The Motive Event

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The story of Soo Line Motive 9016 begins in early April of 2008 when a straw of HF Kodiak 5R was used to artificially inseminate one of the best Angus cows in the business, TLA Beauty 5R. The combination of two 5R tattoos would ultimately create one of the most influential breeding pieces in angus history. As every breeder can attest to, it is a passion to make breeding decisions that will enhance your program and other breeders programs in the future that invest in them, let alone mate a combination that would eventually become one of the most sought after Angus bulls in the history. As the mating choice was made that day, much was left to chance but lots of guesswork was taken out of it when combining two of their very best breeding pieces at Soo Line. The decision to pull HF Kodiak 5R out of the semen tank came with ease, as Soo Line and Hamilton’s just had their second set of calves by Kodiak and you could tell there was something great about them. HF Kodiak 5R was acquired 1/2 interest at Agribition for $45,0000 with Geis Angus Farm from Hamilton Farms and he was going to become a huge part of the Soo Line program into the future. Kodiak indeed had a lasting impact at Soo Line and throughout the world as he escalated as one of the most sought after bulls in existence. Soo Line, Geis and Hamilton in turn sold Kodiak 5R at the Bases Loaded Sale in Denver for $150,000 to a group of breeders. Motive’s dam, TLA Beauty 5R was acquired privately in a package of heifer calves from Marlene Sharon in the fall of 2005. 5R among many others were sired by RR 7407 Rainmaker 2154 and what a lasting impression they have had. Beauty 5R was purchased with her full sister, 6R and those 2 in-

dividuals would be main contributors in the Soo Line growth and success of their program. They both would eventually sell in the Soo Line Herd Reduction Sale in the fall of 2011, managed by Cotton & Associates. TLA Beauty 5R would lead the sale with much anticipation and eventually sell for $45,000 to ZWT Angus, Speedwell, TN. ZWT has since sold 5R to Larry Coleman of Coleman Angus, Charlo, MT and is currently adding her pedigree to his cow family arsenal. TLA Beauty 6R (full sister to 5R) would be one of the first breeding pieces acquired by Brooking Angus Ranch in the Herd Reduction Sale and has had a lasting impression on the growth of their program. Soo Line Motive 9016 was born on January 7, 2009 with an early gestation length and quickly had a very special look about him. With a low 71 pound birthweight, he stood out at an early stage and you could tell from an instant look that he was a special one. He quickly advanced as the best bull Soo Line had raised to date to eventually post an adjusted weaning weight just shy of 800 pounds. He was brought into the show barn and was first exhibited at Canadian Western Agribition where the buzz began. He was the talk of the Angus barn with constant traffic and countless amounts of out-of-breed breeders coming to view him as well. He went on to win his class and disappointingly for the Soo Line crew wasn’t selected for a division champion under Judge Chad Wilson, SK. The Soo Line crew put that past them and had bigger plans to build towards in the future of Soo Line Kodiak 9016 (it wasn’t until after he was sold that Geoff Anderson came up with the idea to rename him Motive) as he was the lead bull in the pen of bulls for the NWSS in Denver and slated as a sale highlight in the prestigious Bases Loaded Sale at Coors Field. In early January 2010 the Soo Line crew headed to Denver, CO for the world-renowned National Western Stock Show with their pen of bulls lead by Soo Line Kodiak 9016. Soo Line was owned by Roger Hardy who thoroughly enjoyed the NWSS and drove down with the crew of Justin Morrison, Mike McDonald, Geoff Anderson, Brodie Gutzke, Luke Lewis and Martin Koyle. As they set up their dis-

play in the yards and had the pen of bulls on display, it didn’t take long for the buzz in the yards to circulate around their pen with a revolving door of breeders enthusiastically wanting more information on the pen of bulls sired by HF Kodiak 5R. The traffic was constant, from early morning, throughout the day and even to fellow breeders constantly following the bulls to tie-outs each and every night. Justin Morrison recalls the experience as humbling yet gratifying to see the acceptance of the hard-work and dedication that went into getting that impressive set of bulls there. The excitement for the Soo Line team continued straight into Tuesday afternoon as preparation began for the Bases Loaded Sale where 1/2 interest and no possession would sell in Soo Line Motive 9016. As the lead bull in the pen, he had garnered much attention. By mid-afternoon Motive was lead out of his Soo Line Pen at the NWSS Yards, jumped on a trailer organized by sale manager Cotton & Associates and driven through the busy streets of Denver to arrive at Coors Field. When breeders arrived at the famed Coors Field, they would stroll through the tunnels of the ballpark to eventually arrive at the display area where all the cattle were tied in carousels with much buzz and excitement surrounding three sale bulls that would have a huge impact on the breed, Dameron First Class, Silvers Style 9303 and Soo Line Motive 9016. A Canadian group started to form among close friends of Geoff Anderson and Jonathon Thomason which was assisted by Rob Holowaychuk to put the final pieces together on trying to purchase Motive. This group had been in communication for a while to invest in the bull and Rob had also sold some exclusive semen packages to assist in sale day bidding. With a 4PM sale about to happen, it was agreed upon that Geoff would do the bidding to represent a syndicate of Anderson Cattle, Merle Thomason, Wiwa Creek Angus and Shady Brook Angus Farm with exclusive semen packs sold to LLB and Nordal. They had gathered up $45,000 US and knew they would be in tough getting him bought with all the attention he was garnering.

Motive 9016 - December 2009

Motive 9016 - January 2010

The sale had began with Col. Eddie Sims selling with prices topping at $202,000, $102,000 among many other highs. It was Motives turn to enter the sale ring Rob and Geoff stayed close to each other to bid it was nerve rattling yet exciting at the same time. The sale of Motive was fast and active and he quickly reached $40,000 with many actively still bidding, it slowed down and with Geoff bidding $45,000 it was their limit in order to get him purchased. They looked over and saw ZWT bid $50,000 and disappointment started to settle in that they weren’t going to get him bought and Rob piped up “Let’s bid again and worry about it later” and he quickly bid $55,000 to soon see that the bull sold to them. The Soo Line crew then celebrated and in a big way! To have a Canadian bull come to the NWSS and create as much interest as Motive and sell for $55,000 US it was a true accomplishment for Roger and Justin of Soo Line and the entire crew. They departed the sale quickly and headed out for a night on the town starting at The 1515 restaurant for a meal of a lifetime to celebrate their recent achievement. After many bottles of red wine with the favourite being Orin Swifts, 2007, Prisoner. The next night Justin and Geoff ended up running

Lead Bull in 2010 NWSS Champion Pen

Motive 9016 - October 2010

into the guys from Limestone LLC at The Grizzley Rose. As the Limestone crew congratulated them on the Motive success it didn’t take long for talk with Mike Marlow to continue and by the end of the night, Limestone had joined their team and bought into their group on Motive. This actually came as a relief to Justin and Geoff as they now had the $55,000 needed. As much fun as they were having, they still had one job to complete while in Denver and that was competing for the Champion Angus Pen of Bull on Saturday. A Canadian pen has never won the Angus Pen of Bulls at Denver and they had a tough climb to acquire such a feat. The panel of judges for the NWSS Pen of Bulls was Jason Hoffman, Guy Laffin, and Jim Glaus. As Motive and his 2 paternal brothers entered the ring of the pen show, they were dialled in and looked the part. Against all odds, they went on to win their class, then their division and strolled through to be selected the Grand Champion Pen of Bulls and the crowd favourite pen increased in popularity. Much like the week’s traffic and interest, it was shoulder to shoulder around the pen of bulls after their win. Justin recalls “It being surreal. Hard to believe that it actually happened. There wasn’t a Canadian in Denver that day that didn’t feel like they won too.” Soon after Denver, OriGen signed up Motive and

