The ARCH Magazine | Issue 19 | 2017 Semester 2

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2017 | SEMESTER 2


Right Perspective



Words of Wisdom

Alumni Medal winner Tom Ray

The Alumni night of nights

Next level of entrepreneurship

Baroness Amos inspires leaders

2017 | SEMESTER 2




The Right Perspective Lessons from the journey of 2017 Alumni Medal winner Tom Ray


Transformer Firing up the next generation of entrepreneurs

Publisher: Business News Australia. PO Box 1487, Mudgeeraba. QLD. 4213


Harrison Jones’ commitment on campus unlocks the professional world


Coffee CEO Todd Hiscock turns business around with the help of fellow Bondies


Bondies shine alongside pro athletes on the international sporting field


Indigenous leader Aunty Joyce Summers named Bond’s latest fellow

Editorial enquiries

Inspiring Leadership Baroness Valerie Amos shares her unique experience

Editor: Camilla Jansen Journalists: Yasmin Bonnell, Paris Faint Ben Hall, David Simmons Design: Paris Faint


28 Bond Researchers using big data to solve big real world problems



Katrina Elliott Myerson’s inspiring work in the world’s toughest corners

Campus & Community

Homecoming 2017 Inside the biggest event on the Bond alumni calendar



Alumni and Development Office Bond University Gold Coast Queensland 4229, Australia Ph: +61 7 5595 4403 To join The ARCH mailing list please email:

Contributors: Professor Tim Brailsford, Terri Fellowes, Karen Ransome, Brett Walker Photography: Corne Lategan, Annie Noon, Remco Photography.


Building on the Bond difference WHEN Bond University opened its doors in 1989 there were 400,000 students enrolled in Australian universities. Today there are over one million Australians enrolled across our 41 universities. While these numbers might sound large, they sit amidst the backdrop of over 22,000 universities around the globe who teach over 200 million students.

team-orientated discussion, be creative, comprehend complex data analytics, and think independently.

In this modern world, where a university degree is increasingly more common, the challenge for every graduate is how to stand out in the crowd.

The new core subjects focus on critical thinking, effective communication, team dynamics, leadership attributes, ethics, and self-awareness.

At Bond, we have been aware of this challenge since our inception. Bond University has always focused on differentiating our students: providing programs, experience, and extracurricular opportunities that allow students to advance not only their academic skills but also develop as a person.

We have also introduced a nationwidefirst program called Beyond Bond. This co-curricular program seeks to prepare our undergraduate students for life after graduation. Over the course of their degrees, students are required to complete a series of activities that are work based, work related, community based, and part of their individual career exploration.

Three individual exemplars of the ‘Bond difference’ are this year’s very deserving Alumni Award winners. While each has chosen different career paths, they have all excelled in a range of activities and possess a genuinely well-rounded approach to both their careers and personal endeavours. You will read about them in this edition. In 2017, the emphasis on personal development at Bond has never been stronger. Our graduates are entering a crowded labour market; one in which the jobs of tomorrow are continually changing. Global markets and seamless international boundaries, servicebased economies, shifts in consumer preferences, and the insatiable march of technological disruption, have together resulted in a dynamic and ever-changing workplace. Our students must be equipped with the skills, knowledge, and technical competency in their chosen disciplines in order to succeed. However, we believe that our graduates also require a wider range of skills, such as the ability to influence and persuade, articulate a problem, effectively lead a

These attributes will become increasingly important as other functions become automated. In recent years, we have overhauled the core curriculum which all undergraduate students must undertake.

Our most recent addition to the ‘Bond difference’ is the Transformer. Launched at the start of our May semester, this exciting new program represents another nationwide-first. Transformer seeks to embed entrepreneurial skills in our students - entrepreneurship is in Bond University’s blood - and provide opportunities to all our students, across all degree programs, and all levels. The cross-disciplinary nature of Transformer has set the University buzzing with excitement. One of the most exciting aspects of the Transformer is its inclusiveness and integration between students, staff, and alumni. The world of work is changing before our eyes. It will reward those individuals who are able to define a problem, think creatively about a solution, understand the commercial reality of implementing that solution, and above all have the confidence and the entrepreneurial know-how to seize the opportunity. We are striving to ensure that all our Bondies meet these expectations.


Vice-Chancellor and President


2017 | SEMESTER 2

BOND NAMED BEST FOR STUDENT SATISFACTION STUDENT satisfaction levels at Bond University are the highest in the country, according to data released by the Federal Government in April. All Australian higher education providers are ranked annually by first and third year students in a survey to determine the quality of the education experience, teaching quality, learner engagement, learning resources, student support and skills development over a two-year period. Bond topped these six measures based on responses from 178,000 students. More than 90 per cent of Bond students rated their University experience as positive, which is a score well above the national average of 80 per cent.

Cutting edge tech scores hat-trick for CCCR BOND University’s Centre for Comparative Construction Research (CCCR) has taken out three industry awards for its research on measuring project delivery success using a 3D Integration Model.

“It is widely understood that organisations are more likely to deliver successful projects if they have systems in place that reflect a mature project environment based on a culture of continuous improvement.”

The Centre took out the prestigious research category trifecta at the Queensland, Australian and Asia-Pacific Project Management Awards series. Professor Craig Langston, Director of the CCCR, explains that judging the success of project delivery in a more precise manner is critically important to the profession.

Bond’s award-winning 3D Integration Model compares the planned project outcomes with the actual outcomes by looking at six key performance indicators: value, efficiency, speed, innovation, complication and impact.

“Measuring the success of project delivery is critical in terms of evaluating project management performance and supporting continuous improvement,” says Professor Langston.

Professor Langston says the technology is versatile and can be used to evaluate a variety of construction outcomes, as well as determining the projects’ contribution to wider economic, social and environmental objectives.

Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Tim Brailsford says the results reflect the University’s goals. “This achievement reflects our absolute focus on the student, their learning environment, quality of teaching, personal development and graduate outcomes,” says Professor Brailsford. “We talk at Bond about transforming our students’ lives and it is pleasing that our students recognise what we do and the impact it has on them and their career journey.” This year Bond has also ranked number one in the world on the Times Higher Education (THE) Top ‘Gen Y’ Universities list. It has also made the lists for 2017 The Young University Ranking and the Times Higher Education ‘Top 20 Small Universities in the World’ rankings.

Professor Craig Langston

CONFERENCE TALKS ANTI-DOPING IN SPORT BOND University’s Anti-Doping Research Group brought together leaders in academia and sport for a conference on ‘Anti-Doping Research and Regulations: World Experts Give the Facts’.

the country, including the Commonwealth Games.

The conference heard from nine esteemed international speakers.

The conference, held in April, generated open discussion surrounding the reality of performance enhancing drugs in a bid to produce solutions for the prevention and detection of doping in sport.

“This is a complex issue and, as such, it is important that we are addressing it on all fronts. The conference was an opportunity to initiate an active discussion on how to best work towards the gold standard of clean sport, and was open to students, alumni and the community” says Associate Professor Tajouri.

Among them was Dr Osquel Barroso, Scientific Deputy Director of the World Anti-Doping Agency, who kicked off the conference, followed by Melanie Wright (Class of 2013), Olympian and Bond Sport Ambassador, who shared her perspective on the legacy of sport.

Conference convenor Associate Professor Lotti Tajouri says it is important that the issue of doping is addressed given the upcoming major sporting events around

“With major sporting events on the horizon for the Gold Coast and Australia, now, more than ever, we need to ensure that we are tackling this issue head on.”

Respected medical, legal and commercial representatives also shared their knowledge rounding off two full days of valuable insight into the prevention of doping.




Mr Dwayne Martens

ONCE a month, Bond Business School hosts a presentation from high-profile entrepreneurs as part of its Pop Up Entrepreneur Speaker Series. Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship Dr Baden U’Ren (Class of 2001) says the idea of the event is for audiences to hear about the traits which make up the entrepreneurial character through the speaker’s stories. “The big focus of the Pop Up Entrepreneur Speaker Series is to focus on the stories so that people can relate and understand elements of the entrepreneurial spirit,” says Dr U’Ren.

“One of our strategic intents is to demystify the view of what an entrepreneur is and actually be able to educate the entrepreneurial method that sits behind the decisions and the actions of entrepreneurs.” Among the speakers featured in the series this year is Dwayne Martens, founder of multi-million dollar health empire Amazonia, who was named the 2016 Gold Coast Young Entrepreneur of the Year. The identity of the speakers is kept secret until the night of the event.

“We specifically don’t tell people who is coming because then they would get a pre-conceived idea of what they’re going to hear and they might just turn up because of the person not necessarily because of the story,” says Dr U’Ren. “One of the biggest hurdles is to allow people to open up their minds to understanding a different way of looking at the world because that’s what entrepreneurs really do. “They have a different approach to identifying opportunities and taking action.”

Building on strategy BOND University has released its new Strategic Plan for 2018-2022. It recognises our distinctive role in Australia’s higher education landscape, identifies the challenges before us and sets a clear path to ensure our strength and relevance in the years ahead. The Plan provides a focus on Key Actions in support of our mission grouped under four priorities: 1. Program - Deliver innovative programs attuned to industry and market needs; 2. Practice – Provide a service orientated culture focused on outcomes; 3. Profile - Raise our reputation, brand and the profile and impact of our research;

4. People - Promote commitment, agility and responsiveness within our workforce culture. In summary, the Plan provides a map to guide our collective action over the coming five-year period, to build upon our existing strengths and signals our priorities for new investment in the pursuit of our priorities. Our alumni continue to be central to our success and plans going forward. Accordingly, we aim to deepen our involvement with our alumni in all aspects of our University life, including governance, advocacy, development, recruitment, mentoring and student outcomes.

For more information, please visit


2017 | SEMESTER 2

BONDIES SHINE AT WORLD MUN FOUR International Relations students have debuted on the global stage, representing Bond University at the World Model United Nations (World MUN) Conference in Montreal earlier this year.

Researchers winding back overdiagnosis

During the five-day Conference, students Marty Campbell, Holly Sargeant, James Schiporst and Lara Sveinsson represented the political position of South Sudan on several high-profile international issues. Dr Mark Dinnen, International Relations Assistant Professor and advisor to the participating Bond delegates, commended each student for their ingenuity and professionalism throughout the event. “The students did exceptionally well at keeping the committees on topic, and although time was limited it was a very good learning curve and experience for all,” says Dr Dinnen. Following the conference, the group toured to New York and Washington DC where they had the chance to meet with the Australian Ambassador to the United Nations. They also met up with Bond alumni in New York City, many of whom are currently working in high-level International Relations positions. Dr Dinnen says the World MUN tour is “an important part of bridging the gap between study and practice for International Relations students”. “That is the beauty of international Model United Nations conferences like World MUN. We are allowing students to interact and work collaboratively with other students from a variety of different cultures,” says Dr Dinnen.

Dr Ray Moynihan

BOND University academics have received a major national research award to investigate the problem of expanding disease definitions. Dr Ray Moynihan, an internationally respected academic and author, won a four-year fellowship from the federal government’s National Health and Medical Research Council to investigate the problem of overdiagnosis, an issue that occurs when patients are diagnosed with diseases that won’t actually harm them. “Overdiagnosis happens for a lot of different reasons – including the best of intentions – but as doctors continue to lower the thresholds at which someone is classified as sick, more and more healthy people are being redefined as patients,” said Dr Moynihan.

Dr Moynihan’s most recent research at Bond examined the example of osteoporosis, where the formal definition automatically labels many healthy older women who will never experience a fracture as “diseased”. Under the supervision of world-class researcher, Professor Paul Glasziou, Dr Moynihan plans to investigate how and why so many disease definitions are expanding, in order to better respond to the problem of overdiagnosis. “Some disease definitions are changing dramatically and overdiagnosis is a genuine threat to the sustainability of our health system,” said Professor Glasziou. Dr Moynihan obtained his PhD in 2015 and is a Senior Research Fellow at Bond’s Centre for Research in Evidence-Based practice.

DISCUSSING THE POLITICS OF POWER IN MAY, Bond University’s Transnational, International and Comparative Law and Policy Network (TICLPN) held a two-day conference discussing the law and politics of power and control. Everything from refugees through to child sex tourism and domestic violence was discussed with specific headline topics such as Donald Trump’s travel ban and Australia’s Border Protection Policy also analysed. Associate Professor Dr Danielle IrelandPiper (Class of 1998) was among the speakers who scrutinised many


contemporary political issues in her presentation. “Power and control usually go handin-glove but they can also interact in surprising ways,” says Associate Professor Ireland-Piper. One of Westpac’s first ‘100 Women of Influence’, Professor Kim Rubenstein from the Australian National University was another to share her knowledge at the conference, focusing on the power imbalance between Governments and their citizens.

