BISM Newsletter - October 2018

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The British International School of Marbella

NEWSLETTER A Newsletter for Parents, Students and Friends of our School

November 2018



Headteacher’s Message Dear Parents & Students, There have been lots of exciting activities this month including Art Week, team matches and class excursions. The creative pieces produced during Art Week this year were excellent. I must say that I was particularly impressed with the work of our younger students. The Reception Class reproduced ‘The Sunflowers’ which Vincent Van Gogh himself would have been amazed by! Their flower compositions and use of colour was spectacular, with excellent final results. A little further up the school in Y2 the children painted beautiful sunsets using pointillism, when displayed together they really looked very effective. A little higher up the school in Y4 the children used pattern to reproduce images of themselves, which looked amazing. It was refreshing to see children looking at artists that are alive and well today. Not to be outdone by their younger rivals, Year 8 produced some wonderful marble art, a technique the parents had the opportunity to experience during the exhibition. Well done to all the children and staff for making Art Week such a success and a special thank you to Miss Flanagan for all her work behind the scenes, especially organising the visiting artists. We raised nearly 1000€ during the exhibition, thank you parents for your generosity. School teams have been the talk of the school this month. Last month we launched our first football teams who have continued to represent the school admirably. This month we have assembled our first basketball squad who have

games and competitions lined up in the new year. It is an honour to be chosen to represent the school and I’d like to take this opportunity to not only thank our team players for giving up their evenings and weekends but to wish them all the best for the fixtures ahead. There have been many days this month when it has felt rather quiet in school, as classes have took off to explore local attractions as part of their curriculum learning. You can catch up on where our students have been visiting further on in this edition. The month ended in on an absolute high with our Carol Concerts on Friday 30th November. Each phase got together to perform for their parents before decorating our Christmas tree with their homemade crafts. It truly was a wonderful day (if like me you were lucky enough to attend all three!) and certainly got everyone in the festive spirit as we begin the countdown to Christmas. A huge thank you to our Music teachers, Miss Conlan and Mr Everist, for putting on three magnificent shows. Next month, we have lots to look forward to with the Winter Fair and Y5 & Y6 annual show - this year it is ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’ as well as the Choir performing in the Old Town. Keep checking the Parent Portal for details. Wish very best wishes, Ms Sian Kirkham Headmistress




Marvellous Mark Makers


The Pre-Nursery children have been practicing their early writing skills. They have enjoyed using a wide range of tools this month to make marks. They have used dry wipe pens on whiteboards, they have used different shaped stamps to create patterns. They have used paint brushes in water and paint and even string to create marks. These early writing skills are the foundation for fantastic handwriting skills in the future. The children are very proud of the marks they create every day in Pre-Nursery and often ask if they can put them in their bags to take home. So the next time your child brings home some marks on paper, remember one day they could be a famous author or painter! So let’s celebrate the marks they make now. Ms Pottinger Pre-Nursery Teacher

During Halloween the children in Nursery were fascinated by skeletons. In the first week of November we looked at the story of ´Funnybones´ which follows a skeleton family going on a night time adventure. We spent a long time learning about what a skeleton was and how it works inside our bodies. As part of an outdoor learning session the children worked together to create a giant skeleton out of sticks and rocks. The children used an x-ray to look at the position of the different bones and we talked in detail about what their jobs were. Once outside the children followed the x-ray carefully to arrange the sticks and rocks carefully. There was lots of talk and counting around how many fingers and toes they needed to include. The children independently revisited this activity many times over the week, explaining to their classmates where each bone went. Mrs Ridell Nursery Teacher





