Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing Research Report 2020-2022

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Around the world and here at home, the impact of a global pandemic on our mental health has been immense. While nurses and health care providers continue to face the challenges of burnout from a resourcestrapped health care system, and society as a whole is still reeling from living with uncertainty, researchers at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing have continued to excel as leaders in their fields of expertise, particularly in their efforts to address mental health.

In addition to understanding the impact of mental health challenges among various populations from youth to young adults and beyond, Bloomberg Nursing faculty are also exploring innovative and timely interventions to address mental health concerns with a goal of improving lives and our health care system.

You will find in our 2022 Research Report, nursing perspectives on research that are often overlooked, like the quality of palliative care for pediatric patients, the lack of research in student and youth mental health on an international scale, and the need for fundamental changes to the nursing workforce, to address the significant toll of bur nout.

For over a century Bloomberg Nursing has been a leader in nursing research because we do not shy away from the hard questions, we meet them and set out to solve them, boldly. As we emerge from this tumultuous time, our faculty will continue to position themselves at the forefront of ground-breaking and collaborative research that drives improvements in patient care and health outcomes, as we look to shape the future of nursing together.


At the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, a driving force behind our innovative research, is a goal to improve health care and the lives of our patients. Our commitment to this goal, in particular in the area of mental health, is noteworthy.

For over two years, each of us has felt the difficult weight of the global pandemic, and there is no escaping the fact that mental health has become one of the greatest challenges facing society and the nursing workforce today.

In our 2022 Research Report, we are highlighting our world-leading research on mental health led by faculty members and students, who seek to bring to the forefront the often understudied and overlooked perspectives of various patient populations, including nurses themselves. As leaders, with expertise across the health care spectrum, Bloomberg nursing faculty and students are actively seeking bold solutions to some of health care’s most complex challenges, including mental health, both here in Canada and around the world.

Our faculty members are striving to understand the mental health challenges facing society today, and to develop solutions; from using technology to analyze and improve sleep in children with life-limiting diseases, to providing a voice for nurses who are suffering the consequences of relentless waves of an infectious disease, to leading the University of Toronto’s Student Youth and Mental Health Research Initiative. Our report brings into focus the importance of a nursing perspective and the impact that Bloomberg Nursing research is having on improving mental health and patient outcomes across the health care system, shaping the future of nursing for the next generation.

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Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing Kelly Metcalfe FAAN, FCAHS Associate Dean, Research & External Relations
Linda Johnston PhD, FEANS, FCAHS, FAAN Dean and Professor
This is Nursing in Action –at the forefront of innovations in mental health research
We are helping to shape the future of nursing.





Postpartum depression in fathers – why it matters 12












27 First nurse to win Sansar Burgundy Young Investigator Award for impact on south


Research Report 2020-2022 | 3 CONTENTS
............................................................................................................................... ......2 CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................... ................3
CREDITS: Publisher: Kelly Metcalfe Editor and Writer: Rebecca Biason Design: Ashley Howell for Editorial Assistant: Marian Smith ...............................................................................................................................
Building student mental health research on a global scale
Sleep disturbances in children with cystic fibrosis
The quest for good pediatric palliative care 10
Moral distress and mental health: nursing during Covid19
Rosenstadt research development program
Exploring self-management and a strengths-based approach for type 2 diabetes in Indigenous men, women and two-spirited individuals
SSHRC recipient explores silencing of nursing voices
Phd student receives GIPPEC grant to explore the role of PSW’s in end-of-life care for long-term care residents
Exploring loss of decision-making capacity and access to medical assistance in dying (MAID)
24 Awards & distinctions articles
FUNDING ........................................................................ 32 PEER REVIEWED
ARTICLES ............................. 44 IMPACT SPOTLIGHT ........................................................ 58 Centre
............................................... 58 The
................ 58
First nurse elected president of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
CIHR Mid-Career Investigator Prize funds new research into recovery of older adults after surgery
for Social Justice
Centre of Excellence in Long-Term Care
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QUINN GRUNDY Commercial determinants of health and impact on health services and consumer information
DENISE GASTALDO Health as a social phenomenon, with focus on migration and gender PROF. CRAIG DALE Fundamental nursing care needs of acute and critically ill adults PROF. LINDSAY JIBB Improving quality of life in children and adolescents with cancer PROF. DORIS HOWELL Optimizing quality of cancer care and empowering patients PROF. LIANNE JEFFS Patient safety, quality improvement and knowledge translation PROF. LISA CRANLEY Knowledge translation supporting health care providers’ decision-making PROF. KRISTIN CLEVERLEY Mental health nursing practice, research and education PROF. CHARLENE CHU Creating and evaluating technology to support the mobility and function of older adults with dementia in post-acute care PROF. CINDY-LEE DENNIS Maternal and paternal health outcomes and postpartum depression PROF. AARON CONWAY Improving patient safety during procedural sedation and analgesia PROF. EDITH HILLAN The health of women and newborns from a global perspective
World-class nursing scholars,
Research Report 2020-2022 | 5 PROF. KELLY METCALFE Prevention and treatment of hereditary breast and related cancers PROF. KATHERINE McGILTON Enhancing care of the older adult with cognitive impairment PROF. AMY WRIGHT Equitable access to culturally safe health care for Indigenous Peoples in Canada PROF. MARTINE PUTS Geriatric frailty and oncology, and the health of older adults PROF. KIM WIDGER Improving paediatric palliative and end-of-life care PROF. LINDA McGILLIS HALL Nurse workforce policy, work environments and patient safety PROF. CARLES MUNTANER Social inequities in health, social epidemiology and health disparities PROF. BONNIE STEVENS Assessment and management of pain in infants and children READ MORE ABOUT OUR FACULTY AT: PROF. ANN TOURANGEAU Nursing-related determinants of health care outcomes PROF. ROBYN STREMLER Improving sleep and health outcomes in infants, children and parents PROF. MONICA PARRY Patient-Oriented Research; Impact of Sex/Gender and Ethnicity across the Cardiovascular Disease Continuum PROF. SIOBAN NELSON History of the nursing profession PROF. ELIZABETH PETER Ethical concerns in community nursing, especially home care PROF. SAMANTHA MAYO Optimizing long-term health of cancer survivors PROF. LINDA JOHNSTON Pain management and long-term outcomes in the neonatal care environment PROF. JENNIFER STINSON Pain and symptom management of children and youth with chronic pain


Student engagement is an integral part of Associate Professor Kristin Cleverley’s research into student and youth mental health. For her, students are not just research participants, they are also partners in research design, and are currently helping shape the creation of one of the first global partnerships in student mental health research led by the University of Toronto.

Inlight, the University of Toronto’s Student Mental Research Initiative is chaired by Cleverley and aims to enhance student mental health and wellness in direct collaboration with students, institutions, and community partners through the creation of innovative and scalable research. In 2021, Cleverley received the prestigious Connaught Global Challenge Award from the University of Toronto as well the university’s inaugural Connaught Global Research Impact Program Award (C-GRIP), which supports international research mobility. The goal of the project is to address an existing critical gap in the field of student mental health research.

“Student mental health research in Canada is still in its infancy, and it is a shared global challenge,” says Cleverley, “what is exciting about Inlight and the Connaught funding we have received, is that we are able to create an international network of researchers with shared expertise, to move the science of student mental health forward.”

In partnership with international institutions such as King’s College London, the University of Sydney, and National Taiwan University, Inlight has fostered a global speaker series and global consensus conference to engage students first and foremost in high quality, impactful research that supports better student mental health on campus.

The purpose of this first phase of the funded project is to establish connections with global partners and lay the foundation for broader global research collaborations.

Rozina Somani, who is a member of the Global Student Working Group supporting the project, says the opportunities presented by phase one, including partnering with international researchers, has had a tremendous impact.

“As an international student, I have a unique perspective on the importance of accessible mental health services, and I understand the challenge that myself and my peers have faced throughout the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Somani, who is also a PhD student at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing pursuing a collaborative specialization in global health. “Being able to share

this knowledge with international partners to develop shared language and resources around mental health for students is momentous.”

The Global Student Working Group, with the support of the project Engagement Lead, Emma McCann, has been instrumental to developing the program’s successful global health speakers’ series. These virtual webinars share evidence-based knowledge and strategies around specific topics impacting students, such as classroom stressors, microaggressions, self-injury and self-harm.

The first of these events brought together researchers from over 25 countries.

Somani, alongside members of the Global Student Working Group from other partner universities, has had an integral role in co-designing the global consensus study to identify student mental health research priorities.

“Developing a shared understanding of what constitutes student mental health as definitions vary from country to country is so important,” says Somani. “With our continued focus on shared engagement, we are able to create a foundation from which we as researchers can build from.”

In phase two of the Connaught funded projects, the focus will turn to bolstering international research exchange with students from partner universities being welcomed to U of T and vice versa, allowing students to share their expertise on an international scale. The exchange program aims to be launched in the Spring of 2023.

McCann describes the underlying principle of phase two as one that recognizes students are part of a shared global community.

“Many of the challenges we have in supporting mental health is a shared challenge,” says McCann. “Recognizing that our students belong to a global community means that we also need shared solutions.”

In preparation for these international exchange opportunities, McCann and the global student working group are also co-designing e-modules that will serve as key preparations for international research exchange opportunities. These modules will feature components that help users gain a better understanding of mental health on campus, and as with everything being done through Inlight, are designed in collaboration with members from all partner universities. These e-modules can be taken by staff, faculty and researchers who want to gain a better understanding of the shared challenges facing students and their mental health.

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“The beauty of this project is its true global reach,” adds Somani. “The creation of a foundation of knowledge and the engagement of multiple collaborators, including students from various disciplines, allows us to have a true global perspective.”

Cleverley notes that these emerging international partnerships will have a profound impact on scaling up current work around student mental health, and will transform the way we understand and support student and youth mental health, leading to high-impact and long-term global outcomes.

“We are in the midst of codesigning evidence-based solutions and recommendations with, and for, students,” says Cleverley. “Students are our future researchers; they are our future mental health leaders.”

The beauty of this project is its true global reach”



Asking about someone’s sleep habits can help health care providers better understand a person’s mental health. According to Robyn Stremler, professor at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, asking about sleep can be a less stigmatizing way to inquire about a patient’s mental health, which can often lead to important discussions around stress, insomnia, and a range of issues that could be impacting a patient’s quality of life.

Stremler, who is also an adjunct scientist at SickKids hospital, is a sleep expert. Her research explores whether certain groups, such as infants, children in hospital, adolescent youth, and individuals who are postpartum, experience poor sleep. This key and often understudied perspective can help health care providers create targeted interventions to prevent poor mental health outcomes. In 2019, Stremler developed the SOmNI Sleep app, a mobile platform that aimed to help teens improve their sleep goals and overall health using wearable technology. Stremler’s objectives for focusing on sleep are many and include its profound correlation to a person’s mental health and wellbeing.

“There is considerable research showing that missing out on sleep increases your risk of developing anxiety or depressive symptoms,” says Stremler. “When we set out to understand sleep and sleep disturbances in certain populations, we are also looking at ways in which interventions might improve sleep to have a positive impact on a patient’s life.”

In an upcoming study Professor Stremler’s PhD student Jordana McMurray will be using actigraphy, a wearable device worn on the wrist to measure sleep, in adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis (CF). CF is the most common life-limiting genetic illness in Canadian youth and is caused by a mutation in the gene responsible for coding the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein. Lack of this protein affects many systems

in the body but most significantly affects the lungs and gastrointestinal tract where loss of CFTR function results in the production of thick mucus secretions.

“Improving our understanding of what sleep is like for those with CF, and including reasons for sleep disturbance, will give us a better sense of whether early interventions to improve sleep are needed” says McMurray, whose background as an RN, is in pediatric respiratory medicine at SickKids Hospital.

In her clinical work, McMurray witnessed a stark contrast in the sleep patterns of her pediatric CF patients, compared to patients with other respiratory disorders. This difference spurred her to consider exploring sleep in CF patients as part of her doctoral work.

Early in her PhD, McMurray conducted a systematic review looking at actigraph or self or parent-reported sleep for children and youth with CF, and found evidence of objectively measured sleep disturbance and poor self or parent-reported sleep quality in this population. The review also found 13 factors associated with poor sleep, including an association with poor mental health.

The review also revealed limitations including the lack of comparative studies and poor quality of current studies, stressing the need for additional high-quality comparative studies to better understand sleep and factors affecting sleep disturbance in this population. McMurray’s review also recommended that associations between sleep and mental health be further explored because the prevalence of anxiety and depression is significantly higher in CF populations.

McMurray’s exploratory study will aim to better understand sleep and sleep disturbance in those with CF compared to a healthy control group and will also examine relationships between sleep disturbance and symptoms of anxiety and depression in adolescents and young adults with CF.

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McMurray points out that “sleep and mental health are inextricably intertwined, and we do not often pay enough attention to this relationship.”

“Patients with CF are facing a life-limiting and serious illness, so their sleep is very often overlooked,” says Stremler. “However, Jordana’s research may provide evidence that earlier interventions in this group could help with their mental health and overall quality of life.”

To assess sleep and wakefulness, McMurray will use an actigraph device which contains an accelerometer and can determine how often the participant moves. A specialized computer program will then use an algorithm to assess minute by minute when sleep is taking place.

“One of the great benefits of using actigraphy, is that the device can be worn for longer periods of time, and we can

capture typical or usual sleep as it occurs daily compared to what might be assessed in a sleep lab,” says McMurray. In addition to this captured data, participants will also be provided with a number of self-reported questionnaires on sleep and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Interviews with CF participants will feature prominently to incorporate their voices and obtain a nuanced understanding of sleep in this population.

“From a research perspective, we have some good, established interventions that can improve sleep,” says Stremler, “therefore, if we see a relationship between poor sleep and higher rates of anxiety and depression for school aged youth, we can consider managing that concern earlier in order to ensure they have the best quality of life.”

There is considerable research showing that missing out on sleep increases your risk of developing anxiety or depressive symptoms.”
Stremler Professor, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing


International study aims to find core indicators to measure quality pediatric palliative care

Associate Professor Kimberley Widger has a lifelong vision, that any child diagnosed with a life-threatening condition, should receive optimal pediatric palliative care, in their location of choice, regardless of whether they survive or die from their condition. Her previous research has shown that not every child or family receives this kind of care, and that is concerning, particularly because of its potential impact on mental health.

“Good pediatric palliative care is family-centered, meaning it supports not only the child but the family as well,” says Widger who is also an Adjunct Scientist, and Nursing Research Associate with the Pediatric Advanced Care Team (PACT) at SickKids Hospital. “Recognizing that the family will live with the memories of their child’s illness and death for the rest of their lives is an important consideration from a mental health perspective, and something I hope to impact as a result of my research.”

Widger is currently launching an international study to identify the most important indicators of quality pediatric palliative care from the perspective of over 100 health professionals and 100 ill children and family members. The goal for Widger and her team of international researchers, will be to define from a large list, a core set of indicators that can be used across the field of pediatric palliative care research and clinical care, to measure the quality of care.

“We often look at what is easy to measure as opposed to what is most important to measure,” says Widger. “In the case of palliative care, we often measure the location of death, for example, as an indicator of quality of care, but that is likely not the best indicator of care quality for children.”

While Widger notes that 70 per cent of adults are cited as wanting to die at home, the statistics for children vary significantly. What Widger thinks will likely be observed from her study is that quality of life, managing symptoms, and providing tools to address anxiety and depression in family members will be considered far more important indicators of care quality.

Widger and her team will use an online survey called a Delphi study, translated into English, French and Spanish to elicit perspectives from around the world,

asking parents, children, and health care providers to rate the importance of over 100 quality indicators gathered from previous research. Those deemed critically important will be shared with study participants, who will also be asked to complete a Discrete Choice Experiment to create a ranked list of quality indicators. From this list, a core set of the 15 to 20 most important indicators will be identified for use in research and practice to assess care quality.

“The best kind of evidence to guide practice,” says Widger, “is a systematic review that combines results across many different studies, but that only works if everyone is measuring the same thing in the same way. This study will identify what should be measured.”

Widger’s future work will examine how to measure each indicator with a goal of advancing the field’s body of knowledge and research evidence to get better information about what is and is not working well in the field of pediatric palliative care.

Despite the likelihood that quality of life will be an important indicator of quality care, there is currently no good tool available to assess it in this population.

“Existing tools tend to focus on functional ability like walking to school or having trouble concentrating, but for seriously ill children they may be more concerned with feeling ‘normal’, maintaining relationships or being with people they care about,” says Widger. “That is important to take note of and include in how we measure and maximize the child’s quality of life.”

Children receiving palliative care are a challenging population to study. Obtaining the child’s perspective on the care they receive is often difficult because they may be either too sick or not have the cognitive ability to answer questions.

It is a challenge, too, for parents, who may be at their most vulnerable time, but are often willing to talk about their experiences to make things easier for other families.

Widger’s passion to make pediatric palliative care better stems from her early career experience working with a physician who had been providing palliative care for many years. She recalls seeing that care in action, and seeing it done well, changed her perspective on what

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palliative care should and could be.

“Most care providers do not know what excellent pediatric palliative care is or the difference it can make for families until they have seen it. From our previous research, we know that is often true for parents as well, who may not know that better or different care is available to meet their needs,” says Widger

Her study will aim to alleviate this kind of guessing game, by actively assessing care and seeking ways to ensure patients are receiving the highest caliber of care available. This in turn will have a direct impact on supporting positive mental health outcomes for the entire family.

“To me, that is what palliative care is about, creating the best possible experience for people going through a terrible situation,” says Widger. “I hope my research will continue to have an impact on the way care is assessed and provided to ultimately have a positive impact on the rest of the life of the family, including their physical and mental health.”

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Good pediatric palliative care is family-centered, meaning it supports not only the child but the family as well.”
Kimberley Widger Associate Professor
Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing



Cindy-Lee Dennis, a professor at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, has been studying the impact of postpartum depression on parents and children for much of her career. Evidence from her research has shown that maternal mental health and now paternal mental health, both have a significant impact on child developmental trajectories.

In a recent pan-Canadian study, published in the journal Depression and Anxiety, Dennis who also holds the Women’s Health Research Chair at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute at St. Michael’s Hospital, recruited 2,500 fathers in the first three weeks after the birth of their child and followed them for two years, to closely examine paternal mental health in the postpartum period.

The results found that 22 per cent of first-time fathers experienced high rates of both anxiety and depression at some point in the first year of their child’s life.

“Fathers matter too,” says Dennis. “We now have very good evidence that paternal mental health not only influences child development, but that there is also a strong relationship between maternal and paternal mental health, placing children at even greater risk if both parents are mentally unwell.”

Dennis’ study looked specifically at the comorbidity of anxiety and depression, where fathers experienced both conditions at the same time, and found rates were higher than expected, with one in four fathers reporting comorbid symptoms. The researchers also found that those at the highest risk of experiencing comorbidity had a previous history of mental health concerns, including reporting anxiety during the pregnancy, depression prior to the pregnancy, adverse childhood experiences and intimate partner violence.

“Mental health is often a chronic condition that reoccurs during stressful life events such as the birth of a new baby. Fathers who experience comorbidity are at higher risk of being treatment resistant and

are more likely to have suicidal thoughts than fathers who only experience one condition,” says Dennis. Currently in Ontario, it is recommended that mothers are screened for depression and anxiety both antenatally and postnatally. If they have symptoms, they are referred for a more detailed psychological assessment. The same should happen for fathers, argues Dennis, as part of standard care.

“If a mother is experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety then her partner should also be considered at high risk of experiencing mental health concerns and screened,” says Dennis.

One of the key recommendations from Dennis’ study is to expand mental health services to operate through a family-centered approach, where pre and postpartum screening as well as education about mental health symptoms, including where to seek assistance, are provided to both parents.

Through future research, Dennis hopes her work will assist in the development of evidence-based guidelines and interventions that emphasize familycentered mental health care. The goal Dennis says, is to break down the wall of stigma that persists around paternal mental health, with many fathers not realizing that what they are experiencing is common.

“A lack of awareness and traditional socializations around strength and weakness in men, all play a part in this lack of recognition around paternal depression and anxiety,” says Dennis. “We need to be sending the message to fathers that many struggle with the transition to fatherhood and that is ok -- support is available.”


If a mother is experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety then her partner should also be considered at high risk of experiencing mental health concerns and screened.”



Professor Elizabeth Peter ’s research is centered on understanding the moral conditions of nurses’ work environments using ethical and philosophical concepts as analytic lenses. Her approach aims to provide a deeper understanding of the ways in which political and institutional policies, as well as societal events, can impact the role of nurses, their environment, and their ability to provide care.

“I’m propelled to understand the conditions of people’s work, what constrains them, and what supports them ethically,” says Peter. “Over the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has emerged as an ongoing and significant crisis within nursing, impacting the profession on a global scale.”

In early 2020, Peter was a successful recipient of the University of Toronto’s, Toronto COVID-19 Action Initiative Grant, a fund of over $9 million aimed at accelerating support for high-impact research related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Peter’s goal was to investigate how nurses were coping in multiple settings, including long-term care, with the sudden arrival of this new and highly infectious disease.

“We chose to focus on long-term care because that is where the outbreak had the swiftest impact in terms of death and disease,” says Peter.

One method used as part of this four-part study, included interviews with Registered Practical Nurses (RPN’s), from across the province of Ontario, to gain a better understanding of what had occurred in long-term care settings and how it might be contributing to residents’ and nurses’ well-being.

Moral distress, as Peter describes it, occurs when it becomes difficult for an individual to uphold their ethical or moral responsibilities. In the case of these nurses, that included being able to provide a certain standard of care to their patients.

“We found in our results, that the majority of nurses focused quite heavily on the conditions of their work, describing it in one word as excruciating,” says Peter. Despite fear for themselves and this unknown virus, many of the study participants said they felt compelled to come to work, because of the deep bond they shared with residents and their families. But as the outbreak progressed, their distress heightened as they witnessed an untenable volume of their residents dying, while they themselves suffered from exhaustion.

“Many of these nurses felt that they could not provide an appropriate standard of care, and they were faced with further dehumanizing tasks like putting bodies in body bags, things usually funeral homes would do, without being able to grieve or even process the loss of these patients,” says Peter.

I’m propelled to understand the conditions of people’s work, what constrains them, and what supports them ethically,” says Peter. “Over the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has emerged as an ongoing and significant crisis within nursing, impacting the profession on a global scale.”
Professor Elizabeth Peter Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

This volume of death and inability to grieve, alongside the chaos of a broken long-term care system are what Peter and her research team found to be significant contributing factors to multiple mental health concerns and decisions to leave the workforce all together for many nurses.

To address this real and significant challenge of mental health among RPN’s, Peter’s research builds on decades of nursing scholarship that points to the need for work environments to allow for nurses to meet their ethical responsibilities.

“Thirty years ago, moral distress may have arisen because of institutionalized hierarchies and a considerable lack of voice from nurses,” says Peter, “now it is primarily a result of a lack of resources, understaffing and aggressive treatment at end of life, that is contributing to moral distress among nurses, and an inability to meet the needs of patients.”

Some recommendations that have come from Peter’s recent research highlight the need for systemic change in long-term care after decades of neglect including increased funding, and improved staffing levels especially for regulated staff like RPNs, alongside an increased voice and appreciation of their role.

“We are also recommending that organizations and employers educate nurses about realistic moral ideals when in crisis situations and to support them appropriately,” says Peter.

What this means is that educators and regulators need to openly acknowledge that ideals around effective nursing care cannot always be met and that nurses cannot continue to care if they, themselves, are not cared for.

“When faced with circumstances and environments that are far from optimal, people, including nurses, can only do their best,” says Peter.

Moving forward, Peter will be undertaking a new study examining the ethical implications for nurses who are caring for patients who remain unvaccinated for COVID19, a particularly timely study given the continuation of the pandemic and successive waves of infection.