Motive 9016 - Summer 2012

he quickly became a leading semen sales bull and popularity soon increased after calves hit the ground. Semen sales in Canada were exclusive with select semen marketed through Bohrson conducted sales such as Power & Perfection at Agribiton where it annually reached $250/dose. When Canadian Sires was formed, they signed Motive up and introduced him to the open market in 2014 where he became their leading Angus selling bull. His progeny have been highlighted throughout North America and continually top sales. His son, Wiwa Creek Rush Lake sold through Power & Perfection for $73,000 and the great son, Brooking Prosecutor 222 commanding $43,000 plus another son, Motivation topping the legendary Soo Line Dispersal for $34,000 with Motive daughters selling for $49,000, $30,000, $25,000, $23,000 and so on. It is unfathomable to sit back and realize how much a bull has positively influenced the lives of so many. The influence that the Motive lineage has had on the Angus breed is worldwide with such a huge upswing for all that use him. It is with great excitement that we introduce you to The Motive Event, to showcase the accomplishments of one of the best in the industry!


Brooking Rose 201


Dam - E A Rose 918

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1691203 :: JSTN 1Z :: Jan 7/12 :: bw-67 :: ww-642 :: yw-930

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (HF Kodiak 5R) Dam - E A Rose 918 (S A V Final Answer 0035) CE 11

BW -0.5 WW 51

YW 92

Milk 27 TM 53


Mat. Brother - Brooking Bank Note 4040

Introducing one of the best daughters of Soo Line Motive 9016 on the continent and what a great example of Motive’s capabilities. Brooking Rose 201 was the first calf ever born at Brooking Angus Ranch and has been a favourite ever since. She exemplifies all the physical qualities we strive to produce. Brooking Rose 201 is angular fronted, deep bodied, high quality phenotype, has that rare attentive look and the udder you expect from a Motive daughter. Brooking Rose 201 is a maternal sister to Brooking Bank Note 4040 that has hit huge milestones in his short career. A full sister, Soo Line Rose 1019, is the dam of lot 2 and has sold a son for $47,500 to Bar-E-L Angus and embryos for $4,000 per embryo to KCH. The dam EA Rose 918, who now resides at ZWT Ranch, TN, has been regarded as among the top cows in the breed and Brooking Rose 201 is a mirror image. Take advantage of this opportunity to flush a great cow to the sire of your choice. Guarantee of 6 transferable embryos. Buyer responsible for cost of flush and semen. page 8

Consigned by: Brooking Angus Ranch // Justin & Tawnie Morrison // Radville, SK // 306.536.4590


Brooking Rose 325


Dam - Soo Line Rose 1019

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1728367 :: JSTN 25A :: Jan 27/13 :: bw-76 :: ww-694 :: yw-864

Sire - S AV Best Interest 0136 (S A V Bismarck 5682) Dam - Soo Line Rose 1019 (Soo Line Motive 9016) CE 7

BW 1.5 WW 59

YW 100

Milk 30 TM 60


Mat. Brother - Brooking Real Estate 6072

Brooking Rose 325 is a lot like her dam, owning mass, muscle shape, big body with a broody look. Her dam is one of the most impressive Motive daughters out there and the grandam is the great EA Rose 918. A Maternal brother, Brooking Real Estate 6072, was the second top selling bull at the 2017 Brooking Angus Ranch bull sale for $47,500 to Bar-E-L Angus. Note his semen sells in this sale. Maternal sibling embryos sold for $4,000 per embryos at The New Years Sale to KCH. Brooking Rose 325 has superb numbers, great looks and backed by a Royal cow family. This flush could put you on the map and make a positive impact to your bank account. Guarantee of 6 transferable embryos. Buyer responsible for cost of flush and semen.

Consigned by: Brooking Angus Ranch // Justin & Tawnie Morrison // Radville, SK // 306.536.4590

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3 Pregnancy

Brooking Rose 1019 x Colburn Primo

Dam of 1019 - E A Rose 918

________________________ ________________________ Sire of resulting calf - Colburn Primo 5153 (Dameron First Class x Silveiras Saras Dream) Dam of resulting calf - Brooking Rose 1019 (Soo Line Motive 9016 x E A Rose 918) Recip female is located at Brooking Angus Ranch - Radville, SK

Sire of pregnancy - Colburn Primo

Pregnancy is due on January 19, 2018 Make plans to come to The Motive Event and you will have the opportunity to view the donor dam Soo Line Rose 1019 as well as her daughter, Brooking Rose 325, and her full sister, Brooking Rose 201. When you are standing in the beautiful display pens at Bohrson’s you will witness Rose 1019’s massive shape and dimension, along with look and structural correctness. This is a unique mating of one of the hottest young sires on the scene, Coulburn Primo to a top quality cow family that constantly raises high sellers. Soo Line Rose 1019 is the dam to the $47,500 second top selling bull, Brooking Real Estate 6072, owned by Bar-E-L Angus. Imagine the possibilities of this potent mating.

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Consigned by: Brooking Angus Ranch // Justin & Tawnie Morrison // Radville, SK // 306.536.4590

4a-c Embryos

TLA Beauty 5R

Son - Soo Line Motive 9016

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1296622 :: TLA 5R :: bd-Feb 14/05 :: bw-67 :: ww-576 :: yw-889

Sire - RR 7407 Rainmaker 2154 (Rainmaker 7407) Dam - Terrlene Beauty 35F (Pride 10D) Sire of 4A - S A V President 6847 Lot 4A :: 3 IVF embryos by SAV President 6847 x TLA Beauty 5R Lot 4B :: 3 IVF (sexed female 90-95% accurate) embryos by Coleman Charlo 0256 x TLA Beauty 5R Lot 4C :: 3 IVF (sexed female 90-95% accurate) embryos by SAV Resource 1441 x TLA Beauty 5R *non-exportable embryos stored at Transova, Iowa - guarantee one 90 day pregnancies An unprecedented opportunity to acquire embryos by none other than TLA Beauty 5R, the dam of Soo Line Motive 9016. TLA Beauty 5R sold in the Soo Line sale to ZWT Ranch for $45,000 and just this past spring has moved on to call Coleman Angus of Charlo, MT home. Coleman’s have one of the elite cow herd’s on the globe and have added TLA Beauty 5R to start a new cow family for them. It is a gracious consignment that Coleman’s have allowed three different options of exciting matings. How could a person decide between three greats. SAV President 6847 was the $750,000 world high selling bull and was the talk of the breed. Larry noted that this might be the most exciting mating they have offered embryos out of. Coleman Charlo 0256 add’s base width, power and is seeing tremendous use around the world. Who hasn’t heard of the Charlo flush at Schaffs? SAV Resource 1441 is consistently the top sire group everywhere he has been used. His full sisters are incredible and his daughters will be his legacy. Consigned by: Coleman % Angus // Larry Coleman // Charlo, MT // 406.644.2697

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DBRL 4336 Della 28S


Daughter - Blair’s Della 309A

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1335785 :: DBRL 28S :: bd-Feb 24/17 :: bw-95 :: ww-664 :: yw-788

Sire - S AV 004 Density 4336 (004) Dam - Crescent Creek Eula 120L (Converter 79J) CE 0

