Marine & Maritime Gazette November 2022

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MARINE & MARITIME GAZETTE Commercial Marine & Renewables Worldwide INSIDE: ISSUE 93 NOVEMBER 2022 12 22 37

Towards the festive maritime season

Just how is the end of the year shaping up for us all?

Welcome to the November 2022 issue of Marine & Maritime

G a z e t t e t h e m o n t h l y m a g a z i n e a i m e d a t Wo r l d w i d e coverage of the commercial marine, shipping and water based renewables markets

As we all steer towards year end, just what do the last months of 2022 hold for us all?

Inside this issue, we are, as usual, covering a vast amount of topics, from ‘Tugs, Workboats & OSVs’ on page 20, to the ‘ins and outs’ of ‘Under water, Subsea & Diving’ from page 26 There is also a quick look at ‘Marine Civils & Construction’ on page 34 and from page 40 we also have a ‘peek’ at ‘Training, Cer tification & Courses’

Anyway, happy reading and if you h any news, reviews, product launches absolutely anything else of interest acr the whole marine market, please ema to me at info@bljour nals plus com future consideration in our for thcomi issues

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MARINE & MARITIME GAZETTE Commercial Marine & Renewables W ld de INSIDE: NOVEMBER 2022 12 22 37


Castoldi launches US division

Castoldi is creating a permanent presence in the United States with an Amer ican of f ice in Seattle called Castoldi USA Inc

The US division, being headed up by James Langner, US sales representative, will take care about new sales in the territor y and handle after s a


“The US office gives us a firm presence in America and will reassure our customers that we have a


truly global presence It will give them the confidence to invest in our proven waterjet technology knowing that they will also receive the top quality after sales ser vice our customers have come to expect,” said Mr Langner

The US office will handle all American sales across all markets, including fishing, workboats, fast ferries, high speed craft, militar y and shallow draft applications

Castoldi’s competitive edge is centred around its integrated gearbox offering one of the most efficient, light weight and compact propulsion systems available on the market today

Much more than a simple pump, it is a complete, integrated marine propulsion system The Castoldi waterjet drive is ver y light due to the aluminium alloy construction of its principal par ts The gearbox with hydraulic clutch is integrated in the unit therefore the engine need not be provided with a marine transmission

Castoldi provides full support to its customers supplying the waterjet (with integrated gearbox), the control system for waterjet and engine and designing the suitable transmission set

The Castoldi waterjet can easily operate in shallow waters and critical conditions due to its unique design including all oil lubricated bearings and the impeller shaft rotating into a housing, not in contact with water The waterjet intake is protected by a movable grid and optionally the waterjet can be equipped with the ultimate cleaning system by Castoldi (called Clear Duct) that per forms the impeller reversing (back flush) in combination with the opening of the intake grid

The waterjet is made from high quality material with AISI 316 or Duplex micro cast stainless steel impellers and stainless steel or titanium liners It has been toughened using an anti corrosion hard anodising treatment protecting all the aluminium alloy components with 60 microns thickness of aluminium oxide (ceramic), three layers of special p a i n t a n d c a t h o d i c p r o t e c t i o n b y s a c r i f i c i a l anodes This makes the waterjet unique in its construction quality

The Castoldi Waterjet is installed worldwide on various types of fishing, commercial, militar y and pleasure vessels

Castoldi will be exhibiting at Booth 1205 at Pacific Expo in Seattle from 17 to 19 November 2022

EDITORIAL Ar thur Peaches Editor Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com SALES & PROMOTIONS David Peters Publisher Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com Brian Wakefield Adver tisement Director Tel 01622 682667 Mob 07973 139959 Email brian wakefield2003@yahoo co uk PUBLISHING COMPANY BL Journals, 3 Biddenden Way, Istead Rise, Gravesend, Kent DA13 9DE Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com @MandMGazette Although ever y ef for t is made assure the accuracy of the content of this magazine, Marine & Maritime Gazette and it’s Publishers can accept no responsibility for such All contents of the publication are copyright and remain the sole proper ty of the publishing company Cover stor y N e w t w i s t e d r u d d e r d e s i g n f r o m Te i g n b r i d e Propellers reduces periodic repair cost and improves noise signature p18
vessels Windcat Workboats and CMB Tech launch the Hydrocat 48 the world’s first hydrogen powered CTV p12
yard Diverse Marine have secured the freehold of Medina Yard, Cowes, Isle of Wight p7 Thames project L a n d & Wa t e r a w a r d e d p l a c e o n t h e framework contract for the Thames Water River CP0033 Restoration and associated works p34 C O N T E N T S & C O N T A C T 4S www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette BL JOURNALS
l e s s e r v i c e f o r t h e c o m p a n y ’ s A m e r i c a n
www castoldijet it


The General Inspect orat e f or Emergency Situations of t he Romanian government has ordered two Damen St an Patrol 5009 e me rg e n cy re sp on se ve sse ls Th e con t ra ct wa s si g n e d by Inspect or General Iamandi, in the presence of Minist er Lucian Bode and Secret ar y of St at e Raed Arafat at the Ministr y of Int ernal af fairs in Bucharest

on Oct ober 10th Romania sets t o upgrade their fleet for emergency response significantly by this order

The order is the finalizing of an extensive tender process that the Romanian government issued from the ‘Vision 2020’ project that aims to improve Romania’s disaster response capacity by purchasing new equipment and training staff, aiming to better protect its population in emergencies This program aligns with the national strategy on climate change and economic growth based on low emissions. Damen Shipyards won the tender process with the proposal for deliver y of the two Stan Patrol 5009 vessels

The Search and Rescue Multirole Vessels as requested by the Romanian government and engineered to specifications by Damen, will be able to complete missions up to three days in rough seas and adverse conditions. The range is at least 2000 nautical miles at cruising speed. One vessel is a Search and Rescue Multirole Ship with emphasis on medical aid, while the other is a Firefighting Multirole Ship, equipped to stop fires at vessels and platforms at sea The first can evacuate at least 50 people from emergency situations, while the firefighting vessel is laid out to take at least 30 people on board It has FiFi 1 notation. Multiple spray nozzles for firefighting are installed, one of them on top of a hydraulic arm to reach high and far in order to be able to direct the water into the hear t of a fire Both vessels have a winch area for touch and go helicopter operations, rescue boats that can be launched fast, have the ability to launch drones and waterborne unmanned vehicles and are extensively equipped with communication and navigation instruments to par ticipate in extensive missions with other vessels, vehicles and aircraft The instruments enable rapid detection of objects and people in the water for emergency response Both vessels can maintain a top speed of 22 knots They will be finished and equipped at Damen Shipyards Galatí

Deliver y of the previously ordered vessels by the Romanian Border Police, two Damen Fast Crew Supplier 4008 Patrol is foreseen at the end of 2022

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Cepsa ship hydrogen to Por t of Rotterdam

The Por t of Rotterdam and Spanish energy company Cepsa have agreed to develop a green energy corridor to supply transpor ted Spanish hydrogen to fuel communities in Nor thern Europe.

The Por t of Rotterdam is working to develop the infrastructure required for future hydrogen based energy and the goal is to build the infrastructure, by 2030, to supply Nor thwest Europe with 4 6 million tons of green hydrogen annually Cepsa plans to expor t hydrogen produced at its San Roque Energy Park near the Bay of Algeciras, through hydrogen carriers such as ammonia or methanol, to the Por t of Rotterdam Cepsa is the main energy company in Algeciras and is looking to become a key player in green hydrogen production across Europe and the leader in Spain and Por tugal The trade lane is expected to be operational by 2027 Cepsa also intends to develop a similar supply chain from its La Rabida Energy Park in Huelva

“The oppor tunity to build the first green hydrogen corridor in Algeciras, the leading energy por t in Spain, demonstrates the unique role that Spain, and in par ticular Andalusia, will play in the energy transition in Europe,” commented Maar ten Wetselaar, CEO of Cepsa “Spain is ideally placed to become a world leader in the production and expor t of green hydrogen, given its strategic location, abundant generation of renewable energies, and its robust energy infrastructures and key por ts, such as Algeciras and Huelva ”

This supply of green fuels will help to decarbonize industr y and maritime transpor t in the Bay of Algeciras and Rotterdam and to suppor t the European Union’s RePower EU strategy, which seeks to guarantee Europe’s energy independence and security and stimulate the production of clean energy

“Nor thwest Europe uses far more energy than it can produce in a sustainable way, ” added Allard Castelein, CEO of the Por t of Rotterdam Authority “We are therefore setting up multiple trade lanes for green hydrogen, together with expor ting countries and private businesses all over the world We expect that in 2050 some 20 million tons of hydrogen will flow through the por t, of which only 2 million tons will be produced locally.

Among the private companies beginning to explore steps to build the hydrogen infrastructure at the Por t of Rotterdam is Royal Vopak, operators of the large tank storage farm near the Por t of Rotterdam The company repor ts that in response to the growing demand for sustainable raw materials and energy, preparations are currently being made at Vopak Terminal Vlissingen for the storage of green ammonia

Vopak comment that two existing refrigerated LPG storage tanks, each with a capacity of 55,000 cbm, can be prepared for hydrogen in the form of green ammonia Ber ths, pipelines, and other infrastructure are available There is also space available for expansions and other industrial activities, such as an installation to conver t the ammonia back into green hydrogen The location will be connected to the Nor thwest European hydrogen network, which can be used to supply the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany

Indian approval for new Kandla

Por t terminals

T h e I n d i a n g ove r n m e n t h a s approved the development of two new $720 million container t e r m i n a l s a t Tu n a Te k ra i n Deendayal Por t, Kandla.

