Brightness Magazine No12

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Illustrator: Sandra Conjeros


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GUESTS OF HONOR | 16 Glenda Sburelin Joanna Concejo Marco Palena Daria Petrelli Igor Karash Sonja Danowski Fereshte Najafi Concha Pasamar Mohamed Danawi Eric Fan

BRIGHTNESS AWARD 2019 | 58 We are pleased to announce the winners of Brightness international illustration contest

In This Issue of

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THE SOUND OF SILENCE I was born in Mashhad in 1985. It was a time when there was a lack of art classes and art materials in the country, except for color pencils and low-quality notebooks. At the time, our lovely house was covered in lots of flowers and trees, so I usually used them in creating my art instead of crayons or watercolors. Those were precious moments in my life.

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Narjes Mohammadi Hasmik

Art Director & Editor In Chief

Creative Director & Graphic Designer

Web Designer

Hasmik (Narjes Mohammadi)

Sadegh Amiri

Midpoint Studio

International Contributor


Sales & Marketing

Ali Ghafele Bashi

Darya Ghafele Bashi

Brightness Studio

cover :I llustration by

Special Thanks To


N arjes H asmik M ohammadi Mr.Keyvan Ghafele Bashi

a s k q u e s t i o n s a b o u t y o u r s u b s c r i p t i o n , p l e a s e e m a i l u s at:


w w w. b r i g h t n e s s m a g . c o m

Š All Rights Are Reserved.


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Letter From The Editor


BRIGHTNESS The twelfth issue of Brightness has been published! We are extremely grateful to have been in contact with so many talented artists from all around the globe. Brightness has always sought to put the borderless nature of art at the forefront of its message to the world, which is why we exhibit the creations of artists from every nationality, in order to familiarize everyone with the gems of different cultures. We hope that we have been able to play our part in bringing the world together.


AMIRI Graphist | Photographer

CEO at Brightness

In this issue, we celebrate the birthday of the Editor in Chief of Brightness magazine, Narjes “Hasmik” Mohammadi. For this special occasion, we have organized an interview with Mrs. Mohammadi to analyze and delve deeper into her art. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate my friend, colleague, and wife on her birthday. I hope that everyone will continue to see this incredible artist flourish in every area of her life. We at Brightness are deeply grateful to our fellow friends and artists who have enthusiastically supported us - on social media and otherwise - throughout these 12 issues. To express our gratitude, we have created a section called the “Guest of Honor”, where we will be introducing incredible artists and wonderful people. In the past two months, the first illustration competition of this publication was launched by the name of “Brightness Award 2019”. We hereby thank all the participants for sending in their fascinating works from all around the world. The works that have been selected from an incredibly competitive field of artists have been exhibited in a special section of this issue. We are continuously striving to improve our publications and as always appreciate your feedback to help further the cause of borderless art!




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Chris Sickels



Exclusive Interview


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Narjes Mohammadi Hasmik

Finding a personal style is a long journey

,, 1- Tell me a bit about yourself and your background. Where are you from? Where did you study? I was born in Mashhad in 1985. It was a time when there was a lack of art classes and art materials in the country, except for color pencils and low-quality notebooks. At the time, our lovely house was covered in lots of flowers and trees, so I usually used them in creating my art instead of crayons or watercolors. Those were precious moments in my life. It was when I fell in love with art and decided to be an artist. I followed my passion by studying Graphic Design in university, but found that the strict rules of Graphic Design hindered my artistic expression. Eventually, I switched my field of study to illustration and pursued my education at the Iranian Illustration Institute.

to learn from professional artists. I’d like to mention a couple of said professionals in the field of art that have had a significant impact on my work: Hafez Miraftabi, an Iranian master who taught philosophy in art; Joanna Concejo, who taught me the importance of respecting my art; Gabriel Pacheco, an illustrator from Mexico. Above all, I’ve learnt many valuable lessons by reading Frida’s stories and letters to young artists.

2- Why did you become an illustrator? I didn’t choose to be become an illustrator. The profession chose me in a sense. I was looking for a medium through which I could express my feelings. Neither graphic design nor painting seemed like fitting tools to help me do so. I believe that illustration has an exhaustive set of tools to help artists express ideas, while connecting with their audience. I especially enjoy writing and illustrating for children.