BW 4.9 WW 37

YW 61

Milk 19 TM 38

MCE -3.0

Daughter - Blair’s Della 525B

Lot 5A :: 3 embryos by Soo Line Motive 9016 X DBRL 4336 Della 28S *exportable embryos stored at Alta - Balzac, AB - guarantee one 90 day pregnancies DBRL 4336 Della 28S is a dominant cornerstone female for the famed Blairs.Ag program and after Canadian Donors purchased a flush on her in the New Year’s Resolution, it allowed them to bring her dominant genetics into their inventory of leading donors.Year after year, Della 28S raises high selling progeny for the Blair crew and has been an extremely consistent producer throughout. Her sire, Density 4336 is the maternal giant that increases value of every female that carries his lineage as they flat out work. Combine that with the legend himself, Motive the progeny will be in high demand with unlimited marketability. With limited opportunities to acquire Della 28S genetics, August 25 is a prime opportunity to invest in highly sought after genetics to advance any program. page 12

Consigned by: Canadian Donors // Scott & Rebecca Bohrson // Olds, AB // 403.370.3010

6a&b Embryos

Remitall F Tibbie 51C

Tibbie 51C - Olds Reserve Female

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1849333 :: GR 51C :: bd-Jan 22/15 :: bw-86 :: ww-635 :: yw-948

Sire - Sankeys Justified 101 (Lazer) Dam - Remitall F Tibbie 82Y (S A V Prodigy 8101) CE -2

BW 3.5 WW 65

YW 109

Milk 19 TM 52


Sire - 2013 NWSS Champion Bull

Lot 6A :: 5 embryos by Soo Line Motive 9016 X Remitall F Tibbie 51C Lot 6B :: 5 embryos by Brooking Prosecutor 222 X Remitall F Tibbie 51C (available in October 2017) *exportable embryos stored at DRI - Crossfield, AB - guarantee two 90 day pregnancies Of all of the Angus females that Canadian Donors is associated with, Remitall F Tibbie 51C is rising to the top as one of the most exciting to build a cow herd around. Tibbie 51C was the CAA 2016 Gold Show All Star Team Junior Champion Female but more important than show successes, she has matured into a beautiful young cow with a perfect udder and overall complete phenotype. The blend of maternal strength with overall production value has lifted Tibbie 51C as a must see individual that is near flawless in her kind. This high performing donor combined with the strength of Motive and Prosecutor will elevate the resulting progeny to be very valuable for the successful purchasers. Invest with confidence as limited embryos will be marketed off this great donor into the future. Consigned by: Canadian Donors // Scott & Rebecca Bohrson // Olds, AB // 403.370.3010

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7a-e Semen

Brooking Real Estate 6072

Dam - Soo Line Rose 1019

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1926673 :: JSTN 72D :: bd-Feb 1/16 :: bw-73 :: ww-774 :: yw-1342

Sire - Connealy Earnan 076E (Consensus) Dam - Soo Line Rose 1019 (Motive 9016) CE -4.5

BW 1.7 WW 61

YW 105

Milk 24 TM 54

MCE 2.5

Granddam - E A Rose 918

Lot 7A - 7E :: 5 packages of 10 doses on Brooking Real Estate 6072 - No other semen available until 2019! *stored at BowValley Genetics Brooking Real Estate 6072 is a pleasure to witness as he is huge ribbed, square hipped, holds his head high on the move and is clean through his neck and chest. He has a calving ease look with a small head and smooth shoulders. He looks a lot like his dam, Soo Line Rose 1019, who has gained huge popularity among breeders worldwide. The grandam, EA Rose 918, is also the dam to Brooking Bank Note 4040. Brooking Real Estate 6072 looks even better after breeding females this spring at Bar-E-L Angus and has the looks of a herdbull. Come sale day to witness his dam, maternal sister and full sister to his dam. You will not be disappointed and his high quality will all make sense. page 14

Consigned by: Bar-E-L Angus & McCutcheon Farms // Dave & Lynne Longshore // Stettler, AB // 403.740.6788

8a-e Semen

Brooking Prosecutor 222

$40,000 Prosecutor daughter - Lady 508C

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1691217 :: JSTN 22Z :: bd-Feb 1/12 :: bw-93 :: ww-943 :: yw-1494

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam - Soo Line Lass 0400 (Bar-E-L Thor 6T) CE 12

BW -0.2 WW 62

YW 106

Milk 29 TM 60

MCE 10

Prosecutor - CWA Reserve Champion Bull

Lot 8A - 8E :: 5 packages of 10 doses on Brooking Prosecutor 222 - No other semen available until 2019! *stored at BowValley Genetics, available for shipment September 2017 Due to low semen inventories, Brooking Prosecutor 222 has been one of the best kept secrets within the Angus business. Phenotype, genotype and EPD’s are amongst the best across the board and can rival any bull in the breed. His unreal curve bending numbers are in the top 1% for TM, top 2% for CE, top 3% for WW-YW-Milk, top 7% for BWMARB, top 10% for MCE and CW! Impressive to say the least on paper and even more impeccable in the flesh! He is proven in his production value and has been highlighted with a $40,000 daughter that was one of the most popular females at 2016 Agribition. His most decorated son, Brooking Commotion 4068 commanded $24,000 to Vollmer Angus Ranch and he has a feature bred heifer in the sale as well. Prosecutor semen is very limited and this will be the only available until 2019, big time opportunity from one of the great breeding bulls in the business. Consigned by: Come As U R Angus - Canadian Sires - Windy Hill Livestock - Brooking Angus Ranch // 306.536.4590

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9 Pick of Herd

Any Motive daughter or granddaughter

$23,000 Motive daughter Wiwa Creek Erica 77’12

$43,000 Wiwa Creek Pride 63’10 with her $73,000 Motive son, Wiwa Creek Rush Lake

________________________ ________________________

$16,500 Motive daughter Wiwa Creek Blackbird 79’13

Choice of any Soo Line Motive 9016 daughter or granddaughter from Wiwa Creek Selection to be done by December 31, 2017

Payment - 1/2 at time of sale and 1/2 at time of selection

From one of the long standing cow herds in Canada, Wiwa Creek Angus offers an oppor$16,000 Motive daughter tunity of a lifetime in the selection of any Motive sired female from their quality-driven Wiwa Creek Blackbird 88’13 program. The history that surrounds Wiwa Creek is impressive as they are one of the highly decorated breeding programs in Canada. They were in the original group that invested in Soo Line Motive 9016 and he walked there for many years before selling partial possession on him to Brooking Angus Ranch. Motive has had a lasting impression on the Wiwa Creek program with progeny such as Rush Lake commanding $73,000 through the Power & Perfection Sale. That same sale ring has also seen Motive daughters from Wiwa Creek command $23,000, $16,000 with other Motive daughter bringing $16,500 at the Angus Collection. This is a big time opportunity to acquire a female from the heart of one of the strongest Angus cow herds in existence.