“The goal of the study will be to offer a framework to conceptualize nurse’s compassion and moral identity,” says Peter, “We aim to understand how we can support both nurses, their mental health and the health of patients, throughout the latter stages of the pandemic.”

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Launched in the Fall of 2021, the Rosenstadt Research Development Program provides funded research training opportunities to undergraduate and graduate (MN) nursing students during the academic year. Students are embedded into a faculty member’s research program, providing them with valuable skillsets in the field of nursing science.

Quinn Grundy, an assistant professor at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing has relished the opportunity to invite students from the Rosenstadt program to join her research activities. Grundy, whose research is centered on the interactions between nursing and medically related industry including pharmaceutical and medical device companies, finds that students she works with, are not only brilliant, but come with a diverse background of research experience.

“I learn from my students, just as much as they learn from me,” says Grundy. “The Rosenstadt Program really provides that opportunity to expose students to the kinds of research nurses are leading and gives them a sense of the range of work that nurses are involved in from bench to bedside, health system and policy work.”

Larkin Davenport Huyer, (BScN 22) chose to participate in the Rosenstadt Program because she felt that it provided her with a unique opportunity to combine her previous interests in examining upstream topics in health with hands on care. Having previously completed a master’s in public health prior to pursuing a nursing degree, Davenport Huyer was also well versed in understanding how important research is in creating change at the population level.

“One of the things that drew me to Quinn’s work in particular, was that it focused on how nurses, clients and patients as well as the culture of care they are exposed to,

can be shaped by corporations or health system policy,” says Davenport Huyer.

As part of Grundy’s program of research, Davenport Huyer was able to explore the role of the pharmaceutical company-employed nurse “ambassador.” These are nurses who are employed or contracted by pharmaceutical companies to provide medication-related care to patients who are prescribed complex, injectable medicines for chronic conditions. This might include teaching patients how to self-inject medication, on-call telephone support, or teaching strategies to help patients remember to take their medications. Grundy’s study was largely focused on the Australian health care system, but it has significant policy implications for Canada as well.

“I think we noticed that there was potential for this kind of practice to be harmful from a policy perspective as well as having direct implications for the client/patient,” says Davenport Huyer. “Because the nurse works for a corporation, this could mean the nurse “ambassador” is removed from a patient’s care team, and a host of concerns could arise around privacy and control of patient data.”

As a Rosenstadt student, Davenport Huyer was able to provide research support on a range of activities, with an opportunity to also emphasize her leadership capabilities. From writing grant proposals to data cleaning and analysis, her role has been instrumental to Grundy’s work. “I believe research is imperative for a career in health care,” says Davenport Huyer. “It allows you the chance to innovate and provide better care for populations.”


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Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing Associate Professor Craig Dale is an ICU nurse whose research is focused on fundamental patient care for acute and chronically, critically ill adults including oral hygiene,
I believe research is imperative for a career in health care.”
Larkin Davenport Huyer BScN student (22) and Participant in the Rosenstadt Program

pain, and communication.

He is an avid supporter of the Rosenstadt Research Development Program because he has found that working with students like Sohee Kang (MN 23) brings not only new perspectives but also a sense of enthusiasm and vitality to research projects.

“The students in the Rosenstadt program are highly motivated to gain a greater understanding of research,” says Dale. “In the case of Sohee, our research was also highly relevant to the population she cared for in the ICU and allowed our team to think about the patient’s needs from a new lens.”

Dale recently conducted a study that evaluated the acceptability and feasibility of an appbased virtual care program for mechanically ventilated patients who live at home. During the acute stages of the pandemic, these patients who would normally come into hospital for regular clinic visits, could no longer do so and they were also at greater risk of serious illness if they contracted COVID-19.

As a result, the app-based program involving hospital-based respiratory therapists, nurses, and respirologists from across Ontario, was rapidly rolled out to mediate that gap in care. Dale and his

team evaluated the process and the perspectives of users and clinicians during that rollout phase.

“It was a really dynamic opportunity to be able to conduct this study as it was implemented, and to have a student with such a critical skill set like Sohee involved in the research process,” says Dale.

As part of her role on the research team, Kang helped with qualitative data analysis as well as coding and transcribing interviews with families and clinicians, looking for themes and patterns that could be discussed with the rest of the research team.

“It was something I was very interested in as I work with mechanical ventilators as an RN and I understand how family members who become caregivers need to adapt to using the equipment at home,” says Kang. “A lot of the feedback we received indicated that family caregivers and patients felt less isolated dealing with their care through the use of this virtual care program.”

In addition to maintaining a clinical connection for patients and family caregivers, the program particularly benefitted those who live outside of the greater Toronto or Ottawa area, allowing them to receive care without needing

to travel. For those who were being discharged from hospital to home, the transition felt less overwhelming knowing that this program was in place once they left the hospital.

“Many people shared with us that this virtual option was long overdue,” says Dale. “It was a welcome response in addition to receiving feedback on how to refine these tools to ensure that people who want them have access to these virtual care options.”

Throughout the study, what stood out for both Kang and Dale was the role of nurses in making this care program functional. The responsibility of managing the program fell to the nurse practitioner or respiratory therapist either as a sole or shared responsibility. It illustrated, according to Dale, that expanding the scope of practice for many health professions can improve access to health care services.

“Being involved in this research and investigating how we can improve healthcare access with both patients and clinicians in mind has been very rewarding,” says Kang. “The Rosenstadt Program has opened a lot of doors for me, and I’m really excited about what’s next.”

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Heather Burnside, a PhD candidate at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing and a member of the Saugeen First Nation, is examining gender influences and type 2 diabetes in Indigenous communities as well as the ways in which treatment and self-management of this chronic disease, can be inclusive of Indigenous knowledge and practice.

The focus on gender Burnside says, stems from the fact that not much is known about diabetes self-management in Indigenous communities, and that in nonIndigenous populations, type 2 diabetes is generally more common in men. However, recent evidence has shown that Indigenous women are developing type 2 diabetes at a faster rate than men.

Through the support of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Transitions to Leadership Fund, Burnside will be working closely in collaboration and partnership with Indigenous communities in the Kitchener-Waterloo area to ensure that her research and the data collected, is meaningful to the community.

“Historically, research on Indigenous communities has included “helicopter research,” where nonIndigenous researchers have gone into communities, taken information

and data, without considering the priorities or needs of the population,” says Burnside.

To address this particular concern, Burnside is keenly focused on the knowledge translation component of her research. To present her research findings in a diverse way, Burnside is looking to expand beyond colonial thinking of how research should be shared, such as through traditional journal publications. Instead, Burnside has proposed the concept of a patient journey map, with the hopes of collaborating with an Indigenous artist, to showcase the data collected from the study visually, mapping the journey of men, women and two-spirited individuals, as they self-manage their diabetes.

“I’m always thinking about how to present information in the best and most useable way, how to disseminate the results of my work for people outside the academic community,” says Burnside. “I want not only to make this research accessible but to show Indigenous communities that they have the strength and the knowledge to manage their diabetes.”

“The strength of Heather’s research is that she is uniquely aware of the impact of a patient-oriented approach,” says Monica Parry, an

Associate Professor at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing and Burnside’s PhD supervisor.

“Her focus on bringing patient partnerships and collaborative community engagement to the forefront of her research will have a considerable impact on the knowledge generated and disseminated with Indigenous individuals living with diabetes.”

Burnside points out that there are many contextual factors surrounding the development of diabetes in the population she studies. Having worked as a rural nurse in an Indigenous community, she recalls having a heightened awareness around the impact of diabetes, where the disease can affect an entire family and not just the individual, from the family’s dietary patterns to their ability to access fresh food and appropriate and timely health care, particularly for those who must travel to larger urban centres.

“As Indigenous people, our kinship ties are strong, and we look at things from a broader community focus as opposed to a individualistic focus,” says Burnside, “I see this research as an opportunity to highlight the strengths of Indigenous communities and their knowledge, traditional healing and practice.”

18 | Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing


Bloomberg Nursing PhD student Andrea Baumann wants to examine factors contributing to the systemic marginalization of nursing voices.

To understand this issue in the context of the COVID19 pandemic, Baumann with the support of a $105,000 grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Council (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowship, will interview individual nurses in the GTA about their experiences during the pandemic, and examine the impact of structural power inequities on their ability to provide care and work in a safe environment.

“The pandemic has shone a spotlight on the many preexisting challenges in health care.

One such issue pertains to the barriers that restrict nurses from speaking out,” says Baumann. “The ways in which nurses are silenced, can be perceived as a form of structural violence, and it affects not only nurses but the safety and quality of care of their patients as well.”

Pre-pandemic, research showed that nurses reported “feeling punished,” for speaking out. During the emergency phase of the pandemic it became common knowledge that nurses were dealing with unsafe working situations whether that was an inadequate supply of PPE, or other concerns about patient safety.

This persistent constraint on nursing voices reflects deeper issues within the organizational structure of health systems. Baumann describes the “normalization of the abnormal,” as a characteristic of the devaluation of nurses, and a precedent for the treatment of nurses from both a gender and race-based perspective.

“In Canada over 90 per cent of the nursing work force is female. Historically, this gendered aspect of the role means that the work of nurses has been imbued with the traditional female characteristics of caring, and has not been valued as highly as the contributions of historically male dominated professions such as medicine. I am curious about how this gendering of nursing work may have contributed not only to the subordination of the position, but also to the constraints against nurses’ ability to speak out,” says Baumann.

As part of her doctoral research, Baumann will draw upon historical examples of how the silencing of nursing voices puts patient safety at risk.

One such instance will reflect on the landmark case in Winnipeg in the early 1990’s where twelve children died due to complications from cardiac surgery. Though nurses had repeatedly voiced their concerns about the surgeon’s incompetence and the possibility of malpractice, they were consistently overlooked.

“This case was significant because findings of the inquiry recommended a review of hierarchy within that work environment and also that the perspectives of nurses be valued,” says Baumann.

“Of the many issues contributing to nurses’ inability to speak up and speak out, I feel that race is likely to be a strong indicator of whose voice gets heard,” says Baumann, “I want to bring this issue into focus by hearing directly from those who feel they are voiceless.”

The pandemic Baumann believes, has generated a form of currency for nurses that can be leveraged. Capitalizing on this increase in public interest and support that has not been seen since the 1918 flu pandemic provides an opportunity for nursing leaders and policy makers to create lasting change.

“I do hope that my study will be one contribution to building on this understanding of structural power inequities that either enable or constrain the ability of nurses to voice their concerns,” says Baumann.

“People are listening now, we need to raise our voices.”

Research Report 2020-2022 | 19
This case was significant because findings of the inquiry recommended a review of hierarchy within that work environment and also that the perspectives of nurses be valued,”
Andrea Baumann PhD student, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing


Bloomberg Nursing PhD candidate Danielle Just received a grant from The Global Institute of Psychosocial, Palliative and End-of-Life Care (GIPPEC) at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, to support her doctoral research project exploring the role of personal support workers (PSWs) in end-of-life care in long-term care (LTC).

The goal of the project, which includes a virtual case study conducted in an Ontario LTC home, is to improve the quality of end-of-life care for LTC residents. While PSW’s remain an unregulated profession globally, Just’s study seeks to enhance knowledge about the role of PSWs in end-of-life care and inform future studies seeking to develop policies for education or clinical practice guidelines.

“Poor quality end-of-life care in LTC homes is a critical issue for Canada’s LTC system, this crisis has been

further amplified by the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and needs to be addressed,” says Just, who is completing her doctoral work under the supervision of Associate Professor Lisa Cranley. PSWs provide most of the daily care for LTC residents including end-of-life care. Just’s study will mark one of the first times to their knowledge, that PSW’s and LTC residents and family caregivers will be able to share their perspectives on the evolving role of PSWs in end-of-life care.

With the support of the GIPPEC grant, Just has been able to disseminate the results of her virtual case study and initial findings at two national conferences where she has had the opportunity to share the perspectives of multiple stakeholders on PSWs’ invaluable role in end-of-life care in LTC.

“End-of-life care requires an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to provide high-quality care to residents in LTC,” says Just. “It makes sense that to improve care, our research must also include an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach. I’m grateful to work with an expert team of interdisciplinary Canadian researchers on this project.”

End-of-life care requires an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to provide high-quality care to residents in LTC.”


Caroline Variath, a PhD student at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, first became interested in understanding access to medical assistance in dying (MAiD) while she was providing end-of-life nursing care to incapacitated patients in acute and critical care settings.

“I noticed that some patients who were found to be eligible for MAiD were unable to access it because of a loss of capacity to consent,” says Variath. “So, I became interested in learning about the type of end-of-life care offered to these patients, which became the basis for my doctoral work.”

Variath received a $3,900 research grant in 2021 as well as approximately a total of $3,300 in knowledge transfer grants between 2021 and 2022 from the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers (CAMAP) to explore the experiences of health care providers with eligible patients who experienced a loss of decision-making capacity while awaiting MAiD. Variath also wanted to understand the perspectives of healthcare providers on using the waiver of final consent amendment that was introduced with Bill C-7.

“The waiver of final consent amendment introduced with Bill C-7 offers eligible patients an opportunity to enter into an agreement to waive the final confirmation of consent, an option which minimizes their risk of becoming ineligible for MAiD due to a loss of decision-making capacity,” explains Variath.

The findings of Variath’s study will help, she says, to inform policies and guidelines on the implementation of the recent amendments to the Canadian MAiD legislation (Bill C-7) as well as help support the care of patients who were assessed and approved for MAiD but who later became ineligible because of their loss of decision-making capacity.

Variath notes that her research also has strong implications for policies on advance care planning and considerations to further expand access to MAiD for those with capacity limiting conditions.

“The generous support offered by CAMAP has allowed me to focus on my research and disseminate my findings widely through open access publications,” says Variath of the importance of the grants. “The support of my supervisor Dr. Elizabeth Peter has been integral to my research, and I hope to continue to advocate for the needs of patients and healthcare providers to improve end-of-life care.”

I hope to continue to advocate for the needs of patients and healthcare providers to improve end-of-life care.
Research Report 2020 - 2022 | 21
22 | Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing BRAZIL Belo Horizonte (1) Brasilia (1) Fortalez (1) Porto Alegre (1) Rio Branco (1) Rio de Janeiro (2) Sao Carlos (1) São Paulo (3) UNITED KINGDOM Bath (1) Cambridge (1) Edinburgh (1) Glasgow (3) Guildford (1) Leeds (1) Liverpool (1) London (9) Manchester (3) Oxford (2) York (1) PERU Carabama (1) Lima (1) GERMANY Essen (1) Giessen (1) Halle (1) Munich (1) UNITED STATES Ann Arbor (2) Atlanta (1) Aurora (1) Baltimore (4) Bethesda (2) Birmingham (3) Bloomington (1) Boston (7) Buffalo (1) Burlington (1) Chapel Hill (3) Chicago (1) Cincinnati (4) Cleveland (3) Colorado Springs (1) Columbus (2) Dallas (1) Davis (2) Denver (2) Duarte (2) Durham (3) East Garden City (1) Gainesville (1) Greenville (1) Hilo (1) Houston (2) Indianapolis (1) Irvine (2) Kansas City (1) La Jolla (1) Lake Success (1) Long Beach (1) Los Angeles (2) Madison (2) Memphis (2) Miami (1) Milwaukee (1) Minneapolis (1) Murray (1) New Brunswick (1) New Haven (1) New Hyde Park (1) New York (6) Newton (1) Omaha (2) Philadelphia (5) Phoenix (1) Pittsburgh (1) Pomona (1) Rochester (2) Rochester (2) San Francisco (2) Saskatoon (5) Seattle (1) St. Paul-Minneapolis (1) Stanford (1) Storrs (1) Tallahassee (1) Tampa (3) Washington (3) CANADA Calgary (8) Edmonton (9) Fredericton (1) Halifax (11) Hamilton (7) Kingston (2) London (3) Mississauga (2) Moncton (1) Montreal (15) Niagara (1) Oshawa (3) Ottawa (9) Quebec City (3) Regina (1) Sherbrooke (1) Six Nations of the Grand River (1) St. John’s (2) Toronto (28) Vancouver (11) Victoria (2) Waterloo (2) Winnipeg (5) CUBA Havana (1) GHANA Accra (2) SOUTH AFRICA Cape Town (1) Johannesburg (2) Stellenbosch (1) IRELAND Dublin (1) Galway (1) Waterford (1) ENGLAND Egham (1) Exeter (1) ITALY Milan (1) Rome (1) Treviso (1) Trieste (1) Turin (1) ISRAEL Be’er Sheva (1) Tel Aviv (1) SPAIN A Coruna (1) Barcelona (1) Girona (1) Lleida (3) Madrid (2) Murcia (1) Palma de Mallorca (1) Tarragona (1) NORWAY Bergen (1) Kristiansand (1) Oslo (4) SWITZERLAND Basel (1) Bern (2) Geneva (4) St. Gallen (1) Zurich (1) LEBANON Beirut (1) DENMARK Copenhagen (1) Herlev (1) Odense (1) NETHERLANDS Amsterdam (1) Enschede (1) Groningen (2) Rotterdam (1) Twente (1) Maastricht (2) Utrecht (1) AUSTRIA Vienna (2) FINLAND Helsinki (1) Tempere (1) Turku (1) POLAND Szczecin (1) Torún (1) BELGIUM Brussels (3) Leuven (2) Louvain (1) SCOTLAND Stirling (1) MEXICO Guadalajara (1) CROATIA Rijeka (1) FRANCE Bordeaux (1) SWEDEN Karlstad (1) Stockholm (5) Umea (1) (1) ARGENTINA Buenos Aires (1) URUGUAY Montevideo (1) CHILE Santiago (1) RESEARCH & COLLABORATORS From Brazil to Switzerland, Cuba to Tasmania, Bloomberg Nursing’s faculty members engage with researchers around the world, making discoveries and sharing knowledge to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes for patients on a global scale. Our faculty have research partnerships in 38 countries.

International PhD Students’ Country of Origin

Bloomberg Nursing proudly welcomes and educates some of the best and brightest PhD students from Canada and countries around the world. Each student posesses a remarkable ability to transform intellectual curiosity and research findings into change that benefits patients care and outcomes in health systems worldwide.

International PhD Students Student’s

Bloomberg Nursing proudly welcomes and educates some of the best and brightest PhD students from Canada and abroad. Each of these students possesses a remarkable ability to transform intellectual curiosity and research findings into change that benefits patient care and outcomes in healthcare systems around the globe.

Research Report 2020-2022 | 23
CANADA AUSTRALIA Adelaide (3) Brisbane (4) Clayton (1) Melbourne (6) Parkville (1) Perth (1) Sydney (3) Tasmania (1) JAPAN Tokyo (2) SOUTH KOREA Seoul (1) CHINA Changsha (2) Guangdong (1) Hangzhou (1) Shandong (1) Suzhou (1) Zhejiang (1) UAE Sharjah (1) INDIA Bangalore (1) Delhi (1) Mysore (1) IRAN Tehran (1) NEW ZEALAND Auckland (1) SINGAPORE Singapore (3) HONG KONGSpecial Administrative Region Hong Kong (6) KUWAIT Kuwait City (1) Taiwan Taipei (1)
Ghana India Iran Israel Jordan Lebanon Pakistan Philippines Rwanda Spain


Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and Canadian Council of Academies

In 2021, Dr. Sioban Nelson was named President of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and Interim Director of the Council of Canadian Academies. A former dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Dr. Nelson is a leading nurse scholar, whose contributions to Canadian nursing and health sciences have been instrumental and fundamental. Among them, she has been a commissioner on the Canadian Nurses Association National Expert Commission for the Future of the Health Care system, and co-chair of the Assessment Committee of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences on Scope of Practice in the Health Professions. See the full profile on page 26.

Inducted into the American Academy of Nursing

Dr. Michelle Acorn was inducted into the American Academy of Nursing in 2021. An adjunct professor at the Faculty of Nursing, Dr. Acorn is a former Chief Nursing Officer for the province of Ontario and is currently the Chief Nurse of the International Council of Nurses.

Inducted in to the Canadian Academy of Nursing Charter Fellows

The Canadian Academy of Nursing, established in 2020, is dedicated to identifying, educating, supporting and celebrating nursing leaders. Dr. Sioban Nelson, former Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, is one of the original 13 Charter Fellows of the Academy, supporting its development and structure, particularly through the Fellowship program.

In 2020, the first class of Fellows was inducted into the Academy; these include Dr. Linda McGillis Hall, Dr. Lianne Jeffs, and Dr. Bonnie Stevens, and Dr. Michelle Acorn, and Judith Shamian. Dr. McGillis Hall is an internationally renowned leader in nursing health services and systems research. She is currently leading research into the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on nurses and their working conditions. Dr. Bonnie Stevens is recognized around the world for her pathbreaking research into infant and child pain. She is the Associate Chief of Nursing Research and a Senior Scientist at the Hospital for Sick Children. Dr. Lianne Jeffs is the inaugural Research and Innovation Lead and Scholar in Residence at Sinai Health whose research focuses on system performance and organizational learning.

In 2021, the second class of Fellows was inducted; these include former Dean and Professor Emerita Gail Donner, former Dean and Professor Emerita Linda O’Brien-Pallas.

Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology

Dr. Doris Howell received the CAPO Lifetime Achievement Award in 2021, in recognition for her robust and impactful research focusing on improving the patient’s experience of cancer care, through better health care delivery and the ability to self-manage cancer symptoms.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Dr. Martine Puts received the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Mid-Career Investigator Prize in Research in Aging in 2021. The award recognizes her research in caring for frail older adults with cancer. Dr. Puts holds the Canada Research Chair in Care of Frail Older Adults; her research program aims to improve health and quality of life for older adults as the under go cancer treatment. Read more about her research on page 27.

Ontario Early Researcher Award

Dr. Kristin Cleverley received an Early Researcher Award in 2021. The award, funded by Ontario’s Ministry of Colleges and Universities, recognizes her excellence and the importance of her research. Dr. Cleverley leads research into youth mental health, particularly the care they receive (or do not receive) as they transition from receiving childhood mental health services to adult mental health services. She holds the CAMH Psychiatric and Addiction Nursing Research Chair.

24 | Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

Council of Ontario University Programs in Nursing

Dr. Kristin Cleverley was the 2021 recipient of the Council of Ontario University Programs in Nursing Scholarship into Practice Award. The award recognizes the impact of scholarship on nursing practice by a faculty member in a COUPN university program. Dr. Cleverley’s innovative and patient-oriented research program in mental health addresses key issues facing youth and their care as they transition to adulthood.

STTI Lambda Pi at large

Dr. Martine Puts received the STTI Dorothy M. Pringle Award for Excellence in Nursing Research in 2021. Dr. Puts’ research has a strong patient-oriented focus, and she engages older adults in the research process. She has a particular interest in implementing comprehensive geriatric assessment to improve quality of life for older adults undergoing cancer treatment.

University of Toronto Critical Care Medicine Training Program

Dr. Craig Dale received the Interprofessional Research Excellence Award in 2021. Dr. Dale’s research is centered on fundamental patient care of adults who are critically ill, often in intensive care. He particularly focuses on oral hygiene, pain and communication.

Registered Nurses Association of Ontario

Dr. Martine Puts received the RNAO Leadership Award in Nursing Research in 2021. The award recognizes and highlights excellence in nursing research, research knowledge dissemination and contributions to the profession. Dr. Puts is dedicated to improving the health of older adults with cancer, as well as building capacity in geriatric nursing research and practice.

Israel Cancer Research Foundation

Dr. Kelly Metcalfe received the Wendy Lack Women of Action Scientific Award from the Israel Cancer Research Fund in 2021. Dr. Metcalfe, Bloomberg Professor of Cancer Genetics, leads world-leading innovative research in hereditary breast cancer and the clinical and psychosocial implications of genetic testing for mutations (e.g., BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2). She is the first nurse to receive this award.


