Esplanade View

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ISSN 2584-7104 interview | intervju

hotel magazine | Spring-Summer 2018 proljeće-ljeto | your free personal copy besplatni primjerak

IGOR ŠTAGLJAR On the Verge of Discovering a Cure for Cancer Na tragu otkrića lijeka protiv karcinoma interview | intervju

NEALE DONALD WALSCH Conversations With God Razgovori s Bogom

exhibition | izložba

The Sixties in Croatia Šezdesete u Hrvatskoj The Mighty Beauty Protecting Šibenik Ljepotica koja čuva Šibenik

Spring - a Time for Good Emotions Proljeće – vrijeme za dobre emocije

IVICA MAX KRIZMANIĆ General Manager of the Esplanade Hotel / direktor hotela Esplanade

I hope the topics in this issue of Esplanade View will inspire you to enjoy the best of the Esplanade and the city of Zagreb. I suggest that you first find your inner balance: famous Croatian scientist and inventor Igor Štagljar presents a molecular side of life in this issue, while the inspirational spiritual accounts of our guest, Neal Donald Walsch, will prompt you to offer your best to the world. If that does not work, you can always eat something sweet – our pastry chef Blaženka guarantees this method works. We have presented our entire team of pastry chefs through their virtuous creations in all spring hues. New tributes and excellence awards have come to our door with the new season, and we are always proud to write about them. Three hotel Oscars, World Luxury Hotel Awards, are yet another gem in the crown of the Esplanade, while the new Croatian Gault&Millau guide declared our talented Ana Grgić the Great Chef of Tomorrow, awarding three chef’s hats to Zinfandel’s restaurant. For the second year in a row, Michelin’s recommendation included both of our restaurants, and we have also received many other rewards about which we boasted openly yet with a proper dose of modesty. Enjoy reading our magazine!

Nadam se da će vas teme ovoga broja našega Esplanade Viewa inspirirati da uživate u najboljemu od hotela Esplanade i grada Zagreba. Predlažem da najprije pronađete balans u sebi: molekularnu stranu života u ovom broju predstavlja poznati hrvatski znanstvenik i izumitelj Igor Štagljar dok će vas inspirativne duhovne priče našega sugovornika i gosta Neala Donalda Walscha ponukati da ponudite svijetu najbolje od sebe. Ako to ne upali, uvijek možete pojesti nešto slatko – naša slastičarka Blaženka garantira da će ta metoda uspjeti. Cijeli slastičarski tim predstavili smo kroz njihove virtuozne kreacije u svim nijansama proljeća. S novim godišnjim dobom na naša su vrata pokucala nova priznanja i nagrade za izvrsnost o kojima uvijek pišemo s velikim ponosom. Tri hotelijerska Oscara, World Luxury Hotel Awards, obogatila su Esplanadinu bogatu riznicu dok je novi hrvatski Gault&Millau vodič našu talentiranu Anu Grgić proglasio Velikim chefom sutrašnjice, a Zinfandel’s restoran nagradio trima kapicama. Michelinova je preporuka drugu godinu zaredom našla put do oba hotelska restorana baš kao i mnoge druge nagrade, kojima smo se, veoma skromno, ali propisno pohvalili. Uživajte u čitanju!

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Content Sadržaj 6

Zagreb Summer Guide Vodič za ljeto u Zagrebu

14 Igor Štagljar – On The Verge of Discovering a Cure for Cancer Na tragu otkrića lijeka protiv karcinoma

100 Famous & Distinguished People Poznati i slavni gosti

Romantic Winter Wedding Romantično zimsko vjenčanje

104 Did You Know? Jeste li znali? 106 City Guide Gradski vodič


25 News Novosti 36 Neale Donald Walsch – My Life Belongs not Only to me but also to the People I Try to Help Moj život ne pripada samo meni već i ljudima kojima pomažem 44 Hotel Staff – The Esplanade’s sweet secrets Esplanadine slatke tajne 52 Tarin’s Palm – Neodoljiv spoj Mediterana i Indije An Irresistible Fusion of the Mediterranean & India 56 The Fortress of St. Nicholas – The Mighty Beauty Protecting Šibenik Tvrđava sv. Nikole - Moćna ljepotica koja čuva Šibenik 66 Events Događanja 86 Tomislava i Nikola Furić – Romantic Winter Wedding Romantično zimsko vjenčanje 94 The Sixties in Croatia – Myth & Reality Šezdesete u Hrvatskoj – Mit i stvarnost 2 | E S P LA NA D E V IEW

The Mighty Beauty Protecting Šibenik Moćna ljepotica koja čuva Šibenik


My Life Belongs not Only to me but also to the People I Try to Help Moj život ne pripada samo meni već i ljudima kojima pomažem


IMPRESSUM Editor | Izdavač Zaposlena d.o.o. 10 000 Zagreb Frankopanska 24 tel: 01/3680 015 fax: 01/ 3680 016 Editor-in Chief | Glavna urednica Ana Gruden Editorial board | Uredništvo Sanda Sokol, Ivica Max Krizmanić Design and layout | Dizajn i prijelom Brandmama d.o.o. Proofreading | Lektura Julijana Jurković Journalists | Novinari Petra Nikić, Martina Vrbanić Translation to English | Prijevod na engleski ETNOtrend d.o.o. Photographs | Fotografije Tomislav Smoljanović, Mare Milin, Marko Dušak Cover | Naslovnica Creative management | Kreativno vodstvo Tarin Meneghello Photographer | Fotografkinja Mare Milin Assistant Photographer | Asistent Fotografa Milan Krkač Makeup | Šminka Simona Antonović Model | Model Ana Nikšić/Relatum Models Clothes | Odjeća Tarin’s Palm by Tarin Meneghello Print | Tisak Kerschoffset

Esplanade Zagreb Luxury Hotel Mihanovićeva 1 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia tel: 01/4566 666, fax: 01/4566 050 ISSN 2584-7104


Croatia’s capital has many visitors, not only in winter months, when it keeps winning the Best Advent awards, but also in summer, when you can be sure you’ll have a great time if you come to Zagreb Glavni grad Hrvatske posjećen je, ne samo u zimskim mjesecima kada osvaja nagrade za najbolji Advent već i ljeti, kada možete biti sigurni da vas, ako se zateknete u Zagrebu, očekuje odličan provod Author: MARTINA VRBANIĆ Photographs: TZGZ ARCHIVE



Zagreb Summer Guide VodiÄ? za ljeto u Zagrebu


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Besides numerous cultural events, exhibitions and concerts, Zagreb also offers various fun events that you shouldn’t miss. This is why summer in Zagreb can be a great idea this year again, just like it has been every summer so far.

Osim brojnih kulturnih manifestacija, izložaba i koncerata, Zagreb nudi i razne zabavne događaje koje ne smijete propustiti. Stoga, kao i svakog ljeta do sada, i ove godine ljeto u Zagrebu može biti odlična ideja.

Zagreb’s streets and squares never sleep in summer and even during the warmest part of the day, the city is full of tourists discovering the beauties of Croatia’s capital. Although many citizens of Zagreb go to the Adriatic coast, the events in the city centre still keep the streets and squares awake, full of entertainment and laughter.

Gradske ulice i trgovi ljeti ne spavaju, a grad je i u najtoplijem dijelu dana prepun turista koji otkrivaju čari glavnoga grada Hrvatske. Iako mnogi građani odlaze na Jadran, događanja u centru glavnoga grada i dalje drže ulice i trgove budnima, prepunima zabave i smijeha.

Many events begin even before the first day of summer, so have a look at our list and discover the fun part of Zagreb.

Velik broj događaja počinje i prije kalendarskog početka ljeta pa proučite naš popis na vrijeme i otkrijte zabavnu stranu Zagreba. Both the citizens of Zagreb and an increasing number of visitors have not been able to resist the programme of the Summer at Stross for years now, because fun is guaranteed here


Ljeto na Štrosu

You will find refreshment and shade on the city walls enveloped by trees, so this place is an ideal choice for hot summer nights. And it has a little bit of the Parisian spirit, hence its official name - Strossmartre.

Među zidinama grada obavijenim krošnjama drveća pronaći ćete osvježenje i hladovinu pa je ovo mjesto izabrano kao idealno za vruće ljetne noći. A ima i nešto malo pariškog duha, što govori i njegovo službeno ime – Strossmartre.

The Zagreb Summer at Stross starts already at the end of May every year. The romantic Strossmayer Promenade is located next to the Lotrščak Tower, on the south part of the old city walls. Famous writer A.G. Matoš also rested on the benches in the shade of large horse chestnut trees. So the Summer at Stross is not here by accident.

Every day from May to September, Stross hosts concerts in the beautiful setting among carefully selected art installations. You can have a glass of fine wine here, while painters around you try to capture an ideal moment on their canvasses. Both the citizens of Zagreb and an increasing number of visitors have not been able to resist the programme of the Summer at Stross for years now, because fun is guaranteed here. 8 | E S P LAN A D E V IEW


Svake godine već krajem svibnja počinje zagrebačko Ljeto na Štrosu. Romantično Strossmayerovo šetalište nalazi se podno same Kule Lotrščak, na južnim zidinama staroga grada. Ispod gustih krošanja kestena, na klupicama u hladu, odmarao je i slavni A. G. Matoš. Stoga se Ljeto na Štrosu ne nalazi slučajno ovdje.

Svakoga dana od svibnja do rujna na Štrosu se održavaju glazbeni koncerti u predivnom ambijentu pomno odabranih likovnih instalacija. Ovdje možete popiti čašicu finog vina dok oko vas slikari s platnima pokušavaju uhvatiti idealan trenutak koji će naslikati na svojim slikama. Ponudi Ljeta na Štrosu već godinama ne mogu odoljeti stanovnici grada, ali ni gosti koji dolaze u sve većem broju jer zabava je ovdje zajamčena.

Ponudi Ljeta na Štrosu već godinama ne mogu odoljeti stanovnici grada, ali ni gosti koji dolaze u sve većem broju jer zabava je ovdje zagarantirana


Although mid-July is the top tourist season at the Adriatic, you won’t regret being in Zagreb at that time, because it is an ideal opportunity to discover old Zagreb. In ten days, from 13 to 22 July, visitors of this popular event can discover what is behind the doors and fences of the courtyards, which are closed during the rest of the year. When you enter the well maintained and nicely decorated courtyards, you can feel the warm atmosphere of the old spirit of Zagreb, go back in time and feel how Zagreb’s citizens used to live then. And you can do it while having fun and enjoying the warm summer months. The organizers of the event follow the motto that each courtyard tells its story of the past times, so they are decorated accordingly. If you visit The Courtyards in Upper Town, you can enjoy exploring the past while listening to good music and having excellent food and drinks.


Iako je sredinom srpnja u Hrvatskoj vrhunac sezone na Jadranu, neće vam biti žao ako u to vrijeme budete bili u Zagrebu jer ovo je idealna prilika u kojoj možete otkriti stari Zagreb. U deset dana, od 13. do 22. srpnja, posjetitelji ove popularne manifestacije mogu otkriti što se nalazi iza zatvorenih vrata i ograda dvorišta koja su inače tijekom godine zatvorena. Kada uđete u uređena dvorišta, možete osjetiti toplu atmosferu starog duha Zagreba, vratiti se u neko daleko vrijeme i osjetiti kako su tada živjeli stanovnici Zagreba. I sve to kroz zabavu i uživanje u toplim ljetnim mjesecima. Organizatori manifestacije vode se motom da svako dvorište priča svoju priču davnih vremena pa su ona s obzirom na to tako i uređena. Posjetite li dvorišta Gornjeg grada, možete uživati u otkrivanju povijesti kroz dobru glazbu te uz odličnu hranu i piće.


Zagreb will turn into a city of artists and performers from 30 May to 3 June. One of the most popular events - the International Cest is d´Best Street Festival - will be taking place in the city centre. A large number of cheerful street performers will swarm Zagreb’s streets and squares and entertain the citizens of Zagreb and all visitors. Up to ten thousand visitors participate in this event every year. If you are in Zagreb at that time, be sure to visit the city centre, which turns to one large stage full of laughter and joy. Cest is d´Best has been taking place since 1997. It will be its 22nd edition this year. A lot of entertainment, concerts, various games and sports, creative workshops, drama plays and much dance and play will provide a great time.

Cest is d'Best

Od 30. svibnja do 3. lipnja Zagreb se pretvara u grad umjetnika. U centru grada održava se jedna od najpopularnijih manifestacija – Međunarodni ulični festival Cest is d´Best. Zagrebačke ulice i trgove preplavit će velik broj veselih uličnih izvođača koji će svojim umijećem zabavljati Zagrepčane i sve one koji se tada zateknu u Zagrebu. A svake godine u ovoj manifestaciji sudjeluje i do desetak tisuća posjetitelja. Ako u to vrijeme budete bili u Zagrebu, nikako ne propustite posjetiti centar grada koji tada postaje jedna velika zabavna pozornica na kojoj ne nedostaje smijeha i veselja. Cest is d´Best održava se od 1997. godine i ove godine očekuje ga 22. izdanje. Uz mnogo zabave, za dobar provod bit će zaslužni koncerti, razne društvene i sportske igre, kreativne radionice, dramska događanja te mnogo plesa i igre. ZAG R EB

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This is the seventh year that Park Zrinjevac has been hosting the Slatki Gušti Sweets Festival, at which Zagreb’s best bakers offer their most delicious sweets. Besides tasty pastries and cakes, visitors will be able to taste some other products, such as fruit and chocolate brandies, wines and natural juices. All of it accompanied with good music and excellent live concerts. Taste Zagreb’s most delicious cakes and pastries and see for yourselves why Zagreb belongs at the top of gastronomic offer. Explore the secrets of tasty sweets of Zagreb and sweeten your life in the beautiful environment of the green Park Zrinjevac.

Festival slastica Slatki gušti

Već sedmu godinu na Zrinjevcu se održava Festival slastica Slatki gušti na kojem svoje najukusnije slastice izlažu najbolji slastičari Zagreba. Osim ukusnih kolača i torti, posjetitelji će moći kušati i neke druge proizvode kao što su voćne i čokoladne rakije, vina i prirodni sokovi. I sve to uz dobru glazbu i odlične koncerte uživo. Isprobajte najukusnije zagrebačke torte i kolače i uvjerite se zašto Zagreb pripada samom vrhu gastronomske ponude. Otkrijte tajne ukusnih zagrebačkih kolača i zasladite si život u prekrasnom ambijentu zelenog Zrinjevca.


Ljeto na Zrinjevcu

If you are looking for more active fun, there are numerous sports activities, performances and workshops. You can practise yoga, play chess, walk on a rope... It’s up to you, you can choose what brings you the most joy.

Ako tražite aktivniju zabavu, tu su brojne sportske aktivnosti, predstave i radionice. Možete vježbati jogu, igrati šah, hodati po užetu... Izbor je na vama, a vi odlučite što vas najviše veseli.

Summer in Park Zrinjevac starts in the second half of July. It includes absolutely all contents that you can imagine in one place. The shade of one of the most beautiful parts of Zagreb hosts booths offering delicacies, food and drinks that will make your mouth water. You will want to taste everything here. You can sit in deck chairs on the lawn and sip cocktails while listening to nice music.



U drugoj polovici srpnja počinje Ljeto na Zrinjevcu, a riječ je o svim mogućim sadržajima koje možete zamisliti na jednome mjestu. U hladovini jednog od najljepših dijelova Zagreba smjestile su se kućice koje nude razne delicije, jela i pića koja možete samo poželjeti. Ovdje ćete htjeti isprobati sve, a možete i sjediti na jednoj od ležaljki na travi i pijuckati koktele uz ugodnu glazbu.

Festival vatrometa na Bundeku

Sredinom lipnja na zagrebačkom jezeru Bundek, uz rijeku Savu, održat će se 18. izdanje Međunarodnog festivala vatrometa. I ove godine zagrebačko nebo „zapalit“ će se tri dana zaredom, kada će se okupiti najbolji svjetski pirotehničari koji će sigurno prirediti zabavu za pamćenje. Vatromet se održava u kasnim večernjim satima, ali preporučuje se doći malo ranije kako biste mogli prošetati zelenilom oko predivnog jezera i da biste pronašli idealno mjesto za gledanje vatrometa. Festival vatrometa jedno je od najpopularnijih događanja u Zagrebu, a maštovitim vatrometom posjetitelje će zabavljati svjetski poznati pirotehničari s dugogodišnjim iskustvom i s više od stotinu izvedenih vatrometa.


The 18th edition of the International Fireworks Festival will take place at Lake Bundek, near the Sava River, mid-June. This year again, Zagreb’s sky will light up three days in a row, when the world’s best pyrotechnicians will gather and for sure create a memorable show. The fireworks are displayed in the late evening hours, but it is recommended that you come a bit earlier, take a walk through the park around the beautiful lake and find an ideal spot to watch the fireworks from. The Fireworks Festival is one of the most popular events in Zagreb. World famous pyrotechnicians with long-time experience and over a hundred fireworks displayed will entertain visitors with creative fireworks.


If you are in Zagreb at the end of September, don’t miss the Medieval Days at Medvednica Nature Park, an annual event that takes place at Fort Medvedgrad on the last weekend in September. The medieval spirit and customs come back to life at Fort Medvedgrad over the two festival days. Its walls get occupied by the Black Queen and her retinue, knights and jesters, while a medieval fair takes place around the fortress. If you also want to try your hand at knightly battles at a knightly tournament, check out medieval torture devices, listen to medieval music and meet the witches of the Medvednica Mountain, don’t miss going back to the Middle Ages on the Medvednica Mountain. You are sure to find something that suits you among the mentioned events to spend memorable summer days in Croatia’s capital. You can find detailed programmes and schedules of each mentioned event on their official websites. Put a smile on your face and enjoy the most relaxed time of the year.

Srednjovjekovni dani na Medvednici

Zateknete li se u Zagrebu krajem rujna, ne propustite Srednjovjekovne dane na Medvednici koji se već tradicionalno održavaju na Medvedgradu posljednjeg vikenda u rujnu. U dva dana održavanja manifestacije na Medvedgradu oživljavaju se duh i običaji srednjeg vijeka. Zidine zaposjeda Crna kraljica, vitezovi, dvorska svita, ali i dvorske lude, a oko utvrde održava se srednjovjekovni sajam. Želite li se i vi okušati u viteškim disciplinama na viteškom turniru, isprobati srednjovjekovne sprave za mučenje, slušati srednjovjekovnu glazbu te susresti coprnice s Medvednice, ne propustite otputovati u daleki srednji vijek na Zagrebačkoj gori. Od navedenih događaja sigurno ćete pronaći nešto što je po vašem ukusu kako biste proveli nezaboravne ljetne dane u glavnom gradu Hrvatske. Detaljan program i satnicu svakog navedenog događaja možete pronaći na službenim stranicama manifestacija. Nabacite osmijeh na lice i uživajte u najopuštenijem dijelu godine. ES P LA N A D E V I E W | 11


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The production of FREYWILLE’s “Passionate Art” jewellery is no less complex than the detailed ornamentation within its designs. Some 80 procedural steps – many of them manually executed – are required in order to manufacture each piece of jewellery.

Umjetnički FREYWILLE nakit izrađuje se jedinstvenim i iznimno složenim procesom. Posebno kompleksan je postupak ornamentiranja u kojem se svaki najsitniji detalj i motiv raskošnog dizajna dugotrajno osmišljava i vrlo precizno oslikava. Nastajanje jednog komada nakita u konačnici podrazumijeva proces s više od 80 pojedinačnih koraka od kojih je većina ručni rad.

CREATION The most important part in this production procedure is transforming the gouache sketches drafted by the FREYWILLE artists into the finished enamel without losing either the striking colour depth or the precise details in the designs.

STVARANJE SKICA Pri kreativnom stvaranju raskošnog dizajna FREYWILLE umjetnici izrađuju skice gvaš tehnikom. Najteži i najvažniji dio u procesu izrade nakita je prenošenje tih skica na pripremljeni emajl bez ijedne promjene bogatih nijansi snažnih boja i uz zadržavanje svakog preciznog detalja dizajna kao na izvornoj skici

PRECIOUS ENAMEL Originally sketched in gouache colours, only perfected designs are chosen to be created in enamel, a material composed of glass with additives. Pulverised glass (the “frit”) is ground together with minerals, porcelain balls and water in a mill until an enamel “paste” is created. This procedure must be separately performed for each enamel colour, which is produced by metal oxides enriched with quartz sand. Precisely accurate and consistent measurements are required for each colour. These formulas are closely held trade secrets and they produce a singularly luminous colour – one that never fades.

PRIPREMA NAJFINIJEG EMAJLA Od brojnih izvornih skica gvaš bojama, odabiru se samo one koje su potpuno savršena umjetnička djela te će kao takve biti prenesene u dizajn na emajlu, staklenom materijalu pomiješanom s posebnim dodacima. Smjesa staklenog praha („frit“) i minerala usitnjava se pomoću porculanskih kuglica i vode u mlinu, sve dok se ne dobije emajl „pasta“. Ova procedura izvodi se posebno za svaku boju emajla. Boju emajla proizvode metalni oksidi obogaćeni kvarcnim pijeskom u točno određenim, preciznim i ponovljivim omjerima. Formule tih mješavina su dobro čuvana poslovna tajna , jer su upravo one zaslužne za jedinstveni sjaj boja koje nikada ne blijede.

APPLICATION OF GOLD The application of the design begins with a “base coat” of 24-carat yellow- and/ or white-gold powder that is applied by hand and fused in a special procedure. Then, as with mosaic, each colour “stone” is sequentially applied.

APLIKACIJA ZLATA Aplikacija dizajna započinje tzv. „baznim slojem“ 24 kt žutog ili bijelog zlata u prahu. On se ručno nanosi i topi specijalnim postupkom. Nakon toga, baš kao što se slažu kamenčići u mozaiku, apliciraju se jedna po jedna raskošna boja.

PHASES OF COLOUR APPLICATION The nuances of the colour application depend upon the artists’ intentions: the historical source for each design – whether it is from a particular art-historical epoch or a famous painter’s masterpiece – requires specific colour definitions in order to attain artistic authenticity.

APLICIRANJE BOJA Prilikom nanošenja boja, izbor odgovarajućih nijansi određen je umjetničkim opredjeljenjem. Naime, povijesni izvor dizajna , bilo da je on određena povijesno-umjetnička epoha ili remek-djelo velikana slikarstva, nalaže vrlo specifičnu definiciju boja kojom će se postići umjetnička autentičnost.

FIRING THE ENAMEL Once all the colours are applied, the numerous layers of enamel are fused together and bonded by a firing process called the “Dekorbrand.”

PEČENJE EMAJLA Kada se nanesu sve boje, brojni slojevi na emajlu se sjedinjuju i vežu posebnim postupkom pečenja koji se zove „dekorbrand“ .

MOUNTINGS After the Dekorbrand, each individual piece is polished and finished with hand-painted enamel, and fired one last time. Finally, the completed piece of enamel – now a thin plate refracting intense colour – is mounted by hand into selected settings (24-carat gold-plated, rhodium plated or 18-carat solid gold) and then rigorously inspected for quality control. The piece of jewellery is at last ready to be worn by a patron of “Passionate Art.”

UGRADNJA Nakon pečenja, svaki pojedini komad emajla se pažljivo polira i završno precizno ručno oslikava pa ponovno još jednom peče. Konačno, gotove raskošno obojene dragocjene pločice emajla ručno se postavljaju između okvira koji mogu biti od 24kt pozlate, rodij-paladij prevlake ili 18kt čistog zlata. Poslije stroge kontrole kvalitete izradbe, gotovo malo umjetničko djelo spremno je za budućeg vlasnika, strastvenog ljubitelja kulture i umjetnosti.

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On the Verge of Discovering a Cure for Cancer Na tragu otkrića lijeka protiv karcinoma One of the most esteemed scientists in the area of molecular biology today speaks to Esplanade View about his scientific discoveries and his career abroad. Jedan od najcjenjenijih znanstvenika današnjice s područja molekularne biologije, specijalno za Esplanade View govori o svojim znanstvenim otkrićima i o karijeri u inozemstvu

Igor Štagljar is a 52-year old scientist, who has been a Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Medical Genetics at the University of Toronto for 13 years now. He is also head of the laboratory that conducts research and seeks to improve treatment of the most malignant diseases of the modern times - carcinomas. This Croatian scientist can boast a rich scientific career. After obtaining a BSc from the Faculty of Science of the University of Zagreb, he went to Switzerland, where he obtained a doctorate degree in Molecular Biology and Microbiology from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. He undertook two postdoctoral positions at that University and he also worked as a visiting scientist at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA. In 2005, he accepted an Associate Professor position at the University of Toronto, where he was promoted to the rank of Full Professor in 2010.