Talk For Writing You may be forgiven for walking into Reception class during Literacy and thinking that the children have gone crazy, but you would be wrong! To teach our new story, we have been using a method called Talk for Writing, based on a method from the inspirational Pie Corbett. Pie’s method encourages that children need to actively imitate stories in order to internalise them before they attempt to retell using a story map or write their own stories. To teach the story ‘Coming Home’, the children first watched a video clip of a bird’s journey home for winter. As a class, the children decided the actions that they wanted to use to help tell the story. They pointed up to represent the bird coming out of a teapot and they put up a palm when the bird stopped. This allowed the children to remember the key parts of the story. Next, as a whole class activity, we created a story map, using pictures to match the actions. This enabled the children to retell the story themselves, following the map and using their own knowledge. To follow on from this, the children will be given the challenge to write the story themselves, using all of the tools that they have learnt to help them recall the key parts of the story. Mrs Rutherford Reception Teacher


Special Event

Foundation Stage Art Week In the Foundation Stage we studied three very different artists. In Pre-Nursery the children looked at the work by Jackson Pollock. Jackson´s work has lots of splatter and free painting techniques which proved to be enormous fun for the Pre-Nursery children and very effective visually. The children used a range of techniques to create the desired effect including marbles, string and squeezy bottles. Nursery children studied the unusual work of Piet Mondrian. His work using primary colours and 2D shapes was a particular focus for us. The children used a wide variety of materials such as felt, lego, paint and pens to create many different Mondrian inspired pieces. ¨Look, I am an artist just like Piet Mondrian¨ Thomas in Nursery. Vincent Van Gogh was the chosen artist for Reception. Through the telling of the story ´Camille and the Sunflowers´ the children learnt all about the life of Van Gogh. They then worked carefully on some more detailed pieces of Van Gogh including a still life of sunflowers and experimenting with texture on ´Starry, Starry Night´. The children were extremely proud of their work and loved having their parents visit the Art Exhibition to really show off their skills. Mrs Ridell Foundation Stage Leader




Special Event Foundation Stage Stay and Play In November the Foundation Stage had a ´Stay and Play´ session, this was a chance for parents to come into school and see what Foundation Stage life is really like. The children were thrilled to welcome so many parents and to show them around the classroom. This was a really successful afternoon and we are hoping to organise many more throughout the year. Mrs Ridell Foundation Stage Leader


Year 1 Zoo Assembly

Castellar Zoo

I am sure you all agree that the Year One assembly was incredible! The show was in preparation for our trip to the zoo the following week. They learnt all sorts of facts and information about endangered animals to supplement our topic of endangered animals. The children all learnt their lines and displayed excellent confidence performing in front of a large audience. I was so proud of my class seeing how much progress they have made from the beginning of the year until now. So should you as parents, you have helped them so much at home and supported them in their learning, well done! Mr Thomas Year One Teacher

The Year One class had a wonderful trip to Castellar Zoo earlier in the month. The zoo is more of an animal sanctuary that protects endangered and rescued animals. This matched up really well with our topic of endangered animals. The children came armed with lots of facts and information about various animals and also came prepared with lots of questions for our tour guide. I’m sure when the children returned from the trip that they told you all sorts of wonderful information that they learnt about how to protects animals. Conservation of our planet and of the amazing animals that we share it with is very important for future generations to enjoy. Everyone had an amazing day and learnt a lot. A visit there would be highly recommended! Mr Thomas Year One Teacher




Year 1

Weather Changes Year 1 are now moving onto their new topic of Autumn and Winter. During this topic we will be exploring the weather changes that occur between Autumn and Winter, we will be learning how describe the weather and the symbols that meteorologists use when giving a weather report. We will be looking at the changes that occur all around us in nature, including the leaves falling from the trees and the different animal behaviours. The pupils will be going on a Winter Walk to a local park to collect leaves, seeds and pine cones. We will be conducting some experiments to see how the weather conditions affect the colours of the leaves and the opening of the pine cones! Today we created weather stations, each group will be taking measurements of the outdoor temperature, rainfall and wind direction over the coming weeks and recording this in their classroom. They will be giving a short weather report each morning to explain to the class the changes that have occurred and how they have interpreted the data that they have collected. They have made a wind vane, rain collector and safe environment for the thermometer to be taken outside. I am really looking forward to hearing their weather reports, be sure to ask them, you never know we may see some of them on the TV in the future! Miss Ladds Year One Science Teacher


