Warming up

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Running-specific warm-ups

Running-specific warm-up exercises The exercises described in the following section are applicable to runners of all speeds and abilities. Jog for a minimum of 5 minutes before performing them and progress gradually in terms of distance, reps and sets (the drills covered in the previous two chapters can also be included). Suggested reps and sets are provided but these are for guideline purposes only.

Ex 4.1 Lunge walk Benefits This exercise loosens up the hips and hamstrings and strengthens the quads, glutes and hamstring muscles. How to perform Take a large step forward into a lunge then step forward into another lunge. Keep your chest up and look straight ahead, co-ordinating arm and leg movements (opposite arm to leg). Keep your knee behind your ankle when planting on each lunge.

Do: 4 x 20m

Ex 4.2 High knee march Benefits This exercise benefits the hip flexor muscles and ankle strength and improves the running drive phase. How to perform Extend onto the toes of one leg, while lifting the thigh parallel to the ground. Next, dynamically drive this leg towards the ground to strike it on your forefoot, while lifting the other to a thigh’s parallel position. Repeat. Co-ordinate your arms with your legs and keep the chest elevated throughout. The speed of the drill can be increased as the warm-up progresses.

Do: 4 x 15m Progressions Perform with arms held straight over head (see photo) or perform holding a Powerbag or weights disc at arm’s length.


ST for Runners (bloomsbury).indd 39

06/11/2012 17:17

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