BISM Primary Handbook 2022/23

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Primary School Handbook


Welcome from the Principal

Dear Parents and Students,

It is our pleasure to welcome you to our new campus for the 2023-2024 school year at The British International School of Marbella (BISM). We extend a very warm welcome to all new and returning students and parents.

Our aspiration is to provide a World-Class Education for all Pupils within the BISM community

We are fortunate to be governed by the Executive Board of The British Schools Foundation (BSF), a network of schools established across the globe We are looking forward to providing your child with an outstanding educational experience

The Foundation has an excellent reputation worldwide and we will continue to build on that as we seek to meet the needs of all students enrolled in our school Our staff members are enthusiastic and passionate about teaching and bring a wealth of experience and expertise

At BISM, we have created a stimulating, safe and positive learning environment, with high expectations of achievement, endeavour and behaviour We are committed to making the curriculum accessible to all students through utilising a range of teaching styles, state of the art technologies and exciting curriculum innovations, which will motivate our students to develop independent, lifelong learning skills

As BISM’s Headteacher, my role is to establish a culture that promotes excellence, equality and high expectations for all students We value the opinions of our parents, therefore please feel free to send an email, call or arrange a visit Parent input is invaluable and I look forward to working with you in the most important job you have - educating your child

We hope you will find this handbook useful and look forward to working closely with you to ensure the success of BISM and our students

Yours sincerely,


Welcome from the Head of Primary & Primary Leadership Team

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,

Whilst building upon the strong foundation created in the Early Years Foundation Stage transition to the Primary School section represents a steadily increasing demand on the children both in terms of their social and academic development.

Students will be challenged to demonstrate the charter values which we hold central to our educational philosophy: there is a greater expectation that the students become more independent in their thoughts and actions. They will have to be able to work collaboratively as part of a team whilst at the same time be willing to lead their peers. Their effort will be rewarded as they develop their self-discipline. As they mature they will be confronted with situations which require them to become more self-aware and reflect and cultivate a positive presence in the communities to which they belong. Their courage will be tested in a variety of scenarios and through it all, they will be encouraged to be caring, responsible and decent young people.

We pride ourselves on the broad and balanced curriculum we offer Our students are expected to do well academically but not as a goal unto itself. Our aim is to instill a lifelong love of learning and the realisation of potential across a variety of fields. We have just as high expectations of our students in the sphere of arts, and in the field of sport, as we do in the classroom.

Should you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s education, their mentor should be the first person to contact. However, if you wish to speak with any of the Primary Leadership Team regarding anything we would be very happy to do so. Feel free to come and have a chat at the end of the day or if you would prefer an appointment, you can do so via the reception desk.

We very much look forward to working in partnership with you as parents and witnessing our students take joy in discovering their full potential, here at BISM.

Yours sincerely - The Primary Leadership Team

Brendan Herron - Lower Primary Coordinator (Years 1/2/3)

Llion Thomas - Upper Primary Coordinator (Year 4/5/6)


Academic Calendar 2023 - 2024

Term One

Fri 1st September First day of Term One (Meet the Teacher Day)

Wed 12th October National Holiday (School closed)

Wed 19th October National Holiday (School closed)

Mon 30th October - Fri 3rd November Half Term (School closed)

Wed 6th-8th December National Holiday (School closed)

Wed 20th December - Last day of term for students

Thurs 21st December - Parent Teacher Consultations (by appointment)

Term Two

Tues 9th January First day of Term Two

Mon 26th February - Fri 1st March Half Term (School closed)

Thurs 21st March - Last day of term for students

Fri 22nd March - Pupil-Led Consultations (by appointment)

Term Three

Tue 2nd April First day of Term Three

Wed 1st May Public Holiday (School closed)

Tue 11th June Public Holiday (School closed)

Thu 27th & Fri 28th Pupil-Led Consultations

Fri 28th June - Last day of academic year


To include: Shared Lunch, Recess & Reading

Community Time (PHSE, School Service, Assemblies)

Home Time

Morning greeting time is used to register the students and to welcome and settle them in for the day ahead It is essential therefore that students arrive at their classrooms for the beginning of morning greeting so that they can be properly registered Please understand that teachers are not available to meet with parents during this time

Primary School hours 08:30 - 08:45 Morning Greeting 08:45 - 09:45 Lesson 1 09:45 - 10:45 Lesson 2 10:45 - 11:00 Morning Break 11:00 - 12:00 Lesson 3 12:00
- 13:30
14:35 Lesson
13:30 -
4 14:40 -
Lesson 5 15:45 - 16:20

Arrival & Departure Procedures

School gates will open at 8:00am and pupils will be asked to meet on the school playing field whereby they will be supervised until it is time for morning greeting which begins promptly at 8:25am.

