bUneke BREVARD Magazine Issue 2

Page 13

aRT MATTERS By Yvonne Mason Sewell

Art Matters.

others. If I did not practice with my instrument, I would lose my slot.

It does indeed matter for many reasons. The first and foremost reason is so simple that schools have forgotten about it. Art Matters because it becomes part of our history. Think about it. From the time of the cave man, there has been art. There have been drawings found in caves, stories passed down from generation to generation, music, plays, you name it and it became part of history.

Sadly, we have taught our children that sports take a front seat to the arts. Schools spend thousands of dollars on sports and cut out the arts. This becomes a sad commentary.

Art opens doors.

Art Matters. Art opens other doorways, and students become better in other subjects like math, English, and science. All of those things are used in art. When I was in school, writing was my passion. However, I was convinced I could not write, nor was I allowed to, because math was not my friend. This created a void in my life. Had I been encouraged in my art, my lacking in math would have become less of an issue. Art Matters.

Can you imagine trying to figure out fashion, everyday life, royalty, and other things we have discovered if it had not been for art? The pyramids are a great example of how art taught us so much about ancient Egypt and how their history evolved. Take the cradle of civilization. Were it not for the storytellers who wrote down their words, we would have no idea how things came to be.

Art teaches us how to research, how to think for ourselves, how to become comfortable in our own skin, how to bUneke. Art helps us to know that we are indeed Uneke and are worthy of becoming part of the history of our lives.

Art teaches.

Art is not just a pastime. It is not just for entertainment. Art teaches not only history. It teaches discipline, commitment, social skills, team work, goals and success.

Art matters in any form, whether we appreciate it or not, whether it is our cup of tea or not. It teaches its own lessons, is an expression of self and becomes part of history and part of the future. Art matters because it is a window in time that will be lost forever if we continue down the path of thinking that art is not important.

When I was in school, I started taking band in fourth grade. I continued through graduation from high school. I became disciplined in my practice, my commitment, my social skills, teamwork, goals and successes. If I did not show up for marching practice, I could not perform. I would have to sit and watch the

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