The plan is for a container terminal and a multipurpose cargo facility, at estimated costs of $547 million and $271 million, respectively

This project will be built in public private partnership (PPP) model

“On commissioning of the project, it shall cater to the future growth in container cargo traffic,” the Cabinet explained in a recent statement

“From 2025, a net gap of 1 88 million TEU shall be available which can be catered by a state of the art container terminal at Tuna Tekra, which will give it a strategic advantage as it will be the closest container terminal ser ving the vast hinterland of northern part of India

“Besides increasing the business potential of

Kandla, the project will boost the economy and generate employment ”

According to the Cabinet’s statement, both terminals are greenfield initiatives featuring the most modern and sustainable operation leading to optimum operational efficiency

The proposed container terminal will be able to accommodate deeper draught vessels with capacities ranging from 6,000 TEU to 21,000 with a draught of 14 metres to 18 metres

Overall annual capacity is estimated at 2 19 million TEU

The proposed multipurpose cargo berth aims to a c c o m m o d a t e v e s s e l s o f 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 D W T t o 210,000 with a draught of 15 metres to 18 metres T h e f a c i l i t y w i l l b e u t i l i s e d t o h a n d l e multipurpose cargo, including food grains, fertilisers, coal, ores and minerals, steel and other cargos

www deendayalport gov in

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Diverse Mar in e se cu re f reeho ld of Me d ina Yard, Co we s, Isle of Wig ht, UK

D i ve r s e M a r i n e wa s re c e n t l y p l e a s e d t o announce that it has complet ed the purc hase of the freehold of Medina Yard and Medina Village from the Pet er Harrison Trus t. This sit e represents 12 acres of wat er front at Cowes on the Isle of Wight, par t of whic h is the current base of the UK’s leading workboat builder.

Diverse Marine specialises in the construction of a varied fleet of workboats, primarily offshore wind crew transfer vessels, but in recent months also amphibious watercraft, search and rescue craft, crew boats for the HMS Prince of Wales aircraft carrier and a number of small workboats and RIBs. A recent notable deliver y was ’Seacat Columbia’, the first of class BARTech30 for Seacat Ser vices.

Ben Colman, Director of Diverse Marine Ltd: “The acquisition of the Medina Yard and Medina Village not only protects the future of Diverse Marine, its staff and contractors but also gives security to other tenants on the site that suppor t us in our day to day activities We look for ward to engaging with all stakeholders to consider how to collectively and collaboratively improve the site to meet the needs of all tenants and stakeholders and look to development plans and oppor tunities on the site for the greater good of Cowes and the Isle of Wight”

Diverse Marine would like to thank their legal team, Stephenson Har wood LLP, the Peter Harrison Trust and all other par ties involved for expediting the sale cleanly and efficiently

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Keel laying and s teel cutting ceremo ny at Dam e n Sh ipyard s

Celebrating the st ar t of the construction of a second batch of two Of fshore Patrol Vessels for the Pakist an Navy, the chief of st af f Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi st ar t ed the st eel cutting of the second vessel at Damen Shipyards Galatí on Oct ober 12th 2022 The keel of the first vessel was laid shor tly before. Ms Annelies Damen from the family company welcomed the Admiral a n d h i s c o m p a ny f o r a c e l e b r a t i o n o f t h e continued co-operation. Together with the keel laying of the first vessel planned for completion, first plates of steel were cut for the construction of the second of two Damen OPV 2600 multi mission patrol vessels These will provide the Pakistan Navy with a highly effective search and rescue capability, and allow it to play an impor tant role in safeguarding international trade routes from piracy and other t h r e a t s . T h e s h i p s a r e e q u i p p e d f o r e x t e n d e d r a n g e a n d per formance and benefit from advanced communication systems This order for two more OPV vessels from Damen was issued by the Pakistan Navy following their positive experiences with two OPV’s from the Shipyard Group they already operate The initial order for construction of two OPV’s was awarded to Damen by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s Ministr y of Defense Production following the completion of a transparent bidding process in which Damen’s design and construction proposal was found to be the most suited for Pakistan’s maritime needs In Februar y and November 2020, two OPV 2300’s were delivered. Per formance and capabilities of these vessels, known in the Pakistan Navy as the Yarmook class, led to a second order The two bigger OPV’s are planned for deliver y in Februar y and August 2024

The Admiral underscored the impor tance of OPV’s in the maritime domain in his speech at the ceremony. These ships will act as force multipliers in enhancing the navy ’ s capability of safeguarding maritime frontiers and will offer more flexibility for the Regional Maritime Security Patrols (RMSP) in the Indian Ocean The Pakistan Navy has been playing its role in providing a secure sea environment, not only to Pakistan but also to the world community. The Admiral appreciated the professional competence of Damen design and construction teams The ceremony was attended by senior officials from Pakistan Navy, from the Romanian Navy and local administration of the city of Galatí as well as directors from Damen Shipyards.

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M o w i Scotlan d

o rde r s 2 n ew

lan din g craft

Macduf f Ship Design were recently pleased t o announce that Mowi Scotland Ltd has s e l e c t e d S ka g e n S h i p C o n s u l t i n g a n d Macduf f Ship Design as main contract or and designer for two new 18.5m landing craf t

e r v i c e v e s s e l s f o r a q u a c u l t u r e s u p p o r t ser vices. The vessels are a development of the ‘Geraldine Mar y ’ and ‘Helen Rice’ hull forms with a revised arrangement to match the specific operating profile of Mowi Scotland. Alongside this they offer flexibility for future aquaculture roles. Skagen Ship Consulting will be responsible for the deliver y of the design and equipment package with the vessels built in their entirety at Etkin Marine in Turkey

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www macduffshipdesign com Adaptable Vessel for Hire for Marine Support Services ILV GRANUALIE DP1, 20T Crane, Flexible Support Platform for enquiries

ABB and Incat Tasmania will explore building an electric ferr y with hybrid electric propulsion which could transition t o batt er y power as shore charging becomes available In a groundbreaking collaboration between the two companies, the announcement paves the way for ABB t o supply zero emission power and propulsion solutions and evaluat e a future commercial arrangement for the 148 metre long ferr y and similar vessels.

Seeking a transitional route to zero emission operations for the ferr y segment, two leaders in ferr y design and maritime technology, Incat and ABB will evaluate the suitability of the ‘Incat 148E’ a roll on roll off passenger (RoPax) catamaran for operating in hybrid mode as well as adapting to full batter y operation at a later stage “All at Incat are extremely excited at having the oppor tunity to work alongside ABB This collaboration combines the world’s leading global technology company and the world’s leading lightweight ship builder into a par tnership that is 100 percent focused on completely green energy transpor tation solution of future,” said Rober t Clifford, Founder and Chairman of the Board, Incat Group of Companies “Lightweight Incat ships use up to 40 percent less power than an equivalent steel ship, which means up to 40 percent less emissions We’ve done extensive work in applying our excellence in ferr y design to the specifics of electric propulsion ABB is the ideal par tner to help Incat realize our ambition to lead the shor tsea shipping industr y into a more sustainable future ”

Conceived by Revolution Design, Incat’s in house design office, the 148E would be built in Australia to DNV class, operating at speeds of up to 21 knots It would feature ABB’s Onboard DC Grid power distribution, ABB Ability Power and Energy Management System (PEMS), 800xA distributed control systems, a remote diagnostic system, and two Azipod propulsion units enabling highly precise control and manoeuvrability maximizing efficiencies across the operational range of the vessel

With its proven Azipod propulsion, ABB has vast experience in delivering hybrid electric propulsion solutions The company has also established a strong position as an integrator of marine batter y systems for ferries, a ship type which carries approximately 4 27 billion passengers plus 373 million vehicles worldwide per year*

“There is no single solution where shippings emission challenges are concerned and we have to be imaginative in this transition to more sustainable ferr y operations,” said Palemia Field, Global Segment Manager, Ferries, ABB Marine & Por ts

“Considerations of what a future ferr y could or should look like and how it would operate are bringing bold thinking to market ABB’s innovative electric solutions are an enabler for for ward looking companies like Incat In the first instance, the hybrid electric propulsion solution envisioned for the Incat 148E will involve the vessel’s diesel engine charging a shipboard batter y, whose output provides the flexibility in power management to improve fuel efficiency and cut emissions When shore charging facilities are available, Incat built electric ferries would make greater use of batteries, with project goals envisaging installed batter y power of up to 30MWh

I N D U S T R Y & A S S O C I A T I O N N E W 1S 0
www abb com www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette ABB and Incat sign LOI to develop lightweight hybrid-electric ferr y

Windcat Workboats announces plans for another six hydrogenpowered vessels

Windcat Workboats and CMB.TECH recently launched the Hydrocat 48, the world’s first hydrogen powered CT V, at the World Hydrogen Summit in Rott erdam.

Following the deliver y and trials with launching customer Vestas, Windcat Workboats, together with its joint venture par tners TSM and FRS, are pleased to announce an additional order of six hydrogen powered vessels by 2024 This pioneering development for both the marine and offshore wind industr y is the first of its kind to use clean fuels to reduce up to 80% of traditional fuel consumption and associated emissions These vessels offer the industr y a cost effective solution to significantly reduce maintenance vessel emissions. Managing Director, Willem van der Wel said “I am proud of this announcement which highlights our commitment to rapidly reducing emissions of offshore wind suppor t vessels The investment that we are making gives our customers access to more hydrogen powered vessels in a shor t time, which will suppor t them to achieve their own climate targets We are actively engaging with hydrogen producers, clients, por t authorities and class societies to ensure hydrogen fuel is readily available for use ” Windcat has moved beyond the drawing board and has now developed practical hydrogen technologies, in terms of operational and fuel capacity

The six additional hydrogen powered vessels include four vessels of the MK3 5H2 series, two of which will be delivered in 2022 and two in 2023 The next vessel which will be delivered in this series is intended for the German offshore market and will be operated by our joint venture par tner FRS Windcat The other two vessels will be of the new MK5 series, 27 metre vessels with double the hydrogen capacity of the MK3 5H2 series

Fur ther optimisation: mono fuel

CMB TECH and Windcat Workboats are working together to fur ther optimise engine capacities with the aim of increasing the percentage of hydrogen used in their dual fuel design The long term plan is to develop the technology and infrastructure to eventually enable a mono fuel option through the internal combustion engine (ICE)

Hydrogen supply solutions

The hydrogen supply chain is still in its infancy and will need to develop to a stage where it is readily available in more locations The introduction of more hydrogen powered vessels will increase the demand for hydrogen, which will facilitate the development of hydrogen infrastructure CMB TECH and Windcat have already developed solutions for delivering hydrogen to vessels This includes a 40ft 500bar trailer capable of transpor ting hydrogen for remote refuelling of all different applications currently in use This enables hydrogen bunkering in various por t locations that are a distance from the hydrogen source Multiple applications and customers can be ser ved by this one system, meaning the Hydrocat fleet has access to hydrogen bunkering