Pupils arriving at school via the school bus are expected to arrive at approximately 8:15am. A member of staff will be waiting to greet and then escort them into the school grounds from the bus stop.

A prompt start to the school day is expected in the Primary School. The teachers plan early activities that take place from 08:30 to 08:45 to get the children focused and ready for learning with lessons starting at 08:45.

The issue of poor punctuality must be taken very seriously When a pupil arrives late they miss out on essential instructions given out at the beginning of the lesson/school day This reduces their chances of academic success. Poor punctuality can also cause social disruption – children may feel uncomfortable and embarrassed arriving into the classroom when everybody else is already settled. In fact, when one pupil arrives late it disrupts the teacher and the rest of the class compromising everyone’s learning.

Occasional lateness can sometimes be unavoidable. If your child arrives at school late three times a letter will be sent home. If there is no improvement a meeting will be arranged with the teacher and Head of Primary. If there is still no improvement a meeting will be requested with the Head of Primary and the Headteacher

Pickup points

Please ensure that you, or your designated guardian, collect your child from a member of staff at the end of each day from the front of the school. The children will be waiting in their year groups to the right of the main entrance (Yrs 1 - 5), and to the left of the entrance (Yr 6).

Pupils leaving by bus will first meet in the Primary Spanish classroom and will then be escorted to the bus by a member of our team.

Pick Up Procedure

Cars are not permitted to stop and wait on Calle Teba or on campus during 16:30 pick up When you arrive, you will only be allowed to stop at the school entrance roundabout for as long as it takes for your children to get into the car

If your child is not waiting and ready to get into the car, you will be asked to drive around out of the school back to the roundabout at the beginning of Calle Teba and come back This is essential to make sure that traffic can continue to flow Please do not worry if your child is not ready and you need to drive around It only takes a couple of minutes to do the circuit

Parents should not arrive earlier than 16:30.

Under this procedure, there is no need to arrive before 16:30 as your child/ren will not be ready and you will simply be asked to drive around The system requires the cooperation of parents and we hope everyone will do their part to make it work

Secondary school pupils may, with your written permission, also leave the school at the end of the day with primary school siblings, but must ensure they have signed out with their mentor before leaving the school grounds

It is not permitted for Primary children to leave unaccompanied by either sibling in secondary or their parent or guardian

If you are unable to collect your child, please inform your child’s mentor or the front desk as to who will be


collecting your child by 12pm. Staff will not release your child to an unauthorized person, even if it is some they know.


Regular daily attendance is essential if students are to achieve their potential We ask that parents support attendance at school wherever possible. The school is aiming for attendance levels of 95%. Parents will be contacted if pupils fall below this.

Absence from school for reasons which are neither health-related nor involving an emergency are strongly discouraged and should be kept to a minimum since frequent absence can result in the student falling behind - perhaps seriously - in his/her studies as well as having the potential to have a negative impact on friendships.

Parents who are aware of such future absences should inform the mentor and seek permission as far in advance as possible.

If students are unable to achieve the standards required to enter the next year group due to poor attendance, the following actions may take place at the discretion of the Headteacher:

1 The student will be asked to repeat the year

2 The student may be asked to withdraw from the school

Please note that it is not school policy to provide work for students who are absent. Parents will receive notification of the number of absences via Schooly.

Absence Through Sickness

While regular daily attendance is important, sometimes absence is unavoidable through sickness. Please inform the school if your child is unable to attend school for health reasons. Please telephone as early as possible after 8:00 am and leave a message for your child’s mentor If your child is absent due to health reasons for 3 or more consecutive days, you are kindly asked to provide a medical note from their doctor

In order for us to ensure the health and safety of your child, please advise us of any medical problems your child may have when there is an allergy to materials or food. Please ensure that the health questionnaire has been completed and that we are informed accordingly if there are any updates that need to be made throughout the academic year.

If your child becomes unwell and the class teacher feels that s/he may not be well enough to participate in lessons, the student will be referred to the Head of Primary After further observation, if the student is clearly not well enough to return to class, you will be telephoned to collect your child. Please be aware that it is the responsibility of the parents to collect an unwell child and that the school cannot provide a driver in such circumstances. Please ensure that school always has updated contact phone numbers. Contact information can be quickly and easily updated via the schooly app.