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Consigned by: Wiwa Creek Angus // Jonathon Thomason & Ian Gross // Rush Lake, SK // 306.774.4006


Boss Miss Motive 422

Donor Cow

Dam - Wiwa Creek Pride 63’10

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1878172 :: IMP 422B :: Apr 2/14

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam -Wiwa Creek Pride 63’10 (Wiwa Creek Fullback 19’07) CE 6.5

BW 2.3 WW 40

YW 71

Milk 19 TM 39


Full Brother - Wiwa Creek Rush Lake

Imagine the opportunity to build your program around a full sister to Rush Lake! It lays here in one of the most exciting females to sell of any breed in 2017.The Boss Lake program don’t mess around when offering the heart of their herd and this is an exceptional opportunity to acquire a great one in the prime of her life. The story is endless in Boss Miss Motive 422 as her full brother, Rush Lake commanded $73,000 with her dam, Pride 63’10 bringing $43,000 at the same Power & Perfection Sale. Boss Miss Motive 422 was a past show champion herself being the Olds Fall Classic Heifer Calf Champion, FarmFair Yearling Champion Female among many other banners along the way. Her early service to one of the most exciting bulls in the breed, Coleman Charlo enables the successful buyer to collect a hit the jackpot in just her first calf with that exciting mating. AI bred to Coleman Charlo :: Due February 13, 2018 (no exposure - checked safe) Consigned by: Boss Lake Genetics // Kyle & Brittany Boss // Parkland County, AB // 780.920.7014 or: 780.699.4266

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Wiwa Creek Erica 77’12

Donor Cow

Lot 11 at NWSS - Wiwa Creek Erica 77’12

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1663197 :: PDE 77Z :: Feb 5/12 :: bw-74 :: ww-753

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam -Wiwa Creek Erica 82’10 (Wiwa Creek Escalade 815’08) CE 8

BW 1.2 WW 41

YW 66

Milk 22 TM 43

MCE 5.5

Service Sire - ADA Challenger 119C

Blairs.Ag is a world renowned program and has stepped up in a big way offering a young donor from the heart of their program. Wiwa Creek Erica 77’12 is a model female that showcases why Motive 9016 is so popular as she is a perfect udder female with a maternal design that any progressive cattleman can appreciate. Blairs.Ag cuts no corners in advancing their program and adding the best genetics available, when a great one is to be offered, you can bet they will be their at sale time with guns a blazing in every effort the own them. Erica 77’12 is a prime example of that and was purchased as the high selling heifer calf in the Power & Perfection Sale from the consistent producing Wiwa Creek program. She is arguably the best female ever offered from that program and is now available to the public once again in the prime of her production career. Erica 77’12 has proven what she accomplish across the page with an exciting heifer calf and her service to ADA Challenger 119C will ensure a fast ROI! AI bred to ADA Challenger 119C :: Due February 24, 2018 (safe) Exposed to S AV National Anthem 5740 from June 6 to June 30 page 18

Consigned by: Blairs.Ag Cattle Co // Lanigan, SK // Kevin 306.365.7922 Blake 306-528-7484 Kent 817-602-8629


Blair’s Erica 542E

Open Heifer

Sire - Duff Napoleon 232

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1980968 :: BBC 542E :: Jan 30/17 :: bw-90

Sire - Duff Napoleon 232 (Duff Distinction 9105) Dam -Wiwa Creek Erica 77’12 (Motive 9016) CE 7.0

BW 1.5 WW 44

YW 70

Milk 21 TM n/a

MCE 4.3

Pat. Granddam - Duff Eur 443 Merle 808

Here is a cool situation the Blairs.Ag team have created here in this outcross pedigree heifer calf. Her sire, Duff Napoleon 232 owned by Blairs.Ag, Badger Creek & Duff has evolved to be a mainstay sire that has an ultimate maternal pedigree backing him. His outcross pedigree is highlighted by some of the most phenotypically flawless females in the Angus breed today. If you are looking to add maternal strength, Napoleon will do it while adding softness of rib, sound structure and overall natural shape in a very attractive package. Blair’s Creek Erica 542E is outcrossed pedigree and has a great dam behind her to ensure she will be loaded with productivity for year’s to come.

Consigned by: Blairs.Ag Cattle Co // Lanigan, SK // Kevin 306.365.7922 Blake 306-528-7484 Kent 817-602-8629

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Grass Roots Mia 708

Open Heifer

Dam - Mia of Peak Dot 545S

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1984280 :: RVR 708E :: Feb 12/17 :: bw-91

Sire - Anderson Courage 1540 (Motive 9016) Dam - Mia Of Peak Dot 545S (Predominant 4438) CE 7.5

BW 1.3 WW 44

YW 71

Milk 21 TM 43

MCE 6.5

Mat. Brother - Anderson Motive 6144

Extremely complete in every way and from every angle! Grass Roots Mia 708 does not disappoint as she is fault free and is well balanced with a stylish look from the side with a stout make up from the rear. Longevity, foot structure and udder quality are on her side with the 11-year-old dam that backs her as she was the first purebred Angus ever purchased at Grass Roots Ranch. Mia Of Peak Dot 545S is a tank of a female that is easy doing and has passed that onto her daughter as well as a high selling Motive son that sold in the 2017 Stockman Select for $7,000. Mia 708’s sire, Anderson Courage 1540 was purchased to inject the Motive influence. Courage’s productive outcross dam has been dominant at Anderson when mated to Motive over her career, with 4 Motive sons leading the annual bull sales. Courage was campaigned at Agribition, was the high seller in the 2016 Stockman Select sale, and has since sired an exciting first calf crop with consistency, extra look and hair, with the daughters in particular being standouts.With her gentle nature, Mia 708 would be very competitive in the show ring for a junior and at any level past that. Here is one not to miss on sale day as she incorporates it all in a fault free package. page 20

Consigned by: Grass Roots Ranch // Rob Voice // Bradwell, SK // 306.361.6775


Rockytop Lacie 9E

Open Heifer

Dam - Justamere 609 Lacie 397Z

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1977470 :: RTCC 9E :: Jan 9/17 :: bw-84

S -Wiwa Creek Motive 70 ‘11 (Motive 9016) D - Justamere 609 Lacie 397Z (Sankeys Lazer 609 OF 6N) CE 5.8

BW 1.5 WW 47

YW 74

Milk 19 TM 42


Grandsire - Sankeys Lazer 609 of 6N

With great excitement we introduce you to Rockytop Lacie 9E, she is one of the elite open heifer calves to sell in 2017! We would love to go on about Motive on the top side of the pedigree and give him all the credit for this outstanding female but we have to recognize her phenomenal dam, Lacie 397Z as she is one of the great Angus females in the business. She is the cornerstone of the Rockytop program and a mainstay donor that they are building their progressive herd around. Lacie 397Z is powerful in her type with a beautiful udder, big foot and impossible to fault structure. Every great female needs a cow family to back them and Rockytop Lacie 9E has one that you can push your chips in on. She is one of those females that catches you and hits you hard from every angle with her erect front end, shaggy hair coat, big square top and sound fluid movement. We do hope this female gets into the hands of a progressive showman as she could do some serious damage, but most importantly, she is destined to be a big time producer down the road to boot! Consigned by: Rockytop Cattle Co. // Grayden Kay // Lloydminster, AB // 780.872.1565

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15 Open Heifer

W Sunrise Annie K 700E

Dam - Brooking Annie K 5106

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1980948 :: TMP 700E :: Jan 3/17 :: bw-68

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam - Brooking Annie K 5106 (Sitz Right Answer 506Y) CE 9.5

BW 1.1 WW 44

YW 81

Milk 29 TM 51


Granddam - Soo Line Annie K 9165

From one of the most progressive programs in Canada, W Sunrise Angus offers their first female at public auction and she is an absolute standout that goes back to a World Champion Female. The Annie K cow family needs no introduction and W Sunrise Annie K 700E is a prime example of the quality they are known for. She is attractive headed with extra length and presence through her front end with a smooth shoulder. She is extremely well balanced with extra barrel and rib shape that ties into a square hip and overall completeness in a sound structured package. Her EPD profile is stacked to boot as well. Udder quality is among the best with the great females backing her with her dam Brooking Annie K 5106 and the great Soo Line Annie K 9165 who was a World Champion at the side of the $100,000 Soo Line Annie K 6271. Big time pedigree here with chapters of Annie K success stories including W Sunrise herd sire, Brooking Trendspotter 6166 who was a $30,000 feature whose dam is none other than the great Annie K 9165 again.You can’t beat an attractive female with a quality family backing her! page 22