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www windcatworkboats com



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PROTOT YPE SUCCESSFULLY TESTED Prot otyping is an impor t ant activity in m o s t n ew p r o d u c t d eve l o p m e n t processes. Whether the aim is t o explore new oppor tunities or refine existing t echnologies, Novacavi can be a valuable par tner in defining the right cable solution. With i n d e p t h s p e c i a l i z e d m a t e r i a l s k n ow l e d g e a n d ve r s a t i l e m a n u f a c t u r i n g t e c h n i q u e s , N ova c a v i s p e c i a l i z e s i n t a k i n g applications from t echnical requirements t o design and from design t o prot otype. As an example Novacavi has recently provided a prototype for the new development of an innovative system for wave energy production that has successfully carried out a cable bending stiffness test as first step from prototype to final product https://www novacavi it/cable prototype test/ Specialist in custom cables design and manufacturing for harsh and demanding environments since 1975, Novacavi provides
most efficient cable solution to face and suppor t all activities in the most challenging scenarios www novacavi it

DMC supplies FLEX Tunnels for two pusherbarge combinations

Damen Marine Components (DMC) has received another order for the supply of FLEX Tunnels, complet e rudder syst ems and Rot or Manoeuvring Syst ems (RMS), for two new pusher barge combinations. The client is Den Breejen Shipyard from Hardinxveld Giessendam. This yard will build t h e p u s h e r b a rg e c o m b i n a t i o n s o n b e h a l f o f R h e n u s Par tnerShip GmbH & Co. KG in Duisburg. This is a rare collaboration with these being the first complet e inland vessels t o be built in the Netherlands in a long time.

The FLEX Tunnels will be installed in the two newly built pusher barge combinations The highly regarded retractable tunnel system significantly increases the efficiency and versatility of a ship DMC is also supplying complete six rudder systems

Safer and more economical

The bows of the barges will be fitted with Rotor Manoeuvring Systems (RMS) These systems, which have been supplied by Damen Marine Components since the late 1980s, guarantee the ship’s course stability, even in shallow waters and in strong crosswinds Inland shipping entrepreneurs’ interest in RMS has grown strongly in recent years, with more ships being designed for navigation at low water levels RMS not only makes the vessels safer, it also provides significant savings in fuel consumption

Full package

Den Breejen Shipyard has commissioned DMC to design, manufacture and install a complete package for two pusher barge combinations. In addition to the FLEX Tunnels and RMS with all associated hydraulics and controls, DMC is also supplying two Optima nozzles, two high efficiency propellers, two drive systems to simultaneously synchronise six rudders (three for each rudder), plus a type SP2700 control system.

This is not the first time that DMC has equipped ships with FLEX Tunnels for Rhenus The ver y first ship with FLEX Tunnels, the Rhenus Duisburg, was put into operation ten years ago and is still in operation without any problems For Den Breejen Shipyard, however, this order is their first project with Rhenus. Commercial Manager Ben de Rooy, says: “We’re an all round shipyard, but we have never built a ship like this for Rhenus Par tnerShip before, so we ’ re ver y happy with this collaboration ”

Shor t dist ance

Leo van Zon, Area Sales Manager at Damen Marine Components, comments: “We’re ver y happy with the confidence that both Den Breejen and Rhenus have placed in us This is a special order for us The entire build will take place at a Dutch shipyard a conscious choice by Rhenus The major advantages of this are not only the shor t travel distances and communication lines, but also the per fect quality we can guarantee together ”

Innovations for sust ainability

Herber t Berger, director of Rhenus Par tnerShip, adds: “We no longer want to take small steps in the fields of sustainability and safety, but instead make ground breaking progress That’s why we want to make use of all the innovations that are available for our new ships DMC’s FLEX Tunnel and RMS are impor tant systems to achieve efficient ship operations ”

The hull design was developed by maritime research centre DST (Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transpor t Systems) in Duisburg The first ship is expected to be commissioned by Rhenus in October 2023, with the second following in Februar y 2024

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www damen com www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette

EST-Floattech on board for the retrofitting jour ney of inland vessel the

FPS Maas

O n t h e w a y t o z e r o e m i s s i o n m a r i n e transpor t ation, ES T-Floatt ec h is a par t of t he innovative FPS Maas retrofit project from Future Proof Shipping and Holland Shipyards Group. B o t h c o m p a n i e s a r e a c t i v e l y w o r k i n g o n sust ainable projects, where HSG builds or retrofits t h e s h i p s , a n d F P S , a s t h e z e r o e m i s s i o n s s h i p ow n e r, o f f e r s s u s t a i n a b l e m a r i n e transpor t ation ser vices. With the ‘FPS Maas’, FPS is en route to build and operate a fleet of 10 zero emission inland and shor t sea vessels For HSG the refit of the ‘Maas’ is par t of their ambition to work on a greener and more sustainable shipping industr y Dutch System Integrator Oechies is a par t of this project and has chosen to collaborate with EST Floattech on the refit of the Maas to a hybrid H2 electrical propulsion engine

In August, the inland shipping container vessel ‘FPS Maas’ made its final journey on an internal combustion engine on diesel from Belgium to Rotterdam The container ship is currently at Holland Shipyards Group in Werkendam and after years of hard work, and months of preparation, including energy profiling, the retrofitting of the vessel can begin

During the retrofitting in Q4 of 2022, the diesel propulsion will be replaced with hydrogen technology, removing both the main engine & gearbox and installing a new modular propulsion system This will consist of electric motors, hydrogen tanks, a fuel cell system and an EST Floattech batter y system with a capacity of 504 kWh In this case, EST Floattech’s reliable and DNV cer tified Green Orca system will be used for peak shaving, secondar y and bridging power In the Green Orca system, many hard and software fail safes are implemented to ensure safe and long time operation of the batteries

Walter van der Pennen, Commercial Director of EST Floattech is proud to be par t of such an innovative project with Future Proof Shipping, Holland Shipyards G r o u p a n d O e c h i e s : “ We a r e p l e a s e d t h a t a f t e r p r e v i o u s s u c c e s s f u l collaborations Oechies contacted us again and chose for the robust Green Orca System We are determined to contribute to a more sustainable world and through the deliver y of this these batteries we suppor t reducing emissions of the marine industr y using hybrid propulsion systems ”

“EST Floattech is one of the few that can deliver the batter y power required for the FPS Maas and we are pleased to have them onboard in this challenging project, through our par tners at Oechies We look for ward to a constructive par tnership in batter y technology, not only during deliver y and integration but also during our operations ” Fokke van der Veen, Director Operations Future Proof Shipping

Once the ‘FPS Maas’ is back in ser vice, it will carr y on shipping container cargo between Rotterdam and Antwerp www est floattech com

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Velocity aligned rudders (VAR)

The firs t ‘twis t ed rudder ’ design was introduced nearly three decades ago, with the goal t o delay t he onset of ca vit ation erosion damage on r udder s and ultimat el y reduce t he per iodic repair cos t of the eroded rudders on the U.S. navy DDG 51 Class. This new ‘twis t ed’ rudder design also showed improvements in the noise signature of the vessels. Rudders behind a propeller experience an incoming flow that not only varies in ‘angle of incidence’, but also varies in the magnitude from top to bottom, due to the hull boundar y layer presence Hence, we prefer to use the term ‘Velocity Aligned Rudder’ (VAR) to describe the concept of a ‘twisted rudder’, since velocity is a vector quantity. A velocity aligned rudder takes advantage of cross flow velocity components in the propeller wake by careful design of blade sections to distribute the pressure more evenly on the sur face of the rudder and reduce the impact of negative pressure concentration near the leading edge of a conventional straight rudder

With the aid of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modelling of flow around a propeller, it only takes a few iteration to align the rudder sections with the p r o p e l l e r d o w n s t r e a m v e l o c i t y c o m p o n e n t s a n d p r e d i c t t h e o v e r a l l per formance of the propulsion unit Sea trials of the Teignbridge Propellers’ velocity aligned rudder on a spor ts yacht showed an increase of the boat speed by 0.7 knot at maximum engine speed

Also, noise from VAR rudder, as a result of more evenly distributed pressure on the blade, will be reduced. The company are currently developing an acoustic methodology to predict the under water radiated noise from propeller and stern gear of fast speed boats, which will be validated against the sea trials

www teignbridge co uk

VAR rudder inst alled for sea trials Vir tual twin model
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ISO 9001: 2015 accreditation Approvals: ABS, GL, DNV, RINA & LRS

Crab fishing vessel ‘EUROCLYDON’ deliver y

Macduf f Ship Design were recently delight ed t o announce the recent completion and deliver y t o its owners of the MFV EUROCLYDON , GY77.

