Fair processing notice of personal data

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Fair processing notice of personal data belonging to pupils, parents / legal guardians, attendants, visitors

Notificare de procesare echitabila a datelor cu caracter personal apartinand elevilor, parintilor / tutorilor, insotitorilor, vizitatorilor

THE CRAWFORD HOUSE FOUNDATION, located in Zagazului Street no. 4E, sc. B, ground floor, ap. B4, cam. 3, sector 1, Bucharest, with the correspondence address in Erou Iancu Nicolae Street no. 42, Voluntari 077190, Ilfov County, processes the following personal data belonging to pupils, parents / guardians, attendants, visitors:

FUNDATIA CRAWFORD HOUSE, cu sediul in str. Zagazului nr. 4E, sc. B, parter, ap. B4, cam. 3, sector 1, Bucuresti, cu adresa de corespondenta in str. Erou Iancu Nicolae nr. 42, Voluntari 077190, jud. Ilfov, prelucreaza urmatoarele date cu caracter personal apartinand elevilor, parintilor / tutorilor, insotitorilor, vizitatorilor: Pupils / Elevi

Personal data category

Categorie de date personale

Personal details (name, address, height)

Detalii personale (nume, adresa, inaltime)

The purpose of processing

The legal basis of the processing

Providing transportation services

Asigurarea serviciilor de transport

Personal details (name, car model and registration number)

Detalii personale (nume, nr auto)

Access control Control acces

Performance of the contract

Derularea contractului

The fulfillment of legal obligations (L333 / 2003), legitimate interest of the data subject (physical security)

Indeplinirea obligatiilor legale (L333/2003), Interesul legitim al persoanelor vizate (securitate fizica)

Maximum storage period

Perioada maxima de pastrare

To whom data is or may be transmitted

Cui sunt sau pot fi transmise datele

1 school year 1 an scolar transport companies firme de transport

the contract period

perioada contractului security company, the company that maintains the system maintenance firma de paza, firma care asigura mentenanta sistemului

Video images

Imagini video

Location and Movement (GPS) data

Date privind locatia si miscarile (GPS)

Monitoring (CCTV)

Monitorizare (CCTV)

Monitoring (GPS)

Monitorizare (GPS)

The fulfillment of legal obligations (L333 / 2003), Legitimate interest of the data subject (physical security)

Indeplinirea obligatiilor legale (L333/2003), Interesul legitim al persoanelor vizate (securitate fizica)

Legitimate interest of the controller (efficiency of the pupil transport services)

Interesul legitim al operatorului (eficientizarea serviciilor de transport elevi)

30 days

30 zile

security company, the company that maintains the system, police firma de paza, firma care asigura mentenanta sistemului, Politia

30 days

30 zile

the beneficiary of the transport, parents beneficiarul transportului, parinti

Scopul prelucrarii
Temeiul legal al prelucrarii

Personal details (name, date of birth, sex, hobbies), Identity card details (birth certificate, passport), Study and training data

Detalii personale (nume, data nasterii, sex, hobby-uri), Detalii acte de identitate (certificat de nastere, pasaport), Date privind studiile si pregatirea

Details of health status (afflictions, special needs or psychological support, learning related issues, allergies)

Detalii privind starea de sanatate (afectiuni, nevoi speciale sau suport psihologic, probleme legate de capacitatea de invatare, alergii)

Personal details (surname), Images, Video recordings, Study and training data (academic, sports, cultural), hobby

Detalii personale (prenume), Imagini, Inregistrari video, Date privind studiile si pregatirea (clasa din care face parte, rezultate academice, sportive, culturale), hobby

Photographs, Video recordings Imagini, Inregistrari video

Personal Details (Name, Address, Personal Email, Phone, Birth Date)

Detalii personale (nume, adresa, email personal, telefon, data nasterii)

Photos Fotografii

Providing educational services

Asigurarea serviciilor educationale

Providing educational services

Asigurarea serviciilor educationale

Contract performance and the fulfillment of legal obligation (L272/2004)

Derularea contractului si indeplinirea obligatiilor legale (L272/2004)