4- How did you find your style? Has it changed since you have started working? Finding a personal style is a long journey. As an artist you have to deal with many hardships and challenges to find your unique voice. Undoubtedly, it’s not easy at all. It means that you have to work hard and never stop working. An artist’s journey involves many lonely hours of non-stop toil, but in the end, it’s really worth it. For me, it took about 8 years to hone my personal style. While on this quest, I tried working with various tools and styles, but none of them impressed me. After a while, I started using digital techniques, which made an immense difference on my work. Mixing and matching different textures with traditional and digital techniques creates a wonderful base for making beautiful illustrations.

3- Who or what has been the single biggest influence on your way of thinking? Over the years, I’ve always tried to improve my abilities and increase my knowledge of art, particularly in the field of illustration. To do so, I have listened to many podcasts, attended several workshops, courses, online classes, and tried

5- Describe a time when you worked hard on a project but you received negative feedback from your manager or client. What did you do? It is a horrible experience for any artist. It was heartbreaking for me as well. I would never like to relive it again. Despite the fact that negative feedback is heart wrenching, I understand

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Narjes Mohammadi Hasmik

that it’s part of becoming a professional artist. I clearly remember one time when an art editor rejected my project after I had worked on it for several months. I was disappointed but then I said to myself: “I’ll show him!”. And I did! I entirely redesigned the book and did my best to create beautiful images. I was ecstatic when my redesigned book won several prizes. This is not to say that the prizes themselves were significant in and of themselves. I was just proud of the fruits of my labor and was happy that my efforts were not in vain. The prizes just showed the reaction of the world to my efforts.

rewarding project? As I mentioned earlier, I was recently invited by the New Yorker magazine to partake in a project for international women’s day. Working on a piece which aims to capture the Persian culture and that will be seen by such a large audience is exciting, daunting, and challenging. I did a lot of research to create my best work. Once my work was completed, I received tons of kind praise from the art editor for my illustration, which made the experience extremely rewarding. Unfortunately, the project was later cancelled because the magazine had to be replaced by news.

6- How do you overcome creative blocks? I have had a couple of those periods now and then. For me, going into nature is the best solution, since it helps me reacquaint with myself. After my little expeditions, I resume my work with effectiveness and a fresh mind. Teaching art to children is another helpful activity in overcoming creative blocks. Children are brave artists with fresh minds. They are not afraid of judgments, which helps them create unique art. This characteristic of children makes them a powerful source of inspirations for me.

11- How much attention do you pay to the feedback of others on your work? Looking back, I realize that as a young artist, the feedback of other was too important for me. I used to send my works to different artists and would ask them to review - or even worse, to criticize - my art. Their reviews and feedbacks often shocked me. I was trying to create something that fascinated everyone. As I grew older I learned to create art for my own sake. I realized that I should make illustrations that fill me with joy.

7- What are you currently fascinated by and how is it feeding into your work? I’ve recently been invited by Francisco Molly to partake in an illustration project based on Iranian women. Since then, I’ve focused on Persian traditional culture, which includes paintings, cloth, hair styles, and motifs. The richness of our culture is a priceless resource which inspires me to experiment with my illustrations.

12- Does your works represent your personality? Without a doubt. My illustrations are a reflection of my background, my childhood experiences, and my dreams. My art features a positive and serene outlook on life even in the face of difficult circumstances. The same words can be used to describe my personality. My art is boundless and borderless just as my soul is.

8- What are you passionate about besides your work? My husband and I started a digital illustration magazine about 3 years ago, called Brightness. It’s a magazine aimed at connecting illustration fans around the word.

13- What is the best piece of advice you’ve heard in regards to illustration or otherwise? “Fill the world with your art” - Frida Kahlo

14- What are your plans for the future? I look forward to organizing projects related 9- How would you describe your to Brightness. I would like to organize workshops, group exhibitions, and seminars illustrations in three sentences? My illustrations express my feelings about in various parts of the world. The events will the world. They are the reflection of my aim to include every illustration lover from emotions and beliefs. They are the sound of every nation. I am also deeply passionate about expanding silence. on the theme of my Bird Woman collection. 10- What kind of projects have you Meanwhile, I’ll definitely be following my worked on recently? Which one was the dreams by illustrating and writing children’s most challenging? How about your most books.