History Lessons for Managers

Coping with COVID-19

STTI International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame

Dr. Doris Howell was inducted into the STTI International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame in 2022. Dr. Howell leads research to improve the patient experience of cancer care, by improving systems, such as better care delivery systems, but also through clinical interventions. She also focuses on empowering patients to manage their own cancer symptoms through nurse-led behavioural self-management interventions.

Dr. Sioban Nelson received the Best Essay Award on History Lessons for Managers coping with COVID-19 in 2020 for her work titled “Nursing infectious disease: a history with three lessons”.

Historical Research and Writing from the American Association for the History of Nursing in 2021. She was recognized for her work “Nursing in Ethiopia in the PostColonial Era”, published in the Canadian Bulletin of Medical History. Dr. Nelson is a highly respected nursing scholar, whose work on the history of nursing includes such works as the acclaimed “Say Little, Do Much: Nursing, nuns and hospitals in the nineteenth century”.

American Association for the History of Nursing

Dr. Sioban Nelson received the Mary Adelaide Nutting Award for Exemplary

Research Report 2020-2022 | 25



Professor Sioban Nelson of the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing is the first nurse to be elected President of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS), Canada’s preeminent scientific and scholarly society that leverages the expertise of leading Canadian health scientists. Her one year term ended September 2022.

For Nelson, this prestigious honour builds on a decades-long successful career as an academic leader and recognizes her commitment to using science-based decision making to improve the health of all Canadians.

“The pandemic has heightened the importance of scholarly and scientific societies,” says Nelson. “We are living in a moment where there is increasing public distrust in science, and we have an opportunity to shift that by using our collective expertise and scientific evidence, to foster trust and support for policy-makers and governments in their decisions.”

As a leader in health care, Nelson has always been drawn to tackling important challenges, and in this new role, is looking forward to advancing some key priorities for the CAHS, including a commitment to addressing equity, diversity, inclusion and anti-racism within the Academy through the creation of a new task force.

Nelson is also keenly focused on utilizing the multi-disciplinary foundation of the CAHS and the enriching learning opportunities available, to improve collaboration and create a lasting and positive impact on the health concerns of Canadians.

“We have a lot of work ahead of us,” says Nelson, “the health care system is facing historical pressure, but we also have an opportunity to leverage the expertise of Canadian health scientists, pave the way for the next generation of leaders, and continue to contribute to improving the health of Canadians.”

26 | Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
The pandemic has heightened the importance of scholarly and scientific societies.”
Sioban Nelson
Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing


In 2021, Associate Professor Martine Puts was awarded the Mid-Career Investigator Prize in Research in Aging by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) for her project “The Frail sub-study of the Fit After Surgery.”

The $50,000 grant is awarded to the highest-ranked mid-career investigator, a significant achievement for Puts who is renowned for her work supporting older adults and their quality of care.

Using a mixed methods approach, Puts seeks to evaluate the functional recovery and care needs of older adults who undergo surgery, and will also include an evaluation of the needs of their caregivers. The goal of such a study, Puts says, is to establish how well older adults recover from major elective surgery, including measuring outcomes such as changes in their mobility, unmet needs, and hospital readmissions.

“We want to inform guidance around risk assessments for surgery in older adults by making sure we are measuring their quality of life during recovery,” says Puts. “There is currently very little evidence about how well older people recover and I believe it is important for patients to be aware of the recovery before they agree to surgery that could be life-altering.”

In Canada, the population of adults over the age of 80 is increasing steadily, with many in this age group being considered candidates for major elective surgeries including cancer and vascular surgeries among others.

“Previously patients over 80 would not have been considered for these surgeries,” says Puts, “however we now have people living longer, and surgeons need better guidelines when discussing treatment options with older patients which may or may not include surgery.”

Using an outcomes-based questionnaire, Puts and her team will look at the functional trajectory of older adults after surgery for a period of six months, which will include specific details about how they are managing at home and what kinds of support they are getting. They will also conduct a series

of phone interviews, as well as use a well-known concept in geriatrics called life space mobility, that will measure not only the mobility of patients and where they go, but also their psychosocial well-being.

“Often, when older adults do not feel well enough to leave the home, that can be an early predictor of poor outcomes,” says Puts.

There are options to support recovery such as pre-rehabilitation programs, nutrition programs, online support groups, and online exercise groups, however not all patients or their caregivers are aware or able to participate in them.

What is of the utmost importance according to Puts, is to use the findings from this substudy to determine where the gaps in care are and what needs are not being met for both older adults and their caregivers in order to design new interventions to improve well-being after surgery.

“We know from previous research that older adults prioritize maintaining their quality of life and cognitive function,” says Puts, “our study will aim to support them in making evidencebased decisions about their care plans and future.”

Research Report 2020 - 2022 | 27



Salima Hemani, a PhD candidate at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, has become the first nurse to win the SANSAR Burgundy Young Investigator Award recognizing the impact of her research on the health of the South Asian community.

SANSAR, the South Asian Network Supporting Awareness and Research, focuses specifically on promoting cardiovascular health in the South Asian Community, through education, community awareness and research. Hemani’s own work has shown members of the South Asian community that it may be feasible to mitigate an early diagnosis of hypertension through education and awareness.

“I’m very hopeful that with this award, I will be able to carry this work forward and continue to use digital technology, mobile apps and more to make an impact with preventative strategies to reduce hypertension in South Asian communities,” says Hemani. “It illustrates the potential impact of research by nurses.”

Through a pilot prevention study aimed at examining the effect of community based low-sodium dietary interventions among hypertensive individuals in the regions of Markham and Scarborough, Hemani successfully implemented an education and awareness program aimed at reducing hypertension in participants over a period of six weeks. She also surveyed 354 South Asian Canadians and found that they had a mean sodium intake of 2.117+/1896 mg/day and that most respondents lacked sodiumrelated knowledge. To address this high-risk population, Hemani created virtual modules in collaboration with South Asian dietitians, to teach participants about cooking with low sodium options, reading labels to assess sodium content, and making small weekly changes to their diet to reduce their sodium intake.

“A lot of current materials about hypertension and prevention are not culturally relevant,” says Hemani, “They do not always account for the different types of foods and diets that people are used to consuming which is why we wanted to offer this very culturally specific approach.”

“Hemani’s research indicates the unique positioning of nurses to lead preventive strategies to decrease risk for

chronic diseases such as hypertension across racial and ethnic populations in Canada. These strategies can reduce inequality and improve health and wellbeing,” says Monica Parry, Associate Professor at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing and Hemani’s PhD supervisor. The virtual classes were successful for participants in terms of accessibility and acceptability. It leaves Hemani with the motivation to expand her program of research geographically and introduce in-person and digitally enabled options.

28 | Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
A lot of current materials about hypertension and prevention are not culturally relevant, we wanted to offer a very culturally specific approach.”



Bloomberg Nursing PhD candidate Julie Moore is the inaugural recipient of Sinai Health’s Judith Kaufmann Science of Care Internship. This award recognizes Moore’s doctoral research project which aims to understand the symptoms of critically ill patients with hematologic malignancies.

Her project will use a mixed methods approach to obtain data, including both qualitative and quantitative data that will come directly from patients.

“Giving these patient’s a voice and allowing them to tell us exactly what they experience and need is essential to improving their quality of life, and to the best of my knowledge, is the first time anyone has looked at symptom improvement in this critically ill population,” says Moore of the significance of her study.

Moore notes that prior to the 1990’s patients with hematologic malignancies were excluded from ICU’s globally, deemed “too sick” to benefit from ICU care. Decades later there have been significant advancements in diagnoses and treatment of this disease, and as a result patients are now not only receiving care in ICU but surviving their ICU stay as well.

During an ICU stay in hospital, patients, whether they have a hematologic malignancy or not, can experience an array of symptoms that include pain, dry mouth, dyspnea, nausea and vomiting, and delirium, all of which Moore indicates are unpleasant to experience. While a fair amount of research has been done to examine symptoms of the general population, it is not true of those with hematologic malignancies.

Knowing what this patient population experiences is imperative to providing personalized and targeted care while they are in the ICU, which

will improve not only their quality of life and care during their hospital stay, but also their quality of life once discharged.

“We know from previous research that symptom experiences in the ICU have a direct relationship with the quality of life of those patients in the future,” says Moore. “Addressing this gap in symptom knowledge will, I hope, be a significant contribution to the field.”

Research Report 2020 - 2022 | 29
30 | Lawrence Bloomberg
Research Report 2020-2022 | 31 124 GRANTS IN THE WORLD FOR CITATIONS IN NURSING PUBLICATIONS #5 #5 (Web of Science, 2022) 18 AWARDS RECEIVED 2020-2022 INTERNATIONAL: 3 | CANADIAN: 15 425 PUBLICATIONS CIHR·························································53% Foundations/Associations····························23% SSHRC·······················································9% Academic···················································7% Government Agencies···································5% Industry······················································2% New Frontiers in Research Fund····················1% FUNDING SOURCES Research Report 2020 - 2022



C. Chu (PI), S. Abbasgholizadeh et al. (Co-Is)

S. Rahimi (PI), C.H. Chu, C. Ronquillo, K. McGilton (Co-Is)

C. Chu (PI), S. Khan et al. (Co-Is)

SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Roche COVID-19 Innovation Challenge

Ageism in A.I.: Exploring the social and ethical implications of age-based bias in artificially intelligent systems

AI-empowered real-time COVID-19 symptom monitoring and prediction among senior residents

Alzheimer Society of Canada Research Grant Assessing and predicting the physiological, functional, and behavioural changes related to oral cannabidiol oil in older adults with dementia living at home


C. Chu (PI), A. Mihailidis (Co-I)

Connaught Fund Innovation Grant Computer vision-based physical function assessments to increase access to rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery




S. Khan (PI), C.H. Chu et al. (Co-Is)

C. Chu (PI), Z. Zhu (Co-PI), S. Khan et al. (Co-Is)

SSHRC Insight Grant Examining the paradox of smart homes under the contemporary lens of suveillance theory

University of Toronto and University of Zhejiang

University Seed Fund

A. Iaboni (PI), C.H. Chu et al. (Co-Is)

K. Cleverley (NPI), N. Farb, B. Ford, B. Goldstein et al (Co-PIs), A. Freeland et al. (CO-Is)

D. Courtney, M.A. Barwick, P. Szatmari (Co-PIs), K.D. Cleverley et al. (Co-Is)


Exploring ethical and societal impacts on smart home-based elderly care from a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary perspective

Government of Ontario COVID-19 Rapid Research Fund Toolkit to prevent COVID-19 transmission among persons with dementia in long-term care

Connaught Fund Global Challenge Building a global research network to advance student and youth mental health




CIHR Project Grant Effectiveness of an integrated care pathway for adolescent depression: A pilot multi-site cluster randomized controlled trial

K. Cleverley (PI) Ministry of Colleges and Universities

Ontario Early Researcher Award

K. Cleverley (PI) University of Toronto Institutional Strategic Initiatives

Improving Mental Health Care Transitions for Ontario Children and Youth

InLIGHT: Student and youth mental ehalth research initiative




32 | Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

S. Monga, N.J. Butcher, M. Offringa, P.S. Tugwell (Co-PIs), K.D. Cleverley et al. (Co-Is)

R. Markoulakis (PI), K. Cleverley et al. (Co-Is)

CIHR Project Grant

Measuring what matters: Development and dissemination of a Core Outcome Set (COS) for clinical trials in pediatric anxiety disorders


J.L. Henderson, C.M. Mulhern, R. Shields, S.P. Barbic, K.D. Cleverley, L.D. Hawke (Co-PIs), S.M. Mathias et al. (Co-Is)

D. Korczak, Y. Finkelstein (Co-PIs), K. D. Cleverley et al. (Co-Is)

CIHR Catalyst Grant: Quadruple Aim

CIHR Understanding/ Mitigating Impacts of COVID-19 on Children, Youth and Families

Navigation for youth mental health and addictions: A realist review and synthesis of approaches and practices (The NavMAP standards Project)

Youth mental health and COVID-19: Longitudinal trajectories and youth-generated recommendations for Canada’s recovery and future planning

CIHR Project Grant Intervening in the Acute Management for Suicidal Asolescents and Families in the Emergency department (I AM SAFE): A multicentre randomized controlled trial



A. Conway (PI), C.M. Parotto et al. (Co-Is)

Medtronic External Research Program

A. Conway (PI) AMS Small Grant in Artificial Intelligence

A. Conway (PI) Data Sciences Institute Summer Undergraduate Dada Sciences Summer Research Opportunity

B. Farrell (PI), L. Cranley et al. (Co-Is) Government of Ontario through the Bruyère Centre for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-term Care

L. Cranley (Supervisor), D. Just (Co-PIs)

C.A. Estabrooks, G. Cummings (Co-PIs), L. Cranley et al. (Co-Is)

GIPPEC Collaborative Research Grant

Research Grant

A parallel randomized controlled trial of the Integrated Pulmonary Index for nurse-administered procedural sedation



Automating pre-procedure fasting instructions $20,000

Neural networks for classifying capnography waveforms (Student award)


Collaborative Research Grant

CIHR COVID-19 Research Gaps and Priorities

Connecting and engaging people to facilitate shared decision-making for medication management in long-term care: A virtual workshop series


Personal support workers’ role in end-of-life care in an Ontario longterm care home: A case study (D. Taylor Just, doctoral student)

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on long-term care home staff and residents



Research Report 2020-2022 | 33


F. Webster (PI), C. Dale et al. (Co-Is)

CIHR COVID-19 Research Gaps and Priorities

C. Dale (Supervisor), L. Istanboulian (PI) TD Community Health Solutions Fund COVID-19

Research Grant

Chronic pain, poverty, addiction and mental health in a time of pandemic

Co-design and mixed method acceptability evaluation of a bundled communication intervention for use in the adult ICU with infection control procedures (L. Istanboulian, doctoral student)



C. Dale, V. Prendergast (Co-PIs) St. Joseph Foundation, Dignity Health, USA

M. Berube (PI), C. Dale et al. (Co-Is)

F. Webster (PI), C. Dale et al. (Co-Is)

CIHR Project Grant

Development of an evidencebased standard for oral props $41,600

Development of interdisciplinary strategies to prevent chronic opioid use in adult trauma patients


SSHRC Partnership Grants – Stage 1

R. Fowler (PI), C. Dale et al. (Co-Is)

M. Moayedi (PI), C. Lord (Co-PI), C. Dale et al. (Co-Is)

C. Dale (Supervisor), J. Moore (PI)

AHSC AFP Innovation Fund

Engaging people with lived experience of chronic pain within the context of social ienquity: A sociological exploration of patient engagement in Canada

Exploring medical decisionmaking and the experience of care from the perspective of family members of seriously ill and ethnoculturally diverse patients



K. Dainty, C. Dale (Co-PIs)

New Frontiers in Research Fund Exploration

Sinai Health System Judith Kauffman Science of Care Internship Award

Health Research Foundation of Innovation Medicines

Canada Chair in Pandemic Preparedness Research

Exploring the relationship between gender, body image and pain – a mixed models approach

Gap in symptom knowledge for critically ill patients with hematologic malignancies (J. Moore, doctoral student)

Understanding the process of critical care trial implementation in a pandemic situation




L.A. Duffett-Leger, D.A. McNeil (Co-PIs), C-L.E. Dennis et al. (Co-Is)

L. Duffet-Leger (PI), C-L. Dennis et al. (Co-Is)

CIHR COVID-19 Mental Health/ Substance Abuse

Child Health and Wellness Grand Challenge

Catalyst Award

ATTACH™ & VID-KIDS: Rapid user-informed web and mobile interface development, adaptation and pilot testing to support children’s mental health and development

Development, validation and testing of Enabling QUality Interactions with Parents (EQUIP)



34 | Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

S.M. Samuel, J.N. Stinson et al. (CoPIs), C-L Dennis, L.A. Jibb, R. Stremler, K.A. Widger et al. (Co-Is)

S. Grigoriadis (PI), S. Selchen, C-L. Dennis et al. (Co-Is)


CIHR Team Grant: Health Research Training Platform

Sunnybrook AFP Association from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care

S.J. Lye et al. (Co-PIs), C-L Dennis et al. (Co-Is)

S. Côté, C-L Dennis, B.R. Mâsse (Co-PIs), E.L. Amirali et al. (Co-Is)

S. Côté, C-L. Dennis, R.B. Mâsse (Co-PIs), E.L. Amirali et al. (Co-Is)

P.A. Janssen (PI), C-L.E Dennis et al. (Co-Is)

P.A. Janssen (PI), C-L E. Dennis et al. (Co-Is)

CIHR and South African Medical Research Council

Team Grant: Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative – South Africa

CIHR Addressing the Health Impacts of COVID-19

CIHR Project Grant – PA CMA Foundation –Virtual Care

CIHR Project Grant

Empowering Next-generation Researchers in perinatal and Child Health (ENRICH)

Evaluating an ultra-brief intervention for the treatment of COVID-19 related anxiety in pregnant women

Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative (HeLTI) – South Africa – Bukhali


Reducing maternal perinatal mental health problems in times of service shortage: A web and telephone-based intervention

Starting before birth: Preventing maternal health problems via a virtual and partner-inclusive intervention





Teaching by texting to promote healthy behaviours in pregnancy $100,000

CIHR Project Grant Teaching by texting to promote healthy behaviours in pregnancy $562,275

H. Huang (PI), C-L. Dennis et al. (Co-Is) International Peace, Maternity and Child Health Hospital, Shanghai, China

J. Kohler (PI), Q. Grundy et al. (Co-Is)

D. Buchman, G. Garnder, Q. Grundy (Co-PIs), S. Soklaridis et al. (Co-Is)

S. Spithoff (PI), Q. Grundy et al. (Co-Is)

Connaught Fund Global Challenge Award

CIHR and Mental Health Commission of Canada

Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

Catalyst Grant: Cannabis and Mental Health

Contributions Program Grant

The effect of internet-based cognitive behavior intervetion on perinatal depression and anxiety during major public health emergencies: a multi-center randoimzed controlled trial

Advancing anti-corruption, transparency, and accountability mechanisms to tackle corruption in the pharmaceutical system

Big cannabis-healthcare relationships: Understanding the commercial determinants of mental health

Commercial virtual care services in Canada: Digital trails, deidentified data and privacy implications





Research Report 2020-2022 | 35


Q. Grundy (PI), J. Haw et al. (Co-Is)

SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant (COVID 19)

Q. Grundy (PI), F. Miller et al. (Co-Is)

F. Miller (PI), Q. Grundy et al. (Co-Is)

Q. Grundy (PI), J. Haw et al. (Co-Is)

SSHRC Insight Development Grant

COVID-19: The politics of clinical trials in a pandemic and the role of blood collection agencies in developing a treatment for COVID-19

Outsourced education and proprietary expertise: Understanding industry’s role in the provision of product support in Canadian hospitals

Connaught Fund Global Challenge Award Research capacity for a climate positive health system: The International Research Network for Climate Positive Care

MITACS Accelerate The politics of clinical trials in a pandemic: The role of the blood service in developing a treatment for COVID-19


S. Spithoff (PI), Q. Grundy et al. (Co-Is)

L.P. Jeffs (PI), L. McGillis Hall, et. al (Co-Is)

G. Strudwick (PI), L.P. Jeffs et al. (Co-Is)

L.A. Jibb (PI), S. Zupanec et al. (Co-Is)

SSHRC Insight Development Grant

CIHR Addressing Wider impacts of COVID

The transformation of personal health informaiton into commercial assets: Opportunities, ethics, and risks


N.M. Alberts, J. Whitlock, L. Jibb (CoPIs), S. Alexander et al. (Co-Is)

C. Sabiston, A. Fisher (Co-PIs), L.A. Jibb, D. Santa Mina, & S. Mayo (Co-Is)

C. Korenblum (PI), L.A. Jibb et al. (Co-Is)




Exploring evolving models of care during the COVID-19 pandemic $430,120

CIHR Project Grant Supporting and optimizing nurses’ experiences with electronic health record systems

Hospital for Sick Children Research Grant

CIHR Understanding/ Mitigating Impacts of COVID-19 on Children, Youth & Families

University of Toronto-University College London

Hospital for Sick Children, Garron Family Cancer Centre


Family caregiver experiences of children receiving continuous blinatumomab infusion at home: A qualitative study

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the psychosocial health of children with cancer, survivors, and family caregivers: A pan-Canadian study of issues and solutions

Strategic Partner Funds Team Up 2.0: A multi-site approach to improving body image of teenage and young adult survivors of cancer in the United Kingdom and Canada

Teens4Teens: A novel online peer support intervention for teens with cancer during COVID-19





36 | Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

L.A. Jibb (PI), B. Pomery (Co-Lead)

G.M. Rodin, L. Jibb (Co-PIs), S. Alexander et al. (Co-Is)

K. Edelstein (PI), S. Mayo & L. Bernstein (Co-PIs)


Strategy for Patient Oriented Research

Evidence Alliance

CIHR Project Grant

Gerry and Nancy Pencer Brain Tumour Centre, Princess Margaret Cancer Center

Adam Coules Research Grant

Trauma-informed care practices for caregivers of children with severe illness: A knowledge synthesis

Traumatic stress symptoms in family caregivers of patients with acute leukemia; A longitudinal observational study

Improving access to neurocognitive assessment: Feasibility, acceptability and validity of the Amsterdam Cognitive screen for brain tumor patients


S. Mayo (PI), L. Bernstein, K. Edelstein (Co-PIs), A. Julius et al. (Co-Is)

S. Mayo (PI), L. Chodirker et al. (Co-Is)

S. Mayo, D. Howell (Co-PIs)

S. Mayo (PI), C.T. Lee et al. (Co-Is)

Princess Margaret Hospital Internal Grant Review Incentive Program

CIHR Project Grant

Stepped care to enhance quality of life in advanced cancer: An interprofessional approach to alleviating cancer-related cognitive impairment for adults with brain metastases

Trajectories of psychosocial and functional outcomes among nonHodgkin’s Lymphoma Survivors




L. McGillis Hall (PI), M. Lalonde et al. (Co-Is)

Lymphoma and Leukemia Society Canada


Operating Grant Virtual Blood Cancer Navigator $135,000

SSHRC Insight Grant

CIHR Addressing Wider Health Impacts of COVID-19

L. McGillis Hall (PI) Toronto Academic Health Sciences Network

P. Trbovich, T.P. Grantcharov (Co-PIs), L. McGillis Hall et al. (Co-Is)

K.S. McGilton (PI), J.M. Bethell ,et al. (Co-Is)

K.S. McGilton, L.G. Dobell (Co-PIs), K.A. Kay et al. (Co-Is)

Research Grant

CIHR Project Grant

CIHR and Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation (Toronto)

Strengthening Pandemic Preparedness in Long-term Care (COVID-19)

CIHR Catalyst Grant: Quadruple Aim and Equity

Exploring informal caregivers’ appraisal of their role and mechanisms influencing resilience


Addressing COVID-19 Impacts on Canada’s Nursing Workforce $265,485

Evaluation of adaptive models of care employed by TAHSN hospitals during the COVID-19 epidemic

Improving surgical safety: Understanding and aligning interventions for safety threats and resilience supports

Nurse practitioner led implementation of health workforce recommendations in long-term care homes during a pandemic (Guidelines to support nursing home staff)

Nurse practitioner/physician collaborative models of care: Advancing our understanding of what works





Research Report 2020-2022 | 37

J. McElhaney, A. Fong, M. Andrew, K. McGilton & L. Taddio

J.M. Bethell (PI), K.S. McGilton et al. (Co-Is)

Northern Ontario Academic Medicine Association

Project Grant

The CARDs intervention to improve the COVID-19 vaccination experience in Long-term Car e(LTC) and Transitional Care (TC) settings


K.S. McGilton, S. Sidani (Co-PIs), M. Puts et al. (Co-Is)

T.D. Cil (PI), K.A. Metcalfe et al. (Co-Is)

A.L. Metcalfe, E.A. Brennand, J.L. Gordon, R.J. Van Lieshout (Co-PIs), K. Metcalfe et al. (Co-Is)