Consigned by: W Sunrise Angus // Tanner & Megan Walgenbach // Lundbreck, AB // 403.741.5075

16 Open Heifer

Greenwood Miss Essence JJP115E

Dam - Greenwood Miss Essence 21C

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1975864 :: JJP 115E :: Feb 8/17 :: bw-82

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam - Greenwood Miss Essence JJP 21C (Brilliance 8077) CE 7

BW 2.6 WW 50

YW 82

Milk 24 TM 48


Mat. Granddam - DMM Miss Essence 37T

Get this female bought and enjoy a fall with the Payne boys campaigning her and her impressive dam throughout western Canada at all the major shows. A big time opportunity lies in Greenwood Miss Essence 115E as she stems from one of the most dominant cow families in the Canadian Show Circuit. Her granddam, DMM Miss Essence 37T was a many time champion including FarmFair Supreme Champion and crowned the 2011 Canadian Show Female of the Year. When mated with the dominant show sire, S A V Brilliance 8077, a dominant individual was established with Greenwood Miss Essence 21C. Not only does Essence 115E have the pedigree and phenotype to elevate any program, her EPD profile impresses as she is in the top 20% for CE - TM - MILK, top 25% for WW and top 35% for YW and CW. If you are into showing and winning banners - invest in 115E and enjoy the ride ‌ if showing isn’t your thing - invest in 115E and allow her to be a cornerstone female to elevate a program to the next level. Greenwood would like to retain potential show rights if 115E is to be shown at foot of her dam for fall of 2017. Retaining the right to one successful flush at buyers convenience and sellers expense. Consigned by: Greenwood Angus // Jayden, Jaxon Payne // Lloydminster, SK // 306.821.2260

page 23

17 Open Heifer

Come As U R Pride 715E

Dam - Wiwa Creek Pride 63’10

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus app for :: CAUR 715E :: bd-Jan 12/17 :: bw-79

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam -Wiwa Creek Pride 63’10 (Wiwa Creek Fullback 19’07) CE 6.5

BW 2.3 WW 40

YW 71

Milk 19 TM 39


$43,000 dam with $73,000 full brother, Rush Lake at side

When Wiwa Creek Rush Lake sold for $73,000 and his dam Wiwa Creek Pride 63’10 sold for $43,000 in the Power and Perfection sale Kevin Granger of Come As U R was standing ringside bidding to the end on both of them. So its comes as no surprise when they took the opportunity to acquire full sibling embryos to Wiwa Creek Rush Lake. What does come as a surprise is that they allowed us access to her for this prestigious sale. The guess work is taken out of the equation on this heifer with a proven pedigree. We think this heifer will develop to look a lot like her dam.

page 24

Consigned by: Come As U R Angus // Kevin Granger // Storthoaks, SK // 306.485.8087

18 Extra-Age Open

Jaymarandy Erica 6021D

Dam - Young Dale Erica 56W

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1969191 :: JLMA 6021D :: Aug 13/16 :: bw-78

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam -Young Dale Erica 56W (Young Dale Panarama 66T) Granddam - Young Dale Polyanna 22P CE 8.5 BW 1.2 WW 48 YW 82 Milk 23 TM 47 MCE 7.5 An extra age open female that puts it together with extra style and presence.Whether you want to hang a halter on her in the future or invest in her to be a future cornerstone female, Erica 6021D has a lot to offer. Extremely fancy in her type plus an exceptional hair coat with a docile demeanour and fluid movement in a sound structure enables 6021D to rise to the top as a true feature on August 25. Backed by a great donor female who is moderate yet adds power in Young Dale Erica 56W, she currently has 11 registered progeny and is the backbone to the Jaymarandy program. The great Pollyanna 22P also graces this stacked pedigree and adds production value and consistency to the lineage. A big time EPD profile backs 6021D as she is in the top 10% for CE, top 25% for BW-TM-REA, top 30% for MILK and top 35% for WW-YW-MCE. She offers it all and will be an easy one to appreciate come sale day. Retaining the right to one successful flush at buyers convenience and sellers expense.

Consigned by: Jaymarandy Livestock // Mark Angus // Beausejour, MB // 204.281.5099

page 25

20 Bred Heifer

Anderson Tibbie 6003

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1947506 :: GEOF 3D :: Jan 27/16 :: bw-79 :: ww-707

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam - Anderson Tibbie 4000 (FF Stimulant Y40) CE 5.8

BW 2.7 WW 53

YW 93

Milk 27 TM 49

MCE 4.3

Service Sire - ICC Pay Raise 4886

Motive has significantly advanced many programs worldwide but maybe no more than the great impact he has left for Anderson Cattle. Geoff and Lacey dug deep and offered the very best female born from their 2016 calf crop in this exceptional female. From the heart of their show string, they are offering Anderson Tibbie 6003 who is an absolutely dominant individual that carries herself with presence and has future donor wrote all over her. She is backed by a perfect uddered cow family with her granddam originally being purchased out of the inaugural Power & Perfection Sale from J Square S and has continued to be a great producer. Tibbie 6003 will be a true sale feature and combines an ideal phenotype with a stacked pedigree and impressive set of curve bending numbers being in the top 30% for CE and top 15% for WW & YW with an added bonus of top 8% for MILK and top 20% for TM. Not often does the Anderson program market females but they have committed to put their very best forward with Anderson Tibbie 6003 for this special event. AI bred to ICC Pay Raise 4886 :: Due January 30, 2018 page 26

Consigned by: Anderson Cattle // Geoff & Lacey Anderson // Bethune, SK // 306.731.7921

21 Bred Heifer

Greenwood Pride JJP 3D

Mat. Sister - Greenwood Pride 3B

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1904845 :: JJP 3D :: Feb 10/16 :: bw-79 :: ww-673 :: yw-1121

Sire - S AV 004 Density 4336 (004) Dam - Bar-E-L Pride 118Z (Iron Mountain 8066) CE 3

BW 3.4 WW 45

YW 78

Milk 13 TM 35


Dam - Bar-E-L Pride 118Z

Future donor is in the making here from Greenwood Angus! The Payne boys know quality and surround themselves with the strongest genetics in the industry and Greenwood Pride 3D is a prime example of that. Big time pedigree here with one of the great female producers on the top side in Density 4336 as his daughters are among the most sought after genetics in existence. When you combine the great Density with a past Angus Collection high seller on the bottom side, Bar-E-L Pride 118Z, the guess work is taken out in this exciting female. This isn’t Pride 118Z first rip of a daughter either, she produced a $10,500 that sold through the Collection Sale to 3E Cattle Co and has been very productive for their progressive program. It is not an easy task breeding cattle of the quality that Greenwood Pride 3D possess; when combined with an early service to the great Motive, we are certain great things will happen. One of the very best ever offered from Greenwood! Retaining the right to one successful flush at buyers convenience and sellers expense. AI bred to Soo Line Motive 9016 :: Due January 13, 2018 Consigned by: Greenwood Angus // Jayden, Jaxon Payne // Lloydminster, SK // 306.821.2260

page 27

22 Bred Heifer

Brooking Annie K 6133

Dam - Soo Line Annie K 2176

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1906282 :: JSTN 133D :: Mar 6/16 :: bw-82 :: ww-664

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam - Soo Line Annie K 2176 (S A V Best Interest 0136) CE 7