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Narjes Mohammadi Hasmik

Exclusive Interview

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Glenda SBURELIN I was Born in Pordenone, Italy, in 1972. I studied Graphics and Photography. I approached the world of children’s book illustrations, thanks to my great passion for drawing, which I cultivate since I was a child. I often remember a little girl who always drew, in the garden of her grandparents’ house in the countryside, where I spent my summer holidays. Nature was my great inspirer and even today, it is a constant element in my artwork. Until now, I have published about forty books for Italian and international Publishers. At the same time, I have also cultivated a lively interest in artistic research, using various techniques, ranging from painting, ceramics, Photography and resin. My research proceeds in parallel between illustration and art: in both paths we can find a single common thread that unites them, that is the natural dimension. My passion for walking in nature, led me to develop an intense relationship with it and to take a series of photographs of waterways. Hence was born the whole creative process of my last works of art, made of resin. This material symbolically represents the passage of time, which in individual and collective consciousness stratifies human experiences, constituting the mental structure of each person and his “inner time”. The surface of the water becomes an allegory of the skin, which symbolically divides the inside and the outside, separating two worlds and at the same time becomes the point of connection between the interiority of each individual and the external natural reality. Also in the illustration, this close relationship with Nature and the inner dimension of Time emerges. The illustration captures a unique instant and makes it eternal, but unlike photography, it is capable of transmitting the subjectivity, the interiority of the person who created it. In the last artworks, this pushed me to perfect the technique and to work with watercolors and veils. In addition to numerous Illustration’s Exhibitions, I have partecipated in Contemporary Art and Artist’s Books Exhibitions in Italy and abroad. Some of my artworks are present in the Perve Gallery in Lisbon and in private collections. The most significant illustration’s Exhibitions include the “Bologna Children’s Book Fair Exhibition Illustrator”; the Portuguese Biennial “Ilustrarte3” and “Ilustrarte4”, “The Images of Fantasy” Sarmede International Illustration Exhibition (IT).

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Moreover, in 2009 I was selected at the 8th IBBY Regional Conference of Northwestern University in Chicago, which put me among the 23 best illustrators of the Bologna Book Fair for Kids, while the following year the “dpi” magazine included me among the 12 best Illustrators of the Bologna’ kermesse, exhibiting my artworks in two Shows in Taiwan: “In Fingers, Extra Space” (Taipei’s Creative Park for Toy Festival) and “Imaginary Fairy Wonderland - DPI International Group Exhibition” (Kaohsiung City). In 2012, A. Zanussi Cultural Center in Pordenone acquired some of my artworks for the “Concordia 7 Collection”, after my solo Exhibition (2010) in the “Illustrated Paths” Show.¬ Among the most significant Personal Exhibitions we remember “of skin and water” by the cultural association “la roggia” at the Batthyány Castle of Körmend (Hungary, 2017) in 2018, and the traveling Exhibition, curated by Viive Noor, at the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre in Tallinn (Estonia) and other important Estonian Literature Cultural Centers: Tapa Center, Haapsalu Center, Kuressaare Island Saaremaa Center, Vilive Naive Art Museum (Kondase Keskus). I am teacher at the International illustration school of Sarmede.

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JOANNA CONCEJO Joanna Concejo was born in 1971 in Slupsk in Poland. Graduated in 1998 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan. Since 1994 moved to France, in the Paris suburb where she lives and works. In the late eighties ten began working as an illustrator and artist. In 2000 selected for the Salon de Jeune Création in France, in 2002 invited to the Biennale of Contemporary Art in Busan (South Korea) and the following year at the Salon d’Art Contemporain de Chelles (France) 2000. It s’ followed by other solo and group exhibitions (Paris, Berlin, etc). In 2004 selected for the Illustrators Exhibition of Children’s Book Fair in Bologna and at the end of 2004 wins the price Calabria Incantata “Abracalabria” Altomonte (Italy). The following year selected for the Biennial of Illustration “Ilustrarte” Barreiro (Portugal) in 2005, 2009 and 2013. Since participating in various collective exhibitions: “The Emperors New Illustration” (Bologna, 2005, exhibition dedicated to the work of J.Ch.Andersen), “Figures Future” - “Peter and Alice” (Book Fair Montreuil - France), “Blue Book” in Iran and the UAE, “Le imagini della fantasia” to Sarmede Italy (2008 and 2010, 2015). Also collaborates with the illustration school “Ars in Fabula” in Macerata and Scuola Internazionale d’Illustrazione in Sarmede in Italy as a teacher intervener. A solo exhibition was dedicated to her in Bologna (2008) entitled “Attorno al giardino” under commission Hamelin Associazione Culturale, the exposure to Perve Gallery in Lisbon in 2009 and 2010, and an exhibition at the Library of Saint - Herblain in 2011, “Tea with Alice” at Oxford in 2012, in 2013 « One step at a time » in Bologna “Nei rami”, in 2014 « Les visages du lointain » - Musée Beurnier-Rossel – Montbéliard / France, In 2015 « In the artist studio of Joanna Concejo » - Galerie Angle , Saint Paul Trois Châteaux/ France, in 2015 « Particular stories » - Arttrakt Galery / Wroclaw/ Poland, in 2015 « It’s always the tea time » - Estonian Children’s Literatur Center / Tallin/ Estonia, in 2016 « La fabrique des images » - Montélimar/ France, « The picture garden in winter » - Albus Gallery/ Seaoul/ South Korea , « Histoires fragiles » - Galerie Robillard / Paris / 2018, « Zgubiona dusza - jestem, rysuje » - Dom Slow / Lublin / Poland / 2018, « Concetto » Gallery of Artistic University of Poznan / Poznan/ Poland / 2018

