish beyond the classroom.

O u r Ph il os o p hy

Burgmann Anglican School is commit ted to providing an educational environment that challenges and inspires each child to achieve their personal potential in intellec tual, ethical, aesthetic, emotional, social and physical development It aims to meet the individual and common needs of student s through a balanced and creative curriculum to produce excellence within a Christian framework

At the centre of the school’s philosophy is the belief that children are unique individuals created by God with their own streng ths,

relationships with the children entrusted to their care. This creates a learning environment where children are encouraged to explore their

S e t clos e to t he nor t her n b order of C anb er r a and Ne w S out h Wale s , in f as t g rowing Gung ahlin, t he lo c al hill s and lands c ap e prov ide a unique lear ning env ironment for our s t udent s .

O u r S c ho ol

Ac ro s s ou r fou r s ub s c ho ol s , we prov ide e xc ep t ion a l fac i l it ie s a nd

pro g ra m me s to ou r 1 , 5 0 0 s t ude nt s a s

t he y e x p er ie nc e t he i r p er s on a l j ou r ne y

Located on t wo campuses at Valley and Forde , of 7 and 3 hec tares respec tively, in close proximit y to water ways, ponds, the Mulangarri

Grasslands and Mulligans Flat Nature Reser ves, the space allows us to provide exceptional facilities and programs to our 1, 50 0 student s across four sub schools as they experience their personal journey

Modern, air conditioned, facilities have been designed with the learner in mind and combine contemporar y building principles with the latest trends in f lexible educational spaces incorporating a range of learning technologies.

A broad range of co - curricular ac tivities and subjec t choices are

These are enhanced by STEM Laboratories and elec tive areas with specialist facilities for Ar t, Design and Industrial Technolog y. A dedicated Music and Drama Centre, equipped with the latest in digital lighting technolog y, suppor t s our excellent Per forming Ar t s program.

• 2 full size ovals

• Large outdoor village green space

• 4 outdoor basketball cour t s and 4 netball cour t s

• 2 well- equipped Indoor Spor t s Centres

• Outdoor amphitheatre per formance space

• 50 seat cafe with fully operational commercial kitchen

• 6 Science laboratories

• 2 modern V isual Ar t studios

• 4 specialist computer and technolog y suites

• 2 Design and Technolog y work shops

• 2 Drama studios/theatret tes

• High tech Music rooms and recording studios

• Dedicated rehearsal and individual music tuition spaces

• A counselling /student advisor centre

• 2 ex tensive Librar y/resource Behavioural

• Dedicated Indonesian language centre

• Onsite out of school hours care facilities

T he S c ho ol C r e s t

W he n de s ig n i ng t he c re s t , we w a nte d to

i nc or p orate wh at t he s c ho ol h a s b e c ome, a nd wh at

t he s c ho ol hop e s to b e. Eac h pie c e e nc ap s u l ate s

t he s c ho ol’s e t ho s, ph i lo s ophy a nd v i s ion

Th e C ros s

The crest is dominated by the Cross. Christ is the centre of the school lt has been built upon Him It represent s God’s

that holds, given freely through His Son

Th e Pe o p l e

communit y The school has become a communit y where individuals are recognised for their own unique qualities

to each person and the achievement of their full God-given potential

Th e Key

The key represent s education In 19 4 4

school is named, stated that ‘knowledge alone is not enough We must know what to do with it, and in what spirit it is to be used’. Therein lies wisdom.

Th e S o u t h e r n C ros s

The Southern Cross places us within the world A s it does, it also implies our vision to become an out standing educational institution that is recognised by people from around the countr y and the world.

The shepherd’s crook symbolises our connec tion to the Anglican Church and the Good Shepherd Christ provided us with the best example of how to Iive and treat those around us He is the per fec t example as we, as a school, commit ourselves to develop the whole child - intellec tually, physically, emotionally, aesthetically, ethically and socially. In turn we help our student s to become people who will demonstrate commitment to ideals, to achievement and to others in their own lives

T h e M o t to

The symbols are summarised in the mot to, Grace, Commitment, Wisdom These words are both deeply religious and profoundly educational Their meaning permeates ever y aspec t of our humanit y and our search for truth

Grace ‘ each of us was given grace according to the

Ephesians 4:7


‘For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, so that ever yone who believes in Him may not perish but have eternal life ’ John 3:16

Wisdom ‘ turn your ear to wisdom and apply your hear t s to understanding ’ Proverbs 2:2


B e g i n t he i r

j ou r ne y

Ju n ior S c ho ol

T he Ju n ior ye a r s at B u rg m a n n A ngl ic a n S c ho ol a re u n ique a nd i n nov at ive.