EUROCLYDON is the second crab fishing vessel built for Stuar t MacDougall of fishing company Euroclydon Ltd in a space of only three years Both vessels were designed by Macduff Ship Design and built by Macduff Shipyards Ltd

The vessel is built to a full new design of vivier crabber fishing vessel It features many similarities to the first vessel, MFV LEVANTER, with a similar arrangement throughout However, with increased length, breadth, and depth, the EUROCLYDON provides noticeably more space all around to enhance crew comfor t, sea keeping and fishing activity

The design work began in summer of 2020 with consultation between the yard and owner to finalise the general arrangement to their exact needs With the initial design complete, the construction plans were drawn up by Macduff Ship Design and submitted to the MCA for plan approval under their newly adopted construction standard, inherited from Seafish

The hull of EUROCLYDON up to main deck along with the aft accommodation casing and the for ward section of the shelter is built from Lloyds grade A ship building plate The mid par t of the shelter where fishing activities take place, along with the wheelhouse and mast are built from marine grade aluminium to help reduce the vessels displacement The hull form features a double chine hull form, transom stern and modern bow designed to cut cleanly through the sea with less energy leading to a reduction in fuel consumption and emissions along with increased crew comfor t

The layout of the EUROCLYDON below the main deck features two three man cabins aft, followed by a large engine room which extends for ward over the top of the vivier tank The vivier tank is positioned amidships with its trunk up to main deck fitted through the engine room For ward of the engine room a bait store is situated and finally a water tank is fitted for ward of the collision bulkhead in the bow

Above the deck features the accommodation area aft with galley/mess to starboard, WC aft and a two ber th skippers’ cabin and dr y locker/laundr y to por t For ward of this is the large fully sheltered working deck where the pots are brought onboard, catch emptied into the vivier tank, and pots stacked up until ready to shoot again The shelter is protected by a large hydraulically powered hatch The hauler is mounted for ward and leads to a block which is fitted at the end of a telescopic boom which extends outboard of the hull to keep the pots clear of the side when hauling up For ward at main deck a weather tight bulkhead is fitted, and a store space is arranged with shelving for storage and the anchor chain locker

Above the shelter deck a large open deck space provides for generous stowage of pots when moving gear to the grounds

EUROCLYDON features some safety features built into the hull such as recessed foot/hand holds beneath the por t and starboard fixed side ladders extending below the waterline and permanent guard rails around the wheelhouse perimeter In addition, the owner preference of a raised shooting table is arranged in place of a low deck level side opening to keep the crew safe within the shelter

EUROCLYDON is fitted with a large vivier tank with a capacity of over 40,000 litres of sea water The tank is subdivided with fibreglass grating par titions so catch can be separated into different species/grades The tank is ser viced by two large electrically powered circulation pumps supplied by Bombas Azcue with the intention one pump is used in ser vice and one on standby Over flow pipes are arranged por t and starboard, above the waterline, so the crew and skipper can visibly see when the pumps are in operation

The propulsion setup of EUROCLYDON is based around an innovative, large 2000 mm diameter four bladed propeller designed and supplied by War tsila During the creation of the specification the yard put for th to the owners a Mitsubishi S6B3 with 320 kW output as the proposed main engine due to its success and fuel economy on other projects in the past War tsila were then asked to investigate the optimal propeller diameter and design for the vessel given the engine par ticulars and a range of gear reductions available Upon their conclusion the 2m propeller was selected along with a Masson Marine W6000 gearbox with a large ratio of 8 705:1 which was calculated to provide optimal free steaming thrust per kW of power available It was witnessed during trials that the vessel achieved a good speed for her length and the propulsion package per formed smoothly with little vibration

A hydraulic system was designed by Macduff Shipyards and features a 1 5 t hauler provided by Britannia Engineering, a telescopic boom for the hauling block and large hauling hatch supplied by the yard, a KT120 bow thruster with 800 kg of thrust supplied by Kor t Propulsion, and a MFB6 landing crane provided by Thistle Marine Hydraulic power is provided by two large 37 5 kW motors which can powered separately, or simultaneously, by either of the vessel’s generator sets providing complete redundancy.

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www macduffshipdesign com T U G S , W O R K B O A T S & O S V 2s 0

All-electric RSD-E Tug 2513 wins ‘Tug of the Year’

Damen’s first, all electric, 70 tonne bollard pull harbour tug, which was delivered to New Zealand’s Por ts of Auckland earlier this year, has won the prestigious ‘Tug of the Year’ at the 2022 International Tug and Salvage Awards ceremony, held last night in Istanbul. Sparky is Damen’s first tug to be fully electric and can under take two or more assignments before being recharged, which takes just two hours.

“We are delighted that this revolutionar y vessel has received recognition this way, ” says Damen’s Michiel Hendrikx, Area Director Asia Pacific “Our thanks go out not only to all for voted for it, but par ticularly to Por ts of Auckland. It was their confidence in us and their cooperation over the past six years that has made Sparky such a success. Together we have created a vessel that we hope will be the first of many which will make significant contributions to reducing emissions in por ts and harbours ”

It was that cooperation and attention to detail that ensured that ever y aspect of the compact RSD E Tug 2513’s design and engineering is optimised for ef ficiency and sustainability Eight batter y packs installed in two insulated, temperature controlled batter y rooms, one on each side of the vessel, not only makes the best use of the space available, it also has the added benefit of delivering maximum redundancy With the lifetime of the batter y system in this application estimated to be approximately 30,000 cycles, it is the same as the estimated working life of the vessel

Sparky is highly innovative in other ways The advanced RSD design together with the high degree of automation make it exceptionally ef ficient The quality of the human machine inter face and the Praxis centralized alarm, monitoring and control system, which is connected to the Damen Triton remote monitoring system, ensure maximum ef ficiency and safety The RSD E Tug 2513 is also designed for the lowest total cost of ownership over its lifetime In the right circumstances, the total cost of ownership will be equal to or lower than that of a diesel powered RSD Tug 2513.

www damen com

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Sanmar Shipyards delivers 7th tug to SAAM Towage

Sanmar Shipyards has delivered its seventh tugboat t o SAAM Towage whic h has joined the world’s third larges t operat or ’ s fleet of tugs operating in Panama Canal Wat ers. She has been renamed SAAM QUIBIAN by her new owners.

The twin Z drive tugboat is a sister to five of the six other tugs that Sanmar has delivered to SAAM Towage and, like them, is based on the exclusive to Sanmar RAmpar ts 2400SX design from renowned Canada based naval architects Rober t Allan Ltd

Matía de Luiggi, SAAM Towage Panama Countr y Manager, said: “This is the third tugboat we are adding to our fleet in Panama from Sanmar, evidencing how satisfied we are with this already successful RAmpar ts 2400SX versatile and energy efficient design. We have received ver y good feedback from customers, pilots and our captains The compact design and power are appreciated in Panama Canal Waters ” Like all modern tugs in Sanmar’s popular RAmpar ts 2400SX series, SAAM QUIBIAN’s high standard of machiner y automation maximises efficiency and reduces its impact on the environment Ruchan Civgin, Commercial Director of Sanmar Shipyards, said: “Energy efficiency and the need to minimise negative impact on the environment are rightly increasingly impor tant factors when it comes to choosing which tug to buy At Sanmar we are leading the way to a sustainable future for our industr y Not only through the technologically advanced and innovative designs of our tugboats, but through the strict controls in place to protect the environment at our shipyards We are delighted that a major operator such as SAAM Towage has once again chosen us to provide the power and efficiency they need in a modern fleet ” Measuring 24 4m LOA with a moulded breadth of 11 25m, moulded depth of 4 38m and maximum operating draft of approximately 5 7m, SAAM QUIBIAN has been designed for maximum efficiency in the per formance of ship handling duties for sea going ships Powered by two Caterpillar 3516C main engines, each producing 2 100kW at 1 600 rev/min, SAAM QUIBIAN can achieve a bollard pull ahead of 70 tonnes and a free running speed of a minimum of 12 knots

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www sanmar com tr

Lloyds Register and Triumph announce Sustainable Vessels

Joint Development Project

Lloyd’s Regist er (LR) and Triumph Energy recently announced a new joint development project (JDP) that will ensure vessels are built and operat ed sust ainably. The collaboration will see a new ShipRight procedure for vessels used within the of fshore energy, decommissioning and renewable energy sect ors.

The new ShipRight procedure will guarantee that vessels comply with relevant sustainability and ECO requirements whilst being built with the most sustainable materials available, thus ensuring that ships can be constructed and operated to meet the current IMO 2030 and 2050 requirements

The JDP will also focus on integrating advanced, remote facilities and ar tificial intelligence to reduce the crewing levels required for offshore and back deck operations, this will minimize personnel exposure offshore in hazardous areas and reducing the carbon footprint used in mobilizing and demobilizing personnel for offshore based operations.

As par t of the JDP, Triumph has developed designs that incorporate technology that demonstrates reduced greenhouse gas emissions, advanced energy recover y systems and the use of cer tified sustainable materials for v e s s e l s u s e d w i t h i n o f f s h o r e , r e n e w a b l e s a n d decommissioning sectors

These designs have been independently verified to be carbon positive and are compliant for carbon credit trading, green financing and green bonds, a global first The JDP will welcome other technology par tners in the months to come

