BE05 - Anhad Shabad Dasam Duar

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kaunu krm myrw kir kir mrY ]1] inj pd aUpir lwgo iDAwnu ] rwjw rwm nwmu morw bRhm igAwnu ]1] rhwau ] mUl duAwrY bMiDAw bMDu ] riv aUpir gih rwiKAw cMdu ] pCm duAwrY sUrju qpY ] myr fMf isr aUpir bsY ]2] pscm duAwry kI isl EV ] iqh isl aUpir iKVkI Aaur ] iKVkI aUpir dsvw duAwru ] kih kbIr qw kw AMqu n pwru ]3]2]10] Those with enlightened mind come to abide at Abode-Divine. Meet such a person to contemplate Lord of Divine Abode. This will bring True awareness of both here and hereafter, revealing futility of egoistic worldly pride and attachment. 1. I am now engrossed in self-realization. Immanent Lord's Naam is Knowledge-Divine for me. 1. Pause. With inner enlightenment of bright Sunshine, tempered with blissful coolness of moon-light, mixed Divine-Light, my inner Lotus is flourished and thus a bridge is formed to reach Abode-Divine at Dasam Duar. At the top end of backbone Sunlike Source of Divine-Light Shines in splendorous Glory, above the back-bone end in skull. 2. Opening of backbone is covered with slab like thin flesh. Yet above and adjoining this slab, there is another flap covering aperture, like a window. Beyond this window is Dasam Duar. Says Kabir, Splendorous Glory at Dasam-Duar is beyond words. 3. 2. 10. Bhairo Bani Kabir Ji p.1159 On treading path of Gurmat Sahaj Yog, neither is there body heat nor any hardship nor any serpentine passage encountered. Never is there any obstruction or hindrance of slab or shutter that one must overcome. In revelation of Dasam Duar of Sahaj yog, one finds splendorous enlightenment and tinkling of Ethereal Anhad Shabad, nowhere else. At this confluence of Tirbeni, Dasam Duar. Gurmat Sahaj yogis go into trance of Divine-meditation and abide at the valley of 'Sunn', Void, establishing 'Mut' - Abode of yogis. Many ascetics go about in search of this in vain. Says Gurbani: kbIr gMg jmun ky AMqry shj suMn ky Gwt ] qhw kbIrY mtu kIAw Kojq muin jn bwt ]152] O' Kabir! In between Eera and Pingla of breath carrying veins, at Dasam-Duar, is the Valley of Sunn Void, free of worldliness, Kabir has set up there his 'Mut' yogic Abode, while many ascetics roam about searching the way in vain. 152. Slok Bhagat Kabir p.1372


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