K. Metcalfe, A.F. Eisen (Co-PIs), A. Johnson et al. (Co-Is)

K.A. Metcalfe, F.A. Eisen (Co-PIs), A. Johnson et al. (Co-Is)

M.H. McGillion, D.E. Scott, P.J. Devereaux, T.E. Doyle, E.H. Peter (Co-PIs), K. Metcalfe, M. Parry, J.Watt-Watson et al. (Co-Is)

M.H. McGillion, T.E. Doyle, E.H. Peter, D.E. Scott (Co-PIs), K. Metcalfe, M. Parry, J. Watt-Watson et al. (Co-Is)

P.J. O’Campo (PI), C. Muntaner et al. (Co-Is)

S. Nelson (Supervisor) A. Baumann (PI)

CIHR Knowledge Synthesis: COVID-19 in Mental Health and Substance Use

CIHR Project Grant

CIHR Project Grant –CMA Foundation – Virtual Care

CIHR Health Research Training Platform

The relationship between social connectedness and mental health for residents of long-term care homes: Knowledge synthesis and mobilization

Transitional care programs: Evaluation of performance and patient-oriented outcomes

At-home Breast Oncology care Delivered with E-Health solutions – The ABODE Study

GROWW (Guiding interdisciplinary Research On cis- and transgendered Women’s and girls health and Wellbeing)

CIHR Project Grant –CMA Foundation Outcomes Associated with Direct Rapid Genetic Testing at Time of Breast Cancer Diagnosis

CIHR Project Grant Outcomes associated with direct rapid genetic testing at time of breast cancer diagnosis

CIHR Team Grant –European Union Smart Living Environments – Transitions in Care

SMILE: Optimising Smarter Inclusive Living Environments for ageing people within their circles of care


K. Leslie (PI), S. Nelson et al. (Co-Is)

CIHR Project Grant Vascular events in noncardiac Surgery patients cOhort evaluatioN study-2 (VISION-2)





SSHRC Insight Development Grant






38 | Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
Research Gaps and Priorities COVID-19 and Precarious Employment (COPE) $302,175
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship CGS-D Nursing and workplace violence (A. Baumann, doctoral student) $105,000
Professional regulation in the digital era: Modernizing regulatory practices in the public interest INVESTIGATORS SPONSOR PROGRAM TITLE OF RESEARCH PROJECT AWARDED

K. Leslie (PI), S. Nelson et al. (Co-Is)

K. Leslie (PI), S. Nelson, et al (Co-Is)

M. Parry (PI), E. Peter et al. (Co-investigators)

M. Parry (Supervisor), S. Hemani (PI)

National Council of State Boards of Nursing

Research Grant

SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant

Regulating during crisis: Examining nursing regulatory responses to the COVID-19 pandemic

Regulating professionals in virtual practice: Protecting the public interest in rapidly changing digital workplaces


M. Parry, A.K. Bjoernnes (Co-PIs), E. Peter et al. (Co-Is)

M. Parry, T. Ceroni (Co-PIs), H. Ansari et al. (Co-Is)

AMS Fellowship

A Conversational Health Chatbot, Bringing Compassion to a Tailored Digital Health Intervention for Women with Heart Disease


M. Parry, K-A. Mullen (Co-PIs), N. Adreak et al. (Co-Is)

M.J. Parry, E.H. Peter et al. (Co-PIs), D. Baiden et al. (Co-Is)

A. Tchernof, M.J. Parry et al. (Co-PIs), M. Bélanger et al. (Co-Is)

M. Parry (Supervisor), H. Burnside (PI)

South Asian Health Foundation

Sansar New Investigator Award

Examining the feasibility of a community-based, low-sodium dietary intervention among hypertensive individuals in communities with larger South Asian populations (S. Hemani doctoral student)



V. Bhat (PI), E. Peter et al. (Co-Is)

CIHR Covid-19 Knowledge Synthesis

Family carers and COVID-19: A rapid integrated mixed methods systematic review

CIHR Project Grant Patient Engagement Partnerships in Clinical Trials (PEP-CT): Systematic development and testing of patient partner and investigator/researcher decision aids

CIHR Project Grant Peer Support interventions for women with cardiovascular disease: An evidence map

CIHR Project Grant The mental health and wellbeing of unpaid caregivers: An intersectionality-informed mixed methods study

CIHR Health Research Training Platform

CIHR Fellowship: Patient-oriented award: Transition to Leadership –P1 – Indigenous Peoples’ Health

Department of National Defence Canada

Moral trauma on the frontline: See, prevent and treat

Training platform in diabetes, obesity and cardiometabolic health

Understanding sex and gender influences on self-management pratices of indigenous men, women and two-spirited individuals living with type 2 diabetes: A strengths-basaed, patient-oriented approach (H. Burnside, doctoral student)

Could digital inverventions help understand and “flatten the curve” of distress due to moral injury among health care workers during the COVID pandemic?








Research Report 2020-2022 | 39


L Grierson ML Molinaro, (Co-PIs), E. Peter et al. (Co-Is)

E. Peter (PI), J. MacIver (Co-I)

CIHR Addressing the Health Impacts of COVID-19

University of Toronto COVID-19 Action Initiative

E. Peter (Supervisor), C. Variath (PI) Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers

M.T. Puts, S.M. Alibhai, K. Haase et al. (Co-PIs), K.S. McGilton et al. (Co-Is)

S. Alibhai, M. Puts (Co-PIs)

K. Haase (PI), M. Puts et al. (Co-Is)

D.N. Wijeysundera, P. Jun, R. Khadaroo et al (Co-PIs), M. Puts et al. (Co-Is)

Research Grant

Moral distress in critical and primary care providers from the COVID-19 pandemic: A crossprovincial mixed-methods case study


Reducing the moral distress of nurses $54,206

The experiences of health care providers with eligible patients’ loss of decision-making capacity while awaiting medical assistance in dying and their perspectives on using advance consent (C. Variath, doctoral student)

CIHR Project Grant A mixed methods study to evaluate functional recovery, car eneeds, and caregiver needs in older adults undergoing surgery: The Frail sub-study of the FIT After Surgery Study.

Princess Margaret Hospital Catalyst Grant

Oncology Nursing Society Foundation



Comprehensive Health Assessment for My cancer treatment Plan: Field validation of a geriatric assessment tool for cancer patients (CHAMP-F)

Research Grant Designing a tailored selfmanagement app to support older adults with cancer and multimorbidity

CIHR Project Grant FAST Walk (Functional Assessment for Surgery by a Timed Walk) Study: A multi-centre prospective cohort study of the six-minute walk test for improving preoperative risk stratification fo rmajor non-cardiac surgery

M. T. Puts (PI). CIHR Project Grant The Frail sub-study of the Fit After Surgery Study Mid-career prize in aging

M.A. Barwick, E. Seto, J. Shakespeare (Co-PIs), B.J. Stevens et al. (Co-Is)

K.A. Birnie, T.J. Wasylak (Co-PIs), J.N. Stinson et al. (Co-Is)

CIHR Project Grant The Implementation Playbook: e-health technology for effective implementation of evidence-based interventions

CIHR Catalyst Grant: Quadruple Aim and Equity

Choosing the right model of care together: Shared decision making to improve equitable implementation of in-person vs virtual care for youth with chronic pain and their families







40 | Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

D.N. Buckley, J.N. Stinson et al. (Co-PIs)

J.N.Stinson (Supervisor), Y. Kulandaivelu (PI)

M. Gagnon (PI), J.Stinson et al. (Co-Is)

J.N. Stinson et al. (Co-PIs), S.H. Ahola Kohut et al. (Co-Is)

A. Leblanc, A. Black, N. Fernandez et al. (Co-PIs), H. Burnside, J. Stinson et al. (Co-Is)

P.A. Forgeron (PI), J.N. Stinson et al. (Co-Is)

J.N. Stinson et al. (Co-PIs)


CIHR SPOR Networks – Knowledge mobilization and implementation science

CIHR Doctoral Research Award: Canada Graduate Scholarships

Chronic Pain Network: Moving towards knowledge mobilization and implementation science

Co-design and evaluation of a peer-led social media-based food literacy program for adolescents from low-socioeconomic status communities (Y. Kulandaivelu, doctoral student, Hospital for Sick Children)


CIHR New Investigator Grants in Maternal, Reproductive, Child & Youth Health

CIHR COVID-19 Project Grant

Development and pilot evaluation of a mindfulness smartphone app for adolescents with dysmenorrhea.



K.A. Birnie, M.E. Noel, J.N. Stinson (Co-PIs), F. Campbell, E. Jordan, I. Jordan et al. (Co-Is)

CIHR Training Grant: SPOR National Training Entity

Evaluating a virtual stepped care portal in youth awaiting tertiary chronic pain care: An implementation-effectiveness hybrid type III study

Innovative National Strategies for Patient-Oriented Research Education/Stratégies Nationales Innovantes pour l’Éducation en Recherche axée sur le Patient (INSPIRE)


J.N. Stinson, M.E. Noel (Co-PIs), M. Benayon, I et al. (Co-Is)

CIHR Addressing Wider Impacts of COVID-19

CIHR Understanding/ Mitigating Impacts of COVID-19 on Children, Youth and Families

CIHR Knowledge Synthesis: COVID-19 in Mental Health & Substance Use

CIHR COVID-19 Mental Health & Substance Use Service Needs and Delivery

Lonelier than ever: Examining the experience of loneliness amongst adolescents with chronic pain in the context of COVID-19: A mixed methods study

Power over Pain Portal: A steppedcare virtual solution to deliver early intervention to Canadian youth with chronic pain


Rapid evidence and gap map of virtual care solutions for youth and families to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pain, mental health, and substance use

Stepped care solutions to reduce impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth living with chronic pain, their families, and health care providers: A pan-Canadian study





Research Report 2020-2022 | 41 INVESTIGATORS


R.S. Yeung, S. Benseler (Co-PIs), J.N. Stinson et al. (Co-Is)

J. Stinson (Supervisor), T. Killackey (PI)

CIHR Genomics and Precision Health Top-up

CIHR Fellowship

UCAN CAN-DU and beyond: Towards a global genomics partnership for childhood arthritis

Virtual peer-to-peer (VP2P) mentoring for adolescents with congenital heart disease: A needs assessment and pilot randoimzed controlled trial (T. Killackey, postdoctoral fellow, Hospital for Sick Children)



P.V. Corkum, C.H. Bastien (Co-PIs), R.L. Stremler et al. (Co-Is)

CIHR COVID-19 Mental Health & Substance Use Service Needs and Delivery

Pragmatic trial of two novel pathways for implementation of the Better Nights, Better Days (BNBD) online program to promote and protect the sleep, mental health, psychoscial wellbeing, and family resiliencey of children and families during and after COVID-19 pandemic


R. Stremler, S. Haddad (Co-PIs)

Sigma Theta Tau International Operating Grant Sleep and Factors Affecting Sleep for Parents of Preterm Infants Compared to Parents of Healthy Term Infants: The ABC Parent Sleep Study (S. Haddad, doctoral student)


R. Stremler, S. Zupanec (Co-PIs), L. Janzen et al. (Co-Is)

R. Stremler (PI), K.D. Cleverley et al. (Co-Is)

R. Stremler (PI), K.D. Cleverley et al. (Co-Is)

Garron Family Cancer Centre, Hospital for Sick Children

Research Grant Sleep ALL NITE study: Sleep for children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and NeurocognITiE outcomes

CIHR Project Grant SOmNI (Sleep Outcomes mHealth wearable sensor and Nudging intervention) RCT: An mHealth intervention for sleep promotion in adolescents

CIHR Project Grant SOmNI (Sleep Outcomes mHealth wearable sensor and Nudging intervention) RCT: An mHealth intervention for sleep promotion in adolescents


R. Stremler (PI), K.D. Cleverley, et al. (Co-Is)

R. Stremler (PI), K.D. Cleverley, et al. (Co-Is)

K. Nelson, F. Buchanan, V. Chakravarti, K. Widger

CIHR Project Grant SOmNI RCT: An mHealth intervention for sleep promotion in adolescents

CIHR Project Grant SOmNI RCT: An mHealth intervention for sleep promotion in adolescents

Kindred Foundation Research Grant Family experiences with clinical team meetings: A scoping review






42 | Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

M. Zappitelli, K.A. Widger et al. (Co-PIs), K.B. Filion et al (Co-Is)


CIHR Project Grant The Kidney aNd blood pressure ouTcomes – Determining best fOllow-up in hospitalized Children (KINDEST-DOC) study: A national study of the FILTR-CKD study group

K. Nelson (PI), K. Widger et al. (Co-Is). Norman Saunders Complex Care Initiative

K. Widger (PI), P. Ananth et al (Co-Is)

Understanding approaches to decision-making among caregivers of children with medical complexity: A qualitative study

CIHR Project Grant What matters most: Identifying a core indicator set for quality pediatric palliative care

A. Wright (PI) SSHRC Insight Development Grant

A. Wright, M.L. Butt (Co-PIs)

CIHR Indigenous Gender and Wellness Grant

International perspectives on the role of indigenous fathers in meeting the development needs of their infants

Optimizing the health of indigenous infants and toddlers: Identification of community strengths, needs and priorities to promote early childhood development through healthy, gender diverse parenting


A. Wright, S. Harris, J.E. Pace (Co-PIs), M.L. Butt et al. (Co-Is)

CIHR Indigenous Gender and Wellness Team Grant

Supporting the Journey to Fatherhood: A Community-led and Father Driven Approach






Research Report 2020-2022 | 43


Abbass-Dick J, Newport A, Pattison D, Sun W, Kenaszchuk C, & Dennis CL. (2020). Development, psychometric assessment, and predictive validity of the comprehensive breastfeeding knowledge scale. Midwifery, 83, 102642.

Ackerman ML, Jeffs L, Simpson B, & Williams S. (2021). Developing a Culture of Support to Advance and Accelerate Nursing Innovation. Nursing Leadership (Toronto, ON), 34(1), 60-71.

Adams S, Beatty M, Moore C, Desai A, Bartlett L, Culbert E, … Orkin J. (Including Stinson JN). (2021). Perspectives on team communication challenges in caring for children with medical complexity. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 300.

Aita M, De Clifford Faugère G, Lavallée A, Feeley N, Stremler R, … Proulx MH. (2021). Effectiveness of interventions on early neurodevelopment of preterm infants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Pediatrics, 21(1), 210.

Aker AM, Stephenson AL, Wilton AS, Vigod SN, Dennis CL, … Brown HK. (2022). Asthma Severity and Control and Their Association With Perinatal Mental Illness. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 67(2), 156-159.

Alberts NM, Leisenring WM, Flynn JS, Whitton J, Gibson TM, … Armstrong GT. (Including Jibb L and Stinson JN). (2020). Wearable Respiratory Monitoring and Feedback for Chronic Pain in Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial From the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics, 4, 1014-1026.

Alconada-Romero Á, Horta-García G, GeaSánchez M, Blanco-Blanco J, Mateos JT, … McGilton KS. (2021). Cross-cultural validation and psychometric testing of the supportive supervisory scale in Spanish. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 16(4), e12381

Alfonsi JE, Choi EEY, Arshad T, Sammott SS, Pais V, Nguyen C, … Palmert MR. (Including Stinson JN). (2020). Carbohydrate Counting App Using Image Recognition for Youth With Type 1 Diabetes: Pilot Randomized Control Trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 8(10), e22074.

Ali S, Rajagopal M, Stinson J, Ma K, Vandermeer B, .. Hartling L. (2022). Virtual reality-based distraction for intravenous insertion-related distress in children: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 12(3), e057892.

Almugbel FA, Timilshina N, AlQurini N, Loucks A, Jin R, … Alibhai SMH. (Including Puts M). (2021). Role of the vulnerable elders survey-13 screening tool in predicting treatment plan modification for older adults with cancer. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 12(5), 786-792.

Alostaz Z, Rose L, Mehta S, Johnston L, & Dale C. (2022). Implementation of nonpharmacologic physical restraint minimization interventions in the adult intensive care unit: A scoping review. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 69, 103153.

Alqudimat MR, Toupin April K, Hundert A, Jibb L, … Stinson J. (2020). Questionnaires assessing the use of complementary health approaches in pediatrics and their measurement properties: A systematic review. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 53, 102520.

Ansari NS, Shah J, Dennis CL, & Shah PS. (2021). Risk factors for postpartum depressive symptoms among fathers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecoloica Scandinavica, 100(7), 1186-1199.

Anthony SJ, Pol SJ, Lin J, Barwick M, Brudno M, Stinson J. (2021). Creation of an electronic patient-reported outcome measure platform Voxe: a mixed methods study protocol in paediatric solid organ transplantation. BMJ Open, 11(10), e053119.

Anthony SJ, Young K, Ghent E, Gold A, Martin K, … Stinson J. (2021). Exploring the potential for online peer support mentorship: Perspectives of pediatric solid organ transplant patients. Pediatric Transplantation, 25(5), e13900.

Anthony SJ, Young K, Pol SJ, Selkirk EK, BlydtHansen T, … West LJ. (Including Stinson JN). (2021). Patient-reported outcome measures in pediatric solid organ transplantation: Exploring stakeholder perspectives on clinical implementation through qualitative description. Quality of Life Research, 30(5), 1355-1364.

Ayaz B, Martimianakis MA, Muntaner C, & Nelson S. (2021). Participation of women in the health workforce in the fragile and conflictaffected countries: a scoping review. Human Resources for Health, 19(1), 94.

Azizi Z, Zheng C, Mosquera L, Pilote L, El Emam K; GOING-FWD Collaborators (Including Parry M). (2021). Can synthetic data be a proxy for real clinical trial data? A validation study. BMJ Open, 11(4), e043497.

Bacsu JD, Fraser S, Chasteen AL, Cammer A, Grewal KS, … O’Connell ME. (Including McGilton KS). (2022). Using Twitter to Examine Stigma Against People With Dementia During COVID-19: Infodemiology Study. JMIR Aging, 5(1), e35677.

Badawy SM, Abebe KZ, Reichman CA, Checo G, Hamm ME, … Jonassaint CR. (Including Stinson J). (2021). Comparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adults With Sickle Cell Disease: Protocol for the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Real-time Pain Management Intervention for Sickle Cell via Mobile Applications (CaRISMA) Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(5), e29014.

Bani-Issa W, Dennis CL, Brown HK, Ibrahim A, Almomani FM, … Al-Shujairi AM. (2020). The Influence of Parents and Schools on Adolescents’ Perceived Diet and Exercise Self-Efficacy: A School-Based Sample From the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Transcultural Nursing., 31(5), 479-491.

Beavers L, Christofilos V, Duclos C, McMillen K, Sheehan J, … Bulmer B. (Including Jeffs L). (2020). Perceptions of preparedness: How hospital-based orientation can enhance the transition from academic to clinical learning. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 11(4), e62-e69.

Bechard LE, Beaton D, McGilton KS, Tartaglia MC, & Black SE. (2020). Physical activity perceptions, experiences, and beliefs of older adults with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s disease and their care partners. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, 45(11), 1216-1224.

Bergstraesser E, Thienprayoon R, Brook LA, Fraser LK, Hynson JL, … Schlögl M. (Including Widger K). (2021). Top Ten Tips Palliative Care Clinicians Should Know About Prognostication in Children. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 24(11), 1725-1731.

Bero L, Lawrence R, Leslie L, Chiu K, McDonald S, … Featherstone R. (Including Grundy Q). (2021). Cross-sectional study of preprints and final journal publications from COVID-19 studies: discrepancies in results reporting and spin in interpretation. BMJ Open, 11(7), e051821.

Bethell J, Aelick K, Babineau J, Bretzlaff M, Edwards C, … McGilton KS. (2021). Social Connection in Long-Term Care Homes: A Scoping Review of Published Research on the Mental Health Impacts and Potential Strategies During COVID-19. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 22(2), 228-237.e25.

Bhatt NS, Brazauskas R, Salit RB, Syrjala K, Bo-Subait S, … Shaw B. (including Mayo S). (2021). Return to Work Among Young Adult Survivors of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation in the United States. Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, 27(8), 679.e1-679.e8.

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Birnie KA, Killackey T, Stinson J, Noel M, Lorenzetti DL, … Lalloo C. (2021). Best practices for virtual care to support youth with chronic pain and their families: a rapid systematic review to inform health care and policy during COVID-19 and beyond. PAIN Reports, 6(2), e935.

Birnie KA, Ouellette C, Do Amaral T, & Stinson JN. (2020). Mapping the evidence and gaps of interventions for pediatric chronic pain to inform policy, research, and practice: A systematic review and quality assessment of systematic reviews. Canadian Journal of Pain, 4(1). 129148.

Birnie KA, Pavlova M, Neville A, Noel M, Jordan I, … Lalloo C. (Including Stinson J). (2021). Rapid Evidence and Gap Map of virtual care solutions across a stepped care continuum for youth with chronic pain and their families in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Pain, 162(11), 2658-2668.

Blakely B, Rogers W, Johnson J, Grundy Q, Hutchison K, … Maddern G. (2022). Ethical and regulatory implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for the medical devices industry and its representatives. BMC Medical Ethics, 23(1), 31.

Boakye PN, Peter E, Simmonds A, & Richter S. (2021). An examination of the moral habitability of resource-constrained obstetrical settings. Nursing Ethics, 28(6), 1026-1040.

Boghosian T, McCuaig JM, Carlsson L, & Metcalfe KA. (2021). Psychosocial Interventions for Women with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 Mutation: A Scoping Review. Cancers (Basel), 13(7), 1486.

Bogler T, Hussain-Shamsy N, Schuler A, Pirmohamed J, Shore EM, … Barker LC. (Including Dennis CL). (2021). Key concerns among pregnant individuals during the pandemic: Online cross-sectional survey. Canadian Family Physician, 67(9), e257-e268.

Bowers BJ, Chu CH, Wu B, Thompson RA, Lepore MJ, … McGilton KS. (2021). What COVID-19 Innovations Can Teach Us About Improving Quality of Life in Long-Term Care. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 22(5), 929-932.

Boyden JY, Ersek M, Deatrick JA, Widger K, LaRagione G, … Feudtner C. (2021). What Do Parents Value Regarding Pediatric Palliative and Hospice Care in the Home Setting? Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 61(1), 12-23.

Boyden JY, Feudtner C, Deatrick JA, Widger K, LaRagione G, … Ersek M. (2021). Developing a family-reported measure of experiences with home-based pediatric palliative and hospice care: a multi-method, multi-stakeholder approach. BMC Palliative Care, 20(1), 17.

Brandow AM, Carroll CP, Creary S, EdwardsElliott R, Glassberg J, Hurley RW, … Lang E. (Including Stinson J). (2020). American Society of Hematology 2020 guidelines for sickle cell disease: management of acute and chronic pain Blood Advances, 4(12), 2656-2701.

Briones-Vozmediano E, Rivas-Quarneti N, GeaSánchez M, Bover-Bover A, Carbonero MA, & Gastaldo D. (2020). The Health Consequences of Neocolonialism for Latin American Immigrant Women Working as Caregivers in Spain: A Multisite Qualitative Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), 8278.

Brown HK, Cairncross ZF, Lipscombe LL, Wilton AS, Dennis CL, … Vigod SN. (2020). Prepregnancy Diabetes and Perinatal Mental Illness: A Population-Based Latent Class Analysis. American Journal of Epidemiology, 189(6), 573-582.

Brown HK, Wilton A, Liu N, Ray JG, Dennis CL, & Vigod SN. (2021). Perinatal Mental Illness and Risk of Incident Autoimmune Disease: A Population-Based Propensity-Score Matched Cohort Study. Clinical Epidemiology, 13, 11191128.

Buckley L, Berta W, Cleverley K, & Widger K (2021). The Relationships Amongst Pediatric Nurses’ Work Environments, Work Attitudes, and Experiences of Burnout. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 9, 807245.