Preschool to Year 2 on both the Valley and Forde Campuses, to give parent s maximum choice as their child star t s their school journey Our goal is for your child to feel connec ted and cared for and to experience an excellent education no mat ter which campus they at tend Our caring discipline and academic streng th are the foundations for building self- conf idence and there is a strong focus on reading and writing

We value the transition from family to school and provide environment s to

needs and skill, and work in close par tnerships with families. We believe in:

Yea r 3 t o Yea r 5

When your child is ready for Year 3 all student s at tend the Valley Campus and remain there until the end of Year 5 The Junior School village green set ting has been designed to encourage integrated learning , provide age appropriate outdoor play spaces and foster friendships as they grow

A s your child moves through the Junior School, they will discover the connec tions bet ween curriculum areas as they build upon the skills and learning accomplished as par t of their journey from Preschool to Year 2

• Providing rich, varied and engaging learning oppor tunities that are age appropriate

• Providing a comprehensive literac y program that includes guided reading , exposure to and analysis of qualit y literature and a balance bet ween whole language and phonic s approaches to reading , writing and spelling

• Providing a Mathematic s program that incorporates ac tive learning with concrete materials and develops strong foundational numerac y skills

• that we are building on each child’s

streng ths, needs and catering to their learning st yles

• Providing a comprehensive curriculum including ac tive exploration of The Ar t s, Science, Technolog y and the world around us We also provide specialist lessons in Physical Education, Music, Christian Living , Indonesian and Librar y/Information Communication Technolog y

• Teaching social skills and emotional intelligence explicitly through social skills programs from 4 -year- old Preschool to Year 2 which explore resilience, inclusivit y and restoration of relationships

These experiences enrich and immerse student s in exciting and stimulating educational environment s Here, knowledge, skills and at titudes coalesce as the student s embark on their quest to visualise the ‘big pic ture’ They enjoy an ex tensive curriculum:

• Music lessons which include singing , instrumental and theor y lessons

• Physical Education and Spor t.

• Religious Education classes and Chapel Ser vices each week teaching Christian values

• An Enrichment program providing remedial and ex tension programs for those requiring additional work

• A second language program

• Programs to suppor t and cater for the social and emotional development needs of the whole child

Pre s ch o o l to Yea r 2

M i d d le S c ho ol

T ra n s it ion s a re t i me s where we ne e d to ad ap t to a c h a ng e i n pl ac e, rout i ne, p e ople, or e x p e c t at ion s . M idd le S c ho ol i s t he p er fe c t t i me for s t ude nt s to s a fe ly e x plore op t ion s a nd b e g i n t he t ra n s it ion to i ndep e nde nc e.

The Middle School, Years 6 to 8, is the hear t of our Forde campus with dedicated outdoor and spor ting areas, learning spaces and specialist classrooms specif ically focussed on this unique stage of their education

The program recognises the needs of early adolescent s by providing student s with a dynamic learning environment full of oppor tunities for self- discover y, self-ref lec tion and selfdetermination The curriculum moves children from a thematic teaching and learning experience in Junior School to research-based projec t learning and skill development It provides a transition from their early years to the more rigorous study required in Senior School

During Middle School, student s star t to f ind their voice, form their own opinions, and make their own decisions At Burgmann, we provide oppor tunities for them to do this in a safe and struc tured environment where their curiosit y is valued, and their voice is both heard and challenged Most impor tantly, we assist them to star t taking the steps toward making their dreams for their futures a realit y

Projec t learning focuses on immediac y of feedback, authenticit y and direc t application to the real world Teachers and student s use a custom-built

framework for negotiating integrated curriculum projec t s which takes student s on a journey of learning and self- discover y that has relevance, meaning and academic rigour

The core subjec t s of the Middle School program are Mathematic s, Science, English, Histor y, Health and Wellbeing and Christian Living. The Middle School elec tive program includes; French or Indonesian as a second language, Music, Information Technolog y, Tex tiles, Theatre and Per formance, Design and Technolog y, and V isual Ar t

In addition to the core curriculum, your child will engage in the Middle School’s Leadership Program, to develop leadership skills and enhance

cooperative learning Student s also have oppor tunities to increase their self- conf idence and optimism as they explore the concept of ser vice

Underpinning our academic and pastoral programs are the Middle School core values of Genuine Relationships, Lifelong Learning, Challenge, Personal

Best s and Living Beyond Ourselves

These values seek to be a catalyst for each student to:

• Engage in their learning

• Discover their streng ths and needs

• Be empowered in decision making

• Achieve success

• Build conf idence and self- esteem

• Plan for the future

B e r e a dy

B e y ou r s e l f

S e n ior S c ho ol

T he s e n ior ye a r s a re a c ompre he n s ive fou r-ye a r

pro g ra m w it h e ac h ye a r bu i ld i ng on t he ne x t .