Year 2

Moon Rock

Space Assembly Year Two’s assembly was out of this world!! They told the story of naughty aliens abducting some knowledge seeking school children and taking them on a journey through time and space!! The aliens first took the children on a whistle stop tour of the planets. The planets sang a cheerful song to introduce themselves which also doubles up as a way to remember their order. Each planet then spoke clearly and in role to let the children get to know them a little more. Unfortunately Neptune’s violent winds got out of hand and caused the alien’s rocket to dramatically crash land on the moon. Initially distraught, the children then met two familiar faces to calm their nerves. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, who arrived on stage moonwalking, shared some of their vast space knowledge with the children and luckily gave them a lift back to school!

Year Two’s art lessons rock… Moon rock to be precise! The children explored photos and videos of the moon’s surface and then attempted to make their very version. They used a mixture of baking soda, water and a touch of glitter for good measure. Working in groups, they followed the recipe carefully, created the mixture evenly and manipulated the mixture skillfully, into rock like shapes. Each group shared the equipment and roles amongst each member and with the power of teamwork created some fantastic moon rocks. Well done, Year Two!! Miss Allen Year Two Teacher

All the children performed their lines clearly and confidently. I was also very impressed with how quickly they learnt their lines as well as how well they listened to directions. A great performance Year Two, well done!! Miss Allen Year Two Teacher




Year 3 Rainforest Visitors In November the children of Year Three welcomed three very well special visitors to our class, all of whom had flown from another part of the world to get here. Firstly, there was a tree logger who came from USA but who worked in Brazil. Secondly, there was a tribes person from the Amazon and our final visitor, was a hippopotamus from Africa. The children had prepared questions to ask these three very different visitors, really pertinent questions following on from their excellent learning about tropical rainforests and the challenge facing mankind in preserving them. When the tree logger aired his ignorant views about the tribes people of the Amazon and many other matters, the children of Year Three were quick to challenge him and teach him the error of his ways. They also asked really well considered questions of the tribes person´s way of life and about the habitat of the hippo! Mr Holden Year Three Teacher


Year 4

Modern Art

Roman Ruins

During Art Week, Year 4 learnt all about current Nigerian artist, Laolu Senbanjo, who currently lives in New York City. Laolu believes that “everything is my canvas” and paints intricate designs and patterns on walls, guitars, Nike trainers, jackets, bottles and even on humans!

As you know, Year 4 have been learning all about the mighty Romans this term! To end the unit, we went on a fun trip to visit the Roman ruins at Acinipo. It was a beautiful day and the Year 4 children experienced stepping inside a real Roman theatre, almost completely preserved! The size of the building was inspiring! At the same site, they also saw the remains of a wealthy Roman person’s house, and the remains of a public bath house, which they have been learning all about in class.

Inspired by Laolu, the children designed on their (printed) faces, their (real) hands and created their own Laolu-style patterns and artwork throughout the week. It was a fun week! Thank you to all the parents who came to support Art Week, and our charities, at the art exhibition at the end of the month. Miss Marseglia Year Four Teacher

One the way back to school, we stopped off in Ronda to visit the Museo Municipal de Ronda, where they learnt more about the site a Acinipo and other Roman remains from the area. Then we came back to the present day and made our way back to school! What a fun day! Miss Marseglia Year Four Teacher




Year 5

The Wonders of Cacao

Writing of the Ancient Maya

Cacao trees sprout cacao pods directly from their trunks. The pods are then opened to reveal the cacao beans inside. The Maya were using these beans to make a chocolatey drink from as far back as the fourth century AD. However, it was not the sweet, chocolately flavour we crave today, but a more bitter tasting version, often laced with chilli or vanilla and other spices.

The Maya were one of the five ancient civilisations to develop a writing script. The earliest Maya writing was found in Guatemala and dates back as far as 300 BC. The Maya people used a hieroglyphic system. The hieroglyphs, or glyphs for short, were either logograms (which represent words), or syllabograms (which represent units of sound).