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MARCO PALENA Marco Palena lives and works in Pescara. After art college he attended Architecture at University. Since a few years he has taken an interest into illustration obtaining awards and prizes both i Italy and abroad. His awards include: -Best Illustrated Handbook Award 4-7 years 14th Iinternational Competition Syria Poletti: Sulle ali delle farfalle 2013. -First Prize Illustramente 2013. -Selected in the Tapirulan Competition 2013. -Selected in the Lucca Junior Competition 2014. -AI Annual Italian Illustration 2015-2016-2017-2018-2019. -Selected for the poster of “Librerie in fiore 2016” -Gold Award in the Advertising Category Annual Italian Illustration 2017. -World Illustration Awards 2017 New Talent Winner Advertising Category. -World Illustration Awards 2017 Overall Winner New Talent. -First Prize Toppi Annual Italian Illustration 2018. -Silver Award In the Editory Category Annual Italian Illustration 2019. Some of them are my interpretations of popular italian novels (1,2,3) 1) “Il barone rampante” di Italo Calvino 2) “Novecento” di Alessandro Baricco 3) “Novecento” di Alessandro Baricco 4) “ E luce fu” Genesi primo giorno (ILLUSTRATI magazine Logos edizioni) 5) “Il firmamento” Genesi secondo giorno (ILLUSTRATI magazine Logos Edizioni) Pubblication in magazines: -”Illustrati” by the Logos Editions. -Communication arts typography. -Brightness.

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DARIA PETRILLI She lives and works in Rome as a freelancer in the field of editorial illustration for many years, specifically in the field of illustration for children, public both in Italy and on the international market. Her work has been used in advertising campaigns, books, covers, packaging, illustrations, school, encyclopedic. Publishers with whom he collaborated are: Agostini, RCS, Fatatrac, Giunti, Helbling languages, Tai Chen, Oxford Publishing, Scholastic, Paramond, Motus, Rizzoli, Mondadori,Bloodaxebooks , Itmaches. Shiseido, Acca. Wins or is selected in numerous competitions and exhibitions related industry exhibiting in Italy and abroad. Bologna fair illustrators Italy 1995 non-fiction Biennial of Illustration of Tehran Iran in 2000 Golden slipper 2000- 2006 Selected for “Tales of the City” in 2001 Teatrio Venezia Italy Honorable mention in 2002 and in 2004 the prize of illustration ‘I.R.F.E.A. dedicated to Stefan Zavrel Winner of the competition for the Carraro tractors organized by Teatrio Italy She won the competition for the poster advertising the Water St. Bernard held by ‘Association Italian illustrators. In 2005 he selected for the exhibition “From fairy tale to manifest” for the bicentenary of Andersen in Abano Terme Italy . Academy Award Pictor Turin Italy 2006/2007/2008 Illustrakids Italy 2008 Illustrarte 2009 Lisbon Portugal Bologna fair illustrators Italy 2011 The colors of the sacred Italy 2012 Solo Exhibition at Thirty ants Rome Italy 2015 Nightmare in wonderland -Pink Zeppeling gallery Berlin 2015 Selected at Young Illustration Award 2015 in Berlin Germany