Igor Štagljar 52-godišnji je znanstvenik koji već trinaest godina radi kao profesor na Odjelu za biokemiju i medicinsku genetiku na Sveučilištu u Torontu, a uz to je i na čelu laboratorija koji se bavi istraživanjem i pospješivanjem tretiranja najzloćudnijih bolesti modernog doba – karcinoma. Ovaj se hrvatski znanstvenik itekako može pohvaliti bogatom znanstvenom karijerom. Nakon stečene diplome na PMF-u odlazi u Švicarsku gdje je doktorirao molekularnu biologiju i mikrobiologiju na Švicarskoj školi za tehnologiju na Sveučilištu u Zurichu. Na istom je sveučilištu polazio dva postdoktorska studija, a radio je i kao gostujući znanstvenik na Sveučilištu u Washingtonu. Godine 2005. zaposlio se kao izvanredni profesor na Sveučilištu u Torontu gdje je 2010. stekao status redovnog profesora. IN T ERV IEW | I N TERVJ U

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He is known to the public for his scientific work, which includes efforts to find a cure for one of the most malignant tumours – lung cancer. The scientific community, but also the public in general, remember Štagljar and his team by the development of two key technologies, MYTH and MaMTH, which help enhance the fight against cancer. In 2005, the eminent scientific magazine The Scientist listed the MYTH among the top 10 technologies that would mark the following decade. Štagljar has also received an Innovation Oscar for technology. It is a prestigious award awarded by the Government of Canada for innovations that have the potential to change the quality of human life. Igor received it for the MaMTH technology, with the use of which a new lung cancer biomarker was discovered. Although he is living and working in Canada, he also has some business activities in his homeland: through a praiseworthy project of lung cancer treatment improvement at the Jordanovac Clinical Hospital for Pulmonary Diseases in Zagreb and through the recently founded laboratory at the Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (MedILS) in Split. What attracted you to molecular biology? After graduating from the Mathematics and IT High School (MIOC) in Zagreb, I passed the entrance exams at the School of Medicine and at the Faculty of Science, Department of Molecular Biology. I decided to study molecular biology and I have never regretted it. I believed already then that doctors would only be able to discover the secrets behind human diseases with the help of molecular biologists. Because, if you want to cure a disease with a drug, then you must know which molecule(s) you must destroy or stabilize with this drug. You will only be able to solve this problem if you have molecular biology know-how. As I decided to major in molecular biology, I went to the Central Office of the School of Medicine to tell them that I was not going to enrol there. I can still remember the baffled look of the lady in the office, who asked me several times whether I was sure I wanted to leave the School of Medicine. However, if I could choose my studies again, I would choose an MD/PhD programme at one of the world’s leading medical schools, because it would combine my two loves – medicine and molecular biology. You have been working at the University of Toronto for 13 years now. What does the job of a scientist in the scientific community of Canada include? It is an extremely dynamic and interesting job, although I would also say that it is quite stressful. As head of the laboratory, I take care of the finances of my quite large group of scientists (around 20 at the moment), which requires at least $1.2 million a year. I spend most of my working hours writing projects, which I send to various state and private (Canadian and American) foundations, asking them to fund our projects. I spend quite a lot of time in the laboratory, where I discuss the latest results with the laboratory members every day. I must mention that I also spend at least 3-4 months each year at invitational congresses, lectures and grant panels throughout the world, at which I present our new results or evaluate the projects of those scientific institutions. I sometimes rack up even 150,000 miles a year flying throughout the world, so that even cabin 16 | E S P LAN A D E V IEW


Javnosti je poznat po svojem znanstvenom djelovanju koje uključuje rad na otkrivanju lijeka protiv jednog od najzloćudnijih tumora – na plućima. Znanstvena zajednica, ali i javnost općenito, pamte Štagljara i njegov tim i po razvoju dviju ključnih tehnologija, MYTH i MaMTH, s pomoću kojih se pospješuje borba protiv karcinoma. Ugledni znanstveni časopis The Scientist MYTH tehnologiju 2005. godine svrstao je u deset najboljih koje će obilježiti sljedeće desetljeće. Također, Štagljar je dobitnik „Inovacijskog Oscara“ za tehnologiju. Riječ je o prestižnoj nagradi koju dodjeljuje kanadska vlada za inovacije koje imaju potencijala promijeniti kvalitetu ljudskog života, a Igoru je uručena upravo za MaMTH tehnologiju s pomoću koje je i otkriven novi biomarker za rak pluća. Iako živi i radi u Kanadi, poslovno djeluje i u svojoj rodnoj zemlji i to kroz hvalevrijedan projekt u pospješivanju tretiranja raka pluća na Klinici za plućne bolesti na Jordanovcu u Zagrebu te na nedavno osnovanom laboratoriju u splitskom Mediteranskom institutu za istraživanje života (MedILS). Što vas je privuklo molekularnoj biologiji? Nakon završene srednje škole (zagrebački MIOC), položio sam prijemne ispite na Medicinskom fakultetu i na Molekularnoj biologiji na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Odlučio sam se za molekularnu biologiju i nisam nikad požalio. Već sam tada smatrao da će tajne koje se kriju iza ljudskih bolesti liječnici moći otkriti samo uz pomoć „molekularaca“. Naime, ako želite lijekom izliječiti neku bolest, onda morate znati koju molekulu / koje molekule morate ili uništiti ili stabilizirati nekim lijekom. Taj ćete problem moći riješiti samo ako posjedujete znanje molekularne biologije. S obzirom na to da sam se odlučio studirati molekularnu biologiju, otišao sam u dekanat Medicinskog fakulteta kako bih se ispisao. I danas se sjećam zbunjenog pogleda kolegice iz dekanata koja me nekoliko puta pitala jesam li siguran da se želim ispisati s medicine. No, kada bih ponovno mogao birati što studirati, odabrao bih MD/PhD program na nekom od vodećih svjetskih medicinskih sveučilišta jer bi on ujedinio moje dvije velike ljubavi: medicinu i molekularnu biologiju. Već trinaest godina radite na Sveučilištu u Torontu. Što sve nosi posao znanstvenika u znanstvenoj zajednici Kanade? To je jedan iznimno dinamičan i zanimljiv posao, premda bih se usudio reći i dosta stresan. Kao voditelj laboratorija brinem se za financije svoje poprilično velike grupe znanstvenika (u ovom trenutku oko 20-ak), a za to je potrebno najmanje 1.2 milijuna dolara na godinu. Većinu radnog vremena provodim pišući projekte koje onda šaljem raznim državnim i privatnim (kanadskim i američkim) fondacijama od kojih tražim financijska sredstva za naše projekte. Dosta vremena provodim u laboratoriju gdje svakodnevno diskutiram o najnovijim rezultatima s članovima laboratorija. Moram spomenuti i kako najmanje 3-4 mjeseca u godini provedem na pozivnim kongresima, predavanjima i grant panelima diljem svijeta gdje predstavljam naše nove rezultate ili evaluiram projekte tih znanstvenih institucija. Katkad se dogodi da u godinu dana skupim i po 150,000 milja

The scientific community, but also the public in general, remember Štagljar and his team by the development of two key technologies, MYTH and MaMTH, which help enhance the fight against cancer Znanstvena zajednica, ali i javnost općenito, pamte Štagljara i njegov tim i po razvoju dviju ključnih tehnologija, MYTH i MaMTH, s pomoću kojih se pospješuje borba protiv karcinoma

crews of some airline companies already know me. Together with your team at the University of Toronto, you discovered and patented the Membrane Yeast Two-Hybrid (MYTH) technology. Can you describe in more detail how you made the discovery and what exactly it means for science, but also for humans in general. In layman’s terms, it is a tool that helps scientists analyse interactions or contacts among membrane proteins that play an important role in the development of a large number of the most serious diseases. In 2005, the prestigious trade journal The Scientist included MYTH among the top 10 technologies that would pave the way for the development of molecular biology in the upcoming decade. The idea to develop this technology crossed my mind during a longer run in a forest near Zurich.

leteći diljem svijeta pa me već prepoznaje i kabinsko osoblje pojedinih aviokompanija. Zajedno sa svojim timom na Sveučilištu u Torontu otkrili ste i patentirali tehnologiju membranskog dualnog sistema MYTH. Možete li podrobnije opisati kako je došlo do otkrića i što to točno znači za znanost, ali i za čovjeka općenito? Riječ je, laički rečeno, o alatu s pomoću kojega znanstvenici mogu analizirati interakcije ili kontakte među membranskim proteinima koji igraju važnu ulogu u nastanku nemalog broja najopakijih bolesti. Prestižni stručni list The Scientist 2005. godine upravo je tu tehnologiju prozvao jednom od top 10 znanstvenih tehnologija koje će utabati put razvoja molekularne biologije u nadolazećem desetljeću. Ideja za razvoj te tehnologije sinula mi je tijekom jednog dužeg trčanja u šumi pokraj Zuricha.


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And you have recently developed the latest MaMTH technology, as well... Yes, I can say that the development of the MaMTH technology rocketed my laboratory to the elite of the biomedical industry. It is a technology that can be applied to any human membrane protein from any human cell. This technology enables us to find proteins that regulate peripheral membrane proteins, which are included in numerous human diseases, such as numerous types of carcinoma, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and even proteins included in ageing. The list of diseases that we can study with the use of the MaMTH tool is quite long – even around 500! The MaMTH technology enabled us to “catch” the therapeutic molecule named CRK II, unknown until then, which is responsible for one of the deadliest diseases today – lung carcinoma. The fact that we were awarded the 2015 Innovation Oscar in Canada for the MaMTH technology testifies to how revolutionary the discovery was. That annual award is presented for innovations that have the potential to change the quality of life, as well as the potential for commercial and global impact. There has been a lot of talk in the public about your discovery of a lung cancer drug. I cannot disclose the details of this discovery at this moment, because our work that describes that drug is still being reviewed by a scientific magazine. But in a nutshell, we have modified the MaMTH technology so that it can also be used to “catch” the drugs that bind to human membrane proteins and “silence” their function in that way. One of those proteins is also the EGFR or the epidermal growth factor receptor, which overexpresses in numerous human tumours. It is a socalled precise drug, which targets the most frequent type of lung cancer. Non-small cell lung carcinoma is caused by mutations in the EGFR gene. They affect around 10-78% (depending on geographical region) of 18 | E S P LA NA DE V IEW


A nedavno ste razvili i najnoviju tehnologiju MaMTH… Da, slobodno mogu reći da je razvitak te MaMTH tehnologije moj laboratorij lansirao u elitu biomedicinske branše. Riječ je o tehnologiji koja se može primijeniti na bilo koji ljudski membranski protein iz bilo koje ljudske stanice. Ta tehnologija omogućava da pronađemo proteine koji reguliraju membranske proteine koji se nalaze na periferiji ljudskih stanica, a koji su uključeni u brojne ljudske bolesti kao što su brojne vrste karcinoma, Parkinsonova bolest, Alzheimer, dijabetes, pa čak i proteini uključeni u starenje. Lista bolesti koje možemo proučavati MaMTH alatom povelika je – čak 500-tinjak! Ta MaMTH tehnologija omogućila nam je i da “upecamo“ dotad neznanu terapeutsku molekulu pod nazivom Crk II odgovornu za jednu od najsmrtonosnijih bolesti današnjice – karcinom pluća. O koliko je revolucionarnom otkriću riječ, najbolje svjedoči činjenica da smo za MaMTH tehnologiju 2015. godine u Kanadi bili nagrađeni „Inovacijskim Oscarom“. Ta se godišnja nagrada dodjeljuje za inovacije koje imaju potencijal promijeniti kvalitetu života, kao i mogućnost za komercijalni i globalni utjecaj. U posljednje vrijeme u javnosti se mnogo govori o vašem pronalasku lijeka za rak pluća. U ovom trenutku ne mogu iznijeti pojedinosti o tom otkriću jer se naš rad koji opisuje taj lijek još uvijek nalazi na recenziji u jednom znanstvenom časopisu. No, ukratko, MaMTH tehnologiju smo modificirali tako da se njome sada može “pecati“ i lijekove koji se vežu na ljudske membranske proteine te na taj način “utišavaju” njihovu funkciju. Jedan od tih proteina je i EGFR, ili receptor epidermalnog faktora rasta, koji se sintetizira u golemim količinama u brojnim ljudskim tumorima. Riječ je o tzv. preciznom lijeku koji djeluje na najčešću formu karcinoma pluća. Karcinom pluća nemalih stanica uzrokovan je mutacijama u EGFR genu, a one pogađaju oko 10 – 78 % (ovisno o geografskoj regiji) svih pacijenata koji imaju

all patients diagnosed with adenocarcinoma (subtype of non-small cell lung cancer). We will soon begin the second phase of clinical trials with this drug in Toronto. We will test the precise medication concentration, which we must administer to adenocarcinoma patients, as well as the way that the body processes that medication. We are also planning to conduct clinical trials in Croatia, at the Jordanovac Clinical Hospital for Pulmonary Diseases, where we closely cooperate with Professor Miroslav Samaržija’s team.

dijagnosticiran adenokarcinom (podvrsta raka pluća nemalih stanica). S tim lijekom ćemo u Torontu uskoro započeti drugu fazu kliničkih istraživanja u kojoj ćemo testirati točnu koncentraciju lijeka koju moramo dati pacijentima oboljelima od adenokarcinoma pluća te kako tijelo taj lijek procesuira. Također, planiramo provoditi klinička istraživanja i u Hrvatskoj, i to na Klinici za plućne bolesti na Jordanovcu gdje usko surađujemo s timom akademika Miroslava Samaržije.

You once told journalists that man would never beat tumours. Are you not doing exactly that – finding a drug and beating tumours?

Jednom ste prilikom za novinare izjavili da čovjek nikad neće pobijediti tumore. Zar vi ne radite upravo to – pronalazite lijek i pobjeđujete tumore?

Yes, biomedicine has really made substantial progress in the fight against tumours in the past twenty years. For example, only 10% of women used to survive breast cancer in the past twenty years, today it’s almost 90%. The 5-year survival in prostate cancer is 97%. So we are making slow progress, but we are still making progress.

Da, biomedicina je u zadnjih dvadesetak godina zaista dosta napredovala u borbi protiv tumora. Primjerice, u zadnjih dvadesetak godina tek bi 10 % žena preživjelo karcinom dojke, a danas gotovo 90 %. Kod karcinoma prostate preživljenje u prvih pet godina je 97 %. Dakle, polako napredujemo, ali ipak napredujemo.

I have recently mentioned that tumours are diseases of the past, present, but also future. Although we will understand numerous tumours at the molecular level and create adequate drugs against them, unfortunately, we will never be able to destroy them com-

Nedavno sam spomenuo da su tumori bolesti prošlosti, sadašnjosti, ali i budućnosti. Premda ćemo brojne tumore razumjeti na molekularnoj razini i na taj način kreirati odgovarajuće lijekove protiv njih, nažalost, nikada ih nećemo moći sasvim uništiti jer

In cooperation with colleagues from the Faculty of Science in Zagreb, Professor Mirjana Pavlica, Assistant Professor Maja Gligora and Professor Damjan Franjević, I established the Igor Štagljar Fund to finance molecular biology students, so that the best young molecular biologists could undergo further training at my laboratory at the University of Toronto. U suradnji s kolegama sa zagrebačkog PMF-a, prof. dr. Mirjanom Pavlicom, doc. dr. Majom Gligorom te prof. dr. Damjanom Franjevićem, osnovao sam Fond „Igor Štagljar“ za financiranje studenata molekularne biologije kako bi se najbolji mladi molekularci mogli usavršavati u mojem laboratoriju na Sveučilištu u Torontu pletely, because they mutate fast. So we will beat numerous types of carcinoma, but we will never be able to eradicate them completely, because tumours are very smart. When we treat them with a certain drug, they become resistant to that drug. We must always be ready to have a battalion of new drugs in store, which we will be able to produce after we discover new mutations in patients. The point of the whole cancer research is to be able to treat tumours as chronic diseases in the next twenty years or so. It would mean that patients would have to take appropriate medications their whole life long, but they would be able to live normally. Such a scenario is possible, because patients will take so-called “smart” drugs produced using personalized approach. Those drugs will be administered in combinations to destroy all malignant molecules in tumour cells. So, if five malignant molecules are responsible for a certain tumour, patients will be given a cocktail of five different smart drugs. Are you thinking about returning to Croatia? I doubt that I will return to Croatia in the next twenty years, that is, before retirement. I currently have all conditions for a pleasant life in Canada, at both professional and private levels. But, I must admit, the older I get, the more I am drawn back to Europe. I think that Croatia needs Igor Štagljar more here – in diaspora, than in Croatia. Two years ago, in cooperation

brzo mutiraju. Dakle, pobijedit ćemo brojne vrste karcinoma, ali ih nikada nećemo potpuno iskorijeniti jer su tumori vrlo pametni. Kada ih tretiramo određenim lijekom, oni postaju rezistentni baš na taj lijek. Uvijek moramo biti spremni imati bataljun novih lijekova koje ćemo moći proizvesti nakon što su nove mutacije otkrivene kod pacijenata. Bit cijelog istraživanja tumora jest da ih u sljedećih dvadesetak godina možemo tretirati kao kronične bolesti, što bi za oboljele značilo da će cijeli život morati uzimati odgovarajuće lijekove, ali da će moći i normalno živjeti. Takav je scenarij moguć jer će oboljeli pacijenti uzimati tzv. pametne lijekove proizvedene personalnim pristupom. Ti će se lijekovi davati u kombinacijama tako da unište sve zloćudne molekule u tumorskim stanicama. Dakle, ako je za određeni tumor odgovorno pet zloćudnih molekula, pacijentima će se davati koktel od pet različitih pametnih lijekova. Razmišljate li o povratku u Hrvatsku? Čisto sumnjam da ću se u idućih dvadeset godina, odnosno prije mirovine vratiti u Hrvatsku. U Kanadi trenutačno imam sve uvjete za ugodan život, kako na poslovnom planu, tako i na privatnome. No, moram priznati da me, što sam stariji, sve više vuče natrag u Europu. Mislim da je Igor Štagljar više potreban Hrvatskoj ovdje – u dijaspori – nego u Hrvatskoj. Prije dvije godine u suradnji s kolegama sa zagreIN T ERV IEW | I N TERVJ U

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with colleagues from the Faculty of Science in Zagreb, Professor Mirjana Pavlica, Assistant Professor Maja Gligora and Professor Damjan Franjević, I established the Igor Štagljar Fund to finance molecular biology students, so that the best young molecular biologists could undergo further training at my laboratory at the University of Toronto. It is important to mention that we have secured a scholarship in the amount of 55,000 kunas, which I think is a large amount even for Canada, from private sponsors in Croatia (PBZ Pension Fund and Belupo) and Canadian airline Air Canada, which will cover the travel and accommodation costs for one selected student from the Faculty of Science at my laboratory in Toronto. Furthermore, I have been a visiting lecturer for students in both the Croatian and English programme at the School of Medicine in Zagreb for five years now. I have also recently founded a laboratory at the Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (MedILS) in Split. There, I will use Croatian and EU funds to finance the work of talented scientists who will work on projects that we have already started at my laboratory in Toronto. This is why I can say that my contribution to Croatian science is much more constructive and useful this way than if I returned to Croatia for good. Do you visit Croatia frequently? Which places in Zagreb do you like the most? I come to Croatia at least four times a year, and now that I have a laboratory at MedILS, even more often. I love my homeland of Croatia and I think that, despite all weaknesses and growing pains, it has great potential in both the scientific and economic sense. My favourite place for walks is Gornji Grad, so that, whenever I am here, I take my standard route almost every day: Ilica Street, Tomićeva Street, then I take the wooden stairs by the funicular up to the Lotrščak Tower and go on to St.Mark’s Square, I pass by the Stari Krovovi Cafe (aka “Žnidaršić”) to the Palainovka Cafe and then I take Radićeva Street back to Jelačić Square... Believe me, I enjoy every moment of that walk, because it takes me back to my childhood, when I walked the same route with my parents. I love sitting in Preradović Square, aka Flower Square, read a newspaper and have coffee and chat with my Zagreb friends. I also like hiking on Mt. Sljeme. You see that, despite the fact that I have been living abroad for thirty years, I have remained a true citizen of Zagreb in my heart. Why do you like coming to the Esplanade Hotel? To me personally, the Esplanade Hotel has never been just an ordinary hotel, but one of the most important symbols of my hometown. Besides its long and interesting history, excellent location and luxury, the Esplanade Hotel has always had an indefinable charm and sophisticated look that other places in Zagreb didn’t have. As a child, I often went by the hotel and I was always curious how it looked inside. Then my dad took me to the Esplanade Hotel one Saturday evening back in 1977, after we watched the first Star Wars film. I dare say that that evening was a kind of magic for me as a 20 | E S P LAN A DE V IEW


bačkog PMF-a, prof. dr. Mirjanom Pavlicom, doc. dr. Majom Gligorom te prof. dr. Damjanom Franjevićem, osnovao sam Fond „Igor Štagljar“ za financiranje studenata molekularne biologije kako bi se najbolji mladi molekularci mogli usavršavati u mojem laboratoriju na Sveučilištu u Torontu. Važno je napomenuti da smo stipendiju u vrijednosti od 55.000 kuna, a to je po mojem mišljenju velik iznos čak i za kanadske prilike, osigurali od privatnih sponzora u Hrvatskoj (PBZ mirovinski fond i Belupo) i kanadske zrakoplovne tvrtke Air Canada, koja će pokriti troškove puta i smještaja za jednog odabranog studenta sa zagrebačkog PMF-a u mom laboratoriju u Torontu. Nadalje, već pet godina studentima hrvatskog i engleskog programa predajem kao gostujući profesor na zagrebačkom Medicinskom fakultetu. Nedavno sam osnovao i laboratorij u splitskom Mediteranskom institutu za istraživanje života (MedILS) u kojem ću sredstvima iz Hrvatske i Europske unije financirati rad nadarenih znanstvenika koji će raditi na projektima koje smo već započeli u mom laboratoriju u Torontu. Zato mogu reći da je moj doprinos hrvatskoj znanosti ovako mnogo konstruktivniji i korisniji, nego što bi bio da se za stalno vratim u Hrvatsku. Posjećujete li često Hrvatsku? Koja zagrebačka mjesta najviše volite? U Hrvatsku dolazim najmanje četiri puta godišnje, a sada kada i službeno imam laboratorij u MedILS-u, još i češće. Obožavam svoju domovinu Hrvatsku i smatram da, usprkos svim slabostima i “dječjim bolestima”, ima velik potencijal, kako u znanstvenom, tako i u ekonomskom smislu. U Zagrebu najviše volim šetati Gornjim gradom, pa gotovo svaki dan kad sam doma, prođem svojom standardnom rutom: Ilica, Tomićeva, pa onda drvenim stubama pokraj Uspinjače u brdo pokraj Kule Lotrščak prema Markovu trgu, zatim pokraj “Žnidaršića” do Palainovke, i na koncu Radićevom do Jelačić trga… Vjerujte mi, uživam u svakom trenutku te moje šetnje jer me vraća u djetinjstvo kada sam istom rutom šetao sa svojim roditeljima. Obožavam sjediti i na Cvjetnom trgu, čitati novine i ispijati kavice i ćakulati sa zagrebačkim prijateljima. Volim se i “pentrati” po Sljemenu. Vidite i sami da sam, usprkos što u dijaspori živim već trideset godina, u srcu ostao pravi purger. Zbog čega volite navraćati u hotel Esplanade? Za mene osobno hotel Esplanade nikada nije bio samo običan hotel, već jedan od najvažnijih simbola mog rodnog grada. Uz dugu i zanimljivu povijest, sjajnu lokaciju i luksuz, Esplanade je oduvijek imala jedan neopisiv šarm i profinjenost, što druga mjesta u Zagrebu nisu imala. Kao dijete sam često prolazio pokraj hotela i uvijek me zanimalo kako izgleda iznutra. Onda me je tata jednu subotu uvečer, davne 1977. godine, nakon što smo u kinu gledali prvi u nizu filmova Ratovi zvijezda, odveo u Esplanade. Usudio bih se reći da je ta večer za mene kao dijete bila neka vrsta čarolije jer sam tu opuštajuću atmosferu Esplanade osjetio čim

Štagljar has also received an Innovation Oscar for technology. It is a prestigious award awarded by the Government of Canada for innovations that have the potential to change the quality of human life. Igor received it for the MaMTH technology, with the use of which a new lung cancer biomarker was discovered. Štagljar je dobitnik „Inovacijskog Oscara“ za tehnologiju. Riječ je o prestižnoj nagradi koju dodjeljuje kanadska vlada za inovacije koje imaju potencijala promijeniti kvalitetu ljudskog života, a Igoru je uručena za MaMTH tehnologiju s pomoću koje je i otkriven novi biomarker za rak pluća.