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www lr org

Overthirty years of specialist service

roots dating back to 1987, Dales Marine has been





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of the

SHIP REPAIR & CONVERSION • Steel repairs and renewals • Main and Auxiliary Engine strip down and overhaul • Ancillary and Deck machinery equipment repairs and renewals • Blasting, coating and material preservation • Offshore equipment mobilisation installations • Ballast Water Treatment System installations • Maintenance and repair work on generators, pumps, winches, hydraulic systems, cranes, hatches etc. • Exhaust Gas Scrubber installation and MGO conversions • Eco-efficiency modifications and retrofits • Collision repair involving hull steel work to complete engine overhaul FABRICATION Dales marine offer full Fabrication, Build, Test, Load out & Mobilisation services from our yards. Capabilities include, but are not limited to; • Modular Integrated Decks • Living Quarters, Offshore Link Bridges • Offshore Flare Booms • Pipe racks, Lifting Beams, Sea fastening • Design Interface • Supply of Material • Supply of Equipment • Fabrication of structures inclusive of pipework • High Integrity Welding • Non-Destructive Testing • Sub-contractor Management • Loadout, logistics and Shipping • Storage DECOMMISSIONING One of the only few yards in the UK with capabilities to recycle ships in a controlled and environmentally friendly manner. • Drydocks to recycle ships in a controlled environment • Storage and sales of spare parts • Approved facility, on EU list for ship recycling facilities • Equipment sales ENGINEERING SERVICES • Engine Overhaul & Replacement • Bow thruster installation • Propulsion shaft repairs • Steering gear repairs • Gear Box repairs • Pump refurbishment • Generator replacement • Thruster repairs VESSEL MOB/DEMOB Dales Marine provides an extensive quayside service with regards to vessel mobilisation, fabrication including man hire and equipment hire. • We offer onshore and offshore fabrication and installation services. • Work in-situ and alongside • Voyage Repairs: ability to mobilize flying squads, to conduct steel welding, piping or mechanical work’s Specialists” Dockings and Alongside Services MARKET SECTORS ABERDEEN I LEITH I GRANGEMOUTH GREENOCK I TROON T: +44(0)1224 212778 E: Dales Marine is one of the leading UK Ship Repair & Maintenance companies, operating 5 drydocks providing dedicated support to the global Marine and Oil & Gas industries. Drydocks Aberdeen .......................... 112m x 21m Leith Imperial Dry Dock ...... 168m x 21.3m Grangemouth 105m x 16m Greenock .......................... 200m x 21m Troon 120m x 17m SHIP REPAIR & CONVERSION • Steel repairs and renewals • Main and Auxiliary Engine strip down and overhaul Ancillary and Deck machinery equipment repairs and renewals Blasting, coating and material preservation Offshore equipment mobilisation installations • Ballast Water Treatment System installations Maintenance and repair work on generators, pumps, winches, hydraulic systems, cranes, hatches etc. • Exhaust Gas Scrubber installation and MGO conversions • Eco-efficiency modifications and retrofits Collision repair involving hull steel work to complete engine overhaul FABRICATION Dales marine offer full Fabrication, Build, Test, Load out & Mobilisation services from our yards. Capabilities include, but are not limited to; • Modular Integrated Decks • Living Quarters, Offshore Link Bridges • Offshore Flare Booms • Pipe racks, Lifting Beams, Sea fastening • Design Interface • Supply of Material • Supply of Equipment • Fabrication of structures inclusive of pipework • High Integrity Welding • Non-Destructive Testing • Sub-contractor Management • Loadout, logistics and Shipping • Storage DECOMMISSIONING One
only few yards in the UK with capabilities to recycle ships in a controlled and environmentally friendly manner. • Drydocks to recycle ships in a controlled environment Storage and sales of spare parts Approved facility, on EU list for ship recycling facilities Equipment sales ENGINEERING SERVICES • Engine Overhaul & Replacement • Bow thruster installation • Propulsion shaft repairs • Steering gear repairs • Gear Box repairs • Pump refurbishment • Generator replacement • Thruster repairs VESSEL MOB/DEMOB Dales Marine provides an extensive quayside service with regards to vessel mobilisation, fabrication including man hire and equipment hire. • We offer onshore and offshore fabrication and installation services. • Work in-situ and alongside Voyage Repairs: ability to mobilize flying squads, to conduct steel welding, piping or mechanical work’s Specialists” Dockings and Alongside Services MARKET SECTORS ABERDEEN I LEITH I GRANGEMOUTH GREENOCK I TROON T: +44(0)1224 212778 E: Dales Marine is one of the leading UK Ship Repair & Maintenance companies, operating 5 drydocks providing dedicated support to the global Marine and Oil & Gas industries. Drydocks Aberdeen .......................... 112m x 21m Leith Imperial Dry Dock ...... 168m x 21.3m Grangemouth .................... 105m x 16m Greenock .......................... 200m x 21m Troon................................ 120m x 17m Dockings and Alongside ServicesDockings and Alongside ServicesDockings and Alongside Services

Groupe Gorgé expand with iXblue merger

A deal t o merge French firms iXblue with EC A

Group was finalised recently at the SeaTech expo in Brest, France.

This deal means that iXblue has now joined the ECA Group under Group Gorgé’s umbrella, which means the companies now have a 1,500 workforce and will turn over in the region of €250 a year

The firm now has a por tfolio of technologies which covers robotics, maritime, navigation, aerospace and photonics sectors, and can provide components and complex systems to suppor t critical missions in severe environments

”Both our companies share a common DNA centred around innovation and entrepreneurship,” commented Fabien Napolitano, President & CEO of iXblue. ”This acquisition puts iXblue and ECA Group under the same roof and will enable us to create new synergies and strengthen our capacity to invest in research and development to of fer solutions that are always at the cutting edge of technology ”

iXblue maritime operations won’t be changed by this acquisition, and the ser vice to our customers will remain the same, explained global communications manager Marion Seyve

“The only changes will be that we’ll be able to provide a more comprehensive por tfolio of products and solutions and that we’ll create new synergies with ECA Group teams to develop our R&D capabilities and develop more cutting edge technologies for our customers,” she continued

www groupe gorge com

U N D E R W A T E R , S U B S E A & D I V I N 2G 6

T h e N e k t o n M a l d i v e s

M i s s i o n w i l l e s t a b l i s h a ‘ b a s e l i n e h e a l t h c h e c k ’ o n t h e s t a t u s o f M a l d i v e s o c e a n ( P h o t o c o u r t e s y S a a b S e a e y e )


A S a a b S e a ey e F a l c o n u n d e r w a t e r r o b o t i c v e h i c l e h a s j o i n e d a f l e e t o f s u b m e r s i b l e s o n t h e N e k t o n M a l d i v e s M i s s i o n t o h e l p t h e M a l d i v e s G o v e r n m e n t c a r r y o u t t h e f i r s t s y s t e m a t i c s u r v ey a n d s a m p l i n g o f t h e M a l d i v e s f r o m t h e s u r f a c e t o 10 0 0 m e t r e d e p t h s

A s a n o f f i c i a l p a r t n e r, S a a b S e a e y e h a s d o n a t e d t h e u s e o f a S e a e y e F a l c o n t o w o r k a l o n g s i d e h u m a n o c c u p i e d s u b m e r s i b l e s , a u t o n o m o u s s y s t e m s a n d r e s e a r c h t e c h n o l o g i e s T h e M a l d i v e s s t a t e i s 9 9 % o c e a n a n d 1 % l a n d , s i t t i n g o n a v e r a g e 1 5 m e t r e s a b o v e s e a l e v e l A s a r e s u l t , t h e n a t i o n f a c e s a g r o w i n g t h r e a t f r o m r i s i n g s e a s F o r t h e f i r s t t i m e , t h e m i s s i o n w i l l e s t a b l i s h a ‘ b a s e l i n e h e a l t h c h e c k ’ o n t h e s t a t u s o f t h e M a l d i v e s o c e a n a n d p r o v i d e d a t a t o s c i e n t i s t s a n d p o l i c y m a k e r s w o r l d w i d e t o e n a b l e t h e p r o t e c t i o n o f c r i t i c a l n u r s e r i e s , s p a w n i n g h a b i t a t s a n d r e l a t e d e c o s y s t e m s T h e r e c e n t N e k t o n M a l d i v e s M i s s i o n h e l p e d s c r e a t e e x t e n s i v e n e w p r o t e c t e d m a r i n e a r e a s a n d e n s u r e t h e o c e a n c o n t i n u e s t o p r o v i d e f o r t h e M a l d i v i a n p e o p l e N e k t o n i s a n o t f o r p r o f i t U K b a s e d r e s e a r c h f o u n d a t i o n w o r k i n g w i t h t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f O x f o r d a n d a w i d e r a n g e o f p a r t n e r s t o a c c e l e r a t e t h e s c i e n t i f i c e x p l o r a t i o n a n d p r o t e c t i o n o f t h e o c e a n T h e F a l c o n i s t h e w o r l d ’ s t o p r o b o t i n i t s c l a s s w i t h a r e l i a b i l i t y r e c o r d c o v e r i n g o v e r a m i l l i o n h o u r s u n d e r w a t e r w w w s a a b s e a e y e c o m

www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette U27 N D E R W A T E R , S U B S E A & D I V I N G

Under water repair of leaking seal assembly in Trinidad

Re c e n t l y, o n e o f t h e H y d r ex diver/t ec hnician t eams carried out an under wat er s t ern tube seal repair on a 14 0 - m e t r e g e n e r a l c a r g o s h i p a t anc horage in Por t of Spain, Trinidad.

The ship was leaking oil, making an immediate repair necessar y Using a Hydrex flexible mobdock the team was able to carr y out the entire operation on site and under water, saving the owner an expensive and time consuming trip to dr ydock Once the operation was confirmed, all preparations were handled swiftly and the l i g h t w e i g h t e q u i p m e n t w a s m o b i l i z e d i m m e d i a t e l y f r o m t h e c o m p a n y headquar ters in Antwerp

After arriving on site, the diving team first set up a monitoring station on a workboat next to the vessel The operation then star ted with the removal of the rope guard and a thorough under water inspection of the stern tube seal assembly.

This revealed that a rope had become entangled around the stern tube seal causing the oil leak The divers removed the rope during the inspection They then cleaned the assembly and installed the flexible mobdock By doing this they created a dr y under water environment so that they could work in dr ydock like conditions

The split ring was then removed and brought to the sur face to be cleaned After cleaning the entire assembly, the divers removed the first seal and replaced it with a new one which was bonded The procedure was repeated with the other seals A successful operation was concluded with leakage tests, the removal of the flexible mobdock and the reinstallation of the rope guard

Additional repair with same t eam

The tests at the end of the stern tube seal repair had revealed a leak on one of the blade seals of the propeller which the owners asked the team to repair immediately A team of four therefore stayed on standby until the spare par ts for the propeller blade had arrived

During this time the ship had shifted to a layby ber th The blade was trimmed above the sur face and a pontoon and equipment was set up This allowed the team to star t the blade seal renewal as soon as the spare par ts arrived After the blade was lifted and the seal renewed, the bolts were put on torque and secured A follow up leakage test confirmed that the work had been successful, finalizing the operation

Changing circums t ances, cons t ant ser vice

Working together with the OEM allowed Hydrex to provide the customer with original spare par ts which guarantees the best quality material A technician from the seal manufacturer was also present during the operation Because Hydrex organized ever ything from star t to finish, the owner did not have to worr y about making any arrangements for the repair After all damaged seals had been successfully replaced, the owner was free to sail the vessel to its next stop free of oil leaks

www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette U N D E R W A T E R , S U B S E A & D I V I N 2G 8
www hydrex be

Un de r wate r life su r veys at Ko r snäs offsho re w in d

site n ear co mpletio n

Metsähallitus, the s t at e-owned Finland’s adminis trat or of land and wat er areas, are in the process of finishing sur veys of under wat er flora and fauna of f the coas t of Korsnäs, whic h are par t of the environment al impact assessment (EIA) for a new of fshore wind farm.

The project is being actioned by the Finnish under water sur vey specialist Alleco Oy and began back in July with the original sur veys of the possible landing points for the submarine cable. The area for the planned offshore wind farm began examination at the star t of September

The extensive data collected through the sur veys, which have been carried out through diving operations and using drop cameras, as well as wading around the potential expor t cable landfall site, is now being analysed Once this has been processed, the results of the studies can be included in the EIA process.