Other guest speakers considered power and control in relation to trade partnerships, global politics, cyber security and animal rights. Co-convenor Associate Professor Leon Wolff says the range of perspectives from the different presenters provided valuable insight into the discussion. “The presenters and attendees represent a broad cross-section of legal, psychology and diplomacy experts, bringing a unique interdisciplinary approach to the subject matter.”


Tony Shepherd addresses Business Leaders Forum BOND University Business Leader’s Forum holds a series of exclusive presentations from esteemed business leaders each year. With a consistent record of attracting high quality speakers, the event is designed to provide networking opportunities for business leaders at an executive level. The most recent Business Leaders Forum was held in June and attracted around 160 people with esteemed businessman Tony Shepherd AO sharing his insight into Australia’s economic future. Mr Shepherd drew on his experience as Director of the Menzies Research Centre, as well as his former work with the Business Council Australia and the National Commission of Audit, to reveal his key tips for safeguarding Australia’s future.

First, Mr Shepherd said Australia needs to build a sustainable budget which supports people in business and return to an accountable government which works for the people. He also said the country needs to save money to alleviate debt for future generations, grow an economy that is competitive and open to trade throughout Australia. Lastly, Mr Shepherd believes Australia needs to become a more adaptive, imaginative, flexible and innovative country. It also must peel back regulations that are restricting the labour market and infrastructure projects. The next Business Leaders Forum will take place in September. Mr Tony Shepherd AO

STAGING STARTUP STRATEGIES IN MAY, Bond University hosted a three-day Startup workshop which presented opportunities for the entire community to network with industry leaders. The weekend was a chance for budding entrepreneurs looking for co-collaborators or for business minded individuals to learn valuable new skills. More than 70 people attended the event including high school students, university students and community members. Bond University’s Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship Dr Baden U’Ren (Class of 2000), who helped facilitate the event, says the Startup weekend was open to all community members. “It’s 54 hours of intense boot camp and it’s available to everybody. “We’ve had people as young as eight and as old as 70 running through the program.” The weekend included everything from pitching business ideas to coding, designing and market validation, giving anyone with a business idea the opportunity to develop it. Dr U’Ren says the event serves as an introduction into entrepreneurship. “It’s grassroots events such as the Startup weekend that form the foundation for a vibrant entrepreneurial community,” says Dr U’Ren.

Laying successful foundations BOND Assistant Professor Matthew Eagle has received the Queensland Emerging Architect Award, presented by the Australian Institute of Architects. The award recognises an individual who, within 10 years of their registration, has advanced the profession within the public arena by contributing to architectural practice, education, design excellence and community involvement. Assistant Professor Eagle says he is humbled to receive the award and hopes his recognition will help raise the profile of local architecture. “It’s reassuring to receive such gratitude from my peers. Hopefully it will inspire

a more proactive conversation about architecture on the Gold Coast.” One of Assistant Professor Eagle’s philosophies when it comes to his work is about getting the best result with the materials at hand.

“Most people on the Gold Coast who are involved in the startup scene, have been involved at some level in the Startup weekend over recent years.” Dr Baden U’Ren

“We generally don’t work with massive budgets, we work on tighter budgets and we enjoy doing that, we find it to be more of a creative outlet,” he says. “I teach my students that you don’t need to have big and beautiful materials to be able to make good architecture.” Assistant Professor Eagle looks forward to shaping the local built environment as it continues to grow.


BUILDING THE RIGHT PERSPECTIVE TOM RAY, Executive Director of the Ray Group and winner of this year’s Robert Stable Alumni Medal has always sought to broaden his horizons – and it has returned a winning outlook on business, and on life.

L-R: Chancellor The Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett AO SC, Mr Tom Ray, Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Tim Brailsford

WHEN Bondy Tom Ray first stepped out into the business world, he was bent on finding his own path. His approach was to make the most of every opportunity he found, and focused on learning and growing from each and every experience. Straight out of a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, the energetic 20-year old made a fast ascent through the professional ranks after discovering his start through John Singleton Advertising (which during his time with the agency merged with global, New York based agency Ogilvy & Mather). By 24, he was the agency’s youngest ever account director and by 25 he had managed some of Australia’s most iconic brands including KFC, the Australian Labor Party and Warner Village Theme Parks, including Seaworld, Wet’N’Wild and Movie World. Mr Ray also worked as the head of press and radio for Paul Keating’s 1996 Australian Labor Party election campaign. It turned out that this brief yet distinguished stint in advertising was only the tip of a career that would lead him across continents


and industries including banking and telecommunications, before joining his family business and taking up his current role as Executive Director of Gold Coastbased property developer Ray Group. “My time with John Singleton Advertising gave me my first exposure to living in a big city, working in a structured corporate environment and dealing with corporate brands,” says Mr Ray. “While the work and the experience were wonderful, I eventually decided that I wanted to be on the other side of the table, on the clients’ side. I wanted to be involved with the businesses themselves.” That desire led him to the Macquarie Bank, where he got his first taste of the financial world while working on various leisure asset and property projects, including Greg Norman Golf Course Communities and the Macquarie Leisure Trust under the Bank’s Global Head of Banking and Property, Bill Moss. However, it wasn’t until he received some important life advice regarding his next

move that Mr Ray’s career truly went global. “At 27 years old I was living with a mate in Tamarama in Sydney who started a business called 1800 Reverse on our coffee table, and within a couple of years of launching it was doing very well,” said Mr Ray. “He wanted to duplicate that business in the UK, and asked me if I’d like to move to London and help establish the UK operation by setting up and managing the marketing for the new operation. “When I spoke to my boss at Macquarie, Bill Moss, about the opportunity he said, go and have a go at it and if it doesn’t work out come back and rejoin the Bank.” Mr Ray then spent the next two years building the successful 0800 Reverse brand in London as Managing Director before the group was listed on the ASX. It was also during that time he met his wife Megan Gillespie who was an Aussie expat working in Germany. By the time he was 30, Mr Ray heeded his former

Mr Tom Ray

Macquarie boss and mentor’s advice that ‘young people should try as many interesting career opportunities following their university education until they are 30, but then after 30 they should knuckle down in a chosen field and focus’ and returned to Australia where he joined the family business in property investment and development. After about 18 months of working at the Ray Group, tragedy struck when Mr Ray’s parents, Brian and Kathy, died in a plane accident. Mr Ray was immediately required to step up to fill his father’s shoes as CEO and Executive Director. “We went through a period of managing out Brian’s extensive workbook of development projects stretching along the East Coast from Port Douglas in Far North Queensland Mount Hotham in Victoria,” says Mr Ray. “The process was long, complicated and all consuming.”

“There was no time to focus or try anything new for several years, other than work on the disposal of projects and assets which were beyond our capabilities and whilst continuing to manage and develop the things we felt were within our capabilities.” “About five years on, once the air had cleared and several projects of Brian’s had been seen through to completion, my brother and I sat down and asked ourselves ‘what do we do from here’ – and decided to focus on income yielding commercial property development and long term investment.” Ray Group of today focuses on commercial and retail property development and long term investment, and owns and manages the commercial property precinct at the integrated residential resort Salt Village in Northern NSW which Brian Ray initiated 15 years ago. In recent years the Group has developed, and now manages, several service station anchored retail centres and highway service centres throughout regional Queensland and is now also working on childcare, with

its first centre currently under development in Brisbane. The family has been involved owning and operating pubs in Qld and NSW for 20 years and today operates the popular Salt Bar at Salt Village. Outside of the family business Tom, with his wife Megan, is parent to three children Joe 10, Samuel 7 and Abigail 3. He is also heavily involved in charity as the Chairman of the Perry Cross Spinal Research Foundation. Throughout his varied life experiences, both challenging and rewarding, Mr Ray has always found a single common thread: gaining perspective. “Everything you do is about perspective and broadening your view on things,” says Mr Ray. “The more broadly you can apply yourself, hopefully the more balanced you become as a person, and the more you can draw from those experiences to apply to the things you want to achieve in life.”


2017 | SEMESTER 2


Ms Katrina Elliot Myerson, Bachelor of International Relations and Laws, and Master of International Relations

KATRINA Elliot Myerson (Class of 2000) has what some might call an ‘impossible job’. As an International Humanitarian Protection Specialist, having worked with the Red Cross, UN Agencies and RedR Australia, Ms Elliot Myerson’s work takes her to many of the world’s most unstable regions to aid those who have been affected by conflict. On one day, she might work to provide better access to vital amenities for Syrian refugees in Jordan, and the next you could find her in Afghanistan, negotiating a more dignified living situation for detainees. The winner of this year’s Community Achievement Award at the Bond University Alumni Awards Dinner says that while sometimes it can be confronting when

faced each day by the most vulnerable aspects of humanity, it’s all about remaining motivated by the little wins. “For me the rewarding moments are the little things … it’s about those moments where you can see impact on people’s lives,” says Ms Elliot Myerson. Ms Elliot Myerson recalls a particularly touching time when she was able to help a group of prisoners whose families had feared for their safety. “I remember sitting in a confinement cell in a prison. There were probably about 10 prisoners in there with me and it was so dark I had to use a head torch to see them.” “For these prisoners, people had actually thought they were missing.” “So, to be able to speak with them and ensure they had access to fresh air and health support – and then being able to go back and inform their families that they were actually still alive, was extremely rewarding.” While there wasn’t a specific moment when Ms Elliot Myerson realised protection work was her life’s calling, she has always felt a need to give back to the global community.

Katrina Elliot Myerson and Mark Myerson


“I was always very conscious that I have grown up in a fortunate situation, had a

great education, a loving family and a roof over my head,” she says. “I felt responsibility to contribute to the broader community, or those who weren’t in the same position as I was.” Ms Elliot Myerson expects her next overseas deployment on behalf of the Red Cross will come later in the year. Until then she holds a senior policy position with Australian Red Cross, working on feature writing, speaking engagements and mentoring other young humanitarian workers. While it is easy to feel disheartened as crises continue to unfold around the world, she believes there is always a solution that can help improve lives, and it is often created through education. “Yes, there are a lot of confronting and catastrophic situations,” she says. “At the moment we have East Africa where more than 20 million people are facing starvation, and millions more have been displaced in Syria.” “But I think we do have potential for solutions and responses, and I think those solutions are in our classrooms, our research labs and our community.”


JONES’ COMMITMENT ON CAMPUS UNLOCKS THE WORLD HARRISON Jones (Class of 2012) has proved himself to be a cut above the rest.

Mr Harrison Jones

The winner of the 2017 Young Alumni Award once had a semester where every week night was spent involving himself in everything campus life had to offer. “Some weeks I’d be playing touch football on Monday night, netball on Tuesday night, club soccer on Wednesday and at the Bond Board Games Club on Thursday. I would just be doing something every day,” says Mr Jones. The list of clubs and activities he was involved with is truly impressive. By the time he graduated in 2015, Mr Jones was an active participant in the various competitions hosted by the Law Student’s Association including the LSA Witness Examination Competition, the LSA Client Interview Competition, and the LSA Negotiation Competition. As a highly dedicated Law and Commerce student, he involved himself in inter-University competitions like the Administrative Appeals National Mooting Competition, and the PwC Interview Competition. Mr Jones’ participation on campus also extended to a genuine interest and passion for helping the less fortunate in the community. He volunteered for the Sony Children’s Holiday Camp for three consecutive years, the Red Cross from 2012 to 2015, the Robina Community Legal Centre in 2015, and the Youth Off The Streets initiative in 2016.

“I just feel very privileged that I had so many great experiences at Bond University” - Mr Harrison Jones

All these experiences prepared him well for the world of work. “Being involved in university extracurricular, whether that be sport or drama or other clubs, where you get to develop as a person, gain leadership experience and work in a team environment, is super beneficial when you’re looking for a job,” he says. Mr Jones now works for the Commonwealth Bank in the healthcare banking team in Brisbane and previously spent a year completing the Commonwealth Bank Graduate Program which he describes as daunting. “I met over 100 graduates in the bank, I was sitting in the corporate world, my first experience in a real job, I would go to work every day in a suit in Darling Harbour and I would be sitting down with CFOs of

companies and hearing about their stories and strategies of their businesses, learning about the banking and business world.”

“You’re always able to decide what you wanted to try and achieve and do any day of the week.”

Mr Jones reflects on his time at Bond with nostalgic enthusiasm, citing the tight knit community as one of the best aspects of the Bond experience.