child, because I could feel that relaxing atmosphere of the Esplanade Hotel as soon as I entered the lobby. That magic continued when we took a walk around its long corridors and elegant halls. The cherry on top that evening was the story about the Esplanade Hotel, which one of the waiters in the bar told me – that it had been built back in 1925 to provide accommodation for passengers of the famous Orient Express train, which operated between Paris and Istanbul. And I also remember that I had one of the best dark chocolate drinks at the Esplanade Hotel...

sam ušao u njezino predvorje. Ta se čarolija nastavila kada smo prošetali dugačkim hodnicima i elegantnim dvoranama. Kruna te večeri bila je priča o povijesti Esplanade koju mi je ispričao jedan od konobara u baru – da je hotel izgrađen davne 1925. godine kako bi se u njemu odmorili putnici legendarnog vlaka Orient Express koji je vozio na liniji Pariz – Istanbul. A sjećam se i da sam u hotelu Esplanade popio jedan od najfinijih napitaka od tamne čokolade… ES P LA N AD E V I E W | 21

ROLEX Zagreb became richer for a real luxury destination Zagreb postao bogatiji za pravu luksuznu oazu The new Rolex retail and service centre opened in the centre of Zagreb, at the address Frane Petrića 7. Family Mamić, a proud member of Rolex family for over 40 years, opened a new retail and service centre of Rolex watches in the centre of Zagreb, at the address Frane Petrića 7, at the end of 2017. Joint project of Rolex and Mamić family was realized in line with the highest standards and support from Switzerland and coordination with the 3P architectural office headed by architect Jan Pivac. The 300 m2 space on a prestigious location with its sophisticated and elegant interior, quality materials, and state-of-the-art service represents an inevitable destination for the purchase and service of watches with a recognizable Rolex crown. At the opening of their boutique, the Mamić family gathered their long-standing clients, friends and

Novi prodajni i servisni centar satova Rolex otvoren u centru Zagreba, u Ulici Frane Petrića 7. Obitelj Mamić, ponosni član Rolex obitelji već duže od 40 godina, otvorila je krajem prošle godine novi prodajni i servisni centar satova Rolex u samom centru Zagreba, u Ulici Frane Petrića 7. Zajednički projekt Rolexa i obitelji Mamić izveden je po najvišim standardima, uz podršku iz Švicarske te koordinaciju s arhitektonskim uredom 3P na čelu s arhitektom Janom Pivcem. Prostor na prestižnoj lokaciji prostire se na 300 m2 te svojim sofisticiranim i elegantnim interijerom, kvalitetnim materijalima i najsuvremenijom servisnom opremom, predstavlja nezaobilaznu destinaciju za kupnju i servis satova s prepoznatljivom Rolex krunom. Na otvorenju butika, obitelj Mamić je okupila svoje dugogodišnje klijente, ujedno i prijatelje te poslovne partnere. Tom prilikom jedan od cijenjenih gostiju, veleposlanik Švicarske u Republici Hrvatskoj, Njegova Ekscelencija Stefan Estermann, istaknuo je da je obitelj Mamić istinski ambasador Švicarske u Republici Hrvatskoj, a to najbolje pokazuju kroz svoje dugogodišnje djelovanje i suradnju s Rolexom, kompanijom koja je pojam švicarskog gospodarstva. Mamić butik u Ulici Frane Petrića 7, u Zagrebu ponosan je član međunarodne mreže Rolex zastupnika, koji imaju pravo prodavati i servisirati Rolex satove. Novi prodajni i servisni centar otvoren je simboličnim rezanjem vrpce te su tom prilikom okupljeni imali

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business partners. On this occasion, one of the distinguished guests, Ambassador of Switzerland to the Republic of Croatia, his Excellency, Mr. Stefan Estermann, stated that the Mamić family is the true ambassador of Switzerland to the Republic of Croatia, which is best demonstrated through their long-term cooperation with Rolex, a company which represents the essence of the Swiss economy. Mamić boutique in Zagreb is proud to be part of the worldwide network of Official Rolex Retailers, allowed to sell and maintain Rolex watches. The new boutique and service centre was opened with a symbolic ribbon cutting. On this occasion all gathered had a unique opportunity to see the boutique space and wide offer for the first time and to enjoy the real luxury destination, all in one place. Esteemed guests at the gala opening were particularly amazed by the Rolex Cellini Moonphase, a new model in the Cellini collection, featuring an exclusive display of the lunar cycle. The 39 mm Cellini Moonphase is offered in 18 ct Everose gold. The Cellini Moonphase has a blue enamelled disc at 6 o’clock showing the full moon and the new moon, the former depicted by a meteorite applique and the latter by a silver ring. This new model is driven by a self-winding mechanical movement entirely manufactured by Rolex, whose patented moonphase module is astronomically accurate for 122 years. Buying a prestigious timepiece is a very emotional moment for every person, and it requires the smallest details, wishes, personality, and lifestyle of an individual to be taken into account. The new boutique offers visitors and buyers an expert and professional service, as well as the ability to explore and try on pieces from the extensive collection at the same standards as in any of the world’s metropolis. It is an individual and professional approach to what this boutique stands out from others. In the boutiques of Mamić’s family, the client is in the first place, and dedicated staff is at their disposal to guide them through the Rolex range and help them make the choice that will last a lifetime.

jedinstvenu priliku prvi put vidjeti prostor i bogatu ponudu te uživati u pravoj luksuznoj oazi, sve na jednom mjestu. Okupljene na događanju posebno je oduševio Rolex Cellini Moonphase, model iz Cellini kolekcije koji ima ekskluzivan prikaz mjesečeva ciklusa. Cellini Moonphase ima kućište promjera 39 mm, te dolazi isključivo u 18 ct Everose zlatu. Sat Rolex Cellini Moonphase prikazuje mjesečeve mijene na ručno rađenom plavom emajliranom brojčaniku s punim mjesecom od meteorita. Rolex patentirani moonphase modul astronomski je točan 122 godine, nakon čega je potrebno napraviti korekciju od samo jednog dana. Kupnja prestižnog proizvoda vrlo je emotivan trenutak za svaku osobu te tom prilikom treba paziti i na najmanje sitnice te uzimati u obzir želje, osobnost, ali i životni stil pojedinca. Novi butik nudi posjetiteljima i kupcima profesionalnu i stručnu uslugu te mogućnost istraživanja i isprobavanja opsežne kolekcije po jednakim standardima kao u bilo kojoj svjetskoj metropoli. Upravo je individualan i profesionalan pristup ono što ovaj butik izdvaja od drugih. U buticima obitelji Mamić klijent je na prvom mjestu, a uslužno i stručno osoblje na raspolaganju je prilikom izbora i odabira koji će trajati vječno.


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THE BEST TIME FOR LEGENDARY GIN & TONIC Esplanade’s award-winning barmen have selected top-quality gins and merged their tastes with choice tonics for an unforgivable experience. A recent award by a Croatian blogger for the best gin & tonic made in Zagreb has proven that the Esplanade 1925 Bar offers the best cocktails and the best gin & tonic. Celebrated gins like the first American craft gin, Aviation American, fresh Monkey 47 Schwarzwald gin with a light flowery aroma, Tanqueray No. Ten with refreshing citrus notes, or Hendrick’s gin flavoured by Bulgarian rose petals, combined with the perfectly balanced tastes of choice tonics are a part of the exclusive selection that the barmen of the Esplanade will merge into an unforgettable experience for all senses. The aromatic addition of strawberries, cardamom, coriander, grapefruit, or ginger raise the refreshing cocktail to a new level –­ it is up to you to discover your perfect combination! Join us on the sunny Oleander Terrace and taste the Gin & Tonic phantasy!

Najbolje vrijeme za legendarni gin & tonic Esplanadini nagrađivani barmeni selektirali su visoko kvalitetne ginove i njihove okuse sljubili s probranim vrhunskim tonicima za nezaboravno iskustvo. Činjenicu da se u Esplanade 1925 baru piju vrhunski kokteli i najbolji Gin & Tonic potvrdila je i nedavna nagrada hrvatske blogerske zajednice uručivši im priznanje za najbolje pripremljen gin & tonic u Zagrebu. Proslavljeni ginovi poput prvog američkog craft gina – Aviation Americana, svježeg Monkey 47 Schwarzwald gina s finom cvjetnom aromom, Tanqueray no. 10 osvježavajućih citrusnih nota ili Hendrick’s gina aromatiziranog bugarskim ružinim laticama uz savršeno balansirane okuse probranih tonika dio su ekskluzivne selekcije koju će Esplanadini barmeni spojiti u nezaboravno iskustvo za sva osjetila. Aromatični dodaci jagoda, kardamoma, korijandera, grejpa ili đumbira podižu osvježavajući koktel na novu razinu – na vama je da otkrijete svoju savršenu kombinaciju! Pridružite nam se na osunčanoj Oleander terasi i okusite Gin & Tonic fantaziju!


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BLOSSOM IN THE SPRING Procvjetajte u proljeće Let the Health Club of the Esplanade Hotel become your oasis of complete relaxation; enrich all your senses and revive your body this spring with the help of various types of massage, fitness programs, and beauty treatments. Discard negative emotions gathered during the long, cold months and relax your body and mind with luxurious Swedish De-Stress massage with an emphasis on the relaxation of the back and the neck, followed by a refreshing massage of the face with specially selected products. In addition to many gifts of nature in springtime, honey and almond oil are always the right choice for making the skin truly magical – Magic Honey massage helps the body release toxins and excess fluids, having a positive effect on skin tone, leaving it soft and velvety. Restore your skin’s healthy appearance and freshness with Deep Hydrating Treatment – a pleasant, relaxing treatment that provides deep hydration and nourishment for your skin with an exclusive cosmetics selection. Achieve perfect body balance with a revitalizing Bamboo massage ­– the flexible strength of bamboo sticks adheres to the contours of the body, stimulating it, releasing tension, nourishing the skin, making it younger, softer, and glowing. Get ready to look your best this summer with the help of top natural cosmetics, relaxation in the sauna, and exercise in a fitness centre with your personal trainer – it is up to you to relax and enjoy.



Dopustite da Health Club hotela Esplanade postane vaša oaza potpunog opuštanja te s pomoću blagodati raznovrsnih masaža, fitness programa i tretmana ljepote obogatite sva svoja osjetila i probudite svoje tijelo s proljećem. Odbacite negativne emocije nakupljene tijekom dugih hladnih mjeseci i opustite svoje tijelo i um uz luksuznu švedsku De-stress masažu s naglaskom na opuštanje leđa i vrata, nakon koje slijedi osvježavajuća masaža lica s posebno odabranim preparatima. Uz obilje prirodnih blagodati koje nam nudi proljeće, med i bademovo ulje uvijek su pravi izbor da se koža učini istinski magičnom – Magic Honey masaža potiče organizam da se oslobodi toksina i viška tekućine te pozitivno djeluje na tonus kože, koju ostavlja mekom i baršunastom. Vratite svojoj koži zdrav izgled i svježinu uz Deep Hydrating tretman – ugodan opuštajući tretman koji će dubinski hidratizirati i nahraniti vašu kožu uz izbor ekskluzivnih kozmetičkih pripravaka. Dovedite svoj organizam u stanje savršene ravnoteže uz revitalizirajuću Bambus masažu – fleksibilna snaga bambusovih štapića prianja uz konture tijela i stimulira organizam, oslobađa napetosti te njeguje kožu čineći je mlađom, mekšom i sjajnijom. Pripremite se za ljeto u punom sjaju uz vrhunske prirodne njegujuće preparate, opuštanje u sauni i vježbanje u opremljenom fitness centru uz vlastitog trenera – na vama je da se opustite i uživate.

NEW HOTEL APPLICATION AND IPTV SYSTEM In an effort to ensure an even more careless stay for the guests of our hotel, continuing the tradition of inaugurating innovative solutions, the Esplanade introduced a new creative service, Hoteza IPTV, with a new hotel application. Based on the fact that modern guests demand fast, digital answers to their demands and desires, the hotel decided to present a variety of its services and products on a new, digital platform in hotel rooms. The essence of the implementation of the Hoteza IPTV platform and application is faster and simpler communication with the hotel staff, easier ordering of services, offer of information about destinations and facilities in the vicinity, as well as simplified viewing of various television content. The system is personalized according to the specific habits and needs of the Esplanade’s guests, so they can order room service, select a massage, see the list of exclusive gourmet gifts, order a wake-up call… on their TV screen or a mobile device. Fulfilling the wishes of our guests has never been easier. Even before arriving in the hotel, guests can be informed about the services offered by the hotel by means of a hotel application, and they can even reserve the ones they absolutely do not want to miss. Interactive platforms allow direct communication with the hotel staff, offering real-time information with the possibility of assessing all services – whereby guests participate in advancing their own hotel-stay experience.

Nova hotelska aplikacija i IPTV sustav Kako bi gostima hotela boravak bio još bezbrižniji, nastavljajući se na tradiciju uvođenja inovativnih rješenja, Esplanada je za svoje goste plasirala novu kreativnu uslugu Hoteza IPTV s novom hotelskom aplikacijom. Polazeći od činjenice da suvremeni gosti traže brze, digitalne odgovore na svoje zahtjeve i želje, hotel je odlučio predstaviti lepezu svojih usluga i proizvoda na novoj digitalnoj platformi u sobama gostiju. Bit implementacije Hoteza IPTV platforme i aplikacije jest brža i jednostavnija komunikacija s hotelskim osobljem, olakšano naručivanje usluga, pružanje informacija o destinaciji i atrakcijama u blizini kao i jednostavnije pregledavanje raznovrsnih televizijskih sadržaja. Sustav je personaliziran prema specifičnim navikama i potrebama Esplanadinih gostiju, pa tako gosti mogu preko svojeg TV ekrana ili mobilnog uređaja naručiti room service, odabrati masažu, pregledati listu ekskluzivnih gourmet poklona, naručiti buđenje... ispunjenje želja gostiju nikada nije bilo lakše. I prije dolaska gosti se mogu informirati o uslugama koje hotel nudi preko hotelske aplikacije, pa čak i rezervirati one koje nikako ne želi propustiti. Interaktivne platforme omogućuju im direktnu komunikaciju s osobljem hotela, informiranje u realnom vremenu uz mogućnost ocjene svih usluga kojima se koriste – tako sami sudjeluju u unapređenju vlastitog iskustva boravka u hotelu.

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Gourmet Spring at Zinfandel’s Gurmansko proljeće u Zinfandel’su Drawing inspiration from the awakening of nature, art, design, and the new, modern gourmet concepts, the talented and charming Esplanade Executive Chef Ana Grgić has created a selection of new a la carte delicacies for the Zinfandel’s restaurant for this season. The bellwether of gastronomic trends and the proud recipient of Michelin Guide recommendation, three Gault&Millau toque, and many other awards, the Zinfandel’s restaurant’s spring menu presents a creative fusion of modern, Mediterranean cuisine and innovative culinary approaches that turn every plate into a veritable work of art thanks to the fresh produce from local farmers and Ana’s peculiar interpretation. Taste the innovative combinations with smoked yoghurt, buckwheat sponge, truffle ice-cream, dehydrated cucumber, ray wings, champagne crème brûlée, or hijiki algae, and delight your palate. In addition to a selection of new, signature dishes, our menu also lists the exclusive Beluga caviar and the unavoidable classics – traditional dishes and the 28 | E S P LA N A D E V IEW


Inspirirana buđenjem prirode, umjetnošću i dizajnom te novim modernim gurmanskim konceptima, talentirana i šarmantna šefica kuhinje hotela Esplanade Ana Grgić kreirala je za ovu sezonu selekciju novih a la carte delicija restorana Zinfandel’s. Predvodnik gastronomskih trendova i ponosni nositelj Michelinove preporuke, tri Gault&Millau kuharske kapice te brojnih drugih priznanja, restoran Zinfandel’s u svojoj proljetnoj inačici jelovnika predstavlja kreativni spoj suvremene mediteranske kuhinje i inovativnih kulinarskih pristupa koji zajedno sa svježim proizvodima lokalnih dobavljača u Aninoj osebujnoj interpretaciji svaki tanjur pretvaraju u pravo umjetničko djelo. Isprobajte inovativne kombinacije s dimljenim jogurtom, spužvom od heljde, sladoledom od tartufa, dehidriranim krastavcem, krilima raže, creme bruleeom od šampanjca ili hijiki algama i oduševite svoje nepce. Osim selekcije novih autorskih jela, iz jelovnika možete kušati i ekskluzivni Beluga kavijar te nezaobilazne klasike – tradicionalna

restaurant’s time-honoured specialities, as well as the carefully designed tasting menus, gluten-free dishes, and the selection of attractive fiery flambé dishes. With the arrival of warm days, our favourite green oasis, the Oleander Terrace, will greet you with the divine scents and tastes of our open-air summer grill station. Our grill masters will prepare oysters, fresh fish, or juicy stakes that you can perfectly balance with wine or champagne from our extensive wine list. Our professional staff and the unique open space combined with inspirational delights guarantee a great gourmet experience in the heart of Zagreb.

jela i dugogodišnje specijalitete restorana, kao i pomno kreirane tasting jelovnike i bezglutenska jela te izbor atraktivnih vatrenih flambé jela. S dolaskom ljepših dana omiljena zelena oaza, Oleander terasa, dočekat će vas božanstvenim mirisima i okusima s otvorene ljetne grill stanice. Grill majstori za vas će pripremiti kamenice, svježu ribu ili sočne stakeove koje možete savršeno izbalansirati s vinom ili šampanjcem iz opsežne vinske liste. Profesionalno osoblje i jedinstven otvoren prostor uz inspirativne delicije garancija su dobroga gurmanskog provoda u srcu Zagreba.


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Spring in the Esplanade Bar and the Oleander Terrace Proljeće u Esplanade baru i na Oleander terasi Esplanade 1925 Lounge & Cocktail Bar has always been a popular meeting place for the inhabitants of Zagreb and their guests. Business people also often find their little corner of heaven in the bar during the day, partly because of its pleasant atmosphere and partly also because it has plenty of daylight. During warm days, the bar opens up to a magnificent terrace that lures people out with the scent of oleanders in bloom and Mediterranean lavender, offering a view of impressive buildings and a park with a fountain, as well as the charming ambience with the best cocktails in the city. Esplanade 1925 Lounge & Cocktail Bar and the legendary Oleander Terrace feature a unique offer of different types of coffee, tea, beer, alcoholic beverages, and cocktails every day, and you can also enjoy the bar offer of the delicacies such as light snacks, salads, club sandwiches, steak sandwiches, cheeseburgers, or deserts. The relaxing daytime ambient of the bar is also ideal for a business meeting or a meeting with friends but when it gets warm, it is substituted by an

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Esplanade 1925 Lounge & Cocktail bar oduvijek je bio popularno mjesto okupljanja Zagrepčana i njihovih gostiju. Svoj mali kutak raja u njemu često tijekom dana pronalaze i poslovni ljudi, što zbog ugodne atmosfere, što zbog obilja dnevnog svjetla. Topliji dani otvaraju prostor na veličanstvenu terasu koja primamljuje mirisom rascvjetanih oleandra i mediteranske lavande te nudi pogled na impresivne građevine i park s fontanom kao i šarmantnu atmosferu uz najbolje koktele u gradu. U Esplanade 1925 Lounge & Coctail baru i na legendarnoj Oleander terasi svakodnevno vas očekuje jedinstvena ponuda različitih vrsta kave, čajeva, piva, alkoholnih pića i koktela, a možete uživati i u

evening chic atmosphere of the Oleander terrace, which gathers a younger crowd looking for a great time out. Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, you can enjoy the music played by Zagreb’s famous DJ Jurki, while sport fans can enjoy the refreshing drinks and tasty food during the relays of major sport events. Great atmosphere, the unique offer of drinks, top service, a charming team of barmen, and the right location make the Oleander Terrace of the Esplanade 1925 bar the perfect location for cosmopolitan summertime pleasures.

barskoj ponudi delicija poput laganih snackova, salata, club sendviča, steak sendviča, cheeseburgera ili deserta. Opuštajući dnevni ambijent bara idealan je za poslovni sastanak ili druženje, dok ga dolaskom toplijih dana zamjenjuje večernja šik atmosfera Oleander terase koja okuplja mlađe društvo željno sjajnog provoda. Svakog utorka, srijede i četvrtka možete uživati u glazbi poznatog zagrebačkog DJ Jurkija, a ljubitelji sporta dolaze na svoje uživajući u osvježavajućim pićima i ukusnoj hrani tijekom prijenosa velikih sportskih događanja. Odlična atmosfera, jedinstvena ponuda pića, vrhunska usluga, šarmantna ekipa barmena i prava lokacija čine Oleander terasu Esplanade 1925 bara savršenim mjestom za kozmopolitsko ljetno uživanje.


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COLLECTION OF GIFTS RICHER BY THREE NEW GOLDEN BOTTLES Carefully wrapped and styled gifts from the Esplanade Exclusive collection are an ideal surprise for all who aim to impress. In addition to the Esplanade Gourmet To-Go selection, that includes frozen Esplanade štrukli, a pastry that can easily be prepared at home, delicious French macaroons, irresistible chocolate pralines, and sweet chocolate with a unique sprinkling and recipe, the gift list also includes the Nikel Prive serum, elixir, and a cream from the award-winning Nikel cosmetic company of Zagreb, a partner of our hotel. Three golden bottles and eight world gold medals for innovation are a perfect fusion guaranteeing entry into the world of beauty and anti-age care. Purchase a gift for someone special for a velvety soft and radiant skin – only a few drops on your skin will enchant all your senses and make your skin soft and glamorously lustrous. You can order ahead by e-mail ( or by phone 01/4566 055.

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Kolekcija darova bogatija za tri nove zlatne bočice Brižno zapakirani i stilizirani darovi iz Esplanade Exclusive kolekcije idealno su iznenađenje za sve one koji žele impresionirati. Uz Esplanade Gourmet To-Go selekciju koja uključuje zamrznute Esplanade štrukle koji se mogu vrlo lako pripremiti kod kuće, slasne francuske macarone, neodoljive čokoladne praline i slatku čokoladu s jedinstvenim posipom i recepturom na popisu darova našli su se i Nikel Prive serum, eliksir i krema iz zagrebačke partnerske nagrađivane kozmetičke kuće Nikel. Tri zlatne bočice i osam svjetskih zlata za inovaciju savršen su spoj za ulazak u svijet ljepote i anti-ageing njege. Darujte nekom posebnome formulu za baršunastu mekoću i blistav sjaj – samo nekoliko kapi nanesenih na kožu očarat će sva osjetila i koži podariti mekoću i glamurozan sjaj. Prethodne narudžbe moguće su putem maila (concierge@ ili na broj 01/4566 055.


Dugogodišnja izvrsnost potvrđena nagradama

Several more prestigious awards and rewards have recently been added to the Esplanade Hotel’s collection of the certificates of quality and innovation in the catering industry. During the first presentation ceremony of the prestigious Gault&Millau guide for Croatia, the executive chef of the Esplanade received a valuable award for “The Great Chef of Tomorrow.” The guide awarded three toque to Zinfandel’s restaurant, representing a high-quality cuisine restaurant. Renowned World Luxury Hotel Awards, an Oscar in the sphere of tourism of sorts, presented the hotel with as many as three prestigious awards in the category of Luxury Architecture Design Hotel and Luxury Historical Hotel for Croatia, as well as Luxury Heritage Hotel for south-eastern Europe. Furthermore, the hotel received the Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence this year as well, while both hotel restaurants, elegant Zinfandel’s and charming Le Bistro, have been honoured with a recommendation in the famous Michelin Guide for the second year in a row. In addition to being recognized by the international community, the hotel has also proven its striving for excellence among local competitors, winning two prestigious awards – Tourist Flower for the best city hotel in 2017 and the Charter for the Promotion and Quality Assurance in the Croatian Economy by the Croatian Society for Quality.

Hotel Esplanade odnedavno u kolekciju potvrda kvalitete i inovativnosti u ugostiteljstvu može pribrojiti još nekoliko novih prestižnih priznanja i nagrada. Na prvoj svečanoj prezentaciji prestižnog Gault&Millau vodiča za Hrvatsku šefica Esplanadine kuhinje primila je vrijednu nagradu za „Velikog chefa sutrašnjice“. Zinfandel’s restoran u vodiču je obilježen trima kuharskim kapicama, koje predstavljaju restoran s kuhinjom visoke kvalitete. Cijenjeni izbor World Luxury Hotel Awards – svojevrsni turistički Oscar, nagradio je hotel čak trima prestižnim nagradama u kategorijama Luxury Architecture Design Hotel i Luxury Historical Hotel za Hrvatsku te Luxury Heritage Hotel nagradu za jugoistočnu Europu. Isto tako, Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence i ove je godine stigao na adresu hotela, ali i oba hotelska restorana, elegantan Zinfandel’s i šarmantni Le Bistro koji su ujedno već drugu godinu zaredom počašćeni i preporukom u cijenjenom Michelinovu vodiču. Uz priznanja vezana za međunarodnu zajednicu, hotel je svoju težnju izvrsnosti dokazao i u domaćoj konkurenciji gdje je osvojio dvije prestižne nagrade – Turistički cvijet za najbolji gradski hotel u 2017. godini te Povelju za poticanje i primjenu kvalitete u hrvatskom gospodarstvu Hrvatskog društva za kvalitetu.


