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Expanding into housewares

E XPANDING into housewares b from a traditionally lumber and building supply-oriented business need not be a lonely process. There is help nearby, perhaps the most qualified source of information a retailer can find

The manufacturer's field sales rep, geared to selling and distributing his product lines, often knows better than anyone how to merchandise his lines for effective sales. Here is a source trained to lend recommendations that can lead to sound buying decisions.

Guil Johnson, director of merchandising and advertising for the home products div. ol'Rubbermaid Incorporated, offers these suggestions for the retailer interested in expanding into housewares.

"First, look for substantial homemaker traffic or the potential to develop it," Johnson recommends. According to Johnson, with traffic and retailer interest present, a very favorable climate exists for a successful venture into housewares.

Strong emphasis on field sales reps is one reason for Rubbermaid's success in rubber and plastic housewares, says Johnson. Retailers are encouraged to lean on the field sales rep for help in establishing departments and in keeping them successful. he adds.

There are three key buying factors to consider when expanding into rubber and plastic housewares, and these will usually apply to