On winning the award, Mr Jones says he was genuinely surprised but honoured to have his achievements recognised by the University.

“There was never a time where I’d walk on campus where I didn’t know somebody or if I didn’t know somebody you would very quickly become friends,” he says. “I definitely miss the lifestyle you get from Bond; being able to go to a Uni that was so close to the beach, or to cafes and sporting facilities.”

“It’s an amazing honour to be selected for the award,” he says. “I just feel very privileged that I had so many great experiences at Bond University where I was able to meet so many people, learn so much in my Commerce and Law degree, see where I want to be going in my career. Just being shortlisted was quite an honour.”


2017 | SEMESTER 2

Homecomi2017 ng

HOMECOMING is our annual celebration where alumni, students and staff come together to celebrate the University’s Foundation in May 1989. At the Alumni Award Dinner, we congratulated the 2017 Alumni Award Winners who demonstrate Bond University’s values at the highest level and are an inspiration for the Bond community.

and discuss the strategic direction for the alumni community. A bit of rain did little to dampen the spirits of the enthusiastic attendees at our annual Family & Friends Festival on Friday night.

The Alumni Leaders Forum saw our committee presidents, Bond University Limited Alumni Members and the Alumni Advisory Board members connect in person

Saturday morning started bright and sunny with Professional Development sessions and an Alumni Benefits & Services Expo for all to attend. The excitement continued

Over 500 alumni, staff and students braved the wet conditions to see the Bond band perform, enjoy dinner and take in the spectacular fireworks display.

at the Rugby fields where Bond took on University of Queensland, complemented by a corporate VIP experience. The celebration continued into the evening with the inaugural Bond Benefit Dinner. Hosted this year by the MBA Alumni Committee, saw $25,000 raised on the night which will support the University’s annual appeal, Transformer and student facilities. David Baxby (Class of 1992) was the keynote speaker for the evening. More photos are available online at







Save the date



MAY 17-20

FROM LEFT to RIGHT: 1. Bond Rugby Team playing UQ 2. Georgina Savic (Class of 1992), Derek Cronin (Class of 1989), Scott Bailey (Class of 1994), Alastair Coles (Class of 2007), Mariette Morris (Class of 2011) 3. Selina Baxby (Class of 1991), David Baxby (Class of 1992), Laura Brown (Class of 1998), Tim Brown 4. Vice Chancellor & President Professor Tim Brailsford, Harrison Jones (Class of 2012), Tom Ray (Class of 1992), Katrina Elliot Myerson (Class of 2000), The Honourable Dr Annabelle Bennett AO SC 5. Current students enjoying the Bond Band



2017 | SEMESTER 2


THE inaugural Bond Benefit Dinner was held during this year’s Homecoming celebrations. Attendees raised $25,000 to support the new Bond Transformer program – an Australian-first program aimed at fostering and accelerating the innovative ideas of Bond students.

Held in Bond’s Princeton Room, attendees were treated to a keynote speech from David Baxby (Class of 1992), Managing Director of Wesfarmers Industrials Division and recipient of the first ever Robert Stable Alumni Medal in 2012. Hugh McFadden, a key member

of the organising committee and Bond MBA alumnus, said he was delighted to put on the event. “Tonight is the realisation of a long term dream to give back to the university,” said McFadden. “I’ve got two degrees from Bond and I’m very passionate about this place - what’s true on campus is true in life: Bondies support Bondies.” “The MBA alumni are dedicated to the betterment and advancement of the business school and tonight we’re thrilled to be supporting the Transformer program.”


FROM LEFT to RIGHT: 1. James Smith (Class of 1994), Scott Bailey (Class of 1994)


2. Kerri Siggs (Class of 2014), Cameo Ashe (2014) , Hugh McFadden (Class of 2001), Genevieve Colling (Class of 2005), Jody Freestone (Class of 1994), Sue Colling (Class of 2016) 3. Lillian Wardleworth, Madeline Cameron Wardleworth (Class of 2010) 4. Hugh McFadden (Class of 2001), David Crane, Baden U’Ren (Class of 2000), David Baxby (Class of 1992), Brett Walker




BONDAMBITIONFUND Supporting the next generation IN 2017 we will be relaunching our Annual Fund appeal as the Bond University Ambition Fund. A key element of this year’s campaign will be to bring the student stories to life though video to show the Bond community the impact their donations are having for tomorrow’s leaders. “Through the generous support of the Bond community last year, we were able to fund 80 individual students and 10 student groups via the Student Opportunity Fund,” says Director of Alumni & Development Mr Brett Walker. The students undertook a wide range of local and international volunteer activities including a three-month internship with human anti-trafficking organization A21 in Greece and travelling to Nepal to help support the rebuilding efforts post

the devastating earthquake of 2015. A student group also travelled to Kununurra in Western Australia to support the local Indigenous community. In addition, many professional development opportunities were supported including internships at King & Wood Mallesons in Shanghai and with the International Energy Agency in Paris. The future of this great institution will be determined not only by the successes of those who have gone before, but also by the opportunities we can provide to those to come. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a positive and immediate difference. When you make a gift, you express your commitment to Bond’s future and are helping to create and support the next generation of leaders.

Three key areas of support Student Experience Fund An exceptional student experience sits as the core of what Bond stands for. You can directly and positively impact the experience of current and future Bondies.

Building Fund Help shape our campus, allowing us to provide an inspiring scholarly environment that evolves in line with students’ needs and the expansion of knowledge.

Research Fund Support us on our journey of discovery as we look to build on our areas of existing research strength and broaden our research base.

SAVE THE SEP 25 DATE Our Ambition Fund appeal will launch on 25 September this year and will run for four weeks. We can’t wait to show you how your generous donations are having real impact for our current students, the University and the wider community. All supporters will be acknowledged in a special ‘thank you’ article in the next edition of The ARCH magazine.

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2017 | SEMESTER 2



BOND University has secured the services of four successful business professionals to oversee its new Transformer program, which is aimed at developing the new wave of young entrepreneurs. Transformer is the first of its kind in Australia to help students undertake “big picture thinking” and they’ll be able to call on the experience of Bondies in newly-appointed Wesfarmers Industrials Managing Director David Baxby (Class of 1992), ECP Asset Management Co-founder Jared Pohl (Class of 2002) and Goldbean Founder and CEO Jane Barratt (Class of 1990). The quartet is rounded out by Queensland Chief Entrepreneur and Blue Sky Alternative Investments founder Mark Sowerby. Bond has invested heavily in the Transformer program, which features a renovated co-working space in the Bond Business School. In addition, the Thyne Reid Foundation is supporting the Transformer program over the next three years as part of its community development program. Transformer is designed to develop creativity, encourage exploration, enable innovation and enhance Bond’s trademark entrepreneurial experience, for which it has been renowned for almost three decades.

The Transformer is available to all students and can be completed at their own pace in three distinct consecutive phases Inspiration, Exploration and Transformation - over the course of their undergraduate or postgraduate degree. There has been strong interest from students with more than 100 enrolling in the inaugural semester. Bond University Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Tim Brailsford, said, as its name suggests, the Transformer will be a transformational experience for all its students.

created to nurture all sorts of ideas, big and small, whether projects have economic, environmental or social outcomes and whether their impact is as a new business or within an existing organisation.” “The program ensures all our students are exposed to skills highly valued in today’s workplace, such as ‘big-picture’ thinking, creative problem-solving and evidencebased decision making.” “It is an extension of our Beyond Bond program, which has been well received by our students and the businesses who have employed our graduates.”

“Bond University was founded on entrepreneurial thinking, so innovation is really at the core of everything we do - it is in our DNA,” he said.

Bond Business School Executive Dean, Professor Terry O’Neill, said Transformer would help students to identify problems and drive change.

“Being a small university, we are in the unique position to offer a program like this to each and every student. No other university in Australia could provide this level of student support and engagement.”

“In today’s fast-paced business world, graduates need to have the skills to step into any job and hit the ground running, including positions that might not yet exist,” he said.

“The Transformer is not a traditional business incubator or accelerator program; our focus is on investing and developing our students, rather than commercialising their business concepts.”

“Entrepreneurial skills are at the top of the list for employers looking for nimble millennial employees who can adapt, discover, explore, innovate, collaborate and think outside the box.”

“While both may happen as a result of the Transformer, the program has been

“We are fortunate to have the involvement of the diverse and highly successful

L-R: Professor Tim Brailsford, Mr David Baxby, Chancellor The Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett AO SC, Mr Mark Sowerby, Mr Jared Pohl, Professor Terry O’Neill




L-R: Mr David Baxby, Mr Christian Whitfield, Mr Mark Sowerby

entrepreneurs and business identities that form the Transformer Advisory Circle, along with the participation of leading industry mentors and speakers, alumni and academics from every faculty to guide our students.” “Over time, we will be looking for businesses and community groups to come to us with real-life problems for our students to solve.”

Professor O’Neill said the Transformer’s focus on bringing together students from all Faculties added to the ‘richness’ of the program. “Students from different disciplines will bring completely different problems or ideas to the table and will have their own unique approach to solving them,” said Professor O’Neill. “By putting them in the same room, we

create opportunities where a student from health sciences, for example, might identify an issue in their industry that can be solved with the unique insight of someone from business, law, humanities or medicine.” “Students will be encouraged to work in self-selected teams, with interdisciplinary collaboration highly encouraged and provided through exposure to the various academics, coaches, mentors and industry experts.”


2017 | SEMESTER 2


Mr Mark Sowerby

Mark Sowerby Layout in progress

MARK Sowerby spent a decade conceiving and building Blue Sky Alternative Investments into an ASX top 300 company and when he stepped down as Managing Director in August 2016, he was looking to spend more time with his growing family after years of long hours away from home. He had barely packed his cardboard box and said his goodbyes when he was approached by the Queensland Government to become the State’s first Chief Entrepreneur. Shortly after Bond University recruited him as one of the four business big hitters who form Transformer’s independent Advisory Circle. It all means Mr Sowerby doesn’t get as much time at his Burleigh Heads home as he’d like, but he says the Transformer opportunity was too good to pass up. “Do not doubt that this will become the most important space within Bond University,” Mr Sowerby said at the official launch. “This is the place where ideas will be developed into the things that will change our lives.”


Mr Sowerby says the Transformer will give students a platform to challenge themselves and build on their entrepreneurial experience. “Investing in and mentoring younger generations is crucial to successful growth,” says Mr Sowerby. “Specialised areas and programs to provide this help to the entrepreneurs of tomorrow gives the economy a huge ongoing dividend through job creation, wealth creation and innovation.” “A vibrant startup ecosystem is an important pathway for people to start their own business, find the right help, establish networks and just get started.” "We hope to encourage students to take the leap and become entrepreneurs, because entrepreneurship is the best way to change your life and the lives of those around you.” Mr Sowerby, alongside the other Advisory Circle members Jane Barratt, David Baxby and Jared Pohl held their first introductory session with the Transformer students in May as part of the mentoring and development plan.

The program, launched on the University's 28th anniversary, will provide unparalleled access to industry experts, mentors, academic coaches, workshops and a new cutting-edge co-working space and will challenge students to adapt, create and collaborate in preparation for today's constantly evolving workplaces. Bond University Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Tim Brailsford, said the appointment of the high-powered Advisory Circle would underpin the Transformer. "Each of the four members of the Circle are highly successful and respected individuals in the business and entrepreneurial space," said Professor Brailsford. "Having the benefit of their unique insight and experience is a real coup for our students, and will ensure this program remains nimble and responsive to the fast pace of the modern business world.” "The Transformer will challenge students - no matter what they are studying - to adopt big-picture thinking, creative problem-solving and evidence-based decision making, which are all skills that are highly valued in the workplace, so that our graduates hit the ground running."


Bond Mr David Baxby

Back to

He is the winner of the inaugural Robert Stable Alumni Medal, and David Baxby returns to help kickstart Transformer WHERE DID YOU COME FROM TO ATTEND BOND AND WHAT DID YOU STUDY? I grew up in Daisy Hill, just south of Brisbane, and went to John Paul College before enrolling at Bond University in 1992. I graduated three years later with law and commerce degrees.