Parent / guardian’s consent, The fulfillment of legal obligations (Health Ministerial Order No. 1002/2015)

Consimtamantul parintilor / tutorelui, Indeplinirea obligatiilor legale (Ordinul Min. Sanatatii nr. 1002/2015)

Generala de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului

Marketing Marketing

Educational purposes Scop educational

Users management in the computer system

Administrare utilizatori sistem informatic

Users management in the computer system

Administrare utilizatori sistem informatic

Parent / guardian’s consent

Consimtamantul parintilor / tutorelui

Parent / guardian’s consent

Consimtamantul parintilor / tutorelui

Performance of the contract Derularea contractului during schooling pe durata scolarizarii n/a n/a

Parent / guardian’s consent

Consimtamantul parintilor / tutorelui during schooling pe durata scolarizarii n/a n/a


Photo/video for the BSB Alumni Reunion

Poze/ video pentru BSB Alumni Reunion

Delivering information about the club to the public

Transmiterea de informatii despre club catre public

Location and Movement (GPS) data

Date privind locatia si miscarile (GPS)

Monitoring (GPS) Monitorizare (GPS)

Personal Details (Name), Details of Behavioural Issues (Psychologist Opinion), Details of Particular Problem, Accident Reports

Detalii personale (nume), Detalii privind probleme de comportament (opinie psiholog), Detalii privind probleme de participare, Rapoarte privind accidente

Personal details (name, surname, school e-mail, year group), materials related to studying (messages, videos, sent files or any other materials containing data processed by using the computer educational application / platform), photo/video/voice, the results of the evaluation

Detalii personale (nume, prenume, e-mail scolar, grup de ani), materiale legate de studiu (mesaje, videoclipuri, fisiere trimise sau orice alte materiale care contin date prelucrate utilizand aplicatia / platforma educationala), foto / video / voce, rezultatele evaluarii

Providing educational services

Asigurarea serviciilor educationale

Legitimate interest of the controller (management of the company’s equipment when it is in the possession of third parties)

Interesul legitim al operatorului (administrarea echipamentelor companiei atunci cand ele sunt in posesia tertilor)

BSB Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and other School-Owned social media accounts and outside parties (external media partners and collaborators)

Site-ul BSB, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube si alte conturi de social media detinute de scoala si catre parti externe (parteneri si colaboratori media externi)

Providing educational services (Online learning)

Asigurarea serviciilor educationale (Online learning)

Performance of the contract Derularea contractului

The fulfillment of legal obligations Indeplinirea obligatiilor legale

1 term 1 trimestru

Pearson (https://qualifications.pearson. com/en/home.html) CAIE (https://www.cambridgeinternational. org/)

Parents / legal guardians

Parinti / tutori

Personal data category

Categorie de date personale

Personal details (name, phone number)

Detalii personale (nume, telefon)

Personal details (name, car model and registration number)

Detalii personale (nume, nr auto)

The purpose of processing Scopul prelucrarii

Delivery of transport services

Livrarea serviciilor de transport

Access control Control acces

Video images

Imagini video

Monitoring (CCTV)

Monitorizare (CCTV)

The legal basis of the processing Temeiul legal al prelucrarii


The fulfillment of legal obligations (L333 / 2003), Legitimate interest of the data subject (physical security)

Indeplinirea obligatiilor legale (L333/2003), Interesul legitim al persoanelor vizate (securitate fizica)

The fulfillment of legal obligations (L333 / 2003), Legitimate interest of the persons concerned (physical security)

Indeplinirea obligatiilor legale (L333/2003), Interesul legitim al persoanelor vizate (securitate fizica)

Maximum storage period

Perioada maxima de pastrare

To whom data is or may be transmitted

Cui sunt sau pot fi transmise datele

1 school year 1 an scolar transport companies firme de transport

the contract period perioada contractului

security company firma de paza

30 days 30 zile

Security company, the company that maintains the system, Police Firma de paza, firma care asigura mentenanta sistemului, Politia

Personal details (name, nationality, address, telephone number, email, language, family status, occupation data), ID (passport), financial details (bank account)