If a child has suffered a stomach virus, please be aware that it is school policy that the child cannot return to school within 24 hours of the last episode to avoid further infection.

If a child has head lice you will also be called to collect your child.

Health and First Aid

All staff are first aid trained and will support minor ailments and injuries. If there is an accident/injury at school whereby the child needs to see a doctor the parents will be called immediately and necessary arrangements will be coordinated to ensure the child receives profession medical attention, accordingly


Medicine for Students

The school administration requires a prescription from a doctor with the doctor’s signature and stamp in order to administer any medication to a child. If this cannot be provided, a family representative known to the school will need to administer the medicine to the student.


If you need to collect your child during the school day please ensure that you inform your class teacher or the Front Desk in advance On arrival parents will need to sign in, then a member of staff will collect the child from the classroom All children collected early will need to be signed out

Parents should provide the school with at least two contact numbers in case of emergencies. It is vital that you inform the school of any changes to these contact numbers at the earliest opportunity For safeguarding reasons, please be reminded that all parents must inform us if you are traveling without your child(ren) and who, in your absence, is responsible for your child(ren) in case of an emergency

Please be aware that school closes at 17:00. If your child stays after school for a club or tutoring, the lead adult will bring your child to the main reception area at pick up time.

Our Primary School Curriculum

Core Curriculum



Maths Science

Extended Curriculum

Years 1 - 4:

Compulsory: PE, Music, Foundation Subjects (History, Geography, ICT, Art and Design Technology)

Elective: Options will be chosen by pupils from these four strands - Sports, Health and Wellness; Creativity and Performance; Knowledge and Understanding; Enterprise and Challenge

Years 5 - 6:

Compulsory: Foundation Subjects (History, Geography, ICT, Art and Design Technology)

Elective: Options will be chosen by pupils from these four strands - Sports, Health and Wellness; Creativity and Performance; Knowledge and Understanding; Enterprise and Challenge.

Community Time Assemblies, School Service, House Meetings, and PSHE


At BISM we recognise that an understanding of Spanish culture and a command of the Spanish language will be invaluable assets for the future Therefore, native speakers of Spanish will be taught the subjects of “Lengua Castellana y Literatura” along with “Ciencias Sociales” in order to meet the requirements of the Spanish Educational Authorities All pupils will receive daily Spanish lessons, tailored to supporting non-native speakers, as well as those with Spanish as a first language


Extended Curriculum

The Extended Curriculum programme is an innovative and exciting approach unique to our foundation of schools. The primary objectives of the Extended Curriculum are to promote student independence, challenge and ownership by giving pupils increased responsibility in the learning process Important, but secondary objectives are curriculum coverage and standards of attainment

It is designed to support both the academic and personal development of pupils by providing:

● Multiple opportunities to develop pupil independence, decision making and ownership in their learning through the choices they are required to make

● An inclusive education that nurtures and develops individual interests and passions

● Project based challenges in which the literacy, numeracy, scientific and linguistic skills being developed in the core curriculum are effectively applied.

● A wider context in which to gain increased knowledge, skills and demonstrate the BSF Charter values.

The Extended Curriculum is composed of 4 strands designed to broaden the academic and personal development of pupils, allowing a strong element of preference in their curriculum experience:

● Sport, Health and Wellness

● Creativity and Performance

● Enterprise and Challenge

● Knowledge and Understanding

The strands are taught through project based modules that are:

● Of sufficient length to achieve an outcome of substance, usually a minimum of 12 hours learning time.

● Organised in such a way that pupils have options from all 4 strands throughout the year supporting breadth and balance of opportunity

● typically offered to mixed aged ranges in order to extend and enhance the range and nature of interaction between pupils (EG Y1/2, Y3/4, Y5/6).

There are daily Extended Curriculum sessions each of approximately 60 minutes in length The design of the programme is detailed in school specific Extended Curriculum documentation

Pupil Choice is integral to the Extended Curriculum and adheres to the following guidelines:

● Pupils have free choice from each set of elective modular options that are presented throughout the year

● Pupils are able to choose from a minimum of 4 options for each module

● Once selected, pupils are expected to commit to completing each elected module While pupils have free choice from the options available to them, a key focus of the mentor is to explore and develop the thinking of pupils in making those choices. The overall aim is to support pupil development through a pursuit of their own interests and a diverse range of experiences.