HOW HAS YOUR CAREER PROGRESSED? I began as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs in Sydney before transferring to London in 2003 where I began working on the client team for Virgin. I advised the Virgin Group on the IPO and sale of a 50 per cent stake in Virgin Blue, and worked closely with Richard Branson. The following year, Richard asked me to work for the Virgin Group directly and I was appointed CEO of the Asia Pacific region. I was responsible to the group’s investments in Virgin Mobile, Virgin Active, Virgin Money and Virgin Australia. In 2006, I moved to Shanghai to establish a number of start-up businesses in the Asia Pacific region and then in 2008, moved again to Geneva to assume responsibilities for the Virgin Group’s investments in aviation. By 2011, I was co-CEO of Virgin Group. Following Virgin I spent time as the CEO of Global Blue, Chairman of Frontier Digital

Ventures (ASX:FDV) and a Director of Virgin Australia, Velocity Frequent Flyer, Unlockd and Workpac. I returned to Australia last year with my family and now I’m starting as the Managing Director of Wesfarmers Industrials division.

WHAT IS A HIGHLIGHT OF YOUR CAREER TO DATE? I’m fortunate to have had many highlights so far but I do get asked all the time about what it was like to work as co-CEO of the Virgin Group and, in particular, what it was like to work with Richard Branson. He is exactly as he seems. I haven’t met too many more authentic people in my life. And now that I’m back in Australia, Transformer is one of my passion projects.

WHY DID YOU GET INVOLVED IN THE TRANSFORMER PROGRAM? It really does differ from other incubator programs that we’re seeing, and the difference we’re trying to bring to this particular program is that it’s not just focused on technology innovation and acceleration. This is about bringing students together across all disciplines at the University along with community mentors and we’re really looking to transform or accelerate any idea that they may have. It could be as simple as wanting to start a very small local business or something that actually might be relevant on the global stage.

WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE FROM THE BOND STUDENTS IN TRANSFORMER? I think the core thing is passion and commitment. I’m frankly very ambivalent as to which industry it is, or how big it can be. It’s all down to the underlying entrepreneur - the person with the idea and their drive to really make something happen. And frankly it can be as small or as big as they like but if they’ve got an idea, and if they’ve started to execute against it, then they’ve got a real sense of where they want to go and they really want help on either accessing markets, accessing technology, accessing customers, or having a framework around helping to accelerate their idea, that’s the sort of assistance we want to provide.

YOU’VE ALREADY HELD MENTORING SESSIONS AT TRANSFORMER, WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED SO FAR? There are some really good ideas in there already and the most promising thing was the passion and drive from the people involved. That’s really what you want to see. You want to see people who have got the commitment to see it all the way through. I believe these entrepreneurs who are unburdened by legacy thinking are the ones who will succeed and Transformer is the first step towards helping build some great companies.


2017 | SEMESTER 2

Ms Jane Barratt


SHE IS one of the four leading business figures that make up the Transformer Advisory Circle and Jane Barratt (Class of 1990) says the program will help guide students through the rapidly changing shape of the workforce and help them build a ‘real’ business. Ms Barratt said jobs and careers as we know them today would ‘look very different’ in the future, meaning the acquisition of additional skills would become increasingly important.

helped hundreds of thousands of people all over the world gain a deeper understanding of personal finance and investing. Now she’s looking to pass on that experience and knowledge to students at the University which helped kick-start her successful career. “Transformer is such a great initiative, it could have such a huge impact on the future success of Bond students,” Ms Barratt says.

“Entrepreneurial skills are critical to cope with the rate of change happening in the world,” Ms Barratt says.

“Many people have helped me along the way, and I’m thrilled to be able to share some of what I’ve learned in return.”

“Jobs that are being taught for today may not exist in the next 10 years. So, students need to be able to understand and work with risk, something that students can experience with Transformer.”

Ms Barratt says she was attracted to take on the role with Transformer due to the fact that it offered major differences to other incubator programs which have sprung up in the corporate world.

“I also believe that it’s important to have multiple income streams to protect against career volatility. This program sows the seeds on how students can create something of value as a primary or secondary source of income.”

“There’s a lot of ‘innovation tourism’ going on right now in the corporate and

Ms Barratt is the founder and CEO of GoldBean, a New York-based investment fund, and prior to that she spent 20 years driving growth for Fortune 500 companies, with a focus on technology and financial services. Her career at the forefront of the digital revolution included leading agencies and developing global and digital practices for Havas, Sapient, Young & Rubicam and Dentsu. Ms Barratt, a Bond University Bachelor of Commerce alumna, has lived and worked in six different countries and is endlessly fascinated by the cultural differences when it comes to business, money and investing. Her courses on LinkedIn Learning have


academic worlds. Guest speakers, mentors, conferences and endless opining over innovation with very little structure or output,” Ms Barratt says. “What impresses me about Transformer is the strategic approach to building a real business, over time, with accountability.” And as a Bondie, how much did loyalty play a part in her decision to guide and mentor the next crop of business leaders? “A huge amount. Bond is a deeply entrepreneurial school.” “This program isn’t just a bolt-on to the academics. It’s a great expression of the spirit of the school. It’s been wonderful to watch Bond go from strength to strength over the past 25 years.” “My time at Bond was a critical part of my success, as I’m sure it will be for generations to come.”


Mr Jared Pohl

STANDING OUT FROM THE CROWD AS THE Co-founder and Director of a major asset management firm, Jared Pohl (Class of 2002) is well aware of what may lie ahead for those taking part in Transformer.

“I don’t think there’s a model any more. I remember when I first went through University at Bond, you did law/commerce and went for a job at the Big Four.

His company, ECP Asset Management, invests in high quality growth assets and manages more than $600 million for some of Australia’s most sophisticated investors.

“There isn’t that model any more in terms of ‘if you do this, you’ll get this job’. People really are creating their own pathways now.”

As one of the four Transformer Advisory Circle members, Mr Pohl says the millennial workforce needs to embrace the changes going on in the world and try and stand out from the crowd. This is where Transformer kicks in.

Mr Pohl completed his Bachelor of Commerce and IT at Bond University in 2004, followed by a MBA in 2011 and says he had no hesitation in agreeing to take part in Transformer.

“Maybe give them the courage to try something out of what they originally thought they were limited to.”

“It is a big honour to be invited,” he says.

Hopefully going through a process like the Transformer helps you limit the number of mistakes you have to make to meet your goals, but get the same amount of lessons along the way.”

“It’s all about developing people and helping them deal with uncertainty because really in the next five years who knows what it’s all going to look like,” Mr Pohl says. “You need to develop people who are comfortable in that uncertainty. That’s entrepreneurship, and it’s a skill that can be developed. It’s not something that can be solely learned from a book, it has to be lived. The Transformer will give them a taste of that.”

“I wish I’d been given that opportunity when I was at Bond. It’s not easy being an entrepreneur, so it will be great to be able to give back.” “I believe the challenges faced by entrepreneurs are pretty consistent, so to be able to at least guide people and help them is very rewarding. “So, for me it’s about being able to give back to Bond.”

“I feel like it’s possible to make an impact at Bond through the Transformer, it’s small enough to do that.” “Sure, being a graduate of Bond I want to give back. But, it really comes down to a personal philosophy of being able to impact on a student’s development in a way that helps them grow and evolve.”

“Entrepreneurship really is about developing the person.”

“If I had to distil it down, dealing with uncertainty is the most important thing for an entrepreneur.” “This is not a just conceptual idea, but a practical, lived thing. I believe that the Transformer is a place where you really get a taste for it.”


2017 | SEMESTER 2


L-R: Ms Shannon Willoughby, Ms Tracey Vieira, Bond University host Ms Catherine O’Sullivan, Ms Clare Starling

BOND University’s Entrepreneurial Women’s Series hosted another successful luncheon event, featuring prominent CEOs and business leaders from Brisbane and the Gold Coast. Held on the 8th June, the event showcased extraordinary female influencers and trailblazers who shared insight from their careers to educate and inspire the next generation of leaders. Sponsored by Robina Group, the luncheon featured CEO of Screen Queensland Tracey Vieira, CEO of Study Gold Coast Shannon Willoughby (Class of 2001) and General Manager of the Gold Coast Bulletin Clare Starling. Ms Catherine O’Sullivan, Pro ViceChancellor Pathways and Partnerships, launched the Series in 2015 with Ms Carla Zampatti AC, internationally acclaimed fashion designer and businesswoman. CEO of Screen Queensland, Tracey Vieira, delved into her extensive career born from a passion for the arts. Ms Vieira lived in Los Angeles for 10 years as Executive Vice


President of International Production for Ausfilm, where she attracted more than $1.5 billion worth of production spend in Australia. Ms Vieira returned home to assume the CEO position at Screen Queensland and is now responsible for growing the film industry’s contribution to the economic and cultural wellbeing of Queensland. In 2016 Ms Vieira was awarded Queensland Business Woman of the Year. She also sits on the boards of the RSPCA, Qmusic, MediaRING and the Sunshine Coast Arts Advisory Board. Also featured was Bond alumna Shannon Willoughby who is the CEO of Study Gold Coast – the peak industry and city marketing body for the Gold Coast’s education and training sector. After completing a Bachelor of Communication from Bond, Ms Willoughby became a reporter for the Gold Coast Bulletin. As the former president of Young Professionals Gold Coast, Ms Willoughby

is passionate about nurturing the next generation of Gold Coast leaders and business people. Ms Willoughby is currently the Gold Coast Regional Policy Councillor for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland, as well as a board member of Ohana for Youth and Gen-Z Employment. The third speaker at the event was Clare Starling, the General Manager of the Gold Coast Bulletin. Ms Starling boasts an impressive career in newspapers, having spent 19 years at News Corp in positions including General Manager of Sales and State Sales Director for News Community Media. In addition to her work for News Corp, Ms Starling has worked for several popular Australian magazines such as Mother & Baby, FHM, and New Woman. Ms Starling moved back to the Gold Coast 12 months ago and says she is prepared to foster a culture of innovative thinking within the city.


Leaders at Bond

THROUGHOUT her life, Baroness Valerie Amos has been a person of ‘firsts’. As the first black woman to lead the United Kingdom’s House of Lords and work as Undersecretary General for Humanitarian Affairs at the United Nations, Baroness Amos wasn’t always accustomed to the idea of being a role model. However, over time, she grew to recognise the symbolic importance of being a black woman and building a career in the world’s top political echelons.

Valerie Amos

In addition to her positions at the UN and the House of Lords, Baroness Amos has previously served as UK High Commissioner to Australia, an officer of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and is currently the Director of The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London.

Baroness Valerie Amos CH PC

As part of the Entrepreneurial Women’s Series lunch at Bond University, Baroness Amos shared some of her key life experiences and the important lessons she has learned from being a leading lady. “People always want to talk to me about the fact that I have been ‘the first’… and for a very long time I resisted this idea that I was a role model, because I felt that these were things I had managed to achieve in my life as a result of hard work,” says Baroness Amos. “Then one day the penny dropped as to why being a role model is so important, and it happened when I became the leader of the House of Lords and Lord President of the Council.” Baroness Amos says at the time, the institution was seen as “being quite old, very male and very white”. Initially, when former Prime Minister Tony Blair asked Baroness Amos to assume the role, she resisted the idea, as she was happy in her position as Secretary of State for International Development. “When Tony Blair asked me to move to the leadership role of the House of

Lords, at first I didn’t want to move,” she says.

for success: being confident and not fearing failure.

“But the importance of the symbolism of having me in that role was something he had recognised and I had not.”

“People tell me that I’ve had the most amazing jobs and of course none of it is easy,” says Baroness Amos.

“It only became clear to me when people that I had never met from all walks of life from across the UK stopped me in the street and sent me letters and notes.” “School kids would write to me and ask me questions – and that’s when I really understood the importance of that kind of symbolism.” Passing on valuable advice to attendees at the Bond event, Baroness Amos revealed two of her main ingredients

“There have been times where I’ve gone into jobs thinking ‘can I possibly do this?’ The only way I find out is if I try.” “It becomes easier if you have faced what the failure might look like, and at the end of the day that may just be a bit of egg on your face.” “Confidence is also key and that means owning the space, owning your ideas and hearing your own voice in places where you don’t necessarily expect to hear it.”


2017 | SEMESTER 2

A Gold Coast legend

RETURNS ‘Prodigal son’ Professor Peter Reaburn links up with Bond to improve research into sports and exercise science

IT HAS taken nearly 40 years for him to return, but Bond University has welcomed back Professor Peter Reaburn to the Gold Coast to head its expanding Exercise and Sports Science programs in the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine. He comes full circle returning to the Gold Coast, where he grew up and developed his passion for exercise and sport science after joining the Southport Swimming Club as a 10-year-old, sparking a lifetime involvement in competitive swimming, surf lifesaving, representative rugby, distance running, triathlon, road cycling and ironman triathlon. “I spent my childhood and early athletic career on the Gold Coast and my passion for sport and health and exercise and fitness started here and it’s just lovely to be back,” said Professor Reaburn. “It’s great to be in a position to give back to Gold Coast, Queensland and Australian sport to positively influence young people and to pass on that passion for exercise and sport science.” Professor Reaburn left the Gold Coast as a young man in 1978 to study at the University of Queensland, and eventually became a sports scientist with a PhD in exercise physiology.