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Le Bistro With the Abundance of Colours on the Plate Le Bistro uz obilje boja na tanjuru Allow yourself to enjoy the refined art deco ambiance and relaxed atmosphere of this trendy gourmet destination and enjoy the greenhouse or shady ambiance of a charming terrace with a hint of street theatre pampered by a relaxed young team of chefs and waiters that make your every visit a unique experience. This spring, allow yourself to again be impressed by a combination of the finest seasonal ingredients packed into a traditional Croatian cuisine with a dash of French chic from the new à la carte menu signed by Chef Ana Grgić. The new spring creations – reminiscent of the first rays of sun, of the seductive scent of spring flowers, and of the vibrant colours of fresh ingredients on the markets

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Prepustite se profinjenom art deco ozračju i opuštenoj atmosferi ovog trendi gurmanskog odredišta i uživajte u ostakljenom vrtu ili sjenovitom ugođaju šarmantne terase s daškom uličnog teatra uz opuštenu mladu ekipu kuhara i konobara koji svaki posjet učine jedinstvenim iskustvom. Dopustite da vas i ovog proljeća impresioniraju kombinacije vrhunskih sezonskih namirnica upakirane u tradicionalnu hrvatsku kuhinju s dozom pariškog šika iz novog à la carte jelovnika koji potpisuje chefica Ana Grgić. Nove proljetne kreacije, koje podsjećaju na prve zrake sunca, zavodljive mirise proljetnica i jarke boje svježih namirnica na zagrebačkim tržnicama, rezultat su svježih i nutritivno bo-

of Zagreb – are the result of fresh ingredients packed with nutrients produced by verified local farmers. In addition to timeless classics, gluten-free and gourmet to-go offer, the freshness of spring tastes in Le Bistro may be emphasized by a refined selection of perfectly chilled sparkling wines and wine by the glass.

gatih sastojaka jela od provjerenih domaćih uzgajivača. Uz bezvremenske klasike, bezglutensku i gourmet ponudu to-go, proljeće u Le Bistrou donosi svježinu okusa koja može biti dodatno naglašena uz profinjenu selekciju savršeno rashlađenih pjenušaca i vina na čaše.


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My Life Belongs not Only to me but also to the People I Try to Help Moj život ne pripada samo meni već i ljudima kojima pomažem

One of the most influential American authors of spiritual literature in the world held a one day seminar at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall in March. During his visit to Zagreb, Mr Walsch presented a Croatian edition of his book When Everything Changes, Change Everything. Jedan od najutjecajnijih američkih autora duhovne književnosti u svijetu održao je zagrebačkoj publici, tijekom ožujka, cjelodnevni seminar u dvorani Vatroslava Lisinskog. Prilikom posjeta Zagrebu, Walsch je predstavio i hrvatsko izdanje knjige Devet promjena koje će promijeniti sve.

Neale Donald Walsch is an American writer of spiritual literature. In his 40s he became disappointed with his life and at night he started writing letters full of bitterness and anger as an outlet for all his frustrations. At some point he decided to write a letter directly to God demanding answers. Walsch claims that God’s voice appeared in his head in the shape of thoughts that came directly from God, rather they were inspired by God. This is how he created a series of popular books entitled Conversations with God, which made Walsch famous. We spoke with Mr Walsch during his visit to Zagreb in March, when he held seminars in the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall while staying at our hotel.


Neale Donald Walsch američki je pisac duhovne literature. U svojim četrdesetim godinama bio je razočaran životom i počeo je noću pisati pisma puna ogorčenosti i ljutnje koja su mu služila kao odušak za sve njegove frustracije, da bi se u jednom trenutku odlučio napisati pismo izravno Bogu, zahtijevajući od njega odgovore. Neale tvrdi da mu se u glavi pojavio Božji glas u obliku misli koje su dolazile izravno od Boga, odnosno koje su bile nadahnute Bogom. Tako je nastala serija popularnih knjiga Razgovori s Bogom, po kojima je Neale i najpoznatiji. Razgovarali smo s Nealom za vrijeme njegova posjeta Zagrebu u ožujku kada je održavao seminare u Koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslava Lisinskoga i boravio u našem hotelu. IN T ERV IEW | I N TERVJ U

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Is this your first visit to Zagreb?

Je li ovo vaš prvi posjet Zagrebu?

No, I’ve already been to Zagreb, but this is the first time I’ve stayed at Hotel Esplanade so that I could say that in a way, this is my first visit to Zagreb because this hotel is a symbol of Zagreb and of elegance in general, and not only elegance, but exceptional quality. At any rate, the hotel is beautiful, not only its appearance, which would definitely be enough to satisfy anyone staying here, but I am impressed by the manner in which the hotel is run and how you treat your guests. I am a frequent traveller and there are few hotels that offer this kind of service or care for their guests to this extent, and it would be hard to find staff that are so kind. In addition, the food is excellent. The meals that I order from room service here are better than the fares of many restaurants in Europe. It is not only this hotel, but your entire country could not possibly be better in so many respects. You have the sea, the mountains, beautiful inland regions and beautiful architecture that can be admired for hours. And your people are all extremely kind.

Nije, već sam bio u Zagrebu, ali je ovo prvi put da odsjedam u hotelu Esplanade, tako da bismo na neki način i mogli reći da mi je ovo prvi posjet Zagrebu, jer je ovaj hotel simbol Zagreba i elegancije općenito. I ne samo elegancije nego i izrazite kvalitete. Hotel je, u svakom slučaju, predivan. Ne samo po izgledu, što bi bilo sasvim dovoljno da zadovolji svakoga tko ovdje odsjeda, već sam oduševljen i načinom na koji se hotel vodi i kako se u njemu ophodi prema gostima. Mnogo putujem i postoji vrlo malo hotela koji pružaju ovakvu uslugu, koji gostima poklanjanju ovakvu pažnju, a teško je pronaći i ovako ljubazno osoblje. Također, hrana je fenomenalna. Ovdje je hrana naručena room servisom bolja nego neka hrana u mnogim restoranima diljem Europe. I ne samo hotel, cijela vaša zemlja je jedna od onih gdje se upitate možete li uopće tražiti više i bolje. Imate more, planine, predivnu unutrašnjost, predivnu arhitekturu koju se može promatrati satima. A tu su i ljudi koji su svi odreda vrlo ljubazni.

Have you had a chance to do any sightseeing in Zagreb?

Jeste li imali vremena razgledati Zagreb?

The last time I was in Zagreb, I did some sightseeing, but this time there was no time. Although I had two free days this time around, I used them to stay in my hotel room and rest. I have reached the age when I appreciate my free time very much.

Prošli put kad sam bio u Zagrebu, imao sam priliku razgledavati grad, ali ovaj put nisam stigao. Iako su mi za vrijeme ovog boravka dva dana bila slobodna, ipak sam ih iskoristio da ostanem u hotelskoj sobi i opustim se. Došao sam u godine kad sam jako počeo cijeniti svoje slobodno vrijeme.

You meet many people, you travel around the world and hold lectures. What do you think of your experience of the audiences in Zagreb?

Srećete mnogo ljudi, putujete po svijetu, držite predavanja. Kakvo je vaše iskustvo s publikom pred kojom ste nastupili u Zagrebu?

I was just telling my sponsors how the audiences in Zagreb have been extremely interested. When I present my work to the people in the audience, and I do it all around the world, I can see very clearly when people are interested and when they are simply being kind. The audience was clearly interested and followed very carefully everything I said. When I invited the audience to ask questions, many hands went up in the air, which is proof that people wanted to communicate with me and wanted to hear answers to their questions, which means that they wanted to get deeper into what we are investigating together. This is exciting to any presenter regardless of the topic. This is not the case everywhere I go and where I’ve given lectures. Sometimes I wonder why people have come at all, and I feel they are not reacting and they just sit there for the sake of it. It was not at all like that in Zagreb. I think this is also because people in your country have been through enormous challenges and hardships in the last 25 years. This is reflected in their wish to get answers to the most important questions in life, those that are bigger than how one can get a better job or how to have a good emotional relationship. These are not unimportant questions, but I think that people here are interested in ‘higher’ questions, like what is the meaning of our existence, why is there so much suffering and violence, is there a way for our life’s path to be easier. Or the most important question of all - what happens when we leave this world. These are the questions that do not get the same answers in all parts of the world.

Baš sam sa sponzorima razgovarao o tome kako je publika u Zagrebu vrlo zainteresirana. Kada prezentirate svoj rad ljudima u publici, i to radite po cijelome svijetu, točno vidite kada vas ljudi slušaju zainteresirano, a kada su samo ljubazni. Ovdje je publika očito zainteresirana i pažljivo je pratila sve što sam govorio. Kada sam rekao publici da mi mogu postavljati pitanja, mnogo se ruku počelo dizati u zrak što govori da je ljudima stalo do komunikacije sa mnom i da traže odgovore na svoja pitanja, što znači da žele još dublje ući u ono što zajedno istražujemo. To oduševi svakog prezentera bez obzira na to o kojoj je temi riječ. A tako ne bude svugdje gdje dođem i gdje držim predavanja. Nekada se čak zapitam zbog čega je publika uopće došla, kada osjetim da ne reagiraju i da sjede u publici reda radi. U Zagrebu nipošto nije bilo tako. Vjerujem da je to i zbog toga što su ljudi u vašoj zemlji proživjeli velike izazove i teškoće u zadnjih 25 godina. To se reflektira na njihovu želju da dobiju odgovore na najvažnija životna pitanja koja su “veća” od onih Kako mogu dobiti bolji posao? ili Kako da uspostavim dobru emocionalnu vezu?, što svakako nisu nevažna pitanja, ali čini mi se da ljude ovdje zanimaju „viša“ pitanja: Što je smisao našeg postojanja?, Zbog čega ima toliko patnje i nasilja oko nas?, Postoji li način da taj naš životni put bude lakši? I pitanje svih pitanja: Što se događa kad napustimo ovaj svijet? To su pitanja na koja se ne traže isti odgovori u svim dijelovima svijeta.

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I travel frequently and there are few hotels that offer this kind of service or care for their guests to this extent, and it would be hard to find staff that are so kind Mnogo putujem i postoji vrlo malo hotela koji pružaju ovakvu uslugu, koji gostima poklanjanju ovakvu pažnju, a teško je pronaći i ovako ljubazno osoblje

In the last 20 years that you have been doing what you do, which experience would you say was the most beautiful? One of the best experiences was when a woman in the audience said that what I give to people has profoundly changed her life in a positive sense and that she wanted to thank me. Then she asked me a question that is really important to me - how she could pass this on to other people. This is when my work gets its true meaning. I know I am a romantic, but I like to think that we are doing important work and that we ask important questions like why we are here and what our real identity is. What part of the experience you’ve had in Zagreb has left the biggest impression on you? I was most impressed by the question asked by a woman in the audience. She asked why my emotional life is in such chaos if I am aware of everything I’ve been saying. I suppose she asked you this because you were married seven times. What was your answer? Yes, precisely. I replied that my life was in such chaos because I didn’t know any better. As the writer Maya Angelou said, ‘When we know better, we do better.’ It is not only about marriages, but my whole life was generally chaotic. My job, my health and everything else. I was not happy. This is why I had the experience that I’ve decided to call my connectedness to God. Precisely because I was so bad at life, I think I was given a chance to understand important things in such an elevated way. My life has finally become happy and fulfilled, I hurt people around me less. The woman who asked me this question didn’t want to insult me. She was sincerely thankful for my answer. This is because I was sincere, and I wasn’t vague or gave her a general or indiscriminate answer. Her kindness, sincerity and energy touched me deeply and this has been the symbol of the impression the Croats made on me. When I listened to your lecture, I had the impression that you like what you do. I couldn’t do what I’m doing without adoring it. If one had a million dollars and was given a chance to stand on stage and hand it out to the people, who wouldn’t like this? I have a feeling that I have a gift worth a mi-llion dollars and I can give it to the people. By which I mean the message I give to the people, not myself. This is the message of spiritual liberation. And I like people. I like being surrounded by people. I like to laugh, I have an excellent sense of humour. I like that I can make people laugh and put a smile back on their fa-ces. So, yes, I can say that I love my job. I think it’s a privilege to sit in front of an audience and share with them what I share and watch their mood improve. Could we go back to the question asked by the woman in the audience? I would reformulate it and ask if you know how to apply in your own life what you advocate?

U zadnjih 20 godina koliko radite ovo što radite, koje biste svoje iskustvo istaknuli kao najljepše? Jedno od najljepših iskustava mi je bilo kada mi je žena iz publike rekla da je ono što donosim ljudima duboko promijenilo njezin život u pozitivnom smislu te da mi želi na tome zahvaliti. Zatim me upitala nešto što mi je vrlo bitno, kako ona to može prenijeti drugim ljudima. Tada zapravo ono što radim dobiva smisao. Znam da sam romantik, ali volim misliti da radimo važne stvari i otvaramo važna pitanja poput onoga zbog čega smo ovdje i koji je naš pravi identitet. Što vas se od zagrebačkog iskustva posebno dojmilo? Najviše me se dojmilo kada me žena iz publike upitala zbog čega je moj emotivni život, ako sam već svjestan svega toga što govorim, bio takav kaos. Pretpostavljam da je to pitala zbog toga što ste se ženili sedam puta. Što ste joj odgovorili? Da, upravo zbog toga. Odgovorio sam joj da je moj život bio u takvom kaosu jer nisam znao bolje. Kao što je književnica Maya Angelou rekla: “Kad znamo bolje, radimo bolje.” Nije riječ samo o brakovima, nego mi je cijeli život općenito bio kaos. I posao, i IN T ERV IEW | I N TERVJ U

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zdravlje, i sve ostalo. Nisam bio sretan. Zato sam i doživio iskustvo koje sam odlučio nazvati povezanost s Bogom. Baš zbog toga što sam bio tako loš u životu, mislim da sam dobio priliku shvatiti važne stvari na tako uzvišen način. Sada je napokon moj život postao radostan i ispunjen i manje povređujem ljude oko sebe. Žena koja mi je postavila to pitanje nije me time željela uvrijediti. I bila je iskreno zahvalna na mome odgovoru. Ali to je zato što sam bio iskren i nisam se izmotavao pokušavajući joj dati neki općenit, unificiran odgovor. Njezina ljubaznost, iskrenost i energija duboko su me dirnule i to mi je ostalo kao lajt-motiv dojma koji su na mene ostavili Hrvati.

I have a feeling that I have a million dollar gift which I can transfer to the people. By this I mean the message I give to the people, not myself. This is a message of spiritual liberation.

Kada sam vas slušala na predavanju, dobila sam dojam da volite ono što radite.

Imam osjećaj da imam dar od milijun dolara koji mogu prenositi ljudima. Pri tome mislim na poruku koju prenosim ljudima, a ne na samoga sebe. Riječ je o poruci duhovnog oslobađanja.

Ne bih mogao raditi ovo što radim da to ne obožavam. Da imate milijun dolara i da imate priliku stajati na pozornici i davati ih ljudima, tko to ne bi volio? A ja imam osjećaj da imam dar od milijun dolara koji mogu prenositi ljudima. Pri tome mislim na poruku koju prenosim ljudima, a ne na samoga sebe. Riječ je o poruci duhovnog oslobađanja. I k tome volim ljude. Volim biti okružen ljudima. Volim se smijati, imam odličan smisao za humor. Volim što mogu nasmijati ljude i vratiti im osmijeh na lice. Dakle, da, mogu reći da volim svoj posao. Mislim da je privilegij sjediti pred publikom i dijeliti s njima ono što ja dijelim i gledati kako im se raspoloženje popravlja. Vratimo se na pitanje koje vam je postavila žena iz publike. Ja bih ga malo preformulirala i upitala vas znate li uvijek primijeniti u svom životu ono što promovirate među ljudima?

Of course not. The biggest tragedy of my life is that ‘I talk better than I walk’. I know the answers to important questions, but I don’t always know how to apply them. I believe that I apply in my life about 45% of what I preach. This is much better than 20 years ago, when I was at 5%. I’d like to get to 80% or 90% before I die. Otherwise I’d be a hypocrite, which I don’t want. It would be as if I were saying, do as I say, but don’t do as I do. However, I’m honest with myself and with my audience. The transformation is not easy until it becomes easy, when we start the process of transformation. One has to leave a lot of emotional baggage behind, which we carry all our lives, so that we can create a change in ourselves. So, I don’t entirely practice what I preach, but at least I know where I’m heading and the road I need to take. When I was in my forties, I didn’t know what I was doing or where I needed to go. I was like a fly constantly hitting the window pane, but not being able to get out. I’ve read somewhere that you receive about 300 letters a week. Is this still true? Do you manage to answer all of them? I get about 20-30 emails a day. I try to answer all of them at the hotel, at home or after I’ve finished all my daily activities. If people have made the effort of writing to me, I think I should answer them. I like that kind of communication, especially if I feel that I can help in this way. 40 | E S P LAN A D E V IEW


Naravno da ne. Velika tragedija mog života je da se ne ponašam u skladu s onime o čemu propovijedam. Znam odgovore na važna pitanja, ali ih ne znam uvijek primijeniti. Mislim da u svome životu primjenjujem otprilike 45 % onoga što propovijedam. Što je mnogo bolje nego prije 20 godina, kada sam bio na možda 5 % Volio bih da prije nego što umrem dođem na 80, 90 %. Jer u suprotnome ću biti licemjeran, a to ne želim. To bi bilo kao da govorim: radite ono što vam govorim, ali nemojte raditi ono što radim. Ali iskren sam prema sebi i prema svojoj publici. Transformacija nije lagana sve dok ne postane jednostavna, kada krenemo u sam proces transformacije. Iza sebe treba ostaviti mnogo emotivne prtljage koju nosite u sebi cijeli svoj život, da biste napravili tu promjenu na sebi i u sebi. Dakle, ne živim do kraja ono što propovijedam, ali sada barem znam kamo idem i kojim putem trebam ići. Kada sam bio u četrdesetima, nisam znao što radim i kuda uopće trebam ići. Bio sam kao muha koja se stalno zalijeće u prozorsko staklo i ne može izaći van. Negdje sam pročitala da tjedno dobivate oko 300 pisama. Je li i dalje tako? Uspijete li na sve odgovoriti? Dobivam otprilike 20-30 e-mailova dnevno. Trudim se na sve odgovoriti. U hotelu, kod kuće, kad završim svoje dnevne aktivnosti. Ako su se ljudi već potrudili da mi se jave, mislim da im trebam odgovoriti. A i volim tu vrstu komunikacije, pogotovo ako osjećam da im time mogu pomoći.

I suppose that you still want a part of the day for yourself and your family?

Ali pretpostavljam da i dalje želite dio dana za sebe i svoju obitelj?

My day is split into two parts. One part is my work, and the other is my wife and my family. I am very disciplined in this respect. When I’m at home, I work from six o’clock in the morning until six o’clock in the afternoon. I spend every evening with my wife. I don’t want her to feel that she is alone in our marriage. We eat dinner together and talk. I’ve learned this, I wasn’t always like this. I’ve learned this kind of discipline. I work more than when I was 40. One would think that at 74 years of age, I’m at least semi-retired, but that’s not true. There are too many people with too many questions in the world for me to be able to ignore them. I ask people who come to my lectures one simple question - how can I help you. I’ve realised that my life belongs not only to myself, but also to every individual that I touch or help in some way.

Moj je dan podijeljen u dva dijela. Jedan dio čini moj posao, a drugi dio moja žena i moja obitelj. Vrlo sam discipliniran u vezi s time. Kad sam kod kuće, radim od šest ujutro do šest popodne. Svaku večer provodim sa svojom ženom. Ne želim da se osjeća da je sama u braku. Zajedno večeramo, razgovaramo. To sam naučio, nisam uvijek bio takav. Naučio sam se disciplini. I sada radim više nego kad sam imao 40 godina. Čovjek bi pomislio da sam sa 74 godine barem poluumirovljen, ali nije tako. Na svijetu ima previše ljudi s previše pitanja da bih to mogao ignorirati. Jedino pitanje koje postavljam ljudima koji me dolaze slušati jest: Kako vam mogu pomoći? Uvidio sam da moj život pripada ne samo meni nego svakoj osobi koju na bilo koji način dotaknem ili joj pomognem.

Were you religious before you had conversations with God and are you religious now?

Jeste li bili religiozni prije nego što ste razgovarali s Bogom i jeste li sada religiozni?

When I was a boy I wanted to be a priest. I grew up in a Catholic family that practiced religion. I went to a Catholic school and when I was in the eighth grade, I was certain that I loved God and I wanted to serve him. When I was 16, I got a hold of Playboy for the first time and this was the first time I looked at a naked female body. This put me in a dilemma, which was resolved by my father who made the decision on my behalf. He said that he would support me if I wanted to be a priest when I was 18 or 19 years old, but I should not make this decision at 16. Of course, when I was 19, I’ve already had some experience and I decided that I didn’t want to be a priest although I continued being religious. Later on, the nature of my religion changed and from a religious person, I turned into a spiritual person. When I was about 25 years old, I stopped being religious in the sense of following any definite doctrine, but I became more spiritual realising that there was a higher power and a higher meaning. I started studying other religions and concluded that the answer I was looking for is somewhere outside any organised religion. When I was about 35 years old, I gave everything up, even the study of religions because I was chasing jobs, women, I had children and so on. Until I was 49 years old, when I experienced my conversations with God, after I had lived in the street as a homeless person. After such experience, I really learned a lot about what I needed to be happy and what I didn’t need, what I was and what I wasn’t. The only thing I’m sorry about is that I learned all this when I was already 50 years old. It would have been better if I had realised all this when I was 30 years old, but as the saying goes, better ever than never.

Kad sam bio mali, želio sam biti svećenik. Odrastao sam u katoličkoj obitelji koja je prakticirala vjeru. Išao sam u katoličku školu, i kad sam pohađao 8. razred, bio sam siguran da volim Boga i da mu želim služiti. Kad sam imao 16 godina, prvi sam put dobio u ruke Playboy, i to je ujedno bio prvi put i da sam vidio golo žensko tijelo. To me dovelo u dvojbu, koju je riješio moj otac i donio odluku umjesto mene. Rekao mi je da će me on, ako i sa 18 ili 19 godina i dalje budem želio biti svećenik, podržati, ali da ne mogu tu odluku donijeti sa samo 16 godina. Naravno, kad sam imao 19 godina, već sam skupio neka životna iskustva i odlučio da ne želim biti svećenik. Iako sam i dalje bio religiozan. No, nakon toga moja se religioznost mijenjala, pa sam iz religiozne osobe postao duhovna osoba. Oko 25. godine prestao sam biti religiozan u smislu da pratim neku određenu doktrinu nego sam više postao duhovan shvativši da postoji viša sila i neki viši smisao. Počeo sam proučavati i ostale religije i zaključio da je odgovor koji tražim negdje izvan organizirane religije. Oko 35. godine sam odustao od svega, pa tako i od tog proučavanja religija, jer sam ganjao posao, žene, dobio djecu... I tako do 49. godine, kada sam doživio svoj razgovor s Bogom, i to nakon što sam godinu dana živio kao beskućnik, na ulici. Nakon takvog iskustva zaista sam mnogo naučio. Što mi treba a što ne da bih bio sretan, što jesam i što nisam. Jedino mi je žao što sam sve to saznao kad sam imao već 50 godina. Bilo bi bolje da sam to sve shvatio kad sam imao 30 godina, ali kako stara izreka kaže, bolje ikad nego nikad.

Today I feel as a spiritual person. I feel that there is a higher reality that is eternal. I feel I have a soul which is my essence and that it will live for ever. I think I’m on an eternal voyage and the current one is only the first chapter. I’m glad to be where I am, but I will also be happy when the time comes for me to go ‘home’, rest until I’m ready to return in a physical form to Earth or somewhere else in the universe in order to continue my voyage because our voyage is actually an evolutionary voyage without ending.

