Wild Coast sample

Page 29

Cliffs & headlands


Below With great good luck you could see an Orca from the cliffs of Sumburgh Head, Shetland.

Far right The

scarce species such as Long-

Puffins. You may also see

the bridge that remains, but

tailed Skua sometimes go by in

Choughs and Ravens, and the

there are many other spots to

impressive numbers. The various

cliffs command wonderful views

walk or just sit. In autumn,

other headlands prominent

along the coast. It is also well

birdwatchers come in droves to

headlands in Co. Clare and also

worth visiting the Burren itself

do the latter, training their

Co. Kerry and Co. Cork can also

– 250 square kilometres of ‘karst

telescopes on the expanse of the

offer spectacular seawatching.

landscape’, which holds a huge

deter you from walking across

variety of plantlife and is also

Atlantic in the hope that rare seabirds will fly past. Extreme

Cliffs of Moher, Co Clare

excellent for insects. Local

rarities that have been seen here

The 120-metre cliffs at the

specialities include the Burren

Cliffs of Moher, in

include Fea’s Petrel, a globally

south-western edge of the flat,

Green moth, and the beetle

County Clare, have

threatened species that breeds

rocky moonscape of the Burren

Ochthebius nilsonni, which is

nesting seabirds and

only on the Cape Verde Islands

are home to tens of thousands of

only found at four other sites in

and Madeira Islands, while

nesting seabirds, including

the world.

unusual invertebrates.


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Cliffs & headlands

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