He brings with him three decades of experience and seven years as Head of Health and Human Performance at Central Queensland University, Rockhampton.

Professor Reaburn rejoined Southport Surf Lifesaving Club after 38 years along with the Miami Masters Swimming Club, which he founded in 1987.

He also won the Vice-Chancellors Award for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, a Vice-Chancellors Award for Excellence in Research Higher Degree Supervision and a national teaching Citation award from the Office of Learning and Teaching.

“It was really great to see the Miami Club still going and the other amazing part was that the six to 10 members that started it all back in 1987 are all still there. It’s great to be back training and competing with them,” he said.

Professor Reaburn said he returned to Main Beach, principally to develop an online education tool for mature athletes and noticed that Bond University had advertised a position in its Exercise and Sports Science Program.

Professor Reaburn is still an active member of the masters’ sports community.

He interviewed successfully with Health Sciences and Medicine Executive Dean, Professor Helen Chenery, and Executive Director of Sport, Garry Nucifora, and this meeting sealed the deal. “It was obvious that the vision that Helen and Garry aligned in every way with my own philosophy and approach to education, specifically bridging the gap between sport and sport science,” said Professor Reaburn. He has wasted no time in re-establishing his sporting ties on the Gold Coast.

In April, he picked up a trifecta at the National Surf Lifesaving Masters Championship at North Kirra, finishing in first place in the rescue tube race, second in the teams’ swim race and third in the twokilometre ocean swim. As part of his new role as Program Head, Exercise and Sports Science, Professor Reaburn will play an integral role in building research capacity in sports and exercise science and related areas. His own research broadly encompasses applied exercise science with an emphasis on masters and sports recovery. Professor Reaburn, who sits on the editorial panel for the European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, said he was focused


Peter Reaburn cont.

Professor Peter Reaburn

on ensuring Bond University's sport and exercise science program continued to develop students who were industry-ready.

L-R: Mr Paul Prisley, Professor Peter Reaburn, Mr Peter Mirls, Southport Surf Livesaving Club members

"I am a big believer in the SOAR framework, which stands for strengths, opportunities, aspirations and results," he said. "This involves encouraging students to think about what they want to achieve in their career, to keep their eyes open to all opportunities, to aim high and develop the self-awareness needed to get there.” Professor Helen Chenery, Executive Dean of Health Sciences and Medicine, said Professor Reaburn would bring significant expertise to the role. “The work undertaken in the Bond Institute of Health and Sport is dedicated to making advancements in industry-led research that will provide more definitive answers about health claims regarding fitness, the benefits of physical activity and sport, and will assist the public with common questions relating to health and exercise," Professor Chenery said. "His long-standing involvement in all levels of sport and exercise science will help in understanding how we can harness our knowledge to improve public health.”

“It’s great to be in a position to give back to Gold Coast, Queensland and Australian sport”



Dr Susana Yuen Lai Mei

DR SUSANA Yuen Lai Mei (Class of 1992) has always been an enthusiastic learner, as well as a devoted teacher. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Dr Yuen discovered her lifelong passion for education while working in the accounting profession.

“I encourage people to not be afraid of taking challenges, and to equip themselves with knowledge and keep their networks. It’s important in business, industry and in life”

Dr Yuen began her career as an academic at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and later moved to Lingnan College where she was instrumental in upgrading the College into a fully-fledged University. She secured her first job in Australia in 1989 as a lecturer at the Queensland University of Technology, after she completed her Master’s degree in Higher Education at the University of Surrey. It wasn’t until she began her PhD at Bond University that she truly understood the power of mentorship, and why passing on knowledge to emerging generations is so important. “I really appreciate the work of Emeritus Professor Ken Moores who was my supervisor. I learned from him not only the knowledge required for my PhD studies, but also how you can be a role model or a mentor,” says Dr Yuen. “It’s not only caring about study, but also caring about your psychological response to success and failure, as well as proper guidance.” Dr Yuen was still working on the final touches of her PhD thesis in Accounting Management when she made the move back to Hong Kong. She returned to her home country having learned valuable lessons in both black-letter theory as well as the practice of education as a whole, and why it is so important to be


a student of the world, as well as a student of the books. “I’ve found it is very important to give the students opportunities to be exposed to not only the local business environment but also outside of Hong Kong,” says Dr Yuen. “As a Professor, I always told my younger colleagues ‘nowadays you are not only a teacher to your students’.” “I encourage people to not be afraid of taking challenges, and to equip themselves with knowledge and keep their networks. It’s important in business, industry and in life.” Dr Yuen now works at the Caritas Institute of Higher Education in Hong Kong where she is Professor and Dean of the School of Business and Hospitality Management. She is looking forward to the next few years, as she will be applying her expertise in higher education and management to transforming the Caritas Institute into a Catholic University. “That’s one thing I am very grateful for; having this opportunity to contribute to the broader community,” says Dr Yuen. “We have started to make preparations for the change, and being appointed as the Dean I hope I can really bring my colleagues together as a team so that we can work towards those goals.” Dr Yuen looks back fondly on her time studying at Bond, and admits she still misses seeing the iconic sandstone arches each day. “I miss the campus most, and my colleagues. It is a truly beautiful campus. Every time I return to Australia, I always make a point to visit.”



Artificial mind LEADING French neuroscientist, Professor Irini Giannopulu has recently been appointed as Head of the Department of Psychology.

Professor Giannopulu, formerly a Professor at the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, has a neuropsychology practice in Paris and is regarded as a leader in cognitive neuropsychology; in particular the interaction between how the human brain and the mind interact with technology. Professor Giannopulu’s research centres on how robots can act as companions or assistants for children with, and without, neurological disorders like autism. She says young children today are immersed in artificial environments which can be harnessed for good. “Gaming, robots, virtual mixed and augmented reality all have a big impact on the brain functioning and cognition of children,” says Professor Giannopulu. “I am very interested in how robots and virtual or augmented reality impact our minds, as well as how we can use these technologies and harness their vast potential to improve our quality of life at all ages, from young children through to the elderly.” In addition to teaching in Paris, Professor Giannopulu has taught at Jiao Tong University in Shanghai and Keio University in Tokyo. She has also collaborated on research with several European institutions including the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. She has also spent time in Japan at Gifu University, Okayama Prefectural University and the Shibaura Institute of Technology. Professor Giannopulu brings her wealth of knowledge and contacts to Bond to join forces with the University’s experts in psychology, technology, innovation, medicine and health sciences, to develop a new centre for the ‘artificial mind’.

“What appealed to me about Bond was that it was a young, modern university with incredible potential,” she says.

Dr Irini Giannopulu

“Its architecture is brilliant and its Australian-Japanese heritage also interests me.” “To me Australia – and Bond in particular – is a whole new world of innovation, ideas, challenges and opportunities, plus it is a gateway to the Asia-Pacific, so where better for me to develop and share my research?” Professor Giannopulu said Bond’s idyllic ocean-side location is the perfect site for quality of life as well as broadening her own research. “On a personal level, I love the ocean, seafood and wine, as I grew up in the Greek Islands, so the beautiful Gold Coast with its wonderful quality of life was very attractive too,” she says. “I think the establishment of a new research centre on the Gold Coast will be very positive for the area, in particular the scientific community.” “We plan to bring experts from the world of neuroscience and technology to Bond to collaborate through research, workshops and conferences in the coming years. Together, so many things are possible.” Executive Dean and Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Faculty of Society and Design, Professor Raoul Mortley, said Professor Giannopulu’s appointment will be fantastic for Bond students and staff. “Irini’s appointment will further bolster Bond’s research capacity in psychology. In addition she brings with her an interdisciplinary perspective to the University’s technology and innovation agenda,” said Professor Mortley. “Our students will benefit from her global experience and network of contacts, as well as her strong interest in technology-based teaching innovation.”

“We plan to bring experts from the world of neuroscience and technology to Bond to collaborate”



Dr Adrian Gepp

Dr Bruce Vanstone

“The best thing about this research is the fact that we have been approached by an external company that has a real-world problem to solve”

Mr Mark Johnman


THERE is an old marketer’s adage that ‘half the money spent on advertising is wasted, the trouble is you don’t know which half’.

$50,000 has already been secured in funding for this project, jointly from the Australian Government Innovation Grant and Rapid Media.

Three of Bond’s big data experts have made it their mission to solve this dilemma using big data and are creating significant industry inroads through the process.

Mr Johnman began his research in May, and looks forward to applying solutions to the real world.

Bond Business School Associate Dean of Research Dr Bruce Vanstone, Assistant Professor Dr Adrian Gepp (Class of 2002) and PhD candidate Mark Johnman are working alongside Rapid Media to find out where advertisers can get the biggest bang for their buck by using advanced modelling techniques which determine the effectiveness of offline and online marketing channels. The trio is focused on finding a better method of quantifying the relationship between sales and advertising mediums. “An offline channel might be something like a newspaper ad, an ad on the side of a bus, or a billboard, and we are asking how these things actually relate to sales,” says Dr Vanstone. “It is much easier to assess the effectiveness of online ads as you can track how many people clicked on an ad. “There is a need for models that account for both online and offline mediums, and their interrelationships” says Dr Gepp. Dr Vanstone, Dr Gepp and Mr Johnman are currently working with Rapid Media, a full service media and communications agency, to develop research which Mr Johnman will also incorporate into his PhD thesis.

“I think the best thing about this research is the fact that we have been approached by an external company that has a real-world problem to solve,” says Dr Vanstone. “It’s a complicated problem, and I think it’s a great opportunity to apply some complex modelling techniques and some real academic work to help this company move forward.” Dr Vanstone has also credited the support of the Bond Business School and its growing commitment to big data research. “The Executive Dean of the Bond Business School, Professor Terry O’Neill, is an expert in statistics and big data,” says Dr Vanstone. “We are increasing our capabilities in quantitative and big data research at the Bond Business School.” Mr Johnman expects the research will not only significantly benefit Rapid Media, but also the industry at large. “Businesses put a lot of money and time into marketing and it’s often very difficult to untangle what works and what doesn’t,” says Mr Johnman. “This kind of project is about creating a solution that is going to help businesses better understand and optimise their marketing spend.”


A DASH OF SPICE TO HELP CANCER PATIENTS BOND University researchers are investigating the use of ginger supplementation to help alleviate the symptoms of chemotherapy, supported by funding from the Cancer Council. Program Head of Nutrition and Dietetics Professor Liz Isenring says recent testing of ginger supplements has already achieved positive results when it comes to improving the symptomatic condition of cancer patients. Professor Isenring says nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy can significantly affect patients’ appetite, quality of life and nutrition status, and previous studies suggest ginger might be beneficial.

Mr Billy Frolick with student Ms Stephanie Albert

Screenwriter inspires Bond’s filmmakers BOND University Film and Television students were motivated by a touch of stardom, when American filmmaker Billy Frolick joined the Faculty as a visiting academic for the May semester.

In addition to his career as a noted screenwriter, Mr Frolick also made his directing debut in 2003 with It Is What It Is starring Stephen Tobolowsky and Joshua Malina.

Mr Frolick, who is best known for writing Dreamworks’ Madagascar, shared his wealth of experience with students by teaching two screenwriting subjects.

Mr Frolick believes his industry is no longer solely driven by Hollywood, he aims to help students recognise the Gold Coast’s potential as a filmmaking destination.

As well as delving into his knowledge of screenwriting, Mr Frolick gave students insight into the broader scope of a career in film production. Mr Frolick said he was impressed by the calibre of Bond’s film students, particularly their willingness to absorb knowledge and also the world class facilities and equipment at Bond. “After years working in Los Angeles and New York, I have really enjoyed the opportunity to share different perspective on the industry, and approach to screenwriting with the next generation of talent,” said Mr Frolick. “The Film and Television Centre at Bond is well equipped to prepare students for a career in production, I’ve been impressed by their commitment and enthusiasm to learn.”

“One of the things I am trying to do for aspiring writers and filmmakers is move the focus from Hollywood as the centre of the movie-making business,” he said. “Filmmaking has become a truly global industry, with film production no longer concentrated in LA, and film festivals popping up around the world.” “Like LA, the weather on the Gold Coast is ideal for filmmaking, so I believe it will continue to be a popular location choice for major production companies.”

