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We are pleased to have again been chosen by Semans Moulding Co. of Sacramento, Ca., to fill their need for additional buildings.

Over 15 years, we have erected more than 50,000 sq. ft. of storage buildings for them. This additional work for Semans Moulding Co., a highly regarded millwork firm, is another example from San Antonio's long list of satisf ied, repeat customers.

San Antonio specializes in versati le, affordable, long-lasting structures.

Let us show you how you can have the buildings you need, for the more profitable operation of your business, at a surprisingly reasonable price.

Moulding Company Expands

Semans Moulding Co., Inc., Sacramento, Ca., has recently undertaken an expansion program designed to diversify and enlarge their product line capabilities. Established in 1946, the company has traditionally been a shipper of quality pine and fir solid lineal mouldings. .The expansion program, nearing completion, has greatly increased Semans' ability to produce millwork items such as solid and fingerjoint frames, solid and fingerjoint split jambs, as well as the mouldings they have been producing for years.

This diversification and expansion of product line has been achieved through the installation of new moulders, tenoners, resaws, and an edge-gluing department. Additionally, more raw material storage facilities, and a greatly enlaged shipping area have been constructed, along with other related support facilities.

To expedite quoting, acknowledging, and invoicing, a new IBM System 34 computer has been added. It will also play a key role in inventory control and other accounting functions. Semans now has the production capability of 50 cars per month on a two-shift basis.

The diversification of product offered (Ponderosa and sugar pine, Douglas fir, and white fir solid lineal, solid and fingerjoint jambs and frames, and cut-to-length trim) make Semans an ideal "one stop" shopping center, according to the company, for all moulding and millwork requirements.

Semans also offers a variety of specialized services such as complete unitized loading for mechanical transfer of products, custom priming, treating, and packaging.

In undertaking this expansion program, Semans analyzed the traditional jobbers' potential demands well into the 1980s for moulding and millwork products, along with the anticipated availability of raw material (shop and moulding grade lumber) to meet the demand. Their expansion and modernization have been made to meet the anticipated demands.

Good Salesmen Serve

The best salesmen always look for ways to serve their customers. It seems that the maxims they use for selling never go out of style because they're just good, common sense.

Seven ways to make buyers happy, gain their trust, and increase sales commissions are listed below:

(l) Before approaching your prospect, know as much about him and his needs as you can.

(2) Upon meeting the prospect, immediately begin talking about his interests and introduce the ways your product can help him to make his job easier and more profitable.

(3) Remember, buying is done intellectually and emotionally. Therefore, take care not to offend.

(4) Elaborate on how your product fits your prospect's needs, showing him its advantages. Don't teach or preach.

(5) Along the way, ask questions to see how much your prospect understands. Through questions you can also learn his other needs, and possibly sell him other items. Or, a recommendation of help from another source will always create good will and be remembered.

(6) Once your prospect becomes a customer, don't take his business for granted. Your competitors are always waiting in the wings, offering their help, too.

(7) Continue to be loyal but not at the expense of your company or yourself. Good customers appreciate the give and take of lasting business relationships, too.


HAI0WIRE & H0USEWABES merchandise is beautilully displayed in this clean, modern home center. But nowhere in this wide-anole shot is any sign or clue as to whose store it is. Company identitf is far too important for any firm to downplay, especially'in a mobile world where customers can easily visit a hall dozen stores when shopping. Take a look around, are you telling your customer where he is and what you're doing f or him ?

Western Homes Are Different

The West, due to climate, geography, and its casual social attitudes has developed its own single-family dwelling concept as compared to the rest of the United States.

For instance. 440h of all western homes have exteriors of stucco with wood and wood products running close by 430h.ln the rest of the U.S.. 370ft of the homes have wood exteriors and 104 used stucco.

Nearly half . 490/0. of the West's new homes were built on concrete slab, a much higher percentage than the 3406 average for the East, Midwest and South.

Western homes which have four or more bedrooms tallied 3001r. with the rest of the U.S. at200/0. And 83%, of the new Western homes have two or more bathrooms as compared with 6501' of the rest of the country.

RARE ll Decision Hit

"The Forest Service's RARE II recommendations (Roadless Area Review & Evaluation) will do little to settle the question of national forest land uses, and it certainly runs counter to the Administration's objectives in inflation, unemployment, balance of trade, and energy independence," said James Craine, executive v.p. of Federal Timber Purchasers Association in Denver. FTPA is a Denver-based trade association representing users of federal timber.

Craine pointed out that without the RARE II recommendations, there are now 19 million acres of Wilderness in the United States plus 22.9 million additional acres which have already been endorsed for Wilderness by the Administration. "With the 15.1 million recommended in RARE II. the total becomes 57 million acres."

"ln addition." he said, "the 10.8 million acres which RARE II recommends for further study and the 57 million acres of newlyformed National Monuments in Alaska mean we have 124.8 million acres of the United States locked up before we even start the massive

Wilderness review.

That is equal to a strip of land 81 miles wide stretching from New York to San Diego. The time has come." he added, "to call a halt to this kind of irresponsible, wasteful wholesale withdrawal of land from needed productive use."

Referring to environmental organizations as "negative-minded no-growth advocates" he went on, "lf they continue to get their way in land use decisions they will inevitably bring this country to a grinding economic halt; its population to its knees. The historic fall of the Holy


(Continued from page 46)

Ted Gilbert. Product Sales Co., Newport Beach, Ca., is still trying to recover from a Christmas present from friendly rival John Mazanet of Marquart-Wolfe Lumber, Orange, Ca.,: a pair of boxer shorts covered with stickers celebrating MarquartWolfe's 25th anniversary in busiNCSS.

Bob Simpson now sells for Redwood Empire at their Cloverdale, Ca., wholesale office.

Roman Empire will appear as a Sundhy school picnic compared with the demise of the system that so successfully built the United States into the world's greatest economic, social, and military power. Such will be the legacy of the nogrowth advocates who masquerade behind the mask of environmentalism."

He charged the Administration, in making its recommendations, has failed to meet its commitments to meet Forest Service goals for production of goods and services.

Ronald A. Fippinger will become managing dir. for National [{ousewares Manufacturers Assn. May l, when Dolph Zapfel retires after 30 years with NHMA.

Michael Platz and Amadeo J. Rosse. Jr.. seniors at the University of Washington. were recipients of Seattle Hoo-Hoo Club No.34 scholarships. attending the West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau's lumber grading school.

John Procida is the new office mgr. at Floor Service Supply Co.. San Jose, Ca., replacing Carl Williams who has retired. Larry Stephen is back from a Las \/egas trip.