Buckley L, Berta W, Cleverley K, & Widger K (2022). Exploring Pediatric Nurses’ Perspectives on Their Work Environment, Work Attitudes, and Experience of Burnout: What Really Matters? Frontiers in Pediatrics,10, 851001.

Bueno M, Stevens B, Rao M, Riahi S, CampbellYeo M, … Benoit B. (2021). Implementation and Evaluation of the Premature Infant Pain Profile-revised (PIPP-R) e-Learning Module for Assessing Pain in Infants. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 37(5), 372-378.

Buick C, Murphy KJ, Howell D, & Metcalfe K (2021). Understanding the role of oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) status on adherence behaviors among women with abnormal cervical cytology. BMC Women’s Health, 21(1), 29.

Buono FD, Lalloo C, Larkin K, Zempsky WT, Ball S, … Stinson J. (2021). Innovation in the treatment of persistent pain in adults with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1): Implementation of the iCanCope mobile application. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 25, 100883.

Cairncross Z, Dennis CL, Brennenstuhl S, Ravindran S, Enders J, … Brown HK. (2021). Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Preconception Health Knowledge Questionnaire. American Journal of Health Promotion, 35(2), 172-178.

Caram CS, Peter E, Ramos FR, & Brito MJ. (2022). The process of moral distress development: A virtue ethics perspective. Nursing Ethics, 29(2), 402-412.

Carmona NE, Usyatynsky A, Kutana S, Corkum P, Henderson J, … Carney CE. (Including Stinson J). (2021). A Transdiagnostic Self-management Web-Based App for Sleep Disturbance in Adolescents and Young Adults: Feasibility and Acceptability Study. JMIR Formative Research, 5(11), e25392.

Cassiani C, Stinson J, & Lindsay S. (2020). E-mentoring for youth with physical disabilities preparing for employment: a content analysis of support exchanged between participants of a mentored and non-mentored group. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42(14), 1963-1970.

Chartres N, Grundy Q, Parker LM, & Bero LA. (2020). “It’s Not Smooth Sailing”: Bridging the Gap Between Methods and Content Expertise in Public Health Guideline Development. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 9(8), 335-343.

Cheng L, Yuan C, Wang J, & Stinson J. (2022). Pain reported by Chinese Children During Cancer Treatment: Prevalence, Intensity, Interference, and Management. Cancer Nursing, 45(2), E345-E354.

Chipojola R, Dennis CL, & Kuo SY. (2022). Psychometric Assessment of the Paternal Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Malawian Fathers. Journal of Human Lactation, 38(1), 28-36.

Chomistek K, Barnabe C, Naqvi SF, Birnie KA, Johnson N, … Schmeling H. (Including Stinson J). (2022). Acceptability of an Adolescent SelfManagement Program for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. ACR Open Rheumatology, 4(2), 142151.

Chu CH, Biss RK, Cooper L, Quan AML, & Matulis H. (2021). Exergaming Platform for Older Adults Residing in Long-Term Care Homes: UserCentered Design, Development, and Usability Study. JMIR Serious Games, 9(1), e22370.

Chu CH, Donato-Woodger S, & Dainton CJ. (2020). Competing crises: COVID-19 countermeasures and social isolation among older adults in long-term care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(10), 2456-2459.

Chu CH, McGilton KS, Spilsbury K, Le KN, Boscart V, … Zúñiga F. (2021). Strengthening International Research in Long-Term Care: Recommended Common Data Elements to Support Clinical Staff Training. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 7, 2333721421999312.

Chu CH, Puts M, Brooks D, Parry M, & McGilton KS. (2020). A Feasibility Study of a Multifaceted Walking Intervention to Maintain the Functional Mobility, Activities of Daily Living, and Quality of Life of Nursing Home Residents With Dementia. Rehabilitation Nursing, 45(4), 204-217.

Chu CH, Quan AML, & McGilton KS. (2021). Depression and Functional Mobility Decline in Long Term Care Home Residents with Dementia: a Prospective Cohort Study. Canadian Geriatrics Journal, 24(4), 325-331.

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Chu CH, Ronquillo C, Khan S, Hung L, & Boscart V. (2021). Technology Recommendations to Support Person-Centered Care in Long-Term Care Homes during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 33(45), 539-554.

Chu CH, Wang J, Fukui C, Staudacher S, A Wachholz P, & Wu B. (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 on Social Isolation in Long-term Care Homes: Perspectives of Policies and Strategies from Six Countries. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 33(4-5), 459-473.

Chu CH, Biss R, Cooper L, Matulis H. (2021). Applying a user-centered design approach to develop an innovative exergaming surface for older adults living in nursing homes: a usability study. JMIR Serious Games, 9(1), e22370.

Chum A, Kaur S, Teo C, Nielsen A, Muntaner C, & O’Campo P. (2022). The impact of changes in job security on mental health across gender and family responsibility: evidence from the UK Household Longitudinal Study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 57(1) 25-36.

Chyzzy B, Nelson LE, Stinson J, Vigod S, & Dennis CL. (2020). Adolescent Mothers’ Perceptions of a Mobile Phone-Based Peer Support Intervention. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 52(2), 129-138.

Cioffi I, Dale CM, Murphy L, Langlois S, Musa R, & Stevens B. (2021). Ten years of interfaculty pain curriculum at the University of Toronto: impact on student learning. PAIN Reports, 6(4), e974.

Clemens S, Wodchis W, McGilton K, McGrail K, & McMahon M. (2021). The relationship between quality and staffing in long-term care: A systematic review of the literature 2008-2020. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 122, 104036.

Cleverley K, Brennenstuhl S, & Henderson J. (2020). Measuring functional impairment: Preliminary psychometric properties of the Columbia Impairment Scale-Youth Version with youth accessing services at an outpatient substance use programme. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 14(5), 535-543.

Cleverley K, Lenters L, & McCann E. (2020). “Objectively terrifying”: a qualitative study of youth’s experiences of transitions out of child and adolescent mental health services at age 18. BMC Psychiatry, 20(1), 147.

Cleverley K, Stevens K, Davies J, McCann E, Ashley T, … Szatmari P. (Including Jeffs L). (2021). Mixedmethods study protocol for an evaluation of the mental health transition navigator model in child and adolescent mental health services: the Navigator Evaluation Advancing Transitions (NEAT) study. BMJ Open, 11(6), e051190.

Coelho SG, Holligan SD, Mahmud FH, Cleverley K, Birken CS, … Korczak DJ. (2022). The association between depression and physiological markers of glucose homeostasis among adolescents. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 154, 110738.

Conceição MIG, Gastaldo D, Fraga AB, Bosi MLM, Magalhães L,… Lago RR. (2020). Educando pesquisadores qualitativos em saúde no Brasil: Perspectivas discentes e docentes. [Educating qualitative health researchers in Brazil: Students and teachers’ perspectives.] Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva, 30(4), e300412.

Conway A, Bittner M, Phan D, Chang K, Kamboj N, … Parotto M. (2021). Accuracy and precision of zero-heat-flux temperature measurements with the 3M™ Bair Hugger™ Temperature Monitoring System: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 35(1), 39-49.

Conway A, Chang K, Kamboj N, & Sutherland J. (2021). Development and validation of the nursing confidence in managing sedation complications scale. Nursing Open, 8(3), 1135-1144.

Corones-Watkins K, Cooke M, Theobald K, White K, Thompson DR, … Ramis MA. (Including Conway A). (2021). Effectiveness of nurseled clinics in the early discharge period after percutaneous coronary intervention: A systematic review. Australian Critical Care,. 2021 Sep;34(5):510-517.

Cranley L, Sivakumaran G, Helfenbaum S, Galessiere D, Meyer R, … McGilton KS. (Including McGillis Hall L). (2022). Development of communication tool for residentand family-led care discussions in long-term care through patient and family engagement. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(2), e12429.

Cranley L. (2021). Meaningful Engagement of Older Adults in Long-Term Care: A Call for Action. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 53(2), 91-93.

Cranley LA, Lam SC, Brennenstuhl S, Kabir ZN, Boström AM, … Konradsen H. (2022). Nurses’ Attitudes Toward the Importance of Families in Nursing Care: A Multinational Comparative Study. Journal of Family Nursing, 28(1), 69-82.

Cranley LA, Slaughter SE, Caspar S, Heisey M, Huang M, … McGilton KS. (2020). Strategies to facilitate shared decision-making in longterm care. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 15(3), e12314.

Conway A, Chang K, Mafeld S, & Sutherland J. (2021). Midazolam for sedation before procedures in adults and children: a systematic review update. Systematic Reviews, 10(1), 69.

Conway A, Collins P, Chang K, Kamboj N, Filici AL, … Parotto M. (2021). High flow nasal oxygen during procedural sedation for cardiac implantable electronic device procedures: A randomised controlled trial. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 38(8), 839-849.

Conway A, Collins P, Chang K, Mafeld S, Sutherland J, … Parotto M. (2020). Pre-apneic capnography waveform abnormalities during procedural sedation and analgesia. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 34(5), 1061-1068.

Conway A, Jungquist CR, Chang K, Kamboj N, Sutherland J, … Parotto M. (2021). Predicting Prolonged Apnea During Nurse-Administered Procedural Sedation: Machine Learning Study. JMIR Perioperative Medicine, 4(2), e29200.

Conway A, Chang K, Bittner M, & Phan D. (2021). Validating the peri-operative thirst discomfort scale for measuring thirst discomfort prior to procedures. Journal of Radiology Nursing, 40(1), 75-79.

Cuthbertson BH, & Dale CM. (2021). Less daily oral hygiene is more in the ICU: yes. Intensive Care Medicine, 47(3), 328-330.

da Silva CPG, Gama de Sousa Aperibense PG, de Almeida Filho AJ, Franco Santos TC, Nelson S, & de Almeida Peres MA. (2020). Da educação em serviço à educação continuada em um hospital federal. [From in-service education to continuing education in a federal hospital] Escola Anna Nery, 24(4), e20190380.

Dainton C, Donato-Woodger S, & Chu CH (2021). A multicenter study of short-term changes in mental health emergency services use during lockdown in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1840.

Dainton C, Gorman C, Cherniak W, Lopez L, & Chu CH. (2021). Reliability of the Service Trip Audit Tool to assess the quality of short-term medical missions. International Health, 13(6), 606-614.

Dale C, & Webster F. (2020). Need caring, compassion or comfort? Sorry, I’m a doctor. CMAJ, 192(25), E687.

Dale CM, Angus JE, Sutherland S, Dev S, & Rose L. (2020). Exploration of difficulty accessing the mouths of intubated and mechanically ventilated adults for oral care: A video and photographic elicitation study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(11-12), 1920-1932

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Volume 38 | Number | August 2021 European Journal of Anaesthesiology Airway-ventilation IC S A E 17 19 DEC Join us in-person or from the comfort of your own home – Europe's biggest congress on anaesthesiology and intensive care will now go hybrid. Find more info and register at Join us for euroanaesthesia 2021! #EA21 ENGAGING MINDS, EMPOWERING CHANGE

Dale CM, Carbone S, Gonzalez AL, Nguyen K, Moore J, & Rose L. (2020). Recall of pain and discomfort during oral procedures experienced by intubated critically ill patients in the intensive care unit: A qualitative elicitation study. Canadian Journal of Pain, 4(3), 19-28.

Dale CM, Carbone S, Istanboulian L, Fraser I, Cameron JI, … Rose L. (2020). Support needs and health-related quality of life of family caregivers of patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation and admission to a specialised weaning centre: A qualitative longitudinal interview study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 58, 102808.

Dale CM, McKim D, Amin R, Carbone S, Fisher T, … Rose L. (2020). Education Experiences of Adult Subjects and Caregivers for Mechanical Insufflation-Exsufflation at Home. Respiratory Care, 65(12), 1889-1896.

Dale CM, Rose L, Carbone S, Pinto R, Smith OM, … Cuthbertson BH. (2021). Effect of oral chlorhexidine de-adoption and implementation of an oral care bundle on mortality for mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unit (CHORAL): a multi-center stepped wedge cluster-randomized controlled trial. Intensive Care Medicine, 47(11), 1295-1302.

Dale CM, Tran J, & Herridge MS. (2021). Leaving a mark: pressure injury research in the intensive care unit. Intensive Care Medicine, 47(2), 222-224.

D’Alessandro LN, Brown SC, Campbell F, Ruskin D, Mesaroli G, … Stinson JN. (2020). Rapid mobilization of a virtual pediatric chronic pain clinic in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Journal of Pain, 4(1), 162-167.

Dalfen A, Wasserman L, Benipal PK, Lawson A, Young B,…Vigod SN. (Including Dennis, C-L) (2021). Virtual psychiatric care for perinatal depression (Virtual-PND): A pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 4, 100085.

de Oliveira Faria S, Howell D, Lopes Carvalho A, de Oliveira Faria R, & Eluf Neto J. (2021). Adherence to intensive nutrition care in head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 278(9), 3507-3514.

de Oliveira Faria S, Hurwitz G, Kim J, Liberty J, Orchard K, Liu G, … Howell D. (2021). Identifying Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) for Routine Surveillance of Physical and Emotional Symptoms in Head and Neck Cancer Populations: A Systematic Review. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(18), 4162.

de Oliveira Faria S, Simões Lima GA, Lopes Carvalho A, Nader Marta G, Howell D, & ElufNeto J. (2022). Clinically significant changes in health-related quality of life in head and neck cancer patients following intensive nutritional care during radiotherapy. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 56, 102065.

Dennis CL, Brennenstuhl S, Brown HK, Bell RC, Marini F, & Birken CS. (2022). High-risk health behaviours of pregnancy-planning women and men: Is there a need for preconception care? Midwifery, 106, 103244.

Dennis CL, Carsley S, Brennenstuhl S, Brown HK, Marini F, ... Birken CS. (2022). Screen use and internet addiction among parents of young children: A nationwide Canadian cross-sectional survey. PLoS One, 17(1), e0257831.

Dennis CL, Grigoriadis S, Zupancic J, Kiss A, & Ravitz P. (2020). Telephone-based nursedelivered interpersonal psychotherapy for postpartum depression: nationwide randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 216(4), 189-196.

Dennis CL, Marini F, Dick JA, Atkinson S, Barrett J, … Birken C. (2021). Protocol for a randomised trial evaluating a preconceptionearly childhood telephonebased intervention with tailored e-health resources for women and their partners to optimise growth and development among children in Canada: a Healthy Life Trajectory Iniative (HeLTI Canada). BMJ Open, 11(2), e046311.

Depression &Anxiety

Dennis CL, Marini F, Dol J, Vigod SN, Grigoriadis S, & Brown HK. (2022). Paternal prevalence and risk factors for comorbid depression and anxiety across the first 2 years postpartum: A nationwide Canadian cohort study. Depression and Anxiety, 39(3), 233-245.

Dennis CL, & Vigod S. (2021). Cannabis use in pregnancy: a harm reduction approach is needed with a focus on prevention and positive intervention. Evidence-Based Nursing, 24(2), 58.

Dev R, Nguyen-Williams J, Adhikari SP, Dev U, Deo S, & Hillan E. (2021). Impact of maternal decision-making autonomy and self-reliance in accessing health care on childhood diarrhea and acute respiratory tract infections in Nepal. Public Health, 198, 89-95.

Dol J, & Dennis CL. (2021). Striving for evidence-based health care with eHealth and technology in a time of half-truths and disinformation. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 19(10), 2474-2475.

Donison V, Chesney TR, Wills A, Santos B, McLean B, … Puts M. (2022). Self-management interventions for issues identified in a geriatric assessment: A systematic review. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 70(4), 1268-1279.

dos Reis Bellaguarda ML, Padilha MI, & Nelson S. (2020). Sociologia das profissões de Eliot Freidson: interpretação para a Saúde e Enfermagem. [Eliot Freidson’s Sociology of Professions: Interpretation for Health and Nursing]. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 73(6), 1-7.

Dossa F, Metcalfe K, Sutradhar R, Little T, Eisen A, … Baxter NN. (2021). Building the What Comes Next Cohort for BRCA1 and BRCA2 testing: a descriptive analysis. CMAJ Open, 9(3), E874-E885.

Duan CC, Li C, Xu JJ, He YC, Xu HL, … Huang HF. (Including Dennis CL). (2022). Association between prenatal exposure to ambient air pollutants and postpartum depressive symptoms: A multi-city cohort study. Environmental Research, 209, 112786.

Dykes S, & Chu CH. (2021). Now more than ever, nurses need to be involved in technology design: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30(7-8), e25-e28.

Eisenberg-Guyot J, Prins SJ, & Muntaner C (2022). Free agents or cogs in the machine? Classed, gendered, and racialized inequities in hazardous working conditions. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 65(2), 92-104.

Evans DG, Phillips KA, Milne RL, Fruscio R, Cybulski C, … Narod SA (Including Metcalfe K); kConFab Investigators, Polish Hereditary Breast Cancer Consortium, (2021). Survival from breast cancer in women with a BRCA2 mutation by treatment. British Journal of Cancer, 124(9), 1524-1532.

Fabbri A, Nejstgaard CH, Grundy Q, Bero L, Dunn AG, … Mintzes B. (2022). Association Between Conflicts of Interest and Authors’ Positions on Harms of Varenicline: a CrossSectional Analysis. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 37(2), 290-297.

Faghanipour S, Monteverde S, & Peter E. (2020). COVID-19-related deaths in long-term care: The moral failure to care and prepare. Nursing Ethics, 27(5), 1171-1173.

Farahani MA, Soleimanpour S, Mayo SJ, Myers JS, Panesar P, & Ameri F. (2022). The effect of mind-body exercise on cognitive function in cancer survivors: A systematic review. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 32(1), 38-48.

Farahani MA, Soleimanpour S, Mayo SJ, Myers JS, Panesar P, & Ameri F. (2022). Revue systématique : Effet des exercices corpsesprit sur la fonction cognitive des survivants du cancer. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 32(1), 49-60.

Farrell BJ, Jeffs L, Irving H, & McCarthy LM. (2020). Patient and provider perspectives on the development and resolution of prescribing cascades: a qualitative study. BMC Geriatrics, 20(1), 368.

Finch A, Metcalfe K, Akbari M, Friedman E, Tung N, … Narod SA; Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group. (2022). The risks of breast and ovarian cancer associated with the Ashkenazi Jewish founder allele BRCA2 6174delT. Clinical Genetics, 101(3), 317-323.

Fraser S, Lagacé M, Bongué B, Ndeye N, Guyot J… Taler V; CCNA Social Inclusion and Stigma Working Group (including McGilton KS), Adam S, …Tougas F. (2020). Ageism and COVID-19: what does our society’s response say about us? Age and Ageing, 49(5), 692-695.

Freijomil-Vázquez C, Gastaldo D, Coronado C, & Movilla-Fernández MJ. (2021). Asymmetric Power Relations in Gynaecological Consultations for Cervical Cancer Prevention: Biomedical and Gender Issues. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15), 7850.

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Murray B. Stein MD, MPH

Friedland J, & Peter E. (2020). Recognizing the Role of Research Assistants in the Protection of Participants in Vulnerable Circumstances. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Ethics, 15(3), 143-152.

Galica J, Maheu C, Brennenstuhl S, Townsley C, & Metcalfe K. (2021). Examining Predictors of Fear of Cancer Recurrence Using Leventhal’s Commonsense Model: Distinct Implications for Oncology Nurses. Cancer Nursing, 44(1), 3-12.

Galvez-Hernandez P, González-de Paz L, & Muntaner C. (2022). Primary care-based interventions addressing social isolation and loneliness in older people: a scoping review. BMJ Open, 12(2), e057729.

García-Basteiro A, Alvarez-Dardet C, Arenas A, Bengoa R, Borrell C, … Legido-Quigley H. (Including Muntaner C). (2020). The need for an independent evaluation of the COVID-19 response in Spain Lancet, 396(10250), 529530.

García-Basteiro AL, Legido-Quigley H; 20 signatories (including Muntaner C). (2020). Evaluation of the COVID-19 response in Spain: principles and requirements. Lancet Public Health, 5(11), e575.

Gastaldo D, & Vieira ACG. (2020). De desprestigiadas a heroinas: COVID-19 e o ano que seria Nursing Now [From discredited to heroes: COVID-19 and the year that should have been Nursing Now; De despreciables a heroínas: COVID-19 y el año que debería ser Nursing Now]. Revista anna Nery, 24 (SPE).

Gea-Sánchez M, Briones-Vozmediano E, LegidoQuigley H, Muntaner C, Rocaspana M, & BlancoBlanco J. (2021). [Assessment of the consensus document on food in educational centres to evaluate school menus]. Gaceta Sanitaria, 35(1), 42-47.

Gélinas C, Bérubé M, Puntillo KA, Boitor M, Richard-Lalonde M, … Streiner DL. (Including Dale CM). (2021). Validation of the Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool-Neuro in brain-injured adults in the intensive care unit: a prospective cohort study. Critical Care, 25(1), 142.

Ghezelsefli Z, Ahmad F, Mohammadi E, & Puts M. (2021). Experiences of end-of-life care of older adults with cancer from the perspective of stakeholders in Iran: A content analysis study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 22(1), 295-300.

Gill VR, Liley HG, Erdei C, Sen S, Davidge R, Wright AL, & Bora S. (2021). Improving the uptake of Kangaroo Mother Care in neonatal units: A narrative review and conceptual framework. Acta Paediatrica, 110(5), 14071416.

Ginsburg LR, Hoben M, Easterbrook A, Andersen E, Anderson RA, … Estabrooks CA. (Including Cranley L). (2020). Examining fidelity in the INFORM trial: a complex team-based behavioral intervention. Implementation Science, 15(1), 78.

Goldman J, Kuper A, Baker GR, Bulmer B, Coffey M, … Wong B. (Including Jeffs L). (2020). Experiential Learning in Project-Based Quality Improvement Education: Questioning Assumptions and Identifying Future Directions. Academic Medicine, 95(11), 1745-1754.

Goldman J, Kuper A, Whitehead C, Baker GR, Bulmer B, … Wong B. (Including Jeffs L). (2021). Interprofessional and multiprofessional approaches in quality improvement education. Advances in Health Sciences Education: Theory and Practice, 26(2), 615-636.

Gordon D, Hensel J, Bouck Z, Desveaux L, Soobiah C, … Shaw J. (Including Jeffs L). (2021). Developing an explanatory theoretical model for engagement with a web-based mental health platform: results of a mixed methods study. BMC Psychiatry, 21(1), 417.

Gorospe FF, Istanboulian L, Puts M, Wong D, Lee E, & Dale CM. (2020). A scoping review to identify and map the multidimensional domains of pain in adults with advanced liver disease. Canadian Journal of Pain, 4(1), 210-224.

Grigoriadis S, Graves L, Peer M, Mamisashvili L, Ruthirakuhan M, … Richter M. (Including Dennis CL). (2020). Pregnancy and Delivery Outcomes Following Benzodiazepine Exposure: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 65(12), 821-834.

Grunberg PH, Dennis CL, Da Costa D, Gagné K, Idelson R, & Zelkowitz P. (2020). Development and evaluation of an online infertility peer supporter training program. Patient Education and Counseling, 103(5), 1005-1012.

Grundy Q, Cussen C, & Dale C. (2020). Constructing a problem and marketing solutions: A critical content analysis of the nature and function of industry-authored oral health educational materials. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(23-24), 4697-4707.

Grundy Q, Jibb L, Amoako E,& Fang G. (2021). Health apps are designed to track and share. BMJ, 373, n1429.

Grundy Q, Krasik O, Meleca N, Mills N, Nour S, & Whalen E. (2020). Beyond Engagement: Realizing Nurses’ Capacity to Lead Sustainable Health Systems. Healthcare Papers, 19(3), 67-73.

Grundy Q, Mazzarello S, & Bero L. (2020). A comparison of policy provisions for managing “financial” and “non-financial” interests across health-related research organizations: A qualitative content analysis. Accounting Research, 27(4), 212-237.