“We conducted a double-blind placebo controlled study in 51 cancer patients and found that the use of ginger supplementation was able to reduce chemotherapy-related symptoms,” she says. “Bigger trials are needed to confirm these results before we can recommend the use of ginger as part of practice.” Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift says tens of thousands of Queensland patients could benefit from the study which received $200,000 from the Cancer Council. “Ensuring quality of life for all cancer patients, from diagnosis to treatment and beyond, is a priority for Cancer Council Queensland,” says Ms Clift. “Cancer patients undergo a range of side effects during treatment, and we hope this research provides a solution to minimise the effects of chemotherapy.” More than 26,000 Queenslanders are diagnosed with cancer each year, and around 8,600 die from the disease. Professor Liz Isenring

Mr Frolick’s time on campus coincided with the Australia Screen Production Education and Research Association Conference, held in June, at which he gave the keynote address.


2017 | SEMESTER 2

e e f f co Bonding over

Mr Todd Hiscock

CEO of Essential Coffee Group and alumnus Todd Hiscock turned the struggling company around with the help of other Bondies. WHAT DID YOU GRADUATE IN AT BOND AND WHEN? I commenced at Bond in 1991, then graduated with a Bachelor of Laws in 1993, next a Bachelor of Commerce in 1996 and then a Master of Laws in 2001.

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE BOND, AND HOW DID IT PREPARE YOU FOR CORPORATE LIFE? I initially choose Bond University because I was looking for something more from a University (akin to what the private universities in the USA and the UK were positioned to offer), in a different location away from my home, where I could meet and associate with people from all over Australia and the world. Bond University prepared me for corporate life by providing me with some of the fundamental technical knowhow required.

WHEN YOU LEFT BOND, WHAT DID YOU THINK YOU WOULD BE DOING BY NOW? I knew I would be a business leader of some type but never imagined I would have followed the path I have thus far.

WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR CAREER PROGRESSION SO FAR? A good friend and fellow Bond student suggested I undertake work experience with KPMG whilst studying my commerce


degree. I was offered a role with KPMG, initially in Business Services and Taxation and then later in Insolvency. From there I moved to Ernst & Young’s Corporate Recovery division. I was then approached to take a role in Telstra’s Investment Management, Acquisitions and Divestments division, and suddenly found myself in the world of corporate mergers and acquisitions. After I left Telstra and found myself in my first CEO role running a national pay TV company. A Bond University connection helped me into this role, and from there, another Bond connection (assisted by some other friends and a former Managing Partner of KPMG) helped me transition into my current role as the CEO of Essential Coffee. Essential Coffee was a classic turnaround story. I identified some of the key indicia of insolvency when starting at Essential Coffee, so I worked closely with the owners to turn around the management and we experienced positive results within twelve months. With new investors, including many Bondies, this business-to-business managed coffee solutions business is now growing in Australia and overseas via organic growth and inorganic growth (acquisitions), as badly needed capital has been injected into the business.

FROM TELSTRA TO YOUR CURRENT POSITION, WAS THAT A LEFT FIELD MOVE? Not exactly. I left Telstra for a sea change after becoming a workaholic. I wanted more time with my family and moved to the Gold Coast to help make that happen. The next two CEO roles came to me as mentioned above, and whilst the first was a managed network solution (pay TV, internet and telephony) which was not too far removed from Telstra, the Essential Coffee role is also not that dissimilar in that it is a managed solutions business for businesses. That is, we provide the hardware (hand-made European coffee machines), the consumables (premium coffees and coffee consumables), and the service layer (customer care and service technical).

WHAT ARE THE KEY PIECES OF ADVICE YOU’D GIVE TO SOMEONE WHO IS ABOUT TO GRADUATE? Surrounding yourself with good people is very rewarding and is in my opinion a key to success. Being customer focused and giving more than you take are also philosophies that I subscribe to as key success factors. Operating with the utmost of integrity and with a long-term outlook is also crucial in my view.



Mr Jordan Cousins

Jordan Cousins reveals what it’s like to live his own version of ‘The Internship’ BEFORE embarking on what many would consider a dream job, Jordan Cousins (Class of 2012) watched Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn’s ‘The Internship’ over and over. While his experience at Google might not match the hilarity of the film, he says he loves it there. After completing a Diploma of Business at Bond University College and a Bachelor of Business majoring in Marketing and Management in 2014, Mr Cousins left the Gold Coast to move to Sydney for a job in a media agency. However, after 13 months he was approached on LinkedIn by Google. From there, Mr Cousins spoke to a Google recruiter and set up some interviews, a process he describes as ‘daunting’. “I thought I was going to be more terrified, I was nervous on the inside but calm on the outside,” he says. All of Mr Cousins’ effort and perseverance paid off when he successfully secured a position in Sydney’s Google office working as a marketing coordinator, looking after the business-to-business side of marketing and helping to coordinate the Google Partners program. No two days are the same at Google according to Mr Cousins. He jumps

from sales to PR and has to work cross functionally within Google.

“I really enjoyed the small classes and the tight knit community at Bond.”

He regularly organises events, develops strategies on how to service advertising agencies and engages with the team’s Google Plus community. “I was amazed at how well they treat everyone and the welcoming nature of everyone in the team at Google,” he said.

“I had the pleasure to be in teams with really smart people and the teamwork you have to go through most semesters has played a really vital role in helping me in different teams across different jobs over the past year and I’ve definitely reflected on my Bond experience in my Google interviews.”

“In Sydney, we have 1,500 people so every day I’ll meet someone new in the coffee line or at lunch; there’s a welcoming and nurturing nature at the place, which reminds me of Bond.”

For those desperately wanting to follow in Owen Wilson’s (and Jordan Cousins’) footsteps and get a coveted role at Google, Mr Cousins recommends completing an internship with the company.

“Even though I’m in quite a junior position at the moment it definitely doesn’t feel that way. I feel as though they really do put trust in everyone and they don’t want to micromanage people. It’s all about doing your best and finding the best way to get work done.”

“There’s a lot of intern programs out there for university students at Google,” says Mr Cousins.

While he was at Bond, Mr Cousins balanced full time study with full time work, eventually adding a weekly internship into that mix which he says prepared him well for the Google position. Mr Cousins also cites his time at Bond as being a big influence on his ability to secure a job at Google.

“I would definitely encourage people to apply for and check them out. It’s something that I didn’t recognise or realise till I got here.” “I had the pleasure of working with an intern at the start of the year and it changed my whole outlook of working with interns and I’m sure they got a lot out of working at Google for three months as well. So, I’d urge people to take advantage of an internship when they become available.”


2017 | SEMESTER 2

MALAYSIA TRIP PROVIDES FOOD FOR THOUGHT WHEN it comes to all things delicious and nutritious, Molly Warner believes Malaysia has a lot to offer. The Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice student recently travelled there to gain first-hand clinical and research experience among the locals, drawing inspiration for her own work back home. As part of a cohort of 12 other Bond students, Ms Warner visited universities, hospitals and wellness centres where she had the chance to meet local Malaysian dietetics students and share research projects with them. “We also got to observe some dietetic consultations in the wellness centres. Even though they weren’t in English, it was really worthwhile seeing how our practices were similar and different,” says Ms Warner Supported by the Bond University Student Opportunity Fund, Ms Warner’s trip overseas produced several key experiences around Malaysian culture and nutrition. “I learned a lot from the strong religious culture over there and I have definitely brought back learnings that I now put into practice on the Gold Coast,” says Ms Warner.

“I think travel is so important for developing as a person and a professional and the trip definitely added to my experiences and broadened my perspectives.” As part of the tour, Ms Warner also had the chance to visit the Malaysian Palm Oil Board and ask questions about the industry, as well as cooking traditional cuisine in an open-air jungle kitchen. “A friend and I were lucky enough to win a healthy food basket competition and the prize was a day with Lazat Cooking School – which included a tour of an open-air food market learning all about the spices and jungle foods, then we made a three-course meal,” says Ms Warner.

Ms Molly Warner (c) in Malaysia

“Monkeys were swinging in the trees beside us while we ground up peanuts in a mortar and pestle for the Malaysian gado gado dish.” Ms Warner works at My Nutrition Clinic, specialising in chronic diseases and aged care nutrition. By the end of the year, Ms Warner aims to publish two of her papers in scientific journals while building more of a client base in private practice and completing her degree.

Taking stock of career options THERE is very little about stocks and stats that can’t be learned on a trading floor. Bachelor of Actuarial Science student Nikki Cornwell found this out first hand when she took up an internship at Westpac to learn about various divisions within financial markets. The finance and big data major who is currently in her final year at Bond, rotated through financial markets on Westpac’s Trading Floor including Business, Wealth & Consumer Sales, Fixed Income, Currencies & Commodities and eCommerce. During her internship, Ms Cornwell observed and questioned tasks undertaken by several Westpac professionals, including the company’s Global Head of FX Options & Structuring Richard Attrill. She says the opportunity to work with Westpac staff including Mr Attrill gave her unique insight into financial markets. “During our chat, Richard provided me with several valuable tips from his comprehensive career in the industry which I hope to implement to kick start my own career,” says Ms Cornwell. Ms Nikki Cornwell


“As I shared my interests and passions with Richard, I realised this field had sparked

a great interest in me and was certainly an area I could see myself passionately contributing to.” Off the back of her Westpac internship, Ms Cornwell will soon be undertaking a summer internship program. She is also looking forward to graduating at the end of the year. The Bond University Student Opportunity Fund supported Ms Cornwell’s experience at Westpac, and she has expressed her gratitude for the program. “The Student Opportunity Fund is such a wonderful initiative supported by loyal alumni of the university,” says Ms Cornwell. “It allows students, like myself, to fully immerse themselves in opportunities beyond their studies.” Ms Cornwell has thanked Westpac Senior Associate and fellow Bond Alumna Michelle Smith (Class of 2004) for her invaluable guidance and help securing the internship. For outstanding commitment to her studies, Ms Cornwell recently won the Queensland Treasury Prize for Actuarial Science at the Bond Business School Executive Dean’s Awards ceremony in June.



Professor Irene Watson

Reflecting on the 1967 Constitutional Referendum IT HAS been 50 years since the 1967 Constitutional Referendum which paved the way for Indigenous rights and reconciliation in Australia. On 27 May 1967, Australians overwhelmingly voted to amend the Constitution to include the Indigenous population in the Census and give the Commonwealth power to make special laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. To mark the occasion, Bond University hosted a forum where Indigenous academics and leaders reflected on what advancements have been made in the past fifty years, and the further changes that need to be made in order to support the Indigenous community. Following a keynote address by Professor Irene Watson, Pro-Vice Chancellor of Aboriginal Leadership and Strategy at the University of South Australia, the panel launched into an important discussion about the modern-day issues faced by Australia’s Indigenous population. Professor Watson belongs to the Tanganekald, Meintangk Boandik First Nations Peoples, and is renowned for her research in relation to Indigenous Peoples and international law.

Professor Watson was joined by a distinguished panel including Barrister Joshua Creamer, Dr Mary Graham of the University of Queensland, and Griffith Law School’s Heron Loban. Bond Law Professor, Jonathan Crowe, said the event was an opportunity to reflect on the referendum and possible future reforms. “It is very timely that we are revisiting the legacy of the referendum, as there are ongoing discussions about constitutional change,” said Professor Crowe.

Mr Joshua Creamer

Dr Mary Graham

“We believe there is an important conversation to be had around Australia regarding Indigenous recognition.” Dani Larkin, Bond University Master of Laws graduate, was the Master of Ceremonies. Larkin grew up on an Aboriginal mission outside of Grafton and has worked in a legal capacity for a number of government agencies including the Australian Federal Police, Department of Public Prosecutions, the Australian Taxation Office and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service. Ms Larkin is currently undertaking her PhD at Bond, examining the role of law and policy in Indigenous cultural identity and political participation.

Ms Heron Loban

2017 | SEMESTER 2

L-R: Ms Isabella Cerutti, Ms Nikki Wallace, Ms Kalinda Howarth

WOMEN’S AFL MAKES THE MARK BOND University has joined forces with AFL Queensland to provide a range of new partnerships to help develop the women’s game in Queensland and northern New South Wales.

play a key role in developing the next generation of female AFL stars.

The initial two-year deal will see Bond University sponsor the Female High Performance Program including the AFL Queensland Youth Girls Championships and Youth Girls Talent Academy.

“We look forward to working in partnership with Bond University to provide an aspirational pathway for female players, coaches, umpires and administrators with strong linkages between our Female High Performance Program, the QWAFL competition and the AFL Women’s League,” said Mr Warren.

