2017 Bolingbrook Park District Winter Guide

Page 75

Fi tne s s M a n a ge r C h ri s Pi as e cki | 630. 783. 6647 | cpia s e cki@ b ol ing b rookpa r ks.org A s s i s ta nt Fi tn e s s Ma n a ge r Va n ess a Peca -Bur kh a rt | 630. 783. 6651 | vpe ca @ b ol ing b rookparks.org

Two Co n venient Lo cat io ns

2 0 0 S o uth Li n d se y La n e | 6 3 0 . 7 3 9 . 1 7 0 5 2 0 1 Re c reat i o n Dr i v e | 6 3 0 . 7 3 9 . 0 2 7 2

January 14 7:00-10:30 am

Your chance to win cash and a 3-4 night Bahamas cruise. Watch LifeStyles Facebook page to see how you can join our Les Mills 100 launch and win BIG starting in December.

FEBruary is happy heart month

H o ur s o f Op er at io n Monday-Friday Saturday Sunday

5:00 am-10:00 pm 7:00 am-8:00 pm* 7:00 am-6:00 pm

*Aquatic Hot Tub not available on Saturdays after 6:00 pm

FEBruary 12

Heart Healthy Fitness Day

march 13-18 Platinum WEEK

Two Full-Service Fitness Centers Group Exercise & Aquatic Fitness Classes Safe, Clean Facilities & Locker Rooms State-Of-The-Art, Professionally Maintained Equipment



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