Grundy Q, Mazzarello S, Brennenstuhl S, & Karanges EA. (2021). A comparison of educational events for physicians and nurses in Australia sponsored by opioid manufacturers. PLoS One. 16(3), e0248238.

Grundy Q, Millington A, Cussen C, Held F, & Dale CM. (2020). Promotion or education: a content analysis of industry-authored oral health educational materials targeted at acute care nurses. BMJ Open, 10(11), e040541.

Grundy Q, Millington A, Robinson A, Held F, & Fabbri A. (2022). Exposure, access and interaction: A global analysis of sponsorship of nursing professional associations. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 78(4), 1140-1153.

Grundy Q, Parker L, Wong A, Fusire T, Dimancesco D, … Kohler J. (2022). Disclosure, transparency, and accountability: a qualitative survey of public sector care in pharmaceutical committee conflict of interest policies in the World Health Organization South-East Asia Region. Globalization and Health, 18(1), 33.

Grundy Q. (2021). A Politics of Objectivity: Biomedicine’s Attempts to Grapple with “nonfinancial” Conflicts of Interest. Science and Engineering Ethics, 27(3), 37.

Grundy Q. (2022). A Review of the Quality and Impact of Mobile Health Apps. Annual Review of Public Health, 43, 117-134.

Grundy Q. (2022). Commentary - From Transparency to Accountability: Finding Ways to Make Expert Advice Trustworthy. Healthcare Policy, 17(3), 28-33.

Gunn V, Håkansta C, Vignola E, Matilla-Santander N, Kreshpaj B, … Bodin T (Including Muntaner C); Precarious Work Research (PWR) Group. (2021). Initiatives addressing precarious employment and its effects on workers’ health and well-being: a protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 10(1), 195.

Gunn V, Kreshpaj B, Matilla-Santander N, Vignola EF, Wegman DH, … Håkansta C. (Including Muntaner C.. (2022). Initiatives Addressing Precarious Employment and Its Effects on Workers’ Health and Well-Being: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 2232.

Gunn V, Somani R, & Muntaner C. (2021). Health care workers and migrant health: Preand post-COVID-19 considerations for reviewing and expanding the research agenda. Journal of Migration and Health, 4, 100048.

Guo J, Lv W, Jiang S, Tang Y, Long Q, … Parry M (2022). Biological and sociocultural determinants of increased blood pressure among women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus in rural China: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 12(1), e049625.

Haase KR, Avery J, Bryant-Lukosius D, Kryzanowska M, Kukretti V, … Howell D (Including Mayo SJ). (2021). Patient and clinician perspectives of desired features for a web-based self-management program ( exposing patients “hard work” of managing acute cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 29(4), 1989-1998.

Haase KR, Drury A, & Puts M. (2020). Supportive Care and eHealth: A Narrative Review of Technologies, Interventions, and Opportunities for Optimizing Care in Patients With Cancer. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 24(3), 32-41.

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Haase KR, Puts M, Sattar S, Gray M, Kenis C, Howell D. (2020). Protocol for a systematic review of self-management interventions for older adults living with cancer. Systematic Reviews, 9(1), 80.

Haase KR, Sattar S, Hall S, McLean B, Wills A, … Puts M. (Including Howell D). (2021). Systematic review of self-management interventions for older adults with cancer. Psychooncology, 30(7), 989-1008.

Hahn RA, & Muntaner C. (2020). Why a Right to Health Makes No Sense, and What Does. Health Equity, 4(1), 249-254.

Hall LM. (2021). Commentary: Nursing Workforce Mobility in a Changing Global Landscape. Nursing Leadership (Toronto, ON), 34(4), 36-42.

Hasan F, Widger K, Sung L, & Wheaton L. (2021). End-of-Life Childhood Cancer Research: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics, 147(3), e2020003780.

Hassan S, Stevens B, Watt-Watson J, SwitzerMcIntyre S, Flannery J, & Furlan A. (2022). Development and Initial Evaluation of Psychometric Properties of a Pain Competence Assessment Tool (PCAT). The Journal of Pain, 23(3), 398-410.

Hawke LD, Barbic SP, Voineskos A, Szatmari P, Cleverley K, … Henderson JL. (2020). Impacts of COVID-19 on Youth Mental Health, Substance Use, and Well-being: A Rapid Survey of Clinical and Community Samples: Répercussions de la COVID-19 sur la santé mentale, l’utilisation de substances et le bien-être des adolescents : un sondage rapide. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 65(10), 701-709.

Hawke LD, Monga S, Korczak D, Hayes E, Relihan J, … Henderson J. (Including Cleverley K). (2021). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth mental health among youth with physical health challenges. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 15(5), 1146-1153.

Hawke LD, Szatmari P, Cleverley K, Courtney D, Cheung A, … Henderson J. (2021). Youth in a pandemic: a longitudinal examination of youth mental health and substance use concerns during COVID-19. BMJ Open, 11(10), e049209.

Hoben M, Ginsburg LR, Easterbrook A, Norton PG, Anderson RA, … Estabrooks CA. (Including Cranley LA). (2020). Comparing effects of two higher intensity feedback interventions with simple feedback on improving staff communication in nursing homes-the INFORM cluster-randomized controlled trial. Implementation Science, 15(1), 75.

Honarmand K, Yarnell CJ, Young-Ritchie C, Maunder R, Priestap F, … Mehta S. (Including Jeffs L). (2022). Personal, professional, and psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital workers: A cross-sectional survey. PLoS One, 17(2), e0263438.

Howell D, Mayer DK, Fielding R, Eicher M, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, … Koczwara B; Global Partners for Self-M (2021). Management of Cancer and Health After the Clinic Visit: A Call to Action for Self-Management in Cancer Care. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 113(5), 523-531.

Howell D, Powis M, Kirkby R, Amernic H, Moody L, … Krzyzanowska M. (2022). Improving the quality of self-management support in ambulatory cancer care: a mixed-method study of organisational and clinician readiness, barriers and enablers for tailoring of implementation strategies to multisites. BMJ Quality & Safety, 31(1), 12-22.

Howell D. (2021). Survivorship care plans have minimal impact on health actions. EvidenceBased Nursing, 24(2), 60.

Howell D. (2021). Enabling patients in effective self-management of breathlessness in lung cancer: the neglected pillar of personalized medicine. Lung Cancer Management, 10(4), LMT52.

Huang Q, Geng Z, Fang Q, Stinson J, & Yuan C. (2021). Identification of Distinct Profiles of Cancer-Related Fatigue and Associated Risk Factors for Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Latent Class Analysis. Cancer Nursing, 44(6), E404-E413.

Hundert AS, Birnie KA, Abla O, Positano K, Cassiani C, … Stinson J. (Including Jibb LA). (2021). A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Virtual Reality Distraction to Reduce Procedural Pain During Subcutaneous Port Access in Children and Adolescents With Cancer. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 38(3):189-196.

Hunter KE, Johnson BJ, Askie L, Golley RK, Baur LA, … Seidler AL. (Including Dennis CL). (2022). Transforming Obesity Prevention for CHILDren (TOPCHILD) Collaboration: protocol for a systematic review with individual participant data meta-analysis of behavioural interventions for the prevention of early childhood obesity. BMJ Open, 12(1). e048166.

Husain A, Cohen E, Dubrowski R, Jamieson T, Kurahashi AM, … Barwick M. (Including Stinson J). (2021). A Clinical Communication Tool (Loop) for Team-Based Care in Pediatric and Adult Care Settings: Hybrid Mixed Methods Implementation Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(3), e25505.

Hussain J, Chawla G, Rafiqzad H, Huang S, Bartlett SJ, … Mucsi I. (Including Howell D). (2022). Validation of the PROMIS sleep disturbance item bank computer adaptive test (CAT) in patients on renal replacement therapy. Sleep Medicine, 90, 36-43.

Iaboni A, Grigorovich A, Barned C, Rodrigues K, Pia K, … Tsokas M. (Including Chu CH). (2021). Development and dissemination of an ethical guidance and person-centred isolation care planning tool to support the care of people with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 17 Suppl 8, e054003.

Ilhan E, Pacey V, Brown L, Spence K, van Ganzewinkel CJ, … Hush J. (Including Stevens BJ). (2022). What is the definition of acute episodic and chronic pain in critically ill neonates and infants? A global, four-stage consensus and validation study. BMJ Open, 12(3), e055255.

Istanboulian L, Rose L, Gorospe F, Yunusova Y, & Dale CM. (2020). Barriers to and facilitators for the use of augmentative and alternative communication and voice restorative strategies for adults with an advanced airway in the intensive care unit: A scoping review. Journal of Critical Care, 57, 168-176.

Istanboulian L, Rose L, Yunusova Y, & Dale CM. (2021). Protocol for a mixed method acceptability evaluation of a codesigned bundled COmmunication intervention for use in the adult ICU during the COVID-19 PandEmic: the COPE study. BMJ Open, 11(9), e050347.

Jackson D, Commodore-Mensah Y, Dale CM, Logsdon MC, Morin K, … Yu D. (2021). International Nurses Day 2021: A vision for increased social justice in future healthcare. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(8), e13-e15.

Jaffer S, Foulds HJA, Parry M, Gonsalves CA, Pacheco C, … Norris CM. (2020). The Canadian Women’s Heart Health Alliance ATLAS on the Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Management of Cardiovascular Disease in Women-Chapter 2: Scope of the Problem. Canadian Journal of Cardiology (CJC) Open, 3(1), 1-11.

Janic A, Bowden S, Levy S, Stinson J, & Dimaras H. (2020). Patient-reported outcome measures for retinoblastoma: a scoping review. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 4(1), 66.

Jeffs L, Merkley J, Amaral N, Ginty L, Ronald K, … Thomson N. (2020). Co-Designing a Collaborative Academic Professional Practice Model for an Integrated Health System: Sinai Health’s Journey. Nursing Leadership (Toronto, ON), 33(2), 7-20.

Jeffs L, Merkley J, Canzian S, Taggart R, Andress I, & Harris A. (2020). Balancing Resiliency and New Accountabilities: Insights from Chief Nurse Executives amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nursing Leadership (Toronto, ON), 33(4), 7-19.

Jeffs L, Merkley J, Greenberg R, Ginty L, Amaral N, … Ronald K. (2021). An Academic Health Sciences Centre’s Strategy to Enhance Nurse Resilience and Psychological Safety. Nursing Leadership (Toronto, ON), 34(2). 39-44.

Jibb LA, Ameringer S, Macpherson CF, & Sivaratnam S. (2022). The Symptom Experience in Pediatric Cancer: Current Conceptualizations and Future Directions. Current Oncology Reports, 24(4), 443-450.

Jibb LA, Chartrand J, Masama T, & Johnston DL. (2021). Home-Based Pediatric Cancer Care: Perspectives and Improvement Suggestions From Children, Family Caregivers, and Clinicians. JCO Oncology Practice, 17(6), e827-e839.

Jibb LA, Khan JS, Seth P, Lalloo C, Mulrooney L, … Stinson JN. (2020). Electronic Data Capture Versus Conventional Data Collection Methods in Clinical Pain Studies: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(6), e16480.

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Jibb LA, Nathan PC, Breakey V, Fernandez C, Johnston DL,…Stinson JN. (2020). The Pain Squad+ smartphone app to support real-time pain management for adolescents with cancer: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 10(3), e037251.

Johnson KR, Edens C, Sadun RE, Chira P, Hersh AO, … Lawson E. (Including Stinson JN); CARRA Transition Workgroup. (2021). Differences in Healthcare Transition Views, Practices, and Barriers Among North American Pediatric Rheumatology Clinicians From 2010 to 2018. Journal of Rheumatology, 48(9), 1442-1449.

Jonsson J, Muntaner C, Bodin T, Alderling M, Rebeka R, … Matilla-Santander N. (2021). Low-quality employment trajectories and risk of common mental disorders, substance use disorders and suicide attempt: a longitudinal study of the Swedish workforce. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 47(7), 509-520.

Jung P, Puts M, Frankel N, Syed AT, Alam Z, … Alibhai SMH. (2021). Delirium incidence, risk factors, and treatments in older adults receiving chemotherapy: A systematic review and metaanalysis. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 12(3), 352-360.

Just DT, O’Rourke HM, Berta WB, Variath C, & Cranley LA. (2021). Expanding the Concept of End-of-life Care in Long-term Care: A Scoping Review Exploring the Role of Healthcare Assistants. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 16(2), e12353.

Kahn JM, Brazauskas R, Tecca HR, Bo-Subait S, Buchbinder D, …Satwani P. (Including Mayo SJ). (2020). Subsequent neoplasms and late mortality in children undergoing allogeneic transplantation for nonmalignant diseases. Blood Advances, 4(9), 2084-2094.

Kamboj N, Chang K, Metcalfe K, Chu CH, & Conway A. (2021). Accuracy and precision of continuous non-invasive arterial pressure monitoring in critical care: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 67:103091.

Kashikar-Zuck S, Briggs MS, Bout-Tabaku S, Connelly M, Daffin M, … Zempsky W (including Stinson JN); Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) Pain Workgroup Investigators. (2021). Randomized clinical trial of Fibromyalgia Integrative Training (FIT teens) for adolescents with juvenile fibromyalgia - Study design and protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 103, 106321.

Kassam A, Gupta A, Rapoport A, Srikanthan A, Sutradhar R, … Gupta S. (Including Widger K). (2021). Impact of Palliative Care Involvement on End-of-Life Care Patterns Among Adolescents and Young Adults With Cancer: A PopulationBased Cohort Study. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 39(22), 2506-2515.

Keefe JM, Cranley L, Berta WB, Taylor D, Beacom AM, … Estabrooks CA. (2021). Role of Policy in Best-Practice Dissemination: Informal Professional Advice Networks in Canadian LongTerm Care. Canadian Journal on Aging, 40(1), 166-176.

Kerr H, Widger K, Cullen-Dean G, Price J, & O’Halloran P. (2020). Transition from children’s to adult services for adolescents/young adults with life-limiting conditions: developing realist programme theory through an international comparison. BMC Palliative Care, 19(1), 115.

Killackey T, Baerg K, Dick B, Lamontagne C, Poolacherla R, Finley GA, … Stinson J. (2022). Experiences of Pediatric Pain Professionals Providing Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study. Children (Basel), 9(2), 230.

Killackey T, Noel M, Birnie KA, Choinière M, Pagé MG, … Stinson J. (2021). COVID-19 Pandemic Impact and Response in Canadian Pediatric Chronic Pain Care: A National Survey of Medical Directors and Pain Professionals. Canadian Journal of Pain, 5(1), 139-150.

Kohut SA, Stinson J, Chambers CT, Reid GJ, & Pillai Riddell RR. (2022). The Pain Coping Questionnaire short-form: preliminary reliability and validity. PAIN Reports, 7(1), e982.

Korczak DJ, Cleverley K, Birken CS, Pignatiello T, Mahmud FH, & McCrindle BW. (2021). Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Among Children and Adolescents With Depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 702737.

Kruger SZ, Bronskill SE, Jeffs L, Steinberg M, Morris AM, Bell CM. (2020). Evaluating and prioritizing antimicrobial stewardship programs for nursing homes: A modified Delphi panel. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 41(9), 1028-1034.

Krzyzanowska MK, Julian JA, Gu CS, Powis M, Li Q, … Husain J. (Including Howell D). (2021). Remote, proactive, telephone based management of toxicity in outpatients during adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy for early stage breast cancer: pragmatic, cluster randomised trial. BMJ, 375, e066588.

Kumaran K, Krishnaveni GV, Suryanarayana KG, Prasad MP, Belavendra A, … Matthews SG. (Including Dennis CL). (2021). Protocol for a cluster randomised trial evaluating a multifaceted intervention starting preconceptionally-Early Interventions to Support Trajectories for Healthy Life in India (EINSTEIN): a Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative (HeLTI) Study. BMJ Open, 11(2), e045862.

Kyololo OM, Stevens BJ, & Songok J. (2021). Procedural Pain in Hospitalized Neonates in Kenya. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 58, 15-20.

Lalloo C, Diskin C, Ho M, Orkin J, Cohen E, … Stinson JN. (2020). Pediatric Project ECHO: Implementation of a Virtual Medical Education Program to Support Community Management of Children With Medical Complexity. Hospital Pediatrics, 10(12), 1044-1052.

Lalloo C, Harris LR, Hundert AS, Berard R, Cafazzo J, … Stinson JN. (2021). The iCanCope pain self-management application for adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Rheumatology (Oxford), 60(1), 196-206.

Lalloo C, Mesaroli G, Makkar M, & Stinson J. (2020). Outcome Measures for Pediatric Pain: Practical Guidance on Clinical Use in Juvenile Arthritis. Arthritis Care & Research, 72 Suppl 10, 358-368.

Lalloo C, Osei-Twum JA, Rapoport A, Vadeboncoeur C, Weingarten K, … Widger K, Stinson J. (2021). Pediatric Project ECHO(®): A Virtual Community of Practice to Improve Palliative Care Knowledge and Self-Efficacy among Interprofessional Health Care Providers. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 24(7), 10361044.

Lalonde M, Chartrand J, Vanderspank-Wright B, McGillis Hall L, Gosselin-Belanger A, & Fullum JA. (2020). Les Effets Potentiels de la Version Française du NCLEX-RN® sur le Choix de la Langue de Formation d’Étudiantes Infirmières Francophones en Situation Minoritaire. [Potential effects of the French version of the NCLEXRN© on choice of language of francophone minority nursing students] Quality Advancement in Nursing Education - Avancées en formation infirmière, 6(1), Article 7.

Legido-Quigley H, Mateos-García JT, Campos VR, Gea-Sánchez M, Muntaner C, & McKee M. (2020). The resilience of the Spanish health system against the COVID-19 pandemic. Lancet Public Health, 5(5), e251-e252.

Lem K, McGilton KS, Aelick K, Iaboni A, Babineau J, … Bethell J. (2021). Social connection and physical health outcomes among long-term care home residents: a scoping review. BMC Geriatrics, 21(1), 722.

Levis B, Sun Y, He C, Wu Y, Krishnan A, Bhandari PM, …; Depression Screening Data (DEPRESSD) PHQ Collaboration; Che L, Levis A, Riehm K, Saadat N, Azar M, …Zhang Y. (Including Conway A). (2020). Accuracy of the PHQ-2 Alone and in Combination With the PHQ-9 for Screening to Detect Major Depression: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA, 323(22), 2290-2300.

Li C, Xu JJ, He YC, Chen L, Dennis CL, Huang HF, & Wu YT. (2021). Effects of acute ambient pollution exposure on preterm prelabor rupture of membranes: A time-series analysis in Shanghai, China. Environmental Pollution, 276, 116756.

Lim DW, Metcalfe KA, & Narod SA. (2021). Bilateral Mastectomy in Women With Unilateral Breast Cancer: A Review. JAMA Surgery, 156(6), 569-576.

Lim DW, & Metcalfe KA. (2021). ASO Author Reflections: Psychosocial Outcomes After Breast Cancer Treatment. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 28(11), 5999-6000.

Lim DW, Retrouvey H, Kerrebijn I, Butler K, O’Neill AC, … Metcalfe KA. (2021). Longitudinal Study of Psychosocial Outcomes Following Surgery in Women with Unilateral Nonhereditary Breast Cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 28(11), 5985-5998.

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Lin L, Liu X, McGilton KS, Yuan Y, Li H, … Tian L. (2021). Level of nurse supportive supervision and its influencing factors in long-term care facilities. Geriatric Nursing, 42(6), 1316-1322.

Lin TT, Zhang C, Chen L, Jin L, Lin XH, … Wu YT. (Including Dennis CL). (2021). COVID-19 Lockdown Increased the Risk of Preterm Birth. Frontiers in Medicine, 8, 705943.

Lin TT, Zhang C, Zhang HQ, Wang Y, Chen L, … Wu YT. (Including Dennis CL). (2020). Thyroid Hormone Changes in Early Pregnancy Along With the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 11, 606723.

Lindsay S, Cagliostro E, Leck J, & Stinson J. (2021). Career aspirations and workplace expectations among youth with physical disabilities. Disability and Rehabilitation, 43(12), 1657-1668.

Lindsay S, Kolne K, Barker DJ, Colantonio A, Stinson J, … Thomson N. (2021). Exploration of Gender-Sensitive Care in Vocational Rehabilitation Providers Working With Youth With Disabilities: Codevelopment of an Educational Simulation. JMIR Formative Research, 5(3), e23568.

Lindsay S, Kosareva P, Sukhai M, Thomson N, & Stinson J. (2021). Online Self-Determination Toolkit for Youth With Disabilities: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Evaluation Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(1), e20463.

Ling S, Davies J, Sproule B, Puts M, & Cleverley K. (2022). Predictors of and reasons for early discharge from inpatient withdrawal management settings: A scoping review. Drug and Alcohol Review, 41(1), 62-77.

Litwin SP, Nguyen C, Hundert A, Stuart S, Liu D, Maguire B, … Stinson J. (2021). Virtual Reality to Reduce Procedural Pain During IV Insertion in the Pediatric Emergency Department: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 37(2), 94-101.

Liu CW, Page MG, Weinrib A, Wong D, Huang A, … Clarke H. (Including Parry M). (2021). Predictors of one year chronic post-surgical pain trajectories following thoracic surgery. Journal of Anesthesia, 35(4), 505-514.

Liu W, Puts M, Jiang F, Zhou C, Tang S, & Chen S. (2020). Physical frailty and its associated factors among elderly nursing home residents in China. BMC Geriatrics, 20(1), 294.

Lo B, Shi J, Wong HW, Abi-Jaoudé A, Johnson A, … Wiljer D. (Including Cleverley K). (2021). Considerations for evaluating digital mental health tools remotely – reflections after a randomized trial of Thought Spot. General Hospital Psychiatry, 70, 76-77.

Loeffen EAH, Mulder RL, Font-Gonzalez A, Leroy PLJM, Dick BD, …Tissing WJE. (Including Jibb LA). (2020). Reducing pain and distress related to needle procedures in children with cancer: A clinical practice guideline. European Journal of Cancer, 131, 53-67.

Logan DE, Simons LE, Caruso TJ, Gold JI, Greenleaf W, … Wilson L. (Including Stinson JN). (2021). Leveraging Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality to Combat Chronic Pain in Youth: Position Paper From the Interdisciplinary Network on Virtual and Augmented Technologies for Pain Management. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(4), e25916.

MacEachern L, Cranley L, Curran J, & Keefe J. (2020). The role of motivation in the diffusion of innovations in Canada’s long-term care sector: a qualitative study. Implementation Science Communications, 1, 79.

MacKenzie NE, Keys E, Hall WA, Gruger R, Smith IM,…Corkum P. (Including Stremler R). (2021). Children’s sleep during COVID-19: how sleep is influencing surviving and thriving in families. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 46(9), 1051-62.

Mafeld S, Musing ELS, Conway A, Kennedy S, Oreopoulos G, & Rajan D. (2020). Avoiding and Managing Error in Interventional Radiology Practice: Tips and Tools. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal, 71(4), 528-535.

Mahabir DF, O’Campo P, Lofters A, Shankardass K, Salmon C, & Muntaner C. (2021). Experiences of everyday racism in Toronto’s health care system: a concept mapping study. International Journal for Equity in Health, 20(1), 74.

Mahabir DF, O’Campo P, Lofters A, Shankardass K, Salmon C, & Muntaner C. (2021). Classism and Everyday Racism as Experienced by Racialized Health Care Users: A Concept Mapping Study. International Journal of Health Services, 51(3), 350-363.

Maheu C, Lemonde M, Mayo S, Galica J, & Bally J. (2021). Moving research forward during COVID-19. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 31(4), 490-492.

Mahmood Q, & Muntaner C. (2020). Statesociety nexus in Brazil and Venezuela and its effect on participatory governance efforts in health and other sectors. International Journal for Equity in Health, 19(1), 173.