Primary Staff

Class Teachers (2 form entry)

Year 1 Miss Flanagan/Mrs Murray

Year 2 Miss Marseglia/Miss Frost

Year 3 Miss Jones/Mr Herron

Year 4 Mrs Lawrie/ Ms Kelly

Year 5 Miss Carron/Mr Holden

Year 6 Mr Whyman/Mr Thomas

Spanish Miss Escribano, Miss Martin, Mrs Rodriguez, Miss De La Riva & Mrs Toro

Music Miss Conlan/ Mr Everist/ Mr Verry

Sport / Mr Longmuir/ Mr Newton/ Miss Bruce

School uniform

School uniform is compulsory for all students attending the school. We believe that wearing a school uniform in a proud and smart manner promotes positive self-esteem and, therefore, is integral to the ethos of the school. All students are expected to arrive at school everyday in uniform, worn in a tidy manner We expect our students to take pride in their school uniform.

Pupils must ensure that they bring their PE kit to school on PE days. Pupils are no longer required to come to school already wearing PE kits on days where they have PE lessons, with the exception of pupils in Year 1 and 2.

The Headteacher will give guidance regarding the dates when summer and winter uniforms are to be worn, according to the seasonal weather conditions. Summer uniforms will be required at the beginning of the year.

Below is the set uniform for Primary children in Years 1-6.




P.E and Miscellaneous Other Items

Footwear is an important aspect of the school uniform; the correct socks and shoes complete the uniform (see above). Shoes should be black leather and worn each day

All students should wear a regular PE kit for lessons and House colours for competitions and events only. On swimming days please provide a swimming costume (one-piece or tankini for the girls), swimming hat, goggles, pool shoes and a towel.

Use of coats and anoraks are encouraged during cold and rainy days, and sun hats on sunny days.

We encourage independence in our students. This does mean at times that items can go temporarily missing. With this in mind, please clearly label all items of school uniform with your child’s name and class.

General Appearance

For safety reasons the wearing of earrings (except studs) or other jewellery (a small necklace can be worn under a shirt provided it is removed for sports) is not be permitted. They represent potential hazards to individuals and others. Medical, professional and occupational safety advice confirms that they should be avoided at all times due to the active day the children are engaged in.

Hair should be worn in a neat style (long hair tied up), while mohicans, tramlines and bright colours are not considered appropriate hairstyles for school. If a student attends school with a hairstyle that is deemed inappropriate, the Head of Primary will inform the parents and request a more suitable style.


What Your Child Will Need For School

Water bottles:

● Each student will be asked to bring their own reusable water bottle to school

● The bottle should be individual and never shared with others

● Please note that single use plastic bottles are strongly discouraged

● Water bottles should be clearly labelled with the name and class of the student

● The bottle will be returned home at the end of each day for cleaning

● Only water should be contained in the bottles - no juice, carbonated or flavoured drinks

● Water dispensers are available at school for refills whenever required


Pupils in Year 5 and 6 are required to bring a laptop with them daily, and should ensured these are charged and ready to use before the start of each day It is expected that pupils also bring a charger with them in case a device needs to be charged throughout the school day

Prohibited Items

The following items are prohibited:

● Mobile Phones - (Yr 5 & 6 can come to school on parent’s request but must deposit with the class teacher first thing in the morning and collect at the end of the day)

● Smart Watches

● Any other electronic device not authorised for use in school

● Smoking-related items including electronic smoking devices

● Illegal substances and other related items

● Weapons or items that resemble weapons

● Valuable items or large sums of money

● Any items that might be used for graffiti

● Excessive or valuable items of jewellery

● Toys of any kind (excluding balls)

School Lunch

A hot and nutritious lunch is served to all children in school. School lunches are paid for in advance along with tuition fees. If you have not already informed the school that your child has dietary restrictions (whether for health, religious or allergy reasons), please do so, immediately We will inform the catering team and special arrangements will be made to provide suitable alternatives.


Students are encouraged to bring a healthy snack for morning and afternoon break such as fruit, vegetable sticks or yoghurt. BISM strongly discourages sugar-laden foods for health reasons and also because they can often have a negative effect on concentration and learning. Under no circumstances should snacks be shared amongst students. Please note that, due to existing serious allergies present within the school, snacks with nuts must be avoided. BISM is a nut-free campus.



