5 minute read

Ebony: the wood of many colors


is synonymous with black, the color of the over 200 species of the genus Diospyros ranges from jetblack to grayish white, yellowish white, reddish gray, brownish gray, purplish gray and variegated black, sometimes with a greenish tinge.

Usually small, in trees of relatively small dimension one to two feet in diameter, with a small core of usable wood, the species are distributed throughout the tropic and temperate zones of the world.

In Africa alone there are about 40 species, although only a few produce enough dark heartwood to be of commercial significance. Crassifloro and dendo are both very deep black. Some feel that the crassifloro is the best because it is very fine textured, hard and heavy, averaging about 63 pounds per cubic foot. The color in piscatorio, another species found in relatively large enough amounts to be considered commercial, varies from non uniform to uniform black.

Black ebony (tomentosa, ebenum, and assimilis) comes from Northern India and the Himalaya region. It is very black with fine rays joined at right angles by similar light-colored bars to form a minute pattern. It is dense, hard, and heavy with scarce minute pores.

East Indian ebony includes the Macassar (melanoxylon), Ceylon tremely heavy, fine, and eventextured very dark wood. It weighs about 73 pounds per cubic foot. Irregular light-brown streaks are often present, but they are less conspicuous than in most other East Indian species. Considered the most dense and dark available, it is very rare.

(ebenum) and Andaman (mar- imum results are said to be obtained morate). Ceylon ebony is an ex- by girding the trees and allowing them to stand for two years before felling, followed by six months of seasoning in plank form. The dark heartwood is liable to develop end splits and surface checks and should be well protected against rapid drying.

The black portions are supposedly very difficult to season .as the wood develops long, fine, deep cracks. This is especially true if it is cut in relatively large dimensions. It is recommended that the logs be converted to the smallest convenient size and stored under protective cover from the sun.

Both the Macassar and Andaman ebonies have striping. The Macassar dries best with air seasoning. Max-

Story at a Glance

Over 200 specles of ebony lound in troplcs and temperate zones . . called perslmmon wood in the U.S.. . limited commerclal use.

Of the several ebonies growing in the temperate zone, one, the virginiana, is found in the United States. Known as persimmon wood, it is light brown with darker stripes. It is used most frequently for golf club heads and shuttles.

Ebonies are very hard to work with either machine or hand tools. Metal working equipment sometimes is successful. The wood has an extreme dulling effect on tool cutting edges. Brittle, it cuts harshly, producing a fine sawdust. A smooth finish can be obtained in most operations, but in planing the material must be held firmly to prevent chattering on the cutters.

Little ebony is available commercially considering the size of the genus. The wood is used primarily in turnery. It also is widely used for the manufacture of piano keys, the fingerboards of violins, and small parts of other musical instruments. In the cabinet trade, ebony is used for inlay work, marquetry, ornamental design, and some paneling. It also is used for carving.


Selling Home Holidays

(Continued from Page l4) giving the source, of course.

Retailers who have constructed decks and similar structures report that they are sure fire sales devices. Every woman coming into the store wants "one just like it" and the men are just as impressed. Even the children are able to visualize the family enjoying such a setting.

Pull summer and outdoor living merchandise from throughout the store for eye catching displays near the deck. The list of qualifying items is almost endless: colorful tableware, placemats, tablecloths, napkins, potholders, aprons, yard games, lanterns or torches, garden lights, power and manual gardening tools, plants, and containers, to name just a few.

Further promotions for your outdoor living section, could include activities such as having sales people throughout the store wear casual summer clothing. Or dreaming up a slogan such as "Vacation on a Deck" or "Enjoy Summer at Home" for banners throughout the store and badges worn by all employees. Perhaps a local disc jockey could be invited to put on a summer concert from your deck. If your community is small, it could be the setting for giving out sports awards to Little Leaguers and teenagers. You also could invite the local librarian to arrange a display of books including gardening and d-i-y how to for summer reading. Possibly she could come to review a few of them for an audience seated on your deck.

Whatever promotions you develop, be sure that they are included in your advertising. Try for events that are news worthy so that you will get additional coverage from the local news media.

Keep in mind that you are the agent for an at home vacation. Let the customers know what you have and make them want it. That will make it a good summer for all of you.

Forest Service Budget Hit

The fiscal 1982 Forest Service budget, submitted by the Carter Administration, is a step backward for consumers, feeds inflation, and will increase dependence on wood imports, according to a forest industry spokesman.

The industry recommended that timber sales from the federallyowned National Forests be increased in 1982 and proposed



436 14tb St., suite 404

Oakland, Ca. 94612 (415) 465-2658

John Wilton

Redwood and Douglas Fir Lumber.

Cedar Shakes and Shake Felt

Plywood Siding and related items specific harvest levels for the next 50 years as part of a consumer-oriented national timber policy. This policy is aimed at (l) holding down consumer costs through an adequate domestic supply of wood, and (2) building the potential for an international net trade surplus of forest products.

There will be heavy demand for wood for housing in the 1980s and 1990s as the population at the "family-formation age" surges; housing starts will be about two million annually, John F. Hall, v.p.-resource of the National Forest Products Association, told a House Appropriations Subcommittee holding hearings on the proposed fiscal 1982 Forest Service budget.

He emphasized that the forest industry supports federal budgetcutting, but pointed out that federal money invested in forestry returns a profit several times the initial costs to the federal government, and tends "to dampen inflationary pressures by reducing consumer costs. "

Reforestation appropriations also need to be increased, Hall said. The 1982 proposed budget will only keep up with current needs and does not provide a base for meeting future demand.

Hall urged that the 1982 timber sale program be increased from the I1.9 billion board foot level recommended by the Carter Administration to a minimum of 12.2 billion board feet. Timber sale targets for 1990 and 2000, he said, should be 17.l billion board feet and 18.7 billion board feet.

Big Garden Market

(Continued from page 13) tools, sprinklers and hoses. Students from horticulture classes in high schools and community colleges as well as long time gardeners all make good nursery employees. Because the lawn and garden business is seasonal in most areas, six to nine months depending on climate, it is important that the section be able to expand and shrink in size without losing impact. Some dealers find it helpful to set up Christmas trees and holiday decorations in the garden area to tide over the NovemberDecember lull. Winterized houseplants also can fill the gap. During the colder months a glass enclosed area can make the nursery more functional and attractive. Skylights are another way of giving needed light to the plants and main- taining an outdoor feeling.

During the peak demand times for gardening products, they should be displayed in high store traffic areas with good advertising and selective pricing. This plus an attractive, well kept nursery salesfloor will draw traffic into the nursery area.

Remember, the right products at the right time in the right place with the right promotion will bring the right results.