I know the answers to important question, but I don’t always know how to apply them to my own life Znam odgovore na važna pitanja, ali ih ne znam uvijek primijeniti u svome životu

Danas se osjećam kao duhovna osoba. I osjećam da postoji veća stvarnost koja je vječna. Osjećam da imam dušu koja je moja esencija te da će ona živjeti vječno. Mislim da sam na vječnom putovanju, od čega je ovo sadašnje samo prvo poglavlje. Drago mi je što sam ovdje gdje jesam, ali bit ću sretan i kada dođe vrijeme da odem „kući“, odmarati se dok ne budem spreman vratiti se natrag u fizičkom obliku na Zemlju, ili nekamo drugdje u svemiru, kako bih nastavio svoj put, jer naš je put zapravo evolucijski put koji nema kraj. IN T ERV IEW | I N TERVJ U

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Pia Immediately recognizable, Pia is a true child of the Lancel heritage and modernity. The metallic double L signature inset with leather on the front of the bag was inspired by the company’s archives. Its details remind of former notebooks, inkstands and table lighters from the beginning of the 1970s. It features numerous details and decorations for which the Lancel House has been known since its foundation in 1876. It precisely combines carefully crafted and unexpected details and the fact that the bag opens in quite an original and unique way thanks to a signature clasp subtly adorned with details. Coloured leather edges, red lining, as well as impeccable interior design add to and enhance the bag’s individuality. The Pia line bags are made in Italy from goatskin (also tanned in Italy) with a unique grain that imparts both suppleness and solidity. The Pia line comes in three different sizes and in purple, camel, grey, black, blue, burgundy, safari green and gold colour. N.Tesle 15, Zagreb 42 | E S P LA N A DE V IEW


Već na prvu prepoznatljiva, Pia je istinsko dijete Lancelove baštine i suvremenosti. Potpis na prednjoj strani torbe s dvostrukim metalnim slovom L ispunjen kožom inspiriran je arhivom kuće. Detalji podsjećaju na nekadašnju izradu dnevnika, pribora za pisanje i stolne upaljače s početka sedamdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća ispunjene mnoštvom detalja i ukrasa zahvaljujući kojima je kuća Lancel poznata još od svog osnutka, davne 1876. godine. Precizna kombinacija pažljivo obrađenih i neočekivanih detalja i koje donosi otvaranje torbe na prilično originalan i jedinstven način, ekskluzivnom kopčom pomno ukrašenom detaljima. Obojeni kožni rubovi, crvena podstava, kao i besprijekorna organizacija unutrašnjosti, dodatno jačaju i poboljšavaju individualnu osobnost torbe. Torbe u Pia liniji izrađene su u Italiji, od najkvalitetnije kozje kože specijalno obrađene u Italiji s jedinstvenom čvrstoćom i mekoćom u zrnatoj obradi. Pia linija dolazi u tri veličine i u raznim bojama: ciklama lila, camel, sivoj, crnoj, plavoj, bordo, safari zelenoj i zlatnoj boji.

Iva Radić, portal owner and ambassador of Lancel in the new Summer 2018 campaign. Iva Radić, vlasnica portala i ambasadorica Lancela u novoj kampanji za ljeto 2018. Photo: Sanja Jagetić Styling: Ivana Karapanđa

N.Tesle 15, Zagreb

Le sac Pia

ES P LA N A D E V I E W #PiabyLancel

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Hotel Staff

The Esplanade’s

SWEET SECRETS Esplanadine slatke tajne

A team of top pastry chefs is responsible for the offer of cakes in Zinfandel’s, Le Bistro, and the Esplanade Bar; their love of sweets is best evident on the plate Ponudu slastica u Zinfandel’su, Le Bistrou ili Esplanade baru kreira vrhunski tim slastičara koji svoju ljubav prema slatkome najbolje predočuje na tanjuru

Blaženka Pustaj has been the Esplanade’s head pastry chef for the past three years. She started working at the hotel after completing the Patisserie and Baking Program of the School of Culinary Arts 30 years ago. Pustaj is heading a team of six pastry chefs today: Tomica Horvatinec, Petra Oslaković, Ana Blažon, Ljilja Rogić-Marić, Matej Bezjak, and Veronika Mesarić. They are all top experts and professionals who have worked in the hotel for many years. They are tasked with creating a lavish offer of pastries for the restaurants of the Esplanade, as well as catering to the wishes of hotel guests and patrons. Guests can taste the pastry created by the hotel bakery in Le Bistro, Esplanade Bar, or Zinfandel’s, but they can also order them for special occasions, such as weddings, baptisms, anniversaries, and birthdays. Many prominent politicians, public persons, and even Prince Charles have enjoyed those sweets.


Posljednje tri godine šefica Esplanadine slastičarnice je Blaženka Pustaj. U hotelu se zaposlila nakon završene srednje slastičarske škole prije trideset godina. Pustaj danas rukovodi slastičarskim timom koji čini još šestero slastičara: Tomica Horvatinec, Petra Oslaković, Ana Blažon, Ljilja Rogić-Marić, Matej Bezjak i Veronika Mesarić. Svatko od njih je stručnjak i profesionalac koji već dugi niz godina radi u hotelu, a čiji je zadatak obogatiti ponudu Esplanadinih restorana slastičarskim delicijama, a onda i ispuniti želje gostiju i klijenata. Kolače proizašle iz hotelske slastičarnice gosti mogu kušati u Le Bistrou, Esplanade baru ili Zinfandel’su, ali i po narudžbi za posebne prilike, kao što su vjenčanja, krštenja, obljetnice i rođendani. Tako su u slasticama već uživali i brojni visoki politički dužnosnici, osobe iz javnog života; čak i princ Charles.


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All of the pastry chefs are top experts and professionals who have worked in the hotel for many years. They are tasked with creating a lavish offer of pastries for the restaurants of the Esplanade, as well as catering to the wishes of hotel guests and patrons Svi slastičari iz tima su stručnjaci i profesionalci koji već dugi niz godina rade u hotelu, a njihov je zadatak obogatiti ponudu Esplanadinih restorana slastičarskim delicijama, a onda i ispuniti želje gostiju i klijenata

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It is interesting that some members of the bakery team are not pastry chefs by profession; however, their hands have “a certain something” and that is a reason why they are still working at the hotel. Ana Blažon is a law graduate, for example, but she was more drawn to the job of a pastry chef and she is a top cake decorating expert today. A typical work day of the Esplanade team of pastry chefs is quite simply a rather dynamic one. Their job description includes implementing a set plan, delivering the ordered quantity of cakes to hotel restaurants, working on orders for events, and making work plans for the following day or week. The offer of pastry for the menus of hotel restaurants is created in collaboration with the head chef, that is, with Chef Ana. “Communication is what matters the most in this segment, that is, respect for the vision of the executive chef’s menu. Of course, we are obliged to point out all the options from our professional point of view,” Blaženka explained. “I agree with my colleagues about the importance of communication between the teams, that is, departments. However, I have every faith in the knowhow and expertise of my pastry chefs and I am always eager to see and be delighted by their creativity in action,” Executive Chef Ana Grgić said. Moreover, pastry chefs also communicate with other departments, like marketing and sales, especially during holiday season, when the bakery is in charge of making sweet presents for business partners. The Esplanade pastry menu is created for each season, combining classic delicacies with the modern ones. Needless to say, our guests can also taste the

Zanimljivo je kako pojedini članovi tima po struci nisu slastičari, ali u rukama su imali „ono nešto“ zbog čega danas rade u hotelu. Primjerice, Ana Blažon je studirala pravo, ali se više prepoznala u slastičarskoj profesiji i danas je vrhunska majstorica za dekoracije. Jedan tipičan radni dan Esplanadina tima slastičara je, najjednostavnije rečeno, vrlo dinamičan. U opisu posla je ispuniti unaprijed određeni plan, zatim isporučiti naručenu količinu kolača u hotelske restorane, raditi na narudžbama za evente, a onda ponovno isplanirati tijek posla za idući radni dan ili tjedan. Slastičarska ponuda za restoranske menije kreira se u dogovoru sa chefom kuhinje, šeficom Anom. „U ovom segmentu najbitnija je komunikacija, poštovanje vizije menija šefice. Naravno, i mi smo sa svoje profesionalne strane dužni upozoriti na eventualne nemogućnosti“, objasnila je Blaženka. „Složila bih se s kolegama vezano za komunikaciju između timova, odnosno odjela. No, ja itekako vjerujem u znanje i profesionalnost svojih kolega slastičara te jedva čekam vidjeti njihovu kreativnost na djelu koja me svaki put iznova oduševi“, nadovezala se šefica Ana Grgić. Također, komunikacija je prisutna i na relaciji s drugim odjelima poput marketinga ili prodaje, posebice za vrijeme blagdana kada je slastičarnica zadužena za kreiranje poklon slastica za poslovne partnere. Esplanadin slatki meni kreira se sezonski, a kombiniraju se klasične s modernijim delicijama. Naravno, iz pećnice ovog vrhunskog slastičarskog tima gosti imaju prilike kušati jedinstvene kolače hotela Esplanade. Ono što su gosti prepoznali kao svojevrsni specijalitet kuće zasigurno su topli zagorski štrukli, koji se

Guests can taste the pastry created by the hotel bakery in Le Bistro, Esplanade Bar, or Zinfandel’s, but they can also order them for special occasions, such as weddings, baptisms, anniversaries, and birthdays Kolače proizašle iz hotelske slastičarnice gosti mogu kušati u Le Bistrou, Esplanade baru ili Zinfandel’su, ali i po narudžbi za posebne prilike, kao što su vjenčanja, krštenja, obljetnice i rođendani MEET THE ESPLANADE STAFF | PREDSTAVLJAMO OSOBLJE HOTELA

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Guests have recognized that warm pastry from Zagorje called štrukli, made from a recipe that is more than half a century old, is a specialty of the hotel Ono što su gosti prepoznali kao svojevrsni specijalitet kuće zasigurno su topli zagorski štrukli, koji se pripremaju po recepturi staroj više od pola stoljeća

cakes unique to the Esplanade Hotel. They have recognized that warm pastry from Zagorje called štrukli, made from a recipe that is more than half a century old, is a specialty of the hotel. In addition to delicious štrukli, our guests prefer the following pastry classics: tiramisù, fruit cake, or chocolate cakes. Apart from standard menus, hotel restaurants also offer gluten-free pastry and štrukli, so guests with allergies can also enjoy sweets. Weddings present a special challenge, as they require preparation of large quantities of pastry, both cookies and cream pastry, as well as the cakes that typically require several days to make. The wedding cake may well be the biggest challenge, because brides often have their own creative ideas. "Sometimes brides bring a picture of the cake they want, fearing whether we would be able to make their wish come true or not. Fortunately, impossible is not an ingredient in the recipes of Esplanade's pastry chefs, so all wishes come true in the end," Executive Chef Ana said. Good organization is key for such events, when additional duties are to be performed in addition to the routine daily ones. Pastry chefs have their own stories to tell. Blaženka recalls a case from some 20 years ago, when the wedding cake was not ordered by mistake. Her fellow pastry chefs in the afternoon shift on Saturday, on the day the wedding was taking place, were informed that they nevertheless needed to make one. They did not panic but made the cake as quickly as possible. "When I came to work the following morning, there was not a single slice of the wedding cake left in the chamber. This proved that my fellow colleagues did a great job in a very short period of time." “Work in a hotel like the Esplanade is a byword for high standards. This is nothing negative; quite the contrary. Our many obligations are a proof of our expertise and quality because, if that were not the case, the hotel would be empty, which is not the case, of course. We have more and more reservations, both for stay in 48 | E S P LAN A D E V IEW

pripremaju po recepturi staroj više od pola stoljeća. Uz fine štrukle, gosti najviše preferiraju klasiku: tiramisu, ledeni vjetar i čokoladne kolače. Uz standardne menije, hotelski restorani u ponudi imaju i bezglutenske kolače i štrukle, tako da gosti s alergijskim problemima mogu nesmetano uživati u slasticama. Poseban izazov su svadbe, kada se priprema velika količina kolača, što suhih, što kremastih, kao i torta, za čiju je pripremu najčešće potrebno izdvojiti nekoliko dana. Svadbena torta je možda i najveći izazov jer mladenke često dolaze sa svojim kreativnim idejama. „Dogodilo se i da mladenka donese sliku torte koju želi te sa strahom očekuje što ćemo reći, možemo li ispuniti njezinu želju ili ipak ne. Nasreću, u receptima Esplanadinih slastičara ne postoji sastojak nemoguće pa se mladenkine želje na kraju i ostvare“, osvrnula se šefica Ana. Za takve događaje ključna je dobra organizacija kako bi se uz uobičajene dnevne obaveze sve stiglo pripremiti na vrijeme. Kao i u svakom poslu, i slastičari imaju i pamte neke anegdote. Blaženka se tako ovom prilikom prisjetila slučaja od prije dvadesetak godina kada svatovska torta zabunom nije bila naručena. Na svadbenu subotu u popodnevnoj smjeni njezine su kolegice dobile informaciju da se torta ipak treba napraviti. One nisu paničarile, već su napravile tortu u najkraćem mogućem roku. “Kada sam idućeg jutra stigla na posao, u komori nije ostala nijedna šnita te torte. To je bio dokaz da su kolegice odradile sjajan posao u vrlo kratkom roku.“ „Rad u hotelu poput Esplanade sinonim je za zahtjevnost. Nije to ništa negativno, baš suprotno. Upravo su mnoge obaveze dokaz naše stručnosti i kvalitete, jer da nije tako, hotel bi bio prazan, što, naravno, nije – sve je više rezervacija, bilo za spavanje, bilo za evente“, objasnila je Blaženka. S njezinim mišljenjem složili bi se i ostali članovi tima koji vole svoj posao upravo zbog doze kreativnosti kojom se mogu iskazati svakog dana, ali i dinamičnosti koja je


the hotel and for events,” Blaženka explained. Other members of the team agree with her; they love their work because of the creativity they get to exercise on a daily basis but also because of the dynamic quality that actually constitutes a standard in this line of work. Naturally, the satisfaction of every person who visits this old lady of Zagreb must come first, which requires every member of the team to be able to wash the flower off their hands and present an à la carte plate at any given moment. “Impeccable service is crucial, and this is another reason why our guests are coming back,” the head pastry chef said in conclusion.

zapravo i svojevrsni standard u ovom poslu. Naravno, zadovoljstvo svakoga gosta koji posjeti ovu zagrebačku damu mora biti na prvome mjestu, što podrazumijeva da je svatko iz tima sposoban oprati ruke od brašna i prezentirati a la carte tanjur u bilo kojem trenutku. „Usluga mora biti vrhunska i to je još jedan razlog zašto nam se gosti vraćaju“, zaključila je šefica slastičarnice.


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CROATA Magic of the Number ‘’8’’ Čarolija broja 8

Inspired by the symbolizm of the number 8, Croata design dtudio launched a new edition of its CROATA “8” scarf collection featured on the streets of Paris.

Inspiriran simbolikom broja 8, Croata dizajnerski studio lansirao je novu ediciju svoje kolekcije rubaca CROATA ‘’8’’ koju je predstavio na ulicama Pariza.

The edition includes eight silk scarves of the same design available in eight different colors, which means only one - your new favorite scarf is one of only eight that exist in the whole world.

Edicija uključuje osam svilenih marama istog dezena dostupnih u osam različitih kolora što znači samo jedno – vaša nova omiljena marama jedna je od samo osam istih na cijelom svijetu.

Number eight has unusual and interesting mathematical properties and symbolism that includes perfection and, in particular in Eastern cultures, wealth, eternity, success, happiness. Did you know that there are only eight bodies of the solar orbit of our solar system that are considered planets? Did you notice that if you twist horizontaly number eight you wrote an infinity sign, and if you straighten it up - you have written not only the name of the new edition of Croat silk scarfs, but also the atomic number of oxygen that makes life?

Brojka osam ima neobična i zanimljiva matematička svojstva i simboliku koja uključuje savršenstvo te, posebno u istočnim kulturama, bogatstvo, vječnost, uspjeh, sreću. Jeste li znali da samo osam tijela Sunčeve orbite našeg solarnog sustava smatrano planetima? Jeste li primijetili, ako polegnete osmicu, da ste napisali znak za beskonačnost, a uspravite li je – napisali ste ne samo naziv nove edicije Croata svilenih marama nego i atomski broj kisika koji čini život?

“8” can not be own by anyone. There is only eight of them made of the finest silk and handmade throughout the world. They are intended for women who want to emphasize their personality by fashion accessory Designed to maximize every moment, the “8” is a symbol of the new beginning, a delightful object to be inherited by generations. 50 | E S P LAN A D E V IEW


‘’Osmicu’’ ne može imati svatko. Osam ih je na cijelome svijetu napravljenih od najfinije svile i ručno obrubljenih. Namijenjene su ženama koje modnim dodatkom žele istaknuti svoju osobnost. Stvorena da uveliča svaki trenutak, ‘’osmica’’ je simbol novog početka, drag predmet koji će se nasljeđivati generacijama.

Tarin's Palm Eden Wear

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An Irresistible Fusion of the Mediterranean & India Neodoljiv spoj Mediterana i Indije

Creative management | Kreativno vodstvo Tarin Meneghello Photographer | Fotografkinja Mare Milin Assistant Photographer | Asistent Fotografa Milan Krkač Makeup | Šminka Simona Antonović Model | Model Ana Nikšić/Relatum Models Shooting location | Lokacija snimanja Meneghello’s family Arboretum ES P LA N AD E V I E W | 53

Tarin Meneghello spent her childhood among the cacti and exotic plants of the Palmižana arboretum that belongs to her family. During a visit to her friends in the town of Auroville in India, she learned about the project of its female inhabitants in the framework of the Auroville Foundation and felt the need to support that spirit, which resulted in her clothes collection Tarin’s Palm – Eden Wear. It is a collection of light, airy, unique island wear of a translucent, dreamy quality. Below you will find our presentation of the new Tarin Meneghello collection. You can find more information about the collection on the website: and you can follow her on Instagram and Facebook. Tarin Meneghello djetinjstvo je provela među kaktusima i egzotičnim biljama arboretuma Palmižane, u posjedu svoje obitelji. Prilikom posjeta prijateljima u gradu Auroville u Indiji saznala je za projekt njegovih stanovnica u sklopu Auroville Foundationa te je osjetila potrebu podržati taj duh, a rezultat je njezina kolekcija odjeće, Tarin’s Palm – Eden wear. Riječ je o kolekciji lake, prozračne, unikatne otočne odjeće koja djeluje lako poput sna, i na kojoj se vidi taj spoj mediteranskog šika i orijentalno-indijskih ručnih radova koji je je nadahnuo. U nastavku vam predstavljamo ovu novu kolekciju Tarin Meneghello. Više informacija možete saznati na te na Instragramu i Facebooku. 54 | E S P LAN A D E V IEW

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The Mighty Beauty Protecting Šibenik Moćna ljepotica koja čuva Šibenik

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The Fortress of St. Nicholas in Šibenik has been on the UNESCO World Heritage list since 9 July 2017 Tvrđava sv. Nikole u Šibeniku od 9. srpnja 2017. godine na UNESCO-ovu je Popisu svjetske baštine

The fortress has been defying time, wars, waves, and bora winds for five centuries. It is situated at the very entrance of the Channel of St. Anthony, on the island of Ljuljevac, where the St. Nicholas Monastery was once located. Its unique architecture, pristine and remarkably well-preserved since the 16th century, makes it invaluable. If you decide to visit Šibenik, you should definitely see this fortress.


Ova tvrđava već pet stoljeća prkosi vremenu, ratovima, valovima i buri. Nalazi se na samom ulazu u kanal sv. Ante, na otočiću Ljuljevcu, na mjestu gdje se nekada nalazio samostan sv. Nikole. Njezina jedinstvena arhitektura gotovo je netaknuta i sačuvana od 16. stoljeća što joj daje neprocjenjivu vrijednost. Ako ste odlučili posjetiti Šibenik, tvrđavu sv. Nikole nikako ne biste smjeli propustiti. ES P LA N A D E V I E W | 57

Although erected powerful and strong and as such capable of defying even the most formidable enemy - it is interesting that the Fortress of St. Nicholas has never performed its defence function because it has never been military active Iako sagrađena kao moćna i jaka, te je kao takva mogla prkositi i najgorem neprijatelju, zanimljivo je da tvrđava sv. Nikole nikada nije ispunila svoju obrambenu funkciju jer nikada nije ni bila korištena za borbu 58 | E S P LA N A DE V IEW

The fortress is situated on the southern side of the channel, in a narrow sea passage leading to Šibenik. The southern part of the fortress is linked to another small island by a narrow path and a walkway all the way to the mainland. Tvrđava se nalazi na južnoj strani kanala, u uskom morskom prolazu koji dalje vodi do Šibenika. Južni dio tvrđave povezan je uskim putem s drugim manjim otočićem pa dalje šetnicom sve do kopna.

Impenetrable and Never Military Active Although erected powerful and strong - and as such capable of defying even the most formidable enemy - it is interesting that the Fortress of St. Nicholas has never performed its defence function because it has never been military active. This is presumably and mainly because it appeared so mighty that no one has ever dared approach it. However, even though it has never been military active, its military organization was impeccable. The fortress was armed by 32 cannons and had a crew led by a castellan, 25 soldiers, five gunners, and a military commander called captain. How To Get to the Fortress? The fortress is situated on the southern side of the channel, in a narrow sea passage leading to Šibenik. The southern part of the fortress is linked to another small island by a narrow path and a walkway all the way to the mainland. In order to reach one of the most important fortification monuments in the Croatian part of the Adriatic, take the pathway along the Channel of St. Anthony. The pathway rebuilt in July 2013 became the top attraction of Šibenik because it gives added value to the Channel of St. Anthony and the Fortress of

The Town’s Defence Against the Turks The fortress was built in 1540, during the Venetian rule, by two Venetian military architects: Michele Sanmicheli and his nephew Giangirolamo Sanmicheli. It was primarily built as the town’s defence against Ottoman naval attacks. After the fall of Skradin, the Turks were in a favourable position, capable of realizing their military plans. They had an opportunity to connect the mainland and the sea, so the fortress was built to prevent that. While the southern side of the fortress is facing the land, its northern side is exposed to the sea, allowing the supervision of sea routes. It was built on a ledge and composed on three levels. Giangirolamo conceived and designed it as a solid, triangular fortification with three bastions. Solid stone was used to build its lower part, while brick brought in from Veneto was used in the upper part, which shows that the architect not only paid close attention to design but also to building materials. The fact that a natural ledge was used in the structure of the fortress is another important factor in its sturdiness.

Obrana grada od Turaka Tvrđavu su 1540. godine za vrijeme mletačke vladavine sagradila dva mletačka vojna graditelja – Michele i njegov nećak Giangirolamo, oba Sanmicheli. Glavni razlog njezine gradnje bio je obrana grada od turskih napada koji su dolazili s mora. Naime, nakon pada Skradina, Turci su se našli u dobrom položaju jer su mogli ostvariti svoje vojne planove. Dobili su priliku povezati unutrašnjost s morem, a upravo je utvrda to trebala spriječiti. Dok je južna strana utvrde okrenuta prema kopnu, njezina sjeverna strana okrenuta je prema moru te su se tako s nje mogli nadzirati morski putevi. Građena je na tri etaže, a izgrađena je na grebenu. Giangirolamo ju je zamislio i projektirao kao čvrstu utvrdu u obliku trokuta s trima bastionima. Njezin donji dio zidan je kamenom, a dio iznad građen je u opeci koja je bila dopremljena iz Veneta, što znači da je graditelj osim na gradnju, mnogo pozornosti polagao i u materijal kojim se gradilo. Za čvrstoću utvrde važna je i činjenica da je i živa stijena otočića iskorištena u strukturi utvrde. Neosvojiva i nikada vojno aktivna

Iako sagrađena kao moćna i jaka, te je kao takva mogla prkositi i najgorem neprijatelju, zanimljivo je da tvrđava sv. Nikole nikada nije ispunila svoju obrambenu funkciju jer nikada nije ni bila borbeno aktivna. Pretpostavlja se da je glavni razlog za to što joj se nitko nikada nije usudio približiti to što je djelovala toliko moćno. No, iako nikada nije bila vojno aktivna, bila je besprijekorno vojno organizirana. Imala je u pripremi 32 topa s posadom koja je obuhvaćala kaštelana na čelu, 25 vojnika i 5 topnika te vojnog zapovjednika koji se nazivao kapetanom. Kako doći do tvrđave sv. Nikole Tvrđava se nalazi na južnoj strani kanala, u uskom morskom prolazu koji dalje vodi do Šibenika. Južni dio tvrđave povezan je uskim putem s drugim manjim otočićem pa dalje šetnicom sve do kopna. A da biste došli do jednoga od najznačajnijih fortifikacijskih spomenika na hrvatskom Jadranu, prošećite šetnicom kroz kanal sv. Ante. Ova, u srpnju 2013. godine, uređena šetnica postala je glavna atrakcija Šibenika jer kanalu sv. Ante i tvrđavi sv. Nikole daje još više na vrijednosti. Šetnicom je spojena uvala Panikovac, koja se nalazi bliže samom gradu Šibeniku, te tvrđava sv. Nikole, koja stoji na ulazu u sam kanal. Šetnica je duga oko 4,5 kilometra, a neki su njezini dijelovi laES P LA N AD E V I E W | 59

St. Nicholas. The pathway connects the Bay of Panikovac, located closer to the town of Šibenik, and the Fortress of St. Nicholas situated at the entrance of the channel. The pathway is about 4.5 km long and some of it its parts are built on a hilly terrain. The walk takes about an hour. Since the pathway connects the Fortress of St. Nicholas and the Bay of Panikovac, the fortress can be reached from two sides. Whichever side you pick as your starting point, you will enjoy unsurpassed views of Šibenik, the Channel of St. Anthony, and surrounding villages. One part of the pathway is surrounded by oak and pine trees, but it is nevertheless advisable to take the walk in the morning or in the late hours of the afternoon, as it is difficult to find a shade when the sun is at its highest point. The entire walking pavement is covered with stone slabs or gravel, so no special walking shoes are required. The Pathway Along the Channel of St. Anthony Even though the Fortress of St. Nicholas is the most memorable part of the pathway, there are several more attractions along the way. The main sightseeing point is located near the entry, in the Bay of Panikovac, about 1.5km away, where you can enjoy a panoramic view. As you move further toward the fortress, you will definitely be impressed by the Cave of St. Anthony and the underground chapel. In order to get to the cave and the chapel, you will have to go down to the beach; the cave that dives into the sea is both frightening and magnificent at the same time.