On our trip to the smallest chocolate factory in the world, the children learnt lots about how the Maya prepared and used cacao. The drink was enjoyed by the rich and noble members of society, and the cacao beans were highly valued. They were even used as a form of currency later on in Maya history. The Maya word for chocolate is Kakaw. The Maya used chocolate in religious ceremonies, and they also mixed them with herbs to make medicines.

The children in Year 5 started a lesson on the Maya writing system by going on a fact hunt. The children then learnt about Maya books, called codices, very few of which remain after the Spanish arrived in Central America.

The children represented themselves, and the school, really well and even got to make some chocolate of their own! Mr Herron Middle School Humanities Teacher

Year 5 then had a go at using the writing system for themselves. They found it very strange as Maya was read in a zig zag from rather than the left to right we are used to. It was really nice to hear children sharing the layout and features of other languages they know and use such as Arabic and Hebrew. Mr Herron Middle School Humanities Teacher


Year 6

Computer Coding: The Language of the Future On the most basic level, coding is how we communicate with computers, and what we use to build and run websites, apps, video games, and more. Learning to code is like learning how to speak and write in a particular language; a computer’s language. There are a lot of acronyms and esoteric terms in the world of coding: HTML, CSS, Java, but we have begun with block coding using a program called Espresso Coding! Why should children learn to code? Years ago when all of this kids and code chatter started, you could have characterised it has hype because the whole idea was new and novel to the education system. Time has passed, yet we are still seeing STEM education stats like by 2018, 2.4 million STEM jobs will go unfilled. And others like 71% of all new jobs in STEM are in computing, but only 8% of STEM graduates are in Computer Science. Coding has quickly become a vital skill, it provides a competitive advantage as of us don’t know the first thing about what makes our smartphones, laptops, social media networks, and video games run. Basic programming knowledge can change the way we interact with the technologies we use (and take for granted) daily, and can open our eyes to the infinite possibilities of coding. While programming is logic-based, it’s also an extremely creative activity. If you know how to code, you can develop apps, video games, websites, and more! Coding improves creativity, when you learn a language, you use it to express yourself. The same is true with code. Coding empowers children to not only consume digital media and technology, but to create it. Coding improves problem solving, when children code, they take complex problems and break them down into smaller parts. This logical thinking is a powerful tool in school, work, and life. Coding improves persistence and collaboration, learning to code, like any new discipline, is a challenge. Thus, tackling complex problems—and making mistakes along the way—can be very frustrating. Coding teaches the valuable skill of persistence in the face of such challenges. Learning how to problem solve and look for solutions through research and collaboration builds this highly desirable skill. In the most simple-minded audience imaginable: computers. As mentioned, coding teaches children how to break down complex ideas and arrange them in a way that computers can understand. Year 6 have been having fun creating their own games and apps but also learning ways to create a program to help them solve Maths problems. They are engaged with the activity, they have an expla and will also be able to complete modules in HTML and begin their introduction to Python programming when they have completed the block coding modules! I cannot wait to see the games, apps and programs that they create for their project! Miss Ladds Middle School Science Teacher





Year 7

My Dream Home - Calculating the area of composite shapes During our topic on decimals and measures, Year 7 have been investigating area and perimeter. We first established what exactly we mean when we talk about a shape’s perimeter. The consensus was that it really is just the outside length of any shape. We looked at different types of shapes, including compound shapes and calculated, with high levels of confidence and accuracy, the perimeters of these. The word ´Mastering´ comes to the forefront as I witnessed, with admiration and satisfaction, how the children used their knowledge, skills and understanding of measurement, to firstly find the missing lengths of shapes before continuing on to calculate perimeters. Well done, everyone! We then moved on to calculating the area of compound shapes. This was done in the role of architects. The children were set the task to put on their engineering hats and plan their own dream home. Simple. The brief task stated that the house should be a habitable environment so that they could sell off their blueprints to potential buyers or use it to build a home for themselves. There were creativity in abundance. Playrooms, jacuzzi rooms, indoor trampoline rooms, area to keep crocodiles, an exercise gym, cinema rooms and who would not like their very own bug enclosure? Some very interesting houses indeed. To bring things into perspective, we will look at cost analysis later. Maybe the trampoline room has to go then… Mr Kuhn Middle School Maths Teacher