Malakian A, Mohammed S, Fazelzad R, Ajaj R, Artemenko A, & Mayo SJ. (2022). Nursing, psychotherapy and advanced cancer: A scoping review. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 56, 102090.

Malik U, Alam Z, Loucks A, Jin R, Yokom D, … Alibhai SMH. (Including Puts M). (2020). Downstream consequences of abnormal cognitive screening in older adults seen pretreatment in a geriatric oncology clinic. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 11(5), 784-789.

Manduchi B, Che Z, Fitch MI, Ringash J, Howell D, & Martino R. (2022). Psychometric properties of patient-reported outcome measures for dysphagia in head and neck cancer: a systematic review protocol using COSMIN methodology. Systematic Reviews, 11(1), 27.

Mangaoil RA, Cleverley K, & Peter E. (2020). Immediate Staff Debriefing Following Seclusion or Restraint Use in Inpatient Mental Health Settings: A Scoping Review. Clinical Nursing Research, 29(7), 479-495.

Mansfield CA, Metcalfe KA, Snyder C, Lindeman GJ, Posner J, Friedman S; Kathleen Cuningham Foundation Consortium for Research into Familial Breast Cancer; Lynch HT… Liede A. (2020). Preferences for breast cancer prevention among women with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice, 18, 20.

Mao Y, Zhang C, Wang Y, Meng Y, Chen L, … Huang H. (Including Dennis CL). (2021). Association Between Paternal Age and Birth Weight in Preterm and Full-Term Birth: A Retrospective Study. Frontiers in Endocdrinology, 12, 706369.

Martín-Moreno JM, Arenas A, Bengoa R, Borrell C, Franco M, … Vives-Cases C. (Including Muntaner C). (2020). Reflexiones sobre cómo evaluar y mejorar la respuesta a la pandemia de COVID-19 [Insight on how to assess and improve the response to the COVID-19 pandemic]. Gaceta Sanitaria, 36(1):, 32-36.

Matilla-Santander N, Ahonen E, Albin M, Baron S, Bolíbar M, …Bodin T, All Members of the PWR study Cosortium (Including Muntaner C.) (2021). COVID-19 and Precarious Employment: Consequences of the Evolving Crisis. International Journal of Health Services, 51(2), 226-228.

Matilla-Santander N, Muntaner C, Kreshpaj B, Gunn V, Jonsson J, … Bodin T. (2022). Trajectories of precarious employment and the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke among middle-aged workers in Sweden: A register-based cohort study. The Lancet Regional Health, 15, 100314.

Maunder RG, Heeney ND, Kiss A, Hunter JJ, Jeffs LP, …Wiesenfeld LA. (2021). Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital workers over time: Relationship to occupational role, living with children and elders, and modifiable factors. General Hospital Psychiatry, 71, 88-94.

Mawani FN, Gunn V, O’Campo P, Anagnostou M, Muntaner C, … An A. (2021). COVID-19 Economic Response and Recovery: A Rapid Scoping Review. International Journal of Health Services, 51(2), 247-260.

Mayo SJ, Ajaj R, & Drury A. (2021). Survivors’ preferences for the organization and delivery of supportive care after treatment: An integrative review. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 54, 102040.

Mayo SJ, Lustberg M, M Dhillon H, Nakamura ZM, Allen DH, …Peters KB. (2021). Cancerrelated cognitive impairment in patients with non-central nervous system malignancies: an overview for oncology providers from the MASCC Neurological Complications Study Group. Supportive Care in Cancer, 29(6), 2821-2840.

Mayo SJ, Messner HA, Rourke SB, Howell D, Victor JC, … Metcalfe K. (2020). Predictors of the trajectory of cognitive functioning in the first 6 months after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 55(5), 918-928.

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Mayo SJ, Rourke SB, Atenafu EG, Vitorino R, Chen C, & Kuruvilla J. (2021). Computerized cognitive training in post-treatment hematological cancer survivors: a feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7(1), 36.

Mayo SJ, Wozniczka I, Brennenstuhl S, Rourke SB, Howell D, & Metcalfe KA, & Lipton JH. (2021). Late cognitive outcomes among allogeneic stem cell transplant survivors: follow-up data from a 6-year longitudinal study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 29(5), 2621-2630.

McCuaig JM, Care M, Ferguson SE, Kim RH, Stockley TL, & Metcalfe KA. (2020). Year 1: Experiences of a tertiary cancer centre following implementation of reflex BRCA1 and BRCA2 tumor testing for all high-grade serous ovarian cancers in a universal healthcare system. Gynecologic Oncology, 158(3), 747-753.

McGillion MH, Allan K, Ross-Howe S, Jiang W, Graham M, … Devereaux PJ. (Including Peter E). (2022). Beyond Wellness Monitoring: Continuous Multiparameter Remote Automated Monitoring of Patients. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 38(2), 267-278.

McGillion MH, Dvirnik N, Yang S, Belley-Côté E, Lamy A, … Devereaux PJ. (Including Peter E). (2022). Continuous Noninvasive Remote Automated Blood Pressure Monitoring With Novel Wearable Technology: A Preliminary Validation Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 10(2), e24916.

McGillion MH, Parlow J, Borges FK, Marcucci M, Jacka M, … Devereaux PJ, PVC-RAM-1 Investigators (Including Peter E). (2021). Post-discharge after surgery Virtual Care with Remote Automated Monitoring-1 (PVC-RAM-1) technology versus standard care: randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 374, n2209.

McGillion MH, Parlow J, Borges FK, Marcucci M, Jacka M, …Devereaux PJ, PVC-RAM Investigators. (Including Peter E). (2021). Post Discharge after Surgery Virtual Care with Remote Automated Monitoring Technology (PVC-RAM): protocol for a randomized controlled trial. CMAJ Open, 2021 Mar 2;9(1):E142-E148.

McGilton KS, Backman A, Boscart V, Chu C, Gea Sánchez M, … Zúñiga F. (2020). Exploring a Common Data Element for International Research in Long-Term Care Homes: A Measure for Evaluating Nursing Supervisor Effectiveness. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 6, 2333721420979812.

McGilton KS, Bowers BJ, & Resnick B. (2022). The Future Includes Nurse Practitioner Models of Care in the Long-Term Care Sector. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 23(2), 197-200

McGilton KS, Campitelli MA, Bethell J, Guan J, Vellani S, … Bronskill SE. (2021). Impact of Dementia on Patterns of Home Care After Inpatient Rehabilitation Discharge for Older Adults After Hip Fractures. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 102(10), 1972-1981.

McGilton KS, Cumal A, Corsi D, Gingrich S, Zheng N, & Escrig-Pinol A. (2021). Context matters when implementing patient centred rehabilitation models for persons with cognitive impairment: a case study. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 204.

McGilton KS, Escrig-Pinol A, Gordon A, Chu CH, Zúñiga F, … Bowers B. (2020). Uncovering the Devaluation of Nursing Home Staff During COVID-19: Are We Fuelling the Next Health Care Crisis? Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21(7), 962-965.

McGilton KS, Krassikova A, Boscart V, Sidani S, Iaboni A, … Escrig-Pinol A. (2021). Nurse Practitioners Rising to the Challenge During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic in Long-Term Care Homes. Gerontologist, 61(4), 615-623.

McGilton KS, Omar A, Stewart SS, Chu CH, Blodgett MB, … Davis AM. (2020). Factors That Influence the Reintegration to Normal Living for Older Adults 2 Years Post Hip Fracture. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 39(12), 1323-1331.

McGilton KS, Stewart S, Bethell J, Chu CH, Mateos JT, … Gea-Sánchez M. (2022). Factors Influencing Nurse Assistants’ Job Satisfaction in Nursing Homes in Canada and Spain: A Comparison of Two Cross-Sectional Observational Studies. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 41(1), 235-244.

McGilton KS, Vellani S, Krassikova A, Robertson S, Irwin C, … Sidani S. (Including Puts M). (2021). Understanding transitional care programs for older adults who experience delayed discharge: a scoping review. BMC Geriatrics, 21(1), 210.

McGilton KS, Vellani S, Zheng N, Wang D, Yeung L, & Escrig-Pinol A. (2021). Healthcare professionals’ perspectives on rehabilitating persons with cognitive impairment. Dementia (London), 20(5), 1772-1790.

McKnight A, Vigod SN, Dennis CL, Wanigaratne S, & Brown HK. (2020). Association Between Chronic Medical Conditions and Acute Perinatal Psychiatric Health-Care Encounters Among Migrants: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 65(12), 854-864.

McLean B, Hossain N, Donison V, Gray M, Durbano S, … Puts M. (2021). Providing Medical Information to Older Adults in a Web-Based Environment: Systematic Review. JMIR Aging, 4(1), e24092.

McMurray J, Widger K, Stephenson AL, & Stremler R. (2022). Actigraphic and patient and family reported sleep outcomes in children and youth with cystic fibrosis: A systematic review. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 21(2), e49-e82.

McPherson AC, Oake M, & Stinson J. (2020). “Don’t sweat it buddy, it’s OK”: an exploration of the needs of adolescents with disabilities when designing a mobile application for weight management and healthy lifestyles. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42(11), 1569-1577.

Medeiros C, Buckley L, Metcalfe K, Narayanan UG, & Widger K. (2020). Decision aids available for parents making end-of-life or palliative care decisions for children: A scoping review. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 56(5), 692-703.

Menjak IB, Puts M, & Steer C. (2021). Editorial: Supportive and palliative care of older adults with cancer. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care, 15(1), 1-2.

Mesaroli G, Campbell F, Hundert A, Birnie KA, Sun N, … Stinson J. (2021). Development of a Screening Tool for Pediatric Neuropathic Pain and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Pediatric PainSCAN. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 38(1), 15-22.

Mesaroli G, Hundert A, Birnie KA, Campbell F, & Stinson J. (2021). Screening and diagnostic tools for complex regional pain syndrome: a systematic review. Pain, 162(5), 1295-1304.

Metcalfe KA, Candib A, Giannakeas V, Eisen A, Poll A, … Narod SA. (2021). The relationship between the predicted risk of death and psychosocial functioning among women with early-stage breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 186(1), 177-189.

Metcalfe KA, Eisen A, Poll A, Candib A, McCready D, … Narod SA. (2021). Frequency of Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy in Breast Cancer Patients with a Negative BRCA1 and BRCA2 Rapid Genetic Test Result. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 28(9), 4967-4973.

Metcalfe KA, Eisen A, Poll A, Candib A, McCready D, … Narod SA. (2021). Rapid Genetic Testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations at the Time of Breast Cancer Diagnosis: An Observational Study. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 28(4), 2219-2226.

Metcalfe KA, Eisen A, Wright F, Poll A, Candib A, … Narod SA. (2022). Impact of rapid genetic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 at time of breast cancer diagnosis on psychosocial functioning. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 191(3), 631-641.

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Metcalfe KA, Price MA, Mansfield C, Hallett DC, Lindeman GJ, … Snyder C; Kathleen Cunningham Foundation Consortium for Research into Familial Breast Cancer, Lynch HT, Evans DG, Narod SA, Liede A. (2020). Predictors of long-term cancer-related distress among female BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers without a cancer diagnosis: an international analysis. British Journal of Cancer, 123(2), 268-274.

Michalski CA, Hung RJ, Seeto RA, Dennis CL, Brooks JD, …, Knight JA. (2020). Association between maternal cannabis use and birth outcomes: an observational study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20(1), 771.

Mildon A, Francis J, Stewart S, Underhill B, Ng YM, …Sellen DW. (Including Dennis CL). (2021). Effect on breastfeeding practices of providing in-home lactation support to vulnerable women through the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program: protocol for a pre/post intervention study. International Breastfeeding Journal, 16(1), 49.

Mildon A, Francis J, Stewart S, Underhill B, Ng YM, … Sellen DW. (Including Dennis CL). (2022). High levels of breastmilk feeding despite a low rate of exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months in a cohort of vulnerable women in Toronto, Canada. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 18(1), e13260.

Mohammed S, Peter E, Killackey T, & Maciver J. (2021). The “nurse as hero” discourse in the COVID-19 pandemic: A poststructural discourse analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 117,103887.

Monga S, Monsour A, Stallwood E, Desai R, Cleverley K, … Butcher N. (2020). Core Outcome Set Development for Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder Clinical Trials: A Registered Report. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 59(11), 12971298.

Mulvagh SL, Mullen KA, Nerenberg KA, Kirkham AA, Green CR, … Norris CM. (Including Parr M). (2021). The Canadian Women’s Heart Health Alliance Atlas on the Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Management of Cardiovascular Disease in Women - Chapter 4: Sex- and Gender-Unique Disparities: CVD Across the Lifespan of a Woman. CJC Open, 4(2), 115-132.

Nayfeh A, Yarnell CJ, Dale C, Conn LG, Hales B, … Fowler R. (2021). Evaluating satisfaction with the quality and provision of end-of-life care for patients from diverse ethnocultural backgrounds. BMC Palliative Care, 20(1), 145.

Negeri ZF, Levis B, Sun Y, He C, Krishnan A, …Thombs BD; Depression Screening Data (DEPRESSD) PHQ Group (Including Conway, A). (2021). Accuracy of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 for screening to detect major depression: updated systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. BMJ, 375, n2183.

Nelson S, & Baumann A. (2021). Not Part of the Job: An Analysis of Characterizations of Workplace Violence against Nurses in Canada by Unions and Professional Associations. Nursing Leadership (Toronto, ON), 34(1), 45-59.

Nelson S, & Salami BO. (2021). Commentary: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: A Key Solution to the Crisis of Doctoral Nursing Education in Canada. Nursing Leadership (Toronto, ON), 34(4), 133-138.

Nelson S. (2021). Nursing Experts, Hygienic Modernity, and Nation Building: The Case of Nursing in Ethiopia in the Post-Colonial Era. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, 38(1), 63-92.

Nelson S. (2021). Enfermagem e doenças infecciosas: três lições da história. [Nursing infectious disease: a history with three lessons.] Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 74(3), e740301.

Nelson S, & Salami B (2021). Equity, diversity and inclusion: A key solution to the crisis of doctoral nursing education in Canada. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 34(4), 133-8.

Nelson S. (2022). The birth and rebirth of Fabiola, Patron Saint of Nursing: Hagiography, female piety and salvation through care of the sick in the fourth and nineteenth centuries European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics, 2021(3).

Nguyen B, Torres A, Sim W, Kenny D, Campbell DM, … Bhat V. (Including Peter E). (2022). Digital Interventions to Reduce Distress Among Health Care Providers at the Frontline: Protocol for a Feasibility Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 11(2), e32240.

Omar A, Cumal A, Vellani S, Krassikova A, Lapenskie J, … McGilton KS. (2021). Health and social interventions to restore physical function of older adults post-hip fracture: a scoping review. BMJ Open, 11(10), e053992.

Pace R, Harris S, Parry M, & Zaran H; Transformation of Indigenous Primary Healthcare Delivery (FORGE AHEAD) Program Collaborators. (2020). Primary and Secondary Cardiovascular Prevention Among First Nations Peoples With Type 2 Diabetes in Canada: Findings From the FORGE AHEAD Program. CJC Open, 2(6), 547554.

Pacheco C, Mullen KA, Coutinho T, Jaffer S, Parry M, … Mulvagh SL. (2021). The Canadian Women’s Heart Health Alliance Atlas on the Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Management of Cardiovascular Disease in Women - Chapter 5: Sex- and Gender-Unique Manifestations of Cardiovascular Disease. CJC Open, 4(3), 243262.

Papadakos J, Barnsley J, Berta W, Rowlands G, Samoil D, & Howell D. (2022). The association of self-efficacy and health literacy to chemotherapy self-management behaviors and health service utilization. Supportive Care in Cancer, 30(1), 603-613.

Parker L, Bennett A, Mintzes B, Grundy Q, Fabbri A, … Bero L. (2021). “There are ways … drug companies will get into DTC decisions”: How Australian drug and therapeutics committees address pharmaceutical industry influence. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87(5), 2341-2353.

Parker L, Grundy Q, Fabbri A, Mintzes B, & Bero L. (2021). ‘Lines in the sand’: an Australian qualitative study of patient group practices to promote independence from pharmaceutical industry funders. BMJ Open, 11(2), e045140.

Parry M, Bjørnnes AK, Harrington M, Duong M, El Ali S, … Watt-Watson J. (Including Stinson JN). (2021). “Her Heart Matters”-Making Visible the Cardiac Pain Experiences of Women with Physical Disabilities and Heart Disease: A Qualitative Study. CJC Open, 4(2), 214-222.



Muntaner C, Gunn V, & Prins SJ. (2021). On Case and Deaton’s deaths of despair: implications for health inequalities research in the post-COVID-19 era. Gaceta Sanitaria, 35(5), 409-410.

Nightingale G, Battisti NML, Loh KP, Puts M, Kenis C, … Pergolotti M. (2021). Perspectives on functional status in older adults with cancer: An interprofessional report from the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) nursing and allied health interest group and young SIOG. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 12(4), 658-665.

Parry, M, Bjørnnes AK, Harrington M, ToupinApril K, Najam A, … Marlin S. (2021). Patient Engagement Partnerships in Clinical Trials: Development of Patient Partner and Investigator Decision Aids. Patient, 13(6), 745-756.

Murnaghan S, Kendell C, Sussman J, Porter GA, Howell D, … Urquhart R. (2021). StakeholderIdentified Interventions to Address Cancer Survivors’ Psychosocial Needs after Completing Treatment. Current Oncology, 28(6), 49614971.

Narod SA, Gojska N, Sun P, Tryon A, Kotsopoulos J, Metcalfe K, & Akbari MR. (2021). The Screen Project: Guided Direct-To-Consumer Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer Susceptibility in Canada. Cancers (Basel), 13(8), 1894.

O’Connell ME, Vellani S, Robertson S, O’Rourke HM, & McGilton KS. (2021). Going From Zero to 100 in Remote Dementia Research: A Practical Guide. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(1), e24098.

O’Connell SBL, Gelgoot EN, Grunberg PH, Schinazi J, Da Costa D… Zelkowitz P. (Including Dennis CL). (2021). ‘I felt less alone knowing I could contribute to the forum’: psychological distress and use of an online infertility peer support forum. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 9(1), 128-148.

Parry M, Ceroni T, Wells D, Richards DP, Toupin-April K, … Marlin S. (2022). Patient engagement partnerships in clinical trials (PEP-CT): protocol for the systematic development and testing of patient partner and investigator decision aids. BMJ Open, 12(2), e060267.

Pawliuk C, Brown HL, Widger K, Dewan T, Hermansen AM, … Siden HH. (2021). Optimising the process for conducting scoping reviews. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, 26(6), 312.

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Pawluk DL, Dale C, Lai JY, Villacorta-Siegal N, Smith J, … Lawrence HP. (2021). The impact of oral health education taken by personal support workers caring for a geriatric population in a long-term care facility: A mixed-methods study. Gerodontology, 38(4), 373-386.

Peng Y, Hahn RA, Finnie RKC, Cobb J, Williams SP, … Fullilove MT (including Muntaner C); Community Preventive Services Task Force. (2020). Permanent Supportive Housing With Housing First to Reduce Homelessness and Promote Health Among Homeless Populations With Disability: A Community Guide Systematic Review. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 26(5), 404-411.

Persaud N, Ally M, Woods H, Workentin A, Baxter NN, … Straus S. (Including Grundy Q). (2022). Racialised people in clinical guideline panels. Lancet, 399(10320), 139-140.

Pilleron S, Alqurini N, Ferlay J, Haase KR, Hannan M, … Morris EJA. (Including Puts M). (2022). International trends in cancer incidence in middle-aged and older adults in 44 countries. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 13(3), 346-355.

Postier AC, Wolfe J, Hauser J, Remke SS, Baker JN, … Friedrichsdorf SJ. (Widger K). (2022). Education in Palliative and End-of-Life CarePediatrics: Curriculum Use and Dissemination. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 63(3), 349-358.

Pouget JG, Taylor VH, Dennis C-L, Grigoriadis, S, The Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Inflammation Group, ... Vigod SN. (2021). Preliminary insights into the genetic architecture of postpartum depressive symptom severity using polygenic risk scores. Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry, 27-28.

Prins SJ, McKetta S, Platt J, Muntaner C, Keyes KM, & Bates LM. (2021). The Serpent of Their Agonies: Exploitation as Structural Determinant of Mental Illness. Epidemiology, 32(2), 303-309.

Puts M, Oldenmenger WH, Haase KR, Sattar S, Strohschein FJ, … Kenis C. (2021). Optimizing care for older adults with cancer: International Society of Geriatric Oncology Nursing and Allied Health Interest Group and European Oncology Nursing Society survey results from nurses regarding challenges and opportunities caring for older adults with cancer. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 12(6), 971-979.

Puts M, Papadopoulos E, Brennenstuhl S, Durbano S, Hossain N, … Alibhai SMH. (Including Cleverley K). (2022). The Development of Geriatric Assessment and Intervention Guidelines for an Online Geriatric Assessment Tool: A Canadian Modified Delphi Panel Study. Current Oncology, 29(2), 853-868.

Puts M, Soo WK, Szumacher E, & Decoster L. (2021). Methods for frailty screening and geriatric assessment in older adults with cancer. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care, 15(1), 16-22.

Puts M, Strohschein F, Oldenmenger W, Haase K, Newton L, … Kenis C. (2021). Position statement on oncology and cancer nursing care for older adults with cancer and their caregivers of the International Socfiety of Geriatric Oncology Nursing and Allied Health Interest Group, the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology Oncology & Aging Special Interest Group, and the European Oncology Nursing Society. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 12(7), 1000-1004.

Puts M, Szumacher E, Dawe D, Fitch M, Jones J, … Strohschein F; Canadian Network on Aging and Cancer. (2021). Never too old to learn new tricks: Surveying Canadian healthcare professionals about learning needs in caring for older adults with cancer. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 12(2), 262-273.

Quan ML, Olivotto IA, Baxter NN, Friedenreich CM, Metcalfe K, … Narod S, RUBY site investigators. (2020). A pan-Canadian prospective study of young women with breast cancer: the rationale and protocol design for the RUBY study. Current Oncology, 27(5), e516-e523.

Radwan H, Fakhry R, Metheny N, Baniissa W, Faris MAIE, … Dennis CL. (2021). Prevalence and multivariable predictors of breastfeeding outcomes in the United Arab Emirates: a prospective cohort study. International Breastfeeding Journal, 16(1), 79.

Radwan H, Fakhry R, Issa WB, Hanach N, Obaid RS, ... Dennis, C-L. (2020). Maternal mental health and infant feeding practices UAE cohort protocol: Methodology and baseline characteristics. Hamdan Medical Journal, 13, 141.

Rangel JC, Ranade S, Sutcliffe P, Mykhalovskiy E, Gastaldo D, & Eakin J. (2020). COVID-19 policy measures-Advocating for the inclusion of the social determinants of health in modelling and decision making. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 26(4), 1078-1080.

Raparelli V, Norris CM, Bender U, Herrero MT, Kautzky-Willer A, … Pilote L; GOING FWD Collaborators (Including Parry M). (2021). Identification and inclusion of gender factors in retrospective cohort studies: the GOING-FWD framework. BMJ Global Health, 6(4), e005413.

Ravindran S, Yoganathan S, Cairncross ZF, Dennis CL, Enders J, … Brown HK. (2020). Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of an Interconception Intervention Provided by Public Health Nurses. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 24(9), 1161-1169.

Rennick JE, Knox AM, Treherne SC, DrydenPalmer K, Stremler R, … Campbell-Yeo M. (2021). Family Members’ Perceptions of Their Psychological Responses One Year Following Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Hospitalization: Qualitative Findings From the Caring Intensively Study. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 9, 724155.

Richards DP, Birnie KA, Eubanks K, Lane T, Linkiewich D, … Begley KN. (Including Stinson JN). (2020). Guidance on authorship with and acknowledgement of patient partners in patientoriented research. Reseach Involvement and Engagement, 6, 38.