BW 2.7 WW 48

YW 87

Milk 29 TM 53


Granddam - Soo Line Annie K 9165

Brooking Angus Ranch dug deep to consign the best Motive breds they had for this sale. Here is none other than one from the Annie K cow family. A full sister sold for $32,000 to MTC and Wiwa Creek. A full sister to the dam produced the $95,000 high selling Brooking Firebrand 6068.The grandam was the 2012 RBC Supreme Champion Female and has avg $21,600 on five progeny going to Canada, United States and Mexico. The third dam won the 2009 World Angus Forum. This cow family never misses and imagine owning your own Annie K. AI bred to SAV Sensation 5615 :: Due on January 13, 2018

page 28

Consigned by: Brooking Angus Ranch // Justin & Tawnie Morrison // Radville, SK // 306.536.4590

23 Bred Heifer

Brooking Royal Lass 6001

Sire - S Titlest 1145

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1906198 :: JSTN 1D :: Jan 1/16 :: bw-65 :: ww-702

Sire - S Titlest 1145 (Lincoln W144) Dam - Brooking Royal Lass 4055 (Soo Line Motive 9016) CE 9

BW -1.1 WW 51

YW 90

Milk 33 TM 59

MCE 7.3

Full sib to dam - Brooking Deja Vu 4038

One of the top qualities of Soo Line Motive 9016 is that his daughters are productive. Here is a great example of what a Motive daughter can raise on her first try. The dam is a full sister to Brooking Deja Vu 4038, who is the sire of the great heifer consigned by Windy Hill Livestock. Brooking Royal Lass 6001 is long bodied, stout made and combines a -1.1 BW and a +33 Milk EPD.The grandam was a $22,000 purchase out of the historic Soo Line dispersal where her son was the high selling bull to Werner, Ellingson and Genex. Note the fourth dam is the dam of SAF 598 Bando 5175. Talk about a powerful cow family. AI bred to SAV Sensation 5615 :: Due on January 13, 2018

Consigned by: Brooking Angus Ranch // Justin & Tawnie Morrison // Radville, SK // 306.536.4590

page 29

24 Bred Heifer

Brooking Dixie Erica 6123

Mat. Brother - Brooking Commotion 4068

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1906274 :: JSTN 123D :: Feb 23/16 :: bw-65 :: ww-652

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam - Duff ML 505 Erica 712-7159 (O C C Missing Link 830M) CE 8.5

BW -1.7 WW 50

YW 79

Milk 23 TM 48


Maternal Sister - Brooking Erica 5078

Motive will make them moderate framed, well made, easy fleshing and great uddered. Brooking Dixie Erica 6123 is a testament to those facts. A maternal brother, Brooking Commotion 4068, sold to Vollmer Angus Ranch and is the dam of their heifer in this sale. The dam has a nursing ratio of 109 on 8 progeny and is from the famed Dixie Erica 001 cow family cherished by Duff Cattle Co. The service to Bank note could be the ticket. Bred to Brooking Bank Note 4040 :: Due on March 6, 2018

page 30

Consigned by: Brooking Angus Ranch // Justin & Tawnie Morrison // Radville, SK // 306.536.4590

25 Bred Heifer

Brooking Maureen Emile 6169

Dam - BAX Maureen Emile 243-559

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1906302 :: JSTN 169D :: Mar 26/16 :: bw-80 :: ww-693

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam - BAX Maureen Emile 243-559 (O C C Emblazon 854E) CE 10

BW 0.6 WW 37

YW 64

Milk 22 TM 41

MCE 5.5

Mat. Sister - Brooking Maureen Emilie 5021

If you like females to be moderate, easy fleshing, great uddered and last well into their teens than look no further than Brooking Maureen Emily 6169. The dam is still going strong at 14 years of age and looks half that. She maintains her fleshing ability rear round with an impeccable udder and has elite status with the CAA. Note early service to the $650,000 SAV Sensation 5615. Wow what a resulting combination of Sensation x Motive x Emblazon 854E. AI bred to SAV Sensation 5615 :: Due on January 13, 2018

Consigned by: Brooking Angus Ranch // Justin & Tawnie Morrison // Radville, SK // 306.536.4590

page 31

26 Bred Heifer

Brooking Rosilla 6036

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1906222 :: JSTN 36D :: Jan 16/16 :: bw-62 :: ww-697

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam - Brooking Rosilla 4069 (Buford Ranch HandY194) CE 6.5

BW -0.2 WW 45

YW 85

Milk 27 TM 51


Service Sire - Brooking Bank Note 4040

Here is a tank of a Motive daughter that her footnotes sound like a broken record called “Motive Daughters.� She is moderate, easy fleshing, fertile, low birth weight and shows great udder development. All synonymous of Motive Daughters. Early service to Bank Note will be sure to return profit. AI bred to Brooking Bank Note 4040 :: Due on January 13, 2018

page 32

Consigned by: Brooking Angus Ranch // Justin & Tawnie Morrison // Radville, SK // 306.536.4590

27 Bred Heifer

Brooking Countess 6045

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1906228 :: JSTN 45D :: Jan 19/16 :: bw-74 :: ww-537

Sire - Brooking Bank Note 4040 (Earnan 076E) Dam - Brooking Countess 239 (Hoover Dam) CE 2

BW 1.4 WW 49

YW 92

Milk 22 TM 47


Mat. Sister - Brooking Countess 5001

Brooking Countess 6045 has a long and angular front end with a maternal look and is sired by the $125,000 phenom, Brooking Bank Note 4040. She has a very gentle disposition to be around and looks a lot like her dam. A maternal sister was successfully shown by Hillary Sauder. Possibly the best heifer calf to be in Brooking’s fall online sale this November is a maternal sister. The dam has produced well and Brooking Countess 6045 will be sure to follow the same footsteps with early service to Motive. AI bred to Soo Line Motive 9016 :: Due on January 13, 2018

Consigned by: Brooking Angus Ranch // Justin & Tawnie Morrison // Radville, SK // 306.536.4590

page 33


Brooking Patty Queen 6076

Bred Heifer

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 395873 :: JSTN 76D :: Feb 2/16 :: bw-67 :: ww-676

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam -WJ Patty Queen 2397Z (XO Crowfoot Joker 8814U) CE n/a

BW n/a WW n/a

YW n/a

Milk n/a TM n/a

MCE n/a

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016

Motive progeny are in demand especially from the commercial producer because they cover the basics. They are born easily, grow well to weaning, have above average fleshing ability, are fertile, good structure and have beautiful udders. Brooking Patty Queen 6076 meets those credentials and will be a production factory for years to come. Bred to Brooking Bank Note 4040 :: Due on March 6, 2018

page 34

Consigned by: Brooking Angus Ranch // Justin & Tawnie Morrison // Radville, SK // 306.536.4590

29 Bred Heifer

Brooking Erica 6110

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1906263 :: JSTN 110D :: Feb 15/16 :: bw-78 :: ww-603

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam - WJ Erica 2254Z (XO Crowfoot Joker 8814U) CE 5

BW 1.8 WW 40

YW 66

Milk 22 TM 42


Service Sire - Boyd Authority 3100

Brooking Erica 6110 is straight in her lines, smooth made and has perfect udder development. The Motive daughters all have great udders and they definitely get that from his dam TLA Beauty 5R. We have a few calves on the ground by the service sire Boyd Authority 3100 and they come easily, grow well, look good and are backed by one of the influential cow families of the breed, Forever Lady. AI bred to Boyd Authority 3100 :: Due on January 13, 2018

Consigned by: Brooking Angus Ranch // Justin & Tawnie Morrison // Radville, SK // 306.536.4590

page 35

30 Bred Heifer

Brooking Dixie 6112

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1906265 :: JSTN 112D :: Feb 17/16 :: bw-63 :: ww-592

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam - WJ Dixie 2307Z (WJ Joker 281X) CE 12

BW -1.8 WW 40

YW 68

Milk 22 TM 42


Service Sire - S A V Sensation 5615

I think a lot of people will find Brooking Dixie 6112 on sale day. She has a neat look, is functionally designed with no holes and straight lines. She is the kind you want 100 of. Note her -1.8 BW and early service to the $650,000 SAV Sensation. AI bred to SAV Sensation 5615 :: Due on January 13, 2018

page 36

Consigned by: Brooking Angus Ranch // Justin & Tawnie Morrison // Radville, SK // 306.536.4590

31 Bred Heifer

Brooking Pridemere 6116

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1906269 :: JSTN 116D :: Feb 18/16 :: bw-74 :: ww-599

S - Soo Line Motive 9016 (HF Kodiak 5R) D - Crowfoot CJ Pridemere 7720T (Equation 5793R) CE 9

BW -0.4 WW 36

YW 67

Milk 23 TM 41


Service Sire - Brooking Bank Note 4040

A Motive daughter out of an excellent cow from the Crowfoot Dispersal. It will be easy to say this cow will be a production source for years to come. The Crowfoot cows are known to have excellent feet, good udders, easy fleshing ability, gentle dispositions, and produce. Brooking Pridemere 6116 is bred for a January calf to the $125,000 Brooking Bank Note 4040. AI bred to Brooking Bank Note 4040 :: Due on January 13, 2018

Consigned by: Brooking Angus Ranch // Justin & Tawnie Morrison // Radville, SK // 306.536.4590

page 37


Cowtrax Blackbird 120D

Bred Heifer

Sire - Six Mike Blackhawk Down 101B

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1953636 :: CSX 120D :: Feb 26/16 :: bw-85 :: ww-639

S - Six Mile Blackhawk Down 101B (Harvestor 0338) D - Breed Creek Blackbird 3003 (Motive 9016) CE 3.5

BW 2.5 WW 54

YW 97

Milk 25 TM 52

MCE 3.5

Service Sire - HF On The Money 150C

Pound for pound, Colt Kornfeld is one of the most progressive young breeders in the Angus industry today. The Cowtrax program cuts no corners in adding the very best to their program and Cowtrax Blackbird 120D is the first female offered and a prime example of the high quality stock that the produce in the heart of cattle country in southern Saskatchewan. Stacked pedigree with the likes of Blackhawk, Harvestor, Motive, Bismarck and Final Answer represented and a direct daughter of Blackbird 3003 who is a moderate framed female with extra thickness and beautiful udder. This productive dam produced another full sister and that is one of the reasonings we were able to convince Colt to let 120D go. Her sire, Blackhawk is the $104,000 valued bull from Six Mile whose daughters are truly an exceptional group and will be great cornerstone genetics to build around. She carries the service of one of the best bulls for low birth to high growth, thickness and power in HF On The Money 150C. AI bred to HF On The Money 150C :: Due February 7, 2018 page 38

Consigned by: Cowtrax Cattle Co // Colt Kornfeld // Val Marie, SK // 306.298.7745


VAR Style 6414

Bred Heifer

Sire - Brooking Commotion 4068

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 18647979 :: 6414 :: bd-April 2/16

Sire - Brooking Commotion 4068 (Prosecutor 222) Dam -VAR Style 344 (Barstow Cash) CE 10

BW -0.4 WW 62

YW 109

Milk 26 TM n/a

MCE n/a

Service Sire - Panther Cr Incredible 6704

We are excited to have Vollmer Angus Ranch to consign a heifer to the Motive Event all the way from Wing, North Dakota. When we chatted with Troy and Tony about consigning, they said they wanted to bring their best. That is quite the feat when Vollmers operate a 575+ cow operation. VAR Style 6414 is just an April born heifer that lives highly up to her name, Style.VAR Style 6414 holds her head high on the move and is clean fronted with a swoop to her rib and has that attentive look. She has been successfully shown and at minimum won her class several times out. If you are looking for a heifer ready to compete this fall here is your opportunity. More importantly she is bred to Krebs Ranch newly acquired junior herdsire Panther Cr Incredible 6704. VAR Style 6414 is a first calf from a beautiful Barstow Cash daughter. Talk about outcross genetics for Canada. AI bred to Panther Cr Incredible 6704 :: Due March 13, 2018 Consigned by: Vollmer Angus Ranch // Wing, SD // Troy Vollmer 701.214.0311 // Tony Heins 701.400.4435

page 39

35 Bred Heifer

River Rock Blackbird 614D

Sire - Soo Line Locomotive 1403

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1978294 :: ADV 614D :: Jan 3/16 :: bw-80 :: ww-770

S - Soo Line Locomotive 1403 (Motive 9016) D - River Rock Blackbird 262Z (S A V Pioneer 7301) CE 2.5

BW 1.9 WW 42

YW 74

Milk 22 TM 43

MCE 4.5

Mat. Grandsire - S A V Pioneer 7301

With Motive stacked on top of Pioneer, you know the maternal strength is endless in this female. River Rock Blackbird 614D hit the show road in the summer of 2016 for the Van Sickle kids as she rose to the top of the pen and was their pick to show as a calf. She is very good natured and will add extra shape, muscle and overall soundness to her future progeny. A strong cow family backs 614D as Blackbird is world-famous and her dam, 262Z has been very productive producing a high selling son in 2014, daughter retained in herd in 2015, this gem in 2016 and has one of the strongest calves at side her now in 2017. The exciting mating of Northline Dr Doom 710B will add value to her first call as this calving ease sire is backed by the very popular Daines Heavy Si 57Z. Heavy Si progeny have been dominant north and south of the border and his exclusive genetics will be in high demand. Exposed to Northline Dr Doom 710B from March 28 to May 29 (Safe - Due mid-January 2018) page 40

Consigned by: River Rock Angus // Dereck Van Sickle & Andrea Rutherford // Innisfail, AB // 403.357.7571

36 Bred Heifer

River Rock Eileenmere 633D

Maternal Brother - 4101

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1978295 :: ADV 633D :: Jan 7/16 :: bw-78 :: ww-790

S - Soo Line Locomotive 1403 (Motive 9016) D - River Rock Eileenmere 1114Y (Kodiak 905W) CE 6.5

BW 1.5 WW 47

YW 70

Milk 18 TM 37

MCE 5.5

Service Sire - Northline Dr Doom 710B

Here is one long, smooth, attractive, high performing individual that is very complete in her type backed by a highly productive cow family at River Rock. Her dam, Eilenmere 1114Y is one of the best females they run and her production includes high selling sons in both their 2015 & 2016 Bull Sale and this outstanding daughter coming to us in 2017. As we all admire production in cow families, it is hard to ignore the value that the Eilenmere have done in the past and will continue to do in the future. 633D is sired by the popular Blairs.Ag sire, Soo Line Locomotive 1403 who has constantly added marketability through adding extra maternal strength with calving ease in the top 10% of the breed. Here is a chance to invest in a young female with years of potential earning power ahead of her and mated up to an exciting new sire. Exposed to Northline Dr Doom 710B from March 28 to May 29 (Safe - Due late-January 2018) Consigned by: River Rock Angus // Dereck Van Sickle & Andrea Rutherford // Innisfail, AB // 403.357.7571

page 41

37 Bred Heifer

Buschbeck Jocelyn 8205D

Sire - Brooking Prosecutor 222

________________________ ________________________ PB Angus 1916535 :: MBAR 8205D :: Jan 18/16 :: bw-70

S - Brooking Prosecutor 222 (Motive 9016) D - Buschbeck Foxy 8004B (Advantage 166W x Pride 0404) CE 6.3

BW -0.2 WW 62

YW 106

Milk 29 TM 50

MCE 7.5

Granddam - Soo Line Pride 0404

Here is an absolute early favourite of all that have toured through the sale cattle. As Matt Buschbeck wants to continue to grow his program, he has excitedly agreed to sell this female as she is the best he has raised to date. One can’t say enough about the potential Jocelyn 8205D carries with a powerful, easy-doing phenotype stacked on top of a sweet pedigree and backed by great EPD’s. Her sire, Prosecutor 222 is one of the best kept secrets in the business due to a low semen inventory but he has one of the most impressive EPD profiles and is proven with producing a $40,000 daughter as well. Her dam, is a model young cow that stems back to the Soo Line Pride 0404 that has been so influential in Ontario Angus sales and for the Buschbeck program. When mated to the proven Brooking Bank Note 4040 for an early February calf, the earning potential in 8205D is very evident and quick return on investment is almost a certainty. AI bred to Brooking Bank Note 4040 :: Due February 4, 2018 (Safe) page 42

Consigned by: Buschbeck Cattle Co. // Matt Buschbeck // 519.477.3431

38 Bred Heifer

WHL Brooke 1629D

Sire - Brooking Deja Vu 4038

________________________ ________________________

1/2 SimAngus 1200516 :: WHL 1629D :: bd-Jan 28/16 :: bw-78 :: ww-881 :: yw-1100 Sire - Brooking DejaVu 4038 (Motive 9016) Dam - JR Brooke (Broker x Dixie Erica cow family) CE 9.2

BW 0.8 WW 61.6

YW 99.7

Milk 18.9

MCE 4.3

Mat. Grandsire - Mr Hoc Broker

With great excitement, we present you WHL Brooke 1629D! As the SimAngus cattle continue to create huge excitement in Canada and throughout North America, you would have to travel thousands of miles to find one in the same league as Brooke 1629D. Her phenotype is flawless and to fault her in any way is near impossible to do as she is absolutely right for todays industry and to build any program moving forward. Her sire, Brooking Deja Vu 4038 was a $20,000 high seller that stems back to the great Werner Royal Lass 4218 donor female for Brooking with the breed leading Motive on the top side. Brooke 1629D’s dam, JR Brooke was purchased at the NAILE privately after Mike found her in the stall and had to have her and made an offer to the breeder he couldn’t ignore and got her bought ... she hasn’t disappointed. We have all heard the terms “great one” or “best we have ever seen” loosely thrown around with very few living up to those expectations BUT Brooke 1629D has everything on her side to live up to the hype and take the successful purchasers program to unchartered territories. Tested negative for BVD AI bred to Hooks Shear Force :: Due January 4, 2018 (Safe) Consigned by: Windy Hill Livestock // Mike & Shannon McDonald // Moose Jaw, SK // 306.631.4103

page 43

39 Bred Heifer

Muirheads Lenore 4D

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016

________________________ ________________________ 1/2 SimAngus 1180241 :: LWM 4D :: bd-Mar 17/16 :: bw-65 :: ww-670

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam - Muirheads Lenore 44B (Mr HOC Broker) CE 11.5

BW -0.9 WW 56.9

YW 94.8

Milk 20.2 MCE 4.3

Mat. Grandsire - Mr Hoc Broker

The Muirhead family is a stickler for quality through cow families and as Justin says “the Lenore cow family is full of good bitches that produce!”. Her dam, Lenore 44B is a beauty of a young cow with an ideal udder and strong foot and is on the short list of future donor females for their. When you combine 2 breed legends from the Simmental and Angus industry in Motive and Broker, a truly special breeding piece was formed. With so much maternal in her pedigree, you have to also admire her phenotype loaded with extra stoutness, muscle and overall natural shape with a clean appearance on a sound structure. This powerful female started at just 65 pounds but hasn’t looked back a day since. It isn’t easy making females of this quality and it sure isn’t easy getting breeders to sell them too, so when they hit the open auction, it is your opportunity to jump on it and reap the benefits of many years of prosperous production. AI bred to HTP SVF In Dew Time & naturally bred to 3C 6329D :: Due February 27, 2018 page 44

Consigned by: Muirhead Cattle Co // Justin & Amanda - Ward & Laurie // Shellbrook, SK // 306.747.8192

40 Bred Heifer

Muirheads Crocus 8D

Service Sire - HTP SVF In Dew Time

________________________ ________________________ 1/2 SimAngus 1180922 :: LWM 8D :: bd-Mar 21/16 :: bw-75 :: ww-670

Sire - Soo Line Motive 9016 (Kodiak 5R) Dam - 3C Crocus 4771B (TNT Tanker U263) CE 12.4

BW -0.7 WW 54.7

YW 86.1

Milk 22.6

MCE 8.8

Mat. Grandsire - TNT Tanker U263

The progressive Muirhead program has dove deep to offer some of their very best from their impressive cow herd. Muirheads Crocus 8D exemplifies what they build upon with a beautiful udder structure and strong feet backed by production females. She is incredibly complete in her phenotype starting with an attractive head, extended front end with a smooth, flat shoulder. This long, deep bodied female is square hipped with ample muscle shape with extra eye appeal in a fault free package. Her sire needs no introduction as one of the maternal giants in the business and when mated with the 3C Crocus 4771B, a great mating was the result. Crocus 8D was the result of a first calf heifer and her dam has done it once again with one of the best bull calves at Muirhead’s this year. When investing in females that’ll produce, Crocus 8D checks off all the boxes to become a highly productive cornerstone female with longevity backed by a great cow family. Bred to the highly-proven, maternal, calving ease sire In Dew Time. AI bred to HTP SVF In Dew Time :: Due February 13, 2018 Consigned by: Muirhead Cattle Co // Justin & Amanda - Ward & Laurie // Shellbrook, SK // 306.747.8192

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Sa l es Ma n ag ement B o hrs on Marketing Ser vices Scott Bohrson 403 Geoff Anderson 306 Darr yl Snider 780 Taylor Richards 306 Rob Voice 306 Mar tin Bohrson 306

370 731 385 821 361 220

3010 7921 5561 4169 6775 7901

Sales Staff Col. Ryan Dorran Rod McLeod, Ringman Craig Flewelling, Ringman Cassie Dorran, Insurance

507 540 556 507

6483 7986 0515 5953

403 403 403 403

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 4 pm - Vi e w i n g o f s al e c at tl e 6 pm - Me al & So c i al 7 p m - Th e Mo t i ve Eve n t 8 pm - En te r tai n m e n t t o f o l l ow f rom on e o f A l b e r t a’s m o s t p o p u l ar b a n ds , t h e Tw o Bi t Ban d i t s

Ac comoda tions Ramada Olds 403 507 8349 500 6700 46th Street Olds, AB T4H 0A2 *ask for the Mark Stock rate Te rms & Co nditions Cattle will sell under the standard terms & conditions put for ward from the CAA and BMS. These are available upon request. Ca t a l og d es ig n by B ohrson Mark eting The information printed has been supplied by the seller and believe to be accurate. Updated sheets and announcements from the block will take precedence over any incorrect printed material. Onli n e Viewing & Bidding

FA MI LY E VE N T Ki d f ri e nd l y a ct i v i t i e s & bo u ncy ho u se too


DIRECTIONS From Red Deer :: HWY 2 South - East on HWY 27 - South on Range Road 283 until you hit a stop sign - Back west 1/2 mile & the 1st place on north side From Calgary :: HWY 2 North - East on HWY 582 - North on Range Road 283 until you hit a stop sign - Back west 1/2 mile & the 1st place on north side From Three Hills :: Take HWY 583 straight west - 583 turns into TWP RD 320 and you will come to Bohrson’s at 28336 TWP RD 320

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