The administrator had submitted plans for an offshore wind farm in the waters offshore Korsnäs a couple of years ago These were then approved by the municipality of Korsnäs in December 2020

In May 2021, the state owned enterprise, which already star ted looking for a par tner to develop the offshore wind farm, released details of the project and said it planned to have the Korsnäs offshore wind farm up and running by 2028

Last November Metsähallitus launched a wind measurement campaign for the proposed wind farm This is looking to have a total capacity of between 1 3 GW and 2 GW

The Finnish Government has now approved the lease of the state owned sea area off the coast of Korsnäs for a commercial scale offshore wind project, together with the lease of the area off Pori where the Finnish developer Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy is planning an expansion of the offshore wind farm at Tahkoluoto

These lease permits for offshore wind areas are the first of their kind for Finland www metsa fi

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U29 N D E R W A T E R , S U B S E A & D I V I N G

Q uicksilver intro d uce s all-n ew 409 MPI Bravo eng in e, a re po wer optio n for classic bo ats

Quic ksil ver, a brand of Mercur y Marine, recently introduced its all new 409 MPI Bravo FWC engine at the Land ‘N’ Sea Marine & RV Show in Las Vegas. For owners of older boats who are seeking t o return t o or ext end their time on the wat er, the engine of fers a thrilling boost in per formance and is compatible with advanced digit al t echnologies that provide even more reasons t o breathe new life int o a cherished classic with a repower.

The 409 MPI Bravo engine features increased durability and reliability in a package that is more compact, up to 150 pounds lighter and more fuel efficient than comparable big block marine engines The engine features a flat plane crankshaft that generates serious torque and horsepower, delivering an exciting boost in speed and hole shot when repowering classic sterndrive and inboard boats.

“How often is a repower an instant head turner?” said Quicksilver Engines Categor y Director Mike Horak “Repowering with a 409 MPI Bravo engine is not just a repair, it’s a fundamentally different and exciting experience When the captain leans into the throttle, this engine will provide an amazing amount of authority and thrust They’ll be able to manoeuvre the boat effor tlessly ” Rated at 400hp, the 409 MPI Bravo engine is designed to replace non catalyst 6 1L, 7 4L, 8 1L or 8 2L sterndrive engines in 21 to 31 foot single engine boats and 28 to 38 foot twin engine boats built before 2010 (prior to 2008 in California, US)

Manufactured from all new components, the 409 MPI Bravo engine features freshwater cooling, a durable Quicksilver cast iron V8 engine block, aluminium cylinder heads and multi point fuel injection for easy star ting and smooth operation. Designed to operate on 87 octane fuel with up to 10 percent ethanol, it features ceramic coated forged pistons, Black X composite valves and other forged internal components to deliver reduced wear and extended engine life for years of trouble free ser vice on the water

Compatible with Mercur y Smar tCraft digital gauges, displays and analogue controls, the 409 MPI Bravo engine can be retrofitted into single or twin engine boats with standard or magnum transoms and MerCruiser Bravo One X or Bravo Three X sterndrives Typical required modifications include new engine mounts, adjustments to exhaust components and regearing the sterndrive unit to compensate for the 409 MPI engine’s higher rpm range

409 MPI Bravo engine is backed by the confidence of a Quicksilver three

www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
year limited warranty www quicksilver products com UNIT A, MARRTREE BUSINESS PARK, RUDGATE, THORPARCH, LEEDS, LS237AU Tel: 0844 499 6373 or +44 1977 683690 Email: sales@diamonddiesels co uk www diamonddiesels co uk L A T E N E W S & R O U N D U 3P 2




L a n d & Wa t e r h a s b e e n a w a r d e d a p l a c e o n t h e f r a m e w o r k c o n t r a c t f o r t h e T h a m e s Wa t e r R i v e r C P 0 0 3 3 R e s t o r a t i o n a n d a s s o c i a t e d

w o r k s .

T h i s g r o u n d b r e a k i n g p r o j e c t w i l l s e e t h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f r i v e r r e s t o r a t i o n a n d f i s h p a s s a g e , i m p r o v i n g a v a i l a b l e h a b i t a t s a n d r e s i l i e n c e w i t h i n r i v e r s L a n d & Wa t e r w i l l d e v e l o p s m a l l a n d l a r g e s c a l e s o l u t i o n s t o i m p r o v e t h e w a t e r w a y s , m i t i g a t e t h e i m p a c t o n t h e e n v i r o n m e n t a n d e n a b l e T h a m e s Wa t e r t o m e e t r e g u l a t o r y r e q u i r e m e n t s a s p a r t o f t h e Wa t e r I n d u s t r y N a t i o n a l E n v i r o n m e n t P r o g r a m m e ( W I N E P )

A s p a r t o f t h e o v e r h a u l a n d i m p r o v e m e n t o f t h e w a t e r w a y s , w o r k w i l l i n c l u d e w e i r r e m o v a l o r m o d i f i c a t i o n s , c h a n n e l b e d r e p r o f i l i n g , r i v e r b a n k r e p r o f i l i n g a n d r e p l a c i n g b a n k s w i t h s o f t e r, n a t u r a l o p t i o n s B a r r i e r s t o f i s h p a s s a g e w i l l a l s o b e o v e r c o m e , w i t h p a s s c h a n n e l s a n d o t h e r s o l u t i o n s s u c h a s r o c k r a m p s a n d i n c h a n n e l g r a v e l ( t o a l l o w f i s h t o l a y t h e i r e g g s )

H a v i n g s u c c e s s f u l l y w o r k e d o n o t h e r e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y s e n s i t i v e s i t e s ,

L a n d & Wa t e r i s a n e x p e r t a t i m p l e m e n t i n g ‘ s o f t ’ n a t u r e b a s e d e n g i n e e r i n g s o l u t i o n s a n d i s e x p e r i e n c e d i n d e a l i n g w i t h r e g u l a t o r s a n d l o c a l c o m m u n i t i e s I t h a s p r e v i o u s l y r e s t o r e d h u n d r e d s o f m i l e s o f w a t e r w a y s t h r o u g h o u t t h e U K f o r t h e C a n a l & R i v e r Tr u s t , b u i l d i n g s o l i d w o r k i n g r e l a t i o n s h i p s w i t h t h e E n v i r o n m e n t A g e n c y, N a t u r a l E n g l a n d , l a n d o w n e r s a n d l o c a l s t a k e h o l d e r s F i o n a M o o r e , D i v i s i o n a l B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r, s a i d : “ We ’ r e v e r y e x c i t e d t o b r i n g o u r w e a l t h o f e x p e r i e n c e t o d e v e l o p i n g t h e s e p r o j e c t s o v e r t h e c o m i n g y e a r s “ T h e r e s u l t w i l l b e a t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a n d i m p r o v e m e n t o f t h e T h a m e s Wa t e r w a y s , r e d u c i n g t h e i m p a c t o n t h e e n v i r o n m e n t a n d m e e t i n g i t s o b l i g a t i o n s u n d e r t h e Wa t e r F r a m e w o r k D i r e c t i v e

“ A s c u s t o d i a n s o f t h e e n v i r o n m e n t , i t a l s o e n s u r e s t h a t w e a r e s a f e g u a r d i n g h a b i t a t f o r t h e f l o r a a n d f a u n a f o r y e a r s t o c o m e . ” T h a m e s Wa t e r i s t h e U K ’ s l a r g e s t Wa t e r a n d Wa s t e w a t e r s e r v i c e s p r o v i d e r, s e r v i n g 1 5 m i l l i o n c u s t o m e r s , s u p p l y i n g m o r e t h a n 2 . 6 b i l l i o n l i t r e s o f d r i n k i n g w a t e r o n a v e r a g e , p e r d a y t o 9 m i l l i o n d r i n k i n g w a t e r c u s t o m e r s a n d r e c y c l i n g w a s t e f r o m 1 5 m i l l i o n p e o p l e s a f e l y b a c k t o t h e e n v i r o n m e n t . A k e y d r i v e r f o r t h e r i v e r r e s t o r a t i o n p r o g r a m m e i s t o m i t i g a t e t h e i m p a c t f r o m a b s t r a c t i o n s . H o w e v e r, t h e c o m p l e x i t y o f r i v e r s y s t e m s m e a n s t h a t r e d u c i n g a b s t r a c t i o n a l o n e m a y n o t a d d r e s s a l l o f t h e p r e s s u r e s i n t h e i m p a c t e d a r e a , a n d t h e r e f o r e t h e r e n e e d s t o b e i m p r o v e m e n t s t h r o u g h o u t t h e r i v e r e n v i r o n m e n t T h e s c a l e o f t h e f r a m e w o r k w i l l s e e t h e w o r k s v a r y i n g f r o m s m a l l l o c a l p r o j e c t s w h i c h c a n b e d e l i v e r e d m a n u a l l y a n d w i t h m i n i m a l m e c h a n i c a l i n p u t , t h r o u g h t o l a r g e r s c a l e s c h e m e s w w w. l a n d w a t e r. c o . u k

L A N D & W A
M A R I N E C I V I L S & C O N S T R U C T I O 3N 4

Land & Wat er has recently begun a large scale project at Bishops Hull Gauging St ation in Somerset, UK. The Bishops Hull s i t e i s a n i m p o r t a n t G a u g i n g s t a t i o n locat ed on t he River Tone.