Year 8 If Given the Choice Between Being Right and Being Kind, Choose Kind This term, Year 8 have been studying the novel “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio. They have really enjoyed exploring the emotive and complex themes posed in Wonder and have produced some amazing work based on the novel. As the pictures reveal, they have created their own precepts (like the one above which comes from the novel), made facebook profiles for the characters, tweeted as the characters and even charted the emotions of particular characters on a line graph! They are nearly finished studying the novel and soon will hand in their “Wonder” projects and finish by watching the film! Year 8s have had a great time reading and studying wonder! Miss Kerlin Middle School English Teacher



Charity Starts At School The age old saying ‘Charity begins at home’ has a new twist to it this month at BISM. The students who are working towards the BSF Award have spent time choosing a charity that they would like to support right here in school. As part of their commitment, they have designed posters and organised a collection point in the main reception area. The following charities have been chosenFelix and Oliver have chosen to collect old blankets and towels to support the local animal shelter Triple A. Please bring in any unwanted blankets, towels, or sheets and place them into the labelled box, they will be delivered to Triple A to help them during this winter season. Lucas, Richard, Alex and Victoria have chosen to collect stationary and Spanish books to donate to a local orphanage Please bring in any stationary (pens, pencils, notebooks) and Spanish books (old or new) to support the education of the children in the orphanage. The collection drive will take place from 26th November until the 12th December. Please do support our pupils to make a difference to others as part of their award. If you would like more information about the BSF award, please do not hesitate to contact myself, Miss Ladds or Mr Kuhn. Mrs Rutherford PSHE Coordinator





Fantastic Football and Brilliant Basketball Teams It has been a busy month in the sports department at BISM, with the inception of not just the football teams but a basketball team also. They will be competing on a monthly basis and have their first game after the Christmas break. They have started training and are getting into shape for their debut. It has been great to see both the Benjamin and Alevin teams start the season so well. The Benjamin team won their first two matches comprehensively, with 12 goals scored in their first match! The Alevin team have also had a fantastic start to the season with two comprehensive wins under their belts. The game results are listed below: Friday 9th November 2018 ECOS CF ‘B’ 8-0 BISM Alevin Saturday 10th November 2018 BISM Benjamin 12 -5 Marbella Paraiso ‘C’ Friday 16th November 2018 BISM Alevin 9-4 ECOS Feminas Costa Unida CF 2-9 BISM Benjamin Saturday 24th November 2018 BISM Benjamin 3-4 CES Costa del Sol ‘A’ CES Costa Del Sol ‘A’ 5-8 BISM Alevin Top goal scorers for BISM this month are: BISM Benjamin top scorer - Hamza BISM Alevin top scorer - Adam Miss Bruce PE Teacher


Lower School Music

Middle School Music

Christmas Comes Early

Learning Graphic Scores

Not one, not two but three carol concerts took place on Friday the 30th of November 2018, heralding the festive season with a song and a strum.

Year 7 have been learning about Graphic Scores.

We were entertained by a selection of festive songs in English and Spanish, bears and squirrels, rainbow bells and guitars and ukuleles. The children worked very hard to produce three concerts that were not only fun and entertaining, but of a really high standard. Of course the children can´t take all of the credit. The parents and carers got the opportunity to show their talents whether it was shaking their antlers, jingling their bells or bonging their chime bars. No wonder we have so much talent at BISM! Miss Conlan Lower School Music Teacher