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IGOR KARASH I was born in Baku, Azerbaijan which was then a part of the Soviet Union. My early interest in art was inspired by my uncle, Vadim Kogan, who was a designer and illustrator. My formal education consisted of several years spent in architectural school in Baku, and then at the KSADA – Kharkov State Art & Design Academy in Ukraine, where I studied book design and illustration. I was first published in Moscow and produced a few scenic designs there. After immigrating to the United States in 1993, my career developed around design and architecture. In 2012, my illustration work for the Folio Society in London kickstarted my return into illustration world. Since then, I have received many illustration awards and was featured in highly respected illustration annuals including Luerzer’s Archive, 3X3 Magazine, American Illustration and Society of Illustrators in New York. My work covers range of genres–picture books, graphic novels, classic literature, editorial and poster art. For each project I tend to find unique yet identifiable visual language that is fetching and explosive.

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SONJA DANOWSKI Sonja Danowski graduated with honors in design and since then has been working as an illustrator, picture book artist and author in Berlin. Her detailed pen, ink and watercolor illustrations in warm and muted hues are published and exhibited internationally and have won her numerous awards, such as 2013 and 2015 the Golden Island Award from the Korean Nami Concours and 2016 a Batchelder Award honor from the American Library Association. Fascinated by the richness of every day’s visual impressions, she draws inspiration and develops picture ideas from real life by gathering and depicting details in order to construct new compositions with fictive places and creatures in her images. In this way the sceneries seem real but have never taken place like that in reality. The illustrations shown in this issue of Brightness Magazine are from her two latest self-penned picture books. The picture world of “Smon Smon”, published by NorthSouth Books in 2018, takes us on a journey into a beautiful, mysterious world where cooperation and generosity save the day and friendships make it wonderful. In the book “The Theater next door”, published by Bohem Press in 2019, Sonja shares her fascination for gardens and puppet theaters. In the play, the puppets come to life, and the scenery is transformed into an exciting setting in which the figures no longer play their part only through their individual costumes and faces, but through their voices and interaction. How nice it is to lose yourself in the play, to leave one’s self for a moment to become a doctor, a magician or a talking dog!

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Fereshteh Najafi is a versatile artist who works with a wide range of color and details. She focuses on singular style. She is known for her illustrations which have been described as imaginative and evocative. She was born in Tehran/Iran. She has received her Bachelor’s degree in graphic design and Master’s degree in illustrations from Tehran Art University. She has illustrations in more than 20 books for children at various publishers around the world and has also published 3 books which she wrote and illustrated herself. She has a accumulated numerous international awards. She now resides in Genova, Italy since 2008. She writes:Ever since I could remember, color, brush and story have been a major part of my life. Now I have pleasure to know myself as a artist who who makes arts by her heart. For many days I just challenged different colors and technics over and over to find a new way to could express myself and I think for any new book the key to success is trying to be even more creative than ever. Most of the time while I was illustrating I felt like I am just a six years old girl who is exited and joyful of discovering a new world, and now I am grateful that my illustrations are around the world to transfer my joy to their fans. At the end I truly believe that art is the most precious language which connect all together.

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CONCHA PASAMAR Concha Pasamar is an illustrator from Spain. She studied Hispanic Philology and History, and teaches Spanish Linguistics: words and drawing have been her passions since she was a child. Although she is self taught as a drawer and painter, she attended several illustration courses, workshops and masterclasses in order to deepen in this specific discipline. She has illustrated several books, not only children books but also poetry or narrative for a wider audience. The Fundación Cuatrogatos recently awarded her for her picture book Cuando mamá llevaba trenzas / When mum wore braids (bookolia 2018), which she also wrote. According to the jury, “With realistic illustrations, a great evocative power, and a simple text that invites you to travel to the past, this elegant and nostalgic picture book provides the possibility to younger readers to become aware of a different time —and compare it to their own.” She is currently working on new books, and is now and then also involved in other projects, such as posters, calendars, cd covers or magazines. She also loves live sketching or drawing just for fun, withouth any special purpose. Her latest published illustrations accompany Mar Benega’s lullabies in a very intimate vision of pregnancy, 9 lunas (poemas para esperarte), Litera Libros 2019. Her working process includes enjoying taking time for thinking, planning and documentation. Pencil and ink are their favourite media in the drawing phase, but she uses both digital and manual techniques for colour as well. As a natural consequence of her double professional focus, she also takes part in teaching activities involving illustration, mainly for high school or university students.