The works will improve the low flow measuring accuracy of the weir, upgrade our remote monitoring infrastructure, increase biodiversity at the site, improve fish migration and create safe passage for the endangered European eel to travel up and over the weir

Fiona Moore, Divisional Business Manager at Land & Water, said: “We are extremely pleased to be working alongside the Environment Agency’s Wessex Hydrometr y and Telemetr y team within the South West as par t of our ongoing frameworks contract. “Challenges will arise due to the environmental constraints associated with the project however solving these types of issues is what Land & Water does best ” Once the project is finished the new weir will improve low flow measurements which are critical in times of drought. The project will also future proof the site ensuring the river can continue to be safely monitored during high flows and flood events As well as improving passage for the endangered European eel, it will also help more fish species such as salmon, trout and grayling navigate their way over the structure. w w w l a n d w a t e r

M A R I N E C I V I L S & C O N S T R U C T I O 3N 6
c o u k www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette Diver R.O.V. & Crane Operated Dredging Systems. Multipurpose & Mini dredging systems for the removal of fines, silt, mud’s, drill cuttings, sand, grit, gravel, shingle, shale & general debris. Suitable for confined space operations or locations where access is a problem. All on-shore civil applications. Shallow & deepwater offshore support operations. Renewables. Complete ready to use self operational systems available for use worldwide. Stillage packed or deepwater offshore containerised units. Long & short term rentals. Sales. Wide scope of operations. Lightweight, road & air transportable environmentally friendly units. F.D.S. Offer for Rental & Sale EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL WORLDWIDE. Tel: +44(0) 2392 472710 Mob: +44(0) 7850 473713 E-Mail: Web: LAND & WATER STARTS CIVIL ENGINEERING WORK AT BISHOPS HULL GAUGING STATION

B oskalis beg ins Port of Antwer p expansio n work

Boskalis, in association with Ar t es Roegiers, Ar t es Depret and Herbosc h-Kiere, are upgrading the Europa Terminal in Antwerp, Belgium. This will increase the capacity by as muc h as a third.

The work is already under way and the project is expected to total value around $325m. The current draught for vessels that can ber th at the quay wall of the Europa Terminal will be deepened to the maximum of approximately 16 metres from 13 5 metres

As the renovation requires major maritime works and to keep the terminal operational, the project will be executed in three phases, which will spread over the next nine years.

The existing quay wall will be demolished and replaced by a new 1,200 metre long wall A temporar y water retention structure will ensure that no par t of the old quay wall enters the Scheldt and will protect the works from passing ships and river tides

The three phases have been carefully planned according to the expected ongoing maritime traffic over the coming years

www boskalis com

M37 A R I N E C I V I L S & C O N S T R U C T I O N

TMS Tanker Conference session highlights environmental challenges facing tanker shipping

The seventh annual The Maritime Standard Tanker Conference takes place on 16th this month at the Atlantis, the Palm, Dubai. A stimulating and thought provoking program is rapidly taking shape that reflects the extraordinar y circumstances facing tanker shipping af ter two years of pandemic, and now unprecedented geo political shockwaves

In addition, tanker operators face the ongoing challenge of gearing their fleets to meet tough new environmental regulations and the drive to decarbonise operations This will be the focus on an exciting Session 2, with the theme of ‘Tanker Shipping Facing up to Environmental Challenges.’

Clive Woodbridge, Conference Editor, says, “Tanker shipping is having to reassess all aspects of its operations and the technology deployed on its vessels to meet challenging new environmental targets. The journey to carbon neutral will be challenging, but opens up a host of oppor tunities, which is why we have placed this topic so high on this year ’ s agenda ”

Topics proposed for inclusion in this session include a discussion about EEXI and CII regulations and their impact on tanker shipping; dual fuel operations; LNG fuel retrofits; the role of classification societies and flag stages in keeping tanker environmentally compliant; and developing environmentally friendly fuel bunker networks

To date speakers confirmed for Session 2, which will be chaired by Nijoe Joseph of Stephenson Har wood, include: Simon Bonnett, Chief Maritime Officer, International Registries (UK) Limited; Anders Ostergaard, Group CEO, Monjasa; Chris Peters, CEO, Tristar Maritime Logistics; Rajeev Agar wal, CEO & MD, Essar Por ts; Emad AlHumam, Senior Vice President Corporate ser vices, International Maritime Industries; Franck J Kayser, COO, Asyad Shipping Company; Pawan Sahni, Business Development Director, Middle East and Africa, DNV; and Amir Mosadeghi, CEO, Islamic P&I Club

Clive adds, “There are a host of key issues that tanker owners and operators need to address in the environmental compliance space Matching ser vices to the evolving needs of the tanker shipping business in this context will be a key challenge and this session will give some impor tant pointers as to the way for ward ”


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Seably acquire WellAtSea

Swedish based Seabl y, t he leading g lobal digit al t ra i n i n g c o m m u n i t y m a r ke t p l a c e f o r t h e m a r i t i m e i n d u s t r y, h a s a c q u i r e d a wa r d w i n n i n g c o m p a ny WellAtSea. The health and t echnology business is Head Quar t ered in Denmark and was founded t o encourage seafarers’ sust ainable health and lifestyle changes. WellAtSea’s operational base is in Manila, under the super vision of Gisa R Paredes, M A , RPsy, a Board Member and the lead program designer It currently employs 27 people and has par tnered globally with ship owners on over 450 vessels helping more than 17,000 seafarers, which is continuing to grow daily This acquisition by Seably is par t of its strategic plan for growth and strengthening its standing in the maritime sector and reinforces its commitment to improving seafarers’ welfare Both companies will retain separate branding and independent operations whilst benefiting from each other’s innovation and efficiencies through shared Seably back end suppor t and investment With the Manilla office integrated into the Seably network, both companies will offer 24 hour suppor t

Andrea Lodolo, CEO of Seably, stated, “I am excited by this acquisition and the oppor tunities it brings, as both organisations, Seably and WellAtSea, recognise the impor tance of wellbeing and physical health for seafarers This investment in WellAtSea is the beginning of Seably’s journey of growth as it expands its SaaS product range By combining the two companies, the oppor tunities are boundless ”

Claus Sonderskov, MD, CEO and Board Member of WellAtSea, declared, “The acquisition will enhance our joined strengths, offerings and impact Seably is the future for maritime learning and development using the latest technology WellAtSea provides easy to implement, platform driven tailored programmes with a proven positive effect on the seafarers’ physical and mental health and overall wellbeing for companies of any size that employees enjoy using Together, we will provide immense value for seafarers and promote more inclusivity within the industr y ” Gisa R. Paredes, M.A., RPsy, said: “As the seafarers’ shor tage grows, crew retention will be even more critical Health and wellbeing are key factors in keeping and retaining crews Yet, 25% of seafarers completing in a Patient H e a l t h Q u e s t i o n n a i r e h a d s c o r e s s u g g e s t i n g t h e y w e r e s u f f e r i n g f r o m depression, with 17% presenting anxiety symptoms on the Generalised Anxiety Disorder scale * We can estimate that the costs facing companies for illness, medical repatriation and Death of a Seafarer can range anywhere from 25,000 105,000 Euros This is why we must continue and expand on our work which Seably’s acquisition will now accelerate ” Seably investment in WellAtSea will allow the company to grow its SaaS products range with a focus on improving mental resilience and enhancing the physical state of the seafarer’s health The WellAtSea Program has a high utilisation rate of 84% on all ships enrolled, where up to 50% of the crew on board are engaged in the program at any given time. The acquisition is key to Seably’s expansion plans for the coming years, as it aims to provide seafarers and ship owners with a full range of digital SaaS products

Seably launched by The Swedish Shipowners’ Association in September 2020, is a unique online marketplace offering educational content for the maritime industr y It engages learners through easy to understand content delivered online or offline via an app, PC and mobile device Complex and highly technical material is presented in various learning styles, including 3D and video, eliminating cultural barriers to learning In addition, the high tech platform uses iris recognition for learners for STCW approved courses to avoid fraudulent behaviour

WellAtSea was founded in 2017 It was established to improve the overall wellbeing of the seafarer through continuous and sustainable organisational change. Its proven, evidence based programmes are designed and created by health exper ts to help safeguard all seafarers’ mental and physical wellbeing, on and offshore Through WellAtSea, seafarers can access specialised health education, team and fitness activities and mental health suppor t

T R A I N I N G , C E R T I F I C A T I O N & C O U R S E 4S 0 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
www seably com
Andrea Lodolo, Seably CEO Gisa R Paredes Claus Sonderskov, MD, WellatSea

New US Maritime Autonomy Operational Seminar

A new seminar is the first maritime aut onomy training program t o allow the US federal workforce t o train on st at e of the ar t, commercial, of f the shelf aut onomous t echnologies

Sea Machines Robotics’ in association with The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) Roger F Wicker Center for Ocean Enterprise (Gulfpor t, Mississippi) has developed the Maritime Autonomy Operational Seminar through USM's Center of Higher Learning at the John C Stennis Space Center

Par ticipants plan missions that transform USM's R/V Ken Barbor, from a crewed to an uncrewed system designed to operate in various conditions, from shallow embayment with significant currents out to the open ocean Learners will obtain an over view of maritime autonomy, how to use mission simulators, and deploy and operate uncrewed systems safely in coastal areas

USM is a global leader in uncrewed maritime systems cer tifications The five week Uncrewed Maritime Systems Tier 1 and Tier 2 Cer tification Classes offered by USM’s School of Ocean Science and Engineering have been a fantastic success for NOAA, USACE, and NAVOCEANO employees at Stennis Space Center

The addition of the Maritime Autonomy Operational Seminar builds on the tradition of success established by these academic credit classes as well as Ocean Enterprise's Stennis based operational seminars.