For the last years of your child’s education, Year 9 to Year 12, they will enter the Senior School at Valley Campus A s a Senior School we respond to the changing needs of our student s, taking into account their increasing maturit y, as well as their greater need and abilit y to be independent and make life decisions for themselves

We continue to engage student s in their own learning , building on their Middle School experiences, and encourage them to fur ther develop as resilient individuals who value communit y and understand their roles of ser vice within it. While it is impor tant that we prepare student s for their AC T Year 10 and Year 12 Cer tif icates, this is done in a contex t that values ref lec tion and spiritual grow th; where success is measured by more than academic result s

The Senior School struc ture ref lec t s a more traditional high school model in terms of it s daily organisation, with student s responsible for moving from one class to the nex t according to their

School, Senior School student s have the oppor tunit y to make informed decisions about their streng ths and weaknesses to pursue areas of personal interest and talent through the elec tive program

The core subjec t s in Year 9 and 10 are Mathematic s, Science, English, Humanities, Christian Living and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

Elec tive subjec t s for Year 9 and 10 can be found on the school website in the Year 9 and 10 Academic Pathways

book and may include; Commerce, French, Music, Design and Technolog y, Indonesian, Numbers, Pat terns and Problems, Drama, Information Technolog y, V isual and Digital Ar t, Fashion Design, and International Relations and Global Issues

Year 11 and 12 is an exciting and fulf illing time as your child nears the end of their secondar y education. program of study with a wide range of subjec t s that is broadly academic in perspec tive. In this way, we aim to give our student s the best possible plat form for entr y into ter tiar y study or the work force. Details of the Year 11 and 12 program can be found in the Year 11 and 12 Academic Pathways book on the school website

We l l b e i n g

T he C h r i s t i a n l i fe s it s at t he c e nt re of We l lb e i ng Educ at ion a nd

t he Po s it ive Educ at ion appro ac h at B u rg m a n n A ngl ic a n S c ho ol .

The Burgmann Wellbeing Model guides and informs wellbeing prac tice at the school It is the lens through which we operate and build on our Positive Education programs A s an early adopter of Positive Education, the school takes a proac tive and streng ths informed approach to wellbeing from the Early Learning years through to Year 12

In Junior School student s learn about and identif y signature charac ter streng ths before moving through the Grow Your Mind program to focus on developing a grow th mindset, streng thening resilience and building understanding of the positive behaviours that contribute to healthy communit y norms

A s our student s progress to Middle School, the approach fur ther develops their understanding of charac ter streng ths through the layer of contex tual wellbeing The principles of positive psycholog y feature in student pastoral care and health programs

By the time your child arrives in the Senior years, the Pastoral Care curriculum, Multi-Purpose Time and explicit positive psycholog y inter ventions equip student s to live what they have learned about wellbeing

The Wellbeing Team at Burgmann is suppor ted by a team of Psychologist s, Chaplains and ex ternal research specialist s who work

preparator y and hope f illed program.

There is a s t rong fo cus on de veloping a g row th minds e t , s t reng t hening re silience and building under s t anding of t he p osit i ve b ehav iour s .

F r ie n d s of B u r g m a n n

We e x i s t b e c au s e ou r

c om mu n it y, p a re nt s j u s t l i ke you , w a nte d a s c ho ol l i ke B u rg m a n n

A ngl ic a n S c ho ol .

When your child leaves school it doesn’t mean they, or you, have to leave Burgmann There are many ways to stay in

Café, to regular worship at the Church, at tending a reunion or coming back for the annual Musical or other special communit y event s Friends of Burgmann encompasses ever yone in our communit y – parent s and grandparent s,

Many of our past student s, parent s, carers, and friends

event s around the school Some get involved by reading in the classroom or donating goods for the annual Anglicare appeal Others make their contribution by par ticipating in the Professional Connec tions Program

We encourage you to volunteer and stay connec ted so we can ser ve together and learn from each other

B y t he t ime your child comple te s t heir e duc at ion we hop e t he y are on t he pat h to dis cover y ab out who t hey are and t he pat h t he y wish to follow in life.

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