Unlike the more traditional five-lined musical stave, with each line and each space representing a different pitch, a graphic score is a different way of notating a piece of music. Scores can blend conventional elements notation with the unconventional. The performer has to use the pictures to inspire his or her performance - it’s more like a guide, or a musical map. One feature of many graphic scores is they can be played by any number of players, of any standard, on any instrument. No two performances sound the same, but all the players will be following the same instructions. Graphic scores serve a dual purpose: as well as looking beautiful, they explain abstract ideas about how the music should be played. Year 7 listened to Benjamin Britten’s ‘Dawn’, one of his sea interludes from ‘Peter Grimes’, and were given 3 musical ‘shapes’ on pieces of paper. They were asked to hold up which ‘shape’ they felt represented best the music they were hearing. Following this, they created their own graphic scores, and then enjoyed describing to the rest of the class how their interpretation follows the music. Some examples of their work are shown below. Finally, we watched an animated graphical score of Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring, created on a computer which the children really enjoyed, some comparing it to ‘like watching Space Invaders’. Lots of fun had by all! Mr Everist Middle School Music Teacher





Escape Room From the Spanish department we have decided to take a trip to an Escape room with year 7 and 8. The trip could not have been more fun! But what is an Escape room? The children were locked in a room and, following the clues they found, they had to escape the room in a maximum of 60 minutes. To achieve this, they had to put into practice their ability to work as a team. In addition, they had to show their communication skills in Spanish, since the game was entirely in Spanish. They also brought to practice their ability to solve problems, since they had to find the answers for unsolved mysteries. The result was simply magnificent. It was fantastic to see how the children collaborated and helped each other, with all the emotions of the game afloat. They gave, without doubt, the best of themselves. But the trip did not end there. We also visited the Museum of Malaga, which offers an archeology department and a fine arts one. The children really enjoyed the visit. Here are some testimonies of the children and this trip: Poppy Frost, Year 8: “I really liked the Escape room. And also I think I can apply what I learned in real life “ Julieta Castro Toro, Year 7: “I loved the Escape Room because it was a very fun experience. This activity taught us companionship!” Michael Mamaladze, Year 7: “We played as a very good team and we all worked together. It was very fun.” It was a trip, undoubtedly, to repeat. Miss Aburuza Spanish Teacher


Special Event

BISM Reading Buddies

On Friday 2nd November 2018, all the classes across the school met up with their ‘Reading Buddy’ classes to enjoy some of the new books in our school library. KS2 and KS3 children met up with the younger classes to read stories to each other and talk about the books. It was lovely to see the older classes in the school reading enthusiastically to the younger children and asking lots of questions to interest the children in the stories. In return, the younger classes were excellent listeners and engaged well in the activities. It was a very worthwhile activity for all the children involved and the classes will be meeting with their ‘Reading Buddies’ again next term. Miss Marseglia Literacy Coordinator




Special Event

Art week and Art exhibition BISM hosted it’s annual Art week beginning the 12th November. Every key stage were involved in the activities, as each class chose a specific artist to study and recreate pieces of their work. There were also three workshops that took place throughout the school.

The children were ultimately exposed to a new art form. They were allowed to explore their individual creativity and develop their teamwork skills. The children really enjoyed the workshop and produced some beautiful Dreamcatchers; the results were fantastic!

Foundation Stage worked with Ms Flanagan and created some beautiful drip painting pieces based on the work of Jackson Pollock and colouring in the style of Mondrian. The children had freedom to experiment with different materials and most importantly had fun!

Art Exhibitions 23rd November 2018

Lower school were incredibly lucky to be introduced to the world of origami and paper folding. The children were so impressed and the workshop was a great success! The Middle school children had the fantastic opportunity to work with external artists in a very exciting workshop run by freelance artist Angie Coburn. Angie Coburn has a degree in textiles and fashion design and has been teaching across the globe for over twenty years. She runs a variety of events in Andalucia, from workshops to craft events. She also performs private commissions. The workshop focused on creating large Dreamcatchers. The children were introduced to the art of Dreamcatchers and their history, then had the opportunity to work in groups to use a range of materials, to bind the hoops using ribbon, create the web in the centre and attach beautiful streamers laced with feathers. They had a choice of different materials and colours.