Our school’s code of conduct aims to achieve a positive atmosphere in which more time is spent on teaching and learning. We recognise that the school has a critical role to play in developing self-discipline in students. We aim to establish acceptable patterns of behaviour and to encourage students to develop a sense of responsibility, self-respect and respect for other people, property and the environment. We encourage all students to act as positive citizens and bullying will not be tolerated at our school.

It is essential for parents and the school to work in partnership so that the values encouraged at home and school are mutually reinforced.

Role of Parents:

● Support the school Primary Behaviour Management Policy, guidelines and procedures.

● Work with children to help them understand their responsibility towards others.

● Maintain open and supportive levels of communication with teachers and other members of the school staff when addressing behaviour issues.

● Monitor the use of school and/or personal electronic devices

The following outlines the key expectations we have of students:

● Treat everyone with respect and courtesy

● Behave in a way that aids learning during lessons

● Walk at all times when indoors

● Walk on the left in corridors and staircases

● Hold doors open for others

● Remove coats, jackets and hats during lessons and whilst eating lunch

● Make sure that classrooms and playgrounds are kept clean and tidy; litter should be placed in bins

● Greet the teacher and guests in the school

● Speak and listen in turn

● Always look after classroom resources and ensure that furniture and resources are tidy at the end of lessons

● Knock and wait to be invited into the room if late for class or visiting another class/office

● Ask for permission before leaving the classroom

● Only eat and drink in the areas provided – except water, and with the teacher’s permission when in class

● Students are responsible for clearing plates, etc after break and lunch


House System

On admission to the school, each student will be allocated a ‘House’; members of the same family being placed in the same house. We always seek a balance of male and female students in each house. The house names and colours are as follows:

The House system comprises two parts:

1. Merit system, where students gain house points for individual awards relating to their efforts in all aspects of school life both academic and social.

2. Inter-house competitions such as sports days, swimming galas, poetry and music competitions.

House Points in the Primary School

At BISM, we believe that great efforts should be rewarded and recognised. With this in mind, we have a house point system designed to encourage high standards and positive action from our students throughout the year House points, therefore, will only be awarded when students do their very best.

During the year, students will be awarded house points for excellent work, progress or for displaying excellence in relation to our charter values. Teachers award house points to each student when deserved and this is recorded by the student. Once earned, house points cannot be lost or removed. At the end of each week the house captains in each class are responsible for collating the total house points earned by each child in their house team. The winning house is announced and celebrated in a weekly assembly A house point cup is awarded to the winning team annually on Speech Day

Role of the Parent

At BISM we acknowledge the importance of involving our parents in their child’s education and we encourage the support of parents throughout the school.

Parents are often invited to support class assemblies, activities, open days and curriculum days in order to be involved in school life as much as possible. Parents are invited to join the EFG (Events and Fundraising Group) to support school events and charity work.

Other opportunities to get involved:

To be involved in school life as much as possible parents are invited to take part in the following activities:


● Reading with children in the class

● Helping with class trips

● Helping with cookery or art lessons

● Supporting class assemblies and other activities

● Extended curriculum

Please get in touch if you would like to offer some of your spare time in school. We would love to have your input.

Home/School Communication

At BISM we greatly value working in partnership with parents and guardians to ensure the very best for your children. As part of this, we place a strong emphasis on opening up many avenues of communication between parents and teachers. Please take the time to read the following to help you understand the different ways that we can share information with each other

Daily Communication:

● Schooly - most communication from the school is provided via the new Schooly platform where information from staff members will be presented but also important calendar events that we would hate you to miss.

● Email - critical/individual communication can also be maintained by email, though we ask you to do this selectively and concisely so that email communication remains manageable for teachers and they can focus on their classroom work. The Mentor would be the first point of contact on most issues. When appropriate, they will refer any important issues to the Head of Primary or the Primary Leadership Team. If you wish advice on administrative aspects of school our admin team are always happy to help.


● Weekly Blog - teachers will inform you of learning experiences that took place during the week and upcoming events via the weekly blog that is posted on the Schooly platform.


● School Reports - There are four annual reporting points with dates published at the beginning of the school year

When Type



Initial Report

Mid Year Full Report

March/April Pupil led Consultation

End of Year

End of Year Full Report

● Parent-Teacher Consultations - these take place three times a year and give you the opportunity to talk one-on-one with the teacher about your child’s progress, development and targets.