Detalii personale (nume, nationalitate, adresa, telefon, e-mail, limba, status familial, date despre locul de munca), Detalii acte de identitate (nr. CI/pasaport), Detalii financiare (cont bancar)

Providing educational services

Asigurarea serviciilor educationale

Contract performance or initiating the contract at the request of the data subject

Derularea contractului sau contractarea la cererea persoanei vizate

10 years

10 ani

Personal details (place of work, position, address of the place of work, telephone number of the workplace)

Detalii personale (loc de munca, functie, adresa loc de munca, telefon loc de munca)

Personal details (name, e-mail)

Detalii personale (nume, e-mail)

Personal details (name, car model and registration number)

Detalii personale (nume, nr auto)

Direct marketing Direct marketing

Consent of the data subject Consimtamantul persoanei vizate

Photo/video for the Toddlers Club

Poze/ video pentru Toddlers Club

Direct marketing Direct marketing

Consent of the data subject Consimtamantul persoanei vizate

until the end of the studies by the dependent pana la terminarea studiilor de catre copii n/a

until the end of the studies by the dependent pana la terminarea studiilor de catre copii

Access control Control acces

Delivering information about the club to the public

Transmiterea de informatii despre club catre public

The fulfillment of legal obligations (L333 / 2003), Legitimate interest of the data subject (physical security) Indeplinirea obligatiilor legale (L333/2003), Interesul legitim al persoanelor vizate (securitate fizica)

the contract period perioada contractului

security company firma de paza

Legitimate interest Interesul legitim

1 year 1 an

BSB Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and other School- Owned social media accounts and outside parties (external media partners and collaborators)

Site-ul BSB, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube si alte conturi de social media detinute de scoala si catre parti externe (parteneri si colaboratori media externi)



Personal data category

Categorie de date personale

Personal details (name, phone)

Detalii personale (nume, telefon)

Personal details (name, car make and registration number)

Detalii personale (nume, nr auto)

The purpose of processing Scopul prelucrarii

Delivery of transport services

Livrarea serviciilor de transport

Access control Control acces

Video images

Imagini video

Details of offenses and convictions (criminal record)

Detalii privind infractiuni si condamnari (cazier)

Monitoring (CCTV)

Monitorizare (CCTV)

The legal basis of the processing

Temeiul legal al prelucrarii

Performance of the contract

Derularea contractului

The fulfillment of legal obligations (L333 / 2003), Legitimate interest of the data subject (physical security)

Indeplinirea obligatiilor legale (L333/2003), Interesul legitim al persoanelor vizate (securitate fizica)

The fulfillment of legal obligations (L333 / 2003), Legitimate interest of the data subject (physical security)

Indeplinirea obligatiilor legale (L333/2003), Interesul legitim al persoanelor vizate (securitate fizica)

Maximum storage period

Perioada maxima de pastrare

To whom data is or may be transmitted

Cui sunt sau pot fi transmise datele

1 school year 1 an scolar transport companies firme de transport

the contract period perioada contractului security company firma de paza

Safeguarding Salvgardare

Initiating the contract at the request of the data subject (of the parents), legitimate interest ofthe children (physical security)

Contractarea la cererea persoanei vizate (a parintilor),Interesul legitim al copiilor (securitate fizica)

30 days

30 zile security company, the company that maintains the system, Police firma de paza, firma care asigura mentenanta sistemului, Politia

10 years 10 ani

Photo/video for the Toddlers Club

Poze/ video pentru Toddlers Club



Personal data category

Categorie de date personale

Delivering information about the club to the public

Transmiterea de informatii despre club catre public Legitimate interest Interesul legitim

Personal Details (Name, Car registration plate), ID Serial / No CI, No of Passport)

Detalii personale (nume, nr auto),

Detalii acte de identitate (serie/nr CI, nr pasaport)

Personal details (name, car model and registration number)

Detalii personale (nume, nr auto)

The purpose of processing Scopul prelucrarii

The legal basis of the processing Temeiul legal al prelucrarii

Access control Control acces

The fulfillment of legal obligations (L333 / 2003), Legitimate interest of the data subject (physical security)

