BONÈ #31

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When we thought that 2020 couldn’t be worse, 2021 proved to bring lots of uncertainty. We had faith in 2022 to bring the sweet relief we needed…but…how’s that going for you all…? We’re slowly coming out of these dark times. So, read on and see what the end of the year is bringing you. Hang tight for the new year... it will be amazing!


Aries - The cool down

The end of the year is always the time when Aries wants to give more gas and go hard before going home. Mind your energy Aries. During Sagittarius season you are prone to a burn-out Take a dive, a nap a day off before you overexert yourself.

Taurus - Money Honey

The eclipse in November sparked some much-needed reforms with money Try to continue this in the new year Brush up on some finance literature or wise youtubers and educate yourself. Open a savings account and chill on the luxury spending. Eat in instead of out. Get it?

Libra – Breathe

Nostalgic much? Libra, please don’t call up your ex. The end of this year might bring prospective and surprising dates your way. I know the end of the year is when you feel all the feels but please just take a deep breath.

Scorpio – Lighten up

Scorpio season was intense for the whole zodiac but especially for Scorpios. New ideas, new goals and so much darkness coming to the light Before the year ends channel your energy more towards growth. See the light in things around you.


With growing work opportunities on the horizon in the new year…take the last 2 months of the year to set workflows in place and plan ahead professionally Need to delegate your tasks? Delegate. Need help with your finances? Hire an accountant for a few hours. Save your time to be creative.


Gemini - Delegate Cancer - YOU!

Home is where the chaos is Cancer. You’re so focused on others and making everyone feel comfortable. For these last months of 2022 please indulge. Look up pleasurable activities. Get a haircut, go dancing and reminisce in your own celestial energy. Focus fully on YOU!.

Leo - Timeline

King Leo, this year was a bit weird but rest assure…2023 will be weirder. There is so much to do and so many ideas. Focus and have patience. Your time is coming. Take it step by step and write down a timeline for yourself for this coming year and watch it all unfold.


– Self Care

Fiery Sagittarius season always gives you anxiety Virgo so be sure to double up on the self-care. But also make sure to enjoy the holidays. Don’t be scared to step outside your comfort zone during the holidays…maybe a Christmas hook-up?!

Sagittarius – Get ahead!

Sag, Scorpio season has been a headache for you since it illuminated your 12th house of rebirth, death and the unknown. You were contemplating what to do and who to be. Take Sagittarius season to plan ahead and prepare for the new year.

Capricorn - Focus

When Christmas hits, your season starts Capricorn. Buckle up because it might be a bumpy ride…after the haze of parties and setting intentions fade, keep the focus Cap. It might be easy for you to be distracted this end of the year but keep focus.

Aquarius - Weird

The weird and freaky rejoiced during Halloween and now the more conservative and family-oriented days are ahead of us as the years closes. Aquarius don’t feel discouraged. Friends are family too. Reach out to people and don’t exclude yourself Be rude and totally invite yourself to a friend’s party

Pisces - Peace and Goals

2022 was a year full of new adventure, re-directing your compass and resetting your focus. While everyone was wondering what to do, you were faking it till you made you’re almost there Pisces, hold on tight. 2023 will bring you so much peace and adventure.

For more astrology content check out bohemianbillycreative


Leaving behind a trail of art Isl d Arts

Bonaire is a place that can have people coming back for more. Our island might leave such an impression on some people, but you may also find that certain people will leave an impression on our island. The Rotterdam based visual artist, muralist & traveler Tymon de Laat has definitely done the latter.

You may have already seen his renowned ‘Leilana’ mural over at the western side of Tiki & Co.’s exterior. A mural, which along with the help of the Bonairian people, was voted the 3rd best mural of 2021 on @ StreetArtCities. His works on Bonaire also, among others include “Casita del Chan Chan” at Hòfi Kultural, and most recently “Para Siempre” on Kaya Jose G. Hernandez in Antriol & “Isabel di Boneiru” over at Scooters Bonaire on Kaya Grandi.

Tymon travels around the world, immersing himself in a location’s culture and connecting with its people. His specialty is painting murals of the photos he takes of the people he meets during his travels. He does this with his own twist, which involves an emphasis on linework and vibrant colors. How he chooses which photograph & colors to use is based on the location and the architecture of the wall he’s painting on, and how much creative liberty he has when he’s being commissioned by someone.

He also tends to keep his murals crosscultural as a way of adding another layer to his work. For example, by painting a mural of a child from Laos on a wall in England or a mural of a Colombian woman on a wall here on our island. He does this all while incorporating references to the location he’s currently in. This is his way of narrowing the gap between cultures by showing both the contrasts and the similarities, telling a story about humanity in the process.

Each location he visits has its own set of challenges when it comes to making murals, which he enjoys as it allows him to

reinvent himself and adjust his techniques. Bonaire is no different. For example, using spray paint here on the island can be troublesome due to the wind carrying the paint away or because of the heat causing the spray cans to behave abnormally. However, it’s never all bad. The feedback & hospitality he’s gotten here while working on his murals have been overwhelmingly positive; especially with his “Para Siempre” mural in Antriol where many local passersby were giving him props on his work.

While he believes it’s nothing for him to judge, Tymon is especially thankful for his teaching role in the project set up by Hòfi Kultural, where he was given the opportunity to meet a lot of local artists and find out more about the island and its culture. It also gave him some insights on the way that the artists on Bonaire work, the things that they struggle with and the things that actually go well. Tymon’s advice to aspiring artists is to think about the things that are close to you, that’ll bring you joy and help make it easier for you to continue making art. “The most important thing when you start making art is to never stop.”

It’s nice to see an international artist like Tymon exposing his work on our island. In his own words, he is thankful for the support he has received for his work. For now I am left wondering where Tymon will share a bit of our culture with one of his amazing murals. You never know where you might bump into a Bonairian face somewhere in the world.

Follow island.arts
“The most important thing when you start making art is to never stop.”
Tymon de laat @tymondelaat

T h e d a y o f y o u r w e d d i n g i s a l l a b o u t y o u a n d f e e l i n g m o r e b e a u t i f u l t h a n e v e r L E T M E h e l p y o u a c h i e v e t h a t p e r f e c t L O O K t h a t w i l l m a k e y o u s h i n e a n d f e e l b e a u t i f u l a l l d a y

+ 5 9 9 9 5 6 0 6 0 4 5 j o s e l i n v i l l a r r o e l @ g m a i l c o m B R I D E
J O S E L I N V I L L A R R O E L P r o m a k e u p a r t i s t
E S S E N T I A L S Christmas Makeup 1 . L A N C Ô M E M a s c a r a G r a n d i ô s e E x t r ê m e 2 M A C R e t r o M a t t R u b i W o o L i p s e t 3 . A r d e l l W i s p i e s L a s h e s 4 . T o o F a c e d G i n g e r b r e a d E x t r a S p i c y E y e s h a d o w P a l e t t e 5 . L ' O r é a l S u p e r l i n e r F l a s h C a t E y e l i n e r 6 . S a c h a C o s m e t i c s B u t t e r c u p T r a n s l u c e n t p o w d e r 7 . K I L L A W A T T F R E E S T Y L E H I G H L I G H T E R M A K E U P B Y J O S E L I N
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