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MOHAMED DANAWI Born in Ghana in 1967 and raised in Lebanon, Mohamed Danawi studied in Beirut at the Lebanese Academy of Fine Art and continued his higher education in France and in Montreal where he obtained a BFA in Design Art from Concordia University. He pursued his studies in the USA and obtained an MFA in Illustration from SCAD then a post graduate degree in Computer Animation from Sheridan college in Ontario. He established Danawi studio in 1994 and worked as a freelance illustrator for a variety of clients such as Tupperware, Bell South, Canadian Living Magazine, Disney’s Family Fun, Kodak Canada, Lucent Technologies, Literary Review of Canada, The News and Observer, MacLean Hunter Publications, Prentice Hall, Psychology Today, Redbook Magazine, Royal Bank of Canada, The Washington Post and Hawker jets. In 1997 he accepted an academic position as a Professor of Illustration at the Savannah College of Art and Design-SCAD and took the position of the department chair from 1997 to 2002. Danawi continues to the present day to teach classes in poster designsocial and cultural awareness, advertising, type & image, business & professional practices, digital and traditional illustration and creative conceptual solutions. His students’ posters gathered international recognitions and awards at the New York Society of Illustrators Students Scholarship Competition, American Illustration, Adobe Design Achievement Awards, 3x3, Applied Arts, Creative Quarterly, Red Dot, and Posters for Tomorrow. Danawi has been a pioneer in developing the Me Book, a creative and promotional tool for students that incorporates their visual biography along with their intellectual, creative and technical skills in visual communications and ideations. Danawi was selected in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers and in 2014 was selected to be included in Archive’s 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide. His work has been featured in American Illustration annuals, Juxtapoz, the New York Society of Illustrators annuals, Applied Arts, Communication Art, Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles, Get Inspired, and ADDY awards. Danawi served as a jury member for the international Teatrio children’s books competition in Venice, Los Angeles Society of IllustratorsIllustration West and Toronto’s Applied Arts Students Illustration and Photography competition, Applied Arts Professional Photography, Advertising and Illustration Competition, and Archives 2018 Best Illustrators World Wide.

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ERIC FAN Eric Fan is an artist and writer who lives in Toronto, Canada. He was born in Hawaii but moved to Canada in 1971, where he received his formal art training at OCAD University, studying illustration, film, and sculpture. He began his art career designing t-shirts and selling his work online on sites like Society6 and Redbubble. In 2016 he collaborated with his brother Terry on their first picture book, The Night Gardener (Simon & Schuster), which was widely acclaimed and won the Dilys Evans Founder’s Award from the Society of Illustrators, as well as numerous awards for children’s literature including the Blue Spruce Award and the Zena Sutherland Award for Children’s Literature. Their next book, The Darkest Dark (Tundra Books), was written by astronaut Chris Hadfield and told the story of how Chris overcame his childhood fear of the dark to become an astronaut, inspired by watching the moon landing in 1969. They have gone on to work on various other projects and books. They did the cover art for The Lifters (Penguin Random House) written by Dave Eggers, and illustrated The Antlered Ship (Beach Lane Books) written by Dashka Slater. In 2018 they wrote and illustrated Ocean Meets Sky (Simon & Schuster), which was shortlisted for The Governor General’s Award and The Kate Greenaway Medal. It tells the story of a young boy, Finn, who takes a journey to the magical place of his grandfather’s stories. Upcoming books include The Scarecrow, written by Beth Ferry, which is due to be published by HarperCollins in September 2019, and The Barnabus Project (Tundra Books), which is a collaboration with their younger brother Devin Fan, scheduled for publication in Fall 2020. You can see more of their work by visiting their