Richardson PA, Harrison LE, Heathcote LC, Rush G, Shear D, … Simons LE. (Including Stinson JN). (2020). mHealth for pediatric chronic pain: state of the art and future directions. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 20(11), 11771187.

Rodríguez-Monforte M, Bethell J, Stewart S, Chu CH, Escrig-Pinol A, … McGilton KS. (2021). The influence of supervisory support, work effectiveness, work empowerment and stress secondary to residents’ responsive behaviours on job satisfaction of nursing staff: A multisite crosssectional study. Journal of Nursing Management, 29(3), 497-507.

Romanovsky L, Magnuson A, & Puts M. (2022). Cognitive assessment for older adults with cancer: A Young International Society of Geriatric Oncology and Nursing & Allied Health Interest Group initiative. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 13(3), 378-380.

Ronquillo CE, Peltonen LM, Pruinelli L, Chu CH, Bakken S, … Topaz M. (2021). Artificial intelligence in nursing: Priorities and opportunities from an international invitational think-tank of the Nursing and Artificial Intelligence Leadership Collaborative. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(9), 3707-3717.

Rose L, Allum LJ, Istanboulian L, & Dale C (2022). Actionable processes of care important to patients and family who experienced a prolonged intensive care unit stay: Qualitative interview study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2022 Apr;78(4):1089-1099.

Rose L, Fisher T, Pizzuti R, Amin R, Croxford R, … Gershon A. (Including Dale CM). (2022). Health Care Use, Costs, and Survival Trajectory of Home Mechanical Insufflation-Exsufflation. Respiratory Care, 67(2), 191-200.

Rose L, Sutt AL, Amaral AC, Fergusson DA, Smith OM, & Dale CM. (2021). Interventions to enable communication for adult patients requiring an artificial airway with or without mechanical ventilator support. Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews, 10(10), CD013379.

Rosen B, Preisman M, Read H, Chaukos D, Greenberg RA, … Wiesenfeld L. (Including Jeffs L). (2022). Resilience coaching for healthcare workers: Experiences of receiving collegial support during the COVID-19 pandemic. General Hospital Psychiatry, 75, 83-87.

Rosenbloom BN, Pagé MG, Isaac L, Campbell F, Stinson JN, … Katz J. (2020). Fear of movement in children and adolescents undergoing major surgery: A psychometric evaluation of the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia. European Journal of Pain, 24(10), 1999-2014.

Rosenbloom BN, Slepian PM, Pagé MG, Isaac L, Campbell F, Stinson J, & Katz J. (2021). Differential Risk Factor Profiles in the Prediction of General and Pain-Specific Functional Limitations 12 Months after Major Pediatric Surgery. Children (Basel), 8(5), 360.

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Saragosa M, Jeffs L, Hahn-Goldberg S, Abrams H, Soong C, … Okrainec K. (2021). ‘There was no preamble’: Comparing the Transition from Hospital to Home in Different Care Settings. Canadian Journal on Aging, 40(2), 282-292.

Saragosa M, Jeffs L, Okrainec K, & Kuluski K. (2022). Using meta-ethnography to understand the care transition experience of people with dementia and their caregivers. Dementia (London), 21(1), 153-180.

Sattar S, Puts MP, Spoelstra S, Yokom D, Haase K,…Alibhai S. (2021). Falls in older adults with cancer: An updated systematic review of prevalence, injurious falls, and impact on cancer treatment. Supportive Care in Cancer, 29(1), 21-33.

Shahry P, Vizheh M, Abbasi M, Montazeri A, Fallahian-Mehrjardi F, … Araban M. (Including Dennis CL). (2021). Confirmatory factor analysis and responsiveness to change of the Persian version of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Short Form Scale. Clinical Lactation, 12(3), 124-36.

Shaw J, Monica G, Carson A, Gastaldo D, Gladstone B, … Eaking J. (2022). Advancing the Impact of Critical Qualitative Research on Policy, Practice, and Science. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, January 2022.

Sheikhan NY, Hawke LD, Cleverley K, Darnay K, Courey L, … Henderson J. (2021). ‘It reshaped how I will do research’: A qualitative exploration of team members’ experiences with youth and family engagement in a randomized controlled trial. Health Expectations, 24(2), 589-600.

Shi J, Lo B, Wong HW, Hollenberg E, Sanches M, … Wiljer D. (Including Cleverley K). (2021). Assessing the usability and user engagement of Thought Spot - A digital mental health helpseeking solution for transition-aged youth. Internet Interventions, 24, 100386.

Simmonds A, Nunn A, Gray M, Hardie C, Mayo S, Peter E, & Richards J. (2020). Pedagogical practices that influence professional identity formation in baccalaureate nursing education: A scoping review. Nurse Education Today, 93, 104516.

Singla DR, Lawson A, Kohrt BA, Jung JW, Meng Z, … Patel V. (Including Dennis CL). (2021). Implementation and Effectiveness of Nonspecialist-Delivered Interventions for Perinatal Mental Health in High-Income Countries: A Systematic Review and Metaanalysis. JAMA Psychiatry, 78(5), 498-509.

Singla DR, Lemberg-Pelly S, Lawson A, Zahedi N, Thomas-Jacques T, & Dennis CL. (2020). Implementing Psychological Interventions Through Nonspecialist Providers and Telemedicine in High-Income Countries: Qualitative Study from a Multistakeholder Perspective. JMIR Mental Health, 7(8). e19271.

Singla DR, Meltzer-Brody SE, Silver RK, Vigod SN, Kim JJ, … Patel V. (Including Dennis, CL). (2021). Scaling Up Maternal Mental healthcare by Increasing access to Treatment (SUMMIT) through non-specialist providers and telemedicine: a study protocol for a noninferiority randomized controlled trial. Trials, 22(1), 186.

Sivaratnam S, Hwang K, Chee-A-Tow A, Ren L, Fang G, & Jibb L. (2022). Using Social Media to Engage Knowledge Users in Health Research Priority Setting: Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(2), e29821.

Slater H, Stinson JN, Jordan JE, Chua J, Low B, … Briggs AM. (2020). Evaluation of Digital Technologies Tailored to Support Young People’s Self-Management of Musculoskeletal Pain: Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(6), e18315.

Smith OM, Metcalfe K, Puts M, McDonald E, Sue-Chee S, & Friedrich JO. (2020). Role Incongruence and Psychological Stress Symptoms in Substitute Decision Makers of Intensive Care Patients. American Journal of Critical Care, 29(4), 301-310.

Sohn M, Moon D, O’Campo P, Muntaner C, & Chung H. (2022). Who loses more? Identifying the relationship between hospitalization and income loss: prediction of hospitalization duration and differences of gender and employment status. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 232.

Somani R, Muntaner C, Hillan E, Velonis AJ, & Smith P. (2021). A Systematic Review: Effectiveness of Interventions to De-escalate Workplace Violence against Nurses in Healthcare Settings. Safety and Health at Work, 12(3), 289-295.

Spiegel L, Tucker L, Duffy KW, Lalloo C, Hundert A, … Stinson J. (2021). Development and validation of the RACER (Readiness for Adult Care in Rheumatology) transition instrument in youth with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Pediatric Rheumatology Online Journal, 19(1), 83.

Stacey D, Jolicoeur L, Balchin K, Duke K, Ludwig C, … Martelli L. (Including Jibb L). (2020). Quality of telephone nursing services for adults with cancer and related non-emergent visits to the emergency department. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 30(3), 193-199.

Stacey D, Jolicoeur L, Balchin K, Duke K, Ludwig C, … Martelli L. (Including Jibb L). (2020). Lien entre la qualité des interventions téléphoniques des infirmières auprès des adultes atteints de cancer et les visites évitables au service des urgences. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 30(3), 200-207.

Stacey D, Ludwig C, Jolicoeur L, Carley M, Balchin K, … Martelli L. (Including Jibb L). (2021). Quality of telephone-based cancer symptom management by nurses: a quality improvement project. Supportive Care in Cancer, 29(2), 841-849.

Stacey D, Carley M, Newton J, for the PanCanadian Oncology Symptom Triage and Remote Support Group (COSTaRS) team (Including Jibb LA). (2020). Pan-Canadian Oncology Symptom Triage and Remote Support (COSTaRS) practice guides — What’s changed in Version 2020? Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 30(4), 269-76.

Stevens K, Thambinathan V, Hollenberg E, Inglis F, Johnson A, … Cleverley K. (2021). Core components and strategies for suicide and risk management protocols in mental health research: a scoping review. BMC Psychiatry, 21(1), 13.

Stinson JN, Lalloo C, Hundert AS, Campillo S, Cellucci T, … Victor JC. (2020). Teens Taking Charge: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Web-Based Self-Management Program With Telephone Support for Adolescents With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(7), e16234.

Stjepanovic N, Lubinski J, Moller P, Randall Armel S, Foulkes WD, … Narod SA; Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group (Including Metcalfe KA). (2021). Breast cancer risk after age 60 among BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 187(2), 515-523.

Stremler R, McMurray J, & Brennenstuhl S. (2020). Self-Reported Sleep Quality and Actigraphic Measures of Sleep in New Mothers and the Relationship to Postpartum Depressive Symptoms. Behavioural Sleep Medicine, 18(3), 396-405.

Stremler R, Micsinszki S, Adams S, Parshuram C, Pullenayegum E, & Weiss SK. (2021). Objective Sleep Characteristics and Factors Associated With Sleep Duration and Waking During Pediatric Hospitalization. JAMA Network Open, 4(4), e213924.

Strohschein FJ, Newton L, Puts M, Jin R, Haase K, … Fitch M. (2021). Optimizing the Care of Older Canadians with Cancer and their Families: A Statement Articulating the Position and Contribution of Canadian Oncology Nurses. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 31(3), 352-356.

Strohschein FJ, Newton L, Puts M, Jin R, Haase K, … Fitch M. (2021). Optimiser les soins des adultes âgés atteints de cancer et l’accompagnement de leurs proches: énoncé de position et contribution des infirmières canadiennes en oncologie. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 31(3), 357-362.

Stunden C, Zasada J, VanHeerwaarden N, Hollenberg E, Abi-Jaoudé A, … Wiljer D. (Including Cleverley K). (2020). Help-Seeking Behaviors of Transition-Aged Youth for Mental Health Concerns: Qualitative Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(10), e18514.

Subramaniam CB, Bowen JM, Gladman MA, Lustberg MB, Mayo SJ, & Wardill HR. (2020). The microbiota-gut-brain axis: An emerging therapeutic target in chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 116, 470-479.

Sun V, Puts M, Haase K, Pilleron S, Hannan M, … Strohschein FJ. (2021). The Role of Family Caregivers in the Care of Older Adults with Cancer. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 37(6), 151232.

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Taylor CL, Brown HK, Saunders NR, Barker LC, Chen S, … Vigod SN. (Including Dennis CL). (2021). Accidental injury, self-injury, and assault among children of women with schizophrenia: a population-based cohort study. Acata Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 143(5), 406-417.

Taylor CL, Brown HK, Saunders NR, Barker LC, Chen S, … Vigod SN. (Including Dennis CL). (2022). Maternal Schizophrenia, Skin-toSkin Contact, and Infant Feeding Initiation. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 48(1), 145-153.

Toufeili A, Cohen E, Ray JG, Wilton AS, Brown HK, …Vigod SN (Including Dennis CL). (2022). Complex chronic conditions among children born to women with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 241, 24-35.

Toupin April K, Stinson J, Cavallo S, Proulx L, Wells GA, … Brosseau L. (2020). Yoga and Aerobic Dance for Pain Management in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(7), e12823.

Toupin-April K, Huber AM, Duffy CM, Proulx L, Morgan EM, … Stinson J; JIA Option Map Group. (2020). Development and Acceptability of a Patient Decision Aid for Pain Management in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: The JIA Option Map. Patient, 13(6), 719-728.

Tracey M, Finkelstein Y, Schachter R, Cleverley K, Monga S, … Korczak DJ. (2020). Recruitment of adolescents with suicidal ideation in the emergency department: lessons from a randomized controlled pilot trial of a youth suicide prevention intervention. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 20(1). 231.

Traversy G, Barnieh L, Akl EA, Allan GM, Brouwers M, … Tonelli M. (2021). (Including Grundy Q). Managing conflicts of interest in the development of health guidelines. CMAJ, 193(2), E49-E54.

Traversy G, Barnieh L, Akl EA, Allan GM, Brouwers M, … Tonelli M. (Including Grundy Q.) (2021). Gestion des conflits d’intérêts durant l’élaboration de lignes directrices en santé. CMAJ, 193(9), E324-E330.

Urquhart R, Murnaghan S, Kendell C, Sussman J, Porter GA, Howell D, & Grunfeld E. (2021). What Matters in Cancer Survivorship Research? A Suite of Stakeholder-Relevant Outcomes. Current Oncology, 28(4), 3188-3200.

Vanderloo LM, Carsley S, Agarwal P, Marini F, Dennis CL, & Birken C. (2021). Selecting and Evaluating Mobile Health Apps for the Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative: Development of the eHealth Resource Checklist. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 9(12), e27533.

Varghese S, Hahn-Goldberg S, Deng Z, BradleyRidout G, Guilcher SJT, … McCarthy LM. (Including Jeffs L). (2022). Medication Supports at Transitions Between Hospital and Other Care Settings: A Rapid Scoping Review. Patient Preference and Adherence, 16, 515-560.

Variath C, Peter E, Cranley L, Godkin D, & Just D. (2020). Relational influences on experiences with assisted dying: A scoping review. Nursing Ethics, 27(7), 1501-1516.

Variath C, Peter E, Cranley L, & Godkin D. (2022). Health care providers’ ethical perspectives on waiver of final consent for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD): a qualitative study. BMC Medical Ethics, 23(1), 8.

Vellani S, Boscart V, Escrig-Pinol A, Cumal A, Krassikova A, … McGilton KS. (2021). Complexity of Nurse Practitioners’ Role in Facilitating a Dignified Death for Long-Term Care Home Residents during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 11(5), 433.

Vieira ACG, Gastaldo D, & Harrison D. (2020). ¿Cómo traducir el conocimiento científico a la práctica? Conceptos, modelos y aplicación. [How to translate scientific knowledge into practice? Concepts, models and application.] Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 73(5), e20190179.

Vigod SN, Brown HK, Huang A, Fung K, Barker LC, … Moineddin R. (Including Dennis CL). (2021). Postpartum mental illness during the COVID-19 pandemic: a population-based, repeated cross-sectional study. CMAJ, 193(23), E835-E843.

Vigod SN, & Dennis CL. (2020). Advances in virtual care for perinatal mental disorders. World Psychiatry, 19(3), 328-329.

Vigod SN, Slyfield Cook G, Macdonald K, Hussain-Shamsy N, … Dennis CL. (2021). Mother Matters: Pilot randomized wait-list controlled trial of an online therapist-facilitated discussion board and support group for postpartum depression symptoms. Depression and Anxiety, 38(8), 816-825.

Vogel JP, Tendal B, Giles M, Whitehead C, Burton W, … Home C. (Including Grundy, Q). (2020). Clinical care of pregnant and postpartum women with COVID-19: Living recommendations from the National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 60(6), 840-851.

von Gerich H, Moen H, Block LJ, Chu CH, DeForest H, … Peltonen LM. (2022). Artificial Intelligence -based technologies in nursing: A scoping literature review of the evidence. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 127, 104153.

Wang RH, Kenyon LK, McGilton KS, Miller WC, Hovanec N, … Czarnuch SM. (2021). The Time Is Now: A FASTER Approach to Generate Research Evidence for Technology-Based Interventions in the Field of Disability and Rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 102(9), 1848-1859.

Wang X, Tang L, Howell D, Zhang Q, Qiu R, … Ye Z. (2021). Supplement to the published paper “Theory-guided interventions for Chinese patients to adapt to heart failure: A quasi-experimental study”. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 8(2), 246-247.

Wang Z, Bero L, & Grundy Q. (2021). Understanding professional stakeholders’ active resistance to guideline implementation: The case of Canadian breast screening guidelines. Social Science & Medicine, 269, 113586.

Wang Z, Grundy Q, Parker L, & Bero L. (2020). Variations in processes for guideline adaptation: a qualitative study of World Health Organization staff experiences in implementing guidelines. BMC Public Health, 20(1), 1758.

Wanigaratne S, Mawani FN, O’Campo P, Cole DC, Ibrahim S, & Muntaner C. (2020). Commentary in response to ‘characterising the risk of homicide in a population-based cohort’ (O’Neill et al, 2019). Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 74(12), 977-978.

Webkamigad S, Rowe R, Peltier S, Froehlich Chow A, McGilton KS, & Walker JD. (2020). Identifying and understanding the health and social care needs of Indigenous older adults with multiple chronic conditions and their caregivers: a scoping review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(1), 145.

Widger K. (2021). The Way Forward: Patients and Families as Members of the Research Team. Cancer Nursing, 44(5), 431-432.

Wiljer D, Shi J, Lo B, Sanches M, Hollenberg E, … Voineskos A. (Including Cleverley K). (2020). Effects of a Mobile and Web App (Thought Spot) on Mental Health Help-Seeking Among College and University Students: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(10), e20790.

Wong HW, Lo B, Shi J, Hollenberg E, Abi-Jaoude A, … Wiljer D. (Including Cleverley K). (2021). Postsecondary Student Engagement With a Mental Health App and Online Platform (Thought Spot): Qualitative Study of User Experience. JMIR Mental Health, 8(4), e23447.

Wright AL, Ballantyne M, & Wahoush O. (2020). Caring for indigenous families in the neonatal intensive care unit. Nursing Inquiry, 27(2), e12338.

Wright AL, VanEvery R, & Miller V. (2021). Indigenous Mothers’ Use of Web- and App-Based Information Sources to Support Healthy Parenting and Infant Health in Canada: Interpretive Description. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 4(2), e16145.

Wrottesley SV, Prioreschi A, Slemming W, Cohen E, Dennis CL, & Norris SA. (2021). Maternal perspectives on infant feeding practices in Soweto, South Africa. Public Health Nutrition, 24(12), 3602-3614.

Wu Y, Levis B, Ioannidis JPA, Benedetti A, Thombs BD; DEPRESsion Screening Data (DEPRESSD) Collaboration (Including Conway A) (2021). Probability of Major Depression Classification Based on the SCID, CIDI, and MINI Diagnostic Interviews: A Synthesis of Three Individual Participant Data Meta-Analyses. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 90(1), 28-40.

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Wu Y, Lye S, Dennis CL, & Briollais L. (2020). Exclusive breastfeeding can attenuate bodymass-index increase among genetically susceptible children: A longitudinal study from the ALSPAC cohort. PLoS Genetics, 16(6), e1008790.

Wu Y, Zhang C, Liu H, Duan C, Li C, … Dennis CL. (2020). Perinatal depressive and anxiety symptoms of pregnant women during the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak in China. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 223(2), 240.e1-240.e9.

Wu YT, Liu J, Xu JJ, Chen YF, Yang W, … Huang HF. (Including Dennis CL). (2020). Neonatal outcome in 29 pregnant women with COVID-19: A retrospective study in Wuhan, China. PLoS Medicine,. 17(7), e1003195.

Wynne R, Conway A, & Davidson PM. (2021). Ensuring COVID-related innovation is sustained. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(6), e4-e6.

Ye B, How TV, Chu CH, & Mihailidis A. (2021). Dementia Care Apps for People with Dementia and Informal Caregivers: A Systematic Review Protocol. Gerontology, 67(5), 633-638.

Yuan X, Garg S, Haan K, Fellouse FA, Gopalsamy A, … Aitchison JS. (Including Hillan EM). (2020). Bead-based multiplex detection of dengue biomarkers in a portable imaging device. Biomedical Optics Express, 11(11), 6154-6167.

Xia YY, Gronwold J, Karlan B, Lubinski J, McCuaig J, … Kotsopoulos J, Hereditary Ovarian Cancer Clinical Study Group (Including Metcalfe KA). (2022). Contraceptive use and the risk of ovarian cancer among women with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. Gynecologic Oncology, 164(3), 514-21.

Zhang W, Stinson J, Huang Q, Makkar M, Wang J, … Yuan C. (Including Jibb LA). (2021). Identification and Characteristics of the Three Subgroups of Pain in Chinese Children and Adolescents with Cancer. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 59, e13-e19.

Zhao J, Salemohamed N, Stinson J, Carlin L, Seto E, … Furlan AD. (2020). Health care providers’ experiences and perceptions participating in a chronic pain telementoring education program: A qualitative study. Canadian Journal of Pain, 4(1), 111-121.

Zhong T, Mahajan A, Cowan K, Temple-Oberle C, Porter G, … Metcalfe K. (2021). Identifying the top research priorities in postmastectomy breast cancer reconstruction: a James Lind Alliance priority setting partnership. BMJ Open, 11(8), e047589.

Zhong T, Quong WL, Cheng T, Kerrebijn I, Butler K, … Metcalfe KA. (2021). Preconsultation Educational Group Intervention Can Address the Knowledge Gap in Postmastectomy Breast Reconstruction. Annals of Plastic Surgery, 86(6), 695-700.

Zimmerman S, Cesari M, Gaugler JE, Gleckman H, Grabowski DC, … Werner RM. (Including McGilton KS). (2022). The Inevitability of Reimagining Long-Term Care. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 23(2), 187-189.

Zimmermann C, Pope A, Hannon B, Krzyzanowska MK, Rodin G, Li … Le LW. (Including Howell, D). (2021). Phase II Trial of Symptom Screening With Targeted Early Palliative Care for Patients With Advanced Cancer. JNCCN, 20(4), 361-370.e3.

Zou P, Stinson J, Parry M, Dennis CL, Yang Y, & Lu Z. (2020). A Smartphone App (mDASHNaCC) to Support Healthy Diet and Hypertension Control for Chinese Canadian Seniors: Protocol for Design, Usability and Feasibility Testing. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(4), e15545.

Zuniga-Villanueva G, Widger K, Medeiros C, Trenholm M, & Streuli JC. (2021). Specialized Pediatric Palliative Care in Neonates with LifeLimiting Illness: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Perinatology, 38(S 01), e318-e329.


The Centre of Excellence in Long-term Care

COVID-19 has drawn into sharp focus the challenges of caring for older adults in their own homes, as well as the systemic issues facing long-term care across multiple provinces. There is a clear opportunity for registered nurses, nurse practitioners and nurse researchers to lead in these settings, provide innovative care and leadership, and create a culture of teaching and learning.

Bloomberg Nursing at the University of Toronto is uniquely positioned to lead in investing the interdisciplinary research and scholarship required to address the complex health challenges of older adults and long-term care reform. Through the Centre of Excellence in Long-term Care, we will aim to help policymakers meet the needs of the older adult population and create a new future for long-term care needs including the perspectives older adults, their families and caregivers and healthcare providers.

As part of our new campaign Bloomberg Nursing will seek funding, additional and deepened research collaborations, and partnerships to maintain and expand its global leadership in gerontological nursing and to educate registered nurses and nurse practitioners to be ready to face the challenges of long-term care in the decades ahead.

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Centre for Social Justice

At the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, we are committed to integrating equity and social justice into everything we do – whether that is educating the nurses of tomorrow, engaging in impactful research, and caring for our patients, their families, and our communities.

Through the proposed Centre for Social Justice, Bloomberg Nursing is well-positioned to lead in building a network of practitioners and scholars poised to make changes that will address social disparities, inside and outside the classroom, our healthcare institutions and our society.

Bloomberg Nursing will seek funding for the creation of a nursing-led, interdisciplinary team with shared perspectives from students, researchers, health care providers and patients, families and their communities, to explore the twin challenges of systemic discrimination in both the healthcare and healthcare education systems.

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Nurses are deeply entrenched in addressing some of the most pressing issues of our time. From navigating systemic discrimination in health care and barriers to health equity, to developing innovative and evidence-based strategies to improve quality and dignified care across the life span. Together we will reshape the future of nursing.”

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