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Chilean red cypress

A new softwood of exceptional quality from Chile - called Chilean red cypress (alerce)is being introduced by Inland Lumber Co.

According to Gary F Thomson, president of Inland, the wood is rated strong for its weight and parallels redwood very closely in many of its properties.

He said alerce is soft, light and easy to work. It is reputed to season easily and retain its shape well. Thomson said the shrinkage of alerce from green to oven dry is reported as 9.loh in volume, 3.80[ radially, and 5.801r tangentially. It takes glue, varnishes and other finishes very well.

The species is native to South America, growing in the coast ranges of central and southern Chile, The trees resemble redwoods in that they grow large with diameters of 48" and heights of 100' or more. Often the trees attain an age of 2000 to 2500 years and some are reported to be as much as 4000 years old. are excellent.

The trees grow slowly and tend to have narrow annual rings. The sapwood is thin and white. The heartwood ranges in color from light red to a dark reddish brown.

Alerce is a low-density wood. The approximate weight per cubic foot is 41.7 lbs. green and 22 to 35 lbs. after air drying (an average of about 29 lbs).

In the great alerce forests of Chile, the natives often split the logs into boards and shingles with the use of hardwood wedges before shipping. They are also skilled in producing rived boards of uniform thickness.

According to Thomson, the timber is rated as the finest produced in Chile and ranks with the best and most useful in the world. It is being harvested by two Chilean sawmills, both of which have given Inland Lumber Co. long range production commitments.







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