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,n GGf Eltdrnr.9cHliri|Ll-t

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BUILDERS SUPPLY with pre-hung door shop and sectional door franchise. Established 22 yrs. Ca. North Coast hunting and fishing country. Yrly sales exceed $2 mil. Price of $1.3 mil. includes I acre with 2100 sq. ft. door shop. Retail store 13,000 sq. ft. on 2.5 acres is leased. HAE Business Div. (707) 546-0165.

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IVH'/ lS lT u nrun wakcs up in tltc morlurls allcr slceping undcr an lclvertlscd blunkct orr an advcrtiscd nrattress ancl prrlls ol'l' udvertisc-d pa.jalnas. Takcs a bath in un udvcrtised tutr. silrvcs with an advcrtised nrzor. sashc-s uitlt ln atlvcrtisecl \oltl). l)rrts ot.l advertiscci clothcs. sits dorrrr to brcakfast of udvcr tiscrl coftic. l)uts or) lrn advertiscd lrtt. riclcs to his ol'ficc in an udvcrtiscd car, rirites uith lrn :rdr.crtiscd ltcncil I hcn. he refuses to uclvcrtise, saying rtivcrtising docsn't P1ly. and thcn. if a ltusirttrss isn't good otorrglr to advcrtisc . hc advcrtiscs il lirr sale.

Il'you bchcvc in torrr busincss lnd wanl to build it ,\DVERTISE.