Held each October, the Youth Girls Championships involves Under 18 representative sides from across Queensland and the Northern Rivers competing for state title honours over three divisions.

“The Bond philosophy that ‘the future belongs to those that are making history now, the quick thinkers acting on their feet, and the innovators blazing new trails’ fits perfectly with the evolution of female football in Queensland.”

The AFL Queensland Youth Girls Talent Academy provides an elite training and development program for Queensland’s most promising female players. Bond University is also the official naming rights sponsor of the Queensland Women’s Australian Football League (QWAFL).

“The AFL is making history now through a spirit of innovation and the courage to blaze a new trail with the introduction of the AFL Women’s League and the strengthening of underpinning second tier competitions and female high performance programs.”

AFL Queensland Chief Executive Officer, Dean Warren joined Bond University Executive Director of Sport, Garry Nucifora to announce the new partnership. Mr Warren said this new partnership would

Bond Executive Director of Sport Garry Nucifora said the University was very proud to partner with AFL Queensland in the support and development of young female talent.


“Bond is a staunch champion of women’s sport at all levels, from grassroots through to elite, and we are renowned internationally for our high-performance programs for athletes,” he said. “So for us, this partnership with AFL Queensland is a great fit and natural extension of what we do here at Bond which is help young athletes to realise their ambitions and maximise their full potential.” Bond has a strong association with the AFL. Our men’s senior team has won two of its last three premierships and Bond’s women’s team, now in its third year, has shown remarkable growth and progress over its short history. The University is also the Official Coaches Partner of the Brisbane Lions Women’s team. The women’s team has recently cemented a place in the 2017 series final with a breakout season. Bond’s vision is to be Australia’s leading destination for sports education and the University is already home to Olympic and world champion elite athletes across multiple sports.


BULLSHARKS DIVE OFF THE NATIONAL BLOCKS SEVEN competitors from the Bond University Swimming Club (BUSC) will have their chance to compete on the world stage following their selection for Australia in three separate national swim teams. Alexander Graham, Cameron McEvoy and Madison Wilson competed at the World Championships in Budapest in July after their stellar performances at the 2017 Australian Swimming Championships in April. Laura Taylor has been named in the Australian Uniroos Swim Team for the 2017 World University Games along with Brayden McCarthy who will both join the 19-strong Uniroos for the event in Taiwan in late August. Sam Wendt and Elijah Winnington have been selected for the Australian team for the sixth FINA World Junior Swimming Championships in Indianapolis, USA in late August. Mr McEvoy and Mr Graham were part of a 13-strong team of athletes from BUSC, who put on a stand-out performance at the national event, with the club placing eighth overall - its highest ever result. Mr McEvoy secured a representative position in the 50 metre freestyle, 100 metre freestyle, 4x100 metre freestyle, 4x100 metre medley and 4x200 metre freestyle, while Mr Graham was selected in the 200 metre, 4x100 metre and 4x200 metre freestyle events as part of a 35-member Australian squad at the 17th FINA World Championships in Budapest, Hungary.

Standout performers at the national titles included Jenna Strauch, who won her first open national title, the 50 metre breaststroke with a time of 32.11 seconds. Mr McCarthy won a gold medal in the men's 50 metre butterfly, with a time of 23.70 seconds and a bronze in the 100 metre butterfly final. Amy Forrester made it to the finals of the 100 metre backstroke swimming at a time of 1:01.34, and she also made it to the finals for the 200 metre backstroke. Ms Taylor placed third in the 200 metre butterfly with a time of 2:09.09. BUSC Head Coach, Richard Scarce, said the entire team had put in a strong performance. "To take home so many personal bests and have three swimmers qualify for the World Championships in July is a major accomplishment for our squad,” said Mr Scarce. "Each and every athlete from BUSC put in the hard yards to prepare for the championships and they should all be proud of their individual and team results.” "I'm really happy that the team had the highest ever finish for Bond, now it's all about preparation for the World Championships." Ms Forrester, alongside teammates Alex Graham, Laura Taylor and Jenna Strauch, are Georgina Hope Rinehart Swimming Scholars. The 17th FINA World Championships is one of the biggest sporting events in the world in terms of participation and global

exposure, involving nearly 3,000 athletes across six different disciplines over 17 days. Our Bondies represented us well, with the standout performance being Madison Wilson’s bronze in the 4x200 metre relay. Ms Taylor’s inclusion in the prestigious Uniroos squad follows her stunning performance at the national titles and the National Age Swimming Championships in May, which saw her achieve personal bests in all of her events. The talented young swimmer took home a swag of medals in the 17 years’ age group, including gold in the 200m butterfly and the 200m freestyle; silver in the 100m, 400m and 800m freestyle; and bronze in the 100m butterfly. Ms Taylor said for her, the event will be a crucial stepping stone for next year’s Commonwealth Games and the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. “This is my first senior team selection, and I’m very excited. It should be an amazing experience and opportunity for me,” Ms Taylor said. “The World Uni Games will provide me with international race experience and hopefully allow me to believe in my own abilities more against a tougher race field.”

Bond University Swimming Club - 2017 Hancock Prospecting Australian Swimming Championships Team


2017 | SEMESTER 2

MORRISON JOINS RUGBY STARS ON WORLD TOUR BOND University student Josh Morrison is preparing himself for a working life in sport after study, following a hands on internship with the Australian team during the Rugby U20 World Championships in Georgia in June. Mr Morrison became the first Bond University student to travel overseas with the Australian squad and he was heavily involved in all the major aspects of the tour from management to strength and conditioning, sports science and physiotherapy.

Mr Josh Morrison (L) with Mr Aaron Scully (R)

Mr Morrison, from the United States, was also one of four Bondies to land an internship at the Oceania Rugby U20 Championship, which ran from April 28 to May 6 at Bond University, which was considered a ‘warm-up’ for the world championships. “The greatest part of my internship was the amount of responsibility the staff and coaches gave me.”

“It was a totally amazing experience just to be a part of the team and be on the road in such a professional environment with a really good group of people,” Mr Morrison said on his return.

“I ran all of the GPS data from the training sessions and games, and helped out with strapping and physiotherapy screenings, strength, rehab, and recovery sessions for the players and making sure the team was getting adequate nutrition after their workouts.”

“They actually gave me a lot of responsibility and at no stage did I feel like ‘just an intern’ who was there to do the menial jobs.”

Mr Morrison said the internships with the Australian Under 20 team had prepared him well for life after study when he completes his Masters.

The Master of Sports Science student worked under the guidance of Australia’s strength and conditioning coach, Aaron Scully, at the international event.

“Not many students get to put on their resume that they have travelled with a national team to an international event, so for that I am beyond grateful.”

Bond cleans up at Northern University Games BOND University recorded its best result since 2011 at the Northern University Games in Yeppoon and Rockhampton by taking out the Per Capita Championship, as the best performing team for its relative size, and finishing fourth overall on the aggregate points table. Since 2011, the University of New England (UNE) has won the Per Capita Championship each year. Bond ended UNE’s six-year title run with an outstanding effort from the 91 students in 10 teams, competing across six sports.

team who won gold, along with the mixed touch team and Alexander Richards in the golf also winning gold. The women’s netball team and women’s futsal each picked up a bronze medal, while the men’s football team lost their bronze medal match against Central Queensland University 2-0 to finish fourth.

Queensland, northern New South Wales and the Northern Territory to engage and participate in sport.

Since its inception, the four-day Northern University Games has provided a friendly but competitive environment for around 2,000 student athletes from all over

Bond will also host two sports events, Rugby 7s and handball, during the Australian University Games on the Gold Coast from September 24 to 29.

“We had such a good run at the games, and all teams exceeded expectations,” said Bond University Sport Club Co-ordinator Bec Herbert. “The 10 teams picked up six medals and won medals in five out of the six sports.” “The women’s basketball team typified the effort from the whole squad. With a player going down to injury and just six players left, the team were winning with just two to three minutes to go against a very strong Griffith University team.” “They couldn’t hang on in the end but it was one of the best games of basketball you’re likely to see.” Other standout performances for Bond University came from the men’s basketball


Students at the Northern University Games

The Northern University Games will now be replaced by the National University Championships with two events to be staged next year; division two in July and division one in September.


Bondies help Australia


L-R: Mr Harry Nucifora, Mr Dylan Riley, Mr Gavin Luka, Mr Angus Blyth

FIVE Bondies helped Australia take second place at the Oceania Rugby Under 20s Championships which were held at Bond University in April and May.

that recorded early wins against Samoa 4320 and Fiji 32-24 but was outclassed by New Zealand in what was effectively a final round grand-final.

Angus Blyth, Gavin Luka and Dylan Riley, John Eales Rugby Excellence Scholars, Harry Nucifora and Hamish Stewart were in the 29-strong Australian team at the four-team tournament which was played over three rounds in nine days, with New Zealand defeating Australia in the last match to take the title.

All five Bondies were also selected based on their strong performances for Australia to take part in the World U20 Championships held in Tbilisi, Georgia in June, where they finished sixth.

The 2017 Oceania Rugby Under 20s, was the third year of the Oceania Championships. The competition was expanded from the previous season with Fiji and Samoa joining New Zealand and Australia. Mr Blyth (lock forward), Mr Nucifora (scrum half), Mr Stewart (fly half), Mr Riley (centre) and Mr Luka (prop) were part of the squad

Bond University Director of Rugby and Premier Grade Head Coach, Sean Hedger, said it was a great result for the Bond Rugby Club (BRC) to have players selected for Australia. “To have five BRC athletes selected to play in such prestigious competitions shows the calibre of talent we have at the club and, indeed, across the state, with more than a third of the team from the Queensland U20s side,” he said.

“To have five Bond Rugby Club athletes selected to play in such prestigious competitions shows the calibre of talent we have at the club”


2017 | SEMESTER 2

Filmmakers reveal the true nature of Rugby League TWO Bond filmmakers are on a mission to highlight the softer side of Rugby League through their new short film Whatever it Takes. Film and Television students James Brough and Michael Hamilton, both lifelong fans and players of Rugby League, share the emotional story of the Kawana Dolphins as told by father-son duo Tyson Brough and Rob Brough. In the documentary-style feature, Rob Brough (the coach) and Tyson Brough (a referee and former teammate) focus on mateship and perseverance, especially when times get tough. The film also touches on a particularly saddening time in the team’s history, when former Kawana Dolphin and Sunshine Coast Rugby League player James Ackermann tragically passed away in an on-field tackle gone wrong. Mr Hamilton says even though it was difficult to retell the story of James Ackermann, it was a moment which illustrated teammates banding together and supporting one another. “I think although this tragic event has happened, we are telling a story that this sport has helped young men endure in life,” says Mr Hamilton. “Tyson was on the field when his best mate died and he is still doing the same job. Those close relationships he formed in the team helped him to continue on.” Co-creator of the film James Brough hopes the film’s message transcends the sport, and helps to open people’s eyes that Rugby League is different than its reputation suggests. “We wanted to pull back the layer of how Rugby League is sometimes portrayed as a brutal game which numbskulls play,” says Mr Brough. “It’s a judgement thing more than anything. We wanted to break that down, and get the point across that the game is big on mateship and creates a support system for young guys.”



Aunty Joyce Summers

GOLD COAST Indigenous leader, Aunty Joyce Summers, has been recognised as a Bond University Fellow for her contributions to the community and education. Bond University Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Tim Brailsford says Aunty Joyce has been instrumental in the support and growth of Bond’s Nyombil Indigenous Support Centre and has been an invaluable mentor to Indigenous students. “Aunty Joyce has helped establish many committees and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations on the Gold Coast and is an advocate for the healing of relationships between Indigenous peoples and others through understanding and tolerance,” says Professor Brailsford. “Aunty Joyce has been very much part of the Bond University landscape for many years. She has always made herself available to the University, and indeed myself, to give spiritual advice and guidance on the ways and culture of Indigenous people.” Aunty Joyce is originally from Ukerabah Island, an Aboriginal Reserve on the Tweed

River, and has been a key voice in the fight to preserve the island from development, alongside her brother Cedric Morgan. Demonstrating her passion for education, she completed a degree in Indigenous Studies at the age of 68. Aunty Joyce was the chair of Gold Coast City’s National Aboriginal and Islander’s Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) in 2015 and received a Premier’s Award in recognition of her extensive community work. Aunty Joyce says she is honoured to continue working with the University and its growing Indigenous student cohort. “I think it is wonderful that Bond has so many Indigenous students studying here, and such a high retention rate of these students,” said Aunty Joyce. “I’m a humble person. You do things out of the goodness of your heart and don’t expect accolades, but I feel truly honoured to be recognised as a Fellow of Bond University.”