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gano brdoviti. Laganim hodom možete je obići za sat vremena. Budući da šetnica spaja tvrđavu sv. Nikole i uvalu Panikovac, do tvrđave se može doći s dvije strane. Koju god stranu prvu odaberete za polazak, putem do tvrđave ili od tvrđave, uživat ćete u prekrasnom pogledu na Šibenik, na kanal sv. Ante i na okolna mjesta. Jedan dio šetnice okružen je hrastovom i borovom šumom, ali ipak se preporučuje krenuti u prijepodnevnim ili kasnopopodnevnim satima kako biste izbjegli vrijeme kada je sunce najviše, jer tada nema mnogo hladovine. Cijelim putem na tlu je podloga od kamenitih ploča ili sitnog šljunka pa za ovu šetnju nije potrebna posebna oprema. Šetnica uz kanal sv. Ante Iako je najupečatljiviji dio šetnice tvrđava sv. Nikole, putem možete naići na još nekoliko atrakcija. Nedaleko od ulaza u uvali Panikovac, na otprilike 1,5 kilometar hoda, nalazi se glavni vidikovac, gdje možete uživati u panoramskom pogledu od 360 stupnjeva. Kada krenete dalje prema tvrđavi, naići ćete na špilju sv. Ante i podzemnu kapelicu čija će vas pojava sigurno impresionirati. Da biste stigli do njih, morat ćete se spustiti do same obale, a špilja u koju ulazi more u isto vrijeme djeluje zastrašujuće i veličanstveno. Grad s dva UNESCO-ova spomenika Najvrjednija znamenitost šetnice je tvrđava sv. Niko-

It is important to say that Šibenik is the only town in Croatia that has as many as two monuments on the UNESCO World Heritage List; the Fortress of St. Nicholas is one and the other is the Cathedral of St. James., which has been on the list since 2000 Bitno je spomenuti da je Šibenik jedini grad u Hrvatskoj koji na UNESCO-ovu Popisu svjetske baštine ima čak dva spomenika, a osim tvrđave to je katedrala sv. Jakova koja je na popisu od 2000. godine

The Town with Two UNESCO Monuments The most valuable attraction of the pathway is the Fortress of St. Nicholas, which is one of the four fortresses in Šibenik (St. Nicholas, St. John, St. Michael, and Šubićevac), but it is the only one protected by UNESCO. It is important to say that Šibenik is the only town in Croatia that has as many as two monuments on the UNESCO World Heritage List; the Fortress of St. Nicholas is one and the other is the Cathedral of St. James., which has been on the list since 2000. Very few places in the world have two UNESCO World Heritage sites; Šibenik is one of those places, alongside with London, Peking, Berlin, and New Delhi. The Fortress of St. Nicholas is one of the best-preserved fortifications of the original renaissance shape in the Mediterranean. Minor alterations were made by the Austrians in the 19th century, but they did not destroy its Venetian triangular shape with a mushroom-shape ending. It was the original triangular shape that fascinated Francesco Bandarin, UNESCO Assistant-General for Culture, who presented Croatia with a UNESCO Charter in the scope of international nomination for Venetian Works of Defence Between the 16th and the 17th Centuries. He was so fascinated with the fortress that he described it as one of the most impressive ones he has ever seen.

le, koja je jedna od četiri tvrđave u Šibeniku (tvrđava sv. Nikole, sv. Ivana i sv. Mihovila te tvrđava Šubićevac), ali i jedina pod UNESCO-ovom zaštitom. Bitno je spomenuti da je Šibenik jedini grad u Hrvatskoj koji na UNESCO-ovu Popisu svjetske baštine ima čak dva spomenika, a osim tvrđave to je katedrala sv. Jakova koja je na popisu od 2000. godine. Na svijetu ne postoji mnogo mjesta koja imaju dva spomenika na popisu UNESCO-ove baštine, a uz London, Peking, Berlin i New Delhi upravo je Šibenik jedan od njih. Tvrđava sv. Nikole jedna je od najboljih sačuvanih fortifikacija Mediterana s izvornim renesansnim oblikom. U 19. stoljeću načinjene su male preinake od strane Austrijanaca, ali one nisu uništile njezin venecijanski trokutasti oblik sa završetkom u obliku gljive. Upravo je taj njezin originalni trokutasti oblik fascinirao pomoćnika ravnatelja UNESCO-a za kulturu, Francesca Bandarina, koji je Hrvatskoj i uručio Povelju UNESCO-a u sklopu međunarodne nominacije za projekt Obrambeni sustavi Republike Venecije 16. i 17. stoljeća. Tvrđava ga je toliko fascinirala da je izjavio kako je jedna od najimpresivnijih tvrđava koje je ikada vidio. Turistička vrijednost tvrđave A da tvrđava sv. Nikole ima neprocjenjivu vrijednost, ES P LA N A D E V I E W | 61

The Tourist Value of the Fortress The County of Šibenik and Knin is also aware how invaluable the Fortress of St. Nicholas is; it presented the project Tourist Valorisation of The Fortress of St. Nicholas in the Channel of St. Anthony. The said project will allow the Fortress of St. Nicholas to be used for tourist purposes by the beginning of the season, making it even more accessible to visitors. The project is co-funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund, while 20 per cent of the funds comes from the budget of the County of Šibenik and Knin. If you come to Šibenik, you should definitely visit one of the most beautiful renaissance buildings. You may find it intimidating and awe-inspiring, but you may also be fascinated by its beauty and pride, which is felt to this day, full five centuries since it became the main “fighter” of Šibenik. 62 | E S P LA N A D E V IEW

prepoznato je i u Šibensko-kninskoj županiji koja je predstavila projekt Turistička valorizacija tvrđave sv. Nikole u kanalu sv. Ante. Spomenutim će se projektom tvrđava sv. Nikole do početka sezone staviti u turističku funkciju čime će se još više približiti posjetiteljima. Projekt je sufinanciran od strane Europske unije iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj dok je 20 posto iznosa sufinancirano i iz proračuna Šibensko-kninske županije. Ako vas put nanese u Šibenik, svakako posjetite jednu od najljepših renesansnih građevina. Njezina pojava će vas zastrašiti, pobuditi u vama osjećaj strahopoštovanja, ali vas i fascinirati svojom ljepotom i ponosom koji se i danas osjeća, nakon punih pet stoljeća otkada je postala glavni „borac“ Šibenika.


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Meneghetti as a meaning of our philosophy stands for quality of living in harmony with nature which surrounds and protects us. Meneghetti je sinonim naše filozofije: kvaliteta življenja u skladu s prirodom koja nas okružuje i štiti.

Settled on a magical Istrian peninsula, exactly across Venice and beautiful Islands of Brijuni, Meneghetti Wine hotel & Winery follows the tradition of wine-making as well as olive oil-making which has been around Istria since Roman Empire. „Meneghetti“ as a meaning of our philosophy stands for quality of living in harmony with nature which surrounds and protects us. Hidden behind centuries-old cypresses, surrounded by olive groves and wrapped with bird songs and bumblebee buzz, it is a true oasis of peace. Upon entering Relais & Chateaux in 2013 – the international association of exclusive hotels and restaurants, renovation of a desolated Istrian estate became a wine destination with 25 luxury accommodation units with new Energy SPA Clinic and 70 seating places restaurant.

Smještena na čarobnom istarskom poluotoku točno nasuprot Venecije i predivnog brijunskog otočja, stancija Meneghetti slijedi tradiciju proizvodnje vina i maslinova ulja koja u Istri postoji još od Rimskog Carstva. Meneghetti je sinonim naše filozofije: kvaliteta življenja u skladu s prirodom koja nas okružuje i štiti. Sakrivena iza stoljetnih čempresa, okružena maslinicima te obavijena pjevom ptica i zujanjem bumbara, pravi je primjer oaze mira. Ulaskom u internacionalno udruženje ekskluzivnih hotela i restorana Relais & Chateaux 2013. godine, vinska destinacija nastala obnovom stare istarske stancije u blizini Bala, danas u svom sastavu ima čak 25 luksuznih smještajnih jedinica, restoran Meneghetti sa 70 sjedećih mjesta kao i novi Energy Clinic Spa Centar. Restoran Meneghetti, predvođen glavnim chefovima Danijelom Pifar i Bojanom Vukovićem, dobitnik je brojnih nagrada i priznanja od kojih ističemo 15 bodova i dvije kape u jednom od najznačajnijih gastronomskih vodiča, Gault&Millauu. Meneghetti svoju tradiciju doživljava kao vezu između znanja različitih generacija, nekih koje su joj već pridonijele te onih koje će to tek učiniti. Kako bismo tradiciji dali pravi značaj, ona treba biti cijenjena, razvijana i obogaćena modernim idejama. Upravo zbog toga naša vina imaju izvanrednu osobnost te je to i razlog zašto želimo da ona reflektiraju karakter Istre, no istodobno i prelaze svoje granice.

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Restaurant Meneghetti, lead by Executive Chefs Daniela Pifar and Bojan Vuković has won many international awards. We would like to highlight fifteen points and two hats in world well-known gourmet guide Gault & Millau and a recent publication at Micheline guide.

Vinarija Meneghetti proizvodi ukupno 9 etiketa vrhunskih vina uz godišnju proizvodnju od oko 100000 butelja te oko 1500 litara ekstra djevičanskog maslinova ulja najviše kvalitete.

Meneghetti lives its tradition on the knowledge of different generations, some generations have already contributed and some are yet to make an impact. To give a real meaning to our tradition, we look to appreciate, constantly develop and boost it with new ideas. That is why our wines have an exceptional character which comes from our wish to imprint Istrian identity in it while transcending our limits. Meneghetti Winery manufactures nine labels of top quality wine with a yearly production of about 100 000 bottles as well as the highest quality of 1500 liters virgin olive oil.

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Events Događanja


Affidea organized this year’s executive management leadership meeting in Zagreb and the Esplanade Hotel hosted the event. The idea was to inform the guest about the culture and the customs of Croatia, about its gastronomy and oenology, so autochthonous dishes were served at the dinner gala together with the pertaining wines from all parts of Croatia. Marko Tolja was entertaining guests, who were presented with typical Zagreb souvenirs.

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Affidea je ovogodišnji Leadership meeting za visoki management organizirala u Zagrebu, a domaćin je bio hotel Esplanade. Namjera je bila goste upoznati s kulturom i običajima Hrvatske, gastronomijom i enologijom, stoga su na gala večeri predstavljena autohtona jela i pripadajuća vina iz svih dijelova Hrvatske. Goste je zabavljao Marko Tolja, a kao dar dobili su karakteristične zagrebačke suvenire.


Marking the most successful tourist year of Zagreb, the Zagreb Tourist Board organized a gala concert and a reception at the Esplanade Hotel. The Emerald Ballroom became the perfect setting for the performance of a famous scene from the Nutcracker ballet, while the violinists from the Croatian National Theatre raised the atmosphere to the theatrical level. After the ballet scene and the performance of occasional opera arias, guests enjoyed the delicacies prepared by the Esplanade’s chefs. In the company of many friends of the city of Zagreb, media representatives, and many other who contributed to the realization of yet another successful tourist years for Zagreb, our guests also celebrated the successful event called Advent in Zagreb, that was declared the best Christmas market of Europe for the second year in a row.

Orašar u Smaragdnoj dvorani

Povodom najuspješnije zagrebačke turističke godine, Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba organizirala je svečani koncert i proslavu u hotelu Esplanade. Smaragdna dvorana pretvorila se u savršenu kulisu za izvedbu poznate scene iz baleta Orašar, dok su violinisti HNK-a podigli atmosferu na teatralnu razinu. Nakon prigodnog scenskog nastupa i blagdanskih opernih arija uživalo se u ukusnim Esplanadinim delicijama. Gosti su uz mnoštvo prijatelja grada Zagreba, predstavnika medija i mnogih koji su pomogli u ostvarivanju još jedne u nizu uspješnih turističkih godina za grad Zagreb, proslavili i uspješnu manifestaciju Advent u Zagrebu koja je proglašena, drugu godinu zaredom, najboljim europskim adventskim sajmom.


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Hosts, Esplanade General Manager Ivica Max Krizmanić and Chef Ana Grgić, organized a traditional reception for the representatives of the media. In an effort to express gratitude for yet another year of fruitful cooperation, support, and media coverage, editors and reporters from prominent newspapers gathered at the Zinfandel’s restaurant toasting with champagne and enjoying the festive atmosphere. Ana Grgić devised an attractive gourmet menu – guest had the opportunity to enjoy the creative fusion of tastes, such as capon confit with caramelized celery and aromatic mushrooms, baked shrimp coated in amaranth popcorn, and delicious pork shank in calvados gravy served with crispy pork skin that delighted everyone with its simplicity and fullness of taste. The gourmet story was rounded off with a rich desert with marzipan, tonka, and pistachio, our lovely sommelier Ivan Šneler took care of the wine selection, while DJ Jurki was in charge of festive music.

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Esplanadino božićno druženje s novinarima

Domaćini, generalni direktor hotela Esplanade Ivica Max Krizmanić i šefica kuhinje Ana Grgić, organizirali su tradicionalno svečano druženje s predstavnicima medija. Kako bi zahvalili na još jednoj godini dobre suradnje, podrške i praćenja u medijima, urednici i novinari cijenjenih publikacija okupili su se u blagdanski uređenom restoranu Zinfandel’s uz pjenušac i dobro raspoloženje. Ana Grgić osmislila je privlačan gurmanski jelovnik – gosti su imali priliku uživati u kreativnom spoju okusa poput confita od kopuna s karameliziranim celerom i aromatičnim vrganjima, pečenom škampu obavijenom kokicama od amarantha te slasnoj svinjskoj koljenici u calvados umaku uz hrskavu svinjsku kožicu koja je svojom jednostavnošću i puninom okusa oduševila sve prisutne. Gurmansku priču zaokružio je bogat desert s marcipanom, tonkom i pistacijom, za izbor vina tijekom ručka pobrinuo se simpatičan sommelier Ivan Šneler dok je o laganim blagdanskim notama brinuo DJ Jurki.



The anniversary of birth of Scottish poet Robert Burns is celebrated every year world wide, particularly in Scotland. This is the ninth time that Croatia joined the tradition with a traditional charity gala Burns Night Supper organized by the British Business Chamber Croatia (BBCC). Scotia Pipers, a traditional Scottish band, an obligatory part of the protocol of the traditional Scottish supper, came to Croatia especially for this occasion. Burns Night Supper was again held at the Emerald Ballroom of the Esplanade Hotel this year. Andrew Dalgleish, British Ambassador to the Republic of Croatia, was a special guest. The merry gala supper, featuring dancing and the reciting of poetry, is organized according to a thoroughly planned protocol that has not changed for over two centuries.

Gala večera Burns Night

Svake se godine u cijelom svijetu, a posebno u Škotskoj, svečano obilježava obljetnica rođenja škotskog pjesnika Roberta Burnsa. Ove godine se, već deveti put, i Hrvatska pridružila toj tradiciji tradicionalnom, svečanom dobrotvornom večerom Burns Night u organizaciji Britanske poslovne komore u Hrvatskoj (BBCC). Posebno za ovu prigodu, iz Škotske u Hrvatsku došli su Scotia Pipers, tradicionalni škotski sastav koji je obavezni dio protokola ove tradicionalne škotske večere. Burns Night i ove godine održao se u Smaragdnoj dvorani hotela Esplanade. Među brojnim uzvanicima poseban gost bio je britanski veleposlanik u RH Andrew Dalgleish. Ova vesela gala večera, uz ples i recitiranje stihova organizira se po pomno isplaniranom protokolu koji se nije mijenjao već više od dva stoljeća.


HAKOM, the Croatian Post and Electronic Communications Agency, organized an event marking the traditional Market Day at the Esplanade. The event gathered the representatives of the stakeholders in the market, ministries, state institutions, businesses, and the media with the purpose of fostering continued improvement of the regulatory framework of investment in the modernization of electronic communication networks and introduction of new services in all markets regulated by HAKOM.

Dan tržišta

HAKOM je u Esplanadi organizirao tradicionalni „Dan tržišta“. Skup je okupio predstavnike dionika tržišta, ministarstava, državnih institucija, gospodarstva i medije, a cilj mu je daljnje poboljšanje poticajnog regulatornog okvira za ulaganje u osuvremenjivanje mreža elektroničkih komunikacija i uvođenje novih usluga na svim tržištima koja HAKOM regulira.


Erste Card Club organized an elegant event at the Emerald Ballroom in November that was designed and produced by the Kapulica studio events agency. The opulent, five-course gala dinner for the exclusive members of Diners Club was enriched by great performers who portrayed the seven wonders of the world with their amazing acts. Guests had a unique and exclusive experience for all the senses as they were subjected to attractive slideshows and visual dramaturgy, the miraculous tastes of the conceptual delicacies by Chef Ana Grgić, as well as interactive performances of modern theatre, dance, acrobatic stunts, and music.


The 12th Zagreb VINOcom, the international festival of wine and culinary art, was traditionally held at the Esplanade Hotel. It was devoted entirely to the culture of the table, wine, and food as the inevitable part of the Croatian economy and tourist offer. The festival was a showcase for the presentation and tasting of wine, workshops on how to best combine wine and food, as well as for the modern concepts of oenogastronomic education for business people, merchants, sommeliers, members of the catering industry, public persons, journalists, and other wine and food lovers. The festival again attracted several thousand visitors.



Dvanaesti Zagreb VINOcom, međunarodni festival vina i kulinarstva, već se tradicionalno održao u hotelu Esplanade. Festival je u cijelosti posvećen kulturi stola, vina i hrani kao nezaobilaznom dijelu gospodarstva i hrvatske turističke ponude. Na festivalu su se prezentirala i degustirala vina, održale su se radionice kako sljubljivati vino i hranu, kao i suvremeno koncipirane enogastro edukacije za poslovne ljude, trgovce, sommeliere, ugostitelje, ljude iz javnog života, novinare i druge ljubitelje vina i hrane. Festival je i ovaj put obišlo nekoliko tisuća ljudi.


Sedam svjetskih čuda

U studenome je u Smaragdnoj dvorani održan elegantan event u organizaciji Erste Card Cluba, koji je idejno osmislila i produkcijski izvela agencija za evente Kapulica studio. Raskošna večera u pet sljedova namijenjena za ekskluzivne Diners club članove, obogaćena je sjajnim izvođačima koji su čudesnim točkama prikazali sedam svjetskih čuda. Uzvanici su putem atraktivnih projekcija i vizualne dramaturgije i preko čudesnih okusa konceptualnih delicija s potpisom šefice Ane Grgić te interaktivnih izvedbi modernog kazališta, plesa, akrobacije i glazbe doživjeli jedinstveno i ekskluzivno iskustvo za sva osjetila.


The third energy conference Croatia at the Gate of the Energy Union, organized by the Jutarnji List daily and many partners, held at the Esplanade Hotel, gathered over 300 participants, key business leaders in the sphere of power industry, representatives of state and regulatory bodies, as well as experts from Croatia and abroad. The objective of the conference was a discussion about the key aspects of Croatia’s energy future. The Emerald Ballroom was packed with guests, including numerous representatives of state bodies, ministers, members of parliaments, and diplomats.

Hrvatska na vratima Energetske unije

Treća energetska konferencija Hrvatska na vratima Energetske unije, koja je u organizaciji Jutarnjeg lista i brojnih partnera održana u hotelu Espalanade, okupila je više od 300 uzvanika, ključnih poslovnih lidera iz područja energetike, predstavnika državnih i regulatornih tijela te stručnjaka iz zemlje i inozemstva. Cilj ove konferencije bila je rasprava o ključnim aspektima energetske budućnosti Hrvatske. U prepunoj Smaragdnoj dvorani okupili su se i brojni predstavnici državnih tijela, ministri, saborski zastupnici te diplomati.

PROJECT MANAGEMENT Nagrade za projekte AWARDS U Smaragdnoj dvorani hotela The Project Management Awards 2017 ceremony for the best realized projects and their young leaders was held at the Esplanade Hotel’s Emerald Ballroom. For the third consecutive year, the Project Management Awards gathered top young experts and gave awards to the ones that stand out and strive for excellence. The event was also a great opportunity for participants to share their experience and mingle with others who have the related knowhow and ideas. Project Management Awards 2017 was organized by IPMA Young Crew Croatia and the Croatian Association for Project Management under the auspices of the Croatian President and with the support of many partners and sponsors. 72 | E S P LAN A D E V IEW


Esplanade održana je svečana dodjela nagrada za najbolje ostvarene projekte i njihove mlade voditelje, Project Management Awards 2017 (PMA 2017). Već treću godinu u nizu, Project Management Awards okupio je vrhunske mlade stručnjake i dodijelio nagrade onima koji su se posebno istaknuli. Događaj je ujedno bio izvrsna prilika za izmjenu iskustva i druženje među onima koji dijele projektna znanja i ideje. Project Management Awards 2017 održao se u organizaciji IPMA Young Crew Croatia i Hrvatske udruge za upravljanje projektima pod visokim pokroviteljstvom te uz podršku brojnih partnera i sponzora.

SPORTINA d.o.o,RemetineÄ?ka cesta 139, 10000 Zagreb

Good France Gala Dinner at Zinfandel’s Gala večera Good France u Zinfandel’su On Wednesday, 21 March, the first day of spring, the Good France global initiative was marked world wide again. More than 3,000 chefs with 3,000 menus on five continents were devoted to the assessment of French wines and champagnes, and the event was included in the Guinness World of Records as the biggest wine and cheese tasting in the world. Traditionally, the fourth year in a row, the Esplanade Hotel’s Zinfandel’s restaurant, in cooperation with the French Institute and the French Embassy in Zagreb, has prepared the very best of the French cuisine for its guests. The gastronomic journey began with a glass of Veuve Cliquot Rich and tasty morsels such as éclair, escargot, and goose liver, and the feast went on with French chansons and authentic delicacies by famous Chef Ana Grgić. Guests enjoyed the magnificent French cuisine with delicious roasted beef marrow in truffle sauce, tasty soup Bouillabaisse, and veal fillet in rosemary sauce, while crispy crème brûlée with apples was the perfect ending of the meal. Croatian top sommelier Ivan Šneler picked a selection of French wines, champagnes, liqueurs, and cognacs for each course. 74 | E S P LAN A D E V IEW

Na prvi dan proljeća, u srijedu 21. ožujka, i ove je godine u cijelome svijetu obilježena globalna inicijativa Good France. Više od 3000 chefova sa 3000 jelovnika na pet kontinenata bilo je posvećeno valorizaciji francuskih vina i pjenušaca te su uvršteni i u Guinnessovu knjigu rekorda kao najveća degustacija vina i sireva na svijetu. Već tradicionalno, četvrtu godinu zaredom restoran Zinfandel’s hotela Esplanade u suradnji s Francuskim institutom i Veleposlanstvom Francuske u Zagrebu za svoje je goste pripremio najbolje od francuske kuhinje. Gastronomsko putovanje započelo je uz čašu Veuve Cliquot Richa i slasne zalogaje poput éclaira, escargota i guščje jetre, a gozba se nastavila uz prigodne francuske šansone i autentične delicije s potpisom poznate šefice kuhinje, Ane Grgić. Gosti su uživali u veličanstvenoj francuskoj kuhinji uz finu zapečenu goveđu moždinu s umakom od tartufa, ukusnu Bouillabaisse juhu i slasni teleći file u umaku od ružmarina dok je hrskavi crème brûlée s jabukama savršeno zaokružio priču. Uz svaki slijed jela, prvi hrvatski sommelier, Ivan Šneler, za goste je odabrao selekciju probranih francuskih vina, šampanjaca, likera i konjaka.


