Believe Summer 2022

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It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to tell you that to find a cure for brain tumours needs significant investment. Since records began in 2002 the national investment in breast cancer has been £782m, in leukaemia £556m yet for brain tumours just £128m! When my sister’s little girl was diagnosed, in August 2000, with a brain stem glioma (DIPG) and we discovered with horror that there were no treatments that could save her, we knew exactly what needed to be done. What’s more the scientists that we met told us how difficult it was to get funding for brain tumour research. We knew we needed to raise significant amounts of money to find a cure. We also knew that no one charity could do it alone and that the Government had to get involved.

Research into brain tumours has seen some great advances over the last 20 years but we still don’t fully understand the causes, what initiates them, what makes them grow and how their growth can be halted.

Researcher at Queen Mary University of London 4

Summer 2022

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