Indeplinirea obligatiilor legale (L333/2003), Interesul legitim al persoanelor vizate (securitate fizica)

Access control Control acces

Video images

Imagini video

Monitoring (CCTV)

Monitorizare (CCTV)

The fulfillment of legal obligations (L333 / 2003), Legitimate interest of the data subject (physical security)

Indeplinirea obligatiilor legale (L333/2003), Interesul legitim al persoanelor vizate (securitate fizica)

The fulfillment of legal obligations (L333 / 2003), Legitimate interest of the data subject (physical security)

Indeplinirea obligatiilor legale (L333/2003), Interesul legitim al persoanelor vizate (securitate fizica)

Maximum storage period

Perioada maxima de pastrare

BSB Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and other School-Owned social media accounts and outside parties (external media partners and collaborators)

Site-ul BSB, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube si alte conturi de social media detinute de scoala si catre parti externe (parteneri si colaboratori media externi)

To whom data is or may be transmitted

Cui sunt sau pot fi transmise datele

6 months 6 luni security company, Police firma de paza, Politia

the contract period perioada contractului

security company firma de paza

30 days

30 zile

security company, the company that maintains the system, Police firma de paza, firma care asigura mentenanta sistemului, Politia

Photo/video for the BSB Alumni Reunion

Poze/ video pentru BSB Alumni Reunion

Delivering information about the club to the public Transmiterea de informatii despre club catre public

Legitimate interest

Interesul legitim 1 year 1 an

BSB Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and other SchoolOwned social media accounts and outside parties (external media partners and collaborators)

Site-ul BSB, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube si alte conturi de social media detinute de scoala si catre parti externe (parteneri si colaboratori media externi)

* In addition to the entities mentioned above, personal data may be transmitted under the law of the competent authorities. In afara entitatilor mentionate, datele personale pot fi transmise in conditiile legii autoritatilor abilitate ale statului.

** Any other occasional data processing will becommunicated separately.

Orice alte prelucrari de date ocazionale vor fi notificate persoanelor vizate.

CRAWFORD HOUSE FOUNDATION values the obligation to respect the confidentiality of personal data.

FUNDATIA CRAWFORD HOUSE isi asuma obligatia respectarii confidentialitatii datelor cu caracter personal.

The processing of personal data is made in accordance with the provisions of REGULATION no. 679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Directive) and you enjoy the rights set out in Chapter III: The rights of the data subject , namely: access to personal data, rectification or deletion, restriction of processing or the right to oppose processing, and the right to portability of data, subject to compliance with the legal provisions for processing data. Some of the rights, however, may be limited due to the local law. For any additional information or other privacy issues, please contact the Data Protection Officer via e -mail: dpo@britishschool.ro or tel. 0729 068 774.

In the situation where you consider that your rights provided in Regulation no. 679/2016 have been violated, you have the right to file a complaint with the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing (www. dataprotection.ro). Prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal se face in conformitate cu prevederile REGULAMENTULUI nr. 679 din 27 aprilie 2016 privind protecţia persoanelor fizice in ceea ce priveşte prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal şi privind libera circulaţie a acestor date şi de abrogare a Directivei 95/46/CE (Regulamentul general privind protecţia datelor), iar dumneavoastra beneficiati de drepturile prevazute in Capitolul III: Drepturile persoanei vizate, respectiv: accesul la datele cu caracter personal proprii, rectificarea sau ştergerea acestora, restricţionarea prelucrarii sau a dreptul de a se opune prelucrarii, precum şi dreptul la portabilitatea datelor, in conditiile respectarii prevederilor ce constituie temei legal pentru prelucrarea datelor. Pentru informatii sau alte probleme legate de protectia datelor cu caracter personal va puteti adresa Responsabilului cu Protectia Datelor pe e-mail: dpo@britishschool.ro sau tel. 0729 068 774. In situatia in care considerati ca drepturile dumneavoastra prevazute in Regulamentul nr. 679/ 2016 au fost incalcate, aveti dreptul de a depune plangere la Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal (www.dataprotection.ro).

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