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The Wallis Adria company presented Jaguar E-PACE, Jaguar’s first compact performance SUV, on the Oleander Terrace of the Esplanade Hotel. For that occasion, a Jaguar was placed in a special attractive dome reminiscent of a spectacular turning moment (since the furthest barrel roll ever was performed during the premiere in London, breaking the Guinness World Record), in order to point out the traditional driving dynamics offered by Jaguar for which it is widely known in the circles of car enthusiasts.


The 144th anniversary of the Croatian Physicians Association and the charity Doctors’ Ball, traditionally held on the last Saturday in February, were held at the Esplanade Hotel. The Doctors’ Ball again gathered many public persons and physicians, who enjoyed dancing and spending time together at the gala dinner, which was also a charity event. This year’s donation was awarded to the public health obesity prevention program PETICA – Playing to Health, marking the fifth year of continued and industrious work. 76 | E S P LAN A D E V IEW

Liječnički bal

Jaguar E-PACE

Tvrtka Wallis Adria predstavila je u siječnju na Oleander terasi hotela Esplanade Jaguar E-PACE, prvi Jaguarov kompaktni SUV. Za tu prigodu Jaguar je bio postavljen u specijalnu atraktivnu kupolu koja odaje dojam spektakularnog trenutka zaokreta (budući da je prilikom premijernog predstavljanja u Londonu izveden najveći luping ikada i time se E-PACE upisao u Guinnessovu knjigu rekorda), ne bi li se istaknula tradicionalna dinamika vožnje koju Jaguar pruža i po kojoj je naširoko poznat u krugovima ljubitelja limenih ljubimaca.

Ove godine je u hotelu Esplanade održana 144. obljetnica Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora i tradicionalni humanitarni Liječnički bal, koji se održava posljednju subotu u veljači. I ovaj put Liječnički bal okupio je brojne uzvanike iz javnog života grada i doktore koji su uz gala večeru uživali u plesu i druženju, a okupljanje je imalo i humanitarno obilježje. Ovogodišnja donacija dodijeljena je javnozdravstvenom programu prevencije pretilosti PETICA – igrom do zdravlja povodom ulaska u petu godinu kontinuiranog i marljivog djelovanja.



The Selekcija MM company held its traditional annual presentation, the Food and Wine Festival, at the Emerald Hall, showcasing some of the most interesting world products and delicacies intended for top chefs, restaurants, and all lovers of culinary delights. Guests had the opportunity to taste some of the finest world delicacies, such as Italian caviar and a selection of cheeses, Scottish salmon and scallops, Spanish tuna, olive oil, and French oysters. The prestigious titles of the biggest star of this gastronomic event were awarded to the first presentation of the Japanese beef from Kyoto and the European beef from Spain.

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Festival hrane i vina

Tvrtka Selekcija MM održala je u Smaragdnoj dvorani već tradicionalnu godišnju prezentaciju – Festival hrane i vina, na kojoj su predstavljeni neki od najzanimljivijih svjetskih proizvoda i delikatesa namijenjenih vrhunskim chefovima, restoranima i svim ljubiteljima gastronomskih užitaka. Brojni su uzvanici mogli kušati neke od najukusnijih svjetskih delicija, poput talijanskog kavijara i raznih sireva, škotskog lososa i Jakobovih kapica, španjolske tune, maslinova ulja i francuskih kamenica, a prestižne titule najvećih zvijezda ovoga gastronomskog spektakla pripale su prvom predstavljanju japanskoga goveda iz Kyota i europskoga goveda iz Španjolske.



The regional selection for the Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award was held in the beautiful ambient of the Emerald Ballroom in November, and Urška Šefman Sojer, the co-founder and creative director of a famous pastry shop chain in Ljubljana, was awarded the prestigious title. The Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award, an Oscar of sorts, awarded annually to successful business women world wide, was established in 1972 in honour of Madame Clicquot, an exceptional French business woman, a courageous woman who took over the company at the age of 27, after her husband’s death, thus becoming the first woman to head the company. She displayed entrepreneurial spirit in 1810, when she made the first vintage wine in the Champagne region. Moreover, top quality Champagne Veuve Clicquot was the star of the evening in the glasses of all guests, while this prestigious award also gathered many public persons from the social, political, and entertainment scenes. 80 | E S P LA N A D E V IEW


Veuve Clicquot nagrada

U prekrasnom ozračju Smaragdne dvorane u studenome je održan regionalni izbor za nagradu Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award, a prestižnu titulu odnijela je Urška Šefman Sojer, suosnivačica i kreativna direktorica poznatog lanca slastičarnica u Ljubljani. Nagrada Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award, svojevrsni Oscar, koji se svake godine dodjeljuje uspješnim poslovnim ženama diljem svijeta, a osnovan je 1972. u čast Madame Clicquot, iznimne poslovne žene, Francuskinje koju je krasila hrabrost i koja je nakon muževe smrti, u svojoj 27. godini, preuzela poslovanje te postala prva žena na čelu kompanije. Poduzetnički duh pokazala je 1810. godine kada je proizvela prvo vintage vino u regiji Champagne. Zvijezda večeri bio je i vrhunski šampanjac Veuve Clicquot kojim su nazdravili svi uzvanici, a ova prestižna dodjela okupila je i brojne poznate osobe s društvene, političke i estradne scene.


Center for advanced aesthetical and wellbeing treatments A place to go when searching for beauty and wellbeing The philosophy of Lora Derm Center lies in the fact that beautiful, healthy and nourished body generates happiness and inner wellbeing. For this reason, our team of highly educated experts has dedicated professional knowledge and creativity to development of wide range of effective aesthetical and wellbeing treatments performed with the latest technological devices and high-quality products.


Laser treatments: Fractional, Diode and Dual Yellow By following global trends investing in the latest technologies we are able to offer our clients the most modern skin perfection laser treatments. We are especially proud of our Dual Yellow laser, the only one of that type in Croatia. This laser is highly appreciated worldwide because of its impeccable efficiency in treating hyperpigmentation, acne, capillaries and other skin imperfections, as well as activating renewal and rejuvenation of skin from the inside. We are also happy to recommend our Fractional laser, promoted by the Australian Health Organization and approved by the American FDA. With our assortment of excellent lasers, we are able to perform diagnostics, therapy and preservation of beautiful and healthy skin, and also to remove even the tiniest unwanted hair safely and gently from the most sensitive parts of your body. Facial Rejuvenation In the age of fast-developing science technologies, Lora Derm is staying in line with the newest discoveries, offering a wide range of facial treatments leading to healthy, supple and young-looking skin. Our every client is treated as unique – with individual approach we tend to create the optimal plan leading to best results according to client’s own wishes, skin state and type. By being thoroughly invested in research of skin aesthetics, we are gladly offering our professional opinion and advices to every client’s needs. Body care Using the latest technological devices, we are offering services of highly effective, gentle and noninvasive body shaping treatments.

We are proud to present our devices: • UltraShape – the first class device targeting fat cells in a precise and noninvasive way achieving a significant thinning of the treated body parts. • Lipox • VelaShape • Alydia • Aqualix Skin Care Our skin is our largest organ, the one most exposed to external influences and showing our overall inner state on the outside. Therefore it is utterly important to take good care of health and preservation of our skin. Regarding our professional knowledge, experience, passion and dedication, we can be proud of many excellent achievements in work with different skin conditions and problems. Our work principles are based on respecting the natural skin physiology while making improvements and nurturing its integrity. We believe that beautiful body and skin is not just a “nice to have” but an important part of healthy wellbeing and high quality of life. Science, technologies and trends may develop fast, but beauty and health never go out of fashion. Our friendly team will gladly answer any of your questions – feel free to contact us: Adress: Bednjanska 8, 10000 Zagreb; Phone: 01 6171 054 e-mail: Facebook: Lora Derm Centar Instagram: loraderm_zagreb P ROM O

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On the occasion of the Advent, the Vipnet company organized a free Christmas play for its employees and their children at the Esplanade Hotel. The play called The Lost Beard of Santa Clause, directed by Petra Radin and Marijo Kovač, was performed by the famous, multiple award-winning acting company Histrion, which delighted all guests. The story itself was very interesting and dynamic. The main protagonists of the play were none other than Santa Clause and his dwarfs, who had to save Christmas from the evil Ministers who appropriated the gifts intended for children. Much to the delight of all children, they managed to save Christmas, but yet another surprise came after the show when Santa Clause gave presents to children.

Božićna predstava za djecu

U povodu Adventa tvrtka Vipnet je u hotelu Esplanade organizirala besplatnu božićnu predstavu za svoje zaposlenike i njihovu djecu. Predstavu Izgubljena brada Djeda Mraza, u režiji Petre Radin i Marija Kovača, izvela je poznata i višestruko nagrađivana glumačka družina Histrion koja je oduševila sve prisutne. I sama radnja predstave bila je iznimno zanimljiva i dinamična. Naime, glavni protagonisti predstave bili su ni manje ni više nego Djed Mraz i njegovi patuljci koji su morali spasiti Božić od zlih Ministara koji su prisvojili darove namijenjene djeci. Na oduševljenje sve djece, spašavanje Božića je uspjelo, a dodatno iznenađenje nakon predstave bio je i Djed Mraz koji je najmlađima podijelio slatke paketiće.


Special hospital Akromion, the largest private hospital in Croatia, celebrated the tenth anniversary of successful activity at the Esplanade Hotel. Many guests, from the representatives of the government, counties, embassies, to public persons from the music and sports scene, attended the gathering. Renata Sabljak and Ante Gelo, with the help of young string players, were in charge of music for this special occasion. 82 | E S P LA N A D E V IEW


Deset godina uspješnoga rada

Specijalna bolnica Akromion, najveća privatna bolnica u Hrvatskoj, svečanom večerom u hotelu Esplanade proslavila je deset godina uspješnoga rada. Tim povodom okupili su se brojni uzvanici, od predstavnika Vlade, županija, veleposlanstava do javnih osoba iz svijeta glazbe i sporta. Kao glazbena pratnja svečanu večeru uveličali su Renata Sabljak i Ante Gelo uz pratnju mladih gudača.

MALALAN Jewelry Shaped by Stories Nakit oblikovan pričama Stories not necessarily of fiction but those real-life ones written by us, people from the real world: from the birth of a child and his or her first words, high school or university graduation, the first job or major business success, to a wedding and many other memories that make life not only beautiful but also unique and special. Stories of successive generations are also embedded in the family jewelry, which could be designed around the family coat-of-arms, a special gemstone or simply the fact that it was given by the grandfather to the grandmother when he asked her to marry him decades ago.

Nije nužno riječ o fikcijama, već o pričama iz stvarnog života koje pišemo mi, ljudi iz stvarnoga svijeta: od rođenja djeteta i njegovih prvih izgovorenih riječi, srednje škole i diplome, prvog zaposlenja ili većeg poslovnog uspjeha, do vjenčanja i mnogih drugih uspomena koje život čine ne samo lijepim nego jedinstvenim i posebnim. Priče niza generacija utkane su i u obiteljski nakit, čiji dizajn može biti nadahnut obiteljskim grbom, može biti riječ o posebnom dragom kamenu ili jednostavno o činjenici da je taj komad nakita djed darovao baki kada je desetljećima prije zatražio njezinu ruku.

Nowadays, many ladies find themselves facing a dilemma because decades of wear have made grandmother’s ring almost unrecognizable, one of her earrings got broken or even lost, her jewelry box includes only a pendant but not the matching chain, or simply because her grandmother’s string of pearls just isn’t her taste. Thus, it can happen that the jewels remain

Mnogo se žena danas nalazi pred dvojbom što napraviti s bakinim prstenom koji se nakon višedesetljetnog nošenja izlizao do neprepoznatljivosti, s jednom od njezinih naušnica jer se druga slomila ili izgubila, s privjeskom u njezinoj škrinjici za nakit kojem nedostaje lanac ili s bakinom bisernom niskom koja jednostavno nije njezin stil. Tako se može dogoditi da nakit godi-

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neglected for years and years; or, we can let master jewelers do their magic by giving them a new lease of life, either by restoration, redesign or even by using them as the basis for new pieces, which despite a contemporary appearance interweave the memories and values of your family.

nama ostane zanemaren. Ali ga isto tako možete povjeriti majstorima zlatarima koji će mu kao čarolijom udahnuti novi život restaurirajući ga, preoblikujući ili upotrebljavajući ga kao bazu za izradu novih komada nakita koji će, unatoč modernom izgledu, imati u sebi utkane naše obiteljske uspomene i vrijednosti.

Extremely tarnished gold pieces can be restored to their original shine or their elements used as the basis for the design of new jewelry: an earring missing its partner can be reshaped into a pendant, a pendant lacking a chain can get one or can be remade into a brooch. A torn string of pearls can be restrung or used as the basis for a pair of earrings, a ring, and a bracelet that will serve the contemporary woman as everyday or slightly more prestigious jewelry for special occasions. The team of designers and jewelers at Draguljarna Malalan will be happy to weave your family stories into jewelry that will bring happiness to future generations.

Izrazito potamnjeli zlatni komadi mogu se obnoviti tako da im se povrati izvorni sjaj ili se mogu upotrijebiti kao baza za izradu novog nakita. Naušnica bez parnjaka može se preoblikovati u privjesak, privjesak kojem nedostaje lanac može dobiti novi lanac ili se pak može pretvoriti u broš. Biseri iz potrgane niske mogu se ponovno nanizati ili upotrijebiti za izradu naušnica, prstena i narukvice koji će modernoj ženi poslužiti kao svakodnevni nakit ili nešto svečaniji nakit u posebnim prilikama. Tim dizajnera i zlatara u Draguljarni Malalan sa zadovoljstvom će vaše obiteljske priče utkati u nakit koji će budućim generacijama donositi sreću.

If you’re only just starting your own family tradition, we will be pleased to make you jewelry that will remind you of the best moments of your life: brides-to-be can be presented with unique engagement rings, which are later supplemented by custom made wedding rings and matching jewelry for the couple: the bride and the groom. For this purpose, we acquire precious stones completely matching your wishes or even use the precious stones from the existing family collection. When a child is born, we design necklaces or bracelets intertwining the letters of the baby’s name, or the name can be engraved on custom-made cuff links, or even earrings and brooches. The combination of mastery of the latest technology and ancient craftsmanship techniques of jewelry-making enables us to participate in success stories in the business world: many companies decide to give our pieces to their employees or business partners upon special occasions or achievements: by engraving we personalize fine pens or the case-backs of watches, we design custom-made tiepins, cuff links, business card cases and much more. We are proud to have been forging your dreams for eternity for nearly seven decades: for 25 years in Ljubljana, and since 2016 also in Zagreb. Our master team of designers and jewelers will be delighted to embody your idea first in the shape of a sketch, followed by a unique and one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry under the trademark of Draguljarna Malalan: this guarantees the uniqueness of design, material of ethical origin, and above all the highest quality of craftsmanship.

Ako tek započinjete svoju obiteljsku tradiciju, rado ćemo vam izraditi nakit koji će vas podsjećati na najbolje trenutke vašeg života. Buduća bi mladenka mogla dobiti unikatni zaručnički prsten, koji se kasnije može kompletirati s po mjeri izrađenim vjenčanim prstenjem i usklađenim nakitom za oboje, mladenku i mladoženju. U tu svrhu pribavljamo drago kamenje koje potpuno odgovara vašim željama ili se koristimo dragim kamenjem iz postojeće obiteljske zbirke. Za rođenje djeteta dizajniramo ogrlice ili narukvice s isprepletenim slovima djetetova imena, a ime se može ugravirati i na gumbe za manšete izrađene po mjeri, pa čak i na naušnice i broševe. Kombiniranje dostignuća najnovije tehnologije i drevnih majstorskih tehnika u izradi nakita omogućuje nam da budemo sudionici priča o uspjehu i u poslovnom svijetu. Brojne tvrtke poklanjaju naše proizvode svojim zaposlenicima ili poslovnim partnerima u posebnim prilikama ili za posebna postignuća. Gravurom personaliziramo luksuzne olovke ili poleđine satova, izrađujemo personalizirane igle za kravate, gumbe za manšete, etuije za posjetnice i još mnogo toga. Ponosni smo što već gotovo sedam desetljeća vaše snove kujemo u vječnost, od toga 25 godina u Ljubljani, a od 2016. i u Zagrebu. Naš vrhunski tim dizajnera i zlatara s entuzijazmom će utjeloviti vašu ideju, najprije kao skicu, a zatim kao jedinstven i neponovljiv komad nakita sa zaštitnim znakom Draguljarne Malalan kojim jamčimo jedinstvenost dizajna, etičko podrijetlo materijala te, najviše od svega, vrhunsku kvalitetu izrade. P ROM O

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Romantic g n i d d e W Winter Romantično zimsko vjenčanje

Childhood Friendship Turning into Something Bigger – Great Love Rendered Immortal by Idyllic Winter Wedding Prijateljstvo iz djetinjstva koje se pretvorilo u nešto više – veliku ljubav ovjekovječenu zimskom svadbenom idilom


The moment they stepped into the Esplanade Hotel, the Furić couple knew they would spend one of the most romantic evenings of their lives in the hotel’s Emerald Ballroom. As soon as it came to organizing the wedding ceremony, the Zagreb’s beauty was the first on their list of wedding venues. “We felt right at home when we entered the Esplanade,” Tomislava recalls, and that was one of the key reasons why they opted for the hotel and the luxurious Emerald Ballroom, an ideal place for weddings in the spirit of a romantic classic.

Da će jednu od najromantičnijih večeri u životu provesti u Smaragdnoj dvorani hotela Esplanade, mladenci Furić znali su odmah pri ulasku u hotel. Kada je stiglo vrijeme organiziranja ceremonije vjenčanja, prva na listi obilaska svadbenih prostora bila je upravo zagrebačka ljepotica. „Ulaskom u Esplanade osjećali smo se kao kod kuće“, prisjeća se Tomislava, a to je bio i jedan od ključnih razloga zašto je odluka pala na ovaj hotel, kao i raskošna Smaragdna dvorana savršena za svadbe obilježene duhom romantične klasike.

Nikola and Tomislava, both 29 years of age, have been connected since early childhood. They lived several hundred meters from each other as children and, interestingly enough, they were baptized in the same church on the same day. Their paths briefly diverged after elementary school only to become intertwined again eight years ago after a chance encounter at a local singer’s concert. After that night, they started spending more and more time together, ending up as a couple. Their romantic relationship culminated in a marriage eight years later.

Dvadesetdevetogodišnji Nikola i Tomislava povezani su od malih nogu. Kao djeca živjeli su udaljeni tek stotinjak metara jedno od drugoga, a zanimljivo je kako su kršteni na isti dan u istoj crkvi. Nakon osnovne škole njihovi su putevi nakratko bili razdvojeni, a ponovno su se isprepleli prije osam godina nakon nenadanog susreta na koncertu jednog domaćeg pjevača. Nakon te večeri njihova zajednička druženja postaju sve češća, a uskoro završavaju i vezom. Osam godina kasnije ta je veza ovjekovječena brakom.

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It was our pleasure to organize the wedding ourselves, and we even picked the menu and the wedding cake on our own. Of course, we had every help from the hotel staff, particularly Monika Pustaj and Josip Friščić, who helped us a great deal with everything we wanted to know. Bio nam je užitak organizirati vjenčanje samostalno, a čak smo i svadbeni meni i tortu odabrali sami. Naravno, osoblje hotela bilo nam je maksimalna podrška, posebice Monika Pustaj i Josip Friščić koji su nam uvelike pomogli oko svega što nas je interesiralo.


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Tomislava and Nikola decided to organize the entire wedding ceremony on their own, without anyone’s help. It was their big wish to have an idyllic winter wedding and it eventually came true. The preparations proceeded much better than expected, especially as the Emerald Ballroom and the wedding band had been available on their planned wedding date, 10 February. “It was our pleasure to organize the wedding ourselves, and we even picked the menu and the wedding cake on our own. Of course, we had every help from the hotel staff, particularly Monika Pustaj and Josip Friščić, who helped us a great deal with everything we wanted to know. All the details were finalized after only several meetings,” Tomislava explained. The wedding ceremony was held at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Sveta Nedjelja and continued with a welcome drink at the Paris Suite, while the Emerald Ballroom was the venue for the rest of the evening.

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U organizaciju cijele ceremonije vjenčanja Tomislava i Nikola odlučili su ući samostalno, bez ičije pomoći. Velika želja im je bila imati idilično zimsko vjenčanje, što im se i na kraju ostvarilo. Sama priprema tekla je bolje od očekivanoga, ponajprije jer su Smaragdna dvorana i svadbeni bend bili slobodni za planirani datum vjenčanja – 10. veljače. „Bio nam je užitak organizirati vjenčanje samostalno, a čak smo i svadbeni meni i tortu odabrali sami. Naravno, osoblje hotela bilo nam je maksimalna podrška, posebice Monika Pustaj i Josip Friščić koji su nam uvelike pomogli oko svega što nas je interesiralo. Detalji su bili finalizirani već u nekoliko sastanaka“, objasnila je Tomislava. Sama ceremonija vjenčanja održala se u crkvi Presvetog Trojstva u Svetoj Nedelji, nastavila se u dvorani Pariz pićem dobrodošlice, a potom u Smaragdnoj dvorani gdje se i održala glavnina večeri.

The Esplanade Hotel’s old Zagreb flare, beauty, and tradition, as well as top service, are the best recipe for a classic Stari zagrebački štih, ljepota i tradicija hotela Esplanade te vrhunska usluga najbolji su recept za vjenčanje u klasičnom stilu


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One of the most memorable moments for the wedding couple was their entry into the ballroom as the song With You was playing, when their dear guests welcomed them with an applause Mladenci bi kao lijep trenutak izdvojili svoj ulazak u dvoranu uz taktove pjesme S tobom, gdje su ih pljeskom dočekali njihovi dragi gosti

The Esplanade Hotel’s old Zagreb flare, beauty, and tradition, as well as top service, are the best recipe for a classic. The ingredients of that recipe also seem to have delighted all the guests because the wedding couple kept receiving nothing but words of praise for days after the wedding. In sync with all the classic details, Tomislava picked a wedding gown by a famous Croatian designer recognizable by mermaid design with wavy lace, while the groom opted for a charming black tuxedo with a white shirt and a bow tie for his special day. One of the most memorable moments for the wedding couple was their entry into the ballroom as the song With You was playing, when their dear guests welcomed them with an applause, while the absolutely best moment of the evening was their first dance, for which they prepared a choreography to the song My Last and First Love. Even though theirs was a winter wedding, this newlyweds’ evening was as heated as if it were held in the midst of summer, and the cheerful atmosphere was also due to the band Beatta, which played until the early hours of the morning. Smash lighting and the décor and flowers the expert from Cvijet kreative perfectly incorporated into the Emerald Ballroom contributed to the overall romantic atmosphere. A photographer from Spinakergraphics recorded memories that will last for a lifetime and the Furićs say they would love to relive those moments one more time if they could. 90 | E S P LAN A D E V IEW


Stari zagrebački štih, ljepota i tradicija hotela Esplanade te vrhunska usluga najbolji su recept za vjenčanje u klasičnom stilu. Čini se kako su sastojci tog recepta itekako oduševili i sve uzvanike jer su mladenci danima nakon vjenčanja primali samo riječi hvale. U mnoštvu klasičnih detalja, Tomislava je svoju vjenčanicu odabrala kod poznate hrvatske dizajnerice, prepoznatljive po sirena dizajnu s vitičastom čipkom, dok je mladoženja za svoj poseban dan odlučio odjenuti šarmantni crni smoking s bijelom košuljom i leptir-mašnom. Mladenci bi kao lijep trenutak izdvojili svoj ulazak u dvoranu uz taktove pjesme S tobom, gdje su ih pljeskom dočekali njihovi dragi gosti, dok bi kao vrhunac večeri istaknuli, naravno, prvi ples za koji su pripremili i koreografiju, i to na pjesmu Moja posljednja i prva ljubavi. Iako zimska svadba, svadba ovog novopečenog bračnog para itekako je bila uzavrela kao da je ljeto, za čiju je veselu atmosferu bio zadužen bend Beatta do ranih jutarnjih sati. Dozu romantike upotpunili su Smash rasvjeta, kao i dekoracije te cvjetni aranžmani koje je u interijer Smaragdne dvorane savršeno uklopila stručnjakinja iz Cvijeta kreative. Uspomene za cijeli život zabilježio je fotograf iz Spinakergraphicsa, a mladenci Furić kažu kako bi vrlo rado, da mogu, te trenutke proživjeli još jedanput.