To showcase the work of all year groups, three exhibitions were held to present the beautiful work that all the children worked hard to create. The exhibition included a wonderful performance from the school choirs and a very entertaining staff auction to raise funds for charity. The exhibitions were a great way to bring parents, staff and children together and overall it was a fabulous day. The hard work of the children really paid off as they showcased some incredible paintings, collages and sculptures. Miss Flanagan Junior Teacher





Talking Point

Are we ‘Nowist’? Imagine a new born baby. A new born baby hasn’t done anything yet. It can’t be blamed for being naughty or praised for what it has achieved. It’s just a baby. It can’t do much for itself, so it needs other people to think about what it needs and to take care of it. We would think someone strange if they say that one baby matters more, and another baby matters less. Unless it’s their own baby, of course – every baby is special to its parents, and to their friends and family. But imagine someone says, “This baby is not important. It matters less than the others.” If they say the baby matters less because of the colour of its skin, we’d say, “That’s racist!” If they say the baby matters less because of its sex, we would say, “That’s sexist!” But if they say the baby matters less because it is not born now, but will be born 200 years from now, what should we say? Should we say, “That’s nowist!” What is meant by nowist in this context is “nowist” is “acting and thinking as if now people matter more than future people”. It’s important because some of the choices we make now, as individuals or as countries, are likely to have an impact on the lives of babies born in 200 or even 2000 years’ time. For example, if through farming for now, people destroy a habitat and make an animal extinct, future people will not be able to see it - unless they can bring it back from extinction with new technology. Is it nowist to allow the animal to go extinct? Or maybe it’s not our responsibility. We don’t act as if people who live in far away countries are as important as we are, or we’d spend more money helping those that are poorer than us. So maybe it’s not our responsibility to worry about people who are far away from us in time either. Or maybe it is? Here are some questions you could think about: Is a new born baby more important than a future born baby? Is the word “nowism” useful? Is nowism as bad as sexism or racism? How nowist are we? How nowist are you? What should we do about nowism? Referenced from Jason Buckley, the Philosophy Man. * Please be aware the Coffee Morning with Ms Kirkham will not take place this month due to the holidays. Ms Kirkham Headmistress


Current Affairs As part of developing our charter values, we are regularly challenging the children to consider the environment in which they live and their contribution to its upkeep. This month you could use the following information to spark a conversation about this at home. A study sponsored by Sainsbury’s and Oxfam has calculated that more than 235 million articles of clothing were sent to landfill annually. Discarded clothing has been one of the fastest-growing sources of British waste over the past decade. The UK has had to more than double its domestic waste capacity since 2010 from 6.3 million tonnes to 13.5 million tonnes. In London, a series of “repair cafes” have been set up to encourage people to think before they throw. Things to talk about at home…

Make a list of everything you throw out in one day. Is it more than you thought? Do you think we should cut back on packaging, do all toys need to be in boxes? When a toy or something in your house breaks, what happens to it?

Challenge your children when out shopping to make good choices. Please encourage your children to share any interesting conversations you have with their teacher and peers. Mr Herron Deputy Headteacher





Staying Safe Online This month, I thought it would be useful to share some of the tips we discuss at school regarding staying safe online. Please take the opportunity to discuss each of the points below and ask how this applies to you and child in your context at home: 1) Don’t post any personal information online – like your address, email address or mobile number. 2) Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself. Once you’ve put a picture of yourself online most people can see it and may be able to download it, it’s not just yours anymore. 3) Keep your privacy settings as high as possible 4) Never give out your passwords 5) Don’t befriend people you don’t know 6) Don’t meet up with people you’ve met online. Speak to your parent or carer about people suggesting you do 7) Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are 8) Think carefully about what you say before you post something online 9) Respect other people’s views, even if you don’t agree with someone else’s views doesn’t mean you need to be rude 10) If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately. Ask the children to think about their online activity and see if they conform to the guidance above. For example do your children post on Youtube? If they do, are they careful to screen personal information such as their uniform which gives away their location? As always, we would like to hear from you and how we can further support your children in staying safe online. Mr Herron Deputy Headteacher






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