Toi Magazine Jan/Feb 2020 Issue No.20

Page 25

Why I Became A RDN

Initially what inspired me to become a RDN was my interest in health and nutrition. I find it so interesting to learn about how food interacts with the body for different outcomes. In the beginning my understanding on food and body was more wrapped into diet-culture, and I was drawn to this idea that we could “control” our own health outcomes based on our nutrition. Later on, I was humbled to learn that the process of wellness and health is not as black and white as I once thought it to be, and I am so thankful for the opportunity to continue to learn and grow this understanding and to teach it to others. What satisfies me about my career is being a part of people’s journeys to healing and self-appreciation. We are all influenced by diet culture, and I think it’s fair to say that we are all (at some point) strained in our relationship between our food and/or our body. To be able to offer a bit of permission to not “do it perfectly” with regard to food, movement, weight, shape or size has been the greatest gift of all to my clients, and also to myself.


I am forever thankful to all the Health At Every Size, Body Positive, and Weight Neutral helping professionals who have influenced my journey. If I could let each and every one of them know how big of a part they played in my own journey, both personal and professional, it would be an honor. I would like to mention just a few of the names who have inspired me to become the strong and influential dietitian and business owner I am today. Thank you so much to Christy Harrison, Anna PeabodySweeney, Marci Evans, Jennifer Gaudiani, Haley Goodrich, Virgie Tovar, Ragan Chastain, Tiffany Roe, the Multiservice Eating Disorder Association (MEDA), Karin Lewis, Amanda Bullat of Alpine Nutrition, Hillary Kinavey, Dana Sturtevant, Anna Lutz, Jesi Haggerty, Jes Baker, Fiona Sutherland, Fiona Willer, Jennifer Rollin, Isabel Foxen Duke, Lisa Dubreuil, Kara Harbstreet, Louise Adams, Summer Innanen, Linda Bacon, and Jennifer McGuirk: your work and presence in this community has truly inspired and given me the courage to pursue my dream.

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