Aunty Joyce Summers with Professor Tim Brailsford

“Aunty Joyce has been very much part of the Bond University landscape for many years.”




PROJECT Management students took a trip to Japan this year to gain a fresh, global perspective and apply the latest thinking and developments in project management to their study back home. As part of the Master of Project Management program, students studying the International Project Management subject are given the opportunity to attend a study tour overseas. Ryan Mckanna, who studies a double degree of Master of Construction Practice and Master of Project Management said the tour allowed him to see project management from a different perspective.

“The study tour moved the balance of learning away from the more technical aspects of project management to assist students in gaining a deeper insight into social, environmental and cultural considerations of project management,” said Mr Mckanna. “Four days in Tokyo exposed our group to the technical complexities of modern projects being delivered in a city of limited space, large population and transport systems operating at capacity. Immersion learning makes for an extraordinary education experience.” The group visited Tokyo where they met asset management company directors Aki

Tanaka and Hiroyuki Oki. They also visited Hiroshima, where the group reflected on the carnage caused by the nuclear bombing in World War II, along with Kyoto and Narita. Mr Mckanna said the trip opened his eyes to the realities of working in project management. “It did not come as any surprise that the values most emphasised for future careers were diversified in all aspects of projects, and moving beyond scope-time-cost dictates for success to include achievements in cultural, social and environmental dimensions,” said Mr Mckanna.

Students answer the Kirakira calling STUDENTS from the Faculties of Society & Design and Health Sciences & Medicine recently embarked on a journey to the Solomon Islands. Whilst in the township of Kirakira, the Society and Design group undertook an interdisciplinary group investigation of an urban development and environment management project as part of the Bond Capstone Project. Bachelor of Sustainable Environments and Planning student and President of the Bond Built Environment Association, Grace Ferraz, said mingling and working with the locals was a highlight of the trip. “Our day started with a community consultation at the main gathering point of the town. At this gathering point, we set up drawings, maps, and future plans of the Kirakira area and proceeded to ask different questions to the locals,” said Ms Ferraz.

“This was a wonderful experience as it enabled us to get to know the locals a bit better and gain a greater appreciation and understanding of their wants and needs throughout the town.”

Sharing insight with local Kirakira townspeople

For Health Science & Medicine students the placement has become the focus for student-led charitable work via the Lumi Tugeda charity that raises funds to support the Kirakira community. Kirakira is the provincial capital of the Makira-Ulawa Province and is located on the north coast of Makira Island, and has a population of approximately 40,000 on the island. Bond University has a young, yet strong, relationship with Kirakira region and has been sending teams of medical students to work at the hospital, and outer communities, since 2013.


2017 | SEMESTER 1

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Ms Sarah Zeljko (L) with Ms Zuzana Harmaniakova (R)

SCHOLARS GETTING A TASTE OF THE PROFESSIONAL LIFE BOND University’s Vice-Chancellor Scholars are gaining real world experience and guidance from some of the top business leaders in Queensland. As part of the Vice-Chancellor’s Mentor Program, students are matched with a professional mentor to help guide them through their degree and ultimately into the world of work. Since its inception in 2014, as part of Bond Uni’s 25th anniversary, the program has been growing and developing, and guiding VC Scholars to achieve their personal and professional goals. At the beginning of this year Law and International Relations student Zuzana Harmaniakova was matched with her mentor Sarah Zeljko, General Counsel and Company Secretary of G8 Education, an ASX 200 listed company. Based in Varsity Lakes, Ms Zeljko is a lawyer with extensive experience having worked in the past as General Counsel for major Australian corporations including Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal and Cement Australia. In addition, she has extensive experience in large governments and private corporations, having led a range of boards and committees through events of significant strategic and operational fluctuation. Currently, Ms Zeljko is also serving as a non-executive director on the boards of Powerlink Queensland and Waterways Plus. Best of all, however, is that Ms Zeljko is a Bond alumna, having graduated with a


Bachelor of Laws back in the days when lecture streaming meant visiting the library to watch a recording on a video tape. She was partnered with Ms Harmaniakova to provide guidance and give advice about what life is like for a lawyer in the professional world. “Sarah gives me a practical outlook on the way the world actually practises versus what we’re taught at university,” said Ms Harmaniakova. Despite only being in her second semester, through the VC Mentor Program Ms Harmaniakova has already completed work experience with Minter Ellison – one of Queensland’s top tier law firms. “Hopefully I’m helping Zuzana craft how she manages in a university space and help put her on the best path when she finishes her degree,” says Ms Zeljko. “To do that I’ve had Zuzana do some work experience in one of the top tier law firms, and she’s indicated that she was interested in being a barrister so during her break I’m going to set up some time where she works with some barristers so she gets to see the court side of the legal profession. “Over her next semester break she’s also going to come and do some interning with me so that she can understand what it’s like working in-house in a large ASX company.” “I think these three areas of working as a lawyer are very different and unless you experience them you don’t know what they’re like till you get there.” In addition to work experience and her

coursework, Ms Harmaniakova is a member of the Freshman Council as the External Affairs Director. Here, she helps organise events for first year Bond students to get them involved in campus life. “I want to make them feel welcome on campus and help them mingle and interact with each other,” says Ms Harmaniakova. Ms Harmaniakova praises the way in which the program operates and says her relationship with her mentor is brilliant. “I love it. My mentor is an incredible person. She has a wealth of experience and knowledge and not just in one particular field, but in general,” she said. “All of the mentors are tailored to each of us, so it was a pretty awesome selection process where they looked at all of the scholars and what we were interested in and our personalities and tried to match us up with our individual mentor which I think they did very well actually.” Ms Zeljko also believes the administrators of the program did a great job matching mentor and mentee. “They partnered us up well by the sounds of it,” says Ms Zeljko. “She and I meet monthly and it’s been an evolving mentoring relationship. They didn’t give us any boundaries and I think that’s important because it’s got to be a fit for purpose for each situation.” “When you’re dealing with a first year it’s really about helping them move from school into university and looking through a lens of what the real world looks like.”


SCOTCH COLLEGE CROWNED CHAMPION MOOTERS A TEAM of students from Melbourne’s Scotch College have taken the trophy for this year’s annual Bond University National High School Mooting Competition. Scotch College’s Andrew Kroger, Michael Nehme and Campbell Rickard argued their way to the final round of the Australia-wide competition held in the Faculty of Law’s state-of-the-art moot courts. The team from St Joseph’s Gregory Terrace in Brisbane put up a fight in the final which saw the two teams debate a fictitious issue involving the alleged contributory negligence of a 16-year-old girl involved as a passenger in a drink-driving accident. Michael Nehme of Scotch College was awarded the Overall Best Oralist award, with teammate Andrew Kroger taking out one of two Runner-up Oralist Awards, along with Matthew Shaw of Darwin High School. The students were judged by respected members of the judiciary: the Honourable Justice Robert Gotterson of the Queensland Court of Appeal and retired District Court Judge John E Newton, together with Bond University Teaching Fellow Katie Allan. Katie Allen said the competition is designed to challenge Year 11 and 12 students to prepare, articulate, and defend complicated legal arguments by introducing them to a courtroom environment.

L-R: Mr Andrew Kroger, Mr Michael Nehme, Mr Campbell Rickard

“The experience of standing up and making legal submissions in front of a judge helps students develop the ability to think on their feet, formulate arguments quickly and express them clearly,” said Ms Allen. “As the competition continues to grow year on year, so too does the standard of advocacy demonstrated by the competitors, and this year was no exception.” Executive Dean of the Faculty of Law, Professor Nick James, said the competition has grown significantly since its inception in 1989 when just eight schools took part. “We were so impressed by the eloquence and composure demonstrated by the

students that it was difficult to believe that they were high school students,” said Professor James. Director of Mooting Assistant Professor Louise Parsons was impressed by the standard of the mooters across Australia. “I thought that the students really demonstrated their hard work well, and many of them delivered sophisticated arguments based on a really good understanding of the legal principles.” All students who participated in the High School Mooting Competition are eligible to be awarded one of three Judge John Newton Mooting Scholarships.

Principal in residence builds on partnerships THE PRINCIPAL in Residence Program, now in its fourth year, has this year welcomed the Headmaster of Toowoomba Grammar School to the Bond University Campus. Peter Hauser was engaged in an extensive program of meetings with Bond’s senior staff and students that gave him the opportunity to discover more about the operational side of Bond University, and the calibre, depth and breadth of Bond University’s quality offerings. “The Principal in Residence program at Bond University has given me the opportunity to engage with management and academic staff and to gain a greater appreciation of how Bond University operates and the way that it engages with its students and delivers its programs,” said Mr Hauser. “Bond University has a true desire to form partnerships with schools and school leaders and the Principal in Residence program is an excellent example of that”. The Principal in Residence program was introduced in 2014 to provide an

opportunity for authentic and meaningful engagement with the senior leaders from Bond University’s Partner Schools. Bond University offers this opportunity to principals who are of high standing and who recognise the value of engaging with the University and are keen to share their knowledge and expertise from a partner school’s perspective. While resident on campus for a week in May, Mr Hauser was also able to watch his own Toowoomba Grammar School mooting team in action in the Bond High School Mooting Competition and hosted a Toowoomba Grammar School Old Boys’ event in Don’s Tavern. He noted the similarity of the University to that of a very sizable and caring secondary school, only larger and with an incredible infrastructure. Mr Hauser was also impressed with the low staff-student ratios and how the students seemed so well connected to the University.

Mr Peter Hauser


ALUMNI BUSINESS DIRECTORY The Alumni Business Directory is a platform that allows Bondies to promote their companies to over 25,000 graduates worldwide. Best of all, 100% of funds raised are used to support student scholarships and bursaries. We would like to say a big thank you to our current business listings! List your business now - ALBATROSS LAWYERS


Lauren Corgnet (Class of 2002)

Paul Messara (Class of 2001)

ATLAS WEALTH MANAGEMENT Brett Evans (Class of 1994)

BAYSTON GROUP Alister Bayston (Class of 1990)





Matthew Youn (Class of 2015)

Derek Cronin (Class of 1989)

David Bongiorno (Class of 1996)

Dean Bader (Class of 2010)




Leschen Smaller (Class of 1991)

Ling Raines (Class of 1990)


Lawrence Kopping (Class of 1998)

JEWEL RESIDENCES Candace Diamond (Class of 2002)



Cameo Ashe (Class of 2014)

Fabiola Gomez (Class of 1994)





Lachlan Hughes (Class of 1998)

Hazel Patis (Class of 2012)

Nathan Timbery (Class of 2007)

Scott Pendlebury (Class of 1989)


Kirrilly Holmes (Class of 2011)

ORGANIC ISLAND Mark Power (Class of 1999)




Adelaide Alumni Event


MBBS Graduation


Bond Business Leaders Forum, Guest Speaker David Thodey


Pop Up Entrepreneur Event


173 Semester Ends


173 Orientation Expo


London Alumni Event


Japan Alumni Event

Hong Kong Alumni Event


173 Semester Begins


Mumbai Alumni Event


Kolkata Alumni Event


New Delhi Alumni Event


181 Orientation Expo


Jaipur Alumni Event


181 Semester Begins


Pitch@Palace On Tour Event


Canberra Alumni Event

OCTOBER 2017 5th

Pop Up Entrepreneur Event


173 Graduation


Live @ Bond Concert


Gold Coast Alumni Networking Event

16th -20th

Research Week


Business Links


Fiji Alumni Event


London Alumni Event

Vancouver Alumni Event




FEBRUARY 2018 17th

181 Graduation

APRIL 2018 24th

181 Semester Ends

MAY 2018 9th

182 Orientation Expo


182 Semester Begins

17th -20th

Bond Homecoming 2018

JUNE 2018 16th

182 Graduation



JULY 2018 2nd

Pop Up Entrepreneur Event


Hotel & Tourism Alumni Event

8th Japan Alumni Event with the Vice-Chancellor 15th

Gold Coast Demo Day


Abedian School of Architecture Lecture – Hannah Tribe of Tribe Studio Architects


Melbourne Alumni Event


Open Day

AUGUST 2018 18th

182 Semester Ends

For more information about upcoming events visit You can also contact the Alumni and Development Office on +61 7 5595 1093


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Amy Kosa Student Opportunity Fund Recipient Currently studying Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws Activity: Three-month internship with The A21 Campaign in Greece. “My primary role at A21 involved working in a shelter for female victims of human trafficking.�

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