"By being ver y surgical and designing for enrolment in multiple sessions with adaptable content, we believe we can rapidly reach hundreds of potential learners, especially transitioning militar y personnel looking to enter the uncrewed systems field for the first time,” commented Dr Jason McKenna, Director of RDT&E and Training for the Roger F Wicker Center for Ocean Enterprise at USM “Fur thermore, this new eight hour self paced/eight hour in person operational seminar Ocean Enterprise is offered through CHL and complements our three existing operational seminars by providing hands on training for those interested in exploring maritime autonomous technology

“By getting some ‘stick time,’ on a state of the ar t optionally crewed vessel, federal employees will be better prepared to integrate uncrewed autonomous capabilities into their fleet," he added

The Mississippi Gulf Coast is the home to significant operations of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U S Navy, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) As a result, it provides numerous oppor tunities for collaboration between USM, Government, and industr y "NOAA is highly suppor tive of USM's workforce development effor ts, specifically focused on uncrewed maritime systems (UMS) We par tner with USM's Roger F Wicker Center for Ocean Enterprise on several projects, and we believe that offering these types of ver y hands on, shor t duration training to the federal community along the Gulf Coast will help meet the real, growing need for this workforce development in this area both regionally and nationally," said Philip Hoffman, Uncrewed Maritime Systems R&D Coordinator for NOAA Ocean Exploration Matthew Thompson, Technical Lead, Hydrographic Depar tment, Naval Oceanographic Office, notes that oppor tunities provided by USM's Roger F Wicker Center for Ocean Enterprise are enabling his team to field more efficient and effective operational capabilities in suppor t of U S interests

"As the Naval Oceanographic Office continues pursuit of Uncrewed Maritime Systems (UMS) for oceanographic and seafloor characterization, it is critical that we collaborate with academia, industr y and other federal organizations to advance technology and exper tise,” said Thompson Erik Hedval, Business Development Manager Government, Sea Machines Robotics, points out that working with USM has been a logical and impor tant next step for Sea Machines as the demand for operator training increases

“The adoption of autonomous systems continues to grow in the government and commercial sectors, and it is impor tant to us to help suppor t the infrastructure surrounding it with the appropriate education and tools,” continued Hedval Hedval continued, “Sea Machines various teams are comprised of several Mariners and Captains, so we understand the real world applications and benefits in terms of productivity and safety and are excited to continue to expand this knowledge with USM ”

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IMCA s chem e s de sig n e d to impro ve DP safety levels

Two schemes run by the Int ernational Marine Contract ors Association (IMC A) the IMC A DP Practitioner Accredit ation Scheme and their Key D P Pe r s o n n e l C o n t i n u i n g P r o f e s s i o n a l Development (CPD) App (run with The Nautical Institut e) have a vit al role t o play in addressing the pressing issue of dynamic positioning (DP) becoming less safe, with human fact ors widely seen as the over whelming cause.

“We shared the worr ying fact about increased numbers of events and incidents due to human factors with delegates at our DP Conference earlier this year, it is based on repor ts made to our DP Station Keeping Event Repor ting Scheme the only scheme of its nature in the industr y ” explained Graeme Reid, IMCA Technical Adviser Marine. “The scheme collects and analyses data on DP incidents and other station keeping events which is then published for the betterment of the industr y Through this process IMCA realised that human factors can be an increasingly significant causal factor (or reason) for the undesirable DP station keeping events IMCA’s DP Practitioner Accreditation Scheme, launched in 2019, is an output of a cross industr y workgroup comprised of DP vessel owners/operators, training providers, DP consultants, major energy companies and other relevant organisations The scheme sets an industr y recognised level of knowledge for DP Practitioners responsible for developing, witnessing and repor ting on DP trials in addition to those responsible for the management of the DP vessel assurance processes Information on the scheme is at www imca int com/cer tification/dp/ Graeme Reid added: “The scheme focuses on two categories DP Trials and Assurance practitioners; and a Company DP Authority The recommendation to be IMCA accredited is now within a number of our 50+ DP guidance documents, for example, IMCA M190, M166 and IMCA / MSF 182. A specific question on the use of accredited practitioners has also been added to the eCMID question set ” Feedback on the scheme continues to be positive and vessel owners/operators and char terers are requesting accredited personnel more frequently within tenders and contracts A selection of feedback is detailed below:

• “We want IMCA accredited DP practitioners in our marine assurance process we cannot afford mistakes and have no other means of assuring competency of those we place trust in to under take this function” Energy Company

• “Being accredited brings me closer to the DP committee and increases my awareness of technical and operational developments when they occur. I like the regular newsletters” Company DP Authority

• “This is a great and independent means of accrediting my DP consultants it gives us competitive advantage” DP consultancy

The Nautical Institute and IMCA Key DP Personnel CPD App, a learning programme, launched in May 2021, is designed to make significant improvements in the safety and risk management of DP operations. A third module is due to be launched in the coming weeks for the growing scheme

“We need more people pressing to become accredited; and more individuals eager to use the DP CDP App. Knowledge and understanding of key issues are vital for the safe and efficient operation of DP vessels”, added Graeme www imca int com

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T R A I N I N G , C E R T I F I C A T I O N & C O U R S E 4S 2
Graeme Reid, IMCA Technical Adviser Marine

Thailand Dredging Seminar

Re c e n t l y, N e t h e r l a n d s b a s e d D a m e n S h i py a r d s G r o u p s u c c e s s f u l l y o r g a n i s e d t h e f i r s t Dredging Seminar t o be held in Thailand.

The Guest of Honour, His Excellency Mr Remco van Wijngaarden, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Thailand, opened the event by highlighting the existing cooperation in the water sector between both countries which already star ted in the e a r l y 1 9 0 0 ’ s . A m o n g s t t h e p a r t i c i p a n t s w e r e a l l t h e k e y Government stake holders, at both the executive as well as the operational level

The topics on the agenda included the large scale challenges in the water sector that both Thailand and the Netherlands share, such as how to prevent flooding while at the same time retaining water for essential usage Also, the sustainability aspect of water management was discussed, and its impact in the coming decades to come.

From the Thai water sector, Dr Chakaphon Sin, who received his PhD from the Depar tment of Environmental Sciences at Wageningen University, the Netherlands, provided valuable insights into the actual situation from the perspective of the Royal Irrigation Depar tment (RID). From the Netherlands, Mr Rene Sens, MSc in Physics, provided more insights into sustainability in water management Mr Bastin Kubbe, who has a MSc in Industrial Engineering, presented various solutions for the efficient removal of sediment.

With a total of around 75 people attending the first edition of the Dredging Seminar, Mr Rabien Bahadoer, MSc Damen’s Regional Sales Director Asia Pacific, commented on its success: “With a leading position in the Thai dredging market, this seminar is a natural next step to intensifying the relationships between all the stakeholders At the same time, we were honoured to have all the major depar tments from the water sector in Thailand joining us at today’s seminar” Mr Bahadoer added: “By actively listening to the local challenges and requirements, I believe that the Dutch water sector can significantly contribute to fur ther strengthening the relationship between our two countries”

The seminar concluded with a Q&A session followed by informal networking amongst all the par ticipants

www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
www damen com T43 R A I N I N G , C E R T I F I C A T I O N & C O U R S E S

Ai d s to Navigatio n plann e d maintenance

We are now well int o autumn and the wint er months are fast approaching, which means one thing: you are running out of time t o ensure your marine aids t o navigation (At oN) equipment is in the best possible shape before the weather turns.

The harsher winter conditions make it too complex and dangerous to carr y out routine maintenance during this season But without regular planned maintenance, AtoN are likely to encounter serious problems down the line

The cost of an urgent navigation light repair or buoy casualty extraction can quickly exceed the price of a maintenance contract So, now is the moment to be proactive — or risk compromised per formance, wasted resources and expensive emergency repairs

FNo business can afford to throw money and supplies at unnecessar y upkeep and call outs as a result of cutting corners in maintenance especially in the current climate

Ever y system malfunction or light failure during a buoy’s deployment could have severe consequences for mariners and shore based operators So, it is advisable to ensure all AtoN equipment undergoes a thorough annual inspection to avoid faults or problems going undetected until it is too late

Regular inspection helps trained exper ts to identify problems before they develop into a major hazard or fault High quality maintenance can prevent emergency call outs and increase equipment longevity to generally provide a cost effective means of caring for navigation lights and markers

If you are currently operating older steel based equipment, it may also be wor th considering whether a replacement device may be a better long term solution Metal buoys are sturdy but often require lifting out of an application for repainting and refurbishing On the other hand, a contemporar y polyethylene buoy can be more easily maintained and comes equipped with the capabilities of modern technology

Regular maintenance checks will significantly prolong the ser vice of products and equipment by ensuring they remain compliant and per form an uninterrupted ser vice both safely and accurately Hydrosphere supply state of the ar t remote monitoring equipment, which allow harbour masters, researchers and mariners to track the deployment of a buoy and confirm correct positioning within five metres using differential global positioning systems (DGPS) and other developments in technology

Additional digital technology can also be installed to provide more accurate information about the location and system health on AtoN equipment from afar, removing the need for an unnecessar y and potentially dangerous physical inspection

For example, the advanced core technology used by devices such as SRT’s Carbon AIS AtoN supplies enhanced sensor modules for environmental data monitoring with minimal maintenance Plus, automatic monitoring systems such as Oceanwise’s Por t Log Data System provides crucial daily repor ts from the buoy itself using cloud based ser vers for an easy to use, secure and customisable data record

www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette L A T E N E W S & R O U N D U 4P 4
www hydrosphere co uk

Har r is u nveils re de sig n e d ‘Solstice’

“In reimagining the 2023 Solstice, we

approach giving our owners

selections from bow to stern,” said Chris Bernauer, Harris Boats president “Customers can create

ability to customize

own platform for adventure with a host of aesthetic options and more

make time on the water memorable Early feedback has been over whelmingly positive, and

confident that our customers, dealers and par tners will be thrilled with the overall Solstice experience

discerning boat owner will find the Solstice has modern and spacious furniture with new colour options, accents, flooring and upholster y combined with a minimalistic rail design, interior lighting and graphic accents that give the new Solstice a premium look and feel The epitome of spor ty luxur y, the new model offers owners a range of customization choices including corrugated or flat textures and matte or glossy finishes to match almost any style A newly enhanced, ergonomic helm station and soft touch pillowtop furniture delivers exceptional comfor t, while the spacious six position rear lounger has room for the whole crew

The 2023 Solstice comes in four models ranging from 23 to 26 feet With an eight foot, six inch beam the vessels promise a stable and comfor table ride Solstice comes standard with Simrad GO7/GO9 screens with Mercur y VesselView Link. The Harris Solstice series is powered by Mercur y Marine ranging from a 25 HP to a maximum 400 HP rating depending on the model, as well as optional upgrades for Mercur y Verado and Mercur y Racing engines Owners can choose between the low profile Ultra Tower or power activated Ion Tower and add optional Joystick Piloting for Single Engine Pontoons to get precise, 360 degree control www harrisboats com

L A T E N E W S & R O U N D U 4P 6 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
Harris Boats, manufacturer of award winning, l u x u r y p o n t o o n s , a n n o u n c e d r e c e n t l y t h e r e d e s i g n e d 2 0 2 3 S o l s t i c e d e l i v e r i n g s p o r t y s t y l i n g , a n ew e rg o n o m i c h e l m , l u x u r i o u s i n t e r i o r s , p r e m i u m t e c h n o l o g y, a n d s m o o t h per formance.
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