Additional Information and Correspondence during the Year:

● Meet the Mentor - at the start of the academic year, a Meet the Mentor day will be held, during which time parents will be invited to visit the classroom of their son or daughter and gain an insight into their new class and teaching staff. It is also


an opportunity for teachers to share important information about class procedures and expectations.

● News - we have regular updates of school activities posted via the newsletter, website and parent portal.

● Face-to-face - Mentors/teachers are always happy to offer support and answer any questions you may have about your son or daughter but are unable to do so during teaching time. Teachers will gladly arrange for you to make an appointment to discuss any important topics that you wish to raise at your earliest convenience.

If you have a grievance to bring to our attention please always use a polite and respectful tone at all times. All BISM staff work very hard for the good of your child and we expect them to be treated with the respect that they deserve.

Student Work

Parents will have regular opportunities to see the work being achieved by the students as part of the parent/teacher consultations and other open house events.

Using English in School

Bilingualism at BISM is an asset to the pupil and the school, and this is reflected in the way we approach the use of language in school. English is the first language of the school and we will encourage it to be used as much as possible. It is the one common language that all pupils will share and therefore has the capacity to unite all pupils.

It is not forbidden for children to use their native language in school, however, our graduation towards the exclusive use of English in the classroom and on the playground grows with the age of the children and their English language proficiency. Pupils are not reprimanded or sanctioned for using their mother tongue. Instead, they are positively encouraged to use English wherever possible.

Educational Visits and Residentials

Educational visits are crucial opportunities to learn beyond the classroom. Educational visits are organised in relation to the topics and themes being taught in class. This may include trips to museums, cultural sites and events or activity centres and are designed to support the learning in the classroom.

At BISM, we also recognise the importance and benefits for pupils to have the opportunity to interact with nature and the great outdoors on a regular basis. It is understood that experiences beyond the school environment help children to gain a better understanding of a variety of curriculum areas by having 'hands on' experiences, and the opportunity to challenge oneself physically and mentally are crucial in providing essential deeper learning opportunities that significantly contribute to their personal development. Therefore from Year 4, pupils will have the opportunity to participate in an annual residential. Year 4 students will be invited to stay in school overnight, Year 5 pupils will participate in an overnight camp away from school within the local area and Year 6 will be offered a minimum 2 night camp further afield. Our Outward Bounds programme is designed to:

● Offer access to nature and the great outdoors encouraging an appetite for adventure and expedition in our pupils

● Develop an appreciation of the natural world

● Promote strenuous activity, challenging pupils physically and mentally

● Expose pupils to new skills and activities, impossible to experience in the classroom

● Encourage maximum attendance by minimising costs and considering location

● Significantly impact their personal development (self-confidence, social skills, independence, leadership and teamwork skills)

● Develop risk awareness

● Foster a sense of achievement


Meeting Student Needs

EAL (English as an Additional Language)

As an International school, we seek to accommodate students from a range of cultures, nationalities and backgrounds. We strictly limit the number of students who need significant support to fully access our curriculum to 20% of any class. This means that effective support can be offered and that English remains the language of our school and the playground.

EAL students may initially be withdrawn from other classes to work individually or in small groups with one of our EAL team. Progress is monitored regularly with the aim of being fully integrated into classes without additional support. An intensive EAL course is available for children with exceptionally low English at an additional cost.

SEND (Special or Additional Educational Needs and Disabilities)

Our teachers are skilled at meeting the needs of different abilities within a typical class. Some students may need additional, specialised support due to a moderate learning difficulty This can be generally supported through the development of an IEP (Individual Education Plan) that can be designed by our Learning Support Coordinator.

However, due to our limited capacity to support SEND here in Marbella, it is the school policy not to accept students that require more extensive support.

A G & T (Able, Gifted and Talented)

Able students are accommodated by effective differentiation to challenge high ability groups in classes across the curriculum. All student’s talents and academic potential are recognised. A register recognises these talents and academic areas of strength for each child and this is updated regularly by teachers, in collaboration with parents. We believe that it is important that talented students are challenged and have an opportunity to showcase their abilities. Some of the practical examples of opportunities for our most able students include:

● Entry in COBIS competitions and festivals

● Competitive sports teams

● Leading roles in productions

● BISM talent show competition

● Art exhibitions

● Primary choir, ensembles and recitals

● Intervention groups and streamed sessions for excellent readers, writers and mathematicians.


We hope that this handbook provides an informative introduction to the school. Of course, not every piece of information will be here and if you need any further guidance, please feel free to contact the appropriate member of the school for further advice We look forward to working with you this year


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