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PURE GOLD CARE Njega čistim zlatom

Gold, a mark of class and an emblem of distinction, a symbol of glamour and prestige in all its splendour, also reigns in cosmetics. With the PURE GOLD 24 Ka range of products and care from top Slovenian beauty company Afrodita Cosmetics, it shines in its purest form! This is an anti-age fantasy of sheer luxury and a privilege for skin which both needs and deserves more.

Zlato, znak otmjenosti i metafora iznimnosti, svim svojim sjajem kraljuje i na području kozmetike. Proizvodi koji u sastavu imaju zlato u svom najčišćem obliku i njega PURE GOLD 24 Ka vodeće slovenske kuće ljepote, Kozmetike Afrodita, predstavljaju anti-age fantaziju čiste raskoši i privilegij su za kožu koja želi i zaslužuje više.


Dokazana učinkovitost

The gold rush in cosmetics is the result of recent scientific studies confirming the remarkable rejuvenating properties of gold. Gold activates electrons in skin cells, which stimulates cellular communication processes and hence promotes their regeneration. It also reduces the breakdown of collagen and elastin and protects skin against the effects of free radicals.

Zlatna groznica u kozmetici je rezultat aktualnih znanstvenih istraživanja koje potvrđuju iznimna pomlađujuća svojstva zlata. Zlato aktivira elektrone u stanicama kože, čime stimulira proces stanične komunikacije te potiče njihovu regeneraciju. Osim toga, smanjuje razgradnju kolagena te kožu štiti od djelovanja slobodnih radikala.


Intenzivna formula pomlađivanja

In addition to particles of pure gold, PURE GOLD 24 Ka products incorporate soy isoflavones for complete rejuvenating power. The results of clini-cal studies confirm that they significantly improve the skin’s firmness, smoothness and thickness and reduce the depth of wrinkles.


The PURE GOLD 24 collection consists of luxury day and night creams, a gold mask, an intensive eye cream, a moisturising anti-age elixir and ampoules – miraculous beauty drops with an instant rejuvenating effect. They are designed for professional use in beauty salons and for luxurious continuing care at home.

+ NOW ALSO FOR THE BODY: Luxury oil shower gel and

Body lotion!


Prestige gold care treatment using PURE GOLD 24 Ka products is also available at Afrodita Beauty Centres. A glamorous experience for all who simply want more from their anti-age care!



Uz čestice čistoga 24-karatnog zlata u proizvode PURE GOLD 24 Ka za savršenu moć pomlađivanja, ugrađeni su i sojini izoflavoni. Rezultati kliničkih studija potvrđuju da znatno poboljšavaju čvrstoću, glatkoću i debljinu kože te značajno smanjuju dubinu bora.

Zlatni proizvodi

Kolekcija PURE GOLD 24 Ka sadrži raskošnu dnevnu i noćnu kremu, zlatnu masku, intenzivnu kremu za područje oko očiju, hidratantni anti-age eliksir te ampule – čudesne kapi ljepote s trenutnim efektom pomlađivanja. Namijenjeni su profesionalnoj uporabi u kozmetičkom salonima te raskošnoj daljnjoj njezi kod kuće.

+ OD SADA I ZA TIJELO: Raskošni uljni gel za tuširanje i Losion za tijelo! Priuštite si zlatno maženje

Sa proizvodima PURE GOLD 24 Ka provode i prestižnu zlatnu njegu u Beauty centrima Afrodita. Glamurozan doživljaj za sve koji od anti-age njege jednostavno očekuju više!

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The Sixties in Croatia Myth&Reality Šezdesete u Hrvatskoj – Mit i stvarnost

The central exhibition project of the Museum of Arts and Crafts for the current year offering a cross-section view of the turbulent era of Croatian history from 1958 to 1971 Središnji izložbeni projekt Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt u ovoj godini koji prikazuje presjek turbulentnog razdoblja hrvatske povijesti od 1958. do 1971. godine


The exhibition The Sixties in Croatia: Myth and Reality that opened in April at the Museum of Arts and Crafts has already been dubbed a major cultural project. The exhibition provides one of the most comprehensive insights into the key era of recent Croatian history from 1958 to 1971. In the wider context, it observes and analyses the situation in Croatia in the sphere of art, culture, design, fashion, photography, architecture, literature, theatre, music, film, and other areas.

Izložba Šezdesete u Hrvatskoj: Mit i stvarnost, otvorena u travnju u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt, već sada nosi epitet velikoga kulturološkog projekta. Izložba daje jedan od najcjelovitijih uvida u ključno razdoblje novije hrvatske povijesti, od 1958. do 1971. godine, i u širem kontekstu promatra i analizira situaciju u Hrvatskoj u području umjetnosti, kulture, dizajna, mode, fotografije, arhitekture, književnosti, kazališta, glazbe, filma i drugih područja.

With a total of 18 exhibition segments and the choice of numerous exhibits – from documentary material to works of art, from photographs to film, television, and music clips, from everyday objects to the signs of the times that were changing the world in the most literal sense of the word – the exhibition attempts to portray Croatia, in as clear manner as possible, as a whole of what was by many aspects a turbulent yet shiny period. The exhibition uses the cross-section view of this important decade to show that, in terms of the economy, the sixties in Croatia brought the hitherto unprecedented prosperity and fostered the development of the consumer society. Furthermore, in a thorough and comprehensive manner, the exhibition does not only provide a cross-section view of what is considered a milestone

Kroz ukupno osamnaest dionica i odabirom brojnih eksponata, od dokumentarne građe do umjetničkih djela, od fotografija do filmskih, televizijskih i glazbenih inserata, od predmeta svakodnevice do znakova vremena koji su u najdoslovnijem smislu mijenjali svijet, izložba nastoji na što jasniji način prikazati Hrvatsku kao cjelinu jednoga, po mnogočemu turbulentnoga, ali i blistavog vremena. Kroz presjek tog važnog desetljeća izložba prikazuje kako su šezdesete godine u Hrvatskoj u ekonomskom smislu donijele dotad neviđen prosperitet i pridonijele razvoju konzumerističkog društva, ali i na cjelovit i sveobuhvatan način presjek prijelomnog desetljeća ne samo za Hrvatsku i njezino okruženje već i trenutke kada se na globalnoj razini mijenjaju političke,

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The exhibition has already been dubbed a major cultural project Izložba već sada nosi epitet velikoga kulturološkog projekta


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Savo Simončić, Zlatko Zrnec Dodo / Saponia 1958./1959.

decade for Croatia and its neighbourhood, but also of the moments when political, economic, and cultural paradigms started to change at the global level. Music festivals, vinyl records, hits, golden oldies, music bands, the Fićo car, Trieste and denim trousers, miniskirts, rock ‘n’ roll, and sexual revolution are just some

With a total of 18 exhibition segments and the choice of numerous exhibits the exhibition attempts to portray Croatia, in as clear manner as possible, as a whole of what was by many aspects a turbulent yet shiny period Kroz ukupno osamnaest dionica i odabirom brojnih eksponata izložba nastoji na što jasniji način prikazati Hrvatsku kao cjelinu jednoga, po mnogočemu turbulentnoga, ali i blistavog vremena

ekonomske i kulturološke paradigme. Festivali zabavne glazbe, vinil-ploče, šlageri, VIS-ovi, Fićo, Trst i rifle, mini suknje, rock’n’roll i seksualna revolucija samo su neka od obilježja koja su snažno utjecala na razvojne procese u modernizaciji društva šezdesetih godina i koja je sastavni dio izložbe.

Mihajlo Arsovski / Kolo oko Shakespearea, Teatar ITD, 1971.

Naslonjač, nacrt: Bernardo Bernardi, 1961.

MIlana Hržić Balić, Posuđe 1964. – 1971. EXH IB IT ION | I Z LOŽ BA

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Kalkulator, Davor Grunwald 1970.

of the attributes that made a profound impact on the development processes in the modernization of the society in the sixties, and which make an integral part of the exhibition. Many activities have accompanied the exhibition since its opening: educational programs, roundtables, lectures by authors on certain thematic units, concerts featuring music from that period, films and plays from the sixties, a wide selection of souvenirs, etc. Zvonko Maković was the concept creator of the exhibition organized by the Museum of Arts and Crafts in addition to director Miroslav Gašparović and project manager and coordinator Vesna Ledić. Visual identity and exhibition setting is by Numen / For Use and Oaza. 98 | E S P LA N A DE V IEW


Tijekom cijelog razdoblja održavanja izložbu prate brojne aktivnosti: edukativni programi, okrugli stolovi, predavanja autora pojedinih tematskih cjelina, koncerti s glazbom iz tog razdoblja, filmovi i predstave šezdesetih, bogat suvenirski program itd. Za idejni koncept izložbe zaslužan je dr. sc. Zvonko Maković, u organizaciji Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt, uz ravnatelja Miroslava Gašparovića te voditeljicu i koordinatoricu projekta Vesnu Ledić. Vizualni identitet i postav izložbe potpisuje Numen / For Use i Oaza.


d e h is u g in t is D & s Famou Guests POZNATI I SLAVNI GOSTI

Since its opening in 1925 many famous personalities from abroad visited Hotel Esplanade in Zagreb. Many writers, Hollywood stars and high ranking officials enjoyed the excellent service and superb cuisine offered by our extraordinary hotel, which prompted their further visits. Recently Esplanade has welcomed many famous guests such as the internationally renowned Canadian singer Bryan Adams, the young British actor Rupert Grint – the star of the Harry Potter series, the inspirational speaker and writer Neale Donald Walsch, the Albanian President Ilir Meta, the Finnish President Sauli Niinistö and the world famous band Toto that entertained the people of Zagreb and its visitors. Hotel Esplanade je još od otvorenja davne 1925. privlačio brojne poznate osobe iz domaćeg i stranog javnog života. Od književnika i umjetnika do holivudskih zvijezda i visokih državnih dužnosnika, mnogi su uživali u jedinstvenoj Esplanade usluzi i vrhunskoj gastronomiji – iskustvo zbog kojeg su se uvijek rado vraćali. Hotel je tako u zadnje vrijeme bio dom mnogim poznatim gostima, među ostalima, tu su boravili međunarodno poznat kanadski pjevač Bryan Adams, mladi britanski glumac Rupert Grint – zvijezda serijala o Harryju Potteru, inspirativni govornik i pisac Neale Donald Walsch, albanski predsjednik Ilir Meta, finski predsjednik Sauli Niinistö te planetarno poznat bend Toto u čijim su izvedbama mogli uživati Zagrepčani i njihovi gosti. 100 | E S P LAN A DE V IEW


Rupert Grint


Neale Donald Walsch Bryan Adams


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Where Baby Dragons Live

Postojnska jama – gdje živi zmajeva mladunčad A fantastic web of tunnels, passages, galleries and halls, the astonishing diversity of Karst features as well as easy access are certainly the main reasons for such popularity of the cave and a large number of visitors, which has already reached 38 million in 200 years.

Fantastična isprepletenost rovova, galerija i dvorana, šarolikost krških fenomena koja oduzima dah te njezina pristupačnost osnovni su razlozi iznimne popularnosti i posjećenosti Postojnske jame koja je u 200 godina ugostila već 38 milijuna posjetitelja.

Postojna Cave is the heart of the picturesque Slovene Karst. It was discovered in all its grandeur in 1818 by Luka Čeč, one of the locals – before his discovery only a very small part of it had been known. A proper underground kingdom revealed itself in front of his eyes, and the cave system of more than 24 kilometres in length with the most wonderful cave formations thus got its first admirer. He called out enthusiastically to his companions waiting outside: »Here is a new world, here is paradise!« Postojna Cave is today famous for being one of the most diverse karst caves in the world. Nowhere else is it possible to admire so many different subterranean karst wonders in a single cave system. Nowhere else but here, have visitors for 140 years been able to take a ride with a special cave train which takes you around under magnificent underground arches, through an amazing landscape dotted with playful limestone sculptures.

Postojnska jama poznata je kao jedna od najraznovrsnijih krških špilja na svijetu. Naime, nigdje drugdje nije moguće u jednom samom špiljskom sustavu uživati u toliko velikom broju podzemnih krških čuda. Samo tu, u Postojnskoj jami, već više od 140 godina posjetitelji mogu krenuti u vožnju posebnim vlakićem ispod veličanstvenih podzemnih lukova kroz fantastičan krajolik posijan razigranim skulpturama od vapnenca.

Postojna Cave is the cradle of a special branch of biology – speleobiology. This new science was born in the year 1831, when the Slendernecked Beetle (Leptodirus hochenwartii) was discovered in the Postojna Cave by Luka Čeč, a local of Postojna. Not long after, explorers discovered and recorded tens of new animal species adapted to the conditions inside the cave to such an extent that they are unable to survive outside of it. The most known among them is Proteus (also known as the olm). This pale and highly unusual creature can grow up to 30 centimetres in length, it is completely blind, lives in the subterranean world, even up to incredible 100 years. The olm has always excited people’s imagination. People used to believe that olms were the dragons’ offspring. Since the beginning of last year, we have been witnessing a special event taking place in Postojna Cave, one of our olms laid eggs, from which wenty one baby dragons have hatched so far. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for them! 102 | E S P LA N A D E V IEW PROM O

Postojnska je jama kolijevka posebne grane biološke znanosti – speleobiologije. Najpoznatija špiljska životinja jest čovječja ribica. To blijedo i doista neobično biće, koje može narasti do 30 cm, potpuno je slijepo, živi u podzemnom svijetu i može doživjeti nevjerojatnih 100 godina. Čovječje su ribice oduvijek golicale ljudsku maštu. Prema narodnoj predaji riječ je o zmajevim mladuncima. Već od prošle godine u Postojnskoj smo jami svjedoci posebnog događaja jer je ribica izlegla jajašca iz kojih se dosad izlegao dvadeset i jedan mladi zmajić. Držimo im palčeve! Baby Dragon (Proteus anguinus) in Postojna Cave Aquarium Zmajeva mladunčad (Proteus anguinus), u akvariju u Postojnskoj jami

A Pipe Organ in Postojna Cave Orgulje u Postojnskoj jami

PARK POSTOJNSKA JAMA Wonderworld does exist

Baby dragons People used to believe that Postojna Cave olms, which spur the imagination even today, were actually baby dragons.

Predjama castle The largest cave castle in the world dazzles with its impressive location high in the rocks and with a romantic story about its former lord. Predjama Castle is the Guinness World Record Holder as the largest cave castle in the world.

Unique underqround train There is nothing more impressive than experiencing the majestic halls while travelling on a unique underground train.

Postojnska jama, d.d., Jamska cesta 30, 6230 Postojna T: 05 7000 100,


















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Did You Know? Jeste li znali?

About the Esplanade Hotel

O hotelu Esplanade

Did you know that, in 2006, the Esplanade Hotel was the first hotel in Croatia to offer its guests a special experience of touring the city sights on Segway? Segway City Tour is a fun and simple way of experiencing the authentic atmosphere of the streets of Zagreb and is still very popular among hotel guests.

Jeste li znali da je hotel Esplanade 2006. godine bio prvi hotel u Hrvatskoj koji je gostima ponudio poseban doživljaj obilaska gradskih znamenitosti na Segwayu? Segway City Tour zabavan je i jednostavan način da se doživi autentična atmosfera zagrebačkih ulica te je i dan-danas vrlo popularan među hotelskim gostima.

Chef Ana Grgić has become the first woman in the history of the hotel to become executive chef in the Esplanade. Ana began her professional career exactly in this hotel, first working with top chefs as a volunteer. She became executive chef of both hotel restaurants and catering in 2012. Her dishes and combinations of taste are an inspiration for young generations, who decided to follow in her footsteps and learn about the supreme culinary tradition of the Esplanade. 104 | E S P LA N A DE V IEW

Chefica Ana Grgić postala je prva žena u povijesti hotela na čelu Esplanadine kuhinje. Svoju profesionalnu karijeru Ana je započela upravo u hotelu, gdje je počela volontirati uz vrsne kuhare mentore te je 2012. postala chefica kuhinje za oba hotelska restorana i catering. Svojim jelima i kombinacijama okusa nadahnjuje mlađe generacije koje su odlučile ići njezinim stopama slijedeći Esplanadinu tradiciju vrsne gastronomije.


About Croatia

O Hrvatskoj

The biggest and the most extensive collection of the Neanderthal man is found in Krapina, where the first Neanderthal museum also located.

Najveća i najbogatija kolekcija ostataka pračovjeka nalazi se u Krapini, gdje je lociran i prvi muzej neandertalaca u svijetu.

The Sea Organ in Zadar is a unique work of architecture, an interesting and original fusion of architecture and music. In distinction to an ordinary organ powered by bellows or air pumps, the Zadar organ produces sound using the pure energy of sea waves and the rhythm of ebb and flow.

Morske orgulje u Zadru jedinstveno su arhitektonsko ostvarenje, zanimljiv i originalan spoj arhitekture i glazbe. Za razliku od običnih orgulja pogonjenih mjehovima ili zračnim pumpama, zvuk zadarskih orgulja nastaje pod utjecajem energije mora, odnosno valova te plime i oseke.

About Zagreb Did you know that Dušan Vukotić was the first Oscar winner for an animated movie outside the United States of America? The statue awarded to his animated movie Surogat (Surrogate) is displayed in the Zagreb City Museum.

O Zagrebu Jeste li znali da je prvi dobitnik Oscara za animirani film izvan SAD-a bio Dušan Vukotić? Kipić koji je osvojio njegov animirani film Surogat nalazi se u Muzeju grada Zagreba. Did you know that Zagreb has its own solar system? A scale model of the solar system “revolves” around the sculpture of the Grounded Sun in Bogoviceva Street, while other planets are exactly to scale and proportionally located in other parts of the city.

Jeste li znali da Zagreb ima vlastiti Sunčev sustav? Model se „okreće“ oko skulpture Prizemljenog sunca u Bogovićevoj ulici, a ostali planeti su veličinom i udaljenošću proporcionalno smješteni u drugim dijelovima grada.


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City Guide Gradski vodič

EXHIBITION: CATHERINE THE GREAT – THE EMPRESS OF ALL RUSSIANS Izložba: Katarina Velika – carica svih Rusa 12 Apr – 29 Jul 2018 - the Klovićevi dvori Gallery Galerija Klovićevi dvori Marking the 50th anniversary of town twinning between St. Petersburg and Zagreb, the Klovićevi dvori Gallery has organized a large exhibition of works from one of the most renowned museums in the world, the Hermitage Museum from St. Petersburg: Catherine the Great – the Empress of all Russians. Catherine II of Russia was one of the most powerful women in history. The scope of the exhibition is specifically tailored to the format of the Klovićevi dvori Gallery and displays the Empress’s personal belongings, objects of everyday use, objects of rule, and the artwork she passionately collected during her lifetime, thereby establishing one of the biggest and most important art collections in the world. Povodom obilježavanja 50. obljetnice prijateljstva gradova St. Peterburga i Zagreba Galerija Klovićevi dvori priredila je veliku izložbu djela iz jednoga od najvećih svjetskih muzeja – Muzeja Ermitaž iz St. Peterburga, Katarina Velika – carica svih Rusa. Carica Katarina II. jedna je od najmoćnijih žena u povijesti. Ova izložba koncipirana je posebno za izložbene prostore Galerije Klovićevi dvori i prikazuje caričine osobne predmete, predmete iz svakodnevnog života, vladanja te umjetnička djela koja je prikupljala kao strastvena kolekcionarka i time utemeljila jednu od najvećih i najvažnijih zbirki svijeta.

CONCERT: DAVID GARRETT 2 Oct 2018 - Arena Zagreb German-American violinist David Garret – who is described as a performer that blurs the line between Metallica and Mozart – is coming to Zagreb on 13 October 2018 as a part of his tour Explosive. Garrett earned the nickname “the Devil’s Violinist” due to both his exceptional mastery and his performance of the soundtrack in the biographical film about the most famous virtuoso violinist of all times – Paganini. It is interesting that Garret made his first appearance with the Hamburg Philharmonic at the early age of 11 and that he received his first Stradivarius violin on that occasion, courtesy of the German President. Njemačko-američki violinist David Garrett – kojega se opisuje kao izvođača koji briše granice između Metallice i Mozarta – u sklopu svoje turneje Explosive 13. listopada 2018. dolazi i u Zagreb. Poznat je i pod nadimkom „vražji violinist“, koji je dobio zahvaljujući svojoj izvanrednoj vještini, ali i izvedbi naslovne skladbe za biografski film o najslavnijem virtuozu na violini svih vremena – Paganiniju. Zanimljivo je da je prvi nastup ostvario s Hamburškom filharmonijom u dobi od samo 11 godina, pritom dobivši od njemačkoga predsjednika svoju prvu Stradivarius violinu. 106 | E S P LAN A DE V IEW


Naša priča o hrani započinje Istrom, podnebljem i zemljom. Njena su proljeća neumorno zelena, jeseni riđave, ljeta nestašno izazovna, a zime uvijek paze da budu blage. Ona ima tri žive, katkad teško ukrotive zemlje, more i vjetar koji se ponekada ne mogu usuglasti. Pa ipak, u toj svakidašnjoj međuigri kontinenta i mediterana otkriva se njena plodnost, a marljive i predane ruke na tome su joj zahvalne.

Stipana konzula istrijana 9, Pazin | t: 052 688 130 | f: 052 688 002 |

Sve svoje okuse dugujemo Istri. ES P LA N A D E V I E W | 107

THEATRE: ELISABETH OF AUSTRIA – SISSI, THE BALLET Elizabeta Austrijska – Sisi, balet Croatian National Theatre Hrvatsko narodno kazalište The daughter of Duke Maximilian Joseph in Bavaria and Princess Ludovika of Bavaria got married to Emperor Franz Joseph I at the age of seventeen. She was renowned for her beauty and elegance, she wrote poetry, studied the Greek language, and travelled incessantly. She was well known throughout Europe for her unconventional behaviour. The ballet follows her turbulent life from the moment she met young Emperor Franz Joseph and came to the strict Vienna court. Distinguished French ballet artist Patrice Bart is the choreographer of the ballet, famous German dramatist Christiane Theobald takes us through the story of Elisabeth’s life, while conductor Ermanno Florio creates the musical plot to the music of Czech composer Bedřich Smetana. Elizabeta je bila kći vojvode Maksimilijana Josipa Bavarskog i princeze Ludovike Bavarske, koja se sa sedamnaest godina udala za cara Franju Josipa I. Bila je poznata po svojoj ljepoti i eleganciji, pisala je poeziju, proučavala grčki jezik i neprestano putovala, a diljem Europe bila je poznata zbog svojega nekonvencionalnog ponašanja. Njezin turbulentan život pratimo od trenutka kada upoznaje mladog cara Franju Josipa i dolazi na strogi bečki dvor. Koreograf predstave je poznati francuski baletni umjetnik Patrice Bart, kroz Elizabetinu životnu priču vodi nas poznata njemačka dramaturginja Christiane Theobald, a dirigent je Ermanno Florio, koji glazbeni zaplet kreira na glazbu češkoga skladatelja Bedřicha Smetane. OPERA: TURANDOT Croatian National Theatre Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Turandot is the final opera by great Italian composer Giacomo Puccini, which he never finished having succumbed to a sudden illness in 1924. Franco Alfano finished the opera two years later. Cruel Chinese Princess Turandot forces her potential noble suitors to answer three riddles. Young Calaf eventually manages to appease Turandot after many dramatic developments. The Croatian National Theatre Opera of Zagreb in a co-production with prominent Italian opera festival Sferisterio of Macerata will launch a new production of this monumental work conducted by Pier Giorgio Morandi and directed by famous Italian theatre duo Stefano Ricci and Gianni Forte. Turandot je posljednja opera velikoga talijanskog skladatelja Giacoma Puccinija koju, shrvan iznenadnom bolešću i smrću 1924., nije uspio dovršiti. Operu je dovršio Franco Alfano dvije godine kasnije. Okrutna kineska princeza Turandot prisiljava svoje potencijalne plemenite prosce da odgovore na tri zagonetna pitanja. Turandot je na kraju uspio smekšati mladi Kalaf nakon mnogih dramatičnih događanja. Opera Hrvatskoga narodnog kazališta u Zagrebu u koprodukciji s uglednim talijanskim opernim festivalom Sferisterio iz Macerate premijerno će izvesti ovo monumentalno djelo pod ravnanjem Piera Giorgia Morandija u režiji poznatoga talijanskoga kazališnog dvojca Stefana Riccija i Giannija Fortea. 108 | E S P LAN A DE V IEW


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