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STAGE NAME TMC MOUSE. She is illustrator, engraver (she prefers the etching) and writer. Her sensitivity has developed in photography too, and she has decided to bring it in her illustrations. 1991-1992 she was a winner of the RAI “Young Meet Europe”, 2001 she won the 1st prize in the “Books Never Ever Seen” VACA, 2005-2006-2019 she was selected for the Illustrators Exhibition Children’s Book Fair Bologna, 2008 Seoul she wons the 1st CJ Picture Book Festival and finalist 2nd edition, she was a finalists of “Ilustrarte 2009” Lisbona, 2014-2016-2018 she was finalist of the Sharjah Exhibition for Children’s Book Illustrations Emirati Arabi and in 2015 she won with Honorable Mention, she was a finalist at the Nami Concours 2017 Seul. Her works are in public collections: Dante Alighieri Society in Hong Kong; Neverland Picture Book Museum in South Korea; Museo Nòmade del Grabado in Argentina; Campania Municipal Public Library a Gliwice, Polonia; Internationale Jugendbibliothek, Monaco; ... She’s ‘included in book “Directory of Italian engravers” of the Prints of Bagnacavallo, deposited in the documentary collection of the Louvre Museum in Paris. She wrote and illustrated the book “ Tmc Mouse a Spasso Nel Tempo” edit La Bottega dell’Invisibile.

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JUNE STEUBE June Steube is an illustrator/writer living with her husband in Ottawa, Canada. After obtaining an MA in Medical and Scientific Illustration, June worked as an illustrator for a diverse range of clients from the Canadian Museum of Nature and the Royal Canadian Mint to Tri-Star Motion Pic-tures. June’s work has been featured in numerous gallery shows including “Art in the Service of Science” at the Smithsonian. She taught Scientific Illustration at the University of Toronto along with Botanical Illustration classes. June also provides her talents to non-profit groups such as the Multiple Sclerosis Society, The Steven Lewis Foundation and Greenpeace. Over the last few years June has been pursuing her dream of writing and illustrating children’s books. She is active in the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. She has won numerous awards including a Bright-ness Illustration Award, Applied Arts Illustration and Canadian Association of Professional Image Creators. In her writing for children, June is interest-ed in poetry and non-fiction with a particular focus on the natural world and our treasured and fragile relationship with it’s creatures.

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AREZOU GHOLIZADEH Name: Arezou Surname: Gholizadeh Date of birth: 1983 Place of study: Faculty of Art, Al-Zahra University Field of study: Visual Communication Degree: Bachelor’s degree (B.A.) Years of study: 2002-2006 Career: Painting teacher in pre-schools and primary schools Participation in group painting exhibition in city of Babol, Mazandaran Province

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Private teacher of design Participation in visual communication group exhibition in Kamal Al-Din Behzad Gallery Author of a book titled “Color and Paste”, published by Monadi Tarbiat Publication, this book trains coloring and visual creativity, focused on color stains Participation in group illustration exhibition in city of Tehran, by title “Back Birds” Participation in group illustration exhibition in city of Tehran, by title “Fish & Coral” Participation in workshop & group illustration exhibition in Tehran, by title “Water & Cultural Saghaei”, written by Mehdi Shojaee Participation in sixth biennial of illustrations of Iran in Tehran, in part of “World of Light & Shadow” (orientation of baby & child) Illustration of book titled “Proud Green Leaf”, “The cleverest Worm in the World”, and “I want to know my Personality”, published by Nasl Nowandish Publication, Children and Adolescents Department (Kimia and I) , drama “Lion king & brave rabbit”, “Orange & Tangerine” published by Soure Mehr Publication, “Foreign & Farmer” published by Institute for Intellectual Development of Children Publication, “Painter Mice” published by School Publication, “Coastal Robbers”, “Spiral with long hair” published by Iran Technical Publication, ...

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CATEGORY : EDITORIAL Lina Kusaite is an illustrator, eco-artist and coach, working in Brussels. Belgium. In 2001, Lina joined the trans-disciplinary laboratory and research group ‘FoAM’. During 10 years of collaborative work with FoAM, she took on the roles of an experimental textile designer, production manager, office manager, illustrator, concept artist for game design, permaculture garden designer, and workshop facilitator. Her illustrations has appeared in a wide range of international publicaions, computer games and exhibitions and was selected for the display in Times Squer as part of the 2014. You can find her works in international catalogs such as “Always Me!: Self-Portraits of Global Illustrators” published by ‘Dopress Books’, “Mix & Match, Exploring Contemporary Collage” by Ginko Press. She is also a winer of the second place as best illustrator with book “Feathers, Paws, Fins, and Claws: Fairy-Tale Beasts” at the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards, US, 2016. In 2019 Lina won a Gold medal winner in the category of Book illustrations at the iJungle Illustration Awards 2018. Lina successfully designs and facilitates one-to-one and group art coaching sessions, which helps people to find their own creative ways to express themselves by discovering different techniques or reveal your own creative potential.

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CATERINA DELLI CARRI My name is Caterina delli Carri, I ‘m an illustrator. I was born in the south of Italy , in Puglia. When I was 19 I moved to Rome to study Visual Arts and Set Design at Academy of fine Arts and then moved to Turin where I specialized in Set Design for film and television. At that time I didn’t have a clear idea of what I really wanted to do, so I started to dedicate myself to what has always been part of my life, drawing, and I’ve never stopped. Currently, I am living in Tuscany , I work as freelancer for magazines, children’s books and illustrating for different clients around the world .

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THIRD PLACE: MONKC Instagram: monkc_illustration Born in Havana, Cuba, Monkc obtained a bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design at the Higher Institute of Design, (ISDi), in his home town (20102015). Worked as professor and consultant of graphic design at the same Institute (2015-2017). Have collaborated in different exhibitions, festivals and biennials concerning posters and illustrations in Cuba and abroad. His posters have won awards in both national and international contests. Have created illustrations for outstanding groups of communication and journalism such as: Periodismo de Barrio (since 2016), Vox-Pluma (2017), OnCuba News and Radio Ambulante (since 2018). He is currently working as creative director in Periodismo de Barrio an freelancer illustrator in Havana.

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PEGAH DERAKHSHAN ROKNI I was born in 1981 in Tehran, Iran. I studied Graphic Design at Alzahra University and work as a freelance illustrator since 2009. Children’ s book illustration has been the most important part of my work. In addition to digital technique, I highly valued manual sketch skills and application of different technique and materials such as acrylic, collage and printmaking. One source of inspiration for my artwork has been forms and patterns found in nature. I also have a passion for decorative and traditional motifs. Due to my personal interest in literature and mythology, I have started working on a series based on Shahnameh’s stories.

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Sandra Conjeros Fuentes is a freelance Designer and illustrator, from Chile. She has done illustrations for projects such as magazines, educational material, packaging, manuals, books, cover books, among others. Among her works highlight books like “Cuentos para Cantar Contigo” (Government of Chile), “La Abeja Cristalina” ( Publisher Planeta Sostenible ) and the large format illustrations for “Alicia en el país de Biblioniños” (Library Center of Puente Alto, Chile) . Her work has been exhibited in Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Poland. And her illustrations has been selected in “VI Catalog Ibero-American of Illustration”, “Latin American Illustración” catalog and in 14th version of the “3 × 3 Magazine Illustration Show”, among others. Recently she has been awarded with a “Perro de Plata” in the 8th “Salón Imagen Palabra Bogotá”, Colombia. She currently teaches and works as a freelance illustrator as well as with publishing houses, agencies and institutions.

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Brightness Need You!


We’re looking to recruit volunteers to join our team. ( Brightness ) is an international digital magazine discussing and exploring the field of illustration. We are making an effort to improve the standing of illustration as an independent profession in the world. As another major objective, we feature outstanding and creative contemporary illustration projects in various fields.

So, we are looking for volunteers to help us in these areas: - French/Spanish to English translation (assistant needed). - Publishing and collecting illustration news from around the globe (illustrator or illustration student needed) Obviously, you’ll be part of our team and we will publish your name as one of our own colleagues.

Email us at:

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Welcome Articles From Writers

Brightness welcome articles , researches and interviews from writers, activists, journalists and also from artists around the world, on topics that we deal with regularly or on topics that you think need a wider circulation in illustration subject. We are most likely to publish those articles which are well-written, concise, offer a unique progressive perspective and have appeal to national and international readers. Please keep submissions under 1000 words. Since we have a small editorial staff, we cannot spend much time editing submissions. Please send us final drafts of your work. We do not guarantee that we publish all the articles we receive. They will be published after a confirmation by twice of the managers. Please send all submissions as plain text within the body of an email - you can also attach the article, for the safer side. Please include your name, contact information. A short paragraph bio is a must. If you wish, you can also send a thumb size photo of the author. We’ll be glad to publish it along with the article. You can submit your articles to i n f o @ b r i g h t n e s s m a g . c o m One word of caution. When you are submitting articles use the word -submission- in the subject line. Finally, it is very important to respect copyright and write the names of artists who their arts are used by you in the caption.

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