The Fat Burn Revolution

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2 : get real, get results

time as shedding fat you are going to be gaining willpower, confidence and self-motivation, which will be reflected in all areas of your life. This will happen gradually, bit by bit. You probably won’t even notice it at first, but by the end you’ll be aware that something feels different inside. You will have become someone who gets up and takes the necessary action whether you feel energetic, motivated and inspired, or not. The deeper you embed your healthy habits by repeating them consistently, the easier it will be to stay on course in the long term and, should you ever waiver off-course, the clearer your road map

ever achieve anything so that it can complain even

back to fitness will be. I said in Chapter 1 that you

more. That voice might pipe up a lot during the first

should not expect the training to ease once you

few weeks, by the way. But that’s OK, just exercise

have ‘mastered’ the programme, because that won’t

anyway. The more you ignore it, the quieter it’ll get.

happen. However, as the weeks go by you will find

Motivation and willpower come and go in waves

that getting yourself to do the training will become

for even the keenest among us and sometimes there

less of struggle. There are many reasons for this.

are days when even having established good habits

For a start you’ll be fitter and more energetic, plus

isn’t enough to get us off our backsides. However,

you really excited about continuing. But perhaps the main thing that’s going to make lacing up your training shoes feel like a natural part of your day is that it will have simply become part of your normal routine. Once you’ve got into the habit of doing the workouts and your mind starts to realise that it’s a non-negotiable part of your day, you won’t hear half so much whingeing and excuse-making from that whiny voice in your head that doesn’t want you to

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seeing your new body shape emerge is going to get

there is one thing that can absolutely guarantee your success if only you choose to embrace it. That is

commitment, and we will be looking at that in more detail in the next chapter.

I can only give you the map, it’s you who has to